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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
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rj Hfl THJB StTNUAY CKBfXNIGEX jDBOSMBBB 21 2879 W1MSMTW isdAer Blow Aimed at tl Xatiesel Saab 0UWT ANB THE CANW6ACY SaTMtil Bputeat XdartM Its SUek Urt SMlilM sWattr Klffcti i rrt TrTS TimuncDMnhtSOb It aaAsr mtau ta rnridaBtwrnvut ruadst iistaWcteedsxcrlTsix afasxt fcCMVrrt BBff aa GoMCxlGrsat Tfc Omni to to scad Caristavs 4th hit her la JsratrUtr II atxa i lata tsvaatassiv tha FlsUata star if saora savaiat to fa ltJUrMcsxpcsBati with fit Kkbola for Thnrfv mrtstcd Rkctka Uat dv A surr ataxa at bxtioxai basks It is Hvaa art ttiili tnKWfcotwi twassa th tsmrasg sjsss Uuatafcnana tualmwi wd tetrtj4osdiatbBaat JtartUlsIUasi AWnI Ths Mix sf nU aa lb miWHltvMiMln WOnaMutlki Sr aOuSMSii iHisilssiiaafrtttosatrv JHMML IMIIM SSSJ sr if MpwWlnii SSA iin atosSS to 111 I bCmn tto latas Mrt4 sioaUbt la tUaitanssTrsassn aatsajsstaVasI lrtriiliiiiwlittwiMU townml aMmstAranAaaaaactoCsntsAatalfai im fs 14 la asss tha tto Utaut TraanrarsaVrar Tart Utra tkat Oaia nM to af nun casncaar a a Su lv tear gill tkat mU stOky rsasalrss tto tto Oswrsawal Dmu alas kss ttonUU arsx oat afta MrtlMiMWhipautka A aafrsrf Tto ttoctaacas tarvfsrsl to Mm cur7 shall act UK sSactarkar to AltlMMca Ik Bass of fa aataorsthis tamratLVaals at Maud It is laosro to ia actxasjwitatb visas of Bsasior Wallas of Paaatvaait Ia 1878 bo adneatad ta absdtatioa of Catted Stats Botoi witaoat aowtal toadar amalitr ia ptae af Naifcaal Baakaotoa Tm cbartsrs af th baais aril cot chirtarad win cxptr la 188SM4 ta twa propoaWoa look toward tb abautka of Ov KstJoosl Bank tfttm Tb United Rats Bote toss ladtazasble la cola taoasa at a Iscal toadcr waald it eUissod bjr tb Meads af tba abort aeaceM be aseaasirflj cad fcr th baaxs for aootbsr paptrmcan vrsaMb practical aatil the eiiia tax of tea cr teat cbaQ newra trmafcau baakaotca Tbc aboraaMaana iccnioctcd la aalto all cpawaaoti of Xatfcawl Baakicad aUabcdaBTtacrisktio awkc papar a UJ trader Tbc crtcabaek adroauac an aostedto BMrifiottbalaciIndcrcauaetcr af tbtlt bToriU carfener lor tbc aucofdeal lac a dtatb Ucw to tbc Kataoeal Saak am aoaolr Tbc ncelatioBi mu be sropaced ci aa caifndmrat tbc CnnafUation a that If earried tbrawb State baabi of icrac cannot ICllTtd ctxtut currB ronnox Tbofneada of tbc Xiearacaaa Canal pes lootfaditdiScalt to crraauc tbc ibikmom capital a i niaaryaar tao wort aiilwi Uoaetml Qnatwinancwbiaaaif to bo pbmdat tbc bead af tbccompaDraad tbtj find attU Bsndiaeolt to iadaea tbc General to acree tobecd a eoanamr whwh dee aotrct cxMt McaawbilcaU who cm kia except kie em niae arc acreed thai be baa cxkibited ao aTwiha to tbc dmaaoa of Ma name aa a fmadratul neaisee Qc fa not a candidate in tbc eeim of bout aa applicast tor tbr plaoe bat be propose to laarc tha Ke Babueaa aiiwaa free to Boaaaate kia if tbey daair to 4 as Tki ta the ntsatioo aa newed Ivtbcae who are best aecjasated witbOraat Bad aba bare becabia treated frienda If ha aails Car Caba wttbont posJdrtly deehnnc that be to act wtUiar to be elected to the rreadaaer ia 18SO thatwiU be dceaod a arttleeaeatef tbc eateUon and it a tctt reel arallj aadentoed that ia tkat case ao eae elaa ai Terjbkerto be Basted ia oppoaitwa to kui ia tbc Kational Conreotioa nmini iimtD un ricamn Tbo PaatoSee Departatoct to daj eaoMnia abty faxreaaed iti Mack lutef persona aad Cnaa to wben either dehreiyef nrtater letten or payment of awncj orden it lor rtlMUL Ccaitor Farley aad family left here for Kew Tork thia Bwramc to apend tbc holiday reeaea ceaator Booth will also ce to Jiew York AttoraeT Oeoenl Dercae will apend UaheJidayi la Boston Kara op roJT THDiu Cydlreetlea of tbc 6eeretary of War tbc MVswiat estraet trece aa opuion of tbc AUor 3eMrsl of tbc Catted Sutea a pebliaaed tW the tafenaatioa of en eoacorned Is lay opinion a poet trader at Fort Coster ia the ladua country bar no rwbi to nuintein a bae in seeds with tbc Induai onleabe is properly hernial far snok trade Foet traden aabe aatboriaed only for militair forces or vboa needed for tbc aMoouaodatioB of emi Ctaata rrarbten aad other euixeec I know af ao aathonty wbieb persuta aiittteiT aa tborlaoi to allow trade at mcb eirsWirhinmrti With Indians FREMCH POLITICS Tao SUatotoT Dctenalacol to la a faaaBoellBtoiy IfoMlal Diaastck to the Caaencu1 Faus Deeeaiber 20 Ia the Srnate today Leper UiniatR of tbc Interior replying to a ButBber of the Eatt asM that the Ha ietpal Coaaol ia abotisbicg the amnsl than of 1200000 baaei on the aisnid pafitj of Faris forth repair of ebarehe and tbo auiateaanee of the derry bad eieeeded Us powers and that be had annulled theu de entoB Tas rVsais paaed the FaUw Wor RiahoBB to the arvrea from wiifeh the Chan berot Depati had redocod them Premier Waddinrtaa then rood a decree ekewf the A assalfira Misifiia Ia tbc Chamber of Pepaties BayasI ae aasMi iMBcral Ureucy MinMcr Hir not taLtat dv ipiinary me a aos acaiict tsen aterCarsr Lstoar who tbonrb a Lieaten aBt Coloaei ia the Temtortatarnty atteaded LscitiatiK demooatrstaoo Uooersi Una Tiratwd that ho bad acted ta eootonaia with tbo adnoe of tbc tn niaicna ef 1 entry Oeaenl tiKalcy then oiullad tbo Chamber aact it ta reported that be went immediately la th Jy an toMeroa nit reamaaan tbb uum TO UIIU An of the newfLapcn aswonnns that the Oshtaot will resirn ia a body aad that I Imm will iorm a new klinlagr ant that tbey nll arst hold a meefinc to awnow at odamrtoa a reataeoos Tha esaiBlsasl ieafa earn The Kia letry will recicn tnuaedistely sAar the dsee a the present asanas tae baambera lbt asms paper aayi 11 us rejeenet la com Buaaonod to torm a aew taUnet there even araoad tor aosiar that be will auaeoad ia lorminf aa admiaiiUatlea iatbaed with evlnC pad abb by rslylar oa a majority of the LmU a aatTt poncaai eaewwci PHtUP DONOHOS HEIRS the lVMBLiet BtvUtor aad Bla soi ruia ia new sorsu fBMelal Ptaastch to the raaartou1 Knr Tost Dooember 204 Th story of fj remarkable search for tbo heirs of the dead CaBferaia millionaire and Coal orarrcf twdof them ia the rabarU afthli eity wa told to day at tbo police hadaar ten tf Deani Barry a Montreal lawyer Aeeoroin I hi aaeoaiit a iamily louaoa IMoobaa csucratoil rraa Ire land to thii etty about ffty yean mo There were two bretben latrick anu sDtHa sad two sbten Mary end Ann la 1M tao Jaiaily ercas aa im rhtlip wont to Caluetam where be aaaaieed a tortaoe SUUMUUU CL La 1874 bo died willing bai money to fcki brother Patrick aad hte tw awten ba neither was to be foond tbeagh ear aambrr af eoatini tamod as datmanb to tbc cetato In tbcooon cfluigatioa another eooetn was fsaad aad threats CrthebnUarNtrickaadaUfiUha7tbc luimsr working la a screw tsetery at Im in aster a I Aner ranaer searea roe eucr aWtor was fsaad is bloatreal in the penoa JQ ii The father and kw mat la this eitr to alrht after tairt sui aaaararlaa anil la a oar er twa will start far UUnmin and dirid their dead IswthotT fartaao i JTrr Toax Deeembcr 90 Dorlag lbs emsojmryttecM IbM swraiagof Frederkk Vomer af Loag Island City Lk blr ansa Max Hem entered th bouse and ap ing Ids Worsot told her that be marderer she did net arc the 1 barbareaa fcbo reused and the asr vaat knocked her dews He thai sprang npon bcTaJkicriwtBga UrgoAeatb knife pTaared It tote bar throat sereral tanca Alter that be took from her pocket tbc ken and laameked the bease A mantitr of wear iag aapscal aad 82S0 to oash were the ptaa fW btalaed The aoUeo of this city and Brooklyn an tooking sat liaav ill Wcraer hi not expert ad to aurn re raxaa Baessma Smad Dp radlewaaoa OALTi3TDtIeember 20 A Xrsw spoetol STOsa Sherman cars tkat Aeca rowdies eaase then tram biostara Coastr la the Indian Tsrritory to attend a disreputable dance and fcJ llmlH bnltt tethspoUe Cnter JScaw and Uamttbbcr ISPteTOt lag the pthoi raided tas Butras tbi tbo daaoc when pistols wore ey wcreleaT re drawn aad MitcbcU and flitatX were snot the farmer fatally A toe 4 cab err VzkCXU nfrTVPcmmlsrao tartTtn tnramaawith bhi aandfoonred bjanoU tosh asa datbed Isto tbc ancWWindcwaf I nteOara stock and asoaer Bracer isbted aptloof getd wuh oaeh band and SBweoeeswnmaxje us ssi Slsiaa alTUKlattav City saeseod saowing bora BldooloekP Myes torday One feat toll Ust aixbt aad inors THE Af 6HAIrrSTA WML Si rsaau BkBkaas to the Casus ma1 Lasbihl leoatf au Acupaios lima Bombay Bays Utat a Taandar Oeaaral Oousa weald Brehabry retire mpoa Peisoran tbrae rnOes west ef Sarkab Blror bat it now bc tWrodhewiniiwilsstJardanakaadebortly dewawvtbetrhflsBstehsfteat General ArbathBort brteads fadistnbuted uong tha toad betwoea Owsdsmak and Jagdnik OoBtrsry to axpeetatioB tbo tribe bower Jdalsbad eoattew aalet Had GeaerU rkt adrsaeed with bis erbaie saree ooaaa tho Mshmeaads aad Arreodis would has rhKmbat the system of farwarding troop free JehUahad only a reinlbrosaeote ar riTcdfrom Reahawiralords them no opening OreUetarteawamxtogfarspssdyeonoentra sua as reeaawav jaanyaaaTw imuhxbbbvw teadored their icaatssiis Oonersl Kobera statement ef bis ability to head his pecuua and Uk th offeariTO oa a mrersbl epperta Bityhsre tees to poomre that ttwautetyat arstuUaahahalf es thararrmoaia chironr esctoament is ameb abated XSOTBX XTTXCX OS CaSSl VSSITATKa Aa aAwI Jianlh from Gawaral lWrht dated Iteeoaber 18tb lotcraed the Viceroy ef India that if General Oouxfa til aaabi to fnreo ha way to Cabal with bis farigad be UtrbrbU propoiieds soon as arranremeste ooakl be aade tobord the pesa from India to Gaadamak aad adTsaeo oa Cabal with a drri aon Baabenag 8OO0 mea A trifgraa froa Peiaeraa dated to day tayi Xsere no eerinos tghUngj all welL STXDtrS OP TBI SsRISB POBCXS CaLCCTTa Deeember 20 Tbo Oorera sseat ef India pabtiabae an oxrJanartnn of the lri rr huhim in AiinmiMMi imiiih a General Rabara has aamte tranraort and aaunaaitioat and besides twenty three can Boa be longing to bis lores be has 214 cep laxea cannon maax ot wnicn are rraea un lntrenehmena osa eaaly be held by 2500 aa tearing 6OO0 free for oflenatTO opera taons Ueawnl Bright bat 12000 mea between Jamroad and Jsgduluk with SO esa bob twa swaths supplies and complete airadoaal sad bnrade trannort ltMlnlwg the forest at Osndxhar and ia the Kama sl ier the total Held lores Is 45UUO men wita 1 AO phh whirti is CflBaddeead mmim gag prre oat reenirementa tat Btrssuxs aors roa sirraa cirnr Loxdox Deeember 20 Tbo Bwrba prea rery riolent in its eritieUna on aJtain in At gbsmsrsn Tbo Qmu Ittmtxmrt says Hi most candidly eentea that Rands would not break her heart in the probable ereat at ueneral ttooertr eotaan snaring the fate of Carsgcaaa Embaaty GERMAN AFFAIRS rioeput er at BetUesmemt VT the Olapwto wrtta tave TsUleaa 8peelal Dlapalrht te the CaaeaiCLa1 Loidoi December 20 A dtspstcb from Rome myi that th negotiation between Ger soany and the Vancaa are about to take a new departure Tbc abrogation of the May laws seems farm aa insuperable difficulty cad it now proposed to drop aa mention of thorn laws while aa agreement should be come to that tbc Prussian Oorenunent should present 4 new project of law regalaaag the relation hip of Church and State The Vatteaa eon aiders that the Chareh woald thas protect ber nihil and would obtata what she baa been de railling mm th iiinl of th Mf UWS THX finn IS BlUXXa A Berlin dwpatch says The tamine tbreat ened territery af bileaa forms that part of the proTiane wedged ia be wees Aurtria and Rss ata eomprnngthe distnea of Eaubor Kooel Ryurick end Plea with a part of ulenuti and Buhbaite eerering sn area of 97 German aanare miles ana lssauua oy uuuuu persons of which 8S 000 are destitute sxuxr roa tis irrrixiu Reaahute SMafaree hare been taken to pre went any dangerous extennea ef the preratl ine tanuno sad dieeaee in SUesa the ra races of which hate hitherto not been extensire and there ne no fear now that the danger will derelop The prorineUl aatbontie bars Toted 1JMMJOOU marks tor direct mitigating the hanger of suSeren and 8 BOOOOO msrks for the eowtrurtioo ot roads and other relief work The Eiapeasr ha pteeed a the unconditioned disposal of the ruur ur officers 4uU000 maiks which bad been enctiimted in eommemorition ot his golden welding beoero is su3ia hire IKewise beoa giren by the Empress Crown Prhve and other members of the royal family aad the pubbe S1TAEIAI rsiDt Bexus Deeember 20 The Barsrisn Chamber of DeputiM has rejected ipnpu to aboteh the tmbaane at tenia Pans Mrs arg Rnme and the Vaiean Th Prem er declared that these Embassies were ansa a Uaouiaaiade end nee Sliaxxcx A01IS ILL BliLU Deeember 20 Bismarck is again stTtrely suing of rhenmstism Kl TBI Urjg The Rhine is troion from Sodnbeim to upper Bhsingsn Persons eroa on the tee st ifi igtm THE STORM AT LOS ANGELES BaUIreeia Traiaa Delay eel aad Veoeel Drtrrw Aatiere ISstxaal Dispatch te ths Csaonaa1 Los AaetLts Deeember 20 The ttorm tat commenced yesterday morning dosed st 8 IS a to day lea ring a rainfall ot 467 be This makes a total for the season to date of 914 laches In th mountains north toe eitr the storm was Terr hesry Tbo Soutuera Pacific Railroad track wax washed away at spreral points between thu etty aad sio ars Tecterdaya ran Franeieeu train is lying at Mejare The train going north has returned to Los Angeles AdeU a a couple ef days ta anticipated in getting tbt mails throucn Three gaogt of men srs at work restoring bridge and repairing waih MTh bark JlMmU Cboper loaded with lumber while bug at anchor off Iteadmsa a Island was blown oy the enatheast gale on to a raoal nor th id The reesol will probably be got oa without great damage THE CZARS DANGER nrway a racer Arreatedl far pllrlty Xlblllal IMeta stoclal Dissstthee to tha Caaoncu1 Bxxux Deeember 20 Intelligence froa St Petersburg represents that sereral officers of the artillery and eogtoeert bare been ar ntd charged with complicity the recent ihilt attempt on the Csart life at lioeoow The winter paiaee now illuminated all night with alectno lights as a precaution TSS CXAUIaS SXUTB Br PRKuacao Deeember 20 An offl eial bulletin tram Cannes states that the Em prea a Russia on ths night of the ltithtett laBewaUnf painf ia the right aide cawed lalammatMO of the lang aembrame The mnptouu ot pleurisy hare eeesed tinos the 17th but the Cxanaas general bsslth canses anxiety Ftre suidl Iaa Life Buiuwm TU Dseember 20 Seymour 0 Btonei shoddy mill was desaved by tre UaaSernooa Eton and two workmen had I rash through th names to reneh the street Stone was soar rely burned that he dad soon aiterwards The others were badly burnsi When Mrs Eton waa Informed oi th death of her husband she became frantic with gnef and is bow a raring manias Capitalist ta Beet Do sVeeeesw New Yoik December 20 A party of prominent gentlemen and capitalist will lean ia th OAnm for AipinwaU oa Monday next for be purpose ef taking part ia the re eeptien to De Lrmep at Panama Among the party ar bathaa Appleton Trenor Parx IrcsMeat of th Panama Railroad Colonel Tottea General Milter and others A FheaeaieBea at Daaraiii Dsanwoc IX Deeember 2a Col enel Bcntoen of tbc Serenth Csnlry hi under arrest by arders of General Stargis aad will be Court martialed The charges and rpecifl eations hsr not bees made pnUic A weather toheneinenoa aeeurred here tain aftaraoea when the mewsuy rose from 8 degree below an to 40 shore is half aa boor WEf MIL AKexWD Alarm in Englasd orer tad Afgiam Bitiiationt SPEECH OF LORD JrStmKOTE TJalSril Ossaral sUberic Iraep4 Caase Great AaxtetywJ6aa aUUl Slsadcr DeaaLaecd tSredal tHspateha to theCaaonctx Hsw Toax Iteeember 22 A eabte dis natoh to the TrOwac saysi The Afghan dis astcrt excite general tiara and Tory eonster naUoa Tb Qneca Is reported to be greatly distressed sad publicly blame Lord Lyttsa for npfwaarnx and distorting informn ttca There arc many demonatratiops ef pablie rndipisrion at official disingenaoan and tb press long patient now denounce tb fated and insolent restrictions Imposed oa correspondents The result is perilous far the Oorerament Prirate remonstrance are numerous and emphatic The best authorities en Indian asalrsasy that Gen Robert was atterly ignorant of th enemyi prcpsxtooni tad was obliged finally to nrht bis way around Cabul to lbs Bblrpur Cantonment where he is completely sunwunded The Bebmaro llill wwimsnd ths position froa th west aad GEXxxxi losirrs rosmox Tj extremely crUioolbut he may hold out provided th reported supplies exist It a doubtful if a supply of wateris sunt fuel is abundant but forage hi scarce The number of effecthre troops is now reported st 6000 with aa equal number of camp followers It ia expected that General Robert will be compelled within a month fight hi way through the enemy Then is as posrtstlisr idrtnwH adnneing before February the transport serrieo being deficient Tb German staff derides the Im bcoOityof the Indian Commisarlat Depart ment and regards General Roberts position a most enticnl TBI QCXES Considers tbc mirtaies to grarc that it fa re ported tbc disposed to abandon ths Ministrys Afghan policy Tb English pacers while admitting ths aerioosneaof the situation lines General Roberta communication were cot assert ostentatiously that there fa no cause for anxiety bat profound anxietj nevertheless exist Ton can meetnotwdj who denies privately that there is anxiety The Liberals and Tories admit the necessity of recovering Chbul nobody knows what next The eridenea fa irretuQbla that all Afghanistan is in arms Every assurance which Lord Beaennxlisld ssre has been falsi fied by events The saentafic frontier has vaunted and a firtendly Alghsnltan tt tin possUile a cjbxat cxtimtsvirrrx bxhosstxitios Loxnox Deeember 20 Sir Stafford Northoote Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered an address to day st a greet Conserva tivs demonstration at Leeds lie made a de tailed reply to the recent speecha of mem ben er tae uoerai perry and eospisined menta waa fsllacions as he nude no alow snee for the extraordinary war expenditure made neeesranr bv the Eastern eomnliet tioot The tone ef John linglti recent rpeeen st tbc rotter banquet was rcmart able Brta ht had rone a near poanUe toward rerommending a republic in England and in comparing the United states wiu tbe Unusn empire he bad pointed out mat ui wide extent oi we utter war merely a cause of weakness The Chaneelloi aliened that te policy of the Government abon Thry Mill adhered in the main to the policy set forth in the treaty of Gundamuk mi wunea Aignanutan to receive a uovein merit suitable to its nooulation so that tV country migbt lormsbsmcr between India and any power that might encroach upon it lie assured his auditors that tbe Government was concealing nothing relative te the ntua tion in Afghanistan The Government aid would take measures to relieve the distress in Ireland without pauperising the popu lation but hile csreiul of the material proa penty of Ireland it would above all intw upon tne maintenanoe law and order an would never coquet with any denvinds lor home rule which the rfnonsMe noroon all parties knew to be impossible coHTiistmoxs asxiD rot iiildtd Tbe Dnebea of Marlborough ha written to the Lord Mayor of London asking his aid to induce the wealthy eitueni of London to con tribute rehel lor Lbs atarvuis neonla In nor tionaef Ireland he exorene a fear that tne distrea win be tembleunlea private be aeroieoee eona to the aa tstanoeol the inffer an The Lord Mayor has snnounecd htt readiness to co operate with the Duchess THX CUtS or THX TICBBOIXt CUIIMITT Tbs stops for procuring wnt of error in the ease ef Arthur Qrton the Tichborne claimant were taxen bv ixrui Klver and UUIord una knr under advlee or Ir KenraleT wbe as plied tor a nmuar wnt in iV4 out it war then refused It is stated that the ease wil be taken to tbe Houe of Ijords for final decision and tost Dr Kenealey will exereue ha right aa a member of the Irish bar to appeal lor Ortoa before that tribunal rax rors rs irax tbs iiiss exxtar Ron December 20 The Vatican hxf mngratulatsd tbe Inab clergy oa their atti tade with reference to th political agitation ia Ireland ratal Qssnel ta Keataefcy LociXTTLLS Deeember 20 Hon Little a tsjvBilnent lawyer politician sad ei member of Um Legislaters wtt soot by bit brother ia law James Uarrold Littl re emved bar shots aad died ia teer sainate Th men easrreted ever and heU faintly KIUe ar a rail fi eea a Udder Ciicaoo December 20 Two workmen white rsptlringthcgssr of sneierater oath tourtb soar ef a boOdmc oa Monro street teU troa the ladder this afteraoea Una was dangerously Injured and th ether Instantly UvutJiPxin Exist 8 MoegTev KratW hats Just reesrved a Urge shipaeat street frreaTrey ef tear celebrated aalaaadrisd ltaea Dosr JFoson FomsLixni Sew that ChrMats aad Sew Tearar raster a prasHda we would tak fas poMis to rawaber las swreCttte tswadlisss kramdiat aasy OtxxT llxotm this week Is black and eafarsd suxs Mack aad eebret attna velvet all tuj ar cm Mods Iade will 4s waB to esaaiaeaar good ere tstrcasslac oenrhens a Tas rsvlitea raHa Ignis SsAvxav fL McsgroT Brother 114a4116KrsyUwssi MHU MellaswthawfaaBOeealecatWdoUsr New a year tone to bay the iWUhi kwhalfMa raise si Moagreve IK cad 11 kearay ct Emxcsoicx French auxed OOe per a bnkea esady S8e per fU ueeh sstssd csa ty SSe worta ao Jdy ati ta7ralceltetol IKyw street CcrOkdjicxtLvh ftae Oraen trees In pets Oa tree will terraae ajkoass rrs aaeUeea ar taMe seteraTona by IsruaS7aTwatgaaovatMXiaaa ruTsaabeniecrfbra Chrfatmu preeent Tsarr Jk Co stors 747 Market street rwHs Pasost will to eresrtedtaiawiekwflh aasta isaiag a Eesyxsaota ttitwrrcss tosd ea lb iostaS aartlsaatCnhaMaXal8satstaeto Xtxooa Giar pis applo aharries toas ea at atobsrtr Bosh sad xalk streets Man AiiftfaiaftAfsft llsfaa 4sTtlTTbTlTtravRrO the Board 8a pcrrison wtl bld yaterdar afternoon Lata a of tb Board at Traaa eonaf Front tad Ctdiforaia streets Bat few changes ia lb ef seawithia the gift af tha smart aartssada th principal porttea efthe aatoa biagess pad with dawewan of ataturt ea which a definite onerosions were srrird at It wa deddtidtotrsjintBllBsrtettrVireant at Armt af tb fiotrd to tak ernes aa tho lrt of February In tb natter ef tbe ladnttrUl BebeoleoMalaaeaetioa was taken a aoooa leading toward aa taasdists ohann being ctelated A ssotMa to declare the sositioaef Sands Formaa deputy clerk of the Board vacant was sset byaawtioa to iadeflnhcty a which was earned by a tato of 7 to 5 JOTTINGS ABOUT TOWN Partes Tamer ana Jaane I yieterday white fsvlsg roa store oa front street THE MAINE FRAUD The Tsarpaslea Deaoaaeesl la rwbiie aeetiagw Special Dispatches to the CaaesicuJ Baxoot Me Deeember 20 An indignation meeting held here to night to ex prea diapproval of the recent action of the Governor and Council in counting out eertam Senators and Representatives was overflow ingly attended and the most radical utter ances of the tpeaken were received with thunders of appbnue One speaker aid If this great wrong be allowed to go on it will result in bloodshed benatot Hamlin in bu speech said This gresi crowd hat assembled te ay that they will noi submit to tha attempted subversion of then rights The duty oi the eitixens of Mime to shun every one of these men as you souk a pertilenee Make every one of them a outcast and a Wandering Jew Point tb ucger of scorn at them anan them ss mors lepers who are covered with eoru rom bead to foot Make them feel that they are execrated by an outraged and Independent people if you allow tbs Governor and Council the power of determining what tbey have no right to determine what there la the name of republio be mockery and fraud If our people nso up I heir majesty and demand their rights tbt usurpers will not dare to refuse them Ihen is a moral power ia the freemen of Maine be tor which rascahtv will qaaiU rxsicxsTios is xcorsTA Acovsta December 20 The indignation meeting last night was attended by aa im sense crowd Delegations from various parts of the 8tate were an Imposing feature of the demoastaUon Granite llall where the meet log was bead rouU not accommodate tbt multitude Ex Governor Connor preadco Reeolations were adopted denouncing the ae lion of tha Governor and Council and ben iter Blaine Uin made an addna reviewing the ntuatioa ia detail which wa reeeiveu with greet cnthonaam addra Death af aa Editor St Loci Deeember 20 William Melt ee 6r proprietor of the Oli Dmotrtt lied very suddenly of heart disease at 1 oclock this morning aged 04 reerpe CT Qarkamt seeoad fetter te tie CaaoiICLl wttf appear a etorrow A wsfj ee ictottd te tie oikusus af all lit Uadmg poftfua fwestsosu eesT sssu tsrest eowesder aete figbl seste tie swees Pesag sssde tg tie aftsqf poislsesaae nan TOO im those Udiw real Russia leather porteawaaaies with oar tlckt porkel sat and are nude eiilr Brother 114 aad 11 Kearny slrest PrVa tress oo aad ssssH Too cab sot a rp enJid Maek easkmerc aad sae wool aad run 1 rare wide hsr 1 Ber ran xvsivi irwri pi lav iw valaste all kadssf hteck goods to MesgrovVs SOOpixexsof blsck and eolorsd eathmeree at 60c 00c 76e sad SI per yard 00 pisen BtewsSdeaseodta6aadeMtsprr yard iihi raowraiw neaji sursaav sviosa a asseey AXarrXtUsej Market street I ActrTTapresscttoarenUeaun it a good sDk BabreDa Call CBitess rM starka strsss sad sse tbelrSd 7ft saltty Large sist hsavy silk aad trery hslitela 60 A oT aeeeptahl presrat for a tody to sTTk dress At CBrkai tSI sad VM Mwket street you cm buy tu yard efOnbeft eel eteated bteckaukfor3e All tb lstest stjUt tf genttte New Tear cards te asd st A A alcUMa auft Isers aiato street Oyea eveaiags Call aad eua Tbenas Johason Cbarla Jurxaawers arrested vsstar several tabs Butter Broa ators Taeywsnrewagattastnvrrison a sasrge with burglary ta the secoad dsgna Martin Garrityaa eapleye of Crocker A Ce ssHars rssturday esagbt atafoetlaUas rngwbala at ssa ef tbe tresses and ate toes wars badly aasaglsd rwribre be was exWscsaed Itewas takes to the dry Kecdving Hospital far trsat BMnt A young man named Jofca Decker wa arrested ysisiaar by nVer KUeey by vtttse ef warrant sor ashasil sarat It Is ctetaiad that leaerwaaeaployed Xeaday lutbyWB Allea a slumber to eoOeet sain sad havteg collected the saonry bat rendering no account ba saratad hlaueUitcee that day KsBsete ef the leraa Complain ta of defects in vsrious street were lodged tn ths office of tbe Superintendent ef Streets yesterday follows Cesspool earner of Twelfth tod Howard streets stopped apt pavement on Stevenson street between Third cad Fourth sunk and the water standing in pools aad overflowing into the basements pavement sunk at No 1254 asd 830 0ali sorniai eessrooi stopped ap at California and Moekton Pine and Franklin Eighth sad dementias and Sixteenth and Folsora curbing and sidewalk edrcd and water running ander the houses on Jackson street between Front and liens adanreroot bole in Dopeet street near Sutter i also a sag ia Deposit street near th curb between Peat and tatter ths paving opnoate ho 1046 Market street taken up by the Gas Company sad badly replaced IaturesaatrBeaaa Each Th information coma by private letters to tin city from Italy that Largomaneno an American dtisen and resident here who revisited hi native place in Italy tn 1876 and was forced to serve three years in the army has hist completed his term of military eervi lad Drrpste his American abtenship a passport from Waihtngttm and hi naturalua uoa paper be was arrested on his return there and the outrage caused an appeal to the Italian Consul at Washington and indignation meetings by the Italians here bo attention was pud to the protests however and he had to serve out ba term part of the time as aa ordinary soldier and ths rest being a une musician in the band Hews rraaa Pitalrae lalaa Th ship Aorta Star which ailed from Sydney September 2d report encountering heavy gala Just before reaching Piteairna Island and was obliged to heave to off the island on October 23d She wss boarded by a mat from the shore laden with traits etc rbe occupant of the boat reported 92 soul on the island all of whom were in good health and a prosperous condition The also reported that the bark Ifary and Sutan of ts ew Bedlord had sailed the day previous Thaaka xtXaraeel The following letter is self explanatory it Yvmmm Etq Jul Sis At a meeting of the Gsavasping Committee eppnintcd by LtestrnsAt Ooverver Jhnsm on Deoeaber 18th instant at Union Hall maas meeting held iX Irlah Asjiencsji tlal last eveeing a wnani snoua vote of thanks waa tendered to the proprietors of the 8a Faascuco Caaoxicts for their munscent donatioa of 2SO in aid of the fend Kir allevtaliDK the prevailing distress of the puttering people in Ireland Tours reapectruly THADliEUS FLANAGAN eecretaJT Sax FaMCiaco Dooember 20 lb The RaJa la the City The Signal Service officer at this station gives tbe following weather report at 8 oclock but evening Barometer 29 98 thermometer 48 humidity 77 with the wind north wet with a velocity of six mile per hour Rain iU during prevtous4 hours 11 of an inch lunng December 3 81 Total for the season to date 8 46 against 2 68 for the preceding ear and 8 69 for 1877 at the same date nebbed nia Essapleyer John TJ Decker a plumber in the employ of Allen was yesterday arrested on a charge of having embeuled 300 from his employer lie was sent out to collect a bill of 30O and wa not seen again until arrested lie acknowledged hanng collected the bill ind says that he scent most of it in Oakland lheumoK18 4S was found upon his person when arrester THE GRAND SUNDAY CONCERT What Is ta Take rtaee at the Is ehasslea Pavlllea Te sfax The attendance at the Meetuuitcs PavOion last evening was fully over 10 000 people Not even the extreme eoldnees of the weather could check tbe wonder loving atisena of 8xn Francisco from visiting the most marvelous holiday festival that was ever Inaugurated in aa American city The Christmas tree wa beautifully furnished and wa on of the most attractive foa tans ot the display The mane was as asonl extremely good both fine bands nlavtnr nnanerons welletected airs with ad mirable taste To day aa event ia the great baaar will be a grand promenade concert at the Pavilion but no good will bo sold Twenty five cents admission will be charged to gentlemen ladies and children free All abould trail themselves cm tbi opportunity or spend ag a few nleamnt noun this true Christmas Halaoe It will be tbe one occasion when a thorough inspection of the many cunceatit in the Pavilion may be made as the booths will clear from the crowd of week day pur hssers Following is the programme First Regiment Baud Starch selection A Day la Blou waits lmnsorteilen over ure iMvesw Borgia scbottiscbsi 1 Cannot Good bye polks corset ante Tiane mertea Pntoourrl Verdij waits Christmas masourka Vaiiy Queen selection Devil Let Loostt polka a a Til uickatep Our Pel Salop Kind Greeting Uetfemans Band Osertare rrom Ertami aot eourri Rage Ireland Big Diamond mkkMep waJU Us lbs Wings of Might dammit comet polka fantasia Dream of tbs Ball Balkan jukkstep medley ot Irish airs aadante to Operatic gukastes Ths sgLtcnox of an appropriate holiday sresent tor our friends often a dlfncult matter and give rise te much mental perplexity II might be so treated that a handsoms pbotogress of ones self Is always as areeetable pretest te Viend At Oeornl Morses Palsyot Art 41 Montgomery street one can rajy upon courteous trdatmant asd aay ala of pasture tniahsd is MlrXSlJaXgarCB jticura HUMOfiS OF THE SCALP LOSS OF HAIR Isrss eg seel dasiasi STawtyessareaatatkensaberaf keJdhaa alght Weevesed wlthhalr kya raUrteM use ftmepaa tasissss be Ctrratsgaa maar It hit asoaarreeanUMsreU a the Bsat efcrttv hair restetwever predaeed by aaa 11 hi asd Ideal telhetnasst Maase ef ths word AB ahen ere aosatlettaalaeaj ba to ears all llcbteg aad cmfy diaan that taaaaw aad trrttato the esate sae aair alaaas sad taba ssamng crssaarere BsMnesa Mtdiua dnaa the Cvncvaa ft anvxarwOlpsnify tbe eO sad ssratgiaadsef the vtrae a srsauious huaer at Ike hteiid aae la sssre aanaaaamt cum wbaa taken ta oeasactioa wtUtaeasuwaxdaraawiaaWCcTiocaa SALT RHEUM DANDRUFF Caredl thsvt Several rhxaletasw Dad rsUlea ta Treat ecoea rally at sstaa Wsmxs Peiisa Oxanxstx I have had tbs salt Rheua ea ar head aad all through ay hair also so ay less ibrtbe pat four yeera havrag susWred txcndragiy wifh It The dsa drmff ialllsg trees ar hair wa vary aaaoylas 1 eouiud nveral dasUagusshed pkysicUas ia re nrd I it sad base takae their pnars raslues as ordered bet did Bat tad aay care aad but bOU relief I yna told by aasy person wbe here tbe Ml Rheua aad wbe have beta doctored for years that there waa secure sor it that It wa la the blood aad I abould always have It aad I was altsoa Indiaad so acres with thea bat a friesd wanta me to try OSTKreaa avte by your trsa I did and te ay sstoaisharat la Ues thu three weeks my head wa eatircly nee froa all Salt Rbeaa asd Dsadrait sad I saosol sae say eppearsBce ef Psh Rheua ea asyparsoa I tbisk it a wonderful reassdy Rapectfully yeurs GEUBGC A HXDOK POBTSBOtTTS 01871s HUMOR OF THE SCALP That was tseetreylag the Ilalr Care with Oae Bex ef IXTlCtlatA af smss Wilts A Porm Cnvuistai I want te leu yea what Ctmcxaa has done or an About lea years sgo ny hair began falUax out caused by Humor ef lbs gosln 1 triad variow raoMdla toe Bsmerous to mention without relief until I begaa snag Cvtwcba one hot of which bu entirely eared and sew hair la beginning to grew Restart rally ktBA ROOT 887 LaksstObieaae IlLNor 181378 We know tbe above te ba true SCALD HEAD rer Xlae Teasre Carwdl when All Other Beaaesllea radical strata Wrns A Pottts Ciitiki Since July last I nave been usta your Ocncva sir Bold Head aad It ha cured use whea all asedi einea that 1 have taken lor an years old sse no gnod 1 am now using It aa a hair dreaser bat my bead is well It keeps the hair la very Bke condition Tours truly A RATMOXD Auditor Fort Wayae Jackson and nartnsw Jacasoa Mich December 20 lsfs THS CrmrORA RsTHrDIE an prepared by WUXs A POTTED Cheuisu sad Drugrista 860 Wufenetoa street Boaton ae1 ST Jj7 DnigaHst and Delers rTice of CUTlCTHA small fiotrti 00 eenu Urre boxes containing two and one half times tbe ausnuty ef small tl RSSOLVEXT 1 per bottle rUTloCRA 80AP 2A cents percakaby mail 30 otau three cakes 75 osnl sTheleeale Asrealet Saa rraacJjcoCRAVX A BR10HAH IXDISOTOX A CO CHAS LAtGLET A 00 ABBA si 8 A CARROLL FacramentoR KIRK A CO Portland Or JIODGE DAVIS A CO VXWC i7S UICTBOcles into new Ine sn mmam lata tbe Liver and Kld XACTF tv3 nejaeurDTspejia ln W1 I Ut direstion Bilkwa Colic Crsmre and Palna Rheamatlsni Neuralgia ScinlKa Week froe taak and Sore Lion Courhaand Colds Wash Back Ague and Liver Pains CKiuW8iilt COMPOUND SYRUP fefj GRIEF EXCaTSITK AimSTT OM PROLONGn tody will produce lnftmlty In th NfTToui vysassn In leTopaKkm th Mraictb of thu rt ifom It xitttVl ioa tb nlAd ia trmnj iunuiiia ao APr torn ortM9 mxmuoa MBmu ffi Horn ud aacritloo intWrad ucttr Matt ilu HMi th Uw it Mhl tbl to ftlwTt tb Ant to hirlBxr Btn rtvTM BxTtfBkfini for gXsinist nfflift toe mw trjitim taxnwe total iapnkHi of th mnarnUr action UlMxrt wbn tMaaltnt If ilPttliUiM rrodtail wminrn bn ntisie anc tath No donbe aay loBtvr remain oi ha ms STORY THE BEAT HEERXiinr lui tnreled and received tie Ugaect eaxcoxajajas of press aav paUe la ABtrlcs FraBce Enclud Irelui 6eotlABd GennAaj Tf Ales Siberia Ctral inexiea Caba Bepotillqae Irgriitlne Souti Imeriea Hna rarj ItAlj Spain Tuklth Empire CaiutU Baenoi Ijrea 5ew Gr tutdA Holkod Beldam BastiA PntulA and iattrla AS A LINGUIST Hemnaim gpeakj flaentlj teTea dlrtlnct lAns oages t1zi Frencii Spanlth German Ensllsh Bitsslan ItaHan and Portitgiiexe besldea rrhlch the ctadles he has been com pelled to pnrsne to fjaln forhlmseli perfection In the art of Legerde main have given him more than a passing insight Into Latin Greek and the Indian tongue now spoken in Asia Egypt and many portions of the world upon which the traTelers foot seldom treads SCIENCE OF MAGIC He has striven by years of the most patient and untiring toil deep research and careful study to raise the Magie Art up to the level of scientific subjects The old Egyptian mysteries those marvelous Jugglers we hear of and the appll ances of necromancy In Hindoo temples and places of Oriental worship opened a wide field of speculation and nothing daunted by the failure of others Herrmann has toiled and tailed and not In rain jfw gstMrtiivfWMti NULL Wx trsniiSTAXD th black silk area lengths that 8 Xoagrevek Brother win offer the people of thisxity this coning week will be something extraordinary la valoet the quality uf ba silks are undoubtedly th very cast A nice ad sleeve very aeeeptahle holiday si to a lady a a black dreas We would advla esir reader to call aad sea thea atlas at atsagievea Kearny street JJOBiixx A Co have exprcarry Imported for Christmas presents choke sssortaeat of real lace scarfe barbs and beadkerchiefe In aleaciennea erlno as durnea and point lacs They ate showing sn efasmat articla In clear Unen lawn handkerchiefs band embroidered wah rotated rustw sad other designs Ftoa avctiox at sreat bargains 150 aieres bleached and brown damask at 3Se to 1 yard 400 doeen towels at tl SI to 3 6U par doaea 800 down aaekina a 7te to ee ou peroxMjaat oueiecea ieraey otsuss it oveear yarn at i S33 Afarket street A lixox ASsoxTsncxT of ttlk scars ties gloves Uaea collars and caffs plsl sad heaasd haadkerchlefs flne Balbrttgaa beeisrylilk and lasle taread heea ra all rbe new design at the Pavilion b3A B3 aad 8alarkst street Txxtb pos Tsixtt Dats proposs to asks set a teeth far 7 60 worth 9M gold flint 1 BO werth aiisa and gold ee Bieal lor loo erorth 0 Jsanp coraer Msatgoaiery sad Setra Tan eta bow buy a ladys sister for 5 which was sold lor 7 00 previous te tbs la aesee redactloa which Warkbaus A Co have rereatly Bade ta their entire stnek a Ixxtxtx Batains UJlet sifters In heavy sloth lor S3 so redaeed troa to at Wwkhela A Co a 13o isaray etraet 1USCELLA5E0US Jnr ernto Aeseuk Is ritropean faacy artHr Pjt holiday po eta Frsn very lew At Hyasa a am Aaaray etrset Twxrrr ssioxs ef sew dnertngt at 1 50 Clou i inDouurl cheap tad ityUsh at the One rat Dry Oood Bouse 41 1 aad rhArd stress SxxsvCLO IX far a at of Priced earveni f7 SO per sst slrsa aseatsd S10 415 kssnyatrat BtxT Csxixtbus Px mot Dry goods cheap Boastkat Bras 810 Marks street lfBVoBAoLs 6SCaL lltrkatbut tJieaalaegajsteraCatealaChrisrati Tax heat sanitaail of Caristrsa eaadat caateaadasotaaBushaadrelkaa Notxixo fix CUifonU xtootTta toe th liver Mdatg Meed and aeMllty aTaxnaoaTS xOt SulU at Jet TUtTa 211 TsMhaslattttsjethetwokeadae lady stWsedwarft Boon oooxht Hid into 629 WWngtoa attest David POWDER ttfanteift Matfa mm Chn Cnmm Tartar AlowkaiM tknrlta ta It ailM ettla Of tW worVi aOm ir9nHam makaa ook MgWi tufcy hfwi ai tAifftofMaiMii ui Mat HcarvtlitT Of rftOTtDsT tlM IWlnaiB ireBI IB Arotifti tb nerves th mtnclct ef Impsuretl orffvao Fcllawa9 Campmm4 Usrmm If Mihtahltea haf bees proTpd to xim ntrb pciwr is BiiHicrOen liittJuirv It will Im rt strouiTth to oerooin tToahla atrd afflictioo PrraODfl taha an mtxtmUMttttii Ia Irmk ntutn tlst tltu rio anti who tut plewtxr In UTta on uHintjini nyrtia twon it rrii rmine itna rnjojr Ilia and tlv who itady tVeply dnrtn cnn hovn will BjvI tn tbt Prnip a prouotcx of tbe power of riiUaJDc In tbe br in LT LooV rmt for the name and mMrrm I rbJsLrWVvi ki jefen Wlapr 111 Wliw RSJaTK wa Um paper betor Ue llTht Prifr 1 ftr BorUf Is It fbr 7 CO OLD BT ALL DB ICG 1ST dn realywy 11 OH MY Why do roa wffer wtlh the tNtn In rovr Rnrk Iolni or Mde YotxrKU itnandtraaued not osur delaya art dan tarrptubtit try at one II If BAfflf HJiesxlBsJinm a KEViinY atw aaa ALL Diaeaaeaof Ih Kidney Blsdder Liver and Lnnary Organs Prepay urava maeexes ssngnse inasase ot in Is prepared ACKPBaMIY for the Maesaes Caaetea Co Central Pans DsirrwooB Nov IB 1679 I Wa Cuaas Deer Mr I msr ay HtNTV HI ilT has raised the deed It raised aa froa the dead for nre es the doctors bad given ae ee to die a 81X I10UB and so had all th people sly irkadt called Is tse priest a prepare ae lor death aad ba also sal I wa declined Tbey all bed ne dead but RUHTS RXAIKDT aved me HUNTS REMEDY ew It enjoy good health Send sor Pan WM tOAKKK Paovrrracx ILL SOLD BIALL DSnOOISTK II XT at PIEOT habeas neadby Paally Pbysi dans foe years It has never ya been known to fail It Is safe nre and speedy eure leU SpSateljcow HOLIDAY GIFTS YSsat TetaeMftltpaUlwlia 7 las to max a CKSISTltAS HZW TXAS8 Present ef ta trtlcl AXWATI moit teMpUbls would orditlly Invite thta to aQ at oni UbUtaisnt tad xsjala oar Urgt tad lttetat itotk of Curing Bff7Taadm ttd Klitits WHIP all of oar own mta nitttart MmprUlaf ZaflUa Holly Tow Bantboo Kaotud and Pltla Bono wita Ivory Haadlti ottaor Oold or Bit Koaatod rnAXiaf tao aaott atsort BuattTsTifirtdlatiit marktt Also a oompltto lini of Eamou ttfilu JUbt Blaaaoti Bridlit oto MAIN WINCHESTER 21x and 216 Battery Street mm Fur lined Sicilian Silk Dol mans Fur lined Ores Grain Silk Dolmans Fur lined Armure Silk Dol mans Fnr Hnod Silk Circulars in Armnre and Slcilien Dolmans Cloth in the new shades English Walking Jackets Cloth in the new shades from 8 to 925 Black Bearer Cloaks Yelret and Silk trimmed from 97 to 915 Ulsters from 5 to 20 And the largest stock of Chil drens Cloaks in the city at popular prices CLQAKINGS CLOAKINGS CLOAKINGS Of every deicription retailed at wholesale prices and cut in any deiired ityle of Cloak free of charge Fratinger Noll 105 Kearny St NEXT THE WHITE HOUSE ntO euTuThtr DO NOT BUT A DOIXAE WOBTH OP HOLIDAY GOODS CITTIL TOC HAT1 XXAatlSID OUA STOCK OP TOYS Novelties THE STANDARD TIE Grand Hdliday Treat Monday Evening December 22d I eM 1 THE CREAT AND ONLY HERRMANN KING OF ALL WIZARDS Tie Most BenowiBu WHO Defies the Philosophers and Reverses all Physical Laws Performing Miracles of Sleight of Hand and a World of Mystic Wonders Grand Saturday ai CMstmas Matinees At Christmas Matinee EVERY CHILD will receive a Gift from Mr Herrmann Fathers and mothers bear this in mind Santa Clans at the Standard Theater FEED HAEDER Business Manager Tom UEBUIAV5 ms ADS EttTasjtaUusia4s7ttoTnjtU AUAittMlrtiAt MLLE ADDIEI THE THREE IOIttJSLTiAtS AlAlAAOntssaalUiSftjatrt DiaUerieIllnsions MYSTERY TOTU inui8 OF psniai UWS I JaABTaOkOCa Slrlshtaof llAnd TtxtoTauaeta XTXTXB XUrALxD IT AST AATOT Ia Uva aaalac rracraaasaa to las alsssUaS Aa GREAT DECAPITATION I Cattltts a Hans Head Off A CREAT ACT SeeHIsEiperiments See His Illusions Sec His Arabian flights 1 Sec His Decapitation See His 1000 Wonders Hear His Witticisms Hear His Stories MUSICAL BOXES roB Christmas Presents SEWINQ MACHINE SAm sfnsclf neAltlTlmcmper THI U8HTUT I0MIH Iaa SUtckSmrU sTacaU la tt starkst II to COxarSJETs ta aU It Slatalla It asaaaal all af UsallOBKaVJI Isa xavcaasata laat ar sfrMTED TAXVK EVANS So 2 9 POST STREET snvii aisTTwn xnrnr xaTat tcnii1i4 oaausiG ttmt vuxaQi FANCY GOODS ASSPENCECO 24 Geary Street diijui i jTeab KstAxunr No more desirable elegant or lasting gift can be given to a lady or friend than a fine Musical Box especially suitable for an invalid The largest and finest assortment on the Pacific Coast as well as the newest styles can be found at PAH1ABD GO 31 Post Street manufacturers importers HTSICAL BOXES RXPATJUD A JUILLERAT MU AGE3TT FIRSTPRIZE LATE STATk FAIR BOOTS SHOES AWARDED John Utschig Ho 326 BUSH STREET BILLINGS HARBOURNE CO IHTTTI THI ATTCmOU OT THI CB ItetotkaSrslrgaal aawtasal si Iltsstrstasl sad PrsacauUsa BOOEB Jurenile and Toy Books Foreign and Domestic Stationery 5 irtistIe EnrriTlns of Wilting and TTeddlas Cards a Specialty No 3 Montgomery Street WELCOME Holiday Friends ONCE MORE TO The I WE ARf READY For all vjriUi a graat aesrasatloa of Caristmaa Prasaata Toys No tlotu Dolls aTarTtxiinc to Aad plaaaa our patrons Wa haT alwava oaaa lookal ta at thla saa son for taoaa good wita walea tha aarm liaaxtad pmollo loro to daoorata taalr homo aad aasrar their svnipataj wita taa whol world la va orthlly kaaplaa til craat FestlTal ACCEPT OUR INVITATION TO STUB Great IXL TUCKER CO Jewelers and Sllversmitlis CALL ATTXJmOH TO THXTS ELEGANT DISPLAY JEWELRY WATCHES AND CHAINS SILVERWARE ETC For the Holidays TUCKER CO Ho 131 Kearny Street Als spSsa Large and Elegant Assortment sr Fancy Work India Ware christmaTjresents Mivra eTlerots 121 Batter Street CtASM IMPERIAL GALLERY 724K Marbst Street Extremely Sncccssful with 111 Hinds of Fictnres PRICES LOW aMstplK JUST RECEIVED 800000 Lereto Oranres CO00C0 Cape Saa Lucas Orange euu onneaet sagar uane 20 eases Sibjtba Figs Large AAsortanentof Sits all kinds TOB SXLX BT 8RE80VICH CO avtMl 7 Baaaaasa sstrtaS suuiMia FRESH IMPORTATIONS TA5CT GOODS aU djicxlptloaj la gTSAlVAXUtV qosoissles Lunar hasdub CHIzrs mv patuns TASCT HOSUBT la ta Uteit dadffaj TTTIL im OT COXSZTS aar jajv mlsr briais BVBSU IXATHZX OOOSS AttrMtin ttylts for HolliAT Trad StrCHDrot la a Attlraj tar rxm nusiraatix OWTAXDCTAi SAIS Kin Zts NEW PUCE OF BUSINESS Nos 6 and 8 Sutter Street Osva Daar afcava Baa T031N DAVISSON CO CO AND LEARN 1 43 11 FIYA1ESSLICE CO 136 SnTTEE STEEET XAJITJT ACTCK13 SilTersmiths and Jewelers IN PRICES fsttaUksWva fa tsa afiv trnsavl larfaWMMtl tn taut UOUDAI TRADE Silverware ei Jeweln Of Ow Osa Kaks mm Imparla Watches Diamonds Eta A large stock of strictly firsts class PLATEDWAEE TEA aad WATEtt SETS FEUIT DISHES CARD BECETVEES VASES oJ latest patterns a aaattsj atAraUa af va ta wsrk saada ta xtaalsraa sa4 Mil a VANDERSUCE CO At tazt 1 atattcr ate OPERA mfQ MARINE 5vS BUUEI tavMs ssrsaaa aaa aav a4 trsaah wttatAalrsTSsUU ssa sat sstssHsasssN a4trsarsaJnUSttlac fhsss srUkSsawsacta artTMliaiiwalcsj vrffl xtv tana aafsrl as aad aasal tkass ts asfl at lew sricas BERTEUNC WATRY Miuiine oPTiixuitv 4X1 KZAR2CT STBXCT Bat P1m aad Callibrala 8 Xmas Presents BILLIARD TABLES HALLS Safe and Lock Co bUsTOTACTCIXM OT Flro and Burglar Proof SAFES Bank Vaults Time Locks Et asXXOTKSS TO 211 and 213 California St staUatT assal rsssss asa sr karsrs Is Mstkalarts ra BVSTBaaiS aasass Als IhSaTaisq 0 that CARPETS OILCLOTHS Window Soaies Wall Papers Its saa assreaaa at HARTSHoair HaPHinr saa arssasvasa ass 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