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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 2

San Francisco, California
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iph mgmmzttiUmitU KOVEMBEK 26 1886 CBKOXICU BIAXCH 01TICa3 Xaexrr lS afarket atreet vrtarraair a earnest 1514 For street eUtost cot iSiteantb and MUna Oatura 841 Broadway ACCT105 lilH TO DAT ttv SE St flnMT JB Vfc i VTiiimTii I 1 aiiiltlli je premises 1713 Geary ttM a II acfaark I BystjiHinnaone Fsnnreeteatsae jrosm ua atarcet nM it 11 crcsocK CONDUCT Or FVBUO TTOBK8 AXvSiusn XcsH rrajxr Traro Fk Atrarta Tium Ma stetausslenj Stunrnr Tmmatwm So Thoroughfare Two Tra MsToia Th Wrowaw epertatty performance Paxoataaa The Bam or Waterloo ri THB RAILBOAD CHAICOE St 1at ftta twMNnjS uU 1a onthJPaeiac Coast Eailroed to the Soath era FaetSe Company confirmed and twth route between thia city and Eanta Crux Including the two direct ferries across tbe bay are tinder the time control jit a rule railroad absorption it to be de plored especially where the purchasing company already own a practical parallel route Bat there are eieeptkn to all ri in tmflroad economy determined of course by tbe preponderating In tereit of the pnblla In thl Instance there no apparent reason to suppose that tbe fare on either taste will be materially Increased and in the other detail of the former management of the 8onth Paclfio Cout Itt patront har never had any special occasion for dissatisfaction The new proprietor of the road hare it in their power to add freatly to the accom modatlon of the public We hope that Oiev will tee both the necessity and the advantage of doing to Tbe service of the Jerries in particular can be frily Improved Instead of both Iinea of boatt making their departure aimnhtneoutly every half hour as now they should eon Unoe to ran with at great frequency of course but alternately The interval between the departures wonld then be only fifteen minutes and the terrlct would thus become twice at convenient in point of time This Important amelioration it clearly demanded by the steady growth and the increased requirements of the commnnl ties on the othr side of the bay whose a prosperity mct always of course be a refiex of that of 8an Francisco No one can reasonably anticipate at least that the new management will venture to diminish the degree of Berries which It now rendered the pablie Justice to the citizens of Oakland A laraeda and other placet re truirct that the Southern Pacific Company thai maintain Its new acquisition in as good and efficient a condition as it is now A careful watch will be kept upon the management to detect any lapses from this very obvious duty However powerful a monopoly may be it caonot afford to provoke deliberately a large body of people whose influence win affect in future its relations with the legislation of the State Moreover itonghttosee in tbe Improvement of so popular a service as that of tbe ferries a sure means of gaining in pablie ftvor as well as of greatly Increasing its traffic and its consequent yearly profits CBCISEB9 AD GCXg 6A3T TRAUdSCO CKBOmCLE TRTDA KOYEMBEB 26 1886 The opening at Washington of the bids far tbe building of the new Federal cruisers points to the awarding of at least one of the naval contracts to the Union Iron Works of this city It is not very clear as jet which of these contract it it bnt very probably it will prove to be the one relating to cruiser No 2 which ts to be of 3700 tent displacement The claim of the Parifle coast for a share inj the construction of large Government vessels has not hitherto been regarded as it ought to be A have nevertheless a building plant for iron ships which in most respects will compare with any other lathelnted States The company own tag it comprises some of the strongest cap talists in this city and Irving if Scott the manager is distinguished for business ability No possible question can be raised as to the financial standing of the former nor tbe practical experience and efficiency of tbe Utter it ths city hat now secured the ezecn ttqn of an important naval contract the Government ought not to postpone any lotger the establishment of an extensive gun foundry at the navy yard It would certainly be a great economy and a great convenience to arm here the cruisers and other naval vessels which may launched from our shipyards Instead of sending the guns around the Horn or by the more expen aire overland route In time of war eundry tor the casting of large cannon located somewhere on this coast will be found to be an absolute necessity the lack of Which might prove to be of very grave eon sequence THE CHICAGO ANABCHISTS i The tendency to pander to the growing poetical power of a dangerous element of socialism is making itself apparent in Chi eago In the movement to obtain the pardon of tbe wretches who were condemned to death for murder with dynamite A so called amnesty association bat been formed and its first mast meeting hat been held at which certain demagogues note tdysome who were candidate of the Labor parly in the late elections delivered speeches They declared that they were Bcifher anarchists nor communists but at theme time they demanded for illogical irateus ciemency tor me anarcnin prison ertj The large labor rote polled In Chi eago waa in their view of ft special pro testsgaintt the conviction of these men The whole body of labor representative elected to the Legislature win therefore present a petition to tbe Governor asking that the capital penalty be commuted Tib of coarse wonld be the first step toward the scat of the murderers from serious punishment The youthful Labor patty In Identifying Itself with this move Bent makes a grave mistake and one that wBI tend to alienate from it the very best elements of the laboring population of the country Ino more bitter Insult can possi bly be offered to the honest and industrious workingman than to associate him with the ferocious ad vocaies of socialistic revolution The principles of the former are grounded in reason order and lore tor lila fellow man and not like those of the latter in assassination rapine and ruthless destruction The Chicago anarchists are guilty Let tham suffer lM TTaiRt it our Superintendent of Streets an wore uiau sue posy woruuguxare building it going on which completely Mocks pedestrian travel Of course in the case of a large building which occupies a half block it it difficult to keep the sidewalk clear but the contractor should be compelled to erect a fenee and main tain la good walk along the front of the remises Tbe Market street tide of Hoods lot on Afarket street present a spectacle which should never be seen In a Urge city The masons with total disregard jot the public convenience hare tikea about twenty feet of the sidewalk DeatFosrth ttreet corner for the mixing of their mortar The result it that all pedestrians must make a wide detour Into the Kiddle of tbe street anddedge passing 1 streetcars Then there it a building going up on Port Hreet near Dupont and the contractor coolly appropriates the entire sidewalk Another flagrant case It foaad on the earner of Dopant and Geary streets where the sidewalk hat been no thorongh fare for more than three month Ills to be hoped that the new Superintendent of Streets will do something to remedy these evils which would be tolerated la so Eastern dry The solitary fact that two city charter have already been rejected by the people Is enough tothow bow difficult a task It that imposed upon the fifteen Treehotera Tbe question of the Mayor reeponaf btlity and of the dual Board of 8uperrja eorave have already discussed and it ian in order now to par tome attention to thai moat important department which eon troit the pnblie works At present this control it largely vested in tbe Street Department and the particular problem to be considered whether this branch of local authority than remain aa ft is or be worked out from a branch Into a board are of the opinion that there should be a Board of Public Works and tuch too it would appear it the majority opinion of th Freeholders The creation power and composition of such a board are matter that require serious and deliberate consideration Tint then at to the opinion that there should be a Board of Public Works Ban Fraaclsae is already a large city and wm grow fabea much larger one unlet the predictions of theSeven Dar AdvenUst come true and the Padfle coast Babylon comet to an untimely end together with the rest of the world It ha miles of streets unfinished accepted good bad and indifferent chiefly the Utter Its system pf highways represent the expenditure of 23000000 in grading tew erlng and pavings hot only hare these streets to be kept clean and these sewers to serva their sanitary parvose but there are other thoroughfare and drains to be built and maintained in good repair It has millions of dollars worth of public build logs old fashioned and modem completed and embryotle It ha pbuaa squares wnarres parks and blocks to guard im prove and beautify AH this meant an enormous amount of work and requires an Intelligent and systematic administration What ha been done ha been done piece meal and stupidly It hat resulted In that worst form of extravagance the expen slve patching of a bundling original An efficient Street Superintendent bat been as rare a an unambitious Supervisor and generally speaking money baa been wasted and tha naoita abortive Bach being the case and no one we imagine will deny that it is to there 1 every probability that no change could be for the worse and that the erection of a Board of Public Work is an Experiment that it would be Interesting to essay Bat there is another argument to be ad dneed in favor of a board The Street Department has always been looked upon by the bosses aa one of the strongholds of political influence It has been made the Snug harbor tor strikers staffers and Iambs Instead of intelligent service all that has been required of the deputies has been a blind willingness to do all the rough and dirty Job of the Democratic and Republican gangtnasters The idea of doing an honest day work for the city ha been looked upon by the deputies bricklayers foremen and hod carriers as a standing joke the fnnds hgye been diverted to paying election expenses and when there were not enough sly pickings downright theft has been practiced If anything could be found meaner more in efficient and more hopelessly bad than the fetreet Department has shown itself to be It would be a peculiarly interesting sub ject tor exhibition It will of course be asserted by some that a Board of Public orks has also its dan gers and abuses The thefts of the Tweed ring in ew York and the rascalltlet of the ring in Washington will be pointed out at example of how a city may ne ravaged by a Board of Public Works It it quite true it it undeniable that these cities were so despoiled and it is quite within the possibilities tha other cities may suffer in the same hard fashion But on the other band we have seen that a Street Department may also practice the loot and without the very faintest attempt to champion either Tweed or Shepherd it is certain that they have left the marks of embellishment to counteract in a measure tbe memory of their embezxlement Again the history of these cities should serve as a guide to our people and having a well appreciated knowledge of how New ork and Washington have fared we should see to It that San Francisco does not suffer likewise It I believed too that it wonld be more difficult to control a board than It has been to own a Street Superintendent and especially if the members of the board are as they should be appointed by the Mayor We understand of course that the capture of a Board of Public Wonts will be easy or difficult according to the character of the men composing it and we believe at the same time that it Is by appointment that the higher charactered men can be obtained Let there be a first rate City Engineer of well known standing and experience give him an excellent salary join with him an architect of taste and skill to be similarly remunerated have a business man of high standing as the third member and complete tbe quar tet by the addition of tbe Mayor and tuch a board should surelv be capable of good honest work Such a board should be in trusted with tbe making of contracts and when the contracts hae patted the tern tiny and received the savf Ion of tbe Supervisors should bear the responsihil Ity of teeng them carried into effect Lastly there should be no niggardly appor tionment for the board to work under they should not be expected to make im provements without having the money to carry them on they should not be re quired to make bricks without straw This must not be taken at an advocacy of ex travagance because the Cbkokicu wonld be among the first to attack and expose anything like waste but it to be ttken it the expression of an intelligent belief that pnblie money freely and Judiciously expended in pnblie improvements is one of the best investments that a city can make of its funds THANKSGIVING DAY Its Obserrance in TJiis City and State SETICES 15 THE CHUECHES Pnblie Sinners Athletics and Yiriong Other Sport ins Events needy parent For five year the members devoted their time to visiting the sick looking after neglected Children providing cloth tng for those In seed of it and paying rest where that was found necessary After fir yean of this beneficent work the Sisterhood decided to open a borne where mothers who go out to work during the day could leave their little once while away from home Aa a result were are two of these borne now in operation one at 113 Powell street and the otaer at 313 Fulton street At the flrst namea place the average daily attendance 1 now about 100 which is nearly no to the capacity of the borne The Fulton street home la smaller and fa nhllffMi ca Ldeny admission to eotae who seek it It ceonuneaaie xrom seventy to JUU cnu dren These borne are supported entirely by subscriptions with the exception of the proceed of an annual benefit and the soosenpuofls are enieny in small sums Xore delightful weather could not bare been vouchsafed a thankful people than tnat wnicn gladdened tbe heart of the residents of Ban Francisco yesterday And tight well did he people appreciate it The street were lined with pleasure vehicles and all the ear leading to the park and place of popular resort were crowded throughout the day Buslnes wa completely suspended and a Sunday air reigned over the usually bustling and noisy city Services were held in most of the churches Many were handsomely decorated and in all the musical pro gramma waa of an unusually elaborate character The charitable Institutions observed the day by a slacking of the reins discipline and fesst At tbe Almshouse a Thanksgiving dinner was served aa wall as at the Children Day Home at the Boyt and Girls Aid Society and at other charitable Institutions The Young lien cnrtttain Association remembered Its member who have no borne here and gave them a tumptuout feast Sporting events were numerous and all were largely attended notably so tbe baseball game the coursing and bicycle races All in all tbe day wu rationally and becomingly observed throughout the city and peace and good will reigned ACTS Or PRAISE Resume of the Religion Service of the Day Eeligious service appropriate to Thank giving bay were held yesterday morning in most Of the churches of the city a resume of many of which i herewith given At the Turk street Synagogue a Thanks giving address waa delivered by Dr A easing from thelext found In Psalms 4 3 Eev Dr Falk Vidaver delivered a ser mon to the congregation Sberith Israel at the synagogue on the corner of Post and Tyler street on the scripture Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin the reproach of people Bev Dr Beers preached at Trinity juwvu uwu wiv Auuuitiug teal uivrag inann aiwayt and tbe Fatner In the na Cnrt Epoelana 20 Let as mug belora Hb presence wtth thanka OTbixaiidmakaaJjmil notae uaw iiim wttU psalms Psalms lrv 2 Atthe Howard Presbyterian Church Kev SP Sprecher of Calvary Church officiated Rev Thompson who has recently re turned from a missionary residence in Peru also delivered an address At the First Presbyterian Church corner of an ess avenue and Sacramento street Bev Dr Bobert Mackenzie snntrs from the 101th Psalm Union service were held in the Free Baptist Church yesterday morning Rev 1 vi 1 nomas preached the following text uner unto uoa tuanEsgmng ana pay thy vows onto the Most Hteh and call upon ate In the day of trouble will deliver thee and than shaltstorifjr Me Psalm 1 14 1 At the First Congregational Church union services of the Congregational and Unitarian churchea were held Rev Dr Stebblne delivering the Thanksgiving ad dress A special musical programme was rendered there being few wealthy veraoneerho have made them the object of liberal donations There are twenty bister in the order four of whom have charge of the PoweH etreet home and four of the others while the remaining twelve members devote their time to visiting the poor and neglected and learning of and ministering to their needs No charge It made for the care the little ones Teceive Their mothers leave them at the home 1n the morning on going to their work Tbe children are bathed and clean print aprons put upon them If other clothing needed it is supplied and they are permitted to wear It home Doting the day they are given instructions en the kindergarten plan and the older girla are taught sewing and other work Sped men of the work of the pupils are shown in the schoolroom and considering that none above 10 years old are taken the display it very creditable Infanta from one month old are taken On tbe upper floor yesterday while the majority were enjomnz the turkey and cranberry sauce a heosioe reporter was shown a tidy roo containing halt a dozen cribs in which as man Httl nni were soundly sleeping between the snowy sheets under canopies oi white lace tome of them probably enjoying the only comfortable beds which they nave ever known slumbering so sweetly after tbe luxury of the morning bath to which probably tome of them were seldom treated tn their cheerless homes Surety no more noble work was ever done than that In which the Sisters of the Holv Fam ilv are CUKBJCCU jgtrr wers ST PETERS CHTJatCH Service or Praise and Thanksgiving at North Reach The chancel of 8t feters Protestant Episcopal Church wu adorned with fruit cereal and flowers for tbe Thanksgiving iay service yesieraay bneaves of ripe wheat stood against the chancel rail and corn at either side A large cornucopia mica wuu iruta ana trimmed with the dark green leaves and bright scarlet berries of the madrone seemed readv to mnr out its contents upon the chancel floor and flowers and madrone berries added to the effect The musical portion of the service wa full choral rendered antlpho nally by tbe morning and evening choirs under tbe leadership of William Tobey and Miss Tobey waa organist Among the anthems wu the 117th Psalm Noveilo The benedlctus was sung for the first time aa authorised by the late General Convention at Chicago At the offertory the Deus liberator Klngsley aa rcuuereu come improvemenxa nave ubcu luaue in tnis ennren laieiv rna ehancel ha been enlarged by the addi tion to it of ten feet and a new mass chan eel rail will be plsced six feet farther forward than the present one which will be taken oat daring this week the practice to have a Christmas tree year at which every one of theor Jittle wards it remembered Tbe ir DntflhM at UlA Ttrjuunta Minriit nf articles of clothing and the Sisters are el ready engaged in making comfortable garment for that occasion HAPPY CHILDREN and Celebration by the Boy1 Ulrls Aid Society The sixty fire Inmates of the BOJs and Girls Aid Society Home on Bakef street near Hayes celebrated the day in a happy manner thanks to the generous donation of all the concomitants which go to make up a Thanksgiving dinner The children commenced the celebration Wednesday night by an entertainment arranged among themselves without the knowledge of Snpertnteudcut Dooley or of uie Arufceea luxes ox ids oinpr tr a Lrendered the Three Little Maids fmm tha jMsauo ana we remainaer oi tne en tertainment was composed of solos reclta tions and athletic exercises The dinner was set on the table at 1230o clock yester usy aiteraooa ana tne cniiaren marcned into tbe spacious dining room in good order although their eager eyes betrayed the fact that they were longing to test the roast turkey and cranberry lauce When they were tested at the tablet tbe Snperin tendent offered up a thort prayer of thanks and at itt conclusion the children were given the signal to attack the turkey Among the smaller boy and girls fingers before forks was the motto and in an in credibly short space of time the large plates bad been cleared by the happy youngsters The three little maids dressed in Japanese costume were permitted to act at waiters on the other and they appeared happy at their work in the evening the children attended a Thanksgiving festival given by the ew Jerusalem Mission in old Pioneer Ball and at tbe entertainment a collection was taken np for the society The Thanksgiving dinner so heartily en Joyed by the children waa donated by Mrs Horatio Stebbina Lebenbaom i Co Mrs Jarboe Oliver Eldrldge Mr Helen McDonald Mrs George Hearst Mrs Milton Eisner Mist Helen McKeever Mrs John McCord Mrs Robert Sherwood andF Woods CHILDRENS TREAT Visions renders atract esv transit Imnrnrel cable and therefore imposes a heavy car expense any aonanowv sent to Mia 6 Etdridge 613 Sutter street win limy lecBiveo A CHRISTIAN PEAST Fourth DUTIES OF CITIZEJS An the ABBOIt DAT PREPARATIONS Two Steamer Chartered and More to Be Provided The Arbor Day Association convened again yesterday to farther perfect arrangement for the demonstration on Terba Bnena island The attendance wu not fall bnt the idea and suggestions of each person present were so numerous and di versified that it reqnlred a long and tedious session to accomplish the little which It did The first proposition wu that of charg ing for passage to and from tbe island Although supposedly settled the evening previous that 10 cents wonld be the limit th ere wat dissatisfaction The turn either did not teem sufficiently large to bar ont the unworthy element or else the prospect of a fruitful harvest tn view of the unnumbered hosts that will visit the island was too tempting to be resisted at all events it wu decided that tha ten pent rate should be retained for tbe benefit of me senooijf nuaren Dct mat adults should Interesting Address by Kev Dr Voorsanger The Thanksgiving services held at the Temple Emann El yesterday morning were of a very interesting and appropriate na ture An tDie address wu delivered by the Rev Dr Jacob Voorsanger on the na tions thanksgiving and the duties of clt lienship After paying a glowing tribute to the United States and it Bag conse crated by the blood of oar forefathers the speaker laid that the dnty of the hour wu to strengthen the nation by the education of the children to the high duties of cit izenship He Mid that yet there wu too much Ignorance in the country for tha dignity of citizenship wu attested by education which produces an intelligent con ception of the slms and objects of self government Education would redeem thousands from the curse of ignorance which alone it the cause of their being surrendered hand and foot bound in strumentt of perversion at the handt of self seeking and ambitions politlciana It is the safeguard against the growth of cor motion in government ana tn only strong defense against encroachment upon pon uwiiium Aiua uuw sunerca oy society will be remedied bv norralar ninratinn The speaker said that the dignity of cit ikunui uujvwiuni uy vvii uoers ana that it wu the duty of every citizen to make hit ton self supporting so that the evil begotten bv Idleness wonM dlaan pear All the children are needed to de velop sne inaustnet oi the nation and her institutions Dr oorsang then referred to the growth of tbe Western coast and csllcit sttnttnn to tbe fact that pauperism is tbe result of agTregsoon ox too many people in one lo cality He counseled citizen to educate their sons in all the walks of life so that pauperism wonld be avoided by having thOStt Who should tendrlv nnnrfak th Uoil not crowded idle and helpless in the uucs su tuuciuoing ne paia a TJiDOte to the bravery of the people but above all mu uist suv enuurcu snouia oe maae ea netted and self supporting men and women tie hoped that the eountrv wonld be ever tree and happy blessed and prosperous and the cradle of honorable men FIRST rRESBTTERIAV Dr Txsjotd story of the scheme ot the Jtor stent to tell out and move Into Mexico 1 revived again in Kew York because of the presence then ot John Touog on et tbe prbpbelt tons The If onnon would probably glad to get Out of Utah if they eould jaecure any adequate nm for their property bnt the experience el tbe taint tn this statp in early day who were called back to Utah showed the tacrificej which they wobM eompenad to rsiie It wooiilbe like a forced tale at itictiea and even life in the aBdercroana with the ehaucdottaptilre when th taint retam Vr their wtm and ooncnblncs pretar Abjt to that lr Zealand accept Stanley 1 offer thtrt Itno doubt that the German who labe learaered be the Kf ns tVnn As til vr xetenKv The man wm found Lirlnjr 4 atose knows how to deal whs the Africaa tfc 1 a i wt awt us aiaa staves yes men prw Tcntea irom carrying eat Alt plana would bat rescued Gordon had be been iw at tie beads attnsfl force and been jfina rail eentrei tu Te gUtnJw vn will be leek tHpaft freaTbeif rtlstfalleaUiodealAspiwMMiHf the ttM tjstatsvf saetiet at Wa Depart Awatest wsellt wassasaJat aw 4f aladlAa fsB kdalWtlAT uc sSswtWsswMswsVMl TS ACCOtfBbMws Ms faswAltstm VtaaeaJaf wItVeysttttotaftwWsWsSt7 I aalMlIu forfeit a two bit piece each lal factorily Finally It waa decided to char The question of transportation wu much mooted and equally difficult to settle satis rw ter tbe steamers Tamalpaia and Leader unwhimiwuii cA uviciJiur reraius to the use of two tags to ply between the island and Oakland The Tamalpaia will leave from the Clay street wharf and the Leader from the Jackson street wharf at hours to be fixed upon later Attempt were made to appoint from tbe association the proper ones to superintend th several labor ot the day such for In stance anenaing to eaca oi tne steam Thanksglvlnr Sermon of Iter Maekensle At the First Presbyterian Church vester aaymorntngKer Dr Mackenzie preached from Ptalmi 10121 hatlonal thanksgiving said he is venerable in history From tha day that Israel escaped from Egypt and ufo through tbe Bed tea thanked God with timbrel and dance and song down through the year nation have observed day of Thanksgiving and when all the conflict of earth are over and all the harvest of earth are garnered then will be a world a thanksgiving expressed mat nrrt song oi Mosea Our Thanka flvlngmarkie special epoch in history wu the coming together of a people not by royal decree but by their own spon 1 wj ww wu VJ WWf ow tfflfiesnhTdioFVa th SuirTnJJiC7 ineacmeTea ngntra ueir own bodies and 4 umbi lt swJhH5pswBs i lilliaH th treA felantias In daiuu Li IauhIh Miller a suggestion Mr Chadburne being aa experienced tree planter agreed to superintend that branch of tbe work If Mr Miller would lend hit valuable aid Further than this no appointments were definitely fixed a Th scarcity of tree far the event came in for its quota el discussion and wel a matter of appalling importance to Mr Milter lie had bnt 1000 on the island at preeent and out of tbe 400O at first volunteered by Mr 8utro bnt 1000 were available which reduced the number to mlter abls nroTjortlon Mr Chadhnrn nm posed to obviate the whole difficulty by iviiunac ui wh yisiicq use tsjsjia to pro rid thamsslves with tra att tnAt The fatality of wh a proposition wu Instantly seen and no bmc wu lost in squelching it Bnt later in the day en hoar or tuch a matter Mr Dewey and and Mr Chad borne reached a compromise between vartoos shade of meaning and formulated the suggestion that those who snenatM oe tnvitea to proviae uempclvet eachwithatrseandtmwaL ltwatlmittA all bnt Mr Chadhorae that the burden of expense involved la procuring a trowel by hwi wumuvifrsMiiv HHoaovr tnmiai tendtne but the latter gentleman wu warm in ni icai tmu not convinced that tiattrr two bita wonld be a ktimvblin to ear of tha eosniiest multUttd who wroia visit tnuuiena to morrow Bruit time the numerical dimension of the meetlnjt had shrunk to three Messrs Miller Dwy and Chndbnrne and at tut accountt tbe disrnsslon for the good of the order wu still progrwtlng i Footpad Arrested While walking home along Market street at a tali toot oa the lout Inst George Chatnbert WU Wudtly UaanEed by A faotpad who made a grib for bis watch end chains TbeattelQDtwuonbrDatUallr tneeestfat for the chain broke and the robber wu ton belled to flee with It and Mssonle emblem attached at tbe only reward or hit Uwleseaeesv The ease being reported tbe pottee Detectives Harper and Bee commenced a teireh which re taited yesterday arrest of Patrick ScheSUnon a charge et grand larceny Th jewelrrwtt recovered it Mwhshop eawuarreted eh Jahuerr 23184 on a ittkttar charge tor robbing a stranger of a iaiaa Bunw tat he vat allowed to kited guilty at Betty larceny tad rev4aafaeof alfsajktbtlttr prtontsenttttbaHoutwoTcwreeton bbaakeH TJata fWlslflottndt6ssutVJUt tatkassilutf et Mwtie itattnicbt asta euaitt sei mi sou la It 1 tbe special request of God that ire should that observe adsy of tbaakgivfng a have much for which to be thankful no nation hat more tie indulge in the usual grumoung one ot our caxon rights bnt we have no necessity to take our text from tha Snok nf tammtttifln The yeamar have broughUdissiters but it uss orougnt more tnan equal compense tlona oo bare lost much vsn ha gained more With King George let luasa uoa jobbs tost is se noworte From this low plain we can rite to positive and abundant blessings in which God bu given ns life and given it more abundantly There are many ben tali morning who have lost much that wu valuable to them Commercial storms mar hsva twnt th deck clean bnt they did not tooth the cargo below They hare taken down your fortune your home bat they have not taken you They mar have assailed your good name bnt they have not taken your good character before bod that Intact and that oniweiiha alt ft la thine to fail aa asnarehanl it la annth laii a man mat aisatier na sot ever I taien yon taau uoa aw sums vs tm hbtb lost iricna wshs were very dear to you and this day finds you clad in mourning And what shall I say I in think of the rewards and the Joys ot their Xerd Into which they bar entered for their joy cast we not My Weil don of UoaV to hair tit lot Asa tire them all tha swtet wast To en the empty room and rat To them in bmTsut conpletaness Before the sermon a collection for the poor war taken up amounting to toinc Ihlng tyfer70 TttC bXX MtJME The ThanktglvlBg Ditrner of It tttnefleiarlea A happier of better behaved gufjartng ot little ones than th 300 who tat dot 0 at the tabU of tn Childrens Day Home en roweii street testtMay to ditcdlt a Thanksgiving dinner wu er en ArenHthop Biordaft and Sen rtiher ttarrington the rector of StTrancis pariah were presena and spoke worde of eonnsei and of bletslce to the little rustta Thwpaftate ot the ehilCrert took ihem to the borne la the momtof tuuat pw hi not remain I9W eajwren PBinpTlslng those who attend thewehooi em MtUoo rtV filled ti krt dtaint LIWL Twotaotet the lesttia tfea lead fowi rbwt of bttHf faeejt tantfof 111HSI SIMM 1V1B BW CnUSHA SSUS BU VCS Vr yvaagttert oeemea tn msHSdtS tsstrsnliati I tskswAwawsWdl BJ BBSBBSB8SSBBWj Thanksgiving Dinner at Bnford Kindergarten The children of tbe Bnford Kindergarten enjoyed a Thanksgiving Day dinner in Plxley Hall on the comer ot Polk and Pa cine streets yesterday noon Almost 150 of the little onea living in that neighbor nooa were gathered around a dozen or more tables and presented every pleasing picture in their light and dark dresses thersat in their chairs doing ample lattice to large delicious slices ot turkey a large variety of sweetmeat and an abun dance of fruit Many ot them with their happy chatter and smiling faces were wishing that Thanksgiving came even day Rev Robert Maekensle of the First Presbyterian Church offered grace at 44 ovr ana a numoer oitongtwere sung by tbe children The entertainment wu prepares By Hits Eva Pettlt the Superintendent assisted by Miss Alice Cullen Miss Lain Zabrixkle Miss Jessie Brewster and Mist Edith Bingham tbe teachers ot tbe school and by Mis Lizzie Shattnck ana Mrs Harmon Those who contributed the good things for the dinner were Mrs Wilson Mrs Charles Lux Mrs altera Mrs Isaac Walters Mrs Llllienthal Mrs Cole Mrs Steinhart Mrs Shattnck Miss Lizzie Shattnck Mrs Kennedy Mrs Gar niss MrsM SewbalLMrs Stetson Mrs WilUam Hus Mrs II Kent Mrs Frank Plxley Mrs fiftBarrington Miss Jennie Parker Mrs SaWsom Mrs right Miss Hunt Miss Ettie Doane Mrs Lewis Sloss Mrs Gerstle Mrs Pettlt and Dr Hod is ton Tbe kindergarten is in a most flourishing condition It wu organized about four yean ago and hu enrolled at present ninety children The school ts supported by contributions from the First Presbyterian Church and by many prominent ladles and gentlemen in the city A the kindergarten under the administration of Miss Eva Pettlt and her sstlstanta been very luccessfuL there is a movamant on foot to erect a building of better accom UJVUtUVUI AN ALMSHOUSE DINNER Nearly Six Hundred Old lien Feast on Turkey Yesterday wu one of those days which is looked forward to and affectionately remembered by the old men at tbe Almshouse Dinner wu prepared for nearly lx hundred ot them and at 12 clock they came trooping In from the gronndt and took their placet at the festive board Before each seat wu a bowl of soup a plate of turkey cranberry sauce and the regular accessories a slice of pumpkin pie and fruit New tablecloth were stretched on all the Ubles and the sight wu a cheering and comforting one to tbe charitably inclined Daring the hour and a half that it took to wait upon the old men tixtr torkevs fifteen ootm of nria afheny bushels ot potatoes two hundred Theesesandover a thousand square feet ruu pv crv WUUU1CU COwS OZ the old men unable to dispose of their en tire supply carefully ripped the residue in their handkerchiefs to carry away and await the return of their appetites Tbe tables for tbe men had to be reset three time in succession the dining room not being large enough to accommodate all at one time The old women sat down together aad with feminine taste had gathered little bouquets of flowers with which to decorate their tables Thar ata alnuu heartily the old men and teemed to tnorouruiv enjoy one ot tbe red letter dsys of the year At Chrlstmu almllar fare is provided for all the inmates and the 25th of December at once becomes the center ot interest when Thanksgiving Day it past At the hospital for Incurable much the tame meel wu laid for th nnfnrtnn lnmatet and though by far the larger portion are Insane they still seemed to appreciate the fact that th fare wu particularly good and bountiful William Coleman tent four boxes of raisins two tacks of walnut and three caw of canned trait for the benefit of tbe poor people TheSnnerintfindsntat IT attar ant tained a number of visitors among them Supervisor Gate James Gate air airs ana tiist season uawson Gttet ot 8tn Leandro Miss UcEaan of Oakland and others ail of whom went over ue estaouaament and expressed their entire approval with all the arrangement a THE FLOWER MISSION A Seal Thanksgiving to Hany Do serving Poor Thlokjgtvlng Day wu fun ot tarring interest the Fruit and Flower Mission The appeal ot that Institution tot coatrl tmtions of whatever nature from whal errr locality met with a response heretofore aneqnaled and wu fruitful of not only increasing the labor and Importance of the Mission itself bat the happier result of brinrinr lo and thanktrlrlnir tn a ranch larrer tmmbarv ehesrlA hatasi so enter ants ae ui oune aaytworg www cm qnu out os tns question sne Mission became a tcen of Intense activity quite early In the day and out ot the apparent chaos of Bowers fratta vegetables provisions dothlng store and endless other articles a system wu toon wrought that Insured th Judicious distribution of 1W bountiful dinners It will be remembered that in all eaes these dinner were not prepared ready for consumption otter wub many nnn sne suae cwoia bos nave accomnUsncd the work The Mission ha It work to arranged that prepared food it only given to UtoaO who cannot prepare tt tbemselvet to the other limply tbe ma lensi is proTiueo a targe proportion OI the dinners eivea rsterdtvwtreef eonna tailed for yet more than th nsual number were delivered aad the Mission feel great satisfaction ia knowing that it wu able to extend It mlnittrstions among so many mere of the deserving poor Together wtttt tbe dinner there wu a proportionate number of fruit and Oowert ulatrihQteiLr Over JOO Urea fconanst war taken to the City end County Hospital tad assy lueiuaing tnose sent to we ea 1 HetPliaL tha Old rtxrola a Home and tbe Children Aid BocUrr antountedMOTcfSOOL To the Utter place ere included a odaadty of Irnlti candies Tbe Mission aetttreJ of en4 wIt ttsatait Wtta tta tftWt lA wishes to drfittUeful iclSowledf tswtttettM tnsWfttl AisltotAahU i an parts of mm wat Tn eon eteletkiBd east reading aaatter BWiOHMfe IBWMMsss TMstt Thassksgltlae Dlazter to Tonng Ketw The fourth annual Thanksglrtag dinner to young men member of the San Francisco Young Men Christian Association who are away from home wu given In the Lyceum Hall ot tbe association building oa Sutter street yesterday afternoon Young men who find good influence In the association were present The exercises opened after tbe guests had filed In with the tinging ot a Thankwl ring hymn specially written for the occasion by Charles Greene which reads foHows Jhe day of thanks hu come again To Hd as think of Borne And ha ap tVasci ot former rears rwkad teamed to roam We know that round the happy board Onr dear one aow are met We know tbry think of absent trends we know they tor us yet And we in thought are with then now And wito them too In prayer Oar Uukfol besrts with on accord Confess th Father care And homeQke love ts with us here Our circle feels its thrill And owning one dear Fathers nam We all are brothers still Then let us gladly praise the Lord Woo manes ns one to day And always gives re rrt uds to love Wherever we may stray CBOXCS BkcoldboHMjtkeo oitorgo Of homes like yours and mine ell keep a gay ThankstiTina Car Like those of anld lang erne The blessings of Almighty God were then invoked upon the work of tbe association upon those administering it attain and noon all it beneficiarta theRer George Iter uenerai secretary uenryj McCoy then spoke a few words of greeting He said It afford us untold pleasure to wel come ron to this fourth annual Thv giving ainner some one nu said The tnree sweetest worat in the English Ian ruaste are heaven mother anjhnmi We come together this afternoon under the auspices of tbiaastocittion whose only object and aim la the welfare of young men oesi re to day at least to isr as it mar do nossime to nsve tnis rath ering take the place of tbe gatherings In the nomea wtsach tou vounr man rnr sent Filled with memories of daa mm far away and of the past we detlre to uiaae ui festivities ox we aay pleasant helpful and enjoyable In behalf of the Ladles Central Committee and of tbe kind friends who have crovided this sumntnons rcpash a aunt voruisuy welcome you on this occasion and extend tn rnn th WrM greeting ana weu wtsnes of yoar many Iriendi here who are anxious to make this day one that shall be remembered through all your Uvea From East and est North and South from beyond the Rockies and na tne oceans you nave come and on occasion and fn this Insrimttnn lorgei nationalities ana creeds and stand a one our hearts bound together in the tie ot Christian lore And may our hearts K0 out in nraise and rratitnda rnnnr llni enly Father who hu provided for all our neea tnrongn another year and for the unmistakable evidence of Hit guiding hand in all our lounrevlnand mar recognize in Him today the OWer of every good and perfect gift In conclusion Mr McCoy taid tbatu nsual the usoclaUon wu indebted to Mrs Leland Stanford for this dinner she har ing again sent her check to defray its cost and a rote ot thanks wu tendered bee The tablet had been handsomely set decked in flowers and fruits and ever greens and bountifully loaded with the aood things of 111 plates for nearly 200 persons had been laid The mesa WSJ ns follows Roast turkey chicken fri tssee cranberry sauce Jelly muhed potatoes green com pickles celery apple pie mince pie pumpkin pie cheese coffee cake fruit nuts and raisins The following ladies had charge of the arrangamentaand directed the dinner Mrs Sawyjer Mr Parker Mrs McCoy Mrs Kate 8 Hart Mrs Nolle Mrs a Barton Mrs Chown Mrs Dr Carpenter Mrs A Forbes and tire Misses Frances CrowelL Belle Mc Lure Stella Barton Minnie lay lor Emma Cooper Nellie Ames Ida Dingle and tbe Misses Nolte Those who participated in tbe dinner were from tbe following State or conn trie Onto 3 Massachusetts 4 Califor nia18 Indiana 1 Canada 11 Illinois 8 Iowa 3 Maine 4 New York 3 New Jersey 1 Georgia 1 Kansas 1 Vermont 1 Michigan 3 Louisiana 1 Ken tncky 1 Pennsylvania 6 lrginia 1 Arkansas 1 Missouri 1 England 18 cotUnd 3 Ireland 3 Denmark 2 Turkey 2 Germany 5 France 2 Hot land lr Switzerland 1 Hungary 1 Sweden 4 Wales 3 and Hawaiian 1st ends 1 About one quarter of those present were guest of the association on Thanksgiv Ing Day last year A wedding cake wu then voted to Boyns a prospective benedict After ad dresses by Secretary McCoy Dr Thompson of Pern Kiedetntn James A Cbown 8 Boyns and Meyera the happy occasion wu closed amid con ETetulations and axoresslnna nLthnir In the evening a praise meeting wu held in the building which wu opened with an original hymn for tbe occasion by Mr Lioman Tha fnllswtn ni Reading Psalm CXI1I prayer trto0 Holy Savior Mrs Lb mail Smith and Albert Graninffnr hTnia ifutM th Tempest it Raging recitation Thomas Nlcfi ouw quartet Beeasor Klwun Bow Mrs CL Unman Mlsa Loata IJdruui and sr Grnningerand Smith quartet So Whis per mrm ti upman suss ZAulse IJpmao Praise Ood from whom all Biasings Flaw Short addresses were made by a number oi persons ana tne meeting partook largely vi a vviai vuacavier IT P2J2SldlTl4e0 15 after iT vapoeu oa seven Breaks each and la shoot off on a freeze out In which both men broke lUeacxu Theteorewu Dltnthaa 011611111 1 gmmwurrr i 1 1 1 1 JrffiT oijooiooi i gorertvMj 1 1 1 100 11 6 5 tjsr 0 0 0 10000 ftbosaktab jo 11101110 1 7 echuttt 00111110 0 Pnrfjf 111111 4 Uvtoed Campbell 1 1 1 0 0 0 8 a Donaldsoo 1111 1 Divided The third hoot ni the largett of the aay twelve men shot putting tnJl SQ each CampbeU won first money 10 with breaks and Dunahee second with The rest of tbe shooters dwindled down to SI ihi Messrs Schultx and Hofber wltb 2 each to their credit Folt wu ue tcore tampoea IIllllol wiu 000000 01 0 1 0 000100001 3 norDerfl 000001010 3 gaK i 00011000 1 4 Prko 001101000 3 Jta I101O0001 1 Clark oninX7A iJZ tustela 1 liooiooio a aer 0 OOtOllOO Hooper 11 10 0 0 10 1 6 This and a shoot with Or nM tn a f4 wound np tbe meeting Eddler took first prize T7 SO with 8 the best wioui uia usj ana scnaiu second with i1 fitt or wind and the only drawback to the daye sport wu the propinquity of a schooner which necessl fated the throwing ot the ditct to th right RA8EBALL ood Oamee Played at Central Paa as a4 Alameda Garnet ot baseball were nlarad raatar day at Alameda and Central Park both Placet attracting a large number ofanac tators It It not often that finer baseball playing It teen than that witnessed ester ar suwrnoon at ventral Fark between the Louitvillei and Californiaa The first named won oy a score of two to nothing it was nsra loaent nattia rrnm ginning to end At the trying timet In the gsme toe tainornias Kept their heads and did not get rattled Th work of the Californiuin tbe field wu remarkably fine tbe main feature being Seeders many and brilliant catches in left field He bagged six long flies some of them very dif eaU tojet The two greet pltcb erm whbT figured of late tn the Louisville series were not put in the box yesterday Foutx the pitcher of the Louisville wu sent to right field and Klrby the successful pitcher who Is spending the winter season here iru put on first base by the CaTifornias The new men who were put in the box did very good work Bufibrd who tossed for the Californiaa surprised and delighted bit friends He struck out tix of the Loatsvllles They did not seem to understand one of hit deliveries and he retired tome ot their best strikers Racclns who pitched for the Lonisvflles did some fine work He struck out seven of the Californiaa Mack the second bueman of tbe Loois vilies distinguished himself for hit clever field work and accurate throwing to first Cliae the Captain of the LonlsvHles made both the rant scored by that team The first run he got in the first Inning He took his base on balls stole second and cot third and came home on a wild pitch In the sixth inning he scored another rnn He hit a safe fly over shortstop head which fell too far in for left field and got first base He took second on a wild pitch went to third on Fontz liner to thrd base and came home on a wild throw to second Cline ot aa far around as thf base in the eighth Inning and wu not ont on home The game wu remarkably well played in the field by both teams The following is the tally sheet of the game CALiFoaxxia TBRIBBSPOAE McCord as 4000021 JvlrbT lb 0107n9 Moore cr Reeder It Bonurd Bmitb 1ft Sbear Day 2t i Iangner btonClub The letter after each competitor name denote the elab to which he bsioors Th first seeond and third prise in Ah event were respectively gold silvetmad bronsemedalaandatrstemof poinissBra arranjrea in oraer to aetermme IT NOT sHSagLAB That consumptrrs should th least ap pre heatlT of their owa CODdIUonhua an their frteada are urging and beseeching them to be snore careful about exposure and overdoing ftafM JSLSvI Af lmleredonof the most event wu credited with fire point the second man tnree point ana tne third two point and the point earned by each competitor told In favor of bit dub For tbe first event three mile walking tuatca nerouowingstsrtea bau enter AaHCofflnaA CAB Tsnnant if AaandECronE AC The course waixea over went ere tape to tne mil and 0 10 0 th ttart wu made by pistol shot It wu plain from the first that the match lay between th two Olympte men the others were toon distanced Hunter and Coffin kept well together throngfaoumhe race and gave a gooa exnioiaon oi lair neci ana foe walking When nearing home however on the last lap Hunter tn hi anxiety to secure tha first place broke into an on qnesdenable ran that disqualifying himself altogether and girlnr the match to hi colleague Tennant secured seeond place and Cron third The time made wu follows First mile 9 23 second mile 9 20 third mile 8 58 total 27 01 The next event wu a run of on htrnd red yards for which the following toed the tcratch Keneajr A A JcnctM A FlynnM ACand Rudolph a A a Some trouble wu experienced in effecting a proper ttart and when at last the pistol wu fired Jones wu left on the tcratch Kenealy led tor about fifty yardt when Flynn caught him and breasted the tape first with six yards to spare Kenealy second Rudolph third The time given wu lOUs but it would hardly have been to good had the men not been a couple of yards on their jonrner when the pistol wu fired For the rannlne high jump there were seven entries Morgan A A CI jamea Deisuutn a AV vcntner stera a Lonetde AC Becker A Germain A Terrr A A Becker took Srat honor with a Jump of 5 feet 2 Inches iioneiae secona teei i men WMorgan thlrd5feet At a proof of what practice can effect A Lean of the California Athletic Clnr7 who wu present and participated la the iamping out not ior ue prize cleared a eet tnchet easily to the admiration of all beholden For the half mile race the foilnwf sib teie iacea tne aiarier a xnompton AACJW A8cott a a Acod ACECronE A Gibson A Scott got away with the lead and waa not caurht winntog essliy ty six raraa rrom inomtson uoae ran a tale bird bat wu nearlv canaht on th oast VJ UIUWU A11UC iBblM ror putting ue sixteen pound shot there were the fouowine entries Uornn A A Cl CV CHft A A Squire A Lohetde A Becker A Menier JL Zllner EAOand Sail A Loheide put the shot twenty eight feet nine and one half inches A rkrnire twenty eight feel eight inches and Morgan twenty eight feet teven inches The athletic Lean tried hit hand again at shot putting and covered thirty four feet lour rocnes For the 220 rard rnn then were onlr two entries Tie Flynn A and Kenealy A AC The men tot away together but when half the distance had been accomplished Flynn shot ahead and won by six yards when the time occupied wu announced being 022 1 5 some one shouted Why that beat the world a record there mutt be tome mistake A search for tbe mistake brought to light the fact that the course had load vertantly been measured twenty yards short thus giving the world record a temporary respite Even for 200 yardt however 0221 0 It creditable time Tbe running long Jump wu the next event and wu contested by Morgan A AC Loheide A CW ZelrnerE A RB Jones A Bv Gibson MAC and Schifierstetn A The following it the order of merit Jones 18 feet 10 Inches Gibson 19 reet incne xorgan 17 teet 7 inches alarming symptom of tb disease where the patient reckless and win not beSsv that he Is la danger Reader IT yon art tn tint eon cation do aot aeflact the ealy mean of recov ery Avoid exposal aad faticBebe regular to year habits aad use tsAhfuBy of SB PIERCES GOLDEN MXDICAX DISCOVERY It bu eared thousands who were Bteaduy tailing I HAVE been troubled with trrercom plalnt kidney dtaeaa and bad Mood Ibr a long tuna I have twad BTatM0N8 LITER BXOP UtTOBasd It has dot sua more good than aathssuedictne I ever took GEOBaE PRATT TJBDepatyCot Second DsttrictG KTSQ OF ALL Irish May Xlowar Irish ataysnowr Btapts aa gold DR ROWTXLS FIBS OF LOT 1 fall ornggista xposrava curs tor rneamaUBm SHAXFFER A CCS GREEN SEAT CIOABSare mad of flneat Havana tobacoa Whit labor c1uwvJt anplorad HISCEIXANKOUS CAEBOLIO SMOKEBALL TBAVDB MARK NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 10 10 8 2 0 10 0 10 3 0 0 0 3 2 3 3 0 0 0 9 2 0 Totals 29 0 1 2 27 18 7 iorisriuc Cline rf 3221000 Colllas 4000200 Fouls rf 4000001 Werrick th 4000220 White 4000110 Mackit 4001320 Cook S010S40 Recdnsp 3 0 0 0 0 11 0 HeUmanlb 3 0 0 0 12 2 Totals 3 I tijis 1 bcks bt rvaitaa 22358789 with a mile run for which there were even entries Buckbee A uran a Reynolda0 AC Cron A fealLE A and Frank Cooler A AC Scott had thia race well tn hand from the The Tonus Ladles Give Their Friend a Lnncb The Young Woment Temperance Union held a Thanksgiving reception but evening at their rooms 132 McAllister street The Committee oa Arrangements consisted of Miss Lena Young Mist it Keeb and Dr Neumann The rooms were crowded all of the evening by the members and their friends Mrs Lute the President read selections from the Scriptures and Charles Short led in prayer The following programme wu then rendered Piano solo chanson des Alpes Mist Sellie Hartwell injtru mental duet piano and violin concert polka Sewall Bogart and Frank Bogart quartet Mist Emily Boyer Mist Clara Height and Messrs Boyer and Hamma vocal solo Cricket on the Hearth Miss Agues Lee instrumental duet bones and piano Huth by Baby Messrs Irving and Miller vocal solo When the Flow logTide Comes In Miss Annie Iterers Short and several others made short addresses which concluded the literary entertainment A lunch which the young ladle had taken pain to prepare wu then partaken of amid general conversation THF GIRLS TJMOV A Home Dinner Enjoyed Tester day by Its Inmates There wu no special Thanksgiving dem onstration at tbe San Francisco Girls union yesterday more than the nsual invl tatlon to all its member to Join in the home dinner and social enjoyment of tbe evening The special aim of the management hu been to encourage a home interest in all under Its care and thus far it hu been rewarded with encouraging access In the two rear of its oilctno it bu increased to a membership ot 400 and hu completely outgrown its present accommodations The field ot it work 1 far reaching and effective proving abund antly its usefulness and it chief aim now I to enlarge Its working capacity to correspond to its Increased growth YOUNG MEV8 SOCIAL Cwtaetrea wiling rieatat Time at tbe Howard Stein odlst Church A Thanksgiving social wu given ia the I Howard Methodist Episcopal Church lut evening nnder the auspices of the young Mene Sunday School Aid Society Fully 1200 people were present young and old and perhaps two hundred more who eould not get inside made the best available nse of the open door and windows A weH aelected and aprropriate musical and literary programme wu opened with an tn vocation by tbe Kr fl Iter and a plain everyday talk to the young men by the Rev 8 Sprecher A vocal solo Jnonevere wu rendered very effectively by Page who pot seuet a remarkably tweet tenor voice 1 Head delivered a pleating recitation entitled A Thanksgiving Sermon and Professor gieb followed with a piano solo which received a beerty enco The programme concluded with a neat llnl bit of corned by Messrt Bnrlty Blending Latimer 0ell and Head who burlesque of a brut band including paper horns aad gaudily attired drum major wu realty laughable The exercises over the audience wu invited into a couole ot larre ante rooms I where aa elaborate cold ceUetlon wu ar ranged on handsomely decorated tables awaiting aemoiuionoy tne nappy wrong otyoung people The ratherlni wu a pleasant one and continued until a reasonably late boar when all departed voting the Executive Vommisree their beany toanzs GENERAL HOWARD He Speaka a rreabyterlaa EnlCTtalarneat Ittheentertainmentgiren atthe Larktn street Presbyterian Church last ereninc bad aay unpleaant fcttnre at all it wu i tnat oiDcmg too long in outer resoectt it wu an interesting affair Apropos of we nay wuuueay a i naaksgi vtng service and tbe interest Wu greatly strengthened by the participation ot the children The tddreeset too were an ctmtmemora nveei toe aay and to pretcnte to be of special laterHtto the young ceneral Howard pietnred in a simple earnest way the thank owe for oar national Government Swain told of our rich hafretta ABerUnput tn a word for the blsitlngt ot Zlon and Rer Ales aader Kerr explained bow than Unlaw may be txprtssed TERBA CdTTA riOstOK Tha Tbaaksglvlac Taaraanacwt at the LlncelB ciab The Ifneola Gna Club beld an oaeti tonrnament at it new grounds tt Alameda ItttaiBtatiMTettardar A first th mat ing looked it It were folsg to be very tilta kfrair Vat toward evtning a number of other thooaritrtlTtd wbo bad taken in tat batebaH gam wtH The Ont swMwtsUrttedtolve etrMet tbaei iH ttiw tTtrdt each tea trds boaadart MUM HArttefc tt wed egfeed to sBsaw rritea oftrt had I Seovern i in tutt wtttty ssaa tseaurae nt wltbl TVeswOrewiesinBtewt CBJIfhrnl Louisville 180001000 2 TWO basp hits ftjttl Virt hiM bAwm Louisville 6 lalirorniM 1 Left on base tll lutevllle lCsuiforntM 1 Ktrurkout ByBaRbrdS byRe cius Wlldpltch Buf ford 2 Lmplre Charles Oagns of llonw Unb Time of game One hour and thirty minutes ecrer aller aiiuce Tbe Oaklands and Alcazar rlav4 a game vesferdav mornlnu at Central Park that settled the championship of the amateur crabs The Oaklands won by a score of 9 to 4 thus giving them the championship Tbe following is tbe score eituvfs TB IR BS PO A start although he allowed Cooler to retain the lead until the last lap He wu evidently not anxious to make a record or he would have spurted sooner Cooley took second honors and leynolds third A computation of the points gained show that tbe Merlons have top scored with SI thus securing the flag tbe Olpmplc comes next with 21 the Albion 18 and tbe JtUn tracbtl5 In addition to the ether prises Phtlo Jacoby of the Flntracht Club preented a handsome gold medal for the Elntracht athlete wbo secured the greatest number ofpointa This wns won by Loheide The arrangements made for carrying ont the sports were very satisfactory and no tune wu ion between tbe events JosFBEDERIGKSGO 649 651 MARKET STEEET Oppoalte Kearny iTusrE GABPETS EimMTlIRE airb Upholstery Goods LATEST DESIGNS Xmas CAEDS as rsPAi The Largest and Finest Stock In the City This Year Everything is New WHOLESALE and RETAIL AT Country order receive prompt attention Xmas CARDS JJEVAIS 406 California Street ay I MITJSIC Paris lb Flynn McKensie itrooka3b Bedmanc FozSh 0 a 4 0 3 3 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 10 1 4 0 0 0 110 4 110 7 4 0 4 13 0 6 8 3 nutmeriii Tourney John Cosies Crosstha aite lb raatjo 4 3 10 0 0 1 37 9 8 21 ii 1 LCAzjiaa TB la PO 4 4 0 10 0X1 4 0 0 0 2 3 0 4 0 0 0 2 11 4 0 0 1 10 1 2 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 1112 0 4 2 0 10 0 0 tiqoioo 38 4 3 3 22 acts bt ixjiitos STFKI STEEDS A Twenty five Mile Bicycle Bace at San Leandro The bicycle racing contests held tn the vicinity of San Leandro yesterday under the auplces of the Oakland Ramblers Club were decidedly exciting and Inter eating A prize consisting of a solid silver pitcher and drinking enp wardonated to the winning team as a club trophy The 10 oclock train for San Leandro carried an unusually large number of passengers for tbe scene of the contests Trains going In the various directions from the Oakland mole were crowded with cyclists who stored their wheel in the baggage can during tbe thort Journav litny of tbe bicyclists took advantage of the fine day and good roadt oy leaving the local train at ureoaiyn anu mating tne run to the scene of action on tbe tteel steeds At the train reached tbe depot the church bell of the beautiful little city ot Pan leandro tolled the boor for the morning Thanks fifing service news oi me ex pected races had spread rapidly however and this seemed to pre cut vp iue inosi acTOteo to 10 The winter wind makes music as it it whistes through jour bon THE HEAVY WINTER JBL0THIH we AitEjomauxo This season for durability and cheap nest surpasses am thing heretofore offered No ihoddj or trash goods that melt In the rain bat solid value on be found in Mens Youths Boys and Childrens Suits Orercoats Untaai Hals etc a AT HBIMAN BEOS Popular One Price PotMtr 1028 1030 MARKET ST aSTVnwh the time to send In your order for Hobday Pments ra BESD P0R PRICE LIST i i a a a swcna me services boon titer thearv lu4 uv muu wu uciore si crocs Oaklands 10002411 wheelmen began to arrive from all direc Alnazars 00202000 0 4 0M lnd assemble In addition to the Earned ran Oaklands 1 Tbree bane hit se nmber of invert of the sport not be Kolaa First base on errors Oak lauds a At 1 longing to clnba there were repretenta caiars 4 Left on bates Oakland 4 Alcv tlves from the Bay City Wheelmen Oak sars a nase on cauiea oaiia Oatlanas 1 land KamMera and San Francisco Bicycle Base on stroclt hvthtnh owii Mi I niv I TT out By McKende 10 by Parcell 7 Pawed nitchi Tlma Scorer Owing to a severe attack of gastric fever Ed Conley who wu engaged to pitch for the California wu nnable to do so bis position being ably filled by Bufford the guiar leiwieiaeroi tne uaiiiornlas The long looked for decisive etme of baseball between the Alto club of Sacra mento and the Oreenhood A Mora elab ot Oakland wu brought to a closeyester day at tbe Alameda grounds before a large and enthusiastic assemblage both from the city Oakland and Sacramento This wu the third occasion on which then two rlvtls hid met At their former meetings dissatisfaction with the rulings of tbe umpire brought tbe game to a close at Sacramento by the Greenhoode leaving the field and at Stockton by the same action being pursued by the Altan and tbe umpire having to be escorted off tbe gronndt by the police for protection against mob violence In order to settle all wraneUne about nm pUt the President of tbe Ctlifornla League determined to bring tbe game to a termination by ordering both club to play at Alameda and he would select en unknown to fill the thankless nnalrlnn Thia duty be performed yesterday by having suae rinn omciare tie nuea ail requirements to the entire satisfaction of both spectatort and player The game Itself wu one of the best plsyed thia season only three hits being credited to tbe Greenbood A Morans to their opponents two while the Sacramento boyt carried on uiB Bemiug nonori wim a tingle error van iiaitren wu at bis very best and BroWfl did well Tbe Sacramento battery wu also la good lorm The game opened with the Aha at tha bat Meagher leading off by striking out Fisher also fanned out Brown missed the third strike McLaughlin wu fielded out by Gurnett and Brown and Denny attended to Fither in hit attempt to steal third Cahill struck out Denny scored a bagger when Fisher foul tip wu rotea to by McLaughlin and in turn doubled np Denny at the initial before be coma gt oacg The remainder of the game wu a repetition of thfe first Innlng a series ot goose eggs Long scored a double bagger fn the second Inning bnt wu left at third Brown made a bit in tbe third inning which was the last one tor tha rtrantvni A Morans nilbert secured the first hit for the Altu In their third inning In the seventh inning Fisher of the Altu wat giTca nn ou cauee can ana alter gaining second attempted to cross th plate on Kobertton hit but Blaklston tent the ball to Brown tn quick time and be wu retired The only ran of the game wat made In the eighth inning wbtn Borcbers seemed to become omewhat irregular in til delivery two men got their base on bail and a past allowing Gurnett to reach third when Blaklston hit to ewbertwbo fielded blm oat at first when CahllLwho wu coaching the man at third made a ruths for tbe home plate ia advance ot Ournett which rattled A hern that he threw clear over IteLaaghtln bead giving the only tally The remainder of the tide wu made short work of wu also the game Tbe score waa aa followi eaxtatirooD a stoats BTa RBII1R Pa A hidr 9 1 1 I I 0 01 0 0 I I May ah nailer aa ma rt IUlWtt 3 aniiaitrsnpi a Brows 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 i le a ttfflMjs 1 1 1111 fl irf TetsA 34 1 0 27 SS 4 5 BttjBnPa AJE afMurber t4 KbOrLt 0 1 0 McLsusiln 4 0 0 8 3 0 Newbert aa 0 0 6 Itohtmai 1 3 Aberalb a la 1 0 1 0 1 FUnie Htltsrrtr TBttl a 0 34 It inuiTii olrtit Attaj oooeeeoo Ttre fcaae kit Long First baas on error Oreenaooaw tforaa0 Attaa lttonttn Overabood at Manns Attas Base en cattse latllaOraenboOa Morans 3 Asum 1 raek aat Vaa Baltra 14 Borchert tsalla Brawa 0 etaughlia 1 VM Bitch aanaUraB nrelra 1 rilM as a anua a nruuvmjjwnrmi auwisr rACirio Axauctsf Tba Serlsa Clab aeearet the cttaat plea rtag tU aawHiA antmat tismUiittla naat lag ot tbe Feetwo Coaet Amateur Athlttle AMMtttlM Ml aeld esttrdg ott toadestbacoterImrtweirh aa4 OttttiawA0aUetd Tbe attends ratsttMlanr4Bastl4ssMeattMipMd tMfw wt e4fb evestta CM tnelwe jiMsisiii swat Iwt esststlW eteta nr rer reaaswtola mmmrmwm swHtatBaatav jr swea fma mmmmnmnA zmL4mjJ atw Club They presented a very gay appear tu vriguL coiureu uuirorms par ticularlv the contestants in their tight fit tin uniforms of bine and gray trimmed with gold It teemed that nearly all the Inhabitant of tbe community must have tamed out and that farmers with their families must have driven in from all dl rections So thick did the tpectatori become that it wu with great difficulty a space wu kept clear around th town square The conne of the races consisted of a triangle formed by three roadt with San Leandro the apes and closing point Three times over the course wu a distance of 23k miles but the race wu one of twenty five miles the start wu made seren elghthi of a mile from the apex ot the angle farthest from the town A few minutes before 1130 clock more than 100 wheelmen had arrived In tbe vicinity and all the preliminaries bad been arranged The contest wu then com menced nnder the supervision ot tbe tot lowing officer Starter Fred a Cook Referee Johnson Judges Darkl son IL Ilousewerth Robert Tlelch Timekeeper A Orelsn George II strong encnter Edwin Morig Scorers Frank James Luteins Gibson At 11 38 oclock the bugle sounded as a signal for the ttart and th competitors hastily mounted and tet off at a rapid speed Tbreo picked men had been selected a team from each ot the three different clnbs that contested for the iropny following are the name of th wheelmen who were entertd ia th race Bay City Wheelmen AAdcock A Flwell and 8 Booth Jr Oakland Iiamblen A Irelan WHtroidson tnd A Boseborougb San Francisco crcvcie trao utnon Jr Leigh Larzelere and Beverly Letcher The men started welL and ware bat a faw varda apart when the turning point at Sen Le auurowas reacaeo siaroiaapn ronnaea the flag first but making a bad torn fell slightly behind Lanelere Elwell and Adcock who continued to tradutily increase their speed the distance shortened The contestant received many cheers all along the eonrse Had It not been for the fact that Haroldson wu Injured considerably by an ngly fall the day a tport would have ended without a mar The wheelmen held np their ends well to tbe finish During the lut htlf of the concluding lap Elwell and Lanelere were almost neck and neck and made a hard fight for first place Elwell however crossed tbe tape not a wheel length ahead Elwell had mad tbe best record having completed the twenty five miles in lb 37m 20 Lanelere wu second Adcock third and Irelan fourth According to the rules of tbe American Bicyclist1 Union by which the race wu governed the trophy wu awarded to the Bay City Wheelmen Considering the fact that there were fifteen saloon open at Sea Leandro the assemblage wu exceedingly quiet orderly and sober At the conclusion of the contest many of tbe wheelmen returned on the train while other went back they bad come en the tteel steed a THAMCSOIVIKO mtNEItl Thanksgiving Dinner Dispensed by the Tf A The ladle ef tbe Young Womens Christian Association by the generout donation of 100 from kin Leland Stanford and groceries provisions etc front many others were enabled to distribute good Thanksgiving dinners consisting ot turkey vegetaUea tea engar Jelfies plea etc to over fifty worthy families Th following ladies participated lathe distribution Metdltnet trOnld Farnuhan tanTffinkla llama Parka and fia and Hissc Wilson an inkle and allK A Thaaksglvlng Day Shoe The City Guard Comnanr First la fafitry held one of its boat tocceafal shoots yesterday at hn Mound Park The Committee of Arrangement bad ao thaped affairs that they were berfecL but owl ng to tbe negligence opon the part ef A i weU kaown overland express comtanv th shoot WU delated nntil 19 a clnnv roar men that tapttla a It Bardlck made the highest score 13 ont ot post blew Ill ate Rainm and Wesson made av us wmei gtniieman winning accord lag to Creed moor role Th prises will be distributed at the company armory at New Montgomery and Coward etrects lyWPMf VVVW4UE MCSDiBfUr Great interest wu centered la this thoot tbe result in tome ease will decide the awardlac of crises to lh mamh of tA hooting club of the eompaay Th city taen reeding lb Prltaaer Tbrongb tbe klndnutof hetrtof prft ovketpert Liodheiaer and Armager Tarnker Mefiowoofh and OHcer Cbarley sbDorttad aQ tt prttODtrt ftt the tetUrtl poUea atsaeori wet arovlded with a Thiilbylrtia tm Ttacirdaywaiebtoft 1st JMa oita MstW TtstMa te wntswstss eas ttaesH at GoHMed4 Prk 137 BAKERS i JAJ33 warnntM ahpouw Ma itM the esces of OUhas bevn nanoveo it baa Taasir nsiBjs twb rniBHrru oi Cocoa raised wnh March Arrewrost or Bugar and I tbarefyre tar mors econ omical corns list ota caw err wunvv BO mBUng strensnhatnac easiiy dt gested nJ admirably adapted for Iotb1s a wet aa tor persons in Health by Grocers Kr erywbar BiKffi 4 CO Dortheder Mast CATAfiBH Cured la three month wait ranted AflTHMA Cured la nearly every case ro Iwved la five minutes but the PebeUatoc Package must be taken with the Smota Ban asv BROJfCHmS Cured In rmrcui trananted TbaIebefIatoiabould be tned wtta tt Smoke Baa DEAFSESS Cnred la from three to six months If the erums of th ear ar aot stroyed Hot salt water ased ia oannecUoa with special Instructions ETES Granulal ed nda weakness of the op tlonTycaeteLrarBdU four to six weeks Relieved la five minutes CBOTJP Sefieved tn three minute aid cured ta twenty four hours TJLCERATTOK of tba Lonia Bettered ta five mtn ites and cured tn one waek Tha De beHelor Packsfa mnat ha tut i aaihail tbe Smoke Batt NICRALGIA CoTfM after lb third does od It rm not ratntn If las ntBudv ananT aJJynsed eNOEUTO Thn dmpa aafi tilv if Siftwa sattrlac esna tats trrabta DiPUTH ERTA rboUr8moke destroy term of this dtaease and should ha rlnaai apreveatlve OOLD TH THE HKAD Cored fat flfteea minute ODLTJ OS TTTK riH Ki GlMl tn hrTr hours AlMTCTfiimTOmCiLLEBS At our Bitfcw aaA flnla Pmrlara Mmm tt and 10 second floor corner of Market Oeary and Kearny streets entraac 64 llarket street opposite Lotta Fountain SMOKE BALL sod DEBELLATOB PACKAGE sent bv mail with fifll dirertlona on receipt ofprice ii etmoke Ball S3 Detilla ter aad two postsae stamps oa rcawea AtxvsBxivKBCiToasir raSTr ibis citt oar aascKOT or oanxa CiRBOUC SMOKE BILL CO Booms aad la sewed Booreraer starts Geary aad Kearay streets tp Lett Feaatala Eatraaee Ca JTsr ket street gaa Fraadte OFFICE HOCUS Week Daya from 9 A to SP Sunday from 10 AlUirM 8EPABATE DKPAETlfKST FOT LADIES who are requested to call betweea th hours oflOatr and 5 to avoid the TAXES TAXESi 18 8 0 TfiERCyB HERKBT KdnFIED 1 that the book oontaiaing a oertlflea copy of tlw entire Aaajjuient RuU of Real ZMateln cludisg the Personal Property and Uupont street wloVnlng for the year 1880 has this iiSthdavof Ocfober 1886 Tbeen received The Taxsa tut said year ar bow oe and payable this 2Sth day of October 1888 and par ment on toe sama may bs Boade at aay time between tbe boors of 0a at aa44r sceachdav at the Tax Collectors Office In th New city 1111 In tbe City and County of San Francisco The atmve fisined Tatevwlll become delln Jnent on tba TWKXTYEr ESTH DAT OF ECKaf BER 186 next tbereaftn facto JKaVtlwWcl1 lv Per Cent 1U be adyted to the amount thereof Taxpayer win please send for their bQls at early as possible tnorderthat the pablw may acoommo rtdUfflewinbe open for tbe payment of taxes tVfim tha OOili at TteraMh t1 1 i Inclusive from 7JH tfclic to oclock ru Owunrto tfaaphanm nr irimfntMMtiiM ntnocheckawiU be crived alter Decem ber 201888 la Vf AMIAaf Tax Coltector A LBANY hUBRICATiNQ Compound and Cops LTS CM TIIE VroRLTl OVER MJfCE A 1868 Beware of Imitation and Cennter Rtta TATUM A ItOTVKN Bole Agents 4 and Fremont strvetl xVr2aaa7M GRADr BAGS rK JULX FOB BAIX STASmABO orain Bags at th Lowest kfarkrt Bates Contract mad for from MOO upward BLBM BALDWIN GIBVI5 31 California treat OYERCOATS Now is your time to purchase the Greatest Bargains in CLOTHING AT Pnces tliat Arc Rniless of Value Fancy Tweed Skeleton Back Oyer coats tor 6 and 50 Nobby Bine and Brown Chinchilla Overcoats for 8 50 and Jia Extra Broadwhale Overcoats for Jit and i2 0 All the above elegantly trimmed and St guaranteed fancy Cheviot Saiti for J7 ja ana jio iyne Bullards Worsteds for li 25 tni 3 So Elegant French Chinchilla Coau and Vests for 1 2 jo int ftuncr HALL 527 Mpaj Street Cor of Clay Adjntntng Morning CaUOfflce PEPTONE WISE of Chapotcautv bf perftctly diaested by Pepslne tbe same as by tba Jtomacn Pirotone tea Is of Inestimable benefit to Invalids Conva lescents01d reopleand thoesasi ing from Ana mis Impaired durestioa distaste for food Consumption la ahetes Dysentery Disease of tba Momach liver and Intestines or ei tremeweaknew and exhausUoo artt uig from Tumors Cancerous Arteo tHns and an wasting diseases Tale Wine is Invaluable where an extra amount of nourishment Is required 3kATJGO GRIMAULTS VEGETABLE MA TICO ntJECTtOt and CAPSULES Where all other medidoe have Si these preparaUona are always eOectlve They insure rapid and ex iraordlnary core of severe recent aoA chronic cases of disease Tbey ar used In the Iloapttal ot Pari bf the celebrated DR KIOORD aadarejbuad greatly superior to a3 remedies hitherto known COUGHS BRONCniTIS LAOASSES SYBCPana PASTE or 8EA PTVE SAP Invaluable and taken with the utmost success for Consumption aad the cartons dls JSor especiaUy for vocom Couxi CaTtaaMa Iklo Ksta Heorua Cnctn BaosirRv Tis AsTRand also for tbe diner nt atrectkm of th organs p4KKt ki nmr nnv jt FOR SALS ST a nossi enter Xeatgetaery at A Daptst atielaaee I Canegtrit CbMlttt pyigdbrechtl COCKLES ANTI BILIOUS PILLS THE OKEAT EGIIRH BEMEDT Fort Lryzs bile TWDioEsnot rrc Free from tfevraryv cositsiai onlv Para iiTiiESSrcor10 CARD OF THANKS II na lieapttal Hoard hag tatbamk Mem Ooodall Perkhw VottTASiil Mil able anctdent whkjt hapornad oa board eamhte tsoeen oTtna PassatVlatUBiMvt ea tba BMh day of Jaty Lm Bf order Of tba Hoard UOMALBBMITH Hoaaeretary Ranalmo RUovembrt Igsd wiAMELEp PAftKoTicSS KAILWAT STATION XAMEB aMl ALI AmKltTIalNO SKiKH ta any jJiyaw Iron are not eery the meat 5fltTAJsr tb on dartWa mnst mso KIM Bictat for Dooiv Cnatr rvin ate at towrr erksMi tnasi mr aifaar aiajt atmi a tirtalogoe thb PATiarr kvawix co Broadwar Jw A ark TX MAItlOAfMeAgeaAtttJladMssrs MaDtMaabat PU tyofSesv Ask any tirecarorunartlsiftjr WtuiatTos 1st ranrra East Fins Jjr Poultry warn Wtahlngteatttss TOTJET I fJRiUXD ruton astj bamkxiest flat tarv at feat 1 IJOxtot lb ii ant7tMOMjsieTj Bt bet renslSandS TX TKRavrEBIOnunjBT IS ASDFOB rA tbe Hf aad cosmty of Hair Franrtaro eSale 1880 at 10 oclock a kuof said day aad the courtroom ofaaid Court at the Hew City HaU h5Jklillit Praclcoat ofCilforBiahaTa been appointed a tha time ancicouWlof hearing the application of it Moyd far the SBBwancctoldaslt4tmtestauiit4tfy lasted XoTambaTVihTa a IReie iuaLj JJMMt Vh AN OsvlL iifiasz ff gcAt 1 CI Tt tlEAITH CIGAR fsatg Ductor bflft andlnmok oaiy WrsSasiplerHealtl rigar fcaa drfvea aft other branda net er iha Itatttas trona the eoomoat dentaad fVGELBRECHT SOX CO I afAavtAcrcitj 4 HHST ST St MIDDIBTOS XCAI KSTATK AXD OESERAt AU T10SEER Tortaerty Joha kllddleteb ft Son HAS REMOVED Tsi Bl 2tetrXrKa and Conveals Office No 22MontgouTerv Street OPPOSITE THE IJCIt Q0CBE 1 TvnrTJct fif9rteEttiKFiaL tJLsl IsUWP tt3awllat4 tapUatshwfsaly WSgjS hinndrv XWhiftfrv A tr Tsvutfssszjr vtwetisV ap0BEr.

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