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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 10

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


C. Uiyor Diehl Named a Provisional Committee to Further the Exposition Enterprise. DETROIT WORKING HARD. Th Michigan City May Get in Ahead of Us Activ Efforts Needed The Mayor's Warning. Handsome Hosiery Why does the government guarantee the purity, strength and age of O.

F. C. Whiskey Because having watched every stage of work at the distillery and the warehouses, it knows that this whiskey does not contain a drop of deleterious matter. Don't drink doctored whiskey. O.

F. the purest E2T Christmas if ts and best, is sold by leading lMntr thp Govern 1 'jffl stamn over the cork T. STAGG FRANKFORT, KY. -Misses', and Boys' All-black Hose, plain "or ribbed, or without double knees, with or without merino heels and toes, our reg- Ji OR i ular 25c quality. Six pairs in a box, -Ladies', Cotton Hose, fine or heavyweight, with or without white feet all with double soles and high spliced heels, sizes 8 to 10.

i OR Our regular 25c quality. Six pairs in a box, Ladies' All-wool Black Hose, plain or ribbed, all sizes, with merino double heels and toes. Our regular 25c quality. OR six pairs lor. Ladies' Fine Lisle Thread Hose, also neavy or light weignt cotton Tlnco witVi nr Tvithrmt -wrViitA ft.

double soles and high spliced heels. Our regular 50c quality. Six pairs in a box, JjQ Ladies' Fancy Hose, pure Lisle thread in stripes, plain or Richelieu in -all the neat new colorings, worth 35c to 50c QRa Mayor Diehl has selected his provisional Committee of citizens 'for furthering the plans of the Pah-American Exposition 'in 1501 and baa issued a statement Drginy upon Buffnlouians the necessity of doing me lively work at once, i Hi honor-yesterday had called to his attention the fact that Detroit is working with might and main to put the Pan-American in a back seat and to gobble np tut herself everything that is in sight. Mayor Mnybury of Detroit is in Washington now seeking to secure from the government an appropriation of $500,000 for government building and exhibit in Detroit In lfHl at the -projected celebration of the 20Oth anniversary of the founding of the old French town in Michigan. Mayor Mnybury gave out an interview in Washington to the effect that Omaha had an appropriation of $300,000 and that Detroit ought to get at least half a million for a government building, to which the city could add a million later on and make It a permanent building.

Mayor Diehl also received information of a private letter written by a well-knowu Buffalonian, now in Detroit, to the effect that petty jealousies in Detroit do not militate against the whole city's good and that Detroit will go to congress'with a solid body of representatives. The writer also states that the Tan-American is regarded as a "dead duck" in Detroit. Mayor sets forth these facts and continues his statement an follows: "It thus appears that the present plan of the Detroiters is to have their. celebration of the founding of the city take the form of an exposition, and our neighbors i are apparently acting outhe assumption that Buffalo has not enough energy and enterprise to give reality to the Pan-American Exposition. "In view of this sudden development of the Detroit movement, I cannot, help feeling that Buffalonians should be up and doing even before the incorporation of the new company.

This city is confronting a crisis in this matter. Inaction would mean defeat and humiliation. In order to consider this Detroit movement I have this evening mailed notes to a number, of citi-rens requesting them to act as a provisional committee. I hope that they will all consent to serve. Here is an alphabetical list: Messrs.

J. Adam, Frank R. Balrd, Charles F. Bishop. George K.

Birge, R. H. Butler, John M. Brinker. A.

M. Cur-tiss, W. J. Couriers, H. M.

Gerrans. R. R. Hefford, F. Held, C.

R. Huntley, E. H. Hutchinson, Edgar B. Jewett, T.

Jones, Charles Kinesley, D. X. Lock wood, Norman II Mack. George E. Matthews, E.

G. S. Miller, Frank S. Mc- Graw, Ottomar Reinecke, George P. Sawyer, Robert Schelling, James Gerard Smith, John X.

Scatcherd, Thomas W. Symons. W. C. "VTarren, Urban.

"Every great undertaking requires hard work and public spirit. I am willing to give my days and nights to this Fan-jABpjican Jrrbjeet; but I am, aware that I can accomplish' nothing withoutthe earnest co-operation and aid of the people and the press. a Think of it! Only three years ago Atlanta had a great ex a pair, uuu -Ladies' fine Lisle Thread or Cotton Hose, in stripes, boot pattern, Vandyke points and embroidered fronts. Regular 50c jJQg -Ladies' extra fine Lisle Thread Hose, in plaids, stripes, embroidered fronts, black boots with colored 1 tops-r clocks and likewise stripes with clicked ankles. All good value at 75c and I1.00 per pair, gfj Ladies' -Ladies' Fine Silk Vests, in blue, pink, gold, cream, white' or black, some plain and some with fancy fronts and shoulder straps, all worth t.

00 and 1.25 a AQp garment, for -Ladies' Pure Silk Vests, all fancy fronts, extra good quality, in pink, black, cream, or white, our regular ill. 50 dj 1 QQ Trade, The Plaintiff Wanted a New Trial and a Few Words Cost Him $10. A verdict of $45 waa awarded George J. Matthews in his snit against Samuel Welch, proprietor of the Progressive cigar store, by a jury before Justice ChHds in part 3 of the supreme court- this morning. The defendant's attorney asked for a slay of 00 but Justice Childs said no, as there was nothing in the case and a verdict either way settled it.

The' plaintiffs attorney then made a formal motion for a new trial, and when Justice Childs said "Denied with $10 the attorney sat-down Matthews wied to recover $1,000 damages for assault alleged to have been committed upon him when he was cashier of the cigar store. DRUNKEN Both Were Sent to Prison Their Children Wera Fund in Starving Condition. Surrounded by tilth and. dirt and with nothing to the house the three children of Patrick Dowse were found In condition two dajs ago by Supt. Churchill of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

1 i Both parents are drunkards, and when Sergt. Walsh and Patrolman Walsh of the Seneca street station went to arrest the woman they found her In a saloon' and so drunk that she could not atand up. She was dragged to the station house and locked np Later her husband was brought In. Both were charged with cruelty to children. The children, the youngest of whom Is nine months old and' the eldest fourears old, were sent to.

St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum. Dowse waa arrested one month ago on a charge of non-support, and In default of turnlshng a bond of $300 to support his lfe he was sento the pealtentlary. A few days later, he' was released from the penitentiary, but he had been out only, a few. days when he was sent down again for intoxication.

He was released a few days ago. "This is hot my fault," said the husband. 'She's always drunk and try as I will I can't get' her to straighten np and take care of the children." a "No. judge. It's his fault." protested the wife.

"I told him to go out and get coal for the stove, yesterday and he didn't do It." "One's as bad as the said the judge. "Both of you go down to the penitentiary for 60 days." "All right," said Dowse. "Oh, you won't think It's all right," said the judge, "for If I see Keeper Sloan I'll ask him to give you a Job shoveling coat" BADLY INJURED. F. Ewing Got the Worst of a Row at tha White tlephant A fieht occurred In the White Elephant restaurant shortly after 2 o'clock this morn lng, and as a result Samuel F.

Ewlng proprietor of the Buffalo Awning Manufacturing Works of North Division street, Is at the General Hospital suffering from a compound fracture of the right leg and several severe calp wonnds, and A. BMarsh, a tailor, was locked up at the Franklin -street station charged with assault In, the second degree. Patrolman McDonald, of the Main street quad, -while patrolling his beat; In the vi cinity of the White Elephant, saw a man come flying out of the door of the restaurant as If nronelled with considerable force. The man landed In a heap on the sidewalk. McDonald' rushed to his The officer saw at once that the man was seriously in jured and sent In a fasti call for an ambul ance.

When St. John with a vehicle from the Fttch Hospltat arrived he found the man lying In a doorway a few doors below the restaurant. tThe Injured" man was placed In the ambulance and hurried to the Fitch. -Dr. St.

John found that his right leg, was broken nd his scalp was cut deeply In many places. The Injured man told the doctor that his name was Samuel F. Ewlng and that he lived at 10 South Division street He also' said he had been asstfolted, but whom he would not say. Patrolman McDonald, after he saw Ewlng placed In the ambulance, went back, to the restaurant and placed A. B.

whom he found there, under arrest for assault in the second decree The patrolman Jook his prisoner to tne JTODKun street station, Afterwards Marsh was taken to the Fitch to see Ewlng. Bwlng said Marsh was not the. man who had assaulted him. He said the h'ame of the man who had assaulted him was Loverlng. Marsh was taken back to the station and locked the police believed he had committed the assault.

Later in the morning the Fitch authorities sent Ewlng to' the General Hospital. This afternoon the police released Marsh oil his own recognizance. He will be tried In police court when Ewlng is able to ap pear against him. THE GAS DEAL Stockholders to Vote on the Proposition on December 28th A Circular Will be The New J'ork Evening Post of yesterday printed the following concerning the absorp-t'bn by. the Buffalo City Gas Company of the People's Gas Light and Coke Company: directors of the Buffalo City Gas Company have prepared, and will Issue to stockholders tomorrow, a circular setting forth the terms on which settlement has been reached with the Addicks Interests In Buffalo gas properties, and calling a special weetlng, to be held at Buffalo, December 28, in order to allow the stockholders to vote on the proposition as there set forth.

"Pending an official statement of the terms of the compromise, it may be stated that the advisory committee of the directors selected to carry forward the negotiations began with the understanding that the present holdings In the Buffalo, City Company were to remain undisturbed; to pay for the People's Company they were prepared to give approximately $850,000 In bOnds, $1,370,000 1n new preferred stock, and $1,500,000 In new common. "The negotiations have not lacked characteristic features. Jt Is said that the previous deal failed because at the last moment the vendors claimed an allowance of $75,000 for certain supplies and materials not Included in the first vluatlon; and similarly, one of the parties to the deal Is now reported 'to have rated his personal services in the negotiation at a figure so high as to have appreciable effect on the purchase price." HCDOR Litbla Water cleans the liter and Kidneys, thna curing RbeamatUm, Goat. Becksrfce and all Maoondneaa of the bedy raealtlag fromi ma exeeea of trlt Add. Humboldi Parkway Owner Must Show Cause Why the Speedway Injunction Should Stand.

BITTER FIGHT BEGUN. Park Commissieners are Bound the Speedway Shall be Built and Property Owners Are Bound it Won't Justice 'White in the" special term of the supreme court this morning granted an order compelling property-owners on Humboldt parkway to show why the injunction whicl) they secured against the-board of park commissioners should not be vacated. This order was made returnable before the justice in special term nest Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Corporation Counsel Cuddeback went before Justice White in 'accordance with the directions of the park commissioners, and secured the. order to show cause.

This injunction, which the city seeks to set aside, was secured in the name of Henry F. Holtz, a property owner on Humboldt parkway. After the park commissioners had tried various locations in the. city, to locate a speedway, this fall the board hit upon, a half mile stretch in Humboldt parkway from Kensington to Delavan avenues. The commissioners voted to build the speedway there and sent a request to the common council for $5,000 of deficiency bonds.

That was knocked out in the board of councilmen and the commissioners sent another request for the issuance of $5,000, worth of bonds, leaving out the word deficiency" to which the councilmen objected. The last request was never carried through the council. Iast week the pork commissioners, be lieving that they were being dictated to, decided to go ahead and build the speed way with the money available in another appropriation. Bids were asked for for removing the trees and taking up the sod. Messrs.

Harding and Hager were appointed a committee to decide upon what trees to be removed and to let the contract for their removal. Before any work was done by the subcommittee Mr. Holtz, through Attorneys Carey and Hancock, appeared before Justice Hooker in the special term of the supreme court and secured an injunction restraining tbo park commissioners from doing any work pending the determination of, an action which was begun to secure a permanent injunction. That Injunction order was served upon some of the park commissioners and stopped 1 all proceedings. On Monday the board, of park commissioners held a special meeting and voted nnnnimpusly to instruct Corporation Counsel Cuddeback to fight the injunction proceedings and to make a move to have the temporary injunction set aside.

The commissioners also decided to give a public hearing to all interested next Tnesdny afternoon in the office of Mayor Diehl. It was claimed b.v-the property owners in their action for the injunction that they had never been given a chance to be heard. It was in accordance with these instructions that Mr. Cuddeback appeared before Justice White and secured the order to show cause this morninr. The park commissioners arp determined to fight the The contention of Mr.

Cuddeback" 'Is "that injunctions should not be granted by the courts- except where some great and irreparable injury or damage can be ahown. He asserts that the property-owners can' not -show' this and is confident that the injunction will be dissolved. v-: A lively argument is expected in special term next Monday morning, as the property-owners will also vigorously oppose the setting aside of the injunction which they secured. JACOB SMITH LOST. Non-Suit Granted 'in His Second Suit Against the Erie.

Jacob Smith lost his second suit against the Erie Railroad Company to recover damages. Smith was driving a beer agon In Main street In Jforth Tonawanda in August, 1894. when he was struck by an Erie engine, bis rig being demolished, his collar bone fractured and bis brain Injured. Smith sued and recovered a verdict of $2.000, but the appellate division, to which the railroad company appealed, granted a new trial. The case was placed "on trial in part 2 of the supreme court and after the evidence was In Justice Spriug granted a non-suit.

WASTED IX tmCAGO. At the request of the Chicago oolice authorities Detective-Sergeant Quinn arrested Genrge D. -Mann of that city last evening. Mann is wanted In Chicago for grand larceny. The prisoner told the Buffalo police that when he lived In Chicago he worked In a restaurant for a man named Tamb.

Unit) lost a pocket book containing Mann was not accused of the theft at the time bnt he thinks It Is for this be Is wanted now. Ha protests that, he is Innocent. Mann will be held at headquarters pending the arrival of an officer from Chicago. WHY WAS HJD ARRESTED Ludwig Glinskl of 51 Hortpn street was arrested by Detective Flynn of the William street station charged with non-support. Why don't you support your wife?" asked Judge King In police court.

I do," replied the "But your wife aays yon "Oh, he supports me, judge," said the wife. Then why did you haveTHm arrested! Get out of here," exclaimed the Judge. "Some people don't know what they want." GAS IXPLODED. A small explosion of gas took place at 458 North Division street lata yesterday Gas had leaked from a pipe. The Are apparatus was called out to enttngulsh a small Maze- caused by the Igniting of ibe gas.

The damage was slight. LOST. AN ARM. F. L.

Wllber's right arm was crushed between brmpers while he was coupling can at Angola early this morning. He was brought to the Central station on an engine, and from there was removed to the Fitch Hospital. The surgeons found It necessary to amputate the arm. Wllber is a brakeman for the Lake Shore and lives' at 547 Eagle street. He Is married.

Beaton ran, regular aetton um oowejs, oo not lrn-Uta or inflame, but leave all tba HHm a rtect rut Mu Trr Ladies bascinators. Cold nights call for them. A world of warmth and solid comfort in their meshes: Fine machine-made Fascinators, 3d Inches square, with four-Inch borders, blue, pink," black or white, sold In every other store lu the city 4 for 25c. each. Our 1 aC Fine machine and hand-made Fascinators, In black and white aiso In fancy colors, square or hood, worth TiOc to All-wool hand-made Fascinators, hood pink and handsome mixtures, for I ment LOCAL WEATHER FORECAST.

Forecaster" Cuthbertson's weather prediction for Buffalo and vicinity is as follows: Unsettled, pertly cloudy weather, with local snows or snow flurries; warmer Tbnrsday, brisk to high southwest to west winds. The high pressure area has moved southward ind is now. in the Ohio Talley. The temperature has moderated at nearly all sections except western L.nke Erie, the Ohio valley and in, the southeast. Generally fair weather prevails except local snows on eastern Lakes Ontario and Erie, in the valley, and light showers on the south Atlantic COfiSt.

The following high winds occurred during the night: Buffalo, 44. west; New York, 32. northwest; Saugeen, 26, west. Storm southwest were ordered up at 9 a. for high local southwest to west winds today, tonight and tomorrow.

Data for Buffalo for 24 hours ending at 8 n. Maximum temperature, 18 minimum. .04. The following conditions were reported at 8 a. Buffalo, partly cloudy, 18 Boston, clear, Cincinnati, clear.

Chicago, cloudyj 2: Denver, clear, 22; New clear, 14: Omaha, clear, ti; St. Louis, Ht. rani, cloudy, New Orleans, partly cloudy, SO; Jacksonville, clear, S3. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Quarterly Meeting of the Buffalo Assembly Inspiring Address by Rev. Mr.

Hallenbeck. The' Christian Endeavor movement fur nishes an inspiration and hope to those who long for the time when sectarian differences will be laid aside-and the Christian world will work hand in hand for the good of the human race. The Buffalo Assembly of Christian Endeavor is composed of the Christian Endeavor societies of several denominations In the and it has a onion meeting once in each quarter of the year. Ist evening the meeting for the last quarter of 1808 was held at the North Presbyterian church and the. principal address of the evening was made by Itev.

E. F. Hallenbeck of Albany. Mr. Hallenbeck Is polished and graceful speaker, as well as an earnest suporter of the Christian En-deavor work, and principles.

His address last WenlDg was on the topic "Walking with God," and It was Inspiring. The other numbers of the program were an organ prelude by Miss Ylner, a vocal duet by G.lC. Harrison and W. E. -Roberts, and a reading by Key.

Im Dickinson, pastor of the church. Advancement was -made that-a union prayer would be held in Calvary Presbyterian church lear morning at 7 o'clock, which will be led by F. B. Carleton, pastor of Bethany church; also that' the Tale missionary band would hold a series of meetings In this city in the week of 'February 1S-23. The Tale missionary band is made up of five graduates of Yale university who are visiting different cities of the country, raising money to carry-on foreign missionary work.

The" Yale meet ings will be nnder the joint auspices of the Buffalo Assembly of Christian Endeavor, the Baptist Young People's Vnlon and the Ep-worth PCT IX A TELEPHONE. During these cold, wintry days, when every honr is needed for Christmas shopping, and. the most 'fastidious housewife is glad to relieve herself ss much as possible of the cares of housekeeping, a telephone is a without which no home, however luxurious, is complete. As a tlmesuver, the telephone is Indispensable. It Is needed iu every house as much as tt Is needed In every office.

During the past few years the Bell Telephone Company of Buffalo has been gradually decreasing its rates until now a telephone is within the meaas of almost every one, for complete telephone service can now- be secured for $24 a year upward, according to the number of messages ordered. The Bell Telephone Company will be glad to send an agent to any one who considers putting in a telephone. As the list of subscribers increases, the advantages of a telephone in one's home grow more and more. FOUR PRIZES AWARDEIK Prizes were awarded last night to the four persons at St. Stephen's church who have raised the largest amount of money toward paving off the church debt.

Miss Mary Maloney won the first priie. having collected $518. The second prize went to Miss Anna who raised S510. Jeremiah Gorman received the third prize, for raising $310. The fourth prize was bestowed upon.

Miss Nellie McClore, whose contribution amonnted to $60. SNOW IX SOUTH BUFFALO. South Buffalo has not recovered from the effects of the recent storm, notwithstanding the efforts of Supt. Shifferens and a big gang of men. As soon as the employes of the city could gt a piece of roadway cleared, the wind would send snow into the excavation, and the work had to be done over again.

The superintendent hopes to have the street to the city line cleared before night. FIItE IX A HOTr.l I An overheated chimney caused a small fire In the Hotel Richelieu on Swan street last evening. The damage amounted to about $50. Buffalo Special." Xew York Central train leaving Buffalo 8.40 p. m.

and arriving Xew York 8.15 a. and returning leave New York 8.45 p. m. and arrive Buffalo 8.30 a. m.

is the train for BnEaloaiani; fine equlpitent good service. GEO. Ladies and Boys' fine Knit Scarfs, plain or' without fringed ends, goods that 50c to 75c, for ryan 'Withdraws. James D. Wilson Will Probably be Elect ed Chairman of the Board of Supe rvisors.

William H. Ityan, representative-elect from the 32d congress hat withdrawn from the race for re-election as chairman of the board of supervisors. The withdrawal on the part of Mr. Eyan was entlreT ly voluntary. He did not become a candidate until urged by a number of his many friends on the board.

This leaves the contest between James D. Wilson of the lirth ward and John Elmer of the 13th ward, with the chances at 100 to 1 in favor of Supervisor Wilson. In fact It is said that a majority of the city members have secretly agreed to support Wilson, and that a caucus will be held tomorrow afternoon at which tthe action will be formally taken. Nell McCIoskey, the present efficient clerk to the board of supervisors, will be reelected without much of a fight. If any at all, and Robert Woodburn will be reappointed assistant clerk.

No matter who Is chosen as chairman, James D. Duggan, appointed "clerk to the coroners by Supervisor Ryan, will be re-appointed to thatposltion. CHARTER REVISION. Councilman Zipp Believes that the Faults of the Charter Should be Corrected tfus Winter. Councilman Zlpp is prepared to urge a revision of the charter.

He had a resolution to that effect ready to present at the meet ing of the common council yesterday, but the common council failed to produce a quo rum. ,1 The councilman says he has no radical changes to suggest but that he feels that the charter of the, city needs revision In certain, places to make it more Intelligible and more convenient. He points out that under constructions that have been placed on certain sections of the charter, the com mon council can vote away thousands of dollars -of the city's money with a majority approval, while It takes a unanimous vote to grant a butcher's license or a building permit. I Mr. Zlpp says that the mayor approves the plan and, that all those with whom he has talked are in favor of it.

He suggests that every head of department has found some flaws In the charter as relating to his de partment, that each department lay these cases before a committee, and that I the flaws be corrected by the legislature. He urges that the matter should be taken up at once and the revision be laid before the leg islature this winter. A BURGLAR'S WORK. He Broke Into the House Organist A Gore Mitchell of Trinity Church; Plunder Carried Away. When A.

Gore Mitchell of 6 Arlington place went to his home shortly after 0 o'clock last evening he found a burglar In the honse. Mr. Mitchell, who is organist at Trinity Episcopal church, went out last evening on a matter of business and Mrs. Mitchell went to a reighbor's home to pass away the time, her husband calling for her on his way home. i It Is supposed that the burglar discovered by ringing the door bell that Eobody waa in the house.

He then went to a side win dow iind cut away the glass near tha sash catch, after which It was easy for him. to gain access to the house. He was busy up stairs when Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell retained.

Their entrance scared him and he escaped through a window, jumping to the ground He was In such baste that he left behind him an overcoat, which may be the means of his capture by the police, who went to work on the cae at once. .1 The burglar took with him all the plunder be had collected until the interruption in his et terprise. The sideboard in the dining room was stripped of all its silverware. In the bedrooms he secured a gold sev eral valuable rings and a number of pieces of Sell Tobacco--Bljr Advance. 1 I'lncb vnnr nrrt mm In Kt noL- flr-ml and Provisions with McNiveu Bank- I n.f nnitap, 1 1A (eiound floor).

f5pii attention to mali orders. Fractional iui carried on 1 per cent. Reliable correspondence. California Tours. Are you contemplating a trip to California this winter? If so call st Wabash R.

Ticket Office, 287 Main, Elllcott Square. Full information and lowest rates. Waicner Sleepers, Wabash Dining irs. Tourist Sleepers, Free reclining Chair Car. The Buffalo Special Trains Nos.

48 and 33 on the -New York Central. Important change of time. Leave Bnffaio 8.40 p. reach Grand Central station. New York, 8.15 a.

m. Leave New York 8.45 p. arrive Buffalo 8.30 a. m. Cheap cab service from Grand Central station to anr part of New York at from 25 rents to $1.00.

Heavy' machine-made Fasclnafbrs, hood shape, all black. Just the thing for sleigh riding, well worth $1.00, for DcC line hand-made Shawl Fascinators, In chinchilla, with black, blue and red borders. also in uiai-K, niue or maroon witn yards square, just the thing for bead 75c to Wa ire showing an excellent line v. which Is splendid value at Ice -Wool Fascinators, In black or white, our regular 50c grade for Ice Wool Fascinators in pink, blue, black 75c size for -Ice Wool Fascinators In' pink, blue, white and black, a little larger size, Ice Wool Fascinators, with plain centers and fancy borders, larga -x etee, worth $1.00 each, for IceWool Fascinators, extra large size, plain and fancy-colors, worth $1.25, for Ice Wool Fascinators, still larger size, and heavyweight, for $1.50 to $3.00 1 39c and 49c shaped, all trimmed with beads black, blue, blue, 69c and knit colors, also In loDg with witn 29c are worth cnincnuia borders, one to one and or shoulder wear. Our-prices range from 98c 25c or white, 39c 49c 59c 69c 98c 49c A light cuuis, ior a pnir.

'V double, for 10c, 12c. 15c itv 1 fur tops and cords to keeir them from aet- etltch. white or black, worth 75c, fof 49e Stamped Linen; Ladies' Warm Mittens. -Ladies' Pure Silk Jlittens, single or double, plain hr with fancy embroidered backs, worth 75c, for- -Ladles' Silk Mittens In. still better qualities, some all-eilk aud some silk with wool position, the product "of the brains, the tea its and hhe pocketbooks of that city.

It was so much of an inspiration that tcnight Atlanta is having another festi-Tal, a peace juBile and is entertaining the President, members of the cabinet, generals and admirals and other distinguished guests. Other cities of less importance than Buffalo have in recent years bad great fairs: and still other cities are preparing to have them. "Will Buffalo let pass from her an unrivaled opportunity? I cannot believe it. Every citizen should make himself- a committee to stir up the town and create an irre- sistfble public sentiment that would overcome all obstacles' and tolerate no such word aa fail." This provisional committee will meef In the mayor's office tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of organizing and beginning active work. tOSCEBT THIS EVENING.

The Men elssobn Trio Club, consisting of Miss Wbelpton, pianist. Mr. Malms, vlc-Unlst, Mr. Fricke. 'cellist, will give a fine program at the Catholic Institute Hall, corner Virginia and Main streets, thJs evening, at 8.13 o'clock.

MendeisRohu's minor trio, opus 66. one of the perfect productions of that great composer, to the principal feature of the program, and should draw all music 1 err era to hear It, as it has not berore been Dlajred in this city. Mrs. Mlnhan, always a popular singer with a Buffalo audience, will contribute a group of songs to the program. PIANOS, PIANOS.

Now is Your Time to Buy as Prices Will Never be as Low Again. The- receiver's sale of high-grade pianos At Pol 636 Main street, affords yon an op- Mtnnltr that comes only once In a llfe- If yen want a piano, come and see the lock and get the prices. Wa know that we can save you at least $ls and yon have got to dcr to be con TtiiMd. la to call. bava a butlfnl line of pjanos in-rlndtu the "Mason Hamlin," "Krell," "Colby," "Crown," and hare recently added nw iaatruments of the following wen known makes: "Haines Bros." eiMenneester Kroeger," mA mn others.

last think of a nw Haines Bros', being mLA for only S125. Kaaneibbcr erVry piano Is guaranteed for Irt reM from the day yon pnrehase. sitlfnl "Krell" pianos in natural wood taat sell at su ana ty" pianos, that are known the world oyar for tfecir beautiful tone quality, go at Jtf nn" olaiioa with the harp attach BKVaj" her makes in all the fancy "Mahoaanr." "Wal- mt reryone of gnarafTTeed, go -ant a piano don let anyone In Keep the Babies Warm. Infants' Jackets in plain white or white th colored trimming, worth 35c and 50c. for 20c.

7t Infants' Jackets, all ctrtors and stvles. with or without collars, also handsome in- fants', sets with bootees to mntch, In "prices ranging from 25c to $1.75, Infants' Bootees In plnk-snd-whlte, blue-and-wbite and red-and-white also' olala colors, each. Worth 35c. Infants' All-silk Bootees, iu white or white with colored tops, 50c, 75c, $1 pair. Infants' fine All-wool" Mittens, white, pink and light blue, tan red, navy blue and Covers, 36 Inches Square; 20c to $1.25.

all shades and colors, from 25c to $1. new patterns, 20c and 25c vi i uiunu lunivu iih: Htiie uuys Infants', white Mittens, all-wool, single or Infants' fine All-wool white Mittens, with Ung lost, worth 50c. For 39c a pair. Infants' Pure Bilk Mittens, plain or fancy Table Covers and Embroidered square, 45c. holly, fern, Hand-painted satin, all Embroidered Fancy Pin Cushions, 20c and Hand-painted Pin Cushions, large size, 50c Fancy Pillow Tops, with backs, all colors, New Tapestry Mantel Drapes.

$3.00. Fancy Table Head Rests, Mantel Drapes, Doylies, five Inches square, 17c. Nine lnc Larger size for 60c to $1.65. Torse coma strawberry and forget-me-nots. Glove and Handkerchief Cases, la sllkl colors.

50e to $1.38. upward. and upward. 30c and 50c. to match, scalloped and hemstitch s.

75c. Bureau Scarfs, in great variety. Japanese Sim urapes, fi.ooio f.ow. Irish Pblnt Bureau Scarfs, white doyliea aers, 75c to $1.50. lnsn j-oint center neces, all sizes.

Embroidered Picture Frames, 75c to PSc. Laundry Bags, white and colored, 25c to Renaissance Doylies, Center Pieces and -New Velonr Pillow Tops, $1.25. 3 ir keep you away, bnt call and nwii that sneak for wemseives. -f pea renlng and goods sold either i or Utr monthly payments. th store is 638 Main ner-' iMrftV Dr.

Plerce'a. and Herbert V. FINE DISPLAY of special picture for the Holidays at Kevin Art Store, 71 Main street A word of advice to yo. -select at yovr earliest aa this saaoa prswim to ba.vtiqr ksfck: pries rmmee mif tm v. Mh4 Oa Ismlt th tmeetter..

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