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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 1

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tt stud. St Ui Uttnaitoiul JUvtaw tat 1 produced math tstoof ur people. I pesos and rtiowfllaSon II eatbtoofkTlitalie lu tUutM B4 contains nachittittt to not to slteAwas Mr. Atkinson JtOt tzto a habit effke tirIei wioli eonf sBi some on oa4eGoudDI Us PM tnd dobgig WA to MOOMIX Hurt to IItaUiIi Uau that tt Kmtk work cut nd that fraakaiasaBdcMinb harden hit article with WN aad wcaq tlhatons to the old sontiT Dos think thaI the way bran III trlsads tad II to to WB pe8de yi Tow father sir was ttmrt ndanoaadrtlandyeaan poadbly DO better all ipDcai Id better wu IIaia4I wt you. We ire Ud to team that Dr.

W. Boat tt Central Presbyterian dwell to this city to reply to Mr. Atkinson' article end tint viii tppeu la the next wrote taefr to tttedUws that X. Atklaion had stuttered a wholi section and I dtooiet of IfTUba000 ud rjImd UM of replying. Toirtjfctwaijladed tad Uli answer win if.

pear. Mr. laUaa Iron boa ii tdmtnble book ol oIaltocrapbl oooulilnf tb staauteoI ot nearly very ea- MUr tad aetrea la this country. ma sentence SOIY1OZ the autographi are cbaneterlsUfC heidi bet earn. wIth wisi food plies to whfch to writ.

tog to pure Trench. Calvlal preface hlualO- rt with IdoUretoncorf ny entire au. tlCdoa with ny reception to Atlanta I limply writes her BUD to a bold tana across UM pigs. Kitis Pgtea nlt Ill Itlid you. ma.

qooOof from UM JUreMftMi Tote lien. qoot In UM brijht lexleco rf Touili tta. Uuj Andenon In ttranjelj muealtnt bind wtit It to UM lOoJ that Irui Led Artny JlUaljf Inert li Ute with- oat valniis It utacornplcs. etc. lanai Zvcniors not from UI.

experience Uft17 ud raoceutol ID ttmm hetiiit How D4By Men there are to working-day world TherCi menurr tuili tot remenibrince. Lawrence Btrrett wrilf only lit name but take. Mt on whleh to do till he had wyed It out wttb UM dagger phi. Ctttiai wth Rudolph itruog wdtM Then thing an men expect but Uul rer tad It ii death. Suart Bobton In a crmp04 hand inquire.

An I not beau and Maeuleyopreada hi. name orera pig in a good homorea hand. Agnea JlemdoD to I rery uncertain hand wtlteaiome- thlni about Heaven ue Cril Seine quoui romDrtnk What bleltID to th thi worktagmen in have to be compared to a good wUer' Jo column might be tiled trout this little book wh sh hM one 01 the moat lDlirstin ooUecUo ner aw. At UM meeting held lot the purple irrangthg tot the entertainment of the mem benol ib edncaUooal ODnrendoo lot held here this rammer Mr. W.

B. Bonnell principal of try street tchool nude I cuziou otstement U. said that be agreed to take two member of the teat International Sunday ichol oonyenUon ad two were tadgned to him. Hi wai pleued with the gentlemen sent him and especially with one who repreaented hlmalf a lCIlool iupertn- tendonS of Ohio. He oonTened Intelligently ud wai up on everJ matter that was broached.

IwuTery much uionlhed Mr. BvnneU went on to say when sometime afterwards I OlKorered that my guest was not a school tract- er and had never been to Ohio but wu a printer at work In one of the city printing officio. and living AUUL" lnquLj def elope the tact that the Georgian in 061111011 was a printer and that the boy. of the office la which be worked proposed that he thoald take a weeks rat mud attend the convention. lie humoted the 45 WU fixed up in good Vyle took hit knapurk went down sad recta- ered torn 01110 and woo uelgn- ed to Mr.

Bonneia 9 where lie hmndarmely enterttl I as long the oonvestUou la it mnf a 0 ill again he auoala ever nappen 0 be in Atlanta. Al to- hU oqoalutuce with the subjects dl ciut i In the convention wt wish to remark that wb a printer who II. worked on a dally per doesn't know about uy subject. loom science to tllg iwt wo th iJioi. The building up of the Shanty no on Marietta and Pot ch tree Iterate.

now occupied by pt ltoM mad fruit ttuda will remove the waroilhe war In the route. of Atlanta. ItU snj to renumber when theat hiatIty built no dtiAgared the whole city and we note with pride the wiping out 01 UM last vetJg of the pa v- helium architecture of cl nap-board. and tblngles. Mr.

Charley Beezmmnn will build up the entire corner mono-ding to plant dealgued by Mr. Leo in handsome stores. The value of central boot- nea property is ahown In the lact that the ground tent for this corner ii IU3 per annum. ud the owners ob thi ground take the building. ml the end of five yearn by paying it per cent of the cast olbuilalDg.

Mr. Peteti Ii Improving the street car lacill tie or PeObtm. by extending the tine beyond the city UmlU and putting a dummy engine and rails on the Pore. de Leon route. This would eem to be a neceasary improvement ma the march 01 hotels atone.

KhooU and boarding boron on upper Pesehtiee fiM prob bly Sores the residence por tint further out. The Merriam lot has been pUrcli4 for 110000 sod a handsome female college under charge of Un. Ballard will be erected thu manner. It uid that the Ooliien will build I mi hotel on the tot belostaing to Yr. VYaab Collier next to the reddence of Mr.

Henry hain Speaking of Atlanta real eitate Mr. Peten isid on yeiterday Good building tie getting very icaroe in this city. II liO000 in eah were put into teal estate in Atlanta in the ext month it would tots. the price of unimproved iota at per cent. for would take up nearly every available Mr.

retan aai a lot of too ol lud for which he gave originally 7 1700 and of which he hi. told 60 acraa at en average of 91000 an ante. lie kaaaow withdrawn it from the market end send get mote than time an ant. for a large portion 01 the balance of U. II he sells the whole lot at lids average whiefe he will unquestionabli doll holds a few yean longer the 1700 will bring him to HCOUOO while the wood he has cut of It has paid taxea and lateral.

WhydoeeaotKrJaKimball put a line ol iprUUtn on thi residence Kitett Wt have a letter before at horn I Peach tree man. to which he 117' that I moey be railed on that tree to maintain the sprinkler. cleat to the dty tins. Psicistres I wt drive and to a abort time the rut will besoms Intolerable unless nmrOilng II done to. check it I bear that WI are to have the lierdic coaches that have proved to popular tat WuhlngIo and that ire now about being Intro.

doted tub amraluottMra dUa These ooachea tie the substituts of unit eats. and ply stereo to which there ate no car Uaet at frequent totervttoentQtalceatt eiud carrying eight lesions etch trip IIUt Rirdlesar ttahUih and Mr rKttmbS11 will extend bisaprinkler erylcs ootowtldeoceitreetiwe IIII1l hays then all that weaeedtothewayoleomlort udeonveDlen Thi verdict gained by Bob Smith. Heaiy 0. taiatt tht Aii line fti 0to theUrjeet ever given la Pultots county lot duupt and JU yuseernstobavebeen. UnItJ ud certainly Ivei eaenl Use.

ThetighrtT rdlcievw obtained damage. froatwllrotdto UIe. I believe vu ctrea MCXiLJu. WI44eUOI oobbconntyuawti uaCH Thta TM eoBpnotoei by OIL Wadd IIktq tbootbaU at the ton 80 thjittt MrBmia eoQntitM Wiuawunol kkntttot taitie will a will twrynetthavtof atdthe ltmajt htdtetketttte Pt lVto to Injured. ll CWTwrtlct Xdprwoodhtii Jocj wlQitn reeaaaahet prln ButltotU.

IttiocMoltbe oitd UshtroJiubujbiaixwUflantt there to bi van ntntotnc eight tott ttti-Jadje Uopklasaa dove Uwa with Ittahadytwtthi mad IttBttcataMBerl os Jeuuqs. Dttvtojbj tttea Ti luwy tartBOk cut TT Sob ItmlfadewbobMchaueoiMT. I. Wide's II ct Jeneyi ttito to a 1 ttow worth of Jemybotttr annually slid her other IIMII btldde. A report ihatttiey could en des ttoui II much Jersey MUer they pt now.

Mr. the proprietor of the tmbsfl noo htipiuchaagdtipleadld tare. to Edgewood on which he wffleiubUiaadalrjud track It tot ea pall firm. aid he will rtock It wWh fine COWl and put It to the bands ID uperIeDcod. Us win Ulu ha sainted of a plentiful supply of the freahest milk tad butterof ttiebeftqualiryler bIa home ud eventually of a of yegett- bletudfralt Hetopreptrtof to meet not only the dimsads of the preeent overwhelming travel but of the man of the theIpcsIIIOtI.

The Situation win never hi what it ought lobeuntHMr. SooTUlehaicharjeofa noMlaei family hotel buflt away torn the hem of the dty tad runs it to connection with toe UlteSoll. This cure. will add to the value of the Kimball. aid will tire Atlanta and Mr.

what tuyne udwfll need very mnc more uto ItygTowt A party of gentlemen were ducaming Atlanta's ho italty the other day and one of them ttM that although he had been yisIIIeg Atlanta regularly U- a Jar the put ten yearn that he had never been Invited Inside of in JoUanIl rest done. la this statement two of the gentlemen present concurred and the other meuurabl71O to and they were ill prominent men. White tbJittlemeat total we ISSlIUIithltli does fairly repretent the average of Atlanta hospitality. It II true that our people are buy driving mitchin or' working tlreloBly to etablish theniseliesor or their bnotne and with little of the ornamented wealth that ehlllClelbel older or of the leisurely methods that uittflee the spearing of otutoea at 10 and the doting it I o'clock. An Atlanta man' bribes noun extend from 8 till I a.

an average with unfrequent intermlvloni. fir dinner and thliappUei to the larger met- ctmnt wen the miller Oiles. While therefore thehoapitable Instinct strong in Atlanta character. and there are hundred of beautiful hornet to which the stringer la welcome there II Utile opportunity for indulging in entertaining. It Ii a luxury that the restless buuinees scramble Incident upon establiebteg a new businse in a new dl It.

heretofore denied our people the enjoyment of. I method. become easier sod the struggle for lucceB lee. strenuoul there will be and lea ground for ofticlem on Atlanta' pltl1lJ. It Ii laid that Mr.

Yerdinand Phlpizy told 800 iharee of West Point stoct at 160 this being tie number neoeoary to give control of the road to the pntie who leased the Georgia. Mr. Louis Qholitln has it la laid mile a bid for the hudaome residence of Judge Woodu on Peachtree attest Mr. Hugh lnmn hai bought lour acre. of land froze Mr.

Peters on old Peachtree paying tlJM per ant DORSKY DESIRES to be Set Ritbt In lbs Kyna of Public. WiiHinGTOK. May The following letter II furnished publication Wuhlugton April 30. To Ron. Thomas Jamea.

poIllIIIter general. Sir You do not need to be informed that for many dap put that the newspaper preei of the country hat teemed with telegraphic dlipatchee from Washington charging frauds In the poatoffioe department and that In them I have been made a conjrplcuoni mark lor the ihafti of the umllina. The intbonol the Kiuatlon proien to speak I. all 01 Uiii of mitten discovered In the department elites your entry there If any charge that has been made agent me true. those who made it should be able to produce tome evidenee to initaln It It li upon this point that I address you this letter.

I naha no complaint that you have not up to tllil time deemed proper to deny the publuhed statements which make the charges alluded to appear as they were the result of an investigation by you. but I claim as a right that with me and whoever I may bring to you. you make inch Investigation. to every contract with which my name her been connects as will enable you to give me in writing the true itttni of etch cue I have to ark that title request be granted at once in order that I ma not rest under thjurloua and unjust Imputation nor be unnecetavly detained lrom other buethee. to defend my repetition best and unfounded Very respectfully Signed.

a W. v. A FEDERAL DECISION Which I he IIqn Question tYpes Judicial Finding. Wazanutow May 2. A declaim wu tendered by the supreme court of the United Static to-day in the rear of William Neal the itate of Delaware in error horn the court of oyerud terramner for Newcauiia county.

Neal who ii I nflJO. was indicted tried and ientenced to death by we state court for the crime of rape. Hli appeal to this court Is beard upon the fact that the stats court refilled to the motion made by him that the Indictment and panel of uurore be quashed Ito- the reuon that colored men were excluded trum the grand and petit jurtes. by which he wu Indicted- and tiled. This court liolde that the exclusion of colored pomona from forte.

which Is uom- plainest of in this caw. did rot. a matter of law. result from the constitution and liws of the ethic. I he rear therefore could not have been properly removed to the federal courts- Since however there wee an Improper exclusion of the colored men on account of race from Juries by which Neat wu indicted and tried the minis court erred in refining to grant the motion of accused to queb the Indleinteut and panels of Juroa.

Its judgment is therefore reversed with men. and we cue remanded with direction. to set wide the judgment and verdict as well so the order denying the motion to quuh we Indictment end panels 01 Juron and for inch proceeding upon the further bearlup of mottoni as may be consistent with we principle of the opinion of this court. notice Uarlan delivered the opinion Chief ionic. Wite and insure Yield dtasenting.

The On Hnndrcdtb hr7. KIT YOU May 1 A mas meeting wu held lait night to Madison square lor the purpose of furthering the celebration of the Iftth annlver- aaryof urrender of Lord Oornwsilis to be held in Yorktown Virginia October 18w next. The squire was Illuminated with electric light and a munidcent dllpa7 of fireworks made. About 151 Oh persons attended the meeting which we. enthUl1uUc.

One Frederick R. Gondertwu chairman and he with Governor Holiday and Ron. John of Virginia. ProfeaorChartier John Auslln Stevens Judge Woodbridge. of Vermont sod Judge Jo eph tlhristisn of Virginia deUered the peeches of the evening.

Lalayette sixty strong surrounded the platform during the meeting. At the close of the nueting adjourned meet 111' 01 me JCIQIIIl IOU neio non. jonn uoooe prealdII1 Governor of New Jeney reported that the committee had decided to commence leativitiee or October l81b to continue them so the 19Ua and perhaps longer. The committee did not decide to what the nature of the opening ceremonies would be. The report wu adopted and the meeting tdj Turned needle.

Til Eiypstaa Cou. Crop. Cuo May 1. The cotton crop to the province of Jebera. lower Egypt Is serionuly endangered the new pumptDg machinery not having answered the uUdpaUom sod the dredging of the canal having been neglected.

sour thousand enforced laborite are now working la the renal FOREIGN FLASHES. Tue Utrauta Chtrlai Jean Marie Felix De La vale ueli dead. Au BIY the Tunisian commander. hat removed the Tonal. rampacuth of Bess.

Tmi itandards Tunhi correspondent rtporti that Sour Irosciadi took poateBlan of JIIIer100n Bunday. Zllubetgrad to thtnon to recent dot. pillaged aeveral aoutta oeuwguc jcwi. MM jew RIta tivenJ saner were Injured by the ttotert Au LuvesilpILoin to toyogreo. II.

Rollenea fit Trench general. hat received a telegram hoe. UI. governor of Algeria tuoaocinc that the. French have occupied KroumlrhOloamp.

TheKlWUnlrtrenoirprao tlraUj lurrounded Tie APDCt It. denies the itttemeottatt the pesramI aonxhltontend the ants. of ta proposed eonfereMe onreglfledeto the tloptty ptopegindt to general tad add. thtt Russtan repreeentajlont have been roudeed to abject of tttemoa at leiiiiiliiilluu. Tie recent irportifliBafTnnli that the paled- of the Arab th lcai toaatnte had re- allied to unfurl the tttadtnt ot the and proctatmholT wuanlntt the taadalalinow 15110 having dtawrered 6t th end mad aevtral tnettt Of doaicCUttyTUtinntei to of th4 i torn UiOO nun.

Thitisy be. written to X. II Irsech minister. tir th evtiy ot the rnaca tsrritoryUMhKtheBeemto wtyiheld Truce to wultend. decJajtoy this dsqIt.

Into tt niaUtt tsrri whiclrhe II1alWQIlW4 Mjkoff pdailaliliteF. Osesail tBi rtor-Prlnc Lobaaoir ob ANOTHER EEK TO BE DEVOTED TO RIDDLEBKROERt tl 8 iatTialOtialArr pt Ulbeiftli ipptiatisf yyr lid tubed XtrtVUeta PnIIdati CM the Tai Suiterial OiDtt 2rO nL WASHHOTOI May So much ha been said on th subject of- senatorial courtesy In connection with th recent nomination of Mr. Bobertson for collector of he port of New York that it may be of interest to re call the origin Lid trace tie growth of tb system through which senators have been to a large degree enabled to usurp or control the power of sppointments to office lodged by the thecorettiutlon in the well of the ex ut1n. It was in the days of Andrew Johnson that th senate commenced to arrogate to Itself powers and privileges which prior to that period. no member of that body ever dreamed of being so bold at to lay claim to the possession of.

The senate went a long way ahead of the house in originating measures trenching upon the barriers of the constitution sod emboldened by success in this and encouragtd by the bitter partisan feeling pervading the country that body invaded first one and thin the other of the prerogatives of the president so that fi naRy he was rendered completely powerless and no nomination that he made had any chance of confirmation unless through previous understanding with the senators representing the state in which the office coated. or the senatorial cabal which then dominated at the white house and the capitol Senators. Cooking and Edmunds were among th most prominent. When General Grant came into power. the senatorial cabal.

although he was th presl dent of their own choice refused to re move the hedge the tenure lice law with which they had environed his predecessor. General Grant never cared to make any tines about it for all that he had It heart was to stow away in comfortable places I few of his cronies. The cabal made no objection to this for in return General Grant turned over to them practically the control of theit local offices. For eight years no man could hope to attain federal position In New York unless he was a friend or retainer of Yr. Cockling.

So with respect to Senator in MIchi. gait Senator Edmund. in his section Simon Cameron in Pennsylvania and others who might be named In their states. When Mr. Hayes came into office he did not smartly appreciate the condition in which he found affairs.

He thought the president ought to have something to say on the subject of appointments in fact IS well is in name. He commenced to send in nominations without first obtaining the permission of the members of the senatorial cabal. They hid usurped for so long the powers of th president that they had come to the conclusion they had the inherent right to do so. They were astounded and indignant at the presumption of Mr. Hayes.

and it was determined that he must be brought to son through the defeat of his nominations. The war waged against President Hayes on this account by Mr. Conkltng and hit colleagues of the cabal during the whole period his administration Is too recent to need any detailed relies sing. The spectacle was presented over and. over again of a powerful element of his own party denying and opposing the constitutional rights of a republican presi dent end many times those rights were only enforced through the aid of the democratic opposition.

Victo- DOS at times defeated at other times the cabal stubbornly held to its position do ring the whole term of Hayes's administration. When the Garfield sdmulistration came Into power itor certain members of it. nut forth the same claims and pretensions to the control of appointments. But Mr. Garfield like Mr.

Hayes concluded to exercise a little free agency. The result is that the cabal hat opened its batteries on him and we may expect a renewal of the four years' war on the Hayes adminis tration The total amount of six per cents received at the treasury depvtment to date. for continuance at 3 per cent Inter- est is fifty two million five hundred enl seventy-five dollars Tbe Georgia republican association net at No. 611 Seventh street northwest last night for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization R. D.

Locke tern- pera iy chairman presiding md If. McWhorter officiating IS acting secretary. The committee on constitution and bylaws reported and the constitution Wit. considered by articles the first and second of which were adopted and the latter amended so as to permit ell Georgia republicans' who are in business in the district of Columbia to be eligible for membership. Some general discussion followed alter which.

In view of the fact that I larger attendance was expected at the nut muting. and that antis misapprehension existed as to the place of meeting last night an adjournment was hail until nut Thursday My 5 for which the same rooms have bten secured. It to announced that James B. Campbell will take the field in the second congressional district of South Carolina It. an administration democrat under the call of the governor of the slate for a special election to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the late Hon.

OCon nut The likelihood is that he will be elected. If he is it will somewhat complicate the contest which W. Ii. MscklY is making for that seat Mickey will. of course not enter the thlleldpins Campbell IS if be should be defeated his right to coolest the seat under the former election would not be recognized.

This contest promises to be one of the most complicated and interesting ever brought before the house of representatives. Tbe committee appointed by the re publican caucus lint week to proper. I plan of action in regard to the contemplated holding of an executive session reached an agreement to-day. The committee will recommend to the caucus to-morrow morning that an excniive session beiheld forthwith for the transaction of business in the following order Pint to refer to the appropriate committees all nominations ROW on the. table.

Second to take up fox final action the various Ueaiea which sow await ratification and out to consider all unoon- tested nominations already reported or that may' hereafter be reported from the senate committees. The report will not take ground that no other nomina should lie considered daring tile present session but that the programme of business for the preeent should be restricted in this manner. The report adopted lay the caucus will probably result in th holding of an executive session to-morrow afternoon. The treasury department to-day made its official announcement of the amount of six per. cent bonds which have heart received for continuance at SX percent interest in accordance' with the new policy.

To the close of treasury hours this evening there bad beta receive 47,193850 The greatest amount received in any one day to-day which was 3477750. The. seven millions do not Include any bonds held national banks. Tb. treasury nowholdi a pat many millions which have been received for continuance but does not include them in this statement for th reason that there baa been som misunderstanding by the tat ofliclla to the-form assignment and many of the bonds will have to sent back to tecurera corrected-and legal as signment Comptroller Knox tart nowtv: that tber is no doubt that all.

the six pet cent. held by the national banks will continued at SK per eenUt On th treasury officials Jn chart bond may era said to-day that th bonds lnrf. ant' th tt vKrtto of additional intT tiiat Tif to forwarded soak. serials that ill tb six per cents can continued i SX per cent ntv and th treasury is already beginning to consider whether or pot tb policy shall be adopted with respect to th mater- log fives. Tbr leUsrt received seen Stutu banker It tb that tier is a mlraerehensioA with respect to th a lwittfi i wbiftMBciiaoB continuance of th bonds a Ji pericent mnrt syb i the bankers seem to think that thay tar untli toderid USLonsuchreglitertd bonds embrtted In thi blat call as have Wt been redeemed.

will be pad as usual by checks drawn ta the order of the payee of th bonds. The vice president laid before the senate the unfinished butinenbeing the resolution for the election of officers the senate. Parley celled attention to 4 large number of nominations which wore awaiting action by the senate. and moved to go into executive session. The people of lils state of all parties were appealing to this senate to consider Important matters in which they were directly Interested.

Pe titlons were daily coming from the public. press of California asking for a con thou of the Chinese treaty. In one of those pep. had. observed that he had been charged with retarding tb consideration of the Chinese treaty.

The record of the senate contradicted that statement For many weeks th democratic senators had invited the republicans to go into executive session. Eight hundred or one thousand China. men were arriving semi-monthly at San Francisco. A shipload of jhlnamen and with small-pox on board was to-day lying It quarantine in tb harbor of San Francisco and th people of California Wile protesting against this neglect on the. part of the senate for which neglect the republican party was responsible.

Yr. Dawes said that he was as anxious to to go into executive session any man could be but th record of the put two months would disclose the fie that the senator Farley and those who acted with him-had been solely responsible for any delay la not going into executive session. Mr. Parley replied that the. republican prty could not escape tb responsibility evils which had befallen th people of the Pacific Mr.

Dawes rejolned that the. sens stood here and told tli people of Galilee' nia that rather than have the democratic secretary of the senate displaced he would let the Chinese come and bring all evils that they might. The senator and his party hail been in the majority in tile senate andno one had touched his harp or piped his lute in favor of considering thee Chinese treaties. But now the senator came in It this dying hour as a last chance and utteri maledictions upon the senate itself. Mr.

Fsrely repeated the statement that the people of California were protesting against the inaction of the- senate and declared that the republican party of that state were protesting against the election of Gorharn as secretary of the senate. He believed that only the other aide of the chamber hal It last come to us senses. There was au opinion on the Pacific coast that the senator from Massachusetts Mr. Dawes sod hit colleagues were opposed to place any restriction on the immigution of the Chinese. Whether that is true or not Line would develop.

but the present action of the senate would strengthen thttopinion. Yr. Dawfi inquired to what party were the people of California indebted for toy merits which the Chinese treaties might contain. and to whom were they indebted for the fact that these treaties were not to-- dygat. laws of the land.

Mr. Beck taunted the republicans with cowardice in not going into executive session. They had not dared to do so because of the divisions in the party on important comma- tOIlP. The senator from Minnesota Mr. McMillan had declared himself responsible for the nomination of Yr.

Johnson as chief clerk as the senator from Virginia Mr. MihnniO had declared himself resDonible for the nomination of Gorham. If the senate went into executive session sod some important nomination came up and either of those gentlemen voted against the nomination no more patronage for them from the administration. If they voted for it then. the stalwart republicans would see that none of the men that they wanted would hold places.

Therefore a committee of seven a committee of safety an ecumenical council had been appointed to dictate to the consciences of the senators The republican organs in this city had announced that the republi- cans were going into executive session so carefully guarding their action that they would allow no controverted nomination to be considered It all. The democrats were not to be allowed to like arty point in executive session but were to sit with their arms folded and let the ye- putllcans settle matters to whatever extent they dared. Mr. Dawes expressed his surprise It what he termed a novel announcement that there was a great gulf yawning before the republican members of the senate. It was ail new to him.

MrSaulsbury took the floor in denial of the charge made by Mr. Dawes that the democrat ic senators were responsible for the delay in transacting public business and asserted the contrary to be the truth. lie argued In opposition to the right ot the vice president to cast hs vote upon the question of election of officers and declared that upon such a question the democratic senators would cot content that the republicans should be placed in a position in which use vote of the vice-president might be used to give them power which did not belong to them. He contended that the democrats were justified In all they had done in repulsing toe passage of the pending resolution and cognate questions connected with It. ifs did not charge that any bargain had been entered into but he did user' that the people of the country believed it and would believe that the election of Riddleberger was theconsummationJof that bargain that it would lead to cast reproach upon the senate.

The corruption ant oboing which had existed for years in tome of the executive departments of the government had been well calculated. to lessen the estimation of the people for the executive branch of the government and he pretested against any action of the sen ate which would still further lessen It in the estimation of the people. He warned the re publicans that their course would bring the present administration into disrepute. He wit not sure that the administration could have one-hall of its nominations confirmed except for the aid which it expected from the democrats but if this thing kept up ar if the administration was to aid in strengthening the hands of a reoudlator the southern states he SaulsbUry would for one say unhesitatingly that the admin. stration was not worthy of his support.

he motion to go Into executive session WI lost ayes 21 nays An hour was consumed In calling the roll upon dilatory motions and then at 3:15 on motion of Mr. Dave. the senate adjourned. THE WESTERN FLOODS ewed Fen Among the People. ST.

Loon. May 2. Very aerioua apprehensions are beginning to be felt for the safety of property along th river front. The water III now nearly a foot and a half above tie danger line and still lirin The low linda south of Chateau avenue aud red of the high embankment of th Iron Mountain railroad li submerged. The Meser iron works on th eastern tide of tb river opposite CIJOndelet are surrounded by water and have suspended operations though there Is not any Immediate danger.

South of Ibis however that portion of the city occupied by the Union stock yards and treat lumber interest there much trouble. In last St. Louis there is frettduun of a general overflow. Cahokia met. wt overflowed jro town.

Ii free. backwater and treat extents of the country lathe nritfabnrhnfd of Brooklyn and Venl two mall towns north of East St. Louis- II submersed caning many families to abandon their bourn. Watetta tlaoencratctdnr on toe Rational stock trda but It hasn't rescued them yet nor hai tilt buIIneII of tilt yards bee interfered wlt Much of the ttoII' further Inland over toward the Until Is laid to be inundated tad growing crops destroyed. AU th 1014 are strengthening their tracks and protecting their property tat a few lecher mote rise In the water will came peat damage and muck Interference to baatneBrand rjciblyt suspension of traffic on some of the roads tt ip A KBWCOMET 8p lildisj lca to Bc I rof wj LoTte Swift astronomer of UitaeIryaiKuTftrd a new comet atJodockBoadajinomtttt located In the oonsti flat comet dkeovcred this year The new cornel direction I moving in a ton tlieriy qnltabrlxnt li not On expected ISlIeo the kwaaonfiom which and tfalral Itli lZlSeesaet ch thai was a surprisi the entire nwnnmtty a an saquitial we megaact.

1th expected that the foveaorwUti petldonedriauacditttl parke. Thomti ac sanch a pettnon Hjned bj Beady every cHisea. THBfaiGEDiSEDMOND 0 UHDEB HIS COXFIXE1IE With til Isteolias DujtoifEi miualf tf Vninfil laneenar Vlfli RI. I Peeve Kim I ft uli AtHxrau IL ThliU Mijor ledmonde laid Squire Young the court! sheriff as he pointed to slender boyish figure th lay on bed of straw in front 01 tiolron-bejitd window enjoying the cooling bruce. Inure off the blue hills with if hlctf ii go tamwl bt a sweetens windoir and looking westward can tee the fflitanFpeik among which tat several years It.

ha4i en as much at home as chamois among hi native Alp. lie extended a man iruther stained band to your cones- pondent end Mkedhlm to be teated on the onl j- chiir in I cell except the one by whictxba propped hit heal. MWi eredldyong your title. majorr' Well thtt taid he ii a nick-name they glen me when I wit a boy. But you hire been In command of met at different times.

have you No sir I never wits. Them's all I pick o' lies they tell about ms ham' band of men. Wbtt major are the charges against yourtd 4f--- They may nmen about a year sod a half ago I was seen in I blockade still- house. The truth about the matter 11 that there's a man out there in 8 Swain county who has been I Irvin' to lay hit blockade tillin on me. He has got inthin' or nurther agin me.

We hunt got along well together for sometime now. A Major. tell me something about your life. Well said he adjusting the chair under hi head more comfortably I was born close to where Atlanta Georgia. Is nay in 1854.

Then my Lather moved up to Transylvania in North Carolina. We lived there till the war come on and moved to Swain county. Alter the war was over I went back to Trinsylvanla and lived there and farmed it till 1877 when I had some little trouble with son revenuers. they was to blame I wasn't. I left then and went over Into South Carolina.

That same year about corn time I married old roan Ladds gal in the uPper edge. of Pickens county. I come back then in March 79 to Swain county and leased me some land on the Tennessee river bout eight miles from Charleston but wherever I've been I alien had I good character. The newspaper men has tale I heap lies on me. Major how did the officers capture Well Ill ten you.

said he. I have been alivln peaceable and not botherln' nobody fur this is now gwyin' on three yearn. I mostly stay It home and don't hardly ever leave my cabin cept to hunt a little and to work in my fields. Along about the lust week in April my wife liked me to step out in the edge 0' the clearing and kill her a tquirL And I heard the gs a barking up on the ridge above the house so I gits the shot gun and guru up that a way. But when I got in bout fifty yards of my dogs where they was a barking I seen soomebody move behind the brush and cliff an' six men stepped out and hollered halt I turned around an' started towards my cabin and they kept' a shootin' and ever once au' awhile rd el a ball Wt me and I heard em whizzln' by me till I got over the ridge.

They run after me and overtook me about I hundred and fifty yards from rosy how many you wounded major Seven places an' they hurt me mighty bed this nsornln' bat I don't say much about it" Tbe officeri version differs somewhat from the major' statement. Officer Conley s7iWe went to his house or to I ridge about a hundred and fifty yards distant early Thursday' morning April 7. At 10 o'clock LID. the degssaw us and came rushing up to where we were. Rtdmond followed with his gun.

When in about fifty paces of us he lowered his gun as if to lire. We told him to halt. but IS he wet still rapidly advancing we fired. Hue gun-fell from his hinds and he ran towards his house. Passing the cabn he ran bout one hundred and fifty yards into the woods beyond.

All six of us closed in on him and found him wounded and exhausted. We took him to his house and the physician said he could not be safely moved on' an extended trip. on account of his wounds. So we were forced to try to keep him in our charge there. We anticipated au attempt at U.

on the part of his friends. We plainly told Redmond when we saw his neighbors coming to and gotig front his house. that ii any attempt should be made to tike him or any attack rntde on us that we would shoot him first. This we think prevented his pals form the dangerous experiment. On Friday April 22ii we carried him eight miles on a litter to Charleston among our friends wkere we slept' better.

On the following day Saturday 234 instant we started for Asheville reaching hers on Sunday. We brought him' to Asheville because the several rewards offered for him designate that point is the place for delivery of his body1 HU father is said to have been a moonshiner and fazed badly It the hands of the re venueofficers and the law. Hence it was but natural that young Reel mood should imbibe the prejudices of his father. ills antipathy to the agents 105 revenue department was not con cealed. He would speak often of his suc cessful resistance of the officer of the law state and federal Ftuahed with victory he became desperate and shot down Deputy Marshal Duckworth in Transylvania county in it'll when an effort was being made for his arrest for alleged violation of the revenue laws.

He then' lied to South Carolina. But he did not there escape the sleepiets eye of the law. but he managed to elude her om. cars. Whereupon a reward was red and and we are informed is still otiered for his person.

Once in South Carolina his wagon anti team were seized under the revenue law. He escaped the small squad of om- Mrs who took his property. But in a few soars he returned with a double-barrel shot gun. and with the wile during of a frontier- desperado. quickly dispersed the confiscators of Us property.

Then. he with hit wife left South Carolina and came the wildest part of the Blue Ridge country Swain Unty. Here he has since had a wide berth. His fearless and daring repetition had preceded hintvTthls he materially added by hi open and defiant conduct. He told the credulous mountaineers that he was proof.

His immediate neigh- boa through policy were' his friends. They- were afraid to be otherwise. At least however was rumored tint Badmondsald There are act enough men In Swain county to arrest me. This awoke the energy and pride of. the Swain county they determined to take him.

The federal court convened here today and Redmond will he tried tome tine duringfthesession THEPtDERALCAPrriU SySdal Oonespondenc CosiuNes. lWaamrsovonMay 1 It lanow conceded tiatthere will beanexecutiveauslon of the senate tome timi during tbj weelc The republicans deny they Intend to give up the fight Ion' th omc but to renewt aftar the executive sessions badperfonned ths le tinute buslnesi of tb body would be to nemme Vpjbailkin tweaker than that which has just been The God am berger ticket is apparently doomed tf C1 vi- the good reault in their braveiperiisient fight in thiicmtest It is retltwUsc' th MtfcfH ir ff the mv ftlH the ability and pluck of the petty. The too of the dimocratJcprtsj IshOPefol for the fin Urn sine the disaster of November. The democratic leaders Willi whom one" a rfi ii ff are that the party. atnakaltaeif powerfully In Both hrflT" fpiff until its good work is rewarded by tl ertowalot major- Ity to.

tb boast. tbt Beit election Just now the poUtictoM ms bard at workprf ptrinf UM wiree that ra to polled In executive seeslon. Theadminlstrasionenen ton tIeBl7 plaid gntt ooofldenoeaad ttattO kHa aJAt to hopeless. Bat that po iasl does not whip the administration IA theRsberlatn be will raeofptdefeat merely as the theloceutive to more determined tflort Assure is he lives he will have his it far tat with Garfield as he did with Miyee. VI recently heard a man of ability who mowi Garfield yell say that be had almost aiUUle of thtihlng called backbone as Hayrsandthat he choseBlalne II the strongest pillar he could find on which to rest his' wn irresolution.

But men. who know Elaine UT that he like most politicians is for sell Suit and his Mends afterwards. Elaine Is known to cherish a boning ambition for the presidency. It would riot be the thing lot hint. to make Garfield's administration too signal a success for that wouldshntthe the pie to the.

rosy path on him In 84. By- appearing before the country as the one strong figure lit a cabinet famous already for its weakness by artfully fathering all that Is good and quietly disapproving all that Is bail to what null be a stormy administration he can mpress the public as the man who should first and not second in power. But for some inch ulterior objectrBUlnt would never have left the senate wbere he hid no peer in influence or popularity and where hit vanity could be Uttered oftener thin is possible la cold shades of official dignity. It is supposed that the Chicago battle will be fought over ai Elaine or Grant seems now to be the prospect with the contingency that they. may pull each other down and leave the prize to some accidental child of fortune like Hayes in 76 and Garfield in 80.

Governor Bullock stopped la Washington yesterday on his return from New. York to Atlanta. He Is taking horns his son woo has been at school He speaks confidently of theprospects of the cotton expoeition. eutimatlng that Its value to Atlanta will be enormous but that will have AjsJtta vwidec pa. extending to vast end permanent benefits to the whole south.

Of the saceess of the tuterprisehehasnodoabtwhstever. GOT. Bullock is a man of such admirable bud- ness capacity that his hopeful ylew of the exposition Indeed cheering. While there are a large number of nominations ahead of Lonptreet' it is supposed that it will be favorably reported at an early day by the committee and his confirmation may be had in a He will be ordered home at once to assume the vexation. duties the office I understand that Georgia is considered a thorny ground by the departments.

In few states hue therebeenso many fudumongfederal office holders so little consistent operation of. the rdinae branches of government. al authority. It It hoped that General Longstreet will manage the marshals office so that there may be harmony in the efforts to execute the laws and that the collector whoever he may be will do the same thing. For a year or two pest the offices of marshal and collector have not been arrayed so formidably against the evil doers IS against each other.

There has been a wrangling of which the authorities are sick sod they have determined that it must top Colonel Bob Ingersoll has a hearty admiration for the southern people and wants IS soon he can get time to take I trip among theta. There have been fri quent efforts to engage him for a lecture tour of the various southern cities but hitherto they have failed. His lowest terms are 200. a night. Whenever he rents a hall and fires out for himself he bags at least 500 in a lively town.

A floe per- traIt of him has just been hung in an avenue window and is generally noticed The man has so many loveable virtues his life is so full of tenderness and good to others that those who know him best regard his heresy merely as the aberration of a vigorous Intellect. Personally no man is more sincerely esteemed by his Wends and even by many of the most or thodox faith. F. R. EPISCOPAL CONSECRATION.

The Hew Blalit of' Nateisew ladaeted lac Office. Rtcsitoien Vs. May Tbe cousecraden of Very Revereed O. Jansaens vicar general of the diocese of Richmond at bishop of Nttcbez took lace Sunday at St. Peters cathedral In toll city.

Iabovsteceremonlnsaod fine music had been aul1clp6t and tang before the vices commenced crowds of people had lathered in the vicinity of the cathedral. In order to avoid conluton and rush Ulat would itve retailed from throwing I' open to tile general public tickets covering the cspaclty of tie edifies had been lerued and without tickets no on wa admitted. This brought order oat of what might ban been chafe and everything ptaed off la a mo quiet and orderly manner. ichblabop Gibbons of Baltimore. officiated as consecrate and Bishops Sleeker of Wilmington of Delaware and Means of Richmond as tint consecrators.

Services including consecration non- USed high onsmazid consecration which latter was delivered by Bishop Elder- coadjutor bishop of Cincinnati occunled seerly lour noon. Besides lbs prelate already mentioned there were present part trim ting IQ theeersmonles the Right RevBUhopi Lynch of Charlnton8CMoore of St. Augusilne us Rain of Wheeling W. vs. and Grow of Savannah Qa- These embrace all the prelate In the province of the metropolitan see of Baltimore sod Is we flat time the whole number were ever assembled together' in Richmond.

Among toe vtdUng priests of whom there were about forty fromvarlous sections were the Very Rev. U. F. Qngrion vicar general of the diocese of Hatches and Rev. Henry Plcherit of oJJCItIOn Mire.

who were uostant priest and deacon of the man respectively Very Rev Dr. A. Msgnlen president of St. Mary's seminary of Baltimore Very Rev. Dr.

John Foley of Baltimore Very Rev. P. V. Meaty president of the Georgetown college Rev. B.

MeManus Baltimore Rev. Fatter Hens of Jeraey Qty New Jersey Rev. Dr. Schneider of New Jersey Rev. Father Grady of New Tek Rev.

Father Murphy of Cincinnati Rev. 7. A. Bteyenbergh of Detroit Rev. It Uses of Detroit Rev.

1. zizen Rudson Michigan with VII' Rev Vindervanden. chancellor of St. Louis Rev. Her- mann 0.

Berfeit of Vick burg klsalssippt Rev. Joseph Wise. of Yasoo City MiedsaippI Rev. W. R.

Brlfener of St Louis BP Jnsseni Oslebrated pontifical vespers In the on and delivered Ml farewell addxees. Many to-the Urge audience were affected to tears. and the bliioo Himself betrayed dee emotion. lie was greatly Seloved in Klchmoad tad his departure is regtetta1 by RAILROADHEWS Latest Development Attmg the Usice Juroao. Texts May 1 Altrge' nd enthu- itastie meeting Lllfmbled here on Sttrrdtr to dlscoa the propriety of orp railway-company to construct a road from this city tq Memphis.

A committee was appointed to ruse nbtCrtpt1Qnl for completing survey. A special horn Austin sayi The Austin and Northwestern railroad company Sled its charter in the office of Ute tecrettry of state Friday. The' road II to run from Austin through the counUesof Trivia Wtlllsnson. Bennet Lena- pfjBHfl Rai Sake Mofullocn. Qilemse fin yi and Taylor with a breech to the Rio Greets.

VicxiBuao Vim. May 1 At a meetIng to-day of the directors of the Vlckshurs- tad Meridian railroad. George Arentaol New York was elected president. Autacata Georgia May 1 The Central and Georgt rsliruafi stocks are quiet. The former is offered it US and the letteraUM ThsMemphla and Charleston opened at is and advanced rapidly to 64 to 8 Beversl thousand sbaeswere old am prices ranging from 60 tots.

The advance is attributed to a report that the toed will pay a semi-animal dividend of 2H or per cent THE traWJcx XXIM3IO 1 Telegraph lit. We II to be able to state that the the Brunswick railroad hue purchased one hundred and ten miles of steel ran with which to extend the road. rIt Is not yet known which route they will adopt They have lbs option we understand of tleoerttug from the Macon anti Atiiuata road ii Rote Vft itaflon anti runnIng aeiosi to Social Uscie or Oonngtoo. and ver the Georgia road from Macon to Atlanta or they may bB114 a direct line from Xaco1I 7 BotthlionethinxwedoknowstlrtBrnniwlck extension will nndoubtedlybeJbnfltfWe wer of thliyesterday aflernoon fcv the officiate of the rota This will be highly gratifying newt not only to th people of Macoo but til throughout Oeorga Muce has been written tad mor said the- subject. TnfrCo imo- nexfi.

has publlane4 tier. flto ttma the utteranom of some of their well on citizens wise stated positively that Brmuwlck would never be built We tie pleased It betas able to contradict such statements. The nil baa been purchased. anti at a new day. Macon anti Atlanta will be connected by a Mcond roedubich will do much to Increase the prosper.

got both dtte ULi May The" report having neenUygo to to the newipapea that the widow to Pan. in Son them. France. It may be stated that Mrs. Lincoln Is now at the house of Mr sister la this dty eonftaed Is her bed by ticknea 8h VM expects to go abroad train She it sabfeet period ot great mental iepnftaditoi.

bar friends have serious apprehensions for her noovery. Wta1ioToZMat Ae debt Issued ttMlay shows the decrease of tin. public debt dnrlngthe mouth of April to JI9 cull in the mnUUalt old eQ cc stiver nictteitu a04 8 00 kstl tedeei fraeflon i currency IIUttttJlfllTH fMlSiOtO e' rj gy- i. vws S5feg-i irHfc to the Kews torn' rackeu reports that the east tad wen bound maser were subbed en night nearBtblniJ bytheBotorlousTsaand Short Man. the mall ecki were ripped open and Rgxtend packages extracted- Ts stage hoe.

th sass was wubeldlorsighabocre until th arrival from WeitmsyTMrvTea th talr- rejtenjer. lo nine tellers. lono May Tta jeeaaj tl Prtaiesi eeMee orore toHngbenden mtoor diTto petdl tilsisIch to The Oonifltnttoi. McoHr May This morning at six o'clock the main pipe conveyingthe steam from the boiler to the engine at the cotton factory exploded sc to- death tb minced fireman Frank Dorsey. The ex- plovion canard the walls of the engine house to crack but did little other damage.

No other persons were near af the time the was well knows recently married and liked byall. jla burled tb attwooofe was terribly burned about the face and shoulders and was found doubled up under the fly wheel His death was almost In- stantsiteoue the concussion being very great. Tmoitsvitoi April The reelden general manager treasurer and attorney of the Savannah Florida ndWwtera railroad Ptn yesterday In Thomasville. They have gone on' to Bilnbridgt several is said that they contemplate a change In the running schedule of trains which will be decidedly unpleasant for us. It is ur- then' alleged that they will run only three trains ft week by Thomuvlll.

The latter ramor seems a little preposterous but it explained II being devised to stir up-antagonism to the commission by the railroad claiming that it must retrench. The gin. era opinion is that the road contemplates eomesohemefor punishing the Thomasyille people on account of their decided commission proclivities. There is also a rumor afloat that they will buy the Jacksonville. Pensacola and' Mobile and make the extension to Pollard from Chattaboochee Instead of extending the Savannah Florida and Western from Bainbridge.

Whatever is the true explanation all seem agreed that the main idea is to drive the Thomuvile pople into opposing the commission by Holding its alleged legitimate fruits in terrorism over the heads of the people. ALTOS April 80. Rev. Nathan ID eloquent divine of Knoxville is conducting a serietof meetings at the nntPmbyterlaa church which II largely attended. Summer visitors II earning Its rapidly already.

The National hotel. the popular homo for winter and summer visitors Is fully prepared for the rash with the beet I The following are registered there to-day a great man of whom will ipeadtheiprlngandnmuner. Mr. Elijah Brown of Brownwood him 0. 0.

D. Clark and fatally PlalnvtllsQmnii Captain 6. R. Gelpln and family of SIrlan Summit X. R.

Blglow. Cleveland. 1. L. Harper Washington.

D. a O. Sharp Canada Ast HaSnTKnoxrllle Chas T. Martin Cincinnati 0. Wm Butler.

Atlanta. Mourn. R. Rally. of Nunda N.

tad I. A. Boyer and wife of Rock Island ill who have been spending the winter here left fox their house. the other day. The graves of the confederate deed will be decorated May 10th.

Rev. J. Lee. the eloquent ptitor of the N. K.

Church will deliver tine addresa R. 3. Gonzalez. the eminent baritone yecatist of New York will give a musical entertainment la the music hall of the female college on the evening ofUtyeth. HewUlbeatdstedbyMutenCha Icy soul Johnle Oenzale SUBS of the profenir Madame Bertha Ruhl Min NelhiS sniii and YIII Genie Richardson.

The motto-loving community anticipate rare treat Roxx Hay 1 Judge R. R. Harris for several yearn editor of the Courier has levered nil connection with that paper. Judge Earriiiioueof the ablest editorial writers In Georgia said it la hoped that his vigorous pen may not long remain nnnsed. A grand temperance rally will be held In the Kevin opera-house to-morrow afternoon.

Tbe masonic celebration on the 24th of June win be a splendid attm. The will be most attractive one and many visiting Muon. will doobUea be present The annual meeting of the Young Men's library will beheld on the evening of the thin Instant. An election tot ofoen will be held. and other important bufnue transacted.

The library is In I very flourishing i MayJ Plckeni raperior veourt adjourned list Saurday Ace Patterson Ion the cilllng of Simmons an account of which we. liven in TBS Oolfml1mOJlat at tie time. wet tried found guilty sod IeDtetloed to lifetime Imprisonment Some other criminal were tried and disposed of. but I did not learn the nature anti extent. The Marietta and North Georgia railroad authorities are jpashlnjr.

the toed right on toward completion. Work will be begun laying of tie tad building trestles on the extension next Tuesday It ii said. Means. Klaiay sod Xaier the two gentlemen who are striving to posh tile toed through are In Pickers county trying to get up the desired amount to be raised in that county 110000. We wish them every possible The rued must be completed.

FoUYTll May Quite a Urge party from here attended a picnic at High Falls on last Saturday. All unite in pronouncing a very enjoyable tffalr. TheQnitmtnOuardi will hive a prize target shooting this afternoon. Memoral ay emend pleasantly. The orator chosen not accept- lug MlM tUe Dram reed a poem lultahlete the theoecsalon.

Judge rrlppe made tfew tntrodoc- tory remarks. Mr. Jell Rocaa has again rallied IDd II able to be up. JU111' April sa The west bound freight tnd1 accommodation train en tilt Savannah Florida and Western railway brake through the trestle over Back swamp In Liberty county three miles rut of the Alttmsht river yesterday. killing one of the train sands a colored man.

and badly injuring the engineer and fireman. Eight freight boxes were thrown In the wreck leaving one box car and the paseenger mach with several pesaen- gene and the well known conductor. Judge Dapont on the track OK ALBAJY April Ja We regret to learn that Judge W. O. Fleming we.

met at this place last evening on his return from Worth superior curt by a dispatch thfoomlng him of the serIous illnees of hit ttther the venerable Judge Fleming of the Savannah circuit A grind bill tnd tapper will en at Willlnghams hall next Wednesday plane to then visiting brethren and delegates from other places. May X-Mr. wUUa came home tram Atlanta last Friday morning sick and partly deranged in his mod. Hehti since gone completely eruy I understand. Re was last year a marshal of our own and this year been drumming for an Atlanta firm.

Ws hope his iBtultytoanfr temporary. Tille now hoists oft pistol club anti there saw crack shots in it The long evenings of summer will be Whiled away la target prlCUClDlo- Wb UtePapen My. Berrfen County Newt The turpentine still of Means. Ball Woodburnattnated three miles west of this place was destroyed by re on Friday afternoon of let week. There was a considerahU quantity OS spirits and crude main destroyed and alto a number empty barrels.

The to the BUT tad te lots In spirits anti main will probably amount to SOO. The origin of the flre li a mooted question. Some that it was ceased by th still. being urerhetled anti others assert with equal confidence jhat it we. tailed by Kr Ki flSfflaa pipe.

Mr. Griffin it seems was sitting smokta five or six feet from the month of the pipe an iireciiyinfrostoflt it The first warning he ha of danger was stream of re which cams onto the mouth of tine pipe and extended to his yn severely burning" his pySgtfr- face hands. Heat ji that had hebeenUi the least iapededtamaxinr his escape he would un been boned beyond all- bopVef recovery- His burns at very painful lie not dangerous and we hope ihsywia soon be entirely healed. Mr. John White on of theoldert Clarke county.

and one of the most prominent busloeesmen of thiititedied tthlihomatt tins Georgia factory. TIffiziday evenler about aim lie bad been ill some weekxAt U- hi would be considered in great dancer then- again his eonstUatlon would nil led seem ready to baffle disease. 515 great age however prevented exerdre such recuperative power as Mwonli have been tole to- exert if he had v- been- tndtt last bis wearied iaf Mimt ii to penlitentatttekiofthedeatiByer ndhabreethei his Itstv Mr. White was a man of. aoordlnar character native of Irolaad he potvtH the stern courses.

the mndattntsd ted energy and the BattrinxctpacUyforworkwhicli en. title of the sooi of the Kmenld Hicameto America when a ywmf man ndrtoOtrke ionaty tatf rare ago or mug. Be began work then the faetorr-ai to employs. II ire rlrhtly Informed- Bsaooabooghttsmaa iatecett 1 It sod ninA were hIIlD4QIrJ 1114 tnaine talent that te ten years he. was the sole wopikler.

tad his been ever since. Since thebIs nopets has been loath study tad Re hai Vcg been uoMoftherich MntaGeo laHlitetm hasbeeavaitoejtyetttinatedatuaies sunning mu Br aiiw rtffw p. atat I Be Oeortja. factory be was the owner of abo tttaeeorfls lth itockol tb Athens tanker White was sxusef apotet Jsk rl rJ taahtataK LMtt trr r1" was. ta tout hence.

BlatoJegiltywm tat of sturdy charades that woqidneSe wlttallrbaponon th flfh oftSSu nor take advantage Uneomeee thmj- Under tmqne exterlotv te curled a a heart JfnlX ct ttmtatm is' Bald OM who had knows Urn fatty rears There never we. amen Beta understood as Mr. While. Many thought hrm rternrbsrd Vo fpw. Unds of armed men promenade th eou tailed from Uverpoolon8ttardiy iw York took out more than 1060 stat.

grants most of. whOm' i torelpers- 7 arge number belngjSed TbsConard company wbaa rrant jfct Bliedwilh emigrant TtiTlmetfstatfttbati bonsCci commons wUljnotfonnally amendment tb arUamentary otbact. Th Times In leading article this toora-f jc ing. says It bat been our painfulduty to record daring the past two orvtbrtf ntto the repeated acts of ontrsge In th west and south of Ireland scarcely Inferior inatroc-- ity to those which awakened Ui national s-- records fagrariAnliman oni serious than tv ny time sinpe rlisnient mefc la Jaa 1- nary1 Junn Dillon wssanwted to-night Arlington while onth rtyUyBabUnit 4 Dillont5Mef A in Tpemni. last evening wii one of the bltUreaVtnd remising that he bas made.

II. advised th people to keeirfwithia the law not canse respected i In the house of commons toHJsyjMr Lewis gave notice that be will oppose th kill for the amendment of the penlls. mentaryoath act by an amendment that- since tbe bill intended to facllitat the admission of prof eased atheistsinto house of commons the house declines to be tr--'H oppose' the moUoDf erection monument to the late Lord Beaoonsfitldby moving the previous question The amendvf Sir ere ttry Dflk nd rfor confirmed' an imperial trade had been issuedauthor teteg the port to. accept th ion of tb Greek frontterque.tion.- ag 81rCharle WviIMlkrvrepIyinij tothK question said Th Monarch iron clad. has a beet ordered to Tunis and ban probably already arrived there.

She Would he said protect Europeans In user of disturbances bot hoped none would occra. Right Hon. U. S. 0.

Duff eonfinned news of the conclusion of peace with th Basutoa. Lord Randolph Churchill opposedMr. Gladstone's motion for the postponement. of tb order of day to' allow for" the- introduction of th bill to amend tb oath act Alters a motion toadj wni was" defeated by 318 to 13 the house agreed that Sir Henry6- James attorney general would introduce the bill to amend the parliamentary oath act tonight and debate on that subject- was adjourned until Friday' nexti Debate on th land bill was resumed. Bpedal dispatch to Tb Tbecenstlintln A dispatch from Durban to the Times' says the conditions of peace with the Basil- toe are that all art to surrendered but gun licenac.

are to be granted with the approval of a magistrate tne guns surrendered to be paid for at a settled value. All government property captured during the' rebellion to be returned and the Biutoe to ply a fine of 5000 cattle There will no confiscation of territory. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. lbs Regular Awunsi Ocetalea Tee- Urday. 4' Early yesterday morning Marietta street was thronged with people who came out to witness the sport of the Atlanta firemen and by the time.

the loor appointed for the procsloli to more had arrived the entire route of march alive wllhpeope v' At o'clock the procession started on Its march. rst came a carriage eostalalnfc Mayor Engllin i ion Councilman JohDioo of thefoarthwaid. and David third UIIItIIIt chief of the era department. Three' were followed by th Ore companies In the order enumerated in Sundays ORitrrundir. The line of march which has been given la Joarntl was litenQlyaUve with people who greeted the boys with ronl1Dual tpplaniafrom he ttma Oiief Easel give the word march ntfl he railed a halt.

Up and down Marietta street th department formed alter the march had been completed sod was Inspected by the mayor delegation from the dry council and the chief and tadsttot. engineers. after which the order break ranks" was given lbs contest between. the steamers' was abandoned sod the race for the Dougherty badge was called. The entries were urns.

anti the contest was opened by Mr. Sari Wall of echanlcNo. who made the me yards turning onandoffwaterinllXieoondi. Then came Luke Yarn. of the same company No.

5 had three suture line of which won the prize. Don Paul' time was 47 seconds which was duplicated by Gus Loeflar Charles Chnrch. ho won the bOfo toad. the race in 40 seconds being OB- half second more than Letters time utyeti. Harry Beermsnn and PeStamm represented the HooS tad ledder The lattsrs time wu seconds.

JIeenIIID made his run but when he grappled the plug he found it impossible to turn the cap and missed connection. William Howard of No. 3 scored ascends. W. Pinion with 46) econda W.

Johnson with seconds Htrback with 44 seconds represented No. 4. and the contest ended by awarding theprlM toCharkiChnrchofNo Mr. Beerneons friends claimed that the jodgei wereat perfect li claimed i warn the belhnade. and there Is a itreog talk ta appeal.

A sit lault in not seeing that the cap wu in ect order thuseausing him to lots the prier. ft hist1" from the start to the AN IRISH DEUOHSTRATIOH A IfeBate Land etl lee May 1 The Illinois state land league convention net In this ely yesterday. Three hundred anti eighty 112 delegates were present from all parts of the itate. One of th resolutions adopted pledges the convention to the ralstngof t2U000before January 11882 to further the' riih moan Another resolottou pledged the members the land league of Illinois Individually mad collectively to devote their energies fOrtunes tndif need be their lives to the lurthtrance of the Irish land novementi lid the unqualified emancipation of tbu people Ireland from the In tolerable yoke ol the leadtl tyranny. Richard Fend rnt made a flares aUllCltOIl.

UM policy of Ms. Gladateus med hi present land bill stating that it we. obnoxious not only to tins people but to the- most St thalahienrchy said 5 re body of all Roman SOMETHING TO. BE LOOKED INTO. The Id LalIread JttterlmlmMlmg AK lBttAUBUtBereBuu.

II this in art ct discrimination For levers years port the wholesale merchant of Atlanta have been supplied with thousand mile tickets over the Atlanta and haziotie Ua. railroad. which tickets have been consumed by their traveunsyi niiflititn trl4UJoDI thli road. r' vsS Recently Several tppllcaUoni lot tickets of thij character nave been submitted by Atlanta merchants and by the acent of the road at tali place' forwarded to RIchmond. now the headquarter of the road tor action.

7 A few dap lines theanntof tie road at this si tflledbMrX iwfett paeinf place was noe eragentof theroadthatoe7inftoUnmllngofth railroad tit no tIIazI4mtJa wtIl be sold In WI state tame letter. intimate' In fact almost plainly says that these 3 Uckea are told over their lines of road iaVlr Wltb IHm Ue' T. Wum 8To Mav James if iAihlereditor1 of tins Journal of. Telegraph died la New York to-day. lie well known as tatrsng writers with demoeraU tenoeodes.

and at oa Urn. wu connected with thi Washington 5 branch of th Kewlforlt Herald dispatch teTiitf thsclJyavT May" A' duapstc fro ton. Kentucky reports that Mayor Thomas basl received newi the racer ifimyar has beeafl lamed. and thatBen Hlmyarfall brother to. Hlmytr had run against lance and knocked so PixklUyl-AterribU ertdsinlc 3m wliat akin to typhus.

Is maktngjrsal havoc among the horses of this dry. The Paris omnibus marasy is said to have tat 7 000 franca anti ftttta VottaMS Jar To iMsy The tock marxt opened In tt late detUnjs whejifipuee se ee pared wMatt ein of ettardsyraBteil from to 10 pet eeaV ItHar Ja tcmitrU sad iw Alv Terra State. Hwiiton and Texas i ftwTodt tadWertew tndKwJeaerCe a iTJOB Ifocntalri nflWirtetUsadfTT Trtl Tja market eelgseetaili stront Tieitlee- JLKS fN1 1lLKB 1 J9 CITY. i it a IVId 0Ir 1MQo a1W1rnt 1iItk1u J4mlAllSIII aia LM lal' toipeople. urUdrtJl1Io 01 Jt on lbs II ltIatIIICII 184 Dla1lCh illite KrL Ct 01 a.

wIIo tza ccfDg JD04" bati A 1IMI GnblqJllt Wb7 sod lie ickDow2gU to nrkIDIstJ u4131l111o lit 1I lOQ lit CllaCOIe I bf1IIII I tab id 11 fher1 I. WU I 1ftX 1II41 all DObeUer lit llllpp IIl4 Ww 01 thCIXLU1 wtlllPl Ia Ut. ecUlOI. II. 4e4 ML tlpatlUlllollIMrI 7 1Iat pCaeoSA idwlri to rteOrd mz write.

1a4 qaoleti of Aederoo1rn4 WIlla IIIht llllketlht I. a- wIUelUltqlllUlfD :1 rherelulUt of ID udlUOCellfaJ a Pretty UirteUa Me wr1te1 TherVa tAat' wrtt I ho CuliIllllh wd a thaer 1111 1001 a B. ccaole71 I Walaboal ril from Drink thee. tha wUe ollht it porp I rr II llul hen of the ooonl1 oD to be berelblll1lmmer BoD Dell 01l17tree ID 71Ch01 lid ll emen oonn ed I WUVel' alChoo1leACn- bfenlo nter prID tin qn" develop. prin lei thallbe yIe bUM was ltoJ an cuapln AltOI1I acq na1u IaIICl1i lib eoDnn oo what lUylIbJect titw9th lOll.

The holldlnap PeaChtree lrullllllldl of the Itn It is th bu IJ bnlltoornem dllIlIU wholedl ll bln al1t cpb Id Inlle Cy BmlUn bud eUr Cer Irl pl deled I lde I nae cl b- 1- ppr7 I aowlD IC tt ned It lo ce I IU pr nnu ad owt ollb cun bnUdlp lv Te JII cl 0 of b1IID M. l1llproflbe II lal te Pet dl te bJon ct7 Uuad pUI dumJ enl' 1Dce Ln Tl wold le Improveal ma bOl I. II ad bn bou prbbl11o rdc p' olL Te Ke bl lu 100 Id bde lem Ind. cr Mr ec Ilr. 1 I a QJe bu fe hot bO Wa Oer lul 1 rdece K.

Rel B. 8 JoUanI rt. rt a rty bt ll I gt Tt rSA el. 1 SO plllllo rll JoUIID ael wou upve Iot I ct. I ou lel7 ee7 anbe I wa olld.

ne 11' hc Id 1. a. a. 110 a UI wilbdwll uke ad Ould I mo 10 I lo bce I Il Ie a av wbl onqueLablJ I I. Je Ip 11 cu ci i plea 1t Wb J.

J. I le 0 alm Ib ndc 1 hn bu Pt en lan oat' BOIIUoCOlChel ID dacedlDto nr thIrD IIIIht llIISA CIIIIIt Ieea IUd It be llI ed. JIrJbabaI1 04 wt ued 111 U1t. of ohomloct 1Dd' eoIIlm It. So' ap1IIIHIIa ua lbs net MeIDl to han been.

give. gnoczsl mr UJoIM In 111I11" 1. ft QlbbClO trlD4. I boat ua that Mr eo ftII Soil of 1rm uriitIW UII 4uIaceI. Wla.

1t al1lhtiJlSaftl 111. 1d III s10CJ be I IJdDtUtlc Ot tfQI Jttr IhIq1Icht CaaIGdp 4 Us ft bJ 14' ll niJ1It tJa ull ftrJ Do peIIIItie1uvrJaI ii lbs ut iii 1I D1f itiih ft i rWI2 sad 1 i1t 11 4 1. mrr UlaU. IA4CRI. r.

aIIaaaa1II1I7 btIMeI i1Di1lf1lla aa4. tMI. 1Mtllllille' Jr A i JJ i tlr 'T' II E' 4. j' 'o'l" VOL jtc Nth I3 i. Ka.

WW wJIo hu dwp of M. Co 6 butter lh llkheD at1ma bones iIaa apJadJd woo4OD will tlUbUlla and butler of the belt quality We. and U. Re is preparing 0I1he nt 0I1ht Ja to hi untIl Mr. Scull.

has charge of a JaID1IYIloWl 0DUnI1JI1l I w. and will he Itr aron. A le demen JoUa Il" pltal111 A olan UaIIltltemea' II Uemenl theywere ItltemeDt II w. feel lUll that It 4OeI1i- workleg 71O b11il eu lllotli. thll applies lbe the monlD A I I 1I1ialDrDJf IDMdenlapoa atren 0011I leaIlOaad llo dlJ.

tothe Ubg Ih lwI me 1 BM ble al bll. of. wmGTOII The fol1omllelter for pu lIcIIOIl To da IPIJ Wo fuda :1 Ih lion prol IC thiaol IeIJOO I oe utdce nd 1I0pon ad mabnocomplalDl I tb a ff na l1 BaIT. I. the UIIDIOTOJ A oyer and tle uponlbe I lWIted pe alJ jJi COD lUtIon Iwlol 1 erm I met ed onl p' i I fI I 1 nting.

0. lacy of the Oora Yorklo mac l1cent A bou I w. HoUdaYlUd VI Jotlltlll81eVena. Jo Woo brldge. Jd ne1O11on.

Ex ene7. OOI1l1Duethem perbapllonller. tobu adjurusd lIDe die. TII. The ce DO wor lalJII to him to the ID popII1ICI 01 ae 11I1 J.

1I11a. So. latah. pled ItIemeDt that in teD4 i tub1eetoliUaIDCIlt Ii ft1QI1IS IIa4Jeo wat Ia4de1 sew lbs otS 1d4UmDl Jsar c1atecUlQ III' LJI ulniDeII flDClIaU1lll Abiftn8L tdlil l1b the SDNDUDelltllDNIhado by iredal CeresporOseb Apil. V.

Sellout be mialatsa. IJ" nese VCII8IIoaIoI1D troa Psalm to The uOeneral be I I 1 snaS7i 1 a 1 ID 1M I tIk WEEK DEVO RIDDIEB91OERI In' 8 0 Uaelf the lppe1a1brl. U4luW Str If WlJIIJJ tO- the the recen the byth. the Dg coIII tution I 1 I 5- u. the he1S the ta1ner wi th in ipn JlL the of ng.

pr euted de ing i an hlama pu onZ fo ea tr toihecontrol jo The million'S Tbe GeOl' o. or IZltion poraty I enerai llu I alale. P. nu I Is. Dw st 1 I he no The th i thtanucu1J.

beldforthwtthfor oomml er fom1na. I1I1OU1 butthat cauCUlwill the morro. The of centbonda re elTed ICCIldancelth poUq.1o1he cloeeot hadbeu lICIt greata11110llAt rrceindlnany. Yo hich TheMl cJonotlDClud. henbThe now ib01 1IdllionIhichktl been cont UWlle.

bntdoel 1D themtn. the I beeuome entaD4 1o114tUlba toibe een bcto art a' metc4B4tepl. aJummtoOomptrQller uUIa th ta JaOtdoubt helO1 tnatlonal1IaDb tlleonlDue4 SK CULf0t Qnepf1he JD1t1W of tiih 1 1hertala1haall tiCQ bttlDuech aJtJlU udthe it conaIderYbetbtr. ed Lbs rice1ndneD the treasuryiMicate Ja. ou timjwiJWa3.1WII ofthe ceu Qf 1riIQ 1tmUuU ttauu4 oUbe 1acIt Ja1i1o netHtoe' sot they will IltM WIaIewUhl eaIar.

I 188 onaucb registered 1 raeii Ib lOW beenndeeJII bepad uqmal checbdrantoi he dnt I u. Ittenilont 1 nom1nat1onlwhi tion 18llI monel. tocoDliderImJlOrlantmltterl I herlle d1recUInteieated. titlODlWert da11 oom lg he the i Threcord I ItatemenLFo the It boardu a the 01' the hlwu be the Parleytsnd thoeeOO aD go llinto i Fari9zepUed the t1 Lr the Peclfioaoest. Dsweyolfled ed lenata tt heould Ohin camin IS' Callfornlawere ainal MSIII1ch uetta refotl' ction e.

tb Omi iiO Gorhm wentinto an' co encea lII intouecutive 8 on the si I IIh allnew tohim. MrBaul bury MrDlwes contr te ded jU8ti ed re on Into. it. hi i ti ln erro et forthe lld In 8 uthem-ltatea auppo tie lootj 21 na822- rollnpon lplrlS BeIIeweei. Ha Very the rising knrlandllDlth the ID' 12181111I 1miDII1IItII4DIer.

howmlrID I 1 IllI1e1 danger runathrot4h JItIndIowedtJoom lo IOWIIIDOnI1 Eu8t. butlS ed 1IItrferec1 thee cIDIan401WHonr41h1 iii 4lDd c1eItrO the 1treD IDdlDu and JIIi1OIJIe II 1iU Ap II 1 SPecla1 tItn at ocJock Buiic1ai1llOlllllli 1 t1ieCaailel OI dPtIl IO. ft lalll aI llUlerlJ" lD4ata1rf lids IaH nmu1r1i iji Di i. iiii i law 1edDdqIIiI UIe" uderQle w. rcS i- i lIietfn Glelffti.

lIIIIder a efJIIII4. JIII f1IIde Iab 11181t-- hali41111GS 42f ri HI 4 l1 DMOND JIIS OlnEK i Ih ii 1 tfW IufIl f' mt1Qt fl 8 OomIpouc1luet D. I. a. ThIa1l bj It UI' to.

that bed Of blmd. th il a winaJi' nd 9kmiW ialdcan' dla nJfp ili era1rUll hsbeen umuch u. lam. Q. tia.

1tIv. Jpe U. tended. ban4to ourOOrrtlt- JIOn hmo only cell cept hI mere did you gsJour aaJdheula uiwhen beenm Iq aant not" NO In8fer. tellibout meD1I reth agalnn YOI1 1' IIOmenabou I.

therein who-has n' IOmetimenow. his I mov sone I in oi. your' beeoaUvi peace bll degs thuhot where the ahoo D' feel metiU tm The a a ya We or early Thur dy to. wasrew ffhouae. cab fIltynrdS thewooda be thlpart an11ttempt anYlttack 1r U1 ral point fie :1 1n aga preludicea hather an ps 1 Jre i ofDOht.

conntyln h1larreat 8oU 1 lIJ hereupon 1. perty. hour. gu del k11' let BlueIUdp hehu lincehad. repn ttion this blh1a toWthe thath.

maSmmeaW throUh1 At leanhowenr 1IUrumored ondaidThert IlI men OOIUIJtOarre meft ke. eeD ertl. IDd rIda CfthSnlu bf1 rmin federihoUrtconftned I Red. metlm. dnnngthe T8BFiDBBALCAPITAL.

iI ihtl lt ftb1Io 1d be' ii ltiOQ hUJ a abandoDedtne GorJIamJU i fff to 04l1111lt eJt1 fthnnW the fut OfIUtalhe abllitUaa. aa oUh. parti1he oDe. tlgocraUc iah 11m' of. Pnt 1eacJera1JiIh U.

ichaDcaw taIkarte DSatthat J1can1II UIeJltlOwerfull. lfel. i of' jfalOICl i alleltonlota Jb1. 1IouatUDUt IIICJW oo Yo WIrettM1 t. 1IePcue4i I ttn ine 1DII 1 UIM lJaopeIea ftllH i 4irJl fq" Qti1rJdp hadmt fit 1tn defeat 11" ewml ed hm mJor ttlIith 4WUh rrecenUTJhtar4.

manof knows Garfl J4re OIt Utile the thIn Halea. and that Itrorlgeal. ileeouldAnd OII1rh1ch. OWDtr aoIudoDBut 1 II1ho tDowB1nt1 UUtl OIt c1ana1I eeltam wardaBl1nfI bumfnlambidonfor. a4 aIgnalaanc- tothuoal 84.

apjJearlDlbefori cihlneUarDOUI iflweakneaai be. publiou IIWho be object Lwould tw popuJaritYaDd hlIT1nUy poaaib1efneold omcWdIgDity. in 84. withth. I tn' 11180.

GoverDurBullock tn. returntrom. homhI hasbeen a Becpeau the pro. co. UoD uPO tion.

thatltaTallllto illbeenorInOU but willJuTl. viderjoope an 111J eDterpriae he has no doub whstever. hopefulT1ewof expo i on is conllrma on oncato of the 10 hes theremlY collectori be. no fottnit bly the Colopel for" JcfiI inn lrtuea-h1l merel Biahep lase Va. The rRin oitdb1m bbon te ceremon1ea IUd ed hue open I1ck' uXe ooe torderoulolwba' motI uI' orderltl Xean t.

cl t1Ilc Ivered occu 1ed Iowa. Be ldelWI8laUllalread7meDtioBedlbere I Charleston. Moore i 11I4. liled wooer Ui ctollhe NatchealUd wbono priestllld dtllCOIlollbe vi RevB oIpnl i ai fr- Neenz Jog P. VlUderva den lcbaooe1lor 0I8t.

OL C1tl rod ad Mart71 Ieoce ted' RAILROADS- BWSo he Ha A wt tnd at" I 1 dIIcIIIIlbt OOIIIpletIJIlaltfTe1. lrlda fromAUaUn thJo 1 ofVJDcJm ta GeofieJen1l of NUJo The uatlrohtoctnIl4oJet. latter" lit The lem lr l1 sa litt pa un o. I I I IIhIch IDIII1Ittnot a mon1fhlcll1llUte Ul8JW11114opL a Ul81 to A oD. bte4lr be We were urt4oftbil yesterday ThJawlll tJitijnen :1 e.

WnUIII hei h.uttermcel 01ll411ever IIICIIlteIuntlne le tr snurumDmiXarsn so I thlsdticontind 1lerbe411J Sine J1TIeed ap tJrJIer rt fi1ti debtlII of. 4e at gold oslee IeII6OI8 ltOOO iiQr tf Teza. Ift Wille 1fftl1Iom JIJIcbU1tp aIIouII4I1aP1 iobbedea the notorious Tall end 1 UIe. 1 UlUlitIDiTa1 way T. the i Zi UIMI eIbelttof tt De' D1ftIIIaaH JUIaIy1IQ1ebIaeIL.

Lon A i liU iROIJNIj UB 1 1 PEOPLE UB IDO 9 A 1 Oon. tn fAroller x. Q' th mal pl Ih th thi englni eo scJldi 4i i 1IeiTh. ex. p1odtmcaund.

1i Ua ieng crack. i1l1larth. time in nothaT1nj tOw rkDJra WII 1 rft He II uriedJ1 i 11 terrlblburn cJaho tui faclfi ii fO ed t1 1IheeL wu ntaneona. theeoucussion uApri1 3OThi mi t14ltt l1 I ndY IDTholDlIfll1 seyenal iat rUW are I1dtliaf ihtf nlemp1 fe i llur thafthey ramorseema prepoeteronabut uiat ersl th someecheme for tl elr m- nimQt Chatt boochee th nd Tho uuvil" im DuTOJ RevNathn Summsr an4111D1mer Io ct BJOwDw od LG. PI.

BIi1 Cn ituie W1i. Y. IUdJ. a ad Prat. ofHefu bn 1 1 II Harris Is one of UI tionto-J meetlDlof be held onlbe im bua1n UlDacI.

ad. UbrarJ1e inl condition Ma 2 The JUrleUlland nareJ trea hlIltIOCIB. Ha plcaiot 8a1urdaJ afternoon. trlp Hr. The lid ll co klllingone co a O.

I 7 A l1I Ml l. pI fiiti ibi thie a 4 tn tJ ii eomp enll fOrU hla1llaultr. 15 teID 1arJIeI. boutIofalIfA 1D41h1f1 ahotlln What IIhpe tarpeDtIDelI1l1 Wood Utree ftbiI Fd4a7aft week n. CODIiderIbleqUIDU oflprltllll4 of banl1lThei4amap ame tteanaodb1he tI.

ia i JJL' ptpeJ iraallttIDt aideeUrom mil clfJeetl11n boDt of bo1ht 114 er a out of IIIOuthcolttIpape impeded hlaeape 1II1t01114 beJOda I114wlIope IT Banner. eL'- tJo1mWhltet. oI4ed. Of oa601 oeJoCLfBa weeks. Al inllel hJllU1IIItcotIII1IIIt wouJ4lIl oa.

IIJlew0aJ4an a le if' Jfr. tn1temaa so utIJiDI for nrlt1tb1ch JllullJ4JaIe. Be CIIIUI JOOIIJIIIIIIo 114 Se lJDor bfpa1tO thaUIJ u. N4u4 4Bahu IICIDIOf wdcheat tit 11II. hmtune hu1MlMl nIte4 Jeom 1lG8IIu.

f1tU 1IIIA of JIIa i1JIq.J it 1fIItu atahoIIt the' mitt of the national rWhIte Ja Ill blebus- be dWI dJIGa i JIOIIIb olM of aterdq1fllO fortyyearst 1IIIADJbI1euteritOod a mem lie bad ae skin the 1riIIi41fU1. ll' c' MeWbleIenes wile 1114. Seer udTell of beh earn If I. i J1rpee1. Or WocItr rtw i if.

IJv Sat1UdaJ" for NY kitook 1D N' A IDOI okIiarNt ur4 lilli" re actatltragt et IiIt JrI1 hOuaeof cOmm Ltcl1na ipartytolt i 1ltLabouChm anno thath. WVWdr id rth. f'- plODUJ t4 mom quea ameradv menttwu recelTedoblcheera mi tf tt 1sirI lth. bUI frou qu- if i' dTh 11 1A N. ow uua r- to andhui Should forthe the he 1 that8lr ur1 i iir ri 1 fF iYk adj Inroad nut-d 1 pece1 he aumnd gul1l1ceratet of.

the lio I redth rj 1 er ill y- uaJ OfeT 1lremen1D4brUle e. UI hoist TO. 1r1Ua' peope A A eJ Dvld Gh1l1h1rd re" c' were the c' literI1I1UYlwtth peoplawho gr ete41ht ppIllII from ur ty pve.t.heJrortl- Ua the ad tm mcs ISEIItIntID1Deen rubPTeD 1 he rJ on ia 2 rtJi f' whoon b118o thellCllJn l8QODdI. 7 umChtcapr 6 tllea' the prize to Ghanles Church of No ere 1fU plug I Of ofaaappeel I TRATI OH Ie ee ila The dtrreater deleptelwm flolllaU thutale. OneofUltrtlDlutioDl.

eal vr JOtolhl i eaol 5 a oIlbG prtlet1Uaad bill. tinl Jto i LOO IJIOi nAIuahM4D Araiaal AUaiteftJa a. ICtCUflcr1mtziiu ni if. lITeral aappUectith ticke1lover LheAUaataJ1dChlrtotlaAtf. 00tIItIIDe4.

the1rmTlimlliltamllluoUdlUll 7" BectmLemrallPPlicatt DirOt pT- toRldllDoDdaow I 0I.r- iibar0 41i a I th T' aol4SA IW.11II In thelouml wTC c' Xtn Jepoa1Ithat or bee i 7 i i Jp s-Lteirfhfa atsuewbat 0 1 In3wualalDl JtanIClDIODIhI ohfttfi g' nel S. t- Tuteii 1114 st Okig ksJ Ms OuIn' CIZUU tI4 TIubI. Thu 1 Ia z. I.a Yts ol Mr. 4m MIcJ VdDCS4 out 1 Tb.

iiI. wUs dob 1 gcI ccg key IM :4" md afti VII 7 tktn. bft i bo I 1 hatgtbot Iud ku id la 1 uto tk iW its wotktug oat WUk admxshli ttnha ud vnibi muMbaxde b1iirc1i wfthh5issnd thetto aa Atrti5di You iiu 4 acoaads and jon us da ti ect yctt tcgri Oeszt act 1 otiuc cbrictetltt oth hi' auto grab recor' rn WriI acrth. iWhI La Tonthatt. Win uI make.

tha rnL si zt7egwrttrnth. quatraie a uu wrtt I butthateeaeenslaraadtltdotk otao cam beant' T7 writes lome- 1 ed ctioual ho1 ndtwnwere tohim. wupleseed 1 was r. StttCTtlteI ulougu ofl evernappen to-his wb knowibottany post- wUi thelact in bulltitng d1iprobbty WaahOoflternexttotberrnldeuce rate lola Ten IlhO tau 4aof1md ier u. hasnowwtthdrawultfromthetnmzkeL tlonolthebtlanceoflt.

libe thiwbole do hi t700 Why does Dot M2. C. Kimball otopclnklcaonthsresidenca Peachtree ys of ty tt1 pI I centfereind ghi ch ealabliahol. tO ces1der streets we 1 Tb lieniyC. TonexspZnM1ks A1zUns tykwdamegeaud Qrofjnsl.

ml kbghestyesdlct ever tar I gty CS tbbb coun ins we. sbott OCiI. kIg katZ a r. Imilk Unto tb irnonnt kcruksdsebU hi we. bad sy geeLt bsuhd swheupoibsteueslz Iejars2iIyeduoe.

grisoaebthptteeaatltaitt 4IgbISnIInbUXbU oksetLtlantasedthes I. It thu Judge e. awa tSohd swath. maicb tytig eh estsrtajiMdeId that meat beI1 Ibi3dmi poor mae eaneot ag i 5 Sot utery e1tiuothgr tbei Sos bNtIuveUserthut lbs Mi. eve.

mats sad vldbs agosd Sowsttny man saeM t- bawewabIibbs Sr eSobegb scjSR Soutsiusi. IJ lbs sx ci thi cuths ke. sad 61 Sos zi flrgklu Zotsestt doug. dtitc ki iMbeams. eze So JssHoSoaa sell e11 tha M.

sad evesehb iO bssblse. Iy SobrUiwsU7 bdekssg bblahedsadssbessgt2. m44t- 1thSoiit Iibessw. sd tks- 5thq iseSo 1 5 5-4 ae. it.

a' 1' jAY 1 273 a MoBUNeMAy 3 18 ATLANTA. GL. TUESDA. x1J. whaban ixgi iaIca Il.

ibtaicat4eU a a dalx pstcb istaaeagdalgraafarnnallAhe wwgtock1thgnswwi ut Ise gxperlencrddslzym fec htahoumodeentllaflyolIsnPpIy butof thirSihol ju cm stay us mnclt id rye Mr a whiletliestatemeutlaicuswe rat thtusilde th 1 It beth IT. Mr. herbought LftOper a The pr oonaptcuow lortheihaltaof begranted may a Ru rind A lutnlghtln forthe purpoeeof Joseph EXGOTemOOBeOONeWJereeY and to Irdla peimplngmachinery ctnithavlngbeen Lavalette Tea bay of Tunis be. tolegripheil is tha ports 11111 he will oiler the irench orany other ggoy. meetinaking prepoials aes rig gwi.

uuww a. souar in pregre. ml Ejoutnir hiflessap. The Krowlz are new pric. aouha lb.

idopUen of stsT foe oupprseton aS the bevels tiosagyggopapinda gemerstsnd ocoettiryete fee. theWtwlel prscltm wai aping InftdI Is euuheee bye ma Sodhuticu 05 aba plot e. ago Ei domidliary TIbieU1IOI a large qunwycS batlatsan4awdee being d1IcYete AT bScueel Ieni. dated Bent EAzheaie1lE says a lipt clime saul a ez. the tithes we.

iced ml by two eabsa bRn4 by theEboomir butthe seamy wsrsdefsatsit wlihalcof4Omee. wd mlnl dstdaztn the OtthIIesCk Us Twehian tnftsey. the high reteem I. wbkbebuMwe3heltTri3Oe A 81. Peteeebezg dIiitcb mentiora piobably appointments Soirebadowed se as qseeral Ignatlal.

ineesading bla lnlatez of tern tntle Pitne. hasamff ar he eteste 1 Seodgesa irtase I itsanVes eo acbambsaur at DenIse eel I You isba treedmorl same dtsguich I Kactiman but baa not yet oecersd I a naFrt DIrI ai Mi iUsed the ckicSeeeptnred I Mpese4bkioetu sadeeSeoniotlialesI SoeaSoe. rn ibot Ieaeee sebsa lad I Jel NsemaEwo to zuvoill A seTie4 P1mhZ wuabstsad Swabs OeIIII1ZreptiLte OpwL tore 1nthohindIoIthieZ poee ton tnwhichthe ocuwi- althoughhewu in- rout during 33 It i thatweat. nolenter re- re- excatiyssee1onbeheldforthwithfor rert I 83 Lou onediiyvu wh1chwu34777fi by national hold ms of nnenyolUie be Sosecurescorrected indlegahas. ertbsttheyslano dOnbtthM sU v.

One of of admtazi today tba alesmtv saIru ha lattaw atwte. amounts ire be the percenean a 3 percent itsandthIressuij lbs earns the tins within vhicb epplioction bd 1)per cmii muEbe e1dii3LI57O the md ot tita cil yea July 1 dudda wbatb or Lbs seaUs' uanoevhseee. ib od theatre cnIartkeaeos1ytem dJIrthese l881onauch bondsetnbruedln wuibeped to- theordarof thepsyeeeof ihebounds. suaz. of tbe ofall Invitedtherepnblicana logo th thepeoplo theeeChinese Daweaaod wouldatrengthen ian allncwtohim.

chargemade thatthe theeen- re- thehands uthernatatca honrwaeconaumed THEWESTERNFLODS emewedFean isbe hItler tunow I. Xaerlrcem the of the Inter great hnkIa in lb. nelghliorhoctl VenIce lards baIhe bOsiAeSeOfUIyaIdJbeeaInteItered will bualn N7I toads4 Axw iirr Waea Its Appesaraucalsa lbs Uesesas Spedaidlaputch ThsnaUSotloi RecusaTu. Ma this eity. dierovered M2odockBundaymoznlnglsosted1ethezaSel lieitmo1Andrtaneds0 dghtaidcusebona no rnlnu.

5esIeaiioII nerth 17 Thia Is the flescomet a Is bright alas. Ittsnot tbezpetaed although innesnty location froeawhlcb that crenet I. expectee. I. the saveeth mast ofsee8edftbedbeoern euaeats1 awever T.

W. I. aP igbDiaswm StE udag his dangker cttselsg night. tim jury rendering a nrdkl a. maitalaughtes end recommandiegths prismar Se the peniobmeatander the law.

The edlca so es we. litserpreed gonarsor wilL be pelidened tedlali so would be A wTheske. bg7 CHAPZIIG Li latinfaw tb aiee Oa haPitheDesprsis Ipeclal iAsun a a a wklcishsisoIamfllar Echos been a his uked him Is chair Where get thatuidhelaanick squads not lqo oiteatheytellaboutms bandof That i. nty un- tillihe warcome hey waerevsr you It. maya asiltofire.

Wetoldhlmtohaltbutaahe gun aiVescue body. His 01 cc casio awe. Swain' repnt Ti. through were 1ledtond said 0 The saelon THE Crnakliegs Iflbrts Thwsrt caiudd. I tbattherewillbianexecuUysstssion i tlmaduring thaweek deny that iheylntsnd the office renew atarthaexecutivs bad orned.

legltimatebnsfniuofths bodyvould betesreeume a Uon aYs weaker baE1debettketis deniooraIs are begInniflg se brave persistent this' contest falling cu mime. In abilityand forth. Umsrnncethsdiassterof one chance to talkhen' can teak. Itself fell bothbrancheeof cocceea a bestowal ci a the bouMtbanaxteldlon work pre- are bepolIed eresedvereetoc. I dderncm and dsclsstbetOek a tlhopeZ case scoept Iomorrndelezmlried Ai sure tit man almost thing Hay chose Blabs own brash forthas qum- Blabs poelbletn Governur prospects a Jax donbtwhateer.

While officesothal agalnstthe ahallandftresoutfarhimsell hangman virtues-his toivotdconfuelon thatwould generslpublictIckeianvening we. Iroughtccder outs. hayebeen mestqutee aselatant aermonwbich prelatsaalreaulymsntioued serttciceting 11ev. Blahope S. ollachson.

Veryltey I of isiherarurphy fr. Ylcksburg lasgeaudlence deep greai1jeeloved NEWS. t-Alarge'nnd raise Sen Ecenels R-AI Memphis Iearalthsuaand to IL 2ori percent. llre 15 I tiistailon aee 0i isAuank Mann a Btftthls one thing we So knowt Sod Brunswick undoubtedly UIIt. afternoonby goad.

graWylngnewi the Macreabuiali en Ta bessvrru- nost Sibes 50 timathe atatrnduyelythatthe nearday AtIantawIll assoonti rL LIaetR SirtaaII IIL- lyzisoxaLo. EL Th 5 rrenn jome eap sea ay Southern thatMra konrof lierelseer barbed never eab IOPYtOdODeI See. rncoier is' The Debt Ita1eut. Tbe etalomset 50daysbows dazing lbS be S93tOO 7st1 se- D362050 air outidosie. of seleandlng 55Z9000GO refunding oceUcotee grnos es- semeedleg StteSlOteOO fisillonsa sagusa OUToE.

May A spofal- Iddaynight eee labial bytha emvac the the of that T. Teal lost He ceaed lOOin checks. ZeeabsSg wsadeld MaLThe queen and the 50' as eseitbe 51 the laereari of ma RlEcu WtdfasaMiaarySaslihmrnbuc of imrcbati tbeporva of is. ltelcsd Beaeoeeddd by 1fillasew en erklbdse it lierspal seedy. tPAKIw iIeu rreTh1ie BivYeMM 1.

of is. Yiereeseay110 a ALJAROIJND WHAT THE DOINGS Dlaastzeas Pip. xplislai ii Xsen-Pattese. Raflreii aeam is TbamuUl-j Psiol 3allzse DIn LIberty Oeuiy This at balding the atthe engIneer not hayIng come to work Draty by alL was this aftezno ll. fonnidoubled 0 madspgntssterdayln rumor.

are efi3ILeOflCeTaIngthehlntp1t fur- 8 Ylsltorslefuliy prepmredlor rnshwith aoooasmAtdalioni. many spend theepring andeusnmer. Gaptaink. Gelpinand 0 Sagan. Knoxville clbsaT.

OWrn The eloquentttastorof Pnof of Hewthbeasalsted by Itertera Ghaz- amaof RUble antlclpateareratreat. Judge editorOf theableet tnaynot noon. doubtS The offloerewita lmpontentbusina May2-I'ickens connt givenn nighton Workwlll ties ihetwo wiahabemevery largepenty frombere its The Qultman Guards day Theorator iooet flatliebuon- aultabla Son' JudetrIppemade alewintrodno. andlsabletobeup. brokethiough thghtfrefghs wetethrown wreckleaylng peutontlaetrsckOK.

We aetM cites venerabhejudge balland aupserwili isthwvlsidngbrethxen pla Mr. 11115 Mona He has bae Insanity only Barnes of a it the paper. Weotibnrn situated otilfautitte soc. 8reta asy Itwas lbs Mr. Griffins ilseema STeOrsinfeet fromthe theplpe Tbaflratwomlngbs at mouth.

sod Heyi inebecu Is In msklng pe beenbursed beyondaII hope of ulboulbvsny weinope will Athena cc. lb. sided theutate. died libis boccaat rally usa the of he would eisit if hsdbeen lasthis frame usomnibed ike pemigtentattsekael IIII6eeIIeyU5IId teat- ordinary character osliveolroIad work which tsttcofUieoosoftbam1dis1I. mane' tJ the an we Ifs moo bought a email is werobli Ineluatlyanti gewe ksslsag as corn of seen 0aigla.

lii. ha. been viziooaiyeellmalsd at Scores IIteS 50 lCia. As be warn iTeaes taenrgfrndoTiii eboct of bunk. ML sale of Integrity.

taactIoeiI vs. the of flis lamadut we. hI ndz wilfully inpess en tine rights of 0th et- a. iorr Lr10 te Thcr an a stern hard mesbqtheehcondedlnbendcseeaed thanlty Es we. mod 534 ecianiesi cht slat to lethisiete baud kaow what ku band Sonie toed world will everbaowTbtafoeiogtambIlIeTbepooewkrs heetetInUaI1Y h5iP6 out.

inte ebuneesca well a anti A 4 5. en estofInhais. affnlrsthereiibe ofl1edty Bundanlazuneti Conan- try and ternonlu lbs fofgflfl. Theeleamem Beythisand Maltwb1c Liverpool on Saturday list NeW an's i urge bring Buds ia bu- amrsngsd- frr peiculleg for vessels to Amel rexlweskIsltofwWch an's expectdtobe I filled I The Time. slaVs that opposItion to the house of will not foftnaliy U' OPPs1b5 goteronientabtll for the I of lb.

ganliamerltazjcethaci. The more- liigiaya dntito dnringthepest twoo thheweeks therepeatedactsofontregetnthawestiod 5 Zrelnod-ecarcely to atiOO- tothoewblch the 0 cnscleuce orfour. To-day the 01 agrarIanIsm arsmore at say Umeslncepanllimeotmet bJan d' was arrested atlest wbtleonthejray lcDabILn. I Dillon's vceech i wit bitterest and meet unconi- e' I I the keep- vtthhu 5 because be It or thought they reepectad It but fQr the sake of preserving their organization. They might exercise lheirinenuIty tOpaUslCleeitOthelIne upotnmble 5 to Mn' the eincethablil tofadllltatethe prnfeed atheists Into the bouseolcommonsthehouoedecllflestobe a' Mribounitereannouoced would motion for the of am ord Beaconafleld by menu was received by cheers from the radical i s-c.

a- Gbanles sW. Dllke. undar-forsign secretary the snunce. t. meet that Issued snthorn5t the the sir Charles W.

DUks replying to the 5' The onld bathehopedssonewotlldoccur u. i the opposed Mr. ofthe to A ri thebill the mettaayoathict I toadjurn was to night next the Brectaldlspatch re govennmentpropenty topayafineofficxlQcattie Thenewilibe I whonatne witnenthe theenilre was 0 5 lust lila Johnaosof the buds ward anietanteillef Thelineof hsabsen i thiajournalwss the stahl th a Mwhanir Na. 1. and off waist iii ll3 seconds.

a hoN time was 42 iettande. ee who osehali i. theffeok Thelattera 43 1 madebli runbut 4Z3 52 K. a 5 thejudges werekttauhlinnot thecap waste II I that his time- 0 League eetIag Chleg i sIaIeIsndIeSgUe present partsol the raising of hd Hbefers 1. 15h2.

i and IS ollreiantiftomthelntoieibleYOkeOStheldUdM Fendergaet allan en his thsaest tIes GaihialO hierarchy clergy. liL1e mactat p55 11ttrayelingsa1esmen acltingtradeilong thie characierhave ebsaesandbytheagentoftheOad attinIe i OIUIIrOIdIOSCIIOn. 0- dayieinoe thesgentoftheroadalt1ls netifieti by Mr. A. tope gnnoralpeeani- 5 geragenteSIheO54thatOwn5tOtheTUhlflSOdlhI OOIUmIedOnInOeOIZIa.

tlckeiswillbemld Thseemekile. In Yin'- sIand 4 DgseICraie Tesadeaclen. us WiulJeToI a seg writer one 2 tea NewYorkEixald ri uurturse 1 to The coutnUtmm bees I a that Bee Ifimyar. lull a eoa11 Ase EnSns Pam. May R-A tehfble akinto thu 5 raam Ike Imo-A rnliltss IIAXCIAL rids 3n lbsw Toil.

May Thiilochmszkst etreeg anSI eoeralll higher and under brIsk purchisduli movement' look an upward ta the eern. wIth the deaingef Saturday razt 3fol5pesCenIsltmbLoulfl1llI5BdWAj 5. ban1 XelPk' set anIeston Alien SM end andTek4NSwTCk Cnitrai Reading 1 Delaware. Iysnna 5154 Weeterul and Maw Jersey ceetsel lien XemWsaedMaaietia andaednaa1t mat setse lame stack reacted a baocube So. The eet are-- fedstl eleorsise.

0enies teakGarailaaN3 11 51 ebUso mnnding. 15 EaenIbslaseJee r- ei ase ct v1Sels 40 Cake. e. 5iterse. Deie4- a 4' paeasa.

WelkA 1 I i-- pwt aeVca XTtleamaal a e..

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