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The Oil City Derrick from Oil City, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Oil City, Pennsylvania
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KNOWN AND READ WHOEVER OIL IS PRODUCED OR REFINED THE OIL CITY DERRICK. ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE A I CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION Weather Forecast GeoeraUy fair; Friday thowert Uld thunderstorms; nut much change In temperature; buo SftU today ut liun at at 7:27. ESTABLISHED IN 1871. NO. 22,522.

14 PAGES OIL CITY, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 1933. PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS POST LOSES TIME IN SIBERIA OWING TO BAD WEATHER Forced To Land Short Of Goal By Clouds And PLANE DAMAGED IN COMING DOWN Leaves Irkutsk Three Hours Ahead Of Old Record By STANLEY P. B1CHAKD50N Associated Press Staff Correspondent MOSCO-A-, Poii. American came riow-n at Bukhlovo. Siberia, abous railey short of hb scheiuUd halting p-sce, Blagoveschensk.

at ":32 p. today Moscow Urn? (6:3. 3. m. E.

S. T.l, bat! weather forc- him to interrupt his round-the- vrirld flight 1 The plane, trie Winnie Mae. was eUsrhlly damaged in brushing againsi the treetops short- arrival at Rukhiovo. Ciouda ard mUrls forced the A lean to bus tb-i ground dange lv. hut despite i i a Flyer Near Exhaustion.

Post, who left Irkutsk at 7 a. m. Moscow time, -j-as very near ex- "r-iujtion he brought his ship riown ai the Siberian town between 1 Chita and Blngoves- having denied himself needed rest the route In an fffor-, lo set a new record the rMir.i-the-w-srid air trip. Hig arrival at Rukhlovn set at rrtTt anxleiira which bid been felt for his safety, was lone at Soviet air offlcif.Ia at Novosibirsk, Port' str.pped yesterday, had sent American flyer.

wa.i sighted at three points fcct-A-esn Irkutsk in'! Rukhlovo aj wsrd In which he at th MIGHTY WAGE LIFTING DRIVE APPEARSNEAR Johnson Indicates Approval Of Plan Is Imminent Supreme Regent HEARINGS OPEN ON TWO CODES General Campaign Is Awaiting Signal By President REPEAL OF DRY BROTHER LAW BY YEAR'S END FORECAST Battle Yet To Come, I. Still View Of Scott McBride TENNESSEE SET TO VOTE TODAY OF OIL CITY WOMAN IS KIDNAPED; HUNT MADE IN EAST Two Kidnapers Shoot Intended Victim Who Puts Up Hard Battle By JAMES COPE Associated Press Staff Writer Washington. July 19---A povrrfu to clasp the nation' Alabama, Arkansas In Repeal Column By Big Majorities Philadelphia Realty Dealer Is Seriously Wounded In Escaping Pair In Beauty Pageant of Bv the Tcss On the ba3 of the Alabama and Artsansea returns, wets stoutly re- a predictions yesterday that MISS 3IABT C. BUI-TV Mis? Mary C. Duffy, ot New; X.

was rD-clecied supreme gem of las C-thc-ilc Daughter: America, largest women's i ht workshops in a mighty. wage lift- organization In the world, in the peale bef 1 For the superintendent of the. Anti-Saloon League, said the "real battle" would be in the 30 states in which elections are yet to come. lie made no mention'of what he expects from Tennessee, which today, or Oregon, IS LURED TO NEW HOUSE FLOfCHECKED Texas Official Elated By Effect Of Federal Order embrace would tui; them free of the hours anrf working conditions in which are wte1 appeared imminent tnnlghi a the industrial administration. Hugh Johnson, the industrial administrator, save on indication that approval of the plan was near.

Meanwhile. alon? the wide numerous other activities went forward. They Included: Public hearings on the competitive rirawn up by (he electrical -workers and The specify minimum wages, maximum hcur- and various ether working and conditions which will become binding upon the whole Industry If approved by thr administration'. Labor Opposes gcalm Labor opposed the wages proposed In both codw. Shipyard cm- ILAWSTOEND SWEATSHOPS TOBESOUGHT rould "be ore th- year is over, drys F.

Scott which ballot tomorrow. Ir, contrast. Postmaster General Farlev predicted wet victories In both states. He telegraphed Demo- Legislation i Be Urged As Result Of Inquiry i Washington. by the first results of federal ef- choke off i i of H- 1 loyally produced oil Ir.

th" fluah Texas pool. E. O. Thompson, smber Harrisburjr, July Legislation to present Ir ccndJiica? In PenRsvJvanJa cause. Jouett Shouse, president of the Association Against tho Prohibition Amendment, said repeal was certain before the end of 1933.

Shouse expressed belief that all 4S states would ratify the 21st amendment, which repeals the ISth. Bifihop James Cannon of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, 1 said repeal of the 18th amendment be would not change the "basal" facts of --ape scales proposed. Hearings will start tomorrow or trade for the lumbei and the cloak and suit Industry. acnibly by tbs legislative which concluded I In mvefti tee announced today. Representative Eugene traffic.

The repealiBts 1 -PCI commit- i Rich Brother Believes Abductors Had Planned To Take Him Philadelphia. July off two men who attempted to kidnap him after lie had been lurei to a vacant house, Frank McClatchy, member Of a prominent real estnte concern, was shot and wounded seriously late today. His assailants, believed by police to have planned originally to kidnap his wealthy brother, John H. McClatfhy, for random, escaped on foot After lying hclpleae outside the house fo some time, McCIatchy. who is 56, waa found by a motorist tud taken to a hospital.

Physicians gave him "an even chance" to from a wound in the right breast. Seized by Kidnapers. About to stap Into the house with the two men, who said they wanted to buy the place. McClatchy 3aid he was seized suddenly. "They grabbed both my ny back, and th a piece of cord." he told police.

"I resisted and of them snap- Pittsburgh Boy, 15, Is Taken By Man In Machine FEDERAL AGENTS HELP IN SEARCH Another Lad Escapes, Tells Of Connecticut Car Used Continued on Page Ssven. alf hraura On Irkutsk for the sixth i i of his worli i weary hui determined Pest was only iiouw nr.d 24 nhcad of i terday as compar-rrl with 553 ears on the preceding day. 'The reason that happened Is that president's rrder snd the Becretar-'5 rcR'Jlatlons closed 1 pap to interstate channels Ihnt we i nnt clu.sp through Intrastatc V. Allrrd. Trxa waa tht vr r- -everal day i regionali shop? rxlat.

thnt they fairly exploit tha labor of women chief executive cfvesj -chlWren, the heJmh go ahead, a period of ind dignity of childhood and worn- will needed to drill anhood. and into unfair com- volunteer organize-! petition with reputable business." -cutlve victories thus far. pulled them behind Seventeen additional itatss. tried to tie them wltl cludinp fixed voting dates for 1933. There Is, a pos- r.o eastward in an 'he Texas railroad i j.

i i that five others also may i which he at Fcr General campalirn. onlv a secretary, said the in- i fe a tt io vot( this year. place unfavor.iW? today told Secretary a appro vai hy Prestdaat quiry. which held Ita final a i i :r.53ph»r!c i i induced him IC'KCS tha: "nor barrr! of ho' Roosevelt cf th? program drawn ypjtcrday. has "ccnvlnrtnsly shown Vole Today.

Stsrhted on Flight. i MWr waa regarded aa virtually certain. HP wi5 at Js'Ef a- time 1 m. E- S. he need over Verkne UdlnsV.

aecretar-'5 rcRUlatlonv closed 0 Corkers who arc to The committee, during period prchlbitlon. over Kosina- i a to interstate channels we he appca i of the administration 5 i weeks, held nt varl- will he the third teirt ot the evtry crtmiiiUiiltj-. ions places in the state. eoIlcfUn? I isi aniendment in the deep couth. Would i Etnplormrnt leatlmony en the wagca i ho traditional drj' solidity was Ihrlr hcarinK today, tho Kr.ln-l women end children And the con- ro kfin yesterday, when Arkansas llle, July TenjBCflace, where a statewide dry wa- enacted si J803 a ernor's veto has remained in effect since, will vote tomorrow on the question of discarding national PR1CETUMBH HITS TRADERS MISS CATHERINE CRAIG Miss Catherine will represent Philadelphia in the Atlantic City beauty pageant.

FEARFORLIFE OFO'COIEL Time Limit Set For Stocks, Grains Sag Asj Return Of Youth -i ar rec caihc rd. los ived with Irkutsk delayed his ntlustri.i! rat huild 40-h tin agreement for c-ck af 35 nnrt -10 cents an imum wnpc in south and dlt! imlor which they worked. an( i a joli lued i ictl IR statCB Elevi she pr I)? he he 'arpd an 1 but nij ctl Thom 5 ti make the relatively MpftnwhlJe, a xvhrrf and Gatty cnm about 100 mlloi lo.icd industry. Much nf the evidence WOK ha-scd i rcrpc'-tlveiy, ct.alnied a i on on data In letters received hv Mrs. schedule inn work premised I plnchnt, wife of the governor who throuirh the 5235,000.000 naval named her as a member of the ing prcErarvi ship- commlrtee.

and complaints received employmenl to nr IS by the i nf labor and In- ubcve "he peak of At rday'p henrlnga. rcfcntativejt of "Coir.lnuBd on Page Seven. Banks Tighten Up On Collateral FUGITIVE ADMITS HE SLEW FARMER! Is Near By COOLEV Albany, N. Pear for the life July of 24-y Associated Press FlnancU.1 Writer i J- 'Conn New York. July highest law enforce" Search for Jack Woods, 15 year old Pittsburgh boy kidnaped fey automobile, spread last night to Connecticut with depart- of justice agents aiding in the hunt.

Jack la a brother of 'ilrs. Elma Woods Summervitle, wife of Dr. D- V. Suaiu-crvllle, Oil City dentist. immervillo has gone to Pittsburgh to be with her mother, Mrs.

Maude E. Woods, 18 Forbes Terrace, Squirrel Hill, who was prostrated by the happening. Woods a well-to-do widow, has heard nothing of her son since she. received a telegram Tuesday night from New York. "Dear 'Mother: Arrived safely, have some money.

Be home Friday, Jack," read, the wire, which New York officers said was filed at the 125th st. railroad station by a boy -and a man. Mrs. Woods the, hoy had no money when he left Authorities are working on tho theory that the boy's abductor Is a mentally abnormal Criminal. Search In Coniiccticut.

The search WHS pushed into Connecticut after Floyd McCiintock, H. a neighbor and chum of Jack's, returned home Tuesday night with the story that and the Woods boy were abducted at the time by a man In a car bearing Connecticut license tags. The 'licCHntock boy jumped from the automobile as it. stopped fof a traffic light in New Alexandria, 30 o-dlea east of Pittsburgh. He salif the nvan no effort to stop hid and drove on with his chum.

Woodt. and McCiintock -wera picked up near their homo, tha motorist asking them to direct him to a store. After stopping at tha IQ rm-- shop for a moment, he drove on, the McCiintock lad told 'police. Officers assert they doubt wheth- cr it is' an extortion kidnaping. old circles to- "stock and'grain day as hope for safe return of the hunt, were unable to (Ind any ard lieutenant by Fn-! of the Woods boy or his Hln-v -ports i The electrlcn! manufacturers pro- ir.d Its r.o*cd82S-hmirix'ork for far- origin hy tory labor and 40 for other work- rr moving, Many KoiiRhc be nrr-1 It Continued on TITUSVILE BABY IS KILLED BY FOR PARDON IM sW MADE BY succop Martinsburc, i fugitive capt 1 pun battle In the wilds of Morgan I county confessed tonight, ctate po- saW.

thit hp nnd killed a tcday. bringing abrupt National July IS---I dec-lines from recent peak quoU day morning ran high within his lions and painful bruises to those politically powerful fan-lly. speculative novices who were "The time limit for the boy's ting their first Rood workout on turn has about been reached," said the downside. District Attorney John T. York police, aiding' is the is abductor.

Accosted Near Home. According to Dr. Jack is a smart and self reliant boy could be depended upon to If Howard Ruttan. t-wo and a thai year old eon of Mr. nnd Mra.

La'-v-. ji -onL i he rTommen rercc n'. Ruttan. 802 West hi; i.ecrr'ary Tltusviile, died at o'clock -Wednesday afternoon in the Queen T-ATi nfriHTTTC 1 City tr.c.urt.I; CODE FOR MINEo 1 July a lea that he waa guilty only ot cs! viol of the received when by r-ir driven by Hattlc a about 10:30 a. tn.

NEARLY DRAFTED The chIM is to have i the street near a was code wfist on Sprinc nnd saw th chiiti -iart street and i of the up an r.bjcct: then nearly compictQ. fi dnwn. A child returiica After .1 i day of 'n the curb, she drcv- ar.d the i producers from the Inrge i boy clashed Into the fieWs of both north and path of her machine. i they hoped to Ret his a rhlld row on a i i hy mr. brother, Paul, i dri-Plnort )n he i oil sped five.

"mere technlcm mu law. Bertram 1.. Succop. fnrmcr Pittabtirph director of supplies, today appealed for pardon frrarn the or.p year term be wis sentrnc'd hy the Culli-r county court, Edward IXP Kean'S, Pitteburjh, attorney for Succop. told the par- i i Is i on hoard there had bpftn no alle- of fiaiisi or a made aialnst the director.

He aKsertr'l Sircop was "tried fin atmosphere. the other are ar! Holllnger of Greoncastle. vice Max B. Llshtncr of Duncannon, secretarj-, and H. J.

Sbiu baugh nf Thomasville. treasurer, George Jackson of Harbor Creek, Georse Shaffer of Clarion, ami H. IV. SimmotiH of Everett were named members of the executive committee. G.

Armstrong of Nllca, a i a president, who atldre Alley refiweil. however, h'r. choi beyond aswrtlnp In the alleged confession that the ffirmer had sppronrhed him In the field he Vnd been sleeping. Singer Taken By Death Norristown. July --III since November with heart disease, Miss Ruth Montariie.

who sang; with the Philadelphia orcliiwtra. the Philadelphia Civic Opera com Trading Volume Heavy On the New York stock exchange the nummellnR was accompanied by the largest trading slnco. May 5. 1930. Sales totaled shares compared with 7,460.520 on July 13 which had been the bluest day of the 1933 hull market: (he market was then Flnnl prices today were around A tiRhtcnlnR of the collateral reinstall a and other musical organlza- lions, died today, -1 anil mlsderr In office.

Coaster Mishap Fsfa! ThllarlcIphiA. July Hoffman, 40, was klllc'l a In i fail from a roller a ine difference. Although thn opor to any portlo uthoritative that I ent for a 40 hour ork week and the open Lnr.1 refused of I he corV tions for board at a The rccnmrn usually public when upon them of 30 vill hft i Pinchot i today. it as ihc rar approached Qnn rumor i nut from the Pittsburgh Strike Comes To to ground. Ihi nouth i i pay In the north.

i day strike of Pittsbur Shipment of Texas Gasoline Worries Pacific Marketers siderablc anxiety IB being Into Pacific A'onh- by those in close touch late jail year, as this dlarupt- if refined oil od buyem thr. Cilifornla situation he oxpecterf a i a next week in a i i a caryo of Tnxai! On the Pacific coast. ThU i i conabtlns of npproxi- nnrrcla of Ihlnl etruc- gn.tollne. lifted at Calves- Texas, by the i Papoose, ich scheduled of carpo in the Snn Pmn- Bay lexlon nnrt the ler at Seattle. Washington.

Pacific mnrketera nre especially per- hceau-fi of thn a i con- i i i from Im- joi-uucu of tnrce caraoea of Tcxaa ed tho and ultimately forc reduce Californin oil prices. Crude oil prodncern likewise view i new shipment into thn Pacific const territory wllh considerable disfavor bee)use If refined oil prices seriously all Improbable, Kl (his may be ohIUod to npaln reduce the poslcfi price of crude oil. It If question able whether President Roosevelt's execullvo order prohibiting the tron.iportatlco of i i i produced ol! in Intertitat Contlnucul on PiKaburgh, July two- day strike of Pittsburgh's rtown- indrd todny publishers ind newflle- with 'Mayor S. Hnrron. The boys who hnd (ttrew-n itrcotg wlth paper-i a delivery triicks.

went back to work a a committee wn." named lo consider their demands for a decrease In the price they pny for Peventeen person? wore arrested i thn and fined from $2 to $5 each. Publishers charged I "Com- munijttlc elemenls" InRtiffated the Italian Flyers Given Noisy Greeting After Arrival in New York Crowd Of 30,000 Cheers, Cannons Boom And Bands Play As Air Squadron Completes First Stage Of Trip To Homeland York, July (bearded young commander himself Italo Balbo led his string of eea- was the first to alight. Twenty Profess'or Succumbs fltnto Coltafri. P)-- Porey Anh, 67, profensor of nrcliltecttiral nt Pennsylvania Statn rol- died ftlay nt homo in North Conwav. N.

H. Into the dock at Ban-1 three minutes later the Iflst of the nett field Ihfs afternoon, complct- the flrnt le of their homeward from Chicnpo to Italy. i groups of three they came aildlnp Into Jamaica hay starting nt p- standard whined through a shower of spray and taxlml up to their within a ccrdon formed hy vesselH. Aloft the silvery Mncon dipped In graceful greeting nnd loosed a little pursuit plana to salute nqundron with 7.oomlnjj power dive. Aahorc a crowd 30,000, aonift of whom had been waiting all dny, ul up cheer after cheer, Cannons oomed nnd fi bund played.

An achcloncd triad led by. tha 2-t machines was down and tho flyers stepped nslioro thrcn clays of welcomes and receptions. It took the squadron Just seven hours, the time the general had calculated, to make the flight from Chicago, where they had bcey sine- Saturday. Their course took them r-vcr Cleveland, nnd Rochester, N. Y-, and Into tho city along tlio Hudson river.

The packed watchers nt Ftoyd Bennett field waited patiently for hours, munching "hot doffs," waving Italian flaps and ROinj aloft nlghtscftlng- flights. They had an opportunity to express tholr enthusiasm before thft indron arrived. Frlmo Camera. Continued oa a To- re-; The kidnaper entered jod, stores of hie New Ycrk city banks, which In turn caused many brokerapc houses to domnnrt in- holds a ho; it Is for them to relun marked the prosecutor, i days ago challenged his party sponsors to throw their power hind the Eearch for the boy a his abductors. The O'Connclls have! held to a hope that direct ncffotia-j and the driver sf being attired in tions would restore the burly and a striped suit and a green shirt.

athletic youth. The ransom demand i he returned, he held revolver in his hand. The bile then headed eaa i Penn Wglra scribed a descri ird ay. The Jack artd bis abductor on their way east before word I the kidnaping became known. Continued on Pnge fwo, McNinch Now Heads Power Commission Washington, July to the desire of President Roosevelt to have a man of his i selection as chairman of thn federal power commission, George Otis Smith vacated thnt post today to make way for the appointment of'Frank R.

McNinch. McNinch la a Democrat who liss months since the Democratic victory- Smith'; cliairmftt resignation but it was only as Kpcctcd In authorltntlvn circles that he leave the commission entirely within the next 80 days. McNtnrh'fl designation as chairman was promptly by the commission by a unanimous vote with McNinch not voting. The commission then selected Basil Mnnly. Appointed in May by Prenldent Roosevelt, as vice chairman, Long Dive kills Batlier Clearfiold.

July a 30-foot dlvo for the third lime, Perry Fabrlzlo, 25, of Curwensvlllo, received broken neck, He died today. Pftbrlzo'a death was the flrsl bathing i reported this sca- top. In PlparAcld cguntjv Customer Pays Back Bill After 15 Years Brownsville. July customer walked briskly into the. grocery managed by A.

Morrow and eitcndcd a 510 bill. "Ono of your girl clerks Rave rnc 510 too much when I bought a sock of (lour In 1318," lie said. While Morrow took the bill and searched for words, thn stranger nut. being fully five hours before tha iMcClintock boy arrived bick In. Pittsburgh frwn New Alexandria and the alarm was spread.

Boost Ore Requirements Cleveland, July A tremendous Impetus to iron ore mining, Great Lakes shipping, and the steel industry was given today when the United States Slccl corporation increased this year's requirements for ore by 3.000,000 tdis. This Increase alone was nearly oqual to the total ore shipped hy the all steel Gives Set-Up for Placing Of Thousands of Workers Washington, July administration today announced its emergency set-up for placing hundreds of thousands unemployed on Jobs lo be created under the n- tional Industrial recovery act. Secretary Perkins In making public the names of reeni- ploymrnt directors in each eta to said the pnllro organization (is already on the Job and that W. Frank Persona, director of the United States employment service would handle tho new sen-Ice. The service, an emergency organization, will tasl only five months.

Some of the directors arc voluntary workers, In- teresicd In eeelnn to ti that, as many person? as possible aro given jobs quickly. In announcing Iho reemploy- mcnt aet-up, the ascretary also made public the policy that will govern the emergency organization. It included the following provisional "Opportunilie's tor pyploymcnt on projects authorised under Ma fldmfnMratlo)-, shall be equitably distributed nmcnp qunlified work- era who are unemployed --nnt among thOBC who merely to change one good Job for another; "These work opportunities anal! bo distributed, geographically, in widely and us equitably tut wayjie pn Page "Elexet.

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