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Logansport, Indiana
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DEWENTER THE HATTER. THE NEW TEEATY. All Seem Satisfied With the Agreement With "Brazil, Its Effect on Other Canada to Be the Next Subject of Efforts at Reciprocity. consumption of lard. All the butter used comes from abroad, and heieto- fore principally from Denmark.

The importation of cotton goods amounts to about $20,000,000 a- year, and the United States last year supplied an amount worth only S8IS.700. England supplies an amount over 817,000,000. On Monday Next JOHNSTON BROS. "The Corner Drug Store: Johnston Bros, have removed to the Cor. of 4th and Broadway, (Strecker Building.) A pi and Complete Line of DRUGS ON HAND PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED.

IF YOU WANT A FINE DRESS SUIT OR BUSINESS SUIT 0 VE 0 AT, Fur, Beaver, Melton, Kerseys or any kind to suit the customer English or Yankee, any Manufacture, you can find it at 318 BROADWAY, Silk liaed and got up in the very latest styles to suit the purchaser. Come and examine Goods and prices. Goods sold in suit patterns or pants patterns at reasonable rates and cut and trimed to order. JOS. CRAIG, The Tailor.

I WHISTLE FOR D. A. A He has the goods and prices. Best Clock for the money. Best Watch for the money Best Spectacle for the money.

Best work done for the money. No. 41O Broadway. Tlie Jeweler anfl Optician, i D. A.

A K. E. F. KELLER Tailor, 311 Market Street. HOW IT MAY BE ATTAINED.

TVASirrxGTOX, Feb. matter of Canadian reciprocity is getting an impetus from the practical beginning made with Brazil. There provision in the Mclvinley law which will enable the executive departments to conclude an arrangement with Canada. Congress must first show a pathway. Then Secretary Blaine will undoubtedly soon find a thoroughfare.

The unmistakable favor with which the Brazilian treaty has been received gives some hope that Mr. Hitt's resolution or something like it will be adopted this session. Jt merely provides that when it is duly certified to the President that the Dominion of Canada has declared a desire to establish commercial union with the United States he shall appoint three commissioners to; meet those who may be designated to represent the Government of Canada to prepare a plan, which must be ratified by Congress. The Brazilian reciprocity treaty grows in favor. The more carefully the list of articles admitted free is ex-'' amined the more comprehensive the treaty appears.

The same is true of the 'articles on which the reduction of 25 per cent, is made. In ie circles the treaty is discussed with special reference to its bearing on othex countries. Brazil is in area and population by far the largest country in South America. Its neighbors can hardly afford to keep from following its course in making a trade al- lincae with the United States. Had the monarchy of Dom Pedro continued it is possible the intrigues of the European Governments would have prevented the consummation of any reciprocity treaty.

But the unfriendliness of the Old World monarchs and their tardiness in recognizing. the defeated its own purpose and made the Brazilian Government the more anxious to draw itself closer to the United States. In this country the treaty is looked on chiefly in the light of trade relations 1 In Brazil it is viewed more in its political light as an enduring alliance with the most powerful Republic in the world. It means to Brazil that no reaction will ever restore monarchical institutions and no outside interference will ever tolerated. The effect of the treaty on other countries will be roost marked in the ease of Spain.

The rich Brazilian sugar plantations can now be worked profitably, and Brazil can supply a fair share of the amount consumed in United States should the Cuban market be shut off. In the course of three or four years this'country would become independent of Cuba for its sugar Spain can never afford to permit The increased duty it laid on flour and other prodncts of the United States nine months- ago will have to be swept away and further concessions made. If this be not done "Cuba will enjoy a. free sugar market in the United States for nine months only. The arrangement with Brazil, in justice to that country, will make it necessary for the President to issue his proclamation directing the restoration of the sugar duty against such sugar- producing countries as have not come to time.

With free sugar the consumption in the United certain to be enormously increased, so that there will be no lack of a market or the countries which are shrewd.enough to take ad vantage of the conditions offered the United States. It is believed that by the admission of fkmr the United ought to its'trade with Brazil that article: Lost year the shipment, from this country was about 475,000 barrels. There-are large importations', of potatoes, which have to pay a duty of 5 per cent. ad valorem. potato raisers in the United they have surplus, can now dispose of it without increasing the cost by a tariff duty.

Hay 'is brought from the river Plate and oats from Scotland. -With a free market the 'United States can'pretty nearly meet that Of late years, the consumption of salt, pork and bacon. United States it ought to have''a, genuine booml v. The field for'agricultural implements will have to be studied carefully; as articles 'are required. The free admission of mining and me-.

ehanical tools ought to open a vast business for Amerjcan manufacturers. In sugar machinery there are immense opportunities. Railway'construction, material ought also to prove a profitable opening, for no will be required on it and several railroads are projected. Under the provisions admitting lard, hams, butter, choese, canned meats, fruits, vegetables and fish, manufactr ured cotton, iron and steel; furniture, carts and carriages, and manufactured rubber at a reduction per cent, on existing and future duties, the United States, has secured an: enormous advantage-. is.alarire GOV.

BOYD'S FIRST MESSAGE. He Advises the Jfebraskn LcgiiilRture Pursue a. Conservative Course. Liscow, hall was well filled Friday morning and the galleries were overflowing with those anxious to hear the new Governor's inaugurtil address. The message was listened with respectful attention.

Governor Boyd ccranseled wisdom, patriotism, economy and fairness in the work of the Legislative body, and pledged his hearty support to any legislation in that line, lie advised against any reduction of the interest rate on account of the fact that this was a new State and. in need of capital to aid in its development, but urged radical legislation against usury. He strongly advocated a reform in the system of voting, founded on the so-called Australian ballot system, advising against the enactment of sumptuary laws, and advised the Legislature to take the people at their word in the late defeat of the prohibitory amendment. He discussed the railroad question at some length, and presented the great need of regulation of the rate question so that cheaper rates might be secured, but rather advised against a maxLmxim rate law, and thought that a railroad commission elected by the people could handle the question better. He recommended a liberal appropriation for the Columbian exposition at Chicago.

He suggested that Presidential electors be elected, two at large, and the others'by Congressional districts. Bring your Girls-to Ajid have them fitted to a BIG STRIKE THREATENED. Over 17,000 Pennsylvania Miners Will Oppose Coke NEW YOBK, -Feb. Herald prints a Pittsbiirgh special which states that beginning Monday the Connellsville coke region is expected to be the scene of what will in many respects be the hardest-fought battle between labor and capital in the history of Western Pennsylvania, where contests involving great interests have for a generation been common. On one side will be ranged the coke operators, strong with the profits of 'a prosperous decade and headed by the representative of Andrew Carnegie; on the other side will stand 17,000 working-men, compactly organized and led by.

men who have the confidence of the miners of the whole country. The em- ployes, demand an increase of wages of per that scales shall be located'at every and that one of their representatives be permitted to stand at these scales to see that just weight is recorded for each car. The operators insist that instead of 'an advance in wages the workmen shall accept a reduction of 10 per-cent, and they decline to discuss the question. A Colored Man for the Cabinet. BOSTON, Feb.

Boston Courant, the organ of the colored people in this city, contains this week an editorial' urging the President to fill the vacancy caused by the- death of Secretary Windom by the appointment of a colored man" as Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. B. K. Bruce, ex-Haytian Minister, John M.

Langston, ex-Congressman Lynch, Hon. Frederick Douglass and Recorder James M. Townsend are named as men amply qualified to fill the position, Fatally Burned. CHICAGO, Feb. Anna Seil, the wife of a.pluruber living at 594 Seminary on a match and set fire to her dress.

She was horribly burned, and: her injuries are pronounced fatal. 'Her landlord, Mr. Nicholson, who lived upstairs, rushed to the burning woman's assistance and was badlv burned about the face andjiands. Eight JFiremen Hurt. NOBFOLK, broke out Friday night in a large three-story brick building on Hill street, which was entirely'destroyed.

Several other buildings woJ-e 'damaged. firemen were caught falling walls and all of them were seriously and one of them perhaps fatally injured. Loss, 830,000. Sad Affair at Cleveland. 0., Feb.

Annie and Johnny Freel, aged 5 and 3 years respectively, were playing with matches, at tfoeir home 101. Franklin avenue, they set fire to their clothing and the girl was ofatally lhe 37 very sa riously burned. Their mother was also badly'burned in trying to quench the flames. Now Constitu; Eon. Rio BE Assembly is still busy with the new constitution.

Many amendments have been made, and others are iinder. discussion. The-document, when completed, will be different in many important respects from the draft first submitted. The tendency the changes made is "to restrict executive power. Bequest to an Orptians' Home.

LA POKTE, FebT will of the late Mrs. Abigail Lougee, of this city, was probated Friday, and among its provisions is a bequest of to the orphans' home at Mishatvaka, in St. Joseph County. New a Spring Wrap. Mr.

Altman from New York will be with us with. bis Inimitable Line of Latest We are showing lots of new Spring dressgoods 315 Fourth Street EIGHT-HOUE LAW. The Senate: Engaged in Considering the Measure, A Number of Amendments Acted Upon Estimates as to What ft Will Cost if Passed. SEXATE PKOCEEDINGS. WASHINGTON, Feb.

Senate' on Friday resumed the consideration of the House bill for the -adjustment of accounts of laborers, workmen and mechanics arising under the eight- hour law. amendment reported from the committee on education and labor was It strikes out of the House bill the proviso that it shall be operative' whenever the Court of Claims shall find that the work or service was formed under any contract, express or implied, and the workman has been, paid therefor the amount agreed upon. Senator Sherman (0.) said that he would vote for the bill as it passed the House. He considered it an excellent Bill, recognizing as it did the general principle eight hours.were " Vmt nnt.denvinET the JVA a fair day's labor, but not.denying the right of men to work more, hours if they chose. Senator Vest (Mo.) to amend by inserting the words "without duress or coercion of any sort by any officer of the Government." Senator (JT.

opposed the amendment and suggested the substitu tion of the words "undue influence." Senator Ingalls (Kan.) inquired whether any "estimate had been made of the'amount involved in the bill. Senator Cockrell (Mo.) said that an estimate made by a distinguished member of tthe House of representatives gave the-amount at 830,000,000. Senator Vest said that Senator Merrill tad given, his estimate at and that Secretary Whitney had said that for the Navy Department alone the amount would be By unanimous consent Senator Blair withdrew the committee amendmenl and offered as a substitute for House bill the one passed by the Senate last It directs payment of a day's pay for every eight hours work of Government employes since June, lb6S, when the eight-hour- law was enacted. The Court of'Claims is to adjust the claims, on that basis, am no statute of limitation and no receipt for money.shall bar the right tore cover. Senator Dawes (Mass.) moved a sub stitute for that offered by Senator Blair.

It directs the p'roper a'ccountinj officers of the Treasury to readjust thi accounts of on the basis of eight lioursfor a day's worl and appropriates the amount necessary for their payment. Senator Dawes modified his amend raent by striking out the appropriation and instructing the accounting officer the Treasury to readjust the'claims an report the result to Congress. Ad journed. discussion arose in the Senate at th morning session over. Senator Ei rnunds' (Vt.) resolution providing to night sessions of that.body during tb remainder of the present session, wit a recess from 0 to 8 p.

m. The yeas antm nays were demanded, "the Vote resultir S3 yeas, 10 nays. The eight-hour bill was then taken Senator Blair ($: offered an ment limiting ite application to ployes of the lS avy, War and Postal de-1 partments. He had obtained information as to the'amount showing that it was about as follows: Navy Department, 000; War ffice Department, The lab. erformed in the naval service one under a written order pros emuneration for extra hours.

THE MAMETS. 1 Grain, Provisions. CHICAGO, Feb. 3. and lower.

patents, S4.50@4.75; Baiters', Wheat Flour 00 for Patents, for Clears. CAis-Kuled lower No. 2 cash, May, 97 1B trading at lower prices 2 and No 2 Yellow, 57c, May, No 2 cash, 433fS ic. Samples oa moderate oflerines No 3 3 White, No 2, No 3 slow and easy. No 2 February, 72c and May Saroplogl 73c lor No 2 and for No 3.

as nulot common fair to good, choice, MESS rather active i priceslower Prices langedat cash. for February a for March, and $9 00 for May. moderately active and pr lower Quotations ranged at 6254 cash for February, for March, and for May. Dairy, Packing stock Chickens per Live Turkeys per ID Live 7M. flue per lh Live Geese, S4 00 per doze; 'oiLS-Wisconsin Prime White, Sc, White Michigan Prime White, Water White lOic, Indiana Prime 5.

Watei Wh'te, lOc, Headlight, 1781 Gasoline, 87 degs, 14c, 7-i deg's, Niiphtha, 63 deg's Sc Spirits ruled firm per gal for finished goods June, $1 Augubt 'lower, Way, I1.08 ui Mo easy-. Noij4, BSJ 65o; steamer mixed, Western, steady I6.75@750 family SO 50 ately active new mess, old mess 10 53. extra Lard quiet, weak Steam rendered, tt Standard test. 74 Ba'oline, 86 Rilsollno, naphthfl, Live Stock. CATTI.E Miikrt only moderately Quotations ranged at OCX5 for oho fancy shipping Steers, choice do 20 Joi common to fttt 12 60 for butcliers Steers, Stochers, i Feeders for Cows, Bulls 13 Ou3i5 "0 for i il Cjheb,.

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