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Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin • 2

Eau Claire, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EAU CLAttE, WISCONSIN. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1943. EAU CLAIRE LEADER Analysis Rail Wage Ohenfrs sspcaron VJpens Menomonie Dept. Dunn CROP Drive 1 Progress Reported and cash totalling 9947695 hav thai si been turned in on th CROP drlv and ther are 10 towns and Villages' still to heard from, according to County Judge Carl E. Peterson, man of th campaign for Dunn county, Mid-Summer Conference Here to Speac at Banquet LAWNS eared for while yon are on -vacation.

Dial 4408. HAVE YOUR Tlmken oil burner cleaned now. Majtag Sales. INSURANCE Ed Beftmana. 471L WOMEN OF, the Moos.

Ice cream social Thura. afternoon and eve. at Mrs. A. Ill Lak st NO ONE undersells on tires.

Remember Kesslers 3rd st. MULE HIDE ROOFING and aiding, -also built up roofing for Hat. roofs. Free estimates. Applied by Cornell Roofing Co, D.

4224. the assistance of those who suffered from the devastation of the past r- THOSE REPORTING Value of th commodities given thus far amounts to 83,646.60, while th cash receipt ar 93,630.49, Pet eraon Peterson ha peraonally checked every donation to ace that th gift wss properly credited to th distribution service tor which th don-or intended it, such as th Catholic World Service, th Lutheran World Relief, Catholic War Relief and American Overseas Aid. Rep resentstlves of thee groups, will se to th distribution of th donation received In their name, Peterson pointed out Efforts will be mad to hav en carload of th commodities donated and purchased by th cash donations loaded in this vicinity, Peterson said. Cost of such carload will be 89,000, be said, and it may be necessary to join with another county In making up the load. The Crop donations will tha am as the friendship trains which hav previously been assembled and dispatched to foreign lands for Town OmsMdity Cass Colfax 9346.50 9 55.00 Dunn 37860 Eau Oalle 322.00 Elk Mound 37.00 0 rant 168.00 Hay River Menomoni 518.30 Rock Greek 15 00 Stand Creek 687.00 Spring Brook, 344.00 Talnter.

lutw Weston 90.09 Villassa Colfax 9553 93.00 Boycevill 9254650 936030.45 95176J5 Th towns which hsve not suit in reports ar New Haven, Sheridan. Wilson, Tiffany, Otter Creek, Stan ton, tsnennan, Peru. Lucas, Red Cedar, Bailey, club secretary and treasurer, tor his servics as secretary Total' 9301.60. 01.81 480 JS' 301.25 423 152.00 179.00 29950 46450 38.50 3850 166.00 68350' 165.03 180X13 616.03 130300 336.00 WM 46X0 159 00 314.60 344A0 9653 52.00 Noreen Retires ds President of Mdnoirioriie Rotary Club Transports Fly Cargo Into Berlin British Join U. S.

in Moye By GEORGE BRIA BERLIN, (API An Anglo-Amer. lean air caravan of more than 300 transport planes cams to the res cue of beleaguered Berlin Wednes day tn the greatest air ferrying operation in peacetime history. Russian authorities, who clamped an overland blocked on the German capital affecting supplies from the West ten day ago, apparently now have, added a water blockade to the land siege. Want Deeda In answer to a Russian promise that the overland blockade would be lifted as soon as possible. Col.

Frank L. Howley, U. commandant in the German capital, said: "We want deeds rather than words." The British roysl air force, Joining the Americans in the ferrying operation, flew 100 transport plane into Berlin Wednesday. They prom ised to duoble the number by the end of the week. The U.S.

air force which launch ed the air operaUon last Sunday, had sent 125 transports to the city by late afternoon. More were on their way to Berlin's Tempelhof airdrome carrying vital supplies tor the people of the city's western sectors. Night Flying U.S. authorities at Tempelhof said 157 planeloads of supplies had been received during a 34-hour period up to midnight, Tuesday, The Britlah said they would fly their transports at night, as the Americans are doing, and carry enough gasoline to avoid refueling delays in Berlin. Witnesses at Oatow, the British airfield, said Dakota and York transport planes landed at that base Wednesday at the rate of one every six minutes.

The water blockade waa report ed by a British officer in Hamburg who said the Russians had halted the movement of barges a 'on? the Elbe river, Previously the Russians had permitted a few barges to tu tor through to Berlin. Malor Qen. E. Herbert. Brit ish commandant in Berlin, express ed commence that the airborne lifeline would build up supplies "to last a long time." Bridge Players Boast of Hands FORT MADISON.

la, (AP) Four bridge players told Wednes day of a bridge hand wnicn got them so excited they forgot to plsy it. After Mrs. William Ltndemon had shuttled the cards and Mrs. C. W.

Welsh had cut the deck. Mrs. Milt Richardson dealt the cards which fell-13 clubs. 13 hearts, 13 diamonds and 13 spsdes. Tb two day mid-usmmer conference of the Wisconsin Sheriffs' association opened here Wednesday with en attendance of about 75 sher-4fT demitles and their ladles.

The meeting will conclude- with. a banquet at tne Hotel eu ciaire tonight at which Oovernor Oacar Rennebohm will be the principal mnkir. The public la Invited to attend the banauet and hear- the governor's nwrh. Ttrlu-U mil be obtained at the registration desk of the Hotel Eau Cialre up to noon today. Sheriff Lloyd Thompeon, au Claire, association oresident.

will nrttntde at the meetings first of which was held Wednesday at the hotel followed by a meeting of ih nsMutlva committee. Elmer R. Honkamp, Appleton, executive vice president, una mat eeverai mv-tera of business will come before the meeting today including i ranlullnn rMommendlna leilisla tlve action In banning ao-called questionable literature and movie I li ma. roeram Listed Wednesdays program Included registration at the hotel in tne morn, the afternoon meetings of mm beri and the executive committee followed by. a dutch treat dinner and dancing at Scott' night club.

Today'i program lists a gen era! meeting at 1p.m. at the hotel, a round table discussion con ducted by Orover Brosdroot, the attorney general of Wisconsin from I p. m. to 4 m. and the convention banquet and program, Officer at the conference include Pre.

Uoyd Thompson, Hon kamp, William 81ms, Superior, vie president Leslie Rocktescher, Waukesha, secretary, and- Miles Sweeney, Janes vllle, treasurer. They were elected at the annual meeting last January ana serve one year. Beside the officers members of the executive committee, also" at the meeting here, Include Floyd 'Bannister, Washburn, John Hard-grove, Fond du Lac, Donald R. John, Marinette, John M. Jones, Juneau, Robert J.

Matheson, Racine, and John Schroeder, Eagle River. i' Feraaer Coaaradea Meet Highlight of the registration was the meeting of County Traffic Onl car James O. Golden, Eau Claire, and Deputy Sheriff Cyril Hoebreckx of Marinette, It was the first time they had seen each other since a July day In 1M4 when both were wounded In a battle with Japanese -forces on the Ttnlan Island in the South Pacific Oolden was the first to identify -Hoebreckx as a former comrade of the South Pacific campaign and the reunion of the pair was enjoyed al- most as much by the spectetore as the participants. Hoebreckx, who was a ergeant-major at the umt, was put out of action by the concussion of heavy shell while-Golden was wounded the same day. He was returned to a hospital lor medical attention and Hoebreckx returned to the lines after a few days' rest.

"I sure was surprised to see Golden at the conference here," Hoebreckx commented. "I had no Idea where he lived and I did not recognise him until he had spoken to me." The former OIs spent a couple of hours bringing each other up-to-date on tach other's activities and expressed mutual surprise that both had landed In law enforcement jobs. Police Probe Background of Slain Pair Conference Recessed Injunction Plea Decision Awaited WASHINGTON (AP) WhlU Bouse conferences on the rail-wage dispute were recessed Wednesday to await a court decision today on the government's plea for a permanent order against a railroad strike. Heads of the three unions Involved and representatives of major rail lines met with Presidential Assist, ant John R. Steelmsa for several hours Tueseday and again Wedncs-- day.

Th union chiefs told reporters there hsd bees "no progress' but Alvanley Johnston of the Locomotive Engineers said he still is hopeful. The other union leaders are David B. Robertson of the Brotherhood of Firemen and Ens lnemen, and Arthur J. lover of the Switchmen's union. Justice T.

Alan Ooldsborough will rulein U. 8. district court today on th Jus tic department's petition for a permanent "no strike order. Th army is running th railroads and ths 180.0;o members of the three unions hav been directed by the court to stay on the Job. The anti-strike order will expire, how-aver, unless Golds borough makes it permanent after today' argument.

Th three brotherhoods hsd threatened to strut May 11 after refusing to accept a 15 ft cent hourly pay boost agreed torby 18 other rail unions. They wanted that figure raised to a point now reported, to be 16 or 17 cents higher and they also asked certain rule changes which would. mean still more money for their members. A Strike wss headed off when Prealdent Truman took, over the lines and gavs control to the army. The government also asked and got a restraining order to keep the workers st their Jobs.

Federal Judge T. Alan Golds-borough is due to decide Thursday morning whether to block off a walkout by a permanent Injunction. Union officials says that if Golds-borough dissolves the restraining order, they feel the 190,00 members of the three brotherhoods will be legally free, to strike. It wss hoped that steelman would make that an academic Issue by squeezing out an agreement before then. Body of War Dead to Arrive in Chippewa CHIPPEWA FALLS.

The body of Staff Sgt Robert F. Danenberg, eity, who was killed In action while attempting to rescue a wounded comrade on New Guinea, on Dec, 38, 1912, will arrive, in this city for burial today. Church bells In th city will toll, this morning at 10 o'clock to honor the arrival of the body. The funeral will be held Friday morning at Notre Dam church st 9 o'clock. Sgt Danenberg is the son of Mrs.

Ann V. Danenberg. city. Cold Strike' in Electrical Firm Called NEW YORK, (AP) A nationwide ballot by the Association of Communication Equipment workers (CIO) has authorized the union's bargaining committee to can a strike against the Western Elec-trio company, th union said last night Ernest Weaver, union presiflerit said the members 'voted four-toon to authorize th national bargaining commute to call a strike "should such be necessary" to forc union demands for a 31-cent hourly wag increase. Weaver said the union would begin what called a "cold strike" today.

Union member will carry placards listing their grievances In front of "every prominent tele pbon exchang ln the country where curmember art employed," Weaver said. Th union member manufacture and telephone exchange equipment Weaver emphasised that the men carrying placards would not constitute a picket line and that they would not attempt to influence persons against entering telephone buildings. The Western Electric company Is a manufacturing subsidiary of the American Telephone and Telegraph company. Weaver said a strlk would affect 30,000 installara of heavy telephone equipment In 44 states and th District of colujiUaa added that th union 1 fre to strike any time after today under its present contract With the company. Weaver Said average hourly wage earned by ACEW members waa 81.15 and that more than halt of the men receive lea than 61 an hour.

He said th "company had refused "even to make aa offer." Company officials wer not immediately available for comment Sign up or th Payroll Savings Plan for regular, automatic purchase of U. 8. Savings Bonds the part of your take-home pay that GROWS. V-T Cominform Act Cloudi Red Issues BT J. K.

ROBERTS, JR. Perhaps to save face over failure to unseat the Yugoslav government or perhaps in an effort to keep a highly offended Tito from pulling out of tha Russian sphere, Communists now appear to be swinging ever to the lis that psry matter Is not necessarily factor In international relations. So many ingredients have now been thrown into the stew created by the Cominform attack on Tito's regime that, aa la frequently the ease when Communist ideology runs tip against political facta, it doesn't make sense. Balkan Bloe Tito's party ssys it want to be friendly with Russia, and in the asms bresth blasts intervention in Yugoslavia's Internal affairs, calls for a stronger army to maintain independence, and returns to the Mosoow-dlsupproved campaign for a Balkan bloc. And, of all things, the renewed Balkan bloo appeal is addressed to Bulgaria, which is ruled by George Dlmltrov, Tito's rlvsl for first place in southeastern European af fairs.

Bulgaria is also the only satellite which is historically pro-Rus. slan. (Belgrade's reference- to In. chwton of Albania in the bloc means nothing. Albania already Is a Yugoslav county.) Bulgarian View Bulgaria has had so Urns, to reply regarding the block, but says with one side of her mouth (her government press that the International crisis within the Communist party baa nothing to.

do with continued close Yugoslav-Bulgarian relations. From the other side of her mouth her all controlling Communist national front formally approves the Corn- inform blsst against Tito. In other places, too, including Moscow, Communists would have you believe that the Cominform action was merely a part of communism's normal self-searching and an effort to prevent a brother from following the wrong track, not an effort to break his back. They apparently would like to for- getthecall Issued to the Yugoslav party, whicn was forcefully rejected, that it rise up against the leaders who were conducting. a "hateful" policy toward Russia.

Marshall Flan Effect It may be some time before we are sble to separate the real from the seeming In this crazy picture. The Marshall plan seems to be having its impact Tito's on willingness to fore collectivization on his violently opposed peasants is a factor. Moscow and Oeorgl Dlmltrov both seem to have become painfully aware of Tito's size end independence. He has flouted Andrew Zhdanov's "thought police." Set-back in the Communist-sponsored Otilk civu may be involved, You could go on listing the angles ail day. Only on thing Is -absolutely clear.

There is a crisis in Com munist-sphere a tr s. Handled properly, it may result In great profit for the anti-Communist world. The tTnited States has moved quickly to reach a financial settlement on war-sequestered funds which may net Tito some ooo. Other blandishments from the West undoubtedly wUl be offered In an effort to make his spilt with Moscow final. There is a bar possibility that Yugoslavia, once.

considered a rock-ribbed bastion of Russia's new empire, may be the first satellite to be rescued. Ole Brevick, 69, Dies at Hospital Ols Brevick, of 538 German! a resident of Eau Clair for the past 30 years, died at Luther hoipU at pjn. Wednesday. Surviving art his widow, Grace; two brothers, Louis, Nelfon, and Albert, Durand; two sisters, Mrs. Tom Glblen, La Crosse, and Mrs.

Anns Jeniwald, Jamestown; N.D. Funeral services will held Friday st from Stokes and Bon funeral chape), the Rev. Joseph Ran-gen officiating. Interment will be In Forest Hill cemetery. Friends may call at th funeral chapel this sfternoon and evening end Friday until tuns of services, Silent Screen Actress Jailed HOLLYWOOD, (UP) Silent Screen Star Alberta Vaughn was sent to jail Wednesday for a year because she got married.

The actress last week married John Robert a roofer, without getting permlssln of th county probation ottic. Terms of ber probation on drunk driving required that ah consult with authorities before marrying. The actress pledged that eh bad quit drinking since sh met and married Thomas. Th young roofer and Mia Vaughn teerfuliy told each othey farewell a sh was led swsy to qounty JalL Yenng. Man Geee Weal INDIANAPOLIS, (UP) Horse Qreley SUunps took th advice of th famous American for whom he wax named.

eluded Indian tut prison guards and headed west. He was. serving a two-to-flvi year burglary term. Delay Seen in Declaring Vet Dividends WASHINGTON. (AP) Veter ans: that dividend you've been ex.

pectlng on wartime Ufe insurance policies may not be declared until 18J0. H. W. Brelnlng, veterans administration Insurance chief had nothing to say, but a VA spokesman conceded that such delay Is likely. Fonda Aaked The agency asked for 37.364.000 as a start on the Job estimated eventually to cost 123,000,000 of auditing National Service Life Insurance records and preparing dividend checks.

Officials expected the 17,364,000 to last no more than six months, when another appropriation would have to be requested. Congress appropriated (2,861,000. VA had estimated that the re quested appropriation would enable It to add 2.7C0 employes within one year or 5,400 for six-month terms to take, care of the program, and possibly to start paying out a divi dend next summer. "Nobody knowa how much the program will be delayed under the" entailer appropriation, but It's chylous the Job eaa't be done as Initially plea-ned," the spokeamaa said. There's sn estimated in the national service life Insurance rand.

It Involves more than 30,000,000 active and lapsed poli cies, with a number of veterans or their heirs due to collect dividends on two or more policies each. Dividends Vary Individual dividends will vary with the size of each policy, the length it was in force and the age of the insured. "The veterans administration Is going rtght ahead with its employe training program, even though on a smaller scale than had been anticipated," the spokesman said. "Right now we are teaching teachers' In what they are likely to encounter in auditing premium account records. "After these persona have been trained they will the 13 branch efflcee, probab- ly a boat Aegust 1, tm recralt and train the peraonael we will need." AandahJ Cinches Dakota Nomination FAROO, N.

Oov. Fred O. Asndahl last night cinched the. Republican nomination for re-elec tion over a triple alliance oppoat tlon Including the Nonpartisan league, the North Dakota. Farmers union, and organised labor.

Victory to the Republican organising committee leader seeking a third term was conceded by fats league-endorsed opponent, Ervln Schumacher, Drayton fanner, Schumacher wired Aandahl his congratulations after 1,873 of the state's 3 367 precincts gave Aandahl 63.239 votes to 09,580 for Schumacher, Helium Is now used to Inflate airplane tires and to treat respiratory diseases. iff -1 i I PARTS AND REPATR9 for any make of furnace. Hovland Sheet Metal Works. Dial 3-18W. BRIQUETS 11640 per ton.

Dial S329 Midway Lumber Fuel co. CARPENTER Work. Remodeling, skilled workmanship. Dial 3-8873. TILE with all steel Luster-Ule, can be installed over old plaster, veneer or any smooth surface.

Wide selections of colors to harmonise with any color scheme; 18 months to psy. For estimates D. 33543, fan Claire, or lit Chippewa Palls. MERLE NORMAN cosmetics at Room 315 Culver Bldg. Eau Claire.

D. 34994 Beauty Glow, Altoona. KESSLER SERVICE Station. 3rd St Have the beet tire deal in town. WAVETTE BEAUTT ahan wflf tut 'closed, from July a through July 10.

GET OCR ESTIMATES An types Of wiring, electric stovs and hot water heaters. Chefs Co. D. 612J days, 24204 eves. LLOYD'S Cameo Room closed for Vacation July 1-thru July 7.

Open.Thursdsy July t. RECEIVE on Idle funds. Citizens Loan Co, 116 Orandi.ave. DO NT SPOIL your 4th with poor unsafe tires, Ksssler Standard Sta. 3rd st PERSON'S CURTAIN Service, Pickup and, delivery.

Dial 6788. JUST ARRIVED. Mora ahnrt n.4 -peddle pushers. See our slack suits ana piayjuiis. weraons, water st OPENTNn Artlitia Beantv fihonne.

1134 Eau Clairs st, Man, June 3. D. 3-5011 Raedel, mgr. FOR RECEMENTfNO furnace, D. 3-1 St Hovland Sheet MetaL UPHOLSTERY uid CarnHn Duracleaned in.

your home. No harsh aernbhlne en hrlnkln Sn mildew or "dry rot" from soaking. Twist pils retains twist Sizing not disturbed. A nation-wide certified servtce. u.

auu. FILL YOUR coal bin now while prices are still down. Evans Lee Pbon 6146. RESSLER SERVICE Sta. 3rd st Is under new management Drop in and acquainted, CLEAN BURNING furnace coal $1350 per ton.

Dial 832 Midway Lumber Fuel oo, BUY COCA-COLA from your dealer at 11 per case of 34 bottle. ACE CURTAIN Laundry. 5 day service. 413 Bellinger, a 8929. PLACE YOUR ORDER early for homebaklng for the double holiday.

Open all day Saturday. Kraft Shop. D. 833J. FRENCHXE8 Tree serv.

a 40 NOTICE Th telephone number for dependable carpet dt furniture cleaners has now been changed to 3-2854. StiU offering the best for less. FORFEITS BAIL Harold L. Itompsoo, 37, of 107 Randall st, orfdted baa of 14.45 -on a dis orderly conduct chargs. Be was rrested at a ninth ward tavern at 1:13 a Wednesday.

refused to leave when employes attempted to class the place at 1 sin claiming his right to consume th. beer he hsd rdered prior to- closing time, police eported. tTNNIA plants and new Phlox. bert's Gardens. 5524.

FISHING TACRLE Let Us equip you for your trip over the Fourth. Henry's Sport Shop. 811 Galloway St, across from Maloney Funeral Be Held Friday Funeral service for Arthur T. Maloney, 48, will be held from the Oolden Funeral Home Friday at 8:45 a. m.

and from St Patrick church at 9 a. th Rev, Francis Brsdy officiating. Inter ment will be in St Patrick's ceme tery. may call this afternoon and evening at the funersKhome. Th rosary wUl said there today at 8:30 pJrt.

Mr. Maloney died Sunday at Victoria. British Columbia. Son of th 1st Mr. and Mrs.

James Maloney, was a former resident of Eau Claire. Surviving him are three sisters. Mrs, Herbert Couture of this city. Mrs. William Chatwln of Fort Al berta, Saskatchewan, Mrs.

Mary McNsughton of Seattle. Washing' ton, and two brothers, James of Seattle, and Leo of Vancouver, onusn coiumoia, Th average adult bsart I about five inches long and three and a half, inches wW and weigh about tea ounsea, and as a Kotaian. How to become president of the Wisconsin Bankers' association waa explained by A. Vogtsberger, elected last week to that office at the state convention of the assocls-tlon to Milwaukee. Vogtsberger told of the progress that must be made through long years of work on the committees and in the offices of the county, group and state association before the final stei la taken.

Such a presentation as that oT the. 60-year certificate as a Wis-consin banker made to Ole C. Eau rud of the First National bank of Menomonie. must be seen to be appreciated, Vogtsberger said as be told of the thrill be experienced In witnessing this honor to a Menomonie bsnker. W.

Zabel, Vogtsberger nounoed, has been appointed to the most important committee Of the state association, that on bank management. Bailey told of his attendance at the Rotary clubs of Denver and Pueblo, during bis recent va-cation, and recalled that his son would be teaching this fall In a school in Pueblo in which he taught when be mad hi aUrt--: 5 Henry Becker was the guest of Bailey tor th day and Nolan Bailey wa the guest of Nels Anahus. WO- lis E. Donley and AL Bruaen tele- bratd4beir birthdays. At the com-J.

elusion of Noreen' talk he turned -the gavel over to O. M. Russell', who will assume the office at the beginning of the new Rotary year next week. Vet Help Needed for Legion Fete MENOMONIE a of Menomonie and vicinity are needed, to help with th celebration at the fair grounds July 3, 4 and 9, Com-. mender James Donaldson of the Hosford-Chase post announces.

Those who are willing to help are asked to notify Harry Olson, Also Tlleeth, James Donaldson, Leonard Engnell or O. E. Slpple as to the time they will be available. Dunn Court Hands-Out Traffic Fines MENOMONIE Walter Otto Price, Route 1, was fined 375 and sssessed costs of 83.96 in county court yesterday morning on chargea by the City police of op- crating a car while under the influence ef liquor. He was granted an occupational license for the op-, era tion of a car In Dunn, Eau Claire and Pepin counties in his occupation as a farmer and labor- er.

Earl O. Danielson, Yakima, waa fined 815 and assessed cosU of 93.95 on city police charge of reckless driving. crashed into the left sidewalk railing at the east end of the Red Cedar bridge at Riverside park. He explained to the court that be had fallen asleep just prior to the crssh. Grant Williams, was fined 610 with costs of t3 S5 on city po- lie charges of failure to yield rlht ef way to another motorist A -charge of reckless driving was dls- -missed on motion of the city, 3.

ptML-l-a fine of 89 and costs- of 93 on county police charge of operating -a ear with Improper license. MENDMONIE. Declaring his faith in the value of thanking the men who have assisted on the committees of his registration with particular reference to Ted Bayer and A. Richardson of the program committee and Nels An shus, Al. Brusen and Dr.

W. Harrington of Qie musio committee, John Noreen completed his term ss president of the Menomonie club yesterday noon. Noreen paid tribute to Paul E. New School Districts Set in Chippewa CHIPPEWA FAIJJU-The Chippewa County Committee on Education, nutiM Tiwuia. n'ffhL drew orders authorizing the formation of eight new scnoo.

aistricu in cwimj. according to Theodore Sorenson, Af SchOOUL who released the orders Wednesday. The reorganisation will affect a total of 32 "dissolved" districts, including 31 rural and ons village high grade school, Sorenson said. Orders for formation of eight new districts! game out of 'Tuesday night's meeting of the county com mittee, wnue on new oismci was formed at a meeting of the jtown boarda of Birch Creek and Cleveland to make a total of nine districts. The county committee, meeting in the offices of the county superintendent of schools, arrived at decisions which dissolved a total of 39 school districts and shaped them into the eight new units.

Ths decisions were reached fter weighing carefully the Information and recommendations gslned at public hearings, held throughout the county since Jan. 22. The orders, Sorenion said, have been mailed to all school and town boards of affected school It should be noted, Sorenson said, that the village of Cadott district was not but rather had two dissolved districts attached' to it in ail cases, sorenson Mid the old districts, with the exception of Cadott have been completely dissolved, and new districts formed from, their r. Nam Postmaster in Chippewa CHIPPEWA FALLB. Bernard H.

Young, well-known Chippewa Falls resident has accepted the appointment of temporary postmaster la th postoffUe, the U. S. Posts! department announced Wednesday, Young will succeed Frank R. Hughes who retired Wednesday after 15 yesrs of splendid servics la ths local offics. M.

Shea, who several weeks ago received a temporary appointment as postmaster for Chippewa Falls, and who resigned before taking the office, Wednesday said that he decided that he could not devote enough time to the posunuterthlp and still continue his tailoring business, so be withdrew his original acteptancs of th offic In favor of Young. Wednesdsy Yaung said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank Shea for his support in behalf of my appoihunsnt as postmaster after he decided to decline ths appointment himself." War Hero to Visit France LOS ANGELES. (AP) Audle Murphy, America's "most decorated soldier'' of World War left by plan Wednesday to represent th U. 8, army at Basil! Day observance hi' Prance July Helium Is th only element that doe not solidify whsa subjected to near-sero temperatures. St ri ke Perils London's Food Supp ly OREOON, (VP) Police Wednesday delved into the romantic pasts of a handsome boy and popular girl who had many other loves but were shot to death the first time they went out together.

Sheriff's deputies leaned to a theory that a Jealous suitor may have been responsible for the fatal shooting of attractive Mary Jane Reed, 18-year-old telephone operator, and Stanley Bkridla, 88, a line repairman. The two had their first date last Thursday nliiht. The next day Skridla's body was found In a ditch on a lonely lover's lane. He had been shot five times. Tuesday the body of Miss Reed, clad only panties, was found in clump of bushes two miles away.

She had been shot In the head. Polios established that both had been shot with the same .33 caliber weapon, but the gun Itself was sndth. t.ffiOe work on except the romantlo Uvea of the pair. alary Jane, blonde and pretty. was described si a popular girl who dttod many men in this area 4 a Rne for Bit sUoomool eshme ahsul ibmiu to C.

at Bus-t, wit of ttit IStnoaOole partmnl ot th Eau Otalr tatr la Mtaeawola Talrpbeae tisw. THE EAU CLAIRE LEADER and once told a friend that love 'em and leave 'em." fikridla was a handsome man. about-Oregott Who also waa said to have had a wide olrcle of girl friends her sad la nearby com unities. Police were Interested in the story of the dead girl's brother, Donald feed, 30, who said his slater ones tout him she bad Ron out with a man who kept a .33 caliber pistol In the glovs compartment of his car. However, Reed said he could Bet matt tht -man's arav fuNia orisa a 8M Wis aster as mm staas OiMlw.

sanaaMa. la (smiw a at ef Ceotms aurc a 117. evtm. tnn espy, ta v' nil la WiMonu wntil ISO U1 ef QaKei fwt. SI; I x.

A itrlke of London dock workers has threatened the city's supply of perishable food and meat. With 17.000 men out. the army has taken ever the job. This member of the swanky Coldstream Guards is loading tomato ott London wbart 131 IN l1 American National.

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