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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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THE GEtiAT JOHN L. HOW HE WON PRIZE FAME RING. IN THE Contrary to General Jfrnpruniilon He Attonilml rrlvuto Srliool null nnd Mlclit Iliivi; it In Flrnt IVurld'H Clmllcnfrc. HE FATHKR OF John Sullivan was a native of HIM tou'ii of a 1 county Kerry, ire- land. His mother was born at Atli- lo.ny, county Ros- cominon.

Jiotb have passed away. Sullivan has a sister ami younger brother still living in Michael Sullivan, the her of John a small rnan, being only feet X'-j inches tall, never weighing more tiiau Ilia mother was rather a large woman, a bunt pounds, John resemhled her in great many ways. It is said that great men generally take after their mother. srimi: dark, snappy eyes and black hair, which arc some of the strong features of the ex-champion. Sullivan evidently derived all his physical strength from his mother.

Although his fut her was a small man, he came from a family known in Ireland as the "bigSuUivans." TJ. first saw the light of day on the 15th of iu a house on Harrison ave nue, near the Huston college lie lived thereuntil he was 10 years of age. Then the family moved to Parnell street and finally to Lenox street, on the Boston highlands. He received his first schooling in the primary Bchool on Concord street; then he went to Dwight's Commercial School on Springfield street. Principal Jimmy Page, the master of the school, was the first man who ever whipped John L.

John took the whipping without a and became quite a hero among the boys fur his bravery. Aftor school hours young Sullivan spent nil his leisure moments playing baseball, for which he became very noted, in his studies hu was particularly fond of mathematics, and disliked geography. During his school days he hud many frays with his schoolmates, and always came out the victor. After leaving the public school he attended Comer's Commercial college for about one year; he finally went to tho Koston college, on Highland he studied for sixti'en months. About this period his tried to induce him to study for the priesthood, but John's lovi: for outdoor sports was too great.

John went to work at the plumbing trade, in the shop of MoJTat 1'orry; he was bound tc the trade by apprentice contract. John fancied the plumbing business uml obtained the position for himself. He worked at this trade for six months, and received S4 a week-. One eold winter when the water pipes in the old Williams market were frozen he was Kent with master journeyman to thaw out the pipes. Tho man tried to impose upon SulKv.ui by forcing him to carry pail after pajl of hot water, which resulted iu a scrap.

Young Sullivan proved too much for the master workman, who made his escape to the shop. Shortly after John fj. went to work for James Galvin, at the trade of tinsmith, and he has often said to me, "What a narrow escape have had from being a tinker." He worked eighteen months at tinsmithing and quit on account of a disagreement with a man who worked at the same bench and who hail just, become a journeyman and wanted to boss Sullivan because ho was only an apprentice. About this time Sullivan joined many baseball nines, among which wore the Frcmonts, Aetnns, Our Hoys and several other clubs. He gained quite a reputation as a baseball player, and was ofl'ered to play with the Cincinnati club in the years 1S7J' and 1680.

The first time Sullivan ever put on the gloves was at a variety entertainment at the Dudley Street opera house, Boston Highlands. He did not go to the entertain inert for the purpose of the coining champion of boxing. John look a turn at the stonemason's trade, at which he worked two years. This was his father's calling and Sullivan became quite adept in the business. At JO years of age, John became s.

boxer: he wns never to box. What ht learned he got from observation, watching other boxers. His Btrle was perfectly original. Some said that old Prof, iiailey claimed the credit of teaching him, but John L. never took a boxing lesson in his life.

He picked it up. John was always a big fellow, and at this ac-o weighed -00 pounds, and was built like gladiator. He was fond of practicing such feats as lifting barrels of flour and beer and kegs of nails above his by these feats he bncrtmc known as "the strong boy" about The first tiim- Sullivan ever npnrrud in public with a of reputation was with Johnny Woods, bettor known as ''Crx-kcy" Woods, in fockrrill hnlL-Ifamver liost.on, in JS7S. Id-was a biir man. and ns nirilched to fk'-ht Ifeenan at one time.

John disposed of "Cockoy." and the following year lie sparred Dan Dwyer in Kover'c hall, and surprised manv old followers of the ring, and beenThe known as the chnmnion of Massachusetts. Tommy Chnndlor, one of the old-timers, was ihc next bested by Sullivan. At Prof. Mike Donovan's benefit at Howard athenmuin, John endeavored to knock him out, but the master of ceremonies made thoin shako hands autl retire in their rooms. When Dnnovan went to New York ltd said to Joe George TConke and all the knowing ones: "There is a young fellow up in 7'oston who, in my estimation, is going to be boss of them all, and his name is Sullivan." Jack Hogan of Providence met Sullivan and was beaten April 0, liiSO.

The following year John L. proved to the Boston- inns that lie was tlie coming man by disposing of Joe Goss, who at that time claimed the championship of England, at a music hall in Boston. He dealt Joe a blow in the second round which virtually ended the contest. Goss was given time to recover and Sullivan sparred the last round without trying to knock him out, THE BASEBALL WOULD MIDWINTER GOSSIP ABOUT THE STAR PLAYERS. Sketch of Polhcmus, the Hani Hitting Most.

So'abln News of Fcrsonul and Iiupcrsonul ioon and then the "fans" will tc igain in despair. i liilly llarnie says he may acceptt, position in one of the minor leagues.or OXK OK SCI.1,1 VAX'S MANY Tl'ItTKAlTS, meeting or boxing 1 any one, but there was a strong: young 1 fellow mimed Scannell who proclaimed to the audience that he anxious to meet any one present. Sullivan at this time was working at tinsraithing and had no lights. Ho had made no arrangements for boxing, but simply peeled off his joat, rolled up his shirt sleeves and put an the gloves. As soon as the young 1 fellows put their hands, Scannell Uit Sullivan a crack on the back of the head, and Sullivan landed with his right, knocking Scannell clean over the piano, which was on the stage.

the first aetnaj experience of IX MA.KIU.I-;. (In Hie po.ssL'sslon of udmlrcr.l which hu conlil cavity have done. Young Sullivan's terrific hitting power on this occasion created quite a -sensation. Mis next victim was (ieorgo Ivooke, a brother of Rooku of Manchester, England, with whom he in the Howard Athenaeum at Hoston, John knocking him out in two rounds. In the same year Snlliviin ascemled two rounds in the pugilistic ladder by the double defeat of John Donaldson, then known as the champion of the west.

John McCormick, then on the Cincinnati Enquirer, and now a sporting writer, under the JIOHI ere plumo of ''Maeou," -went to and ollVred Sullivan and expenses to go to Cincinnati and spar with Donaldson in I he Robinson opc-ra house. John accented. The fight lasted ten rounds, when Donaldson was knocked out. This was really John's lirst cut ami out battle. Donaldson was whipped from the call of tinio in the- first round.

On Jan. 3, ISM, (ioss. and John 1... gave a joint exhibition, and sparred with Jack Stewart, called the champion of Canada. Sullivan made Slewart run ol" the stage in two rounds Sullivan took his part of the receipts of the exhibition and went to Xew York with Kilty Madden and issued the following dialling "I am prepared to make a match to light imy man breathing for any sum from SI, 000 to at catch weights.

This challenge is especially directed at Paddy Uvau, and will remain open for a month if he will not sec lit. to accept it." AUTIIUI: Lu.Mi.KV. "NOTES. AUK I'OLHEM- us, the hard hitting and clever outfielder, was born Oct. 1SG-), in llrooklyn, N.

the home of many noted ball players. I'olhemus learned to play ball at Prospect park parade in in the of his In 1SSC he was connected with the semi-professional team of NyiK-k. N. Y. His crcer, iioivuvci-, began in KS77, whet: he accepted an engagement with tint Hav- crhiil club, of the Xew Knghind lenguo- witli whose team he began thai season, but finished it with the Indianapolis dab, of the National It was on account of his batting a'oiiity that the Indianapolis club lUircluTsod his releuse, he at that uiue letMir.g the New league bats- rn'-n with a percentage of In Pjltiemus was- cn nfreil by the management of the club, of the New England lea-jilt, and t.ook part in championship contests and ranked high in tiic ic ia'- batting aviM-agt-s of that league.

la 1SS9 he drifted south and joined the New club, of the Sotuhcvn league, and when that league disbanded he finished the season with the Hamilton club, of the International leafuc. lie began the season of 1800 with the Galveston club, of the Texas league, but finished it with the Spokane team, of the Pacific Northwestern league, tailing part in sixty-nine championship games with the latter, and ranked second in the official batting- averages of that organization. His exc-jllejit work- that year led to his re-engagement with the Spokane club for the season of he taking part that year in ninety-one championship contests and ranked iirst in the official batting averages of that league. He began the of 1BW with the Spokane club, but finished it with the Scuttle team of the san league. He went south again in JS93 and joined the New Orleans club of Southern league, and remained with it until that organization disbanded late iu that summer, when he signed with the Wilkesbarre club of the Pennsylvania State league, whore, he finished out the season.

The opening of the season of 1SD-1 found him with the Charleston possibly will set up in business in Baltimore. Latest additions to the Toronto team are pitcher Southard and pitcher Congaton, a Canadian pitcher. Managers arc beginning to rouse up i activity and from now on there will be a general scramble for players and dates for exhibition games. Tim Muraiie declares: "It.v conlimi- ally talking about selling out, Frank Robinson is killing ihe game in Cleve- land." And it is true to a certain ex- tent. T.

SUI.LIVAX. What is TAGS FOR BALL PLAYERS. Plun to l-Jiicli IMun on tlio Diamond Number. President Hart is considering 1 a scheme that has been suggested to him in reference to having players wear during the game in order that spectators can identify tiic'iu. Tin- plan to iir.

Hart is very simple. It is for every man on Uie team to have a separate number which he shall keep' throughout the season, Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants- niid Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not- other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute- for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrnns, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant.

Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting 1 Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and AViud Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and ilatiilency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, healthy and natural sleep.

Cas-- toria is tho Children's Friend. LKT HAKT. fie shall wear the number conspicuously, as is done by participants iu an athletic contest. Naturally the regular men on tht team should wear the small numerals, extra pitchers, catchers ancT'other substitutes taking the numbers from ten On the score cards the names of the players with their number shall be printed, and in this wav any spectator caa readily identify anv player on the fiekl is possible, though hardly probable that the scheme may be suggested to the National for geneivil adoption. Castoria.

Castoria Is an excellent medicine tor children. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good eHect upon Ibolr children. 11 Du, G. C. OSQOOD, Lowell, llass, 11 Castoria Is tha best remedy for children of irblcb 1 um acquainted.

I hope tho day la not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in- iteud orthevariousquackEostrumswhicharo destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Do. J. F. KIXCUELOI, Conway, Art. c-tf Castoria is soweL itinpted to children I recommend it as scjariortoany to me," H.

A. AncuKR, Ill So. Oxford Brooklyn, N. Yl. Our physicians in Uio ciiMron'a department liave spoten highly of (beir expert ence In their outsido practice -with Castoria, and although we only have anioni; our medical BuppUes what Is known regular" products, yet we are free to confeM that 1 mcriu of Castoria has won uf to look wluV favor upon it." UsiTJtD HosrnML A.VD Disr Boftton, At t.

IN C. SMITH, The Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City. PROGRESSIVE BASEBALL. Whin It hi lUaimgor'N O'lininn. "1'rogivssivc Baseball is just this," said Manager Kd llanlon of Baltimore tlie other "Jiisteat! of making plays that have becomo stereotyped, believe in making p'uiys that aro unexpected.

That was tho secret of Hoston's success last year. With a m'an on third one on lirst, one out. and the a tie, naturally would suppose that thu catclier would try to null the man on third oft his base. JUit the unexpected play of quickly throwing to first and catching the base runner asleep is the proper caper nowadays. The man on third doesn't expect such a thing, and consequently doesn't stir.

Then, we'll say, the next batsman puts up a Jly.and the side is retired without what looked like a run or two. That's progressive baseball." A PARISIAN BEAUTY. Jllk', do Mc'i'oclo, the Noted Itnllcrluu lit tho Opcru. The 3'oung lady whoso portrait is here given is a person of no little im- Diseases ot me Heart, 81000 nas no is for W. I 1 Porter.

Columbia college men expect to carry off a majority of the events in the inter-eollcgiato fencing tournament. A meeting was held at Harvard last week for the purpose of organizing a lacrosse team. About fifteen men were present, and they agreed to go into active training nt once. The men will be divided into squards and coached by experienced players. Practice will be hold on Holmes fiield.

llenry Menier, of New York, who with the aid of a parehute made a successful jump from the Brooklyn bklge a short time ago, on Dec, 25 made a successful leap from the highest span of the Poughkeepsie bridge, a distance of 217 feet, into the water. This is the hig-hest leap on record. Menier was not injured. The international hockey match at Montreal, between the United States and the Victorias, of Montreal. resulted in a victory for the adiaus.

MAUK club of the Southern association, lie remained with that dub the association disbanded, when he fin- ished.the season with the i club of the New England leajrue. 1'olhc- mus has been credited with many fine performan cs. The most noteworthy of these happened in pninc- between the Spokane, and Portland teams during' the championship season of when he made a safe in- a double bajrg'er, two triples and a home run, of the live: times be went to tho bat. Tie is a hard and reliable batsman, a strcng accurate thrower and A line fielder and basu run nor. Uatling 1 is his strong- point.

Me will £0 with one of the. National league Teams this season. So far arranged, the -Sc-vr Vork team will train in New Orleans, the r.itltiinoresat Macon, the Chicng-os at Galveston. Texas; the at Charlotte. the Urooklyus in South Carolina, and the St.

Louis Drowns at Hot Springs. Even- league club ixce -1 the Clevelands made some arrangements for southern training trip. Robert Lincoln Lowe has accepted terms of the Boston Uaseball ehib for the coining season, which does away with all talk of his going 1 elsewhere. In releasing- George KichcJ, JIanag'er MeCloskey of Louisville probably made a mistake. "Nichol isn't the best pitcher in tho world, but is a batsman, and has the limiting of a outfielder in him.

The once frrcat.Vaie pitcher, Alonzo -StafTp, is physical instructor of Chicag-o university. In New York the financial differences between the New York clnb and certain of its.players are being aired in the newspapers. They must think over there that this exposition of the financial side of baseball is a good' thing-for the nightly in the ballet, diamonds of enormous size and unsurpassed luster, which g-litter in the rays of the foot liffhts as she makes her steps with 1 he- other ballet girls. With her loner, lithe, girlish (jynro. Mile, de Merode would attract notice any whore, and her costumes are always daring and mn-p-niticeiit.

Her high color and dead black hair permit her to carry oil' the most glaring hues. Though her color is so high her skin is exquisilivoly soft, and her black eyes are ina'de all the more lustrous by their 1 of bistre and their long lashes. Her carriage is always very much in evidence at Iiongchamps and at nil show places. she is generally to be seen UMidcd by young noblemen and i'liib- inen. AQUATIC.

George .1. has been nominated for commodore of the Alhinlif Yaohl lii! to 1'i'iinsyl- her orew to row at lien- The sentiment nt Pennsylvania, i.v. strongly agninst any change in rules. Conch Wllard of Harvard captains should be allowed to substitute players whenever desired. The presidents of Die colleges of Indiana, at a meeting held in Indianapolis, dscidcd prohibit int'oreollegiatc- fooiball games in Only." exhibition soorts will be ('uriiell is vania sendin lev.

Tin' want to monopo- that, field MI as Slowly but another baseball season is advancing upon ns. Three a lonrr time.but thev Ml.LK. DH -MHliuDK. portance. in the reigning beauty of the hour is Varis: that is, she was when the photograph left the shop of M.

Ogerau, before whose camera she posed, and presumably she is still, unless she has been supplanted by another beauty in the meantime. This is un likely, however, for it would be difficult to another young girl with so many of the requisites for charming the fickle Parisian heart as has Mile, de Jlerode, as, the calls herself. For she has not only great beauty but original beauty, and she has infinite chic and she is a product of the stage, to whose the Parisin. as she is well known, is particularly susceptible. She is a ballerina at the opera: not a premier but; meroiy a ballet girl, and she dons not dance ki the' front row at that, but the second.

Her figure is probably not good enough, from the stage standpoint, for the front row. as she is very tall and thin. It is the beauty of her face that brings her the diamonds that she wears A LL-DISEASES of the blood are which by its vitalizing, enriching, and alterative effects makes only PURE Vi'. A. (if is in .1 cndcii vnring arraiig'.

I match I'triwee'j llenry the i'aciiic euast champion, and GaxiJaur, for the championship of America. In London swimming is encouraged in the public sehools.both among boys and girls; The citj' is well supplied with swimming baths from all quarters. The T.ondon School Swimming association hasnow eighteen branches, including some 300 school clubs, with an aggregate membership of 13,000, divided into 10.000 boys and 3,000 girls. Harvey K. Hincbman oi Philadelphia, treasurer of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen, has resigned that office.

IIr. Uinchman's term as one of the executive committee expires next August, and iffis not likely that be will stand for re-election, lie has been a member of the board lor many years, lie resigns for. business For Bcrys Fiom 3 io Years old. of I i.ialch tho I or i'Olid Icallic." yet as I pricft of I Outfit la I S.S.S. to anum- berof frlendsfor Btln and JIATO never taonn a failure to cure.

vtr fjUls "mfitt on Blood n-n DUca.H*3 iree SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ot tlioiisunds wild to cverv I sUi4c of ilie XTnlon, aritl evpryoqe is I wltli Yonl! be I IitcuM-d, too, If vou'll us send voi: cliaHro-i-propaid to any pan. of: tic L'. S. fur Or O. O.

v-'iilt of be-I a deposit ot SLOO Is I ivitii PompFco anil GC-paze Otalocrio telling t'lf- line of I'lothing, Furnish- Huts. Show for Mec and atui Cloaks and 7 ui-s, free nnci postage THE HUB 'i. VV. Cor. State and iTIie Hub has DO Braced Sforrtrttytberfi.

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