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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 64

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lvywLA XktT fPf4 Tty rj cHSKh A1 Bjej Ja 1 i aMassBBBBBBBBBBBBBsleatVBBBBS JKIb tl jj I IflSJII USD ip riinn tc fiME Bf lorRiynHEUBc jjari Francisco Evening Post Editorially Fixes Status of Proposition ItAKE MERCED DARK HORSE ht PiChange in Plan foe Golden WmP Gate Park Will Be for Mf Its Betterment mm KSWfalsl rat BMIitflp of land jJfcrtoOtitttnd log Wtullf membershl Wt 9 Tfce following article showing the alslty of the impression tnai uoiaen a i Itim I MB al Ailr iTrja UWOM WtUlUIlH tjSLUonatExposltlon appeared a an edito rfjafi11n the San Franclaco Evening Pot I Js i vl night On the contrary It ex 1rSii ti nnini out that Oolden Gate life and Lincoln parka with an adjoining ovlcal alto and with the erahlp of the expoaltlon i I VI JS sPpard of directors preaent win muaier mora votea than any other aite 3 PARK STILL FAVORITE Throug an Injudloloualy worded vj atatement given forth by President Moore of the Panama Paclflo Ex position Company the Impression has gone forth In certain quarters that Golden Gate Park has been withdrawn as a site for the Pan ama Paclflc Exposition Such Is not the caae Geldem Gate aad Llacoln Parka wltk a atrip of territory trro blocks wide Jolalaa the two la ami Ike i favorite site for Ike rxpoeltlom as I It haa bees all alone and It Is kere that tat Post belleTea tke eapesl lL tloa will be located i The Oolden Gate Park plan haa been enlarged by Its friends on the board of directors to Include the strip of territory between lolden Gate and Lincoln parks It haa always been contemplated to use parts of the two parks In conjunction It Is proposed to use a atrip of land two blocks in width connecting the Iwo parks and on thjs land to locate the exposition In place of belnff withdrawn the Post believes that with a full board rresent this site has more votes In the Exposition Company than any other His enthusiasm for anotherslte seems to have occasioned President Moore to overlook the fact that Harbor View was withdrawn to Just the same extent that Golden Gate Park was withdrawn The original Harbor View site waa taken by lukewarm frlenda of that locality on the board to be too small for an exposition location and when the vote was taken It waa enlarged by taking In what la called by lla proponents the Cox head addition extending east to Telegraph Hill and dubbed by Its opponents as the Eaberg appendix When the vote was taken by the directors it was not as Harbor View but as the revised water front that Ibis alte was designated and It was not on Golden Gate Park alone but parks Lake Merced Is the dark horse In exposition sites It haa four enthusiastic proponents on the board of directors and it haalie advantage that on the Merced Sutro site the property is offered to the exposition company free for Ave years on the payment of taxes These three sites are actively bo fore the board of directors and commltteea have been appointed to present each properly at the meeting on July 17th The chance In the Golden Gate Park plan goes only to the extent of protecting the Park by locating temporary buildings and the midway attractions on the strip of land outside the Park In order that the ahrubbery and trees of the Park may not be mutilated for the temporary structures it Is proposed to locate the permanent buildings In the Park WOMAN AND COMPANION CONVICTED OF SWINDLING Henrietta Walton and Long don Will Be Sentenced by Police Judge Tomorrow Mrs Henrietta Walton and Longdon were convicted yesterday by Police Judge Deasy on charges of obtaining money under false pretenses apd will be sentenced tomorrow The Salr Were arrested by Detective arkley and were accused of swindling a number of persons out of 120 each which amounts were paid as feea for contracts given to become travel ing managers for a wholesale house In Philadelphia Mrs Genevieve Oerry of Oakland la the complainant to the specific charges Detective Markley received word from the south that the wife of Longdon resides at o3 west Eleventh ave nue Denver and the husband of Mrs Walton Uvea at 627 West Fifth atreet Los Angelea A telegram from A Braaisn captain In command of the Los Angeles police atatea that Longdon waa arrested on February 11th In that city on a charge of fraud In which he was If ysxetmaed of receiving sterns of 20 each Tjr ffom various people falsely represent 5 Hying he waa Identified with a Phlladel phla Arm He returned the money to lh nmnlinnt ait thus na prosecution according to Captain Bra dlsh Aj ufriJ2Qw pTMX lM rWrVr i tMSfi vtf i VI Hf VVBs8sSSSSSSSsPiSKffllBBsfeS 1 sltssiiiiikilft jHsPM IPM Kfe vwJrx I A I tsimX uTflii 8liraralKii MKiKziimim twm wmsskmtmm Wm tllibAKtelDn i mrm Commissioner Laumeisterand Mlat Tesaie Madden uhose engagement to Joseph Sigwatt tea announced yesterday Announcement of Her Betrothal to Sigwart Made at Party MR AND MRS have announce of their daug AND MRS FRANK MADDEN daisies The hostess waa assisted in ed the engagement fece vlnj her ghter Mlas Tessls roron nhlrardell Madden to Joseph Frederick Blgwart The groom to be Is a young San The news was told yesterday at a I Francisco business man and la the son pretty card party given at the home of of Mr and Mrs A Sigwart The the bride elect The house was pret wedding will take place In August and tily decorated for the occasion In white the future home of the young couple nd gold the flowers used being Shasta will be In this city EngineerHuntRi3turn From rahtidsfWltDatfe arlhT 7 rv jrT1 fPERSQII Pi 7F I JliZaunii who ha benmploye4 by theBoard of PubllaWerk aa con suiting engineer forvth stioastniotlon of the cJtr rilrojonaniistreet and Chtl SXintelrsiiubJl9 Work Commlssioner wh went toi Chicago to meet Hunt on thengtners return trip to San Francisco from New Tork have arrlTed horns bearing much tats on the bulldlnc nd operation of street railways iVSTv Jri Chicago Engineer Jlunt obtained an abuadance of docrumen tary Information relating Ho the sUeet railways of that city ifrom the Board At Control 1 which has cnarge oivtnem ana mis will be muci Tftlue sayi lre paring the apeelflcatlonsror the municipal road here The specifications for the power house roadbed care and otherequipment may be furnished by Engineer Hunt to theBoard of Public 1 Works some time next month Hupt favors having the can ror the elty railway built wholly of steeL The eost of steel ears will be somewhat greater than the others ha says but this additional outlay will be more than counterbalanced by theaaTlng in wear and tear and In the expanse of caring for the cars The Intention la to have very comfortable cars and all of the Ideas adopted In other cities In regard to the seata and Interior arrangements will be reviewed before the specifications are submitted The old Geary street railway will probably not be disturbed or several months Hunt states the plan being to let It continue In operation as long as possible Not untll the trolley poles are up ths wires strung the powerhouse In process of erection and the delivery of the cars set for a definite date will the Geary street cable system be stopped and the tearing up of the cable roadbed be rushed so that the new tracks may be laid rrCharUJIUaiijWlei lumberaenorflouthBeBdtVTaihiTea lstered yesterday at tha i oloa Bquar has large tin tsrtau In Island sugar JlpiUtloaH lat IhsArf onauUJHe is an route to vf 1 Jor Jhavln sjs rlyedhersjrrrdayie 1 jjHudtoon Sacramento1 capital 1st was am9nyesieraayaarrTaisv tttifgtt an lniporterronChl cago If tJith tlurpl CXjlBariVnattortieytf YiX IeyToirflV CaVi and Mr LflBaroB mrf guesathaAUntenrjSquaie7 Joseph DiaioVglajPresJaeiiti tth AtlantlFrulti Company JTampaTJa arrived at the Palace laal areniPaT i a buatoess and phjaiareitrlpiWalah will keep hlmloln Franclaco and Call He XBai4wUiJianlter indjlantar with ertenslvsn Interests lav the Hawaiian isUnda If ax the Fairmonts Ha arrived here the teamerfJKoreaip 7t Wa 1 Among th tourists registsred at me Falrmen are Mr and Mrs Henry Campbell of Detroit MJch Mr and Mra TVa Hillpf BnglanVaodirHi raacia jriiueijiiua A llf Warren iaterssteclilnNevjida mlnlns properties Is reglatared at the St Francie from Tonopah Mr and Mrs Jeorge Smith with thrse daughters are tourists registered at the St Franclf from Bvans ton 111 CELTIC UNION TO EAISE FUNDS FOE IRISH HALL SOUTHERN PACIFIC SOON TO HAVE NEW FERRY BOAT Thoroughfare Will Be Placed on Run Between San Francisco and Oakland in Aupuit The Thoroughfare the new Southern raclflc ferry ateamer now building In the Oakland shipyards la about 77 per cent completed and will be placed in operation about the latter part of August She will be virtually a duplicate of the ferry steamer Melrose and will ply on the Oakland creek route between San Francisco and the foot of Broadway Oakland Her net tonnage Is 177 tons gross tonnage 292 tons She is a double eml slde wheeler particularly adapted for the handling of automobiles and teams She will coat 170000 The Cherokee a stern wheel wooden freight steamer is also nearlng completion at Oakland 8he will perform about the same service as the Fruto which is used by the Southern Pacific to transport fruits and vegetables from San Joaquin and Sacrameijto river points to Sacramento pistol nvjiiirss small dot Adolph Florenxlnl aged 12 yeara who lives with his parents at S72 Ivy avenue was badly Injured yesterday morning when a blank cartridge pistol with whlbh the boy was playing exploded and drove the wadding of the charge Into his left hand Florenzlnl was taken to the Central Hoapltal where his Injury was dressed and he went home Annual Festival and Reunion Will Be Held Today at Fairfax Park aid In raising funds for the erection of an Irish hall on Fourteenth street near Market the Celtic Union will hold its annual festival and reunion today at Fairfax Park A 118000 site for the hall already has been acquired A varied programme of Irish games and sports has been arranged Cash prises are offered and gate prizes will be given Protesaor McMahon will guide conteatanta in Jig reel and fancy step dancing Professor Jamea A Foley and bla Irish braas band will be heard In aolo and concert Kneas Kane and a cotds of assistants will manage the dancing pavilion The sale of shares of hall stock will be under the direction of ODowd lames Wrenn William Dunne Warden Mrs Rogerson Mrs Donovan Miss Kyne Mrs Oormley Mrs McCarthy Miss OConnor John Mulhern Miss Josephine Dillon Judge Deasy Coughlln OConnor and John Qulnlan The Juvenile Hibernians will play ball with a picked nine of the League of the Croaa Cadets The committee on arrangements Include Thomas Alford chairman Timothy OLeary secretary Kdward Lomasney treasurer Conroy George Lowe Miss Breanahan John Donohoe John Condon Kane Mrs Gormley Toner OTtfahoney Lydon Mra McCarthy John Hare LETTHW CAHHIERS PICNIC San Francisco letter carrlere are preparing to give their annual picnic and games at Shell Mound Park Sunday July 2d Over 500 prizes Including a 1100 gold watch will be given sway and besides the gafnes there will be vaudeville numbers furnished by local thoaters Mr and Mrs Davis of Omaha are at the St Francis Major Hart of the United States Army who has been visiting In the North returned yesterday to his apartments at the Stewart John Leinsn assistant to the secretary of the California Board of Health Is registered at the Stewart from Sacramento Hussman of Reno Nev a civil engineer engaged in railroad construction work la at the Stewart Frank Kauke an oil man from Fresno I a guest at the Manx A Smith an attorney of Bakers Held registered yesterday at the Manx He la accompanied by Mrs Smith Dr Mark of Orovllle Dr Moulton of Chlco Dr Jorgenson of Salt Lake City and Dr Clement Bid die of Philadelphia are among visiting physicians who are at the Palace en route to the American Medical Association Convention at Los Angeles Dr snd Mrs Mills of Santa Barbara are at the Palace Among the Los Angelea people who arrived at the Palace yesterday were Murphy and wife Maynard and Alexander Williams Hayes a Sacramento buslneaa man and Mrs Hayes are at the Palace for the week end MUSIC ITT THE PARK The following programme will be given this afternoon by the Park band Charlea II Cassasa director Anthem Star Spangled Banner march Tann hauaer Wagner a Album Leaf Wagner Valse Lento Dellebes by request overture Oberon Von Weber gema from Spring Maid Helnrlch moaalc Samson and Delilah Salnt Saens Rhapsodle Hon groise No 14 Liszt A Hunt In Black Forest Walker The start Galloping horses The chase Arrival at the Inn The return home excerpts from II Trovatore Verdi waltz Tout Paris Waldteufel march Portland Cadets Reeves America i Hit Her Neighbor It waa one of those friendly neighborly rowa her new suit hit her neighbors eye Now they have the swelleat neighbors In town They all dress on the 1 a week credit plan 51 Stockton atreet upstairs Tremendous Bargains for All IEBES llJU fURS CLOAKS SUITS 167 177 POST STREET 136 144 GRANT AVE Extraordinary Sale of the Season TEACHERS TO BE HONORED BY THE ARMY AND NAVY The convention league headquarters Of the National Educational Association has received word from the Navy Department that the cruisers of the Pa clflc squadron now at San Diego and Seattle will anchor in this bay during the convention of teachers In this city They will have the freedom of the vea sels while In port and the teachers will be treated to a military day on July Superintendent of Schools Alfred VH Jloncovlerl will be In charge of mlmlo niaheuvers representing warfare which I i I a I i i WM Dfl prvciyLvu in uy troops irara the Presidio Target Practice and mill tTi tarj raualo will also be a feature ot the I AWeele of the teachers visit gl lASt yuAWClSCAWS FOR EUROPE JV5 VvtV SV Of TTIassk a js a IIS Hw A fyAulvll tiiw sTJtsVii i auvtavBiis Bftliinf from NeirTork tor Europe rtcnt1y 1H a i eJfinui ttmcn ana who mim iioaiit urua Icira Karl ianer Amies conn i Michaels and wife and Mrs 4 Bchwelzer on the North German Lloyd VC axoress steamship prtnFrJedrleh Wll JIVUI vw UUV ease sa eT WM ft it ii Jast Thursday Drewwj 3ML Bh glehurat A Liihre rv Ha wartf KUnb tilU Rupert TrodUtsindVJ Lustlg on rfths Kalsar WllhelmderOrosse of the Tuesday for Bremen vis Plymouth and tCherbourg and Miaa Blanche Holly and js rivineanwiisBno warren S1 Sir i Lbl who lsft Wednesday for Hamburg on the Hamhurs American liner iJ i i if Cnrarleia4 aaifcWMwfr m4 Ml Csifersisisc assd vmerat atarUar atlvw fl iwara in snrivaiin saayesB 2rrjrFrrrzissKzrJVi ittriLfe ati7rr jAf ijiiMm im Take Advantage of This Extraordinary Sale the Most Unusual of All Clearances Not Only Because of the in San Francisco Unusual Remarkable Values Offered But Also Because of the completeness of the Assortments Our Entire Stock On Sale at One Half Price EVERY Suit Coat Waist Underskirt and Dress Including All Wash Dresses Linen and Khaki Suits Womens Misses9 Childrens Sizes MH This Store Will Be Open on July 3d WtXBkMTktWkWkWBMWmWkkWkWKkWkVBkWkMWiWmwmWKiM Sv Fvfflt imrtty IT pjsijrjoeif la iwis MiaMifrraii rjfe mMSm mmmimSm Ltiib via i rtal ii fl sVt lj lijsiTIrJSLfc SSt6c1hpIrsX Sfflfei A 11T mr AP PhenroeeAdlAsaaBelnaiY1 TTiiiiAji WlreleajreJegraplujComsmjivsrtilh banlaleivTrltiijantiaryjiJtii with the1 Indictment br the Federal Grand Jury of some of tts offlcsrs re aw MtnarviMPWMrtVhflisVlt una sn very i woere tne com anr doeV buainess Proceedings Instituted la this Jurlsdletlon yesUrday bythe mingof jweomplelnt bytheUaw flnaof Heller1 Pbwers eKUhrinattr Ob hahalf ft Samuel Wimams LTrtUlam Ife HarrloayrahlcJ DrUsbachl ChrU topherHearnraeorgeiXIVClowesJWH liamMcaoTerid iothritekw boidffcjfH wrf ItUaITeid4nnh4toniplalnflthat while thevV oomparly has Msets tJUhe amount of mOllmiMle inn imminent danief lnaolvencyr under rJU a am a A hIhm 1 therefore askedi for to tsjes charge of the Calif ornia business and the am 11 catlonJwllUbe heard by Judf Seawall at ah Cearly i atsi 7 vr AccoruinsT io me cnargesvec cer tain members of thea executive com tnttte on March 1 1 entered Into acontraet ifltS th kewr TorK Selling Ajrency whereby1 the lattervwas tjat a per cent cemmlaslonort all stock sold On the same day another eon tract Is said to have been ehtared Into between the selling eomDanr and Butler WUson a Borart and Qalbralth directors guaran teelng the men named a draw beck of half the commissions The nurnosa of these contracts Is alleged to have been fraudulent and while 70000 was paid by the selling company to the wireless company subsequent to the rnaklng of these contracts It Is alleged that 350000 was stolen and wasted by Butler Wilson Boa art and Oalbralth The drat three are amour those Indicted by the Federal Grand Jury itaiBiWi T1 I ra ff a Airt IA KM ns 7 1 es IcBB ssBBsslVievsy sj ursv bbbisi wassssi iu sraTr rj ifwiBBBsiiMffiMPK xxwm mm wmsmmmm WWfyVwjlWftA JiYffpf WEMWiSW hE sr IfesSWIiM snmweatMaVtrcmihe s4tj iousiania ana lotner a haven of fefuaft I JsHaW tatea rh mlniiKls ut CoreIgnJtbIrltare leB i foreign I spirit ainge eils ting la wii and rommiiraleatton raUon orjewlah OrkanliaUotis ofNew th lmi4lAlhn nhal ail of1thel5trseoutedJinberioC4hi 1 oreea in ttusaia poununefsaw fatesyaaB Th1attev lolerant antt i deavorlasr to hi propose restriction which wlu feotually hecltarnmlgaUon whHe the fedfraUonV ln eonnectlcn wltuvthe Na tlqnal Liberal lmmigritlenXeacueha benSflghUnrtoroyerflveviytartjto5p wataUin vthigmsifsiireerjountnifylplrT he tmmleTrantr Vi 7 JfCyit During tn present seasloaof Con5 IresSfthe reatrlctloalsUTiave received new etrength ronv th tport i ttha InjmlgratlonJComraisalott which recoiri mends an Increase 0f head tax edu iatlooal land money leati andKthep fsatrictlvet measuresi and are floodlnt Conireas wlthT petitions and reaelur Hone andf the country wlthtantlfDria elgn and anti Immigration literature The writer enUsts the aid of Raphael in the work undertaken by the Nsr Tork society oh behalf of the Immigrant and agitates with renewed en ergy In favor of the unfortunate Immigrant who comes to these shores The Federation of Jewish Organizations has undertaken to send millions of copies over the country of Its patrlotlo and liberal literature also copies of letters from Andrew Car liegle Dr Charles Eliot and Congressman William 8 Bennett ot New Torll The co operation of the leading Call fornlans Irrespective of nationality and creed Is to be enlisted In the work of the federation This Includes All Carpets All ready to itart housekeeping TO DAT a pretty five piece Parlor Set and Rug 6 plece Dining room Set and Rug 5 plece Bedroom Outfit and Carpet Stave Kitchen Table with bins 2 Chairs and Linoleum Complete for 150 NEWMANS TMEBSSTMTHE WEST 4nSr3 nswgS JhecH Vv RS vl Rv from the Barley and mMv MBjrMl Hop fields is the life of Mffly JpLw National Beef jfl Wm Preferred at the Banquet the Cafes at the Outing and in the Home Brewed and Bottled Under Our Direct Supervision at the Brewery and Endorsed tPVRE by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Then Are you a Home Industry Enthusiast The Bet in the West is entitled ta your favor AT ALL DEALERS Wi sC A MMamSL iMxfflPK Fulton and Webster Sfa Sanhancisco Phones Pacific Park 33 Home S3281 Another Sweet Sensation Almoka A NUT CONFECTION BICH MOCllA FIAYOR Blended with Roasted Almendtv Choee late and a Mellow Creamy Center 5e Anywhere McBRIM RQTHSCHILD viCQNFEeriON CQ tU442 Second Street Sin Francisco of keTJeata SasutwUst II fe i I im ii WA.

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