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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 6

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A I Ct f1 MI1TWI fiin niiiniir riL i riuuiii feBOtdjEREW JOl lyyiflfti gQrffii Offigpr 1 BIRTHS fMXRRlAGES PEHSl WvClubCompeJitibXNcaf spirants juhTac BUNGAWWREmGOAU RJvaliBehvecnTowBsKeen 1 5 In Final Spurt to Obtain Vl la ijovf valuable prizes I ft IIU 11 WL I 1 fi ra 9 oClock Jsftlie HoupfClo AIL new subscrlpUorii re Weired by matt to apply on he lasfclubanigoW offtln The Chronicle 950000 prize campaign will count pro Tiding thappstmarkBnoVi the letter ras mailed not laterthan March 150 ThVcaropaljn office will dose at that hour to that candidate Intending to bring in their subscriptions must btuhere by that time All those nside at the closing hour will be waited tipon JbaJian by AdototionUnly At Juat two mor days of tht laat cjob and wold offer Today and tomorrow fcreaH wat ibmiU ela nwtiiettw to aOt fUt00S TOta Ml 1100 In cold offtrjd By way of atra inaucrani in Ckronial HOOOt jh la campalcn Aspirant for uin tutu ounm low soon to computed la beautl Jul Wtwood park and th twnty automobile to diatrwuaa moni tb hlcbttt eandldat March XI art tolling without lotap la tbttr qutat for now auhtcrlptlona for thou now count ntally and may mean th aotuaJ winning yet In tbo cam caidra CAMPAIGN BEARS CLOSE i Tbo etmpalBn baa but Un nor dar to run after tomorrow ana in latt olnb offr 1 cloalnr right thacrnctal period wbon competition I bom th knt No won er candidate ar rlvloa tholr vry fcett afforta la ordtr not to rlln cjolib th good potltlent thr bar aoqnlrtd In tb paat wka Kttrr on of tb olrhtMn dli trtota ba Ita eandldat aoonrlnf vary po slbl ouro for tubrorlp lUona In tb outijdo dlTlilon tb cniouiium no aproaa 10 ucn a pviini voL niir cvnignunili nuianina 10 in puppori 01 tnir dh ai 4 ABkilljIolAo lol itvi a vMiiaiuasis tivtij vw bo town with to It farorit dUplaed by a capdldat from sou mora progreuiv oommunity PIUBNDS Aid CANDIDATES And In tb city and tranabay 4Tlalon candidate ar bolnc aqually trnflbnd by tha aupport of tbdr friend Campalsn mm aftrafar bain appointed and the credit to political campaign ol Preildantlal caliber Tborourhhaai ama to be th watchword of ry candidato A a remit new ub acrlptlon ar pouring Into th cam palra office at a far feeler rat than it any tin before Tb climax wilt com tomorrow nlaht at oclock at fhet hnur tb oampalrn offlc will be cloarao and the ipeclal offer poaltlvely the lat club and rolit onrwlll iht a a tnina or in paat flV Candidate who yBMaSaljB 3aaaBi RiaBSPPiffiliaaaaaaB JH HVtltJPBraspHf JaBBBanrMkufBH KTxtMaallOi 1 rlHalBaalH alsBlalafeLWBBr LBHLeiLeBLwW m9s Pf HI1 RmTw JSki sIIIIIHnHLaH am flBaTflBkW aattTollllH aTaTaTafKBaTaTaTafafaSeHeSBaTaTaTaTai KlfaaV aHHH HgHBHallllH Pv imiLV MLIiliiiaHiLI alR ataaaaaSW liBalBalBlBMaalBalBalBaB Ki aT aaalaBBl taHHBBnlBai bIBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBBbIH SfBEgEHEBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEj BsSaaliitaaiM aiiAf a healthy jar Cyrena Van Cordon the American contralto being welcomed at Golden Voiced Eagle by Chief Buffalo Bear after her recent adoption into the Ogallalah tribe of Sioux Indians Cyrena Van Gordon Says She Was Taken Into Tribe Because She Aided Red Men Cyrena Tan dordon th beautiful Indian Fellow hip learn a Chlciro and atatueiqu contralto prima don na of th Chloag Grand Opera company wlihea to bav It known that ah la not an Indian In bar rein thr eourtai not a drop of Indian blood ah declare but her recarit adoption Into th Ogallalah tribe of Sioux baa glten rla to a tale mprlon When I wa Inglng In Montana laat year ah ald In an Interview th other day th cowboy gave me an tnthualaatlo reception They told roe later they thought I waa an Indian It waa a kind of left band ed compliment and they were even dlaappolnted wben I aaaured them I am not It wa for enrlcea rendered the organlutton devoted to th Inter eu of th Red Man that Mlaa Van Gordon wa mad a daughter of th BIOux tribe ImpreailT ceremonlaa war conducted at a temporary Indian encampment In the foreet re aarv a ftw mllea from tha city The prima donna mad a atrlking figure In a war bonnet a the waa chrlatened by Chief Buffalo Bear with the nam Golden Voiced Eagl Ml Van Gordon will bo In San FrancUco with th Chicago Grand Optra company when that organization comet here for a fortnight a engagement beginning March 17 In th Civic Auditorium under th local management of 81 by Op penhelmer MMMMMMHOUMM 1 ASBTON ttT JhiU Mtri Men WeMfe wzigsm isssn aw wife alWiA Cental a aea WUllui Aheni CBUJUM tn thtocH MtrrTll to Ui wife fJO ACielUIa eaa Tbomt The DSifyiMl7 tbh ftr iltirT A WIN XSPE6f a 12 thU rtt MichTo tk wlfeel IWenc a a dm1itwra GAfMAlf tin Uut ett Muok Wlf uuuuiANola kal ott MeMh tnt me our aeniar Jjtfbron a oahter wife rLfi JSSSJ HNW HHHWi lillIW AH LL el cltyj Mara Ue wlieea ee10 tbe la eaj rtu Marali LOWHSatViiU lixauarSyi MO ta Ji duibter erab Bault NcDOMNZZX tali elir March to MOaiWO i tblt aw Hank Tte tb wlf MOSHER tbl do Neri 101 tliertfe wife rife Mtita i dtr renaoMr Menh II a wa ri nderak iA3MiON li1JUklaAS tetbewire scaBBOW In tbli diy Uanh to Ike i Ml ft Bpemw a deaikter wawcki utt elty Harea JjkJrHme i nt be eelebnted fw 4bWrmwt ofttle teal it JO a teT IatenD iiV OMy I fTBtartck Fanntr ietne4 amber Vf Marfan fnet a4 loln father rreo Hle Meoant BUtne and vVaarat hwr ami ae of rj ant Ibt jrrvn iwiraiaien ana erecntr uearr 4E1 I a CJ laaeUM OnoneUVMa ft I aea joweiua innm OT happy famlMovr lXOlf vaiograu SSBaaBW 4MBBaaaaaaaBW aMlEaV VV 7 I aBBaBaHaWrr MSI jaMr Mdnntw rtnwiina Tie follsvlng aerrliunineeiere lMa la I WnJleaTaShMBye SS ejla antonle 1 Tri aad raaUa Betej TaHtrOHa Oernr Bella X3 ietCUr eueet iodJoej la 1M0 ierkH elrert aiHKma a zit Tura enwt JM1 Mil vr 23 aae banwnui iwi rvoterArBW MT1O0S rail eueet ad uiiiaa uwaaa ii iot neyee wea an Celle Inset IS MO CemooiUabyet atlpk McKlti at ead Mem 1 UrU Mhota 100 Oramll ttre OuiIm a aru aa a rbrnit a aaa laikaTak aTBkillai aeaaaaar a Kdltli Citatf tk late rnuik and ln A1 IW a aattte ef CiillbmU A tot Ra lYalKH ae iVmixril Me alS faalaaelMr Hobrt Mi Tk fananuVwirii iiaHite 8Ut 9 itlHma Menh at tlna atieer 1te ikme lie KortbB 1 CrawettcaV Crtme 5 ta eeewtary TT BiOEB 1 tale HI MitebVjaa JMarle ti talcmd vlfer tie 11 PmI Nlfee lalM fciKY TCi I Nil Oapw an raal nifa HoColoi and the lite Wmlia artlti takanliM Tharaittl nwaixa ai innin tl MM ea iaui Mniiila Ja Baraai ze tie rtu uw Dau ot awiianino jrj tdan at a at rem tlu aaw boaae laneral ifulonar itbeTCnited CadarUkaf MM Hixrana at at Cdt Uwace to Btv AiHimri ehinnb vbare a nqulaia kl li ata a will eelebiatea fee the rapeae 4 bar eoul at JO tatanaaat Jjolr Cm eaawtar KTMI lMra nfu wia uii ie ae vii a aal pearly keimd knabaiHl at Near haelLi0Pn1 fc btr Walter laMt Kel ll biTlAid ef eli aad Ike late Cart A nVerl lowlttaf bmtl nj le il wreto oUet attend tke iaal 3J ij atWr IsNkLhabr uK Failimf IHUFKIUF i ati tvajpaaaTiiaiii WTiuta Mapnq deck ea Ts i2syV aJWieelara a at aadfraoea HT tMKLAii aimwtalT iTS ln la Ttk FALTJTm Krj yi aHl ak tort Jok30ande deerir tolo ed iad JJijKJSt cftl ulm2 lld vlrYeaiK ul Giinla and at Tbotna Uward AaawU krathar cj UnTuto Yed Oerale aetle DBW aj id pW Mn enacan aaad 1 ream piv rr TT KT wsrL a JM KNIOII lll I nroa ao irltad to attaad and Teraja Ooldalnet CI tt MeaUletar atnjat JnM Bwma a CbtUnooam Tena an Blinelie Wiltom tA WdSreet Ji 1 UIHiul iTl vl ua OeUrla atrcat jea Mimartte BuUb It Sl7 BaeraiMeito TINGLING with abundant energy appetite hearty nerves strong and steady and their faces radiant with the glow of perfect health me enure lamiiy or i ouis varojrai narruon are rroviaeDca ru i QSUwlUd Tr are an elouent tribute to the powers of Teniae the greatest family jj wmter aa ai a ja I 1 111 1 WlfcWIMIa meaicme trie wona nai ever Known ratretbj i A 1 OAXUtleD Menh IS Tbe I ltote iWwm were Weed bare todarr Vl rjeii Ramw aeed 4S to atuat uiuaar aaJd SSTioUi of Oeklml ijA AIM Pia Slortnae aad ClyuaC IT ben ef OeMead 1 Bamr Adiar st tad li tVartaaa SO W1U Wllllaoiii SS a4 kUrf BealuV IS ketk Oablana Aatonle ilhe SS aid AaftoOna Albeit neanvSl add Bead Tabard SS botk ef rttaloaMt I jv 1 Chariea Carnnbetl IS ad Beta dlSriii Mbrt irOaklaa it OUrar Trawartk an aad Marjary Zktoi 11 both ef Oakland Bleheid Peroia St ld Udnh Veaibla SS leaanl aleuowaii xa oaiiiia aa etmeet loamre Wede 4arj fcirsafiriw lBleroantMeaai6lrat eemetary I id tbe raaenil airltttSOeeinil ween OTIk ltd Sth fUt lw7taXM iriore Citi a Bjatteb 11 eerr periore the ODABAMa thla iltr Mareb IS IZt a uiwaaai aewraa wwe or mne iw nrabn Imhit tnoUmr of 8anH Albert aad Wtlur Oiabem Mre Orate lta of Jakaa ifaw Broniwll DK9 r1r i Mead ire laHad in Hand tlie rederal era itWedDeaaar at 12o eVilo le realdeoo 44 1Mb att tbenee a tot itstb endiWthJ where earrlce will be i i ItlUah Itl rBipEas Iniithle telty Wa eh 185S SJ teedeWtb liU aa I delliadBoUiar ef Mra 40U Preeee ifiJ eaali Orantaev naU of Tbe fanetal ivlS uluT 1SU he taeiiiiiuw rweaaeedarli at vi fnoaa tkeaaw keaie fenerelparliirt of th tfnltod CndarUken Yereul eburoh i whara a awMtiian hi hm will be celebrated low the jeneee at bar eat held een Mnelne liAOAeiM la alnaratioa Cypreia Lawa ceaMterr Anann inenta uadar Ue 01racUetef If aubt EAOtHOT ta thlcW NerrtMi iv Kelt nkttran haabaad vf ine let klarle Keternp hnlat fathw ef Mre UoCoH belered anndfatber of Kail and Dorthr ilnOttleaa aU of CbHaUaala Norway lMMMla aia rwnoaiitfallv larltad to aUend tbe fanaral tarrtom tomntraw Wednaadirl at II 1 a II Aadereoua Valencia aad 2Uh en tatanaent wrltato Tn nut Tanlao to th teat four time right In my own family and It haint railed one aeoiarea jar Glnarra My wife my ton and my daughter a well aa myetlf bar all been built up from a half tick run down worn out of peopi Int a healthy happy family brimful of new Ufa and energy And th experience of thla fam ily I only typical of thoutanda of othera who aiatmenu are on me In the Tanlao office Hardly a dar Dtaitt that doee not bring score of tuch mettaget cf pralt from cverr Dart of the united State and Canada from fatnlllei wber mother father aon and dauahter have all found health oontentment and th Joy of living through Imply taking a ooura of Tbrilao Take for Inatance th ca of John Wldner 1171 Rooeerelt Ave Lot Angela Calif who tayt My wife mytelf and little boy ar now a healthy happy family a you will ever a and It all dua to Tanlac Or that of Mm John Maroult nd hr family of alxtctn living in Man chetter at tit Belmont SI fh aajt Tanlao hae been the only medloln ud In our houtt for two yeart and It hat kept every on of th alxtttn here In tb beat of haltb In Chicago Frank Richard of 111 South Wood Bt write villi never be without Tanlac In our hoiiee after the remarkable way It ha built up my wife my aon and myaelf to where we are the very picture of health ef baa rraedeeo Weill Stbay iUmnal fSillah KaMM UirlL aid klir nrat A Oraau SJ OaklaBd nani aamtaillwa New York I REDWOOD CrTT Miff IS The Wlew th caa of Cha XL Van Colta ZBSjriTWTR iiiiij rosiuiiia a ie iy i an I al Uk Av Albany Ha tart Bvry Htn fi Saian and UUa Xekla both member of our family la nlhutl ttlo over Tanlac It oertalnly a mcdlcln for all th family From far away Canada cornel thla meaeag My little girl my on and myaalf ar all enjoying eatjalaaahat talila aaiaxaaaw a a at aa aja 1 aa i aaauau JiweBaaat raTannTiniul brought It alt about Mr Bert DFnTraTHf182li Merck Hewer lit Eaat Avenue Toronto 10 braee Timotbr OiW A oWtnar Ontario lead end Vtralnla Tbaapaea eted mJZ cab Tr Th wTis rt iywi Medicine here in our Virginia ha Delir Sa home boctu it rtored my moth OBAi BOnklAiY la tbU rtty March Jr er and titter to perfect bealtli jutt jhfelB0SM Jn 4 th am a It ha don mH I HOKK AnnrolCD In thli dty March hr in antnuilattlc tlatement ot Mra Jadre wmeaq Meaaa a nAhriu riaawitia Vm end i ittrte Aaaro ti 1a i rr ucnEn itKip i eaa on tnrougn in net men Htuh Jaauentii QwUetaaaTVia Market TB 1 In tlifa el IbRh Bee Ollobrlat I Jaaea aad women and ihlldren rrom every nBJivTv a atata In tha ninn IXDnlt HAON in thlt elty Wareb atate jn tna union ana vry prov A ajrntt ted SS and ince of Canada unhealtatlngly com kiy Haaem 4S forward and tell In word ringing Xrat 1 with incrlty of tb wondrful jgR benefit i of health and happlneta McCALLCM UirilTllOkl la uila elty Mirrh ail au wwr tatmn IS IB Narcb 11 by Neela SS and detpalr Uatojjyci ji 4 PUIllTIVtVniaanel wi vi that Tanlao baa brought Into thlr 1 iihJSL a hornet that wr formerly drkened HiwBaSBtliia 7hta rtSfTaU oy mora oi alcana luizcring Jiulea jame at Traon And thould yourt be one of thoa hornet tthtr any member of th family I thin run down and weak nd from lota of appetite cauaed by Indlgeatlon and atomaoh trouble you hav at your vry door the mean that will no doubt bring me aunanine ot Vlgorou health tack into their Hi and yourt Juit at It hat dona In to many thoutandt ot othr cat Do not delay Get a bottle of Tanlao from your druggltt ivuar 11 to Bar Wllllua a awtn i aad BVnlce Spreckels Sr Make Settlements Upon 4 Grandchildren Candidate who want sold and iaxtra votaa with which to win th bungalow or am automobile mutt i do their beet today and tomorrow With a record breaking prlte Hat at atak th competition 1 becom In keener than ever and no candl elate can afford to overlook a alngl opportunity 80000 WORTH OP PRIZES I More than W000 worth ot prlte 1 ar waiting to ba claimed At th livlx OMd tb 1 a charming bom i worth in an a round 111000 in an order for 11500 worth of furni ture goea with It tha aelectlon ct furniture to ba mad by th win nlng candidate And twenty latett model motor caxal What a wonder ful goal Th winning margin ar apt to be wnall It would not be aurprla lag If only one or two aubicrlptiona would tufflclent to turf defeat Into victory Ti bungalow I valued at lllKiO Tbe and WSFGimWJtt joMantordtund ijLIearas Net 35445 in One Days Dnve i Mere than IttOOt baa been tub ft acrlbcd to data by Stanford men and women of thle cty tn the unl ilyvtrltya endowment appeal ac 2 cording to return mad by teami pi at tha aACAtid ranArt mAattna1 hM KfiAfyttrdy noon at the Bt Krancli noieu Tb total turned In for the lay waa flt44 making a grand Pl total Of t7M ft Atother reoort meetlnc will be Xi heM thle noon at the tame hotel and friyIJ It Hall prntMent of the Stan HiV ford club of thla city and chairman of the campaign committee urged jvytrvau teamt 10 exert every effort In jMSi vjIa their proapecta fT yetieraar meeting mere wa KjaV i full repreaentatlon of all of the itam participating in tb cam inaltn following It th report of 3J1 teamt for the dayi Frank Abbott Jr liooo iwooa 70T0J BHlrley Baker Samuel Brlgga tllSS Otto Orau SITto Clifton Millar lltlli War ii rnTurnr 1100 and Rudoloh 4 Norden 000 7fM i i I iPifatced Wife Takes EriTr rr oison to cna Lwe Jstr vietoriatCaropban 1101 Lar intrvio yarairrtriirt6eom ilt sttleld Jaat night by awallawlnar polt Bh waa taken to th Cen tral i amrgney nopuai wncr an ItM la a critical oundltlon i amra lAiniiwatimim aaj pviacv aaa aaavaiaivArcMdkbm2tTtwayeara aro hj aBCt than htw fortaer hucband roar fBiljJl lat1 night aa bat been her liM litateiafrer CampbeMwaa AAtlmmt avar mar lanatttMia aaci la sm mi iifpohdency sne dkcidtdto ii iy CcBtlaoed frpm Pag 1 Oalaaaa Frank Dunn Appointment of John Spreckla Sr and Wattar Olbtoo a executor of the estate with th almpl announcement that tb tata amotinUd to than 110000 and conaiaiea largely of Ufa tnauranc pollclea HEAVILT INVOLVED No reference to th financial dlf ncultl of Bpreckel Jr wat mad but 1 known that at th tlm Of hi death Sprocket did not leave ufflolcnt aaata to pay hit atourad ortdltor Th exact turn of llablll Ilea waa not mentioned In court but It I tald that Bpreokela wa heavily Involved that 1100000 waa not a drop in tbe bucket Under the tret will executed by Bpreokela Jr one half of th eatate wa left to Mr Edith Marl Bpreokela the remaining half to go to hla three children ehar and har alike Ona of tbete three children la John Spreckel III Th aecond will a holographic Inatruroent dated DecmbirA 1111 gave one half ot hla eatate to hla aecend wife Mr Sadl Wirt Bprackt era th remaining half to mlnletered to hla four thlldrtn tbe fourth being Geraldlne Bpreokela Admittance of both will yaaterday wat mad upon the requett of Mor rleon Dunne Broheck attorneya or John Spreckel Br a Kiln drying of walnut for aru i tock and airplane propeller baa reduced th lot the material in drying in tome caaaa from St par cent to 1 per cent aawawn jaMaaeaMaaw aanaaaeaBaa Tiri Mr Bttrtha Alien Awmmm JTe SltBtaBaBaBm msc rjHv ft Are You an Ailing Wornan wbx Not Enjoy Perfect Health Bakertneld Califs Tor quit a number ot year I have taken Or Pierce two medicine Golden Medical Dleoorery and Farorlta Prttcrlptlon whenever lq a rundown or nervou ttate of health The Golden Medical Dlecovery al ly gave relief in any 41 order ot tb atomach My mother who waa a practical nurae apeclal lilai In obatetrlcal caaet uaed to recommend the two medicine to her patient to be taken during thetrying month of expectancy atl I have heard her that they were dependable medicine and that th would alway recommend tnem Mr Berth Allen lot llth St Tour druggltt tallt Dr Pierce madlclnea In tablet or liquid Writ Dr pure Preildent Invalid Ho tel la buhuo tor tree medical adrlea or tend 30o fer trial pkg UbltU Advtrtlat meat tt Number 23 FOR SleeplestneM Number 5 FOR Grip Influenza Number 75 FOR NEURITIS Number 9 For Cu on the Stomach At Tear Draggla Booriclto Runyon Cow 14 Powell tt Baa FraaHec 43S Femrteeath St Oakland rree Get Your tooPaak wut aaa of Cn tnTat Vita min TabUtt from yoar druccltt today If you are thin and emtdiud ad will something to help yea pnt ea flesh and increase your weight Teaat VlUraln Tablete ibenld be need la eecineetlni with orgaale Nuxatad Iran With Mt eegaale Iran both food aad Vltamlne ar aAaaJunhr umiI aa veur hadr eanaat akaaara bert llfeleea food Into living eel aad tttau aal ye baa plenty ef argule Ira la yu blaod OreeJ lira takto up exytwa from yeut luiura Tbl Mtygenated rtuie Iran unit with ynir dtiaeted food a It It abeorbed mt rear bkaat Jaet aa fir udttt with eeej a weed aad by a tain It areate tntMndoii peWe end energy Wlttewtortanl bin yew bated rearfeed natraly pa thra yeur bedy wltb aut delag yea ay geed Arraagement hv beea mad with tb lraggitta tbl dty to glee enty reader ef tble paset a kujre SLM pack mt Daaaln raat Vltamlne Tablata tbaolutoly free witk very ptMbae of a beetle at Naxatad Iron IW Rd BloodStr math aaj 1 a Uric Acid Solvent 85 cent Bottle FREE UDom Joet banaitaa vnrj at i a tlrad etltr lata tad anaa aad nuaclM aa eohlaj bead bnralnt and ertw dowa nine la fhrrnt ta batlBe a iot Ulok rou bin auy la tiat Teoedliloa Oet wetll Ba na freai etuf Mata nuarlaa rbenmatle paliu arhln tockTlliiaS or bladder treublea Iltart RowT If you aaffw frma bladder waaknaM traralax araldlat Mln MSSf a olbed kalf a 4eat tlnae it alhL ria win IS The Wuitami Treataamt intultS fr3 bUdder traublea RtoamaUan lid ell bt all Send thle nouee wltb your letter A Wllltame Oe tSt Pi 3l bain part eeat of naauZ i eniu ta will ali ty br rtraej fiuT neat aSDOStlll wtthoat ohll I onlv on braiia a tv tL im Adrarllaaiiiui UtmlMablUaed IWZ AaVamT INCOME TAX RETURNS Properly Prepared TOO can obtain expert ststanca In the preparation ytrar tneome tax rtnra and tht schedule la aupport thereof at a Tory nomine cnarge Chester WLeNoir Expert on Incoma Tax 026 927928 Chronicla BWg The Los Angeles TIMES Regularly Print Mor CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Than Any Othr Lo Angel Ntwipaper San Francesco Office 742 Market Street at Grant Anna Telephone ICetrny 1 1 2 RJ BIDWEJ1 CO 2 ysff arV PprMentUT i Sn JTitanrisro iOiiumirlf NewDiSotie gOUPN Hk How to Get It Fer tte JTere HtnUnal Cat MabBftetir anl DtstmnUon 3 COUPONS So and 98c jecttr this NEW authentJo Dicdoiury bound in Mack grain ulustrsted with fjjj pages in color and duotone jPresent or mail to rbi I three Coupons with ninety Fm to cover coit of ndlmg petkini clerk hire tao Add for Postacti XAIt yt fclM mllaa WILL BE For Potrnaatr rate for 3 pounds 22 DICTIONARIES IN ONE An DJeUonartes pebUiked prtTlott to tUi eie are oat ef date Dictionaries maj be tecurtd at tha Mowing plactn MAIN BUSINESS OFFICE CHRONICLE Clewteat Street Breach MS aemeat tU Ban Fraaeboa Vlltaaer Braack 1TOS TFlllaaar St Saa trraaclaoa Ilaigat nraaca ioi nasai Mleatoa Braack SSO Mlaalaa St Sa FiaaeUe Oakland Breach an istb Ste OakUad retalaaaa Office 138 Keataeky tt kaenrataeat Office as Bt law Jo Office 4S weat Sata Clara Aw Saata Ba Office Keartk St Ackte Ofhee ST Krth Sattet St Valla Office SSS Ueerrla a Alaaied Ottlcev less Park Bfc AII mall tdera kewld ke eat tka aaala affle a Harea atawara VA SlIXUIANROriSJlS a tkli cjt Vlarck 11 to Jodie Janet Troatt 0 BUUtua Si end Pinllne Botert 11 TkAtyB BKEISMO la thla eltj Mareb 11 to Bee Rath Ollcbrirt Tratw 2 ind VloTat Krelial JO WAMHIaITiRAKl la a eitT aaroa to Bee OerdMl wa nil Julia Oraeeel 14 ibnopim hijna amalar 24 In thla city Htr 11 litdai leba Tin Noalrand SI and Paellna Cedat 10 by DEATHS ArnEntUV la OakUad afamk IS 112 aaanr neii a bbmmtk bi rwruia nr narrr raawam aaa tlanr rfaarla tailnnal AhHafata In lna talhar yran ee lira Aletaa Keek tike Ul Bertha Ahaef td atwd 7rt I Prtanai are nMPaatfall Inrllad fa attend the fnnirel te rH a dn ali Uar IS TOHiaiS Jla tlili ehy liar 1j 1SSS Nlohalu rewara keunad aea ef the Ute Janai end Mary Pewen hratlwrof the late Mn UeOartsr a MUee CbarlerlUe Countr Cork Ireland tied yean 1 aenth and 10 daja Ponetal prleeta Wedneeday ra from the ntritra al HnA ay OHara da 3001 Market etreet tear Cbnreki tkeace te tlie Moat Hot Bedeateer ehnrsk where rtqalan Wlh aaaa ail he ealebraUd far the MiK Mbla wol at 10 a Inter nrania aaour vreet eewi aaty 14 a I nailn A vBtob aiothw if at Mmuwr Sn flktSLBAawL SSSJ a7a dltetj Bloh a aatw KrillSikv AdA lU ft Tork as aj 10 lantb al a naiara a vaiuiwwia Pliandl ire invited Ie attend the fiuiarat te rlce at 11 eeloclr Wadnaaday nornlni Much 15 at Ortjra Pl laadere at ToaU Inlermetit pri tta BKKRlNlltON ll OtUtnd Merck II M23 Mattie Itarrlrartea beleoed wife of tbe lete Jndre Herrfnttea aaedi of rtnme Lo baaw and lit 1 Herrtnron and alatar ef Jot HaMoait Baata of and S3 ran loaephlae Wllaoa ef Oakla of Decatar Tea and th New Beiie a narJ of Oakland Oiaca late Harr Xentwtr vaerl A naat aoble arand and mamorr ei ra eoaaaa aiara ne a ot Santa ClataaL rnenoi ire innieaie eucna me inn nu 2 aervlai Wedaeedu llmb IB 133 dock at toe ifatkadUt oharch Santa te in where aonunlUaeal Claret Ibenre te Oakland onttl 10 Wednaaday B0l In thla cltr March 12 16J2 iDTina hrotbar of Gweelav laonle Fi Hattia hmb iae tee itie iMdor tna Ranta Clara caaielanr aarrtaaa will be Md ander tbe aaapkiaa of Clarr lodra of Re eaeana Mia nernnaran wiu na ai ine reeidewia eliand ef tfceTramia Codenaklnt conpanr Talagraph aea at Thirtieth at liaenh Fred and I LtBaniial aula a aa ura aa lanciaro Frlendi tre reapectrnlly Inelted te attend tbe funeral lemeee today Tbnndirl Barah 14 it 10 40 oclock a at the chapel of llalated A Co 1122 8utterit Intamaot prl ata BtMEB It hit noma March 10 1822 John A Brnter bnabaad ot Amanda Ilaatar father a WlllUra A Martka I lacy 0 Ilantw and the late Sarah Unater aad of Ellaworth Beltle Itsnter ana Mariaret MePheatare ef San Jnaa a aarl of Uaacmrt tgad yean 10 noeuii Wiiaida era ta rad la artatut Ika tnn cal ierloaa at eelock Wednaaday afternoon Man 15 at Orwa DriUadato tt Peat lata mal prirata SHEAJt la UiU etrr ioroh It 1922 al tbe Belief Iroaia for the A red and Infirm Jerraiub Janet Bbeta a aatlra of Iralaad anna icirrjts i BCHtirS la thle erty Virch 11 113 Aaaa mmwnj aaaoraa wne ox wuneaj oenaia tonal ainuiir aa aaiiaree aaa netue lennt aai baleial danihtar of Gaalare tad the lata Anna leiia a nau aa raara ad If daw mei rlendl are fntftad to aftand tha frniaral eerrlrae at 10BO ealra Taewtar anoralni Marco iv ac nil aioxne tot jsrooanci au Intenn at arltte irnct ia eat Jan Tatar ha tend Baa en Francta a Kerch 11 1022 balnwd brother vt the late Wra laaTnaaa aad Ura 1 Antaaa a native of Denmark ated 0 yaara A ember of thl taralion a Worken talon rrteadi are reapactfnllr tn tladito attend the tenantl earrlc a en Taaada March 14 I922 at the roatdenoe nation of Andkar H5 Sth ate core of llth tt JO II SON In thla city March 12 1B22 un a wile of the lata Martin Johoann mother of 1 relarann alatar of lira Pataraoa and John Hanlnud a natlre of manda are ramectrully Inrllad to attend tbe funeral aerrtcea tcirtnrrow Wadnaadarl at 110 clock ra at the hapel of Hal 4 Oa ma RnUer at under tbe ana plc a of lrr ehaptw No It 6 A I HAnia py ti aai flharlaa Borrnrneo rbnrch wber ea taqnleai Ul oa eneoretaa lor tne raooae eocmaancint at tatu travoea rnnarai aarajcaai naaanu aarnn is a ll aa a aa a Ik Cutklaaa aualaaa 1 a a OOI 1 a vw vaa aM the rreMaan A Oet Boaok A Xeaaej und Co SRIIO Teleareph eta lodaereUea California cremetorlam ANDKRSOlf la thlt eft March It l2a Nallfa aaarfa halavad wifa at ThnBaa ia rlonxia tad lorinl alltaf ef Joha aad Edward X0CH Connara Mra Oora Upt Mm Kalnerlne jehnaoai Mra Aaala notllna Mia Roea Mcbelaea and Mra Annate Terr a eali a Of California Frlaada ere larltad te itteed the frmeral teen traw IXtedneederl Manh IB 1M3 at SdW eelock a na fraia tbe narlon of Caivw A EnHlan ItlB eary at tnrnea to Mlanon Doloree chnrch where a rKolera high am will to afferad far tbe repeae of her anal ejaraaneta at 10 eeloek latenaeat Holy Oroet i anetery BIN Skiter Into eat la St Pranalion Mtrrh IS IKS Anna Ba daerty baloaed danihtar ef llalen and Bamoi Baa and Iniini eater of Catherine Methew and Violet Baa i neU of Saa Franoljoe lie raarl end aaanthi rrlenda end aoaaalnuaeaa ere reanectfatly Mriled to attend the rtneraleerrloai Wadnae dar Marah 1ft at 2 JO at at her late mildeare lost Rorot are latenaeat Balr iroea cemeUrr Funeral errane aiientt aadw the direction of Laaawelf A Co BARB0N In Uila slty March 13 1B2S Oar trude dearlr balow daoahler of the lite Jaan a and Arnea Barron aad lorini ilatar ef Vfarj end Matilda Barron Mia Juaaa Larian end the lete Mre Jotil Rardr of San FmadaDaand JatMa Barret and Mra Cbarlee wbltnar of Port lead Or a aitr of California Frlendi end aeoualntancaa ue reaper Iftrtly inrlted te attend the frmeral teaaorraw Paat Natrona Paat Patront and aaivnbara ire letond of nay loeini ae oi ivia a nay or Oil brother of Mra tt Reaibaw Bar of Ckloa CaL end A VaDaki CaL a natlee ef Ran irria a a i tWedaa dar March IS ItlS It eelock a froaa Her lata reauanca Clayton atl tbenee te Bt Atnta chnrch where a re tnlera budl ttiaa will be offered for tha re pnae of kor lonl ea amencinf at SJaO eclook Inlarmana nrlvata Kindle emit towara BAT Jn thla city March 11 1021 Wlllita van NeM nay TaemDW oi tna nna or otaae A Bar Sol natter au toar ai Knlll Obico aad aa at No 104 Bayai Arcaman tlae Aaiala and CkWo aepere pieaee onpr rrlenda are tnrlted attend the ftaeral Barrleae Toeadijr March 1 it clock Bai at the banet ef Rjletad A Co 1123 otter A iTarfnaratlnn Weadtaw remetary MEMBBBB OF TO it 0BA9D COCNClL lad maabere of Baana Vlata orancll Royal Arcanam and ateraben of olber eaonrlle In Han Fraaeiaoa are tatitad te attend the funeral aarrk of tha la le William Bar at the tlae end diet tbet tteted CAhtsoit In tiiTalartk ll lift Hleorte Artbar dwrlr bate ad eaa MaV raew aurraa ana layoia uanaea aa vmat keatkat ef Welter AJfrad Ctileat hnal kephaw ef Ml A Uraaoa a atj ef yjulttale Cal aaad 1 jaara aoatki ltd irrjeadi at reeperAfnTr Irrrlted te atleat tha fgoaral eerrloaa Wednaadar Marah II at SJO eelanb tt et Aadenoaa last Vtleael lb i tttk latwmant UreaaUw CAkS ln tail eJty Merck 1a 1S2S Mary Vi oaanr leauee win et aamei uaie aiilL and rrMa another of Janet A Oara Blll and Mra Loala Fllirerald end te la ntuemia a fChloaae hilw tdetpali tipert pieaee voted arandiaothw of Boheit nttfre ef Pklltdeinhli Pi Tart tltf uad kiladalnU Samalaa at kaw lata aaaldaaaa ttnt lVlaaa at Foaenvl aetle Tatar COfEMiit In thla elty March IS 123 it the Belief Bone fer the Acad end laflrra Miry Oolmaa a aatira ef lnliad itd ti CAB0T At tat ht Crtrcaea Iawi Mink I a 9Am nil lilt toethdr of Mra Hi JeBereoa Cenrav hatred ut coma COXrj In Oakland Marah 10 1S22 Otla aeeny naiovea leenend et Mi lorfa father nf Tenck Prel Mills Caaa daartv I 71 i DM mte LORD NORTHCLIPFET Greatett of Journallata AiUr a Tour of th Glob Hk Prepared aa a Feature lot NEXT SUNDATS CHRONICLE A VISION OF THE WORLD TODAY vrr ix cofrniiroTi6r bvebt onb should rba Cme aad brotbar of Mra Wrlrtt PhiU dalnhli fa i Maude and Teach Onte ef Aatierille natlre of Pennerl ania rhlladelnhli Pa tad AohaMUe papara plaaae ropy Pnntral and tntanaaot In AaharUla Frlendi mijr can at the chapel of Orant Ml 971 Wl tna at mrnar a oaih aaa Oaklind natU i ra Viedneada March COTtB la thle dty March IS 123 at tha Relief Home far tie Ated lad Innrm John Loria taur tr MtnteiMutut aad 14 wTSoVATf It tkh elty March 11 1021 Jen nlak kaloee hnahend ef thtlele inale Dnnaraa aad lorfa fatter ef Wlliiaai tad the late Daniel Belli Frank tad John TXmema tratfcw of Mra Htanak Drlamll Mra Mittena a nttire ef Cl aatolti Count Cork Ireland a erabar of torofa la emkle No 1 TTM JVIaa a era laaaienlfnlta tavltaa a aHaait tkT aV a ---in innarai laaertaa Hl it at iro a lie Jata 14 at kit litarteldenea 41 JVilUr i taren a ea aa i thanaa to MlHloa Doka ckorcb where ranlaa JUUUS5 G0DEAU1 Indtptattnt of Trot TtiA Funeral Senrtca Tht Serve wad Savei 41 TtB JettPkoBt lUiket 911 Oaklaad Itetktet I Aagelea raaoeatod to aaaamlile et the chaoal Hal lad i Co 1U2 Butter at at 1 HO eelock on Wedneadar March 15122 to conduct the aerrlnei of nur late aretar aad paat laa trai Muy Johnaoa BUI All HOrRrilVBR Worthy Matron OCR la thlt elty March is lrl itartht Koaa aaanr paforan wna ta road och de rotad mother of Bertha Waller Wabnar Bate end tbe late jMnlpb Kooh aad lorlnr Wehner latin Of New Tort tied 67 eaan ead 10 dayi A member nf Ire ebat No 270 Tarn IchwaV tera end Ladlee anxiUaiy of tha Matter Plnnibem lhe fnnartl inrrlcee under thi tnapteet of Iry ehantar No ST 8 wll to bald i Wlholdla hmaral parlon tM Ttlenela ft bat 1Mb and 201 Tneedat Manh 14 it 2 ra Incineration Clnreae Lawn erematerf rlaara omit dowera tVT CHAPTEB NO IT a Offlovri tnd membare tre hereby requeated to attend tbe fnnenl nf our late alatar Bertha koaa Koch todar Tnoadarl March 147 et 8ai from Wlaboldla fhnaral parlm II Valencia it bat lath and SAth aerrtcea to be brdtmder tbe enanlnca of the charter BECLAn HOtRCirNKa Vlorthy Matteo CRRISTINB McCRSADlR BeonUrrT LACASSIB la thlr rlrj March I 122 Alaala toltwad bnanand of Jeanne Laeaade brothar ln law of Mr and Mra Lonle Cabana a natlra of rranna lied 4S reera rrlenda and aeqnalntaaoae era reepactfollr larllad lo attend tka fanetal Wedneadar at oolock fion Matendlei new faaaral par lraL lata Onldan lata aa aaar fnilmnra etl thence te Notre Dime dee Vletniree annrv wnere teauiaan di ealrtaiatad for tha raoaaa meadni at SS0 clock The remaiaa will to plloed tampomrllr at the Holy Croae eaaetery obipelj thence forwarded to Piaaaa te rait In tha family fault LAWSOI In thlt city March IS 1S2S Johanna tolerad wifa of the late lean fawaon ind alitor of the late Mra Mary A Matbewa a naUre of Ireland ated SI yaara A member of the Third Oldw of St Franeie af St Bonlfica church Itnnae office Taaadar evenlnt It oclock Frlmdi and acqnaintanoel an taepectfullr inntad to itland the fnnanai tomoreow WednaaJar Marcli IS IP23 itSAOortork I from liar lite roaldenna 4110 Cantral are thanee ta St Aanea ohaich where a raoulan raam will be offered at the npooa her ami oomm aotoi at eelenk later Wiant Roly Croae eaanetoff McCABB In TmnMlle March 12 IMS Jamei MoCito tolored teabend ef the lei Mirmuret MoCib ind levin father ef Mm EL Beata a aatlte of IraUnd A mamtoff of Lincoln peat A Frlendi ate raapectfollr Inrlted to attend tht funeral tuaaniw Wedneedir at 40 oolock a treaa the reeideara pa Hon ef Butt tt McDonnell TH 7TO Talancl thiace te Bt Brltlde oharch where a re tuiem blah maaa will he ealebialad tor tbl mrae ef bli ad eeaataenoini it I a a tntermert Rnlr Orom ea ietarr MeRBNBT In Berkeley Merer 11 1M lea Hcetanrr wioew er rae lata Jodi i tTanciaoo meUker Mm Chirlaa Fre nmal eiater or Ura wu nttiaco a aativa tl hle and 4 reert Ohio aad Mlaaualogi pa 111 a piaa mvi I ITlfl blab aaiia will ba nr aia eeui rr viaew er tae lata twia MeReftry nf Sen Ptnnrlaoo methar wiiutm aenn mre aad and laha McHaarr am 6 Ray of Sea FVanctaco a nitira cf at 7 aartralar McKENZIID In thle dty Intarmoat pel ate Merc Warch IS Elite It 22 Delia It wife af the lata Jamaa William Mcaeaue lonni meiner or uia lata Wll yam McKenlia ind trandmother af amaa WIPiim MeBentie cf Alameda Be alte at me lanvrai panora oi uaiww a fit Ill ueerr ata Rarah Ouald indheiand father of rnnk McOnald of Tallete ant Mra Flutareld of Want wood CaL a tatlre of Ireland Frlendi tad loqnilntanoai era raapactfnllr ht tled to Ittand the faaaral tomorrow WufnaedarV It tM 0 clock a firm raaldence perlora ef Barrr A McDonnell 74 770 Valencia it I tbenee to Mlaalon Dolotwt church where i IMalem hlih am win ke eelabratad for tht repeae of bla aonl rata aw aiuanaanL liouf MoOlTAIlV I thlaaltr March IS rick toloraJ haaband of the le Ouad end hehnad father of Sran Sk lata a el Baa Flaatiaea ated Srnvarat aad tntarenaart iwtanrta Taaadav at 10 erlocL from the eiapei of thee Dlarka a Co eertw et Dlriaadere ead Me AlUatar elar SBQAtE la Colma March IS 1S2S talta tolored wife of the lite Olnaeppe Setale lorlng tnotha ef Neetailo Betale Beoe See tana Mario Setale Matilda Okocaaeaali Bcraflno Ueroloma aad Olaai Satalef a aaUre of FlraPa prorinoa of Oenne Italy Mra Sainli la at tkt Mlaaihn chenel ef Talanla Marini PeraU A Co B44S MladoaX Notice of fonaal hataiftar 8MTTH la thla dr March 12 1S2S loha Smyth brother of the ute Mlcheel Bernard Bridiet ead Patrick harth a aatlra vt County Caran Ireland atad TI yaara The funeral will take Mate tomorrow Wedneadayl tt SJW i tram the petlora of McBraarty MeCormick 4S Valencia et bet ITth ltd lath ihlent te 84 Joeeph i church where reoulem blrh mam wilt he eelihrated lot the laeeee ef bit eoul rommenrW at 10 latermeab Holy Groaa oemetarr STACT I thU rlly Mar It Jta Aenle haloted wife of enT Btacy Joeii mothw nf Mra Blbai Harpar j4atrr iannll Bnijkar and atciaialw of Artkar lathlaea a natlre et Redwood City CaL ated 4 yaara Wteawta and arananitalM jHi are laBatHtftflff htrltad to attend the futaal Tnaaday Maraii 14 at ootork from the Maaaaidle aew frmeml Parian ISM Golden Gate arena tear Fillmore itnett tbeoe te the SC viarim hlih a UIU Lai KlIIBWttCBJ latarment Holy Cram natatory SJT80 In thla dty March IS 122 IMlar Sutra huahand of tbe late Marlon Solra father of Adolpb Koaa Merlon Jane and Kdtar Dotift ia flutro and brother of Cherlm nntro Emmi Mlrrltt Brae Morhle and Clara da Chotaaad a tatire of Han Frannlano and BS yeera Annonnceaant of funeral later PManrtl may call at OraTa Dhrimdira it Pea SWRFJtET 1a tble oltr Marah l2t Timothy Bweeaey I natlre of Iralaad md in Tin luneral will tike plan today Twaa dayl it JO eelock fmn the parlora of the lleniy Cillafbor CoSM7 llowird it near 22d thanee to the Church af St Chartoe Bornwmo where a requiem maee will he mlehialad for the ranoae of hit eoal commaeeing at 8 clock lntarmeait Bit Croat eemelery TOXEB In Alameda March 11 122 Annie Teller dearlr tolared wlft of Philip 8 Seller lorlnf mother Alice Teliae Wain mann alater of Mra Jimea Darle and eorn Newman a lltlrt of Pitta bura Pa FHandi are inrlted to attend the funeral eer ioao today Taeadayl at 1 eelock at the family borne Hit Central ata Alameda lntarmant private VANDERUP In Ban Rafael Match 11 1B21 Ellen wife of the lata John Vetrt lln aid tolored mother af Ura Libble Ket tlawell ind Dr Oecrn Vindtrllp natlre Cold Bprina and SO yearn momhl ind 21 dayi FMendl era Invited to attend tht faneral eerrtoei Tnieday March 14 1823 it 11 Id clock tt hae lite reatdanae 421 ID at Saa BafaaL lntarmant Woodlivm came lair WfICOX In thle elty March IS 1 Dr Gloeor Wllcoa dearly halcvad huaband nf Edna ft Wllnot levin father ef Gloria Edna Wllcoi devoted aon of Brlndler General Timothy ind thl lite Clara Wllct end toother of rlorenee EL Wilcox of Wiah initon a native of Camp Bapply Okie A member of California state Medical aaan Amwicaa Medical aaa a Waahlntton I ndte ho and A Mt tna Antrlee Jdta No 8P SLJ Court a No 10 1 Fl Golden Gale Aerie no ai a nit vonrt tnivermry Moand Ncj 1011 A Nerth Bid Grove No VI A VI Pottola Clrole Ho TS Tha unarel aarvioa wtlt talra ejana I mw Wednaadiy It 10 dodt from tbe finaaal ha 1 Uuli a a --i awvn aan privaie Cypnee Dolorea ata InolnarlUon Lean eameten WI1XIAMS ll thla ally March IS 1122 Capt Joha Chariea huahand of the lilt wBJaB oetovao nut ef John wtlllaraa and Ue lite tleorte Wllllame end Grace Heoden atel rlaai ndla ind Mra Boae Kendall OlQctte ti anew ajaeiiaa Capt Divld Williami ef in inn aarrn Hiian i New Tork a aatlvi of tared WA taan Frlendi md etautlntiteai tie itaiaulfally a 4l a aMaaiaV a 7 rTrf Maara awrWB VeaRIBm day March IS 123 at ato at tbe chani ef Jullui Oodmn 41 Via Nate a a aa I Wa a 1 HBW Tn tulam hlih turn anil be mid Jor ti af Ue eoaL inlarmaiL Holy Ctre lamilaiT w2iHkTOiajS CKUJta la thle elty Mink IS IM3 Cir line beloved wife nf the lata Otatae Zallae levtnt mother ef Frank Carrie tad Jbtker A teller irtndmothir of Mildred aadjaia Seller native nf Cannae and tt ym a Frlendi aad aeuelatuame are raapaeHally Invltad ta attend the faneral aervicea Tnaa day March 14 at ISO aloelt tt Mtnadlat mw fpnaral parlora 1UA Goldm Gattiva near rilltaore at latermant at Cprem Cawa arrJOSBPirs CiriON The ewalinaaal nqnlem mam lie daraeaed mem tori ead da naiad ftkndi of linn mimben of Joeepbi Onion wOl he eeletaratad la the rhapal of the Touthi Directory Wedaaav day awrnln March 11 at 10 edaek CARD OF TRABKS SCITRlDEn Wa aateel ear anoere tketkt to ear eBanr irMwa lor ua Maamw onenata ana mnu eipraaaioiai et dnrtnc our ranmt neraevauient aytopithy AND MRS RDWIN 8CBXADEB maaetne et 15 KESR 1tBU eHt March IS IVO Mar aret Lanlie Meyer tee Bianlck dwrly beloved wife ef Paat Look Meyer loetne alatar nf Mra Paul Boehme Mra WUIiaa Flelrdier 14 Mra MUUXt IL Divta of Pete hune CaL and beloved nieee af Mra end the lite Baaniok native of Sea rraiular and te laaia Frkende are Inrlted te tttend the funeral Tneeday at ocinct at tne reel aw anna an a jw maam eervioi dan 2na Drtlmdera it a I Pan eta CMnttloa prl ata crematorium Oakland al tiili liht Calil aad Iformia It 1S2S Sarah aia joeeim iiiar jovik Mil lerina etoeal M1CT la thla elty March kolnaad wifa At tha lata mother ef Frad and Ralph Mlw tnd heloeal aietee ef Mm Barrla Cohan end lira More ntaaa a natlea of Nakel Gaemana Fijlndt era turned ta attend tbe funeral wiailj xi a ciaca Team ute aupa an HFSuhr Co Etvtabuk4jMt House of Service Oof charges consistent vrlth jverybodys requirements till BtlSBIOTf BTKBBT BBTWnif tttk ABO iota Tktee Klttit SS tat Minim tt Sahl md Bah Ja A ttlaM Than Dlerla A Jo oornar of Dieiaedera an MCAi inter tu riniermtut pnnia aina ly emit towtn MftRBlSla tan Male Mitch 12 lets MtrattM Morria eeioved wire of wiuiam unmt ano lovmi meiner or tunmet wit iM iv ft i fVr a di ft hffi aw thb tn riBM HALSTED CO HO BStAltCSBl HW SUTTER 5T AmT I It a mJsA ft MnrH ilea Xdwaad flanrwa Yank GUbart Bnak i a i il 2 TiWr Ji lll1tLi B1 MMMpM MmscM4 A.

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