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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Clark Co. New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Sap. Anlonto, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis. Published Every Afiernoon Except Sunday.

Entered us second class matter at the office at Dlythevllle, Arkansas, under act of Congress October 9, 1017. Served by the United Press SUBSCRIPTION KATES By carrier in the city of 15c per week or 50.50 per year in advance. By mail within a radius of 50 miles, $3.00 per year, S1.50 for six months, 85c for three months; by mall In postal zones two to six. inclusive, $0.50 per year, In zones seven and eight, $10.00 per year, payable In ndvancc. Chicago's Unique Legal Rattle Chicago continues lo be Ihe setting for unique legal buttles.

Last summer there were the widely discussed suits and connUr-suits over two babies whose parents, believed hospital authorities had erred, giving Baby A lo Family ami vice versa. Now a new controversy wages, buttressed by-lengthy srmilitie testimony, to prove that four-year-old Jlaxine Hall, who has blue eye-, is or is not the (laughter of Edward Entringer, South Dakota farmer. Entringer's eyes ars brown. Maxine's blue-eyed mother maintains the child was born before marriage to Entringer from whom she is now separated. Mrs.

Entringer has testified that her first husband had blue eyes. The court is faced with deciding whether paternity may be proven by the color of the eyes. Another case pending decision in Chicago is that of George Adair Longley, claiming the estate of George Longley, wealthy manufacturer. The fact that Ihc young man's eyes are brown and the manufacturer's were blue was stressed in court proceedings. The rest of the country watches de- vclopnnnts in these legal-scientific controversies with mingled curiosity and amusement.

Let Chicago go ahead. Apparently no problem is too great for lawyers and scientists of the second metropolis. Ones they have scltled a few more universal mysteries how much simpler life is lo become -i is not at all easy to sing. Musicians call il awkward. II makes stirring band music, but for popular singing it is extremely difficult.

II seems thai those who advocated "America" had a logical case. And the strangest anomaly of all is thai Ihe tune of our now nalional an- Ihc'm originally was an English drinking song, entitled "Anacreon in Heaven." Felix Borowski thinks a better un- them is coming. Says he: "We arc loo young a nation yet, but our national anthem will come and when il docs there will be no mistake about and congressional action won't be necessary lo make il SIDE GLANCES By George Clark Wilt Einstein Understand Einstein lo America to sluily slurs and become one. He lins slurred in InlkiiiK motion pictures, known nil Hie glamours which surround Hollywood's mosl exulted. Hi is quite a different type, of films: tlum that rellectcd when George licrnanl Shaw declared him thq one individual alive who is assured of a pluce among immortals.

Einstein's name has Income synonymous with revolutionary scientific theory which it has been snid only 12 men in llic world itre learned enough lo inulcrstniul. After tlia professor lias returned lo Germany, after the tumult and shouting lins died away, will he retire lo a quiet study mid there with thai dynamic brain ponder a problem in relativity? Will he seek to discover the relativity between senseless demonstrations by celebrity-crazed crowds and the essential soundness and sanity 1 of the world's most prosperous nation? Being Einstein lis should be able lo make this discovorv. 'clflc cases, there has been such tre- mentions mixture of human beings I In breeding that It practically impossible to find human bjings with eyes of absolutely pure color. In other words, eyes may be blu? to ordinary appearances, but. pure blue eyes arc so rare as to be almost absent.

Hence, it, Is not possible to say because the eyes of both parents arc blue that the child will Imve blue eyes, the reason b2- ing that the parents have probably not pure blue eyes, and, according to the Mendelian law, It would require pure blue eyes to produce in every Instance a blue-eyed child. If somewhere in the ancestry, a pure blue-eyed person man-led a brown-eyed person, and four children resulted Irom the marriage, one would be blue-eyed, one brown- eyed, and two might te blue-eyed with traces of brown. Thus, brown- eyed parents produce brown-eyed children but also blue-eyed children. Short people have tall children and tall people have short children. But a famfiy In which most of the members have been tall for lonj periods of time will produce far more tall children than short ones.

The operations of heredity therefore result on the whole In a certain degree of likeness or correlation between the characteristics ol the parents and the children but the results arc averages which have to be applied on a larg 1 scale and which have to be Interpreted with intelligence. "Mother, you're loo young to be wearing those old- fusliiotted clothes." WEDNESDAY, NATURE'S CURIO SMOR Our National Anthem One of Ihc last acts of Ihs 71sl Congress was to make Hie Slur-Spangled Banner our official. anthem. Perhaps it was Ihe tune congressmen wished Ihe nalion to remember Hi em by. At any rate, their action in thus creating national nnlhcin by law invites objections.

In the hearings on the bill made before Die House judiciary committee', Iwo sopranos were specially brought in to show Ihc cominitlec lhat lhe anthem could be sung. The conclusion of the committee apparently was that it' sopranos could sing it, everybody can. Bui, as everybody lhe tune Playing lhe Marriage Racket at Both Ends Hy passing 80-day divorce bill, Idaho joined Arkansas In public bidding (or a share in the profits of Nevada's divorce racket. But Idaho has taken a step to redeem her standing in the eyes of tha nation by enacting a law to prevent hasty marriages. Gov.

C. n. Ross has Elencd a bill requiring persons who desire to wed to Ale notice of their Intention nt least five duys before obtaining license. Arkansas had si chance to throw the same safeguard nround her youth, and turned It down out of tenderness for the Gretua Green business of Marlon and a few other border cities to which runaway couples flock lo rscnpe the restrictions of Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. The motive was as frankly mercenary as (he motive In Ing through Ihc divorce bill.

"Cjulck Marriages and Quick Divorces For Sale Here," Arkansas advertises. Gazette. WASHINGTON LETTER i WASHINGTON The RDC.CQO in half as much as com- we should Kov- 193C's January, let Kussla has caused lot cri ar-1 The teiies of large contracts gunient uud there Is also pi- nty ci made by the Soviet with many (ilspute as to it mnk'-s any large Aniericnii corporations is an difference If we do or don't. old story. The Soviet Informa- Tlie pro and con arguments nre ic in Washington, al- bascd on both moral and iii.ii;rlul Ino; 'Sli without official status in factors and II in jiibt as well to give i far as slnte Department is lirlmnry consideration to im-1 concerned, fulfills many of the terlal factors Lvcnuse those uMmlly functions of an embassy.

CALROUN'S 1SIRTH On March 18, 1782, John C. Cal- noun. distinguished American statesman, was born in Abbeville District, South Carolina. Entering yale college in 180' Cailioun was graduated two years later with high honors. He resumed the study of law, which he ean at the ngc of 18, and was admitted to the bar in 1807.

The next year ho was sent to the State Legislature In South Carolina where he attracted so much attention as to secure an election to' Congress in. 1811. Cnlhoun later served r.s secretary 1765 HE 95 AND MWGtED ABOUT .50 Hf CHURCH EXCUSES George I've been visiting around with all the churches just to see how thing- pie; that he felt like his duty was- lo preach the gospel as laid always thought that finance was the big trouble, but I'm about convinced that the trouble if there is trouble, is "not so much finances. I also thought, it might be lack of interest among the But every lime I would go I would flnrt ult a fair cr owd. So, then 1 thought it of war under and "vice' wns thc Iault of tllc Preachers; are going and hear what dif- by Jesus as he understood it, lerent Preachers have ta say.

I've if that did not keep his folks Uv- 5 president, under John Qulncy Adams and then -under" Jaclcsbn. In' 1820 Calboun declared that a state ran nullify unconstitutional laws, that iwrhapj they were not preaching up-to-date theories. I spoke to one of the Preachers about tnis and he said he diet not exactly ing the life a psrscn should live he i felt that he would not be held responsible. He said he had faith in Human-i ity, and while there had since beginning time bscn plenty mean' things going on in the world and would be so long as the stood, the Church and its Minister i stood as a sign post pointing tf.M. way.

He said he kne'v: ol no method to force peopb to (ravel the road unless they of their own volition'. -1 slavg- 1 when I was a youngster; thil the getting the big break in came, a champion of shin trade. Not only has Russia Dunn; the pencil of non-vccog- holding states. I only difference that I could see was I bsen buying more from from any other country. bat other countries have been liuyhii; a far larger portion of Ilusiian exports than hns the United States.

one cHicial says, the chief thing Ihls country has lacked, due lo the fact that we have no U. S. government officials in Kussia, has craters oi their time. accurate information on what Is going in the Soviet Union. Calhoun, Henry Clay and Daniel Hhc way it was presented and that Webster are ofien called "the ijreai did net hear any pi them preach triumvirate" of American political so very much acout card playing.

Proponents reeognllion how-1 deluded 1 nr Hint in iirHrr tn VTPII Then there's the fellow who wants to know what rite of interest the Grand Banks of Newfoundland are paying. ever, contend that in order to keep I this huge favorable trade balance I and to increase our to i the Soviet Union, should I be on friendly loruis luth that cnuntry, which meam the estab- I lishinent of diplomatic Snmi; Tear L'oniprtllion Another argument. hcTu-U frc- quenlly in recent month-, is Hint we should have neither nsr trade relationship with Rus- on infcrmation from border points, Russian newspapers and magazines, articles by and infcrmation from returned tiavelers. Accurate Informnlion Is regarded us important, from various standpoints. With diplomatic relations, the two countries would in a position to cuss each other out officially and could always negotiate directly.

Instead of awkardly through third partly, as when Stimson The president of a tobacco company was given a stock bonus. Fulfilling, no doubt, his fondest pipe dreinn. year plan will face the world with ruinous, r.ut-throat competition Irom cheaply produced cx- Thanks to several of nannel underwear he wns wearing, a Maine sherill was unharmed by a bullet. But it would be exaggerating to say he came of! without a scratch. dancing, Sunday baseball, picture shows, ar.d other forms of aniuss- Dyak women urge their He said that he did not bands, sons and lovers to join in preach absut those tilings to his head-hunting expeditions to prove.

folks for tiie reason that mcst that they are really men of valor. 'hem were fciiriy intelligent For A. n. FAIRFIELD NEILL HEED (Ue-Elcction. 2nd Term) W.

C. LAWLER For City Treasurer ROSS liEAVISKU Crc-election. 2nd term) OUT OUR WAY rrR' OO-OO BRAIDED too GOT OF SLAMtitsi', OtHEF? 1 CAM'T GORSrA GOOD DO I G'T OuTA CV.E.AMIM' HAPtA GO -T' BED SO JOS', 8oT VOO GO AV4EAO A9ouT SHE MfVB To OR6AKJ LCSSOM OOWT DO ME. NO GOOD TOO SOOM. sla; that completion cf Ivv five-1 tried to intervene in the Russian- Chinc-se railway dispute.

Some perscns also think that if we had a Russian ambassador here, we ivjrts and that It is mad business might more easily hold Russia lo to encaunijc in any way. account for Communist, propa- The present unofficial relation- sanda or subversive activities in ships between the two fountries. this country which might be Irac- hewcver. aiipear to dwarf ed to the Moscow government, tr.ncc those, official iind formal I The immediate advantages of ccnucc-ticnn which would tw added vccoenitioii to Russia, if one con- it we granted recognition. Amtorg.

cedes the contention that non-rec- the bli: Soviet trading covporation. 'nition linsn'l and won't disturb flourishes in New York. Fold traile. to her. are more numerous and obvious.

Recognition presumably would make it much i over 1025 and exports to her tor easier for the U. S. S. R. to obtain January were $14.780.000.

more than highly drsired credits in this ccnn- S2.GCO,CfK) in of in Ivy. Russia's prestige would be 1930. Imports from were. tlrcnathcncil over the wcrhl. her between 21 and 22 millions in both people probably would be encour- 1929 and 1030.

r.lthoueh the last r.ged and revolution within Russia January showed a drop from be discouraged. Willi'imo iverlh of gr.3^3 1-ilclUlh ln 183Di an increase ol 330.000.0CO Brown-Eyed Parents May Have Blue-Eyed Children UV I)IJ. MOIllllS VlSirnEIS I cclcr is one of Iho Dlitr.r. cf tbr carried in this way. It cnn be shown Assocblirn.

cf lly- the environment in which a scia, the Health M.igaiinc person lives, his dirt, and other Casra In Ihc courts jmetimes faetors may modify to ex- umwinl intrrrf: in tent the structure of his body. subjrcts. At present. is ir.uch Xo msthcd is of altering discussion the in- eye color envircmncntal herllancc of Ihe cclcr of the action. The color of the hair, for It hns lirrn ivi-11 that instance, may be inherited but the color of the is inherited color of the hair clungcs in later nccnrdiivj to Ihe Mendel: HI law.

lite due to eirctimslanccs Mendel Ihr lact r.e.i the whirli stnie- ture.s within the cell from which thr species develop, c.irry Iho The color of the fl: mn modilicci by expesitr lo Uiifortun.ite'.y for direct ap- eertaiu dcfinile Eye plication uf Ihis knoalcdce. lo spe- The Man Who Owns a Car lhe yea'' 1P20 there were trailic accidents motor rars. 1.200,000 injurcii. A car fifcidciU oi-cnvrcd every l(i tniuulfs. Tho tnlal ronnnuc niM was A small mium paid Tor protu-iion mui'li lioUcr tiian claim or judgment it.

Si-i- us lirst. M. Burns Insurawce Agency 1'lume To Party-Line Telephone Users We are now in position to offer you your own private telephone! Your personal telephone usage must have grown along with this modern season. Busy people require personal telephone service. Have you ever considered the and economy of your own private telephone? Why it is Economy to possess one: 1, is your own to use or an accident when speed just as your radio or car.

everything. 2. It is always ready for incoming and outgoing calls. 5. Only one rimj own.

6. Your number will he inorciiennaneiHly vourown 3. Maximum privacy isas- yO( mmx surcd lor conddaitial con- (within thcsamccxchangc). vcrsation, 7. No party-line letter -ill- after vour number to call, Instantly available in emergencies with Babysick 8.

No charge lor changing. The difference for a personal, private line is but 5flc a month if you now have a two-parly: 75c if a four. Hy 120(11) now full details tan lie obtained without obligation. JITO: it Jiv "Tl will iiii.i;i. .1 J.

kltu grjJc of sirvcc Jj SOUTinVESTERN" BELL TLLL 1'HONE CO..

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