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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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Found dead There is lometliinir to Knocking death that 'thu mere mention of wrenches the nerves of Millions of people pray for deliverance from it. Every Sunday in every Episcopal church in the world, these words are suid Front murder gad tiudden death, Good Lord, deliver us." Just whv'suddcn death should be shock, ing, and death after linjjerine di.ieanc easy to would puiile any one to tell. It would seem it-would be more terrible to see some wasting away, daily becoming slipping toward death no.lcss certain 1 because it was slow i coming. causes more deaths than heart disease taore than cholera more than yellow 'fever more than any other disease the world has And yet people are careless about it. A nmn in danger of midden.death from heart disuse can avoid t' dancer simply by keeping quiet and avoiu excitement, Consumption goes riffht on with its deadly work, no matter what the man does or how he conducts himself, if he doesn't take the riprht medicine to cure it.

Consumption affects the whole body. It is a blood disease. It permeates the'wholc system. It shows in the lungs because the blood goes to the lungs for purification. It crimes impurities there to be niack pure.

If there is too much impurity, the lungs arc the impurity stops there. The germs of disease stop there. They develop and multiply and then consumption takes definite form. Dr. 1'icrcc's Golden Medical Discovery cures ciS per cent, of ull cases of consumption, lingering coughs, throat and broncliiiil discuses if it is taken according to directions.

Get it at drug stores; learn all about it in Dr. Piwce's great 1008 page work. "Common Sense Medical Adviser, sent KRKK on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing onlv. It contains tooS pages, profusely illustrated. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume.

Kvcry family should possess a copy for ready reference in case of sudden sickness or accidents. World's Dispensary Jledicrfl Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Made a Man of OUR It Was Do signed by a Citizen of Groat Britain. Sir FrcHtwleli, HQ AcoompllHhed tUiuurmn, FurnlHlivti lUon for the OriRlnul gcnl of tlio fnltvd The great scnl of the United States is of peculiar interest from tht fact Mint it is possibly till; only on-; in the world that WON iicnigricd for a government by the subject of nn opposing frovoniment.

owe our coat of arms to Sir John 1'restwich, a baronet of England, who wiis worm friend of America, und un accomplished n-n- riqimrinn. His lulmirHtion for Washington undoubtedly influenced his design, as the WuMhing-ton arms we rather similar to our seal. Originally the selection of the seal was left to a committee appoinfod by congress, and com- of Benjamin Kranklin, John Adams nnd Thomas Jefferson, and (hey employed a Preneh West Indian mimed Sinitloro. not only lo furnish designs, but lo sketch such designs ns were by themselves. one of his drawings the artist displayed on a shield the annoriiil de.sifrn.s of several nations from which America had been peopled, embracin.j' tlioso oC JCnfrland, Scotland, France, Germany and Jl'ol- Uind.

After several other committees tried to perfect a sea! which INDA TilE CRIHT HINDOO REMEDY FHODUCES THE AUOVu JtWft, JJiswi.irf, Vnlhnjr Memory, pfirerite.Sluopiuiii'iicu, by Ttpor nnd size to ttbiwnknn unii cjiiifkly biit.MUrt;ly rt'Ktoroa in old or younu. tnnlly unrrlfdfn vuat poct-'C, Six for A Don' tiititdfioiit insist on Jiliving i.M»AiMl, II It.wc will'xond it!. Oriental Atudtaul iOLD hy B. LQCANSPOKT, 1ND- TIMETABLES. LOCAL TIME TABLES.

Solid trains between "Peorla and San flusky" and "Indianapolis and Michigan." Direct connections to and from all points the United States and Canada. L. W. R. Leave SOUTH BOUND.

Xo 21 Pacific Ex Xo 23 Indlanap's Bx SunllMSam Xo. 23 Mftll Ex ex Sun. 3:25 8:10 No 29 rasscnRcr ox Sun No. 151 Rochester Local Arrive p. m.

oxceot Sunday. NORTH BOUND. a No. 20 Mall Ex ex Sun.10-.22 a 3:30 Xo 22 Michigan City dally 4-A5 1:55 Xo 24 Detroit Ex ex Sun Xo 150 Aocom. ex 6M3 a not run north of Peru on Suriday, Trains XI and 20 ru'rf dally bclwoon Infll- anapolls and Peru.

No. 20 via, Tlpton arrives at Bloomington at 0:32 p. m. making direct connection with C. A.

fast train r.rrlvlnsr In Kansas City at next roornlnsr, connectlnR direct at Kansas City for Iienver, San Francisco and all points west. Freo recllnlnp: chairs between Tlpton and Missouri river lor all passengers. Nos. 20, 21, 22, and 23, connect at Tlpton with main lino trains forSandusky, Peorla and all points east and west. For ticket rates and prcncral Information call on J.

J. Skinner ticket airent, L. E. Peru, or C. F.

Dally, pcnerai passenger agent. Indianapolis. Ind. I TWe Only Onte To Stand the Test Rev. William Copp, whose father was a physician for over fifty years; in Kew Jersey, and who himself spent preparing for tlio practice of medicine, but subsequently entered the ministry oi' the M.

B. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have hud analyzed all the sarsapiivillaprepara. tions known in the trade, but AVER'S is the only one of them that I could re com in end as a blood-purifier. I have t-r. hundreds of buttles of it the safest as well to lift CoPP, M.

bocup'joil wit'li 'itip and is more In-. when liis Lady is 1. cf llic dullard, whoec mind is ufu ar.lee; when his body is Thus sleep of tlie -Vis vOrbiul on nireoiint en' ii.s ur.iliritiii na.tiin.'. li: most or lively illation fjuifk is ui. doubted Jv cioi'i- liable 10 the dul'larJ.

SUCCESS CF frtRcE l-orluue SISTERS. When In doubt, ask for Ayer's PI1I8 OF THE UNITED STATES. cliouUl inoet tiie approvnl of vonfrrofiS, Cluir'es Thotiuis, its sefretary, several years Ijitor n-ci'ivt'd i'rom Adams 1 then in J.oiulon, an vxeoeclinjfly simpl-J and appropi'inte by Sir Jolin Vfijstwicli. It consisted of an csentcheon, 1 pcrpeiulieulur strips, red, ivith eliit'f blue, aiitl spanned 1- stars, nnil, to give it jrreat eoiiscqnenc-o. lie proposed pliic- ing- it on tlit! liixvist of an American oiiffk 1 finblematic of self-rclianuc.

At last this met g'Ciirrnl approval in ar.d out of congress, a ease Unit luid occn appealed Tvom one the police courts. Thr; yon off t.itioncr ivho appenred for Uiea.ppellaut. was long and tedious; he brought in all of thu elementary text books (jiioU'il the fundamental propositions of law. At Uist the judge thoun-bt it time to make an effort to close the "Can we not assume," lie said, pompously, "that the court knows a liM.le about law itself?" "That's tlic very iniscrke I made in (lie other court," sinswej'rd the younjj orator, "mid don't want to lot it defeat twice." AN ELABORATE MOSAIC. Executed for it Uenutiriil I'ulncc In GREAT SEAL OF THE STATES.

tDolly except Sunday. Leave Arrive. Bradford and Philadelphia am 2:45 am Richmond 1:00 a 2:20 am Ind'pla A a Effner Peorla 'Sionam Crown Point Richmond ClntL.t 5M3 a Crown Point Crown Honticello in 1:05 'Bradford Col Effner local 8:30 a Ind'pls 2:00 pm Richmond and* 2:10 Braflford anil 2:03 Phlla ft New MonticcHo 2:29 CMca.RO Chi 4:30 pm Kokomo Klch Bradford Col 112:20 pm J. A. McCULLOUCH, Asent, Locansport, a 1:55 a Sfiys (he Xinv York Herald, and was idopteil in So it is manifest, although die fact is 7iot extensively iiou-ii, tluit we arc indebted for our national arms a tilled aristocrat of the eoimtry with which wo were then nt war.

It was cut in brass soon after it iiul been decided upon, and it is found on a commission dated September .752, ffrimtinff full power and iiuthoi'ity AVasliiripton to arrniig-o with Mv British for of war. This seal continued in use for yeai'S. sea) fj-om it only in de- ail of execution. Tbe design of the reverse has a pyramid, over which there Js nn eye in a I Humble. For some this side, oi' the seal not cut then, nor liti.s it been cat sine; 1 lint has been allowed to fjo unnoticed ofikiialty until the present day.

Tlie second seal wa-'. out in 18-H. Diiiiici Webster then secretary of This one continued in use up to when tlio seal used wr.s eut. Ueitutlftl VlCllllft. The British vice-consul in Yeiiic.

in his Inst report says that mosaics still continue in great demand there, says the London Times. A well-known company executed last year a splendid mosaic for poJace now in course of construction in Vienna. It measures 3,000 square feet ami is copied from cartoons by the painter, Kdwa.rd It represents the five parts of the world. Europe stands in the center of the frieze, represented by the symbolic figures of its various nntion.s, ha-ving on one side the emblems of industry and trade and nt the top the emblem of the Hying genius of lia-ht. On (he rig-ht arc the.

lijpiros of Asia, India, China and Japan, with their rajahs, mandarins nnd the allcg-orical chrysanthemum, Next follows Africa, with ca.mfcl-drivers. palm trees and other African symbols; on the left, nnd Australia, with natives on horseback and on foot, foli- a-je nnd other cinbloms. 'All this variety of typos, from the fnir Circassian down to the nefrro, and the tl-i'play of costumes, from t-ht! mosl decorative to the simplest, havo ennblwl the painter to arrange 2-1 figures wit'h great delicacy of color and in an artistic manner. Over these fljyiiros. which, rest on an ornamental blue sky reflects a.11 around its liffht so as to unite all the tints of the mosaic nnd to g-ive the whole of cil'ecL which'is said to be most delljrhi.ful lo the eye.

The same company is exeviil- ing juiotber importn.nt mosaic for the apse of the Guards' chn.pel at the Wellington barracks in London from 'I'tiein Lfi The city of Cinciumiii e.Viimple of whiit eun lie dcmr by woii'uiii'fi pluck whi'ii iieeompanied by pruetieal common sense. Twelve the Misses Stewart. t.hrec yomif? women who reared in wealth, by hu.siru'ss thrown upon their own resources. They secured a' room in a businetis block and established lunch-room, where they made a specialty of home cookery. Most of the work they did with their own hands, and tlie excellence of their supplies soon detnajid.

The little lunch-room lieeame EL success, and at the end of live years, wheu the great Chamber of Commerce building wujs put Mien- a large rwuuirnut couin'i-tod wilh it, Stewart boldly applied for it. They were backed by many of the best business men of the cily. wtio had known them in their of wealth and been impressed by ability as business women. Their bid wiis accepted, fltewurl chiirfre of tJie "Olencairn" liinch-ruom. and have concluded it without a break oru failure for the years.

The elientei'e is very l-'orreul. nnd services alone the yearly expenses $10,000. Tlic prices for footl ure very reasonable, yet the sisters not. only paid rill e.xponscs. but livo in eomi'ort o.nd They have, r.ever lost social position by iiilo businivj'.

and during' their entire career have never had to borrow a ilolliir. POISONED What AIR. rt lei Crowded CASTORIA for Infants and Children. MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW BatemiiVs Drops, Cordial, many so-called Sootbin that Pangoiti; iog Syrups. tnort remtdies for clilldrcn arc composed of opium or niorphtne? Dp Yon Ignovr tliat c-prjm uiorphinc arc slniicfyinp nnrcotit penuiltcU tosclliiarcotk yourcliiic.

Ho Vort Know that in countries dr-jygisU lalx-lini; them poisons Jin Yog Know that j-ou not permit aTiy unless you or your physician hnow of it is eomiwscd You tbyt Castorla ii; a purely vegetable preparation, nnd that R. iu iDgredieuU is puUishciI with every bottle? PO Yoit KlIQ-w that Cr.storla is the prescripllon famous Dr. Sarouc: That it has been i.l use ycais, that juore Casloria is now sold that of all other remedies for children combined Mo Vpu Know that th: Patenl Office Department of the 'Cuiteil Slater, and ctT other couutrieti, hftv" issued exclu.iivc riglit to Dr. Pitcher rr.i his to use the woat' CaBtorla and its formula, mid that to inutile them is a slalc prison oCeiisc? VOtJ that owe of the reasons for granting tLifl government protcctioa. was because had been proven to he absolutely harmless? IJO You Kiin'TT that .55 uvtrajfe doses cf are furnished for centp, orouccciit a dose? Bo Vou Kiio-w that when possessed of tin''; pcrfcrt Jrcn be tcpt aud lliat yon may have unbroken rest tllOHC tlltif.HTH arovorth knovving.

lacis. is on every Htgiiattirc of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Itooni. A very important iiivcslipfatioa iuto Lhe of the substances contained In air expired by human beings, says the Loinlou Grajiiiic. hns just, been oonipleuxl by two pro.minent mon of Bciencc in America: Or.

.1. 8. f'-illiiiifs and Dr. S. U'cir Jiircliell.

A- a result. of their extended researches they declare "the discomfort produced by crowded. hl-veiKilntfd rooms, in persons v.ot r.ccttstomed to is not due to the excess of carbonic acid, nor to nor in to dust of any kind. The two of such discomfort, though not the ones, are temperatures niipleasjint ddors." lint tlumi; 1 the r'iclifally expired heahhy raen and animals contains mi inure poison-. ous siibKumcc." i.lia;i acid experiniciits on air in inhabited rooms and wards are said to siioxv that an important source of contamination is the minute particles of dusts, in which there arc micro-organisms, and it seoms probable that these are the only really dangerous elements in the air, '1'lipse- views, and t.hc con- elusion, that the presence of carbonic acid £rai is not a trustworthy eriterjon of the existence' of other-am! more poisonous exhalations, arc lively to be by many students of ventilation.

Cured Diabetes. March nth, 1895- Thc Dr. J. McLean Aledtcine ST. LOUJS.

no. GENTLEMEN 1 desire to express my hear feit thanks to you for my marvelous restoratioc to health. I was sick for many years with a bat case of diabetes which made me very thin ani? weak. I also suffered much loss of sleep, having to get up so many times at night to pass urine, and also great annoyance from thirst thai A few months ago began to follow your instructions in regard to dip and to use Dr. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm, It is a grand medicine.

1 used three bottles, and, thanks be to God, am a wfc man again. 1 have not felt so good or taken more interest in life for many year. You are at liberty to publish this if you desire, as I would be glad to be the means of calling the attention to victims of diabetes to a remedy that will give them relief. LO PHILLIPS, Columbus, Neb. ti-lls OUR DAILY BREAD.

The THE RICHEST MAN'S WIFE, If. -Ill in WEST BOUND. Inn Tirli t. mm I'l-llju Mir, bt. limited dully, -old no-lU' J'ast ctiily.

im City exprew dolij uiu i 0 -IJ' Foe ix tun 'flu i.u No. EAST EOUND. 2 Y. Boston llm dally 'Old no M-. 2-Al ft in ynscinall dully.

'(vdnoJU a ni i Atlantic llm dallj Sim 'old no -1 1.. -1 sK 14 Local frt, (UillytxSnti I'l 30 in EEL RIVER DIVISION. WEST BOUND. 36 arrive No37 arrive 03 EAST BOUND. No 30 leave ifMo a.


Sun. 10:31 a for 8t Joseph No. 68 Ex. Sun. 6:10 ft lor St.

Joncph No, Ex. Sun for South Bend FOR THE SOUTH No. 51 Sundny 7:17 n. m. for Terre Haute No.

(3 Ex. Sun. 2:47 p. for Terre Haute For complete time card, giving- all trains and stations, and for full Information as to through cars, address J. C.

EDGEWOHTH, Agent. Lojransport, Ind. Or, E. A. Ford, General Passenger Agent, St.

Louli, ilo. Somo Truthn About MnrcWoiiCHS and Her Ot the wife oi' J-i riling' Chans', millionaire of millionaires, a writor in Pearson's Weekly snys: Marchioness Li IK vorv compared with licr fclIow-L'OUiitrywoincn, an iJig'ly Ic'c'irncd Her Age is possibly yrciit dcnl 50, yet, she looks or even less. TJiu of tlic richest in thu worlO, she spends roynlly. not without keeping aclctniltd acooiiut of her expenditures, In her mnjrnificer.t. home on the banks of tlio Pei-TIo she in great, surrounded by sonfr birds, peacocks, aqunrin.

pottery, jreius and botanieal collections. One thousand attcudc-ivts and servants answer her bock and In her wardrobe are g-narded 2,000 coats, 2,200 pairs of "troiisorettcs" and $00 -fur robes, made from the finest.skins. Her feet hovo been compressed until they are quite inefficient for the original purpose', the, marchioness is unable to walk more than a fcw yards nt a time. Twice a day she. bathes in oil of oranfje and acacia blooms nnd afterward lakes an.airing 1 in Mie coolie sedan.

Finally she dresses her hair in CiO ways, eath more miraculousnad.amore example of the. coiffeur's art than the one that g-oes before. Klnil IMost Common Cn- knovrn I-nrtt Century. -Much rye bread eaten in this country in the of the century, and much rye and a hrii.lftifui when sieves superseded the hiif, brick oven in which the maize, ingredient was rendci-id digestible by being cooked ail nig-hf. The snowy whouten loyf, as the staple bread of the hind, dates only bnek to Ihe enl- tivaiioo.

oil 1lie whca.t fields of New -York in the early na.i'tof ccnt-nry and there to a "fnshion" of bread. Thr iis-ing- of bread from than "Mic bost Cenesee Hour" was tlio I 1 a murk of poverty. About (iuii'e up- about an even of dyspepsia throughout the iioi'thern anil enstorn states, more those ivcll-to-do jx'oplc used only thu "best Gencsec-." One investipitor announced that tiio root of Iny in robbing' 'Jic wheat of ils ele- in tlm I of away its outer conling. nuun was Sylvester Orahnm 11 inona- inafiinc on his own hoblj.v, hut he i'en- dcred nn important service to 1lie science of alimentation, though the epi- thtt "bran hread" derisively applied to the sort thnt still bears his It seen Indv. II yra the hoy In liiss "ViY ix'iss j)Poph''s fec' Inr.d," the little fellow, nici' "Id I' lii'i'ti.

if lie ii tlin iit "but he's kiss his P'npe was cli 1 lf' tmswer, Ornamenting It recently occurred to Tiffany the New York jewelers, to ornament a. bicycle elaborately with gold, silver, and precious stones, believing that some wealthy customer would esteem so handsome a mount. They preferred to pay $JOO each for The Best gSmokingTobaccofWade To Be Given Away tliis year in valuable articles to smokers of BlackwelFs Genuine Durham Tobacco Yor, will find one co-jpon inside cncJ; 2-ouiicc bag, two coupons insiilc each 4-ouncc Buy a bag, read the coupon and sec how to get your share. THE HAEIT Say It I Or DREAMING. IndloiLtion of fu- HIS MISTAKE.

A Yoang Happy Kotort to Presiding The New Ydrk Recorder gives a story of o. youog" lawyer who evidently did not consider the well-known learning- of the judg-e a sufficient reason for omitting- evidence of his own attainments. The judge was compelled to listen to The fullest the. 1 nn- ture und oi'ipin of.dreamx iins bci'ii liy M. the French lie divides into the of dreams' the rt 1 sult" of the diseased Ktiitu of the mind body.

In regrirtl 'to latter it need ncly be remarked that persistent drtatn- is ovie of the most- invariable symptoms of insanity, and it is psychological fact if genius is near allit'd to marl- ness, genius must be expected to dream more than ordinary inen. With repard to the dreams of health, they a-re the result of an imperfect state of riess or an imperfect state of sleep, according as we look at it. It is obvious the mind of the man, that is Columbia Bicycles oc IN THE: For keeping System In a Healthy Condition. CURES CURES Constipation, Acts on tho Liver and Klood, Dispels Colds and Fevers, Beautifies the Complexion kt and RafreshlnR to the Taste: Sou? BY ALL Gr.JSGiST*. cel.Y illustrated cis-htj-pace Lincoln Story Book lo cTery of Lincoln Price 25c.

Ask your draffjltuor LIMOXJI TBi For Sale by B. F. KEESL1NG. For their purpose to using any other make of wheelTheremust be no question of quality in a bicycle selected for such ornamentation. Therefore they chose Columbias STANDARD OF THE WORLD Untqualltd, Unapproached, BcButlful Art of CoIumbU and Hut- lord it free If you oil upon any Colura- agent; by nxll from at far two i-cmt POPE MANUFACTURING CO.

Ftetories and General Offices, Hartford, Conn. Branch StorM and Aeenciei In almost every city and town. If Columblai tie not properly reprtMnted la your vicinity let us know, fonuou ciciy wliojJL' cli.ji'cl is iMMfiici 1 in aui conversation whik' oiHT.ilinii 0:1 convidt-r vliat the iinoslinos nix' about five times as loug as the body, wo can realize the iatcnse suffering ex- peviericed when tlicy become luflnmed. DeWiU's Colic nnd Cholera Cure subdues iuflatMni.ii.fon at once and completely 'removes the M. colored llannel shirts are recommended for the Easrlisli.

troops in Kiryrir, yoiJow is prorpcUon still. Subscribe for the Journal, 40 per month. I The wooded JsInrM in -laeliseu Park, Chicajro. is the finest row in UK- Tersons who bave a couorhius speE every nigrlif, on account of a lictlinc sensation ii) the ihroat, may overcome it at once by a dose of One Jlioute CoJigb M. Johustou.

It is fhitcil that only her reqnii-einenls an? now Jinporieil 'fcy as against (IT JUM- cent, six ycaw. "Wake n.p, day breating! so sikl DeWkfs Little Early Riser tc the man who had taken them to arouK his sluggish no. M. Johnston..

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