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The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama • 4

Montgomery, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Arrive at Cnlon 1:20 llsssllalairilMIIVIII WejaajMaaw nam IsisiwaajMjnafMiaaj P. COATS' I ADlli I Ml A Ivaat Moulgotn ary Arrive at Moolle Arrive at ew Orlaana no. 1. ooMraa Auvt 1:10 A A 8:00 A A ..1133 A 11:41 A A UM A aojso ...1:10 A Laava Anil At Onion Bprlngi Ant vaa At XufanlA Arrival at Montgomery Leave Uulon Bpnngi Arrlvea at Oaluubu vbeiapt ako raiaiNOKa ruita.NO, 8 LMvra (teuerai paiaenRer BEST SX CORD I IV AL 1a 17.M 13 52 KB Tit lOO White and Black I.eaVM Broad Btrett 1:11 A Arrival at tTnmu Spring! A Southern RAILROAD LIMB. nt Md Direct Mte ALL POISTI KOBIOIST; antl WEST.

ONLYOWICHANQKOr OAR3 ST. CINCINNATI PMMmfgh, Philadelphia, NEwbfORK BOSTON, at, ir tU ZliaY IK BOlWJi TO BALTmORE AND WASHINGTON. BAB, at ivea at Alrlvaa at Montgomery 11:41 A miaou? and I'AiHENiitn tujin U1T. Leave Union Bprlngi, Arrival al Coluuibui Trala Mo. Ooiitmbui aith IbeBoulli.

weetain Uallroad forMacoo, avaooah and poltiti Eeit, Paaamgera from Montgcneiy tnakeconnrcllou at Ilntou BprlPgl with Irajn Ko, 4 for CVlouiubui (tally, ind tromKofaula dally, (exreit Snndt W. 4. ULABK, gaverluimulnkt, t. I. WIUIAM8, Un.

Ticket Agrut. i Linen Braa the from Memphis lnt Tuesday, Hi) I all wero full. Tbe CBt bound train on iltn M. and C. railroad was delayed fvveral hours Tuosdny.

Tho delay was caused by having to wait for about three hundred emigrants returning fmrn Tcxai, Arkansas and Kansas. They said they wero never to leavo Alabama sgnln. Also: Tlicr Is a nogro nnmcd Jehu King confined In Jail hero who was arrested in tho west end of this county few daysagouudorcireuniJinnccs which look dark aud mysterious. Last Triday morning bo attempted to ford Buzzard Boost creek, but was warned that it was swimmiug, notwithstanding which, ho drove In uud drowned tho horso ho was driving, aud Ihe buggy wan tavod with dillioultv. Ho disappeared soon afterwards, but camo back to claim tlio buggy or things Hint wero lu it when ho was arrested.

A Valise with somo sam-. pics of silverware, and other articles marked with the of a drummer who had boen in luka a lew days beforo were fouud iu his posscesiou. Tho negro refused to talk or givo auy nc-couut of himself. Meanwhile ho will bo held to await further developments. bince writing tho abovo wo learn that Kiug was arrested somo tiino ago on a chargo of burglary and larceny, but forfeited his bond and ran away.

Wo also learn that ho had probably seventy-five dollars worth ol silverwaro when sr. rested. BROWN, SEAL BROWU SLATE Dark Slate GREEN CAKDI THE Garnet Dark Green ORANG, SI? rXAl-TKTz'- SCAltLKr' radvy BIUB itcia.n -wnwiSii I follow! I PLUM BI.TJE Tralaerun Sot. la, W7. So.

4 So. 9 Dally vauy, BRONZE OLIVE-BRONZE Aa a TOMIO tpd EKSTORAUVTS after Ihe dli-trewlTiK aS tcta of the YELLOW KKVBB, MALAttl A AL mYCUH, and other debiliullng uw.wr, lo remedy aaa be ompared to DUGRO'S ALIMENTARY ELM, Uniting the rf leohujicatimAluit and taw mi-at. It atd ruj jiorti tlieIUl forcTS, It lis foodcediC'tie ftmknrr.ta told by ail diu0g'aia. -8etAcodtm lw Voik. S3 Soil a Wo is ium 1,00 pm Ml 1 tjnt 11 so PAPER la.lo H.u a a.10 20 us Moatfosnety i At Wetuinnka.

lOral-flaae. ft. Ar Decatur Lv Ar NeihvUls tVOAiarfltaV STK lib vIhSwHTva A vaniV.ia.. Spool Cotton A PftUota Storm. lh (lad I Ate tlialOvvrtouL A Kami, ly near Artio.

1'nkoU. From Uit Uikota DUiiatcb.1 It dovolopn llint tlio blizzard of lnl Sttlurility.wliou it blew inoilcintclv hmtl, with tlio mercury Irum Ul to ID tlegrcos bolow r.cro, wug tlio Bcvovcst lu buumn bistory. The particulars ot Ibo luto ol tho German fuuiily on Elm river were received louiguL They wero moviiiK fioiu bliAiity into a cew Imuef, aud wcto anxioun lo Ret settled in bolter quartern bol'ore Tburwlny, aud beforo the prevailing blizzard grow worno, find tlio mothor was couflncd. Two little boys were bundled up aud placed In rt dry goods box. Tlio futlicv uud ruotb-er wero carrying lliiugg into their Dew bousowben tlio over-excilion matlo Uor sick, and caused iicr euddculy lo givo birtli to a child in the now, cold uousa.

The father ploppod ith her lor gomo tiuio aud then wcut alter another boy and girl that were making thoir way from tho aliauty to tho bouo. lie succeeded lu bringing tlioiu to Ihoir mother. Ho then wcut allcr tlio two little boysin thobox, who wero wrapped up more securely than tho largor boy and girl whom ho had piloted in first. The stonuevidcntly blow harder arid tho mau got numb and bewildered. When lound he was by the box, aud apparently had attempted to raiso it 011 his back to carry it and the boys lo tho houstt.

la that olTort he failed, sud lo ing control of hia faculties fell down and passed into dreamland. Ono littlo boy was found sitting upright and the other with hU head dropping forward into his brother's lap. The former had bit hi lips while bis teeth continued chaN ter. The boy and girl wero badly frozen iu tbe legs, aroia and face, but not fatally. Tha father not roturuiug to the house told the mother his fa to, and she, after several hours of physical aud mental suffering, started for a noighbor, half a mile distant, bho walked a part of the way and rolled a part.

How bho got thore is more than sho knows. The noighbors went in search of tbe father anof the bovs and found them as stated, stono dead." The newly born infant perished, Strange as it may appear, tho mother escaped with only a lew frost murks. us suo a A.10 X.T Decatur UA. a al. tt.

n. I a in 1115 Ar GEfJTEr.NSAL iLumu'iiuM lmvm Maatcamery AGO AWARD ROSADALIS. m. dally; arrtvaaglmore HO p. Wetunip-e, 0.1S p.

BUntlashasa, All A FORTUNE QUICKLY MADE. MONEY his Ik i'U uift'U bvo rai-idlj1 within tho tut ftw Wail tit, than at any period aluco lmmytiap proSU hao b'-cn realized from amall InvLittacnti. The Mlowlug afiidavU ezplaiiisiteclfi Trains arrr a Montgomery, Jo. 1, Kut Expresl, A 3. Express Mail.

pprp'l bejiVr A. IM W.errb FOR PI. Xw Vml. fitr. lo 1 nns.

nuJ Mm duly THB OR1EAT 80BTH (CRN RIMEDT fur iLe care oX TEXAS MIGRANTS SfremlN, Taial, uperior Strength and Excellent Quality m. for thelrTril ocotomodaUoB, which to tail iu. ma liirctUmt yU'i -Um Tt.lchr, stalnum. A Ct lUuitti, au.1 lli-iu I -r a ttaj.i -t of WtflL, 1 nlaMtnl km Ly mi (flixucdi utu. i.

MivfKwTrk, CUvand L'nanly nlhew Tnrlf. I fivoia laaMi tua Ibis l- J. Ik Kos, Hury M. X- Ttiat jlm.Bflmoal kCm, a-pt nbacrlbr on ll.Hrl ircnU narclD or la tlirtr concrilrUrrB of ritntial. Wltftw a tef ir inafle SPECllL LOW RATES wi a inti bww in ant-clu tr by eiyrftM tlue, ana la qmcker amall aniiit ol flxwoi 9 and upu clt itk'''' aud I orai tatett Wall tms lufftraoUtii wittirax 'ij-ob 1880 THATCHKR, CO.

Bankers. PULLCAM PfiLACE CARS r. a tfo imi, artwd mr, jw i PRIZE MEDAL, riiiladel. hia.lSTd lULboa of Kuihthood, Yioun.i, 1873 rEIZE Triza Medal, Lindoa, 180 GOLD MEDAL, PA IS, 1 878.

Gold Medal, Cincinnati, I879, DIPLOMAS OVER ALL COMPETITORS ami Departure or ae iviails. remade ri ncc wnJHrnTinNR at Mem phi. KasUrtiJe, XvD mi Loom villa with UiroosD oar ior au couiw AOIHTB Wf 6" J- UU lniotmaticii aa to tluougti time and ftooiwo- miiu jmiww 7 KncuiMMtisiu, White SweliluR, Gout. Goitre, Ocimnmp-Uou, Broacbilis. ISerYoua DebUlij, tad all dlarafM arisirut rrom an Lmpnre condition of the Wood.

Tlie uerita ot Ihie Ttltuble pnpr-tion are ao well known that a jirUiR notice la but ueccaaarr to remind Ute waders of thli jonrnalof the nooeealtr of aiwys saving a bottle of tula mdl-oine uaoiig tbeir alook of faxuily uoea iitlea. Certlflcatei can Ve from man? leadtnK rhyricLMis, aUnnter, and aeeda 01 famiilM Utrouguoot lhBOQLb, in tlie bJKltoat vermaThe fluid Extract of Bo-adaliR. Dm. B. Wiuton Cabb of BAltlmort ittya hat need it In of Bcrofula and otUer dieeuta witlt muili aatialac-llon.

Db. 0. Vvas of Baltimore recora-menda it to all vereona eaflerinij with diflfaeed Blood, aaylng it ta auperior lo tny preparation he hu eer useil, Bev. 14net Ball of the Baltimore H. K.

Oonf ereuee 800 th uy he has been 0 ranch benelitUd by tta use that be oheerfulty recommenda it to ail hi filenda and uquamUuoc. Ubatkk lraifHsta. at fiordona-Tille, aay it nevec haa failed lo give soils, action. O. MrFAaunt, Murfiwboro, Teflneeeee, em ye It cured him of.Kaeo-ixta'.iem whra all eiee failed.

BObAUAIJS in not a atyiret ijuack on every packa? hkow tt to your Physician and he will toll you it is 00m-poeed of the wtrotiKett alterativea that exit, and la an excellent Blood rurifler Di-1 oar epaoe admit we could give you tefliixioiiiiia from every btate in the South and from penons knows to every man, woman and child either i-praonaJiy or by revut-oUon. ItocadaUa la sold by all Drnjtglsta, 8 'OA 't a. m. wiiXiats, "1 ATKBTIBS BATLEOAB Of ALABAMA. Atlanta Fair 0 A A I 1 ClDA libit bJdnj? effeot SoaAAjr, SsU, I I378.

I878, I87 KaU and pAWengftr, ho. 45. 8:40 pm IMddi Macon Fair -Golumbia, S. Fair bMTlng ObehftW OpelikA We it W1 11:12 Atlanta A MonlKonifry, R. V.

0 W. B. fit) Arrlvea a and m. Deparla- CM a and 7:40 m. Decatur and Montgomery, S.

B. A. B. Arrivea m. UHrti fe'Maai.

Vki and Montgomery, K. B.J Arrivea tiUOpui. Depart 7i03 m. Montfonery and New Orleana, R.P.O. tH.M:B and twop m.

Papurta laid a and 6:00 pm. UonWromery and Selo, B. B.J Arrivea 4 01. Departs 8:11) a m. Louia.

and B. T. O. tools. And points beyon only.

Arrlea-10 a m. Departr 7:40 tn. Kulivllle. ToniiMiCt, only.) Arrives 6:00 a ro. Depirta 7:10 m.

Oolombus and Troy. So. of Uulon Springe. Arrivea 11:10 a nu Depart m. PraMvllle.

dally, Snnday uoepted Arrive. 7:00 ra. Departa a to. Troy Wny, Reiner, Bnowdonn, Oakley. An.

Arrives Wednesday Saturday, lOttu m. Df parti Tueaday Friday, 4:00 a m. 1. Letters depcrftrd In ofllra IS muratet before departure of Mails, as Indicated above, will ba forwarded Uierein. Letter) distributed to boxes within SO minutes ter arrival.

W. B0BKBT8 epU3 oetmaster, .400 Ocnneotina at Atlanta Kb Piedmont Air ttna aa 47, -S5 a Next year will be the Presidential and State Elections, Involving the questions of the life or death of the Republic. mkw ftlA Moioloss Brothers, a-aia Ajrt-ra at Wart riobXl-. --'-t Aifflpm Oooaaotlairat Kontgomerj with Mobile Moot-gomary railroad, and at Obabaw, wllh Taabaga. raU.

Toad and at Oolnmbna with goalhwartarn railroad aod at Atlanta witb Keonaaaw Bontt and Pladjnout SOLE AGENTS IN NEW YORK FOR J. COATS, Paisley, Scotland Jolia F. Henry Cnrran Co. Stoanwall Jackson's lanjrliter. liallimuaBoa A committco of Gen.

I. It. Trimble, Gen. Georse II. Steuart, Capt.

F. V. Clark, Capt. i M. Colston, and Privates Hoffman Gilmore, J.

J. ronton, W. II. l'ope and George Savago, called last evoniug at Mrs. Cary's school, No.

1U7 North Charles street, and presented to Hiss Julia Jackson, daugh ter of Gen. Stonewall Jackson, a handsome silver pitcher ot Kirk's Snest woikmanship, as a testimonial of tho affection which the cs-Confcdrato soldiers in Maryland have for her as the child of their great commander. The present was pur chased with small subscrinlbus very generally made by soldiers in this State, subscriptions being limited in amount, nnd received only from those who had borne arms in the Confederate service. The pitcher bore the inscription "To Gcu. Stonewall Jackson's daughter, from Confederate Soldiers in Maryland, Christmas, 1979." Gen.

Trimble, in brief but appropriate words, presented the gift in the name of the donors, Miss Jackson receiving it rery modcstlv, but with apparent cratiiication. Ilor mother was with her. Miss Jackson requested General Trimblo to return her thanks to those be represented. As intended, the sift was a complete surprise to Mrs- Jaeb. son and her daughter.

Major Harry Gilmore, Col. J. Lylo Clarke, Capt. F. AL Colston, and private Georja Kisen-berrr.

were anione the most active in ob Air Una, 1 6 1 Aooousoodatlon. "0. A LaaTaa 1. aa a Aim oB 8 CoUope Placs, JIOI ID ATS. 1879.

New AdTcrtisemciits. 1880. NJEW YOKK. The Advertiser mox a i a a vs ot AMonnnl tar Investors. Shows how.T,; Oonld, Vinderbllt and other millionaires nralte money in stocks.

Oopy sent free, Willi clUsial reports of the market. Address I. 0TXEB I9BT 4 SO Wall St New Sol How lo become Rich and Watch teot OCUnl. I roe. 17.8 flcciicry.

Mount flinri a Month and expenses guaranteed to Aitonts. U) 1 1 Ontiit free. Bhaw Augusta, Maine. ij'ij A YEAR and expenses to agents. Outlit free, 1 1 1 Address f.

O. V1CKEBV, Augusta, Maine. Proposes to do its whole duty in advocating Opelika Mpm ArrlTa at Wast Mat "iT 4 OonneotlB AMaata wb throimb JrajMri. Knnaaa ntvileUnont Air lone and Osorgla Q.tlroad 1 Local usspeTa a 8 (Wffii to Atlanta. Aooommodatloa.

No. t. Laave. firlTe at Mactotaexy 8Bady Aocomwodatto. iT.gtaw.

Arrive at MontgoEeaty 10a Going 800U1 and Weat MaU and PaaaeMOA Leave Wert Opellta WOpm Chehaw Arrive at Montftomery -Vi" 'J? Connecting at Montuomery with Mobile Mont-gomery liable I a 8 Baud for Selma. oni aotjlH un wMT-aan. aw MO am Oolnmbtu Weetrjuu Opelita Arrrraat Montgomery WrtntfHnArv with MobOa a Hon HEADQUARTERS A U03T BELECI STOCK OF NOVELTIES I' ROM LOSD0K, PAE18, AND VIESXA, CONSISTING OP W0HK BOXES and JEWEL CASE3, 0AED AND CIQAB OARKH. GLOVE AS HANDHEaOniEF BOXES, niESSIXO ASD ODOB OASES, P0ETF0IIO3, PHOlnaRAPn AXD AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, A choice seleollon of H0L1DAI Gli B00K3 aud JCVESILES, ILLUSTBATED PRESENTATION BOOKS AND HOLIDAY JOODS. 1 CBEIST3US AND SAW XEAB'S CARDS.

j. Laiga Stok of HYilXALS and PBAYEB BOOKS. FAMILY nd POCKET BI11LES, In all styles of Binding, Orders by null will receive prcmpt attention. JOEI, WHITE, Ko. 13 market Street.

Derl91im the principles and candidates of the Democratic party, and desires to have subscribers by the thousands. We beg our friends taining sucscriptions to purchase the pitcher. Mies Jackson will probably remain two years in Baltimore before completing her education. Alabama News. J-hrmeri Dr.

Craig't Kidney Cure.) A vegetable preparation and the nly aur miiAd.v in tut? nrld fhr RrlarbtSi Dlwautr, Mabe, and ALal lUilnve.v, L.vr, ua4 1'rinary DIm-on. atTcstimoniaisofthelilgheat order In proof of thwe staiemeota. die cure of DlnbMcai, call for War-nrr'm StaA DlabetaPM ('urr iba euro of Rrltrtit' ind tb tUt diseases, call for Vfavraer a Sale Miliary and aUver Cnre. iVR THE CINCINNATI PACKING PACKERS OF POBK, IiABD AND QUEEN OF THE WEST BItAXD OF IIfra Sugar urcd Hams, Khonldcns and Urcakl'ast liacon. CISCIS.VATI, OHIO.

novlScm in every voting beat to bestir themselves and aid us in extending our circulation. In order to add to our lists the following terms are offered eWARNtR Safe Remedies are sold by Druggists and Dealers in Mediclno every Where. R. H. Warnt Co.

BOOTS goSaryViurbad for Mobil, ana Bew OrieaM.and wMiLouiavllle. Haabville and 0. 8. B. for all polnta West.

latmasataHm. Fjtit- LeaTeeAtlanU jP WeatPoint Arrive at Montgomery Leavea MONTOkCSBY arrive at galma aa1ng oonnection at Belma with Alabama Central railroad for Meridian, Vioaubnrg and polnta la Taxaa. Our SSO Offerings. EW MATTRESSES. BOGHESTEfi, 9.

T. me-BmA far FaapMat VaiallnallllVaWawl PICTUkEH, 1 BAME8, and For Bale by IRVIJSE, GAR81DE ALEXAKDElt, decOdby And other Druggie 8. AteommodaMop. laavwOomminu arrive at Montgomery V.til 10:16 at 3 201 Cheaper than ever before, hew Ileditada at $3.50. Kew Matreeece at f2.

Chain at 60 cents, etc. We also have aeenred flrBt-olaaa workmen from Europe, who have been working at the JSorth, Eaat and West, and we therefore promiee good work. We hare taken out license for a I'ornttnre Moving Dray Line, and will guarantee aatiifacUon. We eipeot to increase oar facilitlea all the Uxoe for the bene tit of the public Imuiber 61i7ya Oor-cerBcnthand McPouoajrh Street ACS. OliLAhDlvR SON, Market Utreet, Montgomtrr, Ala, AngtutSl AecoomodAtloa.

Leave MOKTOOMSBI Arrive at Seana 4:91 a 7 21pm Mortgage Sale. UNDEE and by virtue of power of sale contained In a mortgage executed to us by H. B. Dllburn (recorded In the offloe of Judge of Pro-bate of Wilcox county, and also In the offloe of Judge of Probate of Lowndes county, in tlie first, on the Hist of April, 1870, In Book 19 of Mortgages, page 66bM and 70; and In the latter, on (lie 30th day of May, 1879, In Book of Mortgages, on pages 445-6 we will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at tho Artesian basin. In the city of Montgomery, on 8utnrday, Jan, 3d, I860, tbe following personal property and isal estate, belonging to the said B.

11. Unburn, viz: i One Bay Mule, Jane, One Sorrel atule, Mary, One Bay Mule, Bhoda, One light Bay Mole, Beck. r' it A lot of farming implements, wagon, o. Also, the following real estate lying in Lowndes county, Alabama, containing about 210 acres and bounded as follows: North by J. J.

Lee, sst by Frank Bremer; south by K.J. Irfoorer and west by K. H. Bald lands being about four miles west of Bragg's Store, LSHMAJf, DOBH CO. E.

P. Mobeissztt. attorney, DecMtd TRADE MARK Th? tNrmt TRAOB WARK SHOES $7 50 3 BUBOlr ACOvnuBsuawvu. Ko. 10.

Leave Arrive at Belma ......7:10 pm Pnlantn Sleeping Cars on So. AX Montgomery to WaahinEtoa without change JOB PRINTING DAILY: To Clubs of 10 or more to the Daily, 1 commencing and ending at thesametime, -each. To Clubs of not less than 5 and under 10 one year, commencing and ending at the same JaOlfiCltHU Bewedr, An nn allius; cure for Seminal WeaJmees, Spermatorrhea, Im-potency, and all aa a ae-1 onenca of Self- Sleeping Oars on Ho. 6 Montgomery to Airy ltUont Tralna 45. 47, 4, and ran dally.

Tralna, 1 and 8 ron daily except Snndaya. Traina, 0 and 10 rat no Snndaya. (Jtn. Manager. BEFORETAKIllS.nae: LoeaAFTEH TAK1RQ, of Memory.

Cohersal Lafeitnde. tain in the Back. Dlmnecs of Villon, Prematnre Old Age, and many other Dieeaaea that lead to IniaiUty or Conioinp-Uon and a Prcmatan Grave. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Statement Heads, Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, 4c, rfeafty and pror-pll? farnlsbfid at tha PRINT, NG rBll particular! in our Mmphlet. which we JJOSTOOMSBa BUTACLA BAILBOAD.

Bohadsla took Jute 29, 1S7. 1 I Train a. LOST! d-aire to send free by mail to avenone. The 8pe- oiA Siedicixta la aold by all dmyglata at tl per 8 00 acue, or tux pacjiagea ior sa, or wui aeut tree Montgonwy Mall ooing aaai. -Leaves

Arrtvea at lii mau on receipt of the money by adoreseins OKAY ITSKOICOK COM No. 10 Meohanioa' Block, Detroit, Mlcb. Pold in MoBtKomery and everywhere by all The Tuicumbia Alabamiau says: We arc glad to note an effort by the (Secretary of War, backed by an urgent letter lrom Major King, the cnginocr in charge, to get an irnuicdiato appropriation of $100,000 for the work on tho shoals, which otherwido will be suspends ed until Congress sees tit to grant more money. The engineer puts the ease very strongly and shows tho loss that delay will occasion. We trust our ini-mediatercpresentatives will bestir themselves in this behalf.

The Troy Messenger says T. L. Eilgore, who is with tho houso of En-zor ii McNeill, had a very narrow oss cape from death one evening last week. He was passing in front ot the Methodist church on horseback, when from somelcause ho lost his equilibrium and fell to the grouni The fall was witnessed by several persons, aud as ho did not get up they wont to his assistance and found him apparently lifeless. Dr.

Crowley was summoned at once and by the use of an electric battery, whieh fors tunately was near at hand aud ready charged, and by constant artificial respiration ior about an hour, succeeded in resuscitating him. Mr. J. M. Whalcy aud Miss Eliza A.

Cowart, of. Little Oak. were married by Rev. W. A.Bumbie, at the residence of the bride's father, on Sunday, the 21st instant, all of Pike county.

At 6 o'clock Tuesday night, in the Episcopal chnrcb, Troy, Alabama, by Iter, de B. Waddcll, Mr. W. L. Brock and Miss Ella Henderson were married.

On Tuesday morning, at the residence of T. K. Mullins, near Troy, by Eev. T. 1L Stout, J.

C. Henderson and Miss Nettie Tolbot were marriod. The Decatur News says: The tempor-ance lecture at Hartself last Monday, suffered Waterloo defeat. Tbe election showed that thirty-eight persons were in faver of prohibiting the sale of spirituous liquors, and one hundred and twelve against it. Also: At Captain Robiuson's sale ttiis week, corn sold at 40 cents per His stock, farm implements and household effects sold very low.

Alio: The residence of W. W. Means came very near being destroyed by fire last Monday morning. By some uns known means tho fire originated under a trundle bed, and before it could be arrested the bedstead and clothing and some wearing apparel were destroyed. We are pained to learn of the death, on the 4th inst, of Eev.

Russell for a long time Secretary of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, at Marion. Dr. Holman had many warm friends in Alabama, to whom ho endeared himself by his Christian walk and conversation J. IL Hicks, formerly of Decatur, recently committed suicide in Kussell, Kansas. Cause unsuccessful investments, Also: The primary election in Lau derdale county came oil' last Saturday, and resulted in tha nomination of W.

Wood for Probate Jud.a bv a ma It Is an Established Fact that Quinine or Olschonldla will stop Chills, and fot this purpose there la no better remedy. Bat it Also an established fact that they do not remove the canes that produces the CblllA, For if they did, -the Chills would not return on tha 7th, lath, 31st ot 28th day. Then is It not money LOST to attsmp to permanently cure the chills with Quinine or Oln they do not remove the cause fron Maeon. Train Ko. 1.

faM Train Coming Weat, Macon at.f.....'.-. Win Arrival at Montgomery; TSISpn) Onion Springi ooometoditlon Sslng Kaat A.M. KENNEDY, AND liETAjii WEEKLY: i r. csalxx rjavaa 8:30 pm Stationery House JAS. P.

ARMSTRONG. SO Market Street, Montgomery, Ala. Uayll rnveaas Colon Sjrtogas (1:13 pm he system that produces themj For until 3 inso la removed, the Chills will return. The FERRINE Is warranted to remove every cause from theirs PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, Etc.

Plls tat Fuer WU Fatsat. Wlndaw gaui and Flxtiir. tem that prodaors the Chills, and If tt falls to do this VOn Will auitaln no loan, for tvn rirni0lat la authorised to guarantee a permanent cure In every case, no matter of how long standing, and will refund the money If the Chills return after you are Jest ISeceived a Fine and Iiarpre Assortment of the fol- lowing 3oods: Ladies fine French and Curacoa Kid buttoned side and front Lace Shoes. Misses and Childrens fine among are the cele-' brated Solar Tips. Gents hand sewed fine Boots, box and plain toe.

Gents fine Congress Gaiters, in London, -N. O. box, Broad- way and Creole styles. A large variety of Boys and Youths fine Gaiters, but-toned and Bals. Wolff's waterproof liquid Blacking, To Clubs of 5 or less than 10 $1 75 each.

10 or more, SOeach. 50 or more, 1 25 each. And an extra copy to each getter up of Clubs. r7' if i wv "rrt rrlveaat Montgomery. Tralna So.

1 1,1 and 4 run dally. Bo. 11 and 18 wUI ba governed by Treigbt Train rnlea, ooarn w. noun At Montgoar; Mobile ft Mon'go-erj1 Ban road LVlilvlll KaabvUle ft Oraa Southern Ballroad; 01 tern taU mad of Alabasa. At Inion Bpringa-MobUe ft Oirard Bailroal At afaa-8outh-Watarn Ballroad; Vlclabarg Brunawtck Ballroad; Boata on thahataahooohee Blver.

W. O. luotri, Uinl Bopt A. TAATa-. Agena, aobiu MoaxaointBi bahiwat mH-nii.

Ha. Arrtai at Araopo mOrM 7:41 am IWA.m through taking. Positively, no cure, no pay. Try atdiar BatwrtaU, PICTUBB PBAMEB. ABD MOCLBmHS.

It and be convlnoed. It contains no poison, and la perfectly tasteless, and A permanent cure guaranteed In all case. Prejared by Ferrine Modiolus MIBEOB3 and HIBBOB PLATB8, Company, J5. TV. UOVE, Manager, 1 Paris, raper Carpwtina; and Caupct Uailng, KAIdSOMIlVjE, Beady for vaa, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Scroll- WVINB, AKSIDI it ALEIASDKB, First Nalional Banlc of Kontsomery.

jnoiiteoroery, Dee. S3, 1879. rpiIB AXMITAI, COJTVEXTIOJT of tha A Btockboiders of this Bank forMlie purpose of holding ao election for a Board of Directors for tha ensuing year, will be held at the BaVk on Tnaaday, January, 1S0, at o'clock m. 0. CAMPBELL, decMtf Oaahiar.

STATE OF AMBiMA MoDtgoilieiT Co. Probate Ocnrt Hejrtiar Term. Oon tinned. I reeeot Hon, U. W.

Backley, Jndfe. Dfoember lyth, A. D. 187. Til 1 8 day came tdmcrtot Jfohnaton.

admlnletrator of the estate of Jfulian T. Johniton. deceaaed, and presented to the court for oonaideratioa and allowanoe his aooooiit aid vouchers, under oath, for a final settlement of said estate, which la examined bj the Oonrt and placed on file for the las peo-Uod of all concerned. It is therefore ordered and decreed by the Oonrt ttat tbe 19TII DAI OJ JANUARY, A. P.

1880, be and it la hereby set for the bearing and consideration thereof, and that notice of tho filing thereof, be given by publication for three auooeaalve- weeks lu the Advertiser and Mail, a newspaper printed and published in the county of Montgomery and Hiate of Alabama, notifying all persona tatereaied, to bo and appear before this Co art on said 19th day of January. 1880, (hen and there to show oanse. If any there be, why natd account should not be stated aud allowed 0, BUCKLET. Judge Probate Coat. Montkomery County.

Bocttcw J.W.HALE, and J. O. PATTON. AuglTdawem a Ho. A woric, on nana.

800,000 Steel Moulded Brick. B. 15 A 17 Montgomery Street State of A'ataa-MoitEoiiiery County Let every subscriber become an agent. Address all letters to Mobil. Airtvaa at Montgomery Ml fcip All th.

above tn Jia win run on fuaiya. -Biiniaa nLm, M. aaai, AIULlUfMIBAlXOAa, ak. j.t.aa flbrfM Court of Probate Regular Term Continual! Prent, Hon. .0 W.

Buckler, Jntfge. Eecnolrtr 17lh. JL D. W79. 5 2nd 10c Counters! VM ana Aaa- Balma i.ilM a.

aV Lam Arrive at MarU LaAvaMarl.rrwj TO TBS TSADI: The lite bsalaeai man of the day are aterafna tbraf ooontera. TVe ire tic Origln-Maaavand Keve-anaraa We bava tba only tw. Iniiiiill a4 10a labUaag Boaxi In Uw UnUed v. vi y. Mi fct a.

rpHIS dny cam S. D. Hwilngi, Bxeontrlx of theMtate of M. Uiatli-KB, deceMCd, and relented to tbe Court for considerntton uid Uow-anno her ftoootmt and Tounhen, nnder oath, for final tettlement of eitatA, which lBexamtned by Lh Court and placod on nle for tha Inspection of all concerned. It ia thrreforo ordered, and deoraod by the Oonrt tint the lit TH DAV OK JANUiKY.A.

0. 1880, DJ aud It la hereby aet for the hearing aud oonatdera- -lion thereof, aud that notice of the nlloff thei-eof, bo giTn by publication for three BUooeiv waeki tn t( A vKBTittKtt and Mitu a newroatieT orlnted jority of 14 votes over Dr. Harroway, SaT-tesj fetf Oetantae artf 1 pArttctilar.0 AjtraeA KV P. a A -e raaiMi. I me next highest candidate.

Sheriff Carson was nominated for circuit clerk by a large majority. Stntts was nomts naicd for collector, McMurry for asses The Advertiser, W.MI aVplySi rrvt, CHI- AM. It aV saS Cmaaanacy OH- TOJU aaptaSeodJa aud publialied In the county of Montgomery and maieoi noiujiog au poraona idwrimi, to be ana appear Irefore this Oonrt on aald 13th day sor, ives ior snerm ana thus. 1 atton for Representative. Also: Tho tide of travel eastward FINE WHISKIES Bi select," rPHIl apeeial brand of One whlily has the an-I doraamant of the most dtsornuinatltur bvyara tSroUAnoot Ihe South.

It la ninrillallj a high gradl aril da daalgnad tar faaaUy aaa. Haiilwhy) TATOH ft WTLnimow, 100 and SO Oomnaroe Montflouary, of January, V. IS), then and there to show ouie, auy there be, why tald aooonut should not C. IIAIIH SK.V." auteu ana auowra, front Texas and Arkansas is almost as great as it has bono westward. There MOIITGOmERY, ALA, aa aiaaf we aar.

jMSaJfraa, lAJCaa gS. amain i7, jjflag lYo 84 Commerce Ht. Jndire Probate Oonrt, af ohtfouiery County, deolrtcw were (en coarnes besid tba sleeper ra aa.

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