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The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama • 2

Montgomery, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Southern Vcace ami rrogrcfis 15 TI2SjE3 ii a va. GO TO pronounced to be too corrupt to occupy an Inferior position under the United States Ailffliiiisli'alor's Sale of BT rlrttio of orderx of made by tbe Probate Oourt of Mcntuomrrr county, on the liiihaay In all the wide world tbero Is not to be Deported by ths Associated Pmta for the Muntgom-- t' ally Advertiser. BYW.W.80KEW8. of Doer tuber, 1KTS, and 10th day April, im, 1, iui administrator, de bonii Don, of William T. Jnd-klns,, wilt eel at public outory at the Ar I i lisi'n iu the city of Monlgowcry.

Alabama. found to-day a more peaceful and progressive people than those who dwell beneath the genial sun of the South, TEllXl HAKS. on mondav, aim day oir NOvawuKn, im, There; is not a people more intent on Cash Store! Government All this however ia only in keeping with Jons BiiEBUiH's character. He la a parti-sac, sordid, malignant and unscrupulous be is a genuine- representative of Itadicalism. While he wiia on the stump in Ohio, cot long cincn, pleading to have his party put in power, ho boasted of having displaced Cob-and of having thereby saved the minding their own business, on braving like heroes tho difficulties that surround them, and on building anew their broken fortunes fortunes that a fratricidal war bad wasted and tho last vostigis of which alien and ill r'fiht, HUP, Interest and estate owned by said deunaned at llio time of Ula dtiath, In tho following d'norlbed lands, to-wit: Tho eaHt half bt icoliou twfiily- iliroo (E hf 8 'id), tho rant half of tha north wt (purler of section twenty-three (B hf of qr of 'i'i), the west hslf of the south went quart or hf of qr) and the north east quarter of tho louth weat quarter (X qr of qr) Of Motion twenty-four (W) In towntdiip seventeen (17).

and ranffo eluhteen (18), lying in tho county of Munt-gomeiy, and State of Aiubama. oontalnlptf 020 acre, more or leas! F- Ewatrj, Ak tV'fy, October 31, 1879 tlio Democrats of Alabama. MiraUud to lore undon. nothing thai it on fctolswrtUw triumph of ths Democratic party, talk IUUaa Presidential contest of 18S0, AcnaEhs bow effers to tend 1M Weekly ditloa aaralailj and of tW autscrlbers In Mrt of th. country who iubscrlb.

fcr it now ui MM I a. Hi tram now until Volmuj 1881, ftHMU regular ntacrlptlon prlo Cor oas year ntfltaa moalhs lor ono year's subscription. JMmoorats everywhere should Inform themselves ntnfmlly alike of ths action of loo party through-xt fee otruntry on of the movements ol Unlr Be- wicked governments, set up and supported by Federal bayonots, had well nigh swept away. Nor are Southern people peaoeful only in practioo. Never did any people TrrncanTaalo OaHi.

OrWBnawow WIXMAM T. HAT6ITKTT. HAM more heartily wish and pray to be at peace with their neighbors and with all the world. ling the resolution pniwd Ly the Council General of the Heine In favor of plenary amnesty. Other decrees bare diimlssed mayors for participating in fncllous maoU fcstntlona.

BrsMM, III). In tho Lower Hands cf the I'rutsian Diet to-day, liorr Von Koclir was elected receiving votes to catt for Herr Von llennlgaen. Hen Bauds (National Liberal; llui-ka the prorogation of Parliament negatives tho Idea cf Its dinolutlon at present. Loudon, Oat.

lit). A Taris dispatch reports that M. Leon Say said he was entirely opposed to plenary and the whelo lutniulry determined to oppose it. Minister Ka.ison is expected at Bucharest to formally rccognlzi lloumauian inde-pendenoo and to establish dip'omatlo relations with the United States. The Ameor has finally placed his abdication in tho hands of General lioberts.

In the Lord Mayor's court, yesterday, at the conclusion of tho case wherein books were summoned for exposing tho photo graphs of Bcmi-nudo Xalus, tbe summons having been dismissed, Aldormun Nottoga, who is a direotor of the oompany which printed the photographs, attempted to address the court, but was interrupted by tho Lord Mayor and not allowed to proceed. Notts ga insisted on bis right as a magistrate, to be heard. Loud applause, Tho Lord Mayor left tho court amidst loud groans, biases and cries ot "shame." Nottagasaid: "The Lord Major has been pleased to say that he would scoru to take profit out of such indcoent stufi." Here tho Lord Mayor returning, ordered They have bad enough of war, enough of United States Treasury thousands of dollars. Now he pleads with tho poople of New York to elect the oorrupt Cobnut, Gover of their State. John Shecman Euzi Ptsksion Old Hu Wells! Jensi! Conklimo! What a picture What a party A great deal of interest is new being ftl with regard to the New York election.

Not only are Democrats everywhere anxious to see the regular tick successful, but there is a good deal of curiosity and speculation on the subject Peoplo differ widely in their estimates of Jihn Kelliv's popularly, and are curious to see how much Btrenglh he will be able to add io Cornell. CtocrySalcofMalilBEealMo. In Cliniicorjr ot Slontgomory, Ala-baDta, lt4B 1 David turner, va, Hathaway Oremkaw and Mtchasl Davis. and by virtue of a decree rendered In the above statsd oause, by the Ohanoery Oonrt for Montiomerv oountv. at the Ootobor term there strife, enough of wrangling and wretchedness.

Their hearts long for peaoe A fallurt to tin In 1876 jfjrulnin MlriiTilttt neatly to the loss by th Democraoy of the sweet peaoe of quiet homes It and genial hearts. And there is peace in of, I will pi oosed to sell, on all the South, No honost man-no true woman can go into South Carolina, or Georgia, or Alabama, and othor s)utheru States, and htrnats Tlclory fairly won it the tolls. ilbJ oCir h) mad. to enable every Democrat to toko 1 iMdmg piper of hU psrty, to scours tie wife circulation of sound Democratic doctrines sad to propwo the wy for the'r triumph In IS. The Adiketisiu eipeols the active oo-operaticn of svsry Dsmoorat whose heart to In the mum In this effort to flood the country with sound ideas.

and SHO not be impressed with the quiet, the indus try and peaoo that every where prevail, Neighbor is at pence with neighbor. No MONDAY, THE FIRST DA 07 DliOKMDBB, 1870 at ths Arttslan Baaln in the olty of Montgomery, Alabama, within the legal hours of sale, the following desorlbod real estatate, situated In the oounty oi Montgonery and BUte of Alabama, to-wlt South east quarter of south west qusrtor, south west quarter of south esst quarter, and south east quarter of south east qusrtor of seotion twenty-two, township twelvf range eighteen in Montgomery county. Terms of sale Cash, V. V. ELMORE.

Register. OoU9dhtwkt-Frlnter's fee $9 Svery Democrat in the Btaio osn nuke himself osmpalga committee of tho mo efficient sort by allue to clroulat. tiit beet of campaign decu- 84 Commerce tho If iDTCfiTum. Lot biro do io atones. The Jury Muddle.

race fasuoe disturb the harmony of the situation. The white man from the North and from beyond the tiw, if he bo honest and industrious, fiada a friend and helper in tho native southerner, and aU white and black, native and foreign, find no fault, one with the other. They labor together in quietness and paioo. The convention of northern settlers, held in North Carolina some months sence, sought to assure the world of the friendship and kindnes3 that exist between southern whites and northern ssltlers. Montgomery, Ala.

Wholesale anil Mai. the court cleared. A soeue cl wild confu Tho Jury cises which hve been getting sion and tumult, with groans and cheers. soma Virginia judges into hot water, have, then ensued. Nottaga: Should you decline tu bear mo, and you are supposed to bo dispensing justice from tbat seat, I impeach you In the it ooours to us, developed moro than the usual amount oC Radical silliness where a negro is concerned.

Tlmt the judge of a naino of the citizens of London with having State court 09 hauled np before TUB lVOKKIMiMAX'H brought discredit on yonr ill mi, and with having violated a duty which belongs to FICO.U MHMIMlltJ. Memi-iim, OA. A. D. Proaidont of the Howard Assoolutiot), who accompanied a special train to liuriaon, has returned.

Ho reports T. A. Crow sick with fever, and In a djicc ooudiUou. Dr. Wise and a nurso were left there.

eight clues do-veloped, six died. No now cases or deaths have leen reported since yesterday. Tbe weather has again turned cold. Two now cases of fovor were reported this afternoon, viz Alfred Goldschmid acd John LarAhaucor. Both hare l)C6ti active workers throughout the epidemic The weather remains cool.

To-day the thermometer ranged between 49 and 68 do grecs. The National Hoard of Health will, during the month November, begin a sanitary survey of tho city, which woik will be supcrrUcd by Col. Waring and liej. W. H.

Bcnvaurd. As soon as the absentees have all returned home, an inspection will be made by tho National Board with a view to ascertaining what is needed In the way of proper sanitary improvement. This work will be completed about the of November, and the result submitted to Dr. J. S.

BUliuga, Vioe President, sud Drs. Johnson and Mitchell, members of the National Beard, end Dr. of Boston, who will vibit the city at tho period named. A test of Wolf river aud oiatorn water will be made by Dr. Sziitb, U.

C. A. Burgeon. Tho survey of the city will be made in com-pliauos with a request of the tiling district government. riiOJl WAS IN (i TON.

Wafiukgtcn, Oot 30. Jicob l'ulton and A. P. Siyera have been appointed storekeepers and gangers for the fifth district of North Carolina, acd D. A.

Cochrane to tbe same position in tho second d'strict of Georgia. FltOM NEW YOilK. New Yots, Oct. 0. Mortimer C.

TunisoD, tho well known proprietor cf Tunison'a notel, on tho old Coney Island roaJ, committed suicide with a razor to-day. The suioide is attributed to the less of bis favr-rito daughter, lie was worth about one hundred thousand dollars. He loavos a wife and two daughters. Win. Blaikie has written a letter to the firm which offered the pize in the raoe, iu which ho tays "IE ever man was iu a position where prompt and siraightforwnrei notion, waiving all quibbles, would do him credit, Charles E.

Courtney ia in tbat position now. Wise action on Lis put will soon put tho matter in good s-hape. If I can aid in any way becomingly, I wid. You, instead of urgicg suit uod furtlvr puffi ng your fihonld lio the 6ame." United States Court for refusing to tare oolored men plaoed on the juries, ia cot a Tho letters from northern in Georg'a, recently ptint6d, Authorized by tho Commonwealth of Ey. 14th that ancient chair.

men show is The court was then cleared amid groans, In three dayi of political trickery, ft true friend In tba time of ueod, is a friend Indeed; fliicli a matter to be wondered at, when wa aon-6ider that it affords an opportunity of rusk the same pleasant and peaceful dition in that great Commonwealth cheers, hisses, cries ot "shame" and a great uproar and excitement. ins a little oapital for tho Kepublioan party, A supplement to tho London Gazette and keeping up the Beotional agitation which is the life of that party. DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM for the LUNGS Popular Monthly Drawing of ths COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO At Placauley's Theatre, Id the Olty ol Loulartlle, on NOVEMBER 29th, 1879.

TBE3B DRAWINGS, AUTHOB1ZFD BY ACT OF THIS LKGIHLiTlJltE OF 1869, AND 8DSTAISKO 11 ALL THE 00URT8 OF KENIUOKV (ill fraudulent advert'ssments of other Lottery compa publishes a proclamation again proroguing Parliament until December Tho proclamation is in tbe usual form, but docs not contain tbo words "For the dispatch of business," which would be necsssry if tho It must be looked on as being a little sin- golar in the first place, that any white or black, could consider in- session was contemplated DCfoie (Jlirlstmaa CHancery Sale ofMaalilB Real Estate. In Chancery at Montgomery, Ala. -NO. Jossphine I linn, by her next friend ts. Bunberry Fiino, as administrator, et .1, and Mo.

11M, -J Buntorry M. Loulna Barber etal. UNDER aid br virtue of a decree rendered in Ihe above atatod causes on tbe 26th day of October, I will proceed to sell on MONDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER, 18T0, st the Artesian Basin, In the city of Montgomery, Alabima, to the highest bidder, for cash, the low It wing doaorlbed real eBtate, lying In the county of Montgomery and Slute of Alabama, to-wit The south west quarter (s qr) and the north west quarter (n qr) of soctlon twenty-nine (s 2ii) township fifteen IS), range seventeen (r 17) in Montgomery oonnty, containing three hundred and twenty ncres, mom or lets. Terms of Bale-OASU, V. M.

ELMORE. Reglstsr. fee tl. KoUce or Conmissioncr's Sale. IS pursuance of, and In accordance with the tern: and directions of a Oommineion isaaod to the undereipned by the Ucn.

Chap. W. Buckley. Judge of the Probate Oourt of Montgomery oonnty, bearing date OatobrrST A. 1879, we will proceed to sell to bifthcBt bidder, at pnbllo outory, between the legal hou of sale, at the Artealan Basin In the city of Montgomery, for cash, ou SA 1 1 ft DAY, THK 22ND DAY Of KOVEMBEB; A.

1. UVJt thn followlnjj dorcribed real property, to-wll NWqraud hf otHEqvot neolion 2'i; and qr of 8 or os Bection lft all in townehlp IS, range 18 all lying in Montgomery county and State of Alabama which land are sold under an order of Baid Conrt for vhe purpose of a divineon thereof, to-wit tho heirs of the estate of John Courtney, decerned. M. KIRKPATRICK, VV. h.

OHAMBKR8. J.T. MAY. BILLO. 8MYTH, WALKER 8ANOKRS, Ocmmiesloners, WatlB Sons, Attorneys.

jorcd by not being pUoeil on the jury, as it is not usually considered a Tery desirable pieoe cf or one to be eagerly In his annual report to Congress, Secro. tary Sherman will recommend the passage of a law enabling him to continue his ro-fuudirg operators. Very little of our dobt comes due next yvar, but in 18S1 of bonds, bearing 5 asd per cent, fall due. If these are funded, as they easiv ly can be in 4 per cont bocdj, it will pavo ths country at least a year in inten si. i i ii immtMn Says the Detroit Free rrest The Romans thought the killing of a father so dreadfully impossible a crime that they had no naruo for it.

In this oountry it is apparently becoming so common that it hardly needs to be disticguiehedfromotherkindsof murder. The oase of G-iun, in Massachusetts, is followed by that of Noller, near Cleveland, this week. Iu both these cases the parricide was promptod by avarice an inordinate desire to possess the property of the father. A third instance happened also in Ohio, near Delaware. Smith Harriott is accused of shooting his father on Thursday, by reason of some family trouble.

When to these crimes are added tbat of Fitcb, in Michigan, who killed his littio daughter, and of the Illinois farmer, the same week, who also shot his ohild, the record of unnatural crimes is becoming gravo onough to divert attention, for a seasou, from the misdeeds of tho Southern people. Tke Xorth Pole and Equator Are uot more widety distinct ttaa the etetK'ard tocic, stimulant end alterative, Hoeterter'e Stomach Bitters, and theheap and fiery Icc-il biUprs which unscrupulous vendors foist upon the unwary ia medioated preparations with remedial properties. The latter are usually composed ia the main of tulf recfiHed alcoholic- excitants, with some wretched drug combined to disguise their real Ihvor and are perfectly ruinous to the coats of the itomhch. Hostettei's Bitters, on the has fcr its basle choice spirits of absolute parity, and this is modified and combined with medicinal extracta of rare excellence and botanical crigin, wbli both inrigcrate and regulate the bowels, etomach and liver. They effect a rftdicei change in tho disordered physical economy, which is manifested by a rpeedy ImprcrcmeLt ia tho genera health.

CAUTION! Do you wish to have your hair cauterizad rem A dispatch from Cabnl to tbo Daily Standard says Tho population of Oabul is quiet, but Ihero is a sullen calm, beneath which is hidden a deep hatred cf British dominaticn. The Cabuleso nro kept down nies who claim the sole ownership of "all theKraots in Kentarrkr," to the contrary, notwithsUndian.) OOOUB RKODLAItLT ON TITE LAST DAY OF EVEBY MONTH (SUNDAYS Einil'TED,) AND ARE Sni'KKVISED BY PB01I1NENT CITIZENS sought but this is a matter of taste. simply by fear and would mo if tliey a chance of success OF THE STATE, A New Era in tlie History of I.OTTBKIE8. The parties to a suit have rights in this matter, and a defendant in a criminal prosecution certainly has certain well defined The Daily News Bays ILe further proro It la ft tniro cure for CONSUMPTION, COUGIIB, COLDS, ASTHMA, BKONOH1TI8, HOAK8ENEH8, and all discatvoa of tbe IrniRi, Cheat and Throat, Thie well kDown remedy has been need for thirty yean and has cured thouaanda of many of which were Riven up as hopelea. No cae, however obfttiiiat, oan reclst the healing properties of Dr.

Wm. Uall'rJ Balsom for the LuDge, Trial Bottled will be furnished gratniU ounly to all who ire afflicted with Lung tnd pectoral diseoaca. Rrmrrcler that it la tho por s'tttcut ure o' Haicaia i-urta tho worst cases. JOES F. HEKBT, CUR'S AN Solo Fropropriotors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YOKE.

(rand and I nprcrrrlentcd (Success of gation of Parliament throws doubt upon but does not absolutely negative the proba rights guaranteed to him by the Constitu tho Aetv icaturcs. Every Ticket-Holdor can be his own Supervisor, call out his number and see it nlsced in tho wheal bility of its speedy dissolution. Many peo pie still believe dissolution win bo tion aj well as by statute in all tho States of the Union. This constitutional aid statutory prjvia'oi secures to nounocd on or before Monnay. and there are, it says, rumors that the Cabinet will undergo the most vital ohange that can The Management call attention to the grand opportunity presented rf obtaining for only any of THE FOLLOW1NO tulZtS 1 Prlne $30,000 1 Prise 10,000 1 Prize 8,000 him the right to be tried "by his peers, affect it.

'ibis is supposed to mean retiro- SUPERIOR NUTRITION THE LIFE." 10 Frizes oaoh 10,000 30 Frizes 400 each 10.WX) ment of Lord Beaconsfield. Kuinorp, how-i ever, are discredited by all papers except and it is just here that seme of the strangs ideas come into play. We all admit that a criminal Is entitled to this right of trial by the Daily itews. PrtuatVK) Prizes United States 41 pnr cent, 1 Ofli! new razes no leos the caee In Alabama. A New Erg-land lady a well known teacher rcoontly returned from South Carolina, hero she spent the summer, gives the through the Ration, the results of her observations in that State.

Here what she ears The charge in the oondition of thiEg) during the last eighteen months is positively startling. is difficult to know where to begin. F.very one seems hopeful, and, better still, busy. The negroes are working cheerfully. If tho wages be low, so is tho living think of good chickens for sole at ten oents a pieoe It does cot pay to rob a hen roost.

The iarge estates are being cut up into small farms, owned indis-criminately by black and white. I drovo through the country districts, through lauds which only ft little while ago was covered with oaks and pines. Now I find little homestoad-s with gardens and beginnings cf orchards in some cases, pathetic attempts at "decorations." For the first time in my experience, fruit, vegetables acd chickens were doily offered at trie door by negro men and women. I saw few or no idlers, and heard no expressions of discontent. The increased earnestness and hopefulness of the young white men is most encouraging.

They no longer direct, acd oversee, but literally put their own hands to the plow with honest pride in the work. They work during the day in that burning eun, side by side with the negro, in perfect good comradeship. The great want of the State is capital, and must flow in when the futuro is assured. Outside ioterference in politics will be ruinous. It means accentuating the color line; it means arraying labor against capital, ignorance against educa tion.

The misfortune for South Carolina is tho coming Presidential eleotion. But for that the names of Republican and Democrat might be erased from the spelling book. If she were not needed for party purposes, she might be left in peaoe to bind up her wounds. Now one last word as to security of life and possessions: The contrast here is in favor of South Carolina as against my own New England. In a Connecticut town, last summer, I kept a pistol as a comfort if not a protection.

In South Carolina, not a tramp all summer, acd no 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 1,800 wo a jury of peers, but it socms to us that this can mean nothing more than that tho members of the jury should be men who poasess all the civil and political rights of the acts fives,;. Madrid, Out. 30. 1,000 Prllel 10 each 9 Prties TO0 eaili, Approximation a Prizes a-0 each, 9 Prizes 100 each, There have been heavy rains throughout tho entire country. At Malaga a wcter spcut uprooted troes and injured many per- WHO Prizes 1112,400 Whole Ticket Si.

Half Tirketg 81.00 55 Tickets, 100. All applications for clcb rates should be made to sons. At era, in Almcria, a river over imperial mm flowed and flooded tho mines, throwing 1,500 men out of work 21 persons were uie norco omce. Full list of drawing pnbllshed inLonlsvllle Ccn drowned, and 30 horses earned away. The Great Hediciual Jfc'eod.

tsr-Jonrnal and New York Herald, and mailed t- Calvas several lives were lest, and one houso au ucset-nolders. For tickets and information ad-drees T. 1, COMUEKFOBP, Courier Journal was destroyed. Marauders are taking ad wiuiuutg, ujuuviue jkemnosy. seps vances ol the disaater By plundering prop The SalvatorforJntnluh and the Aged.

An Ineorn-pxrahle Aliment for the Growth and Protection of Infants and Children. A Superior jV tritire in Continued Ftrers and a EtliaUe Jiemedial Agent in all JJUeam of the stomach and Intestines, rplIIS justly celebrated Dietetic Preparation is, in erty. The Saragossa ircelcna railway is submerged for a distance of six'een kilometres. jjrnii.ii.iiiyinc uluteh derived Irom the White Wintier Flint Wheat Ckreai a solid Simla, Oot. 30.

extract, the invention ot an eminent Chemist, It has THE KENTUCKY LITEKAHI J0UKNAL not only been highly recommended, but certified to by Sir Frederick ltobcrts, by crdcr cf the Augusta, Ga Oct. 'M. Walter Lynch, a mosaenger of tho Southern Express Company, who about a year ago reported the loss from his oar, while between Yomassee and this city, of a package containing $25,000, aud who has since been imprisoned on a civil suit entered for the recovery of the money, was tried in the Superior oourt of this oounty, and the jary this morning rendered a verdict against him for the full amount to be returned by Lynch within twenty during which time he remains in iil. The case excited great thescilp? Ko! Then, bewtre of ths netrtrood of vitriolic and caustic dyei got up by ncstrum-mongers, vho the simo relation to the responsible chemist that riUATi.S Al IMS 1 ATE Ell bear to housst merchantmen, Eemcmher that the experience of years and the very bighest fclentifis ondorscmsai the enperiority of CRISTADGBO'S HAIR DYE, over every other in nee. It is purely vf getab'e, in fallible and instantaneous.

Mannfactmed by J. CBISTADOaO, So. 93 William Street. T. Sold by ail Druggists.

Applied by al 1 Hair Dressers. Viceroy of ludia, bns issued a proclamation lor the purpose of moreMlnc the cirnnlntfon of their paper, will distribute Cash Phemidms amoun ing to raneinR from $10 to to BuliBcrlberi. stating that, in oonscqnonce of the outre go CASH PREMIUMS. a imu I'liysiciaas repre senting a very hih deqree of medical science a the Safest, Most Acceptajle and Reliable Foal for the iwcth and Protection of Iv fan in ami Children and for Mothers lacking iiujjicient Xomishhiad tor tiieir offspring. Unlike those preparations made fmm or vinous matter, whidi arc liable to the hrain ol the liritish residency, and the abdication of the Ameer, the British gjvarcment has 1 Cash Premium (MM) been compelled to oocupy Cabul and other 1 1 1 0 Cfiah PromiuraB or.

parts of Afghanistan, ice proclamation anu irritate me iwjjestivc organs, it embraces i in il 5.0UO l.OOO 61 IO 1(K) 60 in elementary composition requests the Afghan authorities, Chiefs and Sirdars, to continue to maintain order in their respective districts Rnd invites them strong Rone and ZTusrie. That Chancery Sale of Valuable Personal Property anil Real Estate. In I hancery at Montgomery, Alabama, 1189. DiUard Jones vs. B.

F. Randolph et als. UNDER and by virtue of a decree rendered by the Chancery Court for Montgomery county in the above stated cause on the 32nd day of October, 1879, 1 will proceed to sell, on MONDAY, TBE FIRST DAY OF DK'JEMBEB, at the Artesian Biein, in the city of Montgomery, A'abama, within the legal hours of sale, to the highoBt bidder, for cash TirBt Two engines and boilers, steam saw mil', grist mill, gin, and planer and ecrew, and all tools, running gear and implements used in or about the said establishments, situated in Chilton county, Alabama, on certain lands hereinafter described. Secondly The following deecribed real i state, nituated in the county of Chilton and State of Alabama, to-wit All that part of the south east quarter of Bonth east quarter of section thirty-five township twenty-two 23, range fourteen 14, lying south of the eighty feet street leading weet from the Court Bouie Square, In Qlanton, and west of the South North Alabama Railroad. And also the north east quarter of north east quarter of section two, and that part of tbe north west quarter of north west quarter of section one, lying west of the South Korth Alabama Bailroad, in township 21, range 14, containing in all seventy (lb) acres, in Chilton oounty.

(formerly Baker coun-tyV Alabama. Terms of sale Cash, V. ELMORE, Register. Octrtidhtwhlr Printer'efee $12. Administrator's Notice, NOTICE is hereby given that on SSth day of Ootober, A.

D. 1879, letters of Administration with the will annexed, on the estate of Gilbert Long deceased, were Issued to na, the undersigned, by Charles W. Bnokley, Judge of the Probate Oourt of Montgomery county. All persons having claims against said eBtate ro-requlrel to present the same within the time prescribed by law, or they will bo barred. Persons indebted to said estate will moke par- merit Tn n.

cased. But the Kepublicacs go further and hold that a man muit be tried by a jury of his own oclor, and Attorney General Dkvess, when pressed with the questioc, stated that any man had a right to demand that the jury before whom he was to be tried should be composed cf men of hU own race and nationality I If suoh an absurdity as this should become a put of our law, we see no end to the vexations and complications that would follow. Ii most communities a jury of colored men could be empanelled to try one of their own race, but how about other races Suppose, for instance, a Chinaman in New Yark or Sin Francisco is on trial i for his life, and the Sheriff empanels a jury of Chiueee, a majority of whom do not the English language and have not the remotest understanding of American law. They would certainly bo the "peers" of the prisoner, but wouldn't the trial be "confusion worse confounded," to say the least of it When judge, jury, lawyers or witnesses could not understand what the others were saying, it seems that Justioe would be a little liable to get mixed. Again, as we have people of all nationalities among us, it might, and doubtless would, sometimes happen that a man a Turk for instance would be aocused of a crime, when there wouldn't be enough of his people in the oounty, or in the State, perhaps, to form a jury.

In that case the only way out of the difficulty that we can see would be to take the prisoner on an exploring expedition over the country, picking up a "peer" here and there until a sufficient number were found to go on with the trial. tV)i cn waxes zcoaj'ltsn una IHooa. Ihativhich easy pf Digestion never constipating. That 'iV is kind and friendly to the Brain, and 7VW to a joint consultation with Gen. iioberls.

1,350 1 OOU 4oO II 151) I (Ml 00 acts as a preventive of those Intestinal Disorders It promiEes justico aud kind treatment to tho peoplo of the country and suitable rewards beggare! Our household was composed or three women, the servant sleeping in the Axsafolh, Oct. SO. Mrs. Frat-k Ciiaire, living at Curtis Creek, Ante Aruudel county, shot her husband yesterday afternoon, ami then shot and instantly killed herself. Mr.

Chairs, it is thought, is mortally wounded. 5 IO Preminms amonntlnir tn 1 lut.f inctaensai so f-nitanooa. And. while it would le difficult for loyalty acd faithful service, but threat will be distributed by lot, in public, under supervision of men of high character and undoubted BUndiag, at thing in Food or Dessert more creamy aud uuLiciors, or more nourishing and strength kning a an ali. yard.

Oar bouse is a little isolated, v. sat or slept with doors wide open until late into the niEhts, acd wo never one mo ens the punishment of all offenders against iimngion, neniucxy, nui x-jt inv( We are authorised to dlstrlbut nhnra pMminmi tn the British administration. After the Coun ment in I-'er-ers, Pulmonary Complaints and General Debility its Rare Mrdicinal Kxcel- Sontli Korth E. B. Co.

CEXERAL OFFICE. EONrGOHEP.r, ALA, Oj. 20th, 11 a Annual Convention of the EtccUiolfiers of the Bonih and Nona Alabama Railrod Company ill ba held at the office of the Company in the city of Montgomery, c-n tiatorday, Ngvtiuber 2ytli, 1879. H. M.

BTT3H, CctSlld Secretary. cil to which the Afghan authorities and ment's uneasiness. It is truly a pity for South Carolina it nubscrlbers of our paper bj an act of tbe Knmckj LAfdslature psased at Its December session, 1677. MTOn receipt of 8 we will send one ticket which will entitle the purchaser to a chance which may secure any one of the above Cash Premiums, and also the Litkbaat Joukxal for one rear. LEMB til ail INTESTINAL DISEASES, especially lit Chrc-i: CUrrluta and Cholsra Icfintsa, Ghisfs have been invited, arrangements will be made for the permanent government of NcBroLK, Oot.

30. A lot cf cottcn on a flit car train lying at Portsmouth took fire this afternoon. The a pity fcr the South it is a pity for the lias been incnttsiably Proven. too country. fire department was called out and saved all but about seventy-five balos, which were auuiwa ilu uruera io J.

.1. HJETSC1T, Mnnoier, PJ). Box 1 IB. Covlne-IOD, Rendickj. Republic that such a condition of peace and progress and development must be dis Havana, Ojt.

30. burned and damaged. The Spanith consulate at San Domingi Sold Wholesale and Retail by D2U0GICT3 AITS PHAEMACIST3, IN TUB turbed acd destroyed by the slacd.js, the falsehoods, the unspeakable meanness of reports to the Government that the ports of Administrator's Notice. Ooden, Uxah, Oat 30. Puerto Plana and Monte Christo are declared blockaded on account of the rebellion.

the Conklixos, the Sheomasb and Blaines. PRINCIPAL CITIES of the UNITED STATES A special train with Gen. Grant and par ty on board passed here this afternoon. It The blockade goes into effect for vessels JOHN CARLE SONS. NEW YORK, All over the North the Radical leaders the men whom we have earned and others like NOTICE ishsrebyglvon that on tbs 8tti dsyoj October, 1879, letters or Administration on tho estate of Alexander W.

McDids, deceased, were Issued to me, the undersigned. In my capacity as general administrator Ior Montgomery oounty will reach Omaha about two p. m. from the United States tuirty days and Irom turope forty live days. them holdup the South to the "loyal' multitudes as land of murderers, cf trai Umoial accounts from tbe Eeat of the in tacory Sale of Vale Real Estate. uj uariwj n.oucsioy, uage OI me i'ro- bate Oonrt of said oountv. Philadelphia. Ool. 30.

It. Sattold, I'oUon tominiSHlou Buyer. 71 OUTRE Contractu bocght or sold through reiia-' ble New Soik Houses on 00 Octtiti Kennedy, West 22 Market Street WILL sell at auction on MONDAY, XOVEMBEtt 21.D, at 10 a. 5 dozen arm chair; 4 hair e'eth sofas; 1 hair cloth lounge; lollies desk 1 pair platform scales; 1 heating stove; 2 sets newhainys; 1 sidesaddle; 3 carpets and ether articles too nomeroiu to mention. OctSlUl surrection continue very meagre.

It is behoved, however, that the insurrection is Isaac Jacobsoc, the sailor recently con tors, of rebels, ready and red hot for seces All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same within the time me- Ktt lam n- .1.. I i bpicp, Klssam T. J. Burton. victed ct me murder, at sea, ot Charles D.

gradually dying out. sion, for bloodshed for everything horri decree rendered at Ihs GEORGE G. LOm WILLI AM B. Administrators. BY vMno of a November terra, auiuvvi vj stt, vi ri un rtHl.

Persona indebted to said eatate will make pay- isroozs, toe mate of the ship oea King, on Ojt29cw 1818, for the sixth district ble in hell acd hateful on eertb. With them the 17th of last August, was sentenced to OotlBoawQw Admlniatrator This may all seem ridiculous, but it is the party is above patriotism, power above Ciianccry Sale of Viable Real Estate Hont hero chancery divtalon of tbo State of Alabsnw, iatlie can Be of Spies, Kifftim aatDnt T. J. Burton, I Bliall proceed to Hell at pnbifc actiorj, at the Artfsiau Barilo, In llio city of Montgomery, day to De nanged cn tbe 30tn of January. Of the other sailors convicted of man legitimate results cf Deyiks' admission.

everything sacred or profane. Truth, hon-eBty, decency, the constitution, the Govern To the Ladies! slaughter for participation in the killics of IcwiK Owen vs. A. Uc3hee. i-suitu mg ICjaM 1-1 vui a ui caic, uu THIKD MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1879, Brooks, Karl J.

Granford and John Stark TTNDEK and by virtue cf a decree renderfi ment, the countryall are as nothing com tains the 17) day of said tim fniinminr. were sentenced to imprisonment for ten years each, Axel Nyberg to eight years and STATE OF ALABAMA MontomeryCo- Probato Court-He gular Term, Continued; October 2lBt, A. D. 1879. Present-Hon.

O. W. Buckley, Judge. THIS day came Sarah M. Harwell, administratrit a U).

MMon Harwell, deoeaied IrlST? 64 Court for consideration ii approval his sdd itatirm in by the Chancery Oourt for Montgomery Gaunty, Alabama, in tbe above stated cause, on the The whole thing is an unwarrantable interference with State officers. In all the States, those who are entrusted with the business of drawing juries are required to place only good men thereon men of prob pared to the success of party and the at HVOWIVtU ItMl DWK) WKft! That certain tract or narral nn int infi Mnn tainment of power. Their party ubusjoi augusr, ittjy, i tutu proceeu to K9ii to the highest biilder, for cash, at the Artesian Ilaein, in the City of Montgomery, within the legal hours "uy uiiun im iuo city 01 Montgomery, au- the Republicanis a sectional party. EminolientMedlcated Face reter xtossmisson to six years. Cikcixxati, Oat.

30. The- Chamber of Commerce to-day ap w-wiB. (uiu uivca uiuairiy ueHonDea afi iojjowb B'CfInnini7 at a tinint. nr. foot ity and intelligence, and who are esteemed It is kept alive cow ty money and by lies ui Hair, uu THIBD MONDAY IN KGVEHBIK, 18T1, street aodiunnlnRBoulbalODff Holt ntiwrt rs fAt as good citizens.

If, in the exercise of this praying for an order to sell ell thepersonal propertv and slanders upon the Scuth by falsehoods more or lees, thence along Kobertnon 250 feet, more orlEBa, tbenoe 65 feet, more or less, thenoeeistto bolrg tho 17th day of mid month, the followlrg pointed a committee of five to co-operate with a like committeeof the Board of Trade as foul as ever fell from the lips of fiends. UIV JJlttCH UI OFRinillDg, uuBurioeu real estate, ijidk in tiie rounty ol Mont- duty, the offioers find it necessary in i any particular county to exclude oolored POWDER. in making arrangements for the rcceDtion "mkmjk me neirs oi said estate- whinh im specuon of all concerned; Cokeliko knows this. Blaise knows it of Southern merchants on the ocoasion of aiiub oi naie gatu, V. M.

ELMORE, Register In Cnancery. Printers fee people, they ought to do so, and that is all Sheeman never for a moment loses sight of tbe completion of the Cincinnati Southern guuiorjF, uiu mate 01 Atauama, io-wn hf of or, 8ection 14. 17-W hf of qr, Section 14, 17. qr, Section 6, 14, It 17. BE qr.

Seotion 6, 14, 17. I hf ot 8 qr, Section 0, 14, 17, it. All the Lucgry howlers after Gbast un- railrocd, which is now at hand. NTH BAT OP HOVEMBEB, A. D.

1879 Notice. STBASED from tie Fair Grounds Sunday, Octc-ber 96, one white flea bitten cow, moiey head, and one dark red jearling Any information regarding Fame will be rcwjrdcd by calling at llie Fair Grounds. g. o. EKID.

Octal For JSalc. Mr PLANTATION, eituated Iwslve miles from the ty of Mantgcuiery, on the Scott's Bridge Road, and within four honored yards from the Bailroad, between Sjlma and Montgomery. It consists of 1205 acres half prairie, the other half hara-mock und sandyland. About one-half is cleared, balance heavily timbered. It has a good duelling, good out houses, cribs and stables.

Water is abundant anl perpetual from springs and bored nells. It has also a new gin house and gin in first-rate condition. will sell the above place with stork and implements corn, fodder, or w.U tell the plantation separately. Teitts One-third Cash, balance in one and two years with interact, secured by mortgage on the property. S.

BCHUESSLEE. Oct31 there is about it. They would be culpable if they were to put bad men on juries to pander to any race or color prejudices, and this is just what Iyek3 and his tools are Newark, N. Oat. 30.

Containing in all (deducting 6.45-1O0 Acres jr rirh A SMITH'S W0M OIL! derstaod it thoroughly. Day and eight this whirlwind of corruption and falsehood acd excitemect must be kept up. Oaco let it cease occe let the hocest masses be The Episcopal convention of Northern new erBey elected Dr. Tnos. A.

Starkey, Terms cf Sale Cash. V. M. ETAKRE. Keele'cr.

Prinitr'sfeo trying to bring about or rauerson, Discop, on me seven in ballot Tbe election was made unanimous. As the signs multiply that Ghaut and hid plundering gang will again be forced upon the Republican parly, the drawing tighter brought to see the situation as it is occe let them see the ambition, the deceit acd deviltry of tho leaders whose dupes they Administrator's Sale. Is allowed by all Ladies to be New OsiEAua, Oot. 30. A fire to day damaged one hundred bales of the party lines begins already to appear, fTiHE undersigned, administrators, with lh til of cotton, on the levee, which was turned annexed of Gilbert Lomr.

dscetKPil. nnilir oclMw8' Prb1 MWomerVooui'ty. out of the steamship Athens. llio Best Ever Introduced. It soothes and Eoftens the skin, removes freckles and the open confessions heretofore made of Gust's otter unfitness for the Presi uruBr ui uie i-rooaie uourt ol Montgomery county, will sell at the late residence of the deceased, In Indications point to the closine of Dublin vuuiu in un wiuiiy, near Alueus, on schools for two months, unless the teachers Slate of Al anaina Montgomery County VllDE3DAY, DECEMiKB 8UD, 1873, dency are lost sight of, with mere partisans, In their fear and hatred of the Democrats.

consent to work for nothing. and tan, it Imparts whiteness and delicacy to the the personal property of said estaU, to-wtt Alabama State Pair! iiourt or Term Continued Present, Hon. .0 W. Buckley, Judge. 1 mare.

1 horse, 10 mules, 1 yoke of oxen, 6 cows nnd calves, 16 stock catlle, 32 goats, 21 hogs, farming implements, blacksmiths' tnolH. hnnnniinlri nn.l Boston, Oot. 30. Dr. Daniel F.

Kimball and Midamo Car hands, and gives smooth, delicite, transpartnt and ivory-Uke appearance to the face and neck that no other powder ever produced. A mere partisan, and one cf the narrowest tort, at that, is ex-President Wooiszi of Yale College. This narrow and overs rated man now weakly says, of the prospect oline 0. Goodrich, reoently convicted as rnma a wciooer ntn, a. D.

1879 Thomas Means EretS principals in tbe Jennie P. Clarke murder Uriiartuient K-Clasjs 4. FLOWER QABD1X8. Tb3 first nremlam of 125.03 will be camnrtpft tar kitchen furniture, wagons, 2 bnggies, 1 carriage harness, saddle and bridle, plantation bell, 8 gins, Sgln bells, lhorie grist mill, 1 sugar mill and evaporator, 1 cider mill, 6 hives ot bees, I show case, scales and store fixture. SI ml-a of iflii Sent post-paid to any address on receipt of 60e that he will have to swallow the dose have been, acd they would drive the scoui-drels from their presence acd from the high places they have pulluted, as Chiht drove the mocey changers from ths Temple they bad dared to profane.

But the trouble is the masses of the North are beside themselves. They are under a slrargo spell. They turn a deaf car (o the voices of Reason and Righteousness. Their minds are blunted and blinded by Fanaticism; their hearts heave with hate. They bow to the beck of the most oorrupt and unscrupulous leaders.

With ths banner of blood waiving above them, they are marching blindly on to centralism, to imperialism, to anarchy, and utter ruin. But we do not despair of the Republic Baiaed must be brave as ever. Ssxuocit must stand np for the country. Hasocck and Hampton, and all the coble by non-resideat (of Montgomery) proffw tonal cultivators, and the and, Srd, 4tb and 5th premiums will be competed for by amateurs in this yards oenabnrgi, shirtings, cottonadw, soop.cof- I hops cot I do sot want Grant I do or each box. wjjycrti, iiju OUiBr Stt.CieS, I ClOCK, 1 gold not like his tastes.

But I would rather For sale in ST. LODI8 only by The Executive Committee havtav arraniml with luias 5M no It Is hereby for tt. I87'l, tion thereof, Mr. Halfman of taiscity to make one of his grandest displays of W. H.

co 'ierms cf salt Caeh. arowEfl. Losn, WliXIAM It. WJi.lEIt, Administrators, J. B.

Troy, Altlormy for Administrators. ClotSllcw FLOWIB8 and ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IS JOTS, Athjcnb, December 8, 1878. A few nifatS Place I aVH tnv imi rma rlnu nt h. oc given by publication fm iiTL 'ung usreor, miieADvii ndpubllahed lrTt" corrnti Stat, of Alabama "4 No. 413 Noith Fourth Street.

jnaldwhy he not making any entry for preminrns. but to be present, taking charge of. and giving attention and ure to all contributions in this class. Worm Oil. and Uie next day he nasaed nixtron km have Grant than even Bayard.

Thai is to say, he would prefer a coarse, Intemperate mm of low tastes, who as President was surrounded by the worst ffaBdering rings this country has ever been sensed with if he is only a Republican to on of the purest men and most respected statesmen in the country, if the latter is a Democrat The declaration is not credit" tjbte one to Mr. Wooiakt. appear befor. this SALE OF VALUABLE EEAL ESTATE. oase, were this afternoon sentenced, the former reooiving six years in the State's prison, and tho latter ten years io the House of Correction.

It is stated that Kimball, to avoid sentence, attempted to out his tbroet Pabkih, Oct 30. An incendiary fire this morning destroyed every building on Front and Railroad streets for three blocks. A high wind prevailed and owing to the scarcity of water, little or nothing could be done to arrest the flames. A portion of tho town, lying between tbe Mansion House and Wilson Mansfield's dry goods store, and from the river to the bluff, was obliterated. Over one hundred buildings, comprising the principal business houses, were burned.

Tho hillside and river shores are lined with homeless families. The loss is estimated at $200 mm worms. At the tame time 1 gave on to my little Rlrl. four Tears old. mil hAnatuui aiht-v flu.emoer.

rwvaaut-iu WVIHH from four to fliteea inches long. cause. If any I here be. ihi i 'ere to be suted tQcova not andallowtd. and ahowed TTHDEIt and by virtue of a decree of Pie Probst CJiancery Sale of MuaMe Eeal Estate.

In Chancery at Montgomery, Alabama, (No. 1373) uourt. rendered on the 21 of Jod. WORM OIL for Bale br Dniauirt DMnnkllT. Pm.

mi uay ci uccemrer, ion, we wlii aeu on For 4'Isas 3-Ieiarf merit I KHXDLZVfOBK. Class 1, -t and 3-Departmcnt fi. F1'X AATS. The Committee will ttraride a rnnvninnt Mnm In llct aontgomery Oounri. pared by E.

B. LYION, Athena, Georgia. adllct leaders of tho North and the South, must WEDNESDAY, THE HIKETHEKTH DAY OF H0VEMBSH. 1S79. Iinso B.

Faunce and Mllo Barrett, trustees, vs wuunjuiiiBry nster norss vompauy 01 the the Cly Buiidincr. at Mr. OfTutt's Nan rm at auction, at the Artetian Basin, In the dly rf let their voices ring and their shine out over ths land as never before. Despite the corruption and falsehood and baneful State or Alabama MoiitomerytCoity. UNDEB and by virtue of a decree rendered In the above atated cause on the OKth nn- for the receiving and returning all articles iu the above classes entering them by a eci-etary aud then tending them over to the Exhibition n.

uujtiuuiy, aispams, tne loilowing ersenbea real estate, belonging to the estate of Henry p. Lee aod Mrs. Elizabeth E. No i ton, deceased, situate In Montgomery oonnty, Alabama, tn-wlt: The 8 hf and the bt nf the hf nf 1 1 tober, 187S, I will proceed to sell, on Chanceiy Sale ofjalnatile Eeal Estate. I Chancery.

10.1346) TV" Inra V.Bankey, vs. Jam th. above W.O of ud Ohanoiry 0atol, procd ZZF Montgomery conn-' erdslng the samecare as If they ware entered at the The Darlington (S. Aam, takes note of the Improved condition of the oolored pseple to that county. It says that nearly tH of them own horses and cows, and many erf ttWB own land, and that some of the twl owner no longer depend on liens, but MONDAT, THE FntBI DAY 0E DE0EMBEB, 1879 Probate Coart Bognlar Term, Continued.

October 13ii, A. D. 1879. Present Hon. O.

W. Buckley, Judge. Influence of the Radical leaders despite the folly and fanaticism of their followers, the Republio can and must be saved on me ior me convenience of clti-sens who cannot deliver them on the (irounds. Th hf of sr otlon 14. The IS qr of scctim 11 The at tne Artesian Basin, tn the city of Montgomery, Alabama, within the legal hours of sale, tor cash, the following described property; to-wtt: Th.

U.HM tL'atAa COBBT.0T1ON IS SPEID UBNUIKO. Tim day came Hall Windom, admlniatrator of iheeHtateof John W. Wiadom. deoeatMd. anri Thursday.

November 13th Trattlnu On of the most recent and patent Ulass jw.n3Hiw una uuurv lur uuaHuerauoB ana approval hi application In writing and under oath uiuum react, ior Btamon triaL Have made aeaeon In A'abama, mile hets best three In Ave to harness. Four to enter, three to VWk (bsu lands with their own money, t4i jsry for their provisions in cash. Their mi sj wall as their pecuniary condition is praying for an order to Bell the uorsonal nronnrtv therein doacribed belonging to aaid ettate. forthe Alkbam, tb toii "on'gomery, atari, aiw sue nrsi ana s-xi to second. gswilto HArniHIs.

trations of the otter depravity of 3cm Staxaitu is his present attitnda toward Mr. Ccbnzll, ths Ookkuko candidate for Gov purposes oi amsion among llie heirs of Mid estat, which la examined br the court and nlarad cm ai rw in ui uie vi qr or section 13. Tne of the qr of section 18. The 8 qr of the qr cf section 13-sU In 20. Aud the hf cf the qr of section end the hf of the qr of section 6.

13, 18. Also ths 8 qr and tne qr of the qr of section 33, and the hf of the 8 qr of section 81. 15, 1H. and krnim as the "lee and Morton UinUtioD," bnd the Hog Creek Place, near Pine Level, in said county. Terms of rale Onethlrd cash, balance iucne tnd two years with interest and approved seonrltv.

BEIKY A. LKK, As Executrix of H. 1'. Lee, dee d. decUJhtskt n.

B. HTJGHE9, Adm'r Est of Mrs, Elizabeth Norton, det'd. There is less stealing, churches nwu v. BVUVIUIWJ, U1UUU nil of Its traotliises, rights aod privileges, to. gether with all Undo, hoses, punips, wells, machinery, pipes, reservoirs, belonging thereto.

Also every thing connected with, or used In tbe using, operating and repairing of said Water Woik. or appuneuuri thereto; and all of Its rights of way, mains, rents, lewrvmtlona and reversion, of every rwture and kind whatsoever, including all property ot every kind of aa'd Montgomery Water Works OOTnpsny, and Its rights fraochw. and privileges, V. M. KLMOBE.

Register in Chancery. r'l fee for the inapection of ill oonrernr d. Premiums will bs awarded, according to the largest and beet display of macnlnes and the merits to-wlt: anu Bute of Alabama; bf of qr of Md.ou JlS 2 J' Km J0W I sad veil supported, and news- ltiBinereioreoroereii, udjadgeatsd deoreed ot the Court that the ma perioalosH are liberally patron oi cue woti executed. T. O.

FOSTER, O-iWl Secretary. "on ao-BErirof 13TH DAY OF NOVUM BEIt. A. 1879. puftJiuijr lusureu.

FOJKEJOX NEWS. Halifax, Oct. 30. The storm of yesterday was felt severely iu the eastern portion of the province. At Port Mulgrove a terrifio hurricane from tho east raged all the morning, doing much damage to buildings and wharves.

Several schooners are ashore at Hastings and one at Cape Jack light. Seven buildings wero blown down. Buch a severe storm was nev-er experienced before in tbat section. At Port Hastings scarcely a beilding is left uninjured. A cumber of buildings were blown down at Caribee Oove and Port Eioh-mond, Much damage was also done at other polntp.

Paiih, Oct. 30. An official docreo has boon issued annul- sett the mm oi section be and It la hereby aet for the hearing aod consideration of said petition, and that notion of thfi lino 01 of Ik. f.V House for Kent. Zi.T."a of sectien of aald petition, and the diy aet for tbe hearing and determining thereon, be given by publication PPLTat JCDOI BXBB'd ernor of New York.

It Is well known that he dismissed Ccbhzll, through the agency of HaTD, from the cmtrim -house in New York, upon the ground of corruption. He claimed that Gobssxl was himself utterly unfit to bold position In the custom-house but now Bhixxas again leaves the business Of bis office to Washington, In order that be ma; meddls with the politics of New York, and aid ia putting into the Chief Magistracy of that State a nan whom he has already A ur uux wstk in tne Advertiser and Mall, a newspaper printed and pnbllahed In the city and county of Montaomerv. Htata of AiafaamK. nn. riuwm mm uaan.

V.M.ELHOBE, OelHlal kt-Trliitw. Iu tt. E'tM, Octwhw I TH'iMtin mma ia Ohio bu ra-iriwnwitir of tioublt of Bottling T(4 fliMttrw Tlx diflenttj ofseloet-- II I Bum'- that Stat I ftwPtsWfXlii thoMe, and Mtt the Ba- wrUai. aamttiHnn ftwn FINE WHISKIES B. SELECT," THIS special brand of line whleky baa the en donementof tn moat diacrtminatina lmian For Rent, tlfylng all persona interrnted, to be and appear before thle Oourt on aald 13th day of November, A.

P. litre, then and (here to show oauie. If any there be, FLOUR. "EAGLE STEAM." TniS brand or Sour Is specially made to onr own order, and for oar own choice trade, and we oheerfnlly recommend it as the best brand in this market for the piloe. WILKIKLON.

106 107 Commercs Monlgeinsry. MaySSwhj 117 ma vimjvw vi mmiu pauuon inouia not be uwu aua aaia npu property ordered to be sold Jhronthont Ihe South. It la eatontlaliy a high gzadc flTWO dseuaWe bed room. Also, two nice rooms cn second ftr, suitable for office Apnlyto T. O.

BIKOHAW, J9ct tad Perry Btreet. artioie daaurned for family U. W. BUCKUEY, i Jndfre Probate Oonrt. Uontinmarv Wblw.y.

spwirM MayWwhy TATtTM WaKINSON, OoUlwct Commeroe Montfonifry, ana iu OAlLm Mica, 1.

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