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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 14

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE FOURTEEN (ARK.) COURIER NEWE TUESDAY, MARCH 1, GOPAskedtoAid Filibuster Fight Lucas Wants Help In Stopping Dixie Rules Change Talkfest WASHINGTON, March 1. OT Senator Lucas of Illinois called on Republicans today help still tlie sound and fury of a Southern Democratic filibuster a Senate rulas change. As Senator Connally (D-lex) prepared to carry the Dixie banner into the second day of a filibuster to save filibusters, Democratic Leader Lucas laid out a time table lor a showdown early next week. BUILDERS Continued from Page 1 Program to BlyUicvllle realtors, builders and city officials, at the meetluK today. He was Introduced by J.

L. Guiin, president of the Chamber of Commerce, und after his introduction presided ovni- the remainder of the meeting. Mr. Sniitli pointed out that the economy housing program was not a project of the KHA, but was combined effort of nil agencies interested In housing, and concerned with inadequacies o( present-day He said the PICA was only spcar-hendiiiR the movement. As he pointed out.

today's meeting was to Inform Hlythevllie hulldlng ap.endrs, realtors, and landowners of wnys of obtaining economy. He ninled' thai it could not be obtained Before the Senate Is Ins motions lt i wages, nor of racrUlc- to take up a resolution which would of materials, but de- altei '-lie Senate's rules so that two- thorough plannliiR. thirds of those voting could clam;) ()yi ch KHA valuator, limit on debate at any mmoinles in land plnn- and builders' problems In new Louis Resigns Heavyweight Boxing Title MIAMI BEACH. Joe today formally resigned as heavyweight boxing clmmploii of the world. He and received permission i from the Natloiwl Box I UK Association to sponsor a fight between Ew.ard Charles and Jersey Joe Walcoll to determine tlie new world's champion.

SHIPS Southerners oppose tliLs opening wedge for passage Went Truman's civil riglns pro- to cloture Lucas, who heads the administration's forces in the Senate, said the Southerners will be allowed to lain along until ThuiMlay In their effort to prevent Hie Senate from passing on tlus proposition. He predicted that a petition invoke the debate-limiting procedure will ue filed then. It will IK- up to Vice Presidciu Hartley to rule whether there can be any limitation of debate on motion such as Lucas' to take up a resolution. That's the point at which biicas taitl he wants some Republican "bast August, Senator Vamlenbcrg (R-Mich) mlcd as presiding officer that the debate limitation dul- n't apply in a similar case. This was in an elforl by Senator Wherry iR-Ncb) to call up the anti-poll tax bill.

But if Earklcy rules that the debate limit does apply in this and there are indications that he will because he disputed Vandcn- bcrg's daeision last said he wants the Republicans to vote with him to uphold Barklcy. Innocent III was ordained a priest more than a month after he was elected Pope in 1198. Red Blasts Clergy subdivision developments. He pointed out Iliiit in areas throughout the United States at least 25 per cent of all housing was unfit for habitation. He Indicated that Improper planning was one of the major causes.

He suggested that the usual block system, with a set number of lots same, width alley and streets was' not always best in the view ol land analysis, but that blocks conic! be as long as 14(10 feet and stil Kive the community the same advantages, and thai alleys were oftci mere nuisances. Stresses He stressed tlie idea that divisions should be. laid out will such tilings as availability of high ways, utilities, churches, schools and should have deeds showill showing proper covering and pro teelion against objectional use that would Impair the value of residential area. Mr. McCoy advise that the Joining of small land owi ers to form a sub-division wa smart, insofar as they could assure themselves of equal valued homos, and a residential section of home In the same price range.

In stressing the necessity of proper housing. Mr. McCoy said that slate institutions, operated by the tux payers money, reports would i show timt eight out 10 in the i institutions came from sub-standard homes or blighted areas. He said tlial policing records showed three to one. the person charged had come from similar areas An economy through lowered taxes woulil result if Adequate housing would lower the number requiring in stale-operated institutions, he said.

Continued From Page 1. cargo ships and a large luxury liner. Would Hreacb Agreements Construction by Germany of any craft over 1,600 tons would breach flig I-Ywr already badly battered in the West's struggle with Soviet Russia. More than a year alter the Potsdam bun on scaiiOtiis vessels, the Big Pour pinned it down deflnlately by ruling: 1. New ships built by the Germans must not exceed 1,500 gross IOJLS in nor total more than The new champion will be crown- 200,000 Ions.

Their speed must not exceed 12 knots and their operating radius 2,000 miles. 2. German plans for building, operating or chartering any sliip must, have clearance from the Allied control Council at Berlin. Russia lias withdrawn from the council in the dlsp'ite over control of the lonner German capital, leaving tlii.s country, Britain and France. lioth shipping und unions earlier sought in vain to head ofl revival of the Japanese mer- rtuuii.

marine. Gen. Douglas MacArthur has authorized a number ol Japanese shipbuilding contracts anc has helped Ihe Japanese get Irom distant ports in the Orient. There arc no international agreements to limit him on thus (joint. at a 15-rounrl fight to be held I Chicago In June.

I Louis' his formal re- I gnation by letter to NBA Commis- oner Abe. J. Greene and Flarncn i. Aclne, president ol NBA. The letter of resignation was prc- cnted by Harry Mendel, Ihe brown wmber's publicity agent.

Louis him- elt was no! present. Louis nolifli'd the NBA that he, rthur M. Wlrtis and James D. orls had formed the International boxing club which will maintain iffices In New York and Chicago, will stage the fight to determine ncxv heavyweight champ. said he had obtained the iignatun's of Walcott and Charles tor the heavyweight crown match vnd that both boxers hud agreed to defend (heir Ittle within 00 days alter the June match with either Lee Savold or Gus Mrs.

Stevens Named Head of Handicraft Club Flood Control Projects Hurt Farm Lands Mrs. Omar Stevens, 518 Park, was elected chairman of the Blythc- vllle Handicraft Club at the initial meeting in the county agents office at tlie Court House lasl Mrs. Earle Nnll was elected secretary. The first project of the club was completion of acid-etched aluminum service trays. Mrs.

Gertrude B. Holinuin demonstrated the tray- making. She said today that sten- cilling or textile painting would be taken up at the next meeting. It was decided last night that the cpn tne lwo ivcrs club would meet on the first and third Monday's of each monlh. A list of desired projects was submitted by those attending, and the schedule of projects will be compiled from that list.

The lists include plastic work, lamp shade construction, and various other types of homemaking handicrafts. Gales Hit Europe, Britain; 23 Dead In Storms' Fury LONDON, March 1. tin Gules whipped Europe and Britain today killing at least 23 persons. Scores of Injured and heavy property damage resulted from" the tall end lash of a mild winter. War-damaged buildings collapsed In Western Germany killing 20 persons, ten of them In Cologne.

A man lied in Rome when winds toppled the walls of a building. The roof of a house was jlown In, killing a woman. The gales closed landing fields throughout Western Germany, halted the Berlin airlift. Gusts of up to CO miles an hour tipped the of some of tlie IIURC four-enginet planes as they ta.xied tip to th runways at Templehof Airdrome ii Berlin and airports in Frankfurt and it was decided to suspend op erations. A biy snow covered th Berlin area.

Trees and walls were blow down, roofs were ripped off an shop windows were blown off the freakish weather in many area of England and the continent. Ten ships were grounded, six the Dutch coast, three off Dei mark and one off Scotland. An American was injured when the gale damaged an Army supply storehouse in Diebrich, near'Wies- baden. His name was not disclosed. The British coasts were lashed by gusts which at their peak were recorded officially al 76 miles an hour.

Heavy snowstorms hit Denmark, blocking roads. Sleet, rain and snow lashed the Netherlands. ill to Arkansas tote Funds Offered LITTLE ROCK, March bill has been Introduced In the rkansas House to give Arkansas late Coll' Jone-shoro, an ad- itional $56,150 annually. The money would come from ncncumbered balances In the gen- ral surplus lund under Stabll- latlon Act. Arkansas State and the three ither district colleges each get 374,200 annually under the Stabil- zation Act.

Is Given iv6-Year Sentence i UTTLE ROCK, March Jes Elmo Short was sentenced lo years imprisonment in federal court here yesterday after he pleaded guilty of embezzling some $30.000 from a national bank at Marianna. Andre G. Kahn, Pine Bluff jeweler, was fined $5.000 for evading Income taxes of approximately $05,000. He pleaded nolo contendcrc (neither admitting nor denying guilt.) AUCTION SALE MAIN STREET STORE TO BE CLOSED OUT Everything will be sold at the price you'll pay. Fixtures and Equipment 'will be sold.

WATCH FOR THE NAME SALE WILL START FRIDAY, MARCH 4th T'OPLAR BLUFF, March 1 Wapuapcllo Dam on tlie St. Francis River In Wayne County and Cleanvnter Dam on Black River in Wayne and Reynolds Counties, the first two of a series of flood control projects in the Mississippi Vnllcy planned by the Army Corps of Engineers, are causing great "damage to farmers" living below these structures, it was charged today. The charge was contained In resolution of the intor-river drainage district which include almost all the land in Butler County be- Livestock Head of Little Rock Bond Firm Dies at 73 I.ITTI.K ROCK. March 1. Thomas J.

Haney. 13. hcud and founder of the ljule Rock investment firm of T. J. Hauey and Sons, died in a hospital here last night.

lisd been hospitalized since liiM Wednesday. Ranev By far the srcalcst number airplane stalling accidents occur in landing. stale legislature In 1005 and was a stale seiuitor in 1911 and 1913. He was a native of Big Bottom Township in Independence County, and moved to Little Rock from Comvay In 1932. Survivors Include his widow, six I sons, Itirce daughters and 15 rved as a representative I children.

plans are incom- County In ihe ulelc. The resolution declares the operation of the dams Is resulting in consistently higher levels of the streams below the dams with resulting damage by erosion to existing levees. It also charges the higher level maintained 111 Black River by Clcarwnter presents water form Rowing out of drainage ditches Into the river, resultini: in the inundation of some lands that previously were Hooted only for brief periods. Addressed to the Mississippi River Commission at Vicksburg copies of the resolution have been sent to the Corps of Engineers al. both Memphis.

and Little NATIONAL STOCKYARDS. Mar. 1. Hogs H.OOO; market mostly 75 lower than Monday's spots off 1.00. particularly on weights under 100 Ibs; bulk good and choice 180-220 Ibs 21.00-25; top 21.25; 230-210 Ibs 19.5020.75; few to 21.00; 270-325 18.501(1.75; 140-170 Ibs 19.75-21.00; largely 20.00-75; 100-130 Ibs 15.75-10.00' good sows 400 H)S down 17.25-18.25; over 400 Ibs 15.25-16.50; stags 12.0014.00.

Cattle 4.200; calves. 1.500: general trading rather slow; some early deals on medium and good steer steady at 22.00-24.25 but under one weak; heifers and mixc'd year ings also opening about steady bu datively little done; cows undc pressure; some opening sales. 25 to 0 lower with bids off more. Rock, lower Ark. Immediate steps to tlie levels of the two rivers the lame drainage district.

urged by the Want Ads Catholic priesls are spies, says Bulgarian Foreign Minister Vasil who told parliament that Ihe Vatican maintains a clerical espionage ring in eastern Europe and forces its members to spy on and betriiy their mother countries. tf COM! IN AND SEE THE Enjoy the whiskey that's Glide over here, Bob, ond let ol Ihis mellow OLD SUNNY BROOK glide down your palate! Mighty smooth Kenlucky whiskey! And I know it doesn't cost a fancy figuti la -A slay "over on Ihe Sunny Brook OLD SUNNY BROOK McKesson Rabbins, Inc. Exclusive Distributors Little Rack Grain Neutral SplrH Drive it and learn why Ifs the Car thafs 103 warn different! PARADE GROUND GRIP TIRE 1 leading the v.ay lo lumber of frolic, BUSKENS Irave! 0 or covnlry by-way cirounding The world of fmhttxi wiiK tiny BUSKEHS price and big BUSKENS vc'uc! Nationally Advtrlitld in Charm, Glamour ond Morftmeistl FAMILY SHOE STORE 312 AVesl Main Phone 2.312 CUT CLEANS OUT-PULLS OUT-LASTS a I Behind tlie wheel of a Frazer you suddenly realize you see much bettLT, drive much easier. All other cars become olil-J'usliioiicd. Discover the balanced car.

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