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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iu Officers Nominated by the Trades Council No Opposition Ticket Yet in the Field Amnzlnz the Call for a Convention of Pacific Coast Federations SA3T PBAyCISCO CHEONICLE SAOTEDAY JTXNE 20 1891 The Council of the Federated Trades nominated officer last night The nomination were nearly all put before fba meeting without opposition However the constitution of the council permits that additional names can be nominated on the night ot the election next Friday and it expected that an opposition ticket will be put before the delegates at the last moment The conncil acknowledged the good work the Chronicle did In behalf of the Cigar makers notation against tie Chinese and President Fuhr xnan announced that the movement for a Pacific coast trades federation is progressing well and that a general meeting will be held in about four monthu THE FEDGBATED TRADES Officer Nominated For the Coming Annual election The Federated Trades met last nijtht President Fuhnnan in the chair Delegate George 8 Edwards of the Miners and Mine Laborers Protective Association of Nanaimo presented his credentials and was introduced to the conncil In a short speech he announced that he had come to this cut to prosecute the boycott against Wellington coal He thought it might be successful and asked the individual aid of each member of the conncil The Warehouse and Lumbermens Union of Caquinez straits presented a memorial asking admittance into tne council The credentials of the delegate Paul Mailer were accepted and tbe union admitted A communication was received from the Fourth of July committee of San Fran Cisco inviting tbe federated unions to take part in the celebration On motion tbe communication was received and filed with an instruction to the secretary to reply A communication was received from the Maze and that house was granted tbe privilege of keeping open until 9 tc as asked lor Carpenters Union lo 004 presented a petition asking that Basers Union 304 be reinstated the council and further that the council demand of Chairman Fahr man that he retract certain insulting remarks he had made again Unior Ao 304 The readme was received with laugn ter and a notion was earned to consign the petition to the waste basket Delegate Grambarth on behalf of the Cigar makers reported On behalf of his union he tbanked the Chboticlx for its publication of tbe fac simile of the white labor stamp and he announced that publication in different ways would be made bo as to render it impossible for a person to buy Chinese labor cigars other than knowingly The draft of a communication was read signed by the president and secretary of the Council of Federated Trades in which a call was made upon all the trades coun ciU and assemblies of tbe coast to partici Sate shortly in a convention to be held in an Francisco It was recited that tbe spirit of the times points to cen traliiation as the only means of maintaining rights and strengthening positions which have been attained onlv after many hardships It was recited that there are now more than twenty trades councils assemblies on the coast representing 4o00 workmen The date of the convention was suggested as either An gust or September to be decided by a Tote of the bodies to participate in the convention It was proposed that the vote oi each council should be in tbe proportion of one to every 100 members and tnat the numoer of delegates should not exceed six from each council that the expenses of the delegates be borne by the several councils represented and that proxies should be admitted The call was adopted unanimously and copies were ordered to be printed and distributed as invitations Chairman Fuhnnan announced that nominations for officers tor the ensuing aix months were in order Delegate Grambarth nominated William Mackey Chairman Fuhrman was also nominated but declined and withdrew in favor ot Mr Mackey Mr Atkins was nominated but declined Charles Gram birth was also named but declined and nominations were closed leaving William Mackey as the sole nominee For vice president Atkins was nominated with applause Valen tine was named and declined and nominations closed For recording secretary A Kretlow was unanimously nominated For financial secretary William Dundsj and Schmidt were placed innomina tion Delegate Bent well was also named but declined and the nominations closed For treasurer Af Botnsctuld was the ole nominee For sergeant at arms Schroeder was named The committees were named as follows Executive committee Alfred Fuhnnan Boyle Finnertv Charles Grambarth 1 elentine John Dolan Pre John Fusch ler Lynch Darxes Crowley II Bo Rothschild and Nelson Organizing committee Charles Grambarth Crowley Boyle Thomas GilmaTt 8 Gang Boss Phillips For ey eal and Guinee Eight hour committee Barnes Sweeney MMannlngD Dnrkes Rom James Bell Tarland Reed Davis Daggett Frank Shea and Pre Ballots were ordered to be printed in accordance with the above for the election which will be held next Fnd ay evening The position taken by the Arbeittr Zext ung called forth considerable discussion Delegate Boss save notice that at the next meeting he would ask for a boycott of that German organ AMONG THE tNIOM Carpenters Adopt Their Revised Bales and By Laws Carpenters Union Xo 22 at the regular meeting last night devoted nearly all its time to the newly revised by laws They were read and adopted bv sections While these sew rules do not materially differ lrom those which heretofore governed the carpenters they are formed so as to establish a uniformity among all local unions which aid not exist formerly The District Council called some time ago on all the unions under its jurisdiction for a set of their by laws and by comparing them found that in some minor points they differed Comparisons were made and a uniform set was compiled which hereafter will govern all the carpenters Affiliated with the brotherhood in this city The recentlT organized Journeymen Woodcarvers Union which is an opposition body to the old organization of that craft elected the following officers last night President AlcCnlloch vice president Muther recording secretary Kennedy financial secretary R4L Dowse treasurer Osar Larson executive committee McCulloch Larson and Kennedy day ordering the Jelease oi the goods seized on the Omaha upon the payment ot fines equivalent to the duty In conformity with these Instructions tbe Collector will release the seventy one cases of Japanese curios to day uu uieacexsoxuwuiaizwiu pay ine lines Is credted In the dispatches with saying that tne gooas seizea on me umana were only worth 567 and as theT were divided imnnrtnim naval officers there was an average of 47 for each officer Bnttbeendlanotyet A few days ago In uutu hub uiauu ion a number of eases of dutiable merchandise had been removed from the Omaha and placed In pae of the warehouses there Special Agent 5SvuirEM rdlngly went to Mare Wand last Monday and conducted an Investigation He found in one of the warehouses nearly thirty cases some large and othe to lieutenant Bussinger who acknowledged Mu Biaiea we value ot the goods to be about 400 Thft fSJUa aft Aitt Avy tellered that their value is thousands hu uui iiUUtueUX OX UOilTS TRACK AND TRAIN TOWKE TALKS ABOUT TOWER LOOKOUT THE Huntingtons Alleged Order Division Headquarters for Fresno THE OILAHAS CARGO Nearly Thirty More Cases Dutt able Goods Found Collector Phelps received a telegram from the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury yester General if anager Towne said yesterday that the lookout tower at the upper end of the Port Costa yard has been used from fifty to seventy dan each year during the heavy grain movement merely tor the purpose of warning in coming trains when the switch engine is at wort on the main tract Xo orders haTe been given for Its being put in use again and it will not be used until required Mr Towne added The statement that Huntington ordered the tower closed and the man discharged is quite untrue The trainman were furnished with the printed rules and regulations on the back of their time cards and each had a copy when the accident happened The conductor and engineer of tne gravel train had ben meeting this same expre5 tram very morning for two weeks at the very point where thev should have awaited the passing of the passenger train on Monday morning These facts tb ad mitted at the Coroners inquest and they ot iered no excuse for their carelessness The Southern Pacific Company has decided to change its division headquarters from Tu lare to Fresno A roundhouse will be belt sufficient to accommodate from eighteen to twenty locomotives The change is due to th more economical operations of the division which will follow and because the branch line runs into Fresno mating a junction of it The horth Pacific Coast Railway Company will receive to day two splendid new locomotives They are of the latest style and possess double the tractive force of thoe now in use on the company1 lines Travel this year is heavier than ever and a number of new passenger coaches will be delivered Jn a few davs lor sernee to Cazadero The main line tracks nave been relaid with steel as far as Tomales bay and very genera improvement in the company equipments are peine made On account of the increasing travel another ferry boat is soon to be built as the company is obliged to charter an additional steame every Saturday and Sundav to accommodate the crowds of campers to Mill valley Larkspur and other resorts Barton traveling freight agent of the Santa Fe at Peoria arrived in this city yester day TEE PESTHOUSE TALK OF LOCATE IT AT THE LNDISTBIAL SCHOOL The Honse of Correction May Be Converted Into a County JalL The proposition to abolish the Industrial School is under discussion by the Board of Supervisors and its members express their desire to take Immediate action if it can be done legally The impression has prevailed that the ground upon which the Industrial School is located was conveyed to the city with the proviso that when the institution was abandoned the property should revert to the original owners This is not the fact for the property was pur cnaseo in ibo Dy me city lor iowu ana tne title is vested in the municipality Another question has presented itself to the Supervisors and is one of more than ordinary importance What shall be done with the In dustrial School building when it is no longer required for the present purpose hat also will be done with the House of Correction which would lose a considerable portion tg inmates in the event that all offenders under 18 years of age should be sent from this county to the Reform School at Vrhittier One of these questions was answered yester day a rumor that tbe Industrial School building would be converted into a pesthouse or hospital for which purpose it is well adapted Several Supervisors who were questioned npen the proposition neither affirmed uor denied the rerjort All admitted that the site would be admirable but in view of certain real estate near the saving been placed upon the marLet recently they felt that a proposition to convert the bmldiug into a pesthouse would create a great commotion ana aeiage tne board wltn protests The Supervisors appear to be a unit on the proposition to locate the County Jail at the House of Correction It is well known that the present iail building is a disgrace to the cicv and that a new one Is absolutely needed The House of Correction it is contended would in every way fill the bill and reduce the chances oi jail Dreats to a minimum Belplnjr the Needy In yesterdays Cheomcxi the attention of the public was called to the case of Mrs John Lee of 27 Carolina street whose husband was recently seriously injured and is now in the city ana county Hospital tne wile being bed fast In the notice it was stated that those de sirous of aiding Mrs Lee could send contribu tions to John Deane manager of the Cheos icle building Yesterday Mr Deane received 11 cash from unknown donors and also received a letter from the Associated Charities of this city announcing that a supply of food would be sent Mrs Lee but adding that she needed other assistance which tbe association could not render The case Is a deserving one An Abusive Tailor Frank Wash a tailor was arrested last even ing by Officer Magnlre and charged with drunkenness battery and disturbing the peace Mrs Wash his divorced wife Is the complain ant Since their separation she has conducted a small tailoring estaorsnment at i Everett street ana na occasionally employed her tor mer husband to work for her Lastevenine ac cording to the complainants statement he broke into the shop and carried off a quit worth S3 which he sold at a pawn shop for 1 He got drunk on the money and returning raised a row in the house and choked her untu she was black In the face Looking for Vineyards Among the recent arrivals in this city from Europe ia Mc Dougal London capitalist who has been dispatched to the United States as the American representative of an English syndicate representing several million pounds sterling wnica unaer Air jicjjougai super vision will be used in the buying up of such American industries as he may find obtainable and that mar suit the objects ot the svn dlcate He left yesterday morning for ban Jose where he win spend some weeks in visiting the vineyards oi Santa Clara county after wracn ne win go to oonoma county The Fire Secord The alarm from box 158 at 730 clock last night was for a fire in the Chinese laundry at 870 Folsom street Damage 10 Conntv Clerk Reese of Modoc is in trouble Mrs Marv OBrien appeared on his records as the owner of certain property The husband oi tne uuy is a menu oi seese ana toia nun that the entry was all a mistake and that the property should be in his name The Clerk accommodatingly erased the name Mary bom the records and Inserted his friends given name Dennis in its place The Grand Jury is lures ti gating Hint na cHK0XIcrE tkexium map Is the best map of the United States British Columbia Ateilco and Canada that has ever been published Slse 57x39 Inches rotated la colors mounted on rollers snowin all the railroads counties and principal towns and Is correct to data veninuaauusmap wiia we vtxvai shwik iclx for one year for SV or with Dajlv Chios sera three mouths tor si 43 ana prepay charges nthsmap MORE HELP ANTED Great Scarcity of Hands in the Interior Heayy Crops That Need to Be Harvested Loss of Fralt Predicted Because of the Condition of the Labor Market A Denver paper recently published an interview with a resident of that aty named A II Hlnmnn who had just re turned from a visit to the Pacific coast in which a harrowing picture was drawn of tbe alleged condition of affairs here In San Francisco said the veracious Mr Hinman a man is In good luck if he cets anv work to da Thousands are walking the streets with nothing to da In San Francisco they are selling lots four miles from the business center for GOO to 11200 Curiosity to learn whether Mr Hin mans statements as to the condition of the labor market baa any foundation in fact led a Cbsoxiclz representative to in quire into tbe matter and it required but a short time to develop the fact that so far from there being a scarcity of work there was really a shortage the supply of help With unusually large crops in field and orchard to be gathered and marketed the fanners and fruit raisers ol Northern and Middle California are confronted by a scarcity of labor such as this State has not known in many years In the great fruit belts where every days delav in picking and shipping means just so many dollars lost the situation is said to be decidedly serious Reed of Sacramento said to a Chbomcxe reporter last night I am hee hunting for men My agents have scoured tbe principal towns of the Sacramento valley and have found help aetu ally unobtai table at wages higher than at any time within mv recollection 1 want seventy five or eighty men on my folo ranch and am offering 30 a month and found for ineiierienced field hands There are no men to be found here or elsewhere I have instructed my foreman to employ any able bodied man or boy who applies and have orders standing at sev eral employment agencies in San Fran Cisco and Sacramento Mv neighbors are in the same fix I have never known or beard of such a condition in this State The only theory ou which I can account for it is that while the acreage in grain hops and fruit has increased enor mously the last year or two there has been no corresponding increase in immigration of tbe laboring clashes ft hv Chinese hands are demanding an increase of 25 to 3o cents a day over former years and they are get ting it You can get Chinese help now in my section One of my neighbors came down here intending to ship a carload of Japanese to his ranch He went home without them 1 think it would be a good thine for tbe farmers and tbe farm bands if the schools in the rural districts were closed during ail the harvest season That would help us out of sucn dire predica ments as this It was learned on the authority of Johnson a Santa Clara county fruitgrower that a considerable part of the crop at some paces in that valley will be left on the trees for lack of hands to pick it Particularly is this so with regard to apricots which show a remarkable yield this year Jasper president of the Farmers Bsnkof Wheatland and the owner of sev eral large ranches in that vicinity said that the scarcity of labor had uot yet seriously inconvenienced the farmers in his section But when it comes to getting in the hop and fruit crop he remarked we may have a deal of trouble On my ranch and the two adjoining 600 hands will be absolutely necessary Up our way the families of wealthy men have to go out into tbe fields with tbe rest of the hands One man who is worth 100 000 if he is worth a cant puts the baby in the cradle and the cradle into a header wagon and carts his wife and daughters and all into the fields and they pick hops just tbe ame as the wandering bands of pickers do We have an unusual crop of every thing this year and will want more hands than we can get I imagine It seems that the demand for fruit pickers can be in part supplied from this city Ail yesterday a crowd of boys besieged the exhibition rooms of tbe State Board of Trade asking for a chance to go to the country There were near two score of them keen eyed alert and active as city lads generally are As it happens the Board of Trade people can do but little for the boys and their requests could not be granted TheJ experiment has been made before and not with ranch success Mauy of the bovs who have been sent to the fruit districts in past seasons have proved to be poor workers and difficut to manage Fo1 this reason the fruit growers are not particularly desirous of hiring city youngsters to gather tbe crops Manager Maslin stated these facta and added that the board could not agree to find places for any of the boys but would fill all orders for such help oa short notice Lelong secretary of the State Board of Horticulture was seen about the matter and stated that fruit pickers were in demand to gather cherries and currants in the Alameda conntv orchards where the crops are in danger of rotting before they can be picked Boys who are mdus tnous ana honest he said could get all the work they wanted in any of the fruit districts of the State An inspection of the want columns of the city press will show that there is a large demand for help in all branches of farm work and that the rate of wages uniformly offered is good In many of tne interior papers as wen are cans lor help and it is fair to conclude that the same state of affairs prevails all over the State The explanation given by Mr Reed is of course the correct one that there has been an immense increase in the acreage of train fruit etc and therefore a cor responding increase in the demand for labor yet mere nas Deen no appreciable immigration of men willing to do this sort of work In fact such immigration has been discouraged and the news has been spread far and wide that California was no place for a man with no other capital than his hands At present however and throughout tne entire season there will be a good demand for help at wares far higher than are paid in the East for tne same class or labor me man wno goes unemployed for the next thuee or lour months will have only himself to blame TAKTAN AND FIJUD The Scottish Thistle Clubs Quarterly Entertainment A quarterly entertainment of the Scottish Thistle Club was given last evening It closed with a social dance The programme opened with the march and gathering pibroch given by two of the ciubs pipers LJLTlvendale and WILlam Boss as they marched in at the head of the officers of the slab The pipers were arrayed in the costume of the highlands Tivendale in the green uoruon ana toss in we iea am piaia The bibroch was heartily applauded bvthe enthusiastic Scots who formed the majority of the audience They also demanded and received encores from all the participants la the entertainment The programme vu composed of Scotch songs and recitations and an address on The Seduction of Scotland and its InSu cacs on the Itational Character by Elijah McXentte The features i the programme however were the highland Sing danced by the Misses Jeannie and Battle Wilson and the grand highland ree executed by George Pater son James Baxter Edward Ross and Duncan Margenrle The little girls wore the highland costume with their kilts and tartans oi Gordon plaid and eagle feathers in their jaunty Scotch bonnets I Tivendale played for them on the tsgplne and they went through the dance without a false step The highland reel dancers were also in kilts two in red and two in green They also were heartily applauded At the conclusion of the programme the floor was cleared and the lads and lassies danced to Scotch music until midnight FOR IMMORAL PURPOSES Two Japanese Girls Wanted In Salt take Immigration Inspector Dr Hatch was informed recently that two of the Japanese girls under his charge just now desired to work for a Christian upright family In Ogden Be wisely wrote to the Postmaster at Ogden in Hiring as to the character of Mr and Xrs ohnson who wen the parties desiring to secure the girls services Tbe answer of tbe Postmaster was a surprise Dr Hatch was informed that Mr and Mrs Johnson had until recently kept an immoral house in Ogden and that they had lately removed to Salt Lake City where it was under stood that they were engaged in a similar business It is evident that tbe upright Christians desired to secure the girls lor evQ purposes and Dr Hatch will therefore keep the girls here SUMMER KAINS THE CAUSE OP EECE5T CASES OP DIPflTHEBIA Germs of Duease Are Stirred Up in the Fool Sewers and Tanks The Increase in the number of diphtheria cases in this city during the latter portion oi stay and the first days of the present mouth is not attributed by the health officials to any unusual def eet in sauitatx conditions heitber is the city more unhealthy than at similar seasons of the year with the same clrcum stances of climate The increase of cases of diphtheria is stated to have been due to the rains which fell during several days and nights in the latter part of last month and that in past years it has been noticeable that summer rainshave invariably been followed by an in crease in the number of diphtheria cases and similar complaints This is explained by the fait that the summer months are usually dry and that when a rain does occur It so affects surface drainage and sewerage as to stir up the foulness of sewers and spread tbe germs of disease Not only the sewers are affected but even the drinking water becomes tainted with impurities from surface drainftze just the same as it does after the hrst rain of each winter Tbe effect of this surface drainage however is of but temporary duration and can be easily overcome by boiling the water before using it for a few davs after the rain It nas also a noticeable fact after the late rain that most oi the cases of diphtheria were reported from the lower levels oi the city and but few from the elevated sections This demonstrated to some extent the truth of the conclus ou that the healthfulness of the city was uot impaired but that the cause of the trouble was due to the effect of the rain on the sewers and Water The health officials say that if property owners and boueholders would take the trouble to cleanse the roof tanks on their houses every thirty days and not aunuall and semi annually as many people now do the causes of diphtheria typhoid fever and many other diseases would be greatly minimized playfulceatteh A Faint Hope Mudge who has sworn off Doctor I stepped on a banana peel and received a pretty bard fall I am afraid 1 have broken my wrist Doctor Bowless Let me see Jio there is nothing broken Just bathe your wrist in whisky four or five times a day and you will be all right Mudge Er Doctor hadn 1 1 better be carefully examined for internal injuries too Ind tanapolit Journal On the Point Maud I know Mr Slow do was on the point of proposing to me all last evening But be seemed so nervous couldn keep still a minute I wonder what was the nutter Clara I can guess I found the remain of my fancy work on the chair he sat in Xenia Blizzard Consolation of an Ugly Dog I may be yaller And covered with fleas But my pant thank the Lord Don bag at the knees Life Consistency is Xot a Colored Jewel Rev Blowhard Blucher colored denouncing the extravagances of his congregation I tell yo bredenn an sistern jewelry bad its origin moug savages Deacon Sharp interrupting 1 be yer phdon rudder Blucher but wbar yo nginate yer own set JeaeUrf Weekly Serve Him Right Farmers Wife Just fancy Hofbauer our neighbor has been to day making me an offer of marriage in case you don get better Sick Husband What that fellow It would serve him rich if 1 died to morrow Humontltcht Blactter The Poet and the Farmer Into all lives some rain must fall But out there in the West The farmers hare to irrigate Or dry up with the rest iraiAtojlon Star A Life Preserver Doctor you saved mv life I never attended you Jo but when I was sick I sent for vou and you were out of the city I wouldu have any one else so 1 got well Philadelphia Timet Cowed the Old Man Father threateningly I ve a great minu to mrasn you Little Son lake a man of yer size Take ma Father trembles at the thought and sits down Strert Smith Good Aew Worse Tet Churapleigh My dear Miss Grace you are always my mind Miss Grace Goodness I That is worse than living in a fiat Boston Pott Crazy King Otto Poor crazy King Otto of Bavaria is still very troublesome Every now and then he obstinately refuses to take food of any kind and the doctors in attendance are sometimes at their wits end to know bow to circumvent his stubbornness His general health however when he can be induced to take nourishment is excellent though he is subject to the strangest hallucinations A lew weeks ago he was possessed by the idea that the carpets in his apartments were made of thin glass and that It was dangerous to tread on them and he was not satisfied until they had all been taken up Another of his hallucinations is that the walls of his apartments are hung with newspapers and he will sometimes occupy himself for hours in sitting in front of the walls of his room and reading out aloud what he imagines he reads upon them Occasionally those who listen say there is an almost pathetic coherency in the imaginary extracts which the busy brain of King Otto composes Pant Figaro From Tree to Printed Paper Mr Slngerly bras made an interesting experiment as to the time required to prait his Philadelphia Record upon paper direct iron the tree This is the record Chopping one and a halt cords of poplar wood stripping and loading on boat three hours time consumed in manufacture of wood pulp twelve hours manu facturinfr the wood pulp into paper five hours transporting to Record office one hour and twenty minutes wetting payer preparatory to printing thirty mmutes printing 10000 Record ten minutes Total time from tree to paper twenty two hours i TrcruxnrK star ana tne Dtmt isboktcu Ihrse month far S3 at charges prepaiA Thebess xoafroftfc Culled states BrJtlsft Columbia Sa and Canada TrpaoUsbeL Sts 67x39 lacaaa paawa ia cyiers mm1 neaatea reilsck The Learned Scientist and the Flea Dr Brills Badical Plan of Destruction Tbe Obnoxious Pest to Be Exterminated by tbe Sickle of the Eeaper Dr Andrew Brill of 133 Octavla street has made a treat discovery It is a discovery that might bring untold wealth to the cofiers of one less public spin ted than himself but the learned doctor preferring fame to riches and the blessings of his fellow men and women to gold hastens to give bis secret to the world In a long letter to the CaaosiCLX Dr Brill speaks feelingly almost pathetically of tbe nasty fleas which in the good doctors own language torment us so much and are living on the best of our organisms and not only this but also cause such great disturbance day and night we must endure from these pests It is evident that Dr Brill has himself been a sufferer and has endured much from these pests but while as a philosopher he believed that what could not be cured must be endured as a scientist he felt confident that there was no evil without a remedy and he determined to find it His first idea was that tbe most effective way to eradicate an evil was to strike at its root First find out all about your flea his birthplace habitat and habits and then you have him Many scientists the German kuchen meister at their head have written of the flea or pulex imtans as learned entomologists delight to call him but Dr Brill when once his mind had conceived tbe idea of waging a scientific war of ex termination against the vivacious insect discarded all that had been previously written and taught on tbe subjectand commenced an entirely original series of investigations of his own Isow after years of patient research he boldly an nounces that man is no longer at the mercy of the flea but the flea is at the mercy of man 1 believe says the doctor boldly in his epistle to the Chbosicle I am the only man in this city that knows their origin and birth and if this is cut off one year hence no flea can Do ound in any great city tor 10000 The learned doctor then goes on to ex plain that the obnoxious pest has its origin in a certain flowering weed which grows on every vacant lot in this city and whose inherent nature and design is to breed this little vicious and active sleepless animal After a great deal of startling information not found in any scientific text book heretofore published as to tbe development ot the flea in its vegetable nest and its growth from cerm to maturity Dr Brill wiely says ohing can be eradi catedunless its origin is known 1 have made this discovery to my full satisfaction and it will be of interest for the public to know their origin ana tbe facts as every citizen has enquired of their origin and all are at a losr to account for them So the great mystery has been dissolved by myself be rood all doubts of their onjnn besides I can advise the city how to end and eradicate this pest and evil at the expense of a few dollars The information contained in this letter was oi so remarkable a character the benefits that might be conferred on humanity by the publication of this great discovery were so apparent that the Cheosiclk entomological reporter was immediately dispatched to the residence of tbe local Agassiz who so boldly announces that he is able to perform that most difficult of feats literally and metaphorically to put his bnger on pulex imtans whenever he wants him The journalistic entomologist was instructed to obtain from the learned doctor the fullest details as to his great discovery Dr Andrew Bnll was found at his residence examining tbe proboscis of a specimen of irritans throgh a double barreled microscope The doctor is a little man of dark complexion and thin skin who has learned to scratchphilosophicaily and thinkingly Dr Bnll had not much however to add to what he had already told in his letter The botanical name of the flea breeding weed had escaped him but he desenbed it as a plant which he says is found on every vacant lot and which grbws from twelve inches to four feet ia height blossoming with a pale red flower and exhaling a perfume seductive alike to man and pulex imtans On the stems of this plant says the great flea extermina tor will be found a oulb hke excrescence of seemingly abnormal growth These bulbs says the doctor contain from fifty to 109 minute white worms visible only by the aid of tbe microscope On the back of each worm by using a lens of still higher power will be seen a bright red spot which in the course of time in creases in size and finally becomes a full grown pulex imtans Iow said the learned doctor I have an idea All you have to do is to exterminate and eradicate these weeds and your flea is no more voila tout At this moment the learned scientist paused and made a grimace while he in serted his forefinger and thumb between his neck and his shirtband and the en to mological reporter took advantage of the interruption to hurry off in search ot the botanical editor of the Cbsosicxb who declared his inability to recognize the vegetable habitat of the obnoxious crustacean from tbe rather vague description given by the great flea exterminator evertheless the Octavia street scientist is firmly convinced that not many years hence when the full value of his great discovery shall be recognized thousands of scientists who now anathematize pulex irritans vulgarians who swear at the common flea and ballroom belles who simply wince and think unutterable things will rise ud en masse and call down heavens blessings on the name of anii A BAJTK MESSENGERS DUTIES Hie Dally Routine Fall of Complications When we get to the bank in the morning said a bank messenger to a reporter the first duty is to open all letters and take charge of drafts on city parties Then we start out and present the drafts and receive in return checks or Cash These we bring to the bank and deposit How comes the answering of the mail This often requires considerable time and as soon as it is completed we tie itupandnelp pack it off to the Post offlce We are often intrusted with large sums of money but an required to give no bond Our duties are by no means light as yon can see I once carried 100000 from the bank to the Treasury Department in the Government building On this occasion I was guarded by five trusty men picked by the bank officers I did not know Who they were bat they all knew me Every bank messenger carries loaded revolver when on the street Omctnnaf Timti Slar Her Gubernatorial Relatives The only woman on record who was the mother oi Governor the wife of a Governor the sister of Governor the niece of a Governor and the aunt of a Governor was Mrs Eichard Manning of South Carolina 3 WCaxXaKT 35 Kearny stt just opened new strles starts glevas and Higs BIETHS JfCTRKAT jn this dtT Juoe 18 the wife of Bob ertSdrrraTafaaoa MtTRBAY in thl dty Jane 17 wl of John Hurray of a son ARitSTEOyG In this cftr June 18 the wife ef Geots Armstrong of a eon JOHSSTON In this city June 17 the wife of Robert Jobnstonof ason STABK In Oakland the wife of Georse Stark of a duzaler WAETlIlr4E3 6TTBEE3 BEESNAK Ia this cttr June 17 by firr Father Lacaa George Sabers of Xarvs vine to Jaeie Bresnan ot Sao Tancisco KEIDT 1IOVTTORT iBthtaettr Jone ITLhr Eev TJ Curtis James Eetdyje San IJapdjco to Dora atontfort of Pacific Grove Monterey MAX0V 8CJrrjILEB In Oakland Jnn17kr Kev Dr DUle Charlea a JUxoa to Hary Sccnllet BaiCKWEDEL MABCHAJTD to Alameda bi Bev Dr XJrbrHenryJ BrlckwadeltoJose phiae Varchand SCHSHTZ DRI3O0LIr Watsonvtne Jnnj 10 Eogeoe Scbmitx of San Cranctsco to JoUa DriscoU of Watson villa ETSESHAtTEItDAVK3 rtMcttr Jane 18 bvBev 8VLeehGecrgiaslunGrac Dares WYCSOFP SATK la this dtv Jane IS bv Kev Dr VT WmiamWnaamWrclMir to Cora 1 Kaye both ef this cttr TAYLOR WALKB In this UtT June 17 by RerD Di winiams ftUUamHTarlorw Miss Laara a Walker both ot this eltr XUSS RASTIKOS Ia AH cttr Jane 17by Byv Dr WlUlams George XasstoMlsc Same Hastings onth ot uli dtr MrLSlt8 STBACHACEE In Sacramento June 17 by Rer StHaeS of Salinas Charles a MOaes to SCln Xonla atnehaoer both or Sacramento DEATHS BTBIBT In tbscttv June lgWDnamberoved husband of Louisa Strlbj and fattier of Little Emuy and IDa Strfoy and Mrs Clara Martin aaatlveof Germany seed 76 rears 3 months aod 11 days 03fnneral wTH take place this day Satar day at 10 ocloctc from the residence 1812 Geary street DAVIS in Brentwood Contra CoU county June 18 WLItaro father of Joseph A Davis sfrsW Morgans A and David A Davis a native of Wales ad74 years ST funeral will take place this day Bator day at 1 oclock at Brentwood CRANE Suddenly at Tallac on Lake Tahoe Byron Crane of the firm of Crane Hastings A COv San Francisco a native of yotuwlim St Lawrence county ajed is rears S3 Friends are respectfully lnvltca to attend tbe funeral services to morrow Sunday at 1 30 octodcat the Masonic Temple corner of Post and Montgomery streets WYLIE In this city Jnne 17 James beloved knsbandof MarlUa Wylie aoattraof Baly mena Ireland ased 60 ears and 4 months 3 friends and aeroalataacea are re cxrqlly invited to attend the funeral to morrow Son day at 1 30 tfclocc trom the hall of Mission Lndge to 169 and A comer of six teenth and Valencia streets Interment Ma sonto Cemetery 6ILVA Tear San Leandro Jane IS Antone brother of nans Silva a native of the Azores Islands aged 77 years 1 month and 19 days S3 Friends ana aoaainiucesare resD9tfnlty Invited to attend tne funeral to morrew Sunday morning at 10 tfciocavfrom tbe residence of bis brother Frank Mlva near tan Leandro Interment Mountain View Oakland EOTIICHILD In Portland Or Jnne 17Samoel Botnebtld anattvoof Bararta ed 69 years 2 months and 21 days S3 Friends are res pec tf nil Invited to attend the funeral to morrow Sunday at 10 45 clock from tbe residence of bis ton Botbcnild 1700 Broadway thence by trala leaving Third and Townsend streets at 12 IS dock Interment Home of Peace Cemstery Fleaseemit flowers MTIKLE In this city June IS Lorenzo MeUJe a native of Sova Scotia aed 2S years 1 month and 19 days 7 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral to morrow on day at 12 30 ociocc from his late residence 1509 Bacramento street thenca to the Masonic Tmpte corner of Post and Montgomery streets where tae funeral services will be held under the auspices of California Lodge 270 1 aid A it commencing at 1 30 clock Interment Masonic Cemetery BARTON Id this city Jose 19 wrfflam Bar ton a native of county Lei trim Ireland aged 6Z years tar Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral to morrow Sunday at 9 clock from Bt Marys ChnrCD California street where a requiem high mass wul be celebrated lor the repose of his soul Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery LEVY In this city Jane 19 Abraham beloved husband of Katber Levy a native of London Sagland aged 84 year aod 6 months tSt Louis Chicago and Cincinnati papers please copy 1 eFriends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to morrow Sun dar at 10 dock from 873 Washington street Oakland CLARK In Oakland Jane 18 Carlton Jr only son of Carlton and Ella Clark a native of California aged 1 rear months and il days SeFrIends aad acquaintances are respect roily tnvtted to attend the funeral to morrow Sunday at 1 SO clock from the resMeoc 763 tneteenta street Oakland la terment private SIMPSOS In this city June 19 Captain Simpson brother of A Simpson and Mrs Austin Bperrv of Ban Francisco and AW and George Simpson of Stockton CaL a native of Brunswick Me aged 7 years 10 months aod 6 days Boston and Maine papers please copy SaTAotlce ot funeral hereafter WALSH In Cdlstoga Jnne 19 William beloved husband of annle A Welsh aad eldest and beloved son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Walsa a native of St Helena Cat aged 31 years ST Interment St Helena cemetery MURRAY In this city June 19 Thomas Mar ray a natty of Scotland aged 53 years SHREED In this tity June 18 Mrs Emma Shreed a native of San ITaocaaoo aged 28 years aod 2 days AHMSTROrfO Iu this cttr Jane 17 James Edward Infant son of Oeorre and Mary A Armstrong SWETT la Newport 2f Jane 8 Mrs owert mother of Mrs a Shattacs aged 68 years LORLNG In this city Jane IP Louise Loring a native of ew York aged 49 year REG LER In this city Jane 18 Johanna beloved dacghier of Charlea and Anuria Hegler a native of fan Francisco aged 4 years SIEBOLD tnttiteity June 18 Leon George beloved son of Charles and Julia Slebold aged 5 momb and 23 oars sssssjssissssBSSBHaKsssnaBssaasanisssBassisssstttsi Established 1850 Tntrsoxs No 43 GRAY CO a WBiarm UNDERTAKERS 641 Sacramento St CALIFOBSI A UrTDERTAXIirO COMPAJTrj Successors to Hmnns I General Undertakers and Kmbalmer SW Corner Stockton and Geary Streets 8 TM Tlephon 1atT MUSICAL rXSTRBilESTS AN INVOICE OF THBEE BTEIXWAY A Sons Pianos nearly new price S300 BADGER 725 Market St AS VOICE OF THREE ARI0N PIAS06 cannot be told from new price S150 BADGER 725 Market sV NEARLY NEW MATHU8EK PIANOS125 BADGER 725 Market St AN INVOICE OF THPEE NRW UPRIGHT pianos sod to pay cost and charges on same 6 BADGER 723Maiketst A NEARLY NEW BORD PIANO 8125 WQ BADGER 725 Market St INVOICE OF TW BORD TJPRIGHT PI Lanos 135 BADGER 725 Market st AN ELEGANT 8TELNWAY UPRIGHT good as new S2SO 618 Halght street AGENCY WHEELOCS7S CELEBRATED pianos CHASES music store 727 Market st A THE LARGEST STOCK OF fcECCrVTV hand pianos in the cttr prornrnsnt mates aU prices from S50 to 324 ANTISiLL PIANO 00 Seventh and Market sts A 8FL PLAYING OEOAN FROM 20 TO 500 clsrs everything as perfectly ss an or chestra KOllLEB A CHaftK sole agents 2ft 28 and 30 0Farrell St A OENCY SOHMER CHASE BROaNEWBY MA2Y80lpcetJsf1TWWM BYBH BENJ CPRTAZ A T30K AGENTS FOE bteek Hardman cee and Sterling pianos sold on 10 monthly Installments 20 OFarrell BEST PLACE ON THE COAST TO BUf A piano ot an organ SPENCER A CO 723 Market st History bunding second floor pianos from 100 up organs from 50 tip CHECKERING CPEJOHT AND DECKER Grand at a bargain 20 OTarrea at FOB SALS AT A GREAT BARGAIN BABY grand Weber piano nearly ntw Address BboalOTthUofflce FQB SALE GOOD CONCERT GUITAR cost 100 no reasonable offer refused TAT LOR 703i Hyde st rAIJDfcOMi NEW GRAND tTPBIQHT cbean Address box 28 this office HEMMJS JXTtG PIANO CO WARE rooms 1643 Polk sC cor Clay sold on mstall ifaMawww catalogue ana terms ALLETT ADA VIS AND KIMBALL PIANO tcuvr iMujuas ii3 saarket sv HORN UNOS MOST PERFECT UPRIGHT plana FactoryB17 Mission st eppMlafc TTOOTEK CHASK 28 28 AND SO CrTAK JtV reu Leading pUnos and organs oldest mn mm uoniu jtyest wm easy senna saw prices OIMANS ANY 6IZETUNEO BKPAIBED etc Address JAMES PAINE 143023d St IARTIES LEAVTNQ CITY WILL SELI upright piano cheap EL8MEBK 418 Batter SECONDHAND PIANOS BOUGHT FOR cash and sold en easy TntM1mnnts at hta THAM 9 1322 Market st STEINWAT GABLES AND PEASE PIANOSL organs and ail mEslcallDimimenU call and see our new rooms and stock MATTHIAS OiUY A CO 208 and 08 Post stStelnway Halt fENO MAUVAB MUtIO Ctt 783 UASKET aU st 65 100 125 150 ieoWbAndllinoi AKU8EMENT8 SIW CAUrOBHZA THlttTKB a anoaomest Theater la the World Mb At TfTWAic Timif and Trim i i MxHaT MasrliZIIZ I 32S5 MATTNEE TO DAT EVEEY XVENEia OSCXUDtSQ fmrOArjJ A eyrjcrwnsrccias CHARLES TB0HKA5S COMPANY CHARLES FKOHMAJTS COMPANY Of New York In an nsbonte Prodactlon of fiardons Famous Play SIPLOXaOT diplomacy ALCAZAB THZATEB WAixucraon Brocrwaxt a Wrxxirr 1 tesandFrtprletort Tins Evx xtso SATURDAY JIATTSIE Last Weak ef the EnUoear Irish rtti1as Charles ekin vijuxb In Dion Boodcaalts Beaatifal irjab Drams THE COLLEEN BAWX THE COLLEEN 3AWS ncnorted br tbe Alcazar Thaire i JameaM Ward aod Carrie dark Wardi engages POPULABlMataes PIUAS in NrXT MB FREDEBICBBYTOX the tlonal Actor In the Domestic Drama FOBGIVESL uompeay udspedsTr 78 60 aad 71 eS5 BALDWIN THEATER aadl TWaletw lSfJsT lfTfiwiif Axrsxn Borrvxxa MATINEE TODAY AT EVERY EVENINOJ I TCNIOH Indudlnr SUNDAY AT 8V The Famous Company ef Midget Actors tin Their Grand Bpetaee THE I lsr FIST I I I THV PUTIAN8 I rupn nr MAGIG 3 Gbastb Baxlxts YlSdArHM 3 GkASTO BAIXSrxa 150 Areata MA rmss WiraupiT asm BATCXnit NoTrmra Ltxc I Evas Szsar Bxrosat Seats now on sale for next week NVT BTJSH STREET THEATER Us Lzavitt Lessee aad rrsmwi Ms toTi rmstit MATINEE TO DAY AT i I ALL NEW SUKTSlsxtt LAST 8 CHANCES THIS AFTERNOON TO NIGHT and StrSTJATNlOHT THE FAKIR THE TAXIS THE TAZIa With Its Wean BONOS AXCI and pretty Grata NlXT MOHDATNltH THE LIMITED MAIL tar Peats can now be secant TIYOLI OFZBAHOTJSX KAXLise Bbob i i Proprietors and Xaugsa TO NIOKT To Nisht To Moht Tn NIOBT GILBERT Ar SULUVANTT To Xwit Tc NKS To freer Tc Xiro Pi BATES Ptbatss FIBATIS FlAATB FzsrzASrcK FaniASCK PxiruncK PnsAS jc 8rgn Sflaiiinu Bunvji BuASTm Miath Paovoxnro Sccckesrxn giras I THE I PTBATES OP MNZANCXi PIRATES OF PEXZAKCS PIRATES OF PENZANCE Monday Ji Jafte ftSdr NENii POPULAR FH1CBS 39 and 60 cents OKPHEUM OPERA HOTJSE GcsTAT Waltz and Maaafft SncuiT is Scitoat Evxsrzsree an ScssiT Maxim Jcxz 20tk astb 21st Last Performances of FRANEELa TBOUBADOUSE 25 IN 2nWBEB S5 AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS LAJTCEAirCX Monday Jose S2d Direct from Tkurs Theater New Tort DONALD DOWsTTlUe LUSTBATED LECTURES AMD TSAYQA Napnleon Ireland Scotland Japan Lindas Pans Exposition etc No lecturer from abroad has ever sratt tt America such a superb eoUecUonr ef ffiastrirsv Admission SSci Reserved Seats SOe Regular Duodav Matinee 25 cents to aU parts CbBaren 10 cents GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNK TV TBrrwosiii Beskstt TxxDraxs JAMES OOBBETT On which occasion he will appear ia the fair scene of HoirzsT HzaBTS ia four round cr oiblUon of the flstio art witt JOHN SULLIVAN i I a Who has kindly volunteered betas hit xata rxABAoc In this country prior to his departare for Australia on the following day In addition te Joust SCUXVASS DsAKsTICCoxraSTTi Cbabtjcs Xzxsr VzBsncx and lawbscx Hi lit win appear in conjunction with Numerous Volunteers The sals of seats vHt begin at tttbexefScsof the Grand Opera bouse MoxsaTi Jim 32a at AK Orchestra Parquet and Dress Orct 3 Family Circle 1 Gallery SO cents IOr Choice boxes and seats maybe secured Corbrtfs 80 Ellis street CAHTUEXIA LEAGUKASEBALL 6E0C5M Exs or GoiAxsr Gat ax Casxs CAS S4TrntsATJexn30Tir3F bV SACBAMXNTO VS SAN FRANCISCO SrrsDAT Jrrsr SlST 1130 A Wlli FINCKS vs ALLENa At 3 30 lf SACSA MENTO vs SAN FRANCISCO Admission 23 and 10 cents ladles ires served seats 25 centa extra oa Sunday riCNlCS EXCURSIONS SAN FRANCISCO 4N0ETHPACmCBECXX SECOND GRAND EXCUBSIOS OF THE SEASON Kill TUESDAY JUN JJ1M1 TICKETS FOB THE BOUND TBIF Boat leaves TnmroureTrricdtcr Market strsefc at 7 40 A Hturnlng train leas CkUh at 4njv Ticket Offices 2 New Montgomery street sad Tiburoa Ferry a a WHrnNG feteb mcolyns Geuend Manager qr andTA THTBTY THIBD wn uf the SCAN LN AVIAN BOCXETY A Sam Motrsm Paait Bxaraxsr ZZi Sirs BAT won and from the park from 9 a tc to 7 2S leaves on tier 30 am boat Secure return se tu for Berkeley MISCELLANEOUS PHTM Mla XMarks4BtBanrrayitssnCti 3rx3i3Z gs iSjm atasaislSstgsiteiaVTiAt iSSai jA i wJ vaHfcssssssassasssiirfi fan.

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