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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 19

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jwfrw i Ja fiCif tf PPfWM 1 I1 WATER FRONT HEWS AND a 4 MARITIME INTELLIGENCE Pacific Mail Liner Korea Gets Quick Pratique at the Completion of Stormy Voyage Prom the Coast of Asia 04HIIIIMtMMtH44mMMIIIMMHtt MANY passengers and rtch cargo brotifbt by tha liner Korea STEAMER Bovarlo which wad en rout hara reported ashore OCEANIC liner Mariposa expected to be at berth early today BRIO Genera wtll ba rlsgad a schooner for codflihlnf traija WATER transportation man pleased at tha Increaelnc business BEEf seas played roasd the lower aecss or in raemo uau user aeree Jisi 27UO roll of whtli tuna root from Xokoaama to Honolulu and frfr aearly lx daje th pa feofeni mtsy of whom tnecvmbtd to mal 4 mcr apeot moat of the tlna alther In tbalr taterooma or la tba cabin After leering the Japanese coast the Korea ran Into a heavy northerly gale accompanied by 4 very hlgo tea and the apray from the huge watea went clear ever the barrtcane deofea aa the big Hn plowed on her couree The Korea wea lew than half ai boar la Ittar antlne upon her arrWal yesterday morning from China and Japaa Tie Honolulu This wee due to the pretence on board of Dr Sinclair of the Marine Hoapltal verTlce at Honolulu who eared Dr Xrottet and hie ataff the labor by ex amlnitijr the 610 passengera on the royage up Alibmigh ahe received pratique at 80 clock the Korea did not io to i berth at pier No 44 until nearly noon on iecoffat of the tide condition Beorv a mining man who baa been la Orea for four years waa permitted to leave the Korea In the etream because of unueiial bunt nee circumstances Tills Is a CfMiritKT granted by the port authorities only to person of official or great Importance Heory Is a rolher In law of 0 Uctortnark of the i tiinn ractflc Innel Sara Parker of Honolulu looking bale atl Up arty and with his uaual cheer 1 get lnc was at the rail of the Korea when ths ri 1 In He Is accompanied by his eon arkor and bis daiifrhter Mlaa Campbell ml Intend vleltlng the Fait with poealbly a Eur i eQ tnr later I I Barrett Treaaurer of the Philippines aim paaaenger on the Korea 1 lie liner cargo Included r26 bales of raw i7 matt rl H4 Bark nf copra 14 unci a of peanut 2110 bales of hemp naion it jute JU cheat or lea malting and S540 tuba of ahom niR KORIflAl PtSSTKNGFm abln paaaeogera arriving rn the liner Ko ea re Minn Atterbi rv Mine I Atterbury I Black Mr attl Mr I I Riirntt I leu iint Hmtou Minn Boevtortli i hit Mla Kaieraon Mr VN Farbee ts Onen Rev Orlgeon Mr nnd Hamilton and two children Re and Mis Hant and four cbUlren Mlwa A Holland lluiter Jone Mrs tin iten IIbn Miiij Kellr lie Hlng Leo lou Hui Ur Ire Maote Mli i Mixhiti Mikh McOilre Mlaa MrKir Minn I Vetera Joseph Pappa Ifivm Mm It llllatt Vllwai Ievn Mm ltt Ronh Ntiarahaugti Mra I Immlaogh Snodsrafc Mm RtmforA Thompaon 11 Aron Rev and I Thornton and four children II AiRii ieen Mrs A Bint on Mlaa Ben toi Mm Beoijoni mj Infant Mlaa A a art Mrs 0 Boucher A aaalily gelm Henrt Mia John Heme Mr anl Mrn Inqneti Mr mil Mr II John a i II I anmnnre Mr nnd Mra I I err Mr anl Mr Irxkwotl KeA ami Mrs A Mr nnd Mr A Macharg Monage Murny Mr and Mr Thornton nMklei A 1 PnrUer It 1 arker 1 I eteriiou Mr nnd Mra I pur rn1 Mr aid II I rlnre hn Prinze Mr and Mra i RaeLen Mri 1 Thomvon lcli Mr and Mm WMklnnou i upl It fiid Mlaa I II Mr II lrnreni hh 1 I etrnon Mr ind Mrt Frlrrh Mr anl Mi I Rniikli Mil nid Mr I ttllntn Mr ail fr I II Br ftijn It I Altkn Mle A I eiiKr Mr and Mm I iitbwlck 11 1 Ilmter I Irlnarntnn II letnon Mlna A nlth mltli Mr and Mra Smith Mr Scott Minn Kentl Mm A rner Pr Bnrnhan I Stuck Mm i II Ball Mlaa Bull Ir anrl Mrs IT Morler I Fnlk Mr aid Mra A Poutliltt art wrlirhl II Hunt Mrd I acgler Mra I iliiiirfon Mra I Kat Mm AM ii Minn 1 wno Mr Tin dale Minn II RursfMe 1 I lurk Fuller Urinen Mi nnd Mm II Qneal A Mutton Mr au I Mm A tewerlnx A 8 I ewerln Mm Bent Mr and Mm I Ufllr Ma A Hellh Mm liber Jr Mia liber i rmea Ungfr Mlaa Cam phi II Mra lleappr lu lee and Mm It lime Pr nnl Mm A II Sim lair Mla iirlalr Mla Ponald Mr and Mm lathew It Wllhiirn II Uoae niirm il I 8 la kei Parker Mln Ma nil Mr treeno Mixn Rnwton Mla Raitnon Mia RnAaon Mra It Bnrler Mr an I Mm Blxbj Mr sod Mm Colyer Otto Kellnr HTKAMEH BO ERK ASHORK The Brltiah ateamer Bonrlc of tlm Anatrallan Mall line la natiore at Nukualofa on rongalabu lland one of rha Frlemllv rroii according to idt rn reotJTd sealer lay In tbe Men bants Fxrlui frum I on Ion Til Boe I left Imt Much TJth for an Frnncl with a earn of gemral merchandtae rie ail Ices hh I that a war ahp had been dlpatched to nnlsr Hi Borerie off the reef on nhlch aha tnirk The Roverlc on her last trip nm her i itie nrm il cmoniea uni a aevere paaaase 1 nrrUel at Rvdnev In a damaged condition biTli loat part nf her lei kloa of lumber aol I arlnn eec compel ltd ti burn some Ottlnga for ri in Tne ni Mipplj betsmo exuauatad in hirk ii he liearv tv ather Fiton thf ioltii se is Prlght anl early th mornfng the Oeanic rinmir laripuan captain i nomas Jorneii is at her Fllhert street berth having ar i I In the harbor late laat night from Papeete Muni Tahiti The Mariposa will catch the milnir tide aa soon aa paaaea quarantine 1 1 liner la brlngtnu a llarhter paaaenirer Hat tl i nana there being but uboiit twenty five iraTnem on ooarn im seounc or totnn on the drr 1rrk a cleaning tbe Oceanic nnpao a inicr Hlerra mac be delayed In gettlna away 1 irrow for Flonolul i rhe Hlerra wan io bare aaitel at 11 A but will prohdbly not get rut i ii II late In the afternoon ATEIl TRAVEL INCREASES The paaaenger agents are enthualantlc over tlit Ktaa ly Increaao in coaatwlae water travel anl predict that tbe summer month will ne a lai ite biiwlneaa than heretofore The ateamer BeaTr Captato Nelaon of the San Franrlaco Porl land Company which left veatenlar if Itriland and Astoria took oat flSO peaaengers anil to he the largeat Hat carried on tbe coaat thin far this year Tha Pacific Coast Steamabtp ompanv the Alaska etetmahlp Company and the I aclflc Navigation Company aa well aa the steam ar hoonep opera tora are greatly pleased Mth tbe volume of travel WII RE A rODFMHER er a long eareer In tbe trafft to the Ronth ea the old brig Genera la to become a cod flxlier and hereafter will operate to the Alaska and Hearing sea watern The Unera baa been purrhaaej by tbe Inlon Flab Company from poia A Andrewa hr rVMi Her new ownera will hae her rig change I to that of a arhoooer The 1 nlon Tlah Company fount It necesnary to take over the raaael on account of the ns of tbe ch noer Cxarlna wblrh waa wrecked thia neajon in the north FOB THE LOWER COAST nrrjlnc flnlte a number of paasengera and laden Irh a cargo of T200 tone the Pacific Mi I Ktenmer Peru Captain Macktnnon loft at nn ycaterda for Ancon by way of porta In Menler and tentrsT Amerlen The Peru a cargo InchuUd t0 tons flour Tf0 tone of corn and 33 Otu fet of lumWr MISCEI I AMSOU NOTES The Paelfle Mall freighter Altec Captain Antli arrived in lat araolng from Ancon with a caruo of New York merchandise ibJppod r1a the Panama mnte Tlie Jnpanesa ateamer Nippon Maru hraixrwird bonml from tbe Orient arrived yesterday at Honolulu The Paclflo Const ffteemnbtp Company ateamer Senator hlch left here Mareh 28th nrrtviii ronicrlar nr Hon I 1 1 Tlie Htenmer i ewla I urke ibach which left hero Jnmian 20th arrive ferdsy at New YrfU fli rjrjto of nllfornla pro Inefn Tlie Hrltlh earner Manuka of the I olon Ptamhip Company left Wellington April 5th for Sn Frnnrlaeo Tn ateainee Grace Pollar VeClementa Marine Tfdings by Cbronlcle Wireless Steamer ArfjlV April ta 16 mile sorts or Cape Msudoclno llgit Bortaweet vied and eee clear Bteener Marlpoee April th Jtt mllee treat llf hteblp noderete wait wind i off a noderete eee aad weeterly well Steemer Home April SO 2 39 peeaed the Parellooee freih nortbweet vlnd imoorh teat cloodj eipet to rrlTe tt Port Baa Loll A tomorrow QiMiMHittntim mieter the ehl Oriental Wlliaa maeter tbe ecbooer William Bowden IU Pettreen maeter end the ecboooer a McNeer Chrte Uta Jobeaneen muter have been enrolled for the coaatlng trade ARMY TRANSPORTS The 1 oven left on Murrh 6th for Minlle Tbe Buford lft Seattle Mercb Stb for China The itni li at Manila Tbe Dlx Ii en route from Mantle to Soattle Tbe Crook le honml here from Honolulu The Sheridan left Manila on Mnrrb 13th for Sen ranclito The Sherman left April Gtb fur Manila Coast Maritime Notes Praaeiare aa las of IneoectlM craft at talapott a Jf it i a i ai MABITO HJWS POINT L0B08 April 1ft at Weather tour erlad aortiweet Telocity 19 BUea Bnnch Hdreirephle Otlce tl Saa Tree rleea April 1811 Tha Time Ball oa the tower ot the Palrmeat Hotel wte dropped today eiaetlr at noon Pacific Standard Time 120th meridian or at ah ereenwlch mean time BUBJtrTT Ueotenent 8 IT la charge COAST AND OKODIT1C SOBTIt Time inj helflitl of blh and low watera at Port Point entrance to 8au rranelere bav By oflletal natborltr of the enperlateadeat The tide at Ulealon Mreet wbarf la twenty are mlnutea later than at Port Point The aeiiai or tidee la the eama at both placea Apniu to I 1 I A A Ml IP HI TlmelFeet Time Feet TlmelFeet TiwijPt 7 I 0 0T 8 81 40 4 8112 541 0 11 34 Tb 1S2 8 4 0J HI 13 0010 01 84 1 0 15 S02 43 t40 14 14 I 24 ZS 20 5 1 10 0 5 10113 5 it 410 i a io is ti it oio42 as 13 4 30 1 It OS 1 4 14 1 8 11 10 S5 6 34 0 9 11 ftO B0SI 1 7 11 It 3 4 APBU 8nn Rleei 3 43 Ban Sete 80 NOTE la the above tabulation of tidee the dally tidee are lean la tba order ot their ee curreace commencing wltb the eerty morning tide In tbe left band tide column and tbe eue ceedlDg tldea ee they occur On eome daye bnt three tldea occur tbe fourth tide occurrlof the following morning Tbe column ot hetgbti gleee the elevation of each tide above or below the plane of Coaat 8urvey Chart Sonndlnga Tbe nambera are al ware additive to the chert deptbe ttnleaa preceded by tbe mlnna elgn or daab wbea tba aumbere are Bubtracuva from deptha given oa the chart WILSON ftfZMBZa EW YORK STOCK KTCHAIf Qfl CHICAGO BOARD OF THA DHL TUB STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE AX FKAt CISCO Mala Ofllc Mills bid Saa Praaels eek Rrwarh Ofsaea Pals Hr Msla Csrrl afor Saa Fraarlavooi llot Alexsadrla Los AoajaUas Cat rorreapoodaalai Hsrrls Wlslsroa at Ctta 2sw Yrka Cbieeif iUsd3a sa4 Psxlav A koilera arriya4 here tods PORTLANP Ajprll 8 The ateam acbooner Thocnaa Wand went to Kalatna thla after nnttn where ahe will flniah loading with lutn ber after whli ahe will go to KTerelt to take on telegraph polea 8he loaded 15 000 feet of lumher for the Mountain Lumber Ontupanr at Kaltma Rhe la bound for Ban Pedro Uavht Tennel 02 arrived here thin afternoon aol wilt ba given ber annual overhauling Tlie ateamer Virginia haa flnlnhed loading at TWatport anl left this afternoon for A a tor la She ta bonml for Tallfornla porta John Carlson a seaman fell from the ateamer Sba ata to a log boom and was killed hla bead ha Tine struck a log an he fell His hotly thee role I Into the river and haa not been rerov red dh ret Carl eon who bad hipped Tuesday afternoon wa taking down the encbor Ugbt when be loat hi halanre 4I1RRDEEN ABERDEEN April 8 Bringing the largest number of paaseiigers from California porta for ound pities that has been recorded for Rome flrne tbe ateamer Hanta Barbara arrWed laat night Tbe passengera left this morning for their dearlnationa hr train fhe nteamcrs Santa Monica Sn and Carmel departed The acbooner Foreat tTome has rnmn off the wari Bfter an overhauling and wtll load for the eat Conxt The bark Oenriana haa completed cargo for Callao anl will be renrty for aaillng ordera In tbre dnya The iteniner Taly Freeman arrived today ATOnM ASTORIA April The tifnm achooner Tel Icsr me Balled thla ruing Ran rranelneo Witt a caruo of 1 nnher The ateamer Francla Leggett sailed today for Sun Pedro nllh a argo of lumber from the Hamnwind mill Die ft earn acbooner Tamalpala arrived down the river thia morning and In taking on lumbar at i tie Aatorla Bot mpany a mill Til American chip Berlin ulih a crew and aiipplles for the Alanka I ortlaud lacker Aaao ilatinna cannery iKhaiik river Alanka will mall fir the north thin even The American Ha flltrti I nteamer Fatron an lei rtn for ao ranciBto wltb arjto for At In title porta The ateamer Roanoke nailed thin morning fflr Ban Franelnno and an Pedro with freight anl laTairuhrn Tha revfntjs rntter Manning will leave for itn nn mi ft 1 triii in Aiaakan watera about neit Motidav It la now under the command of Can tain ferry who arrived from Milwaukee ys The Prltih aieamer Tnrerktn arrived this morning ora Baa rranclaio and will load for rermaotie Tha acbooner Virginia with a cargo of lumber from eat port will at art dow a tbe river tonlgnt KURFKA FI RFKA April fl The steamer Aurella ar rivel from San Franclnco thla tuornlnv at 6 10 rjoca wun rreigui and man lhe Anrella la now loading at the Occidental wbarf for tbe reinrn trip to Hmn Franclnco Thn Htaampr I Ixiggle will arrive early morrow morning rrom tne aoptn ITie aieamer I rentiM will depart from Fields I ending wharf tomorrow morning with lumber ana a rnnalgnment or mal The ateamer Kavalil ahonld arrive from Rao Franclnco tomorrow morning with mall and nalncrtlaneou freight The Pocomo Head the large barge vet bnllt on ljiboldt hay wa lannehed thla afternoon from the Bendlxaen yards on the peninsula by William McDa le builder and dnrlnj next week will be made readr for aer vlcn In hay lightering work for Captain Walter Logjenhall Tlie Pocomo Head la R0 feet 1 ng with 20 faet beam and 5 feet deep with a carrying capacity of 225 tone SAX PEDHO SA FEDRO April The Pacific Navigation CotnpanT steamer Harvard arrived tdar from Han Iranciaro aotl after landing HO paaaenffers and a large amount of freight proceeded to Han IMego The aln departetf thla afternoon for Man Franrlaco with a heavy freight Hit aDd 180 pasnenger The ateamer WUlapa cleared today for Port land carrying 2V barrala of anphalt The arhooner Advent completed the dlschsrare of MO 000 feet nf lumber for the Southern Call fnrn a Lumber Company and sailed today for Cooa bey In ballast to load a return cargo The steamer Bxcelalor cleared todar for Alca tras landing with a cargo of firebrick after dincdarglng B07 000 feet of lumber bare for vartona ronalgneea Thai laqna completed the dlacharge of 72 000 feet of lumber tor the National Lumber Com pany and cleared todar for Fnraka to reload taking paanengera and freight for Ran Franrlaco The Pactflr Coast Company a ateamer Oovernor touched hern todar hound from San Diego for Seattle via Redondo and Sin Frnncl After taking paaaengara and freight It proceeded The ntenmer Alcarras haa arrived ar Keiondo from ttreenwood carrjtng 8000 rallroal tea for tbe Hanta ajatem The ateamer Tort Bragg arrive thla morning from Fort Bragg via San Franclnco bringing tne MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS Sieamera due to arrive and depart today and for the nsit few days are as follows ARRIVE Steamers From Doe Marlpoaa Tahiti Apr uueao Pnget Mound ports and victoria Apr uovernor a fjan Plego and way porta Apr laie Leon Angeiea porta CarlosSafl Pedro Corunado Grav Harbor Del Nortec Crescent City Jamea 8 Itlggloa Fort Bragg Excelsior Sua Pedro Klamath eittle ant Tacoma Centralla draj a Harbor Enterprlae Hllo Nebraskan Saljna rus Roanoke Portland aud Aatorla Falc in Portland and su Ma Brunawlck Fort Bragg Harvard Loa Angeten porta Koae Ily rortland and Aatorla Redondo Coon BnT Santa lara Kureka Hanulel Lom Anttele ports Bear Ion niMle torts Banta vnu HI go 1 ale Ion inaejes nor la City of lonieka Kureka Areata etc Santa Barbara Oray a Harbor Arctic Fort Bragg HarTard lm nitelea direct Nippon Maru Hongkong via okoliama and Honolulu Apr 11 Roanoke San Diego Ios Angelea porta Apr 13 Plant Seattle nnd Ticomt Apr Porno Point Arena and Albion Apr 13 Chelialla rn a llnrhr Apr 11 Cltj of I lehU Ingot Hound porta anl Ictorla pr President Kan Hiefo and war porta Apr 14 Arlxonan allna niz via San TMego Apr 14 toon mr nri 1 earo an 1 way porta ale Lou Angelea direct Hridea Honolulu Peaver Ponlaml and Aaforla Kons Cllv Inn Angelea porta Ceo Elder Portland anl Anl ra Oleum Phllalelphla via Point Arenai Hanalel I on Anselci norta Hanta Clara Fureka Areata Brunawlck Fort Bragg DEPART JGOLliOBER WSOtWaXl JLTTCTIOIXXa An C0XXIMX0 xncsajrx TAYLOR CURTIS Avcnonn tjxvtjl jlxs rnczxm or owti or AST SM IOTTBB ST iPkaaa Xaaurar 1T3 THIRD SESSION TONIGHT at 815 HEALYS COLLECTION RARE CALIFORNIANA FIRST BDITIOITS PICTimEJ MAPS CABTOOMS ETC IN THB Sutter Street Sales Room SUTTER STREET NEAR POWELL Cataloera IVoaUa Third Seaaloa 443 to 687 Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr 8 Apr 8 Apr 8 Apr 8 Apr 8 Apr 8 Apr io Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Ar 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 pr II pr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 etc Apr Apr 14 Apr Apr ir Apr 11 Apr IS Apr 13 pr Apr 13 Apr 15 Rffamer For Sail Carina Wlllapa narhor Apr Fxeelalor ooa Bar Apr 7 alw leo Augelea porta tan Diego Apr Corona 1 Augelen porta Apr 7 Curat au Mexican porta Apr 7 Renr Ion Angeles porta Apr 7 George Filer Atorla and Portland Apr 7 Cooa Bav San Pedro ml way porta Apr 7 ffnnta Clam ireki Ariayji etc Apr 7 Jamen 9 Hlgglna Loa Angelea Apr 7 eo rfiwkk Ancon Apr 8 lurline Hiwnilan porta Apr Hlerra Honolulu Apr 8 Covemor Sour 1 portn Apr 8 Watson Seattle and Tacoma Apr 8 Bee Bound port Apr 8 I Ity of Tpeka Kureka Apr 8 North Fork 1 ireka Apr 8 Arctic Fort Bragg Apr 8 latjua Fureka Apr 8 Roaa ke Lo Angeles Apr 8 Harvard loa Angeina Apr 8 Klamath Inn Angele Apr 8 Cenlralla Angelea Apr 8 Kxcelalnr Tocra Bnj Apr 8 Porno Plni Arena Apr 9 Fair Onk Orav a llarhnr Apr 10 Wnnhlnjrton Aatorla anl I ortland Apr 10 ale Ia AngeleN oria pr 10 Ireallenl a Angelen nopia Apr 10 Hear Aniorin a nit i riiann Apr ll uiieen victoria ana rugci noun i porra Apr ii Hanalel I oa Angelea port Apr 11 paanenaara and 8n0 0O0 fet of lumher fnv National and Conanlldated Lumber enmpanlea It will clesr Snndav for San Franclitro with paaaengara and freight Two windjammers the Ralem and ortle Bennett will flniah discharging lumber cargoes and aare scheduled to aall tomorrow In ballant both for Pugat sound porta to lo return cargoats After discharging part cargo of lumber at Redoado the steamer Melville Dollar arrived todav from Everett She will discharge the remainder of her cargo at the Jalt Lake Rail road wharf Tba local Chamber of Commerce has been reoueatvi to analat In tbe entertainment of the members of the San Francleeo Traffic lib at a barbecue to be held at Point Flrmln either next Snndav or the flnndny following The rial tori will be gneata of the Ion Angelea Traffic Aasoclatioa and will eome south on the staamer Harvard At a meeting of the director of the Loa Angelea Chamber of Commerce today Director Beott raited tbe attention of the hoard to the fact that additional aids to navigation were needed In tbe vicinity of the harbor enpecluiiy to enable venneln to round the hrenhwa ter In all kinds of weather the facllltlea at the prea ent time being Inadequate Tli schooner Alert ha arrived nut eieren days from Belllnghsm bringing Wono feet of lnmtver consigned to the Wood Lumber Company The steamer Hornet arrived tonight out four and a half day a from Muklltei wtth 1 noo feet nf lumber for tbe Consolidated I umber Company at Wilmington The ateamer Melville Dollar arriving todar from Everett via Redondo with a parllaj cargo of Ions ber haa been chartered hj tba Alanka RteaniMQlp Company to ply between Seattle and Alanka ports in tbe Arctic Aa the Bearing aen ta rloaed to steamera nattl the letter part of June the Melville Dollar will oot aall from tieatfle nnttl the first part nf that month In tbe mean ti ma ahe will coottaae to ply between the Bound and flea Pedro carrying lumber ear goes The steamer Ben flahrlel arrived from mp qua river this oaornlntr with iioo 00O feet of lumber for tbe Kerekhoff Cnsasr Mill and Lnmher Compaaj Meters eouns ana Doian mapeotora of hnlls iron Baa Perils Honkous via 1H nolnhi anl okoiiama Apr i Wllheltnlna Honoluln and III lo Apr 12 Rose Ity Ica Angelea ports Apr 12 Burkman Heattle and Tacoma Apr 12 Santa i lara Kureka Vnaia etc Apr 12 ea Foam rrnt Arena and Mend elno Apr 12 Brunawlck Fort Bragg Apr 12 Santa Barbnra loa Angalen porta Apr 12 Harvard Los Angeles porta San Diego Apr 12 Rcdond i Coom Par Apr i Nehrnakan New iork and Fur pe via Tahuaotepec Apr II Cltv of Toppka Eureka Areata etc Apr 18 Santa Roaa Diego and way porta Apr 11 Santa Monica frav Harbor Apr Newhnrg Gray a Harb Apr 18 Daisy WUlapa Harbor Apr 18 Chrhalla Loa Angel pa porta Apr 13 ARRIVFD AT FRA VfTSCO Rtmr Colonel I Drake Badger hoars from Seattle T1h hargn Al In tow gtmr I orno I llleland 14 hour a from Albion via Point Arena 11 houra Stmr Ceorgo Elder Jeaaeo 81 hours from Ban Tedro 8tmr City of Topeka filrlow 31 hours from Fureka Stmr selling ton Sundherg 88 hours from Aatorla Btmr Del Worte Sanford hours from Cres cent City Stmr Msvrrlck DanJels OS honrs from Seattle Rtmr Asuncion Bridget 2 days from Astoria Stmr Stetaoo tin sen 6 hours from Gray Harbor Stmr Westerner Kelly 71 hours from As torls Bttnr Cooa Bay Bowen Kl houra from Pan Pedro and way oort Rtmr Korea flu adman 27 day II hours 1 minutes from Hongkong via Yokohama Iff days 0 houra 02 mlnutea via Honolulu days 13 hour 40 mini tea Btmr Shoe lak Andreaen A hours from Ran Diego Stmr Aster A oat In days 15 hours from Adcoa Stmr Xorth Fork Nslson 23 hours from Eureka Stmr Watioa Bart let 61 houra from Seattle Btmr Riverside Dahlquint 14 days 20 honrs from Ancon Bchr Oregon Uellberg 5 days from CoqoJlls river 8chr Rnby Korth dya from Coonllle river CUARFD FROM 3AV FHANC18C0 Stmr Beaver Velaon Astoria and Portland Rtmr A nmnnlor Holme Juneau Si hr John Spreckeln rrelllterg Lnga SAIUr FROM SAN FRANCISCO 1 atmr nturn Sml li Kan Diego tnir I nlrnak Hansen Jvarluk Stmr Stetaon Jahnaen Ban Pedro i nr Haglnaw Koffold Portland Snr Ilnitauar Bnndman Grays Harbor Ktmr Tsaabtennw Curtis Port Han I nla Btmr Falrbaren Poulson Port I udlow Stmr Acme HI ten ureka Stmr Dnlar Mitchell Oblatrom Cona Bay Ktmr Bandon Roeenblad I ort Orford Stmr Ravalli Neleon Eureka Rtmr Qninailt Walvlg nillapa Stmr Alhim Njman Monn landing Rtmr Plant Orlfflth Seattle Ktmr nnta Roaa Alexander San Diego stmr faray a Harbor DonaldaoD Gray a Harbor Btmr Beaver Vinon Aaiorla and Portland Btmr I nlrnak Hanaen Knrlnlc Rtmr Ram Brd Snn 1 rt Fr Bblp Andre Tin 1 re lioberf Qneenatown Bhtp Bohemia Jensen BeUnirhnm Ship Llewellyn Morse I eltrson Bristol bar Rhip Fdwsrd Bewail Quick Kabnlnl Bktn Archer Parker Koche Harbor Bark Hecla Nelnon Port Angelea nST POUTS ARFRDrTFV Arrived Apr achr Foreater from alln atmr i I hence 1 Sallel pr ff atmra auta Monica Carrae Svta and Nvwhurg for Ban Vrsn ic ASTORIA Arrived Apr Br atmr Inverkln bencn 3 Sailed Apr fl ntmr Franf ta It Ieirtt for Sn Pedro artnr Falcon for Han Fraoi im atmr Yellownt ine South Bernl stmr Itoantke Ran KrandPKo atmra flbowtmne nnd Inmnlpnla for Snn rranctsco ship Berlin for Nnphan nk BANDON Acrlved Apr ft achr Anvil from Atr1pv atmr tfleld hence 4 atmr Guala a from no May tailed Apr 8 achr Anvil for Aatorla CLFONK Balled Apr rt atmr National City for Han Franclaco prion BAY Arrived Apr fl stmr Breakwater from Portland atmr Redondo bence 4 Balled Apr ti atmr Alliance for Portland CORDOVA Arrived Apr 6 atmr A Itnlral Bampaon from Valdes Apr 8 stmr North weetern frnm teatrle EI KKKA Arrived Apr fl stmr Anrella hunt 4 Ballad Apr fl atmr Saa Pfdro for Sea Frsa clao EVERETT Arrived Apr 4 Br stmr Bessie FOR BLAJOE ROMAINE Officers Here Assembling the Evidence for the Preliminary Hearing of Chisholm Sheriff Jack Smith of Sonoma county with Detective Sergeant James McGowbui apent yesterday gathering together the bits of evidence In the Chlaholm murder case that are to be used at the preliminary hearing of Pr Chisholm which will be com menced at Santa Rosa Monday Incidentally the Sheriff ran down a clew that he believed might lead to the discovery of the hereabouta of Blanche Romalne who lived at 194 Page street until shortly after the arrest of Chisholm The clew proved worthless and the officers have no Idea of her whereabouts The trunk In which It was believe the life Insurance policy of the murdered man Powell was hidden and which waa rearched seeral days ago by the police was taken from storage In Oakland yesterday by Sheriff Smith and shipped to Santa Rosa where It will be used an an exhibit In the case The application for a money order here and the receipt signed at Caja dero by Howard believed to be Chlaholm have been secured by the Sheriff and will be uawd as evidence although that will be merely rorrob orative of the fact that Chisholm was In Caxadero February 24th The money order was sent by Williams from San Franrlao to Howard at Cazadero and cashed there by Chisholm under the name of Howard according to pos Itlve information In the possesion of the SherWT The Sonoma Sheriff will spend sev eral days In San Francisco working out end of the murder mystery he fore returning to banta Rosa Several witnesses will be called from here It is expected but not for the first day or two of the hearing Dollar from Guaymas Btmr Toaemlte rrom Seattle FORT BRAGG Arrived Apr atmr Bruna wick hence 5 Railed Apr ft atmr James HIgglna for San Franrlaco KETCHIKAN Arrived Apr fl atmr Dolphin from Seattle stmr Jefferson from Seattle for Skagwar MONTEREY Arrived Apr 6 atmr Roaecrana from Aatorla POINT LOB 0B Pissed Apr 8 stmr May fair from Mukilteo for San Pedro atmr Katherloe from Eureka for 8nn Pedro stmr Roma from Portland for Port Sun Lola atmr Bowdoin from Eureka for Ban Pedro POINT RETFS 1 aaed Apr 8 atmr Walaon from Beattle for Man Franelaca atmr Maverick from Seattle for San Francisco atmr Aanncion from Portland for ao Franrlaco stmr Mar fair from Mukilteo for San Pedro atmr North Fork from Eureka for San Franclaco atmr Kathertne from Eureka for Ran Franclnco atmr Roma from Portland for Port Ban I ills atmr City of Topeka from Koreka for Ban Franclnco PORTIaAND Arrived Apr fl Br stmr Invprklp from Antwerp via Baa Prnnclnco Islled Apr fl stmr Northland for nn Fran claco atmr Thoman I Wand for Fvprett PORT CRESCENT Panaed in Apr ft near A Johneon hance Mar 23 for Tacoma REDONDO Sailed Apr atmr Alcatrai for San Franrlaco SiN DIEGO Arrived Apr 8 atmr Nebraakao from Bsllna Crus BAN PEDRO Arrived Apr 8 stmr Covernor from Ban Dlfgo itmr Fort Brsrg hwnce 4 atmr Harvard henee fl atmr Melanin Dollar from Redondo stmr Hornet from Beattle atmr an Gabriel from Umpqua river achr Alert from BelllnKham Sailed Apr fl stmr Governor for Bsa Fran Cisco achr Advent for Coon Bay atmr Yale for San Francisco stmr Harvard for Ban Diego atmra Eicelalor and WUlapa for Ban Fra nc sco SEATTLE Arrived Apr 8 stmr Atlas snd Jap atmr Awa Mam from Tacoma Br atmr Ningchow from Comox bark Peters from Port Blakeley bare Big Bonanra from Eagle Harbor sclir Fresno from Eagle Harbor Balled Apr 8 atmr State of California for Bkagway atmr Buckman for Ban Fnnirlaco stmr Yoaemlle for Belllnghnm SKAGWAY Arrived Apr 5 atmr Ramon from Seattle and aalled for Seattle BOtTH BIND Arrived Apr tj atmr Yellow stone from Astoria TACOMA Arrived Apr 8 atmr Aflsa from Seattle Jap atmr Panama Maru from Yokohama via Seattle Sailed Apr fl achr Rehome for 8an Pedro atmr Atlas for San Franclnco Jap atmr Awa Mam for Seattle TAT0OSH Paeeed In Apr stmr Olaon A Mahony from Aatorla for Fverett Apr fl Cnll bark Relfur mm Valparaiso for Port Town Band bktn Pnoka bene Mar 22 for Tacoma stmr City of Pnebla hence 4 for Seattle Paaned ont Apr 8 nhlp A Fuller fnr Tvak achr Pronper Naknek arhr Sebnm from Tacoma for 3an Pedro ISLAND PORTS nONOLCLr Arrived Apr tmr Senator banco Mar 2H Jap atmr Ippon am from okohama for San FrancHeo atmr ol imhlan from Tacoma Ballad Apr 8 TJ atmr Dlx for Seattle EASTERN PORTS BALTIMORF Arrived Apr 3 Br atmr Charcaa from Valparaiso NEW YORK Arrived Apr ntmr American from Philadelphia Br atmr Bhiechet from al paralno pr 1 atmr Panama from Colon atmr Lewln luckenbach from Tacoma Balled Apr tt atmr Le Torraloe for Havre stmr Roon for Bremen FOREIGN PORTS GIBRALTAR Arrived ADr 6 stmr Cincinnati from New York HAMTJURG Arrived Apr 1 itmr Pennnvl vanla from New York HAVRK Arrived Apr 8 atmr La avnl frnm sew i ova HONGKONG 9s I la 1 Ajr 1 Nor stmr nAr enlea for Portland LAS PALMAR rrtved Apr 4 Br atmr Cray ntoke Ceatle from Antwerp for San Franclaco via San Pedro OTARL Sailed Apr 5 Nnr atmr Hanrlk I been for Portland PLYMOTTII Arrived Apr fl stmr Wnshlngron from New Tork Bremen PONTO DEL OADA Sailed Apr 3 imr St nn i New ork 1 1 NTA ARENAS Sailed Apr 4 Br ntmr Mllwanke for New York yl KENTtWN Mallei pr ft atmr Adrlatle for New York stmr Frlenland for Phllalelphla HHANrsiIAl Arrived prl I Apr 8 Br stmr Strathlnv Srom Puget Hoiin I SINGAPORE Called Apr 5 Br ntmr Kennebec fr Hollo anl New ork Krrlved prior to Apr ft ntmr Teucer from Liverpool frr Seattle SOUTHAMPTON Arrived Apr 8 atmr Oceanic from New ork TALTAI Arrived Apr 8 atmr Oleum from Phllalelphla and railed for Ban Francisco VALPARAISO Sailed Apr hr Lons mann for Pwt Townsend VANCOUVER Arrived Apr 6 Br stmr Knmerlc from Resttle An ntmr sap hem Mar 24 via Fureka Pr atmr Mlncrlc benre Mar 2T via Eureka ICTORIA Arrived Apr 8 stmr City of Puehla iience 4 WELLINGTON galled Apr ft Br atmr Manuka Jo San Francisco via Tahiti Accnom gAiegjU GALUCK AUCTION ROOMS OMea aad SaleereeaeaY MtJtM UeAUiaTII ST at aaXXJOS Aactleaeer Will ee alfbeM rice foe Fataltara Wercaaadlae ete ee ertn aen aa eeamlaalea Fbose Uariet TT LEVEY CO Vseleeale AttctlOMaes a4 Cemmlsalea If erehuts 9iS Mission St rnoae Kearay SMS GRAND OPENING TRADE SALE TODAY FBIDAT APRIL 111 At 10 trelaclc A IL I Will leU Bj Calalec at fealaaroaaaa aHS MISSION SREKT THE 7000 DRY GOODS STOCK Famarlr BalewtTlmc ta FISHB S4S MlaaUa Street Caaaarlalajfi laeata aa4 Skeetlas Lvcmaaiiea ure va xawaia iiaaaa ailka Flaaaeha Uwee Ladlea Mleaca1 Cklldrraa aad lafaata Uader weir Wklta Oaoda Dreaaea Ilaalerr Qlovaa CoraeUl alao Rtkaewa Silk Clfe Jaekata Silk Tkraada Jtatleaa Faaey liooela Ete ALSO AT COMMBNCEMKNT OF SALS 250 DOZEN FINE LAWN LINGERIE WAISTS Coalsae4 by Prwmlait MatBsifactirers ler AsisMint 9is SHOWCASK9 FIXTURES ETC NOTE Without doubt the choicest Ma 7 1 l5 li onerinsr ever pui nsiore ins puoiio through Auction smlesroomfl 9 0 LifiVIUI tU BA8CH Temporary Auctioneer LOVE SURVIVES TEN YEARS WMIN Tacoma Couple Long Divorced Remarried After an Auto Trip at Visalia Special ntepatch ta the Chronicle MLIA April 6 That romanca lh ee on even In the hearts of the mid die aKed mm proven yesterday in thla city when Teter Leonard aged 50 ears a wealthy retired lunibA dealer of Tacoma rmflrrled Julia A Leon ard mtp ii ars the wife from whim he had bopn divorced ten yearn ago Whether by ihoir own erTnrta or through the eciiomes of mfltrhmaklnn frlendw the coupe were mnde members of an auto pnrtv which has been tour Inff California for the last Ave months The companionship appears to have been mutually agreeable for when tlie party reached tils rlt from Hakem flold yesterday noon Peter leonard anl Mrs Julli A Leeonnnl esiapel from thn eoufpty of heir friends nnd appird at the County Clerk office fmmedl atelv aftnr lunch They then hurried to th ofTl nf a Tustlre of tho Peace and went through the mirrliKe reremonv which rn unite 1 them after a ep train of ten a pr A feu minuter Inter the jolne 1 their unam ecitn rlen 1 nnl departed for Fresno where they will remain for Severn I da before re turning to their home in Tacoma TO APPEAL BREACH OF PROMISE ACTION 1pra rMapatch ti the Chrnnlrln IANTA ROSA April Jlre Annl Eraklne who rerMitlv eud A Roblneon a capllallut of Nibtopnl for 110 000 for breach of promlee will take an appeal to tho higher courts Judife Reawell of the Superior Court recently handed down an onler euataln Iriff a demurrer to the complaint In the caee which virtually threw It out of the lower court The Court held that becauea the conditions of the woman a matrimonial affairs at the time the ni leged promise to marry waa made she was not at liberty to contract another marriage When Mrs Ersklne alleged the promise was made by Roblneon that he would make her hie wife her hus band Alvln Ersklne was perfecting a nnai decree or divorce rrom the woman JaPCTIOir SALKJU CURTIS AVCTIOlfKKH Office aad Saleereora Corner er Tea Hem aad Serrameste former Witter BalUMofl PHoaee rriaklia 22tM Home C5SS Realdeaee tot Ash bury By CURTIS Estab 1902 NOTICE TO FUR DEALERS AND BUYERS Tie taeeM reeldne of the rtarlee Berwla toek Is low ea elew at Ike Curtis Rmdlo Anc tlOO Denartmant Na anil aBrmnA peade Its aiepoeltlea br the Traetee Mirlon atayere ea frldey aeit ClIKTI Aoetlooer ATJOTjrJlf SALS EASTERN AUCTION HOUSE COBX EL COHX irraee eea HMwmm wauww oih i Merebeadle it all klada bought ee eeht ea eenaileetea HT eeaatry raoaaa alerteai J073i Hone ajffl i fejj FOR SALE Xgt 7aet arrleed twe eerloede Hereea 1400 IT0O Ibe brekea sad geaile st 123 12 Clara latwM routs eai rutki alee Work Hereea foe mra The FlUaaeir Bra teh OOce tliafM Hairoaieia la ai sse riiftmwrw ana Adeertlaaaaaarta aad Sabeertatlaaa erree rren A VeitU at Dally HW By CURTIS The Entire FurnishinfTc nf Resilience 2425 WASHINGTON STREET NEAE FILLMORE 93 Br Order ot MRS MeEWET TODAY FRIDAY APRIL 1911 AT 11 A St Fine Valret and Body Bruasela Carpete Mahogany Arm ChalrH Setteee and Rockers Hallet A Davla Piano Music Cabinet Tapestry Portieres Batten berg and Point Curtains Eaay rhalra Library Table Kalian riecea walnut Sofa and Chairs Oak Extension Table Can Seat Chairs Walnut Sideboard J3 ouueri i ray Lninawirr iiinBivsre ricmrr hiiu i umviiii eikliu cci tt i nut Bedroom Sets Oak Dressers and Chiffoniers Shaving Stand Whlta Hair Maiireaeea uianKets nuowi ana Lomroris Mariress voucnen Loucn crrerov Domestic Sawing Machine Oak Hall Rack Tables Chairs Rockere Waaa etanda Walnut Desks Ete CURTIS Auctioneer By CURTIS Estab 1902 Grand Auction Sale of Antiques The Large Collection of Rare Old Original Antique Furniture Sheffield Plate Old Brasses Hall Clocks Etc of the OLD VIRGINIA ANTIQUE FURNITURE COMPANY of Baltimore Maryland at the Old Breuner Building Van Ness Avenue at Pine Exhibition Today and Tomorrow April 7th and 8th Auction Begins MONDAY APRIL 10th at 2 The Collection embracee In part 1 Ive Oranl Hall Clock three of which have the moon face dial Old hlppndale Heces old Mierat Furniture Rare Old Dutch Maroueterlf et Id ieen Anne 1 rn hairs Chines Chippendale Chairs Hare Three Pie i nlnnlnl Pining Table Antique Coflra for bride Inlaid with lvor tM oPTre Ft eptionalh llare lhlppendaltt Pie Crust Table Elizabethan el nf rm nrd lle i hale wllh sofa lo match Old Brasses and a Irand Assorlm lit of Mieffleld Ware This Collection must be seen to be understood TERMS CASH I ft RTI1 Auctioneer MARK LEVY AUCTION CO Sslotroooii 110 McAlllilir SI Plwne Perk Mill PlBLIC AllTKIN ilf ANOTHER SACRIFICE SALE Large Lot of Good Furniture Rugs Bedding Fine Stoves TODAY FHinU APRII 7 1011 At 11 clock A 1140 50 McAllister and Fillmore ill Kind of Library Furnlturr Fine Olnlni Hoom Hr I ir a asier ep nrii wuina Fine Redding I lurn Curtain huki 1 nrpts ttauHf wr VLSO VT 12 0 UH Complete Restaurant 30 Irnftn Lhalra 12 Table National rtuh Heclater Ifrnller Haift Crock err Hood Ete MARK LE Auctioneer Ra on hand to buy real bargalnp BIRTHS MARRIAGES DEATHS 0 eeQ Th fnllowinir mnrrlflaiP lirenp wer intned yeterdiij ChrlM Totllnl tr 82 allejA ntrtt ind iis ioriii gn inn reen rtu Hllllim Fl 11 ttOR frlMfltn trnt nJ Ann llorchert 1 Sua Friirco MIrhnel Bttn 2ft Han FrnnrUro ind Vernnka Sell mid Un if 2n 214 Sixth Ntrtft Pletro En Ton I 33 1 Maria Mnmtl 10 both Folnt Kcrei gallon Ollrr Earwrxxl Jo anl GertrueiA Davis 21 both Hlff Fell itre Thomaa Browsr 2 and Grrtruri R7 25 both of 820 Kridt arrrt Jamea Rlckox R2 and Dora Knapp 61 both of im McAllister fre JllfoniO Stnrk 24 402 Serenth atreet Lonor Ran ion 20 neTa Ohln Alemanno Flnxl 4t ami Viola MlchelMtl both of 2280 Lnubard atreet TfhB I odfe 2H 231 Frcelerlrlt dtrwt Helen KunuinK lit IVZ Col atrtet Terthardo Rinenrie 2D 1 77 wfll atreet anl I im A ObItbtj 21 i4rt Jrkoii tret and 23 and FIRTH HAIL In thla rtj March 24 th wlf of A Hill Kdlth Marki a rta ightrr HARRIS MirM 3 th nlfn of Tharlea Harrla ni Kacltflli of A da ighter RIfJHFS In thla rltr March 27 tba wlft of llartld lliiahei of a dnuahter MHHIAfKM SK11FRIIF In thla rltr April by Re I WhIt Met Farl Chile nf Ifnda al fn leilne 1 at HilT San Krai In nrgm An Icrnon hAmai I AnMievlrh Rllen Artonl Samuel lioflan Pauline Hmendltiln Vi lllielrnln Rrauer ihn K2 onollcf Mary nolllvtr Tlioa TO Don tid John 14 Dmiiinyer ilvaiia 13 Krtwardu Ann i FltiDatrlrk Joale Olbmn Palhirlie 81 Hill Ur It ert I II Until Victor I 1KT1IS I nea dj I tihln a rl 16 ather Willia Mrillak Tain 4 Moffat lai en Nelan art Kl SI KceJTi I awrinr Oft Hams ten 1 hnmaa samhurl nU H2 Smith Agnea I Stfithard Th miwon 78 Thorp Itohert tin Virhf Maria Wilson TVHUiRi 5 AXDER80V In klio I April rhomaa nre hnrhnil of tha late harltta Anderaon 1 nir rutin nf Mr Li Rrwn Mra rr1a RflN Mr tin a Hliar ki arrt Mra PI peia amaja briihur of ilcritn nnl gr I father nf flolerla Wirmw a natr of or war ngf I 71 ymr 1 nf anl Ji tin rrlnn1e anl ial tfa are rept illy lnrltp I I a I ten I tl itieral nei vitnr lar April A at 11 I hl Im Inn 94 I nlTeilty art iiui fifr Htfl ih Miriet Veat Rerl Interruent reinlnmi i me tery Man Ma ni Kuiiral lne the foot Market trmt Snn Fra into at 2 plock AWnCIYICH I thla rltT A prll 1 Ellen dearly beloT wlfo of John AntUeTlth a nat1 of Nirwaj nged 2 year AJJTOT In thla lty April ft ftamnal An ton I heloval huahand nf ouliia An tool lor In fattier of FlmeueulUo Antonl Mra Thoman WlQrillp Mia Sdiln Haftr anl Mra Aaron aaafaaL anl IfYoled brittur of lldo Antonl a native of Italr 1 HO ycara Frlftulii aid qi alntancvn are reapaetfulJr lorltcd atfen I tlie fun ral Htimlay April 9 at 1 I frwu the parlora of aUnte Marlnl Marali I fl4 Ureen atrtet In lerntnt Irallan em ry BOYLAW In thla city April fl Paulina Roylao dearlr hi loved wlfa of Boylaq a natlia of KoDtiKky Tb fuatrti wHi Uk pUca BatordAj April 8 it 0 nrUk fr St Dominica tuirr hera a retjulfin high mii will cplehrate 1 jnr the rpie or ner aoin miermfnT pnvaie HoIt ro ttmetery I liaae unit doner BaAENDLIIN In this Hiy Arll WII ht nlnn dfarly lnvel ivlfi of Oe ra Brifiillrln and loving moihi of Mra A file Mra Who la au i Ru lolpb Oeoritr MarfiierHa Robert Alma and Fuicna Braendloln a native of Worteniberi tleniiany ti yrara 4 mntha anl I lay Krtfn 1 an 1 acquaintance are reaper full Invited lo attenl the fuueral i rlilay April 7 at 2 il ck from ber late reel lem it McUIter atreet between Dlvladert ail Scott afreet Interment ypreaa lawn nif tery hv rlectrl funeral i ar from Twenty eighth aud aleocla atreet BBATJia At reat April hn Braner he luvet sjiiohanl of MMa Rraner and father of Cbarle Brauer Mra MAT wle and Mra I I an a ertn a ii a native of Uermany agM year mi tba ami Jl tayi Tba fiieral mrvlrea will lak i lare Sat ir day Ap ll at 1 Hock at thp ha pel of Halatol U22 Gutter tret between polk and Larkln atreet Intormcnr prtva CON0LLXY la thla rltv April Mary tiehive 1 wife of Conolley and la mhler of Marl Faniaworth and the late Farnan orib a native of San FrancNco Friend and argualntanrea art respeetfully Invite 1 to attenl the funeral aervlre iit ir day April at 3 otlml at th cbaptl I Crematory Remain at Mil Fleventh avenue Sunat dlatrlrt DOLT ITER to Oakland April Thma Rl arlhon liolllver father of Mr I hir Mlna FUen Dolllver Mm Hurt hae I an Svwall Jtnlllver a native Hnrblfhal Maaa aged yan and lo mntba Frlenda are reapectfnllv invite to attenl the funeral Saturday April at 1 to Uk from the cbapel of trar A 21M Uiarv atreet roruer of Dlvlaadero lotermeui private DONOTAJI In thla rlty prtl 1 dearly bel ted liuhand of palnv va i loving father of Flna Mirtle nnd iilnlvi Tli jot an aon Margaret and the late Timothy Pmwan anl brother of afherlne Donovan Mra Kin ail the lite Maggto Donovan a native in tramlaco aged yeari and 17 diva DROLLINGIK In thla rlty April Mvana dearlr beloved daughter of Benja Vila an 1 Araula Drulllncr 1 olere of Mr MrKlnney a native of Pay Uty Ltah age i IS ear a Remain at the morlnarr chapel ftf the Golden ilate tnlertaklng Tnmpanj 247 Mil alon atreet near Tanty Bret EDWARDS In Oakland Aiu tl 3 Ann Flwarda beloved mother or Mrs hllia A Vela nf hlcag Mlaa Flla Flwnrda of IMtleburf Neb and a Mary I larr Onklfinl ant alfter of oke of alleja a naflvi Englan I aged 70 year I uonih ail tl laji Hemalna at tbe parlor Roile ft ompaoy 1 jII linalnay ar Tnentletb utreet FTTZPATRICX I IbN rlly Apr I at her late residence 1410 Tenth avenue Month Ive tveen and alreef South Jonle Dtxpatrlrk ine Hourlgani learly beli ve wife of Fl wrl Kltapatrl loving tber if Kdwirl Ir Mnrgarcr Mnwena and larnea Fltipatrlrk da ighter of John and the late Mors are ur1 gan anl aWier Jamea Hturlgau and Mra Stephen a native of Han Franclai Frlen I an I arqualntarii ea are apectfaMv Invited to attenl the funeral Saltirlay April at 4 clock from her late reaiden MIii Tenth avenua South thence to All Mallow Churib where a requiem high mini will he relebrated for tbe repoaa of her aoul cfniintn lug at 9 30 clock lotarrnent Holy frM i emetery QIB80M In tbla city April Catherine tilhaon widow nf tbe late Charlea tbx and halored mother of A anl Qlhaon Mra Doonell Mr A etmor and the late lhaon a nnttve of Lnnlon Gnland aged HI rear ant 2J laya Llallfn Nova otla paperi please cop Funeral private Hilt In Oaklant Tal April ft Dr Robert Levt la Hill belortd hitabau i of Ma Hill and father of Dr hert Iela Hilt Jr a native of Nlanara Fall ana la aje I year month ant 17 data ineral lervlce at hla late reel I once Ml AIM hi atreet Oakland al atur tnv April at 0 Tit clock Interment private HOLLAND A month a mind mana 1 he held th repoae of the aoul of the lite Vict Igtiatlua Holland Saturday April connncnc tng at 8 clock at Ague i hurrh Maail avenue nvar Page atreet Frlen la ire Invited JOMTS In Berkeley April Tha leua Jonea beloveil buaband of arrte one ail non of Ella Jonea a native Ohio agil 2 reara mnntb aorl 11 dav A niemher Freno Loilge No 439 I treu papera pleaa eopy Ketniina at tbe parlora Avhlef A Mc Mnllan Company 82 41ith itttme between Geary and Clement at recta will ft taken to Freaoo for Interment LOTSTALE In thla city April 1 Marie Rugeale I oiiMtil beloved daughter of Mr and Mra la qnea I nuatale winter if trlne aad Joaeph Tonatale and gfin Idnughtar of Mm Marianne Iarue a natlvi an rrinolaco aged 11 ar and 7 montlia atlAQHia Ln till dt April 6 William FILLMORE AUCTION COMPANY large Furnitort mi Carpet Sals at Auction Furniture Carpets Rugs Stoves Bric a Brac TODAY FniDA 1KM 1911 At 2 Oclock Sharp GOLDEN GATE AVE Between iouirh and VnuklJn Streets i Spm 1 ir Bureau iffnniers Iraan nn 1 Rrasa and I nam el He 1 of Vnm Hed llnif Tn reii 1 tnlnK Room irult ure Parlor I llr i ii nl Ited loom 1 ijrnltnrei rwinic Mh hine ni kery Uorker lrt ha 1 oa and Hair VmreHHiH Tli irtltire Typ wrlter PI i rt I 1 i TJnok fiR itid thiT Icni i urntt ur I il nn 1 I nil It attend tMi nnl herth1nK murt ie sold without limit or rewervt JOSEPH WASSERKBua Auctioneer airh hrother tt a Tl na Miaiaher a net Ye FrleniU and a Qialntait tnv ed attonl the fun it Mi ndk fr I Ml Oak re ti i a hael and Ire ar jecffnlly Sal ir April I lat all Mice cre 1 llf art Igh raaae hla afml Inte rtJient Floly 2f i a ai Ml Ml i Xi 1 nn I I i a iu i rn nlll be celtbraled le i men I at 9 odtxl Cro cmetfiry HIRZLIAK In thla rftr Aprl 4 Jamea Joe Mersllak beloTeil uncle of ph rank and hn rlci a nmlte i roatia Ana trl atjcil 49 year fl montli anl 4 dny A i her San Fra in I ndfje No 2 hi lI It Roal hi nl ail a i nln a ar repectruHj7 Invite to altenl the fun rai Sh nrdav I prll i at 0 0 Ick from tlif pa 1 ra of trew A Inictl 1HM earr atr 1 1 thence to tb thunh of tbe Narlvltv Fell atreet berweao Fraaklln and Cough atreet where a requiem blch min 111 he ceh hrated for the repoae ff a ni commencim rit 10 clock later merit Hov Prone rmeierv MOFFAr In this cltv rl at late reid ri S4 Fe 11 etrter Jann am I ell Moffat helvcl huatand of Agitn A ffiil a natlva Holland axed 1 ur 4 itlia anl 10 darn A memhor of Mlt I le No KID anl A and in Franclco Binllea No 1 anl Friend are reepectf illv Invttei to attend the ineral acrv re sMt irlay Kpill at 2 clock Uli Mae tile nple 21113 MI1 ii ir et ttween Tnentr ond and Twentv lilrl utreai ht rnient ypreaa I a vn in hv lectrlc funeral car from Twenty eighth and Valencia utrcet WEL80H In Rerkrlei I al tprfl fl CaptalQ Fdwar 1 Iwn bflovix inbanl nf Mary NeiK anl father of Mra Mcriellen Mr re Mr I la Arta lie and nr elon a nntlve if Norway aged 81 unr ntl ill 21 Ihjh yKZTTTt In thl city Ai rtl at hla lit rearm lie 1 TOL et atr et I nn rence ha lived hunl nu I Mnrv KeefTe and father I i ffe a natlva One la lunty New ork ij 00 year aad ii lava Not of funeral hereafter AJi8DEJT tn thla cltv prll TbAmaa ball ved hiiehand if Maria Ionise Kameden father of Mr Hun nee Towlca and brotber of Jamea anl lapph Kainden a native of Fnglanl aged var 1 mtlia and 1 daya t1ce i funeral hereafter Remalna at the parlora of inker A I tint 20h Mlaaloa treet tietween Twenty aeetin I ami Tweoty thirl itreeta fMUnI Maani Temple BASCBTJCK Tn thla city April tt Nicola Janv I in dearlr beloved in fir per ntnna JerrT and lohn Samhi i mtlve Lealna Ialinaila A itna I year Iteiialna at the purl alente Marlnf Mara A ft4 i atreet betweta frwkton and Inwell tret tn SMITH To Rns al A Airnea fl I eh red ririj itith ig mother Wfred Maria Titherlne ai Moreno ml llIlaei danghfer the lata I uclao a ii Maria Matt 1 aul ter Joseph I and Stephen I Han ly ail Mr Jamea i ashman a tatlve if sn Fran 1 reara rlen let and jialntan are repectfull7 Invite 1 ittetrd fle ti ml attir lay April A ar rk from the nrl ir Samuel MrFatlen A in Hiisht ai reef near Baker thence to Vgiiea i luir li Maeonle avenue ar Pane alr er inr i requtent high maea II te celelratcl the rertia of her ami it 9 10 lk int rmi ut Hoij Croaa Cemet ry BT0THARD In thla rltr April Thompaon Htothar loee I leband tl late alnthard father if Mr I harlea rngelke and grandfather Ma Si timrt a uiilve ot Entrland ajied yt nr month and day Flint rat ervl ea will ht lie I Outline April fl at 2 clock ut the oapel f3ray A 2HH iearv Ht rect i rner nf Dlvlx adorfe Intirment i ypreaa I ami emetery THORP In thla Mty April 1 Robert llllamaoa Th rp nek vi imnhand iX Karah Thorp ana father nf Nrrtnan Thorp Mra orae 1L Hall of Pali Alt nnl Kate and Helen Tbcirp a native if Itverpxel Fug Ian I age rtO year Frlen ar rts rf illr Invlti I to a tread the ineral hrhlav April 7 at 11 rkvk from the bupel of i ay A 2101 Oearjr ir er orner uf fdvlaaderi Int mint prlvatV TTKBECK tn Mime la Vprtl Maria Manfm ertieck rel veu wire or ine i fi 14 erivek I ami loving tier if I lit aol ointav Iluin A i banning Jamea and Elinor Verht ck anl Mr Ifenrv Ttrrj of Japan a native of New York ajeaj 7 year 2 montlia anl 1 lay Frlenda and acquaintance of the family and eapelallv the mialonar7 friend ar wav rtlully Invited to be preeent at the ineral lfJi be held from the residence parlor of Jamea Fowli 2244 Santa flare avenue AIantda4 tuntay Aprl la a 9 clock Daceaaad Ma the wife of oua of the greateat DjlMloa arlea to Japan WTJJI0M In Oakland April 9 Wllllaro dearly in lire em uiimanu vi rfuuiuioa nillHIB UV of fiwedea aged jean 4 month awk lt A daf a Friend anl acqjalotnni are iwapewtfalV InTitrd to attend tbe funeral ac irkr ftattu dav April it J1 Orloxll at Rr Jeha Fplampal CTiurtrt aourhweat eurner of Claaih anil ri eLreeiei UKaiJMi aUlliVninla Uia VUw Cematary I 1 1 1 i i i I 4 vl i I 4 i i in tfft fi iij if 1 MKimMkjX.

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