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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

APRIL 15, 1S79. LOCAL UISCELLANY. THE QUAHAimriE QUIJTIOX (rtB etwU Cmi ay tm the Umax mf Health. The quarantine question has attracted considerable attention ox late, and the ap pended communications to tne Board of Health are Interesting, as bearing upon ww ox ut pouts as issue Misnr at. lam.

TO tha President and Uenabera of tne Board oi ticaitn Gentlemen respectfully call ybufatteft lion to the following consideration: The Cle vio lTHu AUAacqat (steamship company.) 4wMoh I represent here, has recently estab llahed, as yon are aware, a line of ateamera between Marselllea and New Orleans, touoh BareionaCadi4 Tenerlffr ThonuUayaqaea and Havana. As this service would be rendered lmpraotloable by the wnarantfhothat la to be established here, tne oompany has already deelded to omit the eair ef Havana. Onr steamers would thus eome citect to Kew. Orleans from Ct, Thomas, where they wooidstoa only for the time neoeesary to take In ooal and land passengers and goods destined for other west Iirfie ports. The steamers ootae teaaabor is.

bay ot JBt. Thamaa, at a distance ot two miles from the city. There is no communication wit a the shore, nor with the Inhabitants of the country (as eonld in eaah alronmstenee ba certified to by the American Consul.) The company is of ett that this Ihorti cn4 it tSt'Tbomas will not prevent the trip hence from Bt. Thomas from being considered as a gJJ Afcer 4tthrantiuor to.Jttft jnAdergone i 'or although quarantine, Mediations are undoubtedly. or tha ood of all.

and are only efficient when rigorously enforced, there are instances in which an unnecessary nd inexorable pplioati on a tbeewoaid enM4areJlijimm tannery 4nUrostaaay are intended to protect. New lines tanere: tifsttrtn efflalent and rapid 'communication Vltfcixrope are Important factors in the Increase and establishment of the city's prosperity, which we mil havenemnehet heart, 1 I submit to your good judgment ana alteration is not a purely personal one, but one of public Interest. bare felt confidence, therefore, that in considering; It, while doing: jnaticeo tbe trnaV end confidence in yon by a strict discharge of your duties, ynt Jll pi thr same time MteTaJ regard to the true interests of our city and State, (In view of which thequarantine system la established,) a complete prphi bujon land cassation of reomaiuf setavrd progress and prove a real detriment to alL I would respectfully ask, in the name of the Important oompany I represent, that our steamers, showing a olean bill of health, be permitted to eome tip to the city without def 2 Hon, or that they be detained for observation at the outside not more than 43 hours. And I remain meanwhile, gentlemen, your obedient serraift, La Ouk( Agent. The second eoBununicatioif was as follows: Narw Orxkaits, April 10, 1879.

To the President and Members of the BeAM 'tt Health: twjyrrm Gentlemen I have reoelyed your answer to my eommunieatt on bt Maroh 81. The Important Interests I represent make It Incumbent upon me to again call your attention to the following considerations The is whether the steamship line that the Compagnie Generate Tranaat lantlque has recently established between this port and Marseilles can be continued. In inrtaeraaeeol this emLT.the oompany which submit naturally to the requirements of your duties la ready to make all touohing at Forto Rico and Havana, the steamers coming direct, from St. Thomas here. In my previous communication I explained to you that our steamers would, stop at 8t.

Thomaaoaly to leave freight and passengers from Europe, and that oonse quently they would take neither freight or passengers, absolutely nothldg hut eoal suf Asient to continue the passage to this port. 1 This was the plan proposed toy ou in my previous letter. To day the oompany pro poses to make even the further sacrifice at great addlttional expense of not taking any ooal at Bt Themas. The steamer will take ooal In ICnrope to last until this port is reach I trust, therefore, gentlemen, that under these venditions ear steamers, stopping in the Bay ot St Thomas at a diataaoe of two miles from the city, for the short time neoes sary to land passengers and freight, taking absolutely nothing on board, will be admit ted here without being quarantined. the saaas conditions I also to submit to you the following case Our, steamers furnishes its depots of eoal at rort da France and St.

Thomas by steam rs leaving direct tram Cardiff to these porta, Ae. soon as oaalis landed these ateamers, which, carry neither passengers nor freight, come direct to New Orleans to load with a return freight fdr England. I VA mr mion anil also beadnUttedhere, The steamers of our line take an average of ten daya to opme from Fort de France and fit. Thomas here, which furnishes an additional guarantee, which trust you will take Into due consideration. I remain, meanwhile, gentlemen, your obedient aer Gjuro, Agent.

THK WEAVHEB, Lowest temperaturei Sunday night 83: Xrow barometer, southerly, and easterly "winds, sultry atmosphere ana warm, cloudy weather, with frequent thuuder storms, are the conditions nosr in the Quit states. Rainfall Knni1 ilihl I in looity of wind, U2 miles per hour. Cleariuar 'Weather Is now probable. ..1 OnVnlaeBlda. 'The following.

bids were opened, in the Mayor's office, on Monday, at noon, for the filling of the twenty four battnre holes on the property owned by the city, per oubio F. Glerrnon. R. M. Laughlin, F.

E. Fouoher, 24 99 D. Clonev, 31o. J. W.

Btrmger and L. Sohedel, river side belt railroad, aoo. i on city side belt railroad, 27e. Wnu Jloylanv ftio; F. Berry, 8T)s i P.

H. liaonard, eJaP. John MoGinty, Edward Doherty, 210, The bid of Wm. MoJIah of per cubic i AeatlMaf FerryPrlTUecea. tt' wflrW remembered that at the last neetmg of the Council the petitten of Emile Xm Bpta, asking that the privilege tie gvaat hlmjo run a skiff ferry from the.

head of Broadway street to Westwego, was rejected thojreneon that six or seven' years ago the Legislature gran ted exolaslve privileges a party by the nam vt Flinnlgaav to CI odo? twtyte or peri 5 4nini8trator ChevaHey obserVedr'that "TZZlZ tnatfer, and hetrould when subjects of more importaneeaopear i dbfore thepounoU he would advooatethe tr rranting an exolusve right, notwith manoivK me legislature had' previously Blven that i right to another. Mr. Oae valley was in favor of bringing the question before the oourts, in order that a deoision might be obtained from the highest tribunal of the State as to whether or no the Legisla tura had the oonatitutional rirnt ta'rtv grants toprivata indlviduala ot the exolu slve use of property and vested, rights which belonged only to the Council of Orleans. i Kots having run a skiff esry between the points named above was atopped by Flinni eaa under hla charter, when Kots petitioned torunaferrvthere. c.

Now il Eots'eomes forward wit an Other; petitioa to the, Council, wherein he again prays for a right from, the city to run the ferry, stating that ha wfll then contest, st his own expense, the right of the Legislature to rrnt ran a tight which only belongs to tiejCU c.i.ficii New Orleans. Mr. Eota proposes to engage two lawyers carry the the Supreme Court of Ihe State; i This questlonr Is Try Important one, as i It Involves all the rights and chart res grant i by the Lesrtslature of using property longing to the city oo New Orleans, t' leue Ctrova Cameterlea. the city would proceed Wmediatelyto cover TUESDAY 71 rP16 cppoi "yefteTda afternoon. a layer of sand or earth at various placet to a sufficient depth as might be deemed neoae sary.

The work will be performed under the direction and aupervleion of the Administrator of Improvements, who will detail a xoroe oi men ana carts for thla purpose. Plcturea far the Loan Exsoaltlaa. The Council In Committee of the Whole yeeterdav. sranted tha loan of thn titMt rical paintlnga in the City Hall, to thaladts naviP'cnee or neirt i xniDiuou at ec. Vatr i's iiSUVon toe 2lt aud Mdor April, for a ber.

sfit of lr mates of the dome oi the edind Inf rm. were alsoiade to proc ure hall and gas tree. oi oaarge. 'ji Bmathared ta Death. Afhalf art 5 o'clock Monday morning a colored man named Adolph H.

Hampton, residing at the oomer of Milan and Tohoupl toulas streets, called at he Seventh Pre clnct Station and reported that at 9 o'clock his child, named iucy, agea montus, was found smothered to death in bed. It is sup paaad that its nsother in her aleep had aome time during the night rolled over and Sunday night an attempt was made to burn the cottage bonse, on Front Eeree. between Philip aad saraparo" atreets, owned by J. D. Keel.

A pteee of cotton, saturated with ooal oil, was placed Inside the window blinds and set on fire. It was discovered by Cape Gray, Cuatom House officer, and the patrolman on the beat, who broke open the window and extinguished, the nam. The damage is estimated at tlQ. Shaelln at a Thief. Monday iat half past 2 o'clock, private watchman Jaoab Seitner fired two shots at a colored man named Aaron Burr, who attempted to get under the covering of fruit stand at tne corner of Peters and Sb Philip 'Streets, 'having been' previously warned not to do so.

The shots attracted the officer on the Jtoat. who arrested Burr and locked him up in the Jaokson Square Station as a dangerous and snsploloas eharaoter. 1 A Balaentawt ef Haraea. Sunday night, about half past 1 eflOok, In the midst of a thunder storm, a fire broke out in Peter Helden'a stabies, situated at the corner of Canal and Tontl streets. The fire was discovered bv CoL James Xewia, wb realdea aoroaa the street from taa saaoies.

urn unmeoiateiy aUspatched a colored, man to give the alarm. The latter rushed across and forced open the gate. 'Within he found William Scott, a atable boTr atlU asaeen in his not. notwithstanding the fact that tha building was filled with smoke. The Fire Department was summoned, and noon reaching the snot did what they could to save the property.

The bnfldina' waa eomnletelv aestrovnd. and with it five horses and several boggles. 1 one nerae ana suggy Deiongmg to ur. Jtinney one noree ana ouggy to ut. iewis, one aorae and buggy to Mr.

Charles Cavanao, one horse and butnrr to Mr. Beach Anderson and one horse belonging to Mr. Brooks, of i larmrrminnn Tba scene the eonflagratien was visit uuxiua monuiig oy a reporter oi un Picayune, who observed among the debris tne onarrea remains oz tne noraea. Flra Cmifiij Klaetlaa. Orleans Fire Comnanv No.

31 held an eleo tioa for officers last evening, wnieh resulted as follows; President, John Herbert; Vice Murphy; First Assistant, Thos. J. Buckley; Beeoad Aasistant, Car 1 Beddlnires Seere i tary, xnoa. J. rnrd Financial Paul A.

Chartier; Treatuxer, Peter Boehm Monday mnrninr. at 11 a'donV. a lot ati snavings which had been placed near the hearth in one of the rooms of a two story frame house No. 182 Frenchmen street, between Urquhart and Morales streets, owned bv Mr. Sehaeffer and aeonniad hr Jefferson Harper, colored, accidentally took fire, and in a few minutes ignited the bedding in the room.

An alarnf was immediately sounded, and the Fire Department aurnea to tne piaoe. Tha timely ar 4 rival ox the engines prevented a conflagration, and the only loss waa the bed and beddlnr. and the dam aces toi taa root ox tne Duuaing, estimated at stwj but covered by insurance. At the same time the aha vinos lraltd John Harper, aged 10 months, son of the oo cupant, lying on tne floor near the hearth, and before ha could be seized br hia mother. his clothes ware aet on fire, and he was ee3 vereiy ournea about the hands, legs andl HAK1KE ITEII8.

The British ateamshin Snbens. from TtlrJ de Janeiro, with a cargo of coffee, arrived) at Quarantine Station Teaterdav. Ailwela on board. The Mexloan schooner Cueu, bound foe Tarn pi co, has returned in distress, having lost ner mainmast when ten miles west ofi tne aouui ena oi vnanaeieur islands. on is moarea in the Old Canal.

There was only one clearance at the Cos lom iiouse yesterday. There are three schooners from Mexlca: porta in the river on the wav to the elrvj 'Their cargoes consist of cedar and log The ship Yorktown. for Liverpool, witu the largest cargo of cotton that has left iuio it, i Riui ins war, paiieu lor uer uooll nation froaa Port Eada last evening. ABANOOKFD. Last Saturday afternoon a white woman about 95 years of age and 6 feet 2 inched nign, ngnt oompiexien ana naving aer faca maraea witn ireosiea, cauea at tne sesr dence of Mr.

Sterken. at the corner of Cam bronne and Third Btreets, Carrollton, and requested the colored servant In the yard tc rfvaher a glass of The servant complied with hei request, and remarked that the woman had a bundle and a baby about two months old. She naturally engaged in conversation with her, and learned that aha had walked a long fliataTvee and was on her way to the city, After a few momenta the.visltor said thai she was very tired, and requested the servant to take charge of her child and bundle for a few moments, as aha de aired to go about two blooxa away to visit an acquaintance. The servant, moyed ai the woman's doleful story, took the child i ana trundle ana tne mother started a wav saying she would be back in a few moments Hour after hour rolled on, but the mothei failed to appear. The bundle was examined and found to contain a nursing bottle, three petticoats and one dress.

The abandoned child.waa taken rharce of by Mra.i sterken who in the evening discovered that he wai Jewish descent. The mother not havini since appeared tne cmia is sail in the pos session oi mrs. Dterxen. SUB TREASURY RECEIPTS FOR? SATURDAY internal ,93,994 64 8,423 OS 1,152 Ok 10,621 0 Fo8tOfflce Customs Customs Miscellaneous Transfer of funds 25,406 85,000 3 21 The Sub Treasury has received the 97th call for redemption bf fire twenty bonds, AXRAUf WBXCKXR, Waa Will Be Provide, with Quarters li Penitentiary. In Ibe Second Judicial District Court, parlan of Jeanrson, 4he case of the Btate vs.

Pierre Soott, colored, was tried In this court yesterday. The defendant was charged with placing an obstruction upon the track of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad Company, at the six mile post, in the parish of Jefferson, on the night of January 24, 1879, whereby a freight train was ditched and eleven oars wreokel. The case was submitted, without argument, to the Jury, after an abeenoe of half an hour, brought in a verdict of guilty. The only motive for the crime, which appeared upon uiw, was tiun, a uvg uruuuaiuK bin accused had been killed by one of the trains on lueroao, ana that ne took wis summary means of revenging his loss, 5 CaTSTOM.HOtTSE BUSINESS. at Bala af Revenao Btampa Usually the 1st of Mav 'la dealiraated for the opening of the sale of internal revenue stamps.

In order to facilitate the business of his 'office and to furnish the best accommodation to tae jbuhlle, Collector Marks, however, proposes to commence the sale today. Thla will bo found an advantage, as heretofore the rush was too neat at the stipulated time to conveniently attend to everybody. i iU Impe nation af mineral Waters. iw.V TfiBASUBT DEraBTMEKT, 1 Washington, April 1879. ioiieotor oi customs, newisneans, ia.

mr Jecision asris, aatea Beptemner, 1876, requires that Invoices of imported waters claimed to be natural mineral waters, be accompanied by eertmcatea from the ship aaaa thar 4 naata waf ni TWl Tl rtsi A rtn fllTt rt 4nh KTVJ7X at iaaa tP wamw vuiwavou' at ouvu ia ai a. a a. a a4 naM.k rAHl a 1 TVlCe 15f JLU lewVttf UAVIUIU aAAAIA OsaV TiiAy WklMX specifying the sirt wbtoH produced. For the better protection of the revenue against the Importation ot artificial waters, the certificate abeve mentioned will hereafter be made by the owner or manager of the epiing Instead of by the ahiooerae hereto fore, tanenlar omor in Franoa and Ger maoy have been notified of the change in the certificate hereby indicated. This order will take effect as to all entries of waters.

claimed to oe natural, maoe arter Hay 15 Jb79. J. Fbxnch, 4 Asslatant Secretary. lil TUB COHfXNTICX. PrenarlBa Aecammsdatlana far the Dele Major Harrod, of the Board ot State Engi neers, is giving some attention to the ntting up of the House of Bepresentatlves for the Constitutional Convention.

This room Is scarcely equal to the comfortable aocommo a io a oi uta oral nary unmoor or eentatives', but when it is called upon to iurnisn places for 36 'more oesKs tne number corresponding to the number of Sena tors tha problem becomes a little perplex ing. Major Harrod has ordered that the rail dividing the people from tne Assembly be moved back to wu bin a few feet of the line of the door, This will leave very little room for spectators, but within' the bar it will furnish sufficient aoeommadatlon to the members. The new floor within the bar will be raised to a level with that already existing, and desks will be fixed so that each row will form the segment of a circle, with the Speaker's stand as centre. This IB the only contemplated, save that ot relieving the its burden of. dust, which the industrious keeper has undertaken.

thb hacks. FIaa Prasasa far the Saeaud Day i i fold Last 1 Apleirdld programme baa been arranged Tor lira seeondV. day's, racing of the Spring Maetingof iheNetr Louisiana Jockey Club. In oaae bowever, the inclement weather sbouUl. jjeceeMtate, a poatpenement of today's sport, a pennant will be displayed from walkejfs headmiBTters.

yclept the Crescent' HaH Last night at this establishment there waa oulte a.large number of sporting men gathered to witness the, paw aeuMK ana to ij tneir. money, oa probabie.wlnners. In. Momns stakes fort we years olds, a half mile Cottrill's entries. Crick and Col.

Spregua brought atf, and Bur get's Bally Total S84; In the seeondTraee for the Howard stakes, two mile beats. Judge Hancock waa the favorite at fso, Verdigris came next at fis. iiija Kowett soia xor siu, uenoi wi, patrol Wi lue Gown fi. Total $61 In the third race, a mile dash, Egypt was the choice at $18. L' Argentine followed at tio.

Grlgaby Ki airland $4, Surget's Diffident and Bonny. La $4 and Jack R.tnhnlai til Tal ail a 5 i DAMAGED BY THE WIND. The Sterna. 1 4 Yesterday during the'af ternoon the wind blew almost a tain loan a ana awept over the elty, tearing down atgnsand doing oonaid erable danuao property. In the Fourth District especially tree' and feaoes were preatratea.

Xha ehinueey of hamae Ut Basin street, occupied by John FranooiSt was blown down and carried with it a portion of the slate roof, which fell on the roof of the adjoining 'dwelling, occupied by Caroline Gordon, which it damaaed eonslderablv. One of the slates, as it flaw around carried ay the wind, struck on the head a woman named Annie Coleman injuring her slighly. The skylight of store No. le Gravler street, occupied by w. L.

Cushlng, was also blown down, causing to the building damages estimated at $100. A ventilator, and marble statue were blown away from the roof of the synagogue en Rampart streets between Contl and Bt. Louis streets, and in their fall damaged the roof considerably. The loss to the roof of the statue and ventilator Is estimated at $100 damage. 1 In tbe Old Basin tne schooner Cora 8my zer severed her fastenings just above Ma raia street, wbere she laid, and driven by the wind ahe drifted against the Maraia atreet bridge, breaking the railing and dam aglngthe bridge slightly.

in Freetown the steamboat Henry Frank broke loose and drifted down the river as far as the foot of TJrsulines street. A distress oall waa given by the watchman on board, and answered by the tugsoat N. M. Jones, which took the boat in tow and took her back to her moorings. A FESTIVE CROWD? About 7 o'clock Saturday morning a oar of the Levee and Esplanade street Una was entered on Esplanade street by three gentlemen, well known in 'Commercial circles of sobriety and domestio habits.

It would appear to an impartial observer that their respective wives bad taken a premature flight northward, for their eyes suggested a bite night at cards, or an early indulgence ia. red eye." They were good humored, however; and rendered no other, passenger unhappy, though their personal' badinage took a wide range, and when the French Market was reached they dismounted and wan edred into the 'mart. they provided themselves with a species of flute which plays Its own tunes as it Is set in motion by the holderf and thus armed, the three entered a Levee car for Canal street. On taking their seats they commenced to. play la conoextrand at the conclusion tbe bat waa passed around xo the paaeengers.

Thirty five cents were, garnered, and with this amount the party ot Joound merchants left the car to regale themselves. Their further eccentricities have not been related to the chronicler fj r. TAGPjHOA FISHING. Recently UlfiJIg In the Tangipahoa River haa been given a new stimulus. Fishermen remember that It is not long since a sportsman captured a ten end.

a half pound trout with a bob, and they desire to'emumte that achievement. LRJETJaTaTS TUT McTtlRB. Laberlna: Under Vlaadvmataaraa i Notwithstanding the stormy weather last evening, aulta a large audience, composed of the elite of society, assembled at the Opera House on the occasion of the last literary conference af Mr.4jetma He select ed as his subject, "Un Salon du XVIIIe Siecle." i He portrayed. M'me Defiant, the witty woman par excellence of the eighteenth century. He of her.

triumphs, and then depicted her sorrows. After speaking briefly of M'me Geeffrln, Introduced Mile de Lespinasse, one of the few women who ever died for love the only one, pert haps, of her century, or, perhaps, of the so oiety inwhioh aha This last though it was on a subject entirely different from tbe psecedlnc ones, was in ne degree less interesting, i I i i The lecturer labored under serious disadvantages, ''awing tO'Sjha Caet that on the stage the performance of the "Sleeping was being" with music, dancing. and the; sounds; reached the foyer, where thelecfure was being delivered Mr. Eejeune Bucoeeded, in making himself heard, despite the noise on the stage. i Mr.

Eejeune leaves the city Thursday of New York, where vhe deliver a series of lectures. J. P. The appointed Albert L. Schlesinger Justice of Peace of the Ninth Ward, parish ot Plaquemines, vice T.

J. Treadway, resigned. morVpaRt. I Tha Racar far tha Past Week. During the "Week ended Sunday last 89 persons dled.Cfrot whom were white and 30 The main causes af death.

were: DipbtiheriavS, fevers 6, cancers 8, consumn tlon 16,. pneumonia 4, dysentery 3. and Brtrht'n disease 3. i Of tha dead a were Louislanlans, 9 of "other States, and 18 foreignera. It is remarkable that witlila the week, nine still born births occurred i 3 Death, af Rx.Jadce Barney Lynci.

On motion bf Mr. Benedict, a member of the New Orleans Bar, the Fourth Distriot Court adjourned on Monday morning, out of respect ito the memory of Judge B. IV, Lynch, which occurred on Friday last, at Oterp, New Mexico, where lie was engaged In the practice of the law. TOR COURTS. i ft i Eaarth DUtric Oa art, White, Richards ft Co.

and A. White, liquidator of both firms, vs. Eugene Wag gaman, et aL Exceptions overruled and judgment rendered In favor of defendants, against; piamuns wrtn cos is. a Snperlor Crlaalasil Caart. SKHTEHCKD.

4 Assault and battery J. D. Donovan." seventy five days' Imprisonment In' the' Parish Prison. a Manslaughter Simeon Bt. Gemmes.

How to manage a wHe remain fStgle. Another Phuee cf the Grant Move tsnt. A Btary Abawt Intended Aaaaaalaatlaa. roncianatt Gazette Carlisle, April 8. Jji special dispatch to the Gazette last night, I alluded to the fact that a secret order waa being organized' by prominent throughout the State looking to the Hssination cf Gen.

Urant in tbe event cf Lia nciii'' J5i by the Eepub lican rtv forl rt.iit,'" To c. I r. fhowna printed copy of the by i vra tliia crjiiizatioiu whioa is aoi6tLing after the order of the Ku ElBX.JKlan, and tha ainera axe pledged to recreoy by oath, under penalty of death. There are a number of signatures to the paper, embracing the names of several prominent, wealthy and influential Democrat in different portions of Kentuky. and, I am told, tbe matter haa been working quietly for months past.

Ihe gentleman to whom this precious1 statement is sent is requested co ueo all diligence in maintaining the utnost secrecy get all the psominent men of your party in the'eounty to sign the bylaws, and yon will be called on in ten days for its hly informant refused to disclose the of any parties connected with the affair, but said There are a number of good names on tbe paper." 1 For several weeks past open boasts have been made that Gen. Grant would never be allowed to take trie seat in the vent of hia election to the Presidency, and the above facta but prove that suoh boasts. were not without some foundation. Miserable Mexico. Arrival at the Tlmaa Explorer at Mesll.

la The Land sif the Greaser 6verrua with ReTalatlaalata and Blihwajmea Papalar HaaUlUy aa Aaaarloa ate. II 1 Mexico, April 10. TJ The unicago xunea expedition aooom plisbed the tour ef Maxicov from Vera Cruz to 1 Paso del iNorte, and crossed the Kio Grande into the temtorvot Un cle Bam on yesterday. In the coarse of tne tour tne runes commissioner has found inll confirmatUm of the atateof insecnrliy, robbery and general outrage reported by him in his correspondenoe in yonr columns. American residents have no rights which Mexicans feel bound to tespeot.

xuexiean men of property are subjected to spoliation at toe hands of any of their own eonntry men who may take it into their heads to pcoaoonoe' The country is going from bad to worse, lie volution threatens from every Men of property, in case of a general outbreak, would not be inimical to American intervention. Highway robberies and aasaasinations aravthlnga of dally ocenrrenoe, in the Southern aud Central. States el Mexioe partiaalarly. The Government is powerless to suppress them, haying quite enough to do in defending its own threatened existence. Tbe masses of the Mexican nonnlation outside the men of wealth are ieatoos.

and hate America. They believe the United fitatee will Intervene finally and spoil their trade as pronouncing patriots. A band of ladronea in the btate ot Da rang ceoonnoitered the Times expedi tion, ont did not attack, although they had robbed a native train lees than a week previous. The Mescal ars and Anache Indiana am plundering and mmrdefiog in the State of Chihuahua from Presidio del Noate to Csanta Clara. ihe Meaoalars tow revenge on all Mexicans becanse of their having been kidnapped by Gen.

Trevino. Many ox tne warriors escaped tbe Mex ican soldiery, and are now slaughtering tbe outlaying ranoheos. It is exoeoted. that Uhlhnahna Will have a general Indian war next summer. Ihe limes commissioner and several traveling companies suffered some physical injury by the capsizing of an am balance Plan de Alames, Mexico, on Sunday morning.

His companions were an inspector general of the Mexican infantry and an officer of engineers, who came down to Elpaso to build a fort right opposite the new one projected by our Government at Franklin. It is very generally believed among the Mexloan officers that war with the United. States is only a question of a short time. ine oecaus or tne limes commis sioner's tour ss set forth fully in cor rtepemdenea which haa been forwarded. The difficulties of regular oorrasDond enoe from Mexico are very as they ai a iew mans, ana soon as tnere are run very Blowly and often fail to connect.

1 Baanoa. Treaty Betwesathe Government and Gcr many War Threatened Between Can tendlna Factions Tbe Tarane Tend dered to an Aaaerlcaa Slevesaenta ta Protect Oar Intereata. New York Herald. Washington. April 9.

Netrs of rather more than unal interest has been received at the State Jepaxtment.froin Samoa. It will be remembered that previous dispatches gave information that the German Government had concluded a treaty of oommeroe and amity with the Samoan Government, and had been allowed to select a harbor for the exclusive use of the German citizens resident on the island. The treaty is similar in its provisions to tbe one already entered upon with the United states, but does not conflict with the interests of the American people doiatr business at Samoa. The harbor selected for our naval station is Pago Pago, the largest and best of the inlets on the island, so that our Government haa no canse for The Ssmoans are further endeavoring to strengthen their relations with the United States by tendering to an. American citizen, who baa recently, been am on a them, the posi tion of head of the nation, with absolute authority, and! whose authority Baould be supported by all the friends and ad herente of the present reigning monarch.

A WAS The same dispatches brine news an expected war between contending fac tions, Whicn menaces the peace of the country and threatens to. jeopardize the commercial interests of the foreign residents. This information was eotmidered so important that ft was made the sub ject of special consideration br the Presi ident and' State and Navy Department officials to dayr and orders were sent to Kear Admiral Rod sera, comman dinar tha Pacific station, ta send vessel of war as soon as possible to Samba to protect our interests.ii It has lso determined that our naval vessels cruising in the Pacific shall, visit Pago Pago several times each year, for the dot nose of strengthening oar interests and pro tec Injr our citizens in their commercial and civil relatione. It appears that the form of govern ment ot Samoa is that of an elective monarchy, and that the contention for the throne grows out of a dispute in ef fect similar to, the election, in this conn try in 1876. There are no apprehensions in official circles here that the friendly relations already established will bediv tnrbed, and it remains under considera tion by the gentleman to whem the nas been tendered, whether he will accept the honor.

Ors Australian Trade. Since the' establishment fit the Pacific line of steamers, the trade between the. United States and Australia has increased wonderfully, and Hall's Balsam, tor colds and all lung diseases, Is now a regular article of expert to that country, and one of their staple medicines. r. I Honesty is the best policy in medicine, as well as In other things.

Ayer's BarsapariUa is a genuine preparation oi mat unequaiadi snrlna medicine and blood purifier, decided ly superior, to the poor imitations hereto fore in the market, 'atim roves if. For the Picayune. PEA TER TO nor. BrVAlTMCtTDI. Weave me sbldea stories Of what fleet years may bring, Aud whlsperpf the glories The voice oT Fame may Pieture'brlght the gladness The future hath In store.

ft. And rob me of the sadoess That chilled my heart of yore. Bear ine on thy pinions Throneh all the woea of earth. E'en to the pure dominions Wbere perfect Joy hath Tell me of tbe beauties Of Heaven'a gorgeous home. And light me hrouKh stern duties Zbat rise as here I Koain.

Goddess ne'er forsaken. Firm will I clinjr to thee, Until by OJeatho'erakeA I live eternally, f. i i fc Hope, thou art God's treasure, A Rieam of Heaven'e lignt, To gild the elogalnx measure Of earth's soul shading night. "Old BUI 61 He Oelivera bin TIewa an the Platel 7 ryloa; Olaala. Car.

Atlanta Constitution. 1 Old Si pioked nn a dime that' he aaol. dentally found just where he had laid it aowir wnen, rerarrangpa some change a iew moments oeiore. ana then, as he reached the door, remarked "Ef dese hyar jadgeshn' newspapers aeeps on taiaun iixe aey do, dars gwlne ter be er monghty change in men's lasbins lrfdis part obde Ian' 'fore long." Do yon think so Why. dar'll be er onsalerble ataok nh breeaheawid.

hip pockite in ahery. tailer shop twixt dis an' sunset 'fore Chrismns time." Yon mean thatrthey will break up 1 i huo pisLui carry in praouoe I JLia ung.oi wine ronn'iloded up wid han' mnskitrxlike dey wnz 'speotin' news obdenax'wah on ebery train is gotter play out. aittin1 mos' 'too oiniousDreeentJ Well, you know the old saying that Mn times of peace oreDare for war 0 Yas, I kno's dat, too but ter my mln', uai meana lay up pesvnsuns ana lor ridge. an' not to keep in pzaoktia fer de in amy by makin' a bull's eye ia le pit ob jer nsuuri NauimNa (. That is very trud Maldeirthe habit keeps down needed immigration." at hifdo, bat.des bltsink so kmoh: de imraeB3tranini alaVa preheated ez de emnaertrraabtra daVe ktiin veiled dat Faa: lookin' arter.

Dis hyar1 euddintly hand i lin' er man er led kapon fer de onlimitedj jurne dCerfQualrofte acL what's rain' dis conn try 1 An1 de aooner.dat ourj treets ain't samed Six Shooter avehae; an onex uun aney, ae'sxMatar iia tan'li; be wnss oxowdid wid fakes dan ef min atril show aV graveyahd lota'oom down; from wah price yer haah me And then tha old man slid out without leaving a dnebill for tbe dime. tarolofipai AFBIL 1410:08 P.aC Chattanooga, Tenn. 65 rjaia. 74 V4 looiavuia, JLr 61 Memphis 65 mTW, 69 Bhrrreport 67 wieksbur Aneraata, Key Montgomery savannah, 6 1 6 61 71 70 II Wsw Orleans, 110 P. kL, a prU 14,1879.

T. V. fiAURXN. Bsrxt. B.

A A. OKIBWOXO A CO. Tfnltad Btataa Btaadara ATKn. 14, 1879. Ii 67 1 1 P.

nat 781 (P. BAIN PALL Poring the night of April 13, 1S79, llach. WU KDWIS T. HIZiSTT. Arrivals at the Principal Hotels.

Vtoharijcs hotxx. Garrison, ljonia TJUrichi Halsey, city, Oates aa wils. las tatss. Mastar Oates. Mrs IOStaa vicksburs, Ky, Thos Ma Ilvsln, Cincinnati, il Mrtla.

Ky.W A. Kob nrtson and wife, Oay, JLa, Boykln, Va a. rota, ix)uiis oser. Peter Bnru! rt ijower Coast. Jetrari ton xavis, mits.

rr CITY HOTEL. afcKee, Xa, Wear Jacobs, ateanrer Yelj lowatoaaWahn at Ware, Ihenada, ntaLalm FMoConntck, lxenton, JL. Smicn, Lndlow, Bnik.O Mht)iTrOlcaro. Wm Bracnarai Victoria Bruonard. Carlos Al rarado, PbUlS key, Wm Caarnes, 1 hamJJiobdnraa, IkoovjaJ Baa vine, R.ucnasrd7 T4w York.

nn. uaiveston, mra Tnaycr, city, Che nauiu Washington. IaWrlghL Port Eadai 8 Hfirfeut, Hatlehurst, 3D feuUedge. AikR 8 Woods and wile, Mrs Woods. La, Ne Hawaii, TUbodaox.fetan'ora Smlthi Texas.

John Crottr. ttalvaaton. Wm ft Knrii Texas, John McMartin, Baalehurav Srwla BT. JAMBS BOTEC A Bend, Baton Bonre, BeanatVariBsi Uainsing and wife, HM WalkaraTLaTB Brown. Jefi Brown, Miss, SL Saunders! Kaw Jersey, jJXsyairehud, ia.B Cutter, Pal Marshall, Ala, A btarnaira, L.

Geo BaxI car, wiss. ii toiomon, Fla, aong htonl KKIGHT8 OF TBMPKIfASCEl O'aaeent Eneaaveawns Wmi 1, Knlcfcta Tanrperanoe, meets at Odd gallows HalvOata screev Moom o. every rnuaaiiAY JlTaUa Piedaat no Ions as rsaaata awn na es a wsts the order, I will not nae as a Beraras a any splriti oona or malt Uquora, wtne, oidar, any othel IntoxteatlBir nalxtarea ta any aaaaataoeT Prohibiting only the use, aa a beverage, ot an frtox toetlng anaxturea, we leave tbe ooaaiaera con as rwnt to mananvjaure, sell, aa do the rail gions and poll rn mar eensiiij aa'i iiitan mihi Persona oaalrana of tnfnin aaa So aa i oaaEarna ofiSJ JBeufer? ai aW fa a UOUlVt a WM afBkea John Ba Toad. Ou obhiiiw yore, av J. BemdlflUa.

fL Thilborrat. ul KA, M. JUton. P. W.

Jala "19 ly John P. No. P. O. Look Box TTTT SKXAV JACKSOM KOTJTX, a a MUiUAKBli.

THX QTZIKTlMTJTal XAST. Trains will leave and arrive at the oamavf Btreet JtopoJV, oa Sad Ataet: April. th, 187a Rxn. N0.1.6 15P. M.

IZn.iro.1. 9.39A.M Mixed HO. 7 KM) A. M.1 Mixed Ka.a. 7:10 P.

ana ma aauy, snd Aaauy.axi Sunday. Saturday accom modatioa. for feunday Xxoursion to, Mtfent ClyJavSg pullviv valacts) BLnrnrpTwa na THBOVH TO IAIBVILIkT? OIHOXM WITHOUT IOHAJSG and for BT. LOU 18 a alaeper is attached at Milan, enabling raassngera 'a go thnnirk wffhaaS taaviaa the nni nw rHANftM TT HlaT rriKK an A rTTTTRi. ai, rTH' Intproved Bleeping and Baelmtng Chair Cars to VICKSBUKC daily, without change.

Tickets lor aale. berths secured ana lnforma tton given at So. Camp street, corner 0 Common. I A. IH BHEUHnr, Ttakat Atat i 1 TTT IT it irr riT im nal Jvl la aat I NJtW OSLim AlTiTXXAS RAILROAIX, DeraldaonvlBe, etA 0 and after Osoem ber 1st, the ateamer ST.

TBAKCIS bells wxU leave tha head of BKnvUla earaat at A. hC. for Weatwego, with paasengera for all stations cm the Sew Orleans aad Texaa BatV raad. Batnrnls 4:80 P. M.

I 8ame boat connecting with, Sunaay pasaenrei ttalm, wiu lea te a 8 uiaf SamedVr 6 LVlL'I' li Freight received at ihafsaKis place trw 6 4:10 P. wlU be daUvered at Its deatanaUon nekt Proclamation EXECUTIVE DEP AET ME ST, i State of Louisiana. Whereas section S0i9 of the He vised Btat ntea of the Btate of Louisiana, 'approved. JU arch 14th, 1870, prevldea, that the Oov 1 ernor shall lsstie his proclamation, ufon the i vice lot the. Board of Health, declaring ftny place where there shall be reason to be lieve A peetllentlous, ooptaglons or infeo Uous disease exists, to be an.

Inf eo ted place. stating the number 'ot days a quarantine Is to be performed by the vessels, their passen gers, emoers and crews, coming from suoh place or places." Now, therefore, in pursuance of the pro visions of the statute aforesaid, and upon the recommendation of the Board of Health, statUur that there la reason to be lieve that, at this season of the year, there aanger.oi pestilen tial, oontaglous.arid'infeotloui disease from tne narelaanar aanaed plaoea a FRANCIS T. NICHOLL8, Governor of the Btate of Louisiana, have thought proper to issue this my proclamation, declaring that all vessels ariving from and after the soth day of ApriLl879, from the following loieaUoaavtowltrl I riiM wess uiua pens, au portal aiosjc the Gulf of Mexico, south of Texas, including the bay islands, Ruatan, Utilla and Bonaoa, all porta along the mainland bordering on the Carrlbbean Sea, all porta along the Atlantic Coast of Beuth America as far as the city of Buenos Ayres." All of which shall be subject to quaran tine, and that their offioers, crews, pasaeu gersend caryoes arraying from the above named places, or having touched or stopped at any ox them, snau be subject to a quar an tine of twenty (30) days. And I do hereby direct the proper offioers at the Ou aranttnw8 tallow to riiddlv enforce uio ucuuuuu ux vius yrwciauiauuu, ana any violation of the laws of this Btate on this subject matter to be vigorously prosecuted. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand tend, caused tha aeal of tha Btate Louisiana toe afflxeda at the I city of 'NeW Orleans, this 8tb day ot April, In the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and seventy nine, and of the one hundred and third year of the independence of: TtheT United states ef America.

FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS. By the Governor WILL. A. STRONG, Secretary of Btate.

aplO 2dptf CALL FOB Wi3vMl Cltfzenotl New Orleans. 8H0ITSHQ3n The New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary As soclation has entered upon Its duties. Its purpose is to second and supplement the work of the Board of Health and the oitv poxong gooa a sanitary condition as possiDie, and in keeplna it so and ateadily lamrove it. To thla end it aaka the earnest and intelli gent co one ration of every citizen, rich and poor, who has an Interest or pride in New The association with profound satlafao i aan nrafav to aaeU taavn irtintlaanim whose names are on its hat of offioers and members as a guarantee of its purposes and the honest spending of 'every'oollar. ne associauon wm oonsiaer itself unuer nledee to expend the money Intrusted to it under the direction of it finance committee, witn sanction oi its executive committee.

At stated times a publio report will be made of every dollar received and disbursed. For any effective cleaning up and keeping clean of the city, a considerable sum ofi money will be required In addition to the very small sum appropriated to that work Dy tne city puuiret. zor wnicn limited an propriatlon the department of improve ii tT Tm vifiv anv ii tiv it.Aa 4 4 be blamed. I The money We ask you to eon tribute fori our work will return, however, at once to: the laboring classes of our people, by giving employment to many men in enieroea iuie ness. it win do stood in both ways, and stall remain at home.

i Committees are now raced Ik soiicitinsrl contributions to the treasury of our asaoeia i tlon from the business men, and institutions; oi our ciiy. ABai susreafuc'asBing muss or, necessity DOpartiali amd' we appeal at oncet to every citizen to eoniriouw aocorumg toi his ability and without wai tine to be aakedJ It mns.t be understood that tbe association' purely. vpluntary. It can expend onlyj what Is given it. It can Impose no tax and! make no loan, we need not argue that it 1st better to spend money to prevent sickness tnan to cure it.

a aoiiar now juaicloualyj It la noble and humane to contribute, as our people did last summer their thousands to nurse and care or the indigent sick, it is no less noble and humane, and far wiser) to contribute their Jens and hundreds now; to prevent such sickheBS and mlaerv arainJ We believe our people are awake to the common sense view of this question. Fell low citizens, the fortunes and ntnre of onn rtry retene duUest caaaoa Wll to tWtlWe. Mttodhelpanaoeawsw aalpl lueiDHuvca. even cue AimiKn vy canno aeip tnose wno wui not neip themselves. j.o tne patriotism, tne benevolence, th iptelllgenceand self interest of our peopl we appeal.

The eyeanof the country an upon us at this moment. Let us resblvi that no effort of ours shall be lacking. Le the, pen give largely. Let the poor send bw emot j. Let the ladles not forget this work there am Hon A mnra IstAmatAil than th J3rJ contributions will be refned on aeeouftt ofi its maun ess an will be acknowledged promptlyras deaaved.

a We do not doubt that the people of New Orleans will show themselves In this under taxing wortny eBtaeti aameanavreserd. Tbe only reward desired bv those vhd founded this association, and. wilt for. th present direct its efforts'. the approbatior of their own conscience and the earnest hone ta when aaalrasxttk can be said of them Well done, good anc aithfnl aervanta." Adtresa' eontriButibnV IV enrytnderl a ioodui va atV OU AUOiAl LTTj a ja LUt) JP 'nailpfl cvsiuenru Cthus Busbet.

Chairman Executive CoaanUttee Albert Baldwin, W. b. Schmidt, Jas. I. Dat.

"TT iGflXa. HtJTSHSIXa. i Geo. Hohtek, Edw. Fennek, Finance Committee.

Johjt p. HBSOEBSON.Beoordlna Beo'y. Aiepoi ai ins nana nnyatan yields street the nirj irHnsv i Kxeursioa to ar trom tha lai, mma rmturJ eaaaa day SO jfrenta. Chuaren mwKril years ll eenta. Jrara to aa4 Iron fcientiily it eaavi aacl way.

"i mTrama wni leave MtoUows ativih auv I vaTTVa mJBM i nalaTnT 71qlVrllftatr a aj Fasaengers tor eentuiy busy nctuy the eon1 fine tor prior to the aerrbr ol ilSl I tf 1 P. B. i3iKaoj jvKacelvna. i NSW ORLEANS AHD KOBIXJE I rMobila Paat Una) i THE SHORTEST AKD QUICKEST EOTTTm TO ALL CITIXS. I On and arter WRnNicamv Kimmw mri trains will amvs and leave depot, foot Leave No.

Lassen fer dally, except Eudt; i JBSaW. No. S.ltil reas iajlrio P. i a 35 A sur aa oitv. 7:86 JK.

i rr' xpree oaUyi fc35 A. aOt iraj mm' iiaiijyiagBpi nwnii.r.rogXi IvtMfll Hi Mo. 8 Faenrer Sunday only, 0:80 P. M. OCkat Bw ba otitaJnaA and RlMtnlna, Bertha aeenred In advance on annlieanon at i ffloe eorner Camp and Oonuaoa etresta, opi ara ayiaj 1UIWU.

Hn Twi.tFs jw7 cvfii iatiN, nwaiAri ii vctoSnAi 5: i aicSrsrr 1 i o'clock P. M. 8 aJnifnik. p' jl a2fj arit 9 trclocA IX. 7 2 Tiir AI int ULU J.tLIAbLE, UT ITS ViarTH TEAS.

supA'ot is9CiMtj lies pIUl ftt New Orleans, La. NO GCALIHG. f3o Poslppnomon! ALL PRIZES PAID Itl FBIL aleiidid Chanoo, fORJ IQRTUfJE. ATTfRTin AMiaa tAMnillna. 1 wiiaV mm At TUES1UX, IIkj ea atv'tl I OTaAKS E.

A 'rr? CAPITAL PRIZE 1857 Ftlzesy II AmoutliaS t) IIUa1 UUs t. J' K. aaaaa The Drawing wni aeeUivnly IS CTGLCXTE. 4 it B00HS OF THE COMPANY i t. TUESDAY, Hay 139 1879.


'AO Prlsaa ar AmYH 10,009 1V.VV1 lO.0 oub ri isaa af 'AO lOOw Prlsaa el i 1 lO.t le.w4 ii AFFBOXI3IATIOX RUXSSl Jlii il. ijia.aa. i i. a i i tw iiwiium mmw wmom auv mmm nine remaining nnits oi tnaaame ton of aaa aunteer arawins the e.moOO nrtaa. am taTM 9 Appraxtntaaoas of aneetae nine remamins nniis ei ana aatne ten ot tha nnmsar orawlna tbe aiaooo nrlaa.

are lJ.0a 9 Approxunaoons et 100 eacklor the nine rentaining units oi the same ox vsm nTimaar yOrawiaa cos IjsaTjgtrsea, aaapwhrtna 3 M) Whole Tifikets, C3 $lr For aala at all tha Bsw cmaaas Ageael 5 ilo the Central Offles tdtas AgenohniSadat JrfU' 7 a LOUiaXABTA sTTATJi WTTXSLT Ilmsnl tie An x. nU Tetkf itaiV BOil ntanar Ikba.t laa. i 1 Semlt by Post Offles Xoaey Ordar, Letter, Draft, or by Maiiiass. Jj OBaXBTS AZn BJtXXXLLSOT THAT tM TBM TWO ToLLAJB VBMSrnSQ 0 f. MAV IStBm ALL TOE t11IZE3 'PAID OH PRESENT ay aw iannannnB vn .1 aArenta auiMa mmtrw (Vnalr.Ouf aaa Town throuaest the Union.

nexoepfeumaoie cnarantees ratuireo, aw duXn. everr mataaoa aaanB itacv annlloattaU to be mads 10 itVtiUiiii fU. nit anf rw nsaw ara va ar nm a earaa a eft AA WW VaaaaaUUI 9 au mmt MWSl flare ODDortuniiy mW.

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