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Elizabethville Echo from Elizabethville, Pennsylvania • 1

Elizabethville, Pennsylvania
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tpille Sf 'filfiBSBfi Sale Posters. Write To Our Mail Order Departmen Bainplea or any Information regarding SHOPPING BY MAIL, BcS.sctr'V 2EiiAtoiix toll It uoous, Its Market IliirrUburit, Pn. mm VOL. V. NO.

25. ELIZABETH VILLE, DAUPHIN COUNTY, MARCH 3, 1898. A. II. SMITH, Eillioraiul I'uijllnif Enterliue.

Royal nukes the food pun, wboleson nd dellclou. SIFTINGS. William Lower and family have removed from Suubury to Millersburg. Wesly Etter and mother have gone to Boston, to spend the summer. John Sliolt has sold bis Millersburg blacksmith shop to William Martz and traded his home in that town on John W.

Ileckert's 20-acre farm giving the latter $900 additional. LOCAL GLEANINGS. Gail Naylor of Harrisburg, Suudayed 5n town. Dr. E.

L. Bertram was at LykenB, Thursday. GoriIIawk, of Williamstown, was borne Saturday. S. B.

and P. C. Romberger drove to Gratz, last Thursday. Chas. Yoe of Loyalton, has been criti- (TO, BERGSTRESSER'S STORE, LYKENS.

PA. Owing to the enlarging of our store roorn whieh'will take place very soon, we are making special efforts in selling goods at such prices that they will move now, rather than handle them after rebuilding. Shoos, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Groceries, anything yon may want, no old goods, but everything in first class order. We handle a very nice line of gents' dress shirts; it will pay you to look at this line. We have just received over two hundred dollars worth of Baker's muslin underwear, suck a fine assortment was never before brought to this valley.

We are still running bargain counters on our up stairs floor, 1-2-3-5-10 and 20 cent counters. On these you will find articles of much more value than what wo are selling them. BERGSTRESSER'S TORE, LYKENS, PA. BE KF 3 E3 The Leading Clothier of the Upper End. Closed out Winter Suits aud Overcoats to a Handful, you might say, and have bought and have for your Inspection a small line of W.

J. Dimpsey made a business trip to Harrisburg, on Friday. John Etzweilcr is able tobo about his business again. Wm. Weise of Halifax, was a visitor at this place, on Saturday evening.

Messrs. J. A. Lebo, Jesse Sheetz and H.I. Bowerman attended the Jr.

O. U. A. M. servicos at Enders, on Saturday eveniug.

JameB Hoover and wife aud Miss Eitte Enders spent Thursday at II. R. Shoop's, at Enders. C. Shoop was at your place, on Thurs day.

Jacob Warfel was a Millersburg caller on Wednesday. Miss Mary Rumrncl has gone to Arm strong, whore she is employed by Wm. Kciler. Messrs. Harvey Enders, Chas.

Zimmerman aud Austin Dimpsey were at Harrisburg on Friday. Rev. James Shoop preached an excellent sermon iu the U. B. Church on Saturday evening.

Misses Ada Sheetz and Delia Maus called on Mrs. Wm. Dimpsey ou Sunday. C. D.

Hoffman Bpent Sunday with his many frieuds at Tower City. David Enders of Fisherville, paid a visit to his sister Mrs. Amos Swigart on Sunday. wm. Hettinger called on the Zimmerman brothers on Friday.

w. A. Zimmerman and D. A. Andre wore entertained by Peter Hoffman on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryran Bressler of way-nesville, visited Jonathan Etzweiler on Sunday. John McClaughlin of Carsonvillc, was noticed at this place ou Sunday. Harry Hoover of Small Valley visited his hi other James at this place, on Sunday.

Sadio Hawk went to Loyalton on Monday to serve as domestic at II. Miller's. Anok. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to givo any relief, was able to be around all the, time, but constantly suffering. I had tried everything I could hear of and and at last was told to try Chamborlaiu's Pain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured, I am happy to say that it has not since returned.

Josh. Edoae, Germantown, Cal. For sale at Stroup's Drug Store. There were 72 married licenses issued in this county in February. Of these 27 were taken out by Harrisburg.

Tho youngest bride was but 13 years. She was from Middlctowu and wedded a young man 18 from the same place. The next youngest couplo was 18 aud 17. Tho oldest couplo whs 61 aud 54, tho man being tho older. A man of 48 wedded awo-mau of 25.

Ten couple were of the same age and ton other couples were but a year apart iu tbo matter of age. Ten brides were older than their husbauds, one to tho extent of 12 years. Four couple were colored. There were 4 widows and nine widowers and two female divorcees among the applicants. S.

E. Blylcr of williamstown, was at this place on Tuesday. The United States hotel, Harrisburg changed hands this week; $45,000, was paid for it by the purchaser. Rev. C.

C. Moyer, formerly pastor of tho Evangelical church at this place, has beeu assigned a congregation at Williams-port. Richard E. Tlribaut, the largest man-facturer of wall papers in the world has placed a complete line of samples ou exhibition at my store. Come and see them.

Ika M.Hoke. War or no war, that is the question. Tho situation at present seems quite critical, but as yet there has beeu no official report made public by the investigating committee, and we can therefore but patiently await results. Even thought the committee should conolude that the Maine was blown up by design, yet that does not prove that it was doue at the instance of the Spanish government, and all the United States could do consistently, would be to demand an indemnity from Spain. Should she refuse to make amends then would be the time to talk war.

You notice tho cyclone. That's what. A Large contract, yes more. The Largest stock of Latest style WALL PAPER, from 2 cents to 20 cents per roll. $200 worth in Btock, and ilOOO more coming; place your order early and save money.

Ed. F. Milled, Elizabethville, Pa. Representative Olmsted last week presented to Congress numerously signed petitions from the residentsof Harrisburg and vicinity aud from Elizabethvillo Council No. 992 Jr.

O. U. A. M. of Elizabethville, Dauphin County, praying for the enactment of legislation which will more effectually restrict immigration, and prevent the admission of the illiterate, criminal and pauper classes to the United States.

Although differing from Mr. Olmsted, politically, yet we must admit that be is proving himself a very able and conscientious representative. He is devo ting himself entirely to the interests of his constituency, aud he baswon for him self much prominence in congress, by his oratory. IIENSEL Sells you Good Clothing at what others charge for the other kind. Charles E.

Uhler, of Enders, will open a blacksmith shop in Millersburg, April 1st. Mrs. Rebecca Griffith, sister of Mrs. A. L.

Wilson, Millersburg, died at Coventry- ville, Pa on the 22d ult. Dr. E. A. Smith, formerly of Millers burg, has located at Snydertown, Pa.

Mrs. Catharine Moyer, nee Zimmer man, formerly of Millersburg, died in Centralia, Kansas, February 13tb. Millersburg borough council has organ ized with Charles Steever as president, and Addison J. Havcrstick, secretary. Dr.

S. F. Gilbert, of Halifax, donated the site for the shoe factory removiug thereto from Orwigsbnrg. The funeral of Georgo B. Leibig, who died at the City Hospital, Harrisburg, from cancer of the stomach, took place from.

Hotel Freck, Millersburg, Friday afternoon. The Lykens Reformed Church will be dedicated June 5th, during the sessions of ISaBC Oualjuoliatiun Olcooia lu fclxtfc to tt About $1,100 is needed to dedicate free of debt. Almost 100 young men signed a roster of volunteers when the reported killing of Consul General Lee at Havana reached Lykens. The members and friends of Zion Lutheran Church, Lykens, gave their pastor, the Jtev. D.

L. Mackenzie, a very nice donation this week. Installing Officer Britsch, of Harrisburg, installed the newly elected officers for Lykens Conclave, No. 109, I. O.

on Wednesday evening. An "olden time" euchre party was held at the residence of James B. Whitney, Lykens, Tuesday evening of last week. The ladies were all attired in the gowns aud headgear of generations ago. Rev.

E. Edwards, pastor of the English Baptist Church at Minersville, when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberliiiu's Paitf Balm, lie says: "A few applicationsof this liniment proved of great eervice to me. It subdued the inflammation and relieved the pain. Should any luffercr profit by giving Pain li.ilm a trial it will please me." For sale at Stroup's Drug Store. Halifax is to have two shoe factories, having secured the removal of the Champion Shoe Company's plant, at Orwigs-burg.

Ground will be broken for a building, which the town will erect aud givo rent free to the Champion Company ior five years. At the eud of that period, if the company enters into an agreement to permanently remain in Halifax, a deed for the plant will be handed over to it. The company now employs about 20 operatives. The Halifax Shoe Company is now getting out sample shoes and is employing about 15, people, and will be turning out infant's, children's and misses' shoes of flue quality in tho very near future. What is Elizabethville doing for herself while our sister towns are erecting one factory after another.

First we should have a board of trade, and now is the time to organize it. Who will be the first to move in the matter? Rucklcii'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for outs bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.

For sale by C. B. Stroub. A Now that the necessary tests and changes have been made the Summit Branch Coal Company is ready to begin the steady operation of the mammoth new breaker at Williamstown, which has a capacity of from 8,000 to 10,000 tons of coal per week. The breaker is a double affair and is said to be the largest in the State.

A large field of white ash or an thracite coal has been opened, shafts sunken, air courses constructed aud gang- ways driven and the company confidently expects to be mining a v8ry superior ar tide of coal in the very near future Some 300 or 400 men will be required in the operation of this new breaker. Mrs. D. Matter and Mrs. Enorr are both on the sick-list.

Mrs. L. R. Bender is confined to her home with catarrh fever. Jacob L.

weaver has had a relapse and his conditions is not so good at present. Last Thursday C. Forney aud family were visitors at the residence of H. w. Keifer.

Milt. Stroup spent Tuesday nijht with his father, who is on the sick-list, at Berryslurg. The powder mills in Schuylkill aud Berks counties are crowded with govern ment orders. Mr. and Mrs.

II. w. Keifer attended the funeral of F. Forney's daughter Jen ny on Tuesday, at Rife. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure iustaut relief by using De-Witt's Witch Hazel It is the great Pile remedy.

Stroup's Drug Store. cally ill the past week. Stella, daughter of John Beehtel, is down with diphtheria. Thoodore W. Miller is rapidly recovering from his recent illness.

The Y. P. A. will have a missionary meeting next Sunday evening. Jaoob Warfel of Enders, was a business caller at this office on Monday.

Katie Minnich sprained one of her limbs badly, on the railroad, Sunday. shelter, of Harrisburg, visited his at this place last week. 'i tble class is to be organized in the V. B. churoh Thursday evening.

"T1. W. Fisher of Centre View, was a waller at the Echo office, Tuesday. D. K.

Smith was at Pinegrove on Thursday and Friday of last week. Alvin Romberger won pn ox which was chanced off at Pinegrove, last week. Bay Buffington; became a. member of vthe P. 0.

S. of A. Thursday evening. Kev. Jer.

II. Ritter, who has been on rtbe sick-list the past few weeks, is slowly mending. Harry Lindley, of Ilummelstown, and Robert Lyter are employed at the Eagle tannery. Claude Bickel of Barry, is being en-tertainod by his grandparents, Josiah Buffington's. It's easy to call a fellow up on the telephone; also it's probably the safest way to call him down.

Iber Brunuer's of isburg, formerly of this place, are hap, over the arrival of a little daughter. Come and see the large line of wall paper samples at my store, as low as 3J cents per roll. Ira M. Hoke. William Ditty sustains severe injuries to one of his feet, by being hit with a Jieavy weight, last Friday.

Mrs. John Swab of Lykens, and Mrs. Chas, Lenker of Halifax; visited their tnotber, Mrs. J. B.

Stroup, last week. The Polm property on Railroad avenue was purchased at Administrator's sale on -Sirmrday, by W. F. Uhler, for Insure your property with R. E.

Wood side, Millersburg, against fire and lightning. No assessments in his com panics. lypd Mrs. Dr. J.

C. Stroup entertained her mother, Mrs. William Deppen and her brother, Chas. Deppen, both of County Line, over Sunday. Chas.

Lehman and wife returned home from Mccbanicsburg, last Friday. Mr. L. left for New York state to accept an other position on Monday. The finest line of wall paper in the up per end of Dauphin County, and the prices are away down.

Come and look over the sample books. Ira M. Hoke The citizens of Middleburg and vicinity shipped on Friday last two and one half tons of provisions, clothing medicine; valued at (367.68 to the destitute Cubans Daniel Warner, who resides a few miles below town, suffered a paralitic stroke on on Sunday, being the second stroke with in two years. He is on a fair way of re covery. The storm is just coming: from latest reports, it left all the leading Cities for Ed.

Miller, the wall paper man; from 2 to 2o cents per roll. Varnished, washable goods a specialty. H. C. Swab and Ed.

Harner, who, out side ot the management, probably under stand ttie telephone business more thoroughly than any person else in Upper Dauphin eouuty, were at Tiemont, last weeV making some repairs. Prug.essive Euchre parties are getting to be quite fashionable. We are not at all cranky on the card question, but honestly it don't seem to be in keeping with good morals when these parties are given by Sunday and Day School classes, as is done in many towns. On Saturday evening the orchestra gave P. C.

Romberger and his bride a serenade, at the Romberger mansion on Main street. After the serenade, an excellent supper was served to the members of orchestra, and a few other personal friends of Mr. Romberger, at the Red Tavern. The Swab wagon Faotory made some heavy shipments of farm and spring wagons last week. One car-load was shipped to II.

II. Randt, Pipeisville, Bucks county, one car-load to II J. wai ters, Ilummelstown, besides eighteen complete wagons which were shipped to various other pt.m of the state. The spring term of the Lykens Valley Seminary, Elizabethville, will open on Monday, April 4, 1898, with Prof. S.

H. Kniscly as principal, and Rev. Ira E. Albert and C. E.

Forney as assistants, Prol. Enisely, who has been principal of our public schools during the past two years has proven himself a very able in structor, and the high standard to which he has brought the schools is a guarantee of what will be accomplished during the spring term. He has procured a strong team of assistants, and the attendance will probably far exceed that of former yean. The Cheapest Clothing we sell will give Satisfaction, POWDER Absolutely Purs ROVAL ewiNa MWM HEW VORK. Centre View.

E. B.Miller of TowerCity, was visiting in our vicinity, over Sunday. Ira O. Miller wears a smile, it is a "Bouncing girl." The Auditors of Jackson township, will meet to audit tho accounts of the Supervisors and Treasurer, at Euders, Monday, March 7. J.

B. Paul is on the sick-list. Harry Snyder, our shoemaker, who was working at Tower City, has again resumed his work at home. Rev, O. E.

Pflueger will preach in the English language, next Sunday, at St. Jacob's, at 2 P. M. Wall Paper right here with Ed. F.

Mil ler, cheaper then you can get it by send iug to the factory. Besides the freight all paper trimmed here, by automatic Machine, a great advantage. You don't go to the butcher to get your watch fixed nor to the blacksmith to lit a suit of clothes. So reason tells you lat Ed. F.

Miller is in the swim, when he says 2 to 20 cents per roll. Como and see, A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Eid- ueys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters.

This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver aud Kidneys, is a blood purifier aud nerve tonio. It cures Constipation. Headache, Fainting Spoils. Sleeplessness and Melancholy, it is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are miracle worker.

Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bettle at Stroup Drug Store. Evangelical Appointments. Bethlehem, March 1. The fifty-ninth annual conference of the Evangelical Association of Eastern Pennsylvania adjourned sine die at noon after Bishop Horn announced the following among other appointments: waller, G.

Bur-rell; Elizabethville, A. S. Eresge; Lykens and wicouisoo, N. Shannon; williamstown, J. G.

M. Swengle; Reiner City and Hegins, James Beam; Uniontown and Millersburg, E. E. Gilbert; Shamokiu, J. L.

Freed; Ashland, Hunter aud Mahauoy City, J. K. Fehr; Ringtown, C. C. Hoffman; J.

L. Mussimer, member of william-sport quarterly conference. Chamberlain's Couth Kcmcdy. This remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has become famous for its cures ol these diseases, over a large part of the civilized world.

The most flattering testimonials have been received, giving ao-counisof itsgood the aggravating and persistent coughs it has cured; of severe colds that have yielded promptly to its soothing effects, and of the dangerous attacks of eroup it has cured, often saving tho life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping cough has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous consequences. Sold at Stroup's Drug Storo. Pillow. Mrs.

Susan Bowman and son Frank, visited relatives at Lykens Monday. Mrs. wolf, of Stone Valley, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Preston weist.

Harry w. Auuspach visited his sister at Hepler's during the forepart of the week. Miss May Bowman and brother Frank, spent a day with relatives at Hickory Corners. w. O.

Parcel! and Mr. Jones, of williamstown, passed Sunday with friends at the National house. Our orchestra furnished the music for the entertainment held ou Friday evening at Deiblcr's school house. The remains of Mrs. Spotts, mother of Elias Spotts, were interred at Stone Valley cemetery Thursday.

Rev. Geigor officiated. Wellington Snyder, son of B. J. Snyder, left on Thursday morning for Polo, where he iulcuds to make hig future homo.

Liver BIBs Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constipation, sour stomach, Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Fills. Ihey do their work easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. All dmeirista.

Pills Prepared by C. I. Hood ft Lowell, Mass. The only Fill to take with Hood's SaraaparllUL floods GOODS MUST BE AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED 214 Main Street, LYKENS. IN ANY REASONABLE TIME FALL WINTER Just It will pay you to look them over-before selecting your Suits, Overcoats and.

Tronseriuss. Yours for Tailoring, PLyiBECK Market Millersburg, SPRING SALES. Thursday, March 3, 1808. D. Elder -will sell his complete farming stock, including valuable live stock, implements immediately north of Elizabethville.

I'a. March 15 Eli Swab wi.l sell his com- pleto farming stock, about two miles north of town. Feb'y 26. G. W.

Uhler, admr. of Ann E. Polm dee'd, will sell the real estate and presonal property, iu Elizabethville, Pa. March 10. Elias Hoover will sell farm stock and implements, also a tract of Mountain land, iu Lykens township.

March 1 1, John Werner will sell farm stock aud implements about two miles unrj.h of Elizabethville, at 12 o'clock March '-'I, Mrs. Lizzie Fetrow will sell valuable farm stock, one miles west of Elizabethville, at 10 o'clock. March 18, Harry Herman will sell hi? farm stock uear Herman Miller's mill, in Washington township. A thrill of terror is'c when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Miuuto Cough Cure has been Saf0 and harmless for children.

Stroup's Drug Store 0E OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for ono purpose, namely, a receptacle for tho urine, and as such it is not liable to auy form of disease except by ono of two ways. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. Tho second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE.

Uuibealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. the womb, like the bladder, was created for one purpose, aud if uot doctored too much is uot liable to weakness or disease, except in rare eases. It is situated b.tck of anil very close to the bladder, lliei el'or auy pain, diseaso or inconvenience manifested in the kidneys, back, bladder or pasnage is often, by mistake, al-tiibuted to female weakness orwninb trou ble of some sort. The error is easily made aud may bo as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine asido for twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladdertroublc.

The mild and tho extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Snamp-Koot, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best At druggists, fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a samplo bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, upon receipt of turoo two-cent stamps, to cover cost of postage on tho bottle. Mention The Echo and send your address to Dr.

Kilmer Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. J1CI1AEL E. STROUP, ATTOBJiEY-AT-LAW, Ellzaliethvlilft, From 61o8 ii.m..

unit 6 LuHp. ui. Weilnesiluyuiul Sutunliiy all luy. HarrtHlMirs. Ofllce In Ituss lluilcling, No.

15 2 irecuml Mreet. J.Je E. BUFFINGTOX, ATTOKSF.Y.AT-I.VW, Can consulted In English tJcrmun LYKENS, PA. Ir. J.

IV. Buker, Surgeon Dentist, Office next to Ed. Bergstresser's stoie 2nd floor, Lykens. At Williamstown every Tuesday and Thursday. Gas administered.

BE you get what you want when you ask for Hood's Sarsapa-rilla. Unequalled in Merit, Sales, Cures. There's no substitute for HOOD'S. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUKED. T.

A. Riorum, M. the Great Chemist aiil SclontlNt, will Send Free I lie Allllrtetl, three KoIIIim of Ills Xevly Discovered Remedies to (Jure CoiiHilinntioii uutf all Llintr Troubles. Nothing could bu fairer, more philanthropic or carry moro joy to the afliicted than the oiler ol T. A.

Slocum, M. of Now York City. Confident that lie has discovered a reliable cure for consumption and all, bronchial, throat, and lung diseases, general decline aud weakness, loss of flesh aud all conditions of wasting, and to make its great morits known, he will seud, free, tlireo bottles to any reader of the Elizabethvillo Echo who may be suffering. Already this "new scientific course on medicine" has permanently cured tho sands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it heir religions duty duty which he ones to humanity to donate his infallible cure.

Ho has proved the dreaded consumption to be eurablo diseaso beyond any doubt, and has on file in his American and European labraiorics testimonials of experience from those benefited and cure iu all part of the world. Don't delay until it is too late. Consumption uninerruptcd, nui.ins speedy and certinn death. Address T. A.

Slocum, 98 Pine street. New York, and when writing the Doctor, give express and postofl'ic address, please mention reaing thsi aitiv. in the Eilzabeth ville Echo. Public Sale. Thursday, March 3, D.

D. Elder will expose to public sale, on his premises, immediately north of of Elizabethville, a full and complete stock of farming implements, live stock, household goods, including also the following specialties: Potato Planter, capacity 10 acres per day; Potato Cutter. Breeds Weeder; Cider Mill; Spraying Pump and fixtures, complete; Barrel Blue Vitriol; Lawu Mower; Rubber Hose; 100 lbs. Whiting; 500 lbs. French Ochre; New Block and Tackle; New One-Horse Scoop; Bicycle; Field Glass Parker Brceeh-Loading Shot Guu, No.

10; Winchester Repeating Bide, 22 Calibre; Smith Wesson Revolver, Nickel, 38 Calibre; lot of Cartridges; Russian Fur Overcoat; Heavy Ulster; Side Saddle; Pony, with Harness and Village Cart; Phaeton; Buckboard; Top Buggy; Sleigh; Cedar 20 Carrels; Milk Cans,.

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