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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tf ls 5Sbr TiK Ma rf I 4 Sf vf jv SA3T FRANCISCO CHROinCLEfHUDYlAX 4895 rw 1IgfsnJgfflfW ftS J4 is tf THE CAMPAIGN OPENED Fight for Sunday Closing Commenced Very Hot Battle on Both Sides Saloon Men Meet Their Opponents in a Contest Before Oaklands Conucil The contest to close the saloons Oakland on Sundav opened last night in a manner long to be remembered by the temperance advocates and the saloon men Thousand of people turned out to see the campaign opened and the greatest interest was manifested in the battle This was the nrst time in mam Years that the advocates of the saloon and the ponents of liquor met the issue on the same floor and argued be question The Council for the Suppression of the aloon recently orcamzed jn Oakland started the contest advocating before the Council trie passage of an ordinance requiring all the saloons of the city to sion ot the saloons would have success in the fight against them The liquor traffic was the greatest foe which conld be encountered in the salvation of sours The speaker said that he expected God to lead them on to victory George Egrrleston said that it was quite a task to abolish the liquor traffic bat be believed that it could be abolished if the ballot were put in the little white hands of the women of tbe city A Sherman Jr president of the County Christian Endeavor Union said he had just come from tbe council chamber where the council was considering the liquor question He hoped the members of that body wonld do their duty in tbe matter Their future political career depended on the action the members would take in the matter Oakland was not so badlv off because of the saloons ss San Francisco was but she was bad enough It had been said that the closing ot the saloons on Sunday would ruin Oakland commercially But such was not the case Those who made that plea would build a seawall around the city of beer kegs and emptj whisky bottles Rev Dr 8 Chapman said that in Dayton 0 here the Council had sub muted a lquor law to the people tbe peo pie sustained it He was surprised to find thai tbe law had been supported I three fourths of the saloon keepers The liquor men were unconscious of the wrong they were doing the cit If the saloon I ordinance passed the liquor dealers might be brought tinder the influerce of the churches Several other speeches were He delivered a rtront speech He closed with a very impassionate appeal to the Council Professor I Inskeep president ot the Municipal League was present in tbe interests ot tEat organization but the hour was late and he did not speak As soon as the speech making was concluded Chairman Towle called for the pleasure of the committee Councilman Dow moved that tbe committee recommend the ordinance for passage in accord ance with the petition Tbe motion was carried by a vote of 7 to 4 The opposing votes were those of Bassett Brosnahan Heitmann and Watcmson The result was greeted with tremendous cheering from the crowded lobby This onh a temporary victory for the anti saloon people The ordrnance will be tonally passed by the Council It is stated on good authority that Mayor Divie will then veto it It requires eight votes to pass the ordnance over his veto The anti saloon pop have only seven votes in the Council The saloon men say that in the end they will win the battle as thev have four solid rotes in the Council THE JILXItAX K1ERAS Annual Election of Officers and a Banquet The ajsociat on of Mexican Veterans held their aunnal election of officers last evening in their hall at22 0 Farrell street lhe following officers were elected Loop president Charles Lange of San ranc sco md Colonel Joseph Steward of Berkeley ce presidents William Horsemen Figure in lhe CarnivaL The Burlingame Club to Be Present A Mammoth Programme Arranged for tbe Fabiola Festival The horse meet to be held Saturday next at the Oakland Trotting Park con nection with the Fab ola fete has as suraed an importance which no one imagined would be bestowed on it In addition to the elaborate programme ar ranged for May Jay a number of interest ing contests have been listed and as tne competitors are all well known locally the interest in the outcome is very keen The result of these extra races is that the programme has become of such magm tude that it will be impossible to dispose of it all in one afternoon so in order to meet the situation the gentlemen iv ine race will be held in the morning It will be mile heats two out of three and the starters will be as follows Color Blue ark Graj Kei Green rhe rest of the racing programme will be eq iaih good It has all been reset since May dav and a numberot theeents are i ew altogether The are as follows Hore hai mile su iiLE racf Rider to come from San Francisco while Berkeley San Leandro Ha wards Tmecal and San Francisco wilt alt contribute liberally to the general Ravety Alameda will be Terr much in evidence for Charier NeM president of the Driving Club of that city says that the seventy five vehicles ot his organization will be inline Tne residents of the Encinal will hare their equipages handsomely decorated for they are bent on carrying off one of the prizes if possible The decorated cars of tbe various itreet lines will be sent out to dav and the companies are wing with each other to ee which can make tbe best showing It is intended to have a special car on each road occupied by a band on tbe day Of the festival and all the outlying points will be visited and concerts given to as to make sure that every one knows the fete is in progress A bi sale ot tickets has already been effected in Ean Francisco where tickets are on sale at Wakelee on Montgomery street and Coopers and Doxeyson Market street Several thousand have been disposed of in Oakland as all the leading stores are selling them and there is also a goud deal of individual canvassing The whole community is band in hand and a long pull a strong pull and a pull all together for Fabiola is being made FOR RUSSIAN USE Horst Driver Meinbridge Charles Pabo Don Hlgby mbler Hiegenoottom Mission Bot 0 smith Vloha Temant Teorge If Derow Joe Tennant Broun Ja Kobi ioi Hofo Dr fctim hi WilliMn I nlk I paere Mlale a rnc II th rccior na 1 erm I notaIl Carl Har ett Iiforge 1 exto Moro knight EIGHTHS DA1H Malcoln itchcr I nice Idle II unmrgham herd nard Tpii ant II 11 Mtrcclj TROT 2 It riA olden Wcs I Ne ion Montana I ete ill ans lap lock ec onf nif tr 2 Jo cms lav Milt Ho ns I Ad Mard 1 Doc re ovr Mil trot 2 40 rns urmeri ro I lUrrj Kon Jo 1 rs MILF rUN tREt 4 i I I ipx i Mici af Man i Ytl I rinci 1 1 al lib I Wajjch I Bui Mel ha 1 I 1 A SHIPMENT OF CALIFORNIA ID WOOD It Will Be Used in Making Pencils Ranks ext to Hcida Cedar km kd nir WH MMLNf Fi Till I 1 I i MtiHT I scl 1 1 be inburoik i atLrU ij to i ocL nd ij I CAunc If ti it ress of the cons is coni st I of ates from tl i nj otui zitioii 1 irt Cone oiu burch ree 1 attHt htirch rs Hai I st tlie i reet 1 reb if ai Market reel Co regaioni rst Metl list rst 1 tar i i I th tie Methol lies eet Meth A iu et I if ijial Jo ti pal 1 ont ie Bap st ct reel iprnat 1 roll no vo levire i ct tie Manse Nfe i 1 si social a i i of tie nrs I esbtar in I i I rHl ts Cl i lies I hi i nr i i i enperance Iwentj th rd je ie Worn 1p i ce I jn st Meth i sc 0 li i Benev it ireat onal utida oo i mi ars ri st Conureea rivo socict lie pent emeu ur ng the assise tl ord na ice i i 1 1 tl it their success ti me isure wii be a tep toward the i i uf the iloon iltoetlier 1 lie Lit Luu it ti fit last evening as tl mo for I ear ie arguments for ai against the i ince 1 nor to the i et lonestr ai i sn si pathennp is le I 11 tht Citj liill Iaxkb tli iti al on ren le lit ill am Kader pre9 dent the Counc i for the fcuppres soi of the valoon cal ed tl meeting to order in the presence orer 10J eople He a i tltt thev had assembled uort of a pe Uion wh ch was lot to ten upon paper but which has in it a liung heart i ch beats tie interest of hu man tr I had assembled in oppo st oi to an eil which had dogged 1 it on Ir the ery bejrinmn and i rom sel to dras it to the end unless it shut la be lestrojel by i lie power of the peop 1 1 were thero to protest ug it it the pen saloon oi one dav of the week the day the churcie were filled with pie in the interest of morality in th Interest of humanity and in tne in terest Glorv If it was right to hare ofen saiorns on Sundav it was also right to time open stores in all lines of business on the Sabbath Ke Dr If Rice of the Union street Presbyter in Lhtirch said that nothing wag spttlrd until it mas settled right hi 1400 persons were arrested on the Mindm i of every year the saloon qnes on tvas not settled right If those 1400 drunkards could appear before the ami en as they appeared when they uere hau ed In the patrol wagon to the jail they would make the spectators weep tears of shame They did not expect he said to now full settle the saloon question They would do that later They would now simply cut off tbe head of tbe snake The snake would wriggle fora time but Jn time they wou kill him The business of retailing 1 quor was the business of death and it would have to die Tbe proposition to close the saloons on Sunday he said was not a selfish proposition It was not prompted by political wire pulling motives It was not an ecclesiastical move in en It was a movement which would be or the benefit of the larger number of the people of the community Rev Mr Crawford said that Oakland must either a citv of schools or a City of saloons The council for tbe suppres 4r TrrW Vi I th I del ere i a 1 the ne i pf tl ci te Whet tie oj mce i ed to or If i nfc ii rp mn ceres oii i were prese it and at inded the speiNer who co el a I 11 i retrS ti nr i no I midetie opet nc id I p9 lie cla i 1 tha tl izens avor of i os i ie in the najor tt in Oil id He i ue 1 tnat tne a keei era bou take ie i in seven re He wa tc i to see ti ao nsrlosed oi i lul IhshupI J9 0 i si da He apnea ett tl tc I reiOK ze the lema id of CO ti7e wlo lait 11 eaho scosed oi vj i1a I doff Ires lent of the Ca ifori a titelroect ve soc it i real a ta per I He arue1 it tl i wotil 1 itrense drink tie He dele Hell asso atton and said it as dei i is to 1 tu the salooi out of po mes He de ared that the Sinda is i was i fa ure He rrci ed instances ii support of I proposttio i Mr rdoff pae mam hsures to the Counc 1 to she that the saloon helped to support the Govern ment Re llliati I ader said I am prised it the msterous cauraze of the man who dares to defend the sa oon he spoke I spemed to see the so of the dsmned tin ider thee chairs Mr Rader refuted the arguments of 1 doff and referred to Powder an 1 Gladstone as advocates of Sundav os lg He said that fcunday closing was not a question of I revenue but of righteousness He ad nutted that Sundaj closing wo lid be lowed prohibition He said that he was molest in asking for Sundaj clouig ttorney Thomas Garrett made a strong appeal for the saloon men During his speech he was frequently interrupted witi loud cheers He quoted statist cs to show how much tbe saloons ha 1 pa the city I appeal to ou gentlemen of the Council said he in the fa name of Cahorria tnd in the fair name of Oak land not to place snch an Infamous nieas ure on the statute books of this ci ou cannot blame the saloon for all crimes If there is a train robberv In the morning will jou blame the salon Will you blame tbe saloon for Black harts work Was the failure of the Pacific Bank due to the saloon Were the recent horrible murders In San ran Cisco due to the saloons I say to ou when you strike at tbe saloon you strike at the very founda tfon ot society and government Close the saloons and men will go to their homes and get drunk Close the saloon and the ricb mens clubs will flourish and you cannot stop them Gentlemen I appeal to you in the interest of fair play and justice not to pass this ordinance Rev McDougall tne originator of the Council for the buppression of the Saloon made a brief address He argued Doints raised by former speakers Mrs Ada Van Pelt representing tbe Womens Christian Temperance Union spoke on the home side ot the liquor question Tbe theme of her address was the destruction of the home by tbe saloon She pleaded for Oakland a city of homes Mrs Van Pelt was followed by Ben Morgan who delivered a bitterly sarcastic attack upon the anti saloon people More especially he singled out the church representatives Rev Dr Coyle pastor of tbe First Presbyterian Church was the last speaker cret ir ex McDonald eis re Vt Lee i aha I iSroUencii lines i ton kurl I a im Bjh nd tc trn tee The ti al report howed that nere wis lviO i the treisur an in treise i oer ttej sanoint A it I ies eeti the mem Lxth i lj I ed a resta ira where a Ds i juel ii ijoed in me i of tie battle lii ito the frst bat le of the Mej cin i oeeches nere made Ires lent I ip to onel ndres Co onel vtei a 1 A tl co us on of esteec es reivs fi ore the sett ra th on go Home I mil Mo i the ther veterans ij ning in the cl i la ce number of the mem Lers were attendance DILL1 nil OUtlOK He Wan Selected to Aildrps the eterann I The niemor a comtntee of the Grand rm tne Pept blic held meeting list i ht to im lge the details for the an nuil decoratio of he tfrtesof solders a got into a red hot wrang oer con He i tat is to attewd church ser ces on the Mi iday mgt precedi lg Dec at on ca The in tationscame from the trustees of the tarr King hi rh and Pe lie of the Central Methodist Church the nrst named had already rciTed the indoreme it of incoln Post it seemed to have an advantage until a sturdy but profane veteran named Han sen declared th an oath that was poi hatically non re lgious that Pastor Dille was a comrade who knew how to talk to so diers led scussio i as to the relative intel lec tial lalncstions oflastor Mebbins the Marr ng inrch and Pasto lie was as warm as it was interesting and meen of the seventeen veterans who were present had opinions to ex press Com ide alsh led the charge against lasturDille wno he said though a com rade had on tte ided post meeting on one occasion and tuat was when he was initiated A nice comrade cried Walsh lii was full of pugnacity An how Dille has no Kick coming for the General ass Post ittended bis services in a body two weeks ago That ought to be enough honor for him declared a Cass Post man He gave you a good service didn he demanded Comrade Hansen Sot ik 00 1 as some others I have seen tne other retortea Well hell give us a good service this time cried Hansen in a voice that carried conviction and the proposition of the Starr king trustees was defeated while that of Di lie was carried Representatives of Lincoln No 1 A Garneia Na 34 General Cass Na 48 General Meade Na 4S and Liberty Post Na 133 attended the meeting of tbe committee which was presided over by Chairman Banneld Commun cations accepting the committee invitation toattend tbe Memorial day service were received from the Lincoln Wpraans Relief Corps and the Ladies of Gettysburg The Board of supervisors promued to participate in the parade in a bodv and Chief Crowley wroe that he would eudeavor to turn out 200 policemen Ine Naval Battalion will turn out its full complement and will forma pleasing and striking teaturo of the parade Roddick was unanimously elected grand marshal of tbe parade and then bub committees to take charge of the details of that event were appointed The committee consented to admit Sons of Veterans to their sessions and to permit them to exercise every right bat tbe right to vote 1 he chances are that a steeplechase in I which pom lent racers from the Ba I I str ct track 1 eet wil a so be ve i ide alter Hacketl his bee str lg lor end fo several da pist a id I conferences th tl bore ne i are a i a tnre that induce htm to think that even thing will come out nil right The association is much ndebted to the I horsemen an how for from the rm thev have idenced the greatest in eres in the carnival and have lone all in the poer to brine it to a successfu1 ternm a non Tom Williams president of the Bav Distrct is lessee of the park where the fete is to be he and he not il donated free of charge fir Ma dav it this the letter he sent whei the hesta was postponed Po Sr rtary Fab a FU 4iv a i ji Hfr ir li gues me pleasure to grnut po i tne use oi the Oak aD Tr ng Hark lor 1 io ir enttrta nmen an I I hoievou win again be dlappoin ed the att er kind wishes tor the iccescf 1 nDt la Ire i jours tr i ThcnuH Wii umJr fhe owners of the staD es at the ark have shown eq la courtev The request to ill their blooded horses be uei for an exh bit on wis rea 1 1 trail ed a id I some of the best nagi on the Lo ist wih be stnt for a spin during the afte oo i uh an eiellent horse meet th is as red and the certaini tl at ie bicvel els 1 all be on hand to part pite in the tournament arranze 1 for them there is no question now as to the fact that the will be an enormous atton lance a borate preparations nre being male to ha ale he throng and ew less ns were lenrned in the rush of Ma da that wi 1 be valuib now There is the refreshment dpirtmnt fo ns ance Mav da it wis prov led I with fFJU sandwiches dozen ca is of ice cream ch eke is ham and so forth et I although the fete was pact call not I held the larlers ere enipt ed the i ironi thit went out to the tracK in the rain Had the day been tine there wo ll 1 have been a veritable fam ne so to cu ird against this on aturdiv notices have been sent to all the chantablv sposed of Oakland asking them to send donat ons of sandwiches loughnuts and cream The huge refreshment tent erected in the center of the trick also proved made I quale even though it can seat 12U peole at a time An additional booth is cxise uently being constructed near the grand I stand and this will relieve the pressure I especially dur ng the noon hour when the rush for luncheon is sure to be very great The ladies who have been selected to i distribute the refreshments wnl have a I busy time of it but as they expect to reap a rich harvest for the hosp tal they say that tbe gger tbe rush tne more thev will like it They are Mrs Jerome I Mrs George Cook Mrs i Hi ids Mrs Remiliard Mrs Fli Denison Mrs kendall Mrs Wallace verso Mrs Arthur Brown Mrs Charles Deer ing Miss A Stevens Mrs Booth Mrs Wilson Mrs Alexander Mrs Scotchler Mrs 8 Snook and Mrs A Burrell The candy and flower booth is also certain to do a big business Itwillbeoccu ped bv Mrs Tierce Mrs 1 Hamsun Mrs William Gruenhagen Miss May Burnham Mrs A A Barton and Miss Lena van der Zwiep The buffet booth ts in good bands for it will be tenanted by Mrs Remi Chabot Miss Lilian Ererson Mrs Rennl lard Mrs Everson and Mrs Gor rill In order to avoid a clash between the two events those having charge of the class day exercises at tbe Mate I nhersitv have postponed the time for commencing them until 3 clock This will give am pie opportunity to witness the Moral parade and the baits of the flowers for the University can be reachen in less than ten minute from tne park by traveling on the Berkeley local fro Shell Mound Station Special trains will be plying on the line all day by orders ot Superintendent Wilder of the Southern Pacific There was a rush ot entries all jester day for the decorated carriages parade and ono ot the most welcome declarations in this connection came from tbe Bur lingarnt Club It announced that tbe members of that very swell organization will be on hand baturday in five or six drags They will bring parties of friends with them and also baskets of wine and provisions and the luncheon which they will give at their drags will be in true English style Talbot Clifton will be in the party if possible and Charles Bald Win will also drive one ot the coaches Tbe social side of ttie fiesta will without a doubt be very marked There conld not have been a better way to bring out the fashionables than to give snch a par ade as the one that is to take place for it has brought out the best people all over the county The entries are by no means local for some of the finest turnouts are An orde from iVirsaw Poland and anoti er from Moscow Russ for a car load of Sierra Nevada redwood last week matter of some iterest The wood 3 to be used in the manufacture of lead pencils The shipment of a carload or two of lumber is a matter of small importance in the great volume of California trtde and this transaction would excite no at tent on except for the facts hat practi call a new use is found for California redwood and that though the telegraphic order came from so remote a qu irter of the earth the lumber wai on Its way the ver next dav There are thousands of varieties of trees and millions of acres of forests not onl ir America but in Europe and might be thought that it would be an eas mat ter for a lead penc I manufacturer to find his lumber ir a neighbor ng forest but such is not the case It rqu res a very rare kind of wood to make a good lead ie cil and suitable wood for this purpose grows in verv few locaht es In France German and Lneland in each of which countr es there are large lead penc mnnu fdUor es thre is not a tree whose wood is tit for mak ng lea i pencils It requires i erv soft wood of hne grain an 1 free ron bo igs which mark the growth of manv trees to ake a good lesd pencil Tne vood too must easy to get out i order to useful for this purpose There is one tree in oue quarter of tbe I ted fctates that up to this time has misled practically all the leal penc I nood for the wor That is the i or aa cedar It is ndmirablv adapted to th i ge The wood is light with an agreeable 0 lor is hne grain and is verv eas to I tut It comb nes in a remarkable degree I al the re i rements for lead pencil ase I Nature give Vlor la pract cally a monop I of this va nib wood and it still rs ks as ie finest material for this pur oe beinj used almost entirely in everv ieaU penci factory in the world The Cal ifor i i redwool though not so good for lc 1 penci the cedar has bepn used to some extet and the prospect is that it ll be brought moro largely into use I than heretofire nereis a prettv well gro ide 1 belief that lo ida cedar Is be co mg exhausted at anv rite its cost is I loo for cheap penciL and a sul sti ti te or it is much uesired lhisis found the il nrn i redwood Not all the ant es of this beautifnl laliforn a tree however can be used in the i ik ig of penc Is Th redwood of the I Coast rat Is not suitable as contains the a inua rings which make it ird to cut It ltows too moist a cl mate to have a gram ie enough or a fiber uniform enoigl to makp penc Is lhe relwood lat grows in the Sierra Nevida a ove ki igs river and Tulare river 1 ossesses ill the qualities neede 1 for lead I enc 1 vood lhedr itmosphre of the I irta a id the well draired soil keep the texiu of the woo I from becoming so coarse a thul of its sister tree in Hum bo dt and Mendocina The mountain I red ood is a so free from the hard annual I izs tnat mark the giants In tbe forests of II mi bo 1 The order of two carloads of California mounta redwood from Russia last week br ngs up a lother interesting fact There are large factories in Germany Fr ince a i 1 Be ginni ch make lead pencils but Kuss a has fixed a hieh tariff on this I artic to encourage the home manufac ture oi them s0 the lead pencil indus I tr is be ng built up in the zir ao mai i californ a has supplied Germany rn ce an I Belgtim with redwood for ieicilsand rece tly a Japanese gave an order for a cargo of the same kind of lum ber It is one of the significant facts of trade at the present time that Japan is making the cheapest lead pencil in the world he gets her umbago as do all the nat ns from Mexico and she bnv her wood from Honda and Califonta and she makes leal pencils and stamps them with the different Enropea and Amencin brtnds The Mikado subjects do not lies tale to appropriate the re puts non of any maker ll is sa that the Japanese have a gift for imitating Western manufactures which premises to make them most formidable competitors in all branches of industry it any rate thev are producing lead pencils wub Eu ropean or American brands at a remarkably low ngure It is not anticipated that the California mountain redwood will take tbe place of 1 lorida cpdar or that it will ever rank as high as a desirab wod for lead pencils but it Is very tood material for that purpose espenall for second grade pencils a as Florida cedar seems to be ot such limited quantity and consequently of such high price that tbe redwood of this btate will be abundantly used for tle purpose Present on uf Cruelty The Society for the Prevention ot Cruelty to Children at the May meeting considered a proposition to receive the mone due from Ex Treasurer McDonald on assigning the claim of the society to the deposit made in the Peoples Home Bank A resolution was adopted empowering the president and secretary to sign th required assignment of claim in the name uf the soc ety Judge Belcher and Thomas Deni gaii were elected members Secretary McComb reported that 132 cases bad been presented to the officers in April 219 children were concerned in tbe cases 2i were placed in institutions 2 with families and 203 returned to the parents 1 here were 56 prosecationsvaad of these 40 resulted in conviction 10 In dismissal and 6 till pending Ladles Night The Young Mens Christian Association will have its regular ladies night this evening and tbe members are planning to entertain a large number ot their friends There will be an interesting programme consisting of ladder pyramids and apparatus work indoor contests and a game of basket ball between the two best teams In tbe association THE SOCIJV W0RLU DiEQecParhl Resilenca the Hasten A Very Pretty Wedding in Lo3 Ansreles Several Efcent Surprise Parties Personal Notes of General Interest The twentv fifth anniversary of the Order of Hermanns Sons will be held at Shell Mound on Sunday next lbere was ft dinner party considerably ontof the ordinary on Sunday evening May 5th at the home of Nathan Masten the well known financial agent of tbe Southern Pacific Company ot this city The occasion was the celebration of the seventy fourth anniversary of the birth of the host and plates were laid for eighteen gnests all of whom were either the sons and daughters of Mr Masten or their respective wires and husbands Toasts were drunk to tbe absentees whose number nearly doubled that of those present and consisted ot tbe oldest son Edmund Masten and wife of Portland Or and a daughter Mrs Pedro Wessel and husband of Copenhagen Denmark and twenty eight grandchildren making a total family of fifty of which Mr Masten is tbe proud progenitor in two generations Ihose assisting to wish him man well earned returns of the day were Air and Mr Frank I Kendall Dr and Mr trank Wilson Mr anil Mrs Mnnning Mr and Mrs Peter Dunne Mr and Mrs Joseph Masten Mr and Mrs Phil Gordon Mr and Mrs William Perkins Louis Masten and the Misses Jane and Alice Masten Mr Masten arrived in ban Francisco in 1W9 on the ship Pacihc from New i ork Louis Levy who has resided in hew Vorkmanv years has returned to this city and will reside at 705 McAllister street Mr and Mrs Olcovich and their son Julian are at Byron Hot Springs They will return to the citv next week ana will be pleased to see their friends attbeir home 1716 Geary street National Hall was thronged with a merry assembly of dancers on last Thurs day evening in response to invitations issued by tbe Escbscholtzias Th ball was tastelnllv decorated with the colors of the club which contrasted harmoniously with an elegant stage setting of plants behind which the orchestra was sta tlonrd The grand march started at 9 clue led by Miss Mav Parmentler and Frank Williams Miss Parmentler was attired in an elegant corn colored gown and carried a benutifn1 bouquet of California poppies which is tbe emblem of the club One ot the prettiest and most artistic weddings in Los Angeles was that of Miss lrginia dIaide Carson of Domlnguez Panch to Charles Louis Caldwell of uburn The houe was beautifully nnd art st caUv decorated under the direc tions of Miss Amelia Carson The various roo ns were converted Into conservatories of ie cho cest flowers The bride looked lovely as she entered the drswing room leanme on the arm ot her father She wore an elegant cown of white satin demi trained witb whitecbiffon and lilies of the valley Tbe long Veil was fastened with lilies ot the rahev and the bouquet whs of the same iovelv flowers with maidenhair ferns tied with a bow of white satin ribbon Tbe ornaments were dia monds Tbe maid of honor was Miss Anna carson sister of tbe bride bhe was gowned in white silk with pearl passe menlene Her ornaments were pearls and she carried a bouquet ot Eliza Savage roses After the ceremony a delicious breakfast was served to forty guests Mrs Al Jacobs and sou and Miss zzte Jacobs ire ting relatives in Sacramento for a few weeks Mrs John Latham and her two little daughter and maid leave the citv th week to spend the summer months with Mrs Latha mother Mrs 5 Cra yell at Rancho Bonita Los Gatos Mi Bess Roche will spend the um mer months th her aunt Mrs I Mensinger at her country place Hose dale Mrs Mitchell of 1624 Post street in company with relatives leaves this morning for Pacific Congress bpnngs to remain several wreks Mr and Mrs sherson will te pleased to see tbeir friends it their residence 0 butter street 8unda neit Ma 12th from 2 to 6 st in honor of their silver wedding Dr and Mrs Clinton Cushing were registered at the Grand Hoel de i iris in Madrid on Aj nl 19th Mr Henry Ahpel will spend the summer in 8in Jose and Sinta Crn7 Miss Aunotte Altshnler has moved to 226 Devisadero street corner of Page At home second ednesdai A very Interesting eutestalnment was given or Golden Gate Chapter Na 1 Order Eastern Star in Golden Gate Hall last Ihursday evening nhuh was at tended by a larce audience The feature of tne evening was the oduction ot a mus cal sketch A Dress Rehearsal Mr I bhirpser is slopping ai the Mira mar Hotel and will be at home ever Saturday afternoon The engagement ts announced of Miss Edith Rhlnd toiicount George de Benghem ot Brussels Belgium Mr and Mrs Charles Groos have gone to ban Antonio Tex for a visit Mrs Hoeck wife of Frederick Hoeck of the Ut of Mexico accon panied his mother Mrs Dr Willov ts In own fora short visit to her sisle Mrs Piatt of 12181 frent avenue The announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Grace Rains and Francis White which took place at noon lues dav April 30th at Auburn lhe cere niony was performed by the Rv Mr Chisbam in tbe presence of tbe brides immediate family and a few intimate friends Tbey will be at home Thursda at 2214 Pine street Mrs Charles Hosmer is visiting Mrs ckson In Santa Rosa and will remain until after tbe dower carnival Samuel fcachs has returned after a years absence in Europe A most enjovable surprise party was given to Miss Mary Hkelllnger in honor of eighteenth blrthda at her residence 1231 Florida street by a number of her friends on Tuesday evening of last week The boys of Belmont school and their friends had an all but perfect day at the school on Saturday Reception day Is the social event of tbe school and draws together a large and appreciative company Thegyrunasiura and military drill was most successful and entertaining but the dancing that followed was necessary to make tbe day tbe complete success that It was A joint hop will be given by Las Lonias Parlor No 72 Mission Par lor Na 38 and Minerva Parlor Na at Mission Parlor Hall Thursday evening tne 16th Inst Friday evening April 19th the class of 95 of Snelt Seminary gave a dancing party at the home of Mr ana Mrs A Root 1215 Oak street Oakland Tbe decorations were in green and white the class colors tbe reception room being converted into a perfect bower with greens while roses and shaded lamps Three large rooms were can vised and promptly at 9 oclock tbe strains from Huuers orebsstr were beard and dancing began A dainty supper was served in the library at tete a tete tables after which dancing ws resumed until a late hour sLi 3 Jltt iWolfeand MisstMflam are fn Grass Valley visiting Mnand Mri Joseph Weissbeln Vf1 4frvand Mr leonGreenberg ittT moyetrfrom 14M Gptden Gale avenue to 1027 Page street Mrcand lira Charles Harris celebrated a 1elghtful silver wedding on Saturday eveojnKiast vThe presents were numerous and costly Vj Altera two months visit to her parents Mrs Lfcchlauber of San Luis Obispo box returned home accompanied byherslster Miss Josephine Gensierv who will remain south during the suulmerv 1 Mr and lira A Mars ton of AlamedV celebrated their crystal wedding by a gathering of their friends on Monday eretflag of last week During the even ing dancing was Indulged Invalid i a clock refreshment were jemd Court Apolla Na 7802 A a and Artemis Circle Na 120 tl a will fcive a souvenir party at California Hall on baturday evening next Mayllth fbewfdding of Miss Jean Hughes and Walkins was solemnized at tht home of the groom In Sacramento on baturday May 4th The ceremony Was performedty the Ker HAndenonot the Methodist Church The tride never looked prettier titan on this occasion The auditorium of tha Central Methodist Episcopal Church was crowded on Friday evening last to witness the mosi cal and literarv programme which wai arranged by Miw Amanda Goodrich The proceeds are to devoted to th hmtdinst fund of the Gaerneville Meth dist Episcopal Church fcotoyome Tribe Na 12 Improved Order ot Ren Men will give a ball in Union feqnar Hall on to morow evening Mr and Mrs fuller have tsken the Jarbne cottage nt Santa Cruz for the summer months Charles Feltou Jr left for tbe East last week Whittler is fn Kernel Rver side connti He is accompanied by his son Wintirand Mr andiftt Weatherbr Mr hittterand sod and Sawver son of the late Jndge LoretiXO fcawver and a friend of the Whittiers are on the mav to an exteryled viiit to Europe At New lork the party will ne uned Mr Whitiiers daughter About ix months will be put in making tour of the old worl I Mr and Mrs Henrv Payot are at He met Southern California Miss Rose Marks and Miss May Abrahams gave a surprise ptrty in honor of Miss orence Abrahams at her resi dence 003 Larkin street lhe evening wis plisantly spent in plavmg pames aid dancing midni hi a supper was served Tire house was prettily decorated The wedding of Moubray Dundas of Sin raucisco and MissLanraJ Phillips of Sacramento will take place on Wednes da May 15th at the res dence the bride parents Miss Phillips has a large circle of friends and acquaintances and is well known in social circles in Sacramento An apron and necktie party is to be given by Britannia Lodge Na 7 Daughters ot bt George at 317 Mason street tonight LKGION OF UONOa Grand Lodge Officers are Elected and Inatallod The Grand Council of tbe American Leg on of Honor met in Bnai Brith Hall yesterday to complete tbe work of its annual session The following officers were elected for the ensuing year Grand commander IhomasFilben of San Francisco grand vice commander Charles Willman of Los Angeles grand orator Frank Evof banta Ana grand secretary 0 Burton of ban Frincisco grand treasurer Hamilton of Oakland grind chaplain Ke Kelly of5an Fraicisco grand guide Mav Snyder of Grass Valley grand warden Mary A Michel of Grass Valley grand sentry Almena Moser of Mocelumne HUlj grand trustees William Mettner of San Frsncisco A Cummings of Sanger and A Hunt of Aameda The following finince committee was elected John Pinkham Baker and Gustave Pohlman Grand Secretary Bunton was elected to the position of the representative in the Supreme ouncil which meets in Detroit next August The instillation followed the election The new officers were installed by Supreme Orator George Dixon of San 15 li liotructive Atonic There is sometning to instruct enter ta and amuse musicians in the oook of Me odious Harmonies now being oftered by the Chronicle to its readers Two hundred and nllv six pages Three I indred and tidy selections of instrumental mus will be found between the overs of this handone portfolio Clip bve coupons nnd send ihem with 23 cents to tbe chronicle ottice and secure a copy of th great work On account of the drowning of the son of Mr Higgins one of the jurors In the case Of Lcute Worthington Judge Belcher ad ioiin ed her trial for murder until to morrow i oung Higelns ell inio tbe bay while search it ior Stella Hughes body UlCkLLa NliOlc Baby knwys the difference between Genuine Ponds Extract and its many imitations Natures own pain reliever is Ponds Extract Avoid uhitiMferpi gHilt ly toll A buffirrapprr and yellow t4e PONDS EXTRACT CO 76 Fifth An Niw York Mi 1 tapiionofDpt SLBA TltBAKOREBSOFTICK CITY AKD COUNTY of tfau Francisco May 8 lb9S HoWers of Lrapont streevHouos issued under aa act ot the Mate Letts ature eottUeJ An Act to Auchorzetb Widening of Dapont sirrrt iirthe City of Ban rnecoM aAjpiiA Hutch aS 188 are 1 by notified tbat th antftniffnerf wltt eelvfe hMieU ptotouU tor the surrender ottuud JfeuOsrO provided by BectloaUa said an at Ms yucv la tbe ew City UAUfcarrastlsca until IZoclociBOont MOtMMkV VO 189J Thentnouat tone applied to the redemption of ukI Uoid ta about evntr three thousand doasmtf 78000 Bidders Ut4i at what rale tnejr will unrrendvr ibelr BoJdt for pajrroenrlt cospoaaduev jnoptodouls above par will mcoik 7 sldervd Bid to rHi lodorsed Proposals for Sur ender of DopottHtmt Bands i WIOBKtt City and County TrtMuiet v4r tf imi i js fcS wmrm.

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