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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

gwmr vjP SAH PBAHOISCO CHBOCOLS TAMPPC tfBrWfa NOBLE GIFT OF PLAYERS i MM TO THE soldiers I Benefit at the Orpheum Proves a Success Beyond All ectations Heinricfc The Theatrical Employes Union gave up its meeting day and sent fifty of its members who orkea con actresses wore tasteful and becoming afternoon gowns others showed the nodding white plumes the purple plushes the pink roses and the Jewelry era from the Chutes and the Deonxo supposed to pertain to the women of Erothers the wonderful barrel Jumpers the stage nf th Ornheum did some fine work The Orpheura had been beautifully The rat time sones were bv Bob Aldeh tinuously for Ave hours without charge decorated and the red white and blue and Strap Hill also of the Orpheum Each theater sent its own stage man hangings caught with stars the tri after whlchT Daniel Frawley Charles ager and Harry Orndorff the czar of the colored electric light globes and the Kjns Oeorire Gaston and Blanche Ortfheum stare hod a dajr of heroic toil shields and golden eagles were both Bates appeared In Matthews one act in keeping a general aupervlslonjif a arusuc ana appropriate xne nous play Linton and little Miss Mclntyre stage wnere me wings were cruueu ltelf was a decorative one Society was Who have made such a hit at the Or with other peoples scenery soubreties showing itself and there as ho lack of pheum gave their sketch and then Miss chorus girls and a lot of spectators ho handsome gown and elaborate colffue nc rence Roberts and White Whittle could not find seats fn front There were many bo parties Mrs gey pf the Alcasarpresented the bal Thanks for the decorations are due Townsend entertaining a number of conv scene from Romeo and Juliet to A Slelcher who decorated the soldiers in KhaRl uniforms and several The stage was beautifully set and the ladj friends An unusually Jarge nutn artists were givep a curtain call In spite ber of men was present though prob 0f tbe strict injunction of George Os ably nine tenths of the audience was bourne the official announcerthat there composed of women Perhaps it was should be no encores AlexandraJ3ag for this reason that the programme was mar saruc The Music of therums SO carefully expurgated AH the Off and una fnllnwrl hv Honrv Miliar color Jokes and all the songs that brinK inatnto Artaiman and hmmmi tia in Anderson furnished the costumes the loud laughs bad been remorselessly Clyde Fitchs Frederick Lemaltrer The managers have sent to the citl cut out by Mr Meyerfeld MmcAIex Tnn Atn wnnn hinwanh nitnroo pniiod zena executive committee a check for tory of the city Every seat In the thea andraDagmar of whose figure so much out Ihe warmest of cheers especially 10500 thus far leaiized by this rftfst TEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS is the amount of money broughMn by the Orpheum oeneflt yesterdav with more items to hear from Besides that there was patriotism a plent with more good will than could be measured by any check and an earnest of what the welcome to the troops will be when at last the California Johnnies come marching home again Ten thousand dollars was just twice what the most sanguine of the managers had expected to make The big men of the various theaters in the city as they surveyed the house from the liont each withered flower in his buttonhole and a hite badge of authoritj marveled at and sighed over the tremendous crowd Such an audience hag rarely been seen In San Francisco Very possibly no such crow has er before gathered in the theatrical his theater and to Sievers Boland and Liekens the Emporium florist who do nated the flowers that were sold Mr and Mrs Shanahan florists on Powell street near Ellis closed up their store and gave their whole stock and time to make the benefit a success Mrs has Heen written had her Charms dls th erHtiTKytrinnrnasRi nnvivn hrM successful of benefits and inacharnv creetly veiled Her scant white skirt the yacht race and the volunteers in ing letter signed by all the men who was pinned down the side with dia the trenches and of the men who devote their lives tow ard providing the mond brooches and only a little fling at will never march again Edward Stev city ith amusement have presented the end of her song told of pink tights ens gav6 bis monologue closing with als0 the good will of the artists who in eclipse Edwin Stevens was theonlr My Josephine In which he was as save of their time and talent With the one wno Drone the rule Mr Stevens ited bv Crissle Btockmever Hannah check and the letter went tne sugges The Albambra Benefits Large as was the aydlence mat en ter had been sold dais before but no one anticipated the rush for standing room For the nonce a fire ordinance did not exist in San Francisco Around the walls of the great show house people Stood ffmp Jnd flvnlMn Thev pllmhtil on stools and on chairs thej tiptoed monologue was ery droll but well it Davis Sue Thomas Helen JeWett Etta tion that 25 per cent of the amount through the acts and they atood pi a1 moklng room flavor Neverthe SchUlt Lillian Raymond Fannie Birch be devoted to fund for the relief of IT i i ft Ie88 Mr Stevens acU which Included and May Caldwell all of the Tlvoll needj soldiers who have fought for our Uently almost six hours for the per the singing of The Road to Mandelar Opera Company Jrene Vinton of tne flag in the faraway Orient v0v4vMa ot wsii uiympia sang ana viay viemeni ana running that was irnpossiple to finish diujn major for a troop of Tlvoli girls his company gave the second act of it within the specified hour and sone Iade bA 9 tnfr brilliant successes The ew Dominion Mr Clement acts were omUteaperforce Ithadbeen OITa ZlXIS Shf flfl loved anFannfauded the big benefit at expected that many people wpuld tire there had not been an everring show at nWJamillraS thft Orpheum yesterday there were oetlms ana that the empy seats would the Orpheum and a rule against encores nam Mack Thomas OMalley NeH many more who were unable to attend then be sold to a second audience but the crowd would probably be sitting MaeKwen Phosa McAllister Gertrude for various reasons For the enjoy-though the second audience waited out there yet The gathering of starfl was OMalley and Mrs Clay Clement ment of those who could not pay the side there were no vacant seats to fill LyrJIaLft Esmeralda the Orpheums musloalar Ugh pces 0f admission but yet wha The show too Interesting nobody JBliei3fce Shi A Mflg would like to help along tl cause anted to get aw ay Sent music the Seat thliSrV from herS8 CL Lthr Mes8rs Elllnghous6 and Mott have of In addition to Ungenerous premiums luda TnaVTrJvltor WASSTSffiKSSS and the long prices brought by the Denis OSulllvans inimitable ballads Ladd Thoros Perwer Winf red Goff SxtSL7 whence priced wiUrS seats the proceeds were materially this time The Wearing of the Green Bessie Falrbaln William Wolff A 5 LJ aKthhTthe sw elled by the pretty flow er girls and Henry Miller and his company gave th Arnold Georgie Copper ttace Bonyllle fS of ak Mra A 8 Townsend has the attractive sellers of prolamines charming little play Frederick Lemai Marguerite Lewis and a full chorus and ZnhviM VSoSuv and fans who stocM me to tre and Blanche Bates and the Frawley orchestra 2oe Matthews a Chutes vo iS ShSSttortamf Md SStm welcome newcomer and cfr Company did Brander Matthews play callst was next on the programme but ffrSatelne 2 iflS on tale at culated throughout me house hafSr tfflSHrtft S1 SKS SS AmaSbrlon Monday moTnlng ward and saw to it that no one was lpft his company gave the second act or Matthews consented to have her song Th iroc ftinme ihv varied without noseglV ofaokT the SKJSjSaSS 2S SSSSfiSS deffitffiSffSiifflt show The souvenir proerammea pnn Opera house company appeared In the Orpheum dancers closed the long after Jv tme time Ulning autographs of SittS actora third act of Dorothy The audience no5n of delight The prize cakewalk win be given from UW to Ume and actresses who DarticiDated Wt tried to remember the rule which per in which Ylolet Dale and Frank Barton vinrfr nmiixn tt cents or as rnuch more wycuead fitted no encores but it was hard to Arnold Grazer and Hazel CaHaghan he Volunteer Reception t6 pay and the dainty basket parHS let sojnucb pleasure go without a re were to have participated was also cut Therelatlves of members of the FJrst by the salesladies were soon heavv cH Especially was this true In re out owing to the lateness of the hornv California Volunteers will meet this eVen with coin Mr Morrissey of the Or ard to the music The alngers from During the only interim on the pro Ingat Armory HallSlo Ellis streettto dls pheum began It by paying Miss Schiiii the Tlvoll were charming aa any gramme George Jackson rose to makea tribute badges Tickets will be on s4le tor a programme and his good ex thing In the entire performance Ave HtUe peclt In honor ot Mrs Townsend for the bay parade Lafe Pence and Gov ample was Jdely followed So manv ano sang a Wnpr solo and Salassa the whose 2000 In premiums made the mat ernor Thomas pf Colorado will be presents people crossed the pretty palm of the splendid baritone made a notable hit lnee such a success He was overcome All the lodges of the Ancient Order of actress wHK iii i i Ttaln from II Trovatore bv his feelings but the audience ac United Workmen were represented last MUs Schiller turned In Jr5 from There followed the beautiful extH cepted bis staccato speech very amiably night at ameetlnghtld In Red Men aHalL Uesof programmeVaon tTm her Irom LucW by Anna LlchterEuphe and overlooked hla hesitancy At the tf VtteVStSfoJS tk fa it i rii tjn nt0iuimnA nd TWrJUiAn oroncsed three cheern mempersof the order in me nrst cauror An Important announce ment of Interest to all the Jt relatives ana rcienas oi me returnlns soldiers made by Superintendent Ford of the local Fostoulee It to to the effect that mall addressed to them on the transport Sherman San FrnneUco trill be pat On hoard a the biff steamer comes through the Golden tiate a whole day before the anxious onea on shore can communicate In any other Tray ft 1th the soldier boys ANYTHING were lacking to make the welcome home of the California volunteers hearty and unanimous that lack has been supplied by the determination of the members of the State Legislature tqgo out In abodyonasteamepivhlchjato be known for the occasion as the State boat and in the name ot the State to greet the returning soldiers Miller Assemblyman from the Fortieth district after reading of the enthusiasm shown by all portions of the State thought that some action even though It must of necessity be unof flclal might be taken by the members of the State Legislature and yesterday laid the matter before Judge Dibble Senator Burnett and Assemblyman Cobb all of horn approved It was arranged that a meeting should be called for this ev enlng in Cobbs office in the Parrott building and in the meantime Miller saw Senator Perkins who placed at the disposal of the lawmakers the steamer Santa Rosa with a carrying capacity of about 600 Assembljman Miller at once communicated with all the members of the Legislature liv ing in the bay counties and obtained their promise to ha present at the meeting while Assemblymen Mellck ofPasadeua and Beecher of Shasta agreed to remain in the city for the celebration It is proposed to establish headquarters at some hotel and entertain the out of town members and their friends It is expected that the great array of brass bands will be a feature of the reception and parades From many por Ions of the State communications are being receH ed offering the services of bands The Bakersfleld Bandwrote yesterday to the executive committee offering to come here twenty one strong Information as desired as to whether transportation could be furnished The matter was referred to the parade committee The executive committee withdrew the request that local musicians donate their services for the celebration on receiving a communication from the Musicians Upion stating that the musicians have already given services worth 1000 and that as most of the members depended on their art for a livelihood they could not be expected to forego remunerative engage mnts out of patriotic Impulses Differ ent organizations that wifl parade have their own bands and with those tha volunteer others that are paid and many from out of town it Is probable that there will be more than 1000 must clans and perhaps 1500 in the monster procession The committee may decide to have all the musical organizations assemble at some time during the fee tlvltles and give a grand concert Great pressure having been brought to bear upon the committee yesterday to change the line of march it was agreed that it should be as follows From Van Nes avenue down Market the ferry countermarching up Market to Montgomery to California to Kearny to Market tp Van Ness Much dissatisfaction was expressed at the meeting of the finance eonimlttee over the refusal ot some prominent hotel men and merchants on Market street west of Sixth to contribute to the fund and the parade committee will be asked to have the procession go out Golden Gate avenue Preparations for the bay demonstration are progressing enthuslastlcallypn the water front It Is especially requested by the committee In charge that ery shipowner and master have his vessel decorated with paper lanterns to heighten the general effect The confi nittee in charge of the night demonstration Is happy because It has received a liberal appropriation from the executive committee for fireworks It had an able champion In A Lawrence and their enthusiasm was such that Mr Martin aidt It would be cruel to deny this reauestV feacks full of gold coin wre carried into the headquarters of the executive council of the finance committee yesterday and when it was all counted up it as found to amount to 3740 40 bring ing the grant total collected upto I2W56 3S Marsden Mansen wrote to the executive council suggesting that a monument be erected to thasoldiers Mayor Phejan said the suggestion was good and after taking care of the boys feting them and attending the sick there should btf any money left it might be possible tojstart a fund for a monument or perhaps to lay the corner stone THREE THOUSAND MOEB FOR i THE SOLDIER FUND I LEAPS apd bounds the fund for the entertainment of returning soldiers mounts upward and fronv present appearances it prom 1 Ises to reach the 50000 mark This is one of the occasions ot a century and It redounds to the credit of Californias far famed liberality that this movement haa met with such hearty support The contributions received yesterday are given herewith in detail Amount previously acknowledged U1915 J5 Arion concert bnent L504 50 Mrs Phebe Hearst 100 00 jtoard ot Supervisors clerks and attaches 153 00 Hoffman Kothchild Co 100 00 Realty Syndicate lOttOU Bank of British Columbia 100 00 San Francisco National Bank 100 00 Neville Co 100 00 Mrs Sarah Kohl Registrars office At Josselyn Co Custom house additional Employes of Hobbs Wall Co License Collectors office nuaa iwust ciuuxyyc See Tue Tong 2Q09 unee ivung xong uninese rree Magon Bernard Horn Poly Hellbron Co Columbian Bank aaiimaKera union Cineograph parlor benefit Charles Kellus Co The Hub Winchester House Hotel Pleasamon Lanahatn Hotel Cosmopolitan Hotel Occidental Hotel Golden West Hotel California Hotel Captain Thompson California Wlnemakers Corporation Slmonds Saw Company New Western and International hotels Commercial HotelV Ltck House JKun JTong yeejCJilnese Thea ter 100 00 MW Josepn Koseoerg SaoO FeoUVonArdaTe Lumber Co 45 25 Studebaker Manufacturing Co 83 00 Huber Brothers 2S 00 John Barrett ew yora 25 00 Yen Hoy Association 25 00 Quon Quock Chng 25 00 Horn Teng 25 00 Tom Pack Kim Lung Company ftvf 25 00 Tom Kin Tbow 2500 Quon Kwok Yeer Horn Gan Durk 20 00 Chun Yee Lim 20 00 Quong Shong Way 20 90 Horn Shun Vah Yee WahCo 20 00 Horn Can Loke 20 00 20 00 00 20 oa 100 12 00 2000 10 00 woo Id 00 10 00 WOT 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 60 00 20 00 00 40 00 20 00 20 09 20 00 20 09 10 00 10 00 1000 10 00 10 00 Brooklyn Hotel5F Turpln Sr Joseph MeJermott 5 James HalL 3 Knierr Allan 5 McNeal 5 American Box Factory J3Enterprise Soda Works S5 WrLemmon 2 60 cash S2 SO Rlppe 2 SO Molera Barber College SI Sullivan Doyle 1 Miller Son 1 Modern LaundryCo 1 Henry Ahlers in George Schafer4 Wouken 15 cents Kojjg Poon ChungJS Tom Jf tag 5 Association of 5 Hom Tee Toy 5 Je Wo Tong 5 Lun Qhong Co 3 Fori Mon YinT5 Fong Foon 5 Tie Tick 5 QuongHong Hal 5 Quongihun Yuen 5FungHal Go3Foo Lung Art 3rHom Sing Toy 3Fong Lbn Bong 3 Yuen Hal Art 3 Hong Hal Art 3 Tie Slng Art Co 3 Ham Mong Dong 2 Horn Mon Ming Horn Goon Poon 2 Fong Shue Jung 2 Quoa Kwok Jue2 Chan Gar Ghung 2 Quon Wong KwoolcBrQuon Shong Thack 2 Horn Jack Yunr 2r Horn Si Kwale 2 Horn Sue Fong 2 Quon Kwok On 2 Horn Sue Chew 2 Horn EdDun 32 Fong Wah 2 Quon Ang Juck 2 Horn Mon Jong 2 Horn Git Him J2 Horn Himr 32 Tong Mon Chum 2r Quon Foon Lira 32 Quon Chuey Kwok J2 Horn Noon Goo 32 Quong Sun Tuen 2 Fong Mon Noon 1 Horn GH Lai 1 Quon Sun Shuck 1 Quon Yip 1 Quon Loy 31 Quon PaclcTong Fong Yuen Jung 1 Fong Jong JT Fong Mon Dyerl Fong Yowl Fong Hong Wing 1 Fong Chung Fon Pack 1 Fong Lun Goey Fong Yuey 31 Horn Ed Noon 31 Quon Kwok Lai 1 Fong Mon Louie 1 Horn Kung Yan Woo Gay TVing JULow Gin Quon Kwok Dong 3j Kwontf Yuen Los Angeles 1 Lew Kung Tck 50 cents Fong Shu Lock cents Huey Hlng 50 cents Jeft Yuen 60 cents Jong Foo 50 cents HonrTong 50 centsf Lo Duck 50 cents Quon Hong Kwok o0 cents Total 33T40 10 Total anionnt reeelv ed to date fSSiCSO ps CONTRIBUTION SENT BACK TO THE COMBINE The Niggardly Check the Market Street Railway System Is Rejected ly the Committee Mrs John Morrissey was the bloom mia McNeil Barron BerthaldrWiUlafn end MrJaekson proposed three cheer 3ninnr iddest Flora who presided over Mertens Vtneentlo Fornarl and Will for Mrs Townsend The openhanded and an enterl A Iamta rtall ttrlll ha itA Imc Goddess Flora ihn nrt Msrtena Vlneenxlo Fornarl and Will for Mrs Townsend The open handed bfWirr the flonitr triria Rh ul lam iinir TnrfoSe the Tlvoll COfKt nAtrOtL OLthd benefit in demurfi gray A nrllmlrnn triMHnrvni hM InAliil ov inncu iguasc iw 1 I vi i iX iSVT oouquett ana boutonnlera and nobodv trlputlon Anna ucnter sang me maa gon wiib a vm uec wava meaaiasi evening oi me loage commiuees cared whether the sterna were long or scene from Lucia inn strictly tailor bonnetr sajuetlyjinher boxamong interested in elving ff fP0 re short or What waa the colbr fit wai all made gown the Jlute xbllgato being her soldier Wendsrand notwexo to SSuath Chaf TSSt orth California boys hen they come played by Louis Newbauer while the enjoy her unlooked ftr celebrity SSw SeaTaatrta Fn and Tiome The actresses who held up the entire Tlvoll orchestra under tne airec iperenjuni Dyie waaappointed It was decided to auaience so ariisiicaiiy were Violet tion or Max wirscnreia gave py noia a pj reCepuon Dy au ocai socieues eanauren vICs T2J TTVZZm VTi tJuAJZZY ynZXXL xuzaDeinjucxveii uasy urogan Miss The rest oi me programme za tr iWi Iifc tNrniiSiKTii Mclntyre Maud Sill Gertrude Hayel equally interesting The bvertureby uamea nfthere are a few whom the entoJned the First CaHfornl and Baby Ruth who sold flowers anaugmented orchestra wasvindertb anigers i desire esrelaUy mentioned Reent wlttbe open toth emwhentoey Delia Stacey Grace Howard Char direction of Rosner to whom ape Particularly are they i erateful to the toaduSara tent as applicants for lotte Beckwlth Nellie Schiller illndell clal praise isdue for the excellent music Musicians Union which furnished mu employment All persons needlnghelp are Dreyfus and Ada Butler whose stock in It was followed by Glimpses From th slo for six hours and ta Conductors requested to call at the tent and examine Many of the Circus in which the Girdellers Bretn itosner oimvjnoon Mirccmcia mm me reierences ox vne Two Carloads of Palms LOS ANGELES August 17 L69 An jeles citizens have contributed and vyllljnd mretthan two carloads jtjf nalm leaves to San Francisco In rer snonse to the redueatfrom that city for such leaves to be used in decorations on the occasion tf the return of the California Regiment from Mnlia SAN FRANCISCO August IT 1889 It nuntlngton President Market StrMt Hallway Comnany City Dear Sir In Juitlce a the peopl ot ban Franelseo ne aewnjlt our duty to return to you th Inclosed ehtclc of 230 which has bean banded to our Horace oommltte aa the contribution ot the Market street Railway Company tq tb fond being raised for the reception and benefit of ovr Atnerfean volunteer troop particularly tha CalUorala Regiment abodt to return from the war We consider the amount out of all proportion to the contribution made by other citizen and corporation who will recehe little or no beneOt rem tha presence ot visitors In oar metroix4u drwn hither trj the celebration Tour company practically controls our street railway system and the benefits which yon dortre ought to bear some relation to the amount of your subscription TTours truly UTlSENS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 3 JAMES PHBUAN Chairman PiKE Secretary jyx tas JDE YOUNG was the bearer a message yesterday morn ing from the finance commit tee to the executive committee and if the street railway directors1 ears burned they know now the reason I am directed by the finance com inlttee saidMrr de Young to refer to you a check for 250 sent us by the Market street Hallwajr Company The smallness of the check Surprised us We considered It an affront to the corn mlttee and to the people of San Francisco It is the desire of your committee to know What action jou wish to take in regard to It There is no doubt said Mr Law rencethatsthe check is about one tenth as large as it should be It ought to be returned with the statement that it is inadequate Aside from the fact that such Art I event brings a large number of people to the city to the pront oi tne street railways said Mayor Phelan it should bet remembered that there will be 30000 soldiers here who will remain several weeks before they will be mustered out and they will learn of any jack of patriotism on the part of this and other corporations The railway company may see the business policy of giving more money On tnotlen of Mr Lawrence the letter printed above was sent by messenger to the office of the corporation Jl letter from the Brewers Protective Association was read urging that local beer 09 accepted for the soldlerr breakfast and offering an that could be used free 6f charge pother tetter from the Royal Eagle Distilleries was read renewing the offer it had made previously and urging Its right to suppty The boys ahall have beer Said thfe Mayor The matter Is referred to tne banquet committee The following letter irom marsqen Manson was read Jlon James Phelan Chairman Reception Committee ete My Dear Sir It li a matter of pride with all ourcltlaens a note the spirit In which the returning volunteers of this State are to be received But when we analyze the mode of expression which characterlzea the prepara tions now being made there Is an evanes scence about It that Is not fully worthy of either our young men of our State nor of the spirit which callxlt forth When this reception Is overlhe blaxe othunareds ot thousands of electric Uslrts Is turned oft and the wires are taken down the green of the palm and redwood fades and they too are removed and we have left the memory of a grand display a triumphal procession But even this memory will fade as the hearts which cherish It cease tn beat Something more permanent something which even the hand of Time will be forced to spare for untold generations should tell those yet unborn that the Calif orrtians of to day appreciate the pa triotism and self sacrifice of her sons who1 sprung to war when their country called 1 therefore sugrgesfthat proper steps be taken to erect at soma suitable point such as the Park a monument in granite ana bronze which will commemorate the names and deeds of the Callforaa volunteers Very respectfully MARSDEN MANSOJk Th6 secretary was Instructed to call on Mr Goodman of the Southern Pa ciflc and ask that the time limit on ex curslon tickets be extended An offer from Lew Is Co offering to haul tables for the banquet free was accepted The Election Commissioners have agreed to provide the tables free of charge The Mayor said that with Mn Dry den and others he had gone out on the hGovernor Markham and made a brief speech of welcome to the troops on thy Warren who showed the greatest enthusiasm A Lawrence chairman of the com mittee on firework reported that to meet the demands ot the committee in charge of the night display on the bay it ould be necessary to have 1600 more than had been allowed With the understanding that the fireworks committee would pay for the torches also this was granted Mr Martin reported that owing to the Tact that the Iowa was being over hauled she could not take part in this demonstration On motion of Mr de Young a reouest was forwarded to Admiral Kautz toftre a salute The committee then went into a protracted executive session with the ptv rade committee ALL UNITE T0 HONOR WEARERS OF THE BLUE Many CItIc Organisation Hake Elaborate Preparations to Join In the Big Pade THE NATIVE Sons and Daughters are going to be represented in sucb numbers at the big parade thai there will be a division for them wltbj James Dockery aa division marshal The marshals of all the Native Sons parlors will report to him Alameda Continued on Page THIS IS THE BENEFIT CHECK THAT WILL GO INTOTHEEUND TODAY i trade was programmes ft Mts fr tifWpyVerysn Ha 1 ii irr irr irniLA Tiiairi 1111 ri piwwhiiiii mi I.

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