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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BTJNDAT CHBONICLE JAXUAltr 10 1881 UXDERTOxVES Jlew Tear as Catrtetakes return Saw baelantag mm lav II win fntaUr It tftaklngfiai btnbday Wvbr lka yeaug km recoil all tkal beppefead l1 ItuUMUfNU llOHnhtMl iMiti aaeer ttuxgela kamea aevare Tbare I at aaly mm Ikteg MM wiu teat wnu i 1LhdtoarwhbrT ka tte Hawor JkkeglM la cm late a goe brals aaegaory ra Ml aad take a walk ad ta Use re Vtgrtara of axe wary la lka nanOac tt eeoteal Mti mm tk lie iet It a Baa i What kaalaUMiaoaltacttea at a I kaad Meexecy a alway ta alaar lha tftm aut Mm It caa eatera a eotnfoTttbl petlUim aad tkaa tt caa akeorfc eetdeaee nam apnea reae unifi at feat tatts plac tlanag lu abatac torn limited filril Everybody ta bow ejalctry pieetag tk Im week of lha yeeraad th A af Aav Ibmvi Is SnMBee aad WBB wTaryiklBg ta la erde at kaaw exactly win iimui Mini wat The dad or whet I apeak in not haw evec laahriataA It ta era aarkaaa kta Ckaracuf ka ear aboat mack I deoU like wfusii4tlkaL Batatxoegethe bat kk present regard far bra rood eleebea ka kaa a ckaek aa kta Impulses lewrd la aaitealiea laftalxety treater tkaa aay pledge Appsaraoee 4ou I da eery Bioeh saward keeplag a nil warts a nan aa conceal almoat every aaattaa except aid caa ka la a deadly tAi of fear ad klae tram Ik matt efaeerrant eye a caa La moved to vary depths of ka retire and tuil keep back the loan blowing hi Btate Ha caa tedder tkaa fury aad yet keep kta tamper tram allowing ka can be drank at a lord aad jrtt appear perfectly euuer but eaa not lie cold aad lank earafortabit If lb hero of tkta tlcry did sot pretest irretstl He tv deuce of lb truth tkta statement fcf deecrlMlon or hit clotbaa I might ik inwm iliuetroobe bat cannot denied that a naa la a Ibl Craw Kilt an opa thirl front a wall Ut Ipttr of pstsal laatbcr poop and btriat tb tai ol bH rraxlta black cuat ipoMd to Ut trow blw tb a aiM limit at a tbia licit ovare axe man bee ba ami at a pock aaf moraine dunnc tkt kalldtrt Uiwitir oat la ta Mrra Addition Tktorrroaieof00 It oalj iowi tka a a mar ao ktp rou aa aamcr tbanalk a It do UoK ll I rata gat 4IMU maatbnuM par ttfttJIoraun oat bit oi I aot kp ktm waria bat torn ic citrartciol II dtujrlnr It co tf tbrot fa rainf frost IkUd fl ft tf flood barat forth dltma Ump tbU and lb tbD i it nut orrrc at II up tbrc or tout it I Ui Nna aranoa Hum of tkc lai ac bcdn ruvnod ta tbtr wladoa Lt tiiaat ntw Heat bad prong I on be rrnu aad tbir pltt atoppaj VI I tbf walled to bar tbt drraded dot iu on An nrtl of ariupAU riMh Into nakc al la Pre ni Kit dar ltb a uftloa for aar fi cm tT Iym of al tb po lrmn In Juit eb orrou lit aaaabibo4 wbt It I ted to bint thii a I bt dnot not tuod bldlta op a dark bat com ir uit diKjtway Hal 1 am laartag tb uc tcntliDat oat la lb oold II I not had fnretuoarbt 10 hirt a 1 ku wbrtber 11 waa urk ol lufi uci or lark of laodi Prhap It wl bi to Mr a litll of botk Uoo1 or tb cornrr all approrrlata Ckrlttmti lrt tbil and at a rtrr up tMd be La it bad far to ro aad wu tx to grow co dr by ng 3 1 took no notice Happy latutatcr at Birr rnrnt fioa ed ut at lb opa win I Co at 1 1 1 lU I of Inr fiitUd out od lb Jam a turned bU frretlnc pa zf toir tb wbre lb aoulnc ana at lt rrriac after carr 3 ro 11 Bit ftcblt Ltll mat wlib no le i At Itat a tail It wtfot etmt rat ji nt oni heard lb cant jltif aa tbe led tbe water and It milk ar tat dt customer A tnoncbt ea ered UWafk fair yoaaclktofU blood klaU eTak kota 1 Id bbta Wkaky 1 pka toap la dalMnowt tawat wkUt aka vaai rawIraam7pka BanJwara71 potaoMtpooaW karUpatk apoo ttZT i pan Boaoer uaoJa 40B ca Wladow Gtaaa 10 kdta Iroa 60 bolt Llaaeed Oil SS kola Ucr aid la aqtwcaag bar kaad aadr labia At aaoOar Ut aaaa la Ut biaek aaatacka It eorttar tkt tnUrt dlnaer becejaaahla wife kaa Ukea laU bar bead TaeacbonrrralayKowrVr IbeMeiloo to oat Ibat alfkt and pay a call aad yeeurday with at atUeellaa aaaa carcaofauc kcn alee kta rata of pokac III lka obaadiaa eaJued at aaaia iBdodlnc bolt tama dinner Tb boarding bona landlady BMr bta Bacv 12 ea Boot aad Bboea It ca bat a bard at of It If aecrybody wcra cla1 oon wamt mow NnrnDcvitm Kail S3 ft bomber S3 bbluglea 3U0 gaia juea wine cqctily htppy It woaldat matter wkal ah bad far dinner bat wkal tbe laadiady eat ta a eelMttat wko win accurately oernMt ateamer Ralatea cleared id bat part of it wbick bad not con fttltd II routbera Slip kniaa waa whlatltiig aeeaaw and hear But whea a tblo white gnat I a tail lack bat stood before bitn Ik a lath tbtcbarrf il ml tmao bklltd re are you going he tt cetera A041tioa too giro ue a ride borne you lat mt rlda bomt on roar cart tlgbi get up An be froara coat tai began to tbaw at ht a ba de tbe milkman They rod tlo ihey got lnu conversation Ihey bcrt i utol the mi Unlaeta I eta don It smile me honestly do you water the pcrttlnlT A quart of water lo re of ml tar ta restaurants a a aater lo every lour of ai Ik for tbe pr a houiet i rra eyon going now tb daJ tit 1 si tbey turned corner mv rund nu golug to uke me borne first a tint ou a ed a ride now yp to to go my rouuos before you get llL A aay lolo tbe morning boon tbe ut ad to help tbe an to fill ml Can a lor after the tore aad when rec ed home tt clock lu lb taort Ing be aaa fmien 10 the bou but wore II a a i bad branslul in a lit I pool tr and bis fHO overcoat wb kal lor be rat me was rat ed He mo ubd tow scared to dtatb la tAt tmel thai ml am sparer niu In aearcb of Items nt ntlt lie other day bile tl ere rnductJ to one of tb prisoners med to Uke tn lltllectual lutereti Zfce a loot a yoL ever aaked tb convict ever dmted auy atntioa of reno otr oi ry mich al tcry well to read books about It vortea and things bat I tell you It tgbty different from tbe laslde 1 tre I a prohlbllkmlit In town who il plots tart bappv discovery knocked Is ea I by Ihte paragraph There are aev a prohlbittaoteta In tewn One of lb proves thai tbe prudence of tbt pea wat all per tad lug I kio a btnk al tbe bitters groa However that la of cooequar Ibe peohibttlonl lb is story baa a brother wbo la wel be mltlhrt to sty lb least II gtre I pair last week and of count tb pro bit brolbr being tkvra lk apparent was a prue bowl of lemonao lb waa a very merrv ne Tbe pro fctbttiuulst wu happy because tvtrybody lEclod or tlmaelf bad breu paruklng of tbe 1 munade and there was no lack of gmia a prenL lie waa much surprised ucntlamea wbo we putting ou bis eual de tut and was generally remark lb bow da do Ut called bj toolbar tnd eotr i da 1 1 ere aald on ae that a maa tau ge Just aa happy ou lemot ade aa oo tpirlia Ut will ktrt do bead oa bin lo uinrmw Tbe roan of his stomach will not ced any brushing tbt roof bw mouth will ho be corroded Who at a that liquor fa a beceesiiy It ess real triumph for prohibition I abet tb permlutat broUar went la klsown rofica carefully pushed under Ibe ld an ample dmlj bn and tnlldlv ri ed it a loto empty alaases tbtl sue I of whisky la aot weU I repeal la taach children Ibai anythlagls bad On half of tb lime yot are vaerete apprising tbea of the extat tnce of bt tblan tkty should avoid Tbe tret record of lb trrtpretfibl child for lKti onmet from Oakland There have been see uaiaauaUy eomMel and arttallc aa rderaof late la Oak land thai It may down crlm Dal repuUUoa of lha place If 1 1 1 this ttoiy of a par tad moral child bt It already la lb art of vrtl wrltert of Saadar eebool etoeie ad If tb doea not ge loo at aboat thirty years from now abe rear be an angel II loekt likt II 8be be gint well Ttut enlld kat a falbar wbo bat aevtral vioe wklca affead her lafaotit to 11 tmokea The other day torn oa caa area wkreoa la faod aaolber gav tt tway to tbe ebtld thai elgan vera DM good lUnct and lb el tmoklug was wrong lookalUaraaatt Wbat a beaatUol moral boueabold that hat koeotaa The tatkar kaa dt Bsara oat firsaaad twetrtagla any twenty four hours af Uta year uaa bt baa er dona all because thai baauiiiul child carefully hid or throws away all bit cigars aad aba bids fair to pano taaral gatastoo becauaa bar mother dan aot tall tier aoa that etgart are good things for ktr talker On would hardly belbra tt UU tbart ta really uta lag va la a railroad aaaa Senator eaaafbrd talta a atoryaa klmsell that Jllaatrataa again Ua rare bamaaliy wbleb bat always aoard bit aoaaacllaa with lha rallraad oorporarioa wa travIle aa a rVaaaylrasHa mad la aoet paay wHfc a loadUag oO tai A anerbl traatp boarded Ut traia aid by tost tatw and AlboUt dtlct tootwtdad gaUlag tb aoadootari pertaiaaloa la rtdaV Ht waadawad tkraaurh Ua trala aad ftaaUr cat jtlata ta eanokUg oar wbora Ua Boaator Wf aa abicaas aaa IN ejDnaacaor waten ke cam Uraogk tk car pasted Ut Iran by Stop aald tb afBdal wky did yo gt take Uat ataaart ucketT Thai tallow aald Ut cot doctor Ob tit a poor ranroad aaa Bt wu tav atoyad aa waa ihot taaaa CalUorala tlavaa4 gat baaud trying ka Ur kta alary A ckockta troat BtAilord a both trot thtsScUL Tkaawearipaak aa Uy go swwa la Ua lreeaaraad tay Ilea aw lb tap laar af a gualowakta boarding bona wbleb paopl klwaytcan a bout wbaa Uy art away troat It XMdifftsWDMbatwtkboardiag bwosa aea a ewsi ww iwiave sa tkiataJMOl lltftaooataoaplatUlagt it raUar IktaUakl aad woeld Ukt a poaaarU for bwatk Lor a kaaat kea a boardlpg baoat ran pa lowkaratkr talxad apafalz Batlbaaa aWkraftaWatgBtMataUaTfc aUgdM drfln bow Buck lb cxeelUoc ol a man dinner bat to da with a maa bapplnata and bew mack Ik maa kapplaeas bu to da with axealtaoet of bta dinner But I obawrved before Iboa two ovr apeak aa lbj go up la tbt lerator Tbty art stranger and I tuppcat wbaa Uty read Uta there will be aa etragaovat worse than death I am eomlBgtolkaeoaalotlea Uat vemhlnc aarbt to dncouragea There dor not teem to be anything that can bt pun ied at a tatt witboui making trouble Owe would Uink tbsl art really oald be aaf to oacaarar but It ta no The lnaldlon old gealiemaB who hu par hap tb most wildly active eiUunc la Ike eoamogoav I allode lo Ue devil wko orlg laala Botblna bat make not byditlorllna elrwe taake evil by dhrtnruag good ga kta work la oo art Joel macb aa anything also Yaa know bow yoa became an aniaL Too buy a book aad leant all about cbteroaenre and high light and middle dla tauce aad othr Itallaa Tealrand awty you go When yoa bay Ibis book yoa bay lot of paints aad broth aad bavlag meets red all lb technicalities of art la lu broadest and grand form yen steal a roe eat of a neighbor garden and try lo paint It Yoa go aad ralher a lot of weed on the Aleroeda tnarabe or out al Ue Pre aid aad yoa paint them Everybody aavt theyre lovely and then your an artist Tben aomtbody comet along aad attt who In thundtr painted those fearful meaees ou kick blm out and than you throw awty tn pa at and Uingt He a Id lb truth ou know II bat you never forgive him Tahiti end Marques rnterdar cbaadee ealoed at glk as follewai Freed so KA to al 303 Hour eubble Hater tuaj Bisu Rice 41677 ft Barter 03 OU 1 To return letboae two walsft tn tbt elevator In tbe beaemenl of this board bnul tbereli aaiudlo lit a dainty studio Ills not ont of those ollan and sloppy canvas todies It baa no ratgtd carpet and dotty plaster catta and withered mosses and ru bet aud I rty mocselt of lunc tnd things lit tliapiy a dt nty litis plac eepecially drelgned to keep a man In It aa long It II necessary eiouets i of a I impurity en la but ou dot know when you 11 om out It turus you out tjail trtlttlc louiloot kiow tny ranri about picture than bait yoa went I ou don tear at mneb but you fee that you er under the pel of art a vsry re cbaitv agree le art at that lou 1 always Cud three or lour anlta there a 1 ltd es Out of hem it ot tout bly tbe teacher but when yoiromt out ynuutllwo der wbat the olbirs have go to learn The 11 not aty much about pa Ihey never la ab lu that studio Well aa I was saying thit stud hts grown be a kind oft idrrt web and lull of ria ger for tbe young male eeeirber after art Tbe ladr always incidt ut ly men Ions If sb likes vo wl nough that tbey btrt nice qu et timet there aomel met and Mrt tnd Mitt tnd Kiltie nd a lot of oibers drop In Just to have a rhtt ery pot led reference is mad to tb fact that are not wanted Tba uth A man would miss his dinutr lo co where there were girlt ho didotatul 0 see him loti drop In ace dentally Tbey don I put you out i ou re gone wever It terras theta young married Itdy In this board hotel bought kit trUet utl tck with a audden acceaaion of tl a dlvl 31a and started in to paint eelected flowers part beca se tbe were retty par ly because tb vere eaty and pertly beckuee well jurtbtctutt ttr It from mt ta stv that a bouse or a tree or a far or a bead or anything Ilk that waa more than ahe cou do It waa be ra lae It was her butt wbo upset tbe 1 vine tfflstns I don exact know wbat rt ape tb vine tfHt ut lakes but I pre me la a kind of art et swelled head Her hutbend In an appareutly lauaer wa a with fiatertog admiration railed ber Hot Uoobeor and the began 1 love blm all ovr actio for that tweel bit ol uffy Gbe was prof mndjy bappy intll one night tbey were all In th a studio There was a ao nd of revelry and everybody was bappi notably the young heroin ol Ibis tale Her I etrt wtt light At 11 1 fun went round somebody beard the husband call bn wife Kota Ho heur VI hy do you call ber ftaa Bonbeur the asked her lae she paints But sb ou 11 its flowers But ber ing Is best ly There ar aome duirleu In tbe tror here lot has ill ilrai le lngenio unett a pa I ot It Is Ignorsnt perLtpt ana cries out wltft an ab don that seems ranee I us who prsct ce nothl but tbe si pr ssiou of al emot on Tbe yot man who wrote this le trr to tdolph eulrn did not mean any harm His young bean 1 ged for lu love and birst in an ap tea It a retresbltg to read sjcha a mple innoceut ou burst 1 am the son of poor parents who 1 art bad rue educated 1 love a young rl re siding atHU five lea lea from my liagr a la an orphan aud bat a fa poel loo tatt If 1 marry ber tht will hare to leave ber lace lo coma with me that it a necet ly I ought tcstei my psrenlt I am au onderuacbr I ca not move to ber uelgb lorhood on aoo unt ot the scarcity employment Be gian Journa i bare landed your generosity 1 have sa to my Th gent ema is rood he wit bare pity on toe To beg la uuwortby ougl to content himself with bis lot Nevertheless with the Income ol oue half day you can make ou person bappy Oh be good Have pity on my con 111 1 ove a being far from one and bale I fo ce to unable to marry 1 cr is a rnt It lor I ature ynu that rot I ct bat ueter left tnrtbl lo be dclreU audilyoj 11 takt into oonslderauou I ttl 1 uca for yo an erual stu udr Accert ar Ibe expression of my proloi reaped Lumbar DoOuOft 61 And SI pkxt Dry Goods 100 balnglea 239 oa Coal on pig Groceries 882 lb Tea 671 FT Ram SMS la Butwr 10ft la Cbaeea rl bMa almoo ltl aka Fotatoe IS bta Pa par Setta Wheat 68 pkga Hardware aad 1 eaCaonedOeon lairaaail6 ca Dry Good TalMd al S33 OoeraUoaa al lka Slock and Bond Kxebaace yaaterda baduded sales of California hal poail al ttS Oakland Uaa at BJ3 341 Spring aleyUater 88 ajM Anglo Xtrada Aa auraaca at 923 CO rpoa Intja ry ft ha been staled that th MarkM lret Rail rue now payiog rlydivIoaoasattht rauofS Tcmi pee aa ota apaa aoOM000 ot their ahare ttock OOOOUO aharoa at flou each That I of I oourae eidaJve of their ajooOOuO Bond epos a njca ior pay at cent per a num The cap tai aud Hoods thus represent Ue sum of tHUOlOOO aud tb earning at abot stated upon tba aggrel at tb rata of cent per aautm It la axserted tbat no nea Honda will be issued ta connect with the Ue es and lasiro treet new roadt It fci nurierelood a ayndlrat has taken ap the unsubscribed bala ca of the Hprli alley ater Me about Oo a tares at aiM II will be remembered tbe option ol taking them at Bwo and Internet It red to th shareholders rtplredontleltt insi leaving nndbpoed of about ibe above bumber of aharea which the vikJ cau kaa Uket at a premium Yeaweday a beat market wat qalel bjt ateady abetter deman manirea Ing Itae but olfrrlnga somen I llrullel lutires ad rauced buyer aeaaon opeulat al gl tl and runal gup to gl tl at which It closed layer 1 KM epeulng all 1 sad aaleblug at gl 4 tbe lereaae bet progressive thruaghoni the tmoon Tbea Agar ar advance upon Krluay closing ew ork yesterday adranced rrum tsAV buakal Cblcago twasVo rugllth pub ralle quote cargoes as steadily held but Liverpool spot trade loact va Ittsu drrsjwd lie Prod we rxchang do not lb tend taking Ibe usual srui at 11 ae count of aloek of VI heat etc on band lo tl Hiate aa ou tbe lat I at the retort of Kloter Kith rm co a dered aurnc enL In this eon uecUui It mt be of lu reel to quoU tbe result of whs appear to have been a carefully i repared raw jiita of quantity band un let I iat thr utl I ta ade by a private Arm I ng eat rema I tn the handa ot Ibe prod cere tber farms of lb rlo ir In Is wareboonej a 1 en board thlos Ibe flgnrea given quote OHU UK tuns of iOOO or 1 1 oM OVlO ceulala a the opio ou la expreeaed tbat bearl all of tbe abo uual tlty 11 he avail abl lu aaport eapwrla aa Oregon oontr uletaucb I beral aupplie of hat and Flour lo this at Another firm In tb tct under UMlay a dabs eatlmah a tba suppl arallab for sxafrt oa the 1st Inst at tMT tons of JOO each am unt expurtede the 1st being UV tons leav eg ava lab a at date for export AAOH tons thecal oateof tbe croi yield 1 St ho the becre ary of the Sute A grlcultaral Hodely was uudrsloo 1 to be aome tuo OIM a almoat tbe bole of wllcb appear I kvly to late been ava able foreiport leavl aurplua from tbe pre ding year to pp a 1 loul demands fur teed tiujumpilcn lHtrlng tbe past dva months th blt men Callror la a have been remarkably a ow aod tbls fturt wl 1 bt ft and apprec ated tbecomparatl a isence of arrt ale of our cargoes lu bnt land our local it arket bat been depressed of late and a pr ce now reacl ed eben bo der may proper take Into conetd eratluD Ute ebancus of lu tber reductioua be fore ree ixat on Vi HarrUou a circular of tbe Otn com meolt aa follows on thsloalod Iron ino eoal 1 arrlvala tb a ek ha erxenfrom oreat Br ul and Australia 2 J1S from the euajt out eriee tooa Lst jrf ar a aboa has been aoviu ug but proti able lo Ptbute eiitssd In the trade more especially to Ibuee o1erlni tbe uwn product ou the mar keb aa trvtr amlet to tell haa cot ptuxt au rltjmelj tbat cost of tn ng and fre gbtlng to market pwema to be Ik lorel When It baa beei Iborougblv proved Ibat low prices do not ucrewe cone iini iron It wot Id be rell to Bg re on profit on ibe amou of money In eefd 1 tl bus oe ss Ith the present status grain tre ghts a apptuLr tbat fore gu ee a sou avoid a rt atlll oew names are being added tbe 1 tt for loading he eul five cent of he volume of foreign ma terlal Imporvd ta al I oo rhe sb at ade ray annual rv liort of mOO una of 1 Iron ou band oOtKl tons to he manufactured locally thin rear or over 8000 tons tn ro le In all 21 OOton ajranntan erage ann a nsump on lor tl pa trite un of IT tons In ca ik Iu velv tha gh prices annul be ant ipated laiiomtii noter tor diina thou sprit up be Is tvery evidenc baiwe 11 null more an last jear prices flroua luel favor niKUUfarturera Reports rom 1 as era ma keu ludlcale 1 uprov rlcre lUnk Clearliijra Tbropera I nt ftne urra ntoClearlnc house dur ng tbe aeek end bg Jan ary PU er pared a tb tl correepo week lu lt ere fo uwn Opartn Pa ancct IK flltWI5 Jl 0 13i lKa 12 462H4 1 oJt 14 Htaoatnt a decrease of gl oOO 019 in tb 1pum5 perkx and an luoreaae of BotH Qui In tbe lW Sheancee Tb 1 1 aratic ywterilay an ounted to 1 1JO023 TIIA tlIr Its Ol ID er 1 IU lta rud Apua aetrxn lUe IU re Pa biro el a TU Ho 1 i I UalaoutUle I Kea UrlgUon I I alrttog and apt tulfai iH iut aod Ketld ng te igran iUr all ut Martinez II Uleter A Tree flao Knlglt An a Ua ioa 3 OOP tPle Lot Auerles aud iwmi Mer ed Maoesa tern le Kreauo rtla via Ik Ited muff via Mar Itertwood an Mateo autl Meolo park rtecramenlo rtaStocV ecrafae1a via Benlda au 30a a 3 JOru tlU lO UU Ji Oil at lintxiAai iijor a Boledad and aay ata tloo 1 AP Lxprtvaan kjn ajrans ft okie ea Martinet Irglnla City Carson at a lO Kits JJturs 4 At au mO at I at gimp at Fen lea and Letcal Tralaa tMM MX aud JO and every half hour untu tb resualBlug boau ruanlae tKB lO 11 IX From raw OakUod 3 to JO and TIThmltbuur UBUI 1 ibereanor at A 8 A Jo7 teoea Broadway Oakland 5 JSTt ag H7 aad every belabour uutll 7tJ7 ibere afler al8t Ort lo IH Alameda el eejO 7 7 SO 8J0 fltAJM10 1 til SO 12 tl2 30 1 tSii eji3044 Joma awtit troas Assaseda as 31 5s32 JS 82 7 rt7i tttsW fj OAitlSli 1 32 JJHJI ttM 22 tA2 6 22 oil g2X7A2elJ12JS2lit lelWteW aaJU7 7Ole0 i lo ilosii 11 fli to li 1 sT rusB tserkeepe IS 4A a ji 43 5 13 7 43 a 13 43 13 4lo13 10 45 1 li 43 1 43 2 45 43 4 134 43 a ti 6 430 14 8 43 7 44 44 4610 43 1 yterkeley aa JO 730 aoo ill ltlx S4 etJO S30 Vroan Heat BerfceleT e3 4S IS 6 4A 7 167 43 43 ta t4 43 10 43 tli 4 1 46 44 43 4 43 3 16 43 13 46 7 16 1 rralt Yaleag aft jo 07 so aj aoea ag jo eft tjaita ttiOtk rrvsa Pruat tale 23 7 23 7A jt ia 8AS 2a eQ il et jg 4 63 3a 5iaT 23 A3 7 i PJW TarraU tai via Ataaeda 1JJ SJO rroa rnnt Vale eta Alaaaeda 6a6 43t 4iea 14es la Veek Hoate rroaa Maa fraiirasc 7 16 la 11 141 16 16 6 Id Ote Bouta Frota Oaklaod li SOS 10J6lSiaS 164a6 Sunday excepted tektndayiaaly COMMERCIAL MlHERS Value Ta IUaadMitiitsdU Taqedaa gar lAOl aUwer aadway porta Tbe euaanerOruaba will ka dot to morrow frMaDteoeerayaarl aWaaataee aaBlag aw Tweadar ar the Lot Aagatat for baa Padre aod way port the OauaBayaad AragasbrOaot Bay attrect aad tb baa Yaeaat tar WaheeavlUe fsaasart fhtt cat Tea flay are tba Celoxabta traea Portatava ta Baraard Oaatl troat Uav parutra lev aad Ua Beajte free la awoibam uta aatardaylt trraftaaal saaaltg SAO trtTtW7taUtaat4WttaaMt pkga ard CaJfbrala larlndlng Cbtb White highest prta cat TatJSa ed Later 3 J0 sl Wbaat Sapplygooa Maw YOBJt January St To day Wheal flnetoartona Closing 1041 a at It OOP it S20Pkt 8th Cah go aiVt Jaaaary0 tOta K4M BO Xa Febroary sot rx lv 00 March irPa B2 a 1 AprO tvt PUs a 1 Msy fa tOi IM 63 rrelghuby steaoar lo Liverpool 3d CascaorCJaauary Si Closing 10 4aSL II SOPBT Ilk Uta 1 Cash bo nm Januarr go Hlla nil go HJ gu MIVs reoruary 81 Klv KV sis Marcb STS f2 rlAt H2S May 87w 8 Ixsdox January a No 1 Wheat car go OS eoaat 33 6d quarter do Jn aaippao ao oa oa near 1 due sa on eoaal cargoea ateady Cargoes oh paaaag and for ahlumtat stsady Weather la Snglaad froaty taw York Stock Market fpecial tnaoatch 10 tb Cnaowir ta1 Nw Tmx Jaauary ft Government wer dnll aod steady stocks were even duller to day tha on Tbanday Tb market I AMrsJUIKXTS OO Holm lost 10V I ctartisa atofttam lUd Aaked1 Bid Atksd 16 AHMeilcaa 40 60 Aada 16 SOI Mot 4 9 IN Heaaa vo asittrtta aa so Badl IP 1 BO Ophlr CaVUFOflMA THBATEK BajraUW dt rv WeAtaa 66 Crocker IO 16 Peerlea 1 tf ISO 0Olpotnal 40 AC 83 avaee bO at 3 40 3 46 ft Nvad 45 JuUce 10 16iCaloB SO Stock ava Excatx Bos an 10 1 20 TJb4arplx I 84aregl23 011081104 MX MKKI701 WaaternI an BaakCaLlM First Nat PadSeli 143 iro rtroRaf awc to siohti Oa account of tha enormous prepared oa accessary lb Use prodadiea eg she BLACK I ROOK I BLACK CROOK I BLACk CKOOKI BLACK CkOUgl TO MOBROW I TO XOklUW 1 Moxoar EraBt January lltb Ivrry KrealBg toeradlng Saaday MATIfET SATCRDAY AT 3 II RBBR A I PYTY II AA I It A A 11 rrbr a a rrr AMOSaUucrn KK kt rrodac Market aw rttt istxi paoocca axcHavea Tb aals recorded veaterday during tb morning aeaaloo of lb Call Board wr aa fol low No 1 hi beat Option Ton Lowest Highest Closed IV season S400 gl 41 I 41 gl B18I 2 00 1 44tt 143 146 No Head Barley season liw gl Sf 18nu 2U0 gl S3S gl 84 1 33S wans ts 1 Sbl 1 sai ls lMrd JOJ 8 utal for tb day beat 8100 loot Bar ley duo tout to al 7ouo lone LAX 4L MARKBT troTATION FI JO Th receipts dorlng tbe 24 boar endlu IO ymerdeyaere 1K1 0 qrek kxtra I 2V 4 bl I aa 10 brand and quality boperBn gj k4tf3 60 WHKAT The recelpU at lb a port during tbe 24 boars ending 10 am yesterday wsre 0 totctla WsQKte No 1 Shipping at 1 331 36S ctl Na 2 gl aotal dis off ua tlaspro lortlontaly lata chooe Milling gl BMNiut gl 40 ttpot arket alea ly but out cbo ce aauiles Sa 1 grade at sb a side command 1 fl iT1 operallous In fulur etc where A RLKY Racelpla al tbls port dnrlng the 24 buurs sodng lo a at yesterdsy sut 1307 ctia Internal Keventie The Inte real Ktre ue Cullected In thlt 1 rlct for be uceL endl January Oih aaa aa follows I i liee pir ts rare and tareltes rpecuxl fatia Total for Ibe week gj 125 01 OepArtt re of tire China steamer Tl ituie Oceau eared yes er lay wl baud mauf aed at tl fol oa 1 1H 40 A iH dd 11 7 omj IX 1 v4 bJO 44 S4 lie a a 4o6 Total J02 fb eblpmeuts luclude tbe ful owing To i our HMObbit Hrsu 3J ctli iiop ujiits I seng 2i tMjfft 31 44R 210 43 6U Iro lln 1X Iarl Iter er 4O0 bks 3VI Also4 la Bu ter 1 Wi Hams 1210 lbs Baon J23 The Cheeee 23 hit Ha OO die oat lOcata red 1 rult 60 his Koap 200 ca anted 1 rlt I Ms Beer 121 gala he nil 100 rMaUb in transit 8 1 kgt ingua talued atgSl To Japan 1S2 bbla Flour valoed at BH4A nSrla leather 1064 ft Batter 4KH Ihs Lheee 31 lb bacon 21 lbs Hams 1 ano 3 II tuner 64 galls Uhlsy 101 It Tobacco 1 catarnlth Canned FmlL I ngapore 2 pkgs II ard are valued at 433 i be ex porta of lo ty have fal eu off conald eranlv I laaaidiba Ue llongk nx market Is heavily overstocked tber bvlng been ter I eavy sl ipmenta during tbe paat rear ere la a ao a treat dal ot 1 lour on tbe aar Pr aa 1 ug teesela and aa a contequenre mer chant in CI is are somewhat timid abo it ordering 0 lare quantities Ibe market Is rstber dull th at preaeul TBBAa it Tna Treasure ab pmenta yeaterday by tbe earn sleemer a ere aa follows To lionet Mexican IHl art lee Bn llou lold ol tlold Uuat Amount glK4B24 30WIU bUll 20 fJJl 13 148 Ol nocioo lit Kl Teal 1 ok than a Htler bullion ncapure Mexican Iol am IkNutay filter Bullion Oraad total f64S4 7bEank ahlpmenU Included In tt shove wer as follows lo Hougkot Anglo tall 1 rntan Bank Hetleaa lMlara tSJ mpto tsromts Mexican 1K1 are P30 tUtarBulion B3UMM To okobama Ha kollalllbrna 8 lvr Bullion gltHOl le Bombay Hongkong aad bbafrghal Bank rd tsr Bui loa gnu 100 To bUgapore ame bank MexUian bollara at OOJ Tbe balaaoe oat4ln of Mexican Dollara 72024 Oold Co S91S Clold DuM 2 was ab pped to Hoag oag by Chinee mr chant Tb total cargo of th Oceanic Mer cbaadlae and Treaaura combined was valued at BfUl oa rtuanclaU Tk local Money maretu quouble a lol lows ommercbx loana etcent per eanum OuflO tn 6lf10 lonageaconii uieapdbi lender IuatiJ 0rk8wbt Ilrafa New tort lelegratMc Lardoe Hankers OOoaya 2UM23C 4 vo 4S4V1 afrttjAHad Load able 4 id rtrnoea cuver cent aucoant lan Mexlraa Iollrt nominal WXtfbolvC tHilieacolleciat at lb Co oni hou yeeter dav ware glr846 6 total alnoe January lat IS TTt ew St oaa Jan lary a Fin Silver tl 01 Ween 8iertlnc Lxchaata ro da a 4 87 atabt 4 vo prim Mcrcantll Paper aasbo Meaey aasy lid 2 8 4aoll60 l3 Northern Pacinc 28 WeatarnliuOtt fido preferred PaaacHall u5 Texas taclSr 1JV oreeaa Nav Ca lOeu an da acldc Oo Panama SN ten ral lud Padoe OS ltVPeaverat IttoOlSS e4 1st at liwi8l Paul S4S Wella Fargo Kxitonbwetera lirw America Kj lSLte bor 8 a CBBadBioriara41Vrxi 2ru Fxpreaa eJlTranaroatlnealalSti Hannibal ru Mlrfclgaa ural73 kaa at Tex 31SKerk laland 1TS LoolavkleANaab43 iajolocy lSaU Lowdow Jaauary A Booda 4 par 103 125 4I par lOSl 114V Stiver Ballioa 471ad Standard S26 la Baak of England rale of Interest 4 gl cent Coasel money few 11 161 ccon4fMV EaaUra aad Foreign Market Kte Yobk January Petrelenm Urltad Pie Uaa rT reflaed TVe crude aad7 awunvr Cataxa Centrlrua ai Ka MteatavStrth Crushed TV dry granulaled tadtCV extra Yellow 6Vw1e lUe OobVe Prtme Sc Lealbc Caltforola sola S1SS4 fa Dry HWe Callfbrnla 22 1 S2a Pig Iroa Na I American gl74 gU 60s Ko 110410 tVX Uope Paelil Onaat 84 10c Lead 4 63 Anatrallaa Tla f20a3s210o Copper Late gll 264 11S7 Bwx Callu4Tll7alat71aA Quick Lrvwarec Jaamary 8 sot Wheat laaetlvB fcamber 1 aad 3 WUsJ eusd ket atead under oder te uona In ilnres lab lated elaewber UN YHloa Iftetl lmtrtl White ei Jlal ft ktMelt cba sed lights lesa fa deoa id main Uinta es Ill I noal lest gl 2oVl 2 Sfctl Rt 21aks I UA kH COllN From g2H42rll Ion OllAh1 I AI 6310 13 run from mill HKOlNi BthlFT Pr m2x39pton BICKWIN AT gl 3 etl lominal MILlATLFFH Buckwheat Ho tc tr iralam Flour 2V Ky 1 lo iSc Coro Ural 2 a al eal a 4C at Oroau le Hu awbesc Oroatt 6V omlny JSc ratked wheat JKc larlna 1 earl Ba le I Hpl 1 ease 4c Mil 11 IN rrotu 18 otKSlO ton Re ceipa 132 ski II ilH Slaybe quoted at 9 nominal hece pu Ihta BHAS iluoiahlaatgl4 fXKtolS ton Receipts lbAats Market firm Dill tl et ASh tallfornlaHreon gl 503 gl 4 fctl Mire fl 6J1 3 lllatkeye gloMl3 tXJK MLL Feel from mill g2 it28 HTRAW Quotable at OOJ ba Beet 1 ta 8 tons IIA1 Alalfa gl0titl3 aa lonual tv flo ter gl ll Wlea I1SM4 a ft 30 TT IKS Wharf i rices Farly Knee 55s3bOc Klver Ked 25 lie Perle Vic rtrto welU ftcti ev Blues too mic I males 80i6c Bu bank Keedlinga id 0 11 eiumu tbta 55c Vcl II dls MK9 loc uarnet Cbllea 66a Sc llecrlp IrtajHka 1 uuoub eat cl pell choice 14Uiil6a Kecvli l46sk A1 ruUWb1 fl xa SO ctl lea Sl 01 tea I ln 1 1 Tftl 15 Red 1 Arl AS Bayoa gl04ldO Hut er 1 fK 1 Oii 1 1 flliij2Hi Keeps 117 sub i a Ions no al rua ket verr 11 and boll Ing doing Bjtter Beaus very scarce SLLDS ellow Mustard 3c It Brown 2 A IV taary 431V Hemp 2 ollc lli Jiqaij Kie UU I In olby dOe A fa Ta lOid 1 mo Vl AiKTAIiL tequoeatf oat Oarlc tt a Orlep rabx jfid Oc aab ton 1 Dry th KPjil i Ik ra dry ffi lilhc rlbobarb lb WS1 IX MEXTICPRI rrs Vle inoteaafolows Apt lea common 1 box 1 re I adv A es I ears mod box gl 541 6u 6c ROcagl gl A042 60 1 cee ucbarigwl TROPICAL FRCIT quote a follows 8 gi a 1 nananaa nc I lu uexlca case al a forn a box aa ton gl bOro3 Ora get I oa Any les box gl X3 1 ot Ante et Narcia 2 6 erslle gl 6vJ Navel gje Ma ca louo fl i2 Itrsi rb tq tote Ca Iforn la A I mondt new op itlac I for bard ahel IOallu eifl Peanutt JWad Cal rnla alnuta ew op tc Pearan ltsn 14c Ibe ta lb Bra 11 4 1 2c Hck rj he bralnn a 1431 cf ri astern Italian lrxg Oc cocoa butt 4 60 fiioo ns 1 umb White to extra White lie An jc ft aa to qual ty Ktralned choice Wl 65 Ambar 4WOC Lauded 4V44C Market strong I Stt i roui 2Ka2V lb 1KOMMONS alforna Hans 12 1 Ic IT for ce red 11V311 for sa um Bacon a JC extra cl ar dei a I cht 111 ettra 1 ght 1 1 Ic Ca tornla lard linn 10 1M rvfb 1 Sc I lesr lork ebhl gl18 bfbhl fxoH exira clear do flrklH 60 bhl hflll Meta For hbl glSetlA 60 hi Ibl gn a ettra ran Uy Beef bn tlSK 11 Ifbb Meat bt I glo fxxa 11 hfbl Ml inlruBtffbM I241J hf 60 Smoked Beef 12iiilk lb as ern Hams IW1 Market et a erstockid with ern koods pr cet in terwl ItlTll reah ro 1 sore 12 eel 21M2c cholc OeT fanct lallor aflrk new 3 Ea lern l6t Hc Pick led roll It ont of market IS Cal fornix good to cloce aule at 2 ffl2c doren Ittb exjreas 2tkd 1 Vaarrn 262tc 1 1 BSK ho ce i ew i eery ch Ice ltOltc choice old 8v 1 tailor la ng Aiuerca lie I Ic ordinary New ork Drum 153 16c Market cottlnue very rm I UITRt Ceeae gl 6nawralr Ducks at irt dns I lent wt hookers SO gVt 6 Urol er gl AO Tn ke I ltl2c tor Hens ai H41JVcfjr obblera rttsed turkeys 14c taHk lieaty race pu cause a reduction In prks OlJIt Har gl 6 31 6 el dor Raohlu 1 tl 23 I cks a vaaliack St Malar a kJbo Tea gl Sprg IIM Wldkeotl mall I ickt it ual glutl 0 Ira eeae ixit 6 White do li31 23 ant 141 a srripe common 60i6c gllah gl oo He receipts yesterday maruef very weak pncea low nsTFR pnlern g2 loo tmall lo gl OO 8h al water Hay giaack Booths fruen Baltimore yaers 3c can TtLLiW ReflDed Vtn falrooal Uy rendered 44gtV op Crease 94c HIl ES A SK I fv Hide 18c culi lesa Mlwd steers oter on a uac do medium 1 ows a id Mee 4HrH rb Wc do tea4H UW salted pa sslte1 calf 16c el 1 Jllr ryhtpvus al tdec Ion ISc Dry fall J0c 5r oc each la 2natc Kldstii SJ 60c 5c it 4 Ih good mrjl thin aud wlnte shear net 1 l323c med nm ord rt I ng Wool etlort Wool ViifVlc Flk I bls 14 lcrb tanned Deertklns clean lai and well hand ed Id oc poorer icradee 40c qnobs Wall Wool Rao Jotonf IKojl 2c tor Plant nd Wt iq16 for Mot ma birr and needy 11J13c i alaveraa and Foo hi Is lMOUe oc Northern l4t 10 tber Coaat 10t12c Northern burry Je4c Tb lest than quotatlona South ern bnrry about 1 1 tb Receipts 2 bla Kan Francisco ileal Market Tbe following ar slsughlerers price for oanue third rfcaac i ttnn lb for Ewes and 8VatC spring Lamb Prom lsa20c lb Veal Iroiu ailc Ho a foot stock 3i231c bard grain and kt 44VC soft 3 JV drieaed All claret of Pratb Meats ar firm at quota tn a owing argel 11 favorable cond llou oftbewratbrr nb 1 teller to hold General rchandlse CFMEN ETC Tortland Cement get 2fva fldUr bol Kattern ltotendale g2A2 i llpen 2 10 Oerma i 10 Joeains gd 23 Plaster California Bu Idlng S3 26 saataCrnt Lime gl 6tal ta CO A I Carg lota lo amv and on spot ar quuMOie aa h1 oirs To arrive A stral an tn 3 V4 8 00 i iverpod team oo to 6 ftXI Weet Hartley 00 A 7 3 ej 50 13 61 salt IO 14 OO scotch snllnt tar I ff A 7H iuien ijamp la mh aa umberland blk MM lg Had 3 ktlOOO 10 6t MATTINtl Common 14 60 roll of 40 varna mauium coatiact tcato out nn do gett Imperial gwulu extra fancy gig arrl aa follows Frll ton tilentainock bbotta No 1 taay JAae white ericau to I rta I Root 2 110 2d tPI 24 Oil 34 UO 24 nyer ap oa 1 to 4 la quotable at g220 i nilie gt I6t3 401boifor ok Char co I an irx Ai Ternegi6 ftrdneyim I Wlcft rV Lead gV Bar Lead 4 Ac Hetlead set Drop botSlsaW bag Hack boLgJOS Chilled boL 1 26 NAII tHsotabl at so gl keg for lou of aegs rer iter tecs and a it quanuuat g1 60 wAh customary sooonl QClCKSILt ER QuotaU at S30931 Cask KICK Vised China gt 214 40 mala 5a 1 ctuua oumotoa to good gl OA 4 26 do choice 3 1643 40 do Kxlra as uuat5 e3 Hawaiian g4 1 10V lbt Rl BUKR taMUM The Ootla Pereba aad Ruuber Maaifltctunug Compaiur a net prices are ply aod 4 ply RubMtr Maaa aslwe iw JSriaca taxac air Ni ace loutste tor 1 inch JwdSU for JC inch 44 for IV Inch 325Xse for 2 Inch aad tOratll Sarlnca ttucuua lloae fieaOc fur 1 Incn Bala of ktjalng Autak Tetter lay tua raaxcterrtarocK a to taiaa ataaa aiiaeiws ctro 300 Alia IV 300Mx1 43 to Alpu 3ur MiMano 4M1 ot pen i iu juouodd aooriAK tMtgvoct SueiOphlr oe iMMCCatV il fab 6oUPr ltCholl 6i llo iOPeerla le QOCrPt 76c rAoruvag SOc 10OO Crocker loc TtajBNsv 4A IWOds WKO Diei 2fn silver II UL loo 1 10 nocl ootTnloa SOc two Soil 176 Jack SOc 233 a l6wl PACirroaracK KgeHitna noatiaa aaaatow 0 at L06el 410 Mat It 340ast 2uO a tV3ef 260 al02 So ai iaCIoll6Avnc aooMatl 4tat41a tvvvvuaiy jwjjui svvput I OakRRha 1071 OaklandU flta OaktlabalOS OltANba Hrtil ptr Htiit iimAk ltinia PaV Bdat22ta 1TT1A veatrai ao City BRes 76 CaJ atRR lea Oeary alRlotl PrealdioR Butter et100 Tel Rill a Stk Cllnsnrll7 120 CnmdlnalVO nrnsliui nomeM140 PUtelnv 104 110 Panlaenr 101 Cnloo In 110 trust 66 ap wt Allan Pw 66 OiaatPow 8 ajiisr IPtt VulcaaP 27t Cal Art OakAft 3X1 CaiDDk S6 Cal FJ It Sa 4J Cal El Cal Wire 00 Cal I A It 1 2 0 AS Tel 41 61 Haw Coo lots 11 Jodsonwf 171 Pari AN 46 66 Plo 400 10 do BJV ttn ar tti paAitcrsco stock noAan 20BVr g8 I salbi a PACtrrc tictixea 2O0SPCdrgTel gAS lOOSFrdrgTel g41 tUeeipt ol flay Produeo ma 24 aooaa Btatwa ar wooer tbtbat float or sxs 17 178 Wbaat dia 0 4DM Bariay ctis 1 JOT ua actia rtls Brnn sks Mlddllnn Mop bis Wool bin Hay tone Br raw bine Win gall 20 7H Lun bbst Id Leather roll f6 Rid Palutbdl Calf bdl adl Tellow otts Batter ctla 13 6lKgg doa Almoada ak Horax ctl Lumber ft coal Oil bbla fapUa tnkt SNl Ct AtO TiUK TiBLK fla pActric TiAno Time Computed by Tboa Teunent Chronometer and instrument Maker lit Maret atreet arga low warea imall larga small JLarg 13 3 44411 2 18ph 8 43am wOtirM sunrises 7 27 a in seta 6 01 aAmtii men iiie tfLaU Mppiag Vict on Elglilh Pagt Arrivetl SsTtftDAT Itnuary 0 Blmr an i na 1 ela Uboirtn Point Arcua paat aud mdse to Ouodall larklnaA Co stmr Arago Holt 41 hours from Coo Bay lot scum to Neww Col Ca Bcbr Ro Sparks Poterf 04 hours from Alb on leer 62 If fl I mlerlo 1 Welherbe hr Lena sw eme Uaj 8 days Iroia san Dago In bal att lo Maaler Cleared StTt pda January 0 der a mr Ralttta erok Tahiti likens tlo Br sitnr Ore Veicalf okobama and Huturko Ocxlden al and Oriental srtio sa ta note Jubnaon sen Diego OooO I Nt sr Ro Tnannbauaer 4 Co Sjtlled SATUtliAT January 0 Br atn Oceanic Metcalt tokobaru and ll ngto Sin rllur Stn Al i smrNewiort Nicholson soutbvrn toaat on irranitt scribner Liverpool Shin Jarue Mestnlib Harwtrd blln Hal bark Carlo Malnetto Barnerl Ham bt Bark Marvf lover Connor Port Dlanovery bcbr Labiy Bowe Peterson Todoo tMuitoa finportatlon POINT ARFNA Pr taqulua 3 bit sal no 1 pkg perso al effecla 3 cs mdse 1 bol rotkery 1 ak abalone 2 bxa butter cue no ics nousebolu gonas eggs mdr letboro ot household goods 1 rl belt ng a sks wool Hbd bides and pell 1 bbl applaa tsonaiern Per aqul a Mann ng A 1 Bancroft A Co mner 4 10 Cogh 11 sin on oth rt Co la um How bloat dfo 8 I add Htei lageo A kerman Block llawley IrtAlo tluff Broa a Baser ells i usee 1 Co Dec Lat 82 8 Ion 48 ahlj Bt Paul frm Ntw 1 urk for vau 1 ra claco By lela raoh POINT LOROS Jan 0 10 if Waather ear windNE velocity 6 miles per hour Outslde UuauU lu Schr Rota lud nestle Ports COOS BtY Sailel Jan 7 Schr Neptune an 1 ran lsco 28 Schr II Mercbaut San EN DOCIN tirlt ed Jan 9 Schr Electra Sal ed Schr Bobolink San Francisco ALBION RlVrll Sailed Jan Schr Wm soarkt Han Frandsoo Arrived ch An le Hrrmlne TACOMA salled Jau stmr San Pedro in Fr lsco AlPAfu RfEK al ed Jan 9 SchrOeor tie HUgl a San Franc tco Arnted schr Elvenia bicJn6 ECKFKA ll Jin i cbra Ivy Jessie Nl kerson Joseph Ruas a dW BtMbe ban hra itci Arrived schrlna San I leca PORT LUDLOW Sailed Jan 0 schr Geo Pe kins san rancbtti AM iria sailed 9 Schr Premier Man iraoctxeo Pi Kl loWNsFND Ra ed Jau 0 Br bark Art aan Qneenalow ablp Uuard an aliar tmrs ureka benoejao 7 Boa ta banee W1IITPSR RO bar hence Jan Foreign Port 0LAV10V sailed Jan 6 Br ablp Erjphro nT san randaco lUktUANA hailed Jan 7 Stmr City of llOMJk JNU trr Pekl hence Oat LlFRPt OL ArrivedJan7 Br bark Blr mah As orla MI LBOl KNE Arr ved prior to Jan 6 rbark I a pblne Melan hence ct 26 Nor hark ro to 1 ort a elev bk Ma ay Port luwn bark Saga ore PortUamue st DNkY Arrlvedpret lojautt BktiBan I la nee Nov 14 I Nix Returned Jan 7 Brsh pTl anla forVlnona with cutwater dau aged ANIWfRH SalwIJan Brablp Antrim Stn Fran sco Wl IQLB sdNov4 BarkJametChe too 1 on low send BIRTHS DOLF January lb wife of Stepbau Do nf a son VrRCEICn Tn tbls city January 9 tbe feofj ABOU1 sultan Solano co nte De ber 31 thee la of I eabody of a da ghler 00 mlN In Ahtroed January 8 tb wlf ot Waltr Ooggln as ELLAN mtbrtctty December 30 tbe re ot A la McLellaa of a da enter WITBbcK 1 thU city January 8 tb wlf ofeb lea Wttbock of a son DFRHAM InthUclty th wife of Tereno Derbam of a io CONNoR lnRanLeandro Jaauary tbe fe of I Cvnoor ot a daogausr OFHSEN fntbU Ity January 7 th wilt Her fcOelten ofa daughter Lfc RS in city January 6 th wire of IL oilers of a eon Kit mils nuLM CRnwi EY Thotnae A Holm toju I trowle both of th city I ecem 10 1 be reremo wt performad by II It Grace I he Mot iteterend Arehb ahop IU dan aaaatedbylev Father sous ly HUTOUINs MAL Ml Intbacte January Hairrl llutchlns to AnoleOertrude Maotiey elrlesl daughter ol Mr Furlong a i Jos papers please copy 1 FERKRA I tONs 1 1 th city January Aao torto lerara lo kll bth bcnevlev DEATHv BENSON Inthlt clly Ja nary 4 Oordon Bennett ly son of aod Fllen tree Hens a i ative of Pan randsco aged 6 yara moutba and 21 dare Friends are reapectfullr Invited to at tend tbe ru era tbls day Sunday at 2 oclk from th scaidinarlan Lutbaran Church Howard etrwt between Twe fib end rteotb MYlirR January 7 at tbe residence of Mrs A Murr In Uaywarda Jamea Myber a ua ve of nnura aged 4S years aud 18da a AevrneudXaod aeqaalntancea ar rnpat fully Invited lo attend tb funeral Ibis dsy day at 2 clock irom Red Men a lis 1 Post street CARTY In thtscHy Januare 8 Keorg be lot ed son of Sylvester aad Lizzie Oartjr aged 6 montba and 1 dar ge Friends aud a lual taices ar respect ful invited losttenl the fnieral this dr Mundnv at 2 clock from tb relduc ol John Bloom corner of sver tb aad Rail road at enuas buut san Franciaco ns In tbls city Jai uary 7 Lily yooag est daughter of mtmtl an 1 Sarah snow ana veof Neatowa kl liorado co Cal acedd veers 3 nioulua sod 1J days Plater VI ie papers arswoipr i av buirl ADLFR lnthtrliv January ft Moeea beloved bnhnd of Henrietta Adler aaailv de 323 Cbex i tbenc to Alctxar hu MARTI Intl It Henry bel ted so 1 William ary Mr th 24lb nattv of San 1 eV rlends of the a ar In lied lo attend requiem mat to orrow tMonday al HO a alSl Joseph thurik rtnU st Interment private No do er ANAUtiOsluPUlA8orRow tn thladly Jaanary Icholaa Anaguowopulea Roaa i helot ed iMiete of A A nagaoatopuaua a native of ureece aged 72yara isacra men to nd alle pier pleas copy aeVPneudseuiecnualoieeceaars respectfully turned toauend toe funeral Tueada January 1 at lo cluck from the under kl eparlo tofCliaa Metxler 024 Waabln an trrt BIRMFJ1T1R In Fast Oakland Januarys be eved busbaiHl of Ida I Barmeaier a native af Oermauy aged 83 year 6 months and 0 dsrs Mr Netiee of funeral heraaflar TISDAI laialacUy January 8 Themat RTktdal a i aUvsoftanada aged 72 years BIX1CK Inthsnty Jaary 0 John beloved husband of Janetta Block native oi Auauia aged 60 years aud montba FAKWSWORTH ln tba rttv Jaaaarr 7 Frank child of Freak aad A lie Partus wonk a native of aan Fraociaeo aged 1 ear andSaaa MLBOt ln Sapa Jaauary Clixrlat ta on allv of nweclaa aged J8 year aud a moaiba ANADort It Ul Ity Ja lary 7 Conato Anadoa auauveef JSeiicoaged kyrara BKADI ln tblacliy Jaauary Thomas anoof Jota aad lb late Alice Brady tie of Baa laooaco agtd 27 year aad 3 eaonlh BABBIT Ia this city Jaauary Rebe Uenry Bar bit anaureol ew Branawieg agedilyeara DOWLINO iatklarliy January ft Richard Dow ing a native ol Ireland aired 23 years BANOdCK ln that city Jxnaary Mar gar wlf la late Richard Baoouck a luttlv of ireiaod agea 03 veers HLMRt iB this city January Mary mother of George and Jooa Henry a nail of 1 reload aged all yean KOKKY Ia Uat dtp Janaary ft Warren eon of HearyJL aad Koala A borey aged 1 year a aewtat aao xx aaya wrwja rtata en lnlaad aged A II AAA It A A BBBB A LLLLL ORA ID COX la Ue Ifagnlflcaat Prodactkw of A COCO AA AAO AAV A AAA KAT BBBB LLLLL A A OCCO Coder Ut management of AL Hatmaw Pint appearance la Ul dtp of Ue OxtAT KtraoraaaT Spxcialtt Aaiisr Mosa and Mu TISSOT ORAND BALLET8 LodbyMlle de Roaa Moaa Arnold and Mile Ataeglano eupuonadbyitiaxUT Baoa celebrated CORPS Or DANSETS First time In Ssuk Franciaco of THE CHARMIVO BLCK BALLET Ballet of Win Woman and Dance Ballet of AU Nations iMTBoocciaia THE MIKADO BALLET Ko ko Katisba and Th aa a Littls Maim Tb Village Fete Th a Grotto I cod oft Pleasure ooldu Trrc lacaota on Seen with a Cataract or kxtL Wlltx THE MOST BRILLIANT SPFC OH ANt PaontcxD Ubdbb thb Pbkaomal tens SEATS SOW ON SALF ntLUWlN TUEATKR Au IIatmah teats and Manager To NiariT Scpar To Wiorrr LaalTtm LaetTIa Aa Egquutta Play of Intent Heart Interest and Bright comedy WIFE 111 IT Pxcitb I I WIFE Atn ubbat AUD CHILD III ETMlIAtatl IIICHILD Tc stew Uotnin Ewarsrro Tbe Moat oueceetlul aod Roautntlcof Amarl tan Dran aa THE DANITE 1th th Greatest iat It Haa Fver IT ad A Hl ito Pao KtT Auiltt lata kvil Xlnau sa IIS Nights lu London ltO In New lork 116 luCbk ago llJtaPnlad pula RANKIN CAIJIOKNIA THKATKR CO gj Seat Now ok Sale Pop lar Prties JAc hoc 75c aod gl NO HIUIISR MLSCrLLANEOU EPITHELIOMA OR BKIV CWCKR rOR 8F EV aRh I SUFFERED wuhcucr my fmm Elcbt nion ha aavOa fx wDd rwcommt tietl tt iiMg ut Kwifi pMinc and Id trmotj to oiavktv aa tTort toDrocureL I tb wartuocrigful aid aii lu ua rb InflufDett of ibe medkiiie at rtlwa hhmi ajncrarau the nor but moon th oflamuiat on wu aitaaMl and I un lo In prove a ur lbt drat rw bo ilt a My gUTIa UW IB llaVS KTaTatl UHprOwtJU A at 111 1 ronicr and ab lo do a kind of won Tha earner on mr aca an rat and tb ulcer to beat oiit tbtr ta not a eaiif of ll left only a it a car arki tbt plac MKS JOICIfe A UUNALXX AT LAST A fylAUKOUll 1HH5 I la bad a cancer on my faca tor rami yean iteDdlna from on cheek bun aero iheioMiotlitOiber It haYjjlt ri raeajreat dtNtl of pain at ni burn ni and luhlna to a ch a itni that tt aa a mont a wrbl I enmmftioctl ualnc tSwifta Stcltic In May lHtid aud have ued etafbt bott It bgaa 51ei tbe fwaieat rclifJ by removing tbe in aiuiuatloD aod pealorlng my a ral healtb BARNiA Knoimui la September 8 lh5 Treatlaeou Blood and Skin Lis ma led fr THK bWIFl BPFCIFIC CX5MPANT Drawer 3 Alia i a New ork 15 Weal Two ty third itre A WOLFES Scliiedam Arooiatie Schnapps AS A GENERAL BrVERAOt NFCE9 aary correc 1 re of waier rendvrtid im ire by Taf eiable det omtoa Ut or other caua aa alcob die pre ara Ion A public Ul of ttujraria ra inn i try mTtion oi ou cot ry of LlJLPHO UOLFh i HNAPFH unaol cited I do semens by the dicai fact ty a a Mt uuequaJeJ by aoj oiher a cohol ditniiiailon hav lmured it the WM COLEMW CO Agent BAN FKANCISCO PIlTiSTCETO From Dr Tboraaji It ttagle PuinCbCTOI Cal Jod 363884 Mesara SKTH FOW I A OM Boaion leaien i take pleaa re tn crtiiylnic at ha aoM ftlSTAK BAL AM W1I CKfcRKY i te IT year and know it to be one ol the oi dp it well aaoneof be ruo ret lab i reparations la ttve market ibe re of ITUOH Wl I and lllllAl and 1 I NU CXJ 4PLAINTH I and a arrhal Arcton of the Th oat a LuntTV and In no Ids ance have heard of a rflecnmp al ara nst wbat ia rial med tor by he inanufaajt rr I can cbeerfu ly rfcomrrenj it aa one of the beat aid aateal remed a tor Coughs a 1 Cotda lo the aiaraet our truly THOMAS EAULF afc Notids ceoulne unlet kijcued I ltl TT oo the wiapir SHB iirm mi PirrTC 111IORTANT IOSjejS CHAKACTEItlSTICS I nllorililly Dorabllity Superiority of MetxL I ted the Best Pea men In I A Canada bample Card ofrpec al ambers snt on Heat ASK TOR CtKD No 1 IiMH BLAKrVlW TWLORCO SJ and 75S Broadway New York AN fflROIDIxRY RZ0R HAS BECf IltVBWTED BT THE OrrrKM OTTW COMPANY of Enland TDeedga aa berty Is so THI1 and PLCX BLCAWKVKRTnRQriRFOrltIDING aad riardlp svsr setting It gild over tbe face Ut a alec of velvet mat eg ttisrtot Iuite a Irjior Itla CHKAT Mi A IRrAf LXl IT atKNTIa nr npeaaeag tnesperu whopreaaac It PKHFKcTIOS Tw 44 lart la burTa hand el gt la Ivory Aver rator loeegaaDtn iat ber oattaerrre 111 th csms of NATHAN JOSKPH 141 Clap tireet Kaa Francixca th oalj plar in tb ted a ale where thee ar obtained Trad supplied seat by msll 10c srtra or THB QTJBKNIt OWNCOMfAty kavtag enlarpd tLalr facterr ar bow mating PBARL and IVJBr Attt lflti KNIVKa TABLSaadPOCKKTKMVKS HCNTIMO KMl VJ and BCIBMOR of th Sams aasltt a tktr arv aualr weadsrful Raaox PIONEER INVENTOR Of nB Electric LT 3 on tb P4CIcCWIJe1e7Jc0iST L0tttT BELT cnartxeu wl a SJtRS The nnlr di rn tb world whtcrt can be caaaoao a 10 a with Vj outactdaunar ATKJt giuoo Jt aoteed lo co reward fur any all ntseaMs without medicine Price glOt Bend for pamphlets DR 0 1 WfcHr Bolelivenlor Pa euiee and Proprietor o6x Market sl The Pacilic Incubator AND BROODER GOLD KFDAL ATSAC raaaento ano Meche Dlca lnetttnteilH85 lairs as Ike Best Mackla mad Ulaaixed Ire Sett ng the Wl eon Bon Mill Meal Chopper and 1 ttr Av titmnrwm in great varietv 4i ampforlUnatrated Srouiar lo Ik HCIilCLNCCBATORCj 1S11 CattrafMoaklawd I IJ 4Lrs ii i i jlvS vjiu A POSITIVE MENS COLLARS AND CUFFS Art tht Best roBStn EVERVUERE IT RE WITHOUT medtdae patented OcuAeT 18 lH laae beg will care caa la fbar day leaa Allans Soluble Medicated Bougies fco oaoaeoos dcaea of enbevj copaiba er oil ot andalwood Ibal areccnala to produce dylpap ia bjr deaireymg Itaaeuatiagtaf tau stoonaen Pnoa gl ou Bold by alt drugglau er mailed on receptor price ror far IT ta pi Iberpartt alaneeadlorar 1 I I BJlahnat Sew Terk STEINWAY DOI BLrTllirjUPD at Landeo IgsJ pRAID OOUI MEDAL OP IXTERWA eoal lavactloaa LxbJksiloB ala braad Oold Medal ky la Hoeiaty of Art lor Bast naaos aao awrarai xaenseriou aaa raterax tav Tee Uona GRAY 206 POST ST MANHOODS RMTORID Bans edyPaaa A victim yratntai tmpru CAtiromUaV tbktxb Tt Vaiagu i gckUtrt VO PaOtrOaUCAirCa TO wiOBTI Oa aocoaal ef Ike eaermoo taraptrtrlna atcas tary toe ta predactteB of Ike BLACK CROOICt BLACK CROOK I BLACK CROOK I BLACK CBOOKI TO MORROW TO MORROW etoxtvtr Xrasiwa Jeaaarr UlB Kvery KreBlag ladadlag Bandar MATINEE SATURDAY AT JT BBBB RRJUt OOO 8SSS TT BR 8 TT TT BBBB RBXR 8SSS BBRROO BR BOOB 8 BBBB OOO S888 BltATIOW 1 1 lktr World ramed BpectaJ ti OOCD RRKR OOO OOu 0 OR RO OO OKK 2 5 OKK 0 RBJUt KK 9 ROOOO Kat OO R0 05 0eK COCO OOO OW Cdr the management of AlUatbas Ttral appearance la Ibis dtp af lka Mtsiiun Orxtstn LBOPOI and WETTWOKTH Be eagagetneat of THES3REAT MlOXAl FAM ILY 1 In a new aad Novel Vesical Entertainment StWlll OORUtolS SCKXKRT AND COgrUMESI ELABORATE kfECHAtiCAL EXPECTS I aT ftceaery dealrned and nalntad ke Sonae chl aodlCaipealor Paax Magnaol of Plae eacandMitr torrest Beabary Pec ter George Rell and aaelataala of tela city aa nstni svent eraaa pdxiib iNn Abraoia aoci aaorlas by alarcua Ames by ranger of Paris Ooaiame by Miss Flsber efliadao sfma nervals nf Para anA Wlaa Alsna and Plelao Uaa tAati he XlarshalL Caklanxa by Traawonky PANDIMOWlTJM OKAND TRXN8PORWATIOW THk DAVN Ol L0 El TAOIK EtER WITNESSED SPATS 10W OX HAIEI CALirOnMA 11 EAT EL Klralf RakaijiAOo Prop Paica If aaager KIRAfPT BRO Obawb KlflALPr BKON 0 I If AT I Wl adr lb managtBMnl of Ma Au Hatuaw POSnitPLY LAa7TpERronMAwcEB Lur Uirivit imt irlr at Lat PxaroaMxacB To xiomt atSoclb AROUND TnE WOULD If DA TO mxiflK AlK there wllfb NoPgaioxUAMtaTo Hoaaow Bestir MotfOAV Evgtia Javcabv lliai Brilliant I rMlrmlon of Wlrsl Urua HI At I It MLAI IKlOk II Alk Bunk tew Hceiery Cottumea hallet aud bpeclal tlet KKAT NOW UN tALL STAND tUD TIIEtTEK Coaxri ids A McBaiDl Leaaeelk Proerlet ra Cllaa CoatBLiia Manager rflARLIE UEFlTil MIVSTRKX CIIAKLIK IttFDM Hits Kl Ll CUARLIE lttU8 MlMsIKkLH i Nioht Tbla Hrjnrtay Fvsnlng This Sunday Lvviung A HPI FXOID BILI 1 A blLfcNUlU BILL KPAtaisa ix fxceli rscr BIHPASMINU IN tYCLLECE a Monoat January lltb Frst SDneara ica of the Famous Irish routed sot JJLKlHt and MALE direct from Touy Tattort fITULI OPEKA UOCSa EddyaL naai Markc Essuxs Bios Proprietors aod Maoagers EviaT Evkniso Thm Wim FALKA ftALKll FA LKA FALKA FALKA 1 FALKA lALKAj i FALKA ItALkA Comic Opera In 3 acta by Chataa gne AN FLEOAVT PRODCCTION AN Dlngeon Ilghton Tarlor March If ACTIM PktPAkATION fV ON THt BRITTOL A Moalcal Comedy In 3 Acta Purrut Psictt 2S cent and 50 cent TlliT DAN NCtl EXHIBITION OX THI CALIPOIlNtA POLLTRV ASSOCIATION AT Ionatics Hall 83oMrkt street beta pen lourtb and Fifth FOR UNF WttH ONLV BHX1CHO MOIOAT JA1CABT llTH A Sight WeU Worth See ng FANCY lOWLa BEACrilCL BIRD CtRIOlJ CtTS LTC tf 200 Spaclmtna on Exh bltion HATCHING CIIICKEN9 BY STFAM Ten or more Incubator will hatch 3000 LUtl cblcas tlur i Hi how Ooort open dally from 10 a at to 1030 at Popr la PRiraa or Aduissio Adol a ryi cent I ldren lo cents reason Tlcaela gi COUIJlNIl SEE TTTiTlOCLTRi SHOW COS1PHUENT 1KT FAREWELL L027CEKT TXHPKSXD TO jn LOUISE ELLIOTT On sdDaday Evening January 13 lSKd A Til OooFe LLOW nALLMarketst cor HerentQ Assisted by the following Art its Herman Brand solo lnlat Una 11 Wyahaui Fl le 1 Hue ea lenor I A lloala Karltone tl II tarlrto i to Miss In Or fftn tnd ante Accoa pauislj Box faet open on on lay January lltb atShernan Cay Co a Music lore comer Kearny aod Sutter nree THF FO A I THP ATKK Corner Huuer and kaarny atreeta Oro Scuiiitt etola froprtetor aod Manager MISS ea CLARA 1 MOORE npany Tata of Leavl I a All ar fl gagan eutot the a ebrated Song and aoce A rtls ro kELLFt and WATSOT Bcbt I ogether a Itn tbe 1 oontala tttoct Company Only tirtl clsas audevllle Thee ar In tbe ally V1KNN4 OIRDPV THK4TKIL Comer Srtttar and Stockton atreets AirT 8iiur vole Prop aod Manager laaMxaat wage llanaer InatantaneonsbltoDaN HOWFand ANNA lAHLfa the words greatet arpabootera rwelfth wee or thesongb rda AHCMMAKF DIsTkKS together a Ilk tb IKNN A GARDEN THkATER STOCK CO thegrvt HOI FOR TPLEOBAPH 1IILLI srNDAi JAN CART 10th at 3 at Th ascension of tbe laa Ballooa Fredar Ickatmrg Professor Van Taasell a ao Her belton Peg lab and Continental Con ady Company Pronjeoail Concert by Ixador 1 rank a Brass Baod For uaa of Telescope and Observatory topi to LLNCAN Host PANOKfilTl I tNOBVMtr BtTTLt OP WATERLOO Corner of Eddy and Maaoa frtrvet Orcx Dai renal 9 To 11 ar MEDICAL TO UT OLD ATBONS IBTTXL OFTXB MT VALUABLE BElk Tic job ar to uafbruaate at ta reqalre tkia miss isutal laaiarad aad ataDaa1 by stodlaa af aa advaeead erdar I eaa eerely aay tkat lkr kt karaly a dlaaaa la Ik catalog af baataa lUa lka I caeaet treat to a euaeass ftUlaaue LADLLS I am alwayt ready at aaaa ill wllk yoa My past kaewledge kt base la I ky eitsaefve experlaaa I aaa aew sate ta treat yea wltk la caruualy af i miss He 4 It aaa peculiar to your daUsai crgaalaas btyend my tor csatroL My Tataal Meatkly Mattel are eupartor le aay osTarad kerstotor tbty tar la Taos af lae public srka aad axy sarrk a eaa depaad apoa geaUataaary koaerabl and aaV adfl traumeat at raatoaakle rata I aiklrtsa pamanlsrly tkaa wke hav kea lapxnd by peutkfkl ladtacrartea ad tkees Paeaea anxletad eaa tf tkpprtkr eeeaatt Brttypbatar tamiigskei7ptotuttk4ak aseer tmalsad reosrv aiedleliies by ex Krasa wltk ltll astraoUosu AU laCUrsaaaat a aarsatsdi I jortaELYX aaa Batter street Baa Pritnfiu Cat Otr warraated ta all ease a pay re eatrai Osaealtatloa persaaaOy a ky letter gratav gad tar keek Ceaafernkl aaart aaaaat for aetUakt a aapladraaary Oeaaaltaaaa Barter tl BarUar scree saV WtalBg Ik Tevag Ms Ckrkstksa taanatattaa PnllrnBg CKBc aoara from a lo Mt DtYkeaxA auaea nr trr mm Pwuhsumy EasayeB PkyWta aad Maa rtag Poraaasby aUaewadaalees JOaVaZLTir at a DE FBIS TOXrvC PILLS Of TASI AUD PU TKOIIL POfVTIVECCR FOR A LI DWEASEB aad Iroobla peculiar ta larllat Oar pateat Ptwalt HyriBge aad Powder of A el not ealy CURE bat positively prevent dl as Per sealed partlcaiar ml 4a la wampa mr UNIVstawITT CrlaJllCAL PREPA BA 1 1 WOKkJs S4 lent taUlk treat Pklladelpkl Pa ALLENTJ BRAIN POOD BOTAWTCAL Kxtraet Tioardeerr ear Wetiae Deallitv and all areakfaeat ef the system either eti lldforao Irgg1ats aebymallrraaiJ gild AXLE a lft First av by axel itewl For Coagk Coldt at otlMP rwlaaaiaary A PPECTI038PORTBOUgLEOPTHE aiaaey weag aaeji or aaia at la aaear auai apes ike ordinary poeaaa fateBgtkealag plaster poasasala lae ml aary ateelaat af IbatarUaabeaMa klg axeaarlaal aaa eara Uve prepertle aaaadT la aa etaer Ouard agalaat wertkUa assllallas wlx UA asaaas tusk at UptaUA ag tSjr pjaataraav kt aLUTjn BCOjrXBXKT TH I resit aad Piepxteta I A SEASON OT MlatTH MONDAT EVININOU troat two iCALirORNiA a at FEB A AA HHH A A AAA 11 UA A Sapperted ky ker owe Oreal Ceaipaay i coo A li rjfl A no LLLLtl 000 ooo BtAnrrri tVavxaay MaaYBLdva MxcLArc Tke WeDAterfal RerelTtag Careaaal Baa aad otkar Star POPULAR THE AIXAZtB THE ELEOAXT MOOBTta BALL Open data ky addreeatoc er calUng aa OEOaVIE WALLEtROD Alcarar Bonding VFarrall wreet aawre Stork toa Hear 11 Itllx Itogaad7tol0 Tk arrangseaeat far Ik TeatlalatB ar now perfect THE ALCAZAR ladooat COMPLETE STAGE WITH aCKNERT DREBSIXS ROOMS LA DIESf AMD OENTT PARLOR BAR nAT ROOKS SUPPER BOOMS Bad KITCHEN Caa aa ared tor Ball Lctara Coacert and Tkaairtcal Perfbrmaaee ALCAZtK THKITEK HtwtltorB 0 Ftrrell street aear Stock toav Only ISO irtrs ro a Bnitvts Scat la Ik rxsnoaomee i aeater ta ta erta THIStkCNDtY NK1HT JANUARY 10TB PealUvelr Lael Ntgkt of OBACE HAWTHOrjtE PAKCH05 Fourth aad lea tt eek ronv menclnic next Tneaday Jaauary 121JL alalia Wednesday aad xat nrday tlrat pewtnetlva ta America ef II KAHTftEAHB At Adapted from the French ky Mr Plerry Ili4i tad oratentsd wllk aauarx ally atrong rant iBcludlng Obacb llAvrrHottaaa Ifeartataa EJ BCittir at Paul Dtiller fPFCIAl The Alcaaar Tkeaier wUI remain rl ted on indae niabt for tk enroot nl giving full dretud aeae rgaeatal of tnisi nor ani prod xict Popalar rrk 2a oOe Ae end gl xlauuea JSc and otic Keaerved ala secured at tl Abraxas 1 beater Isox Odlea Utill STKEET THtATKK Lka ITT Iisii and Prorr tor CMAa I Hall Mai agar This 8itir tit Jai at lOm POSITIELt LAT PERrORMAVC Chaxles Dams World Beaowned ALV1N JOSLIN tVJMFDt COMPANY Celebrated Operatic Polo Or hemrx and glO OOO Challei ge Band New Scenery IM La gba In 1x0 Mlu ea PorLLAB Pbicbs ruruLaa Paitssa Motntr Jivutr 11 lwvj ALICEUAKBIbON ALICE HARRISON HOT WATFR mr Hea re Now 8ai a tia iVIOtTkM CttllDEN Corner of Geary and btecztoo ttreeta Ocstat WaLrxa A to Proprietor New Attract oca Direct from tk beat Leery Vt ak llpvDV Ja nary 11 lstw rxt appearabc la Caaior a of tk Coruet ln uso MlaS PA HEWETT THE ROSCJtt Premier Aerobe ANDY swtENj Iu Roman atatuary Profeteor Oechwsntners Tyrolean Hinging Troop two llietDd three gents and ruber Artaii mke tbclr hirat Appearaoc mi at January 18tk First appearance olMLItZOx Aerial rertorme direct trutn be aL VTOUUtTAKUs UtKUENt SATURDAY and SUNDAY January 9tb and lOtb Owing to the prev a larx alteniaBC aod tbe few who have A ae and the mauy wbo ar des rou of seeing again Tuaag will rut 3 MORk PKODICXIONS 1 THE CNRltALED JU EXILES or THE MIKADO THE MIKADO Imlaaon 23 sa 10 cnt CPNTKtL PtRK To Pat Si ttir lAtt ary 10t EXTRA ltKl Ut KAMMfc Calif rtU va Kai ty lacroeae lora at Ua erly va Plon ball clubs 2Scad 10 STFXMKK TRAVEL PA CI IIC COtSf ftTFAUtHIP CO STEAMERS tl III SAIL FROM HROAD wbrf Ntn Iranclaco for all coast port at folio Pusrt tluHtu nave or SAlutex WraagrlL A aak I Geo Elder Ilka Alaska HI a a Jan 6th and Pb Harrttbuxg Alas btu ee aote belotv lclora 1 Jan It 31 Fori Tow rand Geo II fl 1 Pel alt nil der Jl and ve Tacoma luuen of stb day therein mpla I the 1 settle after al 10 Swilaioom I a Portland and ta eelon adrertttem 1 0 to and bCo City of Cbea er edneadaya ton I ltll I lr tt hltatboro Mandncloo Noro Nan a Crux Monurty in SI eon ulna 3 Monday ar January tt and avlota inn rtarbara ntar Huenema an Pedro Loo A nxete Pert Harford 1 Orlsaba an I ukt OtMaptt i a at Jaauary 6 15 and aria oaroenL Bn fenro ngeles from Rrowy wharf oa Jan oth aa1 1 etwu ry rUh at 10 a will coooeet it Port Town send Itbtbestsarnsr Idaho for port I Alaska Eiraraton ticket for sal at reduced rate For freight boau aa tb Alt Oaid or Commercial Neaa cgrrOrricr J14 sniovgar OUODALL PI RhIaci Oaoeral Areuta 10 Market tireet rtaa Franclarv PAC1T1C MAIL STEAMSHIP CO Ttttf ore paoys steamer wtllaall Por NEW 10RK via PANAMA KAN BLAS laooary IS ltaso At 10 0 Clock A can and en ral A tnencen porta Tics stosnd troro Enros by soy line for lerHONUKONO Tl YOKOHAMA CITY OP HIO DE JANFIRO Jaa IB ttass UTY Ot NEW YORK Pftrary lrwej At 3 dork at WILLIAMS DIMOND A ca Agent SPECIAL NOT1CF STEAMSHIP FALANDIA YTOR HONOI Lt AND SYDNEY Dl I ret wUI sa1 January 3tk al at tak ng fxeigbt aud paxaengtra This aamar doe not call al Aock land ew el ttllXlAaltD MONDACO Oea Agta TOR rOUTLAtD AND ASTORIA 01EO0N THE ORPKON RA LWV AtDtAV gallon tYxnpaay sad Padge Coast Rieaaa ahlpcotapa will aalea rrom pear atreei wbarf tbe eaee rut ene of tnelr new A 1 Iron eteemaklpa vTx olunibU stateef tn forala aod uregea aaiL XS DAT Jaanary a IS 1 33 ts aad Pehr 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