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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

3 vie Si I I. 1 i nrrywprmyvyyvyyw 8su magnates low q.ue,jDonstruyen: los fencarrileayno' reenioar.gue se in tereaen raufiho en elevar un punte de grandexe ia i eiadad de, San Luis. one tiene un Puerto interior lntrinr 1 iA iEl erro carrij tud oeste de M. Gonld. I qae Hega a Laredo, eri las marseaes del Itie'fGrande yT tambien al Paso, se en eamina aireccamanta.

'a la, eiadad de Uexieo. f'Aseatirase orne la: cancMsacm is Toreee la Unea maa eorta'qae es eola xneatte de seteeientaam01as.r"La ida tor la eompafiia de PalmerSulliTan 'difieoltadea espcial men te ca ritA TaliiMMrVu Vt hi lioea prlacipal se 'esteadera (r: xumbe El 8alto. JMoeee'tambieii. i ui olietasnioe financieros aeran VPatotemoTidoaW.V vUa toy (I. 'onecion eon 4 el Colorado.

Utaii Nner lfexica: ao encuenjxa practic enteenlasniamas rXhSi circulan tantoa diTersoe Irnmores "aebre snaasnntoa financlcrosy erentnal 1. idades neno ae aabecnal es la rerda I dera qiuera qne sea, mienfcras se eon. tinnan loa trabajos en las tmeaa del Colorado Ifle Mexico parece que no adelanta maono. Aparentemente la oempania de Gonld est determinada Hefeaf Hexiaojdentro de dies oeho jucocm. auom uneaa panen ae juaredo, 1 ferro carril de Gould ira a travba del de via estrecha de SulIiTan, mas arriba da Camargo, pero eomo la linca princi pal del ultinHy aegun crcemos se eaten dera por la parte Norte del eetado de Noero Leon, la interseo cion probablemente se renere la ria de MAUmoroe Ja rmnj corta de San Diego, Texas, pasando el rio cercarde Camargo.

,1 ferro carril da Gould se aproxima i vunui quo ei ae ouuiYan, mas abajo macirnde aterrenoe Uanoa; paaa oon dincnltad por ei eetado de Hidalgo de alifva'con rombo la cindad do Mexico. No se ha paeato aan, an solo earril, pero 1 ae cueota eon el capital neoesario para f. (:: rufcw i empress. compaaja I 'onatnictora que ha hecho la linca en 3 i p' oTexas eeaaitf de ejeroer sus fnncionea i' ru orn inmediatamente una nueva uucui eii xareoo. I "aora jamwen 'sucnrdalcs en Fort Worth 6 DalLte para adelantar ei camino de' Fort Worth 6 Denver complotar el de Miaouri Jgaoifice, 'El'Mexicano Central, llamado ferro carri.I de Boston, ae ha construido ya treiata millas 8ur del Paso llegari a el proximo verano.

Hay siasj de norenta millas niyeladas en el tenaind MexjcanOoue aeesaienden baxta San nan del Jiioen ertforoeste de Mex s. vieo. jet a cvmpaxua taaabien uene setenta xanuno iesde (Jaaymas "one. i Jts. eon' dUreocion i

i Pacifico Meridional, vobre cun line ae eetendeja hasta Deming, del Ndevoj Tom the inside: These bars were twenty ferro earril Mexicano. y. 1 feet The men wh handled them noaabemoa ooncertexa cuantos rieles frnust, indeed, have been giants. The If sJnn de ewel had one mast. In the 4V Blllran Dkese ique tiene cnarenta and were also discovered three small de Laredo oak boats and an ornamentally it c'f namero eonsiaeraoie ae nelea yapoestoa rc; desda Mexico, 4 lo menoa cuarenta tree 6 cuarenta euatro mill i tv .4.

if IKS del Salto die millaa baoia el OmIm a vv Toloca; Pero noeotros no dndamoe que infatigable Gould, se apresura a llegar v.7.'Mexloa' eon via f6rrea para haeef inexion 'con; la del Gen. Grant que saTeTinan JLizardo a traves del Est ado de Oaxaea hasta el. Pacifico en la linea mas meridional de Mexico de alii probablemente otra vez hacia el Eston ia frontera de Guatemala. Anrmase. que el eamino de Grant pon dii la ciudad de Mexico comuni eackm eon el Puerto de Vera Cruz en el Gelfo el de Saa Blaa en el Pacifico.

lrl lfo; hay, ttv trabaian ji 1 VN i.e lleveo a Or tvr doda de. que Gould, rant juntos barairque. sus planes eaDo.eon.ia mejor armonia. El camino da Boston tioae la linea mas laxga lagrau actvldad que se muestra daana terminosno aignifica qa tneluira Nl es de tanta mportaoeia tampocoparaNue a Orleans porqw la rata por la' via de Laredo Uv' aeraS de 1C00 millaa en las lineas de Gould (pasando por Shreveport) mlentras quela qne'vi porEl Paso el Mexicano Central srxi de 2200 millas nas 6 menoa nn 'cjflculo reciente hecho en Kueva. j.

York las' garantiai de Gold aaciemlen a 5343.640.400 en fondoa en bonoa. JEato incluye el VsIstema re cientemente adanirido de Nneva YnrV Hueva Inglaterra los ferro carriles de Eievacioa rOccidental vende referirse a mam jwjwigs uexicanoe, nioos tLene acerca. de Lackawanna, el Central Jersey, llotas da barcos, aociones ta eepreeoe. Mala del Pacifioo etc. El calcnlo del Picayune, en el pasado rnes de Agosto sobra iaa i arwanttas oe Gould xue de ESjO 000.000.

Mlentras Zque Mexico nosotros seamoa los fayoro por aus eaadnos'dehierro no noe tuejartmoa Pr quo tenga taeoiones en fsXi oXm 6 construve el jferra lianw One la caUed Cabin's Emstv titled, Cone, and the other 4 etv lilies. Thethe t)e Drops Kiss tho JS to hia When tha, eompaniont pieoo 1 V'iTJJoset. These BongsjrcTJEtss the landing plank. This remarkable old ship has been transported from the place whtre it waj unearthed to Chtistiania. the Nonrerian 'capital, and is there preserved.

An account of it was 'read before the British association at the last meeting, bv J. This sturdy little craft that is yet muna aiter naving Jain for centuries under the earth may not comnam with the magnificent specimen of naval architecture of, to day, but it is a splendid illustration of the skill, genins and courage of that brave and daring pcvpie uiac pioneere the development of transatlantic commerce. TflBOUGH TO BE PACIFIC. If A dispatch from San Francisco, dated December 28, published in Thniwi' Picayune, states that "President Fillmore, of the Southern Pacific Railroad, announces that 'the first through train lor New Orleans will leave here on Friday next, and that probably a train will" start west from New Orleans the same There are one or two inadvertencies in the above telegram, which it may be well to note. In the first place the President of the Southern Pacifio Railroad was named Charles Crocker the last time we heard of him.

In the second place, there is no verv great probability that a train started wert from New Friday, except the regular trains for Baton Rouge and "i v. In other respects telegraphic Information from San Francisco some wuere near correct. Some seven miles of the Morgan Railroad are yet in bad order, though a train might come over In the next week. At all events, no train has started from this end, nor is it likely to for some time yet. The ew Orleans Pacifio will not be in earril de.BatonRoage jk Vlcksburjr I running order for sixty or ninety days.

i de San Luis iM'monopoliznr 1 ij.l i wr, New McsicMr.C; WiRiams.of ft. 4. ims xiiy, wno4 naa oeeome one oi the popular composers minstjel songs, tun i iiuij uiw. uu bo.

1SK8C. ios Tbe name 5 Etelka Gerster'a little baby' and only ia Linda. The taken from Dopfzetti's opera A Linda di Cliamounii. great eantatrice gave her the name for the reason that aV her first trial before the jury of the Yienia ConserTafory'of she sang the grad air "of imade' sncb an success that she received the first prize singing. Fepper.of Phiiadertiabed; by ao, 21Carondelet sfreeti sendi ja "Primrose and llani Harper's andJLesQeVviiiustrliMl on his jr.viiar rotpooriF, arrapged by If.

Car fetjGoidthwaite'8, store Canal iner also two fcongs oy j. ju. jaauojvi savors toe cue 'called the Little Matchv ClrV'? rlilteet dramatic papers The revenue bill cannot possiblyjase at ibis extra session of the Xejpalature. The discussion in the Bousfe ftas thus fir only reached the 23d tidn, 'ind theire are some 87 sections ia the but. vA the constitution ireonires thatlr every bilfc shall be reason three separate days in act '1 can' be' put throughbefbre the expiration of the term on Wednes day night by the exercise of taet and in the absence of any opposition.

AN ANCIENT OF tflK Ship building is one of the arts which' we suppose we hare improred andad Tanced. Perhaps, in many points. 'Bat is doubtful we can. make a Juul on any better lines than the pirates the. Northland, were or many centuries the terror lot the coasts of Europe, who discovered Ireland in the ninth century, Greenland in the tenth, ana tie continent of America, in the eleventh, who penetrated west of thet' VBnine as far 'as the liense in the sixth century, ravaged the ox France and Spain even within tbo Straits of Gibraltar, sacked Antwerp and Utrecht Cologne, arid Bonn.

and Treves, and actually stabled their Horses in the Cathedral of Charlemagne at Aix, sacked Seville, Lisbon; Bor doaox, went as far as Morocco. Tuscany, Naples, Sicily, Greece. Kieff and the Bosporus. Their 'history is the history of Europe, in fact, for several contraries. They had a king in Dublin, and four of them sat on the English throne.

Uhat these kings of the sea Viking doesn't signify it, but they were knew how to make a good ship, may be assumed. But we are not left wholly to assumption. One of their boats has been unearthed. The old Viking who owned zo must boen. a person of consequence, for.

his boat had been dragged about "half a mile from the seashore, and turned into a monarch coffin to re ceive his remains. His bones were found in it. It had been preserved by a covering of blue clay, underneath which it had rested, perhaps, almost a thousaud years. The Viking's bones aro of little account, but his ship's bones are a lesson. To build it must have cost about as nincn care and pains as to hmiH boat nowadays.

The timbers were not artificially bent, but were patiently sought in the forest, add cut down and trimmed Into shape by the ax or hatchet. The planks show no mark of saw, and must havB been hewn from tha oak trees. The boat was no pony battler, either with' waves or flota had a good keel, a.beautiful sloce, twenty ribs, planks and frame timbers withed together with tree roots, oak siding about an inch and a half thick, riveted with iron, bow and stern pointed, and uinu. vut or water, she would not draw perhaps four feet of water, although she was but an inch less than seventy rasu jwv long ana sevonteen feet across at the widest part. The depth was five feet inches xrom the top of the keeljto the gunwale ejnidahip.

She had sixteen oar holes on each aide, with a slit to ward the stem, vueoar couta passed through PV Miaoud riene de tiempo atraa, Valia the. use. lateMr, Bee Ndoeedatodoa rITVelllerh iU c. vecina hennana rt' v. Qoe eaiaA a prednctoe comercialea de'Mexiocv liues turned the Bee.

slowlv. "It's a wonder reame at alL niy dear madam. JesI beUeverm fifteen iw.nnrin mnA half oyer due ii' Which," interrupted the Old Lady, "is Just as rude as if you were fifteen hours and a half behind time. When wiU you society folks learn that punctuality ia the etiquette of kings It's all very well to lecture me par ticularly, you. know, afterTrour rather snapoy treatment of me last week," said the Bee.1.' ut your remarks would be most apropos if made to the dear girls of this age.

Why, you never find one ready. Call on them, you must wait an hour. Ask them to go to the theatre or opera, and if you see the curtain rise on the second or third act you're lucky." uwv a toi my aear sir, don't shield' yourself behind thA faults Of others; A huk of punctuality is unpardonable Jn any one, therefore set fbe fair delinquents a better example. I am truly I disappointed you last week, but I could1 not resist the temptation of running over to my dear old home in Mississippi to spend the holidays, and while you were calling and txa earning ui rough the key hole for me I Was seated beside a huge log fire listening to the winter winds sobbing and moaning through the pines." 'Bather jolly, I must say," remarked the Bee in an undertone. The winds seemed as if they were seeking to get in to us.

But the great logs on the fire crackled and burned more brightly the flames leaped higher, sending their ruddy glow all through us, as only a great open country fire can, and our hearts warmed with though ts of the Blessed and' our best wishes weni oui to our dear absent friends, you among them," said the Old Lady, ten derly. Fm sorry I can't return the compli iur aeciare had such a jolly time first np at the Jureys, then afterwards down at Mrs. E. J. Forstall's, on Lsplanarie street, that I didn't think of any absent anybody.

On the whole, Old Lady, I think it's a good thing you were away, for I am sure the 'whispering wiimjs' were more delightful to your ears than would have been the toot of the horn blowers that infested our streets. The noise was deafening. It was the noisiest Christmas I ever spent." 'And presents did you receive many?" Oh, lots, lots here's one. a if amuit TCo tha 4. luwai wuy oi wearing your watch.

See, the watch is at the end of the ribbon. It's worn in the pants pocket, and the end, with the seal, hangs down below the vest. That's style for yon." "Looks more like an old fashioned bell rope to me," said the Old Lady. "Of course can't expect a woman to see any beauty in anything beyond a uonaei; or a piece of bric a brac." There, there, that will do. I hear that the ladies are en thnaimiMn Miss Genevieve Ward and M'mo Gerster Gardini." They aaa," answered the Bee.

Mrs. J. CycMorris, of Rampart street, gave Miss Ward a magnificent lunch on Friday, and M'me Gerster is receiving calls from some of our most fashionable ladies. You should tear yourself away from toe sanctum sometimes, and aro to har that wonderful singer. On Thursday night she sang the part of Violcttu, aud in the last two acts where the nobler, better qualities iot a woman's heart ehowed forth, Mme.

Gerster was divine. An ongthe audience I saw Mrs. B. S. Story, Miss Belle Morris; so beautiful in her simple white costume, Gov.

and Mrs.Nicholls and their daughter, Miss Carrie, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Moore, Miss Pritchard, Miss Bran in, in rose colored satin, Mrs.j Mr, and Mrs.

Jos. Danbar, Miser Fannie Dunbar, Mrs. John Pelton, Miss Stills, Mr. and Mrs. as.

Clark, Miss Rath borne, Misses Bohn.Mrs. Winship.Mrs. Henry Conner, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. and Miss Slocomb, Miss Walmsley.

a fair debutante Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffman. Mrs, and Miss Fisher, Miss Howell, Misses Harris, Miss Dreyfus, Mr. George Denis, Mr.

Flor ence, Mr. Wheeler and Mrs. G. SantinL'' WhoT Mrs. Santini from Virginia "Yes, m'm, and one of my favorite chaperones.

Mr. Santini and his charming wife returned from Virginia some time since, and will settle permanently in our city, i The friends of those charming young ladies, Misses Olivia Hatch. Walton and Mamie Keatinge will find them gracing the parlors of Mrs. Hugh Miller Thompson on Monday. The pretty quartette will be completed by Miss Mamie Thompson.

Invitations are now out for Mrs. Whitney's party, on the 11th. The Growlers' ball takes place on the 6th, and I'm going. Mr and Mrs Motfe. of Rampart street.

gave a delightful ent srtainment on Friday eve. Miss Todd gave a dinner the other day to Miss Belle Morris, Among the young ladies present were: Miss Miss Emma LeSassier and Miss McCaw. "Why," exclaimed the Old "there's been a great deal 'going as you call and yet everybody complains of a dull Christmas. Wen, I suppose, they mean dull for holidays, when every body wishes to be jolly jollier, Jolliest. I have had.a fine weex or, lt, despite rain, mud and the doakers.

i'JKt iu Marksv 'charming little daughter of N. Marks, Esq gave a birtbdaypartyr at which .1 met your, littlcj friends. Miss NataUe; Hamilton anexaxnpl young iinx started Out of all his) father, Caj 'give up hi. withadett' theyoung i has made a His place running ore many others. 1 4 JIM tions and stalk ot'fine cane he On Thnrsday ere Mt Mary ButlerMisS i Pennie.

Arm Idy and her harmless Bee." I iviiss A ataue wore, etraw cobtrMl over dress looped with crimson and Miss aV white satin and lace costume, with garniture of pinkx nowers, ana i we charming little ladies you never D4d yon see Mr. Clay 'Hile when he Techetf noi fieVill fttend 1 conn has pro Bee, "at the reside6e of Mr. Albert Taught wis married Marv Bavne Behn. fThe bride koktow BEHvica. The rrlend at tepd tlis niwtfcary srviee to taks i VliE' vrij.

iriinn wul or ooeaaion Is to be jjt(on ptH. je4' to attend oo' th FiajfiKiini cervice et tae year otS Tweaty i.XrS: 'v i Zined with one ufibisi Jmaner Vir wsjK? lM4wfsja. atretata ther. is pearl colored eUk, temmed withhand some lace. Only ta members families and a few iAtimate present at the eerenony.

"On Thnrsday Kiss McSsea are a lunch to, her ThejSare MissLeSassier. Mi Phelps, Miss Vlett, Miss Noble, Miss lapeyre, Miss S. Miss Kathborne And Miss Kock. costumes will befof tulle, each wi a different color.f The wedding wi place at Christ Church, and on evening the brflal party leave special train ft Houston, where will make connection with the going North. There was a dinner riven at Janins on Mogday in honor of the ea from Baton Jbuge, now in Tife iwrenxy nve persons and the eveiing ended with a dance; Mrs.

Parker, of Prjtania street, gi a supper on Friday evening. A very pretty German was given 1 fc Thursday vening at the residence Mr. M. Randall, on Robin stre Among those present were Miss I Shields, Miss Effie Hazard, Miss Gold Randall, Miss Lizzie OJiver, Miss Jul Marks, Miss Lyons from Galveston, wl is on a visit to Miss Shields. Mr.

Willi Peyton led with Miss Kvle." Mr. Fran Emmett, Mr. Harris Lewis. Mr. Walte Miss Frost, daughter of Gen.

Frost, ofi ot. Liouis, will receive to day with Miss pooip, at jo. 309 Prytania street. The old veteran GeriHafneyrwiJl also wel come his friends at Dr. Joe Scott's resi There was a delightful tnmlmU given at the residence of M'me Roman Wednesday evening.

Among the guests were me ue xxbeXis, Miss Castellanos and Mrs. Dr. Thos. Kennedy, whose sweet voice charmed her listeners. Mrs.

Judge De Lowenstrom and son, of St. James parish, are spending tbe Christmas holidays with Mrs. P. Harrison, of Carondelet street. Miss Olivia anticipates returning to the coantry with her friends after New Year.

Miss Genevieve Doreey, of Bunker Hill, 111., is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. J. II. H. Hedges, at 240 Washington street.

Mrs. Spofford is expected home early this month. She will be accompanied by her niece. Miss Ensley, of Memphis. Miss Schermerhorn left spend some time at her uncle's, Mr.

Shropshire's place in Waveland. miss urannm expects to leave for this week. Mrs. Mary Rawlins of Felicitv Road receives every Tuesday, and a charming JJUBieSB BBS Well, have you finished asked the oidLiady, "or that coughing spell oniy interrupt' your, gossip inac cough I owe to you. I caught i last Saturday when stood shivering uuisiae me sanctum door, and yet juiu yw saia me uia xady, you came uacic." Oh, yes, affection and habit, and all wai surii oi inmg, oiua me to you as closely as a chain.

By the bye, you're not the only one who has a penchant for little creatures such as one of our loveliest society belles owns a beetle, which was sent to her from Vera Cruz. A gold shain is attached to its little body, and the lady wears it as an orna ment. Look to your possessions, Old Lady. This beetle leada a happy, idle life, and sleeps on a bed of pale blue plush. Now, could I only find such a mistress, why, I thmk Oh.

yes, you'd desert your old friend. Now is your oppnortunitv. It in Va Year, Go fly from house to house, from fair girl to fair girl, and choose an owner. You'll be captured, no doubt, but will you he true "We will discuss that question some other time," said the Bee. "The ladies tell me they will receive both on Sunda aud Monday this year, but there ia much preparation going on." "And isn't that much pleasanter, the Old lady.

If I were a gentl I think I'd enjoy making an inf visit so much more than those calls, where one hardly has time to the compliments of the season. I hear that the Cotton Exchang the Produce Exchange clos Monday, and I do hope that our chants will close their doors as wei as to give their hard workinsr, gei manly clerks a little time to wish tl lady friends a happy New Year. fellows, they have had no holiday! all." "They'll do it if you ask them, Lady, for our merchants are gallant kind hearted, and" havff "ot ladies besides yourself wish that clerks, who have been kept so busy the week, may have Mondy for rest, recreation Well," continued the consider this my first dear friend, and let me wish you hap Nqfj Year. I am due up on Pryta street at 9 o'clock, and since you punctuality is court etiquette I'm wnys on time. Again a hann GoodbVand happy New Year," cal the Old Lady after him.

Oh, wh talker that Bee is 'Punctuality at 9 and here it is nearly Vfdnig In a few moments we enter anotl year.v. 1883 1 How new7 and: strange sounds. 1S83, and a Happy New Yd m.b vu ftju tiue xrienas or. me or bid Uy, al. Tew led tne ht.

ler it air' ld be h. le OldLadv" l.ttjAr' Pieavtine thanks Mr, Nath. J. Itifman for a very pretty New.Tear caii and says to him oryonr goods ewaa 0 In their calls this morning: the Picayune carriers, while' wishing all theirfpatrptti a Hsppy Jf ew Tear, will offer to each the annual Picayune Carrier's As a specimen nrinting. 'lithographed and done in eolors by our neighbor, wOliam It ia the handsomest address yet issued, from this office, comparing favorably with any of the fine work executed in Northern cities.

7 Mr, beaa Huger. Mr. James S. Huger, who died Friday night, after a lingering illness, was a gentleman well kno wn and highly es teemed in this city, where he had resided nearly his entire life. He was a gallant soldier in the eiyil war, and Jike his brother, Mr.

E. Hoger, lost a leg in the Confederate service. The deceased Was a most genial com panion a warm hearted, orave, gen erous man who took the most active interest in. everything concerning the welfare of the community. The which took place yester day afternoon from the residence of the father of deceased, Col.

John M. Huger, on St. Charles treet, was attended by a large number of the friends and acquaintances of this popular gentleman. Dead at the Post of Duty. Mr.

Fred. C' Welschans, of late the telegraph operator at Port Eads. expired yesterday at his post of duty. Mr. Welschans was an operator on the police Allen, Mr.

Willie Kiea. Mr. ci t1 line when the Morse svstem of ielescraphy BJ J.ii jm. AiansoH, Mr. iterton, and was hrst lntroaucea, ana euosequenwy was appointed to a position in the Fire Telegraph at the City Hall, where, by his efficiency won the co twasTetain' cal changes (was an hon houng man, mnd a trne rood stan I brave and of natnn tA mysterii ii way a fe ue officel fund a IB) renr cwtaina climbs bj Tlfcse curt'l beb ing th 'lie inv.

sign and venr by the It. good deportment, he ence of his employers and Office even Wlieu" poIItF re made. Mr. Welsohans upright and indnstrions good husband aud father n. ne was a mem wi of the Masonic fraternity onored fireman, and withal noblemen.

Happy Hint. US looking document found dava ago into the 1 ica Witbm an envelope was decorated beauiifully with tation of a boudoir, wih lace, and Bilk, aud i wo little a a basket' of flowers. ins concealed a smal'er card, inscription Filth Repre Phunny Phorty Phellows, Midi Gr February 21st, 1882," sur rounding a wise looking owl. tation is very pretty de will be found a beantifnl sou he guests of the P. P.

Ps a arles Theatre. Railroad Promotion. ow well understood that Mr. will shortly vacate the position Manager of the Chicago, ot. New Orleans Katlroad Jom assume the duties of President omnany.

The appearanoe of a announcing this change is daily Hi. it is not known who win suo the vacancy, but the probabiii a A A. fb that (Jo. Jsrien, Assisiaui wsu knager, is the coming man. lhis wan is one oi me mon popun Jit connected wita the.

company. is thought that be would oe a snooessor to Mr. Clarke, the administration as Vice Pres knd general manager, has been; Ltd very successful. His sagacious, krd efficient management has done towards placing the JaeksonBail I in the orominent position it occuf 'among the great railway lines of th If 3us; Schneldan Got a Caning. Ir.

Gus. A Schneidau, the busine in the house of B. D. Wood Brw known as "The Knight of tle tck Diamond," was the recipient of fa aif ully chased goldjieaded ebosy Coiresented by the following gentt Schneidaa's department fl FpA. H.

Goodspeed, JM. Monk if deserved cai i' Wr 'Tpnr pdrt We know i i rr tbe Author. inthor of that excellent litle iPrjii a visit here, requests the pubLca illfipi the following 1" New Orleans, Dee. 30, 1881, the Pica Sinoe my am i in New Orleans I have been aslced ao' tFf ten if I was the writer of the ariaeltfui 'la radstreet's. of Sd, giving an Mtimate of the preient cotton crop, that 1 beg space in your valuable Journal to rdisclaim not only tne authorship of tno 4 vmvvl i a Always willing to assume the.

responsibility for everything I write, am equally unwilling to receive, any credit to which I am not entitled, or to bear tbe favorable' or unfavorable criticism wbich juatly belongs to another. 1 have leit impelled to make this explanation from a sense of" justice and at the rik of being charged with egotism, or giving undue importance to a matter in wnich the general public can takf no 1 ti.y 3 My own conclusions to the extent' of tbe crop, drawn from recent personal observation and from the best sources of information during my visit to the cotton States, I do not consider of value to present (o your readers. i Yours; truly, Ai 1 i 4CCB' StJoAn THTrJtKsrs. Teabvday' at booq a typical aeaibias ot plaaters had men wtw gatbere i at th 8fc Cburt a Ah Jtlon xohage, Usmta Uuy dc O'0mnor, anotlwnra, dla44 tbe well kwwn Avaloa wnr plaatatta BycaT cb, oear Fttemrviu.Y The ninr was plri'ed. aa the prns finally rtfrted wiU Mr.

Jobn HendereoD, Jr i.f be known We tera proaaea firm of XXtrykky A of this dtr. at tbe lrW( ssasoo. Tti poiAhr ortoly to be congTa ated on Lis parents. wbiea eotil9 all ue attraet( jiit ot priaoe frntrj, MixvMtt; tbe itlnt At In rr 'MOVI JlT TUS CHESS dATn IS i 14 XBm 16 )K. draw i Of IHE PAST i y.

Blaok. 2 Xt KfiS KtQB8 .8184 BB4 4 rUKf4 Blf 6 FOBS BR 4 6 amis at 7P44 JfX 9 8tiF BKti 9 ItQBI (IB Kf lt 0.Kt KtBS ivj Pit Mil JCtBff fJrtmm fn fit. (TMrtia. the aaetion MIA wfwkl Of haraesa, at taa BactnofCen se anapa ev ry Weasesday tiMM MAblea are i OHimiNuiBi win ue laareana ancUon and will endeavor consigner and Punt Art Mr. fcno exUlaleoa St of exauialtep! Xby are lre pa ntttitioga, eoioreu Loadoo, tbe mos world.

Tfcey are ef art fchtaidaott DESEBvraev'A ArKh.OL4TKI rl Parke' Hair hairs ai elm: i to Kreegert I 12.3 A. red ft! year i fcMkea, Brm coueebfthe wXEK. Batch 43asMa i Lentyin chess circles Lavs bftenj unite the past L8hti at the jjosy n4 dm fortai I Pfriors of thq iewt lileaat tun there was at toumatumt ia Mackenzie ersaries beatinff games, The evening have already ,1 la the Picayune, Hdav niaht another to mttd up on tne spur or in waai in which Cspt nontJ ed the checkered beta wi tAeBlsyera. won' fifteen Knt I btone to Mr. K.

Minvie an al ievement for this rising Dt dz the week an tnterestiagl of fe games naoeeniia Tk fiant. Maekenxie' and vf o.Jr in. PrAaident of the club. Capt Mackenzie wen 7 jnjd Mr, wort hile 2 games weredra wn. nesj wer PjeJ wiont the odds whick tbe upwii in too wuu avef KO players.

The game ox ries ere chiefly opened wit tt tn andjscotcn earn nits. wmon: lmldind brilliant than catttia aenrtd omodee of bringing on Amended Ugan played iu AitriL'm betwee1 Benzie and MrBlancbard resifihed at the 82d njove, when bavlbeen cbeckmatea in i nm, BluebMO. MMkoMte. WblM 7KtxKt A rTKKN Ik Jf tr. Bvutdav All it KM daughter ot ma.i' Tilends aad aaectfnUy la t(fmtakepla denaeot th TWtOOTlAt 11 ttOBthis a narr Bla toatrl uviic et als: auUiLTaUSayeaalA ttrsrTASii a art at, fromoerwia Kudri)Wlg 1 7 J.

A tb a a I. Xne eyrir was rem kaoiy uaoa1 WM. which, together tpta wta dicon in hloa Uu fleas wre ln isC'jrks' eaoe bMUairin rata, sstiftetorliy for the poor stand ftiw iu of thTttiMU every It piast was geoerlr aaMifaotor, wkArvr donnr tbe Tiu'er rata ayed with. tek and prooaaioga i ban ren I ami men v. i miment, I Maxenztf lames, I UeVanitel Voang I towbich indiar CspL Blaok would tnorfea KJPK7 II PUS 13 RX 3 KtB4 4KtMS SUB IC 4 1MB 'V Rtas iOMtBSX 1 EtlP 4 r.

jambs ijttistt. Dee laJsn Tditor Pieammiyn sugar oluiter tuu pariin. tetcuSln be crop. ckpared to last will be per oent. lit be per eenv.

kric MBUrelf from It KJ extra a and la tbe uprtng It 'was oppyae4 par. JfySi re4 boc lTtoapritefJ fall, except wlwrf it fjW lafn dunukottarooak mseslrt wiJ 4Pi tiy wbea plMtwl la Ff7lfi3 if. rah wvaid bT gwo a fall tand. cmlr tor to ws eoadltil rr.W: crtiaod the lor UMr', tftoutn wtxlch folloNwd eo thiam jlSld aaueat erefy .4 a Mr. W.

Boat, eo prop; Mi Cm. Lb lltt.pL Brlia Allanoa. irnlMm till propb tbroagh uuiu BHt fwees in HariDlatttatl' ia entire' niarfeabie tor ymr andtbS pr the Jri4 rt BaLtoOrd aa kh. It will CXCfe' Mr. ma aaiT'4 rawlll bafw xlavt ao uaia uwiM jytHdtok 83S 000 posnc an aoantrciaaeraiaa I ipcawn Tunn.

nave reeetved from iz aaine street, a sanpia ttn 'Mil th tMvtineatettl Pi of Jrfflmen Uedloal QoUeK tf is Hole of pare ssart waaOvfcesi ooa snbatanees aadMBtatte fa for whicb a goo walAy may it entirely free frotifafel tunur mw REAL l8TJt Ob Batnrfay next, 7CS Ot fc Most A win bu la th aoolon ot Flene Uwin of ebotes frop Tbe two nre strr lei and 103 Oravler.Mt Urwnted. 2J r. fr luCTic fcJtOTeiCNo. mmrr9' Three twe stotybiielsforl and Swal linn: MrMr sf Janaaad a. Th onsetorVi between CaroBdeieSr i.

4. A siure oi gria; trr. Talrd DlatKK. s. Thirteen feaarea If s.

Tbe double eetau ad 90 Vlllere StrHt, i fall vametOafs; inM and BUu Charles AoeUoa Sxakai sireea. X40lrd, ooee BSOS No, se iCaoaland jtnraioUoa'eol tdU4V tae i. oderal mi a TvTi a a tolaauru Df )S, BOgClva, KlinM'l tables I now. LnUid frtt Bales and fir jvatmty ir wff lif stoea aaiMia 'bia oitf. ba nr.

unr i9lentene( aaiao 1 itioa to dr. Canal street. ireal auDtalnz rinf rr fia a josf! wtian. oi alrtlclorlit la SinfinalV frmd iiou)ii4't nd loTer tdeaafwitaeBaw. I 4 11 es '4ia AtWAxa septftal eif aaitamM neaei Krvans I Sd I cheft MA netrd.

tSijcalnaV tiarriLimii nnNdB tnau. axtiY orMiok. htBOVdoek. oa hail, jvahita faatlly ara rwMl, wblsb xtom ae irrdld street. dt Teeaer so.

lui tUUe Otbei Ceni axcif Cbtt Ooltl Ched Capl Mtl4 Bsail fmr. Xatwl la1 at X. itfl SB jr aaai )ie nun i moot. 178 Calliope ifcndftil R'1eFer Vrirfcfe.wfcUkylsnot Jnfcnded ah alievar' 1 'ritTtlTZ. kit 4rugfcu, gtoccrt, etc Ifvnatti as lr04 CALICO CDS' BZSETt SlOIt rBAHCAlSX.

wtil Diwaln aJd Bt. Phi) T.uJ'j. id. lasa. baaeir Hall rod.

i.junarx.' 41 kl W.t4dJrf: At 4 naa faBf bvisaoj BaartnftfH TTntted fetes Vwt 0afM twakr' IXMneatf jefetaaa: EdeM lo 3 ert uoaretJH r. oadhi kiu a at 4 cjytid at Ut3 fl tau Tmadvl (4 lawM; 4 aid) ka aad und 1 4 5n i' i a1 i em I ti 71 I PjaU or 1 6.7S 4 oo T' 9M 44.JWILv a. V' 9 Ft i 1 a a 5 ItSLi ''4" 4 i Actmg Miliar. STATrarjarT it NiUonal EiHk tijr A i or SS e.7M7j; I WW12T 10 ti 1.7MJJK ai.m7 jt 7, OtUCSBt. ttW4it 1 11? iwn rz.

a sm i I ri Hfi itiVtioruli'r. a stress 7 nwp4 44.Sii aeM 1 jar.4L;JJ tL.tl4.ffl 6 75' wlrw1war" ta eorrf4 U' Wht PAX.FKKY. (WK Hir Vo fr AXV BTATIMI 0, TIpBT fl TH oktBAjfa, i. 'nbMMlw: I. sMjj S4.G4S 8 3 E.

1.068 i aaeisber. 3 1" I 1 fl 4A if if Te Wasti I 1 11 fain, i rnii JuIt tti Ler i ii tr Wltr. owl i li. rt 1 1 ji 1 a t.t.ifeb. t'Bder Ii I TltlJ.I Vl DM iir in e.

etb tbli I i. re. rt to or Ml tr bont I fi i lorpi.

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