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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
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Cf ab Hall AmbriM thd Society functions That AreacneduiedtoriNext WeeJMariy to Enter ltalo uvr ft Tm jk ljKvWWim aBAIf aCIqgCHKOOIEir9ATIIDAT ZWTijlBUWap swmc lf ILWMBaeaHWBWIWWlllll Ml 1 I1 I lll 11 1 I HB3BgBtae9g Mt II 11 I III III I 11111 1111 IHW III I IHBBBEgg ll I XPIL II II awBigawe esnajenjaa i i jam dl i I I i I II I Jl Tl 1 9J aE 4 itTi K2Li alliP rKi 5 iiifr in fit riinin 1 1 an fUT rv ftHKineiiiona wJi ttvt iT vr wvwwwnM mm mw i ww iwi i Wal a iBwbsud to nrtm I NffrniiV iinrniritii ii XV7TTvTv Vi UKMiMLffi i uri Jul ai a IS II II SI SI IS HUn BU li rwr i an mani BaSSi It A mmm WMssft Witts iWiMWi I I I mmmmmmmmmmm i ri ir xii wtmmm tJ ii 4iBB PiPilPiPilfflPiPiPiPiPiriPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPm 15 a vififMitcjB vrvvappjijijijt SiliHIniLlB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK iM lM lM IIHillM lM lM lM lM lM lMHl JillHPfHHiilllllllK tfAOSHUHMihkui iHV WiKdlBMBSMBMBHBMB TTtt im iilKrdisillM lM lM HiilHHR i lM lM lM lM HnlnML22ill JFOliM iM HMlkMAMKfliiiM Hk hKmWmmim Jkm vlV i ffi ft Mid ByMDY TEAZLE ONS the lportt Cflr ichijuUt for next ek 1 tha fl 1W bensflt Berformiaee ts hv hld 3tliry jntn Ah Centur iviuo lor tne day nixrutf rCanon Kl Memorial JUlon Tb ulnc rlU raproitnUtlVei of San Trandaco socltty and tare dumber ot dlnneri will BredtOu Mra 3ama toffla vlti hoatcsa at anjr at ur noma on Paclfltavnue Shan aba will antartata In honor of In laabat Beavar and John Cuah itt Amonx thoaa whotnt abAra bar Mtpltallt IU ba Mr and Mra 4ame Jankjna Mliwa SAra Coffln and Mart brt McKanria1 Vi tVA ntMraad Mra TTrairft Ai Andaraon will antartalitJB tToup ot trlanda at tha Fairmont Ho tL Tha homa ot Mr and Mra Benjamin Dlbbloa on California atraet will ba tbe aattlnc for an informal dlanar and Mrand Mrs Cbarlei Fajrmalaa EaUa will hava slmuar affair at tbelr boma on area atraat Mr and Mra DoBld ua Campbell will boat at a of tan at tbelrhoma on Jackaon eat i Mr ajifl Mra William Tubba hava tajted numbrof tha younc frlende et their axnhtervMIa Emilia Tubba to ba In thalr party atth benefit aid later they will enjoy supper at ta Tubba horn on Jackaon street Mlta Buta Drapers elarer monel oflat win entertain the audience at Century3 Club and thoie Who have heard her at the Informal ratberlni of friends where aha has contributed to the ploaeure of the suesta on more than ona oceeaiOBV win testify toth charm of herwdrk The directors this orranlzatlofli rer ainKDivss WUliem KTaylorr Doe14rln CaoblJ Srta JUoaneCn Ptnllne OopgM awtaUOrtttatt lttaart G1WU SrUUam Tubba i ifwanl McWor Caorra JL TTrfcMHtiuT Oainpbtn iinauiu aaroe awn Mrs iSerberMoffltt7 hostess at a tea and jmuslcala given Thursday af ternoon a farewell to her slster ln law Mra Oeorge Doubleday who left yeaterdayVfo herbome NeWTorfc Curias Ute afteTon th honor guest are ssveral Tocat solosthat aJdad Kreatly to toe pieaaureoi iae iu Ralph MoFaydenalaoaanri The hostess horn on Broadway was deeoraUd with scarlet tulips and Hco ferns Mrs Herbert Allen pre lded over the teUM Anions the guests Wert usDMtti Wsittr Hobrt Wslker jltbarr rraliiand Tillt WlltUnC Portw Bttl Hasr Bm Amblot Carraa lanes Jtfoffltt del Sjnjelirtef Toaspb OUwr Toblstv JansKiMott Jarnr SeotC Jacs Wlwan 1 rt Bares laUtbSrraak Kiss llud Brown sJfisajtS Msa bCeaaar HaWlat lir Marj JaUlff frtocea JolllUa TeaBand receptions seemed to be ho favorite mode of entertainment ssterday ftfternoii Amonc the ileaaurable jtff alra was the taa given iyi ilrs GeorgeK Mendell whose loroe on Paclflo aranue was sMUis telyv decorated In Oriental colors the eeoratlva aoneme carrieaoutinroae ndgoldupostrles and flowers of he same shades During thvsXtrn6ohMrsrupont nvft fVljondon in costume gave uintn hK fhirmlivi lntarerata ttlonStof Hindoo Persian vA Oriental Ipoems and legends with musical feompanlmenfc Mrfc Joyce was jr ftnsrly assoelated with Mrs Patrick lampbelU Blr cnariea wynanaqi ana ther noted artists Anvons those Irlt enJoy4tbe dellghtf ul Tsntertaln 1 entwere iBM1fi Qhmi E11ian flfiaels Csrolaa im ptla gjawara rrinfia iwa RdiHlAAn Wlllimil TlTlOf il rhntrntb Prdrlcli iicNfsr Irter riula Pomsroy Wtulam Depmaa uiMlck Sbaroe lioritlo Uwoiore rwall Hawltt Mt RnUftlpb KpnekeU dua Blaadlnc Coott Pratt Irr Scott Harry abeock JaP Harry Biui Blaadlsg Coltnst swriith SiAttvut routs Airai Tiia Iklstnlnar OCoonoc cooMr Jsvana Ijatui tlatidinst Tinnt FrltdliodW My FrledltDder illara MeWsstrjt Uura Ksufmao KttfiK jiiiiai la Thehm of Mrs Edward tilburn gZyrsr on Buchaaan itreet was the iceneofian Informal tea yeaterday tftsrnoon She entertained In com Tpllment to Miss Elisabeth TUghmaft HelmeleyiXthe hoatss let Itha Mary IJandbuUdlng IVjlnithe list of those who were asked ttlasarwerel a VlUsn McMnnia Wcsar flrUr3 i fioorsa Wttell MoBroa PtJKltsrd William Ballaf Lamar 2amm Otla armas aaa Minaa orirnta i a laisaa rolr fcmpla Brldrmas WUlIaal Taylor rndsncktfeNcw fib xraas Slitbam Sutton riffiaHnafnnafiluM traacss Sorama Kl Kafkatt Derbr Jobs MatlUr Norraa MeLsraa Francis Carolaa Artbai ttaUar eersssepft3 Sssg KaotUa gandolpt Hath Tlis handsome horn of Mri and Mrs WUllam Mayo Newhall at Scott and Orson strsetawas the setting for ML enjoyable dinner party last aven lng Among those who shared In the evenings pleasure wersi laoie aagilra Wmisa Bailar tamsr Vi i McasBlrASfr liwaisaiav fe Hsary Ti teott MrsWUllasi aIrwls rrsak AflOtraoa A Mrs Morgan BulkeieywasVtbi guest of honoraf a luncheon given yesterday afternoon by Mrs George Boardman at her boms on Calif ornu streets Mxsiloven lgsteOtl slated her grandmother In receiving fH iniAa fftA InAluiledf MW lnMV wmluuV iAj Tluiotbr Hopklss Jamaa fltls i 7 HottaU 3 Watkar Sallabury mum suaaie noufsioa Dunlap a pioneer aoclst leader of Sacramento In the HuvrktiTAmntar tha old famfllea BdAOxaeuteittwlltbeithebet ofl3aVirraneieciivTsldether man Tba iCeremOnrwin be wu lih Bautwalli runl hasssd only bx jnembers of tha 1m sirs Dunlin baa many friends among imeaiatoiamHyv 1J the eider Sen Franciscans wnar Sl iwri JfiHerUlning4nformaiiyforherdur ut furs eiii i ri narinei ca Tann inic nr auaviADaii vu vmsw rfvaaifii tewi Tbursdivaiid wlli be lneftt women otiWortbsfniCsllfornU guests tor week wlthMrs Clsra I nt Is honoriry Vlce prealdent for iiaFiitiatisr hm on na street CToereonty Of tbWmsABosi rihnurlil Maud aritMra Mauda Of theEiPOsltlonr rT 7t MrslUwlsiOersti7wastisWst liUjoheTlTuesdayafterncoit Jthe bfew ToruHdingwhen she enter tainad lift tomoiimen to Mrs uiara Thursday afternoon fronv Philadelphia IDrHag The table vfaa adorned visit bsraastr Mrs WilltPVn will riafutarrjisamrifof red VJf HTTf lnMi jtl UT ijk7 hm iw Mi i CUlipS anq aiaiuaiuiaM Ai4va sa Sprsiue rViiwtov ijrhe marriage of Miss Elaine Hanf eock and Wa1tetHsrvsy Bentleywlll hrm th hM AJaiaaaai 0 Karae loewgejjilWrrlghtrefltorefflt Ifcyf JStaphens ChTchJ wntofflelatarMlss VMrsIIriBafahtrJi li Tlaiill a sraik4 aa Ifnil Aaaak aAitatii rsV4IHfF TfVVtt Vt VIW iNVVIIglU fthe brlew1H bniald of honor evening The color scheme was green and gold and the table was banked with Jonquils and maidenhair fern Those who were seated around It were MIMES USD JMSDAMSS Ho In Haras Bogor Lapbam Marlon Laphan Okandlar Baas Ylneeet WUtsev Walkar sallabury MISSES rioreoca Cbralag MESSES Balpb ArmatTOnf its A coterie of friends enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs Alexander Hamilton and John Sprockets Jr at a dinner given test evening it tbslr home on Pact flu avenue Among the guests weres HESSttS ANO atMDlMKS Rcrnla yitrra BaWwlo Weod Sobwerta Herbert Payee WUlard Dsowa Sobart Bayes SSiltk Barrr Uocslay Scott Mill Arabella Scbwerla i Joka Bpreckela 8r iJ In honor of Miss Mabel TVlthycombe of Oregon a song recltaf was given Thursday evening at the Oregon building by Mrs Carrie Jscobs Bond Seva eralotMrs Bonds compositions Iri eluding Just aWWoarylneVforVYou I JJoVoTouTruiyj and other favor llteswere Included In i the evenings programme the composer having been Introduced by Miss iXnne Shannon Monroe MUs Monroe Is a great granddaughter Of James Monroe and Is a granddaughter of Governor Shannon of Ohio At the conclusion of the musical programme the guests enjoyed some movies and supplementedthe evenings pleasure with dancing and supper The rooms were bedecked with ferns and palms Among those who took part this enjoyabia affair were JaiJaa and Mra WlUUm BaUej Lamat Mafor and HnLiJoha MrersV Oemmlsslonar tad Mrs 6 HClark MMDAMBi i i i a Jyvr rvjrfi rauiunui Hamuton wnm nMM ttahir rj TT 7iC a i Viift MISSM gj JW Hanala Bandolsb Bsatk Oeasvlsve Halleyv BorotayAUeac Wik D0 Uvely djl Clresce aUeus Doings of the Womeq8 Clubs THE entertainment by the San Francisco Congress of Mothers for the beneflt of the fund to establish a dental clinic in the public echoelatAttraoted large audience to Native Sons Hall laat hightr The programme consisted of a group of songs by Joseph Keenan English songs by Lawrence Straus violin selections by Caroline Augusta Nash an urientav oance ey jars Anna rai era Wright and a play The Fifth commandment by the Players sou tlon of tbs California Club At the conclusion of the programme ana just before the dancing that occupied the remalndsrof the evening Dr Markwlti gave a lecture accom panied by lantern Slides illustrating ins relation ot gooa leewto gooa living and demonstrating the rreces slty for the glvlngof the entertaln menLMIssriorenoeMusto the president of the Congress was assisted In receiving the guests by the committee of arrangements consisting of Mrstf AC lEdleiy Mrs WllUam Fischer Mrs A TomHnsoniMr8 A I Whitman Mrs 11 Coles and Mrs France i tf The San Franclsco Colony of New England Women met yesterday afternoon at 1780 Clay street and en joyed a proiramme consisting of vocal sold by Mr 8 Unger a I paper on her recent European expe riencea uy was oamngion vocai solo by Mrs Harry Holman ant recitation by Miss Frances Belk In response to an invltatiotivfor the San Francisco club women to participate In the celebration of Vina Tears After the club presidents have notified members of the attention and urged a large attendance at the exposition today Exercises will be held about the Foun tain ef Energy and Mrs Percy King president of the Ban Francisco ais trlet has appointed Mrs Oayea Mrs EBL Jones and Mrs Raymond Holllagsworth as a committee of a rangementst Slit ALT ICHVr Br under the auspices of the Con tVesslOBal TJnlon ofrwomans 8ttf i i Youno Architect FoffindSona nifrirh Dlfi Viii 4 tf OVH Lt a cob test with environ I methaha4 ItswJngs sorely JL frayed by theeld Ill winds ever Inclined to devastate International tnarrlagearThe former MisS Florence IjscaselmorUd bride of jiHesrtr Chittenden Heynemann a prominent young San Franoisco architect has found California too arduous for for elga temperament and returned to nor neioved paria ywfiWMsionrl1irdthatI found in Paradise aainV iVonnr synemann last night in Teoountlng the incident of hie wifes untoward departurei brouthtOheriaway fronr thai atmosphere art music and the highest culture in the world wberelnsheihd been reared and to which she had become accustomed as sPstofhercexIstencJf WAiNOTatAirWHBllB ShfcameVl thriniai liere to a land where a different language was epoken where Hying IS simple and veritably crude lq comparison to the xulture of Paris and art but a mere smatterings I knew sh could not be happy here She iriust return tOiher own home In Paris So it was arranged in suen words Heynemann explained hoar the personal equation was swamped by forces which they bad failed to recognise before mar rlage The Heynetnanns were married last October tn Parte Heynemann had known his bride through child hood when teby had attended school together In Belvedere The young couple returned to Amor lea in November came to San Fran cisco ana set up tneir own nome HB FACED UTJESTIOK If Paris had1 become the best part of your life and you were suddenly transplanted to aaroot where none of Its attributes were what would you dor This Is the question which I had ask myself and it Is the question which I had to answer be said Mrs Heynemann the husband says wil resume ber study of muslo In preparation for an operatlo career Miss ftuth Marian Heynemann 8400 uurant avenue a student at the Unl varsity in Berkeley a sister to Heynemann says My brothers wlf went back to Parjs about a month ago because she re celved word that her mother Mrs Lacase was very 111 tbere Ws expect ber back In May and are awaiting to hear that she will soon start on the return trip I nave heard of no trouble or misunderstanding be tween them and they both have been very cloee to me They have been very happy and It seems a shame to even Intimate otherwise when the cause of her departurewaa so plainly one ot a daughters love or ber moiner 3000000 Paid for Morgan Furniture NEW TORK April IS The Morgan collection of French eight eenth century furniture Has been bought it was announced today by Duveen Brothers Although the pur ohaae nrlee was not stated It Is esti mated that the amount was not far from 3uuuuou i ST CHARLES AITJMITI WILL HOLD FIEST AMITAL DANCE St cnarier Aiumni Association win inaugurate Its erst annus dance this evening at the new National Hall Mission and Sixteenth streets The organisation has a membership of several hundred The following are patrons and patronesses of the initial dance afra Jamas Xolph Jr Mr and Mra OHbea Mra Uoora Mra Janae rraoall Mra Laddr Mra Wj Harden Mrs 0 Cor tl Mra OoDBollr Ollleapla Asdrair allasber Jobo Nolan Tborbaa BanoenBaa Emmet Harden and Hanlar 0 a a ii aeeseesessO rage at the suffrage exhibit section In the Palaee of Education at the exposition Mrs Alice Parks one of Californias pioneer suffragists will speak this afternoon at 1 oclock It will mark the first of a series of half hour meetings which the Congressional Union has inaugurated to be held at tbe suffrage exhibit see tlon and to aJeal with the Question of national suffrage Mrs Park has just returned from an extended trip to Hawaii where sho Investigated the statue Of the island women and as tbey can Only bo enfranchised through national action they are deeply Interested In the national work for suffrage Following fhe address there will be a receotion at Hhe booth rAT X4 eaa i li tyr i laows weeas Gablegfa tot Lloyds Mik8 Lightning CHaiigein ifeidNlilineiy By HELEN iDARE sonCllntontaMonUgnears Inter faiaftm paw hvptt 7 3 tteivlltlngipoioteanist Vri neorce Hood who arrlrea jJfnoiiaew fpiiho woo were asKea lojneei io guest 01 3it teCsiveif fssurdAftjirnooby hbnoyvrere Ji a iltrslnsaleV urnim Iiturir4minct Sai tt lhwrbS kmimi rV ifKbaTpIlS VMJ hw vrtou ulr UA i ftfpafryWieef wiiTfiSrAwmt uia 4mWtM0 l2fijSttTr tWllMoWnMtsemof eftttssAtessiv eff gjMtttsassaM iaUtSk Tv ian mjiiDvt jgr Rv i tsasabwU i eHssBTsABsssBSBSBSBsff Wmtm I I SSBSBsl I JBlWil IH i lilM 1 fssssBI VIIIB I Villi It I Bflifei i lv Ona more amonit c6ratIuv3ttmMlitJXtrie jmatjfcdyaJue 1 rcembnstriated bothiscrvihe as aloart of Xi keavl ista mmmum i i hiMwajshttdOdiwfimii iThe indientsoftliiafa I Chocolate ai ei rairsmteed to aV i SSaaH tiaaiAiUX i lU WTi1 ill staadstersiT WM wj 9 TiWiarMJ jTB wonderful whata few words will do It they happen to be the rlaht woj ds that cablearram to iJoya tor example that in a twlnK Itag yesterday switched Xloyds payment or insurance no a sorrowing widow to eongratulatlona to a thank fuL happy wife ahanged grief to Joy and widows weeds to roses on a new spring hatv Wt rtMlracles still hanoen yotf see even in ithejiresiiis irMs It was a miracle indeed that hap pehed to Mrs Kate Dorris of T2 Dubooe avenue wife of Captain PDorrls of theschoiTnerEthel iana Testerday mornlng she was in her own mind and according to Lloyds a wiaowtior uoyas naa at last atter ir aySiet waiting for the atttel Zane to putlnto the port It should have taken her only SO days to make given up the Ethel Zane and Cap tatnTomj Dorrlsi and nTwherii ijoyde says youre oeaa Why youre dead Is quoted as gospel among the seafaring people 80 yeaterday morning Mrs Kate Dorrls was with1 slow heavy tears and aching heart reluctantly making ready at Lloyds order to go through the necessary formalities or collecting the Insurance on her lost husbands lost vesselr reluctantly get ting ready to don mourning to show respect to her dead and all their friends tn the neighborhood were sympathising with her And yesterday at noon By a few words ticked under many miles of ess ber grief was changed to Joy her somber spring hat trimming changed to gay and all the kind friends in the neighborhood made to rejoice with her SOME MIBACLE For the first time In the history of Lloyds a vessel that has been posted as lost has come to port which is a miracle in Itself After months of uncertainty on the part of Lloyds rafter Interminable dsys and nights of those uncertain months spent tn hope and prayer and sorrow on the part of the waiting wife the final conclusion was reached and formally posted on Tuesday that the Ethel Jane 13 days out tromi Belllngham Wash to Guayaquil Captain Dorrls In command indubitably was lost She bad put out loaded with lum berr a stanoh veesel ot 407 tons with officers and men numbering eleven on the morning of October 4th from Puget Sound and under favorable conditions shbuld have reached Ouayaqull in eighty daye and IM days passed without word from her ONLY SIGHTED ONCE Only once and by one ship had she been seen and then she had been on the rim of a fierce storm In the southern seas Mrs Dorrls who has passed much of the past elxteen years at sea with her husband and weathered storms with him thus coming to know the sea in its awful power and the skill of lier husbands seamanship waited with the patience and faith that the mariners wife must not letting herself entertain fear or uneasiness tin Ul the end of the year when she counted on surely hearing ef his safe arrival lit port iThe old year died and the New Tear came without word from him and it was sad New Tear for me she savsii ThenJ began watohing for news and counting the dayaend trying to keep from thinking the worst as the weeks arsa months passoo January February March ApriL8he named the passing months like thetoUlng loraKneii rv ZJ 1 tried to keep up by keeping busy and I guess I was a good deal of a bother to Uoyds asking for news she smllod wlping the happy tears away KEPT HOME WAITinO She kepi the comfortable home spick and span for the husbands home coming with all the souvenirs of the voyages they had taken together the soft shawl she had crocheted loft the coast of Japan sit flag comfortably in the ships bow and her husband on the bridge the rugs she had knitted at the Galapagos Islands where the tortoises grow so big the table cover embroidered on Bebrlng aata the sofa cushion finished at Santiago the afghan made In long lovely leisurely days of sailing south the pretty patterns stitched on the safe happy voyage home With these thlna and the atransre things gathered from far etrange coasts and her memories she lived through those interminable days between the New Tear and yesterday and prayed with all the faith that Is In her through the Interminable nights still hoping still praying even when told to give up hops and accept what seemed that Indisputable nKABT STILL STRONG Then with her reason accepting but her heart still refusing what seemed to be the truth she went out yesterday morning sadly about some DMiiHarr hfiamjtan and whim ah rfcame home There was a letter In her neigh bors hand hurriedly sent by mes senger from Lloyds and a smile in her neighbors face and a tremor in her neighbors voice ss she greeted ber with Prepare yourself for coed news The letter from Lloyds told ber et the message to Lloyds saying that tha Ethel Zane had Just arrived at Guayaquil no details no story ot what happened in thoee harrowing 13 days Just that And what did you dor I asked Answered bar sister who was In the very act of putting the red roses on the new spring hat Instead ot the somber band ot crepe Just what youd expect burst Into tears and cried until she couldnt cry any more At which Mrs Kate Dorrls who can now look forward to Captain coming home safe as hes been coming the twenty eight years of their married lifesmiled through her tears and nodded confirmation Julia Culp Sines Superb Proganimc Clavuio Artist Offer Both New tad Old Song i at the Columbia Theater Julia Culp appeared yesterday afternoon at the Columbia Theater and sang to splendid audience st muslo lovers Her old English songs were particulariyadralred Brink to Me Only With Thine Byes was given a superb Interpretation Horns Tr Been Roaming was anethe classic and a group of Schubert songs was sung with the grace and perfection ef a Schumaan Helnk This was the complete programme tm Abeadretr Is Twulfkt Die Mi Hose A Child ss tbe Die rerellerTe TreetT Haioae Boaalau Hada Ma1 fl reltk Ive Mi Mrs Sage Gives Sum for Game Protection Gift of 15000 to Permanent Wild life Protection Fund Ii Announced in Hew York NEW TORK April 18 Announcement today that Mrs Russell Sags has given I1S000 to the permanent wild life protection fund gratified persons engaged In the effort to raise a UOO 000 fund for the protection of game The total received todate Is M77J0 of which Mrs Sage has given in all IU00X Trustees of the fund stated that an attempt would be made to establish a large number of game preesrves in national forests 1 i will be offered to boy scouts for meritorious servlee in the protection et wiiq me It would the height of folly to defer the tntrodacuon or mountain water We need it to guar agairut a repetition of the experience of 1906 Misslanders toBe Earl Rogers Bride Talented Belle From Canada and Los Angeles Attorney Will Be Harried Soon special Slapatcli te Tbs Chrealcla LOS ANGELES April 16 The marriage ot Miss Edna Irene Landers the talented daughter of the late John Landers prominent official of the Canadian Pacific Railway of Winnipeg to Earl Rogers well known attorney and clubman of this city who was divorced a year ago win be solemnised the latter part of this month at the home ot the bridee mother Mrs A Lahders 23S South Serrano avenue Miss Landers who wae one of the belles of the Canadian city is gifted with a high soprano voice of power and sweetness and was one ot the leading members of the Amateur Operatic Society of Winnipeg She passed seven months traveling abroad and Incidentally studied voice culture In Florence After the wedding ceremony a breakfast win be served and Rogere and his bride will take a motor tour through the State Da hlac Sla na Tkeal art tka a Cia aolcbar tat smU freoad Back Is Wis Malodle Use Melody Inabe end VellcheaTU Bey ssd tie Vtol I MaaKbea A Table ri Wolg tei Drink to He Ootr With Thine Ires truia sosiiaa raltbrol Johnaia Art br Baatboaaa Sean HoaniBsr4Bera MaTKDdra Mnaetta01d French elVMlsaoaatte Ola rrencb Intermease WaMaasaapraeeh Voice ef the Tor at Die gartealisfsrla Tbe rertoae reuer IM rloee Schmledee Sobs of Haiitk a rrwhUnxanacht A Wlsa la Sprlsc Sdreaisaa lima Culpks final concert will be sung tomorrow afternoon at the Columbia No community has a right to allow it betrayers to go unre buked To buy Spring Valley at its own price would be to condone the malfeasance of the City Attorney who sidetracked the condemnation proceedings Wins Naval Honors and Promised Bride Engagement of Ensign Bobert Cary and Hiss Jane Watt Announced to Their Friends Following closely on the congratulations that have been showered on him slnoe the receipt of a letter from Secretary of the Navy Daniels com mending his bravery in the recent Doner explosion on board the San Diego Ensign Robert Can is re ceiving additional eongratulatlona on nis engagement to Mies Jane Watt The news was not to have been made known for some months but slipped out at the wedding ot Miss Gertrude Jeaaup and George Peleg Dixon Thursday evening where JTIas watt was among the bridesmaids The usual oomment anent the next bride among the attendants brought forth the news that one ot the number was already engaged The wedding will not taite place for some months how ever The bride elect Is one ot the prettiest and most attractive girls 01 tne younger set She la a prominent member of Mrs Bowie Detticks assemblies and other dancing clubs and has enjoyed marked popularity with a wide circle of friends She Is the daughter of James Alva Watt and makes her home on Dlvlaadero street Ensign Cary Is attached at pree ent to me Maryland ana nas Deen en Joying a visit In San Francisco He has snared in the pleasures of the young er set and his devotion to Miss Watt has been remarked a few close friends having been admitted to the secret of the engagement a fortnight ago At tbe time of tbe accident on board tbe San Diego Ensign Cary was In one ot the boiler rooms and by his quieknese and bravery succeeded in saving the lives of three men who were in the botlsT compartment Prescott Girl Will Christen the Arizona PHOENIX Arli1 April II Miss Esther Ross aged IT the daughter of a Prescott druggist was appointed by Governor Hunt today as sponsor tor the battle ship Arizona which will be launched at the New1 Tork Navy Tard June ltth Miss Ross who has been at a boarding school In Louisville Ky was chosen from among fifteen applicants As Anions is a dry state Governor Hunt has presorlbed water taken from the first flow over tbe spillways ot the gigantic Roosevelt dam as the christening fluid Instead of the cus tomary champagne A committee of fifty men and women will represent the State at tha launching ceremonies 1ftfcVJ at 7 Jjif Wgssm ilmnlffllr ysMssawsssssWsssssf I if 1aVAbssH tSM VsSBSsi DtWtiixli useResinol Tie BWneasj Cat VieAol OhH neat touches ttcping aUa the hcla tog stop and healing begm That Is why doctor hare prescribed fc snnrmlryfartwCTtyyearsfaaTsa tha severest cases ot eoema ring worm rashes t4nisjy ether te inenung dUfigortng slda dhtaiwii Aided by Wans baths with Restaol Soap Reshul Ofatment makes a sick slda or scalp perfecUr healthy quickly essQy and at Ihtia cost kaabot iishilns aeddag of hasa sr Warleae saaan sad ess be asad Beeh evaa so the esadarest er moat brisrtei aaifni gaary dnsgia seUs kaelnol OlntsaaM snd Jtaaiaol Sees Fat trial free write te Sea 14 Kaalaol BeUsaera MdV I im im XS wM Dermatologist Gives Complexion Secret The great secret of keeping the face young Is to keep off the dead cuticle says Dr Mortimer Mitchell It is well known that tbe surface skin is constantly dying falling oft In unpercepuDie panicles except some diseased conditions when the same appear like dandruff But tbe particles do not all droo oft immediately they die being held tor a while by tbe live sain To have the dermatologies surgeon peel oft the entire outer skla at one time ts a painful and expensive operarJoa The aame reaalt la obtained by applying ordinary nareoilaed wax as yoe would cold cream allowing tale to remain ea ever nlgbt then taking It off wttb warm water Ooe oance Dauelly aafflcaa Tbe prereea Is botb palnleee and Inexpensive Tba was wburh la procurable at your drag atore Beat ens tee natural ebeddlng proceea It gradually abeorba tbe dead and kalf daad akin reTeml Ing tbe saw keelthy yeutbral looUsg skla undameatk FOR Nervousness Sleeplessness Sick Headache Stomach Trouble try BEOWNS CELERY and PHOSPHATE On Sella Ail Drvslsta MANY RED GROSS HISPITALS In the war sons have ordered Allens Foot Ease the antiseptic powder tor use among the convalescent troops Shaken Into the Shoes or dissolved in the foot bath It gives refreshing rest and prevents the feet getting tired or foot sore Drug and Department Stores Everywhere sell It Doat seeept any lokaMtnU a eAuthenticIines fAftp Ul A 1 ir iftJ I Hi roye dbyiashion sWLsWsVsLaiA 1 iDgm rr TiifcTj wfmMUwtWKu tri TW mmMmim ft i Thats juirt what you get in every BON TQPJ corset The newest conceptions by our Parisian designers are indeed triumphs in the great art of corsetry Regardless of your present fa Torite3jJthe ultrafaaMonable fare the corsets you mil event vtllt JS Tii sXTa kVrriLii 5t3Aiiir iv sra irrrir lajs man sr Tnsa 1 Mt ae wsasr axe ww arassst AiU UwAIV fl AA eVeUU U0 sb UUIV U4 UslO jw SaSjaisiaissiseninsiw eas eaasksswa ew earensses ie iJAi uivjMJC rkWe li1 i mtcnwyonC9wct Scores ot charminff mcx ea a pcora ui uianiimg moqen ijarocne coutu owertvsana tthJJrtxt tfigumiandrbvrydc BaclC1 JlpriLa eSMsBsB aaSsaBssV Note ikepeTjectiiboffi it etTAiKfvTi i yrv iff jt ima new rnwu LdUd an I a IBB JM ifV rA itf3AH in xiwvw rtAsri flr mtton iQniU9is rr vrMWfr vv Wv RjoYjm Ml JTZUUawobV Makeia also at ROYAL WORCESTEIl Corseta 1 to 3 5 irtC sii 9trsi SRKSiftBRffi VfeW li CHRONICLE PATTERNS sJ85 sjJa 4 3 sS sra TB 858a Girls Ceeti i to 6 yesrs Such a flttle eostt smfjlh am ta iraa In demand with the coming ot Spring Jt suufwe vm can oei macw as oocna wkhput aay difficulty and the box plaits rivsj Just tb siendcr saTect and low Hneai that are so bewjmlnf to yoaas ciuldrea TbabeJtesabedthcrcitBwrnattrialegee4 patent asstaer It is caesed thmsrh opeaines that an cot TtncWtJ pfaw and tht affect is aa cxcsskSms rood osav la tie picture the coat snide ronsb Snisbed elota with coOar cuffs and ball of broadcloth but one can max It any oloaklng material of serge jrabsiitflnsv cberrlot brcaxdcJotb or of the rollnethat Is pretty and ot snek desirable weight tot Bprinrwejar Broadciota mats a rood Mrninliur for sen or retwh matjartal maA nlk also 1 ts ttksd eed in til way and often a fancy ansUarial i2I bo Med en a plain cxagv Broadcloth vitk eoflaranrl cuns eg tanetm and wttB a rsUsat buibee beh aiataa aaj 3Dedlngrr handsonM combination White sern with corrJuroy a41ar arid cuffs wOuMrriak a vry dainty nattcgtheTOOJlgdlllrLatndonatriateeia be wom tbjouchotrt tha suinmer i For tha 4 year aba wffl ba reqmVsd yds of toatsria a a widev stt yd44tht4 Iwtslddotlvfol vi collar cmTs and belt Tha oattera 8a Is cut sbs fae 4 snd 6 yerv It will nailed to aay address by tha Fsahioo rpsjtmeat i psiw oarecWpteitM caatg aj 1 iMMi Mi Tramilsae Craarjale wvj weaaaaMaMaAMiaa aafaf uit AnsreSSJt eeaaayaaaa Zs ivM Ji Jr WVi IMIW nttl2ffjll Aiita 1 1Vjrjtffv TM tneUeed eseet ef Kftsse i i KOrsWla I leaya axliw.

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