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Carlisle Weekly Herald from Carlisle, Pennsylvania • 2

Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GOVS. LOWE AND BIGLER. JIVRDEH WILIi OUT. toinnnb County 3Mntttrs. HEBAL33 AND EXPOSITOR, 25cu) 2Vbcrtisimcnt0.

BSy Tho red wei 11 is committing great havoc n.the wheat la Ernutlywiuo Hundred, Delaware apples, tf this year's growth, from A'irgiuiu, hove arrived in Now Haven, Conn by schooner. V. Hazolet proposes shortly to commence issuing nn Independent Family rpor, in nmbersburg, called Tho Transcript. SnoiAi, Envoy Fiioji Rome. The New York Freeman's Journal states that Monslgnor Bcdiul, Archbishop of Thobei, former Commissary Extraordinary of ILo Pontlflclnl'Govcrn-ment to the Legations, lias left lluino as special Envoy of His llulinesa to the United States, lie is charged by tho ljoly Father to pny a visit to the Government nt Wuthington, and also to hold interviews with tho different Prelates of tho Church In the United States, mid to acquire the most exuot information, rasptct-ing the interests and condition of the Catholic If any Whig Journal at any time impeaches tho management of tho State Improvements, whioh oio under tho exclusive ooutrol of Loco fooos, no matter upon what authority, or how dear its proof, its statement or charge is pro nounccd a Whig lie, and aLooofooo denial thus made is regarded as quite sufficient to estab lisk the falsity of the impeachment.

We may avail ourselves, therefore, of tho opportunity to spread before our readers what a Simon Pure Locofooo Journal, of no less character and influence than the Pittsburg Pott, snys of the Locofoco management of ourFublio Works. Road it, carefully, all ye who nro in search of truth. It is not a Whig lie, but oopiod from tho editorial columns of the Post of Thurs day: Tho management of our internal improve niCDts require reform. We aro free to sny, that under no administration has it been pro- perly mannged. The public works have been used to till the pockets of the high officials.

while the poor working man has been left to starve, without any remuneration for his la- bor. It is painful for us to refer to this matter. for the Canal Board is now in the hands of our party. But we cannot refrain from calline upon them to reform tho evil complained of aoove, ana we uopo that they will at once remove these oppressors of herd working opera tives. They areunwortby of public trust or station.

Xliey would rob tho State with as little remorse asthey do tin laborers, and they suoutci De shipped at once. If this evil is not redressed by the Ccmmis sioners before tho October election, it will then rest with the people to express their indignation at the ballot box. The hard toil ing workman is not to be plundered to fill th pockets of lazy officials Their nominal wages are low enough, God knows but to niak them suffer a shave on that is cruel in th extreme. The laborers earn evory cent of the money promised to them, but from tho above statement it is evident mat they do not ge their pay when it ie earned, and that the lazy officials, of whom we havo before spoken, draw it, and speculate upon it at a heavy discount. The operatives on the Portage Railroad have published a statement in whioh they say that they work eighteen hours a day, and have to wait six and even twelve months for their pay In the above extract the Post also indicates other exactions to which they are subjected How very democratic A SENSIBLE LOCOFOCO.

George Roberts, of the Boston "Times," though an incorrigible Locofoco of tho Young America stripe, is, withal, a shrewd and sen sible fellow, and not to be humbugged by the ridiculous pretensions of ctbor Locofoco jour. nals that the Whig party is dead. He says, in a late number of the Times "There is an abundance of Whig material scattered over the country. A party which threw a million and a half of votes at the last President's election, needs only good leader. ship to be oonverted into a political engine of incalculable power.

It is particularly so from the workings of our mode of electing a Presi dent. The Whig popers have already proven that a change of thirty thousand votes last November would nave elected (ienerol Scott The history of Mr. Polk's administration shcwB how uuwise it is to think that the Whigs are extinguished because badly beaten as shown by the fact that, at its close, in 18-18, the Demoorats were totally routed." GREAT MUSICAL FESTIVAL, Philadelphia, June 28. Our German popu lation turned out in largo numbers last night to reoeive the German Musical Societies who have come on to attend the annual festival. Thirty-two societies from Baltimore, New York, Boston, arrived and weie escorted amid tho firing of cannon, to Indepen dence square, where they were welcomed by the Mayor.

Previous to reaching the Square, the visitors were greeted by a song of welcome sung by the Philadelphia societies, from the steps of the Custom Houue. A collation was afterwards served up in the grand saloon of the Museum, where the jubilee concert will take place to-morrow Proscription at Washixqton. The fol lowing figures will show how thorough has been the work of Proscription, for opinion's at Washington, thus lar, in the career of the Pierce Administration. If the work goes on as bravely the next three months, es it has done since the 4th of March last, Whigs in office, if General Pierce can help it, will be few and for between Appointments by the Federal Administration since Fourth of March. Foreign Ministers, Charge d'Affairs, Consuls, Commissioner to Sandwich Islands, Treasurers, Registors, Receivers, District Attorneys, Marshals, Collectors, Surveyors, Naval Officers, Appraisers, Deputy Postmasters, Surveyor Generals, Pension Agents, Indian Agents, Grand Total, 68 11 20 207 22 23 SO 719 If to this grand aggregate were Added the host of removals of Whig subordinates in the several departments and offices enumerated sbove, it is suspected we should have to foot up thousands instead of hundreds.

To the viotors belong the spoils is, verily, the maxim of the Pierce and Marcy administration. The Hessian Every paper, almost, we pick up, adds to the many instances already given, of the ravages of this little pest. Our readers may, therefore, be interested in the following account of the fly, taken from the abstract of the seventh census la 1775 thero was entailed upon this eountry an enduring calamity, in consequence of the introduction of the Hessian or the wheat fly, which was supposed to have been brought from Germany in some straw employed in the debarkation of Howe's troops on the west end of Long Island. From that point this insect gradually spread various directions, at the rate of twenty or thirty uiilos a year, and the wheat of the entire regions east of the Alleghenies is now more or less infested with the larvae, as well as in large portions of the States bordering on the Ohio sod Mississippi, and on the great lakes and so great have been the ravages of these insects that the cultivation of grain has been abandoned." The Original Wasbingtonians. John H.

W. Hawkins, in answer to the statement go-the rounds, (attributed to John B. Gougb,) that the leader of the Baltimore Washingtoni-sm movement is keeping a low grogshop in Baltimore, gives the present Btanding of the original six, as bollows David Anderson, master blacksmith, doing well, and accumulating property John F. Hoss, master oorpenter, doing well James MoCurley, a master eoachmaker, doing well, also accumulating property Archibald Campbell, Bilverplater, doing an extensive business; William B. Mitchel, on his own farm, seven miles from Baltimore unfortunately does not keep his pledge George Steers, died in 1640v sober man kept his pledge to the last." JSyThere wss to have been a general meeting of the members of the order of Jesu-ites la Paris on the 21st to elect a new General of their Society, in place of Father Roothan, lately deceased.

a to by all The York Republican in noticing the corres pondence between Gov. Lowe, of Maryland and Gov. Bigler, of says with great force and point The coolness with which Gov. Lowe rolu ses to surrender the fugitives from justice, became a Chester County Jury are not to be trusted, and also beoause Judges Bell and Campbell, counsel for this State, agreed that the kidnappers should not bo punished if the Baltimore County Court would let the stolen girl go free, is exceedingly refreshing. Nor is the energy with whioh Gov.

Bigler pitcher into his locofoco brother less delightful. He goes it with a perfect ruth, and uususnioioiiB. simple minded people Israelites in whom there is no guile will no doubt really boliovo uio io do earnest. He upon the chance to display as a friend of freedom and the oppressed with a ravening appetite and bavins law. reason, iustine.

common sense. the constitution, judicial authority, cxeoutivo precedent, and the principles of humanity, all on bis side, he bIiows off, with the aid of ins Attorney General to stuff him from tho Books of Reports, to tho most dcoided advantage. You would really believe that he was ready to swallow Gov. Lowe whole, and to send Judgo Bell and the Ex-Attorney General, now Postmaster General, Campbell, forthwith to the Penitentiary, to punish thorn for com pounding a felony 1' But tho whole thing is a solemn farce, and the entire matter a fore gone conclusion 1 between tho parties before ever this correspondence saw tho light. It is "a mere tub thrown to the whale' of puotio sentiment in Pennsylvania to conciliate favcr for Gov.

Bigler, and to 'gull the simplcB, who can led to believe that our Executive's seriousness is real, and bis letter a true thing. It is only intended to enable his friends to vapor and boast of his noble vindication of the honor of the State and devotion to the cause of impartial justice and human freedom, wnen tie comes betore toe people sgam as a candidate. Yet it was well understood that Gov. Lowe would not surrender the kidnappers lie lias not surrendered them, and don in tend to do so. Gov.

Bigler may flourish cn paper, ana mat is INDEBTEDNESS TO EUROPE. The New York Times has published a table giving the amount of tho indebtedness of this oountry to Europe, in the way of the IT. State, City and Railway Stocks, owned by persons in foreign countries and it amounts to the Btartling sum of Three Hundred and Eleven Millions Five Hundred Thousand Dollars The nterest alone on this vast sura, which we have regularly to forward to ourcreditors in Europe, is Eighteen Millions Six Hundred and Ninety Thousand Dollars! This is an unfortunate state of things, indeed and should excito the earnest consideration of our legislators, Ta-tng it in connection with tho fact which was stated last week, that our imports of foreign goods were foorfully on the increase over our exports, and swelling the large balance of trade against us to an enormous amount it is high time that the people were looking into the matter, before the crisis arrives, whioh must inevitably take place. LATER FROM EUROPE. The steamship Baltic arrived at New York on Sunday evening, with four days later advices from Europe.

The news is only important in connection with the Turkish question The Earl of Clarendon, in a speech in the English Parliament, officially announced that the English and French fleets had been or dered to the Dardanelles, in the event of a rupture between Turkey and Russia. Tho Emperor of Russia has addressed a note to the different European powers, declaring that is not his intention to do anything to disturb the peace of Europe. He wants all matters settled peaceably. The Turkish government, owever, are preparing for a defence against Russia in good earnest. The Porto has or dered twenty-seven vessels of war to the Black Sea fully equipped, and called out two hundred thousand militia for organisation as regular troops.

The aspect of affairs promise speedy settlement without recourse to war LATE FROM THE PACIFIC. The steamship Northern Light, from San Juan, with California dateB to the 1st reaohed New York on Friday. Sho brought 400 passengers who have a large amount of gold in hand, and reports the steamship Call. fornia sis having left San Frsnoisco on the 1st with $2,283,000 in gold on her manifest. The Northern Light reports that the ship Jamestown, at San Francisco from China, brought dates from that Empire to the 6th of April, from which we learn that the rebels were driven from the, of Nankin with immense slaughter.

From China. By way of California, we have news from China later than that among our for eign news, but it is not considered re liable. It is to the effect that tho revolutionists had been repulsed before the city of Nanking, with the slaughter of many thousands their troops; and that the rebellion is likely to be soon put down. We shall proba bly hear again in a few days. Riot in New York.

A very serious riot occurred in New York on Wednesday evening, growing out of the discovery of some human bones and portions of a human body in the cellar of a drug store. In a very few moments an excited crowd of about 8000 persons assembled, who broke into the interior of the houeo and store, destroying everything that come in their way. The inmates, Dr. Wheeler and family, fortunately escaped, or their lives would have been sacrificed to tho popular fury. The secret of the difficulty was, that several medical students who boarded with the Doctor, had a 'case' or two for anatomical purposes, and were not sufficiently careful in disposing of the bones, hence the excite ment and disturbance.

Swallowed a Pin. The Wilmington Re publican states that a Miss Craig, of Delaware oity, swallowed a pin some two or three months ago, which lodged in her throat, so as to destroy the power of speech. Physicians could afford her no relief, and it was feared it would result fatally to her. A few days ago, however, she visited Sr. Worrell's drug store, and being fatigued, the clerk tendered her a glnss water; while in the act of drinking she trangled and throw np the pin.

It was traight when she placed it in her mouth, but eame out bent into a half circle at the point, and much corroded. Serious Effsct or tub Heat. In Philadelphia, on Tuesday, a young man named John Harrison foil dead in Third street, from the effects of the beat a laborer, name unknown, also died from the same cause in Fourth street; colored woman died immediately after drinking a gliBS of cold water James Duffy, a carpenter, was taken home insensible, in con sequence nf drinking cold water while overheated anothe man was sun struck and had be conveyed home and James Hagerty, a laborer, died from being sun struck. Js55Bellefonte, having been annoyed wedding parties being serenaded with horse fiddles, vow bells, by bands of young rowdies, the borough council have passed a resolution to the effect that they will prosecute persons who may hereafter participate ia ouch affairs- i JOHN W. BELL, JOHW W.

BBU A HEN.I. lURUY, and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS HOWARD STREET, Opposite Centre, ly N' OTICE is hereby given that opplicaiion wi tl, I eenb in II 7.T., 7i, Commonweulih, for an alteration in tho "linn" of iuu yuiimie ucposite uanK, so as In confer po; ouiu nana me rigms. 01 a privileges ol of issue, and (o chunge the name lo ban ot By order of the Board of Direct. r. W.

M. BEETUM June 29, 1853 Cm Cashier AT PUBLIC SALK. Till? i- 7.,.. "ucr "in t-u in nuumc sam, on SA'IURDAV EVENING, the Slid of July, mo puonc nousc oi jonn Underwood, the borough of Vorlt.thnl valuable properly (inter! 1VT iU r. I uoorgc oireci, near tnepuu- tSnN George Shelter's properly HMuy nn ine souin on JUi -y Uuci 110 USE a cam BuilrtniB, ratal) e.

rnnrh I 1I smith '7CK- i. long 'ontr known a. s. am. fur 10 nnurmn on.

I crms liberal. JOHN rmai.i. June S3, l833-4i York, In the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County, to No.G4,AprilTe:m. 1E53. April 12, 1853.

The peliiion of William I rough, presented to the Court of Common r'ieas ol Cumberland Countv, represent na that l0ber' 1811 Ile purchased at Sheriffs Sole tho property of John Troueh lor the sum of SI)0, oml that on the liih dav November, 1841, l'nul Martin, iho then Sheriff, executed and delivered lo said petitioner a deed for the premises sold, wiih receipt for the purchase money. Said deed, lor some cause unknown to said peiinoner, never was acknowledged or recorded as provided for by ihe Act ol Assembly. He therefore piays tho Court lo grint a Hale on the said Paul Martin Sheriff, and upon said John Trough or his heirs at law, to show cause why the said deed should not now be acknowledged and recorded atcor. ding to law. April 13, 1853.

Rule upon Paul Martin to appear at the next adjourned Court, and thew cause why the deed samild not he ncluvowled- netll ami .1.. .1... I ii me iirira in law io cause, if any the) have, why ihe prayer of iho I.IIHU1U inn nn jjrainea. Notice lo hp served by publication in two newspapers for four weeks previous to tho Court. Cumberland County, ss.

rw I George Zinn Proih'y of the Court of L.S -Common Pleas of eaid County, do cer-vj tify Hint the above is a true cony of the 'uniuuic uue, lutiGii irum me records ot said Court. Given under my hand and the seal of the said Court, nt CnrliDla tt. lil. i i. juuc, A.

1853. GEORGE ZINN. r2Jlt Proth'y. Doubting Gap, Cumberland Covntij, Pernio. THIS popular and delightful Summer Re treat, so favorably known, is situated ai Doubling Gap, in tha mountains which form tha northern bounderv of the Cumberland Vnllev.

about 30 miles southwest of Harrisbnrir. Tho Springs are accessible from ihe Eastern cities by Railroad to Newville. via Lancaster. Har- risburg and Carlisle. From Newville to ihe Springs ihere 8 miles of eood staginc.

Passengers leaving Philadelphia or rjelMlrore in the morning, will arrive ot the Springs about 6 r. a coat ot irom $3 ao to $4, Many improvements have been mado during tho last year, which render the plaec still more attractive. There is a wide field for huntirg and tho Trout-fishing in the Big Spring nt Newville is the best iu ihe country. furiher particulars, please address SCO I COYLE, June 2 1833. Proprietor.

SCHOOL TASKS. HE Duplicate of School Taxes of tho Borouerh of Carlisle for the niptent vear. have been issued to the undersigned School Treasurer, Notice is therelore given that he will attend in the Commissioners oficc. nt the county Court House, on SATURDAY tho 30th of July next, between the hours of 9 and iz, a and clock ot said day, tor tbe purpose of receiving the Bchool taxes so assessed ogree-ably tn ihe provisons of the common school tax-. The dollar rate on all property is SI mills, and on professions, occupations 4 nulls.

All persons paying their school taxes on or before said 30th of July, will he allowed a de. dnction of five percent, and those paying alter that date, and on or before the 30th ol September next, a deduction of three per cent, after which last date a warrant for the speedy collection nf all said taxes as remain unpaid, wilt be placed in the hands of a proper oliicer duly appointed for that purpose. J. W. EBY, Trensurei.

Carlisle June 23, 18S3. 3t. Tavern Stand for Sale. I OFFER for sale the property on the Nort i West corner of Hanover and Pomfret stf The lot fronts 30 feet on Hanover street hv 2 on Pomfret, having erected on it a well bull .1 three story BRICK HOUSE, wit necessary stabling. The propert has been a tavern stand tor man years, and is st present occupied -as.

such. Price three thousand dc 1 lars, $3000 Apply to tho subscriber. June '22, 1853. It. GIVIN Becchers Matchless Cordial.

rwlHIS medicine has ncvet known to fail in JL curing Cholera Morbus, in from 10 to 15 minutes; Cholera Infantum, or summer complaints of children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, etc in from 10 to 24 hours. It is certain and safe under all circumstances, having been fairly testod in upwards of four hundred eases with- out a single failure. Let every family provido itself with at least one bottle ol this invaluable remedy. Try it, and it will recommend itself. It is prepared upon purely scientific principles, and cannot be justly termed a quoth mtdicir.e, unless science be qunckerv.

For pale by B. J.KIEFFEtt, Druggist, South Hanover Street, A few doors south of the Court June 32. 1833. MOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the CUM.

BERLAND VALLEY SA VINGN-STITUTION, located in Dickinson township. Cumberland county, will make opplicaiion to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of" Pennsylvania for nn act of Incorporation, with, a capital of not less than Ten nor moro than Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the purpose. of receiving deposits of money both transitory and. on interest, and of making loans and with such other privileges as are usually Bran-ted to Savings Institutions. By order" of the: Directors.

WM. GALBREATH, Tri as. D. L. BEELMAN, Sec'y Fresh Trenton Crackers.

JUST received, a lot of Trenton Crnekers, also Butter and Soda Crockers, at the "heap Grocery of June 15 1SS3. A. UARU I tir.10. BEEF AND HilTvIS RECEIVED this day, direct from Cineinna-ti. bill sunnlv ol ihe-fullowmK celebra ted breads: 100 Sugar Cured Davis Co's Heer iiams, 100 Gardner.Fhipp Co Hams, 100 Dunielle Westphalia do.

Phis last brand coined the Prize at the London World's Fair. Also, a large supply of ri. ltain am. fftdea all of which will bo sold very 'ow for cash. lf1I.IlAT, June 21, 1853.

Family Grocer. Estate of Eliz. Bowman, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Elizabeth Bowman, late of West Pennsboro township, Countv. deceased, have been rraiv ted by tbe Register of snid county to the subscriber, residing in the same township.

All npjsans indebted to said estate are reouested tr nia'te payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to SAMUEL. D1L.L.KK, June 23, 1853. Ailm'r. FARMERS FARMERS ANOTHER lot of the celebrated YORh. PLOUGHS, just received at manufacturers prices, from fS 37 to $6.

Also, rm hand Craighead's and Plank's Pioorhs at their ori- ces. HEN SAXTON. mm CurllalePepoelt Dank. We aro requestl to inform the public that this institution wll be closed, according to oustom, on the 4tif July. Fouih of July.

The Fourth of kily will not bo oelobrated in our place this loar with any remnrkablo demonstration, if je rosy judgo from present indications. Our itiiens seem inolined to let tho day pass. ovc quietly. Neither of tho political parties artoaking any arrangements for tho customnryjcclcbrtitlons i and besido tho Pio-nioB by thejSunday Schoolchildren, we hear of nothingln preparation to murk the recurreuoe of our Bitional Anniversary. School impropriations.

The following eltement will exhibit the amount to which cnlh 'district in Cumberland county Is entitled, fit of the annual opiropri. ntion of $200,000, far the school year 1864, viz: Uppor Alien, I $100 80 Lower Aller, 187 16 Carlisle, 818 48 Dickinsoo, 247 82 East PennsborougL 189 32 Frankford, 131 76 Hampden, i 108 00 Hopewell, 112 08 MiffliD, 123 48 Monroe, 164 88 Meohanicsburg, 110 16 Newton, 147 06 Newville, 76 32 New Cumberland' 36 72 North 172 44 ooutn Miuciietoa, iJ1 Silver Spiing, 184 68 Southampton, 137 16 Shippensburg Borourh, 138 24 Shippensburg Towniiip, 28 80 West Pcnnsborough. 168 84 School Commencement. Our community lis been warmly interested for a week past witt the examinations of the several Publ Sehdds of the borough. The examinations were public and most of them have attracted larss audiences, composed of parents and other fiends of education.

The examination of th Female High School, the last and most interesting of the scries, took place this morning in tho presence of a considerable number of attentive and gratified spectators. The Ixamination will bo followed by a joint exhibitbn by the pupils of the Male and Feraalo High Schools, in Education Hall, to-morrow oveninr. The exf roises will consist of Declamation, Compositions, interspersed with vooil and instrumental masic. The public is inviied to attend. The examinations generally, we lenrn, have been very crcditible to both Teachers and pupils.

A details! and discriminating report of them Tv ill probably be prepared by the Committee of Viators, which it will give us plcasuro to publish. Our Schools are conducted upon a well-devised system, the excellence of which is shown in the gratifying success which has attended its operations. The Directors, several ol whom have occupied their stations sioce the commencement of the Common School system in the State, are no less entitled to the public praise for their efficiency than for their disinterested devotion- to the welfare of the rising generation. Ono thing, however, has been strangely overlooked by Directors and Teachers, to which we cannot refrain from calling attention it ia th bad order 1n which the grounds adjoining many of the school houses (particularly the new ones)' are suffered to remain. That they should bo left destitute of verdure, shrubbery end flowers seems to us out of all charaoter.

It strikes us that a school house, of all places, should have these beautiful surroundings, so pure and elevating in their influences, end that their cultivation should be made a subject of interest with the children. Carlisle Sulphur Springs. This celebrated and fashionable watering plaoe, we learn, has just been onened for the season with unusual life and animation. These Springs are situate about four miles north of Carlisle, in a beautiful, healthy, and most picturesque country, and are among the most pleasant and delightful summer resorts in the State. The water, which is highly impregj nated with sulphur, oon tains many medicinal qualities, and has been recommended to invalids by the most experienced physioians, The buildings, which have been within a year or two much improved and enlarge'd, are handsome, commodious and convenient, and every thing connected with the Springs is in the most perfect order.

From our knowledge of the gentlemanly proprietors, Messrs Norton Owen, who are energetic and enterprising men, we have no doubt visitors will find at the Carlisle Sulphur Springs as pleasant and desirable a summer retort ds they could wish. Volunteer, JgyTho Pacific Railroad Surveys are fairly under way. Four surveying parties have been organized to examine different routes. Three of themhave already started, and the fourth soon will. Major Stephens, the new Governor of Washington Territory, is examining the Northern line, starting from Fond du Lao and running through Minnesota.

Capt. Gunnison and his party met at St. Louis on the 7th, to take the Central Route from there to dan Francisco. Lieut. Whipple and his acrps start from Fort Smith, and probably will meet Capt.

Gunnison at Walker's Pass through the Sierra Nevada. And the other survey, tmder command of Lieut. Wilkinson, is to begin at the other end of the line, stnrting from San Francisco anil ohoosilig a route to Walker's Pass. If the three latter parties succeed in meeting there, they will be able to coi spare notes and perhaps come to a satisfactory conclusion. i Census or Cautonbnia.

The total population of the State, at the time the census was taken, amounted to 204,435 souls of which Ban Francisco City and County had 30,151. The number of acres of land in cultivation was 110,748, the annual produce of which was 2, 973,734 bushels of Barley, 100,497 of Oats, 271,703 of Wheat, 1, 393,170 of Potatoes and 62,532 of Corn. There were 108 Quartz Mills, and the amount of capital invested was as fol- laws, vis Quartz Mining, $5,871,405 Placer Mining, $4,174.419 other Mining operations, $3,851,623 end for other purposes $41,061, 933." gfcjy-It always gives us plcasuro notice any article that confers a real benefi i on the eommunity, and it is with confidence I heartily commend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to our readers as possessit extraordinary- -virtues for the cure of diseases incident to the Throat and Lungs. This may account for our frequent reference to tliis-orricle which we feel fully justified in making known to the public Ar Yf Tribune- To Pkuebtc Eqcs tor.Oxb Y-tA. Ooi pint quick line, one pint salt, to three gallons of water no eare is needed in puUingin the eggs, as they will be right end up, and will settle just below the surface, if proportioned right.

This is an old and good receipt. CAREIBJCa, PA WEDNESDAY, "jCNE 20. 1853, THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN COMBBRtAND COUKTV fetm--Tti' Dollar) a year, or One Dollar anil Fifty "Cents, paia punctually jiavance. $1,75 if paid within the year. JBomoeratic Whig- nominations.

CANAL COJ1MIS810XEB, MOSES TOWNALL, of Lancaster County. AUDITOR OBWillAI ALEXANDER K. MoCL'tiRE, of Franklin Co, soaVETon oenehal, CHRISTIAN MYERS, of Clarion County. Bask CftAlitf.ii Notices. We notlco an nouncements already published in the Harris burg papers, pursuant to a provision in the otrslitution of TeniwylTnnio, requiring six months' notice, of intended applications for twelve bank charters at the next session of the legislature.

Bjfktthe President was 111 for some day last week, but was better on Wednesday, and abro'to attend a Cabinet meeting. The Executive Mansion is always unhealthy at this sea son. In a few days tho President will take up his residence at a pleasant cottage on the dge of the city, during which time the Whito House will undergo repairs. The Postmaster "General and some other officors of the Govern ment have taken airy lodgings at Georgetown. WHIG NOMINATIOWS.

Jgy-The Dauphin Bounty Whigtioket is as follows Legislature, 'Goorge T. Hummel, of Hummeistown, tmd'Lot Bergstresser, of Mif District Attorney, David Fleming, of Karrisiburg; County Treasurer, L. R. Metzger, or Kliddletown i County Commissioner, J. TV.

Kerr, of flarriseurg irector of tho Poor, Samuel Grell, of Swtftara Auditor, Samuel Roach, of East Hanover. TROUBLE IN SEW HAMPSHIRE. The President is threatened with mutiny in bis own 'State. The free distribution of offioos among "Si'ree Soilers," and Fire Eaters," to the, exclusion of the Union Saving Compromise wing of the party won't go down even in New Hampshire. Last week, Mr.

Burke, formerly Oommissionor of Patents under Polk, and probably the ablest politician in New Hampshire, made a bold attack upon the Administration of President Pierce, and followed it up by a long published address to the -Democracy of New Hampshire. The Con cord Patriot, (the President's home organ,) of Monday, contains a bitter reply to Mr. Burke. It characterizes his -statements as malignant falsehoods and arrogant threats accuses him of cowardice, and calls him a bully and an as sassin, which traits the Patriot thinks he exhibited when he attaoked the'President through a in the Democratic Convention, and failed to sustain himself before that body. The Patriot nays Burke's course is to be at tributed to his failure to obtain a lucrative office.

Of course but the "outs" generally get to be the biggest party LeooFOOO Feud in Baltimore. A most bit ter and unrelenting feud exists among the Xooofooos in Baltimore. The animosity between Governor Lowe and Collector Thomas Bud their partisans, exceeds anything of the kind ever witnessed in Maryland. If President Pierce ha9 not had better Success elsewhere than is Maryland in producing harmony by the distribution of office, the party will be in a bad condition next fall. Every appointment made in Baltimore is said to have been made in opposition to tho emphatically expressed wish of the great mass of the Democratic party, and in accordance only with the wishes of a disorganizing clique of Old Fo-(ies," who claim the right of rotating from one office to another.

In a Bnaiil. The Looofooos of Westmore land oounty have nominated W'm A. Cook and Beni. Byrely for the Legislature. Three dele gates were selected to the nextState Locofoco Convention to nominate a candidate for Gover Resolutions were -twice offered in the Convention approving of the administration of Bigler, and instructing the delegates for his re-nomination, but'they were both times laid en the (aiie'by decidod -votes.

So the weakcBt Governor that Pennsylvania has had for years has been repudiated by the Locofoco Star of the West." June 27. We were visited last night by a very destructive fire, which broke out in a eoal boat lying at the wharf of Clark Shoud's warehouse, and which communicating to the warehouse, it was entirely oon- eumea, together with a large amount of goods, provisions, on storage. Several warehouses adjoining were also destroyed, or more or less injured. Atkins Kemble's warehouse was destroyed. Messrs.

Malveny Leslie, (re also heavy losers. The loss is estimated $100,000, on which there is an insurance Of $40,000. SAUCE or Attempt to Bkibe J. B. faster, Dr.

Geo. Weiser and Mr. Charles Weaver, the latter, one of the prosent Com-missioners Northumberland county, were Arrested on Friday laBt, on a charge of attempting to bribe Christian Albert," one of the Commissioners of the same oounty, for the purpose of inducing him to give his official sanction towards a subscription of $200,000 by the scanty of Northumberland, to the stock of the Susquehanna Railroad Company. Trail Dollax Coin. At the last session of Congress seotisa of an act was passed, authorising a new gold coie of the denomination of three dollars.

A coin of this value eraUjproTe advantageous is many respeots, as it will facilitate the making of change to a great degree. Having now one dollar pieces, quarter, half sad whale eagles and three dollar coins, there cazsat be much difficulty in making the ready change. The new ooin is to be issued shortly. Cssnmsi ro Hot Wiatheb. The Georgia ostuoat for hot weather is said to be simply a shirt eollar end pair of spurs.

It was hot smooth last wk even to dispense with the Jastm. cm Fobsioi KsLMtioas. Despatches were received at Washington, on Wednesday last, giving the details of the recent movements of She turkiah and Russian forces. The Administration, in view of its advices, have no fears, however, that tho peace of Ettrape is to be disturbed by the Bussian-Turluak Question. Switiarland is deemed a fax man dclioate foioi- B.

Tho Wheat crop of York county has not been injured to tho extent that waB apprehended some weeks ago. ESUTho treasonable corrcspomlonoo which was found in Major Antlro's boot, when ho was arrested by Paulding, Williams and Von Wirt, has been rocently discovered in Albany. New Wheat, A sample of now wheat consisting of 60 bags, appeared in New York on luesutay. ii was liom ueorgia, and was brought to exhibit at the Chrystal Palace fair Bi57A fast train on tho Pennsylvania rail road, when near Greensburg, lotcly, it is said, ran ten miles in Bcven nud a half minutes, which is nt the rate of eighty miles an hoar. J5A distingished scientific writer of N.

Y. Bnys persons struck with lightning should not bo given up as dead for nt lenst three hours, and should be drenched freely with oold water at first, and afterwards water aud salt. The Parallel. During the year 1852, of 39,135,729 railway passengers in Great Britain 210 were killed, and 486 injured. During the same year, in the State of New York, of 7,440 653 passengers, 348 were klled, and 269 injured.

BtgJU Mr. Hester, who was shot in Washington by Mr. Morrison, on the 16th instant, is Bnid to lie gradually recovering from the effects of the wound. Mr. Morrison is still in jail, awaiting a further examination.

JGSS-Tho largest plate of glass in America, 1G by 9 feet, was broken a few days ago, as the workmen were setting it in a window of a Broadway restaurant, New York. It cost $1,030. Several others of thecumc size were broken on the voyage. 4STlic prohibitory litjuor law has passed the Senate of Now York, and tho probabilities seem to bo in favor of its passing tholower brunch of tho Legislature, the object of the majority being to throw upon Governor Seymour the responsibility of affirming or rejecting it. The Governor has become obnoxious to tho Huiikoi-8, in cousequence of his appointing so many Barnburners to office.

The Seuato has just rejected a whole batch of his nominations. The Maine Law. Michigan never goes into an election with any half way fervor. It it always largely one side or another. The Muine law question onme up last week for the adoption of the citizens, and a majority of about 20,000 has been given in the State for tho prohibitory measure, which chows that anti-rum has made rapid and wide progress in that State.

New QtDiHttisniuute. Union Philosophical Society. THE SIXTY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY of the Union Philosophical Society of Dickinson College will be celebrated in tho McthodiBt Episcopal Church, on Tuesday evening, July 12th. The public is respectfully invited to attend. A.

D. GIBSON, Chairman. J. T. De Ford, J.

Donahue, P. D. Baruer, II. R. Tokbert, W.

F. Febouson, W. H. Sutton, Committee of Arrangements. Belles LeUres Society.

THE SIXTY SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY of the Belles Lettres Society of Dickinson College will be celebrated in tho Methodist Episcopal Church of Has Borough, on the evening of the llth July. The public is respectfully invited to attend. FERDINAND J. S. GORGAS, Chairman, T.

P. Eos, W. II. Eckbls, Alex. Chaplain, P.

De Vecmon, II. Rowland, C. A. Ebert, Committee of Arrangements. an ordinance Respecting a subscription to the Carlisle Gas and Water Company.

Whereas, By nn Act of Assembly inoorporor ting the Carlisle Gas and Water Company," the Borough of Carlisle is authorized to subscribe to its capital stock, and upon such sub scription to ttie amount of one third, the said Borough is entitled to tho absolute appoint ment or tnree managers ot tne snu Company. Now in pursuance of what we d.3tn nn enliebt- oned policy and the expressed -vi ill of the people ot tno Borough Section 1. Bo it enacted and ordained by tne Town (Jouucit ot tho Borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That tho President of the Council be and he is hereby authorized and required to subscribe to the onr-itul stock of tho Carlisle Gas aid Water Company for and ou behalf of too Carlisle one thousand shares, upon tho terms and conditions stipulated iu the Charter thereof. Section 2. That the President of the Council be tud he is heroby authorized and required to borrow tho sum of twenty-five thousand dollars tor the purpose of paying for the said stock, iu such instalments ns mny bo called for, or as shall be agreed upon with the said Company and for that purpose ho shall prepare one thousand, five hundred and one hundred dollar bonds to the amount of the snid twenty-five thousand dollars, to which there shall bo coupons annexed for the payment of tao interest thereot semi-annually, nt the Carlise Deposit Bank, until the 1st of July, whioh will be in the year one thousand eight hundred aud sixty-three, when the principal shall be made payable; and whiih said Bonds shall bo signed by the President and countersigned by the Clerk of tho Council, attested by tho oorporate seal.

And the etfoots, franchises and property of tho said Borough of Carlisle is hereby pledged for the payment of the principal and interest of tho said bonds as they respectively become due. Section 3. That on Thursday the ninth day of June instant, at 7 o'clock, P. the Council will meet and choose three managers of the said Company to serve for the ensuing year and uutil the second Monday of May in tbe year one thousand eight hundred aud fifty-four, nud until like officers arc appointed and hereafter annually on the first Thursday of May the Town Council of th? Borough of Carlisle shall meet and choose three managers to serve for tho then next ensuing year and until others shall thus bo app lintcd in their stead. Section 4.

That this ordinance is based upon the principle that the capital stock of mo tunisio uas and nater Company shall not exceed the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, so as that the subscription hereby mado shall amount to ono third thereof; and tho same shMl not by actual subscription or otherwise he increased so that the said Burough shall ho deprived of its representation in the Slid Board of Munagcri, but be entitled there to upon the subscription how made. This provision however shall not be eo construed ns to prevent the said Bc.rnueh from making any modification cr alteration which it may qereafter deem jubt and reasonable. Enacted and pnfsed by the Town Council of the Borough of on Thursday the 2d day of Juue, A. If 53. ELLIS RON HAM, Prcst.

Geo. S. Sbabiobt, Cleric. ohurch in this country. Sudden Phatii from Hkat.

It estimated that since Saturday week, there havo boen 00 deaths in Now York from the excessivo heat of the weather. Of 29 cases of coup de soliel reported at the hospital on Wednesday 21 proved fatal. In Philadelphia, on Thursday, Wm. Freeman, Andrew l'homns, Rachel Kelly, Simon Michael Groogan, Ellen Duye, and several others, died from the effects of the heat. Officer Mervine, of tho police, was taken homo insensible, but will probably recover.

A SraN. Tho Harrisburg Keystone, one Of the leading Democratic papers of Pennsylvania, copies nn article from the New York Herald, in which fault is found with General Pierce for many of his recent appointments. The article concludes with this significant but it is, perhnps, enough to recommend, (aside from all pcrsoual considerations in connection with this Now Hampshire move, ment,) a careful study of tho scopo and drift of Mr. Burke's resolution, by the President and his Cabinet. The flatteries of sycophants and courtiers moy be ogrecable, but they are delusive.

The timoly warnings of independent men cannot be with equal safety disregarded. Will there be war The Sib Treasury Overboard. The Secretary of the Treasury, after having floundered for three months through the impracticable meshes of a literal construction of the Sub Treasury law, and received the praises of th Democratic party for his wonderful firmness, and his superiority to his Whig predecessors, has abandoned his virtuous resolution, and gone back to the plain, undemocratic, common sense construction which all his predecessors have been obliged to give to the act. It seems to us that a law so impracticable that even its own friends confess their inability to enforce it, might as well be repealed. Thb Wheat Harvest.

The Wheat harvest is actively progressing in' Maryland, Virginia, and parts of Pennsylvania. The statements that were made some weeks since of tho depredation of the fly and joint-worm, are now generally admitted to have been exaggerated, and the general tone of tho country press war- rants the expectation that, with tho exception of some particular localities, the crop will be a full one. HAnmsBEBa Cotton Factouv. Tho Harrisburg Union, in speaking of tho affairs of their cotton Company, says, that whilst it is true no money has been made for tho stockholders, the salutary effect of the improve ment upon tho business of tbc town, has been most marked and decided. The mill, machinery and grounds of this Company cost $216, 9G5 82.

Although not running full last year, it consumed 919,047 pounds of ootton, and produced 2,416,592 yards of cloth, which, with the waste, sold for $181,211 24. Strike among) hhe Hatmakeks. Our far mers have found great difficulty this year in hiring hands to help them gather in the hay. In the upper portion of Philadelphia county, and in parts of Montgomery and Bucks, mow ers refused to work for less than $1,50 a day, or $1,25 nn acre, which prices were gencrolly paid in that sectioD. reported Negro Insurrection in New Orleons, the Picayune says, originated in the fancies of a crazy negro.

From the fuss whicd was made over it in the newspapers of that city, it evidently had excited there some alarm. Locomotive Explosion On Thursday the 10th while a locomotive on the Erie Rail road, near Rochester, N. was engaged in pushing a train up a grade, the boiler exploded, and killed eleven persons, besides woun ding several others. Nearly all those killed were laborers on the road. Four Lecoed Shanghai.

Notwithstanding the many fine things that have been soid about the Shanghais, all it appears has not been chronicled of them. Reuben Parry, of By-berry, Bucks county, has a Shanghai chicken that has four legs the (or quadruped,) uses the fore legs for locomotion, reserving the hind ones, like any other chicken of genteel breeding would do, for future exigencies. JBSgTho State Treasurer, as authorized by the last Legislature, has issued a notice that proposals will bo received at the Treasury Department to the second Thursday in August, for a loon to the Commonwealth at 5 per cent, free from taxation, of one million of dollars, to be applied to the poyment of so much of the Stato debt as may fall due this year or next. tS-A. thunder etorra visited Claytown, Bucks county, on Friday last, which did much damage.

A man nimied Aslier Wikinson iwas struck by tho lightning and very seriously njured. His son was nlso shocked, and a dog near by iustantly killed. Oregon and Fifty-I'our Forty. Tho correspondent of tho Journal of Commerce snys that a proposition will be made to pilrchate that portion of Oregon which in 1844 was declared to be unquestionably ours, but was subsequently yielded to Great Britain. DIES.

In Monmouth, Illinois, on ttie 29th of consumption, Mr. SiisriiBRD Hjll, aged 27 I years and 10 days. Ei)e illatkcts. FI1I1.ADEI.PHIA MARKET. Monday Evening, June 27.

FLOUR The market is rather dull mixed Western is offered at $4 62j better bnimlf nt $4 75, without rinding buyers, except in small way for home upe. The only sale worth noticing is 200 bis fresh ground Brandy wine, to be delivered about the 15th or 20(h Aupusi next, at $5 hi. strictly fresh ground Floui is held at the latter rate, with very liltlr inquiry for export. Rye Flour and Corn Meal remain inactive. GRAIN is stationary, with very little nrriv.

ing. Some 2000 or 3000 bushels I'ern'a white Wheat sold at 120c, end about 1000 but-hels fair Southern red at 112c. Eye is wonh 35c. Corn is scarce and wanted, and sales cf 2000 or 3000 bushels Southern nnd Pcnn'ii yellov are reported ot 60c sme holders more. Oats about 1000 bushels fair Southern soli.

at 49c, and a small lot of prime at 92c. GROCERIES as Inst quoted, vith sn-all transactions. PROVISIONS st previous quotations, with a limited business doing in most kinds. WHISKEY is moving off as wonted at T2)e aud --o for buds. March 30, 1853.


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