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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Alg5 lSSggggggSgagBsW aB i a i II i lt Mi ffliiftEi fi SaMIMAImlLl VVI 1 Jl iMlKlNCia ftorrini Mmmnkr mm vmrfo2S mMmM ifegs g5 jwjgjf xsssfir bills JetesyfniatAnarchy iVa ifnVatMTsTnliV 3w RiiItiirrCftii4horn it i it 8 fe i A TEtfeOF CRUE1 MURDERS Wqmeaianf 5 Children Artibrig Those vSlaughteretf Ona ei on Ant Hill tfc KfiMn JWWA7SVVC e1eeli Mesetce tke Chroelde ppteTp CORti EI Honduras VI KWOriewiiJUirT Refugee from OanterjalirtporttthWt aUVf aa iWJ exists uia country Tin wkoUAtpnbillcl la turawU aada a rl PlooI clyftjvraivis Wpeadius ife ryediif1fthilClriktJoTeranient la SKf f4etnroJUInrTOapeaJtbleoutragee and troltJ4jSUttomjppooeati ar bi tham Murdered Evenomenand chili MttrnoiblriciprtT A report reacftetr aere tc aay a whol funliypltea tnMCrd by Onatftpnla ldlrs nut Oyittnili city by order of th Governments Jos Olevere a wealth planterTrtcurrod th nimlty6f the Government on aev count it tit political aetlvlty VThtn oldlri wnt torret hlaj hi showed fight ajyl tb soldiers promptly hot Mm to death Every member of hie family was then slaja Aeludlng hit Ablts Creeiare one ei Cabrera po Ilflcal opponents who had aa estate near Ltvtngeton Ves tied to a stake la thatolddle ofartT ant hill hla efoth trig atftpped jit qm hla body and the oldlsrs Ganoid around hie writhing form tea the poisonous laaeet stung him to death Thref ugees report that two American I Lullen of Little Bock Ark ad Marshal Stemras of Cincinnati Ohio are in Jail la Guatemala Cltyl charged with aliased complicity In a conspiracy to assassinate reeldent Cabrera Lullen andtammi Have been la Guatemala a number of yeefe and vhve been engaged In mahogany timber buslneae Th gunboat Padu cah le at Port Barrloe watching devel opmeati Several Mexican have been a rreeted on charge of eonaplracy againet the Cabrera government The I relations between1 Mexico and Quite mala are badly etrained WILL NOT JOIN IN TEACHERS RATES Eastern Lines Reject Plan and itpsngeles MayNot Get Convention 1 ft AND ima BDwABCjtUi r8fc dillit Chvnber are ar wMiHMUlviUla awt the iumnyTheywlli travel lathelf private ear to the jTellowatena Park and after Vlewlaa jhe wtbdr whloh proceed to Virginia wher few week fflitf epeot 1a iyiatttajr thiJiiawH town Kxpoeitlbeu Mlaa Chambertvwlll probably wak ler debut in ISan raa i claco eoclety during the comlngwinter She lAjrery Vwet aadattraclva and wUlmke a charming addition to the yoanger aet Herhome heretotorv haa been in Loe Ankelea to which ahata jachrdevotednd wbre ib4la claimed aeasfaverite by a hoat frlendr iffti Mk and Utiiiy9yrKaa are enlo lag the aprtng aeaaoa al the Hotel Bel Tdr ijtii MrndMrefBitchi DannTwIlloU Major an Mra Charlea KrauthoBji at in ttignianda la Roaa IValley thia inmerMra Dunn an If rKraothott nave oeen warm jrienae since tneir a jualntance aeral years agor Both are atHklnglyandaome Womenr of quite dlHerent type They are congenial In taate aad oeasunatlAn Andii ruii poaslile arr coastantly together Ja Interesting word has omfrom Ashv tabula Oj of the marrrare of Mrs Grace Bottorf Taylor daughter of Dr and Mrs Edward Bo ttorf and James Robert VTllaon soa of Mr and Alrs John Wilson formerly of this city now resident of Chihuahua Maxioo The ceremony took place Saturday May 4th Robert W11B is well remembered herevfromf hla High School days and after when he waaa ttidentfet Cornell After hla graduation Iron college he went direct to Mexico where he has since been living practicing his profeselon that of a mining eaglneer Mrs Taylor I more ot a atraagab tq this Coast bat Is said to be exceedingly attraotlve Mr and Mrs Wilson will make Jheir bom after June llth at Mrs Eugene Lent and her family are expected home from New Tork very shortly after a very enjoyable absence on the Atiantio side They have been most attractively entertained while away but are Interested In returning to tfielr home State where they have been much missed Mrs Andrew Welch Mrs Lents mother la also op her way Weet They will arrive about the end of this month Mr and Mrs Henry Clarence Breeden have decided to leave San Francleco about June ISth for Santa Barbara Mr Breeden will go south only ever the week end at Intervals but Mrs Breeden and her mother Mrs Butler will occupy the letters bungalow for the summer This little domicile is said to be one of the moat attractive there Mr and Mrs Samuel Pond and their baby daughter are spending a few days pleasantly at Santa Roaa with Mrs Ponds parents Mr gad Mrs Ames Mr and Mrs Ames are close acquaintances ot Luther Burbank and have al waya taken an active personal interest In the remarkable conqueats of the great agricultural scientist Mr Harry Somers and Mr and Mrs Webster Jones are at San Rafael for the eeason They are among the earliest of San Franeiseaaa to leave for their countryv homes but fine weather and dlffleultles In transportation have urged them to And comfortable quarters across the bar as seorTaa nasilbi Jones has Just completed an artistically planned horn In the valley which he and bis famllywlH occupy this summer MrrMrrFr3drtekBeaver are thinking of remalrlnr la Berkeley this swnmeri They wl return tetow lata in ioe sutumn an win winter on this fMrJnndMnCjCharleaCaiierchois have hsmed tthelrseooad little daughter Charlottes Bornonvllle aftbv Mr Nichols who was Mias Charlotts Mor der and the babys areat grandmother one of tr Boraoovlllee it Jamoas eld rrenehfamllyj Mrand MrjjlchoU wlthMra Moulder and Mr and Mrs llCovode are tnlnklnr somewhat croailng the bay about midsummer for residence Theyi arsnowi situated where the were a year or two aaro aa tinvvcoroer oi uougn ana giay streets i 17 1V i iMrsrVaak Madlsoh ispurttnrtup PatrnFa le KT 1 GREAT BENEflT EXPECTED iv lji Tg i AXffi Tt Tfc jijv Major Perry weldnepr of Los tAhgeles Chosen til Lead 5y an attricUve new house at San Rafael eJe 4n su airs ranx wincneeterand their little daughtenw Patience rand Margaret will be amoag Ban rrancis cansi who will aummer a Blythedale thisysarv 7 fr i T1 I Mrs 1Illm Sherwood and her small son will lekva aaevlst for Sanu Barbarv whertheyjwtllspenda i eVo Mrs ti it Cevodehas been having a pleasant time across the bay as the guest the Charles Butters at their beautuui country home near ciaremont An automobile Jaunt to Ban Joee and return was much enjoyed except for a breakdown near Alum Rock which delayed th party several hours Hap pily the proximity of San Jose pro vlded opportunity for accessary rs pairs and the return trip was mads la safety Mr and Mrs Thomas Eastland will not open their charming country piece at LeaGetoa this year as they hoped to do earlier in the season Mrs East land nevef very strong has not been at an weii ot late ana at Dal Monte recuperating from a recent illness No youag matron In society has a larger circle of friends than Mrs Eastland who aa Helen Wagner was widely tte Uved Letters from Mrs Henry Davis who has been the guest of her son in law and daughter Captain and Mrs Louis Ray Burgess at Fort Tetten report enthusiastically daya delightfully passed Mrs Davis Is at present visiting relatlvee at Providenco Owing to har devotion to her family she has not been on the Eastern Coast for many years and finding as much delight In renewing old friendships a are her friends there la expressing hearty greetings ia welcome Mr atid Mrs Henry Clarence Breeden entertained delightfully at dinner foli lowed by a theater party a few even ings age at tneir pvetty neme on Broadway Mr and Mrs Edward Fond gave a pretty home dinner recently followed by an Informal theater party vSupper was later enjoyed at an up town cafe Mrs Harry Williams Is still living In Berkeley and according to present plans will remain there for a year or twe longer She Is much charmed with outdoor jllfe across the bay but longs to get back to ths side when conditions are more favorable te6ptfflee0andl fifie Dangeri IssmA cily May tThel eruptloof of Mount Stremboll was rnore vlolest todayand the appfe Mount Etna on the eastern coast of Ttl Ka mMJI The people living lrv the vicinity Of UMC JUTOr aoc hension Is growing The violence of the disturbance Is declared to the without precedent even the oldest inhabltanu of theLlpart Islands not remembering Mount Etna are panlc strkkenv They are flocking to the churches to pray for Intercession andprotectlon 1 3 LDRiBKTi iFrsneelcMay Sev eral frawrera came In here yeaterday reporting an extraordinary phenom enon at Sea which would appears te nave aeon a suomanne voicamo eruption The eecurrence took place ata point forty four miles south wsst of theIslaed ef Orolx and sixty miles weetotBalle Isle ii Themenonboard the trawlers i ho mv 1M ktifi clistiot haractf lice Wbvlig vonrigjof rf peat stMnhand perfect pwfty For fla voittj JMi YntA ti iij wr Jvi ujiarpi etc lll Wiiwttatten eiU LDS jlNOt XEi May During the Junketof the Arab patrola attandlng thlmperlal Council aathe gueetsof the Arab and Bedouin patrons of Al Malalka to Catallna Island to day a meeting ef patrol oommanders was held at the Hotel Metropele when an or gaalsaUoa waVproposed to be called the International Assoolatlon of Bhriae Patrol wlthr the Object ofCseanrlng uniformity of regulations drill pre oeaure ana a larger attendance at tne Imperial council meeting Captain Edward Orr of Aladdin Temples patrol of Columbua was the presiding of ncer and Walter Ai Scott at Islam iTempl San Francisco was jnomlaated It was decided that such an organiza tion would be of inestimable value to the imperial Council at its aaaualwes aion a well as engender great and lasting good to the subordinate temples throughout this country Hawaii Can ada and Mexico As aside from Its so cial benefits to each distinctive patrol tneir ussmjness functions and efficiency would be greatly enhanced when brought under one head at the great annual meeting ot the Imperial Council delsgatlng authority to one commanding officer who Is to be at all timea subordinate to the imperial authority Such head is to be termed the errand mogul and to fill this nosltlen MaJar4 rerry weianer of aj Malalka Patrol of Lo Aagalea was unanimously selected To assist hlm in the work of organising the following patrol com tnandera were eelected ColonelWllllam Edwards of Ialam Patrol San Francisco Captain Edward Orr of Aladdin Denver Patrol CapUln A Kin cald ef El Jab I Oeneral Robert Wankowski of Arab Cantaln Scarborough of Bedouin with ocoil oi isiam aa secretary A resolution was adopted to the effect that all patrols adopt similar tac tics carry the Btars and strina md drill In the Masonlo formatjon so that at each council meeting a combined Held review can be held with a unanimity olfaction and thus add to vi iue jjipari laianas noi rememoericg vr such a threnteoins condition Almost Hlojnrtghtflajnesandi smoke rising an tne people or Btrombou island have msde their eacape Ashee from the volcano have destroyed evsrythIngon theleland5i vJr The detonations are heard atari the other Islands of the group with remark aoie aistinctnaas and produce an effect ot teniae roeringv Fears are held that the entire Island ot Btromboll mar be engultedj ri At the same tlmef the activity of HARRISON rs NOT SjjjiWiV HEAVY TAX ON RACE HORSE MEN ss ejB se ese ae aBS ssss New Railway Schedule for Spe cial Trains Makes Enormous Advance Special lUspstch to the hroolcla CHICAOO May Eastern railroads to day refused to assist the Western roads in collecting ft on every ticket sold the National Educational Association convention and turning It over to that organisation The refusal was In the form of rejection of the new tender of the convention ratee made by the Western roadsa This tender was of a rate of MS 60 for the round trip re turn tickets not to be good unices pre eented at the validation office together with a membership ticket in the National Educational Association Th refusal of thia tender makes it Impossible for the Eastern lines to sell tickets to the convention at reduced rates unices the Western lines abandon their determination to collect the membership fee for the organisation It Is likely that the convention will not be held 10 Los Angeles Eaatera railroad men declare tjkcovee Bunrs or AN ANCIENT CHUBCH ROME May The excavations bow being carried on on the Palatine hill reautted yesterday la the discovery of the ruins of a church ot the fifth century This building originally was a private chapel used by ths first Christian ait perora of Rome After moving to Constantinople the emperors con tinued sending sacred Imagee to the thecharge ta II 35 a train mile at a chapel Tfje cnurcn was asaicatea to St Cesarlo Popes Sergiua I and Eugene III were elected in the building 7V SpMlel Plapatck te the CiroelcU CHICAGO May Th Eastern roads have decided on a policy thit is bound to be unpopular with sporting men who delight in fast horses and who want them moved from one point In the country to the other In short order The rates for such services ars to bs increased enormously A new tariff for special train movements has been adopted Under It the charge for a special train ot one car will be five timea the tariff rate multiplied by five times ths weight of the car The rate on horsee between Chicago and New Tork is 10 cents a bunV dred Taking 20090 pounds as the weight of the cat it will cost 100J to send a race herae between these points by special train by Itself As to the speed basis the reads were formerly satisfied to accept the regular tariff rates for a special train Now TBJDTDED BALTIC FLOATE6 NEW TORS May aTh steamship Baltic of the White Star Line which grounded on mud bank five miles northeast of Sandy Hook channel last evening while outward bound for Europe was successfully floated at high ttde lata to day uninjured and proceeded ii i i i Bia GUFT TO PsUlfCBTOIf PR1NC35TOJI JX May I John OrlerV Hlbbed hr an address to the Prineetonsnamfit announced the gift of ILMStoo tor Princeton University Ths money was donated by a private family whose name Is not made publlo i in Vi 1 STTES FOR DElATtt OrKEIICAI KANSAS CTTT Mo Mar tV AMor aeyfor Joss ds Dosot Mexican Consul in Kanaaa City brought fifteen solU in court yesterday against thsvChJcagev Rock leUnd and PaciflcRallwar Com pany for actual damages aggregating lU00 fer the death of fifteen Mex leandaboreTe ikllled Vin the railroad coilistoo near follaad Kanas Jsau ary xi srtTTtlOJf MAT fiCH TOD1T tiilipMlW that ItSnk Mattlaen will bn proceedltrs to mof ro wHh a view ef tvnui wv wwfsh jw mm vi Ufice Itl underat jod that Mattlson speed of twenty miles an hour and 1X9 per train mile for any rate of speed over this Tor leas than 110 miles thai lOO mlle rata will applied i i i 1IABIN DISTRICT ATT0ENEY TO BTOPPOOL SE11IN0 ney0rkd0ck Strike spreads Thirty Thousand Workmen Now Said to Be Out tne maar Present feature of a entinMt meeting the most lmpoalng Inspiring and most beautiful ot them all JOHNSON TO WED A WHITE GIRL StaterThat Miss Lola Toy of Sydney Is to Be His Bride Declare His Resfohatidrlas President ot IsFthaL ans yi el i iiw AiiomiTVrtMrir foo im jrrocsis jw bvwu7 1 gftrttsT usit ymTuunn IttUoD tm ln tb qc TrtrTanttyprtWfceUIni sllVa iee i1t auJ rfalia4 i i awtrn tmutwsTi i tf st i siotnrr zzuost xzotrmgior ra tessdJaetaejartaeesea aieasleeTUg Sea jrrumae eelUr lOtt atsrs ftdac XA Ceeiiear will Save la lagect amelat Trldsr te 1 fUeadas rreurfaa ratee Mauri CHertaea Part i tb laate eras SMsataiea Tkeeei rut er snp ntsaxa aae lare ttyr aoara am as ar ut aoew innr eppai many a lodaia at tke boa Toar eesartaattr aajor eVllftitfol weasad WW Ask sayapaU Mi Hit Kiix i 1 jmmhM HCll JV fi li Sja3 Truteet of Se jualltola a ua daxy and Atk for Hii AdTiee 8AUSAUTO May The Board of Town Trustees acting as a committee has addreesed another letter to District Attorney Boyd asking him to attendattend meeting on Monday night next and show them the law on the poolroom question Boyd is determined to eloee the rooms which have announced that they will open up Monday far business The Trustees have already granted Harvey Daroux permlaelon to open a poolroom but Boyds firm stand lnj the matter has caused thero to act slowly The Trustees thought that Boyds stand was oUly a bluff and wars inclined to laugh at the idea ef tils closing fin the gam Boyd has not decided whether he ill attend the meeting but claims that the selling of pools en horae raoes will hot be carried on In Sausaiito this year A lively time Is looked forward to on next Monday i I FIBJB WHECKg COTTAGEL By thai upaettlnrof a ec Trt oll stove yesterday afternoon one of the cottages la Camp 15 Richmond district iveught fire and was almost totally destroyed The occupant Mrs Be teTla was aalsep at the time and awoke to iladallber belongings aflame She savsd a bed and raattrfa only Ipadal DUeetcktetae Cbreeicle NEW TORK May I The striking longshoremen gained a victory to day when the Savannah line compromised with its 109 employea The strike leaders claimed to day that 10009 men were out In Manhattan Brooklyn Ho boken and Staten Island Though these figures are disputed the steemahln companlea were neverthelees badly crippled Throughout the day freight gathered in formidable piles along the pierS and comparatively little wsla gotten award the mselsr Xh passengers ca rjavtev th aid the Oscar II of the Scandinavian tin which sailed this efternoojffrra put All the scheduled steamers got away to day though with short cargoes sad usuatiy a trine late The coastwise companies are Buffering mostly from the etiike Many of these carry fruit which Is not promptly unloaded entail heary loases The lemon trad has bsen alreadr serlousl afreeted tt i impossible to auction an lemana mitn tney nave seen taxea oat ef the hold and there are now awaiting th auc tioneer 111100 boxes Only ilOOOl poxes have been landed Sine th atari th atrtk There was an occasional clash today between strikers and new men but no very serious damage was dot OAKLAND May I Jack Johnson the heavy weight colored pugilist modestly etated last niaht that hW i to marry Miss Lola Toy a rich Australian white woman The rumor of the marriage was called to big Jacks V110 ana Alter much preeslng the hueky lad admitted the tacts Tei h4t t0 marry Miss Tey She is a native of Sydney and I expect to marry her In November Sh will come from Sydney Australia and I expect that our wedding will take place in this country I met her In Australia and after my courtship she oonsented to accept ma I am verf happy Johnson arrived In Oakland last night and Is in excellent condition He Is somewhat overweight tipping the scales now at pounds His fighting weight is lis and he etatee that lie ii The resignation of WltUa a Oreer Harrison as president of th Olympic Club was the most talked about subject in athletlo circle yesterday as Mr Harrison haa been at tha helm of th Post street institution for many years He stated yesterday that his resignationresignation would not be withdrawn on any aocounti although he had been requested to do jso by many of th members He eays that the maiorlty ef th etub members have been disposed to take exception to his plans for rebuilding the olub oa Poet street and he 1 therefore oompelled give place to soms one else The board of directors have refused to take notion en the resignation preferring to submit It to a general meeting ot members called ene clally for that purpose and which Willi hem la th near future The Rosnfld resignation will also oom up at th same time In th event ef the presldsnts reslg nation being accepted the present beard of dlreotors will probably resign ea masse in which ease Rosenfeld would probably accept a1 place on the new board Good Contests Slated To Nighl The street car strike will net Interfere with th holding of the four round boxing conteata at Dreamland Pavilion to night as ths fighters have all consented to appear and th management guarantees to pull eft the conteata The strike situation Is such that it will not materially hurt the gate receipts as the rink la so centrally located that moat ot the eporta can easily walk to th shew It is on of th best cards ever offered and the Western Club has gone to considerable expense and trouble to bring up two of the best ooxere irom Me Angeles to meet the tocal cracks Eddie Mennev who fourhi Jimmy Walsh to a standstill in a ten round go at Los Angelee will box Monte Attell Jimmy Carroll the bantamweight champion will clash with Johnny Roche the other fighter from th Southland and as th ratter haa two decisions ever the champion earned when both Were novices at the game more than ordinary Interest la taken la the bout Paul Martini will defend the featherweight title against Tom Woods th North Beach scrapper Jim Wilson th California Club heavyweight will try out Alee Hackenschmldt ths visiting heavy who comes with a fair reputation Johnny Murphy and Charlie Reilly the aggrasslvs feathers and Anton La Orava vs Eddl Madlssn complete th programme 1 iron tne sea Believing that some eesvwa ojiBr the trawler Ker nvi worxea ner way via that dlroe tloa tor the purpeee ef rendering ee slstanee Sh culd however dleeev ertnoxsnljjetf iTlrnra smk front ho appafi eauee coUUnued throughout th night and becoming more violent to ward mornlngcth Kernevel stsarsed away to insure her wnrsafety I The city of yienna recently built as electTte 1 euntaln In one of tta parka ILls very large and 1 capable ef eeveatr different eft ecu eruiumlaa Uon twitaartissr sakv essssB BSJiH fthi jtVSSSSBBSSSSSSSSSSBsiSBSSBSSSn ViBUC fMTt rat I IVWI II sTsssssicrmisiei vrmi uuuviaj SfJBll JSSSSSSSSSSSI BBSSBSV BBSI JsftsBSSSSBBSBBSSSBBsl ssBSirrr ta gswL A i W7k 1 JV Nivra ssasvewsstSw 1 a I MlrMTk ssMai etWj Vi A wBsMsi Jff taiesT CikSin3k A ean arssssrVss esaM sTfts eJ basaets it isW XmSSZJSes MK3 1V iA lAMcsEMi rrisv aeX mmyimam pramn aa4 itaieerj Pseee vfeet retsswoV Leverlck A LotMlattoissa Msra Last NUbte Mat a4r iaafMuT aLiiJrr wXi i sas1 aata rtmosco jwa VHf sg Mis rraeewnoaa av I a i aa aeki A raicrs wu we Atra tx nil xostsat ana nicssa sat Mai iV CARTEri i ji 3 BeinKt an Alkaline Ajfamd DentitceSOZODONTpenr etrates au tne little crevices of the teeth neutralizes the dangeiousfinouth acids and purifies the whole tooth structure making the teeth strong and well Starid by SOZODONT and yonr teetn will stand by you AKRBSTTEn OBtAIlCBjrr i A warrant was lasued yesterday by Judge BhortsJt tor th srreat 09 Fred Delesso on a larceny charge ef stealingstealing 111 The warrant w4e sroe uredbv CharlesMentgomeriofJaTIJellstreet ueiesso wae prisoner waem Montgom mOVT YOR1C Mayr Stu rveaaet Plah hae returned from a mile trip ovrtfee Oould Usee In th 8euth wssttheflrittnpeetlort trip that he hae mad sine his recent iitfn ery Lhad at on time befriended and mie directors ef th MlssOarf Pad fie Montgomery allege that ha repaid his klndnss by vst flms jr lunfnomluabb ar iCnf frf iSiii IRON GET INJUNCTION Picketing and Patrolling by the Striking Employes Is Forbidden Isectel Diesatck KtM areaklaJ tTTLBAMay tt ixh striklsi eaaBieye ef vipasy aaa tse vsrlsty Ireb Vferta ea the sumsers all aaieas IU iit muiini ty srtoef aeose aisrta laeeer Crnrt froaa rlckat1sgertMtretlles Sst UatrUr avnoas teaaisg le toe property ef either uu nm ib mai lie I a a going to get Into condition at one I svsio Man He ssys wwv I now have somsthtng to fight for said fronvthe honors I want to make a name for myeelf that my future wife the ring with Squires or Burns I will make a atand that Bull Run will never have a chance to compare with Ye sir Mr Johnson will claim hla own tf any of thssa fellows ars ready to take cnances i am at home here all the tiro and Link Dennis wilt talk to all comers for ma Johason has been very successful In his Journey to Australia He was successful In his fights with Peter Felix land Bill Lang and is now looking for tne cnampionsnip ot America Jack says that he never bad a better time in his life He Is In fin trim with the exception of being a little heavy He wears a big diamond la hla neck tte and says that he wants to duplicate the flash with a fsw more the gold for which he hopes to gain In the next ring encounter Johnson is ready for any fight but wants to get some of the big ones Gamelff to Again Coach California Make Schedule The Way to go Bait You might juat as well join a personally conducted Judson Tourist Car Party when you go East and travel wjth more select company than you usually find on the average train It i does not cost any more and our special attractions count for a great deal Kindly call or drop me a postal for information Xstjomut UgtStrMtSurra uJM Im TTI S1SBV iTSroaieut nta KKOAOtaaarr plto I syv alrrr aVKAeVJie zwas Matt aee tns mmAamKrilu nrb Ti rrAWgoCeVgcctarss sogiitaTi vm i mi avoarra rrjsT arasr ruit in WJ 1 i aaal i eat Aalal A UfcC KQiD anduma Aai wi Barney Rernard tUrtlT Htm 9TfM KGGPT PlEEliDT C0UIE tWfll sense waw jeaee Mew Pleree mi 3L mmsimfi XTsaiansi saTTTT Y1ai VTsrsr ri Crt getter StataattsJET euyev inraars ssd staeaaera 9 ij TOiNIGHT arid All Wwlr wrtius lijf went swntaa Piraaasv rfiivf i ZIRA la MalVsWl WiA Asj a sv stAjnf iii iiTVRDAT Y1r rat ItaseVsee Krt WeekWhat naeeetMel tv Jatiaai ftWtV TTAn a wrrrttftrnm AfctStJ22M A rhmmttmmmaAmi mmi sVHP ITI1T AXW eTWeTVeiJej A WeVeK IssaJiBI TOT ssaaet CtAisT eTTr TJTr twlJiw 2i aacisiTOIAirr ee lEr sVaaAT max loiraarxxasr M1 freoa vhlUnt tke seeueef aytaotere Sf fvTli serauesieg er eoenlBg ues te itnnptlas emslerte i 1 MM ef ttkflr tmnuv hM enrlertee straeti laetta taUeiyi a free aiaalay caetalalDg ass IseerlkUo eeeeere amegereted a nlut alUMr sea Tie slecM wtti Lmt hara ia aaT afcrlk 7 I seta rseiv are taeiserarv reatnlsed are relr4 aknrveanM aikMrrei lMMM ke siatoprrM miBti covwni rnotrKiovM PUb said that hi trip had eenvlaced XLurs iuiu eouatry au right At a recent meeting ot the executive committee of the Associated Students at ths University of California It was decided to retain Coach Oarnett to look after the Interest of the crews next year and the commute voted Its entire support to encourage conditions for a winning eight when the candlr datasreport for preliminary work in th fall Ia aplt th defeat suffered1 by the blue and gold orew In th match with Stanford th rowing en ttruaiaate at California still have faith tiv Oarnetts methods and expect that under more favorable conditions they wilt prove effective In the next later I collegiate contest uean wnuier siroae on mis year eight has been elected captain of the varsity eight for next year This was Whlttere first season on the varsity crew ana nis aouuy as an orsmanis highly regarded by th members ef th University eight Last ysar fThtt ter filled the iam position on th freshman four I Changes in the Stanford Eight ItTAirroar IWlTItlTllay restbartea ws roireoj Nei aad If I itert wa tewed sow laU race aselsM Cl1fMsIs wUl tWSablafeiestiy tee new Its trip SOTtS le bm the UarferUty Waitlas teev Tke plaeas theae a 1U tllea kv twe el tb leer follewlna aeselSal nttlaswIM reae ea tkyarity sstlLkevaa aS te atmskma tkefi JiaiaTfoiir If Waadrlao traaaSra rrantu tee Volvaralty mnnrime The schedule committee ef th La cross Association has completed Its programme for the coming season and will commence their league tourney on June Ith at Oakland One gam will be played each week until the first week ef September Three teams wilt take part in the series Oakland Olympics and San MateoMateo The Oakland games will be played at the SC Marys College grounds and Clarks polo ground will be th heme of the San Mateo club No ground has ybt been secured in San Francisco but ths local matohes will probably be played at Recreation Park either before or after the Sunday afternoon baseball gamea 1 Tansey the well known Shamrock veteran has promised give his services as refer tar the assoclattea The colore of the three teams are aa follows Olympics whits with red winged en breast San Mate black Oakland green i CONSPIRACY CASH rRAIfSFBlUUCO The charges ef eonaplracy to kidnap preferred by McCarthy preeldent of the Building Trade Council agalaat members of the Electrical Workers Union No were transferred yeeterday from Judge Shortalls court to th court or Judge weller MAT BE THE TRADf ROBBER MISSOTJLA Mont May sWrwo man believed ta be th Northern Pacific train robbers hav been arrested at Arlee twenty seven miles west ef Missoula Sheriff Nef and pose hav left on a light engine for Arlee all decent citizens irreipeetiTe of creed color tiBllatlonj or politic wear the 1 WALK Button Wholeialo depot 1758 Fillmore street Rooms 5 and 6 The button bears tbe inscrip tion I WALK Wihr TWENTY HVE HU2TDRED FAMILIES VS ONE MLTBrGrraitr la Platwa ul larit uJ ITwO faauee rASJCTTS WOktSJTi OJsOXXaTaA T-J kfCHOU eUlly Sea a jaxxfT i Ii Vot2 SMQ sTal0 Twmi an i jjr Wfi tfi fCTIMTOAr THDAlTn rseat SL Hirn mu jt jr Market aad St gta naaa Mwhet T7T frf EVKRT KIOHT THJS WEBK MATINEB StJNDAt ONXati ANITA TfejA CMw3M rsi aii7 uiuyiny uiFJUft Curtain Rises ll A OirlBr tc Ha mtnmwm Sit re eaee yALM Jl redtieai te Ms too sad 30c snrlag ear atrtke 7 5KXT WEEK Opwavs laaiay Kaoaae i CHINATOWN CHARLIES ijJjinnrijpi i iuinjjx Savings Bank Is now located in its permanent txnlding 108 HOSutterStreet Above Moatfosterr Mh Seats Clara Calls ke aeeiaet afitert pallfarala sou I wb araradaa 1 Jat i3Ew ri laallslbl BB ai 4 QTtme Alcohol At nov ffllde Aycr Sana parilla does not contaia the least particis of alcohol la any form whaterer lYotfi cf all the tonlc anri iltenitiTe effecta without i admulatibai Wheat a itlrnuhnt laeedeyou doctor I1L knov ItMdjirlli tell you ot It Conaalthlai freely P2J to TEA With Schillings Best mistake is impossible Money backT fixes that Tssr rreea raters year see If re ieal we aiaa BARFRAI i aiCaxATIOg PAaX TaUaeU St letweea reaHeeatt aad nfteeata OAKLAND vs PORTLAND 0 THE CAliTHNIA PtOMOTION C0HMTTH noIOlIOI Tke est ef anentlasr aaveaes eat aeetae at tirythS3STi ita aejet Ue PkOMOTIMOl ef CallSrslara la wket 11 kae aMklag te aaa ttmlXlfZuFJZ i tmxmi Mtarls tatsss tlutaaJ7 aZ 1V ADVANCIUIMT 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