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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WM SAX FRANCISCO CHRONICLE SATURDAT FEBIWART 3 1917 MI SMITH Gill Youthful Aviators Flight Into Matrimony Ends in Disaster CASE IS NOT CONTESTED Wifes Conduct With Other Men Referred to in the Testimony Art funlth Ike re itbfut aviator who eathrallea all Baa Francisco with his eipoeltlqn fllfhta soared trahtlr ant Of the yoke of metrlmonr rminir wuaigpintr Judas ueora If Cabenlaa created him an uneon teated decree of divorce from Mrs Aim Cour Smith Cruelty th around on which the decree was baaed but It wn Mr Bmlth conduct with anmeroua other men eecardlna to her hoibiii4 tee tlmen and to a score of letters which lis Introduced I evidence which formed th bail of th crutltr chare In addition to th oral testimony of Brntta ana bl corroborating wit nestee th aviators attorn ap eared In court with a bundle of let tra written by Mrs Hmlth to a alrl friend known a Bobble Dean Moat th Utter were written with mors fervor than discretion and described ray eaeapades ah waa having with other men at Fort Wayne Ind whllo hr husband was circling th heavens over th Ban Francisco exposition On of th letters written In If arch 111 says Te sterday I cot five bono calls from my big blond baby th en waa In th auto smash with Another say I saw mr mar ried man laat nltht I honked In front of his elBc and cam out and kissed me Two younr men who work for hint saw th what perform anee In still another letter Mrs Smith says I could tell you much mors than I daro write Read between th lines If you can I liav been there and back and had th time of my life txaa that any way you please Wish I could tell you all about It but will wait until I ae you Among th men for whom Mrs Hmlth admitted a more than casual Interest are Paul Cooler a moving picture operator Billy Kyi former mechanician for her husband whom ftmlta discharged for tin attentions to Mra Smith and Harry Hardesty an electrician On th atand yeaterday th aviator told Judge Cabanlaa that thought Ma wife head had been turned by nrs success and the flattering atten tlons paid htm all over the country She Ian much Ilk th little hlh school alrl I married back In Mlchl can fir years ago he said Smiths testimony concerning his wife conduct with other men was corroborated by William Lynch and Al Maglnnt asaoclates of tha aviator YVETTE GUILBERT TO GIVE SPECIAL EXTRA CONCERT Talented French Woman Scores a Great Success last Appear ance 5ezt Tuesday So great has been her success In Ban Francisco that It seems aa though th lovely French woman Yvett Oullbert could remain here Indefinitely giving concert to crowded auditoriums But her bookings will not permit and next Tuesdays special extra event at Scottish Kit Auditorium will positively th laat appearance or Mm Oullbert on this visit Preaent Indications are that thle appearaoce aa well as the on In th same hall tomorrow will bring out Immense crowd Different selections Will be found on both remaining programme On Sunday Madame Oullbert will aln and act three marriage aonga of th Middle Agea three lovers comedies a rroup of song satirising th court days of Louis XV and works significant of tha period of USD On Tueeday night legenda of th fifteenth and sixteenth centuries will be riven songs of th troubadora and Jongleurs of th thirteenth century two ones of work Including the Cycle du Vln which eh rave at her opening concert and which will be repeated by request and a croup of Interesting modern songs are In the list Madams Oullbert Interprets all of her works In appropriate cost urate of th period which they represent Husband Found Dead After Family Quarrel Nat Neely yeara old an else trtelan was found dead from gas poisoning by his wife yesterday in their bom at tttj nay street and tha police are Investigating both suicide and accidental death theories Mra Anita Neely admitted to Deputy Coro nr Thomas Oavln that she and her huabaad bad a quarrel Tburaday night which reeujted In Neely leaving the family bed to sleep by himself In a rear room The aaa jet waa fully turned on when Neely waa found dead yesterday Hotel Men to Ask Ban on Solicitors Manager of fourteen local hotels wilt appeal to railroad and etrsisshlp cotupsalM to enforce their regulations ganst soliciting hotel business ei trains and steamers as a rssult a conference at the utter Hotel yesterday afternoon The hostelrlea represented yesterdsy srs th Herald Uoodfrlead Keystens Xlewart Wiltshire Manx Fielding Stanford utter Turpi Pleas Chsncelor Cart rtbt and golden West hotels Press Association Favors RandaKBill Believing th bill will stimulate the aalets of small local journal snd enable tbs PoetoBU Department to redeee th eaomous subsidy it has been paying to tbs publishers of the bgly profitable national mecasleea tha execuUvo committee of th California Pros Association fsae an tuMaeed Its support of the Itendall VIM ts eetakllsk tha sees system of aseond slaaa poetasT rates fur news a tters and eaaaaaigsa i roitvrnTMMs audiicoud PSTAUJMA ebruary eiUtt Marttt tilretter Welaetoch Charles 4aeaa Jeaa Franetavo President I hauled SUaaunvll af tbs Central Call I rrl foullrv Producers AsaeKlalloD li A Mu if giMWMSSi ISS hj uirrmea last it and aaaUf at a HJln ImM Csejatt Film Shows Arctic Hunting Pffl Oat 0O OoO 00 Movie of Harpooning Whales Pictures Taken on Steamer Herman Shown MoyiNO pi tures at whale harpooning and polar bear hunting taken on th annual trip th steamer Her man to Alaskan waters for furs for If Uebes A Co war shown for th first time yesterday morning at th Royal Theater Polk and California streets before members of tho firm of furriers They will be presented there for the publla within week or so The pursuit of a whale In which one boat goea directly over It was ah own and followed by plcturea of the chopping up of ths body with the workmen standing on ths whale Itself Other plcturea showed the hundreds of platea of whalebone aa they aro removed and parked Many lively pursuits of polar bears were shown In on picture a huge bear waa calmly eating a seal on an Ice floe when he apparently saw th ship for ha scrambled Into the water and uwam manfully but waa finally shot and hauled aboard Other plcturea showed a largo hard of reindeer a walrus hunt and the subsequent adoption and Seeding of a baby walrus fur trading with natives a trip on ths dog power railroad at Nome tha taking of supplies to the Stefansson party camped at Bankaland and varloua phases of Eskimo Ufa Soma of th aea scenes were taken by th light of th mid night sun llersehel Island the northernmost point reached by such expeditions wss th setting for most of th pictures but ethers wer taken in Can TfihjPf EaSBBSBBSssnxBxsVaBsa WkasxA ssnxaxaxFjaA TN I Srtf jQKgsapsBL i snxxeHuxE3SiaKVfr Vs1n Jgfc A Point arrow tarailr shown in the first view yesterday of films taken by the steamer mtfia rrw nimnv last mninwr a furnunt ing cruue around Alaska for Licbes Co 1 ada at ths headquarters of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police and on ths Slberlanshore Captafff Pedersen snd Mates Kruse and Lawrence of the Herman viewed the plcturea many of which the former had taken The Herman returned on November IS from a cruise begun last spring snd brought a cargo of whalebone from four whales and between S7S00S and tl 00 940 worth of furs of polar bear black red blue sliver whits snd cross fox lynx marten and otter Court to Decide Todaij Whether State May Acquire Islais Lands Condemnation and Purchase of Sixty three Blocks or Harbor Is Issue Whether the State of California may condemn and purchase with Its avallabls ILtOO 000 the sixty three blocks of Islais creek tide lands desired for an Inland harbor will be decided by Superior Judge Sea well at SO clock this morning Judge Seawell who has had the case under submission since laat October sent word yesterday to the score or more of attorneys who ars intereeted that the decision would be given from the bench at the opening of Court this morning Th ease has been banging Ore In the courts since June of ISIS and has sons through many phases of litigation It finally want to trial on It APPLICANT FOR AWARD HURT IN SECOND MISHAP John Brew Has Accident While on Way to Office of Industrial Commissioners Whan John Brews compensation case was called before th Industrial Accident Commission ysstsrday there was no answer on IBs part or tne plaintiff Brow counsel searched the corridors for his client dui to no avail Finally word waa tslephoned to the Commission that Brew had met with a second accident and waa con fined at the Mount Zlon HoapltaL Yes terdays hearing was for the purpose of determining Brew prsssnt stats of health The following awards were made by the Commission yesterday Mrs Cera nil keeest er 12SS1 SO mniii tke eeeia er aer karteaa if zakiia llll la tke eialoslea af aa suinakM task last Jsly Moore csrseater ewereoe a weeau aerewat IU fee aa lalary facet la a fall Tke follewlae aepMcailoa wore Sled TkoaMs Drasotec of FoMdsea cotnsaloa for two lea loot le a Sols kameter Hiram fjotsoe reaeoaMtloa far karoo ro Mn wkaa he eaaie la evatact wltk leoae vois wire Ueorsa Peppers aate ea Oeklaae weald eel arodfor for foil District Attorney Asks Total of 78900 Fifteen thousand dollars as extraor dinary expenses for ths detection and preseoutlon or crime Is asked by tne District Attorney In his 1S1T 1S budget estimate filed with the Board of riupervlsors yesterday Kor salaries and expenses the official aak a total of ITS If The Mupervlsors allowed hs District Attorney III tl on ths last budget Including only ITSOt for extraordinary eipensta ii ii ii Man on Fire Boat Given Pension Right Because a member of the Ran rraar tteeo rlre bepartineat makes his rune oa a nreboat and not en a book and ladder truck he la no lees firemen nor Is hs less entitled Is pension relief according to aa opln Ion rendered yeeterdsy Uy the 1 Ily Attorney in snswsr to sn Inquiry from ths rlre Pensloa 1 und com miesloncra Arrest Many Women For Drunkenness Maeeitbo Inception of the Women Court defendants wsre tried ac cording to a report compiled Meter dsy by William II Niched saalstant probation officer In rtocsmber lit women appeared rnib new court while during January tlr wtere given hearing Out of the total IIS ar far tha two month the record aOV sat drunaeoa merits bsfors Judge Seawell laat Au gust and arter a long series of hearings wss submitted In October Dur ing theee bearings both the Bute and the property owners who have banded together as ths Islais Creek Association of Owners put many rsal estate experta on the stand snd the difference In their vsrlous sstlmatss amounted to more than ths 1 000 000 which the people voted to buy the property The smallest estimate mads by a mate a expert waa sits ISO and the largest 10 III Th lowoat estimate made by an expert for th defendants was II SSI SIS and tbs highest ll ST4 OLD CHRONICLE EMPLOYE DIEfS ILL ONE DAY Joseph OBrien Was Member of Composing Boom Staff for Thirty Three Yean Joaeph Brian for thirty three years a msmber of The Chronicles composing room staff dlsd suddsnly yssterday morning after an Illness of a single day His death followed soon after tbat of his brother ln law Keefa port captain of the Corinthian Yacht Club for twentyOve yeara Keefe passed away January II OBrien Is survived by two alstere Mlas Etta OBrien and Mra If Keefe 1010 Poet etreet The veteran printer first Joined The Chronicle staff March It lilt Ha mrkoi or fastse cmimUm fee fi owrvico win bw neia nt It Mary Cathedral Monday morning at 1 SO clock i MAN FROZEN TO DMATH JUNEAU Alaaka Fabruar 1 Btoaael member of ths crew of th sieamer woroova was found frosen to death In the city launch Uoat here yeaterday cxrr ABUN First Unitarian Church Oeerr eaS Ffooklla eta Rev Duttbn Ones Dwelling Place i iirzjxiVcra CliSa COkirBATIVB BSUulOM 1 rseai The Relnterpretation of Ood opw roam AtX A rvJtPliUTNVTP 8NJDKNB0KGUH Church of The New Jerusalem Lyoe SI corset of Weaalaftee Church of The New Jerusalem ISM OTarrotl SI llol of yttaior Korolcoo of ore geoes II A THOMe fSSkCH JP fli a farter Yews and Qossip of the Churches snIxexexexexexev3 sssfaxexaBasasanssI RKT It MOWRB has been for a year and a half In char at Fltsgerald Memorial Methodist Episcopal Charch South which Is a cnurcn er general Metorle Interest I those who have been a number of years Is Csll fsrnla The ehorch Is named for Dr Flttgeratd a Methodlet minister who Irrespective of religious affiliations wss respected and beloved In th bay district In clvle matters he took part In a conservatively effect Ive way and was even pressed Into clvld office to old Callfor nlsns af all faiths recall him when paestng the memorial Church on Eddy and Frank tin streets at on time a commodious prlvata resi dence now a chureh and home for tke pastor in charge Rev Dr Mowr waa born and educated In Iowa receiving much of his advanced education at the University In rhoenlx He has been fifteen years In th ministry a cart of which he spent In Portland Or where he was wnsn no received the call to come to Fltsgerald Memorial He served for a time In the north as presiding elder of the Willamette District Methodist Conference South Hs Is much Intereeted In church affairs and organisa tion therefore and Is a frsqusnt guest at tne Monday momlnc Methodist Episcopal Ministers Meetings This week Dr Mowre has been south In Loe Angeles where he wss entertained nt Trinity Methodist Church which Is known aa The Million Dollar Institute Including Its hsndsoms auditorium and departments for advance social service work The minister I to return today and will occupy hi pilplt tomorrow which will be a eperlal day being th occasion of Installing th officer of the missionary sjclsty which will take place In connection with the ll clock preaenmc sermon The pastor will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening Runday school will bs held at 4t A Epworth League holds Its seaelon at 10 clock In ths svsnlng Robert Davlea preeldent of th Fred Finch Orphanage announces that the amount of money necessary to aecure the gift of SS000 from the executora of the will of Henry Curt ner has been obtained There has been received In caah 114 140 with unpaid subscriptions and notes of HITS Adding the gift of 11019 from the late Henry Curtner the campaign has resulted In securing SIS 000 for the orphanage which la one of the benevolencee of the California Methodist Conference On Tueaday afternoon February Right Rev I Sanford Bishop of the Proteetant Eplacopal diocese of San Joaquin will address a meeting of the Woman a Auxiliary of Orace Cathedral His subject Is to be I Shall Olve Thee the Heathen for Thine Inheritance The metlng eommenoe at SO clock At th First Freebyterlaa Church nev ostnrie win preaca tomorrow morning en Olve Heed Hold Fast There will be communion servleee and reception of members In the evening there will be the monthly pralee service an tbs organ and Dr Onthrle will preach from John III IS Friday and atorday the annual convention of the Oolden Oate Chris tian Endeavor Union was held In the First Charch abost IS being expected to sit down at supper this evening The closln1 meeting will be bold In the church tomorrow after tn a a AlMttr tfAoIno hod Rav mond Hanson pf theTBoy Scouts of Amsrlca speaking la4t Sunday the Sondsy tschoo Is forming a company of Boy Scouts and there la an open In for earnest young men who love the out of doors to train aa scout masters The opening aesslon of the annual convention of the Oolden Oat Intermediate Christian Endeavor Union took place laat evening at the First Presbyterian Church Paul Brown Held secretary of th Stat Endeavor Union was th principal speaker The convention programme is three days duration which Is a precedent In tho annals of the local socletlea This evenings session In addition te the annual dinner will consist of two conferences one for gins iea oy ur Sarah Wise and one for boys with Clyde Doyle Hate Intermediate superintendent as the leader Tomorrow afternoon at 1 St clock Joaeph Cohn of New Tork will address the convention on the subject Down In the Ohetta The Intermediate union Is composed of young people of high school age repreeentlng various denominations of ths city 0 0 The chair begins work at the next rehearsal upon ths sacred cantata Inheritance Divine by Harry Roe Schelley It Is one of the most beautiful of the cantatas and has nsver been rendered In San Francisco A special feature of the programme of muelo for last Sunday morning waa a trio from Elijah and for the Sunday evening a baas solo It Is Enough from Elijah by Regenal Marrack A special programme of sacred muslu will be rendered In the church on Oak and Baker strssts on Sunday evening by a choir of forty voices under the direction of Professor Roeecrans A brief addreaa by the paetor will be a feature of the service Rev Moore of San An selmo professor In San Francisco Theological Seminary is temporarily In charge of Trinity Presbyterian Church corner of Twenty third and Capp streets preaching and doing pastoral work as his seminary duties permit At present he la preaching a aeries of evening aermone on quea tiona connected with New Teatament prophecy Already ha has spoken on The Church In Relation to Law Enforcement and to International Peace The Vice Campaign and President Wilson Addreaa to the Senate In the evening he has spoken on Ths Millennium The A will observe child labor day at their veaper aervlce on Hunday afternoon at 4 clock Mrs Mary Bell will be the spesker and David will Klve the cornet solo All are cordially welcome There la an Informal hour and cup of tea following A4lexexexe BJH Mat stents warn wo Mra Oeorae White who has been Very eaecsaefol In presenting the scientific value of therapeutics was sr ccmf tantr requested I pre sent nr views in an address that a a ment have been mode for her te give an Introduce tory lecture er Tuesday evening In th auditorium of Central Math odlst Episcopal Church an orsr rell and Leaven worth street next Tseeday ev nlnr Th address will followed by series of ten pros sntatlons of the iitliil Mra Whits who Is the I a of Rev Oeorge White district super Intendent of th California Math odlst Episcopal Confers nee for Its San Francisco Jurisdiction Th subject to treated Is neither origin eccentric nw nor doe It enter Into lb realm of th add let Scholars have given much attention to th question In lecture cour at th leading universities Mrs Whits was after much hesitation Induced to give a courte of lectures which were attsnded with In tereet A deelrs to have It repeated here has been expreaaed and the leo ture of Thuraday evening will be an Introduction to the scientific relations of ths mind to tbe physical body and an exposition of much of ths scientific advance which has been made through scholarly Investlgatlona Mra White has on the press with a New Tork publisher a book on Mental Control of the Body or Health Through Self Conquest tt Mrs Ferrler secretary of the organisation announces a meeting of Tu Al Kat will be held on Thursday aftsrnoon February at SO clock at Hotel Oakland Oakland Mrs Masuda will Illustrate flower arrangs ment Interpreted by Miss Hana Bhl mosuml An address win bs Klven by William Payne Shrlver of New Tork city author of Immigrant Forces Members havs the privilege of Inrlt Ing friends The speaker of the afternoon Is In Chsrge of tbs city Immigrant and Industrial work of the Preebyterlan Board of Home Missions Hs Is here for the purpose of making a survey of religious conditions and opportunl ties upon which the whole future policy and work ofthe Presbyterian church in the bay region and to a rer tain extent throughout the Pacific will be built The student Zionist Society of the Unlerlty of California has pro grsmmed Ita activities for ths new semester Ths associates study Zlon Ism and create a aympathetlo spirit smong members It slso ts reaching out to foster a Zionist propaganda among Jewish communities of the West Members ars sent to lecture before varloue societies In the bar district During ths services today In Beth larael the ceremony of bar mlxvah will be conducted when applicants for ths rite will be pressnted Rev Caleb Duties announces that th following servleee will be held tomorrow in the First unitarian Church on Franklin street where be Is naator In tha Moraine at It a clock Sunday schools 1 IS A tLt Mr Rsedt classi ll clock morning service ser men Ones Dwelling Place organ selections from ltilt A I a mou srato Interraetto Sonata op SI Rhelnberareri fbl Culms Onil montt anthem Th Wllderaeee Oeee alto solo When Winds Are Raging Footel organ postluds Grand Choeur No Holllnst St Toung Peoples Soclstyl oclock evenlnt ssrvle open forum Reeds class In Its study efCem paratlve Religions will conelder The Jews In Babylonia Th Tonne Peoples Society will have readings from Poete ct Today given 7 tae pastor Ths Chennln Auxiliary will hold Its annual meeting Monday afternoon when there Is to be a lecture by tone Pivot ft The annual dinner of the church Is to be held in th parlort on Tueeaay evening All latereeted In th church are cordially Invited to attend The dinner le to be followed by the annual buslnsss meeting Thuraday morning the art class win meet In Trinity Chureh Bosh and Qourh otreota eommanetna with tomorrow afternoon February 4 at 4 St clock Dr Frederic Clampett will Introduce a series of lectures on the subject What Is the Greatest Safeguard Agalnet Temptation The first lec ture will treat with tne solution or mr Rablndranath Taaora vlt Healthy Interest in Good Things sseond lecture February It Influence of a Oood Mother by Dr Lyman Abbott and third lecture February It High Alma by Andrew Carnegie Trinity choir will assist the rector with se loctad ftroa rammea The publlo Is cordially Invited Dr Clampett lec tures have been nigniy instructive and Interesting especially to ths men Hs ts a forceful and logical spesksr ft a Ths benefit evenlns for ths New roan Hall library on February IS promlaea to be a great success Ths natrons and nstronessss are Presi dent and Mrs Benjamin Ida Wheeler Regent and Mra Jamea it Momtt Regent and Mra Garret McEner ney Mr and Mrs Joseph Sadoo To bin Mr and Mrs A Comts Jr Mr and Mrs Thomas Holm Mr and Mra Clarence Musto Dr and Mrs Fottrell Mr and Mra Queen Mr and Mrs Oscar Sutro Mra Rossi and Cebrlan At Calvary Preebyterlan Church on Sunday the paator Rev Joelah Sibley DD will preach at both services In ths morning his toplo will be The Valua of a Supreme Loyalty In the evening he speaks on Our Recreations ana Amusement When They Ars Healthful and When The Are Pltfalle a aerjnon for vounc neople At the morning ser vice the communion of the Lord Suppsr will be observed New members will bs received Into the fellow slhp of ths church motion A A Leonard la to preach today In the chapel of Stanford University Tha Blahop la making the circuit of his efficiency conferences for the Methodist Episcopal congrs gallons During the high mast ttmerrewje twa waaka mission will be iDajseJul Lrated In St Mary Cathedral in Vail Ness avenue and tyrarreii etr wlU be conducted by tkt Fatherof th Congregation of the Mission Tha clergymen directing tbe devotional exercises preaching ths mission ter mens and giving the series of Instructions Include Hev Maun Rev Flanagan and Rev Beland profeaeore In St Vincents Seminary Oermantown Pa They havs been specially Invited to the archleplecopal diocese by the Archbishop and arrangements have been made for their coming through the courtesy of Bishop Olase ef Salt Lake City who Is himself a member of the religious Congrsgatlon of Tin centlana The tercenlensry of the founding of the Tlncentlan order was observed tbe cloelng week of January It sso commemorated th centenary ef the establishing of the community In th United Statea The celebration waa held In Philadelphia at which Car dlnal Gibbons presided fl The official board of Wesley Chup Rev Cbarle A Kent pastor 4s renovating cleaning and painting th chureh building from baaement to pinnacle of ths steeple It Ishoped tbat all wilt bs freeh and bright with the coming of spring anjK that for Easter th auditorium will be quite renewed with carpet ad upholstering To meet the expenses for th chureh repairing a qult out of church canvass I being mad The Tonne Men a Hebrew Associa tion for ths month of February Is to havs a number of Interesting educational programmes as wsll as social affairs Interest and enthusiasm hsst been awakened In the members and the meetings promise to no wen at tended TlHs week closing with tomorrow tbe Jewish residents ef ths city have been conducting a Week ef Mercy Other communities along the Coast have been Joining In tbe spirit and effort of the days which are to make known the suffering which Jews ar undergoing In the European war son and to raise money for the relief of the poor and downtrodden In the First Congregstlonat Chureh of Berkeley Rev Dr Brooks It delivering a series of sermons on The New Order of Life Jesus Christ Came Establish Tomorrow will spsak on The Responsibility ef It taking thought from Matthew If to be followed on respective Sundays by The Law of It Matt vlT ll Principles to Quite in Koiigioue Activity Matt vl 1 1S Tbe Single Aim of It Matt vl 1S S4 Our Relations to Other People In the Light of It Matt vtl 1 11 The Earnestness of It Matt vtl 11 14 Tha Test of It Matt vll IS ST ejs tl Testerday In the Catholic ehurchea the feast of tbe Purification of the Bleaaed Virgin waa observed and candles wsre blessed with ths pre scrlbsd form They will be used on the altars during the offlcee of the church for the year Historically tha dsy marks the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ceding California to tha United States The treaty was slgnsd In IMS The regular monthly meeting of the Third Order of St Francla will be held tomorrow afternoon at St clock In the Church of 8t Boniface on Oolden Gate avenue I Events Wrttamx at Atuj af Sflriw QHiwrrlfw a Qamanam BAPTIST First Baptist Church ttasY to riKu easy to beach MARKET ST AT OCTAWA AM WALLEB Dr James Klrtley Or CHICAGO WIIX PREACH AT BOTH BOURS HAM THEME The Road to Victory 45 I Hanns Jubilee Slnjrers WOBLD rAMOUS SINOEB BEhDEBINO Uospel bongs Aim Southern Revival Melodies THEME Our Debt to Christ Hamilton Square Baptist Church Foot nt sr nn aore Tke pooler nil presrk betk a eralag aad erootag Another Hamilton Square Musical Service IXBBUART II IU Creed Gavthrop rASTOR C0IGBE0AT10NAL First Congregational Church Poet ae Masoa St BBTBBIND Frank Fitch ACTIHO rASTOB Morales St 11 The Sabbath a Delight Bvoauu ot Come Thou and All Thy pouse Into the Ark EPISCOPAL Orace Cathedral CaUforala er eoar Taylor Urrltoe to to Its taaday eorvieee es reUoiei t09 A Heir eoet oeeloa tet A Meotklr toao ar erboel eervVo le tko CetkoArel 110 A Morales Prayer wtra eavaeae ky te etaa eirjv ot jrfoo rental iM 4 kersl emaj Kv tke or7setJect tCR Trinity Church acta amo ooooh tractm Frederick Clampett BECTUB BOLT OOMMPMON Tit A Sf SCXQAT ACBOOU 4t A Morning Prayer Sermon and noiy communion 11 A Sermon by the Rector Choral Evensong 430 Address by the Rector The Urea test safe guard Against Temptation Tagores solution Healthy Interest In Oood Things arac Ab uintaatt caota EPISCOPAL Saint Lukes Church Vsa Ness sr sad Clrr il Tke Bororoed Edwsrt Mortsa Rector Tke RoTerrod A lwl Rector Aeoctste METHODIST EPISCOPAL California Street Church Metkodlst Eelscepol California st Hr alrt Rev Godfrey Barney famtor A Christ Taught Lesson An Old Story afctrtM RoltnM Ttavot Flrturt TUB REAL BOHEMIA Cens a ac Malt quart of tali tha Big Ckurrh fccatlas rapaeltj 1900 Central Church I Metkodlst Epleceoell tyyarroU aad Lrsreawertk Sir Rev Paul Smith Pastor MB SOOt WATT kaadayerkoo4 Set It A Mr ttaitk will or ea Christ and Health Aa latredortloa te Mrs Wklts rlaas la CkrlaUaa Tkorapoutlrs TSO Musical Preliminary Mr Kelts will proaeb Some Suggestions for a Constructive Vice Programme aiut a4 ehami cfcair Oamrrt a avary ay First Methodist Episcopal Church Career ef Clay eat tsrkls etreets tr BXECTs rot sckpat rt a itiii Establishing Our Dl vlnefKhshlp The LlfeTJWlth the Secret Care and the Oreat Cure Tke eeaullke ckarre A sosrty wolceose JOHN WIUON reater Orace Methodist Episcopal Church Teopty Am iM Cepa srs Alexander Stevens MIKItTca The OMesof Hell The Door of Life Mr Reginald Marrack ABiTOka wiu tina tm srssi METHODIST EPISCOPAL II A subject Tko lAbor Deaiaad of th Klosdoa end Ckarrk to lo Tkrre Ponoaal Peril Wko Is Re or Vikot lo HT Did Ood Crest His sod If Ho WbjT tin Does Bo Ktsj Wesley Church TUB PASTOR Rev Chas A Kent AM WILL SPBAK TOMORROW SDNUAY TTJt 4 gEATg TREE All ARE WELCOME PRESBYTERIAN CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH riLLMORB AND JACKSON STREETS Rev Josiah Sibley MINISTER MOBtlNO WORSHIP AT 11 OCLOCK KKRM01 TOriC The Value of a SupremeLoyalty COMMCMON OE THE UBD tCITKR 6ur Amuse ments and Recreations Their Strength and Their PI ttal Is TB 1IBLBT WIU PBEACU AT BOTH BABBATHaCHOOL AT St A kt CHBIBTIAN ENDBATOB AT I EVEEYttODY WELCOMB Howard Presbyterian Church Oak asd Baker tta Rev Wilson Lundy MINISTER II A Soraua ike pastor Aateeai Book to tke lave nit eeie part ky Mr Tkoajts Neorlee I 44 Iitnl eoarsrt rresreaae lertaaoo taroa astaoaje ky eko4r al forty vroe sole eerk ky Mies Aeololde Baser OOrivo ROV SOS MT The First United Presbyterian Church Oeldoe Oete Are ekove ttolaer at Rev Bell Minister a ee Trinity Presbyterian Church Career Te ooti mrd eat rep Sua Servlree 11 A sod St af Seaesr eceeel 44 A II Rev Moore will seeeek at seta aervieee PRESBYTERIAX FIRST FBERBYTEBIAN CROaTR Voo Aro sod Ktaraatoote It BET WM KIRK OCTURIE MJalstw 11 A T1VB HIED BOUJ PAST Coaiaiaelea at tke rlooo ot tke eerrtee tV JOHN It Moothly atoslcsl orrrtr MISCELLANEOUS AUUK IATED BIBLE STUDENTS Goldra Ost CoaiaiBBdory kldf S1S3 tatter st aosr rlllmor Husdty Prk 4 THE BIBLE SUBB AND ONLY Path to QloryJ tpodol Bible address ea ekove tople ky iostelht BoIim Brsu tree No rolloetloe Pablle eerdlally 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