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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 42

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pPjlpffMiiidli iifiiiiwiwiytypifi 48 HAMUMOaIlI CoUmie4 SUSSWUO baelneel reetlaman 48 wlsler It IMf editable Ui eOjeca MIBW rerereacvai do gesraeLauBwreu Cnxealcle lih JM IOSWa wML mrtHttw miuhti aeaaalorate of naftJ i Will BMlBt flOMK lllir 11 IMCUHMte DUPI XlHts Uhnmlrto 1 MS AMtELX rau widow alee nn reuow etraiifer lacity fleeiree ilai friend ou trlajoey GhreaJcla I 11 Intelligent relree eon ulted Box BARBERS AKDSrorLIKS Coiu roa uu iit ii akoDi eretytaj oaiet puu ejia hopi eTerythlar up 14ta it ncVi ifOB eale i ITno ctnlr ahop on account of alca aoax urore as vexiaaa pale Shop four enamel cbetre beat boy IB tat City MOT Mlanloa at FOB BBNT TwMhalr 1W Felaora at barber Mop Car JlIOOLI AUKfr mat food soalUon deelrea the efoaaiataQCQ ar woman aoout sa yrai onjeci trunaij aenrcuiare la mat letter a fiC Wi ffij 1 4 Stfl fife UCT1T lady afed ar elder 1 1 aa nsere i SSwlahee te meet mld maa of raeea maul iol 1ST Uuroalcle breach SStaiASB ttaparr blfbaat chinetar Incof lBtaer Bood merabera Bauer eeli Bead 10c SCKrWyBj7box HWO nfceraeeACel Bijaooaa ana 52 would ilka ta romanond If with a worklUB alrl or widow between im at 21 aid Hit obtoct matrimony Box Itiat EffiTwiiY IJiSXmKBD rouus women daalraa trleodahie fffcenaenlal bBaFaaaa gaatlajnaa abject com rpaadoaablpi uatrluoar It eulted Box 35PT Sj itihreelcle MvEIAGEABI paoplaoaltlTel Introduced OBXrOOtS 1012 ar Oaklaad lacloaa GOOD barbar for aultablo ataadr Satardar aad 8ood XtUUarkatat ALF Intareit la aatah cbalr abop worklag two atradr trada iraa 614 Clauiaat au Wrl Hikes From fcqnsas i i i i i 1 1 1 i i HALT utararn 10 aitaa csatrnapirarUaa tWWj PH MMW IVBB UM blVDiai I is Edith Channel of Kansas Cilfr ho kfl home on her long valt un i miKitta agucica anifc mpercuioin ana yejieraay arrived herP cared rOKTBIt ana bootblaci In barbar aaop rtttk at SHOP at Udfr bafbari alebaaaa aampalaaaa aacriaca oij iMrDn caam oaauij parlor uoua man wuin vw Kaw aOKT HOOA barbar abop droulala aa aalavBo Bak TWO BARBBBA mala or fraala cbaa plaat work 101 felaom aaar sulk WANTED A aartaar la Irat elaaa ba auop nuar anaarstaaa Daaipaaa lazuli no ac ciir VI ofTirraidaatroyra la all aar aad lotlooa AtBauari Ho laRlalLVba oldaat and Kriffk I Jr only nllaWo aiatrUuialal aganry RffitW lb toaiu SrMSliT AUEXOX liaMkt 1Jm vbjkuta But woman an wiaan lo naet oHticwaui Vkvumii uititiitu Hintunui St HAN MTOTEU Rwlirood City Ctli Tbomwndfi Till mtrrr inon mny flrtiT MiwiTj in vtirttrt unwnnuunrt zree hmi riittN CUB i iti1iK JUrltPt 8 fWt iitYHriB UAI 411 lnaalnw dlaaakMall1 irUlUliJ Uiaiai initunii Jflt1 ivaiuai iainn Mnrwlb toihrffC Jkit 6ra mfini rrtml opnmnDltr oblna mit IVs aWS Uhroofcla lW dlMiOOKING jooflf Udtr refliiftdBirctloiH tjii wiidci pucf oonrrirrPr wiaower cor joajeet aatrlmunjr Box tt4 Chronicle StXBlliHl widow uniricmlrert wflii 4 niMit rBoM roan about 45 noolI Ibtontlona Bnx WW lnotrft malrlaf Chranicia aWtorB DDMriBtf widow itotm wiabM to tnvf Jectl natrlmotiT Box 2024 nrMont oeM tnrtr obllRtug arntiemaD fltiJ ii Chronicle IMBiitatWivriirvrn rrnn nwi maanKM tvwt membtnibiD B5c ladlW 10c MM ROeT 416 Turk St Bio Praoclacft fgtNTLIMAK ttUIim to mttUdT bora laat wcr in giun viijt ci uii iiuuu va tP4 varoiuc0 orancu ruiiooTt 3Dajig Toaa 84 would Ilka to vorreapond van a roan ladj imn an aa oojen rrj natrimony Box 2025 Cbroolcle WANTK0 Gorier rof barber tbop arroex rvttAin aoop rauit aauT filckaaaat anao cbeap maka offer BARON 779 Karkat 1200 burn 9 cbalr ahop 11 ataad not klD BOX ZUHI Ltll VH rbir rtr racWraxau OTpfrdt iboppTH Tark ta food Ixtaraij PHISICluSr Bfecil diseases or votttir Tan tboniaod patlaata wltboat afalhuai yaara la Saa rraaolaeo Barular ilcaaaad phyaldaaA Pilnleaa traataiaot koaaat vaaiaoaa na oatanuon rroai boraa ar work akill tkat kaowa ao rlaalT afldaBar tbai cannot ba aorpaaaad ot a alorla kaowa dla aatiataotioa Tboaa dlaaDDolatad br Ihm pataaca aads lacraaalat aai araV laaltad ta wrw a uKivw wao aTar laua at tba flrt traatmaat Low aoa rraa and eanndaoclaL Rooms 409 10 ia 141s Waatbaak blot Markat aad Bllla rj bra lo aop 10 Paatacra bldi Oakland bra A Sat btb and 8undayaby appotataaat la to Ira raUaf taaal Ooaajilta BT Jra pbotoa la and AlractorT ibd nraUKanaaf City oratty alrla da NIW PCAK CO Mo parlD i fcni and directory NIW PtAN CO 1224 iw 3eNI man Imtcktnlc wlabaa to moet work tLrM trill or woman1 oblaet matrlmoar Box IJil JIT i ka4w EWi Cnronlcla branch Oakland wM UklMkofaalirk would Ilka moat ucr not over ao objoct matri JBOX 2Va Mvonicie ii iT i ii iii lliOD LOOKING mKbaile ija would Ilka to anr JadylaKl atatidIaf Aadroaa IglyaiyiiioaTicAiiiataat IrStftJEI R5S vinaauHwraaaonaWe naa widow lotaa S47Cbroolcla widow ar cblldran ir maa trlacra i kaittitb niaow ss rp to maat viiimiaA inHjiWi iiyni mail iiuvilj oui kta ywopyhg isSi any i iMitlX Kwiwrw IC1 Baar matrlmoalal oaaer mrh lallad fraa TUB COBKKSIPNUENT ulturad wamaa loaar of art aad na aniwar tblal tAlact matrlmany Box 6 Chronlcla iVlDOWKI tltt nun wanti hovaa Xkaapar iwlfo glta pbaoa number box ramiaij viw juni 0UKIU ivr lutivunv on Apply riuU3 uksivhkn lauo cAlUaWr Wff mAav raflnad wanta younir workluff Wlfiit lawlyt company matrimony Bjlf vmimicioi lAART vklanr waaltbr naonla anslfflm to iSifcarry varUealara rraa MKS UVDE 444 RKsL2iI2 if Ann ip llti VILr UIU4I ATTENTION RETURNED To paatnatlanU of tba old Kt orilcal 1208 Ooldan Oata ac cor Till mora for yaara back lOfyou want to And tha youar Doctor aad Nnrae who la tba JpaatWratcd yoo ao walll If to call at tba abora old addraaa and ran acquaintance You will quickly recotutaa tba doctor iloura to dr a odonnel TUB WILly KPIOWn SPBCIAUST FOB LADIES HAS BELPBD THOUSANDS Of THE MOOT OBSTIMATB CASES HUM la ALB COMPLAINTS 23 yra rradnat pk aiclaa na dataatlon fraa boma or occnna tloai antlaaptlo and palalaaa aaaar talla Ml lira raUaf wbaa ouara rant my KBoaa ar arrautad that tba utnwat prltacr la aa aurad Oooaultatlon and ad lea fraa Boom BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH BOJUBS J0 A to 4 ti aaaalua a to Sundaya 1 tl If 7JQ2S MARKET STn EfoltnKKD trntlamau lonely wortli araeril KTfAi atiuaukil atbB 4 hkm VU llfilj LoEEof horn1 iwber tttonlej wlnliltitr to Rrfliairr datalia lite Mm 14 Wlimm mil swattiv rvJACHBlE would Ukft to porrwpoiid aw iii muf vi lutihaairr uiatli iuiuiij JMJ VIV imrMlcla viKFUrin Uflr2 wiiUMUmpet aiftDtniaa wiuihvwi tuauriiuuH du vtra TMi for aaali Baflacd oarrlaa Hod Idcala bar MRH kipBlS3J iearratalla 2c flu anta ATTENTION LADIES I To Pat Patient of tba old Want oiricea 12SS Uoldaa Oata ara cor rill more for nlna yeara back DO TOO want to and tba younf appearlnx Doctor and Nuree wbo lu tba paat tretted ym ao wall If mi call at tba abota eld addraaa and renew acquaintance You will quickly no oxtilre tba Doctor i i I yaBMBBBBBBBBBBhw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH xwLHpSH BlalalalalaabBuiaTfrBHBxBB aaaaBBkiB ff mWmtmW nBnnKirVVTxlaW a a I KaxaxaxaxaMBpaaaPx Akov vaxaxar a kBBXBBaflBKBa nuBnBBflKWWHMBBHmltaV txaKaxalSKaKaKaTlxaKasKaB xaKaKaMPkaKa1irWtMKVBxeKiKi BAk fJfH LxaHSallMaxaWar VirWteSBBffik BiaLKtaV BxHiilV xlxlllllBilxlllHaH aaalHlaaaHaaKni a9t1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBan4BBBBBBBBBKMrXBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBB lxlHIlxHc IHHHixHxIxIxIxIxHLI y2K31LiaLBaLBaWLBaLB TLaLaVnLBflLaEa mWaLxlmLxMatxlmWxBrMlm wmTLLLEmmm mvm xaxaxaxaxlxxxxxxHxaxlWB JaBUiC iIbHvW mmiaixixixfixixixKi maLWwmm iTOOTtriiwvH rUriw 1 WJiWVTj SjWSf WIWJtCTVf DR HICKOK SPECIALIST tXB WOMBS Cure fuaraeteed In aery eaaa accaptad Exatnfnatloa free jjl 4M tmaTyyiAB jokes soyr ioi Plucky Walker Had Dread Disease When She Started But Is Now in Perfect Health lABTlHSwihJnr to nurrr cU or wrlta Un JiiJardll58 JoImocd dt 25c Mkt KttOfl EiV WfliXn afaalltlabmalH WUbtbal tA InabAlf fPxWIf Iflrll tA Wy object inatrliuioriBbi 2W7 Chnmiclo tJarKticD ffentimaa taoniDantoTvoti eamnrntr Lf51JnJilrfat tlaalalntinaiaB Uv tilfl il JlDiWwct outrlnionr jKS lonely worth 175000 ViwMmirm iyan of wpod gliarartw Bq 8014 Chronicl wmPZ5 ww I worth S230O0 would marry Hewiia Lo AofIe Oak HrVrtltby Bontbaru pbyrtclanj 41V would oarryi awn natuu UOUU uuiwi i1S wba called TV ednenflay lStb pbotia Oak land Bi Oa will explain BABBIES JUn SOTPLIXS BARBERS i BAE0XINB1 BABGAINS Kw aa itreood hatMl1 OatJlu Uooplota lLtBOV VaAla V1HILAX UIU iSAU KJW SUUwaUlwV lAW BO ILttJa Att 475 will Dlaeo tou in Doaaculon of i reintl tttfMl 1 cbair btD it aoM lo hy 1738 PowoU at tflod buytm qulcklyr UatjoaraooD with HAituWa no Mkt it i mtrny oatH BdiBBsa shop PBOPBdcTpas Bvad a man for ataady ifaL or Awn or i huora Id or oat of town James Barker I a man for ataady ra In or out of tow i Torfc atj haa 1UC of appllcasta BBft tbop poolroom for rant nu wi Mevoao oopot WTMAM Frultrala 2U IBJEtt ahop for aale tout ebatra kunrraii cor numora Apply SfeP vVV uuvaicia at a meatus or tie Barberr vLaaal He 1 on Jannar lata i declared ta official xaadlnm fop adrat wi wMiiitmii CALLAHAN MIDWlfS OeUefe fTBd1 SO yra boa expr cararut anaauoBt larmatB ault paueote conBdantlal SS MeAlUatar at 1 WEST formerly lrenwortu baa reumed predict OLD DB a Ix kleAlllatcr at Of SUA HIS CHIBOFODI3T9 DB ALPHA W1MTHBALU udy operator palalaaa cblropodlat 140 riUmora Wait Da BHOWN formerly it Emportum sow TU twettbank bldf MO Market iftarteld M44 pB BDWIS fA CEAW expert ablrooodlat 117 IrantATa pbona Donxlai a43 MEW AMD WOMErJ BXAD Coma rameaad 25c each1 rbeuraatla feat rratad 450 Turk TO WALK all tha dietaries from Kanaaa City to San Francleco la feat enough for any ambitious hiker But to be at the atart in delicate health to leave an It were in the shadow of the great white plague and to arrlre at the far end of the journey entirely frep every threat anlng ymptom that aaauredly lifts tha case out of the commonplace Edith Channel of Kansas City a young woman In her early twenties yesterday completed the Journey afoot Upon arrival In San Francisco she went at once to the tuberculosis booth In the Palace of Education at tha exposition To Dr HubbelU the physician In charge she explained that before aha left Kansas City She was pronounced tubercular by physN clans and that she had come of tubercular antecedents her father and her grandfather both having died of the disease Or Hubbelr made a thorough examination of the case and pronounced the young woman In perfect health A complete cure he Said The exerolae and th out of doora Ufa 4td Miss Channel left Kansas City Feb ruary Id She made between fifteen and twenty miles a day going lis miles out of hqrway toTvlslt the Grand Canyon of tha Arltona She was alone until she reached Los Angeles where another young girl Miss uuve Louisa wooawara joined her on the last Jeg of the Journey to San Francisco OPTICIANS MAIXBXBS GLASSES relieve ere train fmb your memory and atranrtbea your eyea JEOBUE MAYKKLE 80 Market au San Pranclaea aiubUabed 20 yean MAY EKLBB eyewater by mall 63c drasslita SOa MEDICAL LADIRS Aafe van drantrtaf raa Pull the Dlamoad branai far 19 yra kaawa aa beat eafeat alwaya nllablei bn of paaa drassUti take ae ethert Ckkhaataca Plimied read Pille aald Byaruxalata aajwhew 8ASAT0EHJH8 DB BLCMBMBEBO SANATORIUM balmy Mt Diablo resloa for dlaaaaea luaii dlfee tlon circulation nerrea foncrlon flu aatb ma etc eta Apply 18P6 Butter 11 te weak dayi DAKISH bum wMl board aad eara for elderly pertonor conTalaacentatbar bomdl ratoa 7aaoaaoia im ru paona auimora afva BL SIBBNO Sanitarium for aged and uvallea bib Mitee uai1 larra grouaoa ataaea seas raesa San Mateo 122 once Mlaa 4400 JLD0PTI05 1 TJatoa a free USVi emn aaanev BOB Vilaacla no Market 42 BEBS Vmklng for work cill on Jamei mar go xtitk at any or country oba AP foe caab Twhalr barber enop ma aa JT CHAIB barber eboptov aala In dry trally located Por further particular I DUCtlLMAN BB0Si 44 Turk It niiB rmernnr naraax anant onir ahea i settbla mile going EaatfwlU aaa toe 95 vtxn aiw ca ja paraoa ucrr BHsav laiBanaiej nan Anaaimo auna ce aala Swell abop with alee fd eteir LS14W amontai tari tui te leveatlfatt ISS00 which Itwludea ftfr depoalt oa Baa MaTBBworca eav neSBat UaaaanffiaCaX flrl OSxir Hi fy 8ft mm mtim tJT i jt MkZ jir via a wammnam or XMttV mu99TT CJJoa oa Aiptoat Hit wu te atUt oraaalMUoB MsrLtearMa fii barbae shop with bath raara sag eaahiAble yeara tae 4wkiMtfr shea wltn er Ikllna aaaf eaor re iwMtAMiN I JSM tkaa eayt cnatr ketal baa alBwaxTlxSwamft 31 WANTED Boy complexion rillmora it af II cornplriloa Box Mix Cbroolcle bnncb about one month Ulht DTTAua causa SOLD rented icaansad maaufotnrae Bastes tricycle 1T14 Mukat at rark 240 CATARBH A5D DEAFITE89 aaaltlvely cured new aarlaaptlai free eeavuee Dr Cattlkgaau HAS sataaa one week expert ear noae threat S2t Maraat eOS Special Events Are to Mark Oregon Week Various Sections of northern State to Sart Days is Turn Oregon week Is to be observed at the Oregon building at the expoaltlon from August Ith to 17th inclusive County courts mayors and commercial clubs throughout Oregon have named special delegates to take part In the special events planned for each dayOf the Week The first day of the week Is to be All Oregon day the second day Is to be Eastern Oregon day tha third day is Coos Bay day the fourth day Southern Oregon day the fifth day Tillamook County day the sixth day Willamette Valley dar and Aurjist 11th the last day will be Benson day In honor of Simon1 Benson of Portland selected as the States most distinguished cltlsan1 i Governor James Withycombe and bis staff will ba here on this last named day to do honor to the Ore gonlan known fori his fight for good roads temperanoe and philanthropy iiBcrrBBSiroRvisrroiit Believing that visitors to the exposition will enjoy the beauty of the buildings and the statuary batter If possessed of a knowledge of tha artla tlo meaning the exposition management has decided to have a series of lecturea The first wilt he held at oclock Tuesday afternoon In Recital hall John Barry belne the lee tury 5v To Clone Out Broken Line iafi Af mensandioungmensciotning NOW 1500 to 18 1250 20 to 2250 1650 2500 i 1950 2ZA0to30 2250 32t50to3525OQ 50 to 45 s2750 gs JLeather Goods lothinfi Go Grant Avenue Buddhist Priests to Get Exposition Medal Ceremonies Will Be at Palace of Education Jjext Weelv A delegation of high Buddhist priests will assemble at the exposition Tuesday to receive recognition These exponents of the ancient religion of ma eastern world are the delegates to International Buddhist Congress which opens tomorrow In the Ci vie Auditorium The exposition1 will present the Buddhists with a bronse medal which Bt Bev Sri Masslnlananda will accept The ceremonies are to be held In the Buddhist exhibit 1n the Palace of Education at The delegates represent Calcutta Benares Slkkhlm cities of India Colombo Ceylon Burma Slam Japan Lhasia Thibet and other eastern countries In addition to all parts of the United States whore Buddhism exists ITSGWr TO BE REDEFINED JbictionaryTooSlowfor Live wires wno TaKe a Day ar Expb to Correct lti i xna vim ciub an organisation ox exposition exhibitors 1s busy putting me Vlnvln to Varied Industries and Manufactures day scheduled to be one of the big events of the period It win be celebrated August loth roe ciuoiis composed of exhibitors from both of the big palaces taklni its same rrom the combined initial letters of the two And the slogan for the day as sat forth by the hustling organisation In a circular Just issued isr AWHEKB TO FJNDlTf Iff you wanf to know the meaning of vlnV dont look In the dictionary for It well show you on August joth Preliminary to carrying that promise orders have been issued for the sending out of 10000 engraved Invi tations These win go to an state and foreign commissioners and to many of the business houses lnSan Francisco and Oakland The day however will not be an invitational affair bat the committee declares will be celebrated by fopen house from 9 oclock In the morning to It oclock at nlghti Valuable merchandise representing many of the lines that have displays In the two palaeesjvlll be given away throughout the day refreshments will be serVedFthere will be land muslo and organ recitals almost con unuousiy throughout the i day ano evening with the great evenings feature A mammoth dance down all the aisles of both palaces DECORATIONS PERMANENT The members of the club are boosting the project with entire unan imlty and with great enthusiasm They maintain that the Varied Indue tries and Manufactures Palacesicon tain th mist Interesting exhibits In the exposition but they are not content to let the exhibits speak for themselves on the specie dayv Instead each booth wllt be especially daooratad for the occasion and each will carry Its own attractive bid for me attention or the crowd It is planned to make the decorative scheme which Is now being worked out carefully a Jtermanent lart 01 tne ouuaings to remain until the close of the exposition 1 1 1 I 11 1 I Chronicle Jooth Is Meot lifc EjrpositiolSifiitieenv Many Places Gather at Exiiliit THOSEhoegistered at the newspaper jtrocess exhibit of the San Franclsoo Chronicle In the Palace of Liberal Artsv at the exposition yesterday were San TranoUo William Piyne Mri Bobarts Mrsn4Xn John WbitLw Duel Bidsar Inld Boot Frank Smith Mrs Pair Rhaoe James Slmpeoo Huot Harold Boyd Alameda Jacob Bona Mm Beoa Xareed Mr and Mnu George Dudley Slits Jr Mn 1 Levy John Roblnaos Jledweed City dUbert Bulllant Oakland Kuytbe MaienI Mr and Mn Jamea Hirt Finale Ti DanleliV Santo Orax Nellie Klckey Las Antelee Kauoo VowTork city Mr and Mn Mark jvoniaa jvuoa Araima looiai nam May jjSarffarat BlamatnlML Lsottia BlatnentDat Mr aad MxiU aobQ OprDbiiii Mrt HlrhJaid Lrala RdiwabaGlaer Ub Jjitoaio Taaai Daw Gottlieb Xmll miwaoka Wla Robrt Fole Wichita jgaaaaWiV ftwindfi LSS INO rHAYDEN wboU tolbtJ quen of thi Wenatciiee apple fete at the exposition yed nesdav Te Appear as Jbvetn Kjaraenl 4 SJ sin a11 1 ii mimsshsss rtajajaaBxttsxT Pelxexexexei9Bm5 aaaxsaaaaaaaaxaaaaaaa BHIiPH fJHjHHgP lvJlikL wetaBaVaHHBrr aDBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ HHBBJfepVXSHBpppB tanaTrwt 4BBant 1SinM9a jiTWg XtJirmL TMaWWWITIi af fmWfflZiJgmmBmWmm9fa bn liiisaBmwlBBmwaafll STsiw aWSaxaBBBBXaar 4H ft fitC A rAVdSnaBnaBnaBnaBnaBnaBnaBBH 1E BBI r1 BjUuiHigtfti Never Say Wenatchee Girls jVliuhdffstandirig as to Plans Nearlyt Breaks lJVp woniesi ror ueen 01 vppic iav 4 as rrrr i ylK ir An unfortunate misunderstandlnr am near robbing tne exposition a Wenatchee eueenTt was all a mistake and has been rectified stow out for a time it was very serious The apple center of Washington has been for weeks in the throes of a popularity contest to choose the maiden who la to Impersonate Prin cess Wenatchee at the Wenatebee Apple day at the exposition next Wed nesday The queen will be formally named today George BvBurbank Of the Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce came to San Francisco to perfect ar rangements ror ma anrair Then the trouble startsiLV Burbank pictures the Wenatchee valley as the original Vardfti Eden i He decided to have the float to be a feature of pa parade depict the garden Then affright thought strucichim and stuck xl1 iPrlnoess Wenatchee as theler of ueen of Apple Fetc is awenaicnee ceue Hej VJ Is EiBoute Eere With Party Prom A ikMvr1niMAU VIIWUIUCA UA VOilUUOAwC iv 4 ye ISa INO KATDEN a i belle of vvenatcneewash has been ehosen queen of the apple fete to be given at tne exposition WednesdayWednesday and wbleh lstobe attended by a big party of Washington people who are nowi onfetheirtway here Miss Hayderi will arrive tonight or tomor rowmorntng with a crowd from the Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce as the vanguard of the delegation from tne apple center or the Northwest The Wenatchee celebration is to be held at the Washington Stkte building and Congressman William Humphrey is to be the principal apeaner oi tne aay There Is to be a parade In which the Wenatchee valley fruit Industry win oe snown on noats and in which the Waahington delegation and their queens will appear tf fiheWenatchee valley must be the ruler of the Garden ox aen as wait la the parade she must aivposr aa tha ruler of that old garden Therefore she must appear as TCre who everyone knows ruled Eden Horrorel The word got back tetthe valley that the Eve impersonation would be realistic The good women uof the town were shocked Tbelr daughters withdrew from the aneen race They dldv Burbank Sown In Baa FrariclscOi heard about It br wire and procaedea to correct anymlsunderstandinaVBve will riot appear aa did her ancestor In the Garden of JBaefr i JoW It has all beensmothdout and ihe tteoola of Weaafchee I are rvotlrtf or their queenwW will be knowfcvtoday rand wno wi eiari nnca frii BanFranclscotoniU on a nl IT UW 1 tmwmm sisail wni rs Attendance at the Exposition Yesterda A Me yr i PiSfitomirig as hExhibit yjLiiC BANNER MILLINERY SALE New Trimmed Hats 195 345 550 New Pall Styles Trimmed and Uhtrimmed Hat Ostrich Plumes and Paradise Birds at Reduced IPrices Greea Tradlag Staaate Glvea Mail Orders Sellelteel The Banner Millinery SSJWMMMARKET ST 1U atllXMORB 3073 MISSION ST a New Zealand noted for Its anierj and wool Is soon to have a large nock or prise eneep on display in the live stock division of the exposition They are to be exported for the express purpose Of giving the sheepmen of America an idea of the character of sheep raised In that province More than WO of the fol lowing breeds have been collected for snipmenu itomney Marsn cprnaaie Lincoln Border Leicester English Leicester and Down Last year New Zealand4 raised 15 000000 sheep and exported about 7000000 dressed Vr pt MH de Young presents a I Medal to Battalion at Nthe Exposition Comtlaaed frewa Page SS to the wounded In many eases they only stayed a short time but that short time has usually been suffl olent to maintain order and I hope In the future in marinas win continue their duties aa they nave in the past 1s IwantVto say that no thing has given us mors pleasilre than tobe able to render euch service as Is necessary to the people of the country I hope they will always live dp to their standard Semner Fidelia the help of the Army and Navy and I ihopa their roottotjfalwys My ey pemper jriaeiii cl rtiV jamaiuts TBiBtms The marine anthem Semper Fide 11a which was rendered during the ceremonies took on A added stgnlfl oance because of the events at Port au Prince Haytl where comrades of the service are putting down riot and disorder i Somatlmes to havepeaoelwe must fight or i It and then i you roarlnaa are always ready torespond to your always faithful mottov said United States Commissioner Bailey Lamar Nobody believes that a great nation like the United States with Its foreign possessions and foreign interestsinterests is to remain at peace be IvVXJBlUXafMXiUJSWUWJsUUfaaADv Address of Welcome Made lyJLH do xoung1 Wno loattmasterv Following tthe exercises lield yesterday in the Court of Four Seasons in honor of the First Battalion of marines stationed at the exposition Major Oeneral George Bamettand the members of tha marine oorpa staff wefe tendered a luncheon by the president and board of dlrectorsThe luncheon was given In the California Buildlnav Vice Presidents MMttde Toung of the exposition presiding The address of welcome and greet A TTENDANCB at tba esraeea NI xaea etsTetayacmriBs taetnraaoie reaaiagaai awiwa hearsi i AM MTa 13 aoea ti 332 3 PM Mf 4 PMitoTal fl PM aa834 ii pm itrafi Flael attaadaace Friday UJ4T Tt Ing was madeths offieers by Vice President xle Young who then called upon William Bailey Lamar member of the United States Exposition Commission to speak oh behalf of the Government Arthur Arletton behalf of the Governor and Captain John Barnesonon behalf of the exposition directorate There were responses by Major General Barnett a Major John I Myers Ct Brigadier General Penhlng 8 A and Admiral Charles Pond usn Among the Other guests present were Captain McE Huey Ui Cr Major Hugh Mathews cV i General RJ JC i Evans US An Major JKF MeGllfc UMai Captain FWimamsitta MCrCkp tain Ji KTracyJ SLi Captain Charles Thomas Jr a Major JaraesHHarbord a A Lleuten ant Colonel Haines a Cill Colonel Ebea Swift Major iWrfrvQrf PowelL iUi 8 JtsCr Captain JW Breckenrldge a George Danforth Lieutenant Potts Sj and Captain Edward Car pentewCit 8 EjbiJ0iv i gBtograawe A tablelLWlths 1 eatheroover on which are the autographs of the President 0f the lUnltedSUtesi and4 of the Governor of each state In the Union has beenecalved at the New Jersey building at the exposition and was placed on exhibition there yesterday The table was planned and made by Sidney ILDoggett a sixteen vaai oldhiahaehoAl BttidBritAr Kaat Orange fS The leather over was mailed by parcel post to each execu tlva aiid hi secAiring the signatures traveledmore than 40000 mlleai Ha i II Suits and QvercoataSi 3 l37i ShcHatsFurrushin i Hastitii itsC wSSI 9 wrm elln HOSl aHQ paJSMjSTsasav i1xeVlAiiww4VJ Vxl BBili a Special Sale6f WALErPAPERS i r1 I A large assotment consistlqcof desira effectsand attractive patterns that will 4 frr ij i not againsbe procurable is ncrw offered i in AtaSpeciaLDisc6unf affordingafvery unusual opriottunlty for ResidentMS GlubsiHotelsandAirt Tnents i We shoKat all times theIatestdeslirns i inwaiM7apersor American ana roreicm tr IWatMfTrifintvsl tt A eyea msiSaeiASkJiL araau uiauutai iuicai iiiwsv icasuiiauic uncesijr iif jr jfT ji i JSLOANE FarmtxzrtRagssDraperU Sutter Street Bet Kearny and GranAvenue I 4 xuA Gontinualion of ROSENTHAL Semi Annual tk The response to Rosenthals Semi Annual Sale of Sunamer Shoes during July was ao cordial that we have decided 4 to continue it into August There are still manysunusual chancei tosave yburjVshoe money and still weartHe best shoeymade There are Enonnoos ftednctioiu on ladies high or low cot tan or white shoes onladiea low shoes in all styles and materials on mens tan shoes and en Childrens Sum mer shoes of all sorts Ladies Shoes Many special inducements in iw Broken Lines of ladies tanor VrWte high or low cut shoes Afi also in fine fancy Iowshbes Jine8 9 Grades Now 68S VFine760 Praiies Now 585 Ffne JM Grades yinei6 6Grade191Nbw38S Fine 5 Grades rVrWvArl RC ax Si wv I IB SALSy jWBBnwBW AxaBe3e3e3e3e3P SnxexeHe ZHXf xrfBam Wl Im JV axenwB isljkl jmWt isr iff rexaaa BW aLxx Bwr 4 Jfi 4 il im aaajsaaBjajVMeBj iiKBJ AiVlflrV SoleAirehteor HANAN SHOE55 Mala Steve kBhmavbhea Oalyj Oeklaad Steve Ui P08X STEEET 7 MAEKET W7lTWEIITH 8XEEET Sam Fraaetece STBEEW 5 OasOaad Cat Far Mea Weaaea aad Chlldrea Saa Fraaetae FwMa Wonaea aatfcilldrea All OURSTOKES OPWrSAWRDAYNlGHfS vT 1 i ai jjv ff I ais Lj pp aBxexexexexexeaaKexexexaxaaananaaB Irr Sifc wm wiiSM iAA iftiiinia ii yi ta MJaH.

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