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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SjyS FBASTCISCQ OTBONIOIiE TUESDAY AT7GTO 8 189 Smp jkj MEBHIARRIED GEORGE OSGOOD 4 BOND ISSUE FAGE3 HIS WIVES IN 0OURT THREATENED Threes Womea Who tLoved Unwisely anctTooiWell Appear at the Bigamy Examination of fhefc Erring Spouse mjmar fcninn Biff WflCT bf ilk i wvu 1 fl MflJllf ill tarn mmmsmmmsmw mn wm mmmssmz immu Msy 111 II MJ IBM AW Wk MraisSIB81 sZK tmV ibu fiffimBn flMlM i rjiwWftn vt ii I IliWvlW i J0560Q0 jgMw 3 EORGE OSGOOD sometime known I6J a Leender George Osgood generally to marriage licenses faced three Mrs Osgoods esterdar In Polce Judg Megans court There Is another wife or two somewhere In California according to the prosecution but two charges ot Wfamr arc deemea sufficient for present purposes The women In court were Mrsv Nellie Osgood nee Klnsella Mrs Mary Winn anrars Tlllie A Glover It 1 asserted that Osgoods marriage to Mrs CWlnn was his third matrimonial venture an4 that Tklrs Gloer was his next victim Miss Angle Mills who is called Mrs Osgood No Is said to living In Fresno county Mrs Glover Is still Infatuated with Osgood visits him to prison several times a day and Is believed to do rurmshlng money for his defense Tbo Bigamy complaints were madeey A McDonald brother in law of Mrs Glover and Richard Bourne father oS Mrs Wlnn TheallfgeddabsQfJhe three marriages aJssue are glv aCjtollp Klnsella February 1 1S8J Winn July 9 1893 GloTer February 15 1899 John Klnsella father of the original Mrs Osgood was the first witness called in yesterdays court proceedings His testimony showed many obstacles In tha wajr of proving the first marriage which avoid testifying against Olgood Bennett necessary before the testimony of tbe dead Ther remains only Father Scanlon Other women can be taken Klnella op ho performed the ceremony and at pses posed the marriage of his daughter to ent he Is out of town Osgood and aia not accompany tha bridal Osgoods attorneys Peter Dunne an Issued party to old St Josephs Church on Tentn street where the cesemony was performed Mrs Klnsella mother of the bride was present but she Is dead Lor etta Klnsella also a witness of the ceremony cannot be found and the prosecution believes she has gone Into biding to cutlon finally decided to telegraph to Father Scanlon requesting him to be present at the next hearing of the case Justice Of the Feace Frederick Cllfl of Oakland who officiated at the Winn marriage was called to the stand but could not Identify either Osgood or Mrs Winn Justice of the Peace Albert Parker of Stockton testified as to thejnarriase him of LAander George Osgood and Tlllie Alice Glover To the best oi hls recollec Hon he belle ed the defendant to be one of the principals In that marriage Mrs Glmer came forward and faced the witness but he could not Identify her Whll this was going on Osgood smiled occasionally as If the proceedings amused him The marriage certificate was In Mrs Glo ers possession until yesterday When Instructed to bring It Into court she gave It to Attorney Keogh After many obi jectlons the defense gave up the document apd lt was adraiuei In evidence solely for purposes of identification Justice Parker testified from his private record that Osgood had represented that he was from Boston and had been married and divorced in that city Mrs Glover rave her residence as Sacramento and said she bad been married and divorced this State The two witnesses to the Stockton mar rUge had been subpoenaed but did not ap pear In court and bench warrants were Further bearing of the case was Thomas A KeoKh mad the moat of tho postponed until to morrow when the prosecutions predicament and there as prosecution expects to be able to prove tho continual fire of objections against Klnsella marriage which Prosecutor Joachlmsen fought gal Osgood was sentenced a few weeks ago lantly Becaus ol the cpmbinatioQ of to six months Imprisonment for stealing adverse circumstances however be was a suit of clothes and Is now awaiting a unable to make much headway Trie prose decision on appeal OREQONIANS ARE MUSTERED OUT PHILIPPINE VETERANS NOW PRIVATE CITIZENS REGIMBT WIIX LE4VE IV A BODY THIS AFTERNOON FOR HOME The Xebraakana Will Be Dtscbarsed From the Service on August 234 and the Pennsylrnnlans the FoMoiTinK Day The mustering out the Second Oregon Regiment naa completed at the Presidio yesterday and some of the men hava already left for their homes Most of the officers And rnenh9Mvrr remained in the city and will go north in a body to nlghU The nal act of mustering out waa extremely simple and scarcely created a rippie in thqgen era life the camp The companies were llnedVp on the camp streets In columns of twos the rolls werecalled and each man was given his discharge papers entitling Wfnjto whatever pay waa due hlmNThetcompanIes then marched to the cfitef paymasters office and the men were paid off Their service was then i at an end and they were once more private citizens Long before noon the hour appointed for the final roll call the fon four oflkera and 1024 men of the regiment had aaid farewell to their companions of thcr other regiments and were only awaiting the arrival of Captain Beckurts the mustering leave of the camp At noon Captain Beckurta appeared and compared nis muster rolls with the rolls of the companies Finding that all the men were accounted for he ordered them to the chief paymasters office to receive their payfiach mas received pay tor July even days in August two months fpr elgn service pay the balance on the allowance for clothing and whatever money he roayhave had on deposit The privates received amounts ranging from 110a to 130 and the officers proportionately larger auma Att oclock all of the officers and men bad been paid off They left the camp shortly after ward and went down town for thenigh pending their departure for there homes The officers and men oflhe regiment will meet at the ferry at JS0 oclock this afternoon and go to telr nome Ay train of tbre sections tnly two companies and will go as far as Port Tapdr the others leaving the train at stations along the way The boys are promised an enthusiastic reception at every town through which Jhey pass The twer volunteer regiments now at ttPraldio the First tfebrasfc and the Tenth Pennsylvania will be musteredmustered out the latter part of this month the Nebraskans on August 23d and the Pennsylvanians on August 24th Captains Morton and Chrisman of the Twenty fourth Infantry will be the mustering out officers In accordance with an order received from Washington volunteers having descriptive lists and desiring discharge will be discharged without waiting for the arrival from the Philippines of the regiment to rhlch they belong A number of men havOresented their descriptive lists already and ill be discharged immediately Bub statlOn 1 Presidio Postoffice has been established In the General Hospital for the convenience ef the patients and attendants After August 15th VV Clum will be in charge and a general postoffice business will be transacted The necessary money has been al lowedfor the construction of a guardhouse a mess hall for medical officers a dumb waiter from the bakery to the kitchen of the General Hospital and a picket fence around the hospital grounds About J5000 will be expended Stocking formerly assistant postmaster of Tacoma Edwin Splll man of Sacramento WV A Shannon of Lios Angeles Franklin ofjPorU land Tobias Epp3tein and Oscar Sphutt of Ban Francisco will sail to day on the transport Morgan City Stocking will be assistant director of post3 at Manila and the others clerks in the Postoffice Each clerk will receive J140Q per annum Captain Swift assistant surgeon Chaplain Henry Swift Miss Rebekah fickle and Mss Mary Cralgf female nurses and a detachment of the Signal Corps under command of Lieutenant William pavjes will also sail on the Morgan City The transport St Paul will sail for Manila August 14th The following named recruits will be discharged with objection to re enllst mentt Dighteenth Infantry Tom Iu graroTand James McGovern Twenty iseeond Infantry John Dempseyi un asslgned George Arnold Frank Arthur Henry A Bishop TJohn Corf rad timothy Clare jonn Kuoies Jar chael Costello Carl de Santit out officer to take their official ceg Durgin William Gass John Gersh Jay Holland Lawrence Hughes Charles Haesler Frank Klrknerr Louis Lovas George Lyndall Charles JL lyons George Louthaln Thomass Mason George PickrelJ Theodore Jtavmond Frank Said Eugene Turner Thomas Taylor Charles Tolles William A WJelser William Williams REVIEWED BY XOGSTREETj Ola Confederate Generat Watches Volunteers Farad General Longstreet Spited states Commissioner of Railroads nd foremost sur viror of the Confederate military leaders was paid a graceful tribute at the Presidio yesterday Evening wbefia dress parade and rwlew 6C tha JTebraska Volunteers and a review of the Pennsylvania Jtejl ment were held In his honor The cfto ifriArlan fienernl and his wlfa weroa corted to the military reservation toy Wll jlamJl Tnompson secretary ana controller of the Central Pacific Railroad and by Mrs Thompson In another carriage rode Miss Ycangblood and Miss Ain strens of Montgomery Ala Mrs Long BtreeVs guests andX Wr Haskelpof Washington General LonKstreets private secretary Very few of the eol Ulers as they marched past the carriages realized that they were being critically Inspected by a former Lieutenant General In the Confederate armj In the ev ening Mr and Mrs Thompson dined with General Lorgstreet and party at the Occidental To day the visitors will be driven to the Cliff and durlng the day General Longstreet will paj his respects to railroad officials representing the Governmentaldel roads of which he la now making his annual tour of inspection Trunks valises trarfllnr rolls parses Best goodB best values at Sanborn Vail The Sewer Commission Is Without Legal pJ Standing PROCEEDINGS MUSTJt BEUNDERTAKEN ANEW SUPERVISORS ARE EMPOWERED TO JiPPOIT BUT OE fEGIEER Attorney of Auditor Wells DUeovera That the Advice Given bjr Slayor 7beln Been Fnulty The startling dlscoAery has been made that the sewer commission ap pointed by the JBoard of Supervisors upon the recommendation or mayor Phelan has no legal status and that the work of that boo under present conditions would renderjnyalld any Issue of bonds which the people might ap prov at the special election In December Several weeks ngo the Supervisors transferred to the street fund from tb street light fund the sum of 20000 far the purpose of paj ing the expenses and salaries of the engineers Subsequently the Board passed three demands in the sum of 1500 each as first payment to the three engineers utfon their contract with the city These salary warrants hav not been audited bAudttor Wells because he was in doubt as to the legality of the proceedings He referred the matter to his attorney Dickin son lor invesiigauuu ann yesieruny that gentleman Jnformed him that there vas no law that authorized or permitted the creation of the commission The only authority given by the statutes to the Supervisors to prepare tor a oona lsue for any public improvements In his Judgment was that empowering them to appoint an engineer or an arcm tect to prepare plans and submit an estimate of the cost ofvthe work pro I Jected He was convinced that any bonds that mignt De lHueo upon tne oasis of the estimates made by the commission would be defective and would And no purchasers As Mayor Phelan is interested In the proposition to bond the city for new sewers he was summoned by the Auditor and appeared accompanied by his attorney Murphy Murphy undertook to defend the legality of the proceedings but he as obliged to admit that his position was untenable when Dickinson argued the matter witu him It was then decided to remedy the blunder by beginning the proceedings anew It was agreed that while the Board could appoint a single engineer that appointee could call in other per sons to assist him and the commission could thereby be placed Upon a legal footing The Mayor said that he would have the Supervisprs dottbis butjje did not call their attention to the mat ter yesterday Unless this Is done the I three engineers will recelv no compen sation for the work which tneynave already performed They hav incurred expenses In the matter of employing draughtsmen ana for materials amounting to 600 This sum the Auditor will pay out of the funds of the past fiscal year but he will not approv the salary demands of the three engineers claiming that special provision must be made for that service in the present tax levy The Supervisors fixed the appropriations yesterday but having no knowledge of the complication that had arisen and believing that the former appropriation made for the pur pose was Btlll available made no allowance for the changed conditions Unless the error is rectified on next Monday the sewer commission will dls bancV and the projected improvement will have to be abandoned for this year Attorney ODonnell Disbarred The Supreme Court has ordered ODonnell an attorney of Modesto to be debarred from further practicing in any of the courts of this State because of his conviction on the charge of assisting a prisoner In the County Jail of Stanislaus county to escpe ODonnell received a sentence pf fourteen ninths In Folsom i Tb leading watt paper emporium ot th West is Clark 6S3 Market et Lowest prices CITY BUDGET ONCE AGAIN READJUSTED 4i4tjtHliHIvlltIeHHliljeIs4es I I in Tf HE FOLLOWING table shows the items of municipal expenditure I which changes were made yesterday by the Board of Supervisors from the provisional schedule adopted July 3d and also the extent of the Increase or decreL t52 fSS Assessment roll i Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph Fire Department rAfr Memorial day Almshouse expenses City andvCounty Hospital expenses City and County Hospital repairs Board of Health additional employ es Examination of Insane mti5 Court Interpreters Judgments Law Library Law and Motion Calendar License Collectors tags Maintenance of feeble minded Municipal Reports Police contingent fund Police rents repairs stations Printing transcripts on appeal County Jail repairs Special counsel Stationery and printing Stenographers In criminal cases Hall of Justice employes Jails and prisons expenses Fuel public buildings Lighting public buildings Tax Collectors extra clerks Urgent necessity Water for municipal purposes Clerks Board of Equalization Board of Public Works Library fund Park improvement fund School fund Street Department fund Placed outside pledge nu 12000 18100 wauv 500 530001 rauuy 5000 STE0 800 3820 24oo 1000 20000 7000 8 800 SOW 2000 1000 20000 15000 2500 7000 40 000 33000 35250 25000 600 2 100001 i 22540 M34UU 8 440 3VW 15051 VI 305 150 15960 000 oooL 3240 450C 750 15U0U 0000 000 7250 1000 1000 13000i 7200 5 040 1440 000 300001 30 0001 28 000 25831B J200J 1000 040 2000 00 rlW0 Wi 5S0 Jim 250 5000 1000 2600 750 1000 1000 5666 7S00 ioeo 2000 10000 3000 6 900w 500001 1 550001 5000 420 0001 l4ftnn i 100O0OLll2Si20 35S600 402 48604 ar 9250 8 tl8Mfc 6001 1 6300 7 8000 71030 1 1 rii i i tii 1 i 1 1 1 iiii ii iHiflVfiiI Supervisors Pledge Themselves Anew to the Dollar Limit Mayor Phelans Sore Spots Prodded A NOTED WORKER FOR TEMPERANCE 1OSEPH MA LINS a proml A nent worker 4 the cause temperance has just reached here 4 from England He is making a tour of the world under the auspices ot tho In ternatlonal Society of Good Templars and will Jeae here1 for New Zealand this week He will visit all the Aus a trallan colonjet 4 and then will go to British tndla Africa through Continental Europe 2feV ana Dacx to isng land He will re turn to America to attend the golden Jubilee or fiftieth anniversary of the organization of tle Good Templars whichwflt beheU lnUtica Nyin 4 JulyTflCJ The offices and titles of thlsEng Hsh apostle of tern perance are many He Is1 Justice of the Peaceand County 4 Councilor of Birmingham ImglanaVvlce presldent of the United Kingdom Al llance for the Suppression of the Llquo Traffic In Great Britain and Ireland VX vlee presldent of the British Temperance League honorary secretary of the 4 National Temperance Federation of the British Isles and rlgh worthy grand 4 templar of the Good Templars forthe world and grand chief templar of England i The reformer is English by blrlhiand since boyhood has been working In the temperance field For thirty years he has labored for the suppression of he evils of the excessive use of liquor His work was flrstconflaed to Eng land then wenjt to Scotland andlreland and finally crossed over to Swe den where under municipal management the liquor traffic bad assumed gi gantle proportions Germany waej thn Invaded but the work progressed very slowly and it was only after seventeen years of unremitting effort that any response came In Sweden where the best results have been had Prince Oscar and the Queen of Sweden hays become Templars together with forty 4 nine members ef tha Parliament and Mr Malins has been a guest of the court for a week a a time I I 1 1 I i fllwLMywytWiyJJyg iiT ysi 4 iys irS 2i Ka i fmiMViLWi ElHUr jissssK HbHHsMIPvi aHH ssm jHBsiisH THE FEATURE of the session of the Board Qf Supervisors yesterday was the voluminous report of the Finance Committee sub Tinted by Chairman Perrault gfying the reasons for increased appropriations in some departments and reductions in others The committee places the responsibility of some Ill timed and ill advised changes and reductions upon the shoulders of the Mayor much to the letters distress Mayor Phelan repudiated the statements quoted In the report as cowing from hltn and objected to their adoption but Perrault referred him to the stenographers notes and also read from the Mayors message Supenisor Byington came to the defense of the Major but it availed him nothing and the report was finally adopted Perrault promising to eliminate any statement referring to the Mayors utterances that was not in accord with the stenographers notes The schedule adopted yesterday Increases the allowance for the Fire Department 9100 for extra service In July It also makes pro vision for the reopening of the receiving and the harbor hospitals for public vaccinator bacteriologist police surgeon matrons ambulances one food Inspector and four as slstants at a total expense of 15960 The appropriation for the Almshouse was increased 15000 for the City and County Hospital 26905 Street Department 148604 water supply 8316 library 5000 The School Department suffered the largest reduction being cut 71080 The adoption of the report Included the pledge of a re enactment on the third Monday in September The committee dwelt on the necessity of keeping its pledge to make the tax ley within the dollar limit Mayor Phelan objected to the following allusion In the report As the responsibility for the maintenance and operation ot the government to be Instituted next January is freely assumed by his honor the Mayor your com miiiee certainty can nave no numro omcr than to second his efforts to secure either unaer the present or the new regime an economical and successful administration of the public business The Mayor interrupted at this point saying to Perrault You have taken too great a liberty with the use of my natoe Perrault Teplied I beg your honors pardon but having read the Examiner I certainly thought thatyou had pre empted that office Subsequent passages in the report evoked vigorous objection from the Mayor whosald in reference to one of them I must object to tnai as untrue This report must be amended or else I shall not allow It to be accepted It makes me appear as though I were in favor of reducing the Wages of labor and that is nqt true Perrault referred the Mayer to the stenographic notes You cannot commit me to a reduction of wages fopJa bor either In your report or in any other place exclaimed Phelan I do not want this Board to adopt a report which Is merely a political document and I refuse to be committed to any such statement Perrault calmly referred to the notes of the stenographer and read passages from the Mayors mes sage The following passage tne report caused the Mayors objections We desire to earnestly and decidedly object to a reduction of the compensation to be nald for Janitors services or for other laboring work to be performed by ana tor tne city ana county ine compensation of 70 per month for a faithful attention to the performance of lantoriM service unremittingly from 7 clock in the morning to fr piock at nignr witn onable compensation therefor sufficient ior me support ana nmimraiuice vi uic family of the servitor who fs fortunate or unfortunate enough to obtain employment In the municipal government The proposition that thai compensation should be reduced tt neh a figure as jxr sons employed la other places who are compelled by their necessities to accept Is monstrous and indefensible and as the people have avolce in tnls matter they do not desire that fce neoejtea of the applicant or Incumbent be taken advantage of but that a fitr and reasonable amount shall be paid for the serviced rendered to which no rrasontble pewon can object and your mraitfe take pleasure in denouncing any such assumptions Lviry encroachment of this character upon the wage worker tends to a reduction everywhere These reasons if no other induce your committee to Usregnrd the reduction of the force or tas compen sation paid td janitors in the City Hall elsewhere as suggested by bis honor the Mayor The appropriation for Golden Gate Parlrwas reduced from 231000 to 214000 on the recommendation of his honor the Mayor the Merchants As soclatlon estimating the sum of 800000 as sufficient This appropriation In tha first instance as estimated by your committee was considered barely sufficient but the judgment of the Mayor who Undoubtedly with other cltlxens is proud of its appearance and the genlua that controls in sDlres and beautifies this resort for the use of the nubile controlled It la well to 1 consider that those who can afford to have enjoyments suited to their tasta can not appreciate the necessity of our citizens having a park to be used in outdoor enjoyments and recreations Your Committee in tholr ntlmaia nf requirements of maintaining the cotomou schools provided the sum of 1232140 for this fiscal ear but at the Instance ot his honor the Mayor ha reduced the same to the sum of 1112x920 thAMrhinta Association estimate being 110420 It wuum seem mat tne trena 01 municipal action is to cripple the usefulness of this department to impose upon the school teachers the faults arising from a violation of public duty by public of ficers over which the teachers hae ro control and to pae the way to deprlvs them of their salaries to whjch they are Justly entitled Tho appropriation reported Justifies this pre sumption and until such time as tho teachers take other and different action in tne protection of their Indubitable rights in public matters the certainty remains that they will always he placed In the same position The consensus ot opinions expressed by his honor the Mayor and the Merchants Association however they may be received is to limit taxation ta the pledg exacted whatever may be the results and as conscientious men and representatives of the people your committee feel that the responsibility for this levy rests not alone upon the several political conventions but on the members of this Board and incidentally upon the Inlluency of his honor the Mayor and the Mer chants Association Our eltliens to some extenrtiave considered themselves and hav been fortunate In obtaining as their executive a millionaire who during his candidacy and his term of office has been very liberal In hU donatldns to various purposes but as to Incurring a bonded Indebtedness to thinking minds his position would be to pave the way to incur what the city and county has fortunately heretofore escaped and to make the taxpayers realize that all that glittersjs not gold The salary for thechlef clerk ol the District Attorney had been cut out abolishing the office but Judge Murphy appeared before the Board and explained that It would absolutely cripple his department If the office were abolished The 1500 required for the six months salary was then deducted from the appropriation for the water supply and the clerk was provided for 1 DEPUTIES AGREE TO A CCT County Cleric Deane Will Preserve HU Foree Intact The failure of the Supervisors to allow bounty Clerk Deane the appropriation he asked for will not necessitate thecurtail nient of the clerical force In the County Clerks office A reduction In the office force such as would be necessary to keep the salary list within the 0000 limit under the existing scale of wages would seriously Inconvenience the public and members of the bar and at the same time Interfere with litigation The clerks in the office have come to the rescue by offer in toaceept a reduction in their salaries County Clerk Deane has accepted their offer and the entire working force of the office will be retained KOT MAY JACKSON IHEWILlrOF LLOYD TBYIS 4 His Wife Given AH tf the Millionaires Estate 2 SHE IS TO ACT ALStf AS SOLE EXECUTRIX ISO BOXD REQUIRED FROM ASD 0 nrtEXTORY TO BE FURKISID38 Intentional Omission to Make ProT aonfor the Children Who Are Commended to Their Mothers Care The will of Lloyd Tevls was filed probate just before the County Clerk office closed yesterday afternoon Tnt will and the petition accompanying i give no information as to how much property the deceased millionaire owned and he took good care in framing bis last testament not to satisfy Any curiosity on that point The wjH states that no inventory or appraisement the estate shall be mafle and consequently there will probably be mo st ting forth in detail In any court document of the places in which the Tfv wealth lies aiid the Value of each ot the various items which make up the estate The management of the property ill not be dh lded It 111 rest entirely1 in the hands of the widow and as site has been made the sole legatee the JegaJ proceedings connected with the Jarge estate will be marked toy an absence ot friction there being no indication ot any opposition at present The only venture as to a description of the value of the estate is in a line Inlbe petition which says that it is worth more than 1 000000 Mrs Susan Tevis who was named as executrix in the will was to have had William Tevls a son and Oor don Blanding a son in law associated with her as executors hut they concluded not to serve and renounced their right to testamentary letters Blanding was appointed In a codlciL The will whlch was typewritten was dated February 3 1892 and the codicil which Is In Tevis handwriting and as only for the appointment of Blanding a executor waa dated March 5 1S98 AH of the property personal real and mixed wherever located Is declared by Tevis to be community property and the right of Mrs Tevls to dispose of her one half Is distinctly recognUed Following the specification the will pro yides that all the property of the deceased real personal and mixed shall go to the wife To his children he leav es nothing and explains bis action in the following words I hereby declare that la making this will I am fully mindful of my children Margaret ff Blanding wife of Gordon Blinding Louise Tevls Sharon wife of Frederick Sharon Harry Tevls Hugh Tevls and William Tevis end that my omission to make any provision for them by this will Is JntentfotfaTrshd I commend my said children to the care and affection of my said wife in hom ha 4 full faljh and confidence The If given full power to sell conveyt lease or do hatever she pleases with any portion 01 tne estate upoui the sanction or supervision ot the Court and is left entirely unrestricted in the management and disposition of the entire estate There is also a request in the will that no Inventory or appraisement of the estate be made or required The will Is witnessed by Henry WaQsworth and Gordon Bland Ing The will and petition were filed by Attorney John Drum RELEASED FROM QCARANTISE British Baric Inveramsar Is Twice Fumigated From midnight Saturday night until yesterday afternoon the British bark Jn veramsay lately arrived frpm Antwerp lay in quarantine at the Beale street wbarf and neither Captain Cjomble nor anjrof his crew of thirteen were allowed to disembarks The Health Department found what appeared to be a case of smallpox aboard and the Vessel was fumigated Sun flay morning apd again yesterday Carl Carlson a sailor on the Inveramsay reported to Captain Crombie Saturday night that he was ill with a sort of rash and the skipper sent him to Dr Chllds Macr donald physician for the British shipowners Doctor Chllds Macdonald believed it to be a ease of smallpox and called Into consultation Drs Shields and Hopper and later City Health Officer Lawlor was summoned Dr Lawlor Immediately ordered the man sent to the Pesthouse went aboard the Inveramsay at midnight and vaccinated the crew from skipper to cabtn boy The four doctors then fumigated one another Yesterday morning the customs officials werelnformed of the case and Hwork on the vessel was ordered stopped The embargo was taken off later and the stevedores will return to work this morn ing Denial of a Story That She Died In Jfevr York Louis Flnlnger denies the story pub lished in a morning paper that the Jack son woman who was found dying in a New Yorfr hotel last Friday was his wife who is known on the stage as May Jack son My wife Is In New York said Flnia ger last evening She Is staying with my rlster Mrs Amerlco Gorle ard has been making arrangements with A Da Souchet the playwright for the production of one of my days If anvthlmr bad 1 happened to her ITwould have heard af it im euner The press WISCELlAXEOCS from either my alster or Du Souchet The press dispatches referrl woman found in the hotel gave as Lizzie Jackson I have a sister in law lspatches referring to the the name who formerly bore that name but she is now the wife otLleutenant Wilson of the British army I received a letter from her the necessary care to be observed as to dated Bombay India three weeks ago so the reeoras ana papers in tne several oi bees certainly merits and demands a reas uaici jjuiirvflbj iiiuia uiico nccfti Aftf bo I am certain she Is not the woman of the New Tfora mystery A few years ago both my wife and her sister were reported as having died in China I am satisfied that the present story is Just as true as that one sf WILSON SET FREE Conrt Finds That He Killed Kat sumach In Self Defense yJohn Wilson will not be tried forth killing ot Walter Kavanaugh The decision of Police Judge Mogan before whom the preliminary examination was held was rendered yesterday and was to the effect that Wljson had shot In self defensedefense Wilson was at once released from custody The killing of Kavanaugh occurred early In the raornlngjf Augusttst in a saloon at the corner of Mason and EUls streets Kavanaugh had threatened Wilson life a few hours before and had fired two shotsxto show that be meant business When he xnet Wilson he shouted Pull our gunWllsoB tried to parley with him but Kavanaugh repeated the warning following hUxWords with a shot Then Wilson drew a pistol and fired three shots one of which struck Kavanaugh in a vital spot causing death a few minutes later DISMISSED THE CHARGE TUs cast of Orwe Foster accused by Walter lrr a Kearny etrett saloon keeper of eabessUn a diamond ring was discussed yesterday by JsfctffiT m0Mt CASTORIA For Infanta and Children Bear lA signature Ulr of yV iii The KM Yea HtTi Aliays Bought In Use For Over 30 7ea 1 CASTORIA TsibT MbTWIIibI alas sins A sassisiLr yWiiti py P1 jtWw hi Jh a.

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