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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 6

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iMMNipijyillW I WW iiiinpipyiiK mwwmmw ry sax frftANciaco dnnoNiOti siMday jutr 22 I i 9 I ens nils use mm Scheideman Says Boat Warfare Has Broken Down German Socialist Attacks Diver Policy as Triumph of Unscrupulous Demagoguery Von Reventlow Leader Death Lurks in Bottom of a Tank at Barbour Chemical Works in Oakland FIREMEN RESCUE FIVE Workman Who Tried to Save Companion Pays for Ef 1 fort With His Life OAKLAND July Jt On mn I ded and six wer seriously Injured shortly before noon today at the Jelent of the Barbour Chemical Worka 1H Fiftieth avenue Manuel Vlerra a laborer went Into a twenty foot tana used lor the storage of berlun carbonate to clean It and wu oyer com by foreign Flv of hla I low workera went Into the tank one By one In an attempt to effect a rescue and all were In turn over coma The rescue of all six waa effected Emll Alver a member Of the tire department who la now at hla home In a aerloua condition Alter volunteered to don an oxygen helmet and after the alx unconacloua men He paaaed out the alx men and came ut himself but collapaed ALL QtlCKLY OVKRCOMR According to the atocy told by employee Manuel Vlerra S05 Fifty secondsecond avenue ordered by Jamea Bradshaw Sr foreman to clean the tank He entered through a a ma 1 1 manhole In the top But he no aooner reached the bottom than he fell over unconacloua Brsdshaw aounded an alarm and then went Into the tank after Vlerra He alao waa oercome Then in turn followed August Men dosa who Urea at the fame addreaa aa Vlerra Oonsalves 2131 Chapman afreet Wilbur Fin lth 541 Porter atreet and last Jamea vradshaw Jr who Uvea rstner at 7J Fiftieth avenue All were overcome OA8 HELMET HAVKS LIVE In the meantime a fire sIsrmNhad been turned In and No Truck Company from the Melrnea atatlon answered In the equipment of the truck waa the area helmet purchaaed a year go by Fire Chief Eliot Whitehead under proteat Alvera a hoseman volunteered to attempt the rearue The Injured men were ruahed to ine Emergency Hospital Oonaalvea waa dead when he arrived there The tners are In a aerloua condition be cauee or the peculiar effects of the sTis poisonlng Aa they regained con acioueneaa they became raving maniacs lor a time and difficulty waa experienced In treating them fion 3 Ives death la thought to have been rauaed by drowning aa much aa from the effecta of the gaa Workmen say he lay face down In tho tank In which there waa about two Inchea of water PURELY AN ACCIDENT Norrla manager of the concern aald the chief product of the plant waa aulphurtc acid and that the entire output of the acid had been commandeered by the Government several montha ago At that time aecret service men Inveatlgated all our employea and i sine then every man empleed haa been compelled to account for hla paat aald Norrla The aupply of barium carbonate haa not been taken over by the Government The affair today waa purely accidental and waa not Inspired Me aald there waa very little gaa connected with barlu carDonate ana a foreign gaa must nave gotten into the tank All of the Injured men were mar rled and have families except Jamea urjtaenaw jr oonaalvea had a wife and twelve children ffi COPENHAGEN July Jl Berlin newspaper containing the speech ef Imperial Chancellor Mlchaells and the debate In the Itelchatag hava not reacnea uenmark for aome reaeon but arriving Hamburg papers give mora eitenelva reporta of speeches In the Reichstag than ware transmitted by th Wolff Agency Phlllpp Acheideman leader of the Majority Boclsllsts particularly attacked the submarine warfare Ita adoption he declared waa a triumph of unarrupuloua demagogery with Count Von Reventlow and the Deut achea Tagea gritting playing leading rolea The cenaorahlp had prevented effective opposition to th warfare by the presa Hcheldeman recalled by Ilerr Von Heydebrand the Con aervatlve leader that the war would be won In two montha through the submarlnee and evoked merriment In the House by adding Heydebrand your submarine watch has run down ILLUSION BROKEN DOWN As a weapon to end the war this summer the Illusion ef the submarine the apeaker aald had broken down aa waa Inevitable Frederlch von Payer aald that the hew Chancellor took the aame post tlon on the peace queatlon aa hla pre deceeaor and that the next two weeka would ahow what meaeure of determination Mlchaella waa ready to apply to give effect to the programme laid down In the Relchatag reaolutton Ilerr Haaae the Helical Socialist made on of the longest speeches of tho day He attacked the Governments home and foreign policy and demanded Immediate peace negotiations atonement for wrongs committed and the establishment of a Socialist republic Hla speech Is dismissed with a paragraph Ilerr Haaae demanded the release of Dr Lleb knecht and cries from the floor that the prison authorities were atarvlng Llebkneeht csused a tumult In the Houae ROLL CALL AGAINST the roll call th Conservatives and National Liberals voted solidly the resolution of the Ma jority Five members of the Center party also voted In the negative AMSTERDAM July It General von Litdendorff the German ouarver master general In discussing the mil itary situation for the benefit of th membera of the Reichstag according to a semt omclel telegram received from Berlin aald In etartlna the aabmarlna warfare the supreme army command waa guided by a dealr to hjt th enemys war Industry eapeclally the produ tlon of ammunition Through the Sul marine warfare our armlea In th weat wer greatly relieved and he enemya production of ammunition having decreased thus our btmta rulflMed their task rAITII IN BOATS The supreme army command expects ths submarine warfare to break Englands ability to prepare for war by lessening her tonnage Fulfillment of thla wish wll come despite America and with It th end of th world war and peace which Is desired by the supreme army command COPENHAGEN July 51 The British selxure of German ships waa denounced aa a brutal asaault on defenseless merchantmen and a profligate act by Dr Krlege director of the Judicial department of the German foreign office In repblng to a queatlon In the Reichstag Dr Krlege added that Germany had urged Hol land to demand an apology for thla unheard of violation In Iutch waters and a precipe assurance that It would not recur Krlege said Otrmany waa en titled to and would expect Immediate restoration of the captured ahlps and mpensation for the cargoes of those nk also for the wounded seamen id their dependents Holland he Id had already expressed regret at occurreme and declared It would demand the fullest satisfaction The Kelchatag has adjourned until September 3d COPKNIIAUKN July 20 According lo the Berlin National Zeltung Vic Ihsncellor HelfTerlih acted in host at a ronfereme Kmperor William had with leadeia of the Reichstag today Toll of Boats Equals 4 Times Tonnage Built AXASHINGTON July 21 Flgurei in the possession or Ihc iovcrnmrnl based upon the best Information within reach or the allies make II appear Dial since llif beginning of Ihc Merman ruthless submarine destruction of merchantmen hitherto available for entente commerce has been at least four limes the amotinl of tonnage built The ilgurcs slmw the losses to be averaging about one million Ions ciearl weight monthly this including the weight of cargo vhercns Ihc weekly statements from London are based upon registered tonnage tot Postmaster General Orders Change In Handling Mail Going to Jdoan Nippon Makes New Ruling on Matter Sent to Enemy Countries Savings Bank Boomed The Postoflft Department Washington Is not Impressed with th dlapttch with which Japan handles mail Thla is Indicated In the fol lowing order received yesterday by Postmaster Charles Kay This depsrttnent has been advised Ihst articles for the United Htate aval hospital at Yokohama Japan re frequently delayed In reaching destination because they are delivered through the Japanese Poatofflc at kohama With a view to prevent use for similar complaint In future estmastere are Informed that les Intended for delivery In aald spits should superscribed 1T Naval Hospital Yokohama where they will be placed In sacks la beled for said hospital which will be sealed In thla country and ao delivered Restrictions on parcel post park age and money orders to and from enemy countries established by th postal administration of Japan will alary cover In th future mall to persona not of eneniy nationality but whoa business Is administered entirely or In part by cltliena bf enemy countries This change In regulation was mad known yesterday upon th receipt of notice from Washington In an effort to enlarge th Postal Havings Bank business of IM Qovern it th department at Washington has Issued Information regarding th system In eighteen different Ian guget Iroulars printed In Bohemian tni nese Daman Norwegian rinnien French German Greek Japanese Hungarian Magyar Italian Polish Portuguese Roumanian Ruaaian Mr man ruovaa rwyeaisn ana have been aent to all offices P11EMW 1 ARMY ORDESR WASHIM1TON July 21 The followlaf Army orders were Issued todsr COAST ABTHUBY Officers fe jola tee Klgsth Prorlstnnsl Kff I meat si run Aeiasis Iolnnel yi I Dragle Cress Kd Albert I Iliull Cbarlrs II Hnrt William Oral lick Ksnolenn Reseirirean Victor Hhi Wslter llsaeart Elmer Wilson Jonh will proceed to Tort Benjamin Harrison MOIVZEB OrriCZBS BESEkYB CO Iff duty at training ramps taplsH Uff at Usabilities SIGNAL CORPS MEMBERS ADOPT MAYORS WIFE Mrs James Eolph Jr Becomes Official Fairy Godmother of Company Mra James Rolph Jr wife of the Uayor has been adopted as Kalry Godmother of Company California signal corpa Company la fully recruited and will leave for Camp Kearney Linda Vista August 5 Mrs Rolph will be present In the Mayors box at an Indoor circus July II at the Han Kranclaco Riding School when the Mayor preaenta th corpa with a mascot and makea an addreaa A feature of the entertainment will be a motion picture Kear leaa Ferguaon In which the leading parta are taken by Mayor Holph Judge Thomas Graham and Auditor Boyle The company la commanded by Lieutenant Edward Orr and haa Toeen drilling and attending a of telegraphy for two montha paratory to entering the Kedara sr Ice Stokes Robert Basnsll Henry I wslteo James HmltbleT Courtney II Bensrd Robert Kellnn cnat artillery detached officers list Is sine to lulu tbe Elgbtb Prorlaloosl Regiment st Fort Adsma Captala Charles Zollars is detailed to ail vscsney ta qusrtermsster corps Coloeel Cbsrles A ftsnnett relieved from commend In the Routh Atlsstlc Coast Arttllerr District apoa tbe arrival of Brigadier Jeneral Riiebmas Is ssslaned ss conimsodlna officer of roast defeoeee of Portsmouth ntsla Robert slcRrfde from csst de Tenses of TiMotusc Is ssslgned to duty in il orricer Middle istrlet with stal MEDICAL BESXBTE COBra Officers rellered from training cm rort Oglethorpe Ua and to report a llospiral there ror auty drove SbernisD August A Strsseer Wllllsm Vroom Msles Msars roe from New Terk to Al lentown ra for duty first Lteutensnt TbocDss 1 MrCullough from rort Ogletborpe As to Richmond Vs for course ef la BtroctloBs lo mllltsry roentgenology Csp tsla John Rash from Mobile Als to bis home sad stsnd rellsved Psragrspb 33 July 9 to Csplsln Clement A Penrose msdlcsl reeerve corps is revoked rirst Lieutenant Isidore 8 Ksbn to sctlss duty at Leon Borings Tea to examine men ou duty there for tuberculosis then to 8sn Antonio for like duty st Csup Wilson Captsla Rslnb Brewer relieved from transport service will report to New York At snconver Rarracka I aplslns Fielder Waggoner and Wslter Reed At lrt lesvrnwortb Kss Csptsln James Riirke Tsnsey gg Alfred I Toombs Wendell Merrick Jnbn II Byrd Kdmnnd Ms on Bruce Hour uiti Robert Miller Jobs Bros ne ernon Beik Tlrst lleutennnts llsmllton I James Jiha II lywls nn Allen llsrke Klnirr Ason Nell Kluley Henry I hsnibei Mn John KI Ma llsrvey rl I ee Krull A rkblffrss Sec nils Jsj I lefler Mortimer I la tnnfer Kslpb Hodge rensoo Jhn Harm Arthur ocbrsn Joscpb A ENGLANDS FOOD PLY ASSURED FOR NEXT YEAR Seven Months Stock on Hand and New Tonnage Will Soon Be Available LONDON July 2 Kennedy one retlrlrjr Plrertor Ueneral of Wood Kconomy declared In en tnterv fw today that England food supply fur the year was a an tired even If the present rale of ahlpplng lonaea were mlntalned In March he aald the ehorfaK of Ion a Re Ihe partial failure of the world wheat crop and the nub marine depredatlnna rnnMned for aupplle ffeaolcy irae of loitructloD la Ultary tO BCtf LJeutenaDt Arthur Oulni fluty at llnreraor laiaon a in mo traatiport erlre Officer awlcoed to actlre duty at Fort Ham Houtoa Tiaa Tint Lieutenants Joceph Uravea Oliver Kiel Rotert pratheraa Major Willi UIdmi la aaiicneti 10 aciiva dutr aa I nut rue tor la military rucDtfeooloty PbUadelpbla TO EEFQ1T OW BITE i ruuM ta ranalBt of Cantalna Iawreora Halatead Richard Maraball Jr William II Lloptoa Jr la to meet aad tovMtlata aad report unou a aaitabte all ror a raoiODmcai Cor office ra of tbe quartermaster corpa rlrat Ututeoaat Aiao vtnoaa 10 bcji duty for a rourae of Inatructlon la laboralorj work at Rockefeller laatltuta New York Flrat leleutenant i Doniaa a i Tri i mi I en town Fa for dutr Tlrat Lieu tana at llarry Tretwlenberger to Fort Benjamin llarriaoo Ind to examine roo at the tralDinf raaip ror iuoerruioia First Lieutenant Jauiea A Brlttoa to Fort Benjamin llarriaoo for Ilka dut First Lieutenant Albert Llodben re llered from Rpiinf Held 111 will proceed to Fort RaoJaralB Harrison lot tne irueiiva report tb metlical of ttcera iaptala Leopold Jarbea frota Fort Benjamin Harrlaoa to New Xork for Instruction la military roentgenology First Lie to Allen low a Peua for boPD Fiord A i Tlnaton Earl Walsh Bernard Orehan Eugene iuot Icter Blnkhead Homer Iteak JoIid IVorsey Earl II Health Leonard llobba lmt Lieutenant Eugene Ciargea Is bon bly dlacb arced aerrlcea being no longer uiuuiii iu airiiis uui To artUe duty aptslo Frederlrk Halrb First Lieutenant tlrarge Llgblaea Hrond Lieutenant Matthew Fontaooe Iu UHiilty of Washington It Cantalo Willis Blcbel Klnt Lieutenant ftlanler Barkmaa Arthur Hartwell Wallaco Ijibioo Harry rerguaon Jease 8 Tboroe ttarauel alcCuoaell at Fort Leavenworth Kaa tantala A lei a Oder McCouiber relieved from nglueera training ramp near this city will the engineer depot at Washington FouDectioa with the procurement of id auoollea I rat Ueuteaant Fdward 1 Semoa will proceed home and atand relieved QUAXTZKatAfTEt OFTICEEI KEIEETS taptala Alvla Uoode relieved aa esnstaot to the fllcer In charge of the purchase of public animal in katiss i City Mo wIU pro reed to New York aa aaalataat to tbe depot quartermaster Major Morton Henry from tbe flawalla Department to tbe United Htatea for further orders Captain John Rntbsrhlld discharged aerv Ice not being required Captain Samuel 1J Fletcher from Fort Keogb Moat to tbe Weat em Department aa one or tne divtaloo or auiillary reoiouuc ae lots In the Western nepartmeat taptala Frank Baron from Philadelphia to bla home and stand relieved Asalgnrd to athe duty Captains Joseph Davla aad let or Mather to Kansaa iitr Mo IIsmoIu Uartlo ami ltsbTt Htrawbrldg te Fort Keogb Moot Tbomaa Atklna Jr and Harry La Moatagna to Front Royal a aa asatstaota to quartermastera at inoatee piam Taptala William Wilkinson and Albert I Lincoln to Philadelphia aa aeslatanta to depot quartermaster OEDVAVCE EEIEETE Flrat Lieutenant George It Chase to Br Idea First Lieutenant Samuel Uolt to chief ef Wltnera te Frank ford rack en First Lieutenant John Captain Lawrence Qulaa te ridge Pa Cleveland Wllkeabarre Pa ea eftlc ial business First Lleutenaat Allen Calloway slgaal reserve will report to cetera Department aa aaalataat to signal officer Leave for ten days baa been granted to Captala Cfcrr Halter coast artillery corpa Flrat Lieutenant David li Cowlea Infantry baa been detailed aa member of an eiaiululog board at Coluaibua barracka vice Captala John Cbeovwlili Fourth Infantry relieved Few Drops on a Corn or Callus Instantly step pain and thsy lift right off with flngar JJ IL YXsf This tiny bottle holds tli wonder of wonders It contains an almost maclral drug called freesone It Is a com pound mad from eth Apply a few drops of mis ireexone upon a tender achlnc corn or a hardened callus Instantly the sorsnesa disappear a and shortly you will And th corn or callus so shriveled and loos hava vou just lift It off with th flncsrs It doesnt hurt ou particle You feel no pain or soreness when applying frceion or aflarwarda It doeant even Irritate the skin Just ask In any drug tr for a small bottle treason Thla will hut a aw rente but will positively rid your poor suffering feet ot very hard corn soft corn or corn between th leu touh ral 1usa on bottom of feet WpaaeaJ Keep a Hay bolt I oa ths lrr a4 aar let a cora ache WK Cigar Shop Not Sufficient to Hold Countess Heroic Effort at Trade Fails De CzakyOnce Won Her Back NEW YORK July II to Mra Maud de isaky deCsaky hereditary rul garlan provlnc and a Archbishop of Vienna by ths State Supreme Cl day A dlvorc lit of Coun of a Hun phew of th waa ranted urt here to Cuunteaa de Csaky waa twUe married before she became the wife of the Hungarian nobleman Her flrat huaband waa Montgomery ltran wealthy publisher and litterateur of Han Kranclaco After hla death ah married Robert I Inman millionaire Oregon lumbiian who divorced her In Iortland In February Ull one month and nln days after their marriage She was given a substantial propsrty settlement She married Count de Csaky after 1 angacsment of four montha In rll Ull when th Csaky a war gjests at th Fairmont Hotel In llila city Countess Csaky ordered her titled huaband to go lo work A separation followed and then th Count complied tlolng to New York opened a cigar stor and a reconciliation followsd Count Csakys Arat wlfs was a daughtsr of a Hungarian statesman he divorced th count and married Jan Kubellk th violinist Count Csaky I a distant cousin of Count LJadlalaa elaachanvt who married Jlgdyg Yndrllt FIRE IN FRESNO MAY BE CHARGED TO INCENDIARY Lumber Yard Deitroyed Waili of Dogs and Cats in Veterinaryi Bring Help IRKyKo July St Buildings on both sides of I street between Monu and Ventura streets were wiped out by flr her tonight Including the mill and lumber yards of the Fresno Hlanlng mlll Company aeveral auto mobile repair ahopa and als dwellings bringing about a loaa that ta estimated at midnight aa between ISO 000 and 1300000 Th Ar waa under control at midnight The origin of the Are la unknown and tonight th police began an In teatlgatlon One witness claims th Ar started In the lumber yards while Kre1 Lainond Informed the au thorltlea that th bias broke out In a blaukamrth ahop Heversl Aremeii and voluntecra wer ovtrcom by smoke snd treated at th Emergency Hospital Kucltsment at th Ar waa In dlaaater The situation was eerie We hold breadstiirfs Today through the voluntary cooperation of the people It Is certain we will be able to atart Hie new cereal year with nearly seien month stoks which toKether with the enormous potato crop coining Into the market will make next years situation a mere queatlon of whether In twelve montha we nil1 be able to Import He montha supplies INtCW TO NAOK tOMIMi Kveilf the sinkings continued at the present rate thla should not be difficult heiauae of the new tonnage which will become available next month here and In America Jonea after renewing the effect of the measures taken rn the eat lea bread campaign In the United King dom remarked that no doubt the Ier mans had tried their hardest to crrat conditions which by this time wouli prevent England going on with the war but they had been unable ti do ao KCONOtlY FKRMANKftT The problem of March was one supplies he continued The pro leni now Is merely thst of price am rilsttlbutlon I believe the ei ononu taught the people will be permanent There will be no waste In the future aa there waa before the campalun and there will be Intellgent apprre I atlon of the alue of foodatufta anions working rlaaaea and tit lowei the middle claaaea Compulaory rationing haa been made unnecessary ny the patriotism and the co opera tion of the people The stocka on hand now are larger than anyone even six weeks ago dared to anticipate A reduction of 2f per cent In the price of bread at an early date was announced today by Karon Rhondda food controller A graduated reduction In the price of meat foi Ihe army and alvlilans which by January will mean a 30 per cent decreaae from the amount now paid waa announced WA Young Jr Is Guest of Honor At Banquet on Steamship Ecuador General Passenger Agent bf the Pacific Mail Company Is Given Big Farewell Dinner Cross of Honor Given Canadian Major General Nephew of Turner of This City Rewarded by France Fifty prominent steamehlp and railroad men gathered on the TaclAc Mall steamship Rcuador at pier 44 laat evening to do honor to A Young Jr general spassenger agent of the company who Is leaving on the steamer for a four month trip to the Orient At a banquet which has oever been surpassed In the steemshlp world of Han Francisco Young wss the guest of honor for four hours ileneral Manager Rosseter could not be present but detailed Comfort the grand old man of San hipping In his plsce Be Hospital Unit No 30 Is Ready i or War Organization Officially to Represent State at the French Front a 1 ho Unlterslly of California Haje Hospital Unit No 30 is completely organized and rcsdy for service in France The unit Is composed of twenty four doctors from the teach ing staff of the medical departme of the Iniverslty of California wl leave received commUslona in Hi medical officers receive corps sixty five nurses who have received credentials from the Hed Cross Hureau In Washington twenty five aids and lit enlisted persons This unit la to represent officially the mate of California The preslelent and reuents of the Btate Unlvenlty are behind it Kuch rltlsen can call It hla unit II waa organised by the Red Croas and on orders from Waehington the Army will take It over aid plnce an Armv doctor In charge lr Alanaon Weeks chief of the surgical division salel last nlslit Kwry member of the unit is ready aliel anxious to get to Kren The unit Is organised to care for duo patient but lx mpable of taring for 2U00 men In an emergency Dr Kllgoic Is director a i chler of the medical division Dr Alanaon Weeka thief of the surgical division and Dr Howard Ruggles chief of the laboratory division ncBlfl PETITIONS HIED TO MAKE II inoFM Senate Votes 640000000 for Air Fighting in Record Time TO TRAIN 100000 MEN With Debate Only on Draft of Aviation Corps tHc Bill Passes Quickly WA8H1NOTON July 31 The Ileus bill appropriating IMO000000 for th aviation aervlc was passed late today by th Senate without amendment or a record vote and with less than an hours dlacuaalon It nbw eea to th President TTi Senat only dispute with many membera expressing a desire to paas th bill Immediately was or an amendment of Henator Itardwlck or Oeorgla to strlk out a clsuae authorising drafting of tho men of the aerial service Th amendment waa relucted SS lo 19 after Steneeene uieeiun i in roiiett and Henator Ordnna mad uaiton stann assistant 10 en ber Deechea orDoalna the draft general manager Captain Jobn rnxmitern i siii us ninrfr eellcl adviser and Charleal TO COfHtUEB IW THE AIR Diih fyetalla Al tvlena Foe evtikniSHiirat nf i and tne nug sum appropriated have been Yiddish sides res Man Tries Ri ding litre Preserver iri lake and Drown rO Spelat totspateti Th CIshalcM ponTLANI Or June 21 cludwlg Schmjdl aged 26 was drowned tonight In a small lake between Ihe Alblna shops and the river The bqdjr was reedtered Schmidt Is reported to have been paddling about la the water on the remnant of a life preserver The contrivance slipped from under him and being unable to swim he sank before help could reach him A Bhlbp secretary to Rosseter Ifenrv Avlla waa toastmaster following a toast to President Wilson other toasts offered for members of the Psclflc Mall staff and especially the guest of honor wer drunk Th banquet waa supervised by A Vaesie port ateward of the Tactile Mall Company and entertainment waa furnlahad by artlats from Ban Franciscos theaters RESISTS TAKING FINGER PRINTS lames Kennedy shot snd probsbly fatftlly wounded by Joseph Kraus owner of the Anrhor brewery when he attempted to hold up the saloon st 2200 Rryant street early yesterday morning Is believed by the police to ne one of the two white handker hlef bandits responsible for twenty four saloon robberies In the psst seven weeks Kennedy Is in serious condition but refuses to answer question In hla pockets yesterday the police found the telephone number of a lodging house on Howard street where shey arrested John King King alleged to have prior record wss chsrgej with vsgrancy and held in ball of 1 1 000 In eeini ionscioiiB moments yesterday Kennedy called for llmmle and Patay The Jlmml mentioned is believed by the police to be Kennedys companion In the saloon Ttoldupa and the woman his sweetheart When Captain of Detectives Mathe son and Ueutenant Arthut laiyne attempted to take Kennedys ringer prints yesterdsy afternoon Kennedy objected so strenuously that th profess to connect the wounded man with crimes In other cltlej was postponed until today Kennedy told Mstheson he was 35 years old and gava his occupation aa that of a waiter said hailed from Ingersolt Ontario but lead recently worked fin BirttiV Mory Mpokane Seattle and Taconyj Closely uueatloned he aald had t6me to San Fra iclsco four week ago Stl haa aim that tJn beeif living In a rnoming liousn on Klxtl alrect Turner aerretary of th Canadian Club of thla city haa received word that Hla nephew Major Oen era Turner of ljuebec haa been awarded the Croix de Com mandeur de la eglon dllonneur and that King Urorge haa given the recipient permlaalon to wear the decoration Major Ueneral Turner la now In command of the Canadian forcea In the belie Kngland lie aerved with distinction I the puip through the South African war where the rank he won the Victoria Cross for con that he splcuous bravery during the righting laws agal at Komati rivar In that buttle Lieutenant Turner though badly wounded led hla men In a rharg agalnat the Boers and saved the British guns In tne present wsr he went to the front early and waa Iu command of the Canadian Highland brigade during the recent fighting at I ange marik where per rent of the men engaged ware killed wounded or taken prisoner In that fight th Jermaii wiaild have been ahl to break through had It not been for the courage and ieaourcfulnesa displayed by Ueneral turner and hla orriccra Two hundred and thirty two petl tlona containing a total of 15038 names we lied with Registrar II Zemansky yesterday by th Klckert Recall league with a demand for an election at which the removal from office of District Attorney Charles Klckert will be sought At th same time It waa announced that Charlea A Swelgert defeated by Flckert when he laat ran for offlce will ba the recall candidate Th required numbar of valid signatures ror a recall election petition Is 11837 The Registrar will cliecK over within ten days the algnaturea on the petition filed yeaterday and If th required number of valid ona la found th election will be called for aome date In Auguat The league aaya it la holding bet iu i0U namea which will be filed later should they be needed The petitions were delivered to the Registrar by II Young 41 Rusala street secretary of the Klckert Recall League Mra Nellls Harpold of HS0 Kouith av uue and Albert Carroll of 03 Mln neaota atreet The chHigea against Flckert ar that he has prostituted hla uHic at certain Interests for bringing dise redlt to organised labor unel failed to enfon the immerclallsed vice BRUSH BOUGHT HERE LEFT BY CHICAGO SUICIDE Ramom Found Dead in Room at Hotel With a Revolver Clasped in Hand bierrlal ntspste le Tbe rprnnli le CHICAGO July 81 A man who had reglatered at the Hotel Planter as Ransom waa found dead a auiclde today In hla room with a revolver clutched In hla left hand There waa a Dunet wound In th Wt tern im tne initials ii were louna on nia collar and ahlrt The man waa about to years Old 6 feet I inchea tall with blue eyes and or light complexion He first reglatered at th hotel July 15 lie waa away for several days and then returned He had paid his room rent angle Noe Valley Meeting Favors Four Tracks creased by th cries and walla or hVll nfi5 i roJ dogs and cats In a veterinary hopl WJ 1 hUoul aot ll that caught dr Men ritsU Into fl 01 1 1 TVit rianl th building and th animal wer I dwilloVllYhm ivi ivs iej miiry Saloon Held Up by Two Masked Bandits Two men wearing whit handker chief masks sarly this morning en tered th IOn conducted by Frederick Herg at 3300 tleary street and forced Berg to give them th omenta ot th aahsreglaler about 130 Two were SU WB lit apeakei lioe I Troy Oavldaon Uevaney William Ke Frank Feiguaoil 1 Zanl and John Elevator Inspection To Begin on July 27 1 All eletatuia operated Iu California muat be Inspected and a permit given by the Induatrlal Accident Commission commenting July 37 Will French uf the Comnilsalon la calling attention of ownera to ths provisions of the new law Postcards have been sent out to owners asking thst a request for luspectlos ba made at ones and stating that no peaally will be sitae hed to owners It spplhatlon has been made but no Inspection has ben given by the dale apse I fled In thai law Th law paaaed by Ihe lart gla Utur makes It a misdemeanor to oporat elcvattere without th piuilt HITIYF HUMS PIAY Haaperian Farlor No fo The clothing contained key ring with mall box door keys The clothing contained a button hook and II 30 He had a clothea brush stamped Kan Francisco 1500 Refrigerator Cars Are Coming According to General Manager McClynionda of th Patll Fruit Ixpreaa the refrigerator car aupply which haa lauaed aome concern among tbe rresh frult shipper In th veils Is to be enlarged by the delivery during July August September and October or 1500 fruit growers express ears Beginning with th drat week In Auguat th Paolflo Fruit Kx preaa withheld b0 4t te known that It pro vide for about 31000 airplane and nearly 100000 man Th President Is expected to sign the bill Mondsy and the work of building on of th greatest air fleets th world hss seen will ba pushed with vigor In rejecting the llsrdwlrk smend ment the dosen Senators voting to strike out th draft clause wer Borah Broussard Curtis lore lironna Hard wick Klrby La Follette McKellar Norrla Owen and Varda man 14 OILKTTE FlUHTft DRtKT lii a vigorous speech opposing the draft clause Kenator la Follette aald that any war prosecuted by democracy ought to without compulsory service Democracy ought never enter a war that it cannot prosecute with volunteers he said particularly ob jecting to compulsion for the extra hasardoua air service He said he In tended offering a lesolutlon repealing th draft law Hanator Oronna said he opposed the draft provision for the same reason as Senator Ia Follette II denounced the publication of statements that he Intended to oppose the bill and filibuster against It as a delib erate and unqualified falsehood UolLfl IIHAKT lKi Henator Calder offered as an amendment the resolution of Senator Chamberlain chairman of the Military Committee propoaing to amend the Army ttraft law to make aliens subject to conscription excepting subjects of Oermeny or those exempted by treaty He sali of the 10000000 men registered over IOoOOOO are aliens Arlsona alone having 40 per cent of aliens Senators Wadsworth Ktone Bran degee Lodge and others also urged legislative action to subject aliens to yesterdays draft as well aa future calls The amendment was finally withdrawn to expedite the bill Daniels Asks 137366177 For War Navy Demand Is Imperative but Reason Can Be Told Now WAMI1NOTON July 21 Mecietarv Daniels today aubinltieil to the Houae estimates aggregating 1 1 3 738 1 77 lor war needa of the Navy including ammunition ordnance auppliea improvements of vurde end ilnrle rlothheir I and enlargement of the navy yard and gun ractory here beeretary IJanlrts explained that theae and other eatlmatea recently jubniitted are Imperatively necessary for the public aervlce but for obvloeia reaaona cannot explained In letters of transmittal The largest estimate Is 110551177 for the naval establishment Thla Included 12 tin 000 for ordnance and ordnance atorea 115 000000 ror ammunition 132000000 for batteriea and outfits for vessels 10000000 for reserve and miscellaneous ordnante supplies anJ 01i0 for clothing ror marine corps A separate appropriation of 100 000 ror yards and docks Is asked loi lending and equipping the machine plant at the naval gun factory and for Improvementa or the Washington navy yard f500000 and 5si0oeu respectively are aaked Sergeant Dies From Brain Hemorrhage Thugs Choke Victim And Take Bankroll Vhll on his way to a bank last evening to TIepoalt th days receipt of hla saloon George Corey on of the proprietors of Corey Brothers cseat Hecond and Mission streets was stopped and robbed of ssck containing about 100 three men nt the cornersvf Second and Jessie streets on of th men whom describe as a Mexican choked him while th other two rifled his pockets When the men found the money sack en of them shouted That It boys lets beat It Special Policeman It Htuart arrived a minute aftr th affair bat got little trace of th thieves League Will Sponsor Municipal Ticket The Oood Oovernment League will sponsor a full ticket for munielpsl offices at th fall election th executive mmlttee decided at a meeting In the Mills building A committee wss sppolnted to report on th chsr acter and qualification of candidates for Police Judge and a civic Investigation committee will be appointed ater Mllo Robins wss elected president of th committee Prstt vice president and Perseo Rlghettl and If Forbes nw members USE POSLAM lr you have a skin trouble that la distressing you do not let another div pass without using Poslam ft possesses healing energv in the most active and most concentrated rorm It Is the direct remedv ror Itching skin affections particularly stubborn and virulent cases of Kcsema It acts like pacifying balm inging graiecui a 8old everywhere write i bringing grateful andTastlngre11f iboratn West 47th St New York City For free satnnl Kmergency Laboratories Ill clearer better bv the dally us Poslam Soap medicated with Voslam nJBf I Seattles Funotu 1 HLH Fin oentral location Every I IwTTnMiSSeSl modern sppointment CM MnUWIlS eoeornnest on Coast LuJLllUsIll KATES iiIilHHfl tec lsy i wkk aa bca MUBM tlasreaasvttBrirsBkaea I Where to Stop Ioui ahopa UllAMe ISLAND Neb i July Major nturdevant of th medical corpa or tlie Nabrasks Fedral Guard tonight conducted an autopsy over th body of Hergesnt Joseph leo of Company Fifth Nebraska regiment and found that death resulted from a hemorrhage or tie brain with slight traces or Indlseatlon No traeee nf pects to recelv irty new I nfomalne imlMonlnsr evhlrl i Hpt WHM lay rrom th Chicago and Mai thought lo have caused th death ot ttrgeant Leo were found THERES ONE HOTEL IAN KHAICISt TsBi fi ffr ITH TMIJ POLICY EVERY ROOM 150 Per Day bitter Oa Tss Peraas NO MIIIIIEH wltk srlvsts satk aa lanj drsssiaf closet cartwrighYwhotel Oa Meek aerU ef fraaeie Kstsl SUTTEB STREET abore Powell Management II ILVMKICTl ECZEMA CAN BE CURED Free Proof To You II I iLWiwiIJLiiSSldif V14 tff rU 137 Ntv rTSffSJSiSitn or IU a Mess atssassr bona of th Golden Weat will bold I beea la ta rfu ki i 1 whist oartt nan Thiirtdv rin kswasbit etiVTZljr i XZT vrya gews as aad i the banquit hall or the inttiiZu UUti bee cud iffWJhSiZrSSrSJSlSSr llTli hllllHIflar Tha lirfli AaHa ara kaa If haVVaf CUtasTsakjk laah taM Jau fo nav exVe o7 tb Zr7Z iT7iWn7 ZTS X2LTlSTt mr COLONIALHOTEL i0 Both Street tMraaaPaa I Asserlja Plaa sUern wltk Ut keesi wltk rrlvats saU I VrlvsU satk OXt Hpeclal Weekly and Monthly itatea TSltfasse sailer aMMl lVUKR NEW M1NAOKMBMT HOTEL TURPIN UX ATEI OWkLL AND MARKET Heesaa wltkoal bat ha gta Raa with balk ft A Attractive rates by th month BILLY BO YLAN Iilanager band day urvrri ucdai ubKuru or Adlu nnrmiSisssnz w1 wMlsr asssMMtw MT lt TAT Speaker Describes German Experiences VZAX nnpVvciub Cr UT2Jrut l484 wt Newman who waa raveling has appointed a ronimltts to confer riesassesa wltbeat cost bllgstkia Ua ret free Freef Tree tsb In Jermany at Hit outbreak it i llh Mayor Kolph th Board of Hu war was th speaker at th luncheon nervlaora and th local llahiln also of thS Transportsllon 4luh atr nslu In III sfVnrt In MnBA 1rrn ohtrMutd day at tha PaUc Hotel Newman de extended and uniform street lighting 1310 wlUI JJftsiw forcd toscrlbeU hi arrest sul dspoflalloa system for th lllchmond dlstrlet and lip nanus it uerianaititorllH Uoldeii uat Ifi itrsetaad saloon St Margarets Club iiomu von KLKtitrportTitn utHla U4i CAUrOHMIA gTRtCKT ksa rraaklla kin Tsxartsts Aeevasasoslsled al teive etallv Low Bates Tak CaUfwraU Larkla Car I AS.

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