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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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fa i i 1 Iji Business Builder wv jowi mori cniJi anvnfBr aihV mV ft iB Vfjjk yB ffl PSiSEWW1 A I av iHHFeV ifiiVji5v a iPr aiMn TO MriSSLfci Ji pSlftBQTO ttmrt 1 iKU ty 3 weatndr iwoort San nanooMh nViotalinrt cfcB 1Vn IMeereloficai sad BrorernpUisKttt Oiii ciyu CANAL REPEAL ys BIlfPAffi 511 10 35 The Pet MeasurQ of President Wilson Succeeds in Getting Through UppV House mw STATESMEN NEAR FIGHT Bitterness in Debate Over Bill Arouses Combative Mood of Southern Lawmakers SAir FttANOISCOOAISiT WWW WWV 11 WASHINGTON Jun 11 Bpal of anma banal tolli exemption for Amerioan ooastwls snipping pl th Senate tonight by a vote of xlfty to thlrty flv Th measure goes back ta th Hou whloh Is expected to ept th Slmmons Norrls amendment epeclflcally reserving ell Tight the United States may hav under the Hay Paunrof ot treaty The passage the bill after a bitter atrurrleii that ha i laetod for levoral I tnonthit waa retarded tonlrht ae an other vlotory for president Wlleon Althouch thirteen RepuWIeane oame to the aid of the Democrati who voted for the bill on final paeialre the President Initiated the movement In hie party for repeal and it wa behind him that piany of thDemoort who roted aye lined upi on the lait teit titojr mat wot jtiax mtu There has been no certain promlee from the White Houee that th Prel dent will eljn the bill wlttr tu qualify nsr amendment but there biu been no declaration that ho will veto It and Party1 leaders In the Senate were prao tleally oertalrt that Its approval a amended by the Houea wlty lead to tavarahle atlon by the President Eleven Democrats led by Senator 0 Gorman ought consistently to the end and even an hour before the last vote was taken they did not abandon their efforts to amend the bill to meet their tew of the1 manner bit which American fights In the canal and Amerloan right to exempt eositwlee ahlsal rniW loll cyment should fee yj fuatfeiLe MINORITY FIOnTS TO EXD Although vote after vote on all lorU lot menJment passed overy major Hies that never fell below twelve and onioneyoeeaslonwent ashlrh1 a5 themlhrlty Democrats kept1 up the Sht tot theiend TheSenatwa wearywlth Iti lonf tlmoj at debate ahd by the tlmeiyje PresldenCMarshall put the qyeitlon orithej pasaepf tvblili ithe oralory had dlodidownii the ohambef wasj qiiiet n4thjoaiwasilUkewlthvbutllttle xolteraepUi Earlier iaVtheioveniflf thereV was an outbreak ainonW DemobreU whlbh hbwed nori plainly than1 anythins whloh has iron before the deep feeling that has beerii aroused by this bill SEXATOBI IN ANGrtY MOOD Senator Vtfrdman of Mississippi and West of Georgia dam near to blowsi creating a scene suoh as had not been witnessed on thefloor ln many years The Mil probably wlll be sent over to the House tomorrow and can be Uken up at ono House leaders desire Wlthi th Senate amendment It Is a subjeot of conference If leaders on the House side Insist upon one but It cn finally disposed of Immediately so far as Congresses concerned It th Housaooept th Senit anendment and agrees to the bill as sent them from the Seriat side A oohfereno would delay final approval by Congress but It no peoted that the measure would be kept In conference more than a few days The evident temper of thoSenatto defeat the bill unleasamended is ex peoted to hav welghtf wlthth House and therpemocrats anxious to put an end to the matter as soon as possible are expeoted to demand early aotlon BITTERNESS AMONG DEMOCRATS Bitterness among Demooratlo Senators oyer the repeal bill flared up again tonight and before oil was poured on the troubled waters Senator Vardaman of Mississippi and Senator West of Georgia cam near blows Ap parently only the interference of Senator Ashurit of ArUona and the pre ence of the sergean at arms prevented a physloal enoouster The trouble started after a bitter bx change between Senator Vardaman and Senator James who had vigorously criticised the Mississippi Senator and In turnyhad been told that he wa not itatlng yi truths VARDArfAN AGAIN UNDER FIRE When Senator Vardaman sat down Senator Welt took the floor and also entered a protest against the oharge of Senator Vardaman that thoss who voted for the repeal bill were guilty of treachery to the Demooratlo party He referred to the charge that th Carnegie foundation had expended JO 000 to bctestths repeal bllli VSWhoi know addedi th dorirla Senator but what thrihlpplng In terests have spent llOOidOO In order to featxthlsblllf Tavyuen fferedanyJasked iNnatorv yardroani rV rr7AryripK tr6Ta iwrtCTf War th Gorgla iSsnatorl iwhb iinlyafftawajr ii COPIDWAS AT THE kWHEEL OF SPEEDINGCAR Marin MotofCop Arrests a Scorcher and Wxns a Bride i WThen County Spied OIflor Donohtt of Afartn dounty opened up hi motoroyole to lxty an rhur on Sunday afternoon about ayar ago and started In pursuit of a big auto I i rer ot wnicnwas irying to beat him Into Sonoma county 1 and thus escaped arrest1 fori soeedlttg he lit tle realised that Dan Cupid was tuoked away in the tonneau Suthiwas Another oooupaniof th machln was Mis Gladys Dmr of Ml Hayes street San Franolsoo Both driver and Miss Deemec accompanied ononu back1 to San Rafael Mia Desmsr paid fin and lefCaftsr spring th speed offloer thati wa PrfoUy horrid Un41mayd th llttl love god stuok to his task with me result that Miss Demer beoame Mrs Djondhu at the homo of the groom mother Mrff Mary Donohue id ean KafaePlast night Miss Deemer IsUh daughter of Mra Mabol Sorrla of San Franolsooi After a honeymoon In th south Donohue and hU brld will return to Marlnao reside FisGlil er Is in Santa Cruz Jail ms ao aa ok Identilied by Chronicle Portrait i MAN ARE AND JEWELS BY UD TRAFTON Accused Secretary Discovered to Have Been a Liberal Patron of Pawnshops Feminine Walking Micks in Boston iotuigWomea Seen on Tremont mntv witatfttt Ifow Canev Speelat Dlnpetch to the CTrotikle BOSTON June 11 Jh feminine walking stick has arrived lm Boston In considerable numbers Two young womn wr tarrying sticks today right on Tremont street One was nrairipu lating a slender shining blaok silver mounted artlole with a nonohaiant nounsn ana rhythmic rat a tat tat upon th pavmnts that might well exolte the nvy of the most aeoom plished masouljne wearer The ieo ond who must needs carry her stout yellow bamboo along evn for a few tp from her automobile toi a store slipped th crook Handle ovr her fort arm and dangled th cane In th most approved fashion Others have beenl seen On Commonwealth avenue Must Defer Wedding H4 Jbgae tnanceojpD Queer Ttng le in Eleotion law as th EeinJt of a Womans Seilre to Many i SACflAMINTOii Junll Th Prohl bltlonvpartyvof California has asked Seoretary of State JordaVhat com pllpatlonsVwlll enu Wfonvf thlr women jnomineea or th Lgllatur frornvljOsilAngele Insists on marrylhg aftervtheprlmaryand before the eleotion whiohy would result lnvaohange name Charles Burger ohalrman iOfiiiPrHibltlonrStatCrttalitCm mlttee sent thoilriojuiyytoiJardan Thwoman nomine asa mini1 to bVrnarrledi and she is going tbi raar Tled after the primaries and before the election no matter what complications the laws may oause As Burger puts It his letter Oneiof our wbmn nomiii for th Legislature Is to be married after the primaries and ehe refuses either to hasten ordelay matters to suit the convenience of our election laws There is a possibility of her election whloh oompllbates matters Jordan ruled that the woman must run in th final election under tb same nam as appears upon the primaries which lathls case Is her maiden ham Discord in thcDanislii Royal Family Vanishes King Clirlstlan Becomei Rcoonoiled to couiin jronowutg Latter Morg anatio Marriiye i pisilDtiTtlltet1ieChmlol goPENHvujMjune ii count Aag ot Rosenburg King Christian first oousin who renounced his royaUtltl of Pripes when married th Italian Countess Di Bergoio has Just returned to Denmark with his bride Dowager Queen Alexandra smoothed the difficulties which arose between King Christian and the Count both her nephews regarding th morganatic marriage It Is stated that the whol affair was amloably arranged at thefamllyi gath annr in undon during th Danish monarchs reoent visit Rumors of Loss pf NovaScotia Vessel Qovernment Steamer MontmaTl Mlsiinf and It Is Feared All on Board Are Loit HALIFAX 1 Ja 11 It waa rrHd toal kt that tke borers mBt itMaii Mntnuir wu nlnlis urn It was feared all Veard had kea lost i i i i It rXCIDB OrCOHBRyATI01IST ASHHVIUav Jun itii lOrrton1 Wijrio air4viyioe prii dntOf thNatlonaliConMrvatlonAs sooiatlon vlatr today shoi hlmstf itttWUghtHebTalrtlwlltliplitotdylng Instantly at Rugby arangv ln Hen drsonoountr fifteen miles from her iiivhisaltit istvaj ajithtjtwoitor fNTBRCETID bf SUeriff lioward Trarton ot Santa Ctvaz as he was speeding away irom Big Baaln Park in amotor oar Josepn FliclHar whOed from San Franclaco with diamonds worth J20000 was arrested last night Flsehler trusted secretary of the Al hert Samuels Jewelry Company 895 Market street wound up in the Santa Crua Jail a spectacular career of several months during which he added a olden gutter to the white lights of Mason street from his employers diamond trays ln a Market Street store where hewaj employed Soon after bis afreet PlschJer con fessed hie crime to Sheriff Trafton PORTRAlTi IN THE CHnONlCLBP 1 The capture of rischlerf after the San Francisco police bad made a fruitless Wroh that led them to oonduda that ha waa In Uvermore Was effected through a photograph of the man that was printed Wednesday In the Chronicle A tourist In Big Basin Park who eaw tb portrait of ITUohler ldntlfld th fiigltlv and notified Sheriff Trafton Prompt action by thatoffleer brought to a ooncluslsn th pursuit when It bgan to look as If Vlsohler might evade capture Trafton within an hour after he had reoelyed word of the presence ot Flsch ler learned that th man had telephoned to Santa Crus for an automobile Th Sheriff followed and as th big machine hov Im sight he halted it end demanded the hams of lie pas sen gat AftABSTBWflY TRITON Kyi nam is Ounst Qunet of San Franolsoov responded JTIsilliler without hesitation Youre sure Its not OTsholor asked tli Sheriff me see your watch Trafton exarnln tli watohv and found tli initials Tlschler thn broke down and admitted his Identity Trafton ollmtiedjnto the machine and ifuridv yisohriiagj lniJVwrfedla mond of all shapes and sUespresum ably ihelttrgestfportlinVofthiKUoof fromitMijiSamulstore FlschlerCad mtUdttiat theyvlwrUhsimuiladla mondsij Ini addition Fleohlir ha tl ln Jvlspocets He saidlthat 75t of this money was nisownv ana uei remainder belonged to hl employers CONFESSES HIS CRIME Iflschler freely dlsoussed his movement betorj and after the robbery told Sheriff Trafton that after leaving the store Tuesday evening returned within half an hour and wentto work on thesafe He remained an hour and took every diamond could find Flsohler made no mention howeverof having torn out the leaves of the stock book With the diamonds In his possession Flschler said that he spent th night in various cafes along Mason street and then hired an automobile and went to San Jose Wednesday morning left San Joie and1 oaught the first morning train ovr th mountains to Santa Crua Thereherd amaohin and made his way to Big Basin Park irninTn uvlA gietel yuohlortoidth Sheriff thih was on his way tcPno Robles Hot Springs where ha intended tot play slbk and remain In hiding as an Invalid under the oar of a physician until the hue and cry after him Subsided Then he said be planned to go to the Grand Canyon for a time and ilnally to the East KUchler denied that any other person was Implicated In the robbery Sheriff Trafton then questioned him about a possible woman In the bass You ask too man questions replied fflsohler and refused to talk on that subjsot Inability to continue th pace he had set irt tenderloin circles on a salary of lieoa month was given IrisohW as the motive for Ills rash act I was spending a lot of money and 1 got behind said rischler 1 would have mad a get away tod but for that ploturV In ith paper he added when Informed of the cause of his capture HSutTof th nvMtlgatlon by th po illo of this oltic yesterday th faot developed that this trusted employe who was unbonded and unwatohed or trior than seven months paid Constant visits to pawnshops In the olty and dls fposdfsVyarlgat4i Unvofwlry aggrgaung inTaju nriy suoy BNDtBt FAWKlTICKBrTSt jdAskiflLfe lisp i9HBKBslMHSSSSSkv slsssssssSni if AT MMkflfilSSskkflsK BSSSSBHt I I nIJ MPff MSBssSe sssssssBsh IPimJPwllvKiliiHkflssiiVi 1 sslwSV MdsIIIIIIIIIIIVs rfjj iWiiMvV rfi sHIIIKBslslIHni vSKFSimnwmxMRHi i srSAVMLsBws1 sC5Ais ekV ibCSJiTlK5sUf 1 HmSSSSJPS iVVHiM viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB mmtwk MmmwiKrmmmimi TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV SsssssVJjvrJ iLP iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv mvm tSWlmsMVI mmmmmmm imMmrmhTimmamifm mMZh mmyyui mt mmvm Bmryw ISBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm tolMXtXmfJtWIWXtrttMlSlX ri BW VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBW ifVjTi ft VV VHHHMslMsssst lV SvF i 7 English RoyaltySees the New York Tango The Waltoni fllte Their American Dances Before a Verr Seleot Audience Special nlspetefci te taei Chrofilele LONDON June IX Th King and Queen saw the tango asdanoed In New Tork for th first tlm tonight at a dinner given by the Grand Duk Mlohael preceding a ball for th Count Nada TorbyJ at the Jrand Duk resldenoe Kenwood Hamstead Th dangers Maurloe and Florenoe Wsjton are th flrstJAmericans to ap pear by royal oommand to danoe Maurfoe was ono a Bowery denlsen and florenoe waa formerly a ohoru girl They danoed after dinner In th drawing room before th ball started Only thirty persons war present In cluding Countess Torby the Duoheis of Marlborough th Countess Nada and Zla Torby th Grand Duk Paul th Countess of Granard th Duk and Duohes of Teok Premler Anjuith and Ambassador Pag They danoed for forty flv minutes continuously Thy had omitted th tango for fear of th royal displeasure but th Queen asked Countess Torby Can theyf dano th tango tor usT Ive never seen It So th tango was danoed Florenoe v7al ton wore an unsllt drees at the re queet of a oourtofflolai Butte and Plumas May Grow Big Trees forest Officials Making an Interest ing Experiment In propagating Giant Eedwoodi Seeclat Mseetch teoisOhroslcl OROVILLHiJun 11 In th benturles that are yet to oome Butt and Plumas oountles may be noted a tb bom of giant redwood trees outrivaling those of the Santa Crus mountains or the Calaveras grove For some time the adaptability of this seotlon of the Sierra for redwood oulture has been a mooted point among forest officials To deotde this point an experimental planting of redwood has been made at a point near Qulnoy The trees planted are of the specie of Sequoia Washing tonla whloh is closely related to the Sequoia glgantaa The trees are re ported to be thriving lustily and while It is yet a little early to predict just how the infant will turn out the forest officials at least are greatly pleased at th prospect i NO148Vi PEACE 0IJTLI1GK xiSA AGAIN SEEMS BfllGHTER United States Envoys A BC1 Mediators and the Mexicans Reaoh an Agreement REMOVAL OF OBSTACLES Method of Government of the Republic on Resignation of Huerta te Adjusted BtrmnTK SALTTLLO Ja 11 Gemeral Cr rasuw ssstuM Ualgat that tmraea saiwefte lb tie Niagara FaU saealaten statUc tkat he wa4 appetat risprMesitattTM Ue eeaferene at IflagwraPalla wMriliCoTimtLeueiiHoiitti WtthedTitlratd extravagamiipfbefora heijlJromi this city BUI1 Gil Mil If SOOTH Whthrthl4pawnd Jewlry ib longed to the Samuels Company has not yet been oertalnly established Thle discoverydiscovery was made whenfthe pollcr found a saf deposit bos inth3nk ofitaly Masons and Market streets arid using liiiC4 aiClaju i ijpwwrft itia vwrsiijrwfliim tpJMlvr MadellheBrami Heiress ofLos Angeles Believed to Have Fled to This City Ipeelit DUpktfb tfl th Chronlolo LOS ANGffiLES June 11 Madeline Bram It year old beautiful aooom pllshedT the adopted daughter and heiress of Mrs Ada Bram of Xos Angeles has been missing slno June 1st On June 1st Miss Bram left her home ostensibly to visit a neighborhood friend She wore no wrsps or hat That was the last on of her A pawnbroker reported today that he had bought a necklace ring and watohi and a pair of opera glasses from a girl believed to be Mies Bram for IIS Mrs Bram Identified the Jewelry as belonging to her daughter but cannot aooount for her pawning when her bank aooount had not been drawn upon The polloe learned today pat mib Bram had been seen in the Motel ir win San Franoleoo on June by i woman aoqualntanceii out tnat sne lert lonv th sami day 0 go a Mrs ier ihome on Twenty ttrst street Deteo tlves have been unable to locate Mrs Wls oniiTwenty nrswstreeW Mrs Bram received a lotter today postmarked Lo Angeles June 8th saying that her daughters where about would be revealed for 1500 but tbe polio believe It to be an effort of some crank to seourv money from Mrs Bram lELECTRIG RAILWAY Agirlanswictng th description of iMadeHn Sranvrgltrdat llu Motel rwiriJuhdyinndfi th nam of Madelln iBaham Shi was yyeeii1 ort rourthvetrestiSysUrdayby tmploy ptthhtli AooordlngyjothlattH the slrl confided that her name wa BramnotL3ahtm anil thatsh wae a runawayfromDos Angeles Calvin MorionvnlgQt olerk said th girj had nE monty and tnatvisrW If wn lv lVjiJL iV a IJiJffljtijlkitt rt afeMiaissa Stockholders of Oakland and Antioch Employ Expert Before Paying Assessment Theobject of th visit of Blon Arnold the noted Chicago traffic expert to Sant Franclpo wa disclosed whem he admitted in an interview last night that he was making an lnspeo tlon and appraisal of the property of the Oakland and Antioch Railroad Arnold ha been here for the last week with a staff of assistants and his work Is well undef way The query addressed to Arnold was prompted by the report that the large body of Rastern stookholders of the Oakland and Antioch were withholding payment of he assessment of IB a share recently levied the third assess ment mad since the road wa started The report stated Arnold represented about 10000 stockholders Arnold said he represented both Eastern and Western stockholders but disclaimed any knowledge of the motives that led to his employment on his present mission It1 may be that there was a feeling thai tooi much money wae spent In th oonstruotlonrof the road he said and that the larger stockholder want to know Just what sort of a proposltionlt Is but I oannot discuss the details of thlsi I want syt however hat so far as my Investigation has sono I find Oakland and Antiooh an ntrlnsio ally valuable property and the people of San Franolsc and vicinity who have lent thelri support to1t heed not fear any disastrous resultsi At preesnft doV anythlngvthatj willi oonArnv any ldath prejenstookhbldersmay hvihad thattnradhoulO old Arnold said was employed by the stooklioldHrsv by telegraphs andi earn President Walter Arnstein ot tth Oekiandend Antiooh also confirmed the laovitnat Arnold war making an apv Judge Declares for the Unwritten Law South Carolina Jmtioe Sayi That Any Decent Man Would Kilt Betrayer of Daughter Speelsl Slsixteh ttsr VObroBlcle COWMBIA Cv June 11 Any deont manwouldlklH thbtrsyer of his Innocent daughter declared Associate JustioR att of thSu prem Court today Justice Watti interrupted Solloitbr AV bnhamrin hi speech deorying the unwritten law1 to say1 the un written law had been recognised for tW yean Th case was that of Oeorg TW well Sr who shot and killed Kmmett Walker a youth prominent in Qreen vlll society Actress Loses Suit for Lost Symmetry Amelia Summerville Palls to Secure S5000 Damages for Injuries Due to Falling Wash Basin Spwlal Slspstdi to tbe Cbroolol NEW YORK Jun 11 Amll Sum mervllK whose symmetrical line have been of more or less uee to her in her theatrical career for the last few years lost a SB000 action for dam agss for lost symmetry today whea City Court Justloe Sohmubk dismissed her suit against the company which owns the Jtlverdale Theater Mis Summerville sued because the wash basin became dislodged and fell on hr In her dressing room In the theater causing Injuries which have affected the conformity of ber limbs making one larger than the other and thereby affoctlng their symmetr which symmetry was a great assert to her In her profession The theater oompany oontended that Miss Summerville was Injured through her own negligence Oh Dearr Marie Lloyd Is Coming Oyer Again British Vaudeville Star likes All Americans Exoept Officials and Yearns for Another Tour SdmIsI Dittos tbe VOu onlol I LONDON June 11 Mart Lloyd troubles with the American Immigration authorities have not altered her fondness for the American public She Is telling Interviewers that the Americans aro really good sorts uees American slang with only an oooa slonal sllp uUt and promises to male anothr touf of ArflrieaywltK ht own vaudvtllVompiCny attiiiJiBirirXuitrV Han trlniibglnnlngnxt7ari xorit is nnw sn says San Franolsooand Chicago are real great too Othrtownsrar a oil oft Theyr iTIrlBVln7lhIj way but what Ktigush cail provinolal Amerlotns I llke NUQAJU 7AZXS Jan It After giving oat th entire oorrpondne with General Carransa th mediating plenipotentiaries and th American and Mexican delegate annouaod tonight that a substantial agreement had been reached in relation to th transfer of authority at Mexico City Although they refused to dlscu th InoldentltwasauthorlUtively learned that th mediators Impatient at the delay over th Carransa answer now oonddtr their oorrespondenc with htm at an end and th lnoldent concluded ACKEEMEffT BASES SITTJATIOrT The agreement whloh ha arisen between the delegates and th mediator over th method of choosing th provisional President closed an lnoldent whloh has brought th proceedings almost tO the breaking point This important point In the plan for the1 pacification of Mexico was gained by the United State through the conciliatory spirit displayed by the Mexloan delegation In a full conference of th mediators and th delegates It was agreed that tb transfer of authority from th present administration to th new pro visional government should be aooom pllahed In some other way than by General Huerta appointment of a Minister of foreign Affairs who woulds sucoeed to th provisional Presidency MEXICAN METHOD ABAVDOVBD This method provided for in tftj Mexican Constitution will be abanr vdond beoauso th United States In slsted that to assent to It would bo tantamount to a recognition of Oen ral Huerta right to eJtrpl oonstft tutional funotlons On this point the mediation oonfer nc ha ben wrestling for ithree weeks Th mediator argued yhe mntlyfroin th Mexican viewpoint but the American delegates were unyielding Matters had reached a crisis when the Americans motored across the International bridge at sundown for what many believed would Una ooaferenoe and the end of raodl ation AMEIUCAWS ARE FIRM As the Americans began their discus si on with the mediators the latter oon tended again that the method of transfer would not be oonstrued as recog nition of Huerta but the American reiterated that the Constitutionalist would never aooept sucit a method and the United State oould not yield consistently with Its own policy Finally Lul Klguero one of th Mexican delegates entered the confer ence room and immediately a pirtt of oompromlse was noticeable Observ ing it the Amerloahs suggseted that th other Mexicans com into the oon ference and Kmllio Rabasa and Augustln Rodriguez Joined th rroup It was not a formal conference but an Impromptu Ulk ln a surprisingly brief time the Americans found they had mad more headway wlttM th Mexicans direct than tbey had pre i vlously by working through th rndl ators MEXICANS YIELD Th Mexican delegate appreciated the difficulties as expressed by the American and although anxious to follow th Constitutional form saldj they would not frustrate th proceed ings on a teohnlcaljty and yjelded Accordingly the first elaue of th mediators plan respootlng the method of transfer was omitted A substiute i Celnd ra Cln 1 Carroll flats have told more Hats todat toan corresponding period 1911 Saa Franetsoang d4maad jooi Hats different tban sold fcy every qiner Hat sxore The biggest manufacture Jnthe world have given us the selling of their hats In San Francisco KNOX New Torki STETSON Philaddi phlfO HENRY HEATH LondoaJ pralsaMfUlloiut dl4nttalfoilk nyararwiiriligooirt whatjurpotiv jtooflUltJg deM lfl arrQil ros MOTiierscvoiiitKid W50eryaearEeara 1 gPrltri 8rtublt aiiWJBU yU Weraaialiptattlos i 1 dimmkMm ifeiMsiSiirr if pfZ.

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