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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 9

Buffalo, New York
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The mc'jsrt i how thct Oerel-nJ tuperior is absolately tbe best and mort desirable baking powder inanufactured. S. H. HURST, -THIEF IN A MANHOLE. Cpeetal Boyla Bad a Idvely Oaasa Artec a Crook This Moraiag.

Special Charles A Boyle of the 1st precinct made a clever capture this morning. Be was walking down Maiden, Lane at tea o'clock when be saw Bruno Elnsproa, a youthful crook, oa tbe opposite side of the street. He started after Einsproa and the latter ran down Xslden Lane, crossed to Commercial street and ran to the docks, where he entered a manhole. Boyle was right after Einsproa and caught him In the bole beneath the dock. Elnspron threw Into the river two surer knives, which be had tried to sell to Joseph Rosenberg.

Klasproa was sentenced to 40 days In the He Is Pretty Hearty tbe Whole Thing 1 1 Perry Coantv, Mississippi. A deed of trust conveying certain landa in this county from 1 Fred A. i Parmenter to John I Williame was filed la tbe County Caerk'a office today. i deed, was signed in Perry county, Mississippi. 1 and was duly acknowledged before A.

McSwsin, who Is a veriuble "Poo Bah." Attached to tbe deed is a certificate signed by Mr. McSwam himself, iettinjE forth that be has authority to take acknowledgments and that he is clerk of tbe Chancery. Circuit and Board of Super-tiaara Courts and further that be is the County Clerk in and for the county for all the courts held In that county. The certificate bears a bis; seal. UNPROFITABLE SHARPNESS.

Henry p. Barks Gets Oat of the ClvO Frying PTn lase tbe Ciimiaal Fire. Henry Barke has effected a settlement With Henry Boessle and the action started by the latter some time ago baa been Withdrawn, but there are sensational facts connected with the case. i Boessle in his complaint alleged that Barke bad obtained $510 from him by fraudulently representing that be had great infiuenoe wltb the District Attorney and that he could get George Roessle, plaintiff's brother, out of a very serious scrape he had got into. George was at that time under indictment for rape, the complaining witness being Bra Howarth, 13 years of age.

He jwas fined $250 for the offence by Judge Beaver. Tbe plaintiff in this action alleges that Barke toid him that of the $510 he paid the girl's grandmother $350 and the District Attorney the remaining $100. Acting District Attorney Keoefick is now after Barke. WILL ARREST THEM. The Coxeyltea Will be Nailed as Tramps When They Enter Buffalo.

NO FREEDOM OF THE CITY HERE. Superintendent Boll Does Not Believe In Eneonraains; Bodies of Traaeps aad He Will Have Every On. Looked Up Lively Time Expected. Coxeyltea, Rybakowskites, Industrials, or whatever other name may be given them, will not be received with open arms in Buffalo. Telegrams from Fredonia say that they arrived there this morning en route to Buffalo.

There are 136 hoboes In the ranks, aad they are under the leadership of Count Bybakowski, a young and intelligent Pole. Two baggage wagons and a dog complete the accoutrements of the army. Superintendent Bull was asked this morning what disposition he will make of the army, when it arrives here on Saturday or. Sunday, and he said: "They'll be arrested when they come into Buffalo. I don't think that there will be over 30 men in the party.

No special Instructions bare been given to the police, but Captain Hennessy will catch them when they enter No. 9 precinct. They will be locked up for being- "Are you watching their movements? "Ho. I have not received any reports from the towns' through which the army has passed, and therefore do not know anything about them. When they reach Buffalo 'we will act" "Have you heard Anything 800 Poles organising hero to join the army upon ts arrival T' "I haven't heard a word about such an organisation," replied the Superintendent, "and I don't think Count Bybakowski will succeed in convincing many Buffalo Poles to accompany him." Captain Koehler of tbe 8th precinct says that he has not beard of any organisation of Poles in East Buffalo.

There are many Idle men in that vicinity, and a few may accompany the Coxeyites to Washington. HE WAS A LOOKOUT. AND JUST AS BAD AS THE OTHERS. Patrick KTaeaey Held for Trial oa tbe Sert-ous Charge of CoaapUoity Breaking a Car Seai-JEts rede Already In rrtsnst. Patrick Heasey, a thin-faced diminutive youngster of years, was examined before Commissioner Falrcbtld this morning-, charged with complicity In breaking a government seal oa Lehigh Valley ear 4.288 at tbe Tifft Farm yards on July 4th.

Meaney'a confederates, James Lee and Barry Buller. were apprehended ra the act -and locked la the car. They were examined, and. tn default, of ball were. sent to Jail to await trial.

The tsndes-hearted Patrick has visited them twice tnetr eoofloemant and consoled their solitude by offerings of tobacco aad! cigarettes. In return tor' bis kindness tbey swore they would take ten years la prison rather than divulge the heme of their aocomplica, whom the pouca Were looking for. Specials Helmlund and Dempsey of the Tth precinct arrested eaney last Saturdsy en the charge of larceny. Sad at the station-house he made a statement regarding Us connection with the ear seal ease. 'At tbe examination tins moral nx the defendant's mother end istetae ware present and wept bitterly.

I Attar a lengthy axaatlaatlea of the police officers and railroad Inspectors ooonected with the affair, aad aa luepectloa of the broken atecbanlsa of the government lock; the Oommlssloaar decided that although the defendant did not personally break Into or enter the eat. It was! unauestloaably proved that be was Implicated la the robbery Sad was posted as a look-out for his confederates. was held la 1,000 ball to await trial by the grand iny. His parents Uve a phlo street. 1 i Meeting of the ImnaeiaU.

IJL Well-attended saaarlnv ta Tnl.i Republican league of the 18th ward was held Jest night at Baumeiert HaU. The deal of atrengaand WU1 take a prominent part in tbisi falTa Richard. Lee and William ritzsimnjons, wbo stole six shovels from the Grand Trunk railroad, were sentenced to sixty days In the Penitentiary each by Judge King today. 1 fl manna liver- HaBkh fi.u.j aw -v eaaaaa, ariVMIVUU Ir.JT 3 nana as its regular monthly meeting yester-J 'rtM nnaai aw maul i.r i i A way unvimrwu secoaa semi-annaat dividend of per cent, from current earnings, payable September 1st, ISSJi. i.

Hoalthy Bablaa Ought to Cain Steadily In Weight In Augmat -Four a Noodod to Mak Baby Thrlva." August for seme babies la' a fearful stru'. for existence. v- An Infant needs pure sir. proper food, clean lines aad careful attention. -is.

-j- A healthy baby gala steadily Sa weight In August aa well as in ether months. When sjb Infant has' cut Its first tooth sod does not thrive as a healthy child should; when It grows pale aad fretful, throws up It food la undigested masses, the first thing tbe practiced doctor will advise Is isctated food. Xxpertenco baa shews that babies gala moor steadily In weight and else when put oa a filet of laetated food. The use of laetated food has made-cholera infantum! and summer diarrhea troubles no longer, a matter of fear la thousands of homes. in Laetated food' agrees with babies when every other nutriment Is, refused.

After a day or, two the puny child put on a diet of laetated food shows a decided gala in vigor and liveliness aad there soon follows a rapid Increase la weight and sue. Laetated food Is so absolutely free from any possibility of contamination aad la so rich la everything that bone, body, and muscle need to grow on that babies -regnlarly fod on laetated food develop la every limb and part In si way that delights the heart and eyee of mothers. Keep laetated food steadily at hand. It will remove the anxiety of summer diarrhea and dangerous THE EXERCISER Far isxeelleaee for men, women and caB dren-raa ideal gymaaslum. ..1 BATHING SUITS, Shoes Caps, i parasols; Shoes Caps, fur ladles aad gentlemen.

"-i 'tuts. White, black and cobra, far sjt aorastoaav it Hill 1 Tiiaa raririmm r.r. A large assortment, at prices ranging from 60 cents to $0.00. FIELD! and LAWN. AS Che popular oat of door BABY CARRIAGES -1 Nu nmaefaeturers prlese ta all the- best new summer styles.

BAfiHM'S Great Ysrietj Stc 70 I 363-7 Main St. 74-6 V7hlntoti 5t. Pocket Orer 400 Plfferent SfyTen. .00 Amefican- English a (German We can suit anf-taateio our- rsst range at choice. Handles of Sterile SilYEi, Pearl, WEED CO.

VMS corner FINE FURWITURE For Library, Hall aaii t)rawing-room fronvtsp-ciaLdcstgns, FrerpACretonnesirv'WiUI Papers to Xapestritsfor Wall Hac. ica-Cortain3. Wm. r-Pirtofc 350 Alain St. BXAKca-cF gas raoAxnraxv t.

STEBSX. but Hayler after yoaVe cacrj There is i -4 eaten it. Possibly eating' substi tute all yoar life. Try Huyler's. Vemessber Heylers deBdous tool drinks when down town.

SCHOOLS ASO ACADEMIES. ST. MRaAEKTS Bdsnlliw sad Tmr feboe! younsj Ladles. re-OMa' Smtatnber 23. and electlTS etmrses; eollem prcmrauvy; i -tnutoa-paid HjFStcaa; tbsnacblr aqnlptMl r- -aasiaat.

4 Oaans ta td -sad Ctukiaa. fcvr. rrLi Ktosl.ed ta aUadstsmrtas. sad Coooectlnc lsti, etreotar, addrsav sllss Tom, Iiuxi, I. TPTIt G80TH tnTOTeiST.

r- t' 10 i Aj 1 0 50 Catchers of Frogs Compelled to Dance on the' Carpet fore Uncle Sam. A SyRPRISE PARTY FOR THEM. Caaadlani Wert Aeewstomed Co Brtasj to fargl Qatttlee a Frag I-ege Fveo TJuty awi the easterns Offleere Spotted Them. A quiet tittle surprise partly wee, planned ty Deputy Collector Collins of torn! Buffalo custom bonne for Canadian rreg-eatcnere, It baa been the practice of these Who gather tbia delicious edible to bring ever large eoTered palls containing from, 23 to 40 pounds of Dice- clean legs on the earlj ex curslon boat from Canada. Tbia was get ting- to be too much of a business traffic to suit the-customs authorities and ae tbe Canadian officials on the other side are severeiy strict With.

Americans little retaliatory medicine was decided on. So yesterday and this morning tbe pall-earrlers were quietly asked to step sstde until "baggage" was examined, After which they were invited up to tbe office to square their score withftTncle This caused much and load complaint as- it took a big slice, off tbe profit of a bard day's work. Tbe duty on frog leg's Is 10 per cent, and the McKlntey bill rallies them at 85 cents per Besides this there Is sa entry fee amonnttng to 2Q cents. To some people It might look very small of tbe United States to charge this rather excessive price (for Canadian frogs' legs, bat not When the conduct of one of the Canadian officials toward one of the clerks in the Buffalo custom house is weighed against It at least tbe clerk thinks so. Mr.

Clerk thought a quiet day across the river would be Just the thing and aa tbe other side Is short of watermelons he took one wltb him to enjoy with bis friends camp lng out there. On landing rbe officers de nanded a duty of 20 cents on. the watermelon, whereat the free American citlssn grew very not under the neck band and Died the melon Into the river. There la another reason for tevytng tbia duty on Canadians. Our fishermen complain that Canadians are bringing orer flab every day and competing with them In this market.

These complaints hare, been Investigated but when caught tbe flahermen declare that their Usb were caught by American tackle. The trouble Is thai there are not enough inspectors In the Buffalo district to properly watch these cases of smuggling going on every day. DESTITU riON INCREASING. Dark Foreboding's of the Condition of tbe Poor Daring the Coming Winter. "Destitution is increasing at a rate that promises to bring an alarming condition of thiujjfc next winter," said Byron A.

Churchill, gent of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, at the City Hall today. "In looking after the suffering little ones," he continued, "I find that the cases reported to us are fully one-third store this year than for the same period a year ago. "I find, too, that the destitution is more acWVAA WW w. 'MLV tec than we used to have to deal with, "When the cold weather seta in the suffering will be much greater." It is figured out that double tbe amount used last winter tn relieving distress wilt bo needed during the coming winter. Eighteenth Park Concert The end of this season's park concerts ts drawing near.

Tbe 18th In the series will bo given this evening at Park Lake. The program is as follows: March, "High School Cadets Overture, "Enchantress" Serenade, "Star of Evening" Grand Selection, "Slave Songs of tbe South" March, "Bun lap Conunandery" Halt, Medley Overture, "Up to Date. Walts, "Philomela" Selection. "The Jewess" The Jolly Blacksmith" A. Fairer Overture, "Stabat Mater" "A Hunting Bucalosst (Descriptive.) Peaceful.

The huntsman prepares tor the pleasure of the' chase. We Jump on our saddle and our hunts-i maa sounds a merry blast. Tbe parties Join. The road is alive wltb horseman. On the scent.

Barking of dogs. Full cry. The death. They return homo, march, "Washington Post" Spot Cash Gam Btr Value Hera. A.

Eix, the lower Main street tailor. No. S5-3T Main street, say he is making for spot saah, for the next ten day, forty dollar clay diagonal suits for 22.00, nd the regular thirty dollar business tmit for 15. This is just half price. Mr, Bit has the reputation of saving lotsVf money dr dressy men who will have cue-tsmmdo clothing, but who want low prices.

The observant patron will notice that Jlr- Bix carries a tremendous stock of of all grades, so the most prudent buyer, or he who count not the cost, may bo equally well perred. Who was Ihia-atolen rropavtyT Sheriff Taggart baa received a notice from tbe chief of detectives at Totiawanda, for mfnrmatkm concerning the ship of some stolen property that may have been takes from tbia vicinity. Reuben Heman and James Heman were -the thieves. Tlte stolen property consisted est a dark bay bone attached to a covered avjnaro box buggy, and a bright bay horse attached to a new covered buggy with end spring aad robber top. County OekbfflevttUCtee.

Ae tle County Ctedc'e office will moelve Its- mtu 008X10 temorxew afternoon and Sat. urn ay of this "week. It will be very Incou anient for too pobuo to transact i soy buai. pass, arid though some of tbe attaches of me doe will bo there to attend to each bust nam -as may be pit Beamy County Clerk Bray asks that an -who have business with the offlce tale week -wlU transact It before to luorrow noon. -7'; Kw HUmm1 Tiarhsr JEs Ann A.

Hlxnbex baa been engaged aav method teacher for the State Normal School in this city. She has been method teacher- in the Normal School at Indiana, Pay for tbe past eight years. Vfcm a Hainnl Oolmi Boward OulTer, 23 yean old. of 853 Niagara street, has been missing from his home since August Sri. He taft the booea en, that day lofermlng bis sister that be was! going to work en a farm.

His rolattrea are anxious to teara his whereabout. Banltai Bathrooms aot -complete wilm thm Soar and siaawans ars turt Get catlmaua Sir tbia, mat at-plac work frtma ALTOf W. VAX, -69 Main cu I iatt Ohio fnxt -CMnmisNHur, Aprils, 3893. las end recommend one and only one baking powder, aad that is MARION HARLAND. PAID FOR THE WINDOW.

Tohaaaa Collaslaad BaadelnttaBromltska Had a Backyard Fight. Johanna Collasj of 207 Detroit street bad her neighbor Bendeiretta Bromitaska arrested this morning for breaking a window valued at $1.60. It appears that Johanna and Bendeiretta bad a wordy argument, when the former resortod to fists and brooms. To get re-renge Bendeiretta broke a window in Johanna's house. She paid the amount to Johanna upon advice of Judge King and was allowed to go.

A BUBGLAR CAUGHT. i- HE WAS AN INDUSTRIOUS ONE la FaoS. Be was a Bashar, aa His Kama Jwm plied The Police Have Been Looking for Him for tbe Fast Month. Specials Lasxewski and Goepfert of the 8th precinct caught a burglar last night He proved to be Fred Rusher of 110 Fleming street and he is wanted for burglarising Joseph Bound's slaughter house on Bolt street and for stealing f21 from working, men in the Crocker Fertiliser Works at ast Buffalo. A month ago Rusher broke into Boland's establishment and cut down and carried off a large quantity of hams and meats.

Later he sneaked into the Crocker Works and went through tbe pockets of several workmen on pay day. Tbe police have been looking for Rusher ever since. Judge King sent him to the workhouse for thirty days this morning. BIG FIRE AT TON A WAN DA. Host of Brewing Company's Plant Was Destroyed Today.

Tonawanda, Aug. la Special. PI re at 12.30 today almost totally destroyed the isrge plant of the Boeh Brewing Compsny. Firemen by gcod work saved the mala building. In which Is contained all the valuable machinery.

The cold storage warehouse, packing house, barns, are all gone, and the main building la damaged. All were In close proximity to each other. Loss $30,000 to SS0.O00; Insured. AN UNLUCKY MAN. Hart by a Horse, started for a Hospital, Bitten by a Dog.

Charles Miller, a young hostler of Spring-vllle, N. had two" unfortunate experiences this morning, one with a. horse and another with a dog. While exercising a stallion this morning the horse became unmanageable and Miller's -band was caught between a fence and the halter, tearing it badly. The injury was painful and Miller started for the Emergency Hospital in this city.

On Seneca street he was attacked by a dog and severely bitten oa the leg and hand. He managed to reach the hospital. OVER HALF A MILLION ESTATE OF THE LATE JAS, P. WHITE. Petition FUed for the Probata of the Will Tbe Estate Bequeathed to the Wife of tbe Testator Except o.OOO Glvea to James White, Persons.

Mary Ann White today filed aj petition in the Surrogate's Court praying fior tbe probate of the will of the late James Penfield White. The petition sets forth that Mr. White died August 10th, 1894, leaving a will dated January 11th, 1883, under which the petj-i Honor is made executrix. The estate is valued at (580,000, of which $00,000 is in personal property and the bal ance In realty. The next of kin and heirs under tbe will are, besides the widow, two sons, Seymour P.

White, 21 years, and James P. White, 15 years, and James White Persons, nephew, of Cast Aurora, N. Y. Tbe will baa not been filed, but St waa learned that tbe estate is bequeathed to ths widow, except $5,000 which is given to the nephew; James White Persons, Mr. Ssmte is Ho Batter.

Mr. J. Adam, Lents was reported as being very low at 84K o'clock this afternoon. He appeared to bej staking and bops of his recovery baa about faded out. He was suMoasetous nearly all last night bat rallied tafie this morning and appeared to realize the severe nature of Ma illness.

Is erear that every toOr i ts jesse at mass HTDRo-YiroifiraimTiEn will dnrfBC tMs week erre a tnal FRCH OF to every at pBrchaslnt say raamleslly pnrs and elssaat Toilet wona at Brery kkad at facial nn)lsai sooeemfally OOHBCLIIIMf R. LO Ul ROBINSON Dzamatologist; 1 27MAIN: STREET 627 A sample bottle ef "Oammber sat Oder Flower CfcaaaV' aad book "Sow be Wesattfal" esat asas laaiitd M0TI0B TO CarorrOM rataaut te sa ardsr ef Boa. Jaaab Stem, Samsate of firte Cooniy. M. JSaties Is hereby (tree -ta all peraoas tmriaf elslais St aemsads agslost Berabsra F.

Crentses, hte of tbe of twftuo, In said euantj, acemed, ttaat tier are required exhibit the same witk vondwrs tbanmf ta th aadersUBMidV Catlwrfaie Ca tarty tb axeeatrix of the last will sad usumeat ef the said daemsed. at the oO of said W. 4. Tarltr, fitsffora BaOdinav 10 fnatl street, la the Ckty at Bartiila, la wtd eoBntr, oa at tae 20th Ur at ycrouv. ISijS.

JjatsU. the lSrt it of Aapnrt, 14. C-AT- TCiI. Ereantrtav TO ATJAR WBLJ.i atmroy (v i.wia, f) 8uiui4 haJusss, li rafl feu. K.

X. 'Yoa i atsotr yhat yott Are Its true is given on every label ssvhcveee a'lleallJ Intere sting1 Law Sui Pending-and Some Serious tions are Bae. 4 SOME STRANGE COMPLICATIONS. A Hate gov sVeseaseett the was ef the Estate Of Arthaf Ialph, IjaseettKosrsseaa, aatd Thrwwsv Omta Attorney Chsrles D. Bttckney to referee tn a knotty legal problem which was sent to him from the Supreme Court.

I Arthur Dolpa died at his home in Newstead' In 189L leaving a small estate. i After his death Mrs. Uaste A. Magoffln of Akron presented to the executor a note alleged to have been signed by the deceased forgives. Tbe executoonfused to pay tbe note oa the ground that ft was a forgery.

The holder of the ante brought an action to recover the amount, and there were so many and such strange complications, that it was seat to Mr. SOckney to unravel, 1 The note Is tn a scrawling hand and signed I by the same writer with Dolph's name with an and the words "his mark." The bote Is witnessed by "Stephen Wake-ly" and "Magoffln A Son." The Utter's name was written by George since dead. A photograph of the alleged note was filed tn tbe County; Clerk's office today. Tbe case will not be finished for some time. THE DOLL ESTATE.

The Entire Property, Valoed at 00,000, Beqnaathed to His Wife. The will of the late George J. Doll was filed for probate today. The estate is valued at $90,000 and is bequeathed to Mary Ann Doll, wife of the testator. The will is dated June 8th, 188a Mr.

Doll for many years kept a grocery store on Allen street and it was there that he accumulated bis fortune. NO MORE GRANTS. Impartaat Action Agates rarthar Grant-lax- of Niagara Biver Bights. An Associated Press report states that the sub-committee of the committee on legislative powers i and duties of the constitutional convention have completed their report in regard to the damage being done by the granting of riparian rights on the Niagara river, and based on this the full committee will report to the convention a proposed amendment forbidding the further granting of such rights, and the annulling of those granted heretofore which are not at the present time being used. FOUGHT TO A DRAW.

FARNSWORTH AGAINST 8HO WALTER One of the Best Games ia the Chess Tosna-meat-PUIsbaiytJAalr taBs.tha Wla- -aar of the Cap Remarkably J)aiak Playing. This morning's session ef state chess touresment closed at 12.30. The results were most important as determining the eventual winner of tha Stsats-Zeitung can. Unless all predictions fall, the handsome trophy will fall to H. tt.

Flllsbury of Brooklyn. The first event of the day was the continuation of. tbe adjourned Farasworth-Sho-walter match. After a short sitting, the players made a draw by mutual consent The game was beautifully contested, end many of the spectators considered the best of the tournament. The game waa as follows: PABIfSWOBTB.

KHOWALTEta. Whits, Black. 1. P-K4 P-K4 Kt-OBS g. KKtS QS A Kt2- Kt COS A Kt ICS Kt IS A Kt KtS T.

KtxB RPB A Q8 KtS B-4U Q-Q2 10. P-KB4 P-Q4 1L P-ORS OO 13. KB K3 IS. KtS PsP 14. PzP BO 14.

Kt Q2 IT. B2 Kt R4 15. Xt-KtS Kt Bl 19. BlKt PxB SO. P-t P-KKtS a.

Kts SSL Kt B9 3a. QXP K-QTx 34. K-K Q5 25. QxQ RxQ 26. Kt 66 ST.

QS-Q 2S- KBHB3 The second match of the morning was between Flllsbury and Farasworth, which the former secured la 23 moves, Messrs. A(bln and fwewalter were still engaged In their game when time was called. The contest, will be completed tomorrow. If the match results la Showal tor's defeat, as Is probable. It will place PlUsbury half a game In the lead, aad he win only have to draw in his second game with Bhowalter to sscurs the cup.

j-In case of a victory for ghowsiter, the two players will be tied. The most sensational of tbe meeting's events occurred this saornlng In tbe lightning exblbltien given by Mr. Helms la -bis match wtte Mr. Palmar. The eon test sras called St 10 o'clock, wtth a time Mailt of one hour par 36 moves, as stipulated In the tournament rules.

ii Mr Helms overslept at bis hotsL and arrived at 10.60. havlag just 10 minutes to complete 25v moves or default to- his opponent. He made hie- 33 moves within the limit and completed S3 mores to 12 minutes, defeating Mr. Delmar, who Is a player of noted ability. In the sixth round of the general tournament the i following matches had been finished at aeon: First class Bar ttngasse defeatod Scripture, Helms defeated Palmar.

Steoad dass Weweombe defeated Waller, Craw defeated Third clam RobertSoa defeated Larary. A' "I i i- ilfcssrtbof Br.Xowtosw Dr. Henry Newton, who for seme years' waa a resident of this city, died at Fredonia OS Mondavi at his mother's bona. He was a graduate of the Niagara Medical College, and was tor three years a student In Vr. Floyd 8- Oefo's office.

Later be was ml. dnt physician at the Bisters' Hospital. While there be acquired lung trouble. He went to the Adlrondacka in vain, end returned horns to die. Toronto Bay and City Brought Close to Buffalo.

STRANGE PHENOMENA Vessels on Lake Ontario in Plain Sight from Hlsrh Bnildinsrs in This City. A YAOHT WITH HER SAIL SET. Haitian's Island Loomed Vp Qalte Clearly Early Spectators Saw Use Spires oa the Caurohea of the Cana- Clty. A beautiful and wonderfully perfect mirage was seen in the northern sky about 10.30 o'clock this morning. Toronto ciy, the harbor and the island were visible for nearly half an hour.

Those who were first to discover the phenomenon claim that they could distinctly see tbe church spires of Toronto, but tbe atmospheric conditions changed so quickly that only the outlines could bo discovered after the first ten minutes. Aa late as 11 o'clock the northern shore of Lake Ontario could be traced from the roof of the Commercial building. Then tbe clouds lowered, obliterating tbe beautiful picture. This morning's phenomenon appeared to be what is classified by natural scientists as a mirage of the third order, the objects looming up above the woter andfar above their, real level. They were not Inverted as is the case with a mirage of the first and second class, but appeared- exactly aa one looks upon a distant landscape, only that they seemed to be In cloud land.

The city of Toronto, as seen in the mirage by members of the Commercial staff, looked very much as It does in reality when approached by boat from the American side. The gradual rise of the city as it slopes back from the water- was distinct and the perspective had a natural appearance. Through a glass It seemed as though faint outlines of streets could be traced, in the rugged birdseye-vtew appearance of the -surface, The form of tbe bay and the 'island was' compared closely with a map of Toronto bArbor and their contour was found to be exact. In point of distance the ebjecta seen in the phenomenon looked to be about as far away as Crystal Beach. The coast line of real Lake Erie and the visionary north shore of Ontario bad exactly the same appearance, the only point of difference being tha the waters of Erie looked green while those of Ontario had a whitish, silvery appearance, like.

the sheen cast by a setting sun. On this side of tbe expanse of water, a point or projection was visible, though not so clearly defined as the Canadian shore. This was believed to be Charlotte. In a direct line between this point and Toronto Bay, a large sidewheel steamer could be seen making her way in a southeasterly direction. The boat was very distinct.

The large round wbeelbouse and the funnel pouring out black smoke 'were perfectly plain to tbe naked eye. The steamer Nors-man, a large side-wheeler, is said to ply between Toronto aad Charlotte, and the boat seen in the mirage appeared to be exactly in her track. Directly to the north two dark objects surrounded by smoke stood out from the glassy surface of the water. They were supposed to be steamers of tbe New York Central line plying between Lewiston and Toronto, but the smoke was too dense to be sure of anything except that they were moving. A sail boat, apparently a yacht, was the most distinct of any object seen in the mirage.

Her main sail, was set and she was lying close to the wind. She looked no farther away than some of the small craft, that were sailing inside of the Buffalo breakwater. She turned and careened with the wind, and then disappeared from sight aa suddenly as a picture on a magic lantern slide. In this Way the whole mirage seemed to dissolve. A bank of black clouds swept along frooi the west, and between them and the bright rays -of the sun.

tbe phenomenon melte! awjay. By II o'clock its outline had vanished, lust as Its appearance began to bo noised about town and tbe roofs of high buildings were becoming populous with eitJ-sens. i Life vera, AtMnttoa I Admiral JEdwla D. Ay era of: the Volunteer Life Saying Corps of the State of New York Is la Buffalo for the purpose of establishing crews of volunteer Hfe-savers In Buffalo. He la gathering a list of life-savers In this city.

Tom Clark and Tom Cavanaugh will receive medals. I A Hew Lead Compaay. Louis G. ScBoepfiin. Edward II.

Kraus, William Wright and others have filed a certificate of of the West Seneca Land Company. Capital stock 12,. 000. in shares of S50 each. MANY af fbe twaotUal laws at this dty aad vicinity were erodocee ay satoa; ear aagUsb dwarf fawa seed and rerfsctJoa Lawa rerttliaec Bamy IM k.

IT BUIeett street f- 4 DIED. i ISStOI-ia tMs etty. Angost lata, tools Icrcn. sg SO yeses. aatbs and I day.

PnBoral from ato vmomrm snaar, rrhto frtwtnn af a'elaok. Hs VBS Mlllhug VmL Vusnae o. STimss sre ta. vices to stwnd. tATK TO VMJkSBOX.

ayiaMisjajsiMaaaaMsiss WANTED A FOSrnOW TO TAJtS CHABQB OT nippuic am ivciuc arparuumd oi aims lain eoocsra arbere a thorough kaowledg ef tallraed af. wool 1" sa sdvaataa. Agnot, Oommeicfaa aOioe. I rinraai. BsUmsiI fiTTNOFUD TO IjOAI ON' WEST Ci.le: lmprord; Biiut earns BvOd, Gaiuuervuai euue.

workbense by Judge King. GRIEVES FINED $30. Be Stole Twenty -Ave Whips from George W. Windsor. Edward N.

Grieves, the salesman, who stola 25 whips rained at S2L and who skipped to Rochester with the money, was brought before Judge King today by Detective Reagan, wbo went to tbe Flower City after Grieves. The latter stole the whips from George W. Windsor. He was fined PAID UP AT LAST. The Old Judgment Against the Buffalo Athletic Club Has Been Satisfied.

A judgment for $1,062 obtained by tbe German-American Bank against the Buffalo Athletic Club Harlow C. Palmer, Henry Altman, Jacob Stern, John H. Ball and Philo D. Beard was returned by the Sheriff this morning wholly satisfied and so recorded in the County Clerk's office. SHE KILLED HERSELF Mrs.

Emma Kulpinski's Terrible Denunciation of Her Husband. YOU MURDERER SHE WROTE. Thea She Taok a Big Base of Carbolio Aad aad Bar TreaMes Were ls -Over Her Husband's Statement. Umma 38 years of age, died in horrible agony this morning In her home, No. 218 Loepere street She deliberately drank a dose of carbolic acid.

The coroner found the following letter, which is a story in Itself: The parting letter to my husband: "Now your wish shall be fulfilled. I have been clubbed long enough by yon. I see that there are no hopes. It Seems hard for me to part from my children. "My heart is broken from sorrow.

"Now think of my poor children; treat diem different from what you did me, and do not live with other women, as you have been doing. "Do not forget my words, and think of my children. I hare been your dog and not your wife; now It willend. "I send my" last regards to my friends, and relatives." Then follows another letter as follows: "To my dear children: I will bare to part aad kiss and love you dearly. "I will constantly be in your eyes.

"To my husband: "And you, you murderer, you have murdered me several times. Now I am out of your way, you can continue to take all the loafers in the house. "You are a free man and all by yourself. "EMMA KTJLPINSKL "218 Lopere street" Her brutal husband was arrested and made the following statement to the coroner: "My name is Julius Kulpinski. I am 83 years of age, and a baker by occupation.

"I was at a wedding in Lombard street last night and I came home between six and seven o'clock this morning. "I went to the wedding without an Invitation. I went alone. "When I got home my wife was sitting on a chair and she began to scold me and I struck her. "I licked her Monday morning, I need to have words with her quite often and would always strike her.

She used to scold me. "She attempted to commit suicide seven years ago in a place on Michigan street, by trying to bang herself. Kulpinski was held to await a further inquiry by the coroner. 8 track with a Chain Fred Miller of 108 Michigan street was a pitiful-looking object as bo sat Police Court this morning. His face looked like a piece of raw beefsteak and be bad several cuts in the head.

Miller and George Lite engaged In a fight in Tuny Andrews's saloon on Michigan street near the Buffalo Creek last night and Lita hit Miller on tbe bead and faoa with a chair. Officers MescaU and Whalea of the 7th precinct arrested Lots and today Judge King sent him to the Penitentiary for SO days. ay Hoase oa Gay Street Baidael. Bergt. Connors and Special Reibold of the 4th precinct raided a disorderly house at No.

10 Gay street at two o'clock this morning. Tbe officers arrested Belle Lambert, the housekeeper, and Lizzie Carman, Ella Ray, May Gorman, Grace Gilmore, Harry Williams and Joseph Smith. Judge Harrington fined each one 5, Fire at BJaek Back. A atlll aldrjai was sent to Engine 15 at 11 o'clock last night for fire in the rear of A. Price's grocery store, comer of Austin and Dearborn streets.

Boys playing with matches set fire to soma bouse bedding. The fir was put out with a few pails of water. A Saw Fell aa Him. Hugh Gibney, an employe of the Magnus Beck 1 Brewing Company, net with painful accident this afternoon. A cross, cut saw fen on Wa foot enttmg tt' badly.

Bo was taken to the fitch Hospital, Gib-pay ia 41 years old god live et 2U Clinton street. I lift 'Vl II -II 'III llll rfeaal Bates Will Wot ha Cat. Money has been put up binding an agree, ment by which all the canal forwarders la the city declare that they will not accept lower rates than that fixed by the following committee: W. F. O'Rourke, Gordon W.

Hall, A. Carpenter. O. A. Crandall, Harris Fosblnder and 1 Mthauj..

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