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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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I MtMMMftWWtlMtVWMWMt Fnilinf ifood Cintrol Oih Prion feraioly Tw OW MttowriMtllWnMklUi i Ito avriMtBiiMi nd Nw Next SurMtey Chronicle ftiinfttitnftniAtTiTftAfliifirinfiiinoooofttot slJ jSxesssBMsnU aswssBBBBBBBBBBBBsr A aw VBM SssaWsTl II JIfrtHI 1911 II rsw ww er wm iNjL i FOUNDED 1 1865 Tff Wv LEAErtNlG IWSPMEK iSrik PAQFICCOAST fl 1 A i Mill I I I ssssssssssnuai I in FAIR V4IIUltlX IV IliXf 4 sEdusrAToFr jiii I WEMTOR 815 rBARCRC SAN tRANClSCb OAl SATtmiUY AIKIL 1014 VOL OXII RFP0RH I II II 1 NO 81 rBARcraco Okxmm ASDTICUUTT tfetarlarVpreaablr lalrf BMtoedjal WMiernr wiad A BEALs RrrfCSarbsr GERMANS FAIL IN NEW SOIVWIE SMASH PICARDY BATTLE mm sanjaw jsfA ana JSV SSMSSSSB SSSBSSI hL SSSB SSB assPss Vk Pk Pk la HIvBb kk HIMft i ck sis iiwtrms in I Jw ait ir flip mm Mm Dense Masses Are Shattered i In Renewal of Desperate iv Smash jtojlain Foothold by Convergrng Move mentn Corbie tTEUTONS FAlL TO LEVER Anglo French armies sfiQhUWithdrawalsby Allies on Bbth Wings of Fleldt nemyHoraes Mee i Al i im lfA I toil yoi war warkln A nuJtr road btrii Bt Qtiktio A tockt rtte Cem WutJy ki tweca Ue Sjum ad tkrleUlt7 Baeqaor were ieUiwd Uitjt liet with tlrtaiUy eeew tNJar Brltlih fneUl mm miklulfeB lm tkta cttmlifL lleaTf eanaltlts were Inkt4 ee Ike GermM TXaiS XpitL Sr Tbe Genuas iU aft mime ttelr attaete aertk Keatlliier larlaf tke cemrte el Ike 4ar Oar treepe kate by vtf im ereai eeaateiaUaekt aeeee4e la lapmlar tkelraedtieu at MTeral pelati BeUblf la tke realeaa el Vafllr BaacTU aa4 Caatinfi the aertk aa4 west eatiklrtc el wkkk tew are la ear haadH aa ef ttelal lUteaieat line tealalit ky the War Office B7 A rtrnu Tnmm IS a batUe which hulatted alnce Thandar ad which probably la till continuing with utmost torj the Oemaae harf been knrliaf muied diTUlom against the Brltleh and French lines tar north of Albert to a short distance north of Itbntdldler Probably there has not keen a more eansalnarr battle toncht elnos the beflnnlnr ot the Tentonle etXenslre on March 21 than this which has lof Its objectlre the drfr of a wedte betwetu the British and French aMea the cutting of the Paris AmleaaTrallroad south Amiens and tie capture that dtr ALUES STAND FIRM ON LONG FRONT But In spite ot the power ot the attack and the desperation of the flshUna the entente allied legions hare stood firm over the moat of their front At only two point hare bey been forced to iire aroand and these seem on the map to be only minor successes when compared wltt the sacrifice of Ures which they hare i cost Jost the southwest of Albert the British hare withdrawn a short distance and the French hart siren np the village of Csstet west of fJoreull which has been the sorm Center of the Oerman assaults for the last few dafs At this polathe I Teutons are within three miles of I the Perls Amiens road i The Peraaa official statement claims lhat successes both north end outh of the domme hare been won and that the number ofprisoneri lAfeo siace ue oegmniag of the u4lUQsta1taeed4Ba sasaa fitsaim aj sjev if GUNSMMED Bit AMERICANS MOW BOCBEIN flCARQTflGBT Baltimore Iad Tells of ReaI Jam as Gentians Are Held Off Until Dark ByfLOYDP GIBBONS tneUI Dfapattk TW CkfwUcto WITH THE AMEK1C1N AHUT Hi rnANCK April A hospital lnUnie led to Ue bedside1 ot Jimmy Br dr boomsr from Plralloo turf la DaV tlmore and now wearsr et Uncle Sams khaki jimmy told months story et what a few Americana did in the epen tig days of the present battle In Ploardy Jlmhiy was tberi Id he said Tra telling yon It was real Jam I Isamod ona hell of heedful 1n the last ten days that rilnotbefrgettIng In the next tea years Oar outnufrom old dsUted engl neere and bsllsro ne nhsres noes better jhas baen working npjn the Bomine country for the last a months BTKnU aTBVCTVRBa P1JT tT Onyt TO BH DESTBOrED We wore working under the Brit wrs siamialBg up seme huskytooklbg sU1 struetnrss like jwree In thfltauahdjus me It makai ma slek to think thi a avlw imirtl m9 agalif 1storrtk eocbos goeto en VITAL POINT III STRUGGLE RAPID APPROACHES Army Chiefs Assert Germans Seek Strategic foothold at Amiens 150000 to Bo Drafted at Once UNUSUAL MOVEMENT OF BOYS TO SEABOARD Railway Schedules Tempo rarily Set Aside in Certain Sections jo Give Men Right of Way ASItlKOTON April Devsl Bolo Pasha Loses In Final Appeal For His life fPARtS April 5 It is offtpallyannouncetJiat I trie appeal ot tJolo rttha for a new trial Was rejected today by the committee of revision sitting at the Ministry of Justice Bolo Pasha it under sentence of death for espionage WIEVESVRUG ROB WOMAN HOTEL OWNER OF 090 GEMS ED between fit QtMhtlft inA uiiii mi IB nrV day all trafflo Ft tpotwra men guns and cannons going ce toward tb lines and in nin tioa began to flow lack Xrdrs earns for ua to ditch tar packs and aulnment all nnM spades rtfls bslu and cantssna and wo set ofr toward the rear ataro nfsuED nrrirBn ako TOlt A8 OEnNAXS adtanck We pulla tip at Chaulnsa for a broatlb It waa a big dpot and dump town TVs were ordered on to deraoll tlon work and It seemed to mo there waa no end of It frits kept oom thg and they hiked us on to Auber ooort and then to Dormant and each place we stopped and dug trenches and then they rushed us north to a town not far out ef Amlsns TWUh about forty men we marched down the road this time as non rombatants no longer We stopped Just east of the Tillage of Marcel care and dug as many different kinds of ammunition as there was different nationalities In our trench Our post tlon was the fifth line of defense we was told but tbe guns kept getting closer and a lot of that long range stuff was giving ue bell Near to there was a squad of my menone Chink three Canadians and two Dub tin yustllers BRITISH GVXS SEEM TO SIIE1X XARCBIXAVB Then we began to our own guns that Is British guns beginning to blow bell out of this here village of Marcelearo right In froat of us It mdas me wild to see the artillery making a mistake Ilka that so I says to one of these here Dublin Fusiliers What In hells matter with tnoao guns firing on xur own men up there In the rlllageT If this le the nun line then that must be our fourth llao la the rlUage TAd eaid the Dublin PusilUr to me I dont want to discourage you for the life of me but this only used to bo the fifth line We are In the first line now and Its up to you and no and the Cblnk and the rest of to keep the roues out of Amiens At this moment we are all that be tweea HEAVY rtlB ia rOVKBD ON JWEOIT If TOWJ We startsd to the machine guns and began eovrtng ltln on them The minute some of em would start out ef the town wo would wither them dldat know then end dont know yet what has become all the rest of jour officers and men but I sorter fslt like eroryshot sent over was paying em back for some of thslr 4lrty work We kegt handing It to em hot Ton eaghter seen that Chink talking Mongolian a maln gun and bellere meiie sure mads it understand blra Well eur little mob held em off tilt vdark and then British pommies oiled la and relieved ua We needed It because wo naaoi a susin sev opment of the second phase at I the Oerman drive In Fleardyd was watched closely here today Arm afllcar annaVantlr feeling that I the critical point ef thcgreatatrtiggle Ho r44tr appVehlwt Meager ofB elal reports give little laformatlom oa wblch td base definite 6plnone ea to the trend of the flghllng Uiougni teemed evident that the Germans were trying to force a footholdta strategic posltfons befcrs Amiens and At tbe same time to Increase pressure egalntt the Junction point between the French and British armies Voder the new pollen laid down by Secretary Baker the War Department again had nothing to add to official reports from London and Farls en the battle INCREMENT OF DRAFT CALLS FOR 150000 The department Is forging ahead with its efforts to speed additional American rorces across the water to back up the beleaguered lines Oae element of the speeding up plsns was learned authoritatively The first In crement 9t the second draft to be summoned this month will be Ue 0 men instead of tetOe as previously planned They will be the first considerable force mobilised of the lei III drafted men to be called to the colors thla year The remaining III III will be called out In monthly Increments the else of which will de pond to soma extent upon availability of shipping to transport men already In training to the front Three Bandits Flee With Jewels After Binding Mrs Grace Grabine in Apartments Diamonds and Jewelry valued at SOW were taken from Mrs draco Qrablne proprietor of the Vtepla flaw itti41buVfciWu mornlnsfDythree robsirs7rho smethl stood ready to perate with State trod her with adrur eaturata hand kerchief and tied her up In her room Tbe three men drove up to the ho tel la an automobile shortly after 1 clock and entering mounted the stairs Hearing them Urn Orablne went out of her room to the hallway Thej three men seised her tied her arme behind her hack and pressed a saturated handkerchief to her face When she became drowsy they car ried her into her room and laying her on tbe bed raasscked ber effects She revived after they had gone and called the police Among the Jewels taken wero a pair of three and flve elghthe carat diamond earrings valued at S10IO a ring Willi two diamonds valued at S7II a solitaire diamond flng valued at 5i0 and a ruby ring valued at ttSO UNUSUAL MOVEMENT OF TROOPS UNDER WAY There are Indications that tro6p movements toward the aeaboard ef unusual proportions are already in progreee Railway passenger and freight echeduleo In eon sections of the country have been set aside temporarily la order to give the men right ot way to embarkation points Movement of American troops already In franca Is screened completely behind the rigid censorship Im posed by Qeiferal Ferehlng Accounts of American movements published In Kagleod bare Indicated that the meet seasoned veteran of Oeneral Pershings Army the men ot tbe first expedition are Included In the units sent Into tbe battle In Plcardy The message spVolOsd that American regulars were to bear the brunt ot the first entry ef the era adore from the New World Into the center of the convulsion that Is shk ing the Old World to Its foundations OFFICERS RECALL CONFIDENCE OF FQCH Wltb tbs Increased menace against Amienl developing throng the Oerman nressurs In the Albert region officers recalled hopefully the calm confidence with which Oeneral Foch supreme commander has aosureJ tni the town wl not fall lato aermin bends So far It wit aald the ell We have not been compelled resort to tbe use of their reserves to meet tbe Oerman effort and their additional forces ere stlU lauet staltlng as opportunity launch a far reachlsg drlvev The enduraoeejof tbe Oerman la Connich Accused of Hog Island Delay Larger Fee Demand Held Up Work Says Denmari WASUINQTON April William Denman formerly chairman of the Shipping Board testifying today before the Senate Comtneroe Committee at hie own requeet placed tbe blame for delay In beginning construction at the Hog Island Pa shipyard on Connlck engineer for the American International Shipbuilding Corporation who he aald endeavored to get the Shipping Board to enter Into a contract by which the corporation would receive a fee of from IIS 111011 to 111 001000 Denman said he and his associates on the Shipping Board believed the fee too large and delayed signing the contract It Is mucb to ths credit pf the men who succeeded us that thla fse de manded by Connlck wae greatly reduced said Denman A shortage of steel la shipyards was blamed on Inadequate transpor tation facilities by Leonard nop logic director of steel supplies for the war isdsatries boara War Board to Direct All Steel Shipments UAb lIINOTON April Unl0rd direction of all steel deliveries he been decided on by the War Industries Board aa a preventive of future shortage In ehlpbulldlng or any other eenUal line of work Itcpreeentatlves of tbe Army and Navyb Who have been stationed at each mill heretofore to speed the output ef orders fr those branches of the war work will be wlthdrewn end replaced by a elnsle repreecntetlve of the War Industries Ward who will be governed by the requirement division a te priority and will see tbade llrerlae re made before there Is danger eey stoppage of work Governor Lowden of Illinois Orders Investigation of Praeger Hanging DISLOYALTY NOT SHOWN Charges Against Victim Are Based on Rumop circu lated Among Miners OLUNSVILLB April a Formal Investigation of the death ef Tiobert Praeger who last night was hangded fellow log charge of disloyalty will not be made until next Monday when Roy A Love Coroner of Madison county will bold an Inquest over the body At that Urn representatives of tbe Btata Attorney Oeneral and the Ad Jutant Ocneral will be present prepared to carry forward any measures deemed necessary te apprehend thoee who participated la ths hanging Announcement to this effect came tonight after Governor Lowden AttorneyAttorney Oeneral Brundage and United Statoa District Attorney Knott at Springfield TIL had Issued statsmeata deploring the act and asking that ths guilty parties be prosecuted Mayer jH Siege of ColUnsrllle de clared be would launch ne Inveetlga EMPLUTfl HUB DIPS OUT OF COT The Pacific Coast yards hair ki ilia second siege of the battle Is lilt tie difficulty In obtaining sieeCTsJl being watched cloeely The renh the shortages Lrlngbe rnuan enemy alien at tbe office of ibe Calash Ik Ink fc AftlilatlA te frtL wm fpr vie vj efcause wo naoni oau a eilfm sev aty houre sad had been fyiag In and county etfidais MAYOH VBQEg PASIloai or rBDERAL LAW OK DISLorALTT In a atemenurlssued tonight he asserted he had telegraphed today to Senator Overman chairman ot tbe Senate Judiciary Committee urging Immediate paesage of the law Imposing a severe penalty en dlsloyslty It Is bis opinion he says that the vio lence of last night wn the result of neglect by the Federal Government to furnish this penalty We arreated a man charged with disloyalty last Sunday he declared but because ot Insufficient evidence unfer the present law we were un able to bold him The crowd lest night evidently believed that an other disloyalist waa about to es cape and took the matter In their own hands This deplorable act merely emphasises ths necessity for a drastic raw to apply In such cases RO ARRESTS EXPECTED BEKORJS THE INOiVKST A dsy ef Investlgstlon by county officials resulted in no arreets and none are anticipated until after the laqueot Monday according to Cor oner Lowe Bo far ascan be learned tonight th action of The mob wae precipitous and no person as yet has stated con Crete inetancet or oieloyelty by Praeger Before the rope waj aced about hie neck Praeger wrote the following note In German Dear Parents Carl Henry Praeger Dresden Germany I must on this the fourth dsy of April mi die Pleaee pray for me my dear parents This Is ray last letter and teotament Tour dear son and brother ROBERT PAUL PRAGEa PBACBRS LOrALTY POSTERS INCKMSED THE MINERS Prsger pocket wae found a long proclamation In which he ststed hts loyalty to the United States nd to union labor and told of his difficulty in entering tbe miners union Prager yeeterday afternoon put un postsrs st the Marysvllle mine pro claiming his loyalty to the Govern ment When the minora left the working they were Inceneed by these proclamatlona and began to hunt Prager Though Prager was secuaed of liar Ing iftAde dlelojal utterances no one wae found today who could repeat these remarks Police Are Asked to Find Robinson of Hotel SL Francis Staff prosecutToTto FOLLOW Henry Scolt Says There Will Be No Compromise for Missing Man AFTER he had been given fie 0 In currency to take to tbe bank and change Into gold and smaller denominations ef bills Joseph Roblnaonv tt years old employed In the Auditors office et the Hotel St Francis disappeared yesterday afternoon and the police were asked to find him Robinson waa latrnsted vjlth the noon as was nis oaiiy custom he went to the Wells Fargo Na tional uxnk la a taxicab The eaaur four told the police Robinson entered the bank and returned te the automo bile a few moments later Robinson was driven back to tha Bt Francis ROBIM80IT DISAPPEAR AT HOTEL ENTRANCE After dismissing tbe chauffeur Rob Insoa did notenter the hotel but die appeared Ule abeenoe waa not noted until I oclock and Henry Seotf presidq of theHote Bt Francis Company wS notified Scott notified he police and Detec tives Davia wurpny and Frank Lor began tbs search armed With a description of tee missing employe Scot said a warrant for Robinsons arrest would be swore to this morning Robinson will be arrested the min ute the police lay tbelr eyes on him said facott He win go to Jail and there will be no compromise Ws are fully protected by a bonding com pany Liberty Loan Parade Starts At2PMToday The Liberty Loan parade today starts from tbe Embar cadero at 2 Tbe line of march is np Market street to Polk thence to the Qrie Center Major General Arthur Mar ray commanding the Western Department will review the parade at the Civic Center Patriotic singing led by Armand Puts with flVe military bands massed will follow tbe reriew Market street win be closed to traffic after 130 oclock until the parade la over Robinson has been In tbe employ of the St Francis for four years He worfted his way up from bellboy A year ago he waa given a position In the andltora departmeaf and was known as a bank messenger for the department At noon yesterday RoblneOn waa glvsn 110 000 In bills of large denominations lie waa told to go to the bank and change the money Into gold and smaller bills Robinson lived with hie brother at It Valley street American Red Cross Breaks Speed Record PARIS April 5 The American Red Crose has Just performed another record feat by preparing and ship ping to a town behind tbe French front a tent hospital of 101 beds within twelve hours after receiving a request from the French Government The hoepital was needed to take care of patients suffsrlng from fractured limbs who were being removed from a hoepital In Eastern France menaced by German air raids Fire Rages Near War Building WASHINGTON April Fire of unVnown origin tonight destroyed the urper floor of a building near the great State War and Navy building occupied by tbe Navy Bureau of Con struction and Repair and the Camou flags section The dsmage le eald to be insignificant The watchman hevlk authorltlee have occupied Ue mousm ui a pue or I Government offices and banks pvrr nc Vladivostok The entente powers It no nin were respon dds bee secptd the promise of the Bolshevlkl to protect life and property especially tbe Immense supplies destined for the Rueslan army 4PM LANDS NAVAL FORCE AT VLADIVOSTOK TO SAVE LIFE rompi Action roiiows Killing of Nipponese Officei by Armed Russians jrASrNOTOK April Lanajng of Japanese navelforcaeat VUatvestc te protect rffeiaM property was re ported to tbe State Departmsat today by the American Consul there The action fettered an attack en a Japans officer by five armed Russians who upon being refeeed money kUled on Japan and wounded two ethers Tbe fores landed was said te be email and only aufflclent to pre vent further disorder It waa learned officially that th Amerlcen Government attach no political significance to this Incident la other words It 1 not regarded as Doing connected In any way with th much dibcuaaed possibility of Japanese intervention In Slbetja Th landing party was from a Japanese cruiser stationed la Vladlvlatok harbor Slaee tbe return to Japan from Russia of Baron Uchlda the Japaaeae Minister to Petrograd the Japanese Prime Minister has Indicated clearly that Japan do not Intend at proa ent at least to eater dlberta In i military way without reference the wishes of the Rueelan Qoverav meni uniees some extreme emer gency ebould arise It has been assumed here that such an emergenoy would be organisation of the Oerman military prlaoaere In Siberia Into an armed force deigned to seise control of the country or taking possession by factions hostile to the entente allies ot the great quantity of military storee accumulated at Vladivostok Neither of theae contingencies has arisen at Vladivostok and the Stat department a Information Indicates that the trouble at that port la pure ly local While the Bolshevlkl element predominate at the port It never ha been able to aseert Its authority and preserve order TOKIO Satu day March 10 by the Associated Free At The Japanese Foreign Office today It waa aald that no confirmation had been received of the statement psbllehed by the Nlchl Ntchl that the situation at Vladivos tok while not Immediately critical wae becoming worse Tbe Nlchl Nlcbl claims that the Bol EAI PREPARES ID LAB Hit DRIVE Ml i Enthusiastic Preparations for Parafes Bonfires Meftjngs Completed In All States 4 CABINET MEMBERS URGE LIBERAL SUBSCRIPTION Combined Punch of All Anwrv rca Necessary to Win War Asserts Acting Secre tary Crowe Washington April iv Th opening tomorrow ef Assert caa third big campaign 4 fv popular war credit aa th aimrreya eery ef th declaration et war rem lses to resemble Independence day a an occasion for patriotic eelehratfcea Report tonight beadouarters et th third Liberty loan told ot a thustastia preparation far parade and bonfires pubUe meetings aad loyalty speeches to drive home appeal for subscriptions to Government bond Ia many atatei It le a legal holiday and In ecore ef ltle business Is to be suspended part ef tha day to asstet th celebration Indlcatlona tonight were that oalr a email part of th SOteMIMi war credit would be subscribed tomorrow Loan organisations probably will be too busy promoting spectacular fea ture to actually take In subscript tlons and the real soliciting would start Monday Small towns premise to be notable exceptions however for many OT thee are anxious te roU up their entire quota ot subscription within a few boar after oclock th official opening time and thereby win their communities tbe third Liberty loan honor Dag President Wilson wilt sjr at Baltimore In the evening Secretary McAdoo at Philadelphia la the ernoon Vloe President Marshall a Et Louis and Secretary Daniel Cleveland Mllllona of pereoaa throughout th i country will receive their first reminder that the day I ef special tmX portanc In American war hlatjkry Cmttawed oa rasa Cedaeaa IS Irish Convention Is Through With Labors LONDON April Th Irish Con ventlon which ha been discussing the Question ot borne rule for several According to the beet Information i months included He deliberations obtalntbls today oaly a few mlnere followed Prager from Maryevllle to Colllovll end in tbe latter town tbey Ureulated their ausploiens a to Prager loyally A crowd gathered but It appear that only a few aetuel ly took part In the ruehlag tl city hall and In tbe dragging of tbe Suspected men from the basement Og Wedaesday nlgbt freger was forced to march through the streets Maryevllle while bystander point 4 to blav as a Oerman spy Jt I Known tnal he registered aa lorisy ye the Central News Agency The lonrentlon adopted the draft report ot the deliberations of the grsiKl committee as nrtseiuJ by lb olisinnsa Cunarder Valeria Is Sunk in Irish Sea TORK April I Tbe Cunard line steamablp Valeria a resist ef ill tons register baa been uak la the Irlh sea according to wrd received her bv Insurance Interests The Valeria left ber Marib with rvt pi5 ui Long Range Gun on Way Across Belgium AMSTERDAM April According to Lee Nourelle of Maastricht aa other long range gun similar te tkos already bombarding Pari passed through Belgium from Lssea oa Mon day The length of the barrel Is from 0 to meters and the caliber from to centimeter Mfevc jfjfeKt W2 Ohio Officials Told To Round Up Tramps COLITMBCS Ohio April Gov rnor Cox today Issued a proclama tion ordering all But orficlaU to be gin en Immediate round up of all vagrant asd tramp and ass that ilbey are put to work IXT Ki LIBERTY BONDS SPELL VICTORY FEDERAL TRUCKS OVER THERE AND EVERYWHERE HELPlfca OA11 THAT YICTOAT A SUE FObeVKBY BUSIBCSS SrEED VT TOUB TBA5SP0BTAT10X OCR C0UKTBT KEEPS IT The Pacific GsseKtr Brucj Hstgheew Pialgeal UUAHX AT VAN HKS AM FHAaCllt reese rveenoel eeT Breaefceei rettae aaue Fvew at.

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