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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
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S125 SivfSbftMsa7 to ef ItOTTl til Icon Cisco doe tvmtliesprf JOHN a 1 ABW i secure homS1iJaK ll S3QPJ5rf3sS538il and toe Golden Gate these tot rtltt1 fmnnw call at once jfmrr nii5 wort 401Ciforiast I txC S4IM1 flH rffiXSI ntm5oTS Homestead close to Ocw losSJnuiof lb I 1Q7 are offered Ivery che wil roL Jl I Sly nwtiAnAf thrr rT --log J0HNUGBEENU4ni an ft tfft each two CHUicis uns viirsr I JOHN GREEK KX jmUDgig WV OOUU JenceloU25ll00rKn the wunirr iSJ of the Potrero close to manufacturing xSmJrP tinedtosoon become one of the most IraSiJ sections of the cty terms ex ren elr i2B79 one third owhbaUiw io 1 knd 2 year ufl centfjOHNC GREEN CO d01SSt3f IaOTKn jn5SL0TBTWG00BNH88W SslUVcoTT rty seventh Te i Gtj gtt 24UX1W jivui at 0 2 amww S600 SiSS5SSEsS535 i rii rvi BeVM A i 7 Kft EACH TWO BEADTTFnr ri nr PiylwestMofIncidtneMri1Jr5J Iresl 1 uiorn st I ft9ftft CHOICE liJT 6l8xiTrr i 11 nPideotntt fonrthr fxa MnnfV hbgi iot 53x240x39 bun wu 1 I BSUteuanitaBQCe TOraOVejV hnTn TrwA 1 flfU Tl gnroUgnTOm Hixtn tn Kittrenth 1 GREEN CO 401 California SrSif jwtUaliforiiia and demerit Jrttf good for a few days oiM A3 CO 612 Cali rtffW STAT CONTINUED I TiKzn back okk locs rw ClODUHaleM tA bi Heights 5 5X 0stJoaci i eetc WK r18 ll la at Ss 00 llfbn St NINETEENTH BTXdBTH 8IDE 4 MORGAN OX 5l4tlrorst 7nflft ANGELICA WEST BIDE OFF SlOvU NTnetee thYfeet Valencia andGuer Jmtx73 morgan coBi ca gnj rTTrttrB tltTnTvni rmtt wryf xrcr srri Tsrfii fU Wt MOBQASf A OO U2 California AA rrvr oc S25UU Lyon a most decided barealai fiats tsss BUSH T1AB noarpuaDats MORQJLs 4 AOXAfi EACH 1XTTT 8T HALF BLOCK aOUU from Park3 Jots 25x106 13 each street SoBolsCaBUIaUfcrnlagt SoSflA TWOHpC3KSOSE TVX STOBT TiZOUU ttonse of 7 rooms and cottage of 4 Sans Iare lot 75100 feet terms easy cannot aojUtei South Sa Francisco W1110B flaa wmvm EAST SIDE JTKAtt trtf a OX 1 All wa aU day lonp 2I01MJAK 4 CO 5 nnn LYOS ST gitOU Washlngion choice lot lUiarOTic i Mlforclast S1200i2BJgSKHlSf 4ntW tiu 1 lAllSJ Ml JJJgJ J0UN OREip cdtl S1300 KXQUIS1TE lOOrtTlth AVpTnoftr Ttalli jVr5T South ban Francisco a perfeStlY loTrtv Blii adj Brtout in a Inxorlant garden ear llailmrri gardea of I home atvadv i jLt vuwni te Ut A itetninnruM ana noiKeriot many hJ miiKnlnFS iXTVS2i5 tnce RSS JoiikaENraai 14nn LOTT0X120OSTVVTSYiTIFfH wJLtLUU a ce block from Point Lobos QREEil A CO40tC3litorngt ClKnnEAClI SIX btJNW urns ol3i DiJUU 117 8 to alley on went side of VKt bure at near Tenty thirl verychean Jhv ujiKajat fc CO 01 California st 4t ft 1 nnrfrPA Two stunrnirj buKSTM vv iDrmuon ijoercr St nnr Tvj iji thene are extra choice lots dont fail to seithiS i thni oflfferedforafewdarsonly JOHN a OBEKJli 1 Ca 401 Laltfornia st I OAA KAC1I LOT8 Ii5X112 ON PASkS OiOUU road fronting on IBnena Vlt fe I 1 Hr4i lj ri rt I- i uuiiuuiK cmi uiSHUinnnru UJ U2S C1IT rf a I I VA Vi iiwiui Bt caoie anJ3t juiu umi chA ujui vniuorniasw Q90fin KLVOANT IAT vryyy meni erty Q97Hn NICETBrNSYCOTTAOEOFroi7K 3 yw rooms lot zaxiii on Elizabeth st near Ban 3oe ave esy terma JOHN CL GREEK li I A tMS fwdrt fortUlt 100x125 fisa iieuevne ntar ucean road acd ioonnst tnwis a nne snecnlatlre ninCqfl JOH GREEN 401 California ey lorely neir cottage 6 room and balhv L2S 3 ftnnn jes saAAipmpxf Trcelnt wtth nil istorr frame bnlldlnff foundation all modern convimiences thu bof feredatabargaln JOHN ataBEEN 4CQ 401 CaHfornla et ft TO nnfl KXCEPTIDNALLY FlSE OiUuU block south of the park front on I fu the coming great thorvoxhfare from bar to ocean can be sobdirtded at obce at great profit a safe jspeoulatlon JOHN GKEEN COwiOl California st A 19 lOTS TWO COBSERS WELIt tJOt located only three blocks south of roWen Gate Park 1IOYT ASixOLD fc CO 6M Market OQftnV EAC1I ON EASMOSTHLYPAY tDOUUl nnta on Sanchez RtbetCUnDcrand Twentr slxth 7 beantlfal modern cottaseseach containing 5 lnnrp ronmn 7 foot floored basement Si I Vuwauu xnirrur inauii xiuti MiuwiniuiiiHJitfj KtmttnniirT lattndrr hot and cold water Iron fence street grided sewered and tUBCadamixed stone wt intrSii IWmt lnwn aaA rear earden thls an onnortnnitv to secure a nice home by only using the amount iaii for ren monthly HOY ABKUjfV uatoi inaiaeii ftl nnn splekdib I INCOME prop OAtl VUU ertT on Sacramento near Pnit Ss brmn In li0 per month JOHN GREEK 1 VO 401 California st qi ii nnn 0NLY THa best cy ox ja t5lUUUU Market St nw cor Market nrm 3F and Seventeenth sts ko and see it at once size 90x75 we are Instructed to sell propeny forth Srtth JOHN GItEEN CO 401 Ca fonla St ft9n ff iIJSE BLOCK ADJOmXO t7 UUUU the nark Tontine on II st ih 1 cream block of south side property for subdividing juiu jtjui vx WLUUiiarniast 4 oo nnn make offer rnoiCEXw OUdUUU ooi Third St nJt Mission hrtntr Ins in a monthly rental of SI 6 which can be con sklerably increased a rllt edie investment can not oe oopiicatca ju juxle tut laiiiorma MARKET ST PBOPERTY 75S PACTFIO ST NEAll POWELL fW Vir LiVir mvw rUl3 til awjJ VAjaia uiiomu su rfirn HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS O0Uu bath laundry brick foundation Sment bssementj in perfect order Hardv st tenrera Ctwrcli and Sanchez cannot be dupU Sel for the money MOROAX A do I on i SA7 ITEAXCISCO CHRONICLE WEDinESDAT JTJl 25 1890 COUXTB EKAL ESTATE Ol TOlTBACREr20TO000ACarX chsxds frnlt lands timber lands cotony lands ltw nJPrPmlV5 belfI homes In tt bay countIes 10 acrs tract adjoin OaUand ft yPAJMWBABETOSESLA5D Olm Omtra Costa Alamada SapatSonSmiL fcoUno i andSantaClara caU and seoir listTwi hare the cream erf tb country loot ottftr lour pewcatalogtie JB MATTHEW8 CO5 Keamyst banFracctsco 1CEXT WILE SESD OSE OF OtTK SEW n2 l0Sfi2 yonr friends In the flnen Sn MATTHEWS CO rj ACRES CHOICE BESIDENCB PROPERTY At TA HP trtt IM fnat la JSSfT dVrto the atconnlys lrTJEf aflM A001 statUm 2V miles frwn HOPKEXS 00 624 irrri irom stations 24 ml 5t5vnlTersitr CARNALIi FlTZHrau iCarfcetsViF 20 5 ACE I3 VISt BICH LAND AD gaad er terms ftfiO F1 ACBE 482 ACRES ON THE LINK to UU of new coast rallwayt all fine fkrmln nr worth 150 per acre when the railway Is built aBsTsBZBffitfffinSL 1 ftft ACE8 OF CHOICE FRC LAND KO UU buildings hear Mountain View la the warmbeltrsuitshis for oranges prunes tr ether fruits is snrrnnnder hv ttu Anhatrf rt -4-yards nfrontaire on conntyroad bestofsotli 6 ntrfauiuceaanaisacnmceiocationtLne roads easy drlrlne distance of Stanford Enirer KK ej cnanffiofsood eltyproperty WALTER A CLARK Mountain View Santa Clara ItltO ImtiTtrrfM rtnmo rmn4 rina I ra 3ln1 acre properties adloinins the ereat Btan vi A rnoio manager STnAA BAUSCH ST BET HOWARD SUUv and FolsomS story residence 9 batiUrralotixUbarsai 0 GAS CO 812 California st niiAd ELEGA5T COTTAGE MODERX S5DIU in every respect ft rooms bath and MKE jannoanon innc nnumpttf opportntyBor side of Bush st tcallim Seduffiy lot 25x100 MORGAN OOu fi idr illOiorast aTCfth CAPP STREET WEST SIDE BE tlUUU tween Twenty first and Twenty sec end cottage 8 rooms and bath lane lot 38x1228 bo stable very cheap MORGAN CO tlSCtUrarnlast COTTAGEASDLOTWX120FEET to rear street double front ace five noSUkUUVIui Virrnnivu Bk vi eistfcr ana rlore I MORGAN CO 512 California S5000 8r nzn Rests 47j double house of ttJU 8 rooms and natK each in front rear neof4 rooms Oak Orore are bet Folsom tod Harrison sts lot 23x75 feet WLHOK 3AN CO 512 California st flCCnn BENTS 5PERRYBET THIRD tSOuUU and Fonrth stB 4 flats a decided tgaln lat 25x80 feet MORGAN CO tilxCsufornlast lot 80x80 WLMOROA tlCO 612 Callfornhi Cnnn NATOMA NORTH SIDE BET DUUu Sixth andlSeventh 4fiaU monthly rental 61 see this immediately best barntn oath of Marks MORGAN CO 512 Cal Ubrniast CHOICE FLATS BUSH 8T side fi and 6 rooms and bath each in brick foundation etc 1 MORGAN A CO 613 California st 6250 Herder br Sanzn RErrs65 three new flats I 0J 6 6 and 8 rooms and bath each separata entrances etc cheap Shotwell st side bet Seventeenth and Eighteenth MORGAN A CO 512 California st A7ffi THREE NEW FLATS 16 ROOMS OU I tlv baths laundries etc brick fonnda enteenthandEighteentL MORGAN CO California level landr luril tint nnlftt nnhln in miSf from Tallroad town itcLALGH LIN00 2 Kearny st Alameda QKnfl CASH BALANCE 30 PER MONTH iJOVU bewcottate rooms bath btett base SKlJ nar station price f2S00 3500 Fhie cntt rmms halh tr windowa 3tclot4txl70etreeVwerea andTmacadsr nra lerms to suit CtoOO Fine nearly new cnttaK 5 rooms bat a pay windows larga corner lot 50x150 stable and oarn aiSQOcash f4700 Jfew nigh basement cortaee hooe 7 rooms balh 3 bay windows attic laree lot city rater cas and sewer connect Ions etc MCCLUR FITUH A CCU Bay si station S36D0 MODERN TWO STORT HOUaE of rarans and bath lot BOxliO splendid location on mictvrtamlzed street terms 000 cash balance at per month Apply to JCfeKPH A LEONARD Park St Alameda SIR finn SPLENDID RESIDENCE IUUUU rooms all modern tarprovemeots tot 75x139 on one of the most prominent and SQ pcfb corners la Alameda elegant appointments and beautiful grounds must be seen to be appro iated terms to suit purchaser Inquire oi JO SEPILA LEONABD Park st Alameda or 630 Market st tan Francisco ALAMETIA BBGAUNS 750 Lot 63x117 new modern cottaee 5 rodms and bath 3 blocks from station 500 cash balance 30pT month 2700 Lot 83 4x125 moms and baths on Central ave 500 balance 30 per month 385 3000 Lot 27x115 new 2 story House 7 rooms andbathatstatloaf600 each balance 35 per month XO eiOOO Lot 50x125 fine new modern 3 story house 7 roonrt and bath On Central ave on easy terms a good bargain 413 800 Lot 50x150 eleeant new 2 story house 10 rooms with stable well located part cash Honsestrnfittosnlt 15 per cent down balance easy installments cheap lots la all parts of Alameda houses to Jet and money to loan MQKEAL CO 1423 Park st Alameda and 402 Montgomery at BARGAINS THREE BET LOT1 IN ALA merta Uiestnut st station FISKE 813 Market st San Francisco ft nn ACRES FOUR MILES FROM JBtJUU large town andraUroad2 story house barn etctnearly new about half creek bottom balance roiling with scatterfne oak small family Mateo Cnnntvt all iinrlri1tn1al mnUf better for potatoes or all abids of vegetables prunes plums etct 17 miles torn here 7 mites from railroad station two never falling streams with several springs 240 acres No better son In Solano county 3 miles from Dixon all under the highest state of cultrv ation excellent Improvements 191 acres superior leel land ditch running through it all can be irrigated no better soil for all kinds of fruit 2 miles from Fulton station Sacramento county Terms liberal on ether of the above cash or City property THOSHQVNDE 39Sutte st S5000 80 ACRES OF RICH LEVEL land with free water forlrriiratfnn all first class raisin and orange land fine boose of rooms anct oata large barns cnicken houses corrals etc the improvements cost 2500 beauti tully located near flourishing railroad town in Tulare comity will take some exchange send for new circulars MATTHEW 61 Kearny st ftfnn ROADSIDE HOUSE FOHRMILES idOOUvJ from Nana house of 18 rooms bar doing good business 20 acres of good land creek of water large barn stable 30 horses barn will hold 50 tons of hay large water trough water paid by county fine opportunity for man and wife sendfor new catalogue It MATTHEWS CO 5 Kearny st 35000 the safest bnr on feecfront throu to rear street ts nr on this leading thoroughfare of lereu lor lew days only ui uit tu4 401 California st ftl rfi EACH CHOICE JARK LOTS COR 3LUU ners 326x100 marked by high survey Tmatsamt flnt well 4ocatedr40uth side Goldenl Gala Park very near one of the greatest boole jj varus in tns woria ana jviar eivsi caoie exiensioiin title Insured for f5 pet lot UOT ARNOLD tl tu 04 tiaraes sc nan rrancusco fOSfl EACU CHOICE PARK LOTH 25Xi 0 tU 120 near Golden Onje Park and Grand i ucean iieacn nouievara on very easy termaMn iKRUnt In hntrn lots will nT AO cpnr tr in numfor tbe next years HOYT ARNOLD rTIfiSiMrke jS QQin EACH 10 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AKIJJ I lots 5x120 bet I and sts ontr on i block from widen Gate Park nnd railroad to OUT House located bet 2 proposed cable lines invest ment in abovelots til pay sopcr cent per annanyj for the next 4 years HOYl ARNOLD CaU own Jiarsetsi Cfl fAfk EACH STAN YAM STNKARGOIryii OlOUu den Gate Park 2iine lots each25x ioo street Knwiea nno pa iew on easy payi ments HOYTAROLD CD 634 Market C4fnn niLLs cob vicksburoj ttOUU lot 50x114 2 st4ry and basemenij house arranged for 2 tenants everythlngmodern terms to suit purchaser HOYT ARNOLD CCV ii a Te rATi OT TITTT TVIMiji OOUUU teenth and TwentWth half Wocka from ttro st cable lot ixil new a ssory everything modem on easy msxallments HOYT A RN OLD CO Market st IZ SOUTH PARK BET SECOND rhUfllUI ThiM I lot iT97 8 modem 1 2 story brick house all in fine condition rent liUVf At uojjut rr OAK ST BET SCOTT AND BA UU vis lot 80x187 6jtreet graded sewj ered and macadamixed no YT ABNOLD C0 634 Market st OOAAA CASTRO ST KEAB JUNCTION of Market and S1 ven teenth terms tair ich KalAnA HUIV TU1 ments lOtobXttO ell bnltt 2 story house arranred for Steuantsli rent65 HOYT ARNOI I 634 Marxe rtHKAP BUILDING Golden Gate Park and on Eighth Ninth TenthEleventhT elia and rnirteentn aves on anu io nieau which will pay 30 per cent profit on mvst wntfornextsyears llOYVABNOLD COg 634 Market st LOTS 25X120 EACUllONLYSnOBT inside one year wiU readily sell for 2M terms only CM 111 U1B 29A1 UUl 1 1 II I A i iH 7ntA Park and Grand boulevard no sand these lots nrw inr arinu ien wuv Interest bo taxes thBiryst all evel and ready 1X1 LAN CSC Market st OFFER SPLKJ tave I I -ft lA 19SSA3S fnS ijjlwv ontnesouin uucun i IUVT 5 stallments wul furnish a wrtOen swrantyttaf i lots will sell for 250 IX LAN 250 Market st ClniWTS ox FIFTEENTH AVKvB OlvU Point Lobosandthe lfc 2 only five left cill early as hrstjeome tot serveo liaircastuitltle absolutely perfect A DOt CO 63UMarketat OAA A FEW SPLENDID xXfTS25Xl In the Western Addition hi i 1 evel and reaor to onua SO Market st s2 1 nn a vr V31 WJ ulldingLioon iraH pJri lisurand Fulton sts txyolning ttode Gj vervchti A DOLANit CO630 Marketsfc i a wrT WTS TT NEAT COT Twenty second street cwf3aS1ry cepted banks wiuioan 1500 orfOi JMgf8 FoV the greatest bargiUn er WeredOT this ng street apply A D0LAN 1 Jvn lF Ssoaio1 sttfixyz Lane tract near Market very uw 1 MILAN A CO 830 Market St I nnRvm ttt aSXHO I iT AWpiw Olympic Club lundsswinl besoww Jfferi asltmurtposlUvelyscWatanvij If necessary A DOLAN A WQJ iaJ 7Hnn Efr 65 FOUP FLATS 3 I UUU 1 ft lot 30X80 Tear St bet Market and Rldv call Immediately MOR CAN CO 812 Calif ornlast Q79nn THrE FLATS FIVE AND SIX I uu to ci bath each Ringold north side bet gth and Ninth Folsom and Harrison sis renwJtXi In good repair lot 25x75 feet MORGAN CO 612 California st LARGE LOT 80X100 COR urt IUU OlO a AXOltUlUJ block from cablf strpet TfuIfMl nnd mt tawlamirod LilORO It AC0312CaUfornla S8000w1 HflghUjl block ftfinnn BENTS 8 FRONT AND REAR OOUrJU house 6 flatstn all large lot 60x80 feet Park ave bet Harrison and Bryant fine Investment I MORGAN CO 52 California Q1 1 9ort CALIFORNIA ST BET VAN OA OU Ness ave and Franklin st fine 3 tory bouse 8 rooms bath laundry high basement brick foundation street paved with bituminous rock large lot 3x1376 MORGAN CO 512 Clfornia st Fourth a cilt edeed Investment rare opportunity large lot through to Jessie st Improved call Immediately MORGAN A CO 512 California st ELEGANT RESIDENCE CORNER GrAND unobstructed View of the whole cltycor Page and Buchanan sts 1 block from either Halghter Oakstcable bituminous rock street size 68Ps lsiis elegant resiaeoccs Tuunaiuij uii iuj cau tnuneaiaLeiy iv i aivij uiaj kj CaUrornlast lot 51 REDUCED TO 3250 CHOICE INCOME property north side Minna St bet feeventh and Eighth slse 25x80 store and BaW monthly rental 84 CaU immediately MORGAN CO 512 California st OIOFL LOTS NEAR GOLDEN GATE PARK OJLJn and macadamized road 3 monthly installment no tnterect no taxes JACOB ILEY AN 630 Market st with creek C50 cash 10 monthly sn 33X170 with creeK montniy 250 Lot 50x140 superb views 23 cash 900 other lots send for maps CM AS A BAILEY owner 624 Market st Ofinn CORNER LOT 62X129 GOOD LOCA SOUU tion 50 cash 10 monthly 1500 Lots 63x129 25 cash 10 monthly K2SO Cottaee 5 rooms and bath lot 40US5 3200 Fine cottags on University ave 8 rooms tod bath lot 36x114 street Mwejcdmacadamlied and sldewalked 500 cash balance on time GEO SCHMIDT Berkeley opp Berkeley depot 57ft fn WILL BUY A FIRST RATE I UvUU piece of Market st property only feet from Sixth st price reduced to that figure tx make a quick sale rental 300 will be 400 in a short time an excellent chance only open for a few days JOHN PFORR 329 Montgomery st I rooms hot air all modern improvements tit most beautiful unobstructed marine view la tns city house open must be sold lot 266x128 BEVAN CO 318 KEABNY ST 1000 50x5d Sansome st rent 170 117500 Plae st near Kearny rent 195 lit 000 30x65 Flllmorest rent0 Iisioo 68 9x876 EUlsand Sterner sts fOOO 30x65 Twenty sixth and Capp sts Nwcnr Green and Buchanan sts 175x1376 ie offer Fine corner one block from Baldwin Hotel 5500 80x87 Union and Buchanan sts 9x1276 Post st make offer 60 lots In South Son Francisco 100 up 500 Mission lots i minutes from cars fiOTTAGE FOR SALE ALL MODERN IM Jprovements lot 23x95 on Twenty third st oetwe ea Potrtro avp and Hampshire stljustfin ed the Howard st line In front of house terms easy to snlt Apply to A Vr KIR on premises ttroui the day or at 3000 California st TVOWRINO JEWELL OFFER FOB SALE tneroiiow inr bargains 125 Cholcesl lot south of park hO sand teady to build on this lstbe humua banralnolTered iiou or tt nu lots in jKaiiroaa iio it ij snort distance from depot 80 our choice of a hundred splendid Ocean vjewlots see these f30 Lots 25x90 an uneqnsjed Investment COOO 12 splendid lots 3 blocks from Mission tad 25x100 each to make Immediate sale these lot at offered at 25 per cent less than market lnf location soil and climate are unsnrpassed 25tl20 some of the best situated lots in 5 Chicago facing proposed county road other kWfrom 5 to make money get In early 410000 A barcai 1 00x100 feet on Potrero rs lSS feet north of Twenty fourth st worth hTiilgtg Cheap ts specialty Cash tx ln Mtoeuts OWSLNO JEWtELL 508 CallfornUst QF AAft 5 ACRES VERT CHOICE JUUVfrnit grain and stock land fine climate rich deep loamy soil 2 good dwellings 2 good barns 2 windmills pumps and tanks well fenced and cross fenced several never failing springs with abundance of water splendid property for subdivision a rare bargain the land is Cheanto dav at 60000 one half cash If desired Apply to WB MABSHUTZ CO 630 Market 5t eu wuxve FINE MOUNTAIN RANCH IN COLCSA county a nice home for sale or exchange for city or Oakland nroDertv title United states nat ent to 120 acres of land plenty of timber pine and vh aaiuiiy XT aru Bgs apriwut Hcxies apples pears sranes etc fine soring near the house and irrigating stream also hydraulic ram and cement reservoir nice nara nnisnea nouse or rooms down stairs large barn full of hay chicken house and outhouses elevation 1400 feet above the sea 12 miles below the snow line fine climate for people having weak lungs and poor health half mile irom school and village price uuu Auaress STEVENOT mining engineer Angels Camp Calaveras county Cat IpOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR DESIR 1 able city property 400 acres heat land ii Colusa county rented for one quarter crop Address 1 11U31AS UUl unico tat T7IOB SALE AND XCHANGK THK BEST irui gram ana stock aixu in tne state citi and country prorcrtr bought and sold SAN FRAN CISCO LAND CO 330 Pine si FARM FOR LEASE SALE OR EXC1IANOK for dty property 160 acres level land 15 acres fruit and vines good bnndijrs fruit croc with market guaranteed included milps from railroad stauoit ppiyto a Ju niiu jumira cwiann county SPECI Air ANNO UNCEMENT QUTCK SALE S2M0 rat um rooms lnt2Sxl23 2 hlncs from staboa only 500 cash balance 20 per miMin iui uitlsi S500O Lot 70V140 bouse of rooms modern Improvementss fine garden 1200 windmill one tisir buck from Park st station place worth FMARCUSE 313 Montgomery St Ban Fran tira DHT ev station Aiamena OAKLAND ROOMS TO 1 FIFTH COR MARKET UAY WlNDOVr suit 20 sinkle 3 12 transient 8 TWELFTH SEAR MARKET THRKE rooma single en tet for housekeeping day week month GRANT 1 0 CLEVELAND NEAR SEVENTH FUB i nished suit honsekeepmg 12 1 HAIOHT A FCRN1SHED FLAT WITH gas and bath rfrnt 27 50 QQ SIXTH THE HILL8ALEJfEW FUB OO jalshed sunny rooms transient i sunny front rooms suitable for two hands an elegant new house sunny suits and single rooms transients acmmtnodate 1 and single 10 23T30 Itotisekeeping first floor Hail Two furnished single rooms 10 12 1 4Q SEVENTH GIBARD HOUSE HANl Xrxii some single salts and housekeeping rooms stairs sunny furnished rooms cheap double rooms for gentlemen OA7 JONES SUNNY SUITS AND BtNGLE I rooms all new reasonable suits or single gents only families from country or theatrical people 0 1 KEARNY FURNISHED BOOMS EN iJLtJ suite ofsingi 1091 MASON DELIGHTFUL FURNISHED A iX rooms a quiet home for two 1 nished or unfurnished rooms OQfiSUTTEB NICELY FURNISHED 0J rooms house quiet and first class QlQ1OTTERFOUB BOO FOB HOUSE xj Keeping 01 A BUSH JELJ1ER nOUSE ADJOINING A3 Buss House A nulet dean house with sunny rooms oy ne aay wees or mourn SKnn CASH BALANCE 30 rPER MONTH 0JJ new cottage 6 roomsttiath high basement large lot price 2600 McCLUBETFrrCH CO Bay street Stationv bonse 7rnoms bath 3 hav windows high basement and attic electric bells large lot part cash balance on Installments to suit McCLURB FITCH CO Bay street Station rooms 7 marble mantels 2 bathrooms ail improvements must be sold fine investment Address Is EW MEXICO box 10 this office CAPITALISTS ATTENTION FOR SALE On of the mot eligibly located and best paying pieces of holiness property in Oakland has a frontage of 100 feet by 75 feet includes a 2 story bnlldinp containing stores saloon barber shop below lodging house of 45 rooms and I Hall up stairs now rents for 258 per mouth to steady tenants For full particulars apply to GRANT I TAGGART Beal Estate Broker and Auctioneer 966 Washington st Oakland FOR SALE THREE ELEGANT NEW8IX room cottages electric bells electric gas lighting spesjeinsr tubes etc fa every way model bouses only three blocks from local train station terms one half cash balance on time to suit Apply to PRIEST 906 Broadway Oakland Cal FURNISHED HOUSE OF NINE ROOMS and bath within 3 minutes walk of Adoilfle st station Oakland possession given July 1st Apply Pier 3 Steuart st second floor THREE RESIDENCE PROPERTIES FOR sale parties going East no reasonable oSer refused Address 833 Poplar st BEKK BERKELEY FQH feALE A BARGAIN cottage 12 rooms ami bath one block from university corner lot 60x150 large barn Address OWNER 634 Sutler st a TN NORTH BERKELEY WITHIN TWO minutes ak of station a neatly furnished cottage of 5 rooms including piano fine view rent cheap to right persons Ad A Berkelev CaL SUMMER KESOIVTS AGUA CALIENTE SPRINGS SONOMA CO charmingresort on 2 lines of railroad 1 2 lionrs xromcity very aesiraoie oi rauroaa zh noni GEOROBISON ATITTOTHE BIGTREES IS TnE BEST way to spend your vacation good climate fine fishing table unsurpassed Apply to ALTON agent 613 Market st FOos Ice for 1000 acres In Sonoma valler 43 miles from San Francisco 450 acres level fruit land balance hill and gring laud complete buildings abundinre of springs and one large mountain creek 10 000 cords oi woods on place water and timber worth price asked for all beautiful productive rountrr home grand views to close an estate wilt be solcl at only 75 per acre or 75 000 full parttcnlars on application YMNHOLtt AY 124 sansome mnift or citv nronortv fruit ranch hear Vaca vlllej well im proved twiU pay difference la cash 1L MARtHAND 115 Kearny st OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB DESIR Address LUBIN care Weinstock Lubin Oo Sacramento LIST OF LAWDS FOR SALE MAP OF State BE VAN 318 Kearny st AKK OOUNrY THE SWTZRLAND OF Clear lake Improved homes ranches etc For zn aps ircuucrs eiu aouressj iaiu import READ Mlddletow LAKE COUNTY BEAL ESTATE SOLD BY FOSTER KelscyviMe Lake county CaL Govtrntnent land a specialty POTITVE AND PFBEVTTORY AUCTION sale by FDWIN ALsIP A CO en the premises SATURDAY June 28 1890 at 1230 oclock I rt Two elegant and highly Improved farms be kmgtag to Mrs Oppenbeim situated one fourth of a mile east of Florin a railroad town Sacramento county containing 40 acres each to be sold separately buildings are all In first class order all foreign vines and in full bearing the grapes sold from this vineyard bringing as high as 260 per ton la Eastern markets and this years crop will pay a handsome profit the system of Irrigation is most complete there are beautiful flower gardens and lawns terms 2500 cash on each place deferred payments long time 6 per cent Interest purchaser paying taxes For iurther Information apply to EDWIN ALSIP CO Heal Estate Agents 1015 Fourth st feacraentoCal TEAL ESTTE SALE AND EXCHANGE JLi Bureau The exchange of all ktndsf property a specialty IL MARCHANT fc CO 115 Kearny st Jhlv 1 189 fof the purchase of the George At aiiison rancn near uaitnmiiuuvi vmjj consisting of 7 0 acre UK acres finest fruit land In thestate 150 acres choice alfalfa land all nnaer ditch balance good Eras ine land 4 miles from railroad 22 miles from Sacramento mining experts report good mmes on the property excellent location for general merchandise tre For fnr therviarticulari Inaulre 30THE 1011 I Fourth st Sacramento S55004aU 7t i kaw Kt riatkniSnay dow etc very central nd JPJJ ROBERT fcRCEB 513 Calffornla st s4oooo sssstfsiaa Stanford fronts 18fiiidd ments near seawall andraUroW SVforwa sicsbie until tit irnT rrrvlN ELU3rMJUTH SipRBET JJJi stoiT i Nesa lot 60X12O to Wmovjve ii house ollOrorans and bathWrf llSttjm35SIsr JTk A ajiV a A i i TARK LOTS NBULJAryM i 50 150 and 100 on iPjmontW mm JACOB HE VMAN WU ssr EL OANTNEW EA8TLAKE COTTAGK 7 rooms id bath within 2 minutes of two lines SleaSylnstaUmexils Sk cor oint Lobos and 4th aves 33x100 83730 wr aves easy paymenu 2100 I lot 25x130 4th a near demeflt st 850 lots 60x120 Second ave near Oement st BlOSeach lots 50x100 Clement st bet Fourth and Fifth rtasyjarrnente lU 25x120 Twelfth ave near California st VJpavi nents760ach 50x120 18th kve near dement st 81000 2 1120 Fifth are bet Point Looos ave and wmenfst 1100 Lots la block bet Third and Fottrt aveH Call la and Lake sts i easy payments 950 each Hsuse and lot 25x125 Vat ker ave near Point JoaveilOO If yoa want bargains In Richmond lots set In lariyV pAKKEB POt 003 ave near rxm ave HTMr Ta Jl Ml TO AN ACRE ON i nn mt terms sold bvthe State In tracts to I suit no residence or Improvement reqnlrd all KtlK OT janas lR mauy iuierri wum stamp for list open Momtay AV edncsday and frat nrdav evenini w7AKEruoi 6 Hood building San Francis co OEND TOR OCR USTs OF LAT LYON FKLT417Kearnyt ABGE LOT 50X123 IN THE BEST TART if BrkHey for 100 on Installments wtu be fth800 in one year fine modem cottage or taant an bt 2Sooj Urge lot beautiful views sew modern two story house 8 rooms TOOO on installments genuine bargains In choice eiies and net modern houses carriage lit Ktofst the doortsend tor price list PH LPS RRHARDS opposite Berkeley station and wigomery St panrf ranewcut AH AGAIN COMFLETTNO TWO EIGHT 1 room residences on HU1 st 200 feet from Cas awtcars APPry is au 4u ou Aimrv pr misesoratlli Jones st ftlt 4A rn hATWMlM TwTSffftV 1 JWaad Ta enty fourth stslot 25x100 Howard pass the heusetbest prospective business SJWUi the tttv ApplTon premises torongn feJtfAJMl36oocalIlorast SSND FOR MY NEW CATALOGUE OF city end coantr prontwtv for sae and ex change Ji lAIatta VMI jsaracii ONOMA COUNTY LAND END FOB LIST 5 ASDBEW PBICEHeaIdsburg CaL CHOOL LANDS LOCATI0JS MADE I3R 30 607 Montgomery st room END TOR OCR IJSTs OF LAND GAMAX BYRON nOT SPRINGS CONTRA COSTA COt 3 honrs all rail from San Francisco hot salt elite for rhenmatlsm neuralgia sciatica liver and money complaint ana diseases or me aigesuve or dassV send for circulars GjTcASA tbVA Mgr rtONNOR HOUSE REDWOOD CITY TWO acres of trees and flow ers good accommoda tions miia climate a pleasant tamuy resort CAZADEEO SONOMA COUNTY a terminns popular resort scenery drives walks redn owl forest rambles trout fishing hunting etc cottages and delightful climate send for lrcuiars CF BURNS 6 CO flAMF RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL CAL THIS charming resort 1s located within ten minutes alt of the narrow gauge depot camping parties or milies ran RPlin nrst elnsfl a crntnmnilatlonS either in house or tents with board Address BOX an ai ei YPTtESS LAWN FRTrtT FARM OOOD table home comforts EPLEY Napa GLEN W1LLI THREE MILES EAST FROM Madrone eighteen miles south from San Jose hnntintf flshlnir 8 er week tiidren tinder 10 half price free coach to and from station meets uams leaving i ownseua si a Oil a i BARRETT Madrone Santa CJara com ity TTOTEL DE REDWOOD SANTA CRUZ mountains plenty cream and milk Laurel SCOX Send for circular H1GHIAND SPRINGS LAKE CO THE snltzenand of America open the year round entire new management having been thoroughly elenned and renovated steamer Tiburon to Hop land thence by stage to springs excellent hunting and fishing hot and cnld mineral baths first class accommodations FRED IL PRAY Manager room rent 10 SINGLE FRONT HOAnnrNf Axp room i tlmli smal 1 home table BOARD OF with board references A EDDY SUNNY FURNISHED BOOMS OVO with board terms reasons Me i sunny room superior board acd single roon with board QOCEDDY NORMANDIE NEWl HAND lUsomely furnished sunny suits also single rooms superior board table board board reference MRS HAIQHT r9X IABRIc3N tRINCON HILD A FINE UU private residence sunny rooms real home comforts board optional references EQ1 ELL13 NICE FtmNISHED BOOMS OuX with board French famUyTefereces 71 ELLIS FURNISHED SUNNY BOOMS II with board 17 A PINE PIJASANT ROOMS WITH EX i Ceilent board 20 25 30 a month Nieetv furnished front rooms with board for two 30 55 or would rent rooms andgire 826 POWELLGRAYSON SUNNYAPABT ments in genteel boarding house unsur passed marine view terma reasonable QASUTTEB ELEOANTFABLOBS BATHj cUtJother rooms fine table 9541 BfSH LABGE SUNNY HANDSOMELY furnished bav window room dressing mom attached hot and cold water gas and large closet also single room excellent table references required rooms board references MRSM1NTA LKJ1 1Q90 CALIFORNIA ELEGANT PARLORS JlOli also alcove salt board reference AVE ROOMS AND i rooms also hoosekeeplng EDDY AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED parlor suit A I POST HANDSOMELY FURNISHED lO rooms reference also housekeeping rooms A KEARNY SUNNY SINGLE ROOMS tr JL I furnished for housekeeping and bath unfurnished for light housekeep ing rent reasonably double rooms 10 and 12 and liewlr furnished rooms la a tivate family terms moderate AOA ELLIS LARGE SUNNY BAY WLN Cow front room private family cove hot and cold water also single room rent 10 I honsekeepmg also single 508 510 POWELL TWO HANDSOME FUB nlshed parlors alcove suit and single room 513 family POST NEW AND HANDSOMELY FUB nished rooms single and en suite private 513 OCTAVIA TnBEB FURNISHED SUN ny housekeeping rooms bath basement CT IT LEAVENWOBTH PARLOR FLOOR UJL I 3 furnished rooms for housekeeping 1 large front room suitable for 2 persons GOLDEN GATE AVE NEAB VAN Ness Handsome furnished Pleasant rnnny parlors also two other rooms private fam ily ooara optional 520 521 EDDY PLEASANT BUNNY BOOM IN private family use of bath OKARRELL A NICELY FURNISHED snnnv front room in nrirate familr gen tleman preferred 530 615 POST TWO OR THREE SUNNY rooms for housekeeping 616 BUSH TWO NICELY FURNISHEt sunny front rooms 6181 i rooms at low rates cas and water In each room reading rooms and baths free linen changed dally house open all night price of rooms per day from 60 cents upward per week from 1 50 upwaru rooms private family references Ql HOWARD SUNNY FURNISHED IJU Donsekeepmg suits via single 1 rooms en suite or single nished rooms for housekeeping 1 rooms housekeeping single 3 10 Pll JV A 11A J1V A 1AAJ i other rooms furnished references OO GEARY A NEWLY FURNISHED sunny trout alcove room suitable for two single gentlemen 1 rooms private family OAQ JONES ELEGANTLY FURNISHED uuu sunny connecting and single rooms central other rooms board references 1 1 4 PINE NEAR VAN NESS SUNNY 1i1t rooni with board elegantly furnished house gentleman garden references 1604 VAN NESS AVE SUNNY FRONT suit single rooms board references private familr a suit or one are sunny roor nr cirencesexci langp TTOTEL MARLBOROUGH SECOND AND jjl jwisom sis superior taoie lowest prices TtrAGNIFICENT HOTt FAIRMOUNT 1714 XYL Market St iunctlon of Tenth Polk and Fell elevator hot and cold baths wly papered handsome suits with first class board for one from 40 per month upward lor two 60 Jingle rooms from OUlOfJO srnrrinriR va TirwfirnAsrni tTfrrirr ill 227 and 29 Second st Board and room Per day 76c and 1 per week 4 to 3 single meals zsc rooms per nigr sc ana ooc ecoacato and om tne notet fBIEL EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN for a a met home and everr modern conven ience has no eanal moderate charges lor perma nen guests sreciM rates irvmuiy in iu 4 iltta HA iUrVltU fPHE BELLEVUE 319 ELLIS NEAR TAY tor at tienovatea ana new lurmsnea nne rooms witn or wunont Doara HOUSES TO LET rt TENl tENT OFTWO BOOM JBC1TA 31 bie for man and wife In good repair 301 First near Folsom CORNER COTTAGK OF 4 ROOMS AND bath ca Union and Lteuna OTUERTON S18 BROTl 0 COTTAGE FOUR LARGE HUNNY l5JI moms i conren Ces cartli furnish Jars Bower gardent als 3 rooms In rear Sf no caikiren stable uoesirea tu ttro su near Seventeenth sunny rooms can be let In 3 sells At I MCALLISTEB 3 ROOMS THREE trJLU balbronms all modern improvement Apply to jam jitKBiti 834 eerny st 7QI CALIFORNIA HINE BOOMS BATH targe yaro OI Cl rHFABRELL HOT ESIXROOMS AND 11 bath Apply 921 OTarrellst 11R PIERCE NEAB BUTTEK OOTTAOE lUltJ house 7 rooms and bath modern Improvements large garden and yard Inquire on premises bet 9 and 6 nished house of IB rooms call between 1 and 4 1 I sunny rooms bath convenient ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE OF 9 rooms and bath complete tot housekeeping FURNISHED HOUSES TO I ET CSn TEN ROOMS AND BATH VrXSV i30J room and studio servants rooms and stabler 60 vara lot cor Kearny and Lombard tai lendld rine view finely farn hed etc NICOL 534 California st blorksfror LKearnvst Address box 60 this office complete 2609i Sacramento st 1 nished complete 2611 Sarrac lento 1 Oftl BUSH HANDSOMELY FURNISHED sunny corner flat of 6 rooms references 1 rooms and bat i rent ELEGANT SUNNY FURNLHED HOUSE 10 rooms and bath Tent moderate 2413 Fillmore Jrt Apply EASTON EI DIUDQE CO 6181farkejst TURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED CHEAP rent to permanent tenant Apply 421 Powell rOUR FURNISHED ROOMi WALLER ST near Buchanan housekeejilng bath gas sunny convenient moderate Apply 725 Eddy HANDSOME NEW SUNNY COTTAGE ELE gantry and completely furnished 8 rooms pau neater garnen tironenck near autter noz iinis nmce utistx ss OF6TtnaiMr 1 GOOpfiRUOaTORl Aanay stores jtestsarants Notion stores Grocery store sncoDOKe from 100t from 200 WW rrom iwiio For aleby HC DECKER 850 Mark ttst QX MONTHLY PAYMENTS WIL BUY frit fane ir vw LR floerim1 tit bonds bearin 2 per cent Interest and having fifteen premlarn drawings annuany with prizes no to 0 0WJ Sena tor circular to saloxon uul iiarxetsi Qftft CYa0RAHA i0B SALE WILL OOUU clear 10 a day cost miglnall 11C BOOKER TEMPLE 841 Market st FARTNERWANTED ENERGETIO man In business office profit lanta 11 234 Montgomery st SO Aft OOOD CORNER SALOON WO JUU rooms sxie entrance rood stock blK bargain STARBETTAjrXUo tld tketroomS ftft PARTNVB WANTED TO ATTEND OOUU to the office lit fine cash buslDeS cleartng300 month previous experience not rcqmrea duties ugnt ana 1 suy i arcea no onjns nor Stfhday work For further particulars call oa SHOAFF ROSS873 Market st f27KA RESTAURANT AND LODG NO I JU houset a large restaurant all complete also 8 well furnished rooms over will sell part cash exchange or wonld lease the restaurant Full partlcalarsof FRANK COLLINS 30 Marfcst ft ftftft CANDY FACTORY ArTpICE riiUUUmm mrloF In Oakland Clearing 120 month cost 1200 but must be sold at a sacrifice for good and satisfactory reasons th piace is nneiy uttea up wun au ine necessaryiur feess MJTne salesroom lcecreaiMpOTorwoTS roora ana living rooms leased at nu a mow mi greai eargai MlUAjr 9 gii larew S1000 PARTNER WANTED IN A CASH business receiving crders from city and country clearing 200 a month the proprietor is A welt known reliable man duties iIghtjoe4 chance for an active man DONNELLY A CO 34 Kearny st 519ftft CIGAR STORK CLEARING 209 JLUU a month etc of the finest stands on Market sti leas4atlo rent best of reason for seilingat a sacrifice SHOAFF ROSS 873 Market st ftlQAft BKOCERY STORE AND BAR FOB itJUU sale lis upon a most prominent comtr in the center of the city has handsome fixtures and fine stork owner Is connected with another bnsiness ootsxle of the city and has depend olely on hired help to run It this is an opening seldom offered A pply ENN 22 Kearny st ft 1 A ftft CHOICE FAMILY GROCERY CJO Oi UU bar at less than value of stock and fixtures if sold within a few days this Is fine corner store north of Market In asewBuUd i leased at low rent a clean fresh stock good bone and wagon fine fixtures doing a good cash business with the best class of customers charge foe goodwill an enprecedected bargain SHOAFF ROSS 373 Market st FLATS TO LET I NEW THREE ROOM SUNNYFLATS A cl bath and gas water free 920 Oaket i rooms bath 1203 Guerrero st I bath modern fil McALLKTERr NEAB FRANXLIN Newly furnished flat of five rooms yard etc sunny side of street rent reasonable an elegant home Apply at house or EASTON LBRIDGE CO 618 Market st fine house grounds housekeeping ftOftHAlGHT SEVEN BOOMS AND Uu servants room Apply MCELROY room 4 Ph elan building THE WHITTIEB SUNNY FBONT SUIT cmod board 80 11 ii rm roo 1 fortwo 50 single 30 640 Golden Gate ave THE MARIPOSA 843 HCALLIST FINE suits first class board 30 for two TtriNCHESTEB HOUSE 44 THIRD STr 11 near Market Special accommodations for families sunny suits 18 a month board and room 5 a week EDUCATIO AL A SPANISH AND WRITING LESSONS given by young Spanish lady 826 Bush SPANISH LESSON GIVEN BY young Spanish lady 428 OFarreH st AKROPPS PATENTED MUbIC NOTA tton thnrnugb tierlect rapid method for reading and playing music at first sight 814 Geary OWENS ACADEMY UNIVERSITY AVE Berkeley CaU Preparatorv commercial academic special classes for tIversity BOWENS ABHcadMasto BANJO AND GUITAR LESSONS PROF DOUGLASS Murphy building room 101 GUITAR AND PIANO LESSONS 3 TO 5 per month 39 Fifth st ttons for admission will be held in San Fran Cisco In rooms of the Boys High School on Sutter st bet Gough and Octavia candidates offering Mechanics advanced Algebra advanced Physics or advanced Chemistry will assembte at 8 30 on Tuesday June 24th other candidates at 8 it June 26th ILLINOIS MILITARY ACADEMY MORGAN 1 Park IU circular cf HENBY SPEV Ns A it Principal LESSONS GIVEN EVENINGS IN H0RT hand and typewrit at reasonable rates MISS CR0N1N 633 Taylot st OAKLAND CLASSICAL AND XUTART Aendemy Colonel It OBrien superintendent a select school for boys will reopen at 1020 Oak st July 16 1890 TlRrVATE LESSONS GIVEN IN SINGTNG piano violin and ceo iB DE JUNG AW THUalCSS TO PACIFIC BUSINFAS COLLEGE 320 POST ST Call or send for circular I rooms suit single use of kitchen Q90 OFABRELLNEAR VA2CNESS AVE viO Sunny furnished room 9 1 gas grate water 9 AUREL GLEN FRUIT FARM FOB SUM JL Tmer board box 158 Napa Cai splendid summer resort on the shore of Blue lake beautiful scenery boating fishing bathing hunting stnctlv first class French cooking Address VERDIER Berths i Lake county Oal LILLY DALE RANCH SANTA CRUZ M0UN taiis Address ORttGlenwood TAPASODA SPRINGS LOCATED ON THE moontain sidei miles or Napa City climate Ainiform and agreeable natnral mineral fiater natural scenery unsurpassed hot Iapa soda water baths Address JACKSON WOOS TER Napa Soda CprmesP OSBORNE HiTttE THREE MILES FROM sa ltn Cms Fine scenery rui mountain good table comfortable beds large airy rooms conveyance meets trains when reaijested charges very moderate AppytoROSltlTHsanUCrus PRIVATE BOARD NEAR CLOVEHDALE CaL Address MRS WOOD PACIFIC CONGRESS SPRIJGH OPEN ALL the year carriages connect at Ltis Oatos with onth Pacific Coast Railroad with trains leaving Pan Francisco at 815 a and 245 LLWIl A SAGE proprietor PARAISO HOT SPRINS MONTEREY CO FOSTER propietor tineqnaled for heat ting Qualities specific for rheu matism malaria kidney a 1 liver disorders etc ing and Innsoratfi cars Third nnd Townsend sts 8 30 a ar rite at springs 3 trx Take Oakland cars va San Jose 80 SUMMER BOABDElfJ AT SEAL COVE near Ifalfmoon bav a great retreat for a few with goooVtabie fine fishing shooting and bathing plenty of fresh milt and eggs terms reasonable I or farther particulars apply to MRS SMITH Seal Cave Half moon bay ban Mateo county beslthv resnt In hills 8 miles from Redwood aty gpodrshnctinr and Hshrng tera moderate Address 4S10AESVILLE HOTLL Searsvaie San dateoconnty F1NAXC1A TO 7 PER CENT BEFORE MORTOAGINa I piV III a nw im S500000Tyrees feRACISAAI BECK EB CO 212 Montgomery St Q7Sft ftftft X0WEST MARKET HATES I OU UUU on city and emtnlrj real estate ii ui a ASCIIULLKR420C Ufori tst g30Q0000 agg sSg gga OQ 911 ftftft TO Ij0AS 3 OBTOAGE St5i0UUUU on ranches large am oants Setow market rates HOWE KIMBALL 608 California St SF 4 XOWEST RATE MONEY UOANED A df and counttyreal estate mortgage tax paid li ilGK A ua Jf FLATS FOR BAtE FtVE lASD St TJORROW JtfqNEY AT JJ Kioms modern ImprovemenU Potrero ave offlce HOB Market st bet Mason and Taylor private entrance 7 Turk st tioodwrtn AW5 iri bQ B3thi3t a SANTA CRUZ WILKINSUOUSKtTHEMOST cfcannlcg ctrpDent and best conducted hotel In Santa Cnu midway between business center and beach special rates for families HO A WHIT MAN Proprietor OUMMFB H0IE FARM SANTA CRUZ mountains Three hours fron vlty redwood Jurests menntala streams JOTcly drives ttshhig shoxitingmiiacreanianttirui HBwne inneu 1 flrl trwln oit rwt Fatcrda Send Circula lCBKOWNr Glenwotst frttTEfS HOTEL OAZtfTTE CONTAINS A A list of best resorts and hotels on the const their terms and how to get there Office 4S I Kg tit st VErtTVrEMT FATttf AKW UESTS DE siredeooaaocommoaaiions ann ooara dress MBS A KIRKPATBICK earsville IV San Mateo county nrniTKOAr FARMiNEABCLOVERDAI a i Address UIATT Ooverdale TTTLLOW FARM SUNOL ALAMEDA opnty nilesl fare 9j cents PHOrERTY TO LEASE fee parlors I sunny room suitable tor 1 of 2 gentlemen 1 ftl SUTTER PLEASANT BOOMS FUB XJ0 nished or unfurnished double or single 1 nished rooms board optional housekeeping no children 1119 EFAV NWORTH SUNNY 11 nished rooms central rooms suits and singles CAQ SACRAMENTO NEAB nYDEA ItJUO handsomely furnished front alcove room private family references exchanged 1 Aft CALtFORNlA FRONT AND BACK IclUil room nicely furnished for light housekeeping hot and rptd water bath am gas 27 60 also front parlor 5 lftll SACRAJJENTO FUftNIsnEDROOMn JLUJLl roodbordrcnveBlett cars references 1006 SUTTFR FURNISHED OR UNFCE nished rooms for housekeeping RLHGTON HOUSE 127 ARNY PLKAS iV act sunny rooms en suite and single first class In every respect reasonable FOUR NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bathroom Gulden Gate ave a splendid location references exchanged Apply at 917 Golden Gate ave TTANCOCK HOUSE 781 MISSION SPECIAL accommodations for families and transient trawlers suits or single rooms rrom 60 cents and 1 60 per night Mission and Fourth tears Jiass the house INDKLL HOUSE SINGLE ROOMS ISc a nignt cor six tn ana uowara sts TiftENO HOUSE 631 SACRAMENTO ST IV below Kearnyt ISO rooms 25c to 50c per mgni viz wfri pr wees open aii nign rnREMONTHOt SE623 KKArtNY NWLTr furnished inny rooms special rates week or mon ransieu nun uuw HIHE BURLINGTON 605 ARKET FOR merty part of the Grand Hotel new elegantly rurntsnea rooms en suite nagie mwt OR THBEE NICEJY FURNWHED sunny rooms complete for housekeeping ten mlnntesMsalk Baldwin Hotet Address A boxTTthisonice YTy rT Fl OOtt OF rOUB ROOMSr SOLI tockftn st opp Union Ctnb bnudicur suitable for doctors offlces Inquire of OA o23 Mont gomery st CIWARTHMORE COLLEOE SWA KTHMOHT Pa opens iitb month 9th 1890 Thirty min utes 1 rem uroaa st station rnii unaer tne care of Friends full college courses for both sexes leading to Classical engineering scientific and literary degrees healthful location extensive grounds bulldtng Cmachlae shops laboratories and libraries For full particulars address WILLIAM AiP TU Ph president QHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING AT HEALD BUSINESS COLLEGE moretaan 200 former pupils now holding positions in city practical and thorough Instructloli rapidly learnt system send for circular SCHOOLOF CIVIL MINING AND MECIIANI cal engineering snrvevlng lrawings wavtn A VANDERNAILLI N723Market st THE OAKLAND BRANCH OFFICE THE Crko tcxk Is located at 907 Broadway West sue oet i untn ana mm sts VA LK UNIVERSITY EXAM INATIONS FOR i admission to the freshman classes in Yale College and the tehe Seld Sclentific School will be held In the Urban Scbont 1017 Hyde st beginning on 1 nursuay une otn a 41 a Ql E1 DDY UPPEK FLOOR OF FOUR 1 1J unfurnished sunnr rootmt first class neigh borhood private family hail and stairs newly carpeted rent 25 J9ftftft REAL ESTATE BUSINESS ONE UUU of the eldest established offices tin lLs citv alwars dona a iarfft wr ll bns ipss strictly country real estate can snow comi awns ever 2400 net nee month owner now engaged hi other business demanding all bis time jfuli inTesti i wunnu I animiWLV ftftft AFINEMANUFACTUBINOBUS has over 400 steals customer and Increaal ig all the time clears 50 a month and sure to double in one year 1 tne nanus 01 an enereuo man owner Is compelled to leave the coast bat re mam mm a buyer until ne can ran the business as well as he can the business plain and easily learned always surer yon can try ft nntil fslty sai 1pn1 wet MJ lug HP1 1 A A 14 1 A raj sunny corner flat of 6 rooms references 7 HUSH FLATS SIX ROOMS BATHS I stationary washtubs hot and cold water range water free rent 37 60 Apply 1213 Bush 120 rnoms bath and laundry three rooms A BEAUTIFUL NEWLY BUILT LOWEB flat 6 rooms bath etc rent 30 Including water Apply 1845 Market st bet Valencia and Guerrero key a butcher shop LAT OF FIVE ROOMS INQUIRE AT 207 Eddyst TINE8T FLATS IN TOWN JUST COM cleted 711 Sutter at only 1 left BOVEE TOY 19 Montgomery st FINE NEW LOWER FLAT 3018 SACBA ramento st ner Iiroderickr contains 6 rooms and bath key premises HANDSOMELY FlBNISHED fiat large yard 1417 Geary st VW FLAT MODERN IMPBOVEMENTS 1 1720 Fol om bet Thirteenth and Fourteenth THREE FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS COM plete for housekeeping to a nest couple 29 OFFICES AND STORES TO LET GEARYV NKAT KEARNY TTTimi large rooms suitable for clnbronms manufacturing or ofSces Inquire oa the premises from 10 A to 4 26 365 215 i THNE SUNNY OFFICES TO LET ON CALt rnla st near Front Apply to POPE TALBOT 204U rornia st new Cbeo iiC office NATHAN JOSEPU 641 C3 ayst ST ftftft ALP CASH BALANCE PAY AUUUabie 10 a month good business and home In oneif the most prosnerons towns In fornta lot 50x106 with 5 roomed house closets pantry etc hard finished and In No 1 order also good urar store with back room sntabl for dub room or barber shop located on principal bnsmess orEia tne town large stocs ca goon extaons ea trade this Is a genuine bargain SHOAFF dt ROSS 873J Market st S99ftA FINE LIQUOR STOREFOB SALE UU An old established stand near Fourth and Market streets kept by present owners for 13 years is doing a large trade and Is postttvely clearing 50 a month over all expenses which will ba roven by trial of the business before buy gt large stock of wines and liqvors owner is leaving iurniviu is a noe mvestment Apply to Jk a uu te Q99ft PAPER ROUTE FOR SALE I OiJU npon one of cm most promlotnt morning papers Is right in the business center only requires 2 noun attention each mora gt clears 100 per month over expenses this is a fine investment as it is as sure as real estate and always worth the amount paid for it ar gfrea you a Chance of engaging in other business as wen vnii nnTl ka tVAW oi trtnl hnfrtp Knvlni A-ply to KENN 22 Kearny st ft99Jft SALE WOOD COAL HAY wOv and grain business on good corner sate Includes bull ess lease horses wagons harness safe stock etc best of reasoaa given for selling Apply at the Chhosic bi a office 1039 Valencia st QCCftft HOTEL FOR SALE FIRST CLASS CVuUUU hotel of over 60 rooms the most choice portion of Santa Cruz Is well furnished throughout fine barroom etc fell of people and neUjpatronlxed the year through best of rasona for Belling Apply to NNY Kearny st Interest In ntA lished business Jobbing or manufacturing preferred Address box 137 this office sut amount required BUTCHER AND ROCER UOME AND Business combined with dwelling house corner iotln a thriving part of Oacland present owns sick price 400 AR box lltthisoacew DOCTOR CAN BU1S A GOOD PRACTIC only 200 7 Grant ave room 4 finest stores outside or the citv doing a business In a flourishing town Port rtic quire of REDINGTON ca TOR SALE IN A GROWING TOWN santa ra county lit tin shrni Srrf fixtsn For piatKnjlars apply toQEORGSH TAY CO 61 Battery st and trade of lanndrv in Oakland rent 25 with uw of engine boiler and washing machine Address box 33 CHKOxn Branch Oakland I cheap 328 Seventh st divide office Inquire room 114 PhelAatd MC8ICAL INSTRUMENTS AT PARIS EXPOSITION JOS B0HMANNS celebrated mandolins were awarded highest honors over all European and American competitors they stand unequal ed SHERMAN CLAY A CO Job aiidret 1 tbem 4 MAUVAI MUSIG STORE J69 fAR ket st pianos very cheap As OENCY B0nMERMAt ETTCUMST0N A TPABL0R GRAND PIANO STEtNflMY A ons mtkers sold at a great bargain NV BA DO ER 725 Market st MASSAGE Porter healer 859 Mission st ARABIAN BATHS WITH LADY ATTEND ants OSlEHOFFMAN204Postst parlors 12 34 and 5 Hours 11 to IL 4 DDIK CAVOODS AND AtSTANT AV IRENCHIADY WITH YOUNG ASM ant ma ssage treatment 33 Eddyst rooms 4 Rooms 41 and 42 Nucleus building A CALIFORNIA LADY GIVES MA SAOE treatment 149 Taylor strnora 10 A DDIK HALL GIVES MAyAOK TREAT ment 137 Montgomery parlors 28 27 1RENCU LADY AND AVIsTANTj 4IAS sage Vi Sixth st room 15 JOSIE JOHNSON MAHSAGB AND MAG netic treatment 1 Fifth stroom 26 LENA CHURCHILL AND MAY JiDJ OND massage 121 Montgomery st room 12 baths 109 GrantAvei room 2 Market room 18 M1S8 ANDERSON ELECTRICIAN Swedish movement 1 Fifth st room 27 PEARL SHELDON ELECTRIC ment Nucleus House room 28 EOSE DE LAFONT BKST MASSAGE Market st parlors 3 and 4 THE OAKLAND BRANCH OFFICE THE CllKOVict is tested at 907 Broadway West side bet Eighth bud Ninth sts QQ TAYLOR ROSE CLEVELAND FROM UU New York young assistants ltollrx IAD TAYLOR MME HANSON BATHS AvO massage also cares fheumattsnt TOSEMIYE HOUSE 1045 MARKET BET ixt and Seventh Single am suits per night SSc to tli per week 1 60 5 famHles PHVSICIAN8 ADR HALL 426 KEARNY DISEASES of women specialty hours 1 to4 6 to 8 Superanous hair removed by electricity sEtriNQ MAcnrxKs LL KiStF OF MACHINES FOB BALE repaired muu is oaauayea 4 OENCY OF STANDARlj AND HOUSE nwa sewing ma ciines aji guxts onugnt recteil id KJasd I WiENlO fcixthit ATTOBNEYS AT LAVr A HV1CE FREE V0RC 4 A SPECIALTY rv no puoncny quicKevt tune teg everywnere no charge unless successful dsn uiVs collections etc terms reasonable ENOLEY ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION Kearny st ANEW CUlCKKRlNt UPRIGHT PIANO sold for less than half its cost All H7Z5 Markets Kir DIRECT FROM THE MaNUFACTUR ers and save agents profits and freight 25 300 of Our pianos In use 96 years established econd hand ChickerinK Knabe mrson Voseetc in ptaiimenis or casn ii i uua xeiu jws 1 iaii Seventh and Market sts BEST PLACE ON THE COATT TO BUT A piano or an organ SPKNCER COs 721 Market st scnd floor pianos from 100 organs from 50 leading makers finest gtorit BENJ CURTAZ HON TJsTABLISHED 1856 sole agfht for steck Itardn Vose and Nwecu ten pianos sohlwo 10 uti tbiy instail roents warerooms20 OTartell st UOR SATE HANDOME SQUARE PIANO has bad hut little nse will be sold cheao as owner will leal the city shortly At 515 Post st SPENCER A CO AGENTS atlCKER XV Ing A Sons Conuver Bros Uoiby and Opera pianos 723 Market st tstcry buildtiur Kd floor TTALLETY DAVIS AND KIMBALL PIANO Agncy nsuujt z3 uarEeist HORNUNd MOST PERFECT UPRIGHT piano Factory 917 Mission st opp Mint MATTHIAS GRAY ACO 208 POST WE BEG ta nenncrth iMrF WI nvirt thevtr president of the company has taken of onr tmsiness on ine i3Ttc coast an exceptionally fine and large stock of stefn way pianos Gabler nos ami ether music Instruments Is now on the way from the East and from Europe and oc their arrival Mr dovicis friends and theoatrnns of the house will be advised and cordially invited a examine ns sufro ewca ia nas ever been exhibited In San I rancisco POR SALE A ROUTE ON ONE OF TH most prominent morning papers Address 1 ix box 1 oce general eel landlse store 3f boura br all from San Francisco satisfactory reasons given for selling out capital required 5000 For further ir nl aomv ujial cor Bush andsansome sts illu ess ntostdeslra eermsawe est she hardware buslmws hole nr partln thriving mining town Address HUNT NUTON HOPKINS IllMPlW 1 int iHim CUMPANY sanranclsco tare atYacmlna bay eestrallr located and doing good business terms reasonable for ih au ess 11 wi Buj iaqninamyJT HOME RESTAURANT 1508 POLK FA1B trade goodbargaln lass caring business gnaranteed cheao rent Address BARGAIN box 17 IhU office JOB FEINTING OFFICE FOR SALE CAUSE SMkn ess 100 Montgomery ave ILUNERV STORE FOB SALE ASPLK ill did chance located In one of our best tote ror towns doing a fine business is sure open Ine for a practical mil et Apply KENNY 23 Kearny st TVWSPAlEl FOR SALK DAILY AND AX weekly Job printing good plafit unsurpassed Cllronte jprosperoua town of 6000 average annual receipts for 9 years oboot7S00 price 000 Address A IS box 63 this office PATENT FOR SALE USEFUL PRACTICAL and simple invention cheap to manufacture entire right tor sale cheap Vail or utddress IN VENTOltBOt Folsom st PARTNEP WAKTED fPOOO OLD ESTAB Untied livery stable kwc lease no TftntMra rnensc bnsiness full value bear close Investigation owner In poor health take mall ranch or city property In part payment only principals AAlreMAXbox7CBilaonce THE BEST BtINESS INVESTMENT IiC Alhiiquerqux New Mexico bakery end con JCtlonery maung plenty money reasons for selling retiring from bus ess Apply 244 Third St San Francisco WANTED A LIVE MAS A MECJtANIO preferred i bo can lend his em poyerk00ofl hlswite well indorsed interest at lOperceat IB par a salary of 1W per mouth and give ft bonus of 1000 worth of stock In a good company in quire before 10 a and after 4 at 420 Moot gomery st room 4 MEDICAL SCHUBERT F1NF rpRIOttT PIANOS OF NY JAMKSKEE1FE410 McAlOster at STEINXYAY KRANICH BACH GABtKR Ronlsc i pianos Packard organs sheet music band Instruments GRAY CO 206 Poet st 7 OCTAVE FRENCH UPRIGHT IN PER ftct order bargain 1322 Market st 1 ftft CPBWITT PIANO IN GOOD ORDER 1UU GQbert maker BAlXtEB 725 arketst A LL FEMALE MONTHLY IRREOUT ARt a ties are restored at once no ma iter rata what cause ladies if you want relief obtain the osrtr Srnntrrcs componnded here avoid Marians tuffs soi brothers mv ntmedie tMwd nsi I anty as they itxrica ri pais or process 1 I also the latest invest without medicine every oisiae a my no or oy ieiertera mod en MRS DK STRASMAN 916 Post st ftl f0 E1515 VPRIOUT AK 1SJtIi AND Ci uv tooL Apply 10 superintendent Alcaiar ADVICE FREE DIVORCE A SPECIALTY positively no publicity ahortest time legal everywhere fee after fl vorce collection etc established 10 years HOWE 30 Kearny st ADCK FBEE mVOBCES LEGALLY quickly no pubUdryr wrrfwndenre con flriehtla Address TL ATTOHNEYS ASSDCIA TION a box 1733 San Francisco Cat YJ LLLOYDATTOBNKY AT LAW BOOM Afc 13 Nevada block tr davujsos attorney at law II 4flC or Ia rooms 14 15 advice free ft9ft UPRIGHT PIANO VERY LITTLE OmUU used Conover Brothers makers BADGER 725 Market st short time Stelrrwav A Sons mrnk BADUEB 723 Market St UBNrnjREirroBED riBLiNa ftrni TUBE CO 1039 and 1041 Market st oseo thal bunain 11 UObthlr eriads etc no tfi Jivr rerni rb cause restored in lor 3 days without medicine or puis a in every cae guaranty ut nee so as It Is knosrn never to fall can bm tit and used at home caution the gw mine and well known new process can only be had at my offlce Iamisol agent fr California any other process Is aa lit tion DR POPPER 127 Montgcery st AWBiri GUARANTY GIVEN MY process wllbout medicine restwi every cas of immtblr or other conditions from whatever rat Wi wn an others hive failed my treattnent passes all othem private home for conSno meat pills fL MRS Dlt DALE 404 Ooea Gate ave ATTENnOS LADIES BEWARE OF IM posters who promise to do so much with their remedies they only rob yon of your monty and leave yon la the same condition If you desira faithful and snccee cl treatmetit see the oldest ladles physician on this coast MRS DAVIS 426 Kearny st the only jme that can and will help yo i i cviiAi i fliuniifi JAJlAl UnrteTsity rileld berit Oern oy prtv nospltat woman ifse a spec Ity sore specifio remedy fir monthly Irregularities reason We 22 i PRIVATE HOME IN CONPfSEMENRT9 Fol 9i MBSMB0lA 9 UdWill mMmS22 Jmssr if IV 11 Ml 3iEi riMa.

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