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The Ogden Standard-Examiner from Ogden, Utah • 4

Ogden, Utah
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THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER SUNDAY MORNING AUGUST 2 1942 "1 4 A Rises From Marine Corps Ranks With the Armed Forces LABOR SUPPLY PLAN MAPPED "A A 4 THIRTEEN WILL STARTCOURSE Qualify for CPT Study Begin Flight Training On Monday TOMATO CROP LOSS SEEN BY OGDENPLANTS Harvest Confronted by Lack of Labor Say Officials LIGHT CONTEST INDICATED FOR WEBER POLITICS Lock of Campaigning Features Start of Election Season County Schools Likely to Shorten Days Says Chief I Miller superintendent of the W( b-r (oaniy school syde lorero I 'et -on assistant di- mo: no i sjH'urday tne ounty eetor of xoeaiainal edueatinn ftt allevi the developing crisis ill! rv i or I smui nls iad Uv' cd HinJ will Mr Miller declared some plan i lu'i ht tiahang Mon-slio en in the school dav will he day Fxeoutivcs of canning companies operating: in the Opden area were faced with a perplexing problem Saturday The announcement made Friday tit at O'den cit and Weher county sohools will open on September 21 although the date was a compromise of a lull two weeks brought statements from paUers tiiut "t'nere wII not be enough labor to har "I 'A" i i announced soon I hiring the harvest season la-t fail a plan of operating the -ehoola from ei-nt a until one jn was tried out Mr Miller pointed out however that eight a w-r- Hsaniinaf ion for tie ionise were giv Kj i 1 TM'ii'yfw ppl' -i jiaO 1 on all al A Motin a' he in eharj of jh: 1 rnmg at the fe: nier air! H-: 1 ej I v' J- I 1 i I J-1 Cwv 1 i tfi 1 1 r- i I I -ria I rf VV' '--4 r- 0 vf 1' -t 4 5 Jy 4 'A vest and process Weber county to time evcn bv tna a a nine the icin and is the re fori' da- lgiit la hluoprint a 1 a ers and have been leirni- -i 1 -e in the during prt of the season hiatal 1 "We are wotking toward iw ed 'I AKMV AVIATOIfs apt Harry I)nhuff llft recently re-ii-iwd his prrmtotion from the rank of lieutenant in the air corps and his brothr-r John Kdmtind I)aiuff his rommission as a second lieutenant 1 h- are sons of Mr and Mrs Huston Ihijhuff 3t3S OtAVt plan that will give the student- rduepii'it cli-s unlh- l'J were gradu-a good fall afternoon in the fa Ids a ted from welding irs and f-i ie-" Mr Muler said Hvi-'on tv'U-e in j'40 He an active I i uly part in ciub worK at tre c-oiee -1 i sci re'ar -trrasvirer of tiic art Depot to Fete Utah Governor Two Boys Escape State School -s f- Kxf 15 i '1at 1 matoes Predictions were freely made that Weber county tomato growers will lose about half their ro and that vanning 'plants would be forced to close down Several plant managers interviewed by The S' a ndard-Kxam index pressed appreciation to hoot officials for tho two-w 1 1 postponement of school opening beyond the uci il time hut all -acre unanimous in expressing ton-corn over the possibility of opera l-ing their plants at even half ca-pacit Sees ltig Loss A Ranviall manger of the Xorth Ogltm Canning Co with plants in Xorth Cgden and Tnam City said: "Growers will lose about fifty per cent of their tomato crop" "We have onlv haul about half 1 Pn'naff to ra: as of tar-tain an Jalv -J-' i cf t-a 1:: ho Ariz a I A II C-a I'oli li'e Siiturday night were "eking two youths lio txi "al-x-nce -'i'iiout ieuve from the ale industrial chool about eleven thirty a Saturday The young men were la uid Iti years old and had oji'y a relatively small part of tiuar commitments yet to rve it was to police by Howard A J'eter -on assistant siiperinten-den of trie industrial s-liool P-iyhaff gradual a from I A at lAian Weher and Weber high si hoo ie a'- is a past master counci''or of ('jden IVMolay chapter He the former Mi-s ixine Wo lis of Santa Ana Ca'if Febru- Plans re 1 Saturday for 1 lie ae 1 ef f'rUor'l day Minni A nr at tne Vtah ouarh rte 1 -el- 1 dr when Gov Her- Ma' will visit the Igden a ll a i 1 Mrs Maw and ot her oroa iii a official will aeeonp 1 ny r- gov au-nor Tin pa 1 1 11 led to an iv at 1 i i i i a jn Monday and will be (Oepe'a i ol au i ftea I ion tour fa'- ahoat fair 1 1 i Following the i pe in 1 he ill he rn-terta'ned 1 hnaheon by Gen jind Mrs lph d'albot Jr taKu it I priniary a Veher h'-' I from He -a: 1-t 1 of this vear euousrh htdn during th a 1' pa-it l'KOMOTKI) Arthur Hale son of Mr and Mrs Hale rt Ogden has been assigned to duties as a second lieutenant follow ins completion of marine officers candidate training County Firemen Extinguish Blaze month" IMr Mandall declared 'and about per cent of what we liave inad has consisted of school students Wiien tais i onditinn prevails now I don't know what we'll do when the school children are 1 emo ved" Mr Randall said the United States employment service has been unable to be of much assistance in Completes Training at Camp Elliott in California Robins Canning Co predicts a possible thirty per cent loss of the tomato crop to be processed at the Robins plant unless some solution to I he problem is found and hoped In it ir mh'-ht be neeessarv i a nation Thus far the serv tiie ii The Weber county fire department Sat unlay afternoon at Fortieth and Harrison extinguished a i--: fire that threatened a large ill fit Id Fremen bait led 1 he a'axe for approximately an hour and u-ed 4oo gallons of water from the hKi-gaiion capacity of the fire to clo-e down because of inabilitV A -yar-old Ogden man has 1 1 1 1 1 toai- e-vun tin- to pro ess tomato deliveries 1 risen from the enlisted ranks nf The Itoekv Mountain Pacuirtsr onr-1 thc U- marine en-ps and now 1 1 wears the insignia of a enmrni1- sionrd officer it was learned Sat- i urday 1 ''A other non-eommi -ioned Xs poration which specializes in freezing peas and beau- is now finishing up lis pea pack according to He is tne former Platoon Sgt Ar- n-( -v ho were chosen for the in s--e Ve Vi 'ice '()iir itpvl- 11! ice has been able to supply only one boy in spite of the urgent requests of his company he said I'se of Japanese Growers may pos-iblv receive some help from Japanese laborers Mr Randall stated but Japanese labor is nt available for use inside the canning plants "The peak of the tomato sea-oa conies between the twentieth of September and October 12" said Mr Randall "and there is no other source of labor available when the school children go so you see what the eanners and growers are up against At the request of the gov-t rnment hich is taking- about a 1 of Mr and Mrs hv a sneeiallv convened a 1 vi ami 11 iiti of composed high is 1 a a ia hoatd of high marine corps offi- Hale of Ogden Now a -1 end la uU nan: nf ma- school and college students The two-week-' dehiy in opening of ta e'-i- rines Hale has been assigned to -rup Qaden man was nominated school ill help us but t'nere Willi 5 SsVxS- L-IWAten LI MIT JOHN rOYIK Resumes activities be a si 1 ions problem to overcome later wham the lima bean pack his new duties afte ha iw sin i for ip commission by Maj Gen eessfuily completed an intoisive 1 Jrhu Maiston commariding tiie sec -training period at (he Farm on marine division Camp Elliott Calif ar San I LI HIT HTOK SVI'IIIIKS lveeies ings" Seerl canning executives declared that efforts: to secure Jap Diego 1 i I 1 1 l'niiiil i 1 1 OUT IT (iOUS Truc kload alter trie kload of pica usioi mixed ready for pouring concrete leave our plant every dav The preference manifested by builders and contractors js a tribute to its unvarying quality the unfailing harae ter of the service ue render It's use tuues in numerous Uav an -e iiel i the packing plants field officers candida'es ass a oriir La -it John Bovle has left i'-w je- 1 is en re- ei'cd of ti were quit Kly discouraged When gra I Svahc pre-ent employes indicated that i iu- INSl AXC Firt Automobile Burglary l'late (Jlas Bonds Stove Bt Furnace REPAIRS Stoker Service SUMMERILL FOUNDRY 21 11 Jefferson Dial 'JiuZ 1 1 ere -('(' rst ii'isni rv curea an extra neavy contracting of tomatoes this year and now it looks as though we will not be able to process the tomatoes that will be delivered to us" Need More Help Manager Wadsworth of the California Packing corporation -ald the extra two weeks provided by the school administrations would they would quit their jobs if asked to work alongside Japanese One plant manager stated that until recently the government has forbidden them to permit Japanese even to enter the plants No solution of tiie impending iirnii'iai was sii'-mcsted bv any of i As as i 'h- in the ariry'a -iicrt vl-it with his aunt Mrs rir fu-i-s at William field -i-i- Grace Boyle of 271 Madison Icr I' He enh-ted January 21 lt41 Lieut Syphers is a son of the 1 and served in California until his late Mr and Mrs Grant Syphers I appointment to officers training He i a gi aia-ile of (gden high svrool Chi July 31 he reeei ed his -a! Wher cllfge ami at- (-onimi-siiin at For: IMonmouth ti ied tiie Untvetsity of Utah New Jersey ranking among the He was joined alter graduation high 5 of his class of 4Sa by his re -cut btide the former He received his fundamc-nlal Maigiret Mtller Tiiey ex pee schooling at St Joseph's and to make their home on the east Mound Fort high school c-t wher Lieut pliers ha 9 ma Din 1 1 I i I ZM "help that much" but said it would have been better if the school openings were postponed further When asked if other sources of labor supply were available he said "I don't know where" Barker manager of th? Utah Canning Co said the svhool opening decision has "put us in the been temporarily assigned aV 1 -tic r-r 1 1 -0 a canal- 1 In 'lien as tne fv o- Th" en: I -e Vet- 'a id hle be -et I tiie nominee for "ri: pol nt out 1 ff ion may cot a 1 a 00 10 a on ae Ite'c iiP primary uli hr iru lee mayor of I Martine Rich- i'r canre ing for 1 tl'at par choice --a ti- Mu the First I re: be no nepuhh- YOUTHS SIGN FOR ARMY DUTY hole' bp r- i 'a-ue run-off pri- -t '-v John Casey 19 on of Mr and Mr? Frank Caey of Helena Mont has decided io give his services to the army and if his past record "We asked the elimination of the Christmas holidays to give th it much additional time to the crops" said Mr Barker "but the pe-a was argued that the merchanfs need the student help during th" holiday rush It seemed to us that with restricted buying and with rationing of many items it was more important to make the student labor supply available to the canning industry especially since a large part of our output is for government use" The peak of the tomato canning season comes about September Mr Barker stated and the opening of school at that time means vv4 I 5 is any indication Action Started For Bomb Range he should move i 11 swi ft Iv e- cording to Sgt Iverson army Al'h cruiting officer Mr Casev has I) r- a 1 1 i in 1 1 that manv mothers now emnuwe 1 en in Ogden in canning plants will have to quit ths ao mont a 1 -1 i-i 1 1 SI i 'i their work because they have school children to care for Beans planted last week for late harvest will be affected as well ps tomatoes said Mr Barker Firth superintendent of the A IN THE AIR A I HURT I II (dMl AHDKN Will enter navy i i i NATIONAL BRASS BUILDERS' HDWE All'--rt K-igene (Gene) Wardtn of 1 Fed ral i a i ae1' -C a ()g 1: tves to iv for San A 1- a the order --e-siau to the gv ern- vc -it ruHu 0:1 Monday a Anere ho wll don the the United States navy Mi- dav He will remain in San the Ogden thea- John Casey tre He wa- formerly at Sun Valley and at Butte as a 'trouble-shooter' for the Fox Intermountain theatres according to Sgt Iverson Mr Ca-ey gives a well-working brain to the army said SgL Iverson as indicated by the fact that he graduated from the Helena high school the age of 14 and was a certified public accountant at the age of 17 A second army enlistment of the week-end was Nate Kilfoyle 20 son of Mr and Mr? Ray kilfoyle of Ivaysville Sgt Iverson announced that IS and 13-year-old men may now be enlisted directly into the army signal corps for assignment LATCH SETS FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR DOORS Complete line of Builders' Hardware Guaranteed for life! Franc-iseo for seven weeks under-OlnHMlTlS Will) Ulng reguht'ion recruit training -Mr LKK Gl i Vug 1 (AP) Wrden at the local yt n-es i-a to iv in- thhd class radar tech-c- i Tiic program calls for three -7 JJ IVerson 22 of Ihovo 1 AN'e-h Og 1 fJr 22 Hill field I Karl 22 Sat Lake 1 a BURT0F1-WALKER LUMBER COMPANY 2127 Lincoln Ave Rhone 8861 maniis a primary radar scnoo iiich he will go to tne val at Treasure Island for sc months to complete his train- i Tne recruit is well known in high school athletics circle- having proved himself an outstanding gndder when Ogden high -root was a member of the "Big Four'" He al-o attended St Mary (oilege in California He is the son of Warden Standard-Examiner sports editor Mrs Grace Warden His father saw navy service in World war I mm -T ATHLETE'S FOOT cc- m- norv un rinctopai Xv l's IN LCI IONS OF THF J-rslIN ch I Lt ANDS AND BODY O'iickK Kclicrti by I ainif RING-GO A -otinnS hfaiinj liTid tKit ct now Cloti- nuicklv omplrlply flb d-rl Cn be urd i time nn'l uPf lrsrr Ait vonr lihrvtrs tsr RING-GO Save Enough on One Room to Re-do Another! It Pays to Buy Cash and Carry Factory to You Healthy Eyesight Begins With Proper Lighting Members of the Air Corps must see with" unfailing accuracy to perform each vital task with faultless precision And only those with keen vision have qualified for such responsible duties Healthy eyesight however begins with adequate light One sure way to protect good seeing is to provide proper light enough light and the correct kind of light! 1 i -vU i I) Mow ia Protect Precious Eyesight at Home in Office Store or Factory 1 Keep lamp Imlbs and fixtures cUnn mho windowi when electric light is needed to supplement daylight Soap and water will do the work 2 Avoid direct glare from electric light gloix Vc indirect reflectors whenever possible 3 Avoid reflected glare from shining surfaces' 4 Avoid bharp contrasts between brightly lighted surfaces and dark backgrounds 5 Don't work ia your own shadow especially close work 6 Use the right size globe to Wfrppty enough light and the pmpcr kind of light 7 When redecorating ose light colors on wallj and ceiling 8 Kcst your eyes by closing tbcm occasionally 9 If your eyes constantly fee 1 ttraincd or onduh tired sec a competent eye specialist Falsi! Specials i inest uraue 4-iiour High Gloss Enamel qt mine Leati House raintf vsrf) fs per none better o-al Ask for this booklet It' FREE at oil Utah Power Light UCHTCCJITnOL 0LACKOU7S Company Stores ic Sm JUL 1912 Patterns in Sunfast Paper per roll Between Ages 21 and 40 Local business house conveniently located in Ogden will teach you a good vocation and pay you while you learn Good starting wages permanent employment RITE BOX 00 STANDARD-EXAMINER only and up Washable and Sunproof Papers for every room er roll and up profecfioft for your Aome UTAH POWER LIGHT CO Rtddy Kilowatt Power the orld's jinest electric tert ice produced for you by American business men tb kind power that serves 90 of the nation VJehez County Faint and WallpapeE' Co.

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