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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 1

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

thi In wI cot pal sor go the of win flrn tlde get pat fil Bill strfi ket and' Kf Au protr of tlo rlt VOL. xxxix 1B HOKE SMITH LANDSLIDE WHELMS GE CARRIES OVER ONE HUNDRED COUNTIES AND GIVES. HIM THE GUBERNATORIAL PRIZJ toted Candidate Mates RemarKablJ Roe Showing At Polls Yesterday LIE Will CONTEST ELECTION Of OPPONENT L. CurtisDefeat M. T.

LKatt and Frank Hilburn for Aldermanic Honors In the Flrat Ward LaHatte Ran onl in. the The Winner. MAYOR. W. R.

Toyner ALDEBMEJJ A. L. Curtis first ward. K. M.

BeuteU fifth ward. COUNCILMZN. I r. A. R.

Baskin. first ward. Fre 8 Huddleston. second ward. C.

W. Han gum. third ward. Dr. B.

E. Pearce. fourth ward. I. P.

Styron. fifth ward. John W. Grant. sixth ward.

I r. T. Lmgino 8 nr ath ward. Charles E. Hazman eighth wd.

City Attorney James L. Maywn. City Engineer B. M. Clayton.

City Tax Collector T. Payne. Commissioner Public Works H. L. Collier.

City Treasurer Thomas T. Peeple City' Sexton H. H. BlUefiel Chief W. R.

Joyner wa. elected mayor yesterday over Thomas H. Goodwin by a majority In the entire city of 261. Joyn r' total vote wa 4067 arid Goodwin's the vote by ward being as follows Frt ward Joyner 368 Goodwin 487. Second Wfcrd Joyner 830 Goodwin 41.

Third Ward Joyner 64. Goodwin 8141 Fourth Wlard Joyner 817 Ooodwtn 441. Fifth Ward Joyn 45. Goodwin I2. Sixth Word 800.

Goodwtn 448. Seventh Ward Joyner 231 Goodwin 2s Eighth Ward 284. Qoodwtn 104. The erg. vote that GoodwiQ received wa a great eurprlse to many of JoyneYo friends.

When Goodwin tint announced It was believed he would not get 600 votes but II Um. passed strength began to trtreass and the day before the election beta were made the he would be Yesterday when the returns began to cone in It looted for a while an If ijoodwin woold be a sure winner and It was not until the last ward th fourth wa heard from that the. result we. definitely known. Sixth Ward Saved Jynsr.

It will seen by the full official vote of th city election that Goodwin Carried several of the wards by a good majority. It was the sixth ward that saved Joyner' In that ward he received 800 vote even and that gave him a chance to overcome th fifth and third wards. In which Goodwin had large majorities. It looked so like feat for Joyner at a late hour last night that his friends became Jubilant when the news came that had been elected even if tits majority we. small.

Joyners celebrated fir and. drum corps lathered in front of Joyns horn. over No. I engine house and PT' him a serenade. It is said that a rumor had been put Lo circulation that Joyner was taking an in teret in the election of governor' and the fri nds of on candidate began to knife him.

Mr. Ooodwin friends sttribiit his Lam. vote to his Uatform ant what hart said against Joyner during the campaign. Mr. Qoodyin was quoted last night as kaving announced that Re intended to contMt tl election but had net yet mad known upon what rounds he would make the contest.

The Other Races. To race for alderman in the first ward was doe and it took the last count to rmina the result. The lull vote stood Curtla JI 88. XaHtte 236 liulbura 058. Tn contest for.

council In the third ward o0j MuPln 82 Bishop 444. In' the four rard I vote arc 8. Turner 32 In the fifth ward the triangular race resulted. uUowst Styron 477. Adams.

J. Barrett 152. In th other ward there wer no. -contest. lIt.

Beutell for alderman In the fifth received all th votes polled in th ielfy In Ih second ward- Mr. Huddle asot Va. I44tf to. the tteth Sir. Grant received I449 votes li UI.

seventh. LOIfI2- rerjtYSd 444 volrs. r. Ifarroan rsceIed W. R.

JoYNER. Who Sueeeeda Tames O. Woodw ard as Major of AUat Though Defeated fall Men Were ucky in letting I Mr. Smith Lives in Sixth Ward and Mr. Hbwell in the Eighth Both Were Carried by Mr.

Howell in Yesterday's Primary. The sixth ward. in which iloke Smith live. Bud the eighth. which Is the home ward of Clark Howell.

were both carried by Mr. Howell and. though they were the only city wards won by him. It so happened that those who aye 5 their money on the lesser won it. while the jtln.

Uemen who backed th winner art out a number of. good dollars. In Atlanta nearly all the betting was on the proposition hat Clark Howell would carry Ms home ward and Hoke Smith-lo his. The wager was offered hi the Clerk Howell men first when 11000 was posted at a ocel cigar store. This wa covered by the adherents of1 Mr.

Smith and subsequently a number or other ts were made on the same wager. In nearly all easel the names of those engaged in the betting were not disclosed and In many Instances those who offered money did not know who took It. white those who covered ts were not aware of the Identity of the gentlemen whose coin they were attempting to tike. mutAXS WOKLDS RECORD. Autoist Goes Fifty miles in One Hour and Three Minutes.

Philadelphia A 22. A new worlds record for automobiles for SO miles was established on the Point Breeze track here today by E- R. Kelly. of this city. Kelly ooYere4 the distance.

In one hour three minutes and nineteen and three. fourth seconds. Barney Qldfteld established a new track record for a mile. finished in one minute two re000de. Barney QIddeld and Eddie Bald were the only starters In the I be of the Atlantic City sweepstakes Soy a prize of 62000.

The distance was miles and Bald won. Time flee minutes forty seconds. Result of tte-Htaftlir Race in First District Overstreet Chosen to Pill Unupired Term of Colonel Rufue Lester and Sheppard Named for the Long Term. Savannah. Oa.

AurWt 22. Special. Although at the returns are not In from the first congressional district there Is no doubt that 1. V. Overstreet was elected to till the unexplred term of the late Rutus E.

Lester and that V. W. Sh ppard Was elected to the long term. There were tour candidate for the short term. Gordon Sausy.

William Clifton. J. v. QYPCHreH and J. llartrldge Smith.

SheppBrd wag opposed In the contest for the long term by 2. A. Urannen. Although this campaign has en a brief one. It ha not lacked It vigor.

all of the candidates taking the stump. Trustees ke Charge. Richmond Va. August 22. Liberty Council Junior Order United American Mechanics or Manchester one of the larglIt local councils In the state na placed affairs In the hands of true tees on account of an alleged larg shortage in Its funds.

The trustees will. It Is said lay the facts before toe con- monweallbs attorney and ask Win to act. The officers held lesponslble for the shortage deny all wrong-doing. Sot Guilty. Prom The Chicago News.

The Beggar Please sir will you kindly assist a poor old roan who has three to support The Pedestrian What do you mean to you are a bigamist The Beggar Oh no sir. Two. of they are the wives or my sons-in-law. Unjust Suspicion. Prom The Chicago Tribune.

Maria. said Mr. itghrnore. over tie telephone. Id like to bring an ok' and valued friend and former partner hon to dInner with me today.

Who Is It asked his wire. IC. Sklles. who cd to be rne Sklles I never heard or such a person. If you do.

John Alfred. there'll be the biggest TOW you ever saw In this house Ills Plurality Over His dearest CornpeUor Was 450 Vote HIS VOTE WAS ARE IICOUITY PRfCIHCTS Woodward Was Second and Sharp Third Br Made Good Youth. How th Others Stood There Had Been lively tting- on the Result. Hubert 1. Gulberaon attorney at law and i-hairman or the board 0 county I commissioners was elected county trees urer yesterday over his seven opponents liter one of the most spirited and Interesting contests ever held in the county.

received 450 more votes than the next highest candidate. James G. Woodward. Mr. Sharp made a good third.

and Mr. Brannan a good fourth. What greatly added to Sir. Culbertons strength was the large vote he received la the country precincts. He rams Into the city fth a good plurality over all his opponents.

As soon as th counts In the city showed that he wax holding his own It was at once known that he had been elected. The full vote In this race Is given below the candidates being placed In the order of their standng at the end of the contest Culberson 2491 Woo lw rd 2041 Sharp. 1566 Hrannan. 1480 Draper. 547 Clarke.

52 Glrardeau. 450 Barnes. 437. It has often been claimed for Mr. Woodward that lie could always poll at lest 2000 voes in the city for any office for which tie might run.

lie polled about 900 in the city. liii vote in the country precincts was small. None of the candidates made ft. pout race and all thawed that they had many friends In the county. This race created us much it not more Interest than any in the election itch yesterday.

There was a great deal or betting done and it was said lat night that a lot or money changed hands. Most of the bets was on the naming of the three highest candidates One man bet that Culberson would receive more votes than Woodward and Sharp put together. lie lost of course. There were 10124 votes cast In lb i race for county treasurer and of this number Mr Culberson received a little more than one-fifth. He received more than did tour of hl.

opponents put together. Four Hurt by Explosion. Marion. Ohll1. August 22.

Martoi Halfway. Power and Lzht Company's power plant was wrecked and tour rmi injured tonight. by the explosion of a horse power boiler. The shock was felt for two miles. The entire city we.

thrown into darkness. The injured Albert Riley. fireman. burned I bruised. Gottlieb Tret oral heaver.

probably fatally traIled I Daltoh. fireman anti his son Charles. cut and bruised. Howard Ruhleell. engineer and William McCJJ helper.

were overcome jv heat- Kills Rival at Church. ulna Aufguat J2. Durlngr a religious rrvivel in Magofftn county today Boyd Sturgeon shot and killed John England his rl' al for the affections of young woman. Sturgeon escaped 0 i the mountains. MDUFFJE DEMOCRATS.

JOIN IN JUBILA TION They're kept Their Eyes On Bowden" and Pulled Off Victory TOM WATSON DESPITE HIS mm His Horn. County Oo Against Hit Candidate Giving Good Majority to Colonel Jim Smith. Thomson. Ga. August 22.

Special. Despite the landslide against democracy that seems to have truck almost every county of the state. ttM democrat. or MrDutfie come up smiling. They tech they have pulled off a.

great victory by carrying this county against Torn Wation candidate. Hoke Smith. The contest In thi county hall been exceedingly close. every Inch of the ground being fought over. Since he first entered political life.

Torn Watson has never made such a personal campaign a he ha In half of Hoke Smith. He lisa gone Into the-different country precincts. giving barbIifS arid making speeches and personal appeal to hl old populist trtnda hem brought to bear every personal Influence he could by any po utblllty command. and yet rill candidate lost the county. It has the gen ral opinion hit.

that Watson's ambition was to to the Macon convention In order to have the machinery of the democratic party put in his hands. To this end he set up Lbs cry that somebody or other was trying to humiliate him by defeating his candidate In hlg Watson's home county. and from the day he put Hoke Smith Into the field he has devoted practically all his time to campaigning. He made two speeches In Thorn-Ion he called to his assistance Congressman Hardwlck end others or his lieutenants. and no stone hi.

been left unturned by him. But old WcDuffle Is still democratic. and the democrats here are rejoicing atj the signal victory they have pulled oft In carrying the couty for Colonel Jim Smith. Watson's cry. Keep your eye on Bowden.

has been tak up from one end of the county to the other. and the popular young business man whom Wat. son attacked because of his Interest In his personal friend. Jim Smith. finds himself tonight the most popular man In the county.

Macon. Ga. August 22. A I division or the solid democratic vote of SIbb between Clark Howell and Judge Russell has unquestionably lot the ty to Hoke Smith and Ms plurality will toe In the neighborhood or 200 votes. The city count Is not at this hdur Un- lobed bet that which Is complete still i gives smIth such majority as will Insure his leading In Blbb.

The local results are at this hour conceded as follows FeWer. for the ecoate. wins over Davis to Blbb. Felton wins over Matthews in BJbb for judgeship of superior court. Joe Hill Hall.

T. IX Ryals' and en Fowler i will be Blbbs representatives and S. A. Crump will defeat George Wing for treasurer. Tax Receiver R.

Anderson defeats Beckham. The results have en taken calmly by the crowds who waited with consul trable Interest. There has been a small vote In the county. many remaining I way from the polls. Candidate Won County by Plurality of 1984 Votes Game to the City With Over Tire Hundred to the Good and Car- rUd Every Ward Except the Sixth and the Xllrhth.

By a plurality of votes over Clark' Howell end It clear majority of 1200 votes over the four candidates opposing him. Hold Smith yesterday carried IruI ton county Ire the race for the democratic nomination for the Mr. Smiths strong showing In. the county was apparent early In the after- noon when the returns from the county precincts begat coming In. When all the county had been figured up Mr.

Smith was found 528 votes ahead of his nearest tontpetltor. In the city Mr. Smith Increased Ills' plurality by over 400 votes carrying every ward In lice city with the exception of th sIxth and eighth the former helnlt Mr. Smith I home ward and the' tier th home ward of Clark Howell. The other candidates were never considered seriously and the small vote cut fr r- th showed th justness' or title opinion.

Judge R. B. Russell received Sal. Colonel 3. dl.

Emilli St and Colonel JllIne. 1. Smith 2 Wright and Merritt Win. For state house. officers there were only two contests and in each case Fulton went heavily for tie encumbent.

For comptroller general. William A. Wright received 721 r- to 2009 cut for Vincent V. Sanford. of Floyd.

For state school commissioner W. U. Unitt was giver 9114 while hl opponent. Mark Johnson of Baldwin ra- celVtd 3727. The following candidates were not op- posed and received practically the full vote.

scratching being indulged In to a very limited extent For Secretary of tale PHILIP COOK. For Stats Treasurer. ROBERT E. PARK. For Attorney General.

JOHN C. HART. For Commissioner of Agriculture T. O. HUDSON.

For Prison Commissioner CLEMENT A. EVANS. Fur Chief Justice Supreme Court Unexplred term ending January I ltd WILLIAM H. FISH. For A soulaU Justice.

Unexplred Term. 18111 MARCUS W. BECK. For Associate Justice. Unexplred Term.


Full Term. SAMUEL C. ATKINSON. JOSEPH HENRY LUMPKJN For United States Senator A. O.

BACON. For Judge Atlanta Circuit JUDGE JOHN T. PB TDLETON WTTTE SUBMITS TO XSTFE. Former Russian Premier Undergoes Operation at Prankioyt. st.

Petersburg. August 22. the former premier. submitted to an operation on Tuesday at Franton which was performed Piby Professor Etptat. A telegram ee1ved here from the count declares that his health was the sole reason for his I visit to Frankfort a rumor of w- I UUCAl alms to tL contrary notwita- standing.

lie will be obliged. to remain at Frankfort. or In the. vicinity In order I to Affect a cure. FULL VOTE CAST IN RACE FOR COUNTY TREASURER.

Socti A Sameness About Ruins They Grow I Bit Monotonous NO SECTION SCEU HOSE SMITH DEOX uiton Floyd Bibb Richmond' Thonise of Big Six Are 1 Rake Smith and tlll ficveV. Chatham by Unoomfort- ably Small Margin. The result of the state primary is cal victory for Hoke Smith. The returns. practically compl iefti i that Mr.

Smith has carried 100 cooafll In several counties It wm require official count to determine the and from several of the moreV counties no reports of a definite Veil ter havebeen received. The present catlons are that Mr. Smith is 264 delegates to the stats convention of 386 comprising' the membership of body. The sreportle of the tattle of ballots iSr tory is full and oompletft1 R' all probability. his nomination millon at the suite COTventipa meets at tacon on 4.

1 The only other contests on ticket were those for the offices off troller general and stats' school sloner. These were completely shadowed by the contest OTerthjl norablp so completely that moil voters were not aware that suchf were on until they undertook their tickets. Neither Mr. Sanfo Mr. Johnston made the slightest ion Comptroller General WrighUl tlate School Commissioner Merritt TYIng very county so far as report Three- contests for congress werej ttTtEtffig side issues.

Too of these' furnished by the first district. The for the short term to nil the vs caused by the death of Colonel- Lester brought out a separate set candidates than that for the long te I The short term contest was won byHc J. W. Overstreet of Screven. over I opponents.

The long term was Continued on Page Sir. THE WRATBEB. Washington. August 22 Forec4 Thursday and Friday Georgia Local rains Thurad Friday light variable winds. Local Cat Highest temperature.

Lowest temperature. Mean temperature. Normal- temperature. Precipitation 24 hours. i Deficiency slsce It of rnoDUL.

Excess deficiency Since January' tat Atlanta cloudy. Abilene. pt. cloudy. Augusta cloudy Baltimore clear Bo.

ton. clear Buffalo. cloudy. Charleston pt. crdY.

t7harl9tte cloudy. Chattanooga. cloudy Chicago. clear. ctnclnnaU.

cloudy. Corpus Christ clear Detroit pt. cldudr Dodge City. clears Qalveston cleat i' Huron. pt.

cloudy. Jacksonville cloudy Jupiter. Clear Kansas City cleat. Knoxville. cloudy.

Los AngelesClear Memphis rain. i Mobile. pt. elpudy. Montgomery.

pt New Orleans. Pt cv North Platte clearC Norfolk clear 73 1 I 78.1 Rapid City cloudy i Savannah. cloudy Saw FraticlcO. co cloudy. Seattle cloudy.

3 jS St. pt. cloudy St. PauJCloudl i. rJp clear.

VKTisburr. p' Wilmington 7 so 66 Vsa 82 88 84 To 8080 80 ea 4 I. 88 SO so i1 90 88 82 7 4T8f hi" ge 4 1 I Ii a rrt No. 69 ATLANTA GA. THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 23 1906.

FOUR PAGES GE011 1' 1 ANDGIVES. GUBERN A TORIAt i JOYNER WINS OVER GOOOLN BY 261 VOTES SA A. Curtis Def tI tte Frank Ward s. ne 1- I I I Dr. Mangum.

Pe urth II Dr. D. IJong 1o seTenth R. E. Works Thomas Sexton V.

el ted Tut rdJlY OV maJor ty heentl JoyneT' 7 ward nd Ward 842. I Ward rod Ward 812. Slx 1 War Joy1 Ward 231. Good In Iii. Ei bth IVed was et 00 I I ay eJ elected.

unli a I ward-the was th. Goo wln 4 I ardtht Joyoy. 1 rd i the rd I ha defeat tn he me i i I hi the friend. on. fr i1attrlbut.

vote 1J4 ha4 ote4 lutnibt avtn The 1rc 0I1. hit made uK ft IM tint ooynf det n. a 31118. Hatt. buna C111t 1n.

th1r st i9 ra iti' tr1n o' SUBarntl 2. tb- i b. ttt1 i tblf aec Vr ro1 rots IA in lilt GantreceIvld 124 7i 1f 1 1 I I i 1 I :1 i 1 1 OBIU Woodward Ma Yor A 16 HOME WARDS FOR HOWELL i i Eighth-Both I I Howell-and. thole. ayed mone th the dolla neari wa propo 1pon 7 Qted of bets I 1 man i off.

bets th th I i I A autOtn. bl1u ml ea 7 nlneteoenand I re heat I II aecon SHEPPARD WINS OVERSTREET TOO the- ttOoublr E. nn. I 1 fT I d1 trlcl i ter i Sheppard i ldat Sau iJ. i I en he.

or I I Take 22. I. hanici. Manche ter naa I ed a 1 IlJ I I Ilttom lact. offi rs I I hor 3ge Pleue Oh.

IV" Inrla fr 01 used be- 8k11 1 ucha CULBERSON WON EASILY IN. CE FOR TREASURER I i I I I IN COUNtY I I I the There HU Ivel I i I tre. I Ma ne a ded r. Culbe ns trn YO reln t. clt an ldate.

stan ng con teat. trd. 41 Grar eau 1. I a. out elt KII.

I Intn I I mon I t1 Culber on mO tllere wer the ount Aug a ht I 1. RilE lJ I br eb Trptz. Ch rlel ut Ru ltell. anI we a t. During atre tlon.

II ellcapec i The ve es Victo 1 OEFETEO I I Goes I Can clli1a t. I 22. I land lIde I eat a rryln this be I pfnI 1 a.1 has l1alf the. djt rent pT cln raooal I Ii. per onal lld poe- I I count been general jte dem CraUc i ry all I taD l.

hi I CongT man II lIe tenant. a I CT count I i I hl count I BIBB CARRIED i BY HOLE SMITH Ju the.couii- ote I Wb hl enatt' I jU Jl5hlp Jr treuurer FULTON CARRIED BY HOKE SMtTH th of- I 94 I Ho I In I ronnt earl i I 1 1 811 i I 1 Ul lty Uonof the ronn i fr. trr turn the jDstn re 881 eand 2. cretar I PAn Comml lloner r. I.

Associate It HE RY RY 0 Opera tfon 22. IUIL Qn- a I by el am I all rumor v- its lry not wita- a1lI I 1. c. of OOtTNTT 2 3. p.

114 2 7 c. A 0 I CS A A ji A 0 Eo 3' 8 a ia 0 to. 8 8 i15' BARNES. 1 1 1106 I at. 31 I S.

0 I 1.1' 1 I I I. 0 6 I 0.1. 1 I 9 I 3 4 1 20 r. 13 I 1 J437 BRANAN. 1302 1231 1178 I 110 I ao 51 1 15 123 I 15 I 1 I 0 I 2 50f 18 1 11 I I I 5 I 13 I 80.

121 46 5 0" l' If 4J51 ULBERSON 102 I 281 I 217 2D4 I' 18 I 189 54 I 43 I 3 I 28 I 19 40 42 I 1 1 7 I. 35. 111- 83. I' ss 12 1 DuAPER. 23 i 9 I 5 621 56 I 46' 8 I 111 t- 0 1 0 1 I 0 I II 7.

0 t. S' MI GIRARDEAV. 17 1112 82 77 I 49 I 12 3 I 2 0 I 1 3 I 1 I J2 I 1 4 51 O18 I IJ Oi II 1 I. 0 t' I 10 I 11 I 6 i 6t X' 1. z2 tt I 1141-- 5h 1JM1J5lti ou f' WHEN.

CALLED COUNTIESC8 IHOKE SMIl uch rrw urns fSCIPEO IU hmCnd7 S1 Aritt t111Sa Grt. 0 j. 1 isl I comPteie. I colHti I coun th themonl ota de1 itec hue rec ved. ThJ J1.

mem Conllt1tu i report llotJ 1 r8D Om IrJ ia Gm Septem QoJthe olttcUol co nOTllh1p-1I0 th m9. such tOtd Joh ton lm Ion GenraIWr1 ht. re lO teMiI were th. furnlllh dlstrfctTbe on term. the.

ut or ug' OD 1. Scm noveri wtn D. PageBIL A t22ForWt a Frida Local Thuraday 1 1) ta. t- tempEra lure. t.

tn Exc. I. Jrcm Various Statf 4 ha WtW Ul U. dou 7 78 I 81 tis le I. tl tfalo 78 lco Cbat1e ton.

82 7. cl. OUd n. 82 cl ntdTr 9g 94 81 70. 84" JaclltllOnvmieloudy dear.

82' 88 InoxviUecloudy 71- Los le8dea 7' II 4" tal Ii 10. 12t i nl sa ut New rkcleat 78. 84 clee 8 71 pt :8" it I' i. J1Sr 64 64 i ifC t1 i 8ea. U.

011. 17. 7a1. 7 a. StLOuI pteloudr at P0 cM 8 10 VI ttbutlt e10 2d7 iN WI cto tpt.

dd iP84 1najpredbh ntti 7 tim C. 1 b. tmi tet I o' RiBER THE AiiWtA bONsITIOii FOUETEEN JI 1NS SAIS 11 Defeatu Ward Seo- on 4 oytier. ALDiMEN. A Pr4ee azman AttUmnayTame m2OTLty theentimo 26 tin bi.

mom Dc I me an I takin govemorand I iii ie 1 tt dtrurne Tb0 stOod ZS fourt Psarc66. 32L a' 353 Barr weis I In the the ci1i. gton wau rireived sod kt the eighth. Mr. 3I2vot8L 1 4.

th. clMl1IeUk1tre51Vda 7 tb ful vots LL n5 1 4. I 7 I I 4 FORHOELL 8ellin r. I Tb wai I dis- or I I 1NS i i 22. I Ru1u 1 1 I Ciii I I I ie he lb ii to.

ot sir. klndt a What. say 05 no. Ii an F. there II thu a ON RACE car- 0T AS Petting I.

a It addedto with the Woodward. a I I we man wa pu thi mom to it I robabi I' it 0. I. 1 tc 0 Job it r1 a 0 yii1nt' ATSO A uguet tons I as hit gt ha i a I iakrn I i 22. Jud.

hi wil I mlth 5 0 I a Jo Ben 4 ft a calml I' ki sma on Coun I iohi count uraflty th th. tul I Or 72iZto LI 4 op- I I i tnie 191 11 ISO PENDtEToN a it perto 4 It fo hi 5 uc e. 0 I I I I ThBAEUBEB 04 1 t2 I 47 1O6 43 1 42 BRANAN1302 231 I 106l i 85 l2 I 40t 7D.3lli.I 3.i 4- GIRARDEAL4 l12 46 14 21- j2 l. 3 siAEP- 411 ii 1 21 21 3Qt.l&.Il5d :1 wooDWAED 1ST 41 I.lO3l..34O 2O7e. 84 7 et S5 Le.

7 I 16L IS 2041. a iL1 COUNTIES CRY HOESMIT Iro A Al aUil Ssve a cOmPletPi to ces more rem been presi In assured Lh lb ii. auii mea norniiiLIolu couyentJo on the oUt no over tb mos Sanford 1Vrighi am he th by II won. Au Fore st sta. temperatore---------- montI ceas StatIons.

sta5cea eM seat. ITpIhikbi cloudy------ 92 4 75. 84 4 Boston. 4. I.

ho 6 72 12 ra a as 85 66 7 88 Angeles. elear 1 74- SS 52 c. So c. 83 92 Tork. clear cleat 86 7s OmahepLcioudy a1 86 PalesUne elear 5 Irtiand Ms.

clear. 78 10. I RaleIgh faIn. 74 84 txtaplsl 58 3 Ta TI Leulapt. 4 paul cloudy 5 5 Te1pe.

Pt cloudy 18 1 t. cidy 54 cay 0 itf.

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