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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 5

San Francisco, California
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SS3K3SSa rS ZjrJPi i a tTSCELLATrEOCS eel BalwiD i i 3tite Aat5 si lactioacsrs AUCTION WEDKESDAY SDl HAT 29 18S9 PAT 18 OCLOCK XOOS SALESROOM MONTGOMERY ST 9 39 sjmess Lots I Ninth Folsom son Caroline and bridan Streets PER DIAGRAM CAR LINE 8TBEET i 2 i I I 2 I 3 30 SO i 8 3 IN S3 leet ivlue STREET I 100 IS i 17 18 v8 100 ItAKRlsON 8T11KET hi Folsom and Harrison life paved sewered hive Sidewalks ana are accepted 1 cars pass me property cm Ifireet and he Tenth street jof the Hoivard street cable fcn be built IS One iialf rh balance in years with interest at hrr cent per annnm Title leed perfect br the CALL TITLE INSIKANCE AXD COMPANY IllfciH ami alaui apply to 1 rate Afests Mil iotiioBMn IONTGOMERY ST JEIYEKS SALE 3ERKXEL HETE1VKK 0 of AtXlBlNE DT NOK In lit will In pursuance of ao ordai Irllor Cotjrt rif ilia Mnntr lA Ytbe K1RST DAY OF JXNE lour or 1 1 Clock a upon the So 101 Main street Napa fall public auction Uie highest CSh la Pulled Slates sold rain URUCEKIK3 HARDWARE gold cola I ARK TIXWARE WlJfES and tWASS and OBAttt GEHT3 inrjei OJIE HORSE and 4w VprSj jr SANTRASGISCO CHBOMCIaE 3QinAXj ILflLT J5T 1889 11 BILLIARD TABLP ONE lal oUiir personal property sued 144 In and about the bastoaes or im oy said Jacobin Daock wrcy is bow open to lnapcctlon aes and il be aold Id bulk or to tt said UvcelTvr mar urn MBrttt TC iM IUUa 02 Jaoohlaa nun Itfebbu tie Sale No 4178 ins FOR LOT STJT CORXKB ron iumi asa cratni ktoum fiMt WaahlBiton a1Tat hv it i ji Ccatni TBar Saa Francisco on or uciore aiar 1HKV by lncO at tha office of il RVlt cucv Law So 318 Mna atreeL IM 55 6al andar tba ordrr of tiirtinlit of the Suoeiior rvmrl nf mlcooBly at prlTaiaaale MAKY iiHHraumm oi too estate or ina dfceasfa LXCERPT TjSIRtXOSSTITKLKKACAL i ffM MUllnc Co isaB Franelatoi A BU wonderful bow tt wnota rtaaao mib tverr ooa Alt whs i raa iui new aina or braad as testttner erar at ml nm iA i ilamadaof i HSa LTH ttETREAT dm I itaa obij manaiacturen or tb eUV aea giwir Masn Mixture CO HE PS1TED 8TATE8 AT SAK iVCal 6aBertntiQaft Offlca i Sealed nmivnil will I UBdaralgned uatn 13 oclock i luraiaaiaji aaco ao nqulred from tim ti um ung ti tweira matiu ndlnt wuHMwidnounniiu ana jcr oaeoucala W004 coal aoap ia craciuea 3 buck aloraK teankata arr ctiTllnad lotol and alab abac tatncJma faaMwanaaaica loDnury aappllaa man ouu nrmi ot propoaau Iltoa astonaaaUUMofeacbarU pooasiy Be KQnitao WIU 1 ar luicauon tnpauuwiiiMcou rrtaly on each article ana npon 1 Qu nrlGea and aamalaa nr fba itMedvUt ba arccpted atOGi a aasnarfca dermal tba In Wirtroment tbarijrlit to nject JWh ail mvpoaala tmnc raaerre etfi mi muw an innnuHiwanu emu trittpM aw tb article HwS 1 aw rajaira uaeot otiajr raaaatcitMt bond wttbana andl br aamstea ardceki a uurartlclM aa adit eaiirJ idreaaad ta tba BBdcridrnad nt -a soepy uia adrenuemsst i faidi will opened aad li tt uvc naiiiao la ana oraaauuavw Momrtoroaani UtWTOJtaiiBartaieBOOT SMf CT i irV54 ki rs imm vif lt jM diT 335 MlSC XUtlTEOCS SPORTSMANS KIGHE Weadall Eaatoo Oeo TrtakV KSda At Anction TO MORROW TTESDAT SLAT S8 1889 At oclock soon at aalearown 613 Mirket St op Pak3 Bote Splendid InTCitment Propertr Sold to dose an Eaatern accoant Kos 1T1S 1715 aad 171T Baab at 1S7S feet wet ot Oougb Oeini tbreo larye modern tnuit atorjr bay window booaca of 11 large rooma and batb eacb wltb ererytbln In completa condition and AOdenttrnpraTemanta cement atone walk atreet aewered and stooc pared street accepted by tba dty cara pass tb door hotter and California street cables neUtbbw hood the beat to the city brick foandaOoa tola la a splendid opportunity for aa tarest meat TLa properti fat sold to close an JCmrt ern acoonnt and baa been renting for 4270 per month wal pay a very handsome Interest on tb Investment The booses alone originally cost 17000 and are now Insured for ouw larpi lot twmiau XlMkrt SU Frwpcrtr Sooibwesi cot of Castzo and State sts toar linre and handsome lots and only abont eiztitr five feet from Market St at Jnncvlou wltb Castro Tbeaa choice boUdlng lots are elegantly aitnatod for choice dwellings or for business la the near fntora A fine vtev from this property commanding tbe city to tba cant and wratb also Oakland and tbe Bay astro at sewered gas and water In street Una buildings surrounding this location and choice neighborhood Tola location most In the near fntora become a very Important trading centra Cable road franchises several of which center near tbia point Tba lowering of Market st cut and tba extension to tbe ocean Is now nnder agitation and when complete this property mast be worth triple Choynski and Corbett Eager to light LA BLANCHES HEXT BATTLE First Sail of the Pacific Yacht Club Squadron Wheel mens Tournament Its orasent value Also lot on south side of Sixteenth sL west of Castro st A fine sightly lot for a hand some reaidence snrroondlngs fine Do not fall to examine all tbe above property A fine chance for a big profit lota 28x109 SSxlOO Western Addition Besldenca Lots Sootbwesl cor ofBroderick and Washington ata huge handaome lot eltber for bual aeas or residence large lot 2i4fil0d Also handsome residence lot south slue of Washington st 1814 feet west of Broderick large lot 25x1378V Tbe lucatlon of both of the above lots Is very choice fine new reatfenoes In nnmbers are being constrncted In the Immediate vicinity choice neffrhborhood street severed and macadamized Jackson and Californla st cabhA Vestcrn Addition Residence and Residence lot Xo 605 Stetner at side 137 feet a from Hayes sL good 3 story bouse of 6 rooms bath etc one of the finest views In the city from this ptoperty street sewered and In fine condition neighborhood first class totlx 110 Also a magnificent residence lot adjoining above elegant view and everyUilDg one can fieslre Do not tail to examlDa the above properties Oak and Hayea st cables lot 55 Western Addition Residence Lots Joldn Gate arelK aide 50 feet from Baker at fine location lots all ready to build npon flna neighborhood street sewered and In tine condition Examine them McAlHs ter et cable lots 23otlOa Xlegant Kesldence Tallejo St No 1721 VaBeJo St a side S20Ji feet VT of Franklin st elegant reaidence bay windowwindow front 10 rooms bath and lanndry including 5 bedrooms noose In first class condition cement stone walk and rteps brick foundation brick sewer In Vallejo St do not fail to examine this choice residence Pacific are and Union el cables lot 68x137 Western Addition Uealdenee Lot line of Waller 57 feet rrom Shrv der st one block from ttolden Gate rark tine lot to both upon examine It Haighf sL cable lot 25x100 Mlaalon Bealdenee side So 119 of HEX 2037 feet of stor bath I ble ha not fall to examine It this residence and The present week promises to be more productive of sensational athletic events than tbe ton in which tne onesided contest between Joe McAnliffe and Tom Lees was decided The match was chiefly interesting in showing that all visiting athletes from the antipodes are not Jaclcsona Every Australian visitor who has thus far sought laurels in California has met defeat except Jackson an4 the opinion of the pugilistic laternity is that if he meets the winner ot the Kilrain Sntlivan fight his career will be cut short like that of his less lucky fellow travelers As Jackson hag gone East the lesser stars of the fistic firmament hold the boards On Tuesday night 1a Blanche and Mike Lucie will decide the first of what mar prove to be a most exciting series of contests to settle the much disputed middle weight championship now held by Dempsey and coveted by La Blanche and EllingsworLh Doth of whom are now on the Pacific coast On the same night when Lucie and La Blanche meet Johnny Aaron and Danny Mahoney box ten rounds The Corbett ChoynsH difficulty has reached that stage where it is likely to culminate in a few days in a hard glove battle so that the prospective ring events are sufficient to satisfy the most critical admirer of the manly art The amateur athletes are all in training for the Decoration Day sports and the wheelmens meetings which promise to be unusually successful and interesting this year The oarsmen are looking forward to the usual Fourth of July regatta and the yachtsmen have already opened the season with all the social formalities On Thursday next the indefatigable Corinthians bold their regatta and judging by their energy in previous affairs of the kind tbe races will be worth witnessing AT THE TARGET BASCE that the Orea will fly the prize fiar A9 VE kt hii tsrnej more sou than any boat of the fleet 1 ne iruie sioop Lata will te sauea or Ed Howard the veteran who pi oted tlfc Spray in all her victories It is on record that Captain Uoward has never lost A race ha which lie has LeM the tiller and there is no doubt that the Xjoxk wm mate a gooa showing inter class A good race wonld beUetween the Freda and llple if the former were onlr well provided with light sails for in the long run to leeward light canvas ec hndaome 3 stonr bar window Idence of 7 rooms bath laundry uufio bandsome home Church st rul Inhed basement and stable large lot most be sold to rlosebwnerx leaving the State Urge lot 6011x11a Mission Reaidence Xot Handsome residence lot on side of Pond 162i feet or Sixteenth st lot all ready to build opon street In fine condition location good and worthy of purchase to any person wanting a lot for a borne bet Sixteenth and Seventeenth oe and Sanchez sis Harket tt cable road lot 25x68 For catalogues etc Inquire of ASTON XLDB1DGE CO Auctioneers 618 Market Street WILLIAM DINGEE 11KAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER 480 and 463 Eighth St Oakland GRAND CREDIT SALE OF EAST OAKLAND Improved and UuimproTed Property 33 KLEOAVT LOTS 85 to 30 feet front by 100 to 150 feet in depth on Fourth and Fifth area and Eau Eighth and Klath sis CLOSE TO CLINTON STATION AT PERQIPTORY auction WEDNESDAY MAT 19 1889 At 2 oclock en tne Oreands fered at auction In East Oakland The land Is from 4 to 5 feet above the grade of the atreets THE STREETS ARE 8EWERKD AND ARTIFICIAL J3T0NK WALKS LAID around the entire property This Property Will Border on tbe Proposed Extension of Lake MerrltU Commands im elegant view la all respects Is firsl class residence properly XJJIO lxt 30x115 on which la a handsome building occupied as two fiats rents for 833 per month ALSO On Fifth are bet East Ninth and Tenth ata Charming Modern Cottage of 12 rooms with every modern convenience lot oOxlAO TERMS VERY EASY One fourth cash balance In one two and three equal yearly tonvmenu 480 aad 483 Eighth street Oakland Or EaSTOnTeLDRIDGE A CO 818 Market street San Franclsoo DOWN BY THE SEA illli lo fa the Hed et i Piae Feral Wk liw Souai of Otoa Sari Witiiia Sight or tie Sea Al Odds te Tea ire Abroil to uoetber than tba new and bnantirol 1 Carmelo Hotel Pacific Grove which will be open to the public Jon 1st inere isooi one piaoem tne world wnara lug vast vistas to when the spray of tba surf caines agata weir wnsa am sna piece factfleurov TberelsbutoneCallibrnIa theralabatona radilt Urore in California and then Is bat cna El Carmelo Hotel at FadfloOrova There no other plac where so mochmay be en sorwtof orwctandaaof ooeaa breaaes made fragrant wttn tba balsam of pioea at amaa a cost aa al iarmeio xtowi Alt tbe cemirta of boma wllh all that la charming la a aeaalda jnoantaln a4 fores The cpentng of this Hotel Is fixed for Jon Katee 3 per Day 1S SOper Week OXO SCUONEWALD Manafer EHKUEIt riCABANTEED CtTBKDBY BR MKKrrTB Celebrated Trbaa add lm loved ELECTBOvTHEBAPEVnc Treat inent The only safe and sooceasnn treat meat knows forth aanicai cva or Hxa Sua aXixxTaJJT TT sr ijf ass wKUtTsacvsranaXicDarruasxs Call filLENiiPPLIEa FOE PILES A tad all rectal disease By means of Ibis new aw inaanuBans treat tbemselTaa at noma ami Uanoas latarnaU Brennre and soport 10 etkar with medicinal ADOllcatloo dbreCtbrto tba aAeted nana Castaat relief la an cases KSoa tbr udl 93 or with Vt Itereel fOa ilimady nau 8J WSend stamp LrriemrUwt KoA AddresakETBCS LO704 Sacramento st aaa rTanrlaoof1alar JHWlBBiR comer TUr4aUrkMtta Military Competitors at Shell Meand The markers were kept busy at the Ehell Mound butts yesterday The principal shoot of the day was the long expected meeting of the teams of Company of tbe Third Infantry Keinnient and Company of the First lnlantry The best of feelings prevailed and when the Thirds ten men came out victorious by fifteen points their ten competitors congratulated them Following 13 the score CMXrASfY Stamm 4 4 4 4 4 3 8 4 4 8 39 Prltchard 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 8 0 5 S3 Curtis 4444 445334 39 Aaserson 4 14 35 5545 5 44 McCarthy 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 87 Wilson 4 5 44 34 45 4 4 41 Yeawley 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 40 Toona 4 3 6 3 3 5 4 4 4 4 38 Ostrich 030444 84 8 5 SO Brandt 44444 4 44 34 38 Total 380 on Robert Jones Egbert Burke Mtevena Kehrleln Longhery Pendleton Barker 1404454345 37 4134545411 41 3 2304 38 301 S4 4 4 344 344 4 4 88 3484343433 34 4333444444 38 835445 54 6 4 42 3554434443 37 4 54 4 45534 3 41 3444343343 35 Total 865 Twenty men of Company of the First Infantry and twenty men of Company Second Artillery also met with Springfields to settle the vexm quesiiuu ui supremacy viiii pany won by 21 points The scores are as follows bergeant Lundquist 33 Corporal Townsend 38 A Bounce 43 Captain Burdick 43 Smith 30 15 Sturdivant 31 Corporal Cazes 38 Sergeant Buckbee 34 Taylor 30 Burdick 38 Corporal Goetjen Bone 37 A Simla 44 Corporal Noiman 28 Latzer 37 Lovett 38 Bluxome 38 Sergeant Wesson 31 Lieutenant Cook 40 Jlyer 43 Total 75S Company Captain ITuber 42 Lieutenant Buxton 33 Sergeant Hubcr 40 Vubrok 42 Koch 43 letrie 41 Rineen 39 Rneen 33 Brooks 34 Tobin 36 Woodal 40 Dreischman 32 8chenbach 39 Hustedf33 Siebe 31 Ituth 38 liepenn 23 WU1 S3 II ilenke 35 II ignan 40 total 731 The old contestants for the ownership of the American Field medal met to hnally decide the ownership of that much valued trophy It was won by II Brown with a score of 241 rings against Kuhule 239 Klein 239 A Johnson 235 Horey 234 and Carr 233 Company Cr TJiird Regiment held their monthly practice shuot The following scores were made Private Dwyer 45 Corporal McGmness 42 Lieutenant Kvan 41 Private McKenzie 41 Private OBrien 41 Private Kodger 40 Iieuterlant Crowley 39 Private Fratin 31 Trivate Kelly 35 Sergeant Yager 9 There is some talk of Private Dwrer challenging the members of the National Guard toa contest with a Springfield rifle for the city championship Yesterday at Harbor View George Helm a member of the California Scliuetzen Club did some wonderful shooting making G85 rings in thirty shots or an average of 22 1 6 rings THE BERKELEY COCKPIT by Sports Growlnw More Wary Kxperfonea A few months ago the admirers of cock fighting were wont to gather every Sunday at a resort in AVest Berkeley and bet their aheckels on the result of the main On days when a good main was ex pected between known birds the money changed hands to a greater extent than at an other sport and at one main on April 7th 47000 was held by a well known sport awaiting the result On those days the cockpit was surrounded by a strong and moneyed crowd Lately the managers of the pit have done some base work and the attendance has rraduaHv fallen off as nearly every mam was fixed and the public wno paia au cents aamission refused to be fleeced and beaten any long At a main yesterday not over twenty people paid the admission fee and when two fights were concluded in each of which one of the birds lav down with a broken leg a few seconds after being juuea me crowu ten aisgusxea ruj after losing considerable money The main took place within tome distance of the BerkeiT stock yards and John Mabttr and Mr JIcGlinchey were the owner of the opposing fowls The bets are all made and taken rv spotters before the birds make their Appearance and then when the difier ence is seen It Is too late As one de pleted mortal said to his friend yester dajr If we could only see whats going in in that loft we would be better fixed far supper 9 COttTXTHIAN COSSIT nlars an important cart ilany of the yachts will be short handed and it is hoped that each and every member will exert himself to be present on the day of the race and by reporting to the Regatta Committee places will be assigned such enthusiastic volunteers accompanied with a written guaranty that they shall ail find a berth on the winning yarht Representatives of the press will have places reserved on board the steamer which win follow the yachts over the course Axenlc The critics Were all surprised at the style in which Jaek McAulifie handled Paddy Smith recently at hia benefit though Smith was expected to render a good account of himself One New York critic writes Jack McAnthTe was alt over Paddy Smith at his benefit the other night and Paddy was all but knocked out in one round Billy Myer of Strcator 111 who fought Jack more than four hours was at the contest and said regretfully I wish Jack had Caught me in that style It was a vxin wish however As I have pointed out before this McAulifie is a wonder ful fighter when he has the gloves on and can do almost any man of his weight in a limited round contest and I the affair Tuesday night proved it Be fought smith in a savage and furious manner and Paddy was never in it I believe however that Jack would not adopt those tactics in a skin glove battle Billy Myer believes so too and believes also that he can whip Mac So earnest in this belief is be that he has again challenged Jack to battle and has posted A5U0 to bind a match The challenge is also open to any other lightweight That Jack will accept I have no doubt He recognizes that Billy is a hard man to beat but believes be can whip him and as he has the backing will in ail probability make the match If one is made however the date of the battle will be far back in the summer as Jack is determined to go to England and Ireland soon lter the fight between John and Jake Kil rain Myer a looking well but ever so much more fleshy than when 1 saw him in Chicago At that time he was training for his fight with McAulifie at North Judson Ind Ike Weir has decided to become an actor He said to a Boston Herald reporter on Sunday I know that Ive got much dramatic ability and Ive no doubt Ill be agreat success he added with characteristic modesty Edwin Arden the sensational actor is at present engaged in writing a play for me a novelty in its line and will allow an introduction of my many specialties singing playing the piano blindfolded with the cover over the keys any tune ever written from the days of Tom Moore to the days of Ike Weir dancing shooting and many other things Yes I intend to abandon righting but while my play is being written if either Murphy Griffin or anybody else wants to fight me twenty rounds Ill accommodate them Pat Killen is likely to have his hands full soon Jack Asbton has backing to the amount of 2500 to light the Duiuth gladiator and Joe McAulifie is willing to give him a fight in one of the San Francisco clubs Joe Choynski could not get a purse in the local clubs to tight Tom Lees as the critics considered tbe San Francisco boy no match for the Australian who came here with the reputation of having fought Peter Jackson three hours There is now no doubt in the minds of tbe judges that Choynski would have licked Lees without any trouble in ten rounds if not much sooner There is talk of matching Choynski against Joe McAulifie in the event of the former defeating Corbett Choynski thinks he can beat Corbett but he is very leery of McAulifie whose tremendous strength weight and reach make him a very ugly customer for any one but a big heavyweight and a clever one at that to tackle People who sit outside the ring may think McAulifie very slow but good prolessional boxers who have tried his mettle agree that he is much faster than he looks and whenever he lands on them tucy feel a strong desire to wish him good alternoon The Marine has let no grass grow under his feet at Sausahto in his reparation for the battle with Mike ucie in the California Athletic Club to morrow night When La Blanche went over to Dexters a couple of weeks ago he was twelve pounds overweight but by careful attention to business he has got himself down to 15G pounds He does all his road work in the valleys north oi Sausalito where the temperature is much higher than on the southern and wind swept slopes lie gets out at 6 oclock and takes a preliminary trot along the beach Ho noes his forenoon work with the skipping rope and punches the bag between 10 and 12 oclock and finishes up with a plunge in the briny bay At 230 oclock he takes the road in the direction of Blythedle and does a tramp through the valley that brings him back in a lather lie will work up to the last day before the match as he has ferocious appetite and takes on flesh at a prodigious rate La Blanche does not underrate Lucie and thinks he is as good a pugilist as Reddy Gallagher with more strength and reach He says that the fact that Lucie has no immense reputation unts for nothing Lucie has been in the ring for several years and has shown by his fights that he is a first class middle weight The Marine despite his complimentary estimate of Lucie thinks that he will lower the Pbilaiel pha boys colors on Tuesday night in short order for he makes no secret that he is bent on a rushing rhrht and that whoever wins will in all likelihood do so inside of eight rounds Lucie has kept remarkably quiet at his Alameda training quarters Like tbe Marine he religiously abstains from the foaming beer glass and the soothing cigar and is as as grimly determined to win the fight as any pugilist that ever came here His prolessional brethren think it a sure tip to back Mike to defeat Joe Ellingsworth who has followed Dempsey so penitently for a match A number of Jim Corbetts friends visited him on Saturday and Sunday at his training quarters near Tamalpals When be first went into the country he took on flesh but the steady work of the past week has corrected this and be is fast vetting into fine shape for his match with Chovnski The latter on Saturday aftef his mornings work scaled in ring costume iuo pounos so that is unnecessary to say he is as hard as nails Corbett will strip very nearly twenty pounds heavier and looks a much bigger man in the trunk and lower limbs especially Choynski underpinning is light in comparison with his upper works Unhfce Choynski who has been confining himself to road work alone Corbett tas been doing a serviceable amount of punching the bag He is teelirisr verv strone and confident and with his superior weight and strength and his acknowledged cleverness as a boxer he shcaiKllusUir vie unbounded confidence that is being placed in him by bis many dub admirers There has beeu a good deal of talk about the like modus operandi of his preparation to uvea fuaiM7xviCTMn I eet na about 6 oclockr arid start out on a hve miie walk When I re tunf from that exercise I am tubbed down with acoarse towel and rest for about an hour then I am ready for breakfast That meal constats of chops or beefsteak and a cup of weak tea I am not allowed to drink coffee because coflee has a tendency to make a man bilious Tea if it I sot too strong and you dont drink too much ofitucood for the nerves Did you ever notice that nearly all people who hare grown to aa old age hare been very lond of their cup of tea I think that fact proves that tea is a good thing for the human system After breakfast 1 sit around awhile read the newspaper or chat with my i trainer ana then tor nan an bout 1 exercise with two pound dumbbells or I tl I tJt 9S1I1K a aan ou vi auuiau lauua a alio akin a mne That mar aeein A I very womanish exercise and the state ment may majte some people amue but the fact is that skipping the rope it an excellent exercise for limbering up the joints most every joint in your body receives benefit I believe that such exercise is excellent for youna giris tnougn they nave a tendency to overdo it in which case ot course it is very harmful Another exercise I indulge in at this time is punching the football which is suspended by a rope from the ceding All these exertions occupying the time until the dinner hour They are continued pretty constantly one after the other slowly and easily and not to the degree of fatigue For dinner I eat roast mutton roast beet or roast chicken I eat only the lean of the meat at this or any other meal the fat is cut off and thrown aside I consider chicken broiled or roasted good food the meat is dry and somewhat strengthening There is 110 choice between roast beef and mutton one is as good as the other After resting a while after dinner I go out on my long walk and run for distance of twenty miles I walk and run alter nately This is the most severe exer cise 01 the day ana nas lor its object sue strenguierurigoi mo legs ana wuiu When I come in from a long run I am rubbed down with a coarse towel after which I jump into a bathtub with salt in the water I also let the water run over me in a shower Then I am rubbed dry with a coarse hand towel after which my trainer rubs me down with his hands always rubbing in a downward direction not both ways The object of this rubbing is to harden the tiesh if you rubbed both ways instead 01 oue it would nave a tendency to make the flesh sore because under this high training the flesh becomes very sensitive until under proper treatment it begins to harden By this time it is 6 oclock After dressing myself in ordinary costume I pass away the time for an hour in reading or chatting and then I have a good appetite tor supper That is not such a heavy meal as breakfast or dinner I generally eat a little cold chicken some dry bread I always eat the bread dry and drink a bowl of weak tea As a rule I eat no dessert though I am sometimes allowed a little rAe pud ding I dont smoke ordrink any una 01 liquor tnougn tor runner i sometimes take a bottle of Bass ale That drink taken in a very moderate quantity at the noon meal 1 consider beneficial it is to a certain extent strengthening I go to bed at 9 oclock ana it is almost needless to say 1 eu JkBtlctpatiene tfcw Contlng Ite fattav SThe beach at Tibnron presents a Bvelyiscene several of the yachts being hauled out to ha ve their bottoms cleaned and painted ia preparation for the coming regatta Captain Garter of the GerUe has aU his Hght tails bent for tbvoccasioti and Judging from the number he will look like a huge snowball when aaiUng free especially as all the canvas i ferand aOTaeiirx irhitevSfVV Shtld moderate winds prevail on llnndajrjbtre fai Eardl 4oubtbtrt loy a eood nieht rest Mike Cleary has been engaged to help Sullivan in his training The big Kostonian appears to have nearly all the floating pugilistic talent retained on his behalf How loni a nrize fiehter mav retain his strength depends very much on his constitution A man may remain a good one until he is 35 or 40 years of age Prize fighters live to a pretty fair age as is proved by the list of some of the famous men in that line JvaSTT Horn liled Aged John Broug nton 1703 1788 85 Tom Johnson 1750 1787 47 Daniel Mendoia 1788 1838 73 John Jackson 1708 1815 78 Jem Belcher 1781 1811 30 Tom Belcher 1783 1854 71 JohnOully 1783 1863 80 TomCribo 1781 1848 67 Tom Spring 1793 1S51 58 JemWard 1800 1885 85 Bendigo Johnson 1811 1880 83 BraCaunt 1815 1881 48 Bill Ferry Tipton Slasher 1819 1881 62 Tom8ayers 1828 1888 38 Tom King 188tt 1888J 82 hhood of the match falling through but it looks as if the rival boxers are growing more and more determined to light as the day of the contest approaches The referee has tint jet heen elected for theChoyasad Corbett match It is likely thtf the man wUl be picked next week and after that there Till be nothing to prevent the fight With a new to aHaymff the popular anxiety as to whether he ts training on steaks or steam beer John Suilrran has taken to himself shorthand reporter who records the daily sayings and doings of the cmt man that they may be only set forth lor the edification of the cultured public of New Xork Bosten and other great Eastern cities ilr Suiavan fcas appended his hletlc fist to the following succinct statement by his stenographer of the Jem Mace was born 1S31 and is therefore at present 58 When here five years ago he was quite a lively old boy The Eastern boxers are agitating the possibility of reviving interest in four or six round contests instead of glove fights to finish The day of the four round contest has gone and with it all the printers ink price fighters who had afflicted a long suSering community for several years tieorge Mulholland and Billy Manning of Los Angeles will fight next month before the Southern California Athletic Club for a purse of 750 Jack Lynch wants to fight any 125 pound man on the coast Happy Joe Dick Fosters colored lightweight preferred Three men and a cook comprise the training household of Job Sullivan two of whom will be trainers a third to do the routine work and the cook will supply John with almost anything that he may fancy The trainers are Mike Cleary And Jack Asbton both of wbom are weil known pugilists Jack Barnett Sullivans bosom friend and his brother Mike will be located not far irom him The California Athletic Club has made arrangements to admit its mem bers faster than heretofore at the meeting to morrow night The necessary inspection of tickets at the door always causes a crush and delay and these disagreeable features wilt be removed so far as possible There has been some comment In the California Athletic Club over the alleged remarks of California Club directors relative to the Leea McAuliffe fight The majority of the directors are disposed to regard unfavorably any public criticism by their lellow mem bers on the board with regard to other athletic organizations The matter will probably lead to some official inquiry The general impression oi those who witnessed the Lees McAuliffe fight is that the match never should nave been made Still matches apparently one sided have turned out to be game struggles with a different ending from what was anticipated Nothing is more uncertain than the outcome of a glove contest Jack Dempsey and his sparring part ner Denny Costiean are in town and will appear to night at the Orpheum Jack has had several pressing invitations to act as second for puciliata ho in trainine He will probably be be hind Alice Luae ana may assist unoyn skt The Wheelmen 1 Official organ A w1 Edwin Mohrig San Francisco chief consul 3 Phil PerdvaL Los Angeles I vice consul Alexander Ireland San Francisco secretary treasurer itepre sentatiyes George Frost Pasadena Charles Moore Stockton Sir Thomas Uill Dr Sandford San Francisco Dr Curraga San Francisco representative San Francisco Bicycle Club Bepresenta tives Bay City Wheelmen Buss and Charles Moore Ban Francisco WA OfF Los Angeles representa tive Los Angeles wheelmen Arrangements for the joint race meet to be given at Stockton on July ith next by the Oak leaf AVhedmen of that place aad the Bay City Wheelmen of this dty are In progress Sheldon and Thompson oi the Baydtys were fo Stockton yesterday on business pertaining to It A general programme for tbe day was laid out and matters arranged as tar as possible at this early date The track 6 bemrf put in condition and witf very much better than it was last year It is In the hands of competent people and the Oak Leaf Wheelmen hope to make it the fastest track on the coast The Baydtys wiU attend the meet hv a body as wiU probably the Capital Ctty Wheelmen of Sacramento and the Garden Citya of San JoseY It is anticipated that teens w3i be more wheelmen in Stockton than were there at the league rneet last year The programme ooa prises aparade in the morning races in the alternoon several runs to places interest Uer the races and an entertsmmfn and dance ta the evening at the pavilion The entertainment will consist of a drill far th Itav Cite Drill Cone eom zr 1 posea 01 sixteen mcea naers levteuj ot vruinxastex tuciiaruBun sxukiiuuus of fancy riding by Adams aad Hickhibothanx a ttM of pole OS Stars and a demon drill by the Oak Leaf Drill Corps to be followed by dancing The programme is varied enough to suit all tastes The Bay City Wheelmen and the Oak Leaf Wheelmen are the two most prominent and most enthusiastic clubs on the coast and their entertaining qualities are widely and faTorablv known to all lovers of the sport When their efforts are combined all who are fortunate enough to be their guests may be assured of a right royal good time The list of events will contain eight races one of which wiU probably be ran in heats The committee will apply to the racinx board far two State championships the five mile and the one mile safety As safety bicycles are barred from ordinary races by the league racing rules two safety events will be given It is to be hoped that the University Wheelmen will maintain the position they took as a racing dub at the last ce meet given here They should enter at least three men Townsend Haas and Ittenan The Garden Citya hare the two Smiths Enough aid The Oak Leaf Wheelmen are to be congratulated upon the tasty and elegant elubrooms which they have recently fitted ur Chief Consul Edwin Mohrig and wile Moore aod wile and Knapp Jr will leave for Los Angeles to day lo attend the league meet to be held there on tbe 30th tV Adams returned hut week from Washintou Territory where he enjoyed a number of bicycle trips in company with the Tacoma wheelmen He reports cycling in the great Northwest as booming Cox and TV Bay of the Bay City Wheelmen and Booth Jr visitedMount Hamilton Observatory on Saturday the 18th iust wheeling from Oakland via Milpitoa and Berry essa A very enjoyable trip for wheelmen to take Is the one made by Knapp Jr and Meeker on Sunday week Leaving San Mateo they took the Span ishtown road as far as wy lies on the summit from where they rode along the ridge of the mountains to Pelar citos and returned by Lake San Andreas The same day A Howard and Thompson rode to Spanish town and back Bs remarks which appeared in hb letter to a morning paper yesterday pertaining to club uniforms were most pertinent The least showy and gaudy and the more comfortable and suitable for riding the better the uniform A bicycle rider is conspicuous enough in the plainest of costumes and a modest suit without braid or ornament surely displays the better taste Browning has just received a new tandem safety bicycle to be used by himself and wife There will soon be a number of these machines in use here A race on them would be interesting especially between such teams as Elwell and Adcock Browning and Plummer and Davis and Wheaton At the meeting of the Bay City Wheelmen to be held next Monday evening nominaCons will be made for officers for the coming term Athletic At the Columbia College games on May 11th tbe open 8S0 yard run produced a splendid race between ConneC A and Dohm A The latter had ten yards on Connelf but he stepped back to the scratch mark with the Manhattan champion and the spectators seemed to know then that a great race would take place Dohm laid behind ConnefT until the last 150 yards when he drew level with him and along with Reynolds A A who had thirty yards start had a nip and tuck fight until within twenty yards of the taj when the others weakened and theY A man passed a winner bv two yards in the great time of two minutes It was some time before the enthusiasm of the spectators subsided The friends of Connelf had Advised him not to start for his condition cannot be com Pared with that which Dohm is in The Actors Athletic Association has onlr been in existence a few weeks in Kew York and yet it is said that some 01 the inespian athletes nave made such wonderful progress that they can how stand on their hands and borrow money with their feet Wood the English amateur athlete who visited America hi 1S87 publishes in the London Pcutime of April Z4 isy a tetter neaaea Am letics in America in which he says I freely confess that while 1 was in America I entertained a rather poor opinion of their sprinters and one of we greiesi surprises 01 my me was to see Westing romp off with our last championship However I can console myself with this reflection that nine months previously I said that in my opinion Westing was the best sprinter in America but I never ex pected that my words would have been verified in the way they have been Sprinters from America will from ail accounts be very dangerous this year ui our cuampionsuips 1 ao not put any faith in Schineritein tbe new 9 4 5 man from Missouri Commenting on this blunder the New York pfrft of Iht Time says Schlffer steinshome is 2000 miles from Missouri and ha has as genuine a ten second record as is held by Westing or any other runner If he Sherrill Copeland and Ve3tlng could be started In a sprint to morrow Westing might not be tbe favorite The recent amateur boxing tournament in the Olympic Club was the most successful affair of the kind that could possibly have been held The judging was excellent and yet some decisions caused dissatisfaction This is Invariably the case in boxing matches for scientific points and has been so prolific of trouble to Eastern clubs that judges are coming to the conclusion that effectiveness in hitting Is the only proper test of a boxers merit in four round contests Captain Cooke of Boston recently printed a burlesque report of a set to between a giant and mosquito which has considerable relevancy to the discussion about the correct method of judging amateur competitions The boat was a six round one between the Giant and the Mosquito for a 500 purse 100 to the loser Tbe Mosquito opened the ball with a merry crack on the Giants nose a tap on tbe left eye and then got in a ciinker on the ear Jumping hack quickly be evaded the counters of his weightier opponent and prepfPed to land more punishment Before he did though he sung out to the judges You see my score there Its three to nothing You may as well begin to count out the big end of that purse for me His next lead was on the Giants nose but he lingered a shade of a second too long The huge hand came down and mashed him out of all shape The Giant loses said the judges The Mosquito counted three points to one Spellacey and Vogelsang two noted sprinters of the Harbor Commissioners department ran a 75 yard race on Jackson street wharf on Saturday for 90 a side Spellacey was a strong favorite in tbe betting between 400 and J500 being laid on him Spellacey was away first but he had not gone more than forty yards when Vogelsang came aiong use a locomotive ana passing his opponent won in 8J4 seconds Charles Carroll was timer and James Costello referee Spellacey excused himself and said he was out 61 condition but that be will give bis antagonist another chance to win or lose money Walter Boott the captain of the Olympic Athletic Club athletes has decided to take part in the games on XjecoratiOA Day At Barria Out on the 21th inst George Gray champion shot putter of the world broke his nrevkms rarnrrl bypurtmgthelS pounrfrshot iifect 3 inches fie also lowered tbe record for the 36 pound weight by a put ot 3d feet ratta The London Field gfres up the hope that the English type of keel boat can beat the American center board There Is only one vf aays VtiejfXeli in which tne cup can he won hack by us and that Is by building a yacht of the 4Utrenw length e2o wed by iha deed ninety feet I2iol A cutter I tz 1 jwt or lis lectior a yawi or acnooneTi Soctt a vessel would be a racing machine rather than at yachtrhe must either have a centexboard or have a draught of twenty two feet to vgive her the necessary lateral resistance and she most carry the maximum amount of canvas which can be piled on her with advantage Such a vessel wouia oe a monstrosrer aoe woum cost a fortune she would be useless Tor any other purpose and ahe would reduce yacht racing to an absurdity but that is the kind of a yacht encouraged by the new deed of gift and 1 believe she would win the cun It is useless for us to attempt to regain the cup with an einty nve toot keel cutter ordinary draught and sail area Such a boat has too little lateral resistance to stand a chance against a center board yacht of the same size Thsre has been considerable talk for some time in yachting circles about tbe reianve menu 01 tne leg oi munan ana the gaff mainsail Amonj the advocates ot the former style of rig Is that spray moistened veteran Commodore Putte who swears by iiis tarry top 1 lights an other strange marine necessities that the Linda can outsail tbe Sappho These boisterous affidavits of the comrooilore baring been brought officially to the notice of the owners of the Sappho a council of war was called yesterday after the sauadron sail Captain Thomas stated the case with i some emotion ana wound up By exclaiming Now my gallant crew do you thmk the Linda can scoop nsl Captam McCarthy who ls an expert amateur photographer at once produced a negative that was as effective as the big cannon in front ot the San Francisco clubhouse No he shouted in tones that were echoed by every member of the gallant crew from Admiral Begenberger to Boatswain Me Williams The net result of the council was that Captain Thomas formally indited a challenge to Captain Herbert Sawyer of the Linda to race the Sappho for any sum from 100 to 500 over the San Francisco or Pacific Yacht dub Course No time was specified for the acceptance of the challenge but it is of course understood that if favorably considered it will be at once acted upon Meantime the Sapphoniansare waiting impatiently to hear from Colonel Mer vyn Donahue who expressed a fond but it is thought foolish desire to stake some of the dividends of his railroad lines on the prospects of the Annie outsailing the Sappho The chief event of the week was the sail of the Pacific fleet yesterday The yachts got under way about 11 A followed by the Chispa of the San Francisco the Linda also of that club starting some minutes earlier The Annje took the lead followed by the schooner Virginia and later by the Sappho Before reaching the dty front the Annie and Virginia passed the Linda Tbe Sappho hoisted her club topsail and jib topsail and rapidly Stssed both the Linda and Virginia Luriine and Chispa bringing up the rear On the run to Hunters point the Sappho gained about all she had lost to the Annie by a late start The Luriine came up meantime and passed the Chispa Virginia and Linda the latter now hopelessly behind On coming about the Annie hugged the wharves an action which was followed by all the others boats except the Sammo which stood well out In the stream Mnfti famM i i4ta4 lMff aeeiA 1 defeated him A roar asa JrJiIcLonaldaB3UsaperI7wj Aioore and George orr ox the toneers made a trip in a barge to the Dolphins clubhouse resterdar morninv The Station crew of the Ariels wrisijtinriwjrrriAnJJ Lar key IL Farreit and Charles Pleias were oat yesterday JoreriooD Will Adams Yentz Ed Flanders aad Whittkopp of the a rif Is were out in a barge yesterday William Growney of the Ariels and Xf Ellis and Charles Larsen of the Pioneer were out in their ebclls yesterday forenoou while the water was smooth The Tritons wiB hold aa election of officers on Friday June Jth SamrjeiSolcianof the Tritons and a friend went to Sausalito on a two days trip on Saturday mornint Artigues and Fairchildof the Tritons visited the Union Iron Works in the gig Triton yesterday morning 1 and later August buppert ana jies tea made a trip in the same boat wth their wives Handball At Butlers court the prize medal contest set for yesterday afiernoon Dcn neily and ODonneU rs Oagns and Wren was postponed Tor one week Donnelly being unable to attend Several spirited games were played and witnessed by full galleries Conlon defeated Tom Rogers in a single Patterson and Conlon won close and hotly contested game from Tom Prendergast and Mike Carin Then James ODonneU and John Cronin played against Joe Gagns and Torn Ryan beating them in three successive rubbers Ht the Union court Moore and Blute played a single to settle a tie or last week the former winning George Yagerson and John McKenna beat Hugh Toner and JMeDermott in a close rubber Several other games played were unrecorded Lawn Tennis A fournament singles open io all players residents of California wfll be held on the grounds of the Lakeside Tennis Club corner Alice and Dnrant streets Oailandron Saturday next beginning at 10 clock in the morning Two handsome prizes are offered and a number of entries have been received guaranteeing a successful tournament Those who played during the week at the California Lawn Tenuis Court were Breeze Harrison Bee Hell man Coggins McLaren Thorn King Jacobs Madison Godley A Taylor and Taylor McGavin Tobin Gray and Bequa CHRIST CRUCIFIED AN ELOQUENT ADDEESS Bl SPCRGEON hoping to gain by the ebb tide The Luriine aod Chispa how overhauled and passed the sloops the Virginia doing likewise later on When it came to hauling the sheets fiat for the beat to windward out the channel tbe mistake of the Sappho became apparent On account of her staying well out the stream she was unable to weather Alcatraz and was obliged to make a tack thereby losing fully ten minutes The Luriine rounded the bnoy first followed by the Chispa and Annie The Virginia in spite of the lead she had barely getting around ahead of tbe Sappho which had made up considerable of its loss and with time allowance made her finish very close to the Annie On the way to the moorings the sloop Volunteer tackled the Sappho but was passed easily 1 he day could not hare been better and every oue enjoyed the race It is but fair to the Linda to say that her bottom was very foul or she would hare given a much better accoant of herself 0 Chapman formerly of the Spray was out in the Sappho A Treat the Michael Angelo of the Amateur Photographic Society sailed on the Chispa He had his tools with him One of tbe most expert lady amateurs was busy on the San Francisco wharf securing negatives of the different yachts Oar u4 Shell The proposed match between Teemer and Gaudaur hangs fire Several weeks ago Teemer issued a challenge to row Gaudaur or anybody else a series of three races at tbe following distances 1 Three four and five miles St John in behalf oi Gaudaur replied that the latter would row Teemer three races of two three and four miles respectively St John visited Pittsburg and re auested Teemer to meet him there Teemer failed to meet tbe visitor and as a result St John refused to go on with a match except Gaudaur was Allowed to select the course for the first race When St John had left the city Teemer forwarded articles of agree ment to mm many oi we conoiiions beinjr rejected by St John The latter then sent a new copy of articles and the only condition that Teemer objected to in them was that three races should be rowed under any condition leemer aesirea mat it one man won the first two races the third be not rowed St John finally acceded to Teemers request Teemer was informed of this and nothing has been beard from him since This is exactly bow matters stand just now and Teemer and Gaudaur may meet in England because all the leading row ers of the United States will be in England during the proposed race between OConnor and Searfe The Fourth of July regatta Is now engaging the attention and activities ot the rowing clubs Few celebrations of this day here have passed unattended by a feature of this kind and the indications are that the coming affair will be the equal ot any that have preceded it The clubs are all taking a lively interest in the preparations and are several members of the Committee of 200 Entries are already talked about and probably most of the best known row ers will take tart The Ariels have just made up a crew to com pete for the prwesswnai pruev ih a compotea OI James Corcoran Fred Smith Tarn Brown and Charles Uanrahan They were out hxa barge for exercise yesterday John Muirhead will buy a new shell and endeavor to regain the laurels lost at the regatta week ago when fcjfokej won tbe amateur singlaHScail race WhittkonDOt tha Ariels will alar buy a new shell and go in training far tne amateur ainjae ecuii contest Dan Dohertr of the South Ends wfll compete for the professional single scuii prize lie was out yesterday in a new shell presented to him last week bv Caesar Brunt One of the most in terestine contests Of the day will be the amateur four oarea oarge race ior sne au surer cup presented by the city two years ago ISO OUUUi UJU VICW UBIS SWIII IWHC and it they succeed in winning it again this year it will become their property The contest promises to be a hard one Everybody seems satisfied al the war the regatta went off a week ago yesterday The South End amateur ere Attribute their defeat largely to their position in the middle of the current bat as they selected that position after win xung tne choice they can oniy regard it as an error ot juagment It has transpired that Charles Long very gcetly left for Seattle oa the stealer which departed on Saturday It is said that be will row a lit He with his friend Peterson who recently rowed with George Lee and who knows his ability pretty veil and iff Long undshis chance rood he will row Against Lee for the professional prize in the regatta there on Decoration Day The Dolphins were all away at their picnic at Forest iiroro in the Santa Crux mountains yesterday A large crowd of their friends made the day an en toyable one 5pvvji CT Leander Sterenson went to Vallejo on iUtrirday to try arraage a match The London Preacher Has Tery Large Cong regratlon at lb First Baptist Church A very large congregation heard Rev Charles Spurgeon of London preach at the First Baptist Church last night The seating capacity of the building was exhausted long before the opening of the services Chairs were placed in the aisles worshipers were accommodated on the pulpit steps many stood up in different parts of the church and others unable td see or hear sought spiritual consolation elsewhere From a flower covered pulpit Bev Mr Spurgeon delivered a strong poetic eloquent sermon Theology was not discussed the philosophy of religion occu pied utue time ice speaker preached the gospel of Christ and him crucified He has a very pleasing delivery a rail clear voice a perfect command of English and uses lew of those wonderful gestures that won for his father the title of pulpit thumper ine text was ironi i txmntnians ii 2 For I determined not to know anything among you save Christ and him crucified That gospel was the panacea for every evil the balm for every wound Many were they who preached but few preached the gospel of Christ and hixn crucified Ther garlanded the cross but forgot the Christ who hung there The deeds of Christ were tongues that spoke his works The blood of Jesus was an important factor in gospel work God himself declared for if and the people should love and revere it with a tremendous awe There was a real par don because there was a real atonement Christ was set up not alone as a pattern of morality but it were well if the people lived so near him that they became like him In illustrating his discourse which was roll of bright thoughts expressed always in clear and sometimes in elegant language Mr Spurgeon spoke of a man who would throw himself from tbe deck of a ship without cause and said Some of the papers would have a reporter there end some would not but there would be accounts printed What they didliot know they would make up These words created something of a sensation The people turned with that quick nervous movement indicative ot a new interest aroused and listened for the opinions of tbe preacher when he departed from the gospel of Christ But Mr Spurgeon spoke no more on the new line His sermon was heard by all with close attention Bev Mr Kincaid pastor of the church assisted in the services In the alternoon Bey Mr Spurgeon spoke in the Young Mens Christian Association Hall on Sutter street In tbe course of bis remarks he drew an interesting parallel between the newly converted Christian and a traveler just starting forth on a sea trip There were he said many ships that might be taken the Hope tor those who feel that they are safe the Alarm for those who hare just awakened to a realization of their lost and degraded condition and the Resolution for those determined to do the right come what may ON THE DIAMOND The fianFranciscos Win Another Game STOCKTOX BEATS OAKLiSD Allien xpctcd to Arrive To morrow aad Jola the Eob ioson Forces TheHanFrsneiEC68aBdacTam ntos played nslL at the Haighttreet grounds tenia before crowd estimated at nearly fXtML Bany and Swett composed the battery for the San FrancUcos AndJIapemann and Roxburgfor the Sacramentos Barry was well received when he went into the box He struck out Roberta when two men were out and three men on bases At the bat however he did poorly being struck out four times during the rgame In the first game xiamey niauo two oaa errors dux redeemed himself later by bringing in two men The fielding ot the San Francisco team was very faulty in the opening inning and its opponents scored six rnni Khea and Ilanahrm got Jirst base on balls and scored on Hanleysint In the second Sylvester was put out by Swett to Powers At fiorely hit to Shea who sent the ball to Powers and he was out Krehmeyer followed with a similar strike and was put out at first In the third inning Boberts 0Day and Hapemann did good work at thena StockweU and Perrier held their reputation for long distance tits and the latter several times during the game xnocxea mepau tar to tne ngnt Ian pitched a remarkable game being rIr1 rkA 44 was rlAnnad tK I 7T fence In the fifth inkwell iit to tfSilWtiaBJibSZ tholafttlaMaTiclOntarM i mrlo a JnSneWla C8 the left field and Goodenongh made a lonz run reached for the balL missed it stumbled fell and rolled over in the dust Many believed that Roberts could easily have got the ball had not Goodenongh ran in his way In the sixth inning Donahue made a brilliant atop of a ball from Sylvester bat and was generously cheered In the seventh Stockwell and Perner were given bases on balls Roberts did bad work fat the eighth He was at the bat with three nsau on bases and two out Three balls and two strikes were called and a moment later he struck out WhUe Perrier was at the bat in the eighth Boxburg was severely injured by being struck on the tips of the fingers of the right hand lie was forced to retire Burke who was in reserve went to first and Krehmeyer took BoxbuTgs place The game closed with the Sacramentos tailing to score in the first of the ninth Following is a summary of the game tax riuscuoa AB BK SH Pa A 6ba3b 8 3 1 0 1 8 a Donahue 2b 3 4 0 0 3 3 1 rianiy as Levy 5 3 10 3 8 0 etocVa eu 5 8 3 3 0 1 PBTlera 4 2 3 0 8 0 0 Powersl 1 1 11 0 1 Swett 4 3 3 0 13 0 Barryp 4 0 0 I 3 0 Totals 40 18 13 37 13 10 aACBAKurro AB BHBTT Pa A GoDdenoughc 4 110 3 10 Sylvester 1 1 0 1 5 3 McSorier Sb 4 3 5 1 1 3 0 Krehmeyer lb 4 0 118 0 1 Bobertaif 4 2 10 3 0 0 60ay2l 4 3 10 8 3 3 Kewbertas 8 3 110 3 1 Hapemann 4 0 0 3 0 3 3 Boiburc 4 0 0 18 11 Totals ji io i i it ii io in oat ATrrnE tn Pull A Pleating Innovation Evening Dress Boston Herald An impetus has been given in Paris to the wearing of variously colored da whammert and other appendages of fashionable evening dress says a Paris letter At a soiree which has just taken place at the hotel or the Oomtesse de Kersaint in the boulevard de la Tour Mauboure plain black and white was discarded br most of the gentlemen present The Com te de Kersaint was in mauve the Dncde Mouchy In hlue the Doc de Lorge in violet while others wore coats ot the colors of snuff salmon brickchestnut vermilion and brown the buttons of the colored garments being of gold and silver and the button holes being decorated with floral emblems The pantaloons or to speak plainly the knee breeches worn by the male guests were generally blaca with stockings to match and be ribboned pumps of the same sable hue AC the cotUxin which was danced the effect was of the kaleid O3copie order the ladies displaying every color under the sun except green which as all good wardrobe eat afoguers and chroniclers of fashionable millinery know is the favorite outdoor color during the present spring 1 IX A BKSTAUSAXT An maatratlon of tba Ordinary Waitera laattentloa Chicago Herald Speaking of rejtauranUa gentleman entered a crowded restaurant the other day finally found a sea and when be secured the attention oi a busy waiter he ordered spring lamb with green was rhubarb pie and a mug oT Jialf and nan lie toiauus waiter ne was inn irreat hurry After be had waited im Tjatdentlv for about fifteea minniA tha dilatory waiter forced his way through the ever shifting crowd of lunchers and placed before the gentleman a German pancake some strawberxies and cream and a cup of coffee i As he was rery tiunzry ana in a great uurry he disposed of thia lunch without mur max but he said no waitar could coma any further froia filling an order than iu9vuv uiu xxe aaya uiaa axe at Jeass had the aatUfaction oj knowing what German pancake if was a dWt ht had never heard of before aosca av tvyrMoa 13 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 Sacramento 60310000 010 San rranclaco 2 0 4 16 3 3 3 19 Earned rsns San francrsco Tbree baee bits ODay Swett 31 and Perrier Two base bits Nowbert Sylvester aad Hauler stolen bases Shea 2 Donahue 3 11 ape maun Stockwell Perrier tioodenongb bytvealex iii uuij ii newoen ra ana iicsoriey 1 lrst ban an errors eaa Frandaco 4 Bacra mente 8 Ilrst bam on called balls San raotsoo 8 Sacramento 4 Lett on bases ean rranasco Sacramento a stmcK out By Barry try Ooodenoojrh 3 by Habemana 3 llrst base on hit by pitcher Sweet Barry andjtsberta Iaa ea bIls elwtt litoxbury 4 Wild pitches Barry 1 Uoodenosgb 1 aod napemsnn lime ox frame two courm Umpire John Sheridan uncial acorer I btspleton The Will Fincks and Daily Renorts played ball on the Haurht atreet grounds yesterday morning Fitzgerald and Wilson were in the points for niua xincas ana Atone ana tsroce for the Reports Gray and Creamer maae tnree Dase nits ana titzgerala Parker Mclntyre and McGnire made two base hits Sheridan umpired And Stepleton kept the score book The Reports won by 16 to 7 and the game was well played throughout AT STOCKTON The Oakland Lose by Coufhlans Errors STOCXTosMay 26 Coughlan pitched a winning game to day and lost it by his own errors In the first inning Oakland got three unearned runs on a single by CahilL Stockton got one run on a hit by Behan Howards sacrifice and Sweeneys single In the third after two men were pot Howard hit for a single stole second and thirl and scored on an error of Dailey Neither side scored aftain until the ninth when Howard got a base on balls stole secona ana scorea on loucniaus wild throw over first base off Harpers grounder letting Harper go to third from where he we sent home bv Sweeneys safe hit to field Van Court gave an exhibition ot roctv umpir ing by which both teams suffered aoout equally in haying strikes called when the pitcher should have had bafts called on nim Baker pitched a fine Sme and struck out five men Cough i doing equally well hi striking out Baiters ronowmg is tne score oxkLAjrn AB nHBHlTL AlTS canmr in almost csntmuat appease The game finished with 3hteea runs three behir Itomes aad eighteen base hits with a total or twenty nine bases ten stolen bases and thirty four assists could not help being interesting Following is the score JU ttlrS ABBBHStLPaA ftvaaib aotoeoa nanerraa 3 3 1 4 Herrln 3b A 1 0 4 Oosby 81 10409 fudger 8 3 10 10 Levy 1 0 1 3 Jtheret 5 13 0 10 0 Wlthertyl 3 3 0 1IO George 5 0 0 0 000 Tetala 44ii 87 ii ABK BHBH Pa A FDelmassjJt3b 5 0 1 a 1 3 4 0 10 5 3 1 OrtmesSb Thompson 3 ZUadatpb lb 4 LIelma8bts Levtqoe 3 CatdTcf 4 llamlnpu Warm a 3 a 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 03 00 01 3 1 0 1 10 0 0 iw is ia ToUls 3t 0 jupts arLtunrs llilitTir SanUCrux 0 JaO 18 0 3 1 0 13 Eeone 3 1 MM1 01 11 Earned runs Santa Cms 8 sTeanes A Basa on taU8atvta Crsi 3SeaaesK Two base hits Flannerr and Kran Home nmi with ertr Bandotph and VtTf etolea basea uager witaerqr ii riann ry i nompsoo ltandolphvlvlQae3 aad Warren Hit by pitched ball barren Left oa bases Santa Itui 3 Keaaes 3 Double play Orlmes I Delmas and Bandolph Struck oat By Uamlll 3 by Tudger 8 Time of aama I hour and A3 mlptttea CBJirfre WrUllara Gardner AT SAKTA ROSA Tha the llent Cluh Defeats FrtaJtrmae Sasta Bosa May 23 The Bants Bosa team took the Petalmnas Into camp to day in a ne eided game in which the Santa Bosasdid most of the batting and the Petaluxoa fieldersr earned their share 01 the gate receipts in chasing tbe leather CaUanwasin the box lor the Jinme team with lace at the receiting end and Carey and Orth filled points for the visitors CeJ on called balls and then struck out The balls Carey floated over the plate looked as big as balloons to the home batsmen and numerous Base hits and wild throws assisted the Santa Bosar to win bands down The Petalumas in fielding was full of holes and the fusillade of hits in the latter part of the game brought eleven rans score Santa Bosa 17 Petalnma 8 Bue hits Santa Bosa 11 retelnma 3 Bases on balls Santa Bosa A Petaluma 0 Struck out By Callan 18 Carey 2 nrrors canta itosa rciaiuma Passed balls race 2 Orth 2 UmpireCannon Scorer Brown a AT StOKTEBET Watsonvllle Tlsltors faefeated by av Beore af to 2 Moxtesst May 25 The game of baseball played here to day between the Monterey and rWatsonriiles re sulted in favor ot the Montereys by a score oi a to ints was tne nrst game of the season and a large crowd was in attendance At Ban Bafael Bj BATArxMay 2a The baseball game played here trAlsy between the San Bafaei and Burlington Bonte dubs was won by the San Hafaels br a score of 15 to It The local club hare been victorious In every garaa this season At the Oardea City Sag Jose May 23 A tine game was witnessed at Becreation Park this afternoon between the Golden Bales of San Francisco and the Silver Stones of San Jose The latter won by a score of 5 to 4 Ifetea aad Coxwuvnt The San Franciscoa are in the lead with the Oaklands second and the Sacramentos and Stocktons a tie for third place in the race for the pennant of the Cahfonria League Following are the percentages credited to each club i I I i 8 i fian Francisco 0 45 15 681 Oakland i 4 5 5 11 4SS 6locklon 5 IB 434 Scramento 4 4 Id 434 Lo 7 131813 1 Karfla Lf 4 Dooler lb 3 Dailey Iaei 4 McDonald 3b 3 COTinian a 3 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 8 0 Totals 34 3 5 325 IS One man out when wlnnina raa ara seorett axbarros AB BHsn luLX Rthas A Howard Sai Harper f4 swaeaey a Whitehead a 3 Moore 3 3 0 0 0 80 4 8 1 13 i too 4 OO 3 Earned an 81ocktoo Tirree baao hHj Stockton ton 1 Oakland 1 ln on bases Stockton 1 A Oakland 8 stolen baaee Cahnl IS Behan Bweeway AIcXKmald Howard Dooley Dailey JonWa play llarper Whitehead and Howard Hit or ptteber Smauey Tjooley Struck out By Baker 5 by Cmfaulsn 8 Passed bah ratrbvist Wild prtch Baker 1 Cmplra Van Coort rjcorat ially Tims of game 1 host aad 60 yrniw iiowjf Br rati seakide ta aea year tar 87 80 The Best OamoKver Played oa the Santa Cma Oreands SaaXiicz AUy2a The greatest giime rf baseball erer played in this city took place to day betrreen the aCeases of Sen Fraaei3co and the Santa Cisa iefabav It was marked by nnsppTosched batting the dererest lise running and the laost brilliant fieldliig tliough many trror were iriade Fndger fcmerly of Obe Oak 1 Ai3 pitched for thelAuta Cruz team and played carelessly till the third InningInning when llandolplvmade a honie rnn hit After that but one run was made by the Keanes In the Cf th inning with two men out and the bases fnu lrr of the home team crore tne ball overthe left field fence Fisher rot second by a base tut jaUim base and came home wnneriys borne run hit over the ttft fleia tenoe rrXownrtoeyour to pt a pJ tamboo I SSSlSSiiZriSSi red aad nrtwitaiisWawaVatjsKia Mjr erwr tttont was by nrlinaztt piece fialiing and the Andience kept Aldrich the Ditcher whom Manairor Boblnson has secured to twirl for the Oakland team and who is expected to arrive in this city to morrow was last season a member of the Kalamazoo Clab of thaTri State League OKeUl and Jailcyr oi the present Oakland aggregation were members of the same club the former playing shortstop and the latter first base It was at their suggestion and on their recommendation that Aldrich was sigiied Last season he played in thirty eight game making twenty seven base hits and stealing four bases He hada batting average of 17i and ranked ninety secondsecond among 110 players His fielding average as pitcher was SCO ranking third among 13 players The foregoing would indicate that he is a poor batter and base runner but as he is a southpaw he may prove very effect ire pitcher against the lef thandetl alngpers of the San Franciseoa It so Colonel Robinson will rejoice and proceed to advertise for bids for a pennant pole The shortstop of tbe Oakland is quoted as having said that when Umpire Young made a mistake he was hissed but when he made an error La was applauded On Thursday last he must have thought the crowd mistook him for Young hat makes tne oumeiaing ot in California League particularly brilliant Is the tact that the winds here are hih ana etrong ana it requires a wear eye and quick judgment to gauge a balL While the ball is in the air the fielder has to curve and swoon around as a hawk docs after its prey Decoration Day the Oaklands and San Francisrxnr vail pbry in this city The Stocktons will play in Sacramento in the morning and at home in the alternoon Hardie having made the cleanest kind of a home run Saturday the public will expect him to do it hereafter every time he comes to the bat A prettier game was hem played by the California League than the one here on Saturday It was full of brilliant fielding Dalieys catch of Stoct weila liner in the second inning Longs catch in the fourth and his catch of Ferriers high and difflcalt flyin the eighth could not be excelled by any fielders Likewise Perrier catch in the eighth inning from llardies bat bnortsvop teticimey oi the Stocktons blaidsp having caught cold in his kidneys The trouble with Uapeman of the Sacramentos is that he Is too head atrong and will not take advice Lira Borchers he wants to strike every batter out and the result is ire too many men bases on balls Stockwella wonderful running catches and ogportnne batting von the game for the lsome club last Thursday Tbe Stockton Club badly needs a coacfacr CNeilTs successful working of the time worn trick of hiding the ball was due to the negligence oF the players stationed on the coaching hues tor the Slough City team A change has teen made in the playing positions of the Stocktons belaa piavjng first base Sweeney aecond otickney third and Whitehead short etop with Behan and Howard stationed in the out field Adams the amateur who played third base tor tbe Stocktons ln the game at Sacramento on Saturday is a phenomenal runner it is said that hlffersteia is the onljr sprinter oa the coast that van defeat bun Sweeneys timely and terrific lmttin in last Saturday a game At the Capital City stemmed the tide of eteat fur is champion The Your San Franciseoa deToafc tlie Phojnix Club yesterday by a soore of 2 to The feature ot theganre were the doable piars of Caatrnan ii Pursch and Israel The Iinoolna have organized tor the eeason aad would like to hear front ail nines whose members are under IT rears of an Address all rallefigci toliMn SUlKTiiittmt 3 fc 4Rc Sb i ZOfft 5 JSf ill nilifliinr j4sS fm W1a Jycs iiZTi LfejgsSakfcjfet.

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