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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 18

Logansport, Indiana
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WINDOW GLASS FIGHI State Labor Commission Believes the Prospects Flattering for a Settlement Soon. HG GLASS POOL HAS nTPLTJMCE, Cutters nod Fluttenera To Be Blacklisted by the Union if They Do Not Go to Work FlRht -with a Xaectlon at Indianapolis Tfci of Baby Uoiul State Anderson, indication Is nattering for a settlement of the long three-cornered window glass fight. The Indiana labor commissioners, Schmid and McCormack, who have been in the gas belt for the past week, received such encouragement as 10 warrant them in addressing- the officers ot each of the three workers' associations and the manufacturers in an official manner, requesting a joint confi-rcnce. It probably be held in Anderson during this week. All iiartk-s are urxious to get togi-tht-r, but each is independent and probably in way of promoting the ends they de- Eire.

L'liiml FacltiK a Grave Crisis. The announcement that the manufacturers had at last effected their organization, in which all plants in the country are pooled and bound by an agreement as complete as that of the plate glass trust, has brought workers to the realization that the manufacturers may be forced to take moves to resume would damage theiralready shat. tered union fences. Elwood. Oct.

national organization of the American Window Glass Workers Is now facing the gravest crisis in itshlstory. Theassoclatlon has issued notices that all cutters and flatteners refusing to go to work when the factories start will be blacklisted. The association has received a dispensation from the Knights of Labor to fill the places of such members. TWO ACCIDENTS THAT WEIIE FATAI. new edifice Is one of the In this confercrroe.

and is much above the average, Xinde livered dedicatory sermon. Rev. P. C. Powell, a well-known Indiana preacher, has been aligned to the church.

Mile of Humanity Decwl. Elwood. Oct. The smallest baby ever born in central Indiana died Sunday, after a precarious existence of nine months. The baby weighed three- fourths of a pound when born, and it did not grow to weigh over one and one- fourth pounds, although it appeared to improve mentally.

Death came suddenly, and without any indications or unusual sickness. Its parents were Mr. and Mrs, George Moneyhun. Doc Now $1OO in Costn. Jeffersonville, Oct.

An unusual case was tried in the circuit court here. James Dismore first filed in a justice's court to secure of a pug dog owned by a man by thf; name of Leslie. It was appealed from the lower court to the circuit couri, and Judge Gibson decided in favor of the defendant. The costs In the case will approximate $100. Soctlon Boss Killed by a Freight Moy'R Head Blown Off.

Laporte, Oct. Sent, a Bection hand on the Grand Trunk railroad, at Still-well, this county, was etantly killed Saturday night by a fast freight. He was taking several laborers on his handcar to the Swift icehouses at Mill creek, and did not observe the train until it was so close aa compel the men to jump for their lives. They all escaped without injury Sent, who attempted to remove his car and was struck. He leave? a widow and two children.

He was a member of the Knights ot the Mac- cabees. LaGranse, Oct. yountr son of George Porter, near South Whitley. Instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of an older brother. The charge took effect jn his neck, nearly severing the head from the shoulders.

HETTING IN FAVOK OF TAGGAUT. City Flection GoIiiR on Toilny lit tlie Capital of tho Hoosior State. Indianapolis, Oct. most hotly contested campaign in the history of this city under the new charter closed Saturday night. There are six tickets In the field and the indications are that the vote will be close between Taggart, Democrat, an3 Harding, Republican, for mayor.

The Citizens' ticket, headed by John F. White, will be supported by the free silver Republicans and many laboring men who would otherwise vote for TasKixrt. while Chales F. Smith, Independent, is expected to poll a large vote Unions' the business mer. The Prohibition and Socialistic-Labor candidates will each receive a small vote, but the danger to Harding lies in Smith's candidacy, and to Taggart in that of White.

Tfte betting is largely in favor of Tag- -Was It Accident or Mnrdrr? Seymour. Oct. Mrs. Dollie Banks, living six miles southeast of here, was shot in the abdomen with a shotgun by Frank Coryell. She died next morning.

Coiyell says the sun was accidentally discharged, but Banks, before her death, stated differently. Her little 12-year-old girl ma'Kes a statement similar to that of her mother. New Company for Newcastle. Newcastle, Oct. Five hurt- drcd citizens held a meeting at the court and organized a new sa'5 company, with 200 stockholders, representing $12,000.

The new organization is the result of a raise of price gas by the Enterprise and Citizens' com- panles. Hotel nt French l.lck Burned. French Lick, Oct. Windsor hotel, the leading hostelry of this city wag wrecked by fire yesterday morning about 3 o'clock. The loss will reach No casualties among the guests or employes are reported.

Muncie Han a Marriage Boom. Muncie, Oct. The county clerk says more marriage licenses have been issued within the last two weeks than during any four previous weeks. Some of the marriages have been surprises. Bloodhounds Lose aTraill.

Columbus, Oct. The Wood- hounds lost all trace of Murderer Horton twelve miles west of this city. Albert Dinn, his victim, died at Amity from his wounds. WHACKTAT THE INJUNCTION Taken by the Court of Appeals of Colorado a Commercial Cuxe. Denver, Oct.

Judge Wilson, of the LIFE OUT OF DOORS. CALIFORNIA FAMIUES WHO LIVE IN WAGONS AND TENTS. Six of Perfect DU- Re of Complni Out. Women Who Bide Who Wear FKKSSO, Oct. is moat refreshing to find the inhabitants of at least one state in the Union reasonably appreciative of its attractions and determined to enjoy them.

The proud boast of California that it has a greater extent of coast line and vaster ranges of mountains than any other tho country is no empty one. The mountains and tho sea, tho vening plains and valleys, offer unox- ampled opportunities for recreation, and the climate leuds itself to further the aims and ambitions of one who would pass a season in the open air. As early as-the month of April, while yet the fields are covered with sheets of bloom and before the spring rains have wandering about in a fog. But -when there open to the camper such scenes AM the mountains give us, such streams as the mountain valleys afford and such fishing as the coast yields, a little thing thing like this can be borne with equanimity, As final argument in favor of this gtato as spot for feminine campers to disport, let me mention that woman has emancipated herself from the conventional garb of the city and goes especially on bloomers and divided skirts. She seems to enjoy it, too, and as horses are almost as free as water out here nearly every woman rides.

You will see little girls up to the ago of 8 or 10 running around in denim overalls. You can't tell them from boys, except by the cut of their curls and the manner in which they throw a stone. They just revel in the delightful freedom from petticoats and are out in the dirt from morning till THE OLD STORY OF LOVE AND LIFE, AS TOLD IX THB KIW BOOK, "COMPLETE MANHOOD." of happj; men work the means their physical salvation. It gives the latest scientincfacts concerning "ft the only known method of attain ing fullest natural manly vigor. It points out Home Treatment for all ox- cesses and sexual disbarments.

It how to cure nervousness, AND HO MANHOOD TO ATTAIN IT sent free, night. FRED A. OBEE. PENNY IN THE SLOT. HIDING ASTBIDE.

hardly ceased, there is a stir in all the active towns and cities caused by the preparations for camping. People in the southernmost counties plan to visit the Yosemite, and even Shasta, and think nothing of trips aggregating over a thousand miles, and all the way by country road and in some sort of a house on The favorite kind of carriage is one built after the fashion of a gypsy van, large and roomy, ugly as sin, mounted on four wheels and capable not only of carrying all the indispensa- ties for a long; voyage, but of stowing court of appeals, with Judges Thompson I away tho am il a night. It has come FIGHT WITH A VICIOUS HORSE. Tried to Kill a Man nnd His AVomiiu to the Rescue. Princeton, Oct.

E. Agar, a prominent merchant and treasurer of the Central Trust and Savings company, was seriously injured by a vicious horse on the farm of Robert Montgomery, three miles west of this city. Agar and family were hunting paw-paws in a woods pasture. A vicious stallion saw Agar's little son and madly dashed at him. kicking the boy on the hip.

In attempting to save his son Agar was kicked and frightfully bitten, his face is badly lacerated ami 'Ms body mass of bruises. Had not Mrs. Agar attacked the animal with a large club her husband and son would have been killed. Successful Farmers' Insurance. Kushville.

Oct. Rush County Farmers' Insurance company. Mid to be the oldest and biggest mutual farmers' insurance company in the state, held its annual meetins Saturday. The report of the actuary. Fred A.

Capp, of this city, shows the company's affairs to be in a prosperous condition. The membership is. 1,207, nn increase of over 100 above last year. The amount of property insured an over last year. The losses for the year amounted to 54,000, and to pay these and all running expenses the members were taxed only 20 cents on the $100 of insurance Life Insurance Poliry Tar.

Indianapolis. Oct. attorney peneral's office is preparing to present s-ome significant figures to the supreme court in the litigation involving the constitutionality of the action of the state hoard of tax commissioners ordering the assessment or paid-up and non-forfeitable life insurance policies. An effort lias teen made to learn the amount of such investments in Indiana, and the inquiries show that there are carried by Indianapolis citizens alone over $3,000,000 in such, policies, none of which, under $50,000. New Xcthotftt Church Dedicated.

Anderson, Ind. Oct. Niride. of Indiana; Dr. 1 Weakley, ot Cincinnati, and Rev.

U. D. Parr, of Kokomo, dedicated tbe Street Methodist church In thu city Sunday. Tbi and Bissell concurring, handed down an opinion yesterday in which he makes a vigorous attack on by injunction." In the case of H. Schradskie vs.

the Appel Clothing- company, whore- in the plaintiff was given a perpetual injunction by the lower court restrainng the defendant from advertising a certain stock of goods as bankrupt stock, the court of appeals reverses the decree and remands the case to the trial court with instructions to dissolve and dismiss the bill. "We cannot approve a practice," said Judge Wilson, "nor subscribe to doctrine which permits the exercise by the courts of the extraordinary power of injunctive relief for every wrong or infringement upon the rights of another. Such a course of procedure, if carried to its ultimate natural conclusion, would tend to entirely subvert the fundamental principle? upon which our system of laws is, founded." Iowa Woman SnflVugists. Des Moines, Oct. The annual state convention of the Women's Suffrage society will open in this city tomorrow.

It is the twenty-sixth annual meeting, and besides the regular pro- gramme there will be a mock legislature, modeled after the extra session held here last winter, when the principal opponents of suffrage will be held up to ridicule. The Weather We May Kxpect. Oct. are tho The Machines Are Far More Numerous In Gericany Than In This Country. BERIJX, Oct.

Germans are not so slow. Their inventors know a thing or two after all. They might even give us some pointers on nickel-in-the- glot machines. A machine in the Berlin rail-way stations has attracted my attention. It does away with the ticket seller and saves lots of crowding.

It is -used especially for suburban traffic. If the manager of the New York elevated 1 railway lines would adopt it, the people would shower "blessings on his head. Another machine in the railway station embodies an excellent idea. dispenses tickets to the platform from which outgoing trains take their de- partnre. If you are going to the train to see a friend off, you are ordinarily obliged to part with him in tho waiting room.

Perhaps you have business which will occupy you up to tho last moment. Then your friend will miss getting a good seat and may even get left. That is what happens frequently at the great terminal stations in the United States. But these platform tickets, which you can buy at the German stations by pushing a 3 cent piece in tho slot, will admit you to the platform. After securing his seat your friend may raise the car window or come outside and talk with you.

You do not have to say farewell until the train pulls out. One begins to wonder whether the clerks are not wasting their time in bestowing pity upon the skilled laborers thrown out of employment by the constant invention of new labor saving machinery. Perhaps the clerks will themselves need to be pitied. Master Edmund Wilson entertained a number of his little friends Saturday afternoon at hla home on Eel Biver avenue. The party was in honor of bis birthday and was greatly enjoyea Dy the juvenile guests.

Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, because they cannot reach the deseaeed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and tnat is by constitutional remedies. Deafness caused by an inflamed condition of tbe COUB lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you hare a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless tue inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not bo cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure.

Send for circular, free. F. J. CHENEY Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists.

75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. THE ABASH "California'Flyer." Quickest and to CAUFOBNlfe now offered by the Ballroad, IV.MM- nected with the Atchigon. Topeta RfLUiray. Vef tibuled sleeping can AmreJee without rfting-e, making hours better time from St.

than any other line, and corresponding" time from other For particulars write to any S. Crane, General Itcket Agent. 8t, Louis, Mo. MAIM weather indications for twenty-four from p. m.

yesterday: For Indiana, Illinois. Iowa and cloudy wcnther: local showers; cooler; brisk northwesterly winds. For Michigan-Rain, tol lowed by clearing weather; cooler; fresh and brisk westerly winds. THE MARKETS. Chicago Grain and Prodnco.

Chicago, Oct. 11. Following were the quotations on the Board of Trade today: opened closed nominal; December, opened 9lc, closed May, opened 91c closed 90" c. opened 0 closed December, opened closed May, opened closed opened closed nominal; December, openec and closed 19V-c; May. opened 22c, closec opened and closec nominal; December, opened J7.77 1 closer January, opened $8.75, closed $s'77ii' opened closed nominal; December, openec $4.27, closed nominal; December, opened $4 i closed $4.30.

Produce: Butter creamery per extra dairy, 19c; fresh packing stocfe. He. Egg-Fresh otock, 14c per dozen. Live Turkeys, per Ib; chickens (hens). IV-c; spring chickens, Sc: ducks.

Oi CllJ v-. Sc7 Potatoes-Northwstern. per- increase of nearly bu. Sweet per bbl. Ch'icaRo X.lve Stocfe.

Chicago, Oct. H. intimated receipts for the day, "7000- sales ransred at for for light. for rough packing, for mixed and $3 for heavy packing and shipping lots. receipts for the day 000; quotations ranged at for choice to extra shipping steers, good to choice $4.40 SO fair to good.

common to medium butchers steers, stockers, feeders. cows, heifers. 25 bulls, oxen and stags, J2.90@3.SO Texas steers, western rs.r.gers. and real calves. Sheep and receipts for the day.

quotations ranged at Texans. 4.05 natives, and lambs. Grain. Milwaukee. Oct.

11. No. 1 northern, No 2 spriaK, S9c; December, nominal. No. 3.

27V-C, No. 2 white, No. 1, 46HC. sample, about that a large proportion of the Californians have become in a sense migratory and seem to feel -within them same instinctive impulse for seeking iresh fields aud pastures new that the Dirds do after the winter rains are over. I have met them everywhere, whole families, plodding over the roads throughout all southern California, sunburned, healthy au6V happy, having cut Loose from the carking cares of town life, bent on seeing the natural beauties of this great and wonderful state.

The destination of many of them is. the seashore, where the horses are turned out, the van converted into a dormitory by night and a bathhouse by day, while tbe bountiful waters of the coast furnish them with unlimited sport and innumerable fish. Again, the Yosemite is the objective point of hundreds of others, where they form regular camp communities and revel in the beauties of that glorious valley almost without cost. The long period of drought, say from May till the sky is cloudless and them a protracted season of delight. I don't suppose it is always unalloyed, for, aside from the disagreeable features ol camping out (and there are some, especially if you have to do your own cooking) there is the dust.

Now, it is an opeu secret that the California roads are about the dustiest in the world. The fact that the well known expression "Get np and dust" came into vogue about the time of the first gold excitement 50 years ago seems to warrant one in the belief that it originated here. Anyway it might have done so, for of all "my reminiscences of travel the dusty roads here are the most vivid. Residents of this locality recognize the terrible condition of their streets and roads by hanging a long handled feather duster at the side of the front door. It is just as much expected that you will use it before entering as that you will pull the doorbell.

You see, perchance, as you. travel a cloud of arising from one of the vast grainfields that line the road for miles and wonder what has caused it. For awhile you can see nothing else, for the dust cloud envelops everything like a pall, but perhaps a stray zephyr blows it aside a moment and then you perceive within it a gang of men and horses engaged at reaping or thrashing the grain. What you saw was only a sample of California's fertile soil reduced to dust and taking to itself wings in the peculiar way that it has. In coming out of the Yosemite a few weeks ago we had occasion to pass many log and ore teams, each one with eight mules attached, and each mnle kicking up the dust in a way that was "a caution to snakes." is, the not see the teams, but BUT driver said they were there, somewhere within the dnst cloud, and when we arrived opposite to them he would yell for them to draw aside and let us Then we would hear sounds coming from out that pillar of cloud, strange and.

choice ejaculations such as are supposed to be serviceable in -urging mules to do their duty, and the dust heap become a fixture for moment while we passed it We passed one time, I remember, within 13 feet, and is the gospel did not see driver or team and have often thought that perhaps it may have been ghost of name tot men and Yesterday evening I was walking down Leipziger strasse, the Broadway of Berlin. It is lined with very elegant business places. A crowd in front of a brilliantly lighted buffet stopped me, and I went inside. A big trade was going on, but there were no clerks or waiters in sight. It was a revelation of the possibilities of the simple, unpretending nickel-in-the-slot machine.

One wall was occupied with beer faucets, over which clean, empty glasses hung on rows of pegs. The faucets were labeled with the names of different brews pschorrbrau, Zackerlbran, Munchener, Pilsener, Weissbier. All the popular beers were on tap. Different faucets with different prices gave different measures, only it wouldn't do to hold a quarter liter glass under a half liter faucet unless you wanted to wet down the dust on the floor. On another side of the room were the eatables.

"Two eggs, 10 pfennig." I put in a 10 pfennig 2y 2 pressed the button, and a sliding door opened, disclosing two eggs in a dish. One foreigner made a blunder by misreading the label "Hahnganzaufdruck- which means "Press the button hard." The first meaning of the word "Hahu," however, is "chicken," which the stranger evidently expected to get for his 10 pfennigs. What he actually did obtain was a piece of leberwurst, or sansage, that the average foreigner does not find palatable, however dear it is to the German taste. Cold meats, sandwiches, salads, almost everything that one would desire for a quick lunch was on sale. But the only human representatives of the proprietors in sight were the kitchenmaids who came in now and then and carried out the soiled dishes.

This manner of buying cigars was not wholly satisfactory, inasmuch as one must take the first that comes without having a choice of color and form out of a boxful. this difficulty is overcome, what chance will remain for the existence of clerks? MARK NOKEIS. C. E. Carter will represent the local Cigarmakers union at the meeting of the State Federation of Labor at Marion tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday.

Tbe local Trades and Labor assembly will not be represented. All Wise Heads agree that the use ot a liver pill after dinner, or special results, Is an important step in civilization. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are better liver pills in almost every reapect. They're the smallest, easiest to take, most natural in the way they act; cheapest, because there are more in each package.

We all have weak spots. Generally it's the liver. An active liver prevents impurities and poison from entering the blood. "Pleasant Pellets" have a tonic effect upon toe liver and the general system. They cure constipation, indigestion, dyspepsia, dizzy spells, sick or bilious headaches and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels.

Practice Economy in buying medl- cices as in other matters. It is economy to get Sarsaparilla, it contains more medicinal value than any doses one dollar. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Cure all liver ills. Mrs. George Halgh has returned from a three months' trip on the lakes.

While absent she also visited points of interest In Denver and Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Halgh arecLiagoula miser-able, existence for-want- of knovrincwhat todO" HUN- DRCpS of men sufferiuj: from the mental tortures ot Shattered NMVM. Failing Memory.

Manhood, Impotancy, Lost. Vitality, Varioooale, brought on by excesses and indiscretions, or by severe mental. strain, close application to or DR. PERRIN'S Revivine the only remedy that hni ever been covered that will positively Cure nervous disorders. If taken ns directed, about Immediate improi-ementand where all other remedies fail.

It has cured thoumuU AND WILL CURE YOU. wtil occupy their new home on North street. Physicians recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrop because of Its prompt, positive action in all cases of lung trouble. It is a positively reliable cure for coughs and colds.

o'thcr communications to £ux MEDICINE Co, New York. For sale at B. F. Porter's and Johnston's. Will, Tennessee Centennial.

Way I to Nov. I Big Four Route. The Grest southern exposition great Interest throughout the country applications are being: made as to the belt route to reach this great southern city. Tbo "Big Four" has the best line from the KMfr with through train service to Cincinnati from New York. BoBton, Buffalo, Cleveland and' Columbue; from Detroit, Toledo and Sanduskj- to Cincinnati: and from Chicago and Benton Harbor to Cincinnati and LouUvllle.

Direct connections are made with the Q. C. Boute- and tbe L. N. By.

Full iniormation will be cheerfully given upon application. HUMPHREYS Good Jjnerican It in the elevator of the Hotel Continental in of those slow going machines in -which this noted hotel delights. Fonr or five persons were in the car besides the operator, who had fat in his laborious occupation of pulling on the rope. One of the company was firesh from the Ecole des Beaux where, indeed, his whole time was employed when noc engaged in the necessary relaxation at Versailles, in the Bois, at the cafe or in other restful places of the world's capital. His companion was not of this description.

Among fie others were a lady and gentleman, to the former of whom the two Americans had removed their hats. But the gentleman with her made ho motion to remove his, but regarded tho company with a srndied indifference. "Oh," said one of the Americans, "it does not appear to be necessaiiy to remove one's hat here," and thereupon he clapped his cm his head. The lady and gentleman getting out at the neit floor, the elevator guard politely informed the remainder of the company that they were the Grand Dnke and Grand Duck- ets of Mecklenburg-Sch-w-erin, the latter being o-wu sister to the then, imperial autocrat of all the Bussiag, as I believe it was and Building. WITCH HAZEL' OIL Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures Fistulas.

Burns Scalds. Wounds Bruises. Cuts Sores. Boils Tumors. Eczema Eruptions.

Salt Rheum Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips Nostrils. Corns Bunions.

Stings Bites of Insects, Three Sizes, 250, £oc. and Sold by drugglKc, or sent port-paid onreceipt of D.CO., Ill All the Way From tbe Missouri River to Buffalo, tbe Wabasb Railroad Operates Trains over its Own Tracks. leased the tracks of Trunk Baflway betiraen Detroit and BrtoK. B. team Suspension Bridge to BuflWo, the will run Its oirn tntou from Kmnui City Omaha, Molnei, BU Qntacy, Hamrf- btl.

Keokuk Chicago to BnHalo, onlT MiMonrl and MtoiHilppI Blw pointi hiring its own Bne timlni nmninc toco Buffalo. Through nan fromttawaiCity St. LonH and CbteafO wttkto REGULATOR WILL CURE ALL COHPLAINTS AND EA3E5 OP THB Liver, Kidney AND Urinary Organs Biliousness, Jaundice, Constipation, In the Side or Back, Sour Stomach, i Liver Complaint, Catarrh of the Bladder, Irritation or Inflammation Brick of the Bladder, Gravel, Dlabctea, Duet Deposits, In fact all arising from Liver or Kidney orden. Price, $1.00 Jttuoit Mediae Go. KWYMtLY..

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