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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 2

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

inii MWiiwip i in i i i i hi ii Mil ini i mini iiiiinni mi ii i i in i in iHiwwi i i i i i i i smm mMgmtm8mzMzF i i at vi mj is i mm ii a rfa tj jlt i si i ia rjii i 7 irf er i jtj Mr ti nj -OL ViL rI i VM iiW vJ WJif i2LSt 11 i I I JrI Jft i 7 Tj KT 1 iTf 1 Vw 1 aJ Vf i ilfr si stf 53B i fj 1 i VSfr 1 1 51 AV 2 say igjyoi6co QHBoyiciiEy thtibday yovHBEB 26 1903 1 mb mmmm a i1 pni iv rv I IB A 1 rj tv Bvff JK IB A BV I JJ yIEtT et iS nrs vfic ife lei 3V h3 i S4 vrvt KP MS i ybn raf TC IviM ivm i ys l4 TELLS STORY Ofe BETRAYAL Mfetffleiflavls Sfe Child Fromnhe Man She Asserts Deceived and Deserted Her ife i Ji S9 HUSBAND ASSISTS HER IN THE SEARCH 1 i i Sfe svi JJ Woman KeachesSeattler Co catesHefBoyWho She Says wasmnapeaf anakAppeais to theCQu for Justice fipclil Dipteb to th C0Illel i SEATTLE Wash November 5 fT After bavins lost all trace 6f Tier aon7 5C lUcbard aged 6 years and his fath I 3vr fnr mnv mnnthn ifril Pfll TJvlT of Denver learned November lsttbat fif they wereWvlns In Seattle On the JVslV 20tb the woman started for Seattle Jfir and this morning bad her child brought before the Superior Court on a bench warrant i It was decided that only tumroarji proceedings would jre ventthe removal of the child beyond the Jurisdiction of the Court In her appeal to the court Mrs Davis tells a ptorydf betrayal under promise of marriage anS the subteauent abduction of her child by Us alleged father Charles Burnaugtiwho Is now living with his fit net Lucius Burnaugb at MOlWortVBlftb street Since her desertion by Burnaugh and the dlsappearanceof he child the jtnotherwhaemltenname was Effle JtDafgls married ibtiti Davis an i employ of the Santa ye Railway In Denver before sbeo consented to marryrpavls heprpmlsed to help her 5flnd her child and if could be re covered lo adopt It Sirs Davis wai born Iowa She rmet Charles Burnaugh In Olenwood Spring CoL After an engagement i tbatlaated three month Mrs Davis alleges that Burnaugh told her that lf ehewould go wlUv him to Newf cartle Cl wouldi marry her as sooqas tvf reached 1e new home 6iift wMlC but upon varloys excuses she assarts he refused to marry her Vor four yeaxa they lived together and were supposed to be husband and wife by the community Notwlth i standing her frequent entreaties the wedding ceremony ays Mrs Davis was nevtr performed August 7 1897 Richard Wat born Burnaugb roontlnuedi to support ber until 10 when she went to Olen iwood Springs to nurse an uncle through a severe lllnesi While she waa the uncles hQuse but during a iemporary absent the tfrtherap pearea and excortUnr to her appeal took the boy and carried him away Jjatt September she married Davis mm ITxe Annual ILcport Also Credits the 1 jBurpiuiv NEW TORIC November 35 The an nuaV rport of the Union Pacino Railroad for thJUcI year vended June to 190 Issued to day shows gross earnings of erttling expenses J28f7Jl an ticreaie ofHlR99ftLltiet iearnjngs 2827ntah Increase of 13S6919and net surplus after deducting rbetterments and dividends of M9434M aniiiicreasef of Jt37Mt The repprtrays that Increaied wage4 the greater cost of materials and eup pUea and the lacrcased expenses which always attend a congestion bt traffle such as existed last fall have added greatly to operating expenses The esU mate for thejreplacement the property dahiaged byr floods amounts to about J150000O Although a considerable part of the dataag was repaired during June and included In operating expenses It was thought best to set aside out of the ara income JSOOOOO tdv5eornplte the recdntructIonjpf the property destiroyed CTfeHlMAB CnTvrit TTTRTR BID Si5S 7m mm mmMs gpmmz rk JyaSgggiJ iJSSEgfZ OTi Furnjsxi Material jtor Truckee Dain at Two Dollars and fc mfefaccm ASHiNOTpN November Colonel Qeorge Stone 4 San Francesco repre sehtiiig the Racine Portland Cemnt Companycailed atihe Interior Department to day and sutrmltted another rprpp osltioh ofi furnishing Icement 1 6ty the Trucsee river irrigation prpjectvf His figure Vwaat IS 5J a harrel for 39000 barrels delrrered at the dam site a reduction of ocentsabarrelffrom the first proppsi tton Thrhaa been nol new proposition submitted sofarbyr the eemeht cow a paniesas tbTontobastnrtservolrrthe original figure being about 9 150 bar reUv delivered It is strenuously denied bj thecement mertthati they arein a ttanblnatlcnor trusts but Is significant that the Dtpartment wasassured that figures offered hyany yoftbeng would be agreed to by the others Secretary jHttch cock will rraat the cementmncajhear Ing before deciding the iauestion GOVEBLNi H0ET0N CASE 5Att6ys8eerto rDivjde Estate coriaffSvisioiis piG ThisjiStite tUlsyiiEyNomberc By an jagreemepttreached tp dayi between attor JMf 8rtpreientlBg thVlegateeeitbe estate ii Ubf tbeVlateCapUln5TVFNortoQvwjllb4 divided aceordlng tothelwaibf CatiV vfornla Captain Norton became acltlxen ofl California and hls iwlll was drawn ihere By terns nearly the whola of theestate was lefti to that Baptist jOi phahsi Home of thls cltyi Thepolnt waa raised that the Calif onjlalajr Vr hiblted the distribution 9tnior ithan one third of aitstatora estate among critableMhtltutiona Therattorney fpr the Baptist Orphans Home Admitted at i itheonfeTnce to day that the CaUfornla Statute governed The institution win accordingly jrtce4ve but 120000 Jnstcad lot S40000ojia the will devised The re 1 1mainnwilbdvidedamongCaptjtn Norton next of kin ipIparoEEEIA Mb 5vr 1IJRNINJ lEAVESl i fejfc wictR vv voRlt No veinber Phs slclans Dr Sutn4 rNdyjRa nse tNTiJf lpavi mane new ocirqp si mo Huf itkhiherla which dlieise hai heenWeinloJtt th0stewBSfor yirome nm uritrtn Investtsatton the doctors I Ibave concluded thatbthecausej Js thef MfsrTarriet Hubbar Ayer the Wellr Known Writer Succumbs to Pneumonia OAAAiVWVyVW3 A jfc a ET7 TORICVflNoYmber J5 Har rlet Hubbard Ayer the well known writer Vand business woman died to day of pneumonia after four days Illness Twice Mrsl Ayer triumphed oyer misfortune and showed the world what quid be achieved by ft wotnafi ip6DiearactandImdeterm natlontheflntitnne after the failure of ti mllHopalre husband and again after nerr reairjfriom iif iNew Tork insane asyluni inere she was de Jburail8tlc fleldi and was the tpeclil New York correspondent of the Chi cago Tribune for nearly three years She also wrote in freelarce fashion for other papers and syndicates and made translations from French and Italian for various publishers The formula of a face cream had been purchased In Paris by Mrs Ayer in the days of her former prosperity From her owij experience she felt sure that It filled a want and she decided I to put it upon the market An tin used top room Inner residence and a tiny gaa stove were at first apprbprl lata Henry Hubbard After gTadu at Jon from a convent at the age of 16 sheibecaine thifew ojf Herbert Ayeri the Iron merchant pf Chicago and Ypungstpwn pf In J882 her husband auddeniyiejL ifor 4000000 Within a short Jtlrnel after tbisMrs Ci onebf ithejargs art furniture Btofea in Tlew York in Chicago So great wa uccespilntba capacity that shej wfe aMnfTereAv Permanent position by tihisj flrtn and went to ihelr headqusLrtersi Ih addition to this emDloyment she entered the otmm4 4nlnaiM1 CWat Wa ri kArn In im bemgVthyoungest child 0t fVlS i a month the demand for the article wasfio gTeat that It became pecessar to occupy much larger quarters and to employ a number of assistants From a gas stpve In the unused top room of the little house to a superbly furr rifhed establishment on a prominent avenue with factories in United States and Canada and branch houses In Paris and London as well as an extensive South American trade was a long stride but this was all accomplished by Harriet Hubbard Ayer Throughout her career she devoted a great deal of time and money to charitable and benevolent work ODELIsANlRLATT HerjUbncan Leaders ijeacfx an Agreetnejit Biter a Gonfer etlcerVyjth the Presidentv NEW YORK November 35TrGqver inor OdeHispent a few hpurs In thli city itcaylJprHhia retirntd AI ibany frpmashlngrtpiVy rrd VsUrday wJtWsldentjRoPseW iyelt ahdteJBenatpjr ThOTnis att about the cndltipna jtn the Republic c4patlnthft Stated OdeUBald the conference had jbrqughT bbUt harrnonyjitfpiaceSif theadiy strained relatlpnswhlcbi had Existed tbatySenr atbr Piatt ls stlHSthe ieaderf of1 the party jn Jthe StateJ but hehimself would herteraVeviBi rncjactty part ihlU7naInt restoratlpnT ipt cordial rejatloni had bn brdughtabout bj cohcelslbhsj on both iidea and thatrf ur theriae tails pf thenferehceSwltTBf iihtw fsta persons buttotfielpart In rejgard to the y6taQf4thUStat In th epublliiiin INiyonal iCbnven tlont he Baid thathV haftf always ex preesed fhlmself aar fclle1ngvthatit wbuld be given J6 PresidentilR6osei velt it le Do yoUVcare to makes any format BtAtement autthefresuitoftne1 ference at Washington yesterday thacondltlon pfaffalrH lnthJsStater the OowrjiorwaaSaskejd rj No there 1 hPthing fc canayo thatsway hPrepUed When hl at tentioniwaa called td th reports frorrj Washington thatSenator pattthad concdfcivexy4hlng and turneovet itheleadrahlp tphlnithe Odvernosriilled and paid ai uWellvI would iftotpiit ltsp i stronglyV ItmaytaayhowevPri that thrresultof the canferenjeUWs entirely satisfactory so far as i am concernedU may add tbatln tbefiiturecl wlirbe more active fit pdllllcB In thltt StatetSan I havefbeen yi MYpuhave beeit pratty3 active aH along1 Braeuggestedr js Yes reoHea the aovernor but I wjjl Abe more active ulurei You mayvJ Ccaw aij Inference votii please from thate A IT IWlUyduracttvltyextend to Tew JYbrR cltr polltlctr 1 rjc esr wasr ine repy rinina uw im iLVtW Cawiarm MAifi wki wwiiim fYeswar tne repiya i tnina tne ti ZghmVib next MtmtfHtlfSPf iK tfraKtota iot jt iinutf It ltnether3 H4 laVSFSftPW nattyrndM sr JiJW Sr Ty rss i Sfls garcad as the State leader a long as he lives Senator Piatt on his arrival here late to day from Washington confirmed Governor QdelJB statement that harmony In Republican Jdlltlca In New York State had ben restored as a result of the conference with Presldadt Roosevelt at Washington He wag asked about Governor Odells assertion that there had been a very strained condition of affairs in the State organlxation but replied that Odell would have tot explain what he meant thereby have seen accounts of what took place at the cOnferencd esterday said he but I do not care td make any statement aDoui inere is no public lnteKst in itr We had a very pleasant ltlmewth the President and entire harmpny was restoredi Yes 1 am stlli State leader and I dont know of any one In authority who dlK putea It The Tribune tolmprrow will ayt Friends of Governor OdelU In petition td speafcwlth moreUhan usual knowledge i In regard to the Governors views and plans said last night that the G6vernorsVprogrammef or a reorganization Included the following shifts William Barnes Jr tObe Chairman of the LBPubHcanState Committee In place of GeorgetVVVDunnj William iWarren of Buffalo to be member of ther Republican National Committee In place of GeorgeR Sheldon Charles rH Murray or Alexander Mason to be rpresldeTptnf the Republican County Commltteevin placepf I Uhn Brucer a newsecrf taryvof the County Commits tee Jn place of George Manchester newdUtrictleaersin the place of at lea it half a dozen State place hold erp whbter districts have shown a growing ytndehqyto become hopefeitly Dimo craticl aehlftpf theRepubllcan State headauarterjrifrdmtheFlfthJ avenue iHoteljtatheRepubllcanjClub WX fy 1 BENpziSnDpw iliAKlis SlAPFRAfalb TOBiRstJOlIET Tkes Additional Jcanlions to fe4fttBeottt gtiB WhXYEN COnrLiNoveber 2U Cdunselifpr theiwidowv oriPni8Ben stettito da filed anVabneai rtith Rii perlorCourtrom tbedeeisldnof Probate juage uieaveiana regarding certappr ticnsiOt IhewiUofMrt BnnetfcThe appeatr is taken from fcettion of the wiuwhlchs ref era to the seaed letter providing formal KiftlpftSOOM to Wtliam Bryan acd amllyt also romthe sec Uonsprovidlrgfortrustfundsfof 110000 each to be administered by Mr and Mra Bryahf or aeholarehips and prises In eol leges i and frpm the sections nominating Mr Bryan asexecutbr ofthejwillv i 1 Tlt jt l1 i1 EX STJPHSINTENBENT OF vf OJICjBDEprEADl jpETROaT tMlch rNoveniber SPq lice CaptalnAr iCn Starkweather formerly superlatendent ibfrihdi police uepart mentof this city diet at an early hour this mornlnjr of anemia after lonr fllneis Vjtle was about t3 earabjdi WeODSfORCES i CONQUER MOROS The American Expedition Is NpWiat JooL and 3Nq Fuf ther Opposition JsExpected CONDITIONS HAD BEEN BARBAROUS i ChiefsFiad Robbed IhacEh slaved NatiyesJudictajry wereo uoppt inat no 6rfewSuld Acquire foperty Speclat Dlipatebes to the Chroaieie T7A2SHlNGTONndvember isT The War Department to day received a dispatch ronvColonel Simpson acting commander of the Division olr the Philippines confirming ih press dis patches from Manila detailinganother engagement between General Leonard Wpodg force and the Moros of the Island bf Jolo The dispatch stated that no more opposition is expected and that the expedition is now at Jolo awaiting developments1 EUIEOFOMlONE OF E0BBEEY AND SLAVERY Colonel Soott TellsofCondi tions EequiringHerolo Eeforms JVASHTNGTON November 25 A strong picture of conditions In tn Jolo group of the Philippine archl pelago is contained In a letter from Colonel Ju Scott Qovetnpr of that group to Colonel Clarence Edwards chief of the Insular bureau of the War Department The letter which Is dated September 23d is made public as an explanation of the campaign nov being waged in ihe Jolo grroup In It the writer eaysr I find that the condition of affairs Is one of peace so long as the big Mofo chiefs are allowed to have their own way unreservedly to rob and to steal and enslave The Sultan IS a man Of no power of his own and must depend on the chiefs who may or who may not do what he wishes They are all surrounded by gangs df ruffians Who do no useful work but who live through robbery and by fining both sides in a case Irrespective of who may be guilty the full amount of their ability to pay If the victim refuses to pay he Is enslaved No peace or order can be maintained In the Philippine Islands so long as these Conditions exist Movable property is always oh the move Without the desire of the owner men say they will not work and accumulate property which they will not be permitted to enjoy and there are constant turmoils murders and enslaver merits going on No one is allowed to go beyond the outposts here without an armed guard and it Is even advisable to go about the streets hers armed on account of Juramentados one of Whom got7 through the gate past a sentinel about four days ago with his armsVTan through thp barrack yard slashed a soldier across the back and fell dead on the main plaza in front of the commissary office shot seven times by a fusillade from our soldiers which killed also a trumpeter who was getting ready for guard duyi This makes the sixth or seventh iuramentado who has appeared since last spring One engineer was chopped up last spring by one of them after he had seveij SS callbre balls In hirij He chopaed off a leg and an arm each at one stroke of his barong During the spring the garrison has practical ly been In a state of siege When Captain Eltlnges troop went Out they surrounded It brandishing their barongs and spears and he had to come back because his orders were by no means to have a cbqfliQt You will see by Uils what peace has been kept heretofore and at what sacrl flee Now the Moro province act con templates changes among others the abolishment Of slavery a very sore point with them It contemplates trials of offenders by district courts and these things will Burely bring on conflicts NEW YOEK CENTRAL TO INTRODUCE ELECTRICITY Trains Running Into the City to Be Reconstructed at Large Expense NEW YORK November 25 According to plans now under consideration the New Tork Central Railway is to be equipped with an electric system which will definitely establish the theory that steam as a motive power for railroads bar been superseded Contracts for the work involving between J1500000a and 120000000 are said to have already been awarded If the project is brought to completion which should be within five years virtually all the trains on the New TorkCen tral within a radius of fifty miles from Forty second street will be hauled by electricity TWO THOUSAND WORDS A MINUTE OVER i LONG WIRE a Remarkable Results Achieved by German Telegraph System BERLIN November sSi Wllllam Von Siemens of the Siemens Halske Company exhibited to day before an audience of postal and telegraph experts a new telegraphic apparatus on which Re and Dr Franke Dr Thomas andPr Ehrart have been working for several iyeara ptrforated paper ribbon Is used Jnt the apparatus and the experlmentsshow at tha icstrumentsends 2000 wordsiper mlhuti for long dllacs The message is received on a strip of sensitlzfd paper which emerges with tbelettera fullyjder veippd iAllHDiiilJEnM 4 Vi rvvSHlNGToiNorn 25Flrst lieutenant Herbert 4Sbawi Assistant surgedr isrrelleved fromdutyriti ort MileyCallforhlaSlwllliproeeed Saii IrahcUcoandrepoftSothe coram ariding General btthe DepartmentdfCanrorhla XOritransportatlon to tbe Phillpplne ion theitrknspOHtOi iaUJanriry jst Upon arrival at Manila he will Teport to the commanding Gneralf Ulvtslon i of he hiliDDlnesfor duty i rV si jrinttrteutenantCharltS II nsrfrtrfh 4 owyatanyFraneUeo len rodte yto i Mavf IIllK Will IUW Wmrg IHlttMUUlK Lfflll erai lJepanmeni or wajuornia ror tran rortation to iianua on tne nniiTiuhi steamer of a commercial line leaving San IfmnHien nbout December 1st thora ing no spaciontbe6overnment trans iVfHi ji i PtOCKSM fOR CARTER i A Kepoikalrthe Territorial i reasurerrneTuses lovacate HlsOfJice for NewjGoyernon i 0 eo sV IIBHSI Alf Kepoika If Kepoika v0 ONOkUUJ November 19 The deadlock between Acting Gov ernor ueorge Carter and Territorial Treasurer A Kepolkai has reached an acute stage Kepolkai Ir the only head of a department whose appointment lies with the Governor who has not tendered his resignation Kepolkai has said that he would resign as soon as Carte rev celved his commission He has also said that he would not In correspondence which passed between the two yesterday Carter asserts that Kepolkai had twice Hold him that he would resign and leave Carter free to select his own heads of departments Now Carter says he can no longer repose confidence in him as a man of his word This letter was in response to ode In which Kepc lka said I am constrained to inform you that I have resolved tp remain In my present office under the terrns df my appointment and com mUsion thereto GENEEAL BOOTH MEETS SUCCESS IN EUROPE Progress in Plan to Extend Salvation Army Throughout the Continent PARIS November 25 General Booth Lis meetlnfi With much succesa here in his plan qf extending the Salvation Army throughout Europe He has addressed large gatherings dwelling bn the prevalent spirit of French liberalism against religion The Genera intends going to Germany Denmark Sweden Norway and Italy It Is announced that the General has purchased 3000 acres of land in Liberia for the purpose of establishing an industrial settlement and training native officers for the African propaganda of the Salvation Army MAIL BURNED IN A WRECK MORRI8 Minn November The Great NortherhV coast flyer which left St Paul last evening was Wrecked at Donnelly Minn last night The mail car containing all westbound paper mall was burned and the mall clerk and his helper were slightly Injured W01ILB INCREASE THE ARtliLEK a 4t Brigadier General Randolph Calls Attention to Needsof THIs Branch ofYhe Army 1 1 1 ilv fmWnmr ts mwmmr i mWMMMmCy TLmWMMi immWPZ a NUMBER OP OFFICEflS JMK EXPERIENCE Good Results Expectedrto CbmB Frorrtthe Use of ihS Militia Tftelpfn to Man tighter Armament imCoast Defenses Special Dlipitch to the JCllrotllcle WASHINGTON November 26 Brigadier General Wallace BandolpTu chief of artillery In his annual report made public to night calls attention to the fact that only about34 percent bf the total number artM lery omcers present ar jauy navr had over flye years experience In the rtlilery The grayltof thla altu afloni he says will be readily appreciated when It Is recalled that at thV jpresent time the dntlea and responsibilities of anartlllery officer are greater than ever before The report states that the regularly established coast artillery consists 2 companies of an aggregate maximum strength of 525 officers and 12724 men General Randolph believe It to be essential toefficlency In war times that the regular coast artillery establishment beilultlmately lncreased to 751 officers and about 22000 enlisted men for existing armament General Randolph says it la a problem how to secure efficient support by the militia In the mobilization of the coast defenses The chief pf artillery the reporfc adds is fully alive to the necessity and desirability of fixing therelatlons of the organized militia with the coast artillery for the manning of the coast defenses and anticipates the de velopmeirt of marked efnclerfcy in the militia anda corresponding sense of sausracumana security in ine arui lery corpsas soon as these relations are established It is believed that the militia can find Its greatest usefulnessusefulness in undertaking to furnish the manning body of the lighter armament particularly the rapldrflre guns HAWAIIAN 0JNS WILlf NOT BE LEGAL TENDER Will Not Be Used in the Iilands After theFirat of Next Year WA 4 HONOLULU November Treasurer Kepolkai has given public notice that the old Hawaiian coins will Tiot be Jegal tender after the first of January next The notice Iwas largely a perfunctory one as the major portion of Uhe entire coinage has already been redeemed Most of what is outstanding Is in the hands of persons who arekeeping It in Ibe belief that some time It will corn mand a premium a souvenirs i The whole amount of the coinagewas 11009000 It was cplned at the United States Mint at San Francisco In 18S3 by an arrangement made by Ctaus Spreckels with the United States ---OLD-TIME COMPOSER DEAD BOSTON November JS Charles Dupee Blake author of Rock a by Baby and other songs is dead at his home In BrooKline agedG0 years AUDITIOXAl MARINE NEWS ABEtVEp AT SAJi FBANqSCQ Stmr Aztec BoblDMn 100 boars from Ta coma SAILED FROM BAN FfiANCISCO Btmr lBleri Umnwo Seattle MISCELLANEOUS iiUJTHOmTY ONVGARPETS a te2BmmUUUUUUUUUU Mill BBBBKSSluy i1 IV A 4 I ftf zixmMMMMWBUmLymmMMmmMM ttVlr5VliCi HBsPlHl ll I ill I 1 1 mttBKmB8fcMmmMm Xr AmmWmWmWmWmWm It I Iff A I vMSSSsSalmlmmmmmi Mmif mmWmmmmmmmnmWmml wm9kMWMWmUUWnmUUMUWmmmmmmFJrrJ 9mmmmmm9mmmmmmwJXy7ywf Jrf iA jlSS wCr i Sffr tSaBMBIBk I 7 ts iSafnclonch101 na n0 more popular member thant Julian XZtiTpgfatQ Iterate end of the city to thebther ar an authority On acarpet iiwiityjtytt ifrTtroadee hasheen mixed up fn ik selUrijErfoogrcoVerlnart with Wank Edwards la bIr ploneerstnr on ystrelyeara agbuieirwUh Slcane andJJ0w with Jhe John Breuntr Cora psnyMTheench Senevplent Seclety claims Julian JLetroadec as a valuta mi benAoriei4lrectar H4salso ammber bf Ja ParfaltetJnJon JttasnAte 4 i fj vt wtuvK iBCBwerOXitBeV Ordr PendtandJwaaforghteeii year ar member of the Knlghu ofiHonorr lit i KnighU ofiHonorr A veinimpunani memucru mc Jtufnj scan in in sumptuous BW establishment tejiHixgMtiQjw street by the John Breuner Commbv a CMsjVJ 3 i rf ckffis8t4 T1 HAVE read so much atjout I 8Ucce8iWithputfinding a jrecipefoi sutyetis What I have read isjgodd as Ifaras it goeSn but it dtiesVj go far enough back fc 4 CSuccesurriust bfein jvvjth rpyr vlrckstf Hecaue ejrerythinK youafe based upon the food youcat VrVL Tkn rnovi rVt ft nnf o1Ta 4t4 solve this breakfast question jX0 ajblo to solve theproblems of life La i CIf youVcannotf think at allr you certainly cannot think of being happyand nothing geU so inuchlinthd jivay otoneTt thoughts as the rvvrong sort of breakfast 5 You1 will fiqd in ftveryflake of thaffood caledfFoRCB Jlie sunriy food a small particle of clear sighted energy tvluch becomes a part you andyour power to do i iTThe man who wat FoCE rjAi Vis aole to pe sunnr ana api 10 loursirujy i i 3 tJ fA JX i Ii i inbttpitftnwi i Cough Sbrje Tlhroat Bronchitis positively curd wjtii Dr tla pruners Wonderful JMedlclne or your money tjeture Price 60cahdt100 per bottle For sale byall Scalers and at offiqe ofiHalpKxner Medical MigCo 28 California Si SFvsentby mail or express yeopjurctl free of charge from to 4 pm fe 4 ts ji PBi i ootn rowoer Us9d by people oTTefiiXMaemt orovera qtiarer of a orAtary i ii i iww I I III I lHHIHM II 11 I003iavesW iw 1 NOTICE IS HEKEBTtGlVEN THAT the taxes on all personal property se trredby real proprtyjtnd onelialf of ths taxes on real property wilf be due and payable on ifndayj November 1MJ and will be delinquent on Mqnday Jovember mLja lQclpck and unless paid prior thereto dfteen per cent will be added to the amount thereofahdthat ffikl6nehalf bs not paid befop the last Mpndav la April next at ocioclt if an additional avelpercent wlirbe added there torthat the remililng one half of tho texes on all rear proberiywUl be payable on and after the flrt Monday in January next and jwlll be delinquent on th iast Monday April nSxt thereafter at oclock i Vjkacd unleps paldpHor thereto five perVentwill ba added tdthejambfmt thereof That all itaxes Jnaybaald at tha time the first jriataUiaent aa herein pro vlded Is doajkn4 ajrabie i That said taxisare duend payable at the office of thiTaicoUeetor New City Hall i I For th feonveaieiceof taxpayers unable to fcaU durlnrtbt day this office will beopen ioiiUnuously difrinr thfmonthj of November from I JOi A to VrM eommencuig Won day November lfj law Taxpayer whose assessed valuation la covered by raortgagewlll this year ow leg to the Increased valuation forStata purpoies have a tf tb pay and ahouldV In all cases tlr fbr their biltav TaxpaVerswill greatly facilitate thU efflee and themselves by brUging last year a tax bUla Signed KOWAllpJ siqTH Tr Collectcr of the Ctfy and County of San Francisco v4 ii vm PRtSENTS XMAS faCtunMe and Jph13i04tk KlflMnas IHiy Weod Farntttira QttQfig WiBCT Co 339 Kttry St JxU Bah i3 mm i iin ITTIbTJi CI mm a UliXliillU 4Potstsr AdfwrCaUbffMr CTgSfiffBX3fMDpBbfaHHlHBiSMriBuV VJQ frnlaTiSv SMmMB Jj i i 31 rsy muaox ooyrxa or TKtMHttT TT TT 1W 4lt fe 0 iT TBrjiigtfe1ji ET- a 3r SF5 asr fe pesfesr Sr Var jsei 5s Si5 A TtSiie jjAi1 wC jf a jttcSl mmmMxmMmrf rx 5 aT i Sfei 1 SEiw cJsfrMifeiSsi aaWSSI sj fi ifo i Vfr i I r3iT TT7 Saw iiJ 5i inwfjt ivy Si a3T 4 s5j ti vit rv 5 cr 1 TCjfc idajeipjiiri jftJjTyfesS bS ifetCJjCs.

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