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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 7

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ip 9Ta xmmmmmmmmmmmmim -I t.Ui,Ty t1 piriaexi frgarerrrtoTI- SR. I the Per, ave by pro- rod, oar k- 1 rldu-' tioot loao 'w ont. Ulbo rrap-s dlo." 1BM i hvo- it or N.aaS ooroa BIB) llBCtl. Mdloal N. It 1B0 of Et-ro Do- tioaofo bralool odioira.

amrord; Jldla. or tho air and bound prloo WO-Worn am noaliy. wit dla- bllahod ivoua tWO oloa-aat prloo nail to poo tax took rooeipt inndrod tod and wataro. (or only abonlA 1 work DIOAIt saoot or pnb-it tb ther ro- ilT impor xieed la anr low dio i la nob tot any ralaablo lot. tbo rbliwr ka.

Tb atba 'K. Ions. Maoa. rololand mod dia-and axur tN HAS treat to ilia and iTsloian, dicine. tboaoaC idteoooo eolanuu hichhaO ioxir" nrrer a srodaooa notion perlen m.t novo BtrStaro! arpriaf ieepect- referred StkBOWB) if oooor dlvrf ot.

Tb teatlBOor utnedU MloBeoe laoffeet. horn who. may ha' Inrniooo-aod tadnl- mre 1P; roaaral oat, map bio oqnl- 5' rePlaoo. SatcP UTIB REGULATOR, SXTKZ. STOMACH AHD ItU tonUy VutUj KMi.

etn n4 hj bing kyt radr for dnmedlAtA reaort will MTtauar a boar of aftarlnjr lid dollor In tlmo and dootoro bUlo. Af fortyrooro' fclol It still -toatlOBoJ of its TTTcao from, oraonoot tho blbo eluknetw d4 rTOfciHy. KnlMit obr 1niM a to tlii loaol QFFECTUAL 8PECT1KIO 1- for Oonrtlpoffcm, HmAmAw, i lo tho Sbmrltf on, ZMoaiaoso. tnmaoiu bod toot IB too btovth. BUkrao Attoeko, PaipitAUooot tbo Heort.

Poin la tbo Rojrtoa 5 too Kidnoyo. dopoodooT. ctnem ad froodlDca of otIL oil of hlOh IM tho afTanrfn m. ill. a eoed Li'rer.

JZ0? L1 wy. Dobu. itotod, Iioto Troqaoat tit, and Trams Oootod. too oro fferinir from TorpldUror, or BUloaaooaa, ood nothlajr win ooro roo ao apaodily 4 porosa- Uvor. tbo laroo orgn -a foomUr tiw ooot of thodtaeoao.

ond If not rouloto4 1b time, irreot imfTai lno wiouia odaeoa, and Deam wlU ooaao. jao with tnio ArTTTDOTB, aaa oil oiibm wgos of water ad food aaoy bofaood. wich or. Aa fBMd la MAXABIO TJTB tITISSi KX8TLK8SNKaa. AXnTDICT.

VATJPKA. tkoOhoopoa. Paroat i FaaUT Modlctno bath World, r2Wl i- ItiaToaoTor ortrlodaaob a aODPlo. ffloaeiona. aaUafaotorr and pfeoaant mmedy la my lilo." H.

Hainor, St. Lonia, af o. Bob. Alex. XL Btopbena.

"I ooeaaioDallT nao. whoa oaditioa rrqnlreo It, Dr. 8inv bods' lAver Kernlator, with rood Alox. Btopboaa. Oorrraor of Alabaaia.

"Toor Bfralator boo boon la aao tn oy family for oomo Uoto, and I am pranadod 1 to a laa-blo addition to tbo atodloai aoipnoo or. J. em SnorV Ala. "I baroaood tbo Roimiator In Br family for tbo poat aovoatotn Toara. I can aafaty rooommend It to tbo worM aa tho boot mediolno I bare orer naod for that elaaa nf dtaoaooa It purport to euro." H.

Jt TbUrpoa Prvoideaf: of City Bank. "Rlmmona' Liver Rorulator hao a a-ooa and otiseaotona a. xxnttina. Wo haTO boon aoqnalBtod with -Dr. BIB mono Liver Modknno for Bora tbaa twenty yoara, and know It to bo tbo boat Itvor Roira.

later offered to tho public. at. Iroa and B. Is. Lyoa, BaPofoa- 1 mnoit LTVEB BBQVLATOO.

fw DTBPKP8IA, OONSTIPATIOlf, Jaua BUloua Attaaka. BIOK HXafi lOH' 3a, DoproaaloB at Bplrlta, BOUB STOMAOS Art Bun. cto XT HAS SO IQUAL It a faoWoaa tajnlly mod Id no. DMa not disarrange the ayateofe I snre to euro if token rejrnlarly, Itaodrsatio Tloleot medicine. twee not wtorforo with basln II bo lntoxleoUBr bevermre.

OoBtoJna tbo atmplost aad boot roaaodloa. ATJTTOIf BO VtB a or Prooorod BIMMOITB BEOCLaTOB Qnleea tB onr oorrareo ipper. witn Traflo atarK. Htamp aaa Hurno uprokom. hobo other aonaiao.

i. h. anacian ocx. bfaoem. fli.

aad PhlladolBhla. 3TT4 IToTbBoAW kb ma PEJEtFEOT OTJBB afII.I AH0 JXOT PBJTVXSTIVB AND PBVXK OF OH SO QTJXHm I PTO MJMOTJ I 0 ABSXiriOi NotflsuUiAarv ritaus, i trrJuhl niodlolno tBTOlroa a Pa TLT KXW TUATMJUVTof OHIlaJS am IB, aad win offectnnlly eoro aad root on Uaaaae from tbo ayataaa. 13 etner romodtoa Bmrt not bo takoa wao jnnaadforor BtUoat but tbo Bellamy -kbaukea oataa aaialy whoa tho fl TOBMatany atliertlma. Takanonoo taitag the aeaoon of Chilla and Parer, thoj rosrrrpxxiT ward ovt abtd fbi AW ATTAOKmaktaa? a roatdoaoo 0 infected dirmeta porfaetlT aafa. "BoBamy1 PU1 la alao a aura remedj -aoOt nrrBBMITTKITT PBVBB, BB EBTPBTXR.

TYPHOID OAOHK. HfDIOXSTIOXr. aad WTTB3 JLASSTB QP iU KUTDbv Sbt yon ara entirely dlaooararod aad nop at an other remedlea hayo failed. makootM UI, proouro oao box of Bellamy Pills an Too proprietor marnatooa yoo as Bamd irrfrat onro. la made to thoaxtraordlaary onro a Lawroneo, Principal of tha Iaatltatoi Uoa at Haw York and Philadelphia nMlaOawat i 1.

tea yeere aro, wnlle roalillny la flN I had a violen attack of ohilia and otoi -would oomo on regularly about aad eobttnoa for nearly two boara, lot bT a boralBg- feror for Mora than fln vkieh no mediolno would reUov and at weak that I oeald hardly walk aorooi and ooaid ao aoeoBd oao aUrht 1 a lew Umo than tea mlnmtoa. My Uf burden tome, I loathed rrwy kin VM area water tasted to mo like oop eouia rot no rerreeainr aioop ottner d) by day 1 tbo aaedioiaee preeertbed fo "raloiaa rave aao bo relief, aad I wat mto tho rraro. One day a lady per to pnrobaao a box at Bellamy a Mils tnreo at o'clock. Boon, aad three a Ar Ukisr the two deeea I foltbottot lfn, for the ftrat timo 1 three month tuily alrht boora. Tbo next atonlnc 1 better, and took three mora pUla.

Ai tpproaebod prepared myaelf for mj bat to my In tease Joy my ubwoIoodm 4 not oome and after eating a boara HI eioak. took three more pills, mi wres more. The next morning, after 1 nlrhra rest, I aroso at 7 oelook. fee' il and altbough still Tory weak abie to en)oy my food, aad wheth. frtaktaj- ererytMnrc Uated awoet aas ataTnta about aeren daya time faaoun walk four Biiiea, and fob a TV4 Tee years have elapsed alao Jkara aarar bad another artaea; P.IWBBNOat, wYarkObnaerratoryof Murf''- "i Kast Pourtoomtk axroei aahaTi Bl'a'Ms'bsBBBalBB bbbbbI BBBsmlP taV 1 rin roarantee to euro any oaeo of OhUb 7 ltm1UirBtaaNl 7 TWpatlamt at mwrty tf pap araot "toaliadtotbAtlto win aUaBjaataaoarrr daaoi tr Omm Dollar ta-Drajfjat.

hioabomt ybaa addroaa oa Moat PBXUP Tnp Hew 1 afWMlaXa a oabio rrarV-rarMrfWrtfWfaA no- MOBILE BfcHCLAB PCKT. v. "too tbo Now Boain, Now Orloaaa, JEtott STITUAV4 ot a P.m. MubUo oTorj Jk! 0R MOBILK-TLa Al stoaaor FAVORITE. a a.

Blotry. ter. 'T'Jsht emMThlT otw thoao br -PPytO J. MKD KRiBMKBT 1 rvter a-root, niBzS tf ftptwtto Oottoa chanira. FKKTIL.IZKKH! 1 i 5 FERTILIZERS I ForUIIxor Ma.

1 porbuoaboam: FortiMzer No. 9 H. FortlUxor 0 FOX OBiBOl AND FRUIT TRKK9. "aioctorod at the Slaashcar- Baaaa fcy the Stood Fer-Ullalaw Work a. FERTiiaZBRS.

SAMPLES HO. 1 COMPLRTB FEU, TXiaZXRS for tho BIT OAR CANS, Botcho, Indian Corn. Tobaooo t0 Complete Fertiliser composed of amending and fertilising aubatanooa with chemical basee to bo used aa manure or top-droaalng at tbo rata of SCO or 600 pounds per aoia. In bags of 200 pounda (per ton BAM PUS NO. Fertiliser for Cotton Complete Fartillaera.

front MO to 600 Ifce, per acre, In bags of 200 lba 945 tJ "a 4 Fertlllxlac Sabataaee. Phoephatoa (fine ground bones) per ton (it Superphosphate of Lime, per 65 Phosphate Precipitate, per Dried Floah, In powder, per ton so Dried Blood, in powder, per Hair, Horns, la powder, per ton. so Aao Used compounds, representing the oonatltuent elements ot genuine guano, per ton These Ingredients, prepared and ground with the greatest care in our manufactory, are in the shabe ot fine powdei.and can be mixed oa tho spot with stable manure, bagaaee. vegetable manure, eta. OPFICH.

37 North Fete re atroeu mhao lm GET TI1E BEST. to i1 GOLDEN! MAHTJFACTURKD KXPBE88LY FOR FAMILY USE. from Loulflana Sugar, and guaranteed perfeotly pure: entirely FHXB FRO.TI CIXE TlICALiS. wholesome and delicious tu flavor. All Family Orooers find this 8yrup to give greater satisfaction to their customers than any article made North or South.

Put up In harrela, half-barrels, ten aad five gallon kega. Al gradea of Refined and Raw SUGARS aad MOLASSBS constantly oa hand at the lowest market rate. PBLTOW DUNBAR, mha dAWSm ltW re 130 Manatee at. A3FD XOTEL LOTTERIES! tlx (tt 0t tl 00 00 00 tioatoo MfSSOUBI 8TATB LOTTERIES! On the 13th day of each month during 1875, wllj be drawn the aJ'J SINGLE MBER LOTTERY. GAFXTAX.

FRIZR. SI9.00O. 10.390 Frizes, amooatlng te 8100.000( i TICKETS ONLY St 00 Try a Ticket In this liberal scheme. IN PRIZES-CAPITAL PRT? $100,000. 11 KfiO PtisM.

-amonntlnr to tl.200 000 1 Wul WTi ill be ao. isro WlU be drawn Deo- 1875 Wnoie Tionete ta Halves )0: viaarvsrs as. Prises oar able la full, aad ao poatooaomoat of Orawlngs take place. Addreas, for ticketa and cirouiara, MURRAY, MILLAR A CO, P. O.

Box'J446. St.Louia.Ma. apa sod OA Wly EVER DIRT BARROWS LJtVJSB Air for sale, tn lots to salt purchasers, at very lowest prloea. bp for 1RDPPKWDWKT BSD BIVRR PACKET. oa IPltMD v.

lr -rTport anl all ws BiToa The mij Nic kho nrit ai a. CFPRBJ-Ota. 8H KVB- asy 'S'llHtn R4 iirnl ratnrar 13 LLE ROWI AN'D. Oee. Rea, master, u.

Bu.moa. clerk, v. Ill Wave ooeitlveiy aa above. Par irelgutur paseare apply on Imm -t H1TE CARL IN. ts.

-i 4 Toaoapttonlad nt. BBTTTONot RPPLKK. 1M tAMaaraa at. LORD A aarAua-K-ak 4 Uaama street. ap5 td BFGULAB BID RIVER PACK AST ConneotlBg with the lvxas and Paoifle RiUroad.

Loaves oa TN DA A II 7 i P. K. rust HBSEVK. aad all way I and! ara oa Bed iver The niacnlAoeat maimrar O. W.

Joe. A. Aiken, master. W. 11.

MoOioaaey, clerk, wia leave positively aa above. For freight oc paw-age apply on bord, or to ap M.w JOtCPrWMagaalaettreet. OBAHT WtlllW PAKKP Leaves every SATU RDAT. at a P.M. j.

-a. uxtNii 7 andfia. Moo ra-ry Normau'a, sat Barb'n'a. and all landinra on Red River The aide wbel BART ABLE R. Blniot.

maator. Geo. Hamilton clerk. rpeelal attention a Ivor all eight aad Pa-sensera for PUquemine, Patoa Rouge, Prt Hadaon. Bayou Mara.

Nw Txa. Tuatoa. BTog PolB ard all landlnga to mouth Red liver. Will answer all baiia tn the Ooat ttoing up and do aa. ror ireignt iawKtauoiy BRrTTON AEPPLIB, mh20 1 0H Common ak.

Areata. Urn A CA LI A TohonoiAnia su ADAM8 A WORK, ft orome'Oial Plane. REGULAR WRF.KLY GRAND EOORB Learea every SATUuOAY. at IF. H.

flH WSm URIKI) FCOBR, MOTT. IMn gomery, uth Cane River, Alex- 1 andria, Barbln'a and all way laud- Inn on Red River The Al and urat-oleta paa-enger packet SEMINOLE, (la place of Fieta.) John Helen. John O. MltobeU. clerk, ui leave aa above.

For freight or pasaage ap-rly iBboard.Avn LORD A MoPKAKR, Agents, F28 otf 46 Camp street. HSW ORLKANS, 8HRKVKPORT, TBZAS AND PACIFIC FAMT FRKHHT AND PABSRNGRR LINK. frr h. COMPOSRD OP FIRST CLASS ar Steamboats, in connection with the Tei and Pacific Railway Company, leaving New Orleans and Bhreveport, aa follows WEDNESDAYS LA BELLE Capt M. N.

Wood O. H. Oapt Jos. A. Alike.


Stinde. rlvlBg through bllla lading to all points oa the Texas and Pacific International and Greet northern Trans-Continental and Texas Central Kail road a. Also to Jefferson. Texas. Particular attention paid to way business.

Through bllla ladiag aigned "'Jq-qj Agent Texas a' Pacdflo Railway, 031 4m Maraaine ttre. vm- nravler. OPACHJTA REGULAR OUACHITA PACKET. Leaves oa TU SDAT. Arril s.

at a P. FOR OtHnSR, KLDOKAUO, VonrocTrr and all laadings on Ouachita and B1 ck Hirers The passenger steamer KATE KINNEY. In place ot steamer HUT Ft,) Capt. R. P.

Barton, will leave as above and continue during the entire season. For freight or passage apply on board, or to HIIBA 4 Tohoaottonlaaafeet. a pi LORD A McPEA EE. 4H Camp street. REGULAR OUACHITA.

PACKET. Leevee en Tf PAY An It 6. at 6 M. FOR CAMDEN. EL DORADO, Monroe.

Trenton aad all landings on Ouachita aad Black Rivera The passenger steamer GOV, ALLFN. J. W. Blanks, master, John P. Horr, clerk, leaves as above, making tho following oonneo-ti na Steamera 4ooeo for Little River.

Tensas snd Bayou Macon, Bertha Bruner for Ora for Battnolomew and aline, Stella block for Bcauf River. AOAM A WORK. W. CLARK B. RHITTX! A PPPLER, apS JO HN JANNEY.

Agents. BAYOU SAKA. fpsaa, rOB, FIsnrSH'S LANDING Ip HfT Bayou Sara, Waterloo, Hermitage Port Hudson. Baton Rouro, Plaque mine and way landinn The United States mail aaml-weekr packet W. B.

PIKE J. J. Blown, master, leaves every MONDAT and FRIDAY, ats t. bL. for Bayou Sai a HITS A CARL IN, Agents.

4 street. Merchandise condign ed to Kite a Cariln wili be forwarded free ot ooromlanlon. d'ti otf P1UASBUR. SATURDAY VTOK8BURG PACKET. O.

a MAIL PAVKKT. Xjoaves every SATURDAY, at ft FOR Vlt'SSBURli, NATCHE2. Davis's Bond, aad all Intonnediai landinra The passenger steamer NATCHEZ. T. F.

Leathers, auuter, j. p. Mass, oierk, jonneotlng at Vlcksburg with Parisot line T01 fasoo. Tallahatchie and Sontiower Uivers, and with Anonor Line for Memph.s. Cairo and St Louis.

For freight or passage anply on board, or to NNEY. 117 Comraon street. anl HTTP; A CAP.L1N, 4 S. MAIL PACKET. Leaves KVKRY TUESDAY at P.

M. fP! a. FOB VICKSbURO, NATCHEZ 1: Davis's Bend and intermediate laaJ em mn TiitffliM inga The steamer R. E. LEE fm.

Campbell, master. McVay, oierk, as above, conpnctlng At Vlckabnrg with Parxisotrs Line for ax. points on Yazoo, Sun dower, DeerCreek and Tallahatchie. ADAMS A WOKK JOHN JANNEY. HITK A riBUk.

AWBU. im GRBENVILLK. UNITRD BTATES MAIL PACKWT. FOR HfiKVILLK, VICK'S-burg and the Bends The fine and test passenger packet FRANK PABQOUD. t.

M. White, master: C. Holmes, clerk, will leave every THURSDAY, ats P. rying the United Htat mall, and cennootlAg at Vlcksburg with Parisot'a Line for all on the Yaaoo and TallahatoMe Rivers, and oon-nrctlnK with the Chicot Bailruad tor all points to Pine Bluff. JOHN JANNEY.

117 Common street. ADAMS A WORK. If Commercial Place. JsiR ot tfm tiOAW HF.W ORLEANS. COAST AND BATON ROUGK PACKET.

Leaves every MONDAY, at 5 P. ana PRI- DAY, at 10 A.M. The Paasenger steamer B. L. HfDJE.

Jan. P. MoXlroy, luasusr, F. Ber ceroo, oierk. Returning every SUNDAY anl WBDNJCS- At EVENINGS.

For freight or paaaace apply on board or to R. O. MK LAN CON. mk tf an notitt itrwt HATO kVAFO RUHR -f- REGULAR BAYOU LAFOURCHE PACKET a tt li A a BAYOU AA. fouroho packet steamer jULZZIE HOfKINB, H.

tu Dnpnla, master, M. H. Landry, eierk. Leavea every MONDAY and THURSDAY at i P. M.

Returning every WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY. Far freight or paaean avolT oa board or to B. RI VRT, FIB Am 'UUU lUWk, COAST AND LAFOCRCHR PACK akSS; the Coast aad Lafourche to Tbibo. daux Steamer HENRY TETE, J. F.

Auooin, master. P. A. Charlet, clerk. Leaves as abova every WED8K.SD4T at 10 a at.

aito SATURDAY at a P. M. Ketomiur every MONDAY and FRIDAY In dayllrht. or rreurnt or pt" whit uuwv tf B. RIVET.

SI) Oana street. MWIBJDOAPV LOWER OOA8T UNITED STATES MAIL, feaves every M.jn ija 1, wnunuoLfa.x au rjUVA I Mis, popotaeuy. JpJC FOR BOUTHWKS" pass, Pcrto Jackson. St. Phll.p, Rends, DlistAla TJaAka Anil aaTl nuaan ger laadtaga The United States aiaU aad pas- MARIE, a.

kuun arsatar. leave aa above from Canal street Perry tan ding. Rubs oa schedule time, axes ail landings la daviirha. Passim sure have ao delay oa the reutet OZ BOUWTZ Una. NEW ORTJBAN.

AND BT. IS ACKBT9 was. err. LOrrra. nhla and all way landings steamer JOHN i- D.

M. Bradv master. W. allmber. clerk, wui leave aa above.

For freight or passage aj Vl7 'AMES MELLON. Agent. KoantoLlae Office. 3 rojMrerwB wm take freight nv tne iuuhs RU. apl ME Hi Ha W)TI'HS packs; aft a P.

iUilllI, Id JT A oil uwv7" TrvttM KYrX i A M. Hntrhlnanr. master, w. at. urown.oiorK.

Through Mils of letting via OiOro and Boimoot tat all .4. evut sV.rAkair. J. JB WOODS A CO, mhtl 104 Com "to" struct. hT.

LOUIS PACKET LINE 1'iS CJravler street BISMARCK. John Ppsne, ma-ter. K. R. PoareU.

clerk. 1.11,- 1 1. Tnltnn,t.lA RiMk Ransaa City. Chicago, Toledo. Cievelud, Runalo.

eto. W. H. BOPINGER. Agent, mhio lm Gratnoi street, ST.

LOUIS PACKET LIN. JOHN KYLE, Hitchinniii, masr. Leaves on MONDAY. April at P. M.

JOHN A. BCUDURB. carter, mastsr. Leaves on WEDNESDAY. Arll7 at 5 P.M.

JAMhS HOWAltD, Leaves on SATURDAY. A pill 10. at 6 P. M. Thronrh bllla lading via Cairo ana Be-monl to an poll.

is Nortn and west. J. WOODS A 1 tf 104 Common streeti OHIO RITKR. REGCLAR LOUISVILLE AND HEW ORLEANS PACKET. Steamer THOS.

SHERLOCK, H. U. Hart, master, will leave TUS ED AY, April A for ClncloaaM. Ohio, and all wit lanrilura. aivluw throah ills lading ove the Baliiiaore Md Ohio R-rol to Baltimore.

New ork, Boston aad Pr. vidence, at the following ratos SI'IUR AND MOLA98EH to Baltimore 43C GAR AND MOLnHSEH to Phtlse phia4So. KUflAR ABD MOLARKHtONW York KtO feUOA Al" MOLAUsUa to Boa ton and Pro vl- fence fisc. COTTON to Baltimore S0c. CoTTON to Philadelphia 850 COTTON to New York 600.

COTTON to Boatou aad Provldenoe "So. Giving throuab paaseng-r ticke-sto the above points at reduced rates. Fr information apply en bnad or to BURDRaU A WAYNE. Agents, t4 lH Gravter street. ULOI 1.4 ll J1 A 1.

ML'lVtl4ll 1ND NVW ORLFtNR PACKET. Leavea MONDAY. A or 11 8 at P. M. POM Uini'INMA 11, IjUUIO- vllle, Evansvllte, Hemlerson.

nhaw-Bee town. Paducah. iiro, Memphis and all Intermediate points The paasenger steamer OHAS. B. OHUROH, Jdo.

S. Paterson. maxtor. M. M.

Deem, clerk. will leave as above. For freight or passage ap ply on boara, or to BURDEAU A WAYNE, anl 1 OH ora vler street. REGULAR CINCINNATI. fXJUfSVILLP AND NEW ORLEANS PACKET.

Leavea on TPT8DAY. Ao ii 6. at 6 P. M. ar-a- FOR CINCINNATI.

LOUIS- I-P vlll Evansville, Henderson. Shaw. nee town, faoucan. Cairo, aienapnia and all utermediate points The passeugei steamer CHAS. MORGAN.

Albert Stein, master. Hairy stela, clerk. will leave as above. For freight or passage aipiy on board, or to BCRDErr A WVYNB. ml, 31 I06 Gravier street.


Alto. Gum Point, and all land-ings on Black and Boeut Rivers The steamer STELLA BLOCK, T. L. Tylor, master, will leave as sbove. For freiKhl or pasage apply on rwntrrt to ap4 LORD A McPEAKE, 4B Camp street OFKLOJJSAS.

leaves everv SATURDAY at P. 1 TB WASHINGTON. PORT LpiaWwfW Barre, Slmmsport; Church villa and easAA larding on the Atiha naa ttiTrr aia jaayou uranjcisw- iBs steamer FLKTA. r. C.

Pickett, master. a. Mevnler clorv. wui leave aa above taking freight auu paBauv'a lor bayou ae uiaiKee ann win take rrelrbt throurh for Bsyon Hosif. For fieiV.t pply on bo d.

to fTITE A CARLIN. 4 TohoQOitoaias at. h24 REGULAR OPEf.OUHAS PACKfl Leaves eyerv WEDNESDAY, at 5 P- M. FOR WASHINGTON. PORT Barre.

Slmmsport. ChurchvUle anl all landirn on the Coast. Atoha River and Bayou Conrtabieau The eew and light-draft passenger areamer BERTHA W. Burton, master. A.

P. Trousdale. Clerk l- avts as above, taking tieigj.t ami ieengert 101 all landings on Bayou des couueot-11 with steamer Minnie at Stminsvort, givlna ti.nugh bills. Will laud all ooaet trelebt and passengers.

Connects with ITne of new barge IvlDgthrougb bills to Bayou Bosul. Porfrelght or passage apply on board or tr BRITTON A EPPLEB, anl ot IWOnnmiMilt BJlGUIAR OPET.OUf PACKKT. Leavea VJCHY THHR9DA POR WlHIWIO. PORT Barre. Simmaoort.

Charnhvllle and all wvy landlnrs on Atohjifalava axd Mississippi Rivers The steamer RUTH, in place of Trenton. E. Quetrevaux. master. H.

Moist vn. clerk, 111 leave as above, giving tbrourh bills of mtirr'o Bayou da Olaiara. and connecting at Mmmport wl-h steami-r Creole. For freight cr passage apply on board, or to J. M.


LEWIS burg, Madlsonvllie aad Covington. ai(iW The elegant and very fast low pre aure side-wheel United stats mad steamer AMELIA. Wnv Hanover- master. U1 on MONDAY and THU RSDAY oc i rttHll A. M.

train. TURSDA 3 P. SAT PDA Y. 4 P. M.

train. Monday and Thursday trips will extend to Oic Landing, Tchefunota River, tor Oorlngton. Re turning, leaves Old Landing Tuesday and Friday at A. kL. Madlsonvllie Monday aad Thursday morning.

Positively no freight received after de Enure of the train preceding that on vhloJ boat leaves. The above trips will be regularly made unless prevented by bad weather or low water. "OH EN M. SORIA. 't IS and a na rtJoet.

1 NEW YORK AND B.tVBI. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. THE GENKKaL TRANM-ATLANTIO COM-- PANY'S MAIL STEAMSHIPS BETWEEPi NW YORK AND HAVRE fiPfSTv The splendid vestets on this fa-verlte route for the Continent (being moresoutbe ly ihn any other,) wlU aai! tmm pier No. 60, North River, aa follows: l-'AMRR'QUE tPouaols) Saturday. April PFRHPR (Datire; AdMU7 FBAMCB Saturday, My I PRICE PASSAGR IN GOLD (tanladur ie Flrtt Cabin CO second (45: ThirdCabia and steerage at low ratas.

American travelers, by taking this line avoid both transit by English railway ano the discomforts ot cmssmg the Channel, besides sarins: time, trouble ana expense. GS.ORUE Mai KENZIE. Areet. t. A3 Broadway.

New York, or L. HK D. Arent. Letter Galller Conrt, New Orleans. P17 FORJSALR.SIOHT OH CHlBfBR.

FOR 8 LB, FRF.IG HT OH A 1-wjj, ter The AmeKcaa brig BUtt.VS l0 tons riwiste', in pm-lect order, ready fur at a for to ass, to GOLDEN BOW KLLRY. mUO lOwGrarleraeet. S. MAIL STBAMBBS ff FOLLOWTHO UV ew una nee 1 PART. AW.

X. HARRIA W. a SSSfHJ? ST. MART. ncjinsT.

n. CITY OP NORFOLK, ekav av vuirjtj BU 'vniflBOB. AU8TTH. wl wvabb sraaaw iniT. IB FOR XHXUAHOXA TLA OAXTKwtTJH.

The tanewtap iroa aeaatara wiu leare shear, via 1 HARLAN, On WEDNESDAY. 5 MORGAN, Oa FRIDAY. CLINTON, On SUNDAY. Ocaneetm at Xndlaaola with Omrt.w, Texas ana Pacinc Railway. THROUGH TICKETS IS8UBD AND BILLS LADING SIGNED TO BAH ANTONIO ANT INTERMEDIATE POINTS.

VTA INDIAN OLA AND GULF, WESTERN TEXAS AMI PACIFIC RAILWAY. Thronrh bUla of ladlar etned to to all points beyond ea the Houston and Texai central Kauroad. and to Cuere and to all Intel mediate points via Gulf. Western Texas and Pa cine Railway, rub act to tanas at respeettvt unee. Frelrlit alums aa mmr falsi Freights for Dallas and points beyond ea tht Texas Central Railroad and to Troupe aa points beyond, on the Int.

and Great Norther Hauxoaa. auea ai greatly reduces rates, FOR CORPUS CHRI8TT. FUL- ten and St. Mary a. via Rock port The Iron steamer MART, will leave Braahear on Freight for Fulton and St Mary's landed at Rockport.

FOR BRAZOS SANTIAGO SI root The iron steamer T. O. HARRIS will leave Brashear on srretgns nor an tne above points rem 1 Depot of Morgan's Loutetana and RaUroad, foot ot Lafayette street, daily. a Texa aa. Freirht payable la mid Llghteren at Braaos SantUge st risk snd as reuse 0 irtmsignsa FA8SENGEK AND nxAlL, HOUVal FOR GALVESTON.

Pal Sen STB tana tna Aaitraad Faais mm of St, Abb street, at 7:80 A. hL, reaohlng Bra bear eity at lit A. there aanaeotuur wit JOSEPHINE. SUNDAY and THURSDAY. WHITNEY TUHSDAT and SATURDAY.

First class to anewvpnrt Time, 46 hours. Onbin paaaags to Deck passage to oi- Kxourslon tickets tor the round trip to Gal vet ton ana return, iwn mauny asys, laauea ai twenty -one dollar, lick eta aad staterooms secured uatU p. at tally (Sundays exoepted), at Agents' OfCos, toe rerry lanning an tne bbui 11 ing ex oarture. Through tickets win be issued from this offto- a tne prinoipai polnta oa tne Houston, Texas Central Railroad, oa the InteraatiOBal an treat Northern Railroad, Texas and Paeifl, Raliroadvand Gulf, Western Texas and Paett. aaUway, and stare couneotlona C.

a. WHITNiy A oo Agents, corner of Magaslne ar 9 Natohes streets Jl74 tf YRRA CRUZ. FOR PKKA VKUZ, TAMPIOO, TUKPAN. CAM PEACHY. PRO GRESA, HAVANA aad NEW YORK.

New York. Havana and Mexican Mall Steam ship Line. This Line is composed af tot steamships CITY OP KXiro, Capt, W. Sherwood. CITY OF ME I A.

Capt, J. W. Reynolds, CITY OF HA VAN A. Cpt P. Phillips.

Tbe steam ship OITY OF HAVANA. S. P. PhiU ps, commander, will leave her wharf, foot of Calliope street First District, on SUNDAY, April 4th, Passage to Vera Crus ao gold F. ALEXANDRE A SONS, S3 Broadway, New York.

For freight or passage apply to J. M. WIT HKRHPOON, Agent, 00 Carondeiet street. The steamship CITY OF MERIDA will follow, April 24. rT4 iv PHILADELPHIA VIA HATAT4A.


Catherine, ton YAZOO. It. Barrett, tout FOR HAVANA. CHAS. W.

LORD, Col ton, ocmr 1100 ton 'lo sail on FRIDAY. tprU 9. at i P.M. "jf2 Tastne AJ steanuaip JUNIATA. J.

W. Catherine. CkwmMdSK. win leave her whan, opposite Jackson Squar a aDove. Paeaage to Havana (U.

B. ourrenoy) ..40 Passage to Philadelphia Through ttokets iasned to New York 55 For treAgh, or iftt- P74 erwer Carondeiet and Arswter sti ti ayanaa FOR HAVANA. CEDAR KEYS AND KEY WEST. Carrying U. B.

Malls Leaving Every Week gjtPL THE EW ORLEANS, FLORIDA JaiTd Havana Steamsblp Oompaay wi dispatch the new and xasuryiaisi fast passenger steamshla WM. P. CLYDE. Uvlngston. tfommander.

TUESDAY. April A at 8 P. M. from toot at Calliope street, First Distrlev 1 ne acvantagea tc travelers seexing salary omcfort and plassure oa a svtemshlp, are an pa rent in aeloctjig this route, aa rough sea is a Oiot unknown la those waters, and the vovar- from New Orleans to Havana laealv a few kaai' lsacer tkax if rolngiltrect KATES OF PASSAGE. To Key West, I Cedar Keyst Oacln 1 Htetrage.

ao I I) Throurn bllla of ladle Issued to all wants ox ane ot railroads la Florida and oa the St, John' tuver. Alao at Hew York, nevannan. ear Charleston. Thronrh bills ex ladins and eaasan ocxest riven te Tara pa, via Cedar Keys, sad laadltr freight oa wharf at Tampa. Hone out the onmpasya 0111s 01 lawng sigaas.

and aone signed after the sailing of the steamer Splendid passenger acoommodatieBS an tnrourh tickets rtvisa to above pouta ivo rreirr.l renotves wttaaui aermii rroaa sav. Spice. Por freight or resge apply te K. ROBERTS, Arent, 120 OsaaiSS IV miu otf Over Lonialana Naowal Beak The eteamshln WILMINGTON wll follow an Apiit 14. BRElvIEN.

OTRTB GERMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN BRKMEN AND HEW ORLEANS. VIA HAVRE. BOU'ln-AMPTON AND HAVANA. The steamships or tne Merto-wev Lloyd will run as followa 1 From Bremen.

N. Orleana. HANNOVER sr. nary February 17 FRANKFURT. February 9 March 17 HANNOVER April Mav Further cava of departure wui oe hereafter.

The steamers toueh outwaro txmrm maw Havana, and their heme trip at Havaua and Southsmntoa to land and receive pasawjgerf ssd freight. 1 riuvaa vr nDo.wiu, From Bremen, Southampton or Havre, to Hava na or ew urissDs. f50 Gold. RlMKM fli 14- From New Orleans or Hi van, to Southampton, Hevreork. ffli.

Cabin i Stoerage From New Orteant Havana. Cabin 4... ol- feteeragel 1 GomL uu. hA. TrmirMm.

Raattiamptoa or Havre to Nrw Orleans, issued by the under-atned. mr ramiip Mrttm avmiv wj ED. P. SlOCRAEYAViS A' 18 -OU at Union str est iiiiiiwwwinwaa imi mim CROMWXLXt LXHH. FOX HXW YORK DIRECT.

aauea SUNDAY. April 11. at A. BL Thignaaai Boauiiiiat the tnoaw. HUDsoH.

The wtn laava aer nren4Ak4nsalaUM CiTaatbrthe ALPgFD afOULTOkt. lalTUrtyOXa, LrvxRPoor. BOUTHRRJf STEAMSHIP i OonPr V--JJU- ooeBaader rw AwrSTS lZM Jkson. Ooaamaader toam Ooart cHdBaH-a or imTSSHi80 -Craik. Commander Hanney.

Commander SfrinV 1860 tons. Valiant, Cora aad er wlTr; 2a--Thonpeoa, Oemmaader tons He 1, Commander WARRIOR, 12X1 tone. Hngbea, Coatataader Thsstaanuhrp CORDOVA. Abram CorantaBder win aaa ea ar about April from her Wharf. PoetSS, Third District.

opposite the sjverpooi Warebouae. Win receive cotton and sign throurb bins ot Orraaladt! CoBttnent between Havre and These steamships, being of tight draft, win ereeatoe bar of the Mlaslsatppl at aU times Without detention. For freight apply to L' dlT otf 39 Carondeiet street. Hew Or lean A LIVERPOOL AND NEW ORLXAH8 LINkf OP STkAhTfflar Bunt expressly tor the New Orleans Trade. THE MISSISSIPPI AND DOMINION LINR FIRST-CLASS i POWERFUL SCREW 8TKAMXRS.

MONTREAL. toca bulldlnr. tons Oapt. Reberta. SSFJJStf -8200 Bouchetto yrRSfSFi10" -ss08 tOBC-Oapt.

Tbearte. JWS tons. Capt. alelloa. LFAtsviVt J380 toua Capt.

Lauren son, MISSISSIPPI ...2200 tona.r-.Oapt. Wrake. QUEBEC X200 tone Capt Bennett. ST. LOUIS KJ7 tons Capt.

Raid FOB LIVERPOOL DIRECT The 'steamship MEMPHIS. Mellon. Wm sail est ea ahnaia anrii 11 from hsr wharf, foot of Jackson street, Pourtt District. Will receive and sign through bills of lading to Havre, Bremen, Hamburg. Antwerp.

Rotterdam, and all Onttoenta? potto. Parties deairoua aendlag for their friends ean purchase prepaid emigration tickets bore. A "eduction allowed when applied tor In group. Pur passage or freight, having superior apply to SILAS WEEKS A CO, Areata, 48 Carondeiet rtree. Managing Owners FLTNN.


AUSTRALIAN, 3450 tons Capt. Peters. AMP RICAN, 1850 tons Wallace. ANDEAN, 3099 Gap. Miller.

BOLIVAR, 2064 tone Xtapt. Doherty. CALIFORNIAN, 18At ton a. Wallace. CARIBBEAN.

18S2 tons. Pierce. CHILIAN. 2114 Capt. Bremnar.

CU BAN. 1850 tons. Sandy. HAYTIAN. 22S0 Wataoa.

JAMAICAN, 2010 tons Capt. Winder. MEXICAN. 1250 tons Williams. PENELOPE, 1200 tons Capt.

Peat, WEST INDIAN, 1864 tons Capt. Rooh. VENEZUELAN. 1640 tons Capt, Daniels. The Steamship HAYTIAN, Watson, Commander, win sail from her wharf, toot of Jackson street.

On FRIDAY. April UTaf For freight or first-class passage only, apply to FIM, FORWOODA OOA gents, 1 87 Gravier street. LOVELL A BAILEY, Brokers. oW74 ly HOT1CK TO PASSENGERS. The company's steamers are appointed sail as follows AYTIAW Apr CHILIAN Aprtl BOLIV A R.


FLETCHER A CC'S LINE OF 8TRAMERS Between New Orleans and LtvernooL H)B KJUUUJU DAJUUT Tne Al steamsblp wiU sail from her wharf, foot of Jackson street, on or about For freight or passage apply to PIM, FOR WOOD A CO, Agents, 187 Gravier street. LOVELL A BAILEY, Brokers. n7 "74 ly THE LIVERPOOL, BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Bio de Janeiro and New Orleans Branch. FOB LIVERPOOL DIRECT TUS Al steamship win sail from her wharf, foot ofjaoksoa street.

on Por treignt or passere appiy to PIM, FOR WOOD A CO, Agents, 187 Gravier street. LOVXLL A BAILEY. Brokers. n7 -74 ly POR WARRINGTON. PKNSACJOLA, BAG DAD AND MILTON.

THE FIST-CLASS Al STEAK- ship Capt. H. a Feloher, win leave far the above named aorta SATURDAY. Anrll 1875. at 1 P.

Mw She nmuvi, rretrnt at all times at the ware- honse, 336 Delord street, or at her landing. New Pasin, Shell Rnad side. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, or to ber scent, Sl'-s Delrd street. FOR WARRJNGTON. PENBAOOLA ARTS BUliTUfl.

REGULAR SEMI-WEEKLY PACTKETS. Afito The foUowtng first clsss, Al steam-f tCIP shine win sail tor the aswrs parts a AMITE. O. W. aawa, mastor.

Leaves on SATURDAY. April at 2 P. K. RELIANCE. CL w.

Ptie above ateaanera receive frairht at all at their landing, New Basis. JUia street near Magnolia bridge. portrew WttSBSTJESi" Jyffl "74 ly 18 and Ualon street, XXAYRE NEW ORLEANS. HAVRB AND HEW ORLEASTS LINE OF STEAMERS. The following Arst-elass stoajaera, niKlAraiia ftnanlah flar.

will be die pataiiedfTCsn Hew Orleans to HAVT direct RfPARTXRO, OASTET.TUR. PELAYO: CORTES. RIVERA. i COLON, QUEVKDO. (More Building.) These steamers eroes tne at au tuaes v.nt AAtenHne.

For rretrnt or nenaarA uavlng superior aoooBn modattons sad fine tools, with wines laoiaaea. eppiy jr. in oatjs, ansti, spt MtTaloa street. Na ewm ANCHOR XUNR. t-: PASSAGK RATES REDUOJCDv HEW YORK AND GLASGOW.

-FaVORXTX BOUTS FOB TOURISTS. PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS UN8UR. PASSED- -STEAMER EVERY SATURDAY. From Piers ao sad North River, Hew York Rates of Paaaare Parable in Gold i TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDXB Cabin SfiO. SdO and S7A aeMtlBr aosoaUBS daUOBA Cabin Return Tickets issued at reduces rases.

Intermediate and Stearare aa low as bp aap Other first class line. Drarts issues, lor any amount at Far TUketa or further informattoa. apply to a Riv.unnauBsnM au AT at IJeyd's RitV baying a Urn perfiuaaT A oaraw, kkeaji.wHi be ready te receive cottoa la a few ays aad sail with Per rrlgkt Sr nanrs a a apt IBS Gravier At BlittsA BaaaaafcT -rayior, Bllltlir. haviBa "a large pertioa a her earn eanred aaa going oa soaro.wiA nave cuiek djsBatea. tFaf aaa- i .1 ma oaroadelet atreeti 'FOR LJVRRPOOL The striotly ki -T Brltich clipper (iroa) aula KVAMGaC LINE, Capu Bowie, to new toaeiag at Faat 49, Fourth District, tar taa above port, ard havmg a nod pertioa ot her earge waaged, wili have auiek dianesab sna sslaae of trelsal apply te JOHN CLINT.

CANNON. ih2i tc Oottoa Exaaaan BuUdamgaC FOR LIVERPOOL The new UU American able HARMON I A. OarA I B. 1 SmaU, ta aow loading at Poet 14, Fire District, tar the aaare aar. rwr nwuismr 4Ke a VP a-W asbtr Oaroadelet street.

Cfc. FOR LIVERPOOL The AA Rrlttalt t-p! JOHN S. HARRIS. James, master. of IMS bales oottoa capacity.

Is BOW swung anu wui nave quick fliipativfi. tralght at deadweight er cotton apply to i J. A. BRYSON A OTX, TntilT FOR LTVKRPOOL The Al faetaata. inr American mp WABTERN KhfH PiRE.

Capt. Grosier. Is PiRE, capt. Is now loading. ana wiu nave di patch.

Fr freight apply ta ml 7 LOVELL A AlLST, FOB r.rYFBPfYnT,. Ttia .1 lii. ship MARY B. R1GGS. Cans.

Laardoa. to now loadinr for the aharvai mH ni ag tAa greater porUoa ot her earge eegared- auu swag no yuagu. wui save etea I lltBsl vaaau.MuiuTni.ppi.Mj aabs ai Carondeiet 1 FOR LIVERPOOL That a All laa. Can ahlo VIGILATE. Fulton, anaatar.

ia aew Voadinr for the above ant. asd hm a the greater portion of her earn engaged and going ea board, wib have quick 'tiiratflrw. For balanos at tralght annrvte MltKK CB CO 49 Carondeiet stree il FOR LIVERPOOL The Al Britten Tlberk La A af GTON. Orkney, master, is aow loadiar the above porL and wLl have dispatoh. For freight sppiy to 1.

O. XINGHAJC FH to la Union err set, ar LOVELL A BAILS r. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al AmerioaB Shin SARAN AK. OBDt. Ives, ta now inr for the above nori.

mmA will kna a. msdlato dispatch. Por trelrht apply ta 1 99 oareeoeies LTVKRPOOL The Al BribaS atniI MARLBOROUGH, Maaree, maatec. is now loading and wiu bats aulok dispatch. Por freight apply to NO t-TON A BELL, Fl 6S Caioadnlet street.

JA FOR LIVERPOOL Tke S.AA1.1 fas, S.saUtogBrltlab ship MARY DURKBO. Capt. Sutherland, is new loadlni and wt3 tim urapanoa. jwr nvrni appry av Ft LOVELL A 1 BAILEY. POR LIVSBPOOLns Al HeliaaaV' bark MARIA CAT HARIN A.

Oapk. Ska-nalnaa. la now loadln aa attewe. nil haw lug of small capacitr, will have aulok A1pstfta For balance ot freight apply to BXO. A.

FOSDICK A XL, 47 Carondeiet streak. Or tO tw uaronueie 1 4L POR LIVERPOOL The Al BriUaa FELICIA. A dams, master, kavlag a large portion ot her cargo engaged end romr aooaru. wui nave quick mspatoa. jyf xreirnt; apply as svllah wax its A WEEKS ak OOl.

J24 AH OaroaAoletatreet. rA FOR LIVERPOOL Ths Al Brittaa KENT. Orlffiths, mastor. having a largs portien of her cargo engaged and going aboard, will have quick dispatoh. Pas freight apply to ovr a aa a.nT wjs bB AV aTSjra 48 OareaeeTet 1 ar ta Daniel wheeler a son.

Jb84 39 Carondeiet rtreet XXAY8.R. JS FOR HAVRE The Al American bark. JALM1RA ROBINSON. Capt. Tarbox.

now loading tor the above part, and hav- ing all but 00 bales ot her oargo engaged. wtH have quick dispatch. For balance of freight apply to DRCAH, ZERRGA A Xk. art 39 Carondeiet street, POR HAVRE Tne A A American ship NO RBI Capt. Bars tow, is new loadln for the above port, and baylse? the greater portion ot her cargo engagsd and going on beeid.

wtil have quick dispaton. Fat balance ot freight apply to SHULTZ A OOw -mMl 81 Oareedetot street. FOR HAVRE The Al American ship FXPOUNDRR. Capt. Crocker.

aow loading and having a portion ot her oar re epgaged 1 ana going on wud id, win bare dis- prn mlitl Fur mubt apply LOVELL A BAILEY. FOR HAVRE The Al Ameneaa ably 2S3POUTHERN CHIEF, Capt. Hlgglna, 1 now loading at Post tt. First District, for the above port. For freight apply te A.

Hi MILLER A tahgt 33 Carondeiet street. FOR HAVRE The Al Spanish bark JO8EFTNA, Caps. AlcatiaAts aow load. Ins-, and baviDa three Quarters of ber rarro engared and going oa board, will have 'litpatch. Fox balaii ce of fretrb annlv tn GEO.

A- FOSDICK A CKX. mhS4 to A7 OarondeleA atrse jT, FOR HAVRE The Al Amoricaa shin D. W. CHAPMAN, Miller, ler, is now loading and win have quick dispatch. For freight apply to NORTON A BELL, mhl4 55 Carondeiet street, FOR HAVRE The new Al Americas ship AGARSTO WN.

Capt, CaU, 1 now loading for the above port, and haw-lug the greater portion of her cargo engared and going on board will have quick dispatoh. Aoroaianceox xreigns appiy HULTZ A CO mbS 31 Carondeiet sixeet. POR HAVRB The Al Amerloan akin II rfl KT fl n.Vu Am Inr tor tbe above port will have Imme diate dispatch. For freight apply to DEC AN, ZEREGA A 39 Oaroadslet trest, or to SHULTZ. A CO, F17 Carondeiet JJi FOR HAVRE The new Al schooner CALVIN F.

RAKER. Capt. Baker, Is now loAdlng, and bavins; three quarters of her cargo engaged and going ea board, will bare quick dispatch. For balance of fretful srpiy to GEO. A.

FOSDICK A 47 Carondeiet sweat. arts SHULTZ A OO. Pll-to ai OaroadAletetrees. FOR HAVRE The sew Al Americas three masted schooner RLLEN M. GO L.

tiir. Cant. Wixen. havlnr most of ber earge enraged and going on board, will have immediate dispatoh. For balastna of freight apply to GEO.

A. FOSDICK A CXX. 4TCaxondlto street, or to SHULTZ A CO- Pit ill Carondeiet 1 FOR HAVRE The Al AmerioaB eeta ilLLKH SOUTHARD. Capt. Wood-worth, is now loading, and having a portion of her earge engared and going oa board, will have dispatch.

For freight apply to F20 LOVELL BAILEY, Am FOR BREMEN The Al dipper bark wggjQHN L. DIM MOCK. Capt, Miller, to 1 unv loadisg at Poet 11. pi st District for the above port. For trelrht apply to A.

X. MILLRat A OO, mhW 35 jJaaoadelet street, -'11 Ji 1. -'-1 JTt-t, FOB GENOA The Al bark NELLIE SLABB. Capt. At wood, is aow load.

inr. and being of small capacity, wlR have qiunk diapatoo. For freight apply to UU. A. FOSDICK A CO, mbSA to A7 Carondeiet street.

FOR GENOA The Al American bark EVA H. F18K. Nicoll, master, is aow of her cargo enrared, win have quick dlapatoa. 1 Fortreightwiyto glaa bark YARRA YARitn.Caipt.aer-?i" -1 iiur for toe above porv caaen, is now and having the greener iportioarf saaaaaa' Urtm at iter eanre jure. mi mm oa nw." dLSan biTroiL fi.MinA.lal I mlizt-to y.

XToixtioyivMoit The AJ bark mJmT ina, getng oa board, wui neve nja feAV mhS4 to 47 Carondeiet stress. bostuh FOR BOSTON IBB aiaBjwuuuiia lBUU Morse, master, is now and wlU have sulek dispatch. For trei4e nvaani RTORTON A BELL. "Ibzg MOsroaAeletsmoa. tc 1 ti 1 it 1 ft i 1 i I' 1 it i it 1 SSXtop.

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