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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 12

San Francisco, California
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ggfggsafojsigjjfc 1 SJtit PBMfCISCO CHEOmqEE ffHTIPAy iSEBTE3IBER 2Cfr H894 IIWIIEW jteignorTermoznd His llission He lias Been Visiting the Client Sent byih Boman Pontiff to Inspect the Cat nolle Missions of the East ft IB Upr Philibert Termoi prelate ofhia holiness the Pope is in the city on an apostolic mission and is stopping at the residence of the clergy of the Church ot Notre Dame dej Victoirea 535 Bosh street The ditlnpiished visitor Wis one of the passengers on the steamer Oceanic which arriTed fromthe Orient a lew days ago Since the beginning of last year be has been lelriog into the creeds and customs of all the oriental nations and at the same time has been investigating the workings of all the Catholic missions in the countries through which he has traversed Since he left Rome on his present trip he has visited Egypt Arabia Ceylon India and every locality in the Orient where the missionaries of the Roman Catholic Church are laboring to supplant the ancient heathenism with Catholicism His investigations have been prod active of much knowledge and information not generally known to the Western world and the vofuminoos reports which he is now engaged in writing are expected to form a valuable acquisition to the litera tore of the Vatican Monsignor Terraoz belongs to the family of the Pope and lives at tbt Vatican when in Rome He also participates jn all the ceremonies at the Vatican He has the rank of a Bishop and wears the same vestments excepting the chain and cross It way De explained that the prelates at the Vatican are appointed from among the clergy It is an honor that is only conferred In recognition of great ability and distinguished effort in church wort or religious literature Aly particnla field is the study of missions of all kinds said Monsignor Ter mpz when seen yesterday but particularly the missions of the Roman Catholic Chnreh Incidentally the character and customs of various civilizations encountered in my journey jass beneath my notice and I find that an interesting study I left Marseilles France on the9th of January 1833 and traveled to Alexandria in Egypt Aden in Arabia and thence to the island of Ceylon where I made my first stay Ceylon is most interesting I epent three months on the island Tbe people as yon know are Sinhalese and Tamouls Tie latter are the descendants of the conquering tribes from Southern India and occupy the richest portion of tbe territory Through tbem the Buddhist faith has obtained a strong hold on the entire people though Christianity is making rapid progress through the energies of the French missionaries In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Ceylon was Christianized to an extent by St Francis Xaner the apostle to the Indies as he was called He died and was buried by the way at Sancian in Japan and recent investigations have tended to bring to light many descendants of native Japanese who were converted by that great missionary In Ceylon to day there are a large number of Catholic missions They are all French missions except one That is an Italian mission at Canby Oat of a population of several millions we can count between 400000 and 500000 Catholic converts as a result of the work undertaken by St Francis Xavier and prosecuted by the missionaries since his time From Ceylon I went up into India and visited all tbe states and principalities Letters of introduction to the various rajahs and other native princes afforded every opportunity to study the work of the missions throughout the country I then went up to the highest accessible points in the Himalayas India is a peculiar field for missionary work The races are mixed and Brahminism which is the most invulnerable to tbe influences of Christianity of all the eastern creeds has a strong hold oh the people A fact not generally known is that fresh sects of tbe Brahmins are born at tbe rate of from eight to seventeen a year and as the theology is very complex the missionaries find it hard work to combat against it The great pertinacity with which the Brahmins cling to their faith has seriously retarded the growth of Christianity in India and it must be admitted that Catholicism is still in its Infancy in that great country in North and South Burmah which I visited the Catholic missions have made better progress than any of the other missionary bodies The great bulk of the missionary work in the Roman Catholic Church is done by a society known as the iPropogation of the Faith Society This and the other Catholic societies collect about Jl000000 a year for tbe purpose of spreading the Gospel in the Asiatic field The reformed religions spend about 5X000000 for tbe same purpose but tbe Catholics have met with better success for the simple reason that the priests are single men and not being encumbered With families they are able to penetrate deeper into the country and suffer hardships which the Protestant missionaries would Jiardly care to inflict on their families Throughout the various eastern countries there are scattered 1600 Protestant missionaries who have made about 36000 converts The missionaries of the Catholic Ctiure number between 500 and 000 and tneyldalq 1000000 converts Without dwelling on comparisons let me say that all the churches are doing a great and noble work Alt are working conscienti ously to eBect that one great aim the spreading of Christianity throughout tbe EastT Englands occupation of India has I beealTery beneficiat totnat country The pebplebave become more studions the Iplense rvalrr between the various tribes ias been almost entirely dissipated and thecoSntry is experiencing progress in the matter of civilization which will not jeaslty be retarded Tbe railroad has been great eivlliibp factor in India It i now Dossibleto reach the highest aeces ilblepolnts of the HImilayas by rail and iriotiho other the same as in this country ir Xtmfmrmn went from ftnrmah to Malacca thenCfrto Singapore Java Da UTiaViSaigong and throughout Cochin China ogre visited the French missions 1U thiinortheHlistricts and went into the Qairiboza cbuhtm Hethen went fo BanskokaLvisUedJhe famous ruins Siam Whicfone ears are more interesting thanthpse of Greece Egypt brlndia Siam Va particularly interesting to me he Midi It lithe only country in the world whose ruler is both the temporal and eplritual bead of the people Buddhism is the religion of the country and all children up to the age of 15 years are under the tuition of Buddhist priests ana in dress and manners are required to conform with those of their tutors They remain Buddhists ail their lives and many rim ain in the Buddhist monasteries The people of Siam are profound students of ancient literature and the study of Sanscrit is a part of the curriculum of every Siamese childs education From Siam be went back to Saigong and from thence to Hongkong and into tbe Tonquin cquntry Subsequently be went to Shanghai and up the iang tse river visiting the French and Italian Missions and the once famous porcelain factories at Chiehtechez At Chee foo he saw Li Hung Chang review the fleet of twenty two war vessels in tbe presence of the British and French Admirals That was in Jnne From there he went to Tien tain and up to Peking where in the Tery heart of the imperial capital many missions are flourishing Among them is a magnificent French church the design of a Lazarist missionary monk named Favier From there he went north to the great wall of Chins close under which be found a Trappist monastery Tbe Chinese when once converted he said are very zealous in their devotions and become bard workers in the field In the north of China they have undertaken tbe cultivation of grapes and thanks to this you may now drink missionary wine in the heart of the imperial capital From Peking Mgr Termoz went by way of Manchoona and Corea to Japan He saw the Japanese fleet land its troops at Chemuipoo and says he was struck with the military manner in which the ceremony was carried out Japans army he says is far superior to that of China The great trouble with China he said is the lack ot patriotism among the people In Japan every mothers son is steeped in patriotism In China a Viceroy and a number of soldiers are hired to defend the country They might be so many Hessians for all the patriotism they possess While in Japan he visited Nagasaki the center of the French missions in the islands and Tokio the hotbed of Shintie ism Buddhisifa and the other ancient creeds allot which furnished him material for investigations of a most interesting nature Before leaving the Orient he visited the Phillipine islands where hesays there is a Christian population of some 7000000 and a Mohammedan population of about 1500000 From here the distinguished visitor will go north and visit the missions throughout the northern part of the United States and Canada On bis arrival in New York he will sail for Europe and expects to be back in Rome within two years from the date of bis departure on his long and tedious journey This is not Mgr Termozs first visit to San Francisco He was here twelve years ago and stopped at the clergy honse of the old Catholic Cathedral on California street Garfields death occurred during his stay in the city and on the occasion of the memorial ceremonies for the dead President he delivered a eulogy at the French Church which was much commented on at the time Qn that trip be visited the various missions throughout the southern part of the United States and then went to Brazil He will visit the northern missions on his present trip During the next several days he expects to visit the missions of California SfFlfT IT TTimH Ti I TiF7 Ithathfrhadbeendtirssdandrobbedofth I III IHHr llflnlV 1150 fee and the expenses of his trip He llljli lH Illii 1alUU ihid Uberman arrested for obtaining iiot a Trace of Mrs Isaac Oderkirk PLAT AND MUSIC Midweek Note or the Placet of AmuionnDt These are the last nights of Charleys Aunt at the Baldwin Theater The company plays in Oakland at the Macdonough Theater fonr performances beginning Monday night Friends and the living pictures will only be seen this week at the California Theater On Monday night a new melodrama In Old Kentucky will be given its first presentation here Sulamith is announced to be given on Friday night at the Alcazar Theater by the Oriental Opera Company who have been playing King Solomon Don Juan is one of the best productions the Tivoli Opera house has given us It is doing a very large business The comedy and farce bill at Moroscos Grand Opera house is an attractive change agan for the patrons of the house Both are well piayed The Orpbeum has not had a better bill of variety than it has this week It is as good a show as has ever been seen here The inauguration of Bcheels symphony concerts at the new Auditorium to morrowmorrow night will be a social and mnsical event The popular concerts beginning Saturday night promise to be a great feature of the amusement season Last night the concert given bv George Harry Felton at Union square Hall was verr successful and enjoyable Mr Felton is himself a musician of great talent and the singers and players he bad associated with him included two new singers who made an excellent impression Miss Aggie Castor and Geodgena Mr Blenn has already a reputation Rudolf Patch is one of the best cellists we have as he has often proved Mr Yankes orchestra assisted Mr Felton and the numbers sung by Mroe Ellen Coursen Roeckel were special features of tbe programme Mr Farland gives another banjo concert to night at Metropolitan Hall The Killing or Michael OBhea A Coroners jury has decided that the death of Michael OSbea tbe clerk who was run over and killed by a Geary street car was accidental Tbe accident took place last Saturday evening at tbe corner of St Joseph avenue The jury at the inquest yesterday exonerated the gripman and the railroad company from all blame The gripman was tlie only eye witness to the occurrences BiCSiGE called lor and delivered to all trains teamen etc at low rales by tbe Morton Special Delivery 31 Geary street 08 Taylor street and Oakland ferry depot CUT THIS OUT PORTRAIT COUPON September SO 1894 For seven coupons of different dates aad tJi crnta brooch or sent to tb Uuaoxic Lic Coo con Department a XJfe slie tin it rayon Portrait can do procured send photograph Irom which to make portrait and it will be marked to yon after mine Portrait 14x17 incae la alia tar Address alt orders SAX TRANCISCO cahONi iUHCOUBon Department CUT THIS OUT MIDWINTER EXPOSITION A30 SHC GOLDEN STATE September SO 1891 Books 1 and 2oyr Heady end or brinj Sevea Coapoai ctdlffertai isles togewier with Sj cents for each book and jet tks cHRtmcisrs roLnuviKws or TUB MIDWTXTRR KXJWITIOJi AS THK UOLlKV ST A i Aadresi al orden Sax FbaXCIo Cho Icxk lUttrpon Department Many Vague Clews Followed in Vain Detectives Conclnde That No Hfrm Has Come to tbe Missing Woman The most diligent search msde by the relatives of missing 31ft Isaac Oderkirk failed to develop yesterday the slightest trace as to her whereabouts When she left the Grand Hotel on Sunday afternoon she left not the faintest clew which might lead to a discovery of her present whereabouts Both her husband and her son returned to their rooms at 804 Geary street last night thoroughly worn out in body and spirit A Jong days hunt bad ended fruitlessly and they were forced to seek rest with disappointment in their hearts which added to tbe burden of their physical weariness So far as the police are concerned the detectives who have been working on tbe case are as much in tbe dark as are the near relatives of Mrs Oderkirk They have followed several clews which have developed from numerous rumors circulated with regard to her disappearance but thus far with as little success as have attended tbe efforts of the son and tho husband Yesterday afternoon Detective Gibson went to Oakland in searcn of the missing woman A report had been received that she was across the bay but the officers investigations came to naught Another story which gained a foothold in the ponce office was that Mrs Oderkirk had been seen to take the train for Los Angeles on Sunday night Whether there is anything in this report the police did not ascertain Detective Bohen who has been working on the case said last night there was no assurance that tbe woman was identified in tnis instance The police are confident that she has met with no foul play or violent treatment in any way They do not believe thai Mrs Oderkirk is faraway and so far as Bohen is concerned he is satisfied with a theory in the case which he does not desire to make public While keeping his own counsel regarding his views of the disappearance the detective scouts the idea that anything serious has happened to the missing woman Herbert Freese a teamster in the employ ot George Pippy had a bad fright on Monday at 2 a and he attributes his scare to Mrs Oderkirk He says that he has never been scared by a woman before and would not have been on this occasion had she not left her legitimate sphere as ministering angel He was laboring in his own sphere delivering milk to the clients of his politico military employer and nothing was further from his mind than interference from one of the gentler sex in fact there is no record of their having made a special claim to the rank of milk deliverers Freese was delivering milk on Linden avenue near Buchanan street and going up the back yard ot one house intent upon placing tne Pippy lacteal on tbe steps when suddenly a women about 40 years of age sprang out upon him brandishing a large table knife Freese beat a retreat and called for a parley His feminine assailant asked Are you the man who is following me The milkman denied the interrogatoy impeachment and having caught his second wind saw that the lady was a trifle off She explained that a man had been following her and that be had got a buggy to try and overtake her so she lied into the back yard it was the noise of the Pippy milk chariot which made the woman think she had been overtaken by her pursuer She quieted down when Freese assured her that he was a peaceable man and not even a member of tbe National Guard She followed him out into the street and stood in ber bare feet until he drove away Freese says tbe description of the woman as to age size etc tallies with that published of Mrs Oderkirk Detective Bohen also thinks it quite likely that tbe ladys id has become unbalanced and as si was last worrying about a man who really did follow her persistently it is not unlikely that this fact fastened on her mind and that possibly the woman who scared Freese was the missing Mrs Oderkirk DAMAGE SLIT POSTPONED Mrs Oderklrks Dlaappearance Causes a Delay Sasta Cruz September 18 When the case of Mrs Oderkirk against William Ely for 50009 damages was called this morning in the Superior Court Cassin tbe plaintiffs attorney presented an affl daviUor a continuance In the affidavit was a clipping from the Chroxiclb telling of Mrs Oderkirks disappearance The affidavit set forth tbe fact that the attorney has no knowledge of the plaintiffs whereabouts and that tbe plaintiff has the names of witnesses in San Benito county with whom the attorney is unacquainted Judge Logan discharged the jurors and continued the case for investigation until Friday had IJberman arrested for obtaining moneynnderitalse pretenses Laberman was convicted ot the OKense ana yesterday Judge Ww sentenced him to pay a tineor loOU withthe alternative oi sn months imprisonment Judge Lowtated that the crime was an outrageous one upon a poor laboring man and that he intends to put a stop to such practices AN CGLT cniXESE COOK Accused of Catting Waitress Is Geary Street Boardn House Mattie Konold a waitress at the Lynd hurst 501 Geary street is suffering from severe cuts in the arm and wrist inflicted last Monday night she charges by Ah Fon a Chinese cook in the house A warrant was issued yesterdsv for Ah Fons arrest on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon Miss Konold said the cook assaulted her because she invaded bis domain on SJonday evening in search of a plate of beans Fon was ugly and refused to allow the waitress to take the succulent vegetables She grabbed tbe dish and Fon snatched it tway At the same time he picked np a kitchen knife and made for tbe girl She screamed and Fon was speedily disarmed but not before be had in trie ted two wounds BTJRLLNGAME RACES HOBART DEFEATED BY TOBIN Tom Williams Sets Aside a Special Day for Society Leaders Walter Hobart the millionaire gentleman jockey met his Waterloo at the Burlinganie Club races yesterday He made two match races with Lord Talbot Clifton The races were at a half of a mile and at a quarter of a mile for J0O a side Hobart named his bay gelding Button while Cliftons nominee was Jessie Sturgill The first match was at a half a mile Tobi rode Cliftons entry and Hobart mounted his own favorite The attendance was composed of some of the members of the Burlingame and Country clubs Kichard Tobin covered himself with glory by the masterly style in which be rode the mare in both races Jessie Sturgill won easily The half a mile race was run in 054 and is thought by onlookers to be a verv good run when the weight is considered The second race was between the same entries and Jockey Tobin took Jessie out at the fall of the flag and she maintained her lead to the finish winning very easily by a bout three lengths in the good time of 026 The weight in each event was 157 pounds and when it comes to putting such big weight on little polo ponies like the two participants fast time is out of the question The directors of the Country Club encouraged by the success of their last meeting are seriously contemplating the holding of another meeting similar to the one gven at Monterey recently ahd if tliey do it will be a great thing for the horse interests of the State as it will encourage the breeders to breed the polo ponies as well as the trotting and thoroughbred racehorses Thomas Williams president of the California Jockey Club intends to set apart a day for society and for the lovers of polo ponies It is the intention of Mr Williams to have six races on the pro gramme and alt tbe entries to be ridden by gentlemen jockeys Many of the latter are now practicing with the intention of entering in the races A prominent trader and breeder received am order from a wealthy society man to get him six or seven ponies to enter the races The polo races will probably be run in the early part of November and it is expected that all Californias 400 will be on hand to bet on their favorite jockeys Lady Yarde Buller Is Sensational Charges Against Dr and Mrs Wheeler The Contest Promises to Be Prolific of Unpleasant Revelations LAUREL HALL CLUB The Ladle Have a Literary and Statical Session A meeting of tbe Laurel Hall Ciub was held in tbe rooms of Golden Gate Com mandery yesterday afternoon Mrs Alexander Shanon presiding Mrs Swett sang Rosebud Mrs Thomas recited in negro dialect a humorous selection entitled Brudder Brown on Apples Mrs Pierce rendered the song In Thy Dreams and then Miss Sarah Hamlin told the story of tbe celebrated Hindoo poem Miha Bauta She said it contained 200000 lines but she could not tell whether the anthers were paid for it by the quantity of space it occupies or not The poem contains much that is imaginative and poetic as well as a good deal that is ridiculous Tbe story was listened to with close attention David Starr Jordan will appear before tbe clnb on Wednesday week The choice of a subject has been left to the professor A BASCALLT KMPLOTMKXT AOEST Be Get a Heavy Sentence for Deceiving a WorklngroBn Some of the employment agents in thls city have been robbing workingmes of late and one of tbem was punished yesterday in Judge Lows court LitUe john was one victim of many who have been fleeced by dishonest agencies lately He saw a notice in the window of JJbermans agency on July 2Sth last which read that four teamsters were wanted 1n the Country Littiejoin paii Jl 50 to Liberma rras a fee and started to find Campbell of Monterey He returned in a few days having discovered A BOOKSELLERS COMPLAINT He Demand Damage From the Estate of Senator Stanford Frank Merrill yesterday sued the estate of Senator Leland Stanford to recover 2500 damages foT an alleged breach of contract The plaintiff says that in October 1891 be secured from Senator Stanfprd an exclusive right to sell books and stationery on the grounds of the Leland Stanford Jr University at Palo Alto In consideration of this right he promised to sell his goods to the student for 10 per cent less than the market prices for similar goods in San Francisco Merrill now compiains that at the end of two months i on November 30 1891 Senator Stanford caused his removal from the University grounds and granted the bookselling privileges to other parties By reason of this action Merrill asserts that he lost prospective profits to the amount of 2500 and was in addition compelled to sell his stock of goods at a loss of 5000 Reception to Blhop Fltigjrald The Sunday schools Epworth Leagues and Christian Endeavor Societies of the Methodist churches of San Francisco and vicinity will give a reception to Bishop Fitzgerald at Simpson Memorial Chnreh corner ot Hayes and Buchanan streets this evening After the address by the Bishop all are cordially invited to the church parlors where light refreshments will be served and the remainder of the evening spent socially Exercises will begin at 7 45 oclock a Killed Her Husband Ada Werner a young woman dressed in widows weeds was placed on trial in Judge Wallaces court yesterday for murder On April 11th she shot and killed her husband George Werner as he lay asleep by her side at their home 22 Hickory avenue Mrs Werner and her friends assert that she was driven to the act by her husbands neglect A plea of insanity is expected to be tbe defense Klection Officers A large number of applicants besiege United States Marshal Baldwin daily for positions as deputy United marshals for tbe coming election Congress recently repealed tbe election laws and the entire management of elections will hereafter be attended to by the State and municipal authorities No United States marshals or United States supervisors of election will be appointed hereafter LOCAL MEWS XOTK3 William Burton was arrested yesterday charged with having robbed Bickford a fellow passenger on the steamer Peters The Estee Republican Clnb met at Murphys Hall tn Ocean View Tuesday evening with President McCormick in the chair Speeches were made Indorsing the State nominations The Twenty eighth Assembly District Central Kepublican club met at 10 Second street last evening and selected a list of names of perrons to be recommended for Judges In tbe different precincts on election day The Printing ComnKttee of the Board of Supervisors met yesterday but adjourned for one week without transacting any btstness The contract for Uie city printing now held by an afternoon paper expires to day Philip Council aged 60 years was ordered sent to the agnews Insane Asylum yesterday by Judge Hebbard He was arrested about a weetagolor creating a disturbance at the reiidence of city Detective Charles Crockett I JThe Liberty PepuMlcan Club met last evening fa Washington Hall A larse delegation was present from the Thirty sixth Assembly District Sepubliran Club Speeches were made by John Hoesch Philip Hammond Walter Dates and Hiilyer ftested yesterday on a charge oi battery sworn oat tV WiLoacbbr Brasser Dick ha been trying tocoilecta debt irom Erassey for some time and an twrrttnYi fnnlr ilB am If Si I Ruiqcry ivirct wueu me two men zaetyester I day afternoon Lady Yarde Baller daughter of the late General Ralph Kirkham proposes to have her say in court no matter what her relatives may think of tbe matter She is not afraid of having family secrets told and now that the fight in tbe family has commenced in earnest she proposes to give some Kirkham history which she says will not be the most pleasant thing for her ssters to hear IJdr Yarde Buller has shown herself to be possessed of considerable nerve because she Las commenced to carry out the threats she made against the family when she left the KirKham mansion The tight is to be made over Mrs Kate Edith Kirkham who is 65 years old and incompetent Gustave Mix a brother of the lady filed a petition in the Superior Court the other day asking that he be appointed guardian of the person and estate of Mrs Kirkham He seemed to be satisfactory to the family but when Mrs Yarde BullerBuller heard of the proceeding she at once entered a vigorous protest snd said that she would not stand aside for her uncle She employed attorneys and proceeded to make a vigorous fight when suddenly Mr Mix dismissed his petition and left Mrs Buller in a position where she could not injure the family Tbe Kirkbams felt that they bad outwitted Lady Yarde Builer and prevented her from creating a scandal The lady from London was not going to be downed She had beard hat her allowance of 320 a month bad been cut off and this left her with but an income of JIO a yenr from her estates in London She could not live on this amount because her tastes were extravagant and she had always lived in royal style Then again she had to have almost a new outfit because sbe lost nearly all sbe bad by the tire at Larkspur Lady Buller bad brought over a quantity of things from London because it was her desire to cut a dash among ber old friends in Oakland At the present time it has come to a question of money with ber She must have money and that is all there is about it The family quarrel was commenced in earnest in the Superior Court yesterday when Lady Yarde Buller filed an application asking that Sampson Tams of San Francisco be appointed guardian of the person and estate of Mrs Kirkham Sampson Tams was a particular friend of General Kirkham in his lifetime It is set forth in the petition that General Kirkham left an estate valued at 673123 Under the terms of the will the widow has life interest in the estate and upon her death the property is to be divided equally among the three daughters ot the deceased Lady Buller says that her mother is suffering from a stroke of paralysis and that she is entirely incompetent to manage her business affairs That is the beginning of tbe story as set forth in tbe complaint It seems that a couple of months ago Dr Wheeler a well known physician in West Oakland and Miss Kate kirkham were married at the Kirkbam mansion on the corner of Eighth and Oak streets The wedding was a swell affair and very select only a few of the society people being present Wben Lady Yarde Buller dropped over from London she found a new brother in law in the field installed in the old borne as the head of the honse From the very start Dr Wheeler and the lady from London were not on the best of terms and now they never speak The doctor had a very poor regard for his sister in law because be believes her brain unbalanced Lady Yarde Buller has no use for a brother in law who entertains such feelings toward her In her complaint now filed Lady Buller pays her compliments to the doctor and bis bride in no uncertain manner She says Mrs Wheeler taking advantage of my mothers physical and mental powers has by threats menace and undue influence secured complete control over her and the property It is also charged that Dr Wheeler and his wife have for the past fourteen months and now are using spending and living upon tbe greater part of the income of Mrs Ktrkharos estate which is estimated to be 1 3000 a month Then again the petitioner accuses her sister of causing ber mother to sign receipts amounting to 1000 each month Mrs Kirkham is in snch a condition tbat she cannot write so it is claimed that she simply made her mark on the receipts and tnen Mrs Wffeeler had a nurse named Mrs Emma Blake sign as a witness Lady Yarde Buller says that wnile sbe was at borne sbe saw ber sister treat her mother in an improper manner She usedbarsh language to mother in the presence of servants says the petitioner and even went so far as to lock her up in ber room and restrain ber of her liberty Then again she has laid violent hands upon mother knowing that her frail condition would not stand it and that her health would be seriously affected It is Lady Yarde Bullers idea to get her mother from under the influence of Dr Wheeler and his bride so that she will have something to say in the treatment and care of the old lady Then again the lady from London can never return to the family home while Dr Wheeler is there becanse the feeling is now too bitter The whole matter will have to be fought in court now because the Wheelers will not allow the matter to go by default as that would mean the taking away of the management of the estate from tbem and the stoppage of an allowance of 320 a month inade by the mother Attorney George Wright will have to come in and make a defense because it is charged thathe has drawn down 1000 a month out of the estate for fourteen months Mrs Buller says that he claimed to be the attorney for tbe estate but in reality it is charged that he is the attorney for Kate Wbeeler The whole matter promise sorrre rich developments when the petition comes up for hearing in court pavement Tre placed the riif rinjf JwffX atthlssuthemnd street for an electricXroad nayefbeen madei The track layers are tiast eacUnstihe central portion of learriy street an4 at the present rate theywilliavijtbethbr oughfare south of California street well in hand The frogs fo replace the old crossings at California and Srfttersireetihave yet to be set Th olandrranch orri basalt blocks which ocimpieMtlie space between the tracks of tbe horse car line in some place have been replaced with iiew blocks Therft ismuch anxiety on the part ot the merchants alone the line of Kearny street as towbether ornot the railroad company intends to have the pdvementbetweenitstracksconformtothe style of pavement on the rest of the street or whether It is to pave between its tracks with noisy basalt blocks the entire length of the street Fully three weeks will elapse yet before the Third street line which is tbe furtheafadranced pt 1 tie branch line of the Mission street system will be in running order The omoany will run can on Third street from Market to the railroad depot when the line is ready to be operated Tbe officials are nn willing to hx a definite time for the opening of the Potrero and tbe North Beach lines They are now engaged in preparing the Bryant street road from Second to Twenty sixth street for operation TO HAVE AN ENGINE RICHMOND DISTRICT TO BE PROTECTED A Recommendation for a Fire Company Xorth of the Park KEAKST STKEtCT TBACKS The Crossing Connections Into Third Street Completed The Market street Railway Company completed the junction of rails across ilartetstreet from Third to Kearny street yesterday afternoon and as soon as the The Richmond District Improvement Club gained an imcorlant concession yesterday Jrom the Fire Department Committee OT the Board of Supervisors in a recommendation the committee made for the establishment of a permanent fire engine company in the district A committee from the club waited upon the Supervisors yesterday and presented their claims for better protection against fire A McCaivy chairman of the club committee nrged the importance of the matter by citing the fact that within a week over 10000 worth of property had been destroyed because of inadequate service He stated that the chemical engine now stationed at Second avenue was almost useless as it could not reach a fire in time to render effective service It was designed to quench tires in their incipiency and could not handle a big blaze The insurance companies he stated were reluctant to accept risks in tbe district because of tbe lack of tire protection Tbe district was growing rapidly and only requested that amount of consideration from tbe city authorities to which its large population seemed entitled Chief Sullivan approved the request of the clnb and said he believed the district had been without proper protection The department bad the apparatus ready as soon as suitable quarters were secured and provision was made to man tbe engine It wonld require about 1400 to fit op the building now occupied by the chemical engine and a farther allowance of 700 a month for the salaries of the members of the new company A decision was reached to recommend the creation of a company provided the Finance Company of the Board will farnisn tbe funds to meet the expenses The club committee will appear before tbe Finance Committee next Saturday to urge the necessary appropriation WRECKED A SALOOJf Two Tonng Tonzha Arrested After at Hilarious Time Thomas Waters and Michael Vahey members of a Telegrapn bill gang of toughs were arrested last night on a charge of petit larceny On Sunday afternoon they with about fifteen others of tbe same stripe visited a saloon conducted by Mrs Shoenemann at Chestnut and Montgomery streets and entirely ignoring the presence of tbe pro frietress proceeded to carry off all the iquids in tbe place Two trips were made to accomplish this and although tbe place was completely wrecked and considerable disturbance created no arrests were made at tbe time A Mew Republican Clnb A largely attended meeting of the members of the Oro Fino Club and the Latin Union was held at the rooms of the MorrowMorrow Club last evening for the purpose of merging the two organizations into one large Republican club 0ver200 members signed the roll and the following permanent officers were elected President Rambn Garcia vice presidents Juan Leitn Edunrdo Estrada Ramon Vas quez and Jose Miramontez treasurer Alejandro Rojo secretary A de la Torre Jr financial secretary 3 Green ser geant at arms Ontiveros executive committee Jose Alonzo Luis Peraita Rafael ieto Guillermo Diaz and Lnis A Campbell The new organization assumed the name of tbe MouteznmaClub An Organ Grinders Kstate Emanuel Samuels ablind organ grinder who for years held forth on the corner of Post and Kearny streets died on August 31st It was supposed that he died in poverty Yesterday however his estate found its way into the Probate Court dis closing tbe fact that he left no less than 2527 20 on deposit in the Hi hernia Bank His only heir is hirsister Elsa Samuels who has been appointed administratrix Nobby Sues the Sheriff Tbe irrepressible Nobby Clarke bobbed up yesterday with still another suit for damages This time his complaint is directed against Sheriff McDade and his bondsmen Richard ONeill and Richard Follis He claims tbat bis commit ment for contempt was illegal and tbat his imprisonment by Sheriff McDade was an outrage Judgment is demanded against tbe defendants for 75000 Ber paints oils and glass of Woods Co 51 First street Lowest price MISCKLLANKOU The Foremost Baiting Powder in all the World Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair i CSSa MOSTPERFECTiMADE A pure Crape Creimpf JRteal rom Ammonia Aium oranyotneradulterarir la all the great Hotels the leading dub and the homes Dr Trices Cream Baking Powder holds its supremacy 40 years the standard MISCEttAEOCS i I I CUT I IW your I 1 shoe bill in jtwo can yon do it witiott catting either the quantity or quality of your footwear You can arid its neither trick not puzzle PAY QNXY 01t WHAT YOU GET At Retail Stores you pay for tie Shoes which ou get and for the Retailers and possibly the Jobbers profit which you dont A faitf profit for the maker is parfpf the shoes real Talue mc thats all jrou pay at the factory Retaxukg Shoes at FACor TRUCES Rosenthal Feder Co WMOUSAIS SHOE SUMJFACTUBERS 581 583 MARKET STREET NEARSfcCOND Open till 8 Saturdays till 19 lfcLlfcA JS SSlVk3SASi vm TO THE PHYSICIANS ASD Mothers of San Francfeca HAVE YOU EVER SEEN i Howells Evaporated Ml TT IS THE FINEST ALDEBKXT MIIXJBO I dncod in tbe famous Oranfte cosstr York Milk district purified by pecstarn cbaalcal filter and thoroughly sterilized Properly diloud with boiled waver It teams the nearest anbrtlttite for mother milk ksen to science It Is life health and strength for the babr na waited little body baa almost qolt the battle wia dlsese Is the most Drect milk In the world feral purposes for which mill or cream Is desired rveiy poysiciaiz saoaju prescnoe it ana FTR7 mother shoal 1 use ft A trial of one can will Convince yoo It can be bought from tbe following bonnet WALLER BROS S3 Grant tttmf A QUADE CX 22 Gear street ELLIS A CO 1808 Market itrert AT A GO 10O btocKoa street RAT1IJEX KKOS 1 21 Stockton street CARROLL ACO 853 Mirkit street A BROOKS 113 Posed stren RIVERS BROS 500 HaralcrtK BIBO NEWMAN lKE3BEROH19PalkWrt I RVI NE BROS U1903 Polk SBeet lRVIXEBBuS 57 Horodjtreet IKVrNE BROS 1421 Stockton street IRVISE BKOfc 308 roorthstreH THELKHKXBAITM TO 1 105 ftotter stnet ST KICHOLAS PHARMACY16C0 Market Bret JOYS PUARMACY Cor Market and Powel Circulars giving foil Information and tenims nlatsfrom physicians and others who haveise this mm furnished by CUBIST WISE 8ole A Rents 3 California street 8n Francisco CaL WHY ROB Tour ell br paytnratt ca JUT II have a boast to fornich anywhere In Calllo fornta well do It it CASH PRICES and let Ton par ns little by lit tle Kew goods just re UBWI Ihl IM celred tell Heres tbe waytt ON TIME 3 plece Solid Oak Hotel Stilt elao KY orately carved 17x30 bevel Ian vliw First class Cpnjbt folding BeiU Oft 7 piece Solid Oak Bedroom Suit QO CT french bevel glass LmN plece Solid Oak Frame Parlor Salt fine brocatelle covering OX fYl trimmed with slik plnth UJW Goods packed and deiiTered free in Oaklsnd Aismeds and Berkeley FRIEDMAN CO 226 to 230 and 308 Stocktoa 8t And 237 Post Street Country orders earelaUy Sited A BRIGHT HOME MAKES MERRY HEART JOY TRAVELS i nine witu niivnv rsl Ml DrXiebJg CO feriil jKi fa ftnakhirlinl fiitiu Imm Dr Lieblfa Iavls orator thesrreatest ea ness liOss or Jiannooa --Prepares or marriais life eatlesplan and responsibilities 1 trial bottle lrBfi free to any ooeaescnbtm symptoms Cllst Cress 400 Geary street rrlya tattaaos Uaeon street baa Francisco Wj TliTDEI Private JL Dispensary BIVATB CHB05IC ASD fSETOW esiMUP MEJf cureL iookon Ttlnt riaeo sent free to all wno describe their troy Me Fatlenta cored athome Tnrreason Hotas to i dalfyr 6 JO to 8 8 evenlnr cays 10 12 Constitution free and itartj confidential Call or address wlta stamp JT BOSCOE JLCN XTVTTj 31 Srejf Kearny Street 8a JTrsJicUo Rjmtura 4 Lired KOfrAaSraTttr CCBED bit iHTS0BTSHEBNIl OpJ iL tor the CKXOXH3C received iSfasSst branch office the Van Ksas Baiaaji IsOa jM staoore Van Seas are Ml vMrTJHritVi.

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