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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOQAN5PORT, Saturday, June 27 the same exliJUMioiis will lie given here us the dedicatory exhl- Ittttans which were for two weeks, June 1 lo 1S90, at the great Chicago Coliseum. BUFFALO Congress SEKIOUS WRECK. i Freight Trains Collide and Passenger Train Ktms Into Wreck. Marvelous Escape from a Terrible Loss of to an Excursion Train. BILL'S WILD WEST -OF- ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD An exact duplicate, -man for, -Iroree 'I'oi horse of Uio exhibitions SJvi'B at llic Columbian World's Fair at Olik-stgo in all summer in New Tort iu 1SOJ, ami iu 100 tlio principal of t.ho oust in.

ORGANIZED ON THE MOST LAVISH SCALE, WITH flORE MEN, MORE HORSE5, MORE CARS THAN ANY TWO EXHIBITIONS. -Ut(? perfected iai all Uio de-fails Wiaf. combined nnd commanded by the trio of Ti'iuiiipliaut Caterers lo public in- entertainment, 1 COL, WILLIAM F. CODY. Assuring to tbo public a production of America's National Entertainment In colossal equaling if not KurpMsimg the of massive NEW YORK, LONDON, 1'AHIS, IIOMK, VIENNA, JillTJS- SELS, a ml at Columbian World's Fair 1 Pittsbnrfh, June Saturday morning' two sections oi! a westbound freight train collided near Wall station on the Pennsylvania railroad.

Two freight cars were derailed and thrown against the cast-bound track nnd directly in front of No. 20, the fastest vestibulcd train between Pitta- burgh and New York. With two engines pulling her No. 20 smashed into the wrecked freight cars at full speed. Engineer Mclntyre, of the leading engine, jumped and wax very severely injured.

Both engines, the combination baggage and mail cur, two express cars and one sleeper were doraili-d and dainnped. All of- the ixumengcrs were severely shaken up by the shock. So fur as is known none wore sevn-uly injured. The escape from terrible accident was narrow. UlHtliiEulslictl Aboiird.

Tlie train (lie first section of the Atlantic express, and it carried a number of dolrjiafi'S and others who attended the St. Louis convention. Stuart, of I'liilaiMpliia', and "other prominent republicans nnd representatives of (lie Manufacturers' club of tha.t city, who went as a (o the oonvr.jition to urge the recoH'nition of a protective tariit in thn platform, were on the train. All were in their bi'r'hs at the tinn: of the a.nd some did laiow of it until tin: the trains. Following (he ih'st, section olosi'lv but PURELY VEGETABLE.

The Cheapest, Purest Jiest I'ainiiy WvU-" icino in the AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC Tor all discuses of the Liver, Stoni.ich Rcffiilftlc the Liver itntl prevent CHILLS ANU FKVKB, HALAKI- ous KEVEKS. Bowia, COMPLAINTS, UKST- LJWSNESS, JAUNDJCJ-: AND NAUSEA. BAD BREATH! XotJiinff is so nttplcn.s\inr nothina' so common as bail breath, mid in nearly every case itcome from the stomnch, and can be so easily it you will Hike SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Du not neglect to secure; a remedy for this re pulsivc disorder. Jt will improve yoiir compiuxion and gcucrai PILES! How tnnnyKiiffcr torture nftcr day, mat inj; life a burdc'i; and robbing: cxisioncc of al pleasure, owhitf to the secret stifTcring from Vet relief is ready lo hand of nlmos any one who will use the remcd thru has pcrmn.m.:iu'.y cured thousands. Sly MONS LIVKK KKGLH-ATOK is no drastic, purge, but a gentle assistant to nature.

CONSTIPATION SHOULD not be regarded as A fact, nut re demands Lhe utmost rugulnrily 1 of the bowels, nnd any deviation from this demand paves the way oftfti to clangor, Jt is cjuhe as r.eccssnry to remove impure accumulations from the bowe-Is ns is to cac or sJet-p, and r.o health be expeettd where a cosiivu habit oi body prevails. SICK HEADACHE! Tliis distrossinK" afHiction occurs most fre- The of ihc stomach, arising from the impL-rfeclly contents causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied with nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as Kick Headache; fur the relief which TAKE SIMMONS Livcu HEGULATOU. MAN'JFACTURED ONLY BY J. H. ZEIUN Fhiladclpliia, Pa.

WOMAN FROG HUNTER. Where tbc CHICAGO, miiltUndiuoiis millions The Wiiite and Tented Cities A prompMy stoppinl, vci'u 1-Iic sottions dm Quay tlic eorruspoiifltMits' and the pri- car of Smalov liavir.g- on board Liai-i'ol A. llobart. Uie vice pl't'Sidoiitial noininct'.

n'uvs of tlic acrc-ldi'iit pronnlcd tho t.rnin. and at eauli sl.op|iii:f;' physicians in rujidiiK'ss lo act, but their services not rcijnirc'd. Tlie Oiipal Wild West Absorbs Civilized noreeiiuinslidp. READ THE ARRAY That Xations Furnish and Races are Exhausted to Complete. All kinds, all all tongues, nil men fraternally In (lie pictures- quo racial camp.

AH born Hereditary Princes of the Saddle. 100 INDIAN WARRIORS, OgiuHalla, Bi-uJe, Clicycmne Arapa.hoe Tribes. DO Amoiltan Cowboys. 30 Mcxicvm Vaquca-os nnd lira lies. 30 South Amoricnn Gauchos.

50 Western Fromtioremon, Slarksmen, etc. Bedouin Arabs. 20 Russian Cossacks at the Caucasus. Dctacllin'oot of U. S.

Cavalry. Koyal Irisfc-BngJlsli Tviutei's. French Chasseurs. Gonman Ouilrassiere. All nudor tlie of Col.W.F.

CODY-BUFFALO BILL ACClDKNT TO TRAIN. JDr.iw Slur PullM Out mid arcn Killed. Fort AVayiR', Jinii; 'M. flny niorr.iiiH- tlirec excursion l.niins CiiiTj-iiif! 1 Fort AVnync ot tlio company on their oul.injr to IJiuin; City nnd Sylvian -10 niiliw norlh of on the GraiKl Rapid i Indiana railroad, left t.liis city flying and bsmcl.s j)hying. At Kendullvillc a gloom wns cast over the jolly outing' of 5,000 Tlie first section broke in and Fireman Samuel C.

Hunderson and Forema'n F. Miller; of the tin-shop, who stimdinfr on the platform where the drawbar broke, were hurled ujidor the wheels and crushed to death. Both were married men and members of the excursion committee. No others were hurt. Henderson wns an unule of Mrs.

Samuel E. Morss, wife of the American consul at Paris. Kt-KVATKD TRAIN 1VRECKKU. The JjAST ot ONLY HERD OX EXHIBITION. Tills enormous outfit is transported in special rajh-ofid trains.

Using its own specially consti'ucted roHlng slock, iiho largest of Traveling Commlissarj-, DorinHtoiy, and Equorry Accommodaillions, complete In every particuloi 1 and equaling the requlrc- oC the modei'u metliods of niov- iug A FULLY EQUIPPED ARMY IN TIME OF WAR. Carrying all 'the paraphernalia iicces- to A covered grand sta.nd seating twenty thousand persons, assuring perfect shelter 1'itmi the sun or rain. So orgaiiiiKCd and so arranged as to camp close to tlio ciity in an easy accessible locanioiL On first day of arrival tbere ivJJJ be given A Free Street Cavalcade At 10 a. by delaailcd detaclimeuts from division (Willd Horses, Buffalo, Caititle, being necessarily giiardocl iu "So that tic ivLo rang may read." Xhe march will be enlivened by mid Coaches Jump tlio Truck and Full I.liv Chicngo, 20. A train on the Luke street elevated road ran into open twitch ni'nr Itockwell street moniiiig and before thu train could be stopped the combination motor and jnussenfjcr car shot ovur the abutment anil into the street below.

Three persons were probably futully injured ami severuJ others biiJly cut and bruised. The seriously injured are: Mnuricc D. Johnson, of the brain, left Jeff fractured and internally injured, will probublj die; Jabcz Carr. Hkull fractured, left arm broken, recovery doubtful; James Bugg-ie. ten years old, collar bone broken and injured internally, recovery doubtful.

The two rear coaches on the train were stived from toppling' over into street by the coupling breaking. Thorn Is no reyulrir switchman employed at the point where rho accident occurred and Jt is not known who is responsible for leaving' the switch open. Wreck on tho Luke Shore. Cleveland, 0., June special to the Press from Stanton, says: The New York nnd Chicago limited on Uic Lake Shore ran into a freight on a siding' at this plncc. Engineer Hovoy was buried under the wreck, oJid seriously injured.

The other ti-nJnnien suvcd themselves by jumping-. The passengers wore badly shaken up, but 110 one wius injured. The property loss is heavv. How 11 Now Jersey A fortune Living. M.iss M'ona Soldon, of Frieudship, N.

is a hunter oi' renown. The gimie she bags is fi'oys. 1'or seven years she been supporting herself by her unique, mev.hod. she is one of the most prosperous citizens in the little town, smd she is reputed to liiivc a batik flccoiint which, if it keeps on growing, will eventually enable her to give up 1 shooting. Jlcfore slje took to frog shooting Miss Seldon taupfht school in country rcrjon.s.

She did not partic- liirly enjoy leach ing', for her pupils were frequently boys twice us big as herself, nnd they hud that particular form of humor which shows in boinfi' Moreover, the salary flic! not witisfy Jfiss ideas of proper compensation. Consequently, when she found fj-ogs were u. cost- Ij luxury she resolved to invest he; Fnviiips in a frog farm. Friendship being rich in bogs nnd swninps. Miss Scl- ck'Q boug-lit iicres of lund, fenced it in and begun to rnisv frogs for the York market, to t.he scornful cleJigbtof her neighbors.

They thoucr'-'t she was ha.rmless iind amusinc 1 IULUIIK; wLou they saw her practicing shooting frogs. Bnt they learned that she cleared $1,000 the first season, those who came to scoff remained to imitate, arid frog shooting became a popular occupation in Friendship. The other shooteri sell thc'ir game to Miss Selden, who in turn sells it to the amrket. INDIANA NEWS. Told In Brief bj Dispatches firom State Bomc.

Lafayette, 20. Dedicatory services connected with the formal 'opening the state soldiers' home will hjre on July 4. This state property includes 156 ajres of land, a site commanding a fine view of the Wabash valley and river, and midway between the famous Tippecanoe battlefield and the city of Lafayette. In this huridsome domain the trustees have invested the state appropriation by the lost legislature of $73,000 in buildings and improvements. As evidence of the popularity of this pa trot ic enterprise already 12 counties arc reported ns having made n.ppropriatio7ic ranging from J1.500 to $4,000 each' for tjje prectjon of domicile cottages for special use of ngod veterans from those localities.

Ten additional cottages are reported as having made similar appropriations, have not yet selected sites Jor their building 1 It is expected that, all parts of the state will be represented in the approaching patriotic and beneficent event. Among distinguished pruest.s will be Gov. Matthews and stnfT, I. X. Walker, national commander G.

A. Slate 0. A. E. Commander Cay lor and Gen.

Lew Wallace. Military and civic parados will be prominent fixtures, and a (frand display of fireworks will supplement the regular programme of entertainment. SAFOLEOM, OSC'E ASKED FOB AN OPIMON, Gives a Graphic Description of His Ideal Woman. Please In response to a question askci! ty i lady, the groat N.i^oKion reijiicd. hociely belle, whose sichin trios v.iir.

her in rei'isir. nor fragile buiterfy of fashion, who iho lor'aiix-s of ilis- with r. forced smile. No! my ideal is a woman who has accepted her being as a sacred mist, and who obeys tlio laws of n.itnrc for the preservation oi her body and soul. Do you my knee invohmt.i- Kepurtlate.

JefCersonville, June By tho leciskm of the supreme court the city Of Jertersouvilli' is practically SST.OOO ahead. In 3S7G the dry council issued worth of 20-year bonds to pay or building a new courthouse, which vas moved here, and the bonds were The supreme court's decision was hat they were illegally issued, invalid, nd consequently worthless. They are icld principally in the cast, and there no Icfjal way to redeem them by the Wuntod to Try the The Knplish papers are full otstories of the hito Of I'ersia, some of which probably true, When lie was vis- Itiog England he frequently expressed his contempt for the mildness of English So he -vvns finally taken to Newgate in order iliat he might sec the gallows. He at once manifested great interest, in it, and, expressing a desire to sec how it worked, asked the governor to hang a man. The governor explained that he had not ut that time a.

man ready for the experiment, wliere upon the shah expressed his conteiupi he intimated that thnfwas of "c'Onsoquenee. "Ua.Dg one of these," lie, pointing to his suite, each man. which probably trembled in his shoes And very great indeed was the shah' disgupt when he fonndvlhat he coulr not prevail upon the governor to what he wanted. Indltum PhyidclnnB. Muncie, The first dis- rict convention of the Physio-Medical Association of Indiana closed an inter- sting meeting here.

The is composed of Delaware, Madison, Henry, Pnndolph arid Wayne counties. 'Dr. T'cndlcton, of Henry county, is president, and Dr. Lydia Weeks, of Mcchnn- icsburg, is secretary, a position she has held for several years. Bono Polytechnic AlnmnL Terrc Haute, June At the business meeting of the Alumni association of Rose Polytechnic the following officers were elected: President, Qeorprc IT.

Chapman, 'SS, Enu Claire, WIs. vioc-presldcnt, Howard M. Stanton. '04, Indianapolis: sccrctary-tn-as- urer, John B. Aiknmn, 'S7, Terre Haute; executive committee.

Fred Hlldrcth and Benjamin McKeon, Terre Haute, and Herbert 1'oltz, oj Indianapolis. wlicn mcot the matron who roaches middle age in complete preservation. "That woman is rendered bcaulifd! by perfect health, and the stalwart children oy her side are her reward. That's my ideal woman." To grow to ideal womanhood the girlhood should be carefully guarded. Mothers owe a duty to their daughters Ibat ill too many cases is neglected.

Nature has provided a time for purification and if the channels are obstructed the entire system is poisoned, and mis- cry comes. At mothers' meeting the wife of a noted New York divine said to her listeners: "Watch carefully your daughters' physical development. Mothers should see that Nature is assisted, if necessary, to perform its office, and keep their daughters well informed as lo matters concerning themselves." Irregularities, from whatever cause, are sure indications of organic trouble. With irregularities come disturbance of the stomach and kidneys. Violent headaches often attack the victim; pains shoot, everywhere.

Extreme irritability follows quickly, and then utter, despondency overwhelms the already over- burdened life. Unless the instruction is removed at daughter's whole future will be darkened. Lydia E. PinWiinn's Vegetable Compound will accomplish the work speedily. It is the most effective remedy for Ur or suspended action known.

THE MAKKETS. DEMAND ON SPAIN. JIIAGMFICF.NT HANDS or Led by itlie Famed, World-Traveled Buffalo Bill's Cowboy Band- JU iilght a brilliant electric display the largest Portable Double Electric of 250,000 candle power yet constructed for any simUnr pin-pose. Two i ensuring a perfectly reliable llhimlnaibton, making iilght as light as Two Exhibitions Daily. Rain or; SMne ACtornocm at 2 o'clock; night at o'clock.

Doors open ono hour earlier. Htght as light as day and as complete In detail. adJuissiou, DOc; cltil- dtren 'Hader 0 years, 25c. Numbered coupon, actually reserved, seats will be oM on tbe day of exhibition at JoLnstop's drug stone, comer Fourth street and Broadway, Tho United Stated Will Innlut on the I'uy- niont of Indemultj. Washington, June of a direct a.nd positive clinracter have been sent to the United States minister at Madrid, Mr.

ITfinnis Taylor, to make strong representations to the Spanish government with a view to securing reparation for indignities to Dr. Jose Delgado and other American citizens in Cuba. The instructions went by mall some clays ago and should reach Madrid about the present time. (Jrcat Nuvul Battle Boston, June of the 48 survivors of the Kearsarge-Alabama naval fight celebrated their 12th annual reunfon, and the 32d anniversary ot the battle. John Snnhorn was elected president and Willium Wain wright secretary of the association.

Grain, Etc. Chicago, June 20. active and unset find. June, STffMSc; July, Sop CORN-Steady. No.

2. No 2 Yellow, July, Sep' tember, and stoady. June, 17c; July, September, Samplea steady. No. 3, No.

White, JSKSfHS-Hc; No. 2, n.y^fiSc; No. White, iMo. MESS rather liberal nnd domaml active. Prices easier.

Quotations ranged at for cash; Jii.9( Tor June; J7.00@7.02V:; 'for July; J7.15 for September, moderate and offerings tree. Prices easier. Quotations ning-ed at for cash; for Juno; for July, and for September. and steady, rather tame. Creameries, Dairies, LIVE POULTRY Only moderate do- mand.

Turhcys, Spring Ducks, per pound; Gcesc, per dozen, JS.OCS'-I.CO. FOOT J.It:tie TlilnBH. Mrs. these are 3'our children, are they? Mrs. and everybody says they're just the image of me.

Mrs. so they arc, poor little— Tit-Bits. 1 New York, June 20. 2 Red steady, quiet. July.

63Vj(304 3-lCc; September, C4 December, G5 2 No. 2, September, October, 3Cc. 2 quiet, easier. State, SSc; Western. July and September, firm, Western creamery, doi factory, Elglna, 15Vin; Imitation creamery, 10igil2c.

Part skims, £ull skims, unchanged. Llva St ock. Chicago, June 20. CATTLE Market steady, nominal. Fair, to best beeves, stockers and feeders; mixed Cows and Bulls, J1.25@3,50; Texas, J2.BO® active; heavy, 5c lower; light and strong.

"Llffht, rough packlnB, J2.75ffl2.9S; mixed and butcliera', 130503.40; heavy packing and shipping; Pigs, Detroit, Juno 20. cash, 64Vic; July, Clttc; August, September, Cljjc; No, 1 White, cash, 6Uc. 2 cash, 27Hc. 2 White, cash, asked. Munt Troducc Itii Boolcn.

Kokomo, June the long litigated Kel River-Wabush railway receivership case. Judge Kirkpatrick ordered that the company's books be produced ill courtfor inspection. The state seeks to revoke the charter of the V.el Eiver company, whose road is being' operated by the Wnbash people on a 09 year lense, The Kpworth LenRuo. Anderson, June Indiana State lipworth league conference will be held in this city June 25 to 2S. Meetings will be held in the new armory.

Half rates have been secured on the railroads nnd interesting; programmes have been arranged for all services. A larjro attendance is anticipated. Sir ikon. Portland, Indi, June big oil strikes have been made. A well owned by W.

E. Koliin is reported g-ood for 500 barrels daily. The second one is only three miles from this city and is owned by the Liuldiauer Lafolletie Oil company. Oil rose 400 feet in it after being shot. Oun CJuh Shoot lloba-rt, June tenth an- niir.l tournament of the HobnrtCun club was held on t.he banks of Lake George.

There were 14 events. The bostavorag-o was made by Charles Townsencl, of Knox, who broke 101 out of a possible .175. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC THE-t TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers Thcamtent Perfection yetMUIned In Bqalpaicnt, Artltlle Furnlihlnz, DccorcUoo wid Efficient Service. tainting inc highest degree of COflFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. FOUR TRIM KR BETWEEN Toledo, Detroit PETOSKEY, -''THE MARQUETTE, AND OULOTH.

LOW RATES to Plcturtmue Mickliuc (ad Return. Indudine uid Berthf. From Cleveland, $18; from Jig; from Ottrolt, (13.50. EVERY EVENJNO Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Clevelund with Earliest for all points Bast, South and Southwest and Detroit for all points North nnd Northwest. Sunday June, July, August ind Stptonbtr Oolf.

EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay Toledo Send for Illustrated FampMet. Address A. A. BCHANT2. a.

T. OlTdOiT, HIOH. The Deiroil aad Cievtiaitf Steam Co. Will Loiivo Torro lluuto. Tcrrc Haute, June J.

H. Cruii), who has been pastor of the First Congregational church in this city for eight years, has accepted a call to tho Picauon Hill Congregational church in Kansas City. Wlilrlod Kound a Sbnft. Portland, Carl, an employe of the Sun Oil company in the field west here, was caught in a wheel and whirled round the shaft. He lived but a short rmnlly Injured.

Orleans, mic Early, fi years of age, walked out of a second- story window while asleep and sustained fatal injuries. Dcd to Dcuth. Valparaiso, June Thomas Curliji, nged 55 years, was frightened to death by the lightning during a storm in this Row luff Acrntm the Atlantic. New York, June 13-foot row in which the two Norwegian sailors are trying the Atlantic voyuge, and which left New York .1 uni- was spoken the Fuerst Bismarck Thursday 350 miles cast of Boston. At this rate it will ake the rowers a.bout 100 days to make tbe voyage to Havre.

They carry only days' provisions. To Whci'l Aronml tho World. Buffalo, N. June P. Carey, vho is making tour of.

the world ivi-heel, passed through this city. He tarted from Lynn, and is mak- ng his way by easy He will sail roin San Francisco, lie will endeaveoT follow the same route a.s was covered the unfortunate Lenz. ONE-HALF SIZE OF OCX. POZZONPS IGOMPLEXIOK hits been tho laandara for forty years and Is more popular toslar than ever Dvfor POZZOM-S I Is Lhc Idcnl complexion I cleanly, henllMul nnd harraleni." A Invlnlble protecilon to tho lace. Wl Ot every bororpOZZOATH mag- 1 nlllccnt Ncovllfi GOLD PCFJT BOX fnivn of chnrif 1 AT DRUGGISTS AND FANCY STOEES.

Kill the Catarrh microbe and 7011 These parasites neat deep in the tissues and folds of olfactory membrane, and are difficult to reach and but Brazilian Balm witt estroy them used l7 as directed. It also destroys tbe Hay Fever gena in a few days. Use full strength, or nearly ao, for Hay. Fever. Cure permanent.

Typhoid and Scarlet Fever. Taken in time Brazilian Balm preventt tvphoid or scarlet fever, Aleo makei these diseases very light and prevents deafness and throat troubles, which scarlet fever and measles 10 leave behind, Alwajs keep on hand..

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