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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 6

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Aecouta solicited. icno Lotni on rood iizJs and 10. I ppar always tt rouooable rate U. JAMES. Banker BUYS A nds and Sux kg and pays at the rate of annum on money.


BONDS. Bid. Asketl Bid. Asked isffifcs is lOS Augusta 7s 108 III 115 Augusta 68101 IDS ia Macoues- 100 iw oWnlM 104 Rome new 98 100 hTtDnh be. 80 82 Columbus 82 85 Atlanta 8s.

114 116 iAflOAD BOSir' Ba. R. Ti. 103 115 At. 4 Char.

6 W. 107 108 inc. 66. 60 WAA10s95 100 Atlantic G. con 108 no 108 Si T.

V. 4 104 inc. 68. 42 JtULBOU STOCKS eorg1 1 US Central. 97 99 it 6Char.

58 60 Aug. 117 Juthwelternl16 US At. W. P. 107 119 loath Car 20 2.

c. c. A 28 SO 6aU 106 aa7sl8S6 l06 Qa7s18i Dent R. II ill iii a C. 4 A.

let 106 63 its NEW YORK. April Share pecuIa1ion opened firm With price a fraction hove those of Saturday From the opening tm shortly after 11 o'clock th market was moderitely active and strong and further luence of to I per cent was recorded. led by the Villard stocks Denver Bond Rio Grande and Louisville and Nashville. About midday tbis was followed by a reaction of a to er cent i the general list while st. Paul Minneapolis an Manitoba fell off IX per cent and recovered an again declined llii.

The market af ler this although dull. became strong and in he last hourunderth led Colorado coal. advanced I. to 1 per cent. Denver and Rio Grande.

Delaware. Lkawanua end Western and Oregon and Transcontinental' were also prominent in the upward movement. In the final dealings some shares receded slightly and the market closed Irregular but la the main strong at an advance on the days transactionsof to fy per cent the latter for Denver and Rio Grande. Transactions aggregated 20DOQO shares. juiMQg Kzcoauge uoTeramen stron and higher new is iU3bid Xs U3 Is 119 Se 103 i.

loney lOgi. tt ondneglected ub- treuury balances Coin 121250000 currency 730. 000. CONSTITUTION OYPTO Atlanta. April SO 3083.

Sew York The early nths opened without chlnge of quotitious but lower prices prevailed the more distant. The general tone of the market ruled steady during we forenoon. though the tendency win upwards. In the afternoon the market was subject to little change but at the close prices were raised under a firm feeling. The spot market advanced Mc middling I0c.

let reoeiptt for two dyu 16561 bales agslmt 9112 bales last year exports 33210 bales lAqqear 12 taiet stock MKiW bales list year 672905 bale BIIlq we sire he opening tad closing qnotiUon of cotton ttt11ra to-day May Jane 39 310 40 May JO 1510 8310 64 Joae. 10C03 D7 i 6 lCC7 July. 10 719 4UTJSt 10 73 10 78 August 10 Sl lu. Iptemoor. 18 4ij 0 a Bepteinir 10 tl lu 547 Ootobcr.

10i210 14 October. IO l4t0 i Jravcnber 10 Oil 105 Nov 1" oiaiu 08 smber. 0 3 December. 10 09410 1 lianarr 10168017 January 10.17i01 firm site. 111.

uOObatn. lJretp l-3tifi 5lo bar ly steady. I aotl phndJ 6 1UrA qrlWll 6Jil tales UOOO bale- which bftlai were Amirlcn receipts 290 Amelban 2500. The local cotton market was firm to-day at former quotations. A good demand is repo ted.

We quote Good mitllliitg lOu middling 9c strict low mid. dung Xc low middling strict good ordinary 90 good ordinary S4c ordinary 7 tinges 90 The following la our statement cf receipts and tblpmenu for three usxzra. and A tlsntic Bii1iod Point Railroad ieaDi Vi. G- Georgia Pacific LoAi eonruapUoa preYioukly ToUl HEffTOSE April Tie Posts cottoo eportcayi Fotnre deliveries opened at a decline 100 recovered 44CO and after various slight Carnations told again Uay 2403. Jane lOQJuly ad Miguel fjfetov bat Sturdy clodngrino ole pw jacket Is dnUbnt id been Hi Tauxratiu UVEftPOOL.

April SO In mend and treelj met prT3ot1epdee1 i at upbndi 511 middling Orleans bl wet ales ipecnlation and export 2000 recelpu 2900 SW umandslowmiddlingrj April delivery 5 5 PJ11 and May deUerj 64. ft 8- May and Juno delivery 416 4 i 4 44-01 June and July delivery 5 49- July and August deUvery 6M 4 VuRust nd September delivery Ii 8344. 5 61 tit OgutemOer anti October delivery 68161. 53 4 November and December deUvU1 Ii futures opened in buyers' favor LIVERPOOL April 30 1:80 p.m. Sale of American oLk uplands low middling clause June en I July delivery 64 July Bud August delivery 54 A ugutt and rjeptember delivery 4.

LIVERtOOL April p. Uplinds low mlMling clsuse September ud October delivery 52:54 Oct ber cud Wovemberdclivervt 8. POOL. April 6 p. Up1Jndslow riddling clause July and August delivery 81 September and October deli very 6 64 November ud December delivery I LIVERPOOL 6 p.m.

Uplands low middling clause May arid June delivery 5 61 August and September delivery 5 54 futures rloeed barely steady. NKWYORK April SO steady middling uplands 10 mladling Orleans tt i a4e 0 bales netreceipt lb' gross 4412 consolidated net receipts 10008 exports to Greet Britain 11755 continent 3498. GALVESTON April80 Cottou firm millll1ng 10 low middling 9 rood ordinary Ii net receipts 2 ol hale. gross i 8l sales 698 stocl 52884. NORFOLK April Cotton firm middling 10 net receipts 120 bales grow 1 08 nock 9202 Well 1:63 exports coastwise 1t66.

BALTIMORE April 0 Cotton steady middling 10 lowmlddling 934 Rood ordinary net f. celpts 250 bales gruel i 297 sales 1 305 tock i5129 sales to spinners 300 exports coastwise 230. BOSTON Apiil 3.1 steady middling 10 low middling 10 toed ordinary 8 net receipts 1071 wee gross 3036 sales none stock 6635. WILMINGTON April Cotton firm middling 9low middling ir good ordinary 83-1 net re cetpti 56 bales gross 06 sales none tock 5 632. PHILADELPHIA April SO-Cotton firm middling lOX low middling 10k good ordinary 9 net receipts gross 838 bales swell 1489.

MLVA1NAH. April Cotton firm middling 9 low middling 9 1400 o- iTary 8 net re ceipts Oil bales gross 621 sales 373 siocka9j5. NW OSLKAN8. Cotton quiet middling 974 16 good 811-16 ue rweipta 2605 bales irrow 3114 sales2500 tock 20919 snorts to Great Britain 2590 continent 799 coastwise 4077. MOBILE April Cotton firm middling soodmiddlin 9 good ordinary 8 net receipts 336 bates gross 356 sales 00 stock 0839 exports coastwise 2 MEMPHIH.

April SO-Cotton firm middling 9K good middling SH good ordinary net receipts b91blee gross 1195 htcmenta losS sales 44JO stock 215 sales to spinners tJGIJSTA April 30 voHQuqnllot mlldllnf 4 low middling 94 guod ordinar net reoelpU 8 bales shlpmentinone sales 286. OIIARLE3TON. April Cotton firm middling 10 low middling 9 ood ordinary 9 rnetrr neips 807 Sale. now 807 sales 5uO oek 24517 ex ports tolcontiaeut 1150 coastwise 245. ST.

LOUIS April 30 middling low middling 9 good ordinary 8 net receipts 301 bales gross 476 shipments 71 sales 294 stock 43016. CONSTITUTION' oyncK. Atlanta April 30 1383. The tollowing quotations indicate the fluctuation on the CMcagnboard of trade to-day WHSAI. Opm1nr.

Highest. Lowest Closing. May 110 Ill 11074 HIT Juue 1 UK 1 14 1 13 1 fa mix June. 1930 19 67 1930 19 67 July. 19 60 19 so it 60 19 85 cLli BIB SIDW.

June 10 1 10 62Ys 10 50 rinr Wnii 14 HeaL TL NTA April 30 Flour The market is amply stocked prices are beating down we quote patent process 72o3I7. 75 fancy J625rttSK7a extra family t60O625. Wheat Chicago From the opening wheat went gradually upwards all day the tone increasing in strength as the day advanced on i consideraQle firmness was assumed by the close with the in nibs ran King as follows Slay 11 8 June tiH July i 15 The local market is firm at 1 30 for No. 2. Firm 63 3c in car lots 6 in less quantities.

62' Oats Ten nessee Ito. Wheat Bran t5005500 barrel. BALTIMORE April Flour steady and quiet Howard street sad western superfine 832584 Os ex trai25i.75 family. 500sl6eO city mule superfine I32oal00 extra H25a650 Rio brands 6 00 055628. Wheat southern quiet western higher and more active southern red amber 120 125 No.

1 Maryland tt bid 0. 2 western winter red spot l295i93l20 Corn southern steely western firm but inactive southern white yellow 65367. Oats lower and Gull south em 52 55 western white mixed Pennsylvania 5254. KW YOrL April 30 Flour southern quiet and steadily held common to fir extra 8435050519 10 god to choice 51538685. Wheat.

cash lots higher dosing firm a fhideunder outside rates No. 2 spring nominal uujjraded spring 101 ungraded redi029 l9 ungrded white 5146 No. 2 red May 120 iJ121 Corn ca lot unsettled and lower uUKraded 6056754 No. 2 St.ott7X@5 April 67J Oats MOKc higher and rather quiet No. 2 9 3l Hops quit but tlrm New York 85890 yearlings 724302.

CHICAGO April Flour quiet spring wheat P50 500 Minnesota 350435425 bakers I 3543 575 patents 80 J8J750 winter wheat 8400aa0i Wheat moderately active and higher regular 1 April Sll2Sl.t2 May. dy and gtiier ally higher No. 2 cash May. wtsin active denaudaiid lilgher tOi1ftO4 cash iOJ-g rO May. WUINVILLE.

April 30 in fair demr1r and thin extrs ritll tt0OI2 A So. 1 94. M7o high grattea ifi 1 i od to fancy C0i i. 5 Wheat dull 1 ii No. Zred winter ZIOS 5110.

Oorriiiu-auu yhitell No. 2miie 54. Oatsuachaiiged mixed Wtsem47X. ST. 8 April 30 flour steady family 175 fancy J5iojj8570.

Wht1t faily active and higher No. 2 rod fall 1129 112J4 rash 911243 Sli May. Corn a shade better 5D 455J4 cash and May. Oats fi rmer 12 cash 42 May. CINCINNATI.

April 30 Flour quiet family 840 QS510 fancy 5mS57 Wheat steady No. 2 red winter spot. orn in fait demand at 56 spot 56 8 356 i Stay. Oats steadyatlSBpoi. ATLANTA April 39 The tone was not so strong to-day and sides are comparatively muchfeasier lbs on yesterday.

The west showed some tin- provement In contract to-day but thus fat' no change has been elperienced hero we qjjotecure- clear rib sides lie casih loose do SO days time llj-ic clear sides lie cash loose do. 35 days time lic sheuldersMca hdo. 30 days time 8J4c. Bacon ou gar-cured can vassedoanu 13J cash do. 30 days Um' c.

Lard Choice refined tierces 12. cash sOdaynliX leaf lard i3Sn cah cans 50 tta Xc above tierce prices tubs 50 Bs above tin pails 10 tt 8 He bore tin pails IDS above tin pails 8 ttw Jicabove NEW yOU April 30 Pork very quiet but held strong new mess spot 1990 aS2000 options nominal. Middles dull and nominal long clear 11 Lard points higher and more active cl stiii with tile advance partly lost prime steam spot 11. 8u 431280 Slay 1 181. LOUISVILLE.

April SO strong new mess pork JO. 00. Bulk meats shoulders clear rib 1060 cleinidClill. 11. Bacon.

shoulders 8 deem ribs 11 clearsides hams sugar-cured Iv Lrd strong choice kettle rendered 1. BALTlMOBfc April 30 strong will upward tendency. Me pork 12050. Bulk meats shoulders clear rib sldca packed con shoulders 10 cl ar rlu tilde. 12 i hew HK UJt Lard refined 12 CHICAGO.

April Pork active firm und higher 194. 1960 cash and May. Lrdlaactivedemitnc and higher ll67 ail7a cash and May. Bulk meats in fair demand shoulden short ribs 10 short cleat U. CINCINNATI April SO stronger at 19 79.

Lard strong and higher at 1110. Buikraaat tong. er snonMen 77- clear rib 10 4. Bacon demand light with brlders firm shoulders 8 clearrtb ify dear sides S1960 cash. 936 bid May.

Balk meats firmly bell with no sales. Bacon quiet long clellorlt short rib 11 abort cl MI Lard tlow at UH bid. TLABFL April SO There is no material change in. quotations. Coffee Rio 9fl2Uc old.

voverwaeut Java Z2J28. Sugars Steady. though barely so flu as previously we quote standard A 9 granulated cut loaf II powdered II white extra yellow Cl 3fcJii Other goods remain steady Now Orleans sugars browna II eliifled 8s 436 whites 99JK. Uols ses-BUck strap ITX iu barrel dUup-(3tioice CO rlttlr prime prime i092 comuOJU 4086. Tea Black 403 60 green iOQCO nutmeg L16 cloves 65 allspice cinnamon 85 miroa 80 African ringer 19 ma lai pepper IL Cratikert milkiMo otol1 I tmurS peirl oyster 8J.

00. 60 XI do TUrtK. April o7 Mi i ivlatrjo good UowO 7Ut extra. wtdteextm 0 TKj yellow Jkt I yellow w1grnr off AI(8) confectioners A standard ASX3HtfuUojVX crashed W. ered 8JS mould A granulated a 1116 Cubes 8.

Molasses unchanged test 81 New Or- gans 30560 Porto Rico 4DGO. tea firm and fairly active Rangoon 5 domettlo 597. BALTIMORE. Audi SMJoffeo dulli Sin carms ordinUY to IT S9i Suzit quiet A wilt CINCINNATI April 30 unchanged Iwl en. ATLANTA.

April SO Market Steady. Corn whisky rectified jiOOgtLlO rye rectified 110 160 rye soil Bourbon meium S150 200 rum rectified Sli9JU5 New England JX 7535150 m. Croix 400 Jalinaca 1350311 0 gin domestic IL 250 imported S00t4354i0 Cognac brandy do mestie tl503t250 imported 1500433800 coppni distilled corn whisky Georgia made. 1175 apple and peach brandy 200300 rry and gInger brandy JLOOaSLBO port wine Slwa9600 owing ti quallly sherry L5oi oO catawba LX5n.73 KappaTnozg 100 3126. BALTIMORE April so 30 quieUt llieXO 1117.

CINCINNATI April Whisky quiet at 5113. ST. LOUIS April 30 steady it 114. CHICAGO. April 3u Whisky steady at 6316.

LOUISVILLE. April Whisky 913. WILMINGTON April 60 turpentine quiet at 40 rosin firmatjlits for strained JliO fur good strained tar steady at 150 crude turpentine steady at 150 for hard 6260 for yellow dip. SAVANNAHApril Rosin opened and closed firm sales P30 barrels turpentine opened aud closed dull regulars 89 sales 160 barrels. CHARLESTON.

April au Spirits turpentine steady sales 40 barrels rosin arm strained to good strained 140. NEW YORE. April SO stronger at 1753 180 turpentine dull and lower at 44. sFiaa mad vteettoaertea ATLANTA. April Apples 00.

Lemino box. 45.00 tbox 1100041100 hit. Cocoanuts Uneap- None. 9125432430 Figs Raisins- New box 1300 Lonaon S325 box 175 box Wo. Currants 74338 Cranberries None.

California Pears 6007.00 bbL Citron 264343c. Almonds 22823c. Pecan' Brazils- lOc. Filberts 1MI16c. Walnuts-lie.

Peanuts- Active and firm Tennessee737Xc North Carolina Ie Virginia lie roastedli4c tt extra. vm lr daae. ATLLNlA April Eggs Butter- Strictly choio1 300 choice 2 2) c. Poultry Good demand tens 12 45c cocksSSc spring chickens 3Oc. Irish Potatoes New crop 650 bbl old stock no sale.

Sweet Potatoes 65g75c bushel. Dried Fruit PeCI1e11 Peeled 10ai6c unpeeled 43 apples 1C. Wax 4X5. OnionsJ3CO53.50 JB bbL Cabbage-3 II' Feathers Choico 8. prune 174350.

Cheese UT 8to fc ATLANTA. April We quote in fair demand atfSOg175 owln to quality combination dull at 50439175 saddle Sl SQfloO Mnlss 14 i5- ands 120435121. OK NNATJ April 0 Hogs ties cunmnn and light to 25438750 packing aria butchers H7.IO@ 8400. Georgia. Fulton County To the Superior Court of said county mOTE PETITION OF H.

C. STOCKDELL 3. C. I Freeman. A.

E. Thornton. C. W. Craukohaw 11.

C. Glenn J. C. Knox C. D.

Meader S. H. Fire- Ian. E. C.

Peters. W. K. Reagan W. H.

Wimbelly J. P. Stevens C. ii. Tyler Jack W.

Johnson J. Zachry on Jones J. R. Lewis. J.

If. ifarwell W. D. Deane Saml Martin. A.

P. Woodward J. T. Brook E. T.

Paine. B. 23. Blount E. R.

DuBose 90. F. Amorous. C. E.

Harman Frank Holland. W. 90. DickFon. F.

Permit L. U. Aylett Webster Davis H. 23. McKeldin.

George W. Harris O. A. Sanders C. T.

Watson R. R. Bridges Jr. ArchOrme T. 90.

Barna W. A. I urk George U. Crawford Henry Hurt I. Iverson los.

Thompson Jr. II. C. Johnson Francis Fontaine F. L.

Hart Lewis Red wine F. N. Buck C. E. Caverly.

V. P. N. Barker Thos. L.

O. Stevens Clarence Knowles E. L. Voorhees E. C.

Spduldlng UokeSmith f. Ryan Grant Wilkins F. H. Richardson Bernard Peyton J. T.

Ormr respectfully shows First. Tbithey drsire to hi' incorporated and made a body corporate and politic under lie the laws of Georgia. with tile corporate name and style of tOe Capital City etch. Second. The corporation will have no capital tock or income provided for except that derived from the initiation tees or monthly dues of its members fixed by the Constitution and ByLaws Third.

Thb object of said corporation arc not for pecuniary gain. profit ortrade out the establish merit of Ii social to promote the ph" ure kind feeling and general cultivation of its members and petitioners desire to have nil the powers iliiies debts nod franchise Dc. ay or proper to successfully accomplish and maintain there objects its iseerporation. Fourh The chief office of trio corporation and place of doins ullSllJeSi stall be in lbs city of Atlanta and county and rotate aforesaid. Filth Pe loneN desire to be incorporate for the term of twenty years with the privilege 01 tO- uewalas of ten as it can bedoue under the laws of the Suite.

Six tli. Petitioners desire said corporation have the power of suing and being sued and of having and using a common seal of having succession and of KIN Icing such by laws constitution. tiles and regniuiitus as it may desire binding on its own ricmbis and not in conflict with the laws of this wteur the United States and to alter repel and amend tlteaameat pleasure. Seventh That it may also hive the power to receive rout lease purchase and nolf suel real and per. loud property as may be necessary for the legtti.

mate purposes of the corpor. lion or securing bts due to it and ID dispose of the same at pleasure and your petitioners pray the they and their successors In office he invested with the corporate authority aforesaidarrd such 0" corporate powers as may be suitable tolt std orgauizailon and rot teut. with thu lees of said Stats or violation of private rights. And your petitloJerd will ever pray etc. J.

U. ZACIIRY Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office April l7ct. 1883. H.

Strong CSC A true extract from the minutes of Fulton Superior Court. C. H. STRONG J. S.

C. Georgia. Fulton county. To the Superior Court of said county. THE PETITION OF LEWIS II.

BECK WILL- 1 A. Ores William 51. rutLtey Jr. Campbell Wallace Marion C. Kislr tireen T.

Dodd Ulas llHiniin and Albert J. Haltiwauger shows that their object is to do an extentive business as dealers in hardware aua other articles of merchandise such as may be found in hardware establish- ments to deal In machinery agricultural lmple. meats supplies for railroads factories and other like enterprises and ala to do such manufacturing of the articles in which they deal as they may de sire. 1 hat to properly effect this object tkey should have and they denim to baveperpetuai succession and other corporate powers. That they have associated themselves under the name of Beck Gregg Hardware Company for the purpose of carrying on the particular business aforesaid as a cor poration.

That the amount of capital to be employed by them actually paid in is one hundred thousand dollars divided into shares of one hun. dred dollars each which amount they desire the priv lege of increasing to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars when and as they may deem it advisable. That their place of doing buslnes is the city of Atlanta in said county of Fulton. That the time for which they desire to be incorporated Is twenty Ssars with the privilege of rentwel at the expire. of that time.

They therefore pray that they and their associates and successors may be incorporated for the period aforesaid under the name of Bock Gregg Hardware Company. with all the rights powers and privileges authorized bylaw including the right or purchasing taking. holding and using Bony property real or personal. tnat it may be necessary or proper to have for the purpose of their organization either In the conduct of its business or for se curing any indebtedness to the corporation and the same to alienate or otherwise dispose of at pleasure. This April 7th.

183 CANDLED THOMSON CANDLER. Petitioners' AttorBcya A true extract from the minutes of Fulton Supe. riot Court. C. 91.

STRONG. C. 8. C. 17.21 and 1 and 8th May.

Q. W. ADAIR. UCTIONEltB Agministratrix Sale. VIRTUE or AN ORDER GRANTED BY THE 1 honorable court of ordinary of Fulton county Georgia.

at the April term. 1883 will be sold on the yreIxlaFJ within tbe legal hours of sale on May let first Tuesday 1883 the following described lot of land being a part of city lot No. 8 In block No 6 iii. land lot No. 77 ia the fourteenth district Fulton county Oeogia fronting 52 feet on the northeast of Hunter and running back 105 one hundred and flv feet more or less to A.

Albright's lot. being one feet wide In the rear and designated a tot No. 4 of the subdivision of the property of R. E. Gardner bounded northwest by lot No od KraUuast by an alley 20 feet wide on which there a room house tad basement.

Bold is the property of the estate 4 Daniel C. OKMfe deceue4 ms ash. AUan Ga. Apm JSS3 THE PIONEER SAW MILL IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. MILL ON It you want a good engine either new or second-hand a cotton a feeder.

a condenser a press and thjecfer a set of grates or other mating a speed gOVfroor a circular saw a pulley or line of shafting dr in factpimythiDg in the way of foundry or machine work. Address. THOMAS CAMP COVINGTON. GA. CHAHLEST03STIEOIT WORKS SALES ROOMS PLAIN SLIDE VALVEand OFT ENGINES MAEINE STATIONARY and PORTABLE BOILERS SAW MILLS GRIST MILLS COTTON GINS and PRESSES SHAFTING PULLEYS COG i a GEARING Steam and Hand PUMPS PORTABLE FORGES and BLOWERS BELTING PACKING OILS FILES and General Mill Supplies.

HUGHES' AUTOMATIC OFF ENGINES for Electric Lights and other purposes requiring steady reliable and economical power. This is the simplest JH Automatic Engine in the market. Repairs by Competent Workmen. Charges moderate. QEO.

Write for Prices and mention this paper. Charleston S. C. PIANOS. tEKNABR SQUARE ONE RAHLFING BRO upright of brilliant power and one Fstey organ with full set of pedals.

almost new will be sold at very low prices. Can be examined daily from l2to 3 and aner5oclockpmat the Southern Conservatory. FOR SALE. E1LEGANT PARLOR ANT ROOM SETS tell. au 1 dinner ts of the finest china hand painted and fireproof dock furniture carpets etc.

Can be examined daily alter 10 o'clock am at the Southern rvstiry. ARE YOU AND LACK VITAL. ENERGY The Howard Galvanic Shield and oar other Electro Gal. vale and Magnetic Appliances and Garments are fare rare for NervousDebit- Ity PIToIs Rheumatism of Vital Energy Overworked Brain Weak Back. Kidney Liver.

and Stomach complaints sad are adapted to Emlu SEX. These appliance aretho very latest Improved and entirely different from belts and all aa they positive1 gene- run-eats wtthant ids canning no sores nor Irritation of tbe skin- can be worn at rk as welt as rest mly noticeable to nearer. Power regain ted to steel the differ ent stages of all diseases where Electric andMur- retlo treatment of benefit. Xkuse for MEN ONLY at once reach Vie seat at disease as they act direct upon Nervons Muscular and Generative Centers speedily restoring the whirl is Electricity drained urn the sys tern by excess or indiscretions they thus in a natural way overcome the weakness without drugging the stomach. They will cure every case short structural de generation and we are prepared to fmrniah the most emphatic and absolute tire-of to support our claims.

Illnstr Pamphlet Preear sent seated for 60 postage. nmltltcu I AMERICAN GALVANIC CO. Free IsTitel 3 I 2 N. 6th St. St.


SUPREME COURT REPORTS. Naw lode of Georgia an elegant Book of 1661 Pages. Georgia's Public RerraaU oilman's Law Forms. i Hlsuiry of Georgia Baptists. The Christian Index Weekly.



IMS. at 78 North ron1th ltree AUan sorgia Gr k. Latin French wd lS uu rttlu a practical wiy. nci atl ttongireuwMsthematiCT. lutrnJon la JUora.

Analytical Letter WriOng vmiosIttonan4 i a Feel a Lnmpkia. Ur T. UJCAKJt. IIOICIIA FULTON ORDrNARYS VJT offl prl12Slh 3. Arne.

Clue. larrel has applied exemption of personally and setting apart arid valuation of homestead and I will pass POP the came at in o'clock I. 23. on Saturday the 19 day of truy rac LCUHOUN Ordinary. NOTICE.

TO DEBTORS OF OILLETT BROS. PAET13 INDEIITED UILLETT OS hereby notified and requested 40 xoake ImmsdiW payment to me at Whitehall street. JU ANOlfl. Z. CASTLEBlRRT.

PELLEGRINI CASTLEBERY I SOUTHERN AND ARTIFICIAL STONE ATLANTA GA. Manufacturers of Capitals Brackets Window Ckpv Chimney Tops Flower Pots Vas Fountain and Stan nary Vitrified Stone Sewer Pipe Ornamental PISIZiV Center Pieces Etc. Also manufacture Arttldal Btoal for buildIng purposes. BK1CK A SPECIALTY. Works 178 Chapel Street near U.

S. Barracks. B. FARQUHAR. A.


ATLANTA MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY McCOMBS MEAKIN CO. Proprietors. Steam Engines Boilers. Steam Pumps. Gold Mt1l.

Steam Engines BollcJ1I tfam Pumps. Gel' Mite. Steam Engines. Boilers Steam Pumps. Gold MillS Iron Fronts.

Pulleys. I Hangers. Iron Fronts Pulleys Shafting Hangers Iron Fronts Pulleys Shafting hanger' And an description of Cut and WrouthLlron Wort And ell description vi Cut and Wrought Iron task. And all description of Cut and Wrought Iron Work. Brooks's Cotton Presses and Clue Mills Brooks's Cottoa Presses and caneSfille jirookj Cotta Presses and Care Milli Railrod iht.

Push Lever and Steam rink Carl. Railroad Freight. Push Lever and Stefcm rent Can 1 Freight Push. Lever and Steam Crank Car ALSO OESEAL RKPAlKsDONK Patent Steel Barb Fencing. Two TiibusAMD totrs Sotp AND VP vmjatH lAyr IA For Ul9 at Uw Iw ng hardware ttores with Strtcliera n4 Sugleaf for IUuittatc4 Pamphlet FQR ALE BY CLARKE GG tnre will hardly FIACH drying will bt done year.

ttreei sewers prtved at tie center of Alabama. jtrsse of tlanta people IffjC3ndnnti tttniQe festival tti Fcttos county roads are in I thC1l7 streets are inn tn temperance folks' picnij id iprlflgJ to pronifees to I prospectire change i bone for tie atrt on Is ndcra. UEGi delegation of iciadanjrtJyesterday to attendj Zoz is bt1i1dr. me residence oa' In women' Industrial urw flair trial Id Atlanta and the frits irSsearftTeryliefetful Tax tars were laden down i sier CfaristiirJ Vtendttohare buildIng in A friend are ready to help theu Tuii fish pond fever Is pigewooi and Kirk wood i eral IwtatlM ponds and want mo Tiith was a pleasant enter Third Baptist church last ni Si ad were added by it to the church fu Trixix are booked for thi than a dozen puihiC sales of 3t teal estate within the corporate lie T. CSWAETZ yesterday pur some lot on Wheel street near thd vpoa it he winsoori begin build two-story residence.

FTJITOTcounty jail is full of ertlof thenwHl soonbe seat tot and tome othersCunTicted in tie I r7togo to Albany N. 8 TraTper cent of people who la Atlantal remarkably liege al crease Nearly all of the many ch' were crowded Sunday. a Ilk SAJHTEL HESDBII began leer cottages on Foster street yenre twastorieifazfiand will beadde Ustwhen they are flniahed. UBS CHARLIS IIL5DET yest residence on Eawson street to a man. through Mr.

IL II. Knap p. ill woke Atlanta his home. TUESIC have been five fire i nrday raorniagfent only one fire ulia anjd that than 61000 dan depertmenlis is wooing REAL estate is rapidly adran I wood. The other day Major Judge Hopkins 1OCQ an acre fors nearhe station.

The o2er was de ALAEOI gang of itreet worte in improving and leyellagj nearlt Jnnctioo wlthWhliehilL tWs street will be one ol the beat inl UAJOB FITTESS brick treeslreet Is nndergolngchangesaid jT the handsomest Ironti mm thj Central Presbyterian rapidly securing the amount reqa Bef church- When srrnctnre lauta will have another haniiaomas Wrra parlor rifle a yoiug keeps night watch in a Atlaau two tats last sighs bstaen roclock He thinics he F- few might. prauilre. fAaoB hitched to a bait yeserday afternoon or tlockj the coarse taken the rnna bares of bread. The a ifore the race was TiiLOi a small whl ilowell street feel i ftthera Kiuse jesterday igl dislocation of the left shoulder tad skull His physician thlnki he wilq An old gentleman by the na down a stairway on Peachtree stri itreet yesterday flenioon and wj Jnred. Bis head was badly en was da to a ml tep made near I Youca a.

the negro wt Daniel on Jane. street some wet ka I jifcwnftOnBradberry street In a cril was contracted a ician. Dr. li hirecorery. Waiters' ooc' proprietor which they apolo ze for 1 tietinlng the men who were discfal user that the ho wrong.

xa colored ro 4fli eastern put of th city Colleges fell a ytctim to thieves IA Snowden and his. wife Were at sip iieube roora and robbed it way ol dothlo and bedding. BCIOIAES got in their work aj it Sunday night. Mr. W.

811 QUt place and when the family murning they ascertained that a nnl ware absent An InvesHzation of Uf thatatbief hwiplaced aladder uud th roonu ma had effected ft revival Trinity churctil SwUetting la Spiritual Injueij en tad are sUU being 1 RerSmPJoa MPHREYSCASTLEIttAN and 0- Tn um ItJULU8l1J1 f' 5 ti. Li tE4 INDl ll liclted. OUAUNnD. ra JOin AD eil Bonds 1 to lB payat cent AprllSO18i3. Iftun.

lTT Uk BL104 109. 11108 111 108 61102 100 ee. 111 106 10 11108 8L 1. d1U 11 r-OBro i i 81114 uILBO oLD 7L103 GL 68. 8.

W. A. IlL. 95 AlItl06 Ui C1lI1Jt1 1 146 ChJr 8 A. lJy Ts16trsk.

tho mor the II. mldda 2 per cen in and l3and after hour under the of IX an We tern sll tly clo I etan Innsac ons' of Ih i TrinlCttonllLgsregated 6 xcAknge tS2 uoveramenlllstmng 8 103 bid I 11 1193' 3 134. lneglected. O. t1e.

C'- A. 2 to 5 nhatt Le. do. CliA SIWl. Ifempus Chrn Ll C1s Bbl.

101 Metropolitan De" 81 do. Clam 943 tlthigan Ventral. 4 Georgia Mobile Ohio. J7y Georgia 71 mortge 100y' St L. Ii Georgia do gold.

114 I ew Jersey Central 76 Louisiana consoI. N. O. Pie. let m.

rt. 85 North CaroliIll1o old. tlt Central. 12134 Ziorth Carolina. new t6 Elevated.

H4 do. landing LO Norfolk Wn pre. 41X do. special tax. t5 Pee.

com. blY. COil browm. 13 do. rtferred.

68 Tenn 1iL. pIOh1o S4Y. new. do preferred 105 13 PC1Jlo Mall. il Virginsa 01001 s.

t37 l-1ttbb'g C. lIlY deferred. lIt Quick 1lver 8 Adima Expreos. 127 I do preferred kmertciii Mer Ex. 92 Reading.

1 ll Ch1 ogO re Xl tIZn 1 8t NO. tb aan Frll 32 CollOHdlltoo Ct al. do preferred S2Y Del. Lad' Wei 12:18 do first preferred 98 Den. Rio Gnlnde.

50 Pau 3y Me 3 do preferred 119" East nn railroad. 7i .8 Pacific. 3 Fort" ayne lZ3J Pacific. I H8JlnlbaJ 8t Joe. 59 jnlted State.

Ex. 5 I fllob St Pacific. 297i Houston I TeXAS3 do preferred 47 Illino Central. IH Wells Fargo. 124 Lt.

Shore. 111 Netitem Union. 8 4 b1 tF1 xd1ddend I Offered tAsked tb-RlB 00 p. Rent a fur CUTTIJII IIA I lt1U York-The tnenlhs quot jOlL prie to LHnt ef rnoon Ii rm I-1 middll lf' we. 16 1 9CZ IL6 ve op D1Di qno t1ons tu oruJD ow.

i 109 lO 1 Jullel0COj. lul7 Ii. 7l 4. J410 AugIl3l.10 8JJlu. 4.

Oo obcrlO121 10 Octobell0 171111019 10 ber. 1008 01 0' 11 I Jb ry.10.11@lO 19 WiJ41 barely b31 of fi nn 1 It uote 9cj SXCj 7XC lna Ae. The' Br wqOD JJ" lO RailQlld 11 R1lrod. 113 i1 ii1irod. 55 I ii Totel 1J07 EFvpli pmeTiOsLaiy 138 lt took 6IMmOOr 1.

942 ru4 toUl lSJ 771 1 3G- oon tt good de. prevlou. priceli' mtddlthg upmn 1116 UOOO blleA lp uIAt1on ptl. 2. 52' iJIl 1 0 3M Udfery 5 tW.

4.4 84644 I Jul 474 I1on 1 66464583441 and lUber 5 ea I uplandllowm1ddUngclu 61 5 I. IIo verJ n3e te uJi ae iG fllturellOlled NEW YORK ealee net rooeiptlo Cottou a et 61 2881 gIOfIl I cotton stead aX Im t. 389 sal ttot mUd11ng10X WILMINGTON Colton me- lIl 1oCt COlton mlddU 0 Id 8 IA ANNAH. J1A. April30 oJnon 9 10wmlddlli1 goodordiuuY set lIlee 2MO to ii fir rood middl1 or 3.

rOO se1 210. PHY" tol 9 or 1nry 1iJi 691 blM 30 6 lll es f04 guol1ordlnAr netreoeIpttrh 8 pmentl none Cotton 9j 10 Tm lg Ji ffli 76 1871 HO sifts-CS. A iliul ta. A rll q110tztiOIlfiindicate rd ll 71 14 19 30 673'- 65 1 Su 10 n. A TLlNTA The i nl f6.00S l5. From ro I dd a 1 niY 1' umed i Ol 5 tSII 8130 f3Y Cllrlotl Ten Jrit t50S5.00 I. I Wt eeft I J6. :2 ih ue es nb nZ14 Sl20 l2014. 7 1It. ern 5 5l Penll5yl YOKApril S0-Flonrsouttiemn 5 S511i 6.

Ic under No2 uu raded 91611 redSLOIt29 No2 Mayt20801t2l. Y. ol APril67 an 49 HI tlrmrew 90 yesrlingsn82. Jfu lO ti htJ 860439750 wiliterwheat400C I nUI I md i acti Il dIlIi1d and i 18 Jr4 JIom t. ti59.7l gra ii WK 6 l5.

urlllllild P843 IhlttNo2miIed ta u1c 1uei wt" ern4 X. q' fmc 570. actlveolDd fllZ1.l2X ga abdt9 rShA rl2 tamlyhO 102 55 55X steady at 45 spot. The stron to-d 1Y comp rlJtiHly much easier we con tract tb U8 qJJote curej llcCb SOaayij II cl 11f cub do. 3 on Clftlvs ed hAIDoI13 I443l43c.

Lard re noo bo IJIb 50t1 I the Bibs 9199043829 00 MI dhII du118ud IlK active. etug par uSe 1285 Ma rtl A iJ a ax 1. ket 6 cl 2J 12Xi lS tprllIO-Porkactive. C41haud Lard In active demand tlhl gul bs lS i 7 hrl ers Ii I ST. 1 :9,11 i 1935 Baconquid 1 7 ll ot pril In 1I 12 fOTenaGent thou barel IlVId II I lted 8 wbttea9934 Jl 21 neb ropC oiJe 3 Teu--BlAek GO nlJ 1l11I1 J1 1CD pugerlO 1UCI101Ji2f1l.

Cra mllUj ao. i fr umettft ckt. tJt Jtbt14i oqlH bblt 14735 tlIDl ilbltf k1 161 No. t1tt7NOJ 4T. WJje n.

it" ti" I1 YhjJ 3 f' it' hU1M hlW 1 rp li 111 kep. 1t 1C NP Jt A PtUSO Ui Jl aytl lower nloNo1 stay 7. UIO turafltfodrl A. cova406Jifcentrlfllr11 reisj7 lrtrto ood re rllnlf ireli 1Id we errJellow 0 1 7 lte enra 01' do. I-He A cIAUOf91 pow.

8 Vi 11-1 tea 8. BO a6Q tIJ 60Hlc8llrm n' t7. lreodulf 8X09 8u I AlII1ft8i. re nedi I New Otleani J7X w. LI.

wh1 retUiedllooglUo 111a9 L5005200 1L7 J200 00 6O' d1 im CO p1 17 lIo ple nrc r-oo rry cata tc11 prnOIlg 1L00l26. WI11 50 Whlsky atl1. U116. AprltSO- Whi 1. 8.

lf tl reo a tt SI. Ro8ln openedBnd ba9 ro rsned c1 Jsed steadY. les barre. I I tu ger Avril30-AppIes- OO 1 6C. Figs- 290.

New" 11Mo OO te Almond Pecan l6C. nnesseei' 1 VL ginla roSted 1 iraaae. 3O- 161jl6Xe. BIlt r- dliry Goo i demndnenB42 pringchi efJ3 Potatoee-N 75C l6ci 4 applese. ale fJO i Cabbage Peathers-Czioico 1 Bo It Mt We HIjr.

Pn lnI l4 ltXhend n1 JLj ds I2 SO-Hogs adycmmon ck1n 111 1 but hersH7. OO To THE O. 1' 1' Harm WaL' RBrldges Arch Orme tF I lhr i i FS respeJ fully Th Lt ber dtl i cOrp lIlle cor ute lp al wllIhan memb rs I prganIZ ionto neral all 1 ucc SfulJy 1t i tit IIf said. i lre often be done 1 te. Sixth.

de iresid go a a rt i I mekitig tOustitutionrules re1J iatic 118 tte or the at He pur hase re realand for debts th me. th In ve ted i th tail Ul lo failiz cT liRY A Peti tloners. rll ul I lai in fa trgr To saiacounty. ffi Willi 1m 1 liJIIIaim Haiti wau ger bu 1neB8 nnb I i er he re i ydd rfe theyshould re ve en irab fe amou 1 hythem eachwnich de ire andu rn ldlau nlu e8T lrn to inc rporated years. hot' pra I atennd e- Hard W4re bJ law purche.

lng tho fn AJ tract I Ro 8 r' 10172hnd and8tb AD. By Fultonoonntr. oeo fi tt fJfJ rl 1 lglwi 1t fo I 5 I urrter hnDdre41Qd Ilys et fJ 1 ror ii yr1 1e wi3 tUdol1Noomhonltt andb4aement. thPro I1T lf PIONEEnSAW AND CHEAPEST I second gui on enser orotbtt lineal orniaCbl Addt 1 QIIARLESTON IRON SA ES ROO MS C'- Co cD It I PIANOS--- SQUAREOSE 12 toj aiter TLEGANT ex mined ConNr lory. NERVOUS VITALENERCY 111 netio EplleP Exhauotion.

I BcerKJ rat. contlDuon. id. cauA njl 0 1011 ofthe work ret al l. ota trea tme Tbu ct dlr i thuw th.

oTb illt tn fun Itlantrated lam be I 312 LoulsMo. JAS. LITIIOGUAPUEIIS COrDer UBobama trta li. LewFonn Jc a er tf 1 MOn T1. If WUL GOO 0.

OIU arrlWlt rgtl Greek Enrllcla. Inulru tt In. way. Nucli attea. Uon pfe1 to Mathematics' IDuru don Kl lion writ1u'-COlJIl' 51t1 A an4 Rtf orie veu W.

GlO1W1A l8. A 83. far aprtalld homeatoadnd 8ltardrthe da May 1883 At sijy office. 1. UnOUN.

OFGILLETTBRQ I 10 TERRA COTT 1 AND- STONEWORKS. )01 Brack U. C1tIaf I 8t OrnameotalllaIte1 lIIl10u facture :1 bmldi purpo l. wieutE lCK tl tif l' MOWERS APERS ENG AB Ait MACON----- i HORSE' RAKES HARDW ARE. PROPRIETORS CENTRAL CITY IR WORK.

1 co i. MACHINEW ORKS OUNDRyj Pr prietors.j i P11-m a Sltam Pum tM i VIV Pum l. l40 naft1 J- 111 Wo de rlptlon Wron Broo Pres i Felqht 1r hllro JIre1t. hI. iii i' REPAIRS DONE OWPTlv Barbfencing.

t1 i it. i SAI O7Tli jg cLriAL1OOOOO.OO CKr TO11 I ucL doercentper IAT1ArDrrT ke1. 7L 108 AtLtnt6102 1O s7sSlO6 Augu3ta711OS i 0 71gold113 Zj es. 78 16118 1 Macon 6s100 10 I 0. rown1O2 98 10 tLiit8a114 6107 AtliutlcO Lt3chiLlzu03 40 4 i ot 4 ig helast i marketclooed irregularbulialbe 3.

etrng iII4 oney 4tite Q. ILCiaA2 tul Manhattan 444 fS 4 42 Li CIa. Si fbi 4e I7 1O8 4 56 4 New 6I morL 4 ti I wg 41" Northrrn st 8Cootl lOil" 8 Teaioesee 6s. ll Ohio it ISo 1ttobg 0- Quicksilver Chapke Ohio. 21 ich dt Alleghany 12 1 Alns lIlY.

Dn. Ci tjbkago W. 1ti Rich Pt Term t43 rio rettrred i5t Cuck island. 12 CSILNO frdtLCanFrau Couxl1datedRl. t6 zn l2S' firetprelerred 1enltiotiraude.

Pant. 17d ll94 Teon 1QTexes Foci Wayne 113 Union Otjoe. ICn1te 5' 25 Tew. 73 i444 LAN. tFid.

RI0 Rent 7IL BkT 9 fur baleeLastyeam 33210blee Is ear 9 2 b1 426 i Delw f54 10 10 i- 9 l07l 4nitl072581078 3to. tem2er 45 49115 9 remberl47l1OS 14oeniber. flxember00L31fl01 Lleccmber10091OIL 4 17 3. Gloed it 1uC bale. Uretpt-7nt1 12000bale mirketwas 5 stricttow 9 G.

ij. nBa i t. tbLtrd Eilroad 19 4- Wjttfl se Weit X. enu 07 528 ItodklleI4embeT 8tsl- ISIPWTL 1 Eblpmnti for three 400 cg ll03 Loi1o pUon 8009 cI 1 TotL 125111 13ke 3f The ocoUQO miekel. Futnr4eUveriesopenedatadecl1ne of May ow IMOOUs.

ol mke stes4 eiJ aftetp te f901e4 diog pttite4 4i14MdW 1 1uUru oeqsed IotLa 6. JQIy1O n4 Au' avTelLgm1. 9 metal 5 1ea balee' nIIeXPO8t Lmesen 2500 apiindslow middling elaue 14 68. 64 April May 5 83. 5 Julydetivery 66044 4 6.

38 p.m. 9. 1 64. 900 Octeber F- delivery and 64. p.m.

sSd April Cotton ir33 lUng 10. recei netre1ptei203beegOe1i8ItOCk49202aee ezportecoutwisel36 Cotton goodordinary83 Apill3)-4ottor gross30247 saleenone 9' i0 10 o4ttr 84 re- itoct 22910. 9- low middling 9 16 9 874 200 10 goodorriinary85 eaieei40 42i5C t' nis' 8 shipmenti good met aleei10 30 firm 9 goodordlnary 9 crC- 30. I 1 ll 1 10 1 11 1)- i43- 14- 19 70 62 624 li eai. procese72a3770 tancy8625053i57n Wheat-Chicago-From the ii raugingasfollows i.l- ell St a(3 63c Ten etreetand Ira i2594.75 extra6429650 Rtobrand 600 moreactive 055123 122 2westam em 52n55 CittW 20 9YC 07 490e05e8 8350438500 91 ieati in 4O 5:0 g3 tofency30d6z5.

sd 2 red 91 Corn no liiuud 2 Noimjxeil Oats unchanged II tthnrsteady TheatfaiIyactiveend 2 5u54411 Jay. firmer 423. 435iOfancy hasbeeneaperienced des-crib eidesllccashloosedoS0oayetims dayetimeii54c SOdaystIiue8c. pr-cu red canvassed bans 134 32a pritubs 50The 4e tinpaIle NXWYORJ8AprtI quietbut longclear L9I00. 11 lu Mei porkiliibl.

943l15. clear sid 12) l4Y4315 l2. 11945059i95O ti6754431i7J bighenatli43. l0. ehou1ders83 clearalulea lh3 u1k Iougclearli4 ahoriclear Lardalowallhbid.

9 93 9j4 lowci 8446 3 MnIiea-Bhia 21j41n I oi 4fl greea40G0numieaLlbl ugeru9 maci pe eil-dnhlk bo butt. Sr ci 6e e1' 34 ItT8Lm9g lemon 9c nor caue 9 eusp. 84c Monte4 itic uc. Uackte tech moieittsi ian. l00Q 1tI78 ilc.

2 tblsO kItfiOl Ogi nkege44oInUoie1S 47o. 83 heavy and ItioNo7 78O. ingarteady mu' covad6ji centhfiig6l7 6f1r to refining 757i reOned weaker yellow 3 75j31 7 do33l yeutowIesl4r 3j A 655rcut hoaf9) Mnaawgunchianged laaniifO860 RlcoW43ISi. Sic. dolAtiC57.

dull 84. refinedE30 6 74. Wise. Usast ady. l1O au rect1fied1m175 NewEngland tafio434b0 brandyLOO43SLSO portwlne 9L804336Q0l l16 1svaE8eues.

aoo saleemlObarreis turpentineopenetlaudclueed l9X 0mm i75 And 18ff Newbox5300nw Loraon6325 Pears lOt Strittlychoiel choice2432sc. 42s4315e cocks 23c 2 wcrop0650 ebbI s575c Omone- 3805435310 1414 uiretaea as bntcherslll1043 Redwine lhttlueydrsire iresaid haviti acommonnealofhaving an of matepurposesof tuthorityaforeeaidarrdsrich 0 yourpeiittooerewlll everpray HE I 1cm rodosuch thearticlesin dealas de- have perpetual twohundred lstwertty ith pricilegesauthorized bylawinclndiog therighiof propertohave se- lO-l7- 24 honorablecous-fof 77iii stile one 1 as 6. sud byanalley feetwtde ronui ef April24M3- e.c j' 5. se yQEEPw Ht 7O4 asa se speedgoverJior ThTh Jo-9 1 iJ hf I. rlts1 I tj I ws VALVE and 1 i reliablp WILLIAMS SO1T Prlceeandrnentionthlspaper.

KNABE Jij andoarothsr a 6 i I I 5p I at llaowaretbe 1. I roved 0. I I. 1 4 1 I 2- 7. ltien 9 fran J' I ott Ii a drained of de- 6 AMEPICANOALVANICCO.

1 P. SImm' aa th memo 21 1) 0 if" trsei taught lu on ilei ritiug Rbsorle glyas v. Vi aetna ajdera G- Fp LTON ofihte pril IStb 1383. a A TO c1. as.

nak msaI73 i'o PGTaOeU Becelecrol IllUefl Iircg. 4 5I PPLEG EB I COTTj. AND WORKS IL a Chimne Vms a Vitrified Sc2 ft REAPERS TUTIESTrERS ESGINES A. A. FARQHAR Co.

IRON I A Qar4 I rtle I ui 5VpLI Iron 4 Andalldescriptlonof CaetsndWriiglitIrunsrk w' Brook4sCottoii Preseesand 0 EfliOtliOtIttiS Pressesand Mili ger Si. 2 5 F- 9" I A Thorn Hedge. No otber Pendng ao Aeap orut up so easi OF useo TONSOW DIJ1QTUIs- VEAL ial anal Staei FORSALEBY THOSS. M. Cd.

Wh 1esaie IrdwareDe41 r. GEORO I ziT1 Ia. :5 o8ssigo-Glp Sf I Qii Is fUWIEE183 All dOwn I. Gust iMI aftarn000. Goyza9 j3ovarotand hi.

1. anafudon at iii. i- Tjisale of 1010 neatthe 0 Mite arge crowd. c. I JegIslettite bardi ale Iwo day next week.

seetlon 61 Georfstht atihe cornerot i IA peop I 3QdIiBt1 5djom sxsd 15 nitemperance piemsi nd to Tea street greete prubid0. A tG C1BC1AnM1 yeslerday attend Yit. I 1gOfl. two nra caihounatraef. rng prise Yf7 hcteIuL Tin aZ3 0 Fors' 118 LeoSund ay nd the iqrt are lovely.

TIJ onni llen' Cbristiir teiids to have a thcna sh laBia. Kirkwsol lbgautiffllpondJaad ente nigi. a dosra realtatiwi9iin ii t. pu rk. to ponfttke PCLTOZ county ers1oftheznwffl enrco .0 togotoAlbauy ia-AUantatarentazkably I Saurxn-flzsoatx a.

trsel twa stories ach and be add llstwhentheyre yes Kna urdaymomnlngbutonly bC ibm da wotingbeiuUfuliy 1180 or ii Li A. LIWE rged leveling I arlijuuctiou 54 thbslreelwillbeoneol LhebesILn a building s. I561 undergoing changes and orkm9q hae ormplaieflhelxlabora 2 10 fIlx i rapidIyecusing new ISe lastawlllbve anotherhandoima i- a an II can dout Iew AnocaE arayaslerdayafteriioou theguri ku by Ih demolished before hence CnRLzTTaiwa ah hnmoton J8 a 1ku a Au s. a. lUaheadwu badlyent wasdnetoamigtepmadencarL t- Way 7 borz on Bzadberry sir ut ONeals sickness eon Iraeiei Iliandhtphyejc1an Harris k-'aIliI hopes of ins recovery.

TltUniou dressed a Letter io the house in apologize Hert 8 Theleter hotel and thsloen In the flggy Sowiia the the victim 7. hLwile C4theirbir androbbed Ite. 58. thewrof cith1sgad Ot a 0fiireet Xr. S.

iOu nu h64lace4aIsddcruu one of tlis sthu way. Tug church inSts lye by th sereicee. Roy. Sian P. Jitt' t9pr5ach ever inorulng it 9:2) en 0 ctoex.

Thoes whoss IialInithrue and heaven directed as fp attefld f0flriZBtmot1Tee WII1reID laatiu 5. ThzgoodhhippedbyGillett 13 r0 Dxon of Mseonand Joe A. aj Ne. ahtcwere seiztdbycredltors of 5 itIleit Szot were sold last Satu thing ovee 24300 Ilarraisun bad be atten palo is an3 the Tb. a Macos and 8ems are ylaw.

MARIA hOLy a year h0SeParentareside Ireecott at 4 lii1i accllen yeaterday tTCfltu 1OfltwIndowan4Iu80meW1 mtt43ltznderthu btch cattad U6WUib11 tget herhead and Ut. decudi0 weight bul the ag n4 were caught and teirtiWy itua 1gtba.I twg t8e dtjgers wIll re i SAIVID8T afternoon5 while koreol btw reel 2 and Petera itee neag the Eai Tenticast- 5eoels raij th horaa became CtOD85ti3atidn4 a cud tlas trac thra5 th driver train 5hOaWsy eucu4. The horses ran 6ask. Iuing the ee1over COinpie IP 1.

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