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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 12

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i SA3ST rJRJUfCISOO CHBOCCIiB TOBgDATyOViaCBBBt HOWELLS THIRD TRIAL fTie Goyernments Case Is i Ke eniorceo sS its HOW BAD MONEY WAS PASSED A BRAXD KFW WTTHEH OX THE JTASH A Tale of Conmterfeltlar Wltta tare Cocklalla and Lata Sappera oa the Side IS tr tw i A tale of two cities and of the fre quent passage between them of the at nous Arbattl sane of counterfeiters Is tJeing told to Judge Morrow and a Jury 1 in the United States District Court Karion HowelL a Stockton real es tate agent and son in law efVrich rancher who Uvea among the San Joa qolo county grain fields ia being tried the third time for being a member of 3he Arbattl crowd and passing counter felt money Howell was arrested In 1832 and has been twice tried before and in each case the lory disagreed When Howell was first put in custody he was rich In his wifes name Up to date it is said 160000 fit Rancher Johnsons has been spent In his defense Now he Is about to face the muslc again because the United States L8ecret Service believe him guilty and isa oecause in wis connection iwo new and Important witnesses for the prose eutlon1 have been found These wlt esses are Murray of San Fran asco ana jj cay or Stockton Murray at the time Wck Harris swooped down on Arbattl and Vlcontl In 1892 was keeping a saloon at 19tt Fourth street Now he is running a lodging house at Harbor Vlew He fell Into the secret service dragnet with the others lay In Jail for months and finally under promise of immunity irom any severe punishment pleaded guilty and went over to San Quentln to stay there two years Recently because his testimony was deemed neces faryo secure Howell a conviction he paruonea oy ine rresiaent Day Is a resident of Stockton and Modesto He has been subpoenaed to say that Howell proposed at one time to send him to Arizona to place court terfelt greenbacks All the echoes of the former trial of Stockton wHlbe heard in the present proceedings Laura Wilkes the woman in white is tw tf again and about forty Stockton bar icncers oaroers nackmen and others are crowding the corridors of the Fed rt uuHuiug awaiung tneir Turn 10 Blve evidence for the prosecution As many more San Joaqulnltes are pres wuu xiuweu oenaii or innging tne actual trial for riassine rnunti foH money are tales of love suppers cock talis and hack rides in San Francisco ppn atocicton Murray went on the stand yesterday morning after Assistant United States Auoiucy xiuigni naa oumnea to tne 4ni what 1 auc ucn WUUCBa WUU1U leu 4 Attorneys Campbell PIlls bury and Rlordan were there for the accused Stockton man to tear Mur raya evidence to pieces on cross examl 1 nation For the prosecution Samuel Knight Foote and Secret Service Agent Nick Harris loomed up rather formidably Behind the lawvera at Howell accompanied by his wife and adopted daughter Mrs Dr Green of 1 Stockton Murray first met Howell Jn Modesto when the latter conducted a srrocerv store In that town That was in 1887 when Murray was making money and living a guileless lite growing wheat and running a hotel and saloon in the prosperous Stanislaus wheat belt In I J1831 Murray came to San Francisco 1 opened up a saloon on Fourth street I and tell into evil ways and the acqualn tance of Fred Marsh and Arbattl i It haDDened ihia war Marsh who waa a gambler proposed to Murray vat nous schemes of making money with out hard work among them passing counterfeit money Murray on Marshs i agreement to pass tne bill purcnasea 9 forty 5 bills of Arbattl and the two made a tour of the Fourth street sa loons and got rid oL thirty seven of these bills In one night It was a profitable nights work and the following f1day Murray conceived the ideaof going i to 8tocktonand lettlna loose a few of Arbattis bad dollars among the sports along the levee and Weber avenue in that city As a yer he took with him Vn w4 Kill awA sHvA Ar lap A it nv tlllllnTrm Kiloon on Weber avenue Stockton he fan up against Howell so Murray told the Jury and sold the stuff to the Stockton man tor cents on me aouar jl Afterward we went across to an i ether saloon to test dollars Howell IrtughUa couple of beers with one of the dollars and got 90 cents back That night HowelLlnvlted me and a couple of friends to the Cosmopolitan restaurant for suDDer For payment he Hendered two more of the dollars but rt naHi rotnA them iiiliater about March uat Murray bor jV rowed J60 of Howell to make a payment on his newly acquired Fourtn street saloon1 When the time came to square ut Howell told me to pay the money i to Marsh as he had already made ar gJV rangements to buy about S200 worth of the WHS irom Teu MarQ jaier vu ilarsh shipped Howell about 1200 worth ot thU money Inja cigar box to Stock Robbed of all Its objections and counter objections that was substantially what Murray had to say sOn cross examination Attorney Campbell made Murray go Over the history of his life and the circumstances connected with his conviction It transpired that during his terra of residence at the County Jail Murray had at one time nmnnaed to Howell if the latter would furnish him tnonejr for defense pur poses to go back on the cigar box part of the story saytaff Jt waa shipped to somebody in Stockton by the name 1 jonts wno was Bupimw employed in Howells offlce matter to General Forsythe who not only Indorsed the work but commenced to send to Angel Island drunkards from every post under his command There is no appropriation available for this branch of hospital work but the division commander thinks It Is sufficiently valuable to the service to be paid for out or ue nospitai runosv steward von Radeskey has now nineteen men in his command all making excellent prog ress ue ooasis tnat a graduate of his Institute has never gone back to his cups DEATH OF FAUQUHARSOX Was TIee rresldent of the California Savlngsand Loan Society Charles Farquharson Ylce presl dent of the California Savings and Loan Society died yesterday at the residence ptJDr JBuckland after an illness of two weeks Deceased had been a sufferer from kidney trouble for some years but the ailment did not develop Into an aggravated disease until recent ly Two weeks ago he took to his bed ana ne ranea rapidly until nis death Mr Farquharson was well known in business circles for years He was a capitalist and besides being largely in terested in the California Savings and Loan Society was quite largely inter ested Jn real estate in ana about San Francisco Deceased was a native of uomrose Bcotiana ana was oo years months old at the time of his death He leaves a widow but no children The funeral will be held to morrow at 2 from the First unitarian Church The remains will be Interred In the Ma sonic cemetery 1 i MANAGERS ARE SATISFIED 80KB MOXET IS LEFT FROM THE CONCERTS Over Two Hundred Dollars Realised for the Childrens Hospital 8 Wells Ohio Brockmaa Vallrja Wtlch ModMto Seymour It Ant HOTEL ARRIVALS JtUSS HOUSE Trumbull Cfclcaro FW Simpson Berkeley wran jiu a ow uian Shaffer CbKaso Oldntrff Beraeiey A Marr Ill Mrs Smith Lo An Palmer Mich Mattock Maria VT Bramle Beslcla TE Porter Hopktastoa 1 trtcklnson Victoria Meaann Larkspur 3 8 Wheat Benlcla McCoIllss Tracy IJ llMneid ronerviiie unwonn ntwmin Mrs Brand Chlcaco McKlnney Canton Dt Shirk Oreron Mrs A Fry Canton Shirk Oreron Miss Coatea Canton David Croo Orecoa Cosier Canton Hterens Aiown Mlddlereas AIMoa Krajrton Albion TVilllamsCol Harris Bossland Hantaan Comb Tr Ills vr A Stetson Wllaon Mo Bachboli Ills Clasrson InJ Rmma Boehholi IUs Barrett HeaWsborj Bochbola IUa Wllllami city 1 Pedlar LGIll dtr Hone Utab Mrs Hood San Jow a Tburkaaf OBrien SraarUviUa Probe Ills Cameron Nevada CHubbell Selma Un Walker Ind French Iowa Morrison Cal 3 PownOrson Mrs Boston 6 Ms 8 Carr WU Work Oreson A Peters Oreron Wlkw Portland I Eater Ner Wollord tL Mrs MoSttt Chlcaro Shenandoah BALDWIN HOTKL AMalbonand SCLotits It Brown Sao a a Vnifn Tinvtnn Tff Jonea DaTlf Miner Aierapnia tl Johns Willow Scott Cblcaco Mrs A Scott Chlcaro Miss Jones CMcsro 8tile ft San Smith Boston Bernardina cr Bnepara amrov RLBloonfcwNT tl Willis tJ A ilcCrom Prescolt Moore USA VT Tarrar NT OR Stronr Boston Warner Stockton Smith St Paul LALersSanJoM Miss Smith St Paul OHwr Ran Irma Mm A Kills CI PasO It A McAUisterJWU Thomas Bakersnd CRAND HOTEL a at viuiii Miss A Davis Vallelo tB Lowry Presno WWarboys 8 Rosa Graves Dayton Graves Dayton Farls Sae rien Strachen 7 CDenlo Branch Mrs VT Harrinrton speaking for the directors of the Childrens Hospital last night said they were entirely satisfied with the outcome of the recent concerts In aid of the hospital When Mrs Hunt came to us with the proposition last September said Mrs Harrington a contract was duly made and signed and Mrs Hunt has faithfully fulfilled if to the very letter She was present at the meetlngto day and presented vouchers every cent expended We find she managed it most carefully far better than we could have done ourselves She turned us over a balance of over 200 Mrs Hunt twill not make a cent out of the project and wil be out besides her personal expenses The financial failure was due to a story started by a person who wanted to handle the musical portion for us When it was too late to deny it this person started a story that Mrs Hunt was to receive 60 per cent of the proceeds Orders from laage houses for blocks of 50 and 100 tickets were at once countermanded and the hospital was the sufferer by the malicious falsehood Mrs Hunt stood up bravely in theface of these unfortunate reports and carried out her agreement to the letter We also wish to thank all those who assisted usparticularly the vocalists from the country The hospital 4009 behind now in Its current expenses and we had hoped that these concerts would have helped us out Mrs Hunt elt relieved yesterday when the board of directors praised her work so highly She said wish to return thanks to Slnnard for Ills valuable service in arranging the musical part of the festival I must also thank Hughes James Hamilton Howe Robert Lloyd Theodore Vogt and the members of the choruses Joseph Htrsbach the director and all the soloists No matter what the financial outcome wasI feel that aflrst class musical programme waa presented and that much was accomplished toward higher musical development The tale otTnrkiih and Persian Rags and Carpets at toe salesrooms of Will Fisher Co IS Post street yesterday was attended by large crowds of 8n Frtaescos st citizens The sale will continue to dav and ltyou contemplate presenting some ne of yonr friends with a rest handsome ChrUtmss present nothing would be so appropriate ssoneoTonrfenaloeTnrklshrura Dont miss to dars sale CDT THIS OCT fr SORB DRCSKES SOLDIERS1 They Art Cored Free of Cost at the Aagel Island Hospital Through the efforts of Steward ton Hadeskey a Iiouor curajlepaftment has been established at the Angel Island Hospital for the treatment of soldiers who have become slaves to the flowing bowl and it la said that much good has been accomplished therein Steward von Radeskey qnce a prosperous practitioner was himself reduced to poverty through1 drink at one time and cured at one of the famous Jag cure Institutions to the BastT He was sharp enough to learn the secret of the cure and after ward Joining the Army and Telng assigned to hospital duty at Angel island Sut his knowledge to us by doing good work among the notoriously drunken soldiers A Colonel Shatter was pleased with the stewards success and mentioned the I CHRONICLE Ideal Sewing Machine COXTFON November 28 1893 Send or brine one coupon and J5 00 and ret a ChronlCe Ideal Sewing Machine It will do the plain sewing ot a family Strongly built aad Intended for use It Is not a toybnt a perfect worklnr bewmc Machine Address all orders JIB TUUBU COX THIS OUT MA COUPON CHnONICIiK Reversible EBOWISa UNITED STATES DOMINION CASABAAXB SCOTTft Eti MEXICO 02 0S blDS AKDTUK MAP OF THE WORLD ON THX OTHKR 8TDE November 6 1895 Bend er bring one rotipee and 85 cents ttektUUlAivus urru js ana sn we i Chronicle i i TtKVEKSIULK MAP Mn orders will be filled from Chlcaro ant will uk twelve days for the man to reach itobecrlber after the order Is received Address all orders YOVXa Pro rrteter rvur FaaKCisco uiaoxicub Ban Iraadsce Cal Map CDT THIS OCT music coupon A 2W HOOK rember 28 19 ender MifHw Coupons of aesicUerwlUiJi eeataaad nL HKLODIOCS BAKMOIES 0et SS9 Selections rron Ovenayoratanee Bono rWaitm Marcbea and dalpn Kodornev Transcrtp ma Mlauons and Melodies Address all orders bAN TnaliClSCO CUKOXKLa tCoupoa Department CUT THIS OUt MIDWINTER EXPOSITION VB QOLDEN STATE Kovember tft lSvS Sooka and If ow Knadr reader brior Seren Coupon ef dJBerent dsteawjtiber witau tenia ic eacb ooo and set TBR CHBOXrcLS COMS VTKWVO THBM1DW15TKR KXTOSrnoX XSO TUB OOISXN STATIC Address orders Saji rmajtciscocaao kx iCoopon Dtnartaienl mBT PnlUlDR Seattle A Schwarts Orldler OP Plato Modesto 3 KeranSRosa Copltan Los Anr Pearson 8 Rosa It Lleyd Fresno Costlsan Cal 3 Loveny city 3 Redpathclty Jackson Boston EBRlchf Mexico JSlla Hayes Mexico Lucy Hayes Mexico Miss Suyden Sonoma Barkis Oakdate Chlnman Jose Beat San Diego A Phalln Marttnes Hall Folsom Fltrgerald city Onlow xawrence Ang Iflss Hayes ShssU Mrs Gerber Sacto 3 Vf Bdowntng Istnd I Hansen Watson vl Mrs Davis Vatlejo I Contolem Helena PALACE HOTEL A ZlckroolS Ky Mrs Frankenhelmer A Brown Sacto Stockton Fennell sV 6acto lrathan Hantord Llppltt Petalnma McVay Yankton sajsnury A covarrubtaaL Ang Miss Gtllett llUnoIs Reed ijls Emmons Cbgo A Edward Belg Watson Centralla Ferguson Cgo Miss Boss NT A A Harback Portland Glade Guatemala Eaton Stanford Otis Boston Prince Houston Sanborn DC ft Tucker Mt Hamlt Leake Sacto Pioda McMallen Cat A Cunning ham Cbsro Evans Riverside Mrs 0 Pellman Cbgo Mri 4 Knox Miss Crockett Kruuvie Miss Knox NT McMillan Idaho Byrne Los Ang Mrs I Marshall Phlla Miss Byrne Ang miss is stover rnila Kahu Oakdale Mrs Cunningham Chgo Ob St Louis Flantgan Reno Toplln Ang A Bloom Ner A I Donnell Portland Rlsley PhlU RowelL Fresno Warren Uklatt A Brown Pall Gusttn Chleo Hashes Sacto A Wolon Cal Hyatt Stockton Leonard Cnl Mrs Lyon Cal A Towle Towie Turner Jose Watson Cat lite JUS 3 smith cal Warner SJcee BIRTHS MARSHALL In this city November a tat wire or Allan Marshall eta son STOBENVAUCH In Berkeley November IS the wife of Arnold IT Stubenvaorh of a son WELLS In Oakland November 23 the wife of cnaries a wmis oi a daughter PALANCA In this city No ember 9 the wife ot Oustave Palanca of a daughter ANDERSdN In this city JNcvember 25 the wuc oi xnomas Anaerson oi a daughter aiARRIAGES VERNET HUTCHISOV In this city Novem ner iv oy kv wiiuams Samuel Vemey of San Francisco to Janet Hutchison of Petatuma BROWN ARNOLD In this city November 20 dt kcv wtiuamo Artnur i Drown to MarparetV Arnold both of San Francisco ItASON STKES in this city November 29 by Kti wiiuams Ernest Mason of Blsbee A to Abbie fiykes of San Francisco JCNSEN KANSEN In ttls city Novmber dt kcv a uoane carl jensea to Emma Hansen both of San Francisco HARMUTH BARTH In this city November Zl by Kew oehrcke 3 Moriu Harrnutlt ity a Maiwina uann both oc San Francisco JEWELL ALLEN In this city November ZL arnra jeweu oi an fTancuco to Jitfie Ja AUen of Marin county CaL nvl4 ia atnit tha fnaeral li rwednesday at oclock from her lite residence SS OTamll street IntennentLaurel I nil tTemeterr HANCOCK In thla cltr November Uaneaek Kin of the late JOBS ana Hancock a native ot San Francisco Funeral will take place to morrow Wednesday at 11 oclock from hi lata residence JOl Broderick street 0COVNELL In this city November 2 Major WUliant OConnell United States Army retired a native ef County Clare Ireland Jged a year and months iWlnnemsca ImL papers please copy Friends and acquaintances art respectfully 4a a ihm fDneral to morrow Wednesday at Iflo oclock from the resi dence or hi son in law nma iwiii Fourteenth aad Sooth Broderlca ttreets thence to 6U Agnes ChuretC Pege street and Masonic avenue where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of bis souL commencing at a oclock IntermeiiL National Cemetery Presldlo 8CHWARTJ5 ln this city November Osus beloved husband ef Anna Schwartz and father of Berths Lirsle HenryAnhle and Knot Schwartz and brother of Mrs Myer 4 native of Leeste Amt Syke Hanover Germany aged 61 years 4 months and days a member of Bernal Lodge No 1 A tJ A Guarantee Fund Mission Turn Verein Mission Bowling Club and AUe Neun Bowling Clubv Friends and acqualnUnces are retpeetrally Invited to attend the funeral to morrow Wednesday at I oclock from his late residence corner Eighteenth and Mitflojr streets thence to St Johannes Church Twenty sec end street bteween Capp and Howard where funeral services will be held commencing St 2 oclock IntermenW Odd Fellows Cemetery HUTCHINSON In South Berkeley November 24 Constance Hutchinson beloved sister of Mrs 8 Winter a native or Derby Eng lnf rmA It mnntRS and 14 dSTS Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral servlees to morrowmorrow Wednesday at 2 oclock at her late residence corner ot Ashby avenue and Ellsworth street Soulh Belketey interment Mountain View Cemetery AMRHEIN In this city November Mary Amrhtln beloved mother of Charles Amrhela Lawrence a David and Henry Sheehan and aunt ot Miss LIxze Bymt a native of Ethen parish county umenez ireiana ascu 15 years and months Sierra county papers please copy Friends and acquaintances are respectlnlly Invited to attend the funeral Thursday November 2S at I oclock from her late residence 312A Clementina street whence to SU Joseph Church where a solemn requiem mass win be celebrated for the repose of her soul commencing at 9 clock Interment Holv Cross Cemetery CONWAY An anniversary requiem mass will be celebrated to morrow i vveaneraayj clock at St Marys Cathedral for the re Dose of the soul of Lily Conway QTJINN In this city November 25 at her lte residence un Valencia sireei ar7 oioi wife ot James Qulnn a native of Nenagb County Tlpperary Ireland aged years Notice ot runeral hereafter BENNETT In South San Francisco November 25 William IL BennetC Deloved son of the late James aad Margaret Bennett and brother of Mrs Fred Hendson Mrs John Moholz Mrs John Mutter and the tate John II Bennett a native of San Francisco aged 23 years end 7 months PARKER On board steamship San Bias en route from Panama to San Francisco November 19 Clark Ferguson Parker beloved son of Mrs Sarah A Parker and beloved brother of Mrs Strauel Blumeoberg aged 22 years months and 21 days McARDLE In this city November 23 Mary McArdle relict of the late JobnMcArdle and beloved mother of Susie Bernard John Frankle and Mamie McArdle a native of Glenntubait County Monaghan Ireland aged years and months dtTLUVAN In Frultvale Alameda county November 24 Jane beloved daughter of Bridget Sullivan and sister of Johanna ONettL a native ot Connecticut aged 21 years and months COLBURN In tbls city November Charles Colburn aged 73 years Late residence 103 Twentieth street MAS3ANELLO Is the City and County Alms house November 23 John Massanello a na tive or Switzerland aged 47 years BAXTER ln this city November 2 Charles Baxter a native of San Francisco aged 22 years MEACHER In the City and County Hospital November 25 James Meagher aged 55 years McCORHICK In this city November Mary McConnick a native of San Francisco aged 21 years PIPPO In the City and County Hospital No vember 24 Blogo Plppo aged 17 years NELSON In the City and County Hospital November 25 Richard Nelson aged CS years DALT In the City and County Hospital November 25 Charles Daly aged 45 years BOOTHBT In this city November 23 William Boothby a native of Germany aged years FLEMINO In this city November 22 Maria Fleming a native of Scotland aged years FIEHTZ In this city November 24 Maria Flehtx a native of Germany aged St years rUmorrow jususBJatixsaa MnmmfchfWlf WJer Ht IHV Kvi I rJUvRWTTlC6a uaeiASjraraem ONCE A REAL MORE I HIT Boose crowded as nsual The same grtM enthusiasm HKNHV DrXET Asd Uls Merry Company of Players la THE 5 LOTTBBY 0 IOVB The cut Includes MISS MAUOARET CBAVEN and Mlaa PAtJMNB FKESCH 3 THREE MATINEES THIS WEKK 8 Thursday Thanksgiving Day And Saturday and Sunday Monday Ktz JOLLT JOE CAWTHORN DEATHS LARABEE In this city November 24 Sanford Larabee beloved father of Mrs Una Nye and grandfather of Harry Orrln and Byron Nye a native of New York aged 71 years and 2 months Kenosha and Belolt Wis and Los Anreles CaL oaiMira nip mr I Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the runeral tMaday Tuesday at oclock from bis late residence 7 Redwood court off Howard street between Sixteenth and Seventeenth Interment Cy press uwi iemetery oy li ciocK train HECKMAN In this city November 24 Thomas husband of Dorothea Heckman and father ot Richard aad Helene Heckman a native of Bavaria Germany aged 7 years 1 month ana i days a member or cermania Lodge No US FV Friends and acquaintances are respectfuTty invited to attend the funeral this day Tuesday at 2 clock from Odd Fellows Halt corner ef Seventh and Market streets Interment Odd Fellows Cemetery EASTLAND At Eastland Marin county No vemner zs jonepn casuand a native or Ntsnviiie Tena aged years montbs and 4 days Friends are respectfully Invited to sttend uc iiuierai services tots oay Tuesday at 1130 oclock at the Church of the Advent Eleventh street between Mission and Msrket Interment private at Mountain View Ceme tery Oakland CAVANAUGH In Alameda November 24 Catherine beloved wife of the late John Cavanaugh and sister of Mrs Lyle and mother of Thomas Marr John Alice James Robert Katie and Willie Catanaugb a native of County Derry Ireland aged a years Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day Tuesday at 30 oclock from her late residence 2122 Clinton avenue Alameda thence to St Josephs Church where a solemn requiem mass will be held for the repose ef her souL interment st uarrs cemetery Oakland BROWN In this city November 23 Charles Brown an ex Union soldier a native of Germany aged 52 years Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day Tues aay at ciock from the parlors of A uartia co lis netry street HUNT In Oakland November 24 John Turner son ot Mrs Harriet and the late 1 Hunt a native of Nevada aged 2J years 2 months and 21 days Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services this day Tuesday at 3 clock at the residence 522 Hooart street interment private KAHNTIn this city November 24 Fannie beloved mother of Louis and Jonas Kabn Mrs 3 Ounsburger Mrs Louis Nathan Sophie ana uarie ann a native oi uermany aged CJ years and 11 months i Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day Tiles day at 1014 oclock from her late residence 1417H Webster street Interment Home of Peace Cemetery by 11 45 train from Third and Townsend streets HANLEY In this eltr November 24 William beloved son of Ellen and the late Thomas Hanley and brother of John Thomas James Joseoaand Mame Kanier a native of Sri ner JUutnUB 4ed 33 rears tnooOt tod 37 aurn Friend sad scasalsissces are rtspectrolly invited to attend the runeral tbls day Tuesday at 330 oclock from his late residence 4 BUlings place Filbert street near Sansome thence to St Francis Church where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul commencing at oclock Interment Holy Cross Cemetery FARQUUARSON In this rity November 23 Charles Farqaharsoo a native of Montrose Scotland aged years month and 22 days Friends aad acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the runeral to morrow Wednesday at 2 clocks from tbe nrst Unitarian Chorea Geary street Interment private In Masonic Cemetery McMENOUY ln this city Novembers John Joseph beloved son or Margaret and the late Michael McMenomy and brother ot Nicholas Mary Charles and Christopher McMenomy a native of San Francisco aged 2S years 7 month and 5 days Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the faneral to morrow Wednesday at 123 oclock from the resit dence of bis mother 731 Natoma street be tweeo Eighth and Ninth thence to 8L Josephs Church for serricts Interment Holy Cross Cemetery CTJMMINGS la this citr November 25 Julia Cutnmtngs beloved daughter of Mrs it Camming sod sister of Mrs Hamlltonberg said the Ute Mrs Alice Dayton a native of San Francisco aged 20 years aad 1 months Friends and acquaintances art respectfully BEST PEOPLE CHT EARTH MECHANICS PAVIUOy COUma XVE ST BRIXa GLAD TTDnCGS 18 Elegant and Costly Prises for Competition SPECIAL LA DYM PBIZE For Isdy with handsomest blerdlnr costume ntcn grada aios Ulcjele wtooers choice of make ANNUAL ELKS A I A In Aid ofHs Charity Fund THjlSKsGIVIha EVE WEDNESDAY SOVKMBbR 87th GRAND PKELCDE Elenrtcsl Inosioos A Besatlfal Transformation feene Amazonian reregnnuions liioomenan Peripatetics Tlilbyaa baitatoriea lurklsb Pirouettes AdmlKSum tl 600 Ttox Seats BO eentt extra 2100 Reserved Sests S5 cents extra Reserved Seata on ale at Kohler CbaWs Music More 20 arrelt Mreet Performsaee at Grand March at 830 UISCEIXASEOCS Children FOR PITCHES fastaria Casioiia promotas TJIgMtton and overcomes jriatolencY Constipation Sonr Stomach Diarrhcra and Fererishness Thus the child is rendered cealthrand its sleep natural Casioiia contains no Morphine or other narcotic property Castorta fa so weft adapted to children that I recommend tt as superior to anr prescrtptioa known to jae A AncHza JLD S3 Portland Af SrooUrn I nso Castorta In tnj practice asd find tt spedaUy adapted to affections of chiUren1 Aixt EnBorrsoH 10S72dAvilfewTorlt TTrsCrTirOcr71Ittrra7StIIT Rlv S3 is a non noleoBOUJ remedy for onerrbaa Mieet ermiirri Whites eunatnral die rhMrM sr anr iafUmms Hon irrHa mt i wwp iAn ar rnvroDS neai iTHtEwssCHtlBCiLCa brants Koq MtrisgesU lemantTio I sua bt sjrasMs ex Mtfic fa nisiiii vrrnDPtTT BV a eaeksrlMlJ I PT VSPIVWSJ PTr Tl Jl or bottles F27S 1 Circular sent oa request AMUSEUEITTS second jamv aihobss siiryw MECHANICS PAVtLtOtf Tnesdsy Dec Sd to Raturdsy Dee Tth Admission us il 50c Eveplns pricav gen eral admission Si Reserved Seats It 60 S3 anda Reserved seats now oa sale at Crockers Sure 277 Post street FOOTBALL TJN1VERSITT OF CALtFORSIA STANFOBa THAKKSOIVIXG DAY NOVEMSSB 28 1890 2 80 SU CxxTau Paaa Say Fsuvcisco Rala or Sniaa Seats now on Sale ET AiJJLNd6caj419MarketStrev UBKOUQtjLGOLUlRRCUe5 Market St MACDONOUOH THEATER Oakld 3 NianTS BeglDSlnff TO KIgHT The Oreatest of all Fare Comedies CHABUByS AUT Secure Bests ropglar Prlcea GROVERS ALCAZAR TONIGHT AND THANKSOIVINO WEEK Now for a week of solid fan That greatest ot a3 successes CAD THE TOMBOY OBACIE FLA1VTED AS CAtt LEONARD GROVES JR AS THE GASMAN A batrelfnl of Mirth Songs Imitations and Usr lesoue Opera a perfect FANFARE OF FON Matinees Wednesday Thanksgiving Day Satur day and Sunday Prices lot 15 and 25c Wednesday Pop and ThanksrfvlngelegantSOc Book Souvenirs given to aiL Nliht priees lOd 13c 23c SS and 50c Thaokaglrlug matinee night prices AMCSKHBXTS CrSSSSf IvWeVW lcoya EVEBr SIGHT THIS WEEK Thaaksglvlnr MaUnee Thursday llegalar Vali nes nawruay ENTHCSIASTIC WEUME HERRMANN THE GREAT Th nypootle IUnsloa TSILBYt The 6tnf stionaiTquatle Mystery the srxiaT or Lirrt D02TT FAIL TO see MJtK HKBRMANN Nsw SrscTACStJia DaxcKCwuTioxa STKAMSBIP TRAVEL PACIVTIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM BROAD way wharf San Kranctaoo as follows For Lorlng Wraagel Janeau XlUisnooand Eltka Alaska at A VL November lr December 14 21 For Victoria and Vancouver fB CX Port Townsend Seattle Tacoma Everett Anacortes and New Whatcom Wash November li 21 24 and every Ofth day thereat ur connecting at Vancouver with Bat Tacoma wua JL at Seattle with Pert Townsend with Alaska steamers For Eureka Areata and Fields Landing Humboldt bay steamer Pomona November 7 it is is a sad every fonrtn day thert srter at 2 for Santa Crus Monterey San Simeon Cayo cpa Port Harford San LuU Obispo Oavtota 8nta Barbara Ventura Hueneme San Pedro East San Pedro Los Angeles and Newport at A November 12 17 23 and every fourth dtT thereafter For San Diego stopping only st Port Harford San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Port Los Angeles Bedondo Los Angeles and Newport II A November It 19 TefT fourth day thereafter For Ensenada San Jose del Cabo ttstatlan La Pax Altata and Guaytoas MexK steamer Willamette Valley 10 A 23th of eacb month Ticket oaice PaUce Hotel 4 New Montgom COODALL PERKINS A CO Gen Agents 14 Market St San Francisco 0 TO ASTORIA AJTD PORTLAWD 23 SO SECOND CLASS 15 FIRST CLAS3 MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDED For reservations call afll Mentgontery tt Columbia sails November 20th GCODALU PERKINS 4C0 or CONNOR Gen Superintendents General Agent T1VOLI OPERA HOUSE Mas assanya Knsxna Prop aad Uanagr TO NIGHT Superb production of The brilliant spectacular Oriental fanlasie THE LUCKY STAR THE Ltt KY STAR THE LUCKY STAB Mibtb sveo Daxca Beaatlfut 8eenery nnartsqut costumes Blaming Ltgnt Effects appropriate Accessories Artistic Groupings POTDLAB PRICES 33 sad SO Cents UOROSCOS GRAND 0PERA H0U3R Waxrsw Uosan3OSol0 Lessee and Manszes THI8 EVENING AT EIGHT Jk GREAT HOLIDAY BILL HacnlAcent Revival of the Celebrated French Drama wruwtt ia HONTKr unnint ia HONTE ROOEB LA HOVTES or A MANS SHADOW SPECIAL MATIKEE THURSDAY THANKSGIVING DAY Evening Prices 23 Cents and SO Centa Gallery aad Family Circle 10 Ceata Matinees Saturdav and Bandar ARE YOU COLD THEN Shoot the Chutes ON HAIOHT STBEET NKAR IHE PARE IT WILL MASK VOCE aRCULATION TBS LARGEST IN THE CITY CONCERTS AT 3 AND IKK ADMISSION 10 CENTS rsM iTiiyram Pi Lf4mfcivnHt CSPW rwrrwi AftSCa WCOAJ MeVTRBP0 TO SlOHT AND ALL THIS WEEK Matinee Saturday Special Matlna Tbankstlvlnt Day at Popular Prices 35e SSea Sae 75c and Mi The SueceufBl Soccetsor of WANG DR SYNTAX A novelty In comic opera ADrEMcLdFby HOPPER And bis celebrated lyric organisation ORPHEUM OTsrrtn strtet between Stockton sad Powell Week of Monday November 25th TltANKSGIVINO WEEK CABN1VALI ALL NEWt TRBiUES MATHIA8 HUE 1IABTHB MABTHY MIS8ALICB JOHNSON TUB JUDOK BROS SADI ALFARABI AND OUB GREAT SPECIALTY COMPANY Reservtd Seats 25c Balcony 10a Optra Chairs SBd Box Seats 60c THE TCHF PACIFIC COAST JOSKET CLUB 1NGLESIDE TBACU Grand Opening Nov 28th FIVE OB MORE RACES DAtLT jt Rain or Shine FIRST RACK AT Admission 11 OS TaVt Southern Pacttio fains at Thud so4 TDwasend street depesteavlec at IS 13 Si 1 43 and 215 Jt Tart for round trip Uelodln admission to grand stand Take Mtssloe atrttt electric list direct to track A Si SPZCXEUPreaMtBt 8 LKAXE seatury BAomai RAcma racinoi SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUB scriptions for tut Cbronlcle may bo left st Ue EUREKA BAZAAXUSI Folk St bet Ptoe asd California CALIFORNIA JOCKS CLSsV fall Mrrrrsa AT DISTIUCT TSAOt JUcJng Msajay TundsrWedaMsJ Taarf dsy Friday and sat sroay RttaotsWat Five at mere aces eafindeT Races starts 3 Ratskarp MeAftfiaf aajjssrysraficass wm jg PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSnil CO TRROUGB LINB TO NEW TORK VIA PANAMA Calling at various ports of Mexico and Central America sailing at noon from Companys Wharf First and Brannan streets No cargo received oa board oa day of sailing San Bias Nov 20Acamitco Dec It San Juan Dec TjSan Jose Dec JAPAN AND CHINA LINE FOR TOKOHAMA AND HONGKONG Connecting at Yokohama with steamers for bbangnal and at Horckong for India etc Sailing at 1L from Company Wharf First and Brannan streets CyofRiodeJanNov 2oCbina Dec 21 City of Peking via Peru Jan it Honolulu Dec 21 Round trlB tickets at reduced rates For freight or passage apply at Companys mace jnet street ALEXANDER CENTER General Agent QCCIDEHTAL AJiDJSIEHTiL SS CI FOR JAPAN AND CHINA STEAMERS WILL LEAVE WHARf COR kj ner lrst ana isrannan streets at 2 31 TOKOHAMA AND HONGKONG Connecting at Yokohama with steamer for SHANGHAL Coptic via Honolulu Tharsdav Nor 12SS Gaelic Tuesday December 10 1SJ5 Airioi carxo ooiyxnursaay January 1 1S3S Round trip tickets at reduced rates For ireigu ana passage apply at companys once 423 Market St cor First STUBBS Sec STOCKTOir STEAMERS Leave Pier 2 Washington street at PM duly except Sunday a Accommedatlefia reserted by Telepttoner STEAMERS WALKER PETERS MART OARRATT CITT OF STOCKTON Telephone main 835 CAL NAV AND IMP CO NORTH GERMAN LLOYD CO NEW TORK SOUTHAMPTON BREMEN Fast Kipress steamers First cabin J60 and upward second Cabin Its sad 230 round trip 29 and 2109 Seals Dec i 10 A iSsale Jan 710AM Spree Deo It 14 A MjEms Jan 14 19 AM Alter Dec IT 1ft A MAller Jtn Zt 10 A JL aciirv iv a ALann reo iv av ai Passengers booked through to alt Important DOlntS of GERMANT and AUSTRIA Return tickeu available from Mediterranean or rrom Bremen Lonoan or Havre ROBERT CAPELLE General A rent for Pa dflo Coast lit Montgomery street under Oc cidental Hotel Baa Francisco i mm MEDITERBAXEAX SEBVISL HAMSURO AMERI I NOnTH GERMAN UAIM lAKE L1XJIU 8 CO Express steamers from New Tork to Gibraltar Algiers Naples and Genoa S1rataa UT TT VLma rlmtftxr Fuldajan4 KaUer WU Jan 22 iviiuuuiMMwta aj iiaaiarcsaB ZS Normannla January tth goes through to Alexandria Return tickets available for the steamers of C4UK 4u uviu vic utjiQi uioraiiar nam burg Bremen London and Southampton TJn OAtpfhw rA V- 7 WJiAli jwwiinr ureen Robert Cspelle lit Montgomery st Tln 27 Brosdwsy A Myer 491 Calif ornla st HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE TWIN SCREW EXPRESS LINE FROM NEW PLTMOOTH London CHERBOURG Paris uTurning irom Hamburg via Southampton London and Cherbourg Parts Augusta Victoria December 12 AM lstt a2ksSlft ftA iA 6nw i 9A rtaVU Ca rnwvt asss VSVWtMf fw auu Ml J5S1Pi7 lconreT1 tnm PLYMOUTH to LONDON 3 hours and from CHERBOURG to PARIS It hours by special train TREE OF CHARGE Regular service to HAMBURG direct by new iu ni namm in VADin ssoi inierme tuate oicermae at lowest rales HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE 27 Broadway New Tork A WMTER 401 California at General Pas senger Agent racino coast COMPAGXIB GBXERAL TRAMS ATLAJfTlOCK TTlRaNCH UNB TO HAVRB COMPANrg I tlr nmwrl 4S Worth rfvr fM streets Travelers by this line avoid both transit bs English railway and the discomfort of Ing the channel in a small boat New Tork to Aiexauona carpi via nna nrsi cjaaa tiso second class tut La Bourgogne Cape Le boeuf Saturday November 20 2 UT ralne Capt hanteui Saturday Icenber 7 A La Brttagne Capt Rape Saturday December 14 La aascogne CapL Ran aeion eaiaroay uecemBern A La Nor manoie wapu ouov tsainrnay December 22 I PM For farther parUcuisrs apply to A FORGET Agent 2 Bowling Green New Tork FyOAZI A CO Agents Montgomery avenue aaa nnara MBmwn muim bos mi AMERICAN LINB New Tark Bouthampton Twtn eerew steamers American nr no transfer by tender Shortest and most conven ient route uonoon uose connection at Bouuramixon i or navre ana rans RED STAR LINE New Tork to Antwern One of tha best routes to Belgium Holland Pmrk Urmin III ITMM RwttMMi BAund tilpticfcets at reduced rates Tor freight and passage apply to INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO Fahnestock Gen Agent Paclue Coast st jwKiii unuia mnei DUUOinx WHITE STAR LOB SPECIAL NOTICE Tha WHITE STAR LINB stcamshln Uiietti wiU sail from New Tork Tuesday December liln at a nun enanie passengers to spend Christmas day wltlt their friends ia the rod Cmratnr Weather cermlttisr aha An IQuaenstown on the evening or the 2M and at uverpooi cany in turn morning or tne Htn Tickets may bt procured from AVERT Pacific Man doek or at is Market st under uraaa wotei riOTtMrSK General Agent far tnePaemc Coast mmwmmw SO CaLL AT HOTEL ASETTE OFFICE IC Kearny street where full iafermatioti ia farsisktd free resardias boteto sad retoru UHwanent tats coast aaa tas xuu RAILROATX TRAVEL ftOtJTHSBX PACIFIC OeMPANX irictm systsw Trains leave ana due to arrive ai SAW PR AX CISCO xattrSI Panic Ocronnt eVlSW mi 6 SO 6anLmuidrsHavwar4 Wavat S1U 7S30 Atlantic Egpr saoesta sna sasx ioo TSXU BeoietVacavilleaamsey Sacra mentaand Redding via Davis 711s Ma Msrtlnes Ramon spsCaU tota ad8aaialUw le T39 teLeandreHavwardaWavit 10 X34 SJOa XUeaHanJeeefkt Jone rvscrsnento Marysvltle Bed Man and Omvtue 413 ItSFetetsaudMllMw JT Us OCU vaaLtndraBaywardsAWsyTrt ILita tsOCU Los Aneies Rxprasa Kaymosi for YeaemlU Sanu BarUra aad Im Angeles 4tf hfn itartins ana Ptecktoa 10 4U 110 raa Leandre Haywards NUet 1 Us WPanLeandranaywar4iWavSu 43r 0Cr Ntlea Ran Je end Uvermortw 843a ixnr HacrameaM River steam rtk 8 00 11 Port Cost and Way KUtlAn tTA3 OOr eLsatdroKywardWavSts 5 Or fian LeaaamHavwardsdiWayta Mt SMarUBea fua Ramon Vatlejo NaCallstoraKiVeraaoaod Santa Rosa Use Ag6 2eaiet Ksparta Woodland Kntrhte Landing Mtrvevlut Orevlllo aadSscraaieato 2xntak SSH7P Jilea an Jose uthdci a KCOCXUIS IIU 30e SnLaJiJrnrwardAWarSta New Orleans Jtmress rren Ray mend Mr losemttei JiakersSeld at gfS Los Angeles Demtag 1 Paa ew Orleans and Xas tO CS4 faOr fanta re Hnute A uanne aspresv torMoJTesndKat jj tO tSa eo 74 runt SO0r Voropesn 31 aU Of den sad East rwf Havwatua nuainHiiah I7IT vsuejo SAVfA CRCZ DUIn Xsrrnw Hangs 17 Hi stnSav excnrsioa for Newug San Jot Los Gates Feltoa aad Santa Crus tfcfJU StlSa Srrwt CentrvUle Saa Je Feltoa Bonldsr ursec riani Cms aad War stations fcSOS 213 Newark Centervllle San Jose New Atmsden Feltoa Soutdec Creek Santa eras and prtaci pal Way attone ttS8 4 iSr Newark Kan Jom lot Oitos 8 S0 TJOAsTDIVHiat TWri 4 Towsttni SmJ 3 17 JO 814 f7 10 40 1143 40f Saw JoselNew Alsudta aad Way tnaiioaa li4U Ssaday Kxcanlnn for aa Jose aau Crus Paclfie Grove aal Princip wv KtatioM snsw San Jose Tres Finos Santa eras Caclflc Ureve Paso Bebles San uls Oblsps Uaealope and principal War fctati TOSS Palo Alto and Way tilns 1 tie Pan Joie and Way Funm Wr Palo Alto and Way iattas SJOr baa Jom GUror Trei pines 4S0t fMr S0r llor Kama Cms Salinss Mentersy and Pacinourove Ban Jose and FtuicibxI Way Muons Pan Jose and ay i vilen SAaa Jose and Wy fitatles 6a and ay etatlaas ta os and Way StUeo flOiSt t7 os S4S 3 73 CBKKK BO UTS FXItBT From rsn Francisco Foo et Market Bftet tnllpS 7 00 8 00 8 00 10 03 lliOOaa 1t 9i tlMt SC00 31J HUM 6 00 tJUOr From Oakland Foot ef 3roadway 603 OS 8 00 10 no ll eot tUM 1330 200 30Q 4 00 IMt A for Mornlna far Afternoon Sunday excepted tSainrfays oar IWedneMaysonly ISundayt only tiMoadayThanday and Saturday nichuoaty SPECIAL NOTICE ANOIHEB RKDTJClIOH ir BATES BY RAlXi PORTLAND OB Kptv rNnVFMRER 25Tn Asn JivxaT Firra Dr THgaaarTKB THZ EOCTHKRV PACIFIC COMPANY wttn tan TICKETS TO PORTLAND OB BTTBCa XKWrAST SiU FBiNGISGO AND FORTUNE EX GUBSION TRilH At the following Greatly Seduced Rates CK it A Uxcxopiks BiBTK ir Ptnxiiax tgQJ louatvr btcsrxa irrRSTCTA8S TICKETS Iscivnrxb Bxava IK 1 1 Li a TB3MtHrwr For fnrlber information appir st 613 MARKET ST Grand Hotel Ticket Offlce can Francisco S10 RICHARD ORAVr Ge a Traffic Mgr TH GOODMAN Gen Pasa Agent SAN FRANCISCO fcAND NORTH PACTPIO RAILWAY CO Tianaoy liaar Foot es Maxn St San Franelseo to Ran Rafael WSCK Dats 7 10 9 11 00 il is JS 3 3 10 6 30 Thursdays bxtra Up 1130 iu Saturdays Extra trips at LW and 1110 Fst BtniDiTS tt 80 11 00 at 13d isx aiu rat San Rafael to San Frenelsee Waxa DATSr 33 7 9 30 11 IP a 12 43 40 6 10 1 SaturdajsExtratrlptatl and 8 23 1 it soDATs ia 9 a nio a tm 8a rK Between Ban Francisco and Scbsstiea Park same schedule as above Leava Infffeet Arrlre San Frsnclsco Ocv886 San Tnclo Week Sun Dawrnr Soa Week Days days tiojc dark 740 S00ki Novate W40 Ht SJ0 IK SSO tm PS0 am Petalnma 9X5 TU 10S9 IC aiowt Mum sanultosa 73Q ni dl ra 7A0n Windsor IdSO 8X0 ax Hkaldsbntt MOT Oeyscrvllle SJOrn Qeverdaai all rsj Pleta 740 an A00 AST HoMaad 720 Tt Uklan 118 GuemevUl 7 40 HVO am Sonoma 104011 839 A 310 rv tJOOrx Glen Ellen ttotru ai3 rx 7 40 an 800 AS SebattOpoL latOaM 1020 a idOrw aoni soSn 613 ri Stages connect at oversale for the Gersen Stages eoenectat Pleu for Highland SprlagS Selteyville Lakeoerv Stares connect Uklsh for Vtcnr Sprtnrs Bias Lakes Laarel DelL liptier Lske Boonevilla areenwoed Mendocino Citr lortBrscx Vssl esteort Wllletta CaneDa Poma PoUer VaJay JohnDay a Uerle7a aceUaanA Eureka aturday to Monday round trip ucasu at tt dueed ratea On tjuadayt Booad trtp tickets to ail polatt br cnd nan Bafaet at biirrates Ticket OSes 660 Market street CaaoMOS BuUdUg CWRTTTNa RXRTAN Usn Manager Uea Pasa Axesl Atlantic AND Pacific rf4 vg 3LJ N8TH PKtf 16 CSiST BalLMtf Via SausaUto Ferry From San Francisco Beginning October 1B1 WEEK DATS For Mill Valley ana San Rfael 7a9 11 AM4143 2 4S3UfJPM Saa Quentln 730 IS A l4J fi Extra tripa for San Rafael on Monday Wednesdays sad Saturdays st 1139 8UNDATS For Mill alley San Ralact and Pan 1-90 MH30 AM1J0 Ian 4HJSP Does not run to San Quentln THROUaU TRAINS 3 A week dys CaaJero and War SJ 45 Saturdays Tomales and Way MAK ftmaays Potat Rtjf aad War 8 uooa 7 I 70r Oregon Fxnr nacrameatj Pueeionnd and Eext JJ fj I fe RantandroHarwartAWayStattl 09A tin UrnLendrKVwvasaWvSt 7 13a TIAILROAD wm nA arrive at Market Street FnT SANTA FE EXPRESS To Chicago via A aad Direct Line rrvinePulP leaves every oay ti ii I man raiace sleepers ana lCU6sia Ba Civs esttlwul change A uc cars iov uenver aaa CHICAGO LOUTiD FROULOSANGnLESTOCHrCAGa Solid Yestibul Train uall jr wlti dMinc fa under Harvey management aataM trains leave San Francisco at A 11 ana Tho best rallwsy from California to Uwaafc New rails new ttes no dust interesting and good mealr In Harveys dining room sr dining cars uia Ticket efflev tit Market alreet ChroslclS buUdlng 4s.

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