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Carlisle Evening Herald from Carlisle, Pennsylvania • 1

Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


DICKINSON GOES DOWN BEFORE THE IlED MAN'S LINE. Large Crowd Witnesses a Hard Fought Game Score 16-11 in Favor of the Indians. The cause exists in the blood, In what causes Inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is therefore Impossible to cure the disease by local applications. It is positively dangerous to neglect It, because It always affects the stomach and deranges the general health, and is likely to develop into consumption Many have been radically and permanently cured by Hood's Sarstiparilla.

It cleanses tba blood and bas a peculiar alterative and tonlo effect. St. Lone. California Junction, Iowa, writes: "I had catarrh three years, lost my appetite and could not sleep. Wy head pained me and I felt bad all over.

I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and now have a erood appetite, sleep well, and havo no symptoms of catarrh." McKINLEY'8 LAST VORDS Dr. Mann Tells Thorn to Sons and Daughters of Canton. Washington, Oct. 7. The Sons and Daughters of the lato President Mo-Kinley's native state of Ohio, who are now residents of Washington, yesterday paid a last public tribute to the memory of their dead congressman, governor and President, In a largely attended meeting at Chase's opera house.

The gathering was held under tha auspices of the Ohio Republican Association, but was not confined to Ohioans. An interesting feature of the meeting was the reading of a letter from Dr. N. D. Mann, one of the President's physicians, to Mr.

T. M. Sullivan, the secretary of the association. It was aa follows: "Buffalo, September 2C, 1901. M.

Sullivan, "My Dear Sir As President Mc-Kinley was dying I stood behind a screen in his room and heard him say his last words. His vife came into the room, and he said to her: 'Good bye, all. Good bye. It is God's way. His will be done, not Thero was some further conversation with his wife in the way of leave-taking, but this should not be repeated.

About an hour later he said to hia wife: 'Nearer, My God, to Thee. E'en though it be a cross, has been my constant He iried to say something more, but I could not catch it. I gave out at the time the first sentenca as being the most appropriate to ba remembered as his last words. I wroto them down at the time so that there can be no question about it. D.

MANN." Very Interesting Services Hold by a Number of Congregations. St. 1'anl Lutheran. Sorvloes preparatory to tho Holy Com munion were held in tho morning oon. duoted by the pastor.

In the evening a special Kormon was preached to the Sooiety, Mr Eugeno Brook assisted the choir during the day and sang "The Hills of God" at tha morning service old iu vuo ubu auuivmuary ui tun was observed, the Juniors and Seniors uulling in the following order of exercises: Hymn Onward, Christian Soldior. Boripture Reading 2 Cor 8: 7-9, Miss Mary Ritaaner. Prayer Pastor. Anthom 8 Choir. Address by the Retiring Presldont John Crider.

Rco A Changed Cross, Miss Annie Van Camp. Duet Misses Bailie Hemmlnger and Ada Plank. Annual Report of Seoretary Miss Mae Spangenberg. Anniversary Hymn. Report of Treasurer Samuel Gloss.

Poetioal Reminiscences Prof Jaoobs. Reo Seven Juniors. Hymn There's Sunshino iu my Soul Today. Offering. Reo Life is Real, Miss Edal Kluoker.

Report of topics for August and September Juniors. Quartette Misses Hemmlnger and Plank, Messrs Gloss aud Martz. Address by tha new president, Prof Jaoob Elepper, Announcements. Hymn God Be With You. Christian Endeavor Benediction.

At 7 00 a special sermon to the Christian Endeavors by the pastor, Rev Stock. The oounoil of the church meets this evening at 7 30 o'clock, Mite Booiety Thursday evening r.t the home of Mrs Moyer, East Pomfret street. The members will gather at the home ot Mra Louisa Hable, East Pomfret street. Holy communion next Sunday morning and evening, Grace U. G.

Tho pastor, Rev Joseph Daugherty, preached In the morning on "Christian Giving" from 2nd 8, 1-4, nd in the evening oa "Christ is Preoioua to the Believer" from 2st Peter, 2, 7. The Young People's service at 0 was led by the pastor. "This graoe also" was the subjeot. Helpful addresses were mado by Iaaao Stone, Wm Noaker and tsaao Naugle. HarveBt home and rally day Eorvloes will bo held next Sunday.

In tho morning tho pastor will preach a harvest home sermon and In the evening a program entitled "Harvest Joy" will be rendered by tbe choir and Sunday school. There will be a rehearsal of the program on Friday evening. Do not forget the time for tbe illustrated leoture oa "A Sojourn in Cuba" by Mrs Ruth Bhaffnor Etniar. It is Thuroday evening, 17. Tiokots 15 cents, Don't fail to hear it.

First Reformed. The pastor.Rev Miles Noll.yes'er lay preached two very able sermons to good audienoes in the morning and evening. Mr the Dickinson Law School, at bath survices sang solos iu magnifies it voioe to the great erj.iyment of tbe aud-ienoe. At 2 a dcllgbtlul rally day service was held by tbe Sunday school, being a union service of all departments The rooms were tastefully decorated with cut flowers and foil ago plants, An interestifg impromptu program was rendered, consisting of music, recitations and addresses The musio by the orchestra was especially fine. About 300 were present.

The collection amounted to $39. This evening tbe Mite Booioty will hold a reception for tbe congregation in the ehapel, Harvest Home Services. Th5 rilly day or harvest home services of the Allison Memorial Church will bs held next Sunday at 10 30 a m. A very interesting program has been arranged. There will be orchestra selections by tbe Sunday sohool orchestra, of which James Wheelook is leader.

Mr Wheelook will render a special olarionet solo. Music will also ba furnished by the ohoir and primary department. There will be a solo by Lilian Foreman, a duet by Margaret Jacobs and Ruth Andrews, and reoitations by Barter Elm, of the Indian School, and Ethel Neyhard. Dr Wm Gooding will deliver tbe address. The church will be decorated with fruits and grains suitable for the occasion.

Ail are cordially invited to attend. Salem riinrch or Hod. The attendance at the evening service was very gold and the saorament was also administered. Tbe is progressing i.icjly. 'tits E.

Thompson performed niosly on the organ. Rev. Alfred Young, Pastor. Donation Day. Bear in mind tbe faot thst Wednesday next will ba donation day for Todd Hospital, and make op your mind to help it along.

If you don't know what to bay, give na the money and we will buy what we need. How's Tnls I We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J.

Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable in aU Rainess transactions and financially able to carry ont any obligations made by their 6rm. West Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnak Mabvin, Wholesale Drncgists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Core is ttken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mnoona sorfacos of thd system. Price 75c per bottle.

Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills art the bevt. lion- It llrokc I a Snd Simper Party, at Which One Choir Wim Yneunt, On the morning' of March 13, 1809, news of special import from the Philippines went coursing through the nation. a certain half-hour's fighting 37 volunteers had been shot -killed and wounded.

Scattered through six different states that morning- nine men read the name of a college classmate in the list, and, for the first time in all their lives, grew serious. The bearer of the name was sent on sick leave to his home in Pittsburg-, a medal for special bravery on his coat, and a bullet in his head, says "A Graduate," in Ladies' Home Journal. One morning I walked into the sick soldier's room and found him sleeping. 1'or an hour he lay thus, then turned on bis elbow and awoke delirious. "Why-w-w-why is that you? D-d-did we score? Did that scheme work? I-l'm hurt.

T-take out time. Time! There were seven hundred Scrubs I mean Phili-1'hilispanios in the rush-line. When I he game began they meant to murder us. The half was nearly up They were inside our five yard line we lost the ball got out of ammunition Score was 'thirteen, fifteen, nineteen' dead men It was our last down I knew a scheme would work I asked the captain! Where were you? I must have had to give the signals. We worked a flying wedge with a long double pass, then I got out and ran for it.

I had all their ammunition and had dodged their full back coming in. The men were cheering Oh! but it was glorious. I must have gone out of bounds, for oh! My head! I think we Did we score? I think I know I got there just in t-time," and with his teeth set in the old way, and that old smile of triumph on his face, he fell back on the pillows dead. At the funeral the pali-bearers were his nine classmates. That night we tried to have a little supper at ihe Seventh Avenue hotel.

We sat down, but by some mismanagement ten plates were laid instead of nine. We tried to talk; we tried to eat; but somehow, we couldn't. The waiters brought the second course. We tried again; it was no use. Just then a man passed down the corridor outside toward the elevator.

The second hush had fallen on us when there came the single exclamation "Down!" With one accord we looked into each other's filling eyes. Then our visions focused on Jim Townsend's empty chair. We arose in silence and left the room. There are no joys so keen as those which we ten men had known through four years; there is no sorrow so keen as that which we nine knew that night. EGYPT'S KHEDIVAH.

Voted ns the I.edlngr Ileaiity in ihe I. mill That Throne nllll Ilenutlt's. One of the most beautiful of Egyptian women is the dowager khedivah, and those around the prriace never seem to weary of singing her praises. She is one of the most devoted of wives, says a London paper. The khedive is one of the few eastern rulers who has lived in a genuine love story with the heroine for his wife.

The peerless Ikbal llanem is of the Circassian race. She was formerly a slave of the Yididi (dowager) khedivah, at whose house the then young ruler of Egypt first saw her. As beauty gives rank in the orient, tho young slave's condition did not interfere with her advancement. She was courted and won by the dashing- young priiice, aud finally formally married to him and raised to the rank of khedivah. The happj- couple model their household after the European fashion.

She neither paints nor powders her face, as is the custom of Egyptian women of high rank. She likes European dress and has European servants and governesses for her three daughters. She studies with her children and has an open, inquiring mind. The khedive adores his wife and is a devoted father, lie has charming manners, an easy, smooth address, in which there is just a touch of the good fellow. But he never forgets his dignity.

His most intimate friends always remember that he is khedive. He is quite stout, the result, it is said, of his having when at the cadets' school in Vienna imitated his professors in drinking beer. He is good looking and intelligent. He has displayed rare capacity for keeping his own counsel. The smooth penciling of brows, eyelids and a certain dreamy expression give the oriental touch to his face.

Real Karnes of Some Itulers. Suppose that some morning there should appear such an item as this: "Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wettin, accompanied by their nephew, Mr.

Frederick W. V. A. Hohenzollern, sailed yesterday from Liverpool for New York." How many people would givo more than a passing glance at this announcement? Yet it would be a piece of news calculated to throw the people of New York, and the of this country, in fact, into a paroxysm of excitement and feverish expectation, as must be admitted when the names of King Edward Queen Alexandra and Emperor William of Germany are respectively substituted for the true family names given in the suppositious items. Then there is the youthful matron, Mrs.

Henry Schwerin, who wields more power than any other woman of 21 now living. She is known to the world as Wilhelmina of Holland, end is the only queen in the world to-day with the same powers as a king-. Ladies' Home Journal. Remedy Tor tbe Rrlppe. A remedy recommended for patients affiictd with the Grippe Is KEMP'S BALSAM, which Is especially adapted for the throat and lnncs.

Don't wait tor tbe first symptoms of the disease; get a bottle today and keep it for nsa the-moment it is needed. If neglected, tbe has a tendency to brin on pnen-monia. KEMP'S BALSAM prevents this by keeping the cough loose and toe longs free from inflammation. All druggists sell KEMP'S BALSAM, at 25o and SOo. A Fair Number Present Much interest and EnliinslaBin manifested, Tho Itepublioan county oommittee met Saturday at the Court House with a fair attendance.

John Rhey, was elected a committeeman in plaoe of Dr The district Is Fourth Ward, first preoinot. Alex was eleoted a committeeman from North Mlddleton In place of A Bier- bower. Bpoeohes were made by Mains.oan-dldate for poor direotor, and Vale, oandldato for distriot attorney There were also speeches by Hum-rloh. 8 Williams, A li Ruplej, Rhey, Line, aud others. Reports were reoelved from the committeemen from the various districts.

Great interest and enthusiasm were manifested throngbont. Tbe speeches were brief and to the point. A BECORO TO HE PROUD OF. Attendance of Sunday School Scholars That Hill be Hard to Beat. Grace Churoh, of West Fairview, is not very large, but can boast of a Sun.

day School reoord excelling any other ohuroh in the country for regular attendance among its Sunday School eoholarg. Miss Martha Givler heads the Hot with a reoord of twenty six years without missing one session. Next oomes Mrs Ellen Musser, with a reoord of fifteen years and nine months; Mr George Orris, fourteen years; nine months; Mr Lawrence Sparrow, fourteen years nine months; Miss Odessa Musser, ten years cine months; Lottie Jaokson missed two sessions caused by sickness in nine years and five and fonr year records are held by Warren Eckard, Leon Hawbeoker, Walter Hawbeoker, Charles Jacksoa and several others. Mr Neidlg, who has filled tbe office as secretary for twelve consecutive years, has an average of fifty Sundays each year for that period. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance ofper-manently beneGoial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Byrnp of Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, whioh aot for a time, but finally Injure the system Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Byrnp Co.

liouor and Thanks to Whom Doe. It is rather late to make due acknowledgment to the following gentlemen: Dr Gforge Edward Heed, Hon Wm Miller, of the Senate, Hob Edgar Manning aud Hon Robert Myers, of the House of Representatives, Hon Mr Thompson, of the Committee of the House, who wera the principal ones in having passod the Appropriation Bill in aid of Todd Hospital of Carlislo. These gentlemen worked bard to have this bill passed, and while one thousand dollars per annum is a great help to the management, yet it will by no means pay the running expences of tbe institution. And we now ask of tbe good people of Cumberland county to coi tribute liberally on Donation Day. A liberal contribution will place the hospital on a leas onable sure baBis, and will help the management in its work of usefulness and good to mankind.

Jacob Livingston, W. M. Hkxdebson, Jit Carl if le, Oct. 7, 1901. Truitees.

Fossil Tills. The demand is proof of their worth. Dr Agnew's Liver Pills are beating out many fossil formulas at a quarter a box. They're better niedi cine, easier doses, and 10 oents a vial. A thousand ailments may arise from a dis ordered liver.

Keep the liver right and you'll not have Sick Headache, Biliousness, Nanoea, Constipation and Sallow Skin. 100 pills in 25o size. 31 Sold by B. F. Emrick. HESiTIOSi. Edward Burns and his son, Ed of Hagerstowu, stopped off for the game on Saturday afternoon on their way to Chicago. Mr A Bender, ticket agent of the at Greencastle, Pa was in Carlisle Saturday afternoon shaking hands with old friends. Before leaving he paid tbe Herald a very pleasant call.

Mr Swiler, of Hickorytown, who is in a Philadelphia hospital and bad a operation performed a few days ago and little hopes expressed for bis recovery, is very little improved. John Long.of Waynesboro, has been choton treasurer of Franklin county to sucoeed Tbadens Ncviu, deooafed. Married. David Singleton and Mies Rosie Heals, both oolored, of this plaoe, were on Friday united in marriage by Bev Wales Harvey Russel, of Southhampton, aod Miss Mary Boughman, of Newton, were united in marriage at Lsesbnrg, Bept 20. John Stormy officiated.

Cologne Squirts Barred. A Hagerstown special says: The Ea- gerstown Fair Association will debar from the fair grounds this year all persons selling cologne squirts. In former years the sale of tin foil tubes, filled with a scented liquid, with a spray at one end, was heavy. Thoughtless buyers boldly tqairted the stuff in people's faces. Sleeting of Site Society.

A special meeting of tha Mite Society of the First Lutheran Church will ba held in the chapel this evening. A fall attendance is desired. Kopert I'psnlet sold. Mr Stambaugh Saturday evening sold bis magnificent horse, Rupert Epaulet, to Dr Ringwalf, of near Lancaster, for IG50. Photo supplies and chemicals and Eastman Kodaks, films and anndxies at Horn's, Delay Has Been Dangerous in Carlisle.

Do the right thing at tho right time. Aot qiokly In times of duugor. Backache Is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills aot quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kidney ills.

Plenty of evidence to prove this: Mr Charles Taylor, of 100 East Pomfret street, cabinet maker, says: "Mine was a chronic case of kidney trouble and backache, and I had it for years and years. Doan's Kindney Pills promptly helped my baca, mitigated the pain and relieved the lameness. After using thom I slept well and no longer had the dizziness in bending forward. My trouble was so long standing that I still take the Pills at intervals, so as to keep my kidneys working as nearly right as possible, I oan conscientiously re-oommend Doan's Kidney Pills after what tbey did for me." Price SO oents per box. For sale in Carlisle by B.

F. Emriok and all druggists. NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT, UNION VETERAN LEU I ON, AT GETTYSBURG, PA, Reduced Kates via the Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of the National Enoamp-ment, Union Veteran Legion, at Gettysburg, Pa Ootober 9 to 11, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets at tbe rate of one fare tor the round trip from all points on its 1'. to Gettysburg.

Tickets to ba and good going Ootober 7, 8, 9 and 10, returning to Ootober 15 inclusive. Only One More Month for the Big Show. As the closing time for the big show is drawing near and there are thousands who have not had au opportunity to visit the Pun-American Exposition at Boffalo the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company beg to announoe a few of their low rate excursions for Ootober, as well as tiobota which can be procured every day at greatly reduoed rates, also Bummer exoursion tickets going and returning by various routes to Niagara Falls with a stop-over at Buffalo, and numerous other points of interest. You will do well by oonsultiug Pnlla -delpbla and Reading Railway Tisket Agents or addressing G. Jauffaian Traveling Passenger Agent, City Tloket Offioe, No.

14 North Sixth Street, Reading, beforo purchasing your tiokets via other routes, as there is no doubt but what you can get the very thing you are looking for. Tho seven (7) day excur sions will ba run on Ootober 3, 9, 15, 24, 30. The rate from Carlisle will be 18 95 for tbe round trip. Rates for ten day tickets and season tickets furnished on application. Hagerstown Fair.

During the week of the Hagerstown Fair, Ootober 15 to 18, the Cumberland Valley Railroad will sell exoursion tiokets to Hagerstown including admission to the fair grounds and good to return day following date of sale at rate of $1 75 from Carlisle and at correspondingly low rates from all other stations on the road. Excursion tickets, not inolnding admission, good to return nntil Saturday, Ootober 19, will also be sold from Ootober 12 to 18 inolusive at reduced rates. Ample train service will be provided to accommodate excursionists. Yon Can Safely Bay Them; You make no mistake in buying a Behning Piano. For more than forty years tbey have stood in the front rank of high grade artistio pianos.

They have a sweetness of tone and responsiveness of touoh found in no other piano. On sale at MINIUM'S. m23 Republican Headquarters. The Republican Connty Committee have opened headquarters on tbe aeoond floor or the Odd Fellows Building on West High street, and an invitation Is extended to all Republicans to oall when in Carlisle. Wanted.

A young man to learn the printing trade. Must como well recommended. Apply at this offioe. Billiard and Pool Tables. Get our prices on Billiard and Pool Tables before buying e'sewbere; sold on easy payments.

Our cushions are guaranteed for twenty yearB, and are made by a new vuloaniztng process. Old tables fitted with onr cushions are as good as guaranteed or money refunded. See our advertisement of "Manager Wanted" for lawful slot ma-ohlne. Palmer Billiard Table Works, Chioago, 111. Oo to Hhera's Repository For the largest display of carriages in Carlisle.

Manufacturing agent of latest style traps, surrles, oorning high grsde hand made carriages, piano buggies, bike wagons, spring wagons, rubber tire. A. B. Sberk, agent, 63 South street, Carlisle. all Good Advice.

The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dysyepsia snd Liver Complaint. More than seventy-five per cent, of tbe people In the United States areaffiicted with these two diseases and their effects: such as Sonr Stomaoh. Sick Headache, Habitual Cos tiveness, Palpitation of tbe eart. Heart burn, ater-brash. Gnawing and Burning Pains at tbe Pit of the stomach.

Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste in the Month, Coining np of Food alter Eating. Low Spirits, etc. Get Green's Prise Almanao Go to Horn's Drng Store, No. 83 West Main street. Car-lisle.

and set sample bottle free. Beg alar size, 75 eta. The people of Carlisle, on Batnrday, had the opportunity of witnessing one of the best games of football ever played in this valley. Nor did thoy fail to take advantage of the ocoaslon. For, in spite of the doubled prloe of admission, the garre was well attended.

Large numbers were here from a distance, chiefly old Dickinsonlans. But there were many sport-loving spectators bailing from Ha-gerstown, Chambereburg and Harris-burg, who had but a passing interest in either team. The Indian School turned out well. The norih side bleachers were well tiled with their rooters, who made their presence felt in no unoertain manner. Dlok-i tit on students were out with every possible noise-making apparatus in addition t) lusty lungs.

The sympathy of the townsmen and visitors was pretty evenly divided. The Dickinson-Indian games have bitheito been too one-sided to create any general interest. It wes merely a question of how high the Indians would run their score. Many preferred to remain at home merely to bear the result. But this year ever joae knew that there would bo a fierca and well contested game.

Biokinsou seemed stronger than ever, and the Indians weaker. Dloklnson of course bad not yet tested her strength, but tho practloe games of the Indians merely served to raise Dickinson's hopes. The gance opened at 3 with brestlesj anticipation on the iddo lines. Both teams were in good form and no soore was made in tho first ten minutes, although the play was mostly in Dlokiu. son's territory.

The Indiana were aggressive and Dickinson oouldn't hold them. The Indians' playing than be-oame more rapid and soon Johnson went over tbo line. Ia a short time Williams omied tho ba'l over for another touoh-down. The half ended with a soore of Indiana 10, Dickinson 0, the goal having been missed in both cases. Dickinson, however, was showing more fight and determination thin at the beginning.

At the opening of the second half Diokit son took the offensive and did far bitter work than in defecso. By swift piajs DickiiiBon carried the ball down the field until Stanton went over for a touchdown but no goal was kicked. Soon afterwards came the most sensational p'aj of the game. Tbe Indians fumbled on the 55 yard line and Stanton oaught the ball, He had a dear field and soon addod another to Dickinson's kicking tbo goal. Diobinson rooters were indeed "up aud doiog." They danood and yelled in the ecstacy of Jy.

Men who had risked ooiu on tho oollegians thanked their luoky stars. But all were doomed to disappointment for tbe Indians then settled down to hard work andbyasories of rushes carried the ball up to Dickinson's goal and forced Johnson over. Tbfy then suoceeded in kioking their firstgcnl. It was now the Indiana' time for jubilee. Terrific yells and sweaters ront the air.

The half was nearly ended and to a peculiar feeling in many, neither side could increase its scoro. Tbe score at tbe close was 10 to 11 in favor of the Indiana. Lina up: Indians. Positions. Diokicson.

Bradley Left end Williams Floris Left tackle Seoley Wheelook, C'a't Loft Core Scroggs, Centre Am merman, (Capt Dillon Riht guard Decker, Hoke Lubo Right taokle. Powell Hare Right end Seeley, Odgors Qaarter back Cannon Beaver Left half-back Shiner Yarlot, Decora Right half-baok Stuart, Sailer Williams, Palmer Full back Stanton Tonohdowns Johnson, Williams, Stanton, Sniffer. Goals from tonohdowns Johnson, Core. Umpire Hiok-ok, Yale. Referee Yonng, Cornell.

Timekeepers Thompson, Indians; Land-is, Diokinsou. Time 23 minute halves. Hair Splits Don't singe the hair because it splits at the ends. When the hair splits it simply shows it is weak. Feed ycur hair with Ayer's Hair Vigor, the genuine hair-food.

It cures dandruff, stops falling of the hair, and always restores color to gray hair. I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for 30 years. It is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends." J. A. Gruenfelder, Grantiork, 111.

tl. AS tnnkis. C. Lowell, MS. Immense Apple.

Prof I Mount of the Carlisle Com- mercial College, was a Herald caller this morning and showed to our wonderment an immense apple, weighing lj pounds and measuring 14J inches in cir cumference. The monsterout specimen was receive from the professor's Bister, Mrs bhnllenberger, Mt Tabor. la the Register's Office, Letters in estate of Eliza A Harper, late of Penn township, to Edward Tritt. Promises to cure and keeps the promise. It is better not to put off treatment buy Hood's today.

FOR KENT. A two-story brick house on West Loutlier between Wett and college street, llatli irom. gab n-ncl ci'y laquiroat Hkraljj otnae, FOK. KENT-9 rooms and a bath. Modern imprnvamonU.

Apply to S. II. art-sell, No. 33 West Main street. i FOit RENT Three story brick bay window nouse, No.

153 West Lout tier street, containing 9 rooms, water and gas. Apply to C. P. Uuinrlcn. alO AGESTS WANTED LIFE of McKINLK by Marat llalstead.

Fall acc't Aysaas Amrchls etc Largest B-st lllus. Authentic BO Wo give ro per cent and premiums. IrelglitpHld. Credit given. Agents clear $5 dally.

JJisr sale assured. Free outfits ready. Order today, Monarch Book Philadelphia, Pa. 3t $15.00 to 13.00 a Week salary icr an intelligent "uun cr wnnian In each town. Permanent position.

30 cents per hour for spare 1 iaie. Manufacturer. lioi 73. Philadelphia. iMilita AGKNTS wanted tor the Memorial of Vrt-slr'entt McKlnley, by Muruc Nearly 533 pages, price tlfO 50 Cfjrtt discount, one hook in tcii ireG jreo Send 10 cents to cover nobtitKO.

Freight paid, crtult gveri Deal villi tbo publishers not with bi'tinch houses An entirely new work of C'lrnpi in ct alcJvtnloy written by Xitila one! years atro WORLD PUBLISHING CO, 2i3(itf tvi FrunMto. 85, Help V) uuied. Manager wanted in every larjje county to appoint ageut9 fur tha famous "Game O'dkill" nickel elot machine for drinks or oigars; lawful everywhere, takes the plaoe of all forbidden Blot machines. Ranted or sold on easy payments, tie-oare territory quick. Palmer Billiard Table Worfes, Chicago, ill.

Members New York and Baltimore Stock Exchanges and Chicago Board of Trade. Securities for Investment ana Carried on Margins. Clinton P. Paine Co. Bankers and Brokers, 217 East German Street, HalUiuore, Mtl.

Bonds, Stocks, Bought and gold on commission. We invito correspondence. Sena for our Daily Market Direct private wires to principal centres of country. LoEg Distance Telephone No. 1404.

We Will Bond Yon Tfis United States Fidelity Guaranty Dompanjj JrAtTIMO.R3, MD. lash Capital 1,500,000.00. Surety Bonds. Judicial Contract Fidelity Famished I'ronjplly. Harry M.

Leidigh, GEKEICAI, I9lm 12 Court House Pa Daily Stage Itoute. Carlisle: To Dickinson Arrives in Carlisle at 9 30 a ra Returning leaves Carlisle at 2 30 m. John Hefflefinger, Proprietor Houses and Lots for Sale. 4-aj person SeMrirug to purofcee o.3Ba or lot, or any number of lots, inqa'rrof Terns Porter, ooraci of Pno td rWaul ett. 4Jrtil, I.

H. HARrsB Whiskey awarded Gold Medal at Cotton Exposition, New Orleans, '85. Gold Medal at World's Col-umbian Exposition, Chioago, '03. Gold Medal at Paris Exposition, 19C0. Tha kind yonr grand-father ured still leads.

Absolutely pare. Sold By Charles li. Wagner, CARLISLE, PA. JSSSE MOOBE WHISKEY" The Standard of Excellence. TRY IT.

mass xi 54 HANOVER LOUTIIER Sts. Caelisle, Pa. Jesse Moore Hunt Lou IB vine. Sj, Controller. FOR SALE OR RENT.

Property situated on corner Pitt and Lontner street. Carlisle. Modern Improvements. Will rent with rr withon: tbe two lower front rooms. Inquire of 19tf Johs 8.

Low. LEXINGTON'S BIG MEET Sensational Race of the Year Will Bo Run Tomorrow. Lexington, Oct. 7 The stock arrivals for the trotting meeting are very large. Every train brought in from one to three cars of horses and stable room is at a premium.

Prominent horsemen also are arriving in large numbers. The track was tha scene of activity yesterday, the arrivals being worked into shape for tomorrow, the opening day. The bis: event on that day will be the Futurity and it probably will have several startera. Conservative horsemen say it will be an open race. In publia opinion, Peter Stirling and Walnut Hall are the favorites.

It is expected that it will be the sensational race oi the year. Boralma is still suffering from a cold, but his trainer hope3 to have him ready for his match raca with The Abbott on Wednesday. German-Americans Organize. Philadelphia, Oct. 7.

Twenty-fiva delegates, representing 22 states met here yesterday and formed an organization to bo known as the National German-American Alliance. It is tha desire of the National Alliance to spread the rstudy of the German language, to liberate the public schools from political interference, and to have adopted a general system of physical education. They Get Mail But Once a Year. Washington, Oct. 7.

Post Office Inspector John P. Clum has established the northernmost post office in tha world. This is at Point. Barrow, where Rev. Dr.

H. Richmond Marsh, the missionary of the little settlement, was appointed postmaster. This place, where the northernmost newspaper in the world is published once a year, will receive the mails once a year by a United States revenue cutter. President Dines Senator Piatt. Washington, Oct.

7. Senator Thomas C. Piatt, of New York, was a guest at dinner with President and Mrs. Roosevelt last night. The senator remained at the White House until after 10 o'clock, when he returned to hia hotel.

Concerning his conference with the President the senator declared ha had nothing to say. Druggict Shot Midnight Thief. Wilkesbarre, Oct. 7. Shortly after midnight Saturday P.

A. Dean, the proprietor of a drug store in Plymouth, found two men in his place. One of them escaped but Dean pulled his revolver and fatally shot the other in the mouth. He was Joseph Pavo-litz and his pal, Joseph Schmitt. New Industry For Pittsburg.

Pittsburg, Oct. 7. It is announced on good authority that H. C. Frick and the Mellon Interests, composing the Unitn Steel company will build at once a new $200,000 plant at Donora, on the Monongahela river, to make broom and mattress wire and other specialties.

Big Fire In Allegheny. Pittsburg, Oct. 7. Fire yesterday in the Pittsburg Clay Potter works in Allegheny damaged tha plant to an extent of injured six men and enforced an idleness of several months upon a force of Hi 5 workmen. The injured were firemen.

None will AT PRIVATE SALE. A property containing 20 acrer, situated in Monroe township, 3 miles west of Mechanicsburg and 2 miles east of Chnrehtown, on the road leading from Loonst Point to DilUbarg. The bniid-ingg are in Rood condition and the land in a good state of cultivation. 19s4 Mary Fullmer, P. O.

address, MechanicBbnrp, Pa IPOETAjjf NOTICE. Insure your property in the Patrons Tire Insurance Company of Mechanicsburg, the only Company that Insures your Property against FIRE, CYCLONE and LIGHTNING ON ONE POLICY. CHARTERED IN JANUARY, 1S75, has collected 9 SMALL ASSESSMENTS in 26 years. Total Cash Premiums and Assessments, paid since organized, $32,875. Total Losses paid since organized, $76,111.

The cost of renewing a policy is $1.25. C.Diktz, President. H. S. Mohler, Sec, Mechanicsburg.

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