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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 oat sxohninu, may is. 174. The Courts. Onpreme Court. This tribnnal wu in session yesterday moraine Chief Justice Ladeling ana Justice Taliaferro, ilwwell, Wyly and Alorcan present.

The folio wing decisions were rendered BT CHIKF JUSTICE LrrDELINCf. John B. liowrd vs. Wm. Jadgment of lower eourt reversed.

and judgment in favor of defendant; reject in plaitill's demand. Joseph fcchrempf vs. Loniaa Boise, ta-trix Judgment afinned. 1L C. Yt artnoth vs.

James Graham, Auditor. Judgment affirmed. 1 this esse VVannoth elainied $78878 for salary doe him. The question to be decided was whether the absence of the Governor from the State for a few hoars or few days created a vacancy in his 2ce, and authorized the assumption of tlie duties, prerogatives and emoiaments thereof by, the. Lieutenant Governor dorian' his absence.

The Lieutenant Governor eisimed the salary daring snen abeenoev and a part thereof paid to nun. The court below decided in favor of Wannoto. llcStea Valae vs. Warren Craw-fonL Judgment of the lower court amended by reducing the anoint there of to $000 and by allowing interest only from judicial demand. Justice Wyly difatlng.

1 IarrTt A. Billbnan vs. Short i tin and John A. ilall. Judgment against llall reversed and judgment in his favor tefoctingher demand against him.

i Thos. Tawcet vs. W. D. Peterson Jodgaent annulled and judgment Un favor of the defendant, rejocting Plain-f rftiS's demand.

rrf Allen T. and Matilda Bowie D. 1 B. Pean. Judgment affirmed with tea per cent, Bertrand Haloy vs.

Pedro Berthelemy "VBrnle Judgment' affirmed with ten per eent. damages. John Boy va. John TlaUidayv- aseat affirmed. -Citizens' Bank of Louisiana vs." lira.

A.W. Walker and husband. Judgment -4 sfaraaed with ten percent, damages. John A. YVateu vs.

city of New Or- leaar Jndgmeut annulled' and- tnent in favor of defendant, rejecting vi' -plaintift's demand, with; costs in both aoorta, Cooley Phillips vs. Eeteban et 'ale. Judgment reversed, and judgment in favor of plaintiffs, against Estebtn, J.T. Ayoock, the ttuocessioaot Dogai Verges, in solid tor $1000, with tire per eent. per nnam Interest from judicial desaaad.

It is alo ordered that Este-ban, Aycock, aud the Succession of Verbis recover jndgment in their favor against the Batchers' Benevolent Association for tbe amount above stated, with interest. lienryMeirer vs. Henry Miller. Judgment amended by in addition to tne vaine or me unaiviaea nan oi ine dairy, $50 per month for the net half of 'the profits oft he a airy from tbe 1st of September, 187(, till the dairy be deliv v'- ared to plate lift, or its price be paid. i Charles Morgan Geo.

Lorn bard. Judgment annulled, and judgment ren v- dered dissoivioic injnnction. Adjudared that defendant in owner of the property in qneotioo, and tbat be bare judgment against the plaintiif for yTaridamaKed. fincceftsiou of r'anny Ilurnatein Judg- ment affirmed. Philip Do li vs.

Conrad 'Green. Judg-- ment of lower court reversed, and jadg- ment in favor ef defendant rejeotiug plaintift's demand. i State of Louisiana vs. 'i T. Monie aad Joseph Fontain.

Jndffment of lower court against Fontain affirmed, and judgment and verdict against Fontain -annulled and set aBide. Tne case as to Mooio be remanded, to be prooeeded law. -u- Geo. Merz vs. Idalie Peronx and hu- band.

Judgment affirmed. bt jutmcs TAUarKRRO. I State ex rel. T. Micou et at vs.

Judge of Second ad wial District. Mandamus made peremptory. Caroline Richardson, wife of A Pis-CTOS, vs. E. K.

Che valley, and Harper, Kheriff. Judgment affirmed. "Ii. H. Gardner Co; -vs.

J. J. Daniel Co. ud anient affirmed. 'Alexander Duthil vs.

O.1 Co Judgment affirmed. Mrs. Micbaela Leonard Atmonaster. wife, separated from bed aud board of Joseph Xavier Delfan Baron de Pon-taiba vs. Samuel Powers.

Judgment i- i Joseph Spetere and Clement 8 pete re va. 6evario CoMar. Jndgmeot affirmed. State ex rel. T.

Wharton Col Ion a vo. i Charles Clinton, Auditor Judgment at- tinned. Justice Wyly dis8euting.r Relator prayed for a writ of mandamus or-- dering tbe Auditor of Publio Accoants to iueoe to him warrant for $1250, to tbe amount of ooe quarter salary alleged to be due to the relator as Judge of -the Seventh District Court, ou 31st Decern- her, 1872, and also for the further sum of $1200, for salary due him on Slut March, 1873. Tbe Attorney General for tbe Au- ditor tiled an exception that the relator fiad no cause of action. 1 The court below maoe tbe mandamus peremptory, to the extent of ordering the Auditor to issue bit warrant in favor of the relator for salary due bun prior to 14th Deoem- ber, lbTi but discharged, it in so far as it required tbe Auditor to issue a warrant for salary alleged to bo due sute- uentto that time.

Relator appealed. Kelator was elected Judgeof th. Seventh District Court in December, 18T2, was commissioned and took the oath of oftice. entered npon the discharge of his -duties snd continued the same until the troingintoettectof an act of the Legitt-ature. paabwd 14th abol-, ishing the Seventh District ie later specially charged that eaid act of the Legislature is unconstitutional.

Mrs. Henry Tricou and husband va. G. W. Judgment arlimied.

-i Kennett dt Bll vs. Union Insurance Company of New Orleans. Judgment William 'Mithoff js. Augustc Bonn. Judgment arhnned.

Noble Yt oods vs. Jooph O. Theard. Judgment affirmed, vrith $66 damages for a frivolous appeal. George Wood, curator, vs.

Phmnix Mutual Life insurance Company, of Hsrtford, Conn Judgment reversed aod rendered in favor of defendant. 'E. K. Waebington vs. Mrs.

A. E. Nixon et als. Judgment reversed. i Jlb'etn A Co.

vs. Martha A. Cam ton, Henry u. Stone, third opponent. Judgment afSrmed.

Chsrles Cao, Betiver of the First Nai tionsl Bank, vs. 8penc Field. Judg ment amended by allowing interest upon thenote sued upou from 15th of March; 167, until paid, at the rate of 8 per cent Thus amepdid, affirmed. "IJT, JU8T1CK H0MT1I.L.4V H.H. HaDBell vs.

A. Pickert' et aL- Judgment amended by reducing it frooi $721 20 to $11 SO, and as thus amended W. S. Pike, affelgnee. vs.

Merchants' JJutnal Infurance Company, udg Patrick Lyons, tutor, 'xti'. J. G.t)abi reversed and inianc-i tion disbolved, reeenring to defeudant hia if anv be has. to damaires. 1 City of New Orleans vs.

the New. Or 4 Mobile and Chattanooga Railroad 1 Company. Case restored to the docket, eall-d and fixed for hearing on the iiret week of November next. "s- Butchers' Benevolent Association of New Orleans V. K.

King Cutler. Jndg-; ment amemled by striking therefrom the damages awarded, and as, thu-j 4 it be afilrmed. Louitdana vs. J. S.

Herringj -ment affirmed. i Tadog IL Henninjr; C. C. Thayer n. Eaf ua Wapls adi-; ment reversed and judgment in favor of defeadant.

i' Uonry C. Penalaaaa "va. Thoa. Jaaner Cov Forsoer decree ae de and judgment appealed from red used, from $2258 27 to $310 44. A thoa amended lFlfrfsio vs.

Thomas I. MaeMaaus. Jadgmenf affiroed witb coata and 10 p-r cent, on the amount of the judgment at date BTeofM damages. Mrs. 1 iza Stephens vs.

M.C Coarsey. Judgment affirmed. Citizens' Bank of Lonisiana vs. J. Straw.

Judgment affirmed, v- Mrs. A. Leigle. widow of flsmuel Lei-gle, vs. Knickerbocker Lflfe luauranee Company of New Yoriu Judgment affirmed, James Longs treet Marsh Denman Co Judgment 2 BY JUSTICE WTtY.

Pontz Bro. vs. Anguste Reggi. Judgment aftirmed. J.

E. Da vac vs. Elizabeth Daekertn. widow of Jean Baptisto Perriar. Jade-Dent affirmed, with ten per cent, dam agfS for frivolous appeaL -Fonts dt.

Bro. vs. Pontz Beggia. Judgment affirmed. Louisiana Bank vs.

Hibertia Bank of New Orleans and German ia Va-tionar Baolc Judgment.of the lower court annulled, andT judgment rendered in tavor of defendant. Snceesaion of V)T. Zacharie. Jndg Succession of John KX dismissed. i 'Bernard Dnthu vs.

Thos. Fauoetta Judgment affirmed, with 10 per FJi'zabeth Evans ts. Sauvinet. and Jacob Wilsey. Judgment annulled, and ordered that there be judgment for plaintiff, recognizing her title to the property seized, and perpetuating; injunction.

1 Newman Co. tb. L. H. Levy; Appeal dismissed.

i John P. tttagg vs. F. Belden. Judgment Justice Morgan dlsseut- iBFrederiek E.

Bridge vs. Mrs. Margaret Riley- Judgment annulled. and ordesed that plaintiff recover from defendant $20, and that he pay coots of both court. Jacob Wfaetetoae, administrtor, vs.

S. WV.Rawliags. Judgment affirm with ten pet cent damages, frivolous ap-peal, and all costs. James Ready et als. vs.

city of New Origin. Tbe motion to dismiss tbe appeal from tbe judgment on th merits is denied, and the motion to dismiss, the appeal from the jodameut on tie exoep tiori, by written consent of the parties, is granted. foiiccet-sioh 6f Jean Marie Sarnigdet and interdiction of Philomena Sarni-gnet. Judgment annnlled rejecting Jes. Harniguet's demand.

Ordered that John Blackburn be recognized as guardian wf Pbilomena, and that he be put in posses xi on of the property; that he be atiru---ized t6 sell it and to remove proceeds and moneys of. Philomena. to Keuiucky, where he was appointed i BT JU STICK WOKGAX, I A. Bochereaa fc agents, vs. 'Mrs.

Beit La Liewis and husband. Jadgnehr annntied. The exception of bis venieur bnMained and snit dismissed. Chsrles Gallagher va; Geo.Conm.4Iy Co. and Koicbford, Brown Co.

Judg- uient affirmed. 4 Join Coleman fc Co. vs. City of New Orleans. Judgment affirmed.

1 Mathilda Morrison vs. Citizens' limit of Louisiana and Sam. Smith Co. Judgment affirmed. -J i Diuon JHetter, unaer tuw vs.

xsew-UiSi acd L. Levy. Judgment affirrned. hn F.Daly vs. E.E.

Dully and Schon-bat; sen Judgment annnlled and rule to ser aside sequestration dismissed. Factors' and Traders' Insnranoe Ch pany vs. Cbas, de Lassu. agent. Judgment annulled and judgment rendered in favor of.

defendant. 1 ay aw Piktiakawr si ont Ufa arui uvuDua tv (nuff i'ttt asa. ells and J. M. Wells.

Judgment af- nimea. City of New Orleans vs. 8tate, and same plaintiff-against various defendants, 5223 to 5268. Appeals dismisses. Thetie were- appeals from two AppeaU dismiseed because par-ties had failed to hie transcript in the gopieme Court within the legal dela: D.

Blnm, gtern vs. Keitter Br Judgment affirmed. Hfcira of E. A. Johnson vs.

Bradi Johnson Judgment afliroied. Mrs. Louise Keitcb. wife of Fred. der, vs.

Jlyacinthe Ronselin and p. Sheriff. Judgment annulled and and judgment for the defendant, and that the injunctions herein granted be dissolved. -1 i I C. S.

Sanvinetvs, Thomas H. Maxwell. ABdrew Hero, JrM notary, plaintiff in rule. JudgmeBt aflBrmed. 1 Crescent Mutual Insnranoe Company ve.

bt-pben Allen. Judgment afilrmed. Mn. fcinile lio va. Mr.

Mary Claacv. Judgment affirmed, with ten per cent, damages for frivolous appeal. George W. Byrne vs. Thomas Judgment affirmed, with tea per cent, damages for frivolous appeal.

i Tbe (Supreme Court will adjourn t-day. Tueday and render decisions on Friday next. Canes will be called in this tribunal next Monday for the tirttt week, in November tiext. Superior Diatrict Court. SOUTH A AND TKXA8 ItAlLROAO BOXDS.

State of Louisiana ex Jno. Macauley vs. Clinton. sues for a writ of mandamus ou defendant commanuing him to estimate and collect, with the other taxes for tbe y-ar a tax provided by act Nut of W9, and No. (59 of extra session of 1870.

sufficient to pay interest on certain North Lonisiana and Texas Railroad bonds and floating debt bonds, which nuivu ide rel amourt to 971.000. A ml nisi is granted and made tamable on tne 23d inst. Plaintiff, who was Assessor for the Fifth District, praya for a mandamus tooom, pel defeadant to issue his warrant on tbe' Treasurer for $1000 due' him for Dr. Ckoppin and Beard rt. the Louisiana Ltret Company.

Plaintiff's in this casti Lave filed a supplemental petition, averring that since tiling their original petit ion herein thev have dlscovi ted tbat certain act of the LegtHiature, a. 5fi. wart paaed on tbe day of virtue of which said company claim i jit is dm-i cbarged and released from Aof liability for damages growing out of the injuries of petitioners; and that said act has taken away petitioners' right to sue said company and obtain judgment against it as provided in. act No. 4, oi 1878 I'ei iti oners deny that nb oanbeac ench constmrtion, and that the same ia oncoDBtitutional.

4 1 Bixtb Diatrict Cqnrt -OF- act SO i OKTHK 81S81US OF 1874. State ef Louisiana on the relation of T. D. Lefevre praying for a -r Writ of Habeas Corpus. The relator complains that be ia illegally detained and deprived of his liberty in the Parish by virtue of a mittimus directed to- thet kef per, thereof bv tbe Staee Judge of tbe Second Municipal Polios, Court of this city that his iocarcera-f tion is contrary to law, inasmuch as it is in positive violation of bis coaatitn- tvopai rights.

Ho prays for a writ of ba Was. corpus, and. atter hearing, for bidistharge from custody. I or answer, the keeper of the prison pTodneea tbe sentence of the Judge of, llieSfwijrt Monicipal Coart, ootid em n-; 'B5 tb relator to pay a fine of $35, or in rtefanlt thereof to imprisonment for the period ot hve days for violating act 1T4 in tbi. that he did.

in tMscity and withm the iurisl action of the Second Municipal Court, unlawfully aqd without the lioeose of tne; company now authorized by law, sell, bait and disposo of one on pon of a licktt of the HaTana lottery, bearing the number 8323, which lot wry ia drawn in the Island of Cuba, and ia unauthorised by the laws of this State. Act No. 9. ander th provbiiona of which the relator ia held, ia an act relative to the unlicensed sale of lottery tickets in tbe city ef New Orleans, and eouf erring on the police eonrte the pownr to anppreaa tne same. It providee as fol- bxc.

1. Be it enacted If tM StrnaU and fJovse of Bepresentutiert of tne Slute of Louia.a in General Auemblg convened. That any person who shall within tbe city of New Orleans, without license of the ccmpany now authorized by law, eel), barter, exchange, or otherwise dis-poM of aey lottery tieket. or token, policy, combination, devee or certificate, or fractional part thereof, in any lottery drawn, or to be drwn in or out of the State, shall be liable to pay a tine rtf twenty-five dollars to the citr of New Orleans, one half of which shall be for tbe benefit of the informer, and it ehall be tbe duty of any police officer to arrest any person who may violate this act, and take such person before the police court of the diatrict -wherein -the violation may have occurred, aud npon due proof being made said police court shall condemn tbe offender for each pf-fense to pay tbe tine imposed by this apt, and in default of payment to imprisonment for five days. Skc.

2. Beit further ete That the- term lottery used in the first section of thia act shall be cons trued to apply to any gift: enterprise, sale, oonoert-or any device or scheme embracing the elements of ebance. i Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, Tbat.

this act shall take effect from: and after its passage. It is contended on behalf of the tor that thia statute is for the reason that it extends the jog i cial powers of the judges of the muni cinaloonrta bevond the ooaisive DTohibi contained in article V4 of tne kt.itut.inn of the State. I 7 cdn-rie it urged on the otner band, by tne learned counsel who sustain the sen tence of th monicipal qudge, tbat tats statute is clearly a police regulation, punishing a sale in this eitT ot any lattery ticket, legal or without a license from the company now authorized by law that its object is to secure to said company the privilege of. selling tickets, which is exclusive nnder the let-tety act' of 1868, and that whether tke regulation was enacted immediately by tbe Legislature or mediately by autbori-ty derived from the Legislature, ia immaterial in eonsidering tbe quest ion bf -what is or what is not a police regulation within the meaning of article bf the constitution, which reads as follows: AttT. 94.

No powers except as committing magistrates in criminal oasi sball be conferred on any officers other than those mentioned in tat title, ex-oeptsuch jtf may be neceeaary in to was and cities, and the judicial powers soch officers' shall not extend furtbsr than the cognizance of cases "aristdg nnder tbe police of towns and cities in the State. In any oase where such officers shall assume jurisdiction over other matters than those wbiab may arise nnder police regulation, or under their jurisdiction at committing ma glut rates, they sball be liable to an action of damages ia favor of the party injured or his heirs, hud a verdict in favor of tbe party injured shall ip facto operate a vacation of the office of, said omrer. i 1 I This is an extraordinary provision. Its like is not to be found in any otber eonstitntion that has come nnder my notice after an extended searob. The inhibition as to the extension of iudl-diciai authority amounts to a sole in aduionition to.

the Lw making power, and when we find "at the frauiers of tbe constitution have added to it the unusual emphasis of a penalty, which they did not leave to tbe Legislature to enact, we must hold the prohibition tb be imperative, arbitrary and absolute. It becomes us. therefore, to determine what are the police regulations of cities and towns in this State. Are they, the police regulations, prescribed by citie and towns themselves, or are they, the political regulations, prescribed for thnup bv the Legislature, or are both to be considered as police regulations withiA tne meaning ox vuo auove axucie ot inc. constitution Upon this enbject Mr.

Diltron, in hit -a oik on Municipal Corporations, section 244, aays: 2 Lnder the general term of ordinances have fcometiines been included all tbe regulations by which a corporation it govern including special charter or statute regulation-, as well as by-lawa. In this country the-term ordinance is not nsraallv applied, if ever to charter or acts of the Legislator respecting municipal corporations, regulating their powers and mode of action, but is limited in its atpplicatiou to the act. in tbe nature of tbe local laws passed by tLe proptr assembly or governing body of tbe corporation. According to Lord Coke the word by, or bye. signifies a babitation, and thence a by-law iq or by-law or ordinauoe iq this country may be defined to be the law oi tbe inhabitants of the corporate place, or district, made by themselves or the authorized botty, in dtstinetioti from tbe general law of tbe country of the statuto law of the particular State.7! Ih the case of the Commonwealth v4 Turner, 1 Cush.

(Maasachusetts,) Mr. Chief Jubtice Shaw ol8eT7etl tbat the term by-Jaw baa a limited and peonhaf meaning, and is used to designate those ordinances or regulations which a cor' poration, as one of its legal incidents, has power to make with respect to its own members and its own concerns, lii reepeet to municipal and quasi corpora lions, this meaning has been somewhat extended; but even; bare the word used to designate such ordinances and regulations as have reference to legitii mate and proptr municipal i or VVTpOlU-" I A distinguished1 Eng ish lodge defines a municipal by-law to be a rule obliga-J tory over a particular district, and being! reasonable and atapt to the purvotet ol the eor poration. Per Parke B. 19, Law JJ (N.S.)3B.135, It seems to result clearly from these) authorities tbat tbo police regulations! contemplated by the 'frauiers of the constitution are those by-laws, ordi-l nances or rules wnicb the. municipality is legally empowered to make Kith re ect to ua oien memocra ana its own corporate concerns.

hethex lottery tickets ehall be sold is a matter to be determined by the State, and is a' qnestiou of State policy, aud not of local! policy. It is permitted or prohibited by! State constitutions, a fact which shows! that it is a Question which affects the whole 8tate, and has no connection with! or lelatien to munioipal concerns. Ex-1 cept by the act No. 9, now being consid-f it has always, in this and other i States, been a matter regulated by 8tatj legislation under tbe police power of the; State, 'for the whole 8tate; and there-' fore the offense arising under this sta-! tute, not being a case arising nnder the' police regulations of this city, is not cog-) nicable by the municipal courts, unden tbe restrictive provisions of article of! tbe constitution; and tbe lawpurport-i ins to confer this Jurisdiction mnat held to violate them, and consequently, to be unconstitutional, null and void. The prayer of the prisoner ia granted.

ana no is aisonargea irom rurtner custody. Moss. We are glad to learn that onr fr.tud Mr. J. B.

Wilkinson. JrM has no tne aoie agenrv oi iue celebrated Armstrong moss. UatU tbe pauio this tarnv was sold eXClUHIVelv In New York bv the agency there, and acquired a reputation 'j wnicn puipafsea me supply we art glad to, have the agency here, as snob suoerior article oushf not to aro to find a sale. We cordially refer oar, friends to Mr. Wilkinson's.

adverMm nient.aud would at any rate advise then! i toicepcct bis ceieDrared brands or mos bfnrci Tn rr-li ami 17 vliwcrlinrA France. It is stated that dip'omatie relations between France, and Mexico will soon be rHored. The rtetgnatkm of the French Ministry ba tunned, the most intense excitement, and the formation of a new one ia regarded with the liveliest interest. Oa Sunday Bight it waa npp.t in Versailles thatGouIard.towhwm MaoMahoa the' "eonUtntion the new Xiin st would arrangn the Cabinet lot owe: Uonlard a Mmitterof tbo la-terior CHnt Chandary.l omign Affairs; ague Finance; Maihier UmuA. PuHlio Wu ks Dewfceii igay.

Commerce De Ldncation; and en. Bertrand, War. A Paris patcb of tbe 17th continues Tie KepubUean jonrnals atronglv urge tbe- iniojeiliste dissolution of the bly, which they declare, ispoweriesa-t ct'iistituTeatrytbin. ltiaramored that the extreme -Right intend to move for the restoration of the and if the motioa alia will vote for dissolution. The opinion Is generally expressed tbat the Ijegttimlt-tata party in tbe Assembly, by its vote -of Friday, committed political suicide.

It is asserted their policy was inspired from Frohrsdorff. A division between the moderate and extreme Klght renders probable aa alliance? between-the former faction and tna conservative wing of the Left Centre. -i A new majority may thus 'be constructed which will support the iB-coining government, enable it to go. en, with the executive programme of the Septennate. iand bring about peedy adoption of the constitutional Jt IsiiOt thougbt that there is any imme-oiate proepect of a of the Assembly.

i-v' A aris aispacn oi ine nraisnes IBS 1 additional, miormatiou conoerning. ti xeitement in the renon Assemniv Tne hall of the National Assembly crowed tc-dav. in anticipation of an ex citing session. x-Preaident Thiers ob-e vied his feat aa a delegate. The Duke do Broglie introdneed the project of a law for oreating a Second Chamber, and read a ministerial report ob the The services of President MaeMabon to his country are warmly praised, and the importance Qf KtreiigtbrniDg hia bands pointed out.

1 Appealing to the members of the Af-fceuibjy, tbo Ministers say: Yon are unwilling to constitute a definite; Republic We do not ak yoa to bind yqr Murruars front tbo Left, We advise you to give a trace to parti-eam-hip for some years, but yoa mait give the President means for the protection and reassurance of society auki l- Tbe report goes on to discuos tbe new Chamber, which is to be called Grand Council," the members of which to receive no salary. When tbe Dnke concluded tbe reading of the report there were renewed rote-tn from the Lett. Amid a scene of wild expitement tbe bill was then read atid referred to a committee of thirty, No further bntinees could be transacted on account of tbe confusion in the Chamber, and tbe sitting was adjourned. nder date of tbe lCih, occurs tbe folV lowing: "Several reports 'are iu circular tion this evening in relation to the cotn position of; the Ministry. Uaoii Duval proposes a Cabinet to consist ot tour Legitimists ani two Bona partis, in order, as be says, f.o effect a dissolution.

of tbe Aapemb Olheis a Cabinet of Bufj fef-. Dnfanret. th Dnke-de' Cazea aud fiottlaid hhall be 1 Imported Fruits. 1NTKP.X6TISG OCR MBRCnajfTS. i The following circular has just been Vfrocd to tbe customs officers of thq United Stales: Tkeasvby Dkpaktmcnt, ashioirton.

Mav 1L1S74. ff-llowine is a copy of au aot ap vioved May 1S74. entitled 4 Au aot inj (elation to ice cuttoizs duty on import ed fruits -Jinit enacted bv the Senate andJTouee or Hiprwnlatirc of the United States oAmier- ca in CougrtM wemtblcd. Thus tbe Secret nry of ts hereby directed iosuepr-nd the rfc pnynient of all duties lieietufore paid on imported fruits until lortber by Congress au-i tboriiEfr the or. until tbe final derision of the Supreme Court.

except In caees wherO snit court have been discontinued by distinctions of the Secretary of the I'reasurv. And tbo error in tbo of tbe clause relatiug to rn it-plant' eecTioti of the act approved June 6, 1873, entitled "An act to reduce duties on imports, and to redao internal taxea. aud for other of insertioK a comma insteat of a hyphen afrr the word "fruit," is hereby corrected, and said clause shall read as follows: "Fruit-plants, tropical and semi-tropical, for tbe purpose of propa-l gationrr cultivation provided, that the: duties imposed by virtue of this amend-: ment shall not be levied or collected upon fruits ontered for consumption at any port of entry prior to July 1. 1874. It will be observed tbat this act maks two changes in existing' la ws one is: tbat tbe only plants that can be admitted, free of duty under the Gth section of the act of Juno 6, 1872, are those having' fruit-bearing qualities, and which are; tropical and semi-tropical, and are intended for propagation or cultivation: tbe otber Is that the duty upon fruit is re imposed, at th? rates provided for by laws exibting before tbat time.

The duty upon fruits, however, doe not take fleet until tbe 1st of July next, while tbe clause aa to plants takes eliect from and after the date of its approval, to wit, May 9, $4. I am. "very renpectf oily, AVm. A. liiciiAKDfeox, Secretary, Order of the Twelve Wise Men.

At a held "at their! naii, tne urann uniet in tne cnair, tnu tocietv was called to order on account of the nnsnccesstul excursion trip to Bon-: netCarr on tbe steamboat Empire, in wnicn inis uraer contiupiatea taking a park A future excursion is In It was i a gran pio-ntc be given the 2Sd and 24th lnsi. at the Park. A committee of tiv, E. L. Johnson, chairman, was appointed to wait upon Gen.

Barber to obtain permission. It wss further Iteolted, Tbat Capt. apiointed as Grand. Mauager of the pio-nic. It was further Betolred, Tbat the nrt proceeds obtained be appropriated for the benefit of the overflowed batterers.

Bewlred, That the Order of the Twelve Wise Men do extend the right hand of fellowship, and will aid these sufferers as far ns their ability will permit. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet again on the 18th inst at half-past 7 sharp. i Rout. Diamond, Grand Chief. A.

T. SfXovxR, Grand Scribe. (By Telegrapb. Vicksbttbo'. May 17.

To J. B. Wood No. 124 Gravier street: Steamer Commonwealth will arrive on Tuesday and leave on time fur St. Louis.

i Thomas W. Shiklds, Captain. A large invoice of Parisian novelties jn oxydised fan and vinaigrette -chare, iaines, just apened at Zimmermann's, 19 Canal aton. ia said to contain 800 more females than males. Parties going to the country for the, who wisto to take witn tbcm a team of good gentle and kind in Larnesp, will find at Alford Martin's, corner of Delord and Drvades streets, a gt od ktippl suitable for saddle and har-ntf at very low figures, the parish pnison.

A. correspondent aeads ua this very svggestive aad pertinent oomuiuaiea-tion Monday. May 18, 1871. Ta Ik XAltar the ncsyaaa Ia with a friend this morning, rtM-pcotiag the charge made against Capt. Freiuaax.

of the Panstt Prison, by oca of the female prisoners; I was asked by: matron ar not ap-1-omted in our city pnaooa; and by more attention is not paid tt. the reformation. oJriaonera, morally and otherwise, by those having cbargW.of these institatiot-a. Perhaps our city officials would answer theseinterrogato-ties through' the columns of your valo-' able journal, if requested. A TAxriTKK.

We might answer on behalf "of the ofiLcials here appealed to tbat one reee of the seeming neglect, lies in the faot that the Pariah Prison is almost wholly without, revenues even' for ihe moat meagre conduct of its affairs. If wears not mistaken, CoL Pattow told ua last week that for more than nine months he had received no appropriation by te city, to bis Of nurse, nnder each eirenmstanoes we caonbt expect anything like. reform, or, indeed: more than the barest maintenance of 4a institution like the Parish Prison. Col. Patton Is.

not able to, support it put ef bis personal and unless the city furnishes him the necessary meas it would seem hard to hold him accountable for any shortebmhigs. I we have bodoabt Col. Patton can readily answer the inquiries involved in the aote we hav presentep above. -cViaU Airtt. I -r I Tbe Trial and Acquittal of the Dael- 4 A DUUCTIVS fSkteldstoro Fea Coast BpubUc'n lh Tuk Stats vs.

A. W. Wood kt t'be verdict of 'no guilty in line ease was rendered' Oh ttarurdajr tvtnmg. ami the Jndg ia discharging tie prifcoutrs, remarked- that; their uor convjction was no. Jault of tbe preseeuf tii attorneyor of the my, bu4of tbe taw Alter hearing thls; dueling law' dia-cuteed, and reading.

it for wf rt ached the copclusiou tbat the prince nalM to a duel in this State cannot be punisLed naleas the htbt takes place in a town or village, or otner nublio ol or.eiee is ret.unsin tne ueatn of one the patties to it as it did in the Cooleyj unettsna tieavenu-tniiiiipa4inei. I'hv dnnl hrtWM-n Wood aiui was fooaht in a nrivat nlaca. oat oi tie eing and hearing of all but tbe patties concerned," and so their aof quittal was unavoidable "under, tb4 proof. 'Law-makers should read tbi4 law, wnicn ia praotioaiiy a oeaa lettei sad lettee tson Rail- ntof Ne a lien it comes to bo executed. Bear in' mind that the" Jack i ha finlv 15 rtm nnlni, r.

Orleans that makes clothe connection Eastward at Louisville. Throagh Pull an rl-eoers on all ST. ANNA AhUUH. Asala must we before oar ctttsens 14 belisif of the Hi. Abu Asylum.

Tbeinstluuloitf is now nihd wfib siples women ami okildrsn of all CeBonlaatitma our fnnds rs very lowj cdvevOl be atterlr anable fo keop it onnJ without arsUtattce. We earaottly soUcit doua4 tion, sud auBuslkubfcribera at ti O40U, wbtoh mT be seat any I the uirsctrrase Mrs James Clarke, corner of Foorth and St Charles htm. Tsby. 167 Orangs street: Wrs. H.

W. Coaaer, 21 Uauphlae utrett. -Miss etrawbrldas, 2S M. ry street. Ifrs.

M. T. LoBsuala, corner of Fourth and St Cltsrles streeta Mrs. H. F.

Given, eorasr af Jaeksoa and 8t Cl-sries i Mrs. B. O. Kt-isoB, coraer of Jackson and St ur a'ies tre-s, rs. v.

w. wo-Hi. 55S si. entries street. Mrs.

8. H. corner of Camp and First streets. Mrs. K.

Morse, City lltel. Mrs. B. II. Mtss, 1H Csromlelet Street.

Mrs. Jess K. Bell, Corner ot tit. Charles and Ft uith streets. Mrs.

X. K. Merrick, corner of Napoleon Avenue aad JTvtsnia strset. Mrs. bumpter Turner, Canal, near Diyades StreeU Mis.

J. P. Harrlron. S48 Baronne streets Mis. James Hewitt, corner of Foorth and Cbestsat strrets.

Mrs. 1'. O. It'cl ardwon, 2f-2 Prytsnla streac Un. W.

B. 127 Kmco street. myis xsap PLBL1C NOTiCJt. Tbe depot for supplies contributed to tna suf rrrs hj the present overflow-, is locate st Nj. Ki Tchoupitoolss streej.

warehouse of Messrs-reeves, Hubbe and under tuelr olmri All cottribnUons groceries will he roipid fur st tlie abo-ve desiausted store, snd be subject to tbe order of tlie UsninlitM. 2p li F. fciONTLf Kit, MERCHANT TAILOR, rt. caartes Street Opposite Bt. Charles Hotel.

34. 3: Has on handand la nowrecelrlng amagnlflOMii awoitxsxat of Jcagludi aad Frenoh CLOTHS, DOESKINS. BKAVBKS, FH.fIiK8, SILK VKLVET8, CABHMKKX AM BILK VKSTINGS, suitable tor geu. men's dress snd business suits, for aoauM tnd winter, wblcn ha is prepared to msXe up In ike ntt elegant aaa tashionable style, at mod eiste A perfect fit guaranteed. HI xanj frin.ds and the public enerslly are.

ro speotfntlv- Invited to eU and eismioe tits new goods beiore making selections. -j F. OONTHIKK, i St. Oiarlns street. Bihai tf opposite Ht.


WTLTZ. Mayor. CKairmaa and Treasurer. JOHN PHELPS, DCNCAN F. KENNER.


L. a I EV, J.M. 6AM)1DQX, A O. OBKtt, D. L4KAIX, T.

D. MILLER. B. P.JOUBIBT, J.H.OULKSBV, JAMKB LEWIH, JOHN B-OLA V. Committee meet at Mayor's farlur, ou Fildar il of each week, at 7 o'clock.

P. 31. Sdp i flBLIC NOT1CB. Conamlttee ea UUtrihutien. DrifCAK F.


T.S.MILIJEn. JAMle LEWIS, JOHN K. CLAY. The CoBfm.tie meets st IS A. st No CarobOfclet etieet.

All appllcatiobs lorreUt. whether verbal or written, must Im uis.le Uic t'emn lite. through its hairmau, at the of the Committee. piV--JJp DlHAe8 OF THE CUKnT ASB MJCttVOl'tii H'8TJU THOS. Office f9S MAOAZIHX 8TRFF.T.- Hours for Cod suits tion VI iO I o'ciock.

mylO lmltadp 'r 'PE CsV, jrUIKDHlira. DKNTAX. 8TJBEOir. 1A3 t-u Chsrlee atrewt, earaer ef Olrsd. jsauate ahove the HfuL Ja4 74 xdpdueU OU1ITC8.

AKtSDKO CBAkTEX 1 JSXVT OBXEANS MUTUAL INSUBANOX COMPAN.T, HIW OKLXAJtS IKSTJKAKCM OOMPAHY. BTAT OT XJOVISIASX, 1 FarhUi et Orlaaca. City af New Orleaas. BK IT BIMEMBIEKEl Tfcst ea this tks Sis day of Ui aaottta of April, la turn Tear tbonsaud eigat tun died sal mmwmatj-rmt. before 11 bi Cbsrt ixtvejinr, a notsrr iMibi.

eoKiirlss snd swora. i moA tvf iie the i arisi oi Oia aa4 -city of New pi evenoe ef iaa -witnesses hereinafter aataed sod aadersiaaed. person sJly rsiss and. appeared Meera. Juls Tu) es, Presidswi, aad Jooa W.

Uueaa.ttretar. tha New Orleans Mains! lnxuianoe CMupsav, a a -dr eorporate nadt-r the -laww-ef sine ttata.noni1railatri ia, tha ciiy of Or sua. who deelara taac, parsuaat to snide twvlrtb at the ernrntal charter of tha said coaspsar, as adopted by aa act passed before Aa.edee IMicatel, a notary pobuo iatlus etty. iuM3cr data ot' tha tweaty-seooad cs et juxe, ia the yer ebrhteea bus-. Seed sad aitjr-slsA.

aud after- tbe pabuea-Uoa required by the said srUcle Having beta msde la twa dailv aawspaaet puMished ia hia etty. to wit: the New Ocleaaa Baa aad tbe Ftesreae, a geaerai meeting ef tha stockholders the said was held at the omoe thereof, lu tins nty. oa tha tweatrixth dsy ef Msrehlsst hst satbe satd meertns; laree thoutsad fire hundred and ainety-alx sbsies ol tbe esplial stock of the said eoatpny-weia present or reprvseated, aad maaalmoasljr voted In favop of tha adopUoa ot aa aaseaded etiarter et ti.a asid'ermpaav. submitted to tbe assd a est ia a. as th wboiew 111 more fully apaaar by reiereace to the berete sunexsd ewpy of tis- preeeeatnKS bf said meetlar, onrUtl-d by the ije seel of tha snia oowpssv.

i dss iierefurr, aad for tbe purposs at navtsr tbe said aBMBded eksrter reooMed and putHiahed aecordlag to law, -Uey. the esid appearers. la tbeir said rapaertlts aad behalf ef the scocSv hohlta-s the said Mew Orleaas Mataal lusuf-aace Oompsrr, do hereby deolara, preotaim aad patlia as' biDdia eo toe-stockholders of said or mpsny aaa au otners waeat tna aama mmj ounoata, tha foUowlaxTaa tha A AMENDID CHA6TEB, 9 Of the i NKW ORLEANS MUTTJ AT IN8UBANCE COMPANY. i NOW THX NEW OBXEANS INSUBANC ij vOarABT. i This oonpsi tsetblisbedsad baa ltadena Kul la sue etty i Jiew ori and It wimd hern aliex be dealitbated and knows by the asms ot tha, MtW OKLkAHa INdUKANC'K COM, FaKTi it shall saceeed to and conunas tna vpetstiuaa eaimsasd ea or msewt Mt Srst dsy t.t A.eaneer, si bfeeesi buadredasMt Slty-Buse.

by ibe Oi fceita Mutosl iasursaoe- Ooaipssiyi 'sbd the said conpanj shall exist for twenijr-ttvs yeaistrom the date of the rigiaal charter of thd oaid 5w Oilesra Maiuai loauraaeeOompaayi to wit: from the twenty seoid day of Jaue, lsbtes buttered and flfiy-aine. usless- us abslis sbsll be Uquiosted or settled up by ocde ef thrfe-fourthsof tbwotesof tbe couipsay it slia bsve a aral. tbe dsvioe of the -ooiapaayj tptn the same shall be the arms af tbe Hurt ui Louisiana, with tbe aaiua of tha ourupsuy jipjti tLemarsin. I Tbe Piesident or Beoretary of tbe mmpsif bsll be tbe oibcer upas whom to ervs eitstloae or tbrr. legal en meats la ail raits agsiustthe comp.ny.

ARTICLE SECOND. 1 The object and purptwes of this company ars) decfarcti to bet 1. To make rusursuossa wwl-) vtaen bnihliuns. aoaseaeldi (uinU ure. mereaouoisoor otlier property sasinafc V.

qi. i sursners upoa vewrels. freiabi, Btm'ot gnttW, wai es, nwreaaadise, apecie. buutno, sum missiurs. brobts.

baaJc aotea. I'ilis -of excasase uftn jther evldeDces of debt, bottomry and re-- tilentts intt-n sis snd to mshe ell snd every; iBswrsnce at-pensining is or coonmun wiia: nisr iulssd iraJi nnt rstloa rtaks. Tber inn tsuse themselves to be retusmed agstuntj soy ilsk uptiti which they have made or eoaili make laaurance. ARTICLE THIRD, tic 1. Tbe -flll stoek of tbe eompanyi Leiruj uwum titc iiuuuroiiiuuuMuu imi.

tin tb tttvUefe of uierewsing to Milu-bof LolLrs. ui rifled into shares ef fifty rolls) taeh to tie paid fr in tha msuner and at; iw iubd nerval ir kioi for tu aruvio a Ui is charter. Each Uaaalr yesx slisii vad a tkd Slt dsy of December. eKC A Moeetdicate 'ef stock shall be Issued ibe ssn.e is psld ia full snd no transfer of lets thsn oi.e full share permitted exocDi st ths pleasure of the directors; thatraaaiereeassam-1 In All thM M.n t-KC. TTsnfrs stock shall be made on the books of tie sempaay at ite otuce in ton tv at Mew Orleans, ouiy oa demand of tbe.

legs! bolder tbereof snd surrender oerxiticsce t-KC A la aW.tlub tbe capiud sukjs ot the crmpsnv, a entlr gent and snail he cros led to retislstef all iiit rest received of profit, ou lesi at'd invest nicnis and of all aiuoauxs re-eeved froni ol her sources tbsn premium. Krtm tbls fund dividends of laterswt snsil be maoe to stock udders. hEC 6. An interest fllviaenl of tea per cent, per annum, pay ahie semi-saniially. it- earaed, on the bt lionty in February aad August of esih yer sbaii be deetared oa the amount ot ock paid ia and from the dateot prinnt, tliT fhesBimal tnore of tbaouu.

tinge at fund sboold be feuad lasuniuieat pay tlie ssid interest, tben tbe derluienor shall be msde up and paid out of tbe net profits of tbe business til the year. Any exoess of tlie food after pay ment of the interest dividend abova provided for shall aooumolate ami sball not be arpropilaied. except for th payment of losses atter all otber binds of the company, exitept capital stock snd reserve fund snail nave beea eiliatifcted aid as is further provided for ia mc-tit 2. article 6 ot tblschaiter, until the ssrae alikli amonni to two hundred and fifty titoiiHsmt dollars the Burplus beyond which may be atipropiiated Irotn time to time aa tbe dii.cot may deem expedient 1 AitTlCLK FOURTH. if EC.

1. AU persons wbo may hereafter sub-suibe to the capital stock ut tola compauj, aha li pay ten or five dollar ou each sbare in ossh, psssliig their n.tes weU approved f.r tbe rtiKUUuiK ameiy ver gciiL. or iorty-ave lollais ui. eacii payable aavaucb times aa u-e Utmta ot Urectora luay determ ae. eke X.

eaid notes shall contain a clause to ths enett that II in the ludginentol Uiedirectors Ue inieieiil the company reqnireit Uioeenrw or any puttu of them si. ail be due and payable In ouili sums and at such timva a be clirtsotors aay Determine alter Utirty days' nutuetneruot pifvliled, tliat wot lea bau Unity days miet veae between the time of paymeiit Lir each lfttailment. en. A The non-payment of said note or Ui-8iailmntsub sumeas above ptovidrd forhU Itnteit tbe entire stock ut the coiuiauy, tonerber wiibvll scciimulsiiou tbereouaud ail uiuret f.r bcti fkte tlier eutit beluitmus provnieo tnat tie tin e. tola iiiay exienn ssid payments fur suub tiue a tbev msy dreni proper.

rkc. 4. For the subvert ptiaos. re. Ipts I ot ttam-ferable.

signed by tbe rTesiileui at Beet etety, shall be issued to subscribers. aikbtfWleO(ruig ihe amouut tatl iu caia aud botes which recelpie shall lesucrnndetel To ibe coini-aiiy ou is-u-of cettirltiaie of stuck, ar p' oviu for in sect ton aruom a. etc. 6. No stockholder enail iu any event be made liable lor tbe loam's tt uHimuy, iu auy ttan tbe amoiiHt of bis br or their ulscilpuoDa to the uarutai -took, and their ind-bten as to Uieoiiia akTUU F'FTH.

The more tl eel uii to can rout tlieohjects sbd purposes tif this uompaiiy. it is hereby do oreeui e-n- 1. That the capital rf tbe company, or sty puttioii tbeieni. suaU ber be used Ijr the liquid-Ui'u ul lvmo, or tor si-y oU er purpose. ut(il kU- he other avaiL aMe resources ot the company Khail hve beea tiist exLaueted.

t-Kc. i. believer it shall have been neceMary to use any put Ilea of ihe capital of tlie com-l'hliy, lor the liquidation of lorses or otherwise, no divtrierd be ilclael or D4id, until aaul 1. alil t-e utodesMSMl; but all utiles ud -otlia, fiom atever aources rtetivaa, hbaU be rtM-ritd otitirthe capital ia re-evia'jlitiUed. t-tc S.

'li st all diviHauds deciareJ. a pro-vidtd for in Article III, shall be maoe parab'e thx stoi kboideia or tWeir ieai repeuta-tivea, in eseb. at iheOiKoretu ol Hit tiitvctors; previdtu ttat no Civiif-d shall lie paid while lb eexisls si.y matured Imlebtetneasot baleen kind avaiiist tbe bAMter: ln tbe aauie shall be paired to thecieditot Said iaitebWHtneaa Uiittl ssticfiea. r-tc. 4.

The home iiaurati(MMt of the company fcliail be di ided lute three distinct tippet tmenta, viz: Fue Levartuient. Manne Department ami 'be pivtHaou whieb shall be divioed among the local la surer as bersia alter provided for Kaeli depsr' mrat shall be entitled to its own ptobts, ihil the ol mend to uinucr shall be L-ai-ed upt'U proitUou too pronri of esch cf aid.4iepaitii.enti, respectively, iu wliii-fi they efl-f ILfUriOief-fe. Ite othceis tit the company, on tbe tutof ol each yerr. aud wittin ns hi Ik fcl.11 urw au eniiiuate to be made uti fw-jn to by be Pra.iitiit and Soorerarv of the r'uijiiiy of the affairs thereof, as near as n.ay ire t-recetitng year, tneindirg a ataie- te- njtL-tf li.auraitea tttrcud dmitxr tiie t-rii 'ta embiaoed -in eeb eatiuustc, titstiutt'shlna; ikv tween tie. marine aud liver rohcies, which etinite ahsii be eonclitstee for all erutinl to iieifaliteu1ht prJIita Sji here, lustier pieviiied for, sod ahali -tooieno cause a balarx-e To be made of the affairs of aaid sow vaxy, in wliich they whali charire eachuisuitr ts ijirefcpe-urcceprtmeai wnaa proporiun.

at abate et ttelosses acd general expense tosueti Cepartment. aceonilng to the auii.cti.! pretalutns by biui paid, but iu norma eball aueb rbure exeeed tbeatooactof each premiums; tat in cas of a dotlciooo.r, that m. jif SJie ftnexeeasjjf loases o-er and kb ve the i-iea i-eteive'1 in soy of aaid tie. I urtrrenta, ieScicy be provided for iriiiu the earxinirat tbe erbwr and then t.tiebalnee( promts as above proMl fr, sntt sal ia. mrrr Pba) tl.ntifuu beeutitlfd to a catt diet, dei equal to the j-motint ol bis credit on tt bctiks cl the CAUirafy.

ou Wie seoond MobiUt et Msrriinl each year: pmvtdad, Ir-Utr. ihat ca tt actional tana tf sums beiwcta collars ahaa ba paid: but ail aaTTZlT: tha tut af Louuoaaa. shall ssenui ataf Ueaaid bnaeaa saeaatea year I flrs be spsijd asSLS.k ol said kteraat dividend to stoS Iff ben ver tha said issei ts fund aht rcrnbed tbeaum of fir buiurediasai! tare, tne Board ef birets may y. ar deelaas seek extra divuiZ. af cash or us stock, to ths uci eWara jretMs accruing from tue ssid ea la each year, aa- Uiev shall dSL Provids4 ae such xttaCi, id7 fielders snail be dXMarZdVso iWal I- Minced betol Sva hax drsd thousand dollar rmpawmeat at tna CTprtU stock other rsu toc kay Tbe Board of Miwttora may tnii dUooettau aU pertlel paUoa comiay by the sssured as stipautedisIftS? article Sve.

this charter, ur after rtveatablish the ssae. a deemitfortbetoesk nlZZtTZ provided, that la lieu of partie tt Direct-. may sSk rttt anted aathrt aLall deem t- lBC. That dividend declared ahan k. inUreet, sad that any viaeia' the term three year from tbe ahaU be f.f sued ihaeajisar.iJiS??.

atiau ue u-ne is ineeinaar. aad earniZ: tbeendlt eftbenntinKeai.tuBd. attaruT. leatloa of the saxieeatoe a waak? far faMurwic. MllllSiTllT.

k- a irb.r an aaifiaa payable I caeh. tinder tha role aad r-rnlltiV firm tiiBxa ta tiaia adontaa bv lh T1 bom uai to thxat adopted by tha BoLdatl? "fVM ABWClJl BtrTH. i Sec. AH the corporate pa a-era ef rhs an company ahail be cxereiaed fey a Board af ObZ tors, ana each, ether oiiieers and sierka aa imZ. ttayaypui' t.

fc-KC. a. The Board af Director shall eon mi twelve sea vw et whom shml toraiT quotum far lbs transaction of banlneu. myl estctcw on tke last Monday la December of year, at each piare ia the City ef New Orw as th Boaiu ef Drrectora shall deslatu4rj wbk-k tha President ahail causa 'fourteen Say tTevtooa arnica to be twa of the psClo newtrpspar printed 1'tJi etty 1 he Beard ef Dlreeisrs ahail appou of tha etoefeboidera of the corporation, ivijr tor tepreatda at eh eleciious; and Mid 1 Isepeetor deehue, er fall to Wt -Frrsl4Mt mar 'appoint others to tui VJ? acsbOrea-'T i 7: t-KC. The Board af Di rectors tbna ate to take their seats oa tbe last at 2 January, after the eteetfcun, sad to aii sane wis yar toererrom.

uatu outer araanZ eo in their atead. Vacaneie occurrln I boaid between aiisoal.elecUoss tiaiiVt by ction by the ratuaimng msatbers. A eKC. 4 Ibt se proone reorlving a votes, snail be eoneldered duly Hreta" event of elect iew lakg pisoe ea Uh. aforeeeif, the Fteaident shall raae aa elect ion to take place wlUiin tea dayaihsrea, and gtva norloe of tna earn by alerua, A in ane or aote af tks "public aawspapar.

Usbediathecltr. Bsc A Tb Ki-ard of Directors ahail, aa attbeir atatmeetiag elect trow tueirsaoiiM, Preeicebt and Vice Fresideac. wh aiiau their cfti re until their eucceasot arssw, u.d qualified. The President ahail nrsai is at la meetiias cf the Board of Diremora and st au, eiii of ue aiockheldera of tbe aad el.aU eeiMiuet tbe bn.laeeset ttieoooinj uaaec tbeapervlaiua of tka im.d of lurectors. txc.

Tbe Vice President shall nresliu tt tbe Irjys aforeaalct iaV the aenue at PrMdenl, and in his absence shall laitUi aU La duties oevoivmgoa th Fresideat. BKC. 7. Tb? directors ahail ftx ths eiaaiMsia. tion of aU cfSeera sad -iarha emptuyaa sr eieoied by said company.

fc-Ec They snail invest tna profits of ts ccmpstiy from time to time aa bereuufter pr via. for. 1 hey ahaU have power toad iptatfla by-la a aa they auay deem neownary aud sua. v.i l. nt tor tbe government and reDUkua tlie con pany, not eonti ary to this charter tbe soa et the Legislslur of Uds ar.

vidtng for the oraaaiaatioa aad regokuoa af corpcraUna hit. rrs a (hall be a dirrof nr of tha eempsny wbo dues aot, aa tbetbasvf faoJae-tion. aim during bia ounrlanaBoe ia auto, aoid in Itisoaa name, or in tbe name af UiacoeiBier. ciai flim wiiltih be may bea aueultst, ax blast ten abates ef tbe capital stock thareij. Bsc 10.

Bach ai.u every atockhoirter thU euutl at elecOont, either iu parma ar by pioiy. to oaevote on ch sod erery altar af tbe eplai stock wblek ne, ahe vrtiiev auy r. sptctlvely bold but not to vote en sav ck im. her or tbem transferred withia ens nucit pi tor to said election. AB1ICLK SEVENTH.

BECi 1. It shall be lawful for ths dlrectort ta iit est he capital stock aud otiur moneya et con paby in Ixniila snd morWrage an real in toe partches ot Orleans aud JeHnr-ma iu amount I ot exceeding three fdurUia (k) ot tha capita) stork; sad in every osoe lha fvyrj stall worth twice ths anwiiu loused lliey Hi ay also In vest tha capital stork aud tier cssb funds of tbe company in any boeda ae atooke creaii-d by or- under tbe -laws at ta United Btstea, of this. State, er ot unw lions of this estate, or loan its funds en any of the afort said seouri tine. botiiUittuoti; provided, tlvat the reserve fond shall he Urn, ed eicliutlvely la bond of the United buret. bac k.

The corporation may bout re -t to an ann.tint rn-t exceeding one-fonuh ot ni capital atoek. but it ahail be Iawii.l ford, eetora In addiUou. any which may be-niwi gaged to tha eumpaDT, any fi-ictdale the same, if in taur ouinwa ttie Intel est of the company would he prutuid theteoy- fcKC a They shall have power tort1- i mortyaaes obtained by way of seeuti' ot oi lock pledged lor security, or cf proom-tr en-. vey ed to tbem in satisfaction of deoti prenouny contiat ted. or purchased at pnbhe wi opo )olymeut or der ol seltnre by company, or t.f any pmprty ivbie or ta-movable, which may have been abanUmiM ta aaid eonipany for er conoerning the oaanaosa of ite btu-iuees.

feicc 4 li-y may at their diseretioa reerlra the atock the company at its market Tm payment ol any claim against the hoWer. to i extent of the accumulation of the eotnuK-a fund of tbe company, ss provided for in tu vt lil ebaiter, ai.d bold or aeU thn mik, a loan ita fur da io aaid extent, ou suck time aa security as tb.y may from time to time praam. lor Uu benefit ot said contina-ent land, 4 AKT1CLX KIOHTIL For the current year and until thrtrimw Sbis ie elect (xl and go aU fed under the alatwa to be bela ou tbe last Monday in eeaibrrii (164.) tlie t. Uowli'g named ttocabo Aaia tuvi etintinne to form the Board of Director! of uu cbBavaBy, to win W. B.




Every persou who shall effect in reran vlti tlna romiaby shall pay the rates fixed tlie dltectors. and no pi eminm paiil Muii ever be witiid awn from asid ooni1'. aa tereln pruvMied. but ahull be rinhio fir aii iu lueaea and ax pen ars Incurred bv ths ootapauf. AKTICLS TENTH.

At the expliation oi the charier, or auoaar.B Older id by thiee fouitha of the votes lu; etocal.ohivrs, the affairs of this cokiuauf ttui be liquiiisted. its dalita paait. and the diiod amona the ock holders, ore rata. MUbOiit by each beid ot paid -ap stock, tbe chatge and superinundenoa of thraao miseionetB. arpoiated oy tbe latrd ol tJ that purpose.

AkTlCLK EUKVEM ril. The Stockboidra of Uiu ooiapujiy. at a grtf' meeting to be convent for purpjae. U.llty daya iiulHie lu ul tiie uei'i' publislied IB this city, ahail have tli pv 14 make Mli euauga atUliUobS niuililitsaai tJ.ia act 1 inoul aUfeU. or even ta UiiMwira pieviiied that thieo-lourtlisof im ebiek rrr- bled at such meetlug ahail vote ia laeur avch ptoposttf b.eaaures; and any aad ad rhai ae, aduitien, modidoatioa er diasotaU" ahail be corded as rulrei by law.

ARTICLE TWatLFlH. All atrelea oi parts of articles of tbe orit" Charter of Ibe -ew Orleaas Mutual leaurax ef any amenaimeuta er the aane heretoh re aiiopi.d. a-S hareor clsreu to be abrosaied and repesiod tor theieof as assy be la cos tlie with t'e artmtee, oi any part tbereoL aud prertnt ariauea auau anauwia aaa il i. m.iX CAkra aiftK-t chart erot that company, aad take silt' ha tbe oral aa oi junuary. 1 ei halt el Is-the same which v.trt ninkii mm ,.1 Ml tkw elu the brat (lay of Jxnuaiy.

1S74. whioa said eo riisnei tne same wnieu waa suvauv- voted upon and aoi-pted by tbe nam bet st uoim is aioreaaiu, a iutciui av, ahsll be tervrutd rn tbe ofiice uf morvrX tt is t'srub, and pubuvhed aa required -Isws el tbls IMato on the subject ol aa mbiiitMi xw tbe reviaed btatates ssdaaian airDi.w.;iw. 1 nee done aad parsed, in ar a li aeia city of New ui leans. lu ihe preseu let' r-ttpben Cl slaion aad Aumiauu Capdeeie Itnesaes ot law iui aae Ii(t Oi-iuia taasu Ci'y, beletilito Bin their bsutea. Willi I saio aipeaters, Ui said official cpa j' sbd me.

tbe said notary, on this, tb 1- 'J" li tbe moaitbwf April, in tbe year ef our be tf-etiaawtt eijrbi bundred asd seveety-nM'' Otia uiai signed: 111 riwiu. r. J.W. HINiKS.J1- .8. CHALAEOS.

A. CaJ-UAVIkbLt P. CUR. CTVKIXIKK, Nntry rsu thnbnerei.BfXt, Deptit Beoorde' Save for i hia city and psrtah ot OHan. of Louisiana, do hereby re.

niy that ma tc smecomen' of chart-r was duyre.r. this dav iu this ofhee, in Book Society j- -Kew 'rl-aiia, April 2.1874. Deputy Baooroei. A true ry F. CHS.

Ci'KM- ai4 1 myC Na. 140 Uravi 5 i I i (I.

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