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Carlisle Weekly Herald from Carlisle, Pennsylvania • 3

Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CARLISLE, JJcChMPtx 5. From Frankfori. we learn, tliBt the Grand Jii'y inipaiiin bed to examine into the charges exhibited Ly Mr. the attorncr the Slatet, gaml! Col. Aaron Bun, af.enibhd to i ot Ju Fixlerai Court tl ten o'c'ick ye-ittt-day, and were irr.u.ediatjy by Ivl r.

without Lavirg ai.y thing iani btloic The rtaton fieud ii.r eiii-Ciiating the Jury the failure of a to iitltrd. Ken. Caz. from the attorney whet'ur the iriveftigaUon would be (jone hito without delay. Mr Daviefa obfefved that in making oblVrvaiious to the Court, he had ukd no reproachful terms of the pi Ivate char.

'iff er of Mr. Burr, and he fhould avoid it during the investigation that it would require foir.c time to collect the witneHc which he ilhed to fnrnnimi but that no unncceliary delay fiiotild lake place. home iui liicr were and the Grand jury ordered to nfrrrible at ten o'clock on Wed morning, at which time witi.tfhs aie fur.imoned to attend. Col. Burr's dr poitnicnt was very digiutjeil, and his observations coticilc and impi tfiive.

What cvi. detice wiil be affoided Ly tlie Federal Attorney is not known bnt public opinion in Frankfort appears much favor ofCol. Burr. Ken. It ia with grcut pleuiuie we can infnim (he pnbiic- that there is now in the prti a pliiurpiilel containing a full, ea tnd explicit ltateroent of the cr.rh this eoUmry, out ot which tLis political 10-niuuct, (Spanilh AfTuciation) was 'The iiarraiive is ingt ly iiitueitirg depids the chili fits of the in vivid and tully the temper and tone of mind which oive.idi.d tie tizuns gemrah), at the period to.

h-xy niatenal fad, io Iiippoiicd h) doeuments Thefe are numercuu, and many of iluai im-portaut. FTadaJiuni HEREAS the Honoiirahlc Jamet h'amiitcn, Elq. Prelkimt 01 the NEW-YOKK, Nov. 26. Bv the fliip PalU.8, eapr.

Brown, who left Andteidam on the nth of Ottober, the editor of the Mercantile Advei lifer lug received Dutch piipro to ihe )th, Tluy an principally occupied wiih the of mole mighty malTes of men who it feemsare embodying for the purpofeof rekindling tht flames of war upon the continent of Europe 'To this important futject our 1 1 an flat ions from theie papers are confined folely. Lord Lauderdale, at the dale our latell advices from Fiance, was iiulifpoled at the feat of general unot, thjsgjovernor of Parij. We harn that a new camp, to he Cfelled the camp of Aulleiliiz, was forming at Zielt. Feur KulTian fhips ol the line and four fri-gmef, bound for the Mediterranean, anchored at Copenhagen on I lie 3 1 11 Sep. tenibtr.

The utrny of marfhal Soult wos cclleiting in the etivirous ot PlafT. nliofen lnuol-fladt of niarflial Betuadottc between Nuremberg and Tunh both anniei are to under rlie command of Berr.adulic, and are etlimated at men. I)-vubfl's aimyOl 30,000 were marching to Aniphch as a reinforceiriei.t. Thccoips of Lefebre (foimcrly Morticr'sJ cotifol iiig oi were c'iaing near to Scii v. tiufurt, and that of mar thai Ncy was on its march.

All the troops wd.ich were polled on the arre are to icinfoice the my of marfhal Angereati. Concerning the movements of Pruffn it is ilated in letters from Biilin ot the Sept that no doubt exiiled there of the fptedy coinmencemcnt of Jn a declaration to France, Pruflu is faid to have mfi.ted that Bonaparte fhould withdraw his troops from Germany, that he fliould not intermeddle in the fl" rs of the 1101 th, and that he fliould accede to meafures for rcttoriug a continent peace. The army of Saxony con Hi yot 100,000 men. Baron formerly the Pruffian envoy feveral Courts of Corimon Plea? in the Ninth Dillritt, confiitmg counties ct Currberland and, and tlie Honourable jo.u JllengbiKrrf, and Crerh, F.tq'rs, the AiTociau Judges of of l-y tlieit precipe teib.dthe 71I) day of November, A. i8c6, and to me diiectcd for the holung of a Cuit of Oyer and Terminer General Jail delivery, Quarter S.

flins an-l L'our: of Common Picas akt Cardflt- the firit Monday ef Jan. iiext. Th.fe arc to h'vttfy all of the Peace, the Coroner and the Conltables withi in the faid County of Cumberland, thuc ll.jy l.c then and there in their proper per-fons, with th'-ir rolls, records and other rs. trumbrancf to do ihofc thingf which to their offices refpi ctively belong in that be. half to be limn and all thofe whu wdi pro-fecu'r againtt the prifimer now are or minds of the people of this eliiliicft, feem agitated with the current ruinour that a military expedition againlt fomc neighboring power, ii preparing by faid Burr.

When fore, faid attorney, on behalf of U. S. pray that the diK proccf ilTue to compel the pertonal appearance of the (aid Aaron burr, in this court 5 and rho of loch witiiciTes as may be neceflary on behalf of the faid United States and that thin ho-nuiable couit, will duly recoguife thefiid Aaron Burr, to anfwer fuch charges as may be preferred againit him in the premi-fes and in the tntan time, that he defirt and retrain from ail further pieparation and proceeding in the faid armament within the United States, pr the territories or dependencies theitof. H. DAVIESS, a.

u. s- Having read this affidavit, the attorney proceeded in the following words: The prefent fubjec much engaged my mind. The cale made out is only as to the expedition agaiulf Mexico but I have insinuation on which 1 can rely, thatallhe wettern terntortes are the next object or the fcheme and finally, all the region of the Ohio ii calculated as falling into the vortex of the new propofed revolution. What the practicabiiiiy of this icheme is, 1 will not fay but certainly any progrefs in it, might coft out co'intiy n.uch blood and trcuiure to undo and, at the halt great pui.lic agitation muit br expected. I am dct rsmmu to uu every fT.jrt in my power, as an oflicer and a3 a man to anl 11.

flavin made an aiTicavit myfeif, I fliall made 110 cooum-ii! on us luffidrncy. 1 11 C3le of felony the ailidavit muil be pohiivc, a to a felony aclual.y comnntted boi in a of this nature, wiieie the ioie object or the law is prtseniion, fucii an oath cjnnoi be required tile thing mutt relt on belief a to the main int of guiit. 1 conid cffny prvc pclitivtiy tie pur-chafc ot fuppiies ot kinds, but this is no oftence. Mr Burr may purcliaie fup-piitS lie may import arms he rnuy engage men, winch I am toid is actually begun yet ail thete things being proved, make no offence niither cm pio jf of the declaration of his known confidents, of which abund-oiee mihi be hud, attacli guilt to him it is ihz dtfgn, the intent with which he makes ihefe'puparations, that conilitute his mndcineairor. There muit be a great txsrtion of to imagine a cife in hich politive proof of the illegal dftgn can be had it mull reft in intoi mdf ion and belief.

The court ouiu therefore to iToe a warrant or f.r tlK acenfed, and examine witiiciTVi wiicu tiie court w.ll be ible to decide wnether tIr. Burr fhould boxid to good behavour on the premiles, or recognize to appear here and aufwer an indictment. His honor Judge Inne6 declined on account of the importance the qneition, to give opinion wituout taking time for confideraiioii. This opinion he did not deliver until this mo ning about eleven, which opinion went to overrule the moti jii of the attorney of the Uniud Slates, on the lit. That the court was not invellcd with the power.

2d. If the court were, that the evidence was not fullicient. The attorney then moved for a warrant to fummon a grand jury, before whom he was to prefer an indidmsnt again (I Col. Burr. This the court granted and a warrant was given to -Crocket, the marfhail of the diflricV.for that pur-pofe.

The Judge ordered his opinion to be entered on the record. A copy of it therefore, (hall be obtained and pubiiihcd in an extra half meet in the beginning of the week with the fardier proceedings of the court on this important queilion. Wejlern World. About one o'clock on Saturday, Col. Burr entered the Federal Couit attended by General Pofcy, General Hopkins, and Heu-ry Clay, efq after having featef hi n-felf for a few minutes, rofe and aJJrclTcd the urt He llated that he had been on the eve of his departure from Lexington, of which he had a.viled h's friends, when lie was informed that his name had been mentioned in that Court with reproach that he immediately made it his bnlintf-.

to hnf- tit' than if it come from a miniilcr at Loti-- dun 6 Does the author of Important facts" ceeiainly know that Mr. Randolph did not amicably con full the Prrlident on the truth or the vaue iufinuations of his cautious friend," ai this writer ia ple.tled to term the'fecietary of the tteafuryi? A few words will put this fubjeft in its proper light. Mr. Randolph dated to the houfethathe had been informed," (by two of their member) that certain proportions had been made, to the ttcufury," to found the difpofi-tion of the fecretary of that department on the fuhjcdt of advancing the rhorey, voted tor extraordinary purpofes of foreign inter-couife, before the bills had palled through all the forms of But at the fame time he declared, that" if the fecretary of the treafury would disavow the fact, he fliould have no hcfitation in disbelieving it. Now if Mr.

Randolph had derived his information from thai ofiieer, how could he give credit to his denial of the fact And yet becaufe tome perfons under took to fay that inch a dilavowal had been made to him, a miferable attempt was made in the pubhe pi iota, under color of a ipeech which never was delivered, to impeach the of Mr. Randolph. The lot i of the fecrttar of the treafury muit fpeak for rtielf. Every man will draw niii own trom it. But cv: ry man mutt iee, that, wnether fuch an occurence did, or did not, take place, the veracity of Mr.

Randolph is in no wile impeachable. Having nearly cired my own patience, and I fear 'more than txiiautted that ol trie rca der, 1 refcrve for a luLd communication the difetofure of fucu otneir tacts and opinions as, I deem matcml to a proper undc-ritaiiding of the events of the icf-fiju of Congrcfs. In (be number 1 (hall go to lire hoot of all the republic!) fchiuns pledging myfeif 10 demonitrate to every impartial and thinking man that mi no tity are not in ihe flighted decree ti-iduud witu fcderaliim that lo tar from having any bias towards that psrty, uponevey quellion which principle was involved, they hid to encounter tue joint opp ilition of the federal) its, and tna: portion of the republican majority who have been deii'omi- nated third party men. DEC1US. Motion in the Federal Court of the Kent at iy Dflrict, againfl Aaron Burr, iilq.

iati Vice Preideal of the U. $. Jor crimes of high tn'ifdemtanors. On Vecnefday- about noon, on die 5th in K. Davids, Et'q Atrorney of the U.

S. for the above do.trict, rofe, and ad-drcfiiiig the court, faid til at he a motion to make of the utmost rnairniiude, and extraordinary nature, and wh'c'u reguded the wilrareof rtie union at large. That the unhappy ftate ot hi health alone, liad prevented hira from making it on tie fir ft day of the term that he mould ground bib motion on an affidavit which he would prefent to the court. Hi -Lieu made oath to the following affidavit UNITiiD STATES Of AMERICA. Kentucky Diflrict, ft, J.

Davi ft, attorniy for the faid U. States, in and tor faid district, upon his corporal oath, doth depofe and fay, that the deponnent is informed, and eioth veiily believe, that a certain Anron Burr, Efq. late Vice Preiident of the faid U. S. for feveral months pall, hath been, and is now engaged in preparing, and icttiug on foot, and providing and preparing the means for a military expedition and enterpn'ze within this di'irt'ft, for the ptnpofe of descending the Ohio and Millifiippi therewith, and making war upon the fubjecis of the king of Spain, who are in a flate of peace with the people of thefe United States To wit on the province of Mexico, on the weltwardiy fide -of Louifiana, which appertain and belong to the king of Spain, an European prince, with whom thefe United States are at pence.

And faid deponent further faith, that he is informed, and fully believes, that the a bove charge, can be, and will be fully fub-ftantiatcd by evidence, provided this honorable court will grant cotnpuifory pro-ctfi to bring in to teitify thereto. And the deponent farther faith, that he is informed, and verily believes, that the agents and tmilTarics of the faid Burr, have jMirchafed up and are continuing to pur-crvefe, Urge ftores of provilions, if for art iirmy which the fid Burr, leems to con. o-id great myltery from the people at hrge, hi and pnjeds while the wlio ftand bound by recognizance, rha' thry be then and there to proiecute ag'jinlt them ai' (hall bejull Given under my hand ac Carhfle, the 18th Jay of Novemhet, A. I). 18-6.

GEORGE STRCOP, it-r-J l-'V 1 -H'fl 4 maw. toGieat Britain, left Hamburg Lr Lon don on the 2d October. A I A-K HAS commenced bu neis in the (hop lately occupied by Samiul Laird, Elq. deceafed. He iiif rms his friends nl the public tht orders for any Brtie'c iaJthi above mentioned buiirels, be faitf.iui.'y executed, and upon mult terms- llavini; ferved a regular appieii" ticelhip with Mr.

Laird, and for a number or eo coci ti lili eu uic ii an a ui iwo iu'i ne f. that he will merit the encouragement 01 a gencrouf. public. Carhile, Nov. 2-th CO.

3w. For sale. Nov. 27. One of the geurlcmeu who arrived here ia the Ihip Governor Gilmaii, inf.iims tin, that previous to his departure, he rcd in an Auiftcrdam paper, the yrh of October, an account of the capture of four French by a under the command of commodore fir Samuel iiood, after a fevere action.

'The Fiehch fqua-dron confuted of five f-igatesI( (one of which efcup'd), bound from France to the Welt-Indies, with roups and n.illaking commodore Hood's (hips for Indiamen, bore down upon them, and before they dilcover-ed the miltake, were within reach ot the guns of the Britiih fquadron. Commodore Hood loll an arm in the The fame paper dated, that admiral fir Thomas Louis had alfo captured a French frigate on the coalt of France. 'Tlie above piizes had all arrived in TIIE Subfcribcrs, Exeetitort of the late John Holmes, in ptirfunnee of tlie Powers contained in his lalt Will and Teftament, offer for all that his roa.i-fion Hoirl'e and lot of ground, fitunte on the North Eait corner of the Public Squaie in the Borough of Carhilo The Houfe is ope of the Urged buildirtg in 'he place, bcicg 60 feet in front, and a proportional depth back, and is built in fuch a a.s to admit of being convenicrtly divided into two tenements 'The. extentive range of building the commodious cnnfttuclioti ro ils laiijc (lores, and itstxceil'tit for public bnfmrl, uiiite in ivsan'ng this property tiie molt valuable ot its kind of in tlie place. The thb is indih'Utab'e, and a liberal ctedit will' be given for the greater parr of the purchafe monev terms apply to eiiner of 1 he tci JOHN CREIGU AS.

ARM rkON'G "JOHN HOLMES Notice. ALL Per fons Indebted to the Si-bfcii-ber by Bonds or Notes, arc inf.jinv.l that thf Bonds and Notes are left wi'll John Dehiney, Efq. Where they can dil'-chargc them All which aic nt diicharg ed be fore the fiiit day of Jamury next, 'l be pm in fuit, and recovered agreeable to law without rc'pect to uerfviiii. H. II POTTS.

'eceru'icr 4th. ten to Frankfort and prefent hi.T.ft If befoi the Court for invert iat ion that his bufinefj was of fnc-ii a uatuiethat a lr-ng detention would be injuiious, and hr wiflied to know Noi en)ttr it..

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