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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 2

Atlanta, Georgia
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Witt tptpbl sjMf84 R1IIallJlrl via CumlplDo. Mat a4tiM isjp ur tri ton. TUB promise to 1 tt-i IS Win ku svsr win codas to pos th adtnglo VU WXHITUTIUI turj 0 oatnl tt tile day oplntoi xlyo poliaoal topfaBlt wfildsrote to Awieprasel of lovih XTsryasorglsa 4 VI BAH UtmsUdl MnI sn4 pnrlb should rts TO vrnriws ta on itssdiuocs PtCy CbMtltat mum Wsetly OssMBtBtten 11 80 iss 7 1 00 mocti OBbo7i6 Ml tattun Onlllvalor 160" Ctabioflfl UtO a ton Wtekly utUa1ioD and Cu ttvuor to ddzes IMtoTOntyM Address Til COXftTITT 1 1 tSf Atlanta BBUnd II Moood-cla matter In th Atlas Dsoexslwr U. 179. ATLANTA GA.

FEBRUARY 19 188L BOTH of the Georgia senators vote I the subsidy scheme of the pos office appropriation bill and it hu. gone to join tb ship-railroad project. Tn state of Nevada containing 60 OC people pays its governor 8000 pd th little state of Rhode Island pays 4000. The empire state of the south conUmin over a million and a halt of people cei tinIy la not extravagant in Una regpec THE New York Herald says that Di Felton wants to be commissioner of agr culture. He proposes to take up the grea LeDooke a work in this direction and it to glorious results.

If the doctor gets the place the people who want garden seeds and tea plants should move into th seventh district. ATLANTA may be muddy and windswept its streets may be irregular am people may even say it has no market house but they cannot truthful SA that it is in danger of being flooded. Our streams never rise high enough to destroy our carp ponds or compel our people take to boats. Atlanta is not enice even another Pittsburg. THE Lnit state8 are getting on erj welt this year in the nutter of exports and imports.

The follow ing little table tells a. very interesting ry for the sn eekg ending February 12 1850. linporta. 52 4. 472 bZ uportl.

6. 2M 5W 4J 60 SC No one anticipates a decrease in export or any considerable increase imports and yet there are peop wh say we are on the verge of panic something else that is awfully bearish. Tie democrats of rginia acting through the regular organization. have called a convention to meet on the 4ti of August to nominate a governor anc other officers. They invite all democrats to join them for the double purpose defeating republicanism and securing just compromise of the public debt question The call takes no position on the debt question but is content to urge an union of democrats with a view to an amicable and reasonable settlement of the whole matter.

The democrat who retuses to heed such a tall is no longer entitled to claim a lace in the old party. Titrsa ill prol ably bean extra session Governor Cornell has decided it ii reported not to call a special election to 11 Fernando Woods a seat thus leaving the matter to stand until the regular November election. The republican majority in the house is exceedingly small and it is more than probable that the gain by death will be utilized to the extent of securing the organization of the house. I a contrary course is decided on it will be because the republi- cans fear a long session at the outset of the new administration. WIlItS Senator Hill presented the petition of the grand division of the Vins of Temperance of Georgia asking for a constitutional amendment to prohibit the manufacture and wile of all alcoholic beverages throughout the national do- main tie asked that it be referred to the judiciary committee but Yr.

Thurmn insisted that as the matter touched the revenue closely it should go to the finance committee. The vice-president supported Mr. Thurmans view of the case and Yr. lull consented to let it go to the finance committee inasmuch as he was ready to almost anything" to gratify the honored senator from Ohio. THE appropriation hills are ell advanced although the military academi bill is the only one that has become i law.

The fortification bill has been the hands of the senate appropriation committee for a long time. The consular and diplomatic and the naval bills are nearly ready for the presidential signa tore. The Indian bill is in the hands a conference committee. The pension and the post-office bills have been returned to the house with some senate amendments. The nver and harbor bill has gone to the senate and the agricultural bill is La the house.

The District 01 Columbia bill is on the senate calendar and the legislative bill is in the hands ol the senate appropriation committee. The sundry civil hill has just been reported and the deficiency bill is the only one of the whole lot that has not been reported by the house committee. As soon II the deficiency bill is laid before the house there need not be much tune wasted In pushing the last one of these bills through congress. The complaint of the Gainesville fouthron to which we alluded yesterday VQggeeta the consideration of certain matters which may be of interest to pub- halters of. country weeklies.

Take the average of these publications in Georgia and they will more than favorably compare with thft local weeklies of any part of the country. They are industriously adlttdadthe most of them merit and receiT the substantial support of the communitie which they represent. More tiuathi they in dose to. the people. and axe the true rspreeentsliea of the publwewxtinwQt of the state.

The best of them dlecnn public questions with quite a much pith tijor aal dacrim nation the daiEat tad their views the readers ot TH Oowrmmos have arnpopportnity to judge are quite 3orthy of attention but after ail i said ai4UvUnpt true that the 3fttoU local Twwi ueptIb1e ol grat f' ciTs aft A irs 3 1 pr- 4 wek iOBiBsiry olia ths local news euiljr 5 wiaxktMrw dljTIatliUKepBd th any general Inierot tmt tie most poeR jennine Interest fa theyeadenofthe Echo and the frstcr of Catherine them hu became penui nentxtnre. OatofithaicroirntbeR znarkble npport which the Echo it calves. Nor what bat been accomplished the Echo can be accomplished every local weekly In the state. Ii other words is within the power of every editor local weekly to gather up all the newt within his field of circu latwn and to fill that field thoroughly. TltK Coxamvvsoa has adopted system of gathering stats news somewhat similar and It is one of the most attractive features of the pai r.

It a feature we would be glad to see put in operation 11 ill the paperl of the state in me shape. Such a system of gathering the neighborhood news is not to be established without a special and laborious effort in that direction but the result is worth the effort. neqre th lorh. It is only recently that the republi. cans of the north have felt tree to mam test even in a slight degree their feelings toward the negro of the north.

For the benefit of those colored men who reac Ties CoYSTITtTION we have endeavors to keep pace with these manifestations. I ntil a little while ago the development or uneasinees and restlessness was mainly confined to a fear that General Garfield might deem it necessary to give the great mass of colored voters the country a place in his cabinet. The protests of some the republican papers were cunningly worded so as not to wound the sensibill ties of the colored people just as the claw of the tortoise-shell tom-cat sheathed in fur but others made bold suggest that the colored citizen was little too forward a trifle too precocious to suit the North American climate and the argued that if he refused to confine hi ambition to diligently voting the repub- ican ticket when the opportunity offered his protuberant comb would have to cut. Still others made a joke of th whole business seeking a. humorous way for a remedy for the nigger in the woodpile hat troubles the repub- icans however is the fact that as fast is the colored man is eliminated from one wood pile he appears in another and this state of affairs has so vexed the organs that a.

few which lack caution been betrayed with statements which can only be interpreted as mean- og that the colored mart has no right to hold office. The latest manifestation of republican xmUmpt for the nelVO is embodied in a telegram sent from Washington to the northern papers contradicting the statement that many tickets to the maugu- al ball have Men purchased by colored people and broadly hinting that this class of citizens will be present only the capacity of waiters. We allude to these things order that the intelligent colored people of Georgia may have a faint idea of the tremendous but cunningly concealed pressure that is brought bear against the neiroes at the north. Ie IB despised and treated with contempt DV the whole body of republicans at the north while at the south where no great professions in his behalf are wade he wssesses the sympathy and enjoj the confidence of the whites what is better can live among us and retain his self. hen the condition of the ne- roes at the north is pointed out the organs one and all refer to the career of Frederick Douglass.

Whenever this is the case the stinging words of a prom- leant colored man of the south recur to us. This man Douglass he said toadies to the whites an tyrannizes over tile blacks au in these few words the historical result of northern preju dice is written. The great mass of republican voters at the north proceed in the belief that the villainous burlesques of the minstrel stage give a fair idea of the negro IS he is and under these circum stances it is not to expected that they can have anv genuine or practical sympathy for the race though whenever it is necessary to secure the colored vote they are able to make a great bluster in the newspapers. Fortunately for themselves the negroes have made wonderful progress and the most intelligent of their leaders are al ready able to perceive the drift of real republican feeling. They will probably continue to vote the republican ticket.

for the reason that the great majority of them cannot appreciate the force and extent of the protest that has been made in the republican papers against the appoint. ment of a negro to a place in the cabinet nor understand the meaning of the telegraphic announcement sent north from Vashington by the republican managers of the inauguration ball that colored men would attend only in the capacity waiters. But at the same time there ar colored men in Georgia intelligent enough to foresee the size of the cold potato that will be handed to their race at th backgate of the republican party. As gauge of their progress toward the independence of true citizenship it will interesting to observe how far they will go this direction and how long they will permit themselves to play the part of scullions in the republican household. Oss attribute of a trained statesman says the New York Tribune is to know ho and when to hold his tongue.

And one attribute of a trained Tribune paragrapher Is to know how to me ills ears a shade. IT was so cold in Florida recently that Bill Arp was compelled to carry his own tov along. Tax New York Tribune makes It out that the administration" has reduced the pub- licdebi OOOJooo. Well really did- did the administration this money out of lthwn pockets Wi gather from a statement made by out of the next door neighbors of Senator Dennis of Maryland that instead of raisins terrapins he is compelled to borrow them from his friandL thu is true. it is the ex teoator1 aa and not ours.

Osntu. Gun is getting so he jokes and iTW on charity right along. A. ODUXOOXDUT of th PhilWlphiA rimes asys that Mr. Hayes drink shout I much liquor as other men.

There Is nothing vague about this. because we know othsrmen who knockit cold. Tn Cincinnati Enquirer wants gentle- men who attend the opera festival In that city top dre 9e4 as botel walkn. The editor cit ths Enquirer jut bubbles over with humor aad is paving warfa fan at an entertainment that fcaioitaerto tiaaaperftctlyseriota-npttosayteTere reputation bookseller of Atlanta oj meral nUw toanttmberoI negro girts the other day withlha remark tiat Copd Ifr an American jpoltttcianf ho doesn't but of 9 Vaidoi for aoattilnf to do tn whirl. In and aUnj ta np mow ho Urns to trimafeg betrtt Jki laad TBX Nryork Conuaerciat will thi London Smalley fa unteelling yanks.

Tb. earl of pleasure bay doesn't aeemtobehardmn forepitbetibutgooxi gracious are not one people Ma. Eosor Jonu propoies to icli Mine of hi trotting hones. The continued stories will De continued however. Tim Of an audience of riy nr thouwnd people says the Cincinnati Enquirer half or more than half of theta raftd the Great Creator the only mill ner Oh.

Yr. John do CO way A urcaucu piper says the inaugura- don hall will be strictly proper. Mean- log we judge that the colored people will not be admitted. Turn was a dispute I to whether Mr. Rayes ihould go tutu the white house but there will be no fuss kicked up over his going out.

This shows that there is a substratum of ingratitude in the best regulated republicans. IN GENERAL. Marriageable young ladies still look upon Mr. Baroness Goutte a highly eltgi ble youpg man. Miss Mary Anderson has her step-father on exhibition at the door of a Boston theater this week.

The wife of Judge Clifford is said to have eyed so fast since the affliction of her husband that tier friends scarcely know her. Mr Hayes regards the recent munda ton of WuWIlg10n as an iudoraement of Mrs. Hayes's i well. known cold water pried. plea.

Vennor the responsible party for the obnoxious winter. is only thirty. five years old. It i censolmg to know that he is redheaded Peter Cooper saw his OOth birthday on Saturday lbs old man has his whims but no enemies If he wants to be a centenarian not a soul in America will object. No more our duling WWilred 111 bang her golden hair A ll of lever her head A smooth cIdjiaware.

A young lady desired her loves' to promise her that he would never smoke another cigar. 111 do It he said sue tamed by your love a meerschaum will do for me. There are between seven and eight hundred professional models in Paris thirty- three of whom are Americans They are of every age from children of six to men and women of. sixty. I raw kissing kite The fact we ill three saw I uw ltaau he saw me.

And the saw I saw au For aa substitute Roscoe and the meaning is obvious. Mr James C. Burnham. the million- sire who died in Havana last week and was buried there yesterday was ornery rears old. He was born ID Charleston S.

and went to Cuba as a shipping clerk seventy years ago. Colonel Corbm of the committee on tbe inauguration ball says that of 3 500 tickets sold only about a dozen have been taken by colored people. among whom are Senator Bruce Frederick Douglass and Professor Greener. My dear what mikes you always yawn The wile exclaimed her temper gone- 1 home so dull and dreary Not BO my love. he saId not so But man end wile Ire see you know And when alone I weary.

Statistics show that more beer per per. son is consumed in England than in Ger. many. In fact ID Belgium tbeeonsumption in a recent year was 33 gallons per head. while it was but 22 gallons per head in Germany.

The Cincinnati Gazette says it is now allowable for young men that city to in troduce themselves to girls found in pub ic places. to attend upon them for the evening. The late Thomas Carlyle has several relatives in Canada. Among them are a sister Mrs. Henntzg a widow living at Hamilton.

Ontario a family of nephews and nieces in Burford Ontario the children of his brother Alexander. who settled there. and a family of nephews and nieces in lit-ant towriolTip lli children of his brother John. Gull Island at the encVaf Long Island sound owned by Captain vhrpoks who keeps the light house is a great' breeding place for gulls and a source of profit jts owner who sells the gulls' eggs. They have no fishy taste but on the contrary.

are Cu- penor to hens' eggs selling for fifty cents a dozen when the latter are worth only twenty five Miss Anderson. at General Sherman's reception is described as haggard and worn and so colorless and tfiet as to todi- cats fatjing health as a result of overwork A tall statuesque and by no means beauti. Fernando Wood. New 1 ork World. Fernando ood was rot an old man public Ole goes lor Mr.

Uladotone Is three years his tt lor. sad he entered parliament nine years bttore OIL ood tony je ago entered eangre 1 1 It shows how quickly a generation pa awa that only four colleagues of Mr. Gladstone In hi tint parliamentary experience now survive an 0051 say 01 Mr. Woods colleaguea ol 0541 ar living besides Justice Clifford. Robert In thro atd John McKeou they must be In an ot scuriiy like yta Of the thirty See Slew York members who were in the succeeding coneres only Hamilton Fish sod Henry C.

Murphy ar living. Every United Utates senator of thatpe rind has joined the majority. This is not so re markAble. because a oenllour must be thirty yeses old and generally as a matter of fact. mud older when chosen while a representative mi' be elected when twenty live years 01 age.

It was an eventJul congress In which young Fernando ood made his debut. It was a wilig congress too. succeeding three strong democratic adnitats. traUon and the democratic party in the house was In a minority of thlrtj five. It.

met under impossible prom to remedy hardumw anc to find luelf within one month alter had been requested to assemble by the proclamation President Harrison complicated with the metBagi of another President Tyler which was very dlf lerentln its alms sad views from the message which at wngre1i8 hid expected to act upon. Indeed the whole history of the twenty seventl cougreaa la to Interesting that it is to be hoped that either Mr. Winthrop or Mr. McKeon whc seem to have the rest of the century still before them may write It. One peculiar Index to Fez- osodo Wood political career and method.

exists In the record of his Srsteoogrewlon1 act whicl was In the very midst of exciting debates This was a call upon the state department for the ear- respoadence II to th Irishmen who during th then recent Canadian rebellion had bee a sent as political convicts to an Diemens land. From that day to his death Mr. Wood never seems to hays lost the political confidence of Irish-Americans. The Center of Population. Washington Post According to General Walker the mater of population the lilted States for l1580 will probably fell at or near Cincinnati though th com patatlon it not yet Ten years ago this point was bout torly eight miles northeast of that city.

It ha-a moved therefore at the rate of a small fraction less than five miles ay eat The muses of empire however does not take way exactly westward. Owing to the extraordinary fecundity some of the southern states the last campaign toads the basis uS a very paradoxical charge of trend against that section and to other obvious cause. the pathway ol progrea is deflecting southward a little. The higher latitudes are not holding their own. and In the next decade unless the rapid development of the peaiouthwm is ooBsiderably more than counterbalanced along the lines tf the Union and Northern rifle sad in the upper teurliorte.

the deflection will be still greater. At DO distant period the honor accorded to Cincinnati will be located in the neighborhood of Louisville main tie lapse of yean perhape take permanent quartets at the confluence of Ins Ohio soil Ul si 6ipj i where the city of Guru Bow xicnplas her somewhat precarious foothood. When this movable center will finally cease to move lor jme day or olbtr the restfea forces. that now keep ttloDoQoa sans ad an caul Ulrrtum La really a question of much speculative mtemt and before It is settled some the meet momentous change. that bave ever occurred in th growth of the continent will have built up a magnificent empire west of th tUsUdppi and extending from the British to the Mexican boundary.

la the meantime would not be eminently appropriate for the government to mark tile cenniil at pping- tonea of our national growth with suitable monument erected at the Ii's raters of population beginning with th ant id ending only with the last. sad thus com memorating trotfl decade to decade. the grand work which the comes to designed to accomplish lox this osuntly. Bh rt UBCVIB Ondnnaa Gasses rep. Some think that lo ttobcrtlineola ta the Mbtn would 4 tenUmeat sad would touch the heart tt a tribute to I father Of mazes would be a duo leattmcatbatM steal MmtnlBttwtoa ragged a svM 4 ean not us sesoasbed timeut A roan man tnerferienori la public ffxlzs pUcrfalthekead of a department ofgreataT Ealrtwher be kla tlaboaUeii has loinad the visions demands of publteBKn tadpoUti- giansof long experience flodUmieliia environed wltktrwbte thaT ihlalaierttancefnanhls iOompamtbmadUths Georgia newsiapeis ttlSttMnmbOrSOt nHitt ffli fpmffljft Uft baud lot pptopriatoni tat then OWB state sad have su et the mtereats otberitatcSA It Is jtf fl river sod leibes hail Kiv Georgia only tuoeoo Qcor i baring no repr-ntafiv on ths essumittec while Toasts flow t7 MX Kentucky Louisiana 22000 Virginia OuO sad West Virginia tu of wMch stats has a member of tile It is noticeable also that th northern members of ttioommiv teepUTSJBOTnstmllartaToUtfcB.

AllolwUct is ijtnsti trrtdtnoo tb tb vmf bet toomm is soar absorbed to vraowttmt his own rs lectlon than is taaaythlng else. CT 4 BsUls In Iks Cale5 CarterrriaeFreePren A good deal is being said shout Oarflelds tag southron In nis cabinet' Ix krrernoi Jaflock I advocated by sotme doss'S ears ho goes to the cabinet so the sdmtalalrsthsn is scoasenaUveoo sail will do Julie. to all 51051 a cease to wars th bloody shirt. Bui if Bullock should appointed. which is not.

likely be would suit as ssweLai any other republican. The proposition to place him there. however gives him a little political notoriety that the whirr of sevUon min never will. lies libetal anyhow. BUIc Boston Herald.

By the way. what has becomeof the Burnside educational bill It lton of thononehone bills which the republican reformeis are given to bringing torward so appeal to buncombe with no purpose of putting tt tbroogh the other brands 01 congress Or Is Judge Ttmrjres Aaron rod" put miely away' pickle. that the house may take the emit of making Mnasom hereslter Why Ineb Haste. BuSUoKxpress. The associated press hastens to contradict the story that many tickets to the Inaugural ball have been bought by colored people.

Why such hot hails A man who Is good enough to vote for a president Is good to dance I his mango- ration A tepU Freejfma Bob Ifemphfll his gone back to THE Cosancru- ITON there's a good fellow on tblieartb It ia Bob. We wish him 11 th prosperity In this world and perfect redemption In toe next. Doll a Christian gentleman In every sense of the word. We say this sincerely. Time toudUlom of the BMMU Te.

S- NaahvWe American. The roads an not passable Not even leekassshle And all who would Travel em Must turn out and gravel em Wt Soon. Wonla Like to Se Albany News and Advertiser There's nothing mean about us but hanged if we wouldn't like to see Conkllng tackle Joe Brown lust once. If you are coughing or not but feel the presence of It cold in the system use Dr Hulls Cough Syrup and feel immediate re lid. Judge Field of the supreme court is to edit compile and publish in elaborate and comprehensive history of California and has already commenced collating the materials theretor.

A Word in lIuoa Illustrating the truism that a word i season can often bring happiness to a person or household Mr. W. W. Eckels Druggist Springfield Teen. tells the following have a customer whose wife has been ill fo ten or twelve months so that she had DO walked in that time.

As almost everything had been tried and the doctors had faile to relieve her. I told the husband of Jacobs Oil. He procured two bottles but did not use much more than one be for she was walking around the room. The nut general election in irpni takes place on the fourth Thursday in May. The officjre to be elected are county officers and are as follows The clerks of the cr cnit and county courts for terms of 81 years each and supervisors justices of th re constables es and overseers of the poor for a term of two years.

For the Up there is no brightness For the teeth there to no whiteness. Where SOZ000NT has lot 0 place But those who use it know full welt Bow bright and beautiful the spell It throws er man or woman's face. feb 431 lure thur satwlt Murat HalsUad advises Captain Esda get a concessipn from Egypt for the removal of the pyramids on a raft. Truth in a nutshell is Whites Cream Vermituge is the best remedy for worms. It moves them when all else fails.

Price 25 cents a bottle. teb 19 sat toes thurtAwlt Mother Shiptons prophecy was ongi Daily published three centuries ago ta the only hoes which make it interesting predicting steam the telegraph and tb end of the world in 1881 were interpolated by London printer named Charles Hind. ley who published a now edition In 1862. A Pus' and Effective Hair dressalng eeelae a compound of Cocoanut Oil besutlBed the hair and 1 sun to allay an itching and irritation of the scalp Tul superiority of Burnett Flavoring outs oousiits in their perfect purity an strength Little Lottie to her friend I have si many cares. Yesterday a little baby state arrived.

and papa is on a journey. It was but a piece of luck that mamma was a home to take care of it. COLUMBUS G. January 17 5075. ns.

C. Dear Sir List summer when our little girl was teething we tried a peat number of preicriptloni but muu of them e- lleved her. We Dually had brought to our uotk your TUTHIll. Teething Powders and used them with toe happiest retul a They gave her a speedy and permanent relief. I very heartily recommend them to others.

Yours very truly B. GLENN President Columbus female College. Iii speedy cures of Sores and Eruptions upon the Skin have been reonurkable. GOLDTHW AITX 4 SOS Druggists Troy Ala. lebl Um tue.

thur set A wytm Between 1200 and 1300 dogs have beer entered for the dog show It the Alexandra palace. London. The principal classes are made up as follows Twenty-seven bloodhounds. 84 mastiffs 91 St. Bernards 32 deer hounds 42 pointers 92 tetters 53 retrievers 22 Vewfonndlands and nearly 1001paniels including a good entry for tie bet team.

AI Old Lady writes us I am 65 years old end was feeble and nervous all the tune when I bought a bottle of Parkers Ginger Tonic. I have used a little more than one bottle and feel as well as at 30. and am sure that hundreds need just such a medicine. See advertisement feblS 41m toes thnrAt wkylm Angelo Neumann the opera director and Maurice Strakosch have contracted with each other for the performance of a "Nibelungen representations in London. Neu.

romp Is to get 80000 for his share of the work. and the greater put of that sum is to be deposited as security before starting from Germany. Strakosch notwithstanding the price he pays thinks he is going to make money out of the venture. Tickets for the series are to cost 30. II the result is satis factory.

he may repeat the venture in the United States. It is obvious that when the blood be- conies corrupt the whole system is corrupt also. Jhe large majority of female dill- eases proceed from this cause. The true policy Is to direct the remedy to the source of the disease. Dr.

Thus Pills hu a cISc effect on the blood. It purifies vitalizes it expelling all distemper from the system. The new operetta by Gilbert and Soul- vats is said by the London World to be' growing. The subject is the poetic hyperbolic esthetic mania of society no sarcasm against any Individual but any amount 01 happily humorous castigation general manners. Eight numbers of the first act sire already composed.

A Conbcold Sore TUret ihould be topped at ones. Neglect frequently man I nble a D. or Cornmp- Un seaowa BBOJTCHIAZ. TROCHES do not disorder tb stomach like cough limps sad balsam et directly thelBtUmcd parts allaying Irritation 1vereUefrnAitfem reacbsUaVuba Catarrh and the Threat Tr oblet which Singers aad ublIe peakenr are subject to 8oU at Be a Iwx everywhere. Uwtabotaoltolpnf simM carlyje walked great deal in order.

make Us dyspeptic stomach little reason' ibis. Bat sometimes when th great homely and grizzly old man was walking with hU big ebrow almost showing Irons' pader Ute brio Ms slouch hat and lids lousy old lambloneS cost was almost sweeping the sidewalk would stop and pick up bit of csit off bread from fie street and pure on the curbstone so that some poor man who came along might Cad it fe Ot suftn ot sick In lid log dayislmpy because yon neglect to wara of lm- Eighty thousand acretot lind bin ssttusuil by the tor nment in PaleBtiiie between Jtrusalsm and Joppsv toteoloiy of Jewv It Is proposed ta open an tlxXlelQr th persecuted Israelites In Mumps. and tbrts anmaktn in tM latMs country to yssee funds Lam- too KThe Utile ones nsffer tormentj id an dosudtodeath. CrFlsgrs Improved UTO and Stomach Tad cons every iotantfl disesse without using medVue i coercion bill is tnaklog its way through i the htoM or commons on the prin- dpi. that Irishmen have no rights woich ar bound to rfupf Ct JK1JADYaBTISZZsn.

suEBIrra WILL OIInUIl by Andrew Winter on seat by Ief Ptnon on north by Kobert Puce. Now occupied by Belober. as the property ol said Belches satbfr I fl from Jasper Bnpertor Court April Term. 1877 in favor of A X. Williams vs D.

Belcher. Property pointed out by K. Williams gent sad notice given tenant Febru- arTltlSSi CHA8Q LANE. wtds Sherilt DIAMOND SPECTACLES Tbe- Spectacles ate snsnefsetnrel from nJflNVrE CRYSTAL PEBBLE meltel together. and ere called gnanoan on account or their hardoeas and brilliancy.

Ravine been tested with the cope the diamond lenses have been found to limit fifteen percent lets heated zap than any other pebble. They are ground with great setentifli so- ursey are tree from ebromatie aberration and produce a rhtn and t1nctnew vision not before attuned in spectacles. Manufactured by the sseucer Optical Manufacturing Co. New York. For sale by responsible agents in every city in the oion if Stevens Go Jewelers and Opticians are Sole Agents for Atlanta Georgia from whom they can only be obtained.

No peddlers employed. tin not bny pair unless you see the trade mark. CELLULOID EYJS GLABSJ A SPECIALTY. lebts-dly sat wed wkyiy tow tame Of Georgia Zultou County To Oi buyerlor Court. of sold County TIB PETITION Of DM MINGS E.

Lcummlnn Cummlngi Strong. F. Alb It P. 8. Young te.

Brown Sid 0. T. rerty resi ctfnHy shows that your petitioners have associated themselves together and desire an order of. Incorporation. declaring them a body corporate under the corporate name of The Attests Electric Light Comusny for the term of twenty years lth the privilege of renewal.

Thi object of said scteUoo and the partita tsr bnsiuen to be carried on under said nazis is the an Electric light to the city of A to Ian la or an pant thereof and to Individuals to said city by such machinery they may tee It to employ for that purpose at such prices is may be fixed and determined. TL capital to be employed and actually paid la in carrying out the objects of said association fifty domes to be increased to one bundred thousand dollars at the option of told axoc alien ibo place of doing business to be the City of Atlanta In said county You petitioners desire corporate authority to govern themselves by such rules and by laws as hey may see proper sot inconsistent with the anioi said State and power Is punchier hold nd enjoy ill property both real sod person it sod to make all contracts necessary the uo wgfol carrying out of the objects Of Slid towels. 1100 to inetnabe sued situ to stave ma use common teal therefore your petitioners pray that so codes be passed by the Court Ui conlorinity with th po iti MoCAY I ABBOTT Petitioners' Attorneys. Georgia Fulton County I Itollldsy Clerk of the Superior Court 1 lad for wild county do hereby certify th tt above 4 foregoing Ition a true extract from the minutes of said Court. This fith day of January.

A 1881 8. IIOLLIDAY e. JD21 tnt ate of Georgia Knltou County To the Superior Court of sold County rTiHE PETITION OF ROBERT LOWRY GolJtmlth IL Goldsmith. T. iiea.

itt and I Meador rtspectfully shows that yoi votItiQuer. have associated theniselre togeueer nd desire an order of Incorporation dectkria tSeim a body corporate under the con rate nan 1 The Clark Seed Cotton Cleaner Manulactur- tra Company for the term of twenty years wll th privilege of renewaL The object of wd seoclatlon and the particular onUnesi to carried on under said name I tsanniac urtug and selling Clarks Patent Cotton Cleaner anywhere in the State i Ucorgla. that they may choose ii such prices i may be Sued nj determined upon. The capital to employed sod actually pal a to carrying out the objects of mid assodatlo twenty five tholiosid dollars to be increased I vile hundred thousand dollars it the option i id association The prtoeial pines sO dots business To be in the City of Atlanta in sal Ounty Your petltlonen desire corporate authority I Dvem themselves by such rules and by laws i Jity may see proper not inconsistent with th tws of said slate and power to purchase. hold tid enjoy all property.

Doth real sod personal ad to make III contracts necessary to ih sui yorfl carrying out of the objects of such a tattoos to cue and be sued sad to hue sod ui Wherttor your petitioners pray that an order massed by the taunt in conformity with thl petition. CANDLKB THOU ON Petitioners' Attorneys. Jeorgia Fulton County I Strong Clerk of the Superior Court 1 nd for said county do hereby certify th th above and foregoing pe lUou is a true extract torn the minutes of said Court. This llth day of February. A.

D. ICOL aisTROSG c8 a ie sat SPENCERIArJ REAL SWAN QUILL ACTION. JO Xueebers A cooiplets Simple Cord. or trial by mail on SM i of IS emtfc Jvisoic BLAnIAPlAYLOR Co US 140 for Breakfast' Sold PARIS AND LONDON. NewYorkDepot286ere8nwlchSt Jsall dim toes Unr in wniirmD TUT TOBT WONDER THE Yuillji 1 000 NEWS FOR ALL.

UnMANS JT world renowned Vermin Destroyer which snown to be far Superior to anything yet dls covered lot killing Rats Mice tassels on Poultry ntt Bus Cockroaches Black Beetles Fleas on logs Bilght and Insects on plants Moths In Urs Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats also on attla etc. etc. This preparation hu been applied with grea success against the Insects that attack Plants. Sold In Packets it 25 cents per Packet or six Packets tot SLOB. The Powder is warranted free from all bad smell and will keep in any climate.

Itmaylx read everywhere without risk ssBtliqutU sszmle. to Cats or Ices is they will not eat It DIRECTIONS FOB USE ON EACH PAClaT' anoiactory Gravel Lane Houndsdikh City of London England. The above discovery has gained ft ProL Her- tan a Silver Prize Medal it the InterCrnlosIsl zhIbidon of Victoria Australia 011868. besIde. nnmerouiTestlmOvlais SOle Agent for Georgia.

PBUBEBTONFULLUUACO tovO dly Atlanta. StAUJtOA OR PAST MAIL. TRAIN. and idler Wednesday January 13tt trains on tberforheastern Rllrosd will run follows eav Atoen 480am I sOopm rriTsatLula. I un am 60pn rrive at Atlanta I 4 I 1240 pa nun I a.

I Atlanta. I 400am LOOpn rrivs at I UOam 6 5 pn iriv atAthens. 1130" an I 8 All trains daily except Sunday. Trains 13 and leannect Closely wtth all seam sad west-bound usenger trains on Air Line Kaflway. Train Me.

wlUi west-bound passenger train on haturay night only when It will wait until 45 itm i en by so doing a connection can- be made. Passengers leaving Athens at 4 35 a se. act closely at Loi with the Fart Mail train Ice Atlanta. urn ft hours and 15 tntnfftrs Tnirlni woormectIoII bill poUtswertaodsouUiwBst. 5llOC1DALE PAPEtt JULLS I.

RI BOW OFflUD TOE TEB whole or on Including 45 acres of ud and water belongiBgUeretow1t i she tenemont bou a sad Saw Mill nlhSthreehnndre4ponndengn sllwo hen rBdlfwjiHlrlnkriiuchln 72 wwk. All the jovetn good wanting order and rounlag with Jeoty water at all Umn never drowned seal. wIth about 15 feet deer driven by two tue iln wheeli40aad twomllai from Conyer Georgia raflroad. ForftmtarparUculaaad. ra rf 3 fA Opera House Saturday.

Fot arylOtJ sad ilytOTeaiw esol MISS FAJdVIK MAY8 ltd her Great Troujeo BRITISH. BLONDES AJft mol I rax Leading Star Combination Plenty of Fun and. Xothinc Objectionable ickBowtedjedtobetli Zest Remus Prices. JblT-d2t ONE NIGhT Monday February 2fs KATECLAXTON The Popular Artist and OHASk A. STEVENSON supported try the Celebrated Claxton Dramatic Co.

In the ever popular dramatis drama. Represented with Special Scenery. Prices as usual. Reserved seats for' Phillips A Crews Music Store. Tuesday ud Wednesday February 2 and 23.

Tint time in this city of the Great lad only HERRMANN. Assisted by ADDlE IlOPMSPECIAlTTCOlirY The World famous LORELLAS I Elfin Spirltes In Impland and Grotesque Dance. VAL. NOSE The Great Modern VentrQoquist man. of man voices Prices as usual.

Reserved seats at Phillips ere. Music Store. lebl 61 NEW DYKILTUSXJtJrrL IMPORTATION IN 1880 Bring 34387 Cases mere than other brand and the largest Importation ever reached by any hones In the United States. Bw of impost. lions or mistakes when ordering 41.

II Muran A CO's Champagne that tt label. and cosjks bear their name an Initials. PrepuK. DltDARY New York. Bole Agents for tie udCanadai FOB8ALBBY COX HILL 4 THOMPSON.

ATLANTA GEORGIA 717 an30 datawtt sat wtd Hyzietho Eleotrio Water No. 178 West Peters St. Atlanta ft THE only Medical Institute South wte hronlc Diseases ire sclrntlScally treated 1 regularly qualified Hygienic Physicians of bo xec sod where all healthful and invigorating BATHING PROOESSES 3 in existence. together lth VIBRATION MOVEMENT and ELECTRICITY are successfully aypded rordlng DtSI5ED COND TIOKSof each lent. The only place In Georgia where i EMPIRIC or routine practice Is pursued at chere no DRUGS or POISONS UNDER RAMS YEfICINES are used is temed1eo for ck RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA HEAR ivait KIDNEY and SKIN DlKBAEE INCI RNr OOisSOJMPTION SCROFULA PARILY.

Its and all diseases peculiar to the REPRO. UCTIVE OROANB areby cur methods i rvslment restored with greater success than any other processes known Treatment resecial toon fortenlid ladies. Exclusive Ladles' jrtment in charge of experienced Lady fhji i for further lnformklon address isort ly 2n DR. O. ROBERTSON.

JustROGoivod Sheriffs 100 Reversible Overcoats. a 11350 worth 1800. 60 at 1600 worth 2000. The Biggest Bargains IN ATLANTA AT Cohen Seligs RIGOBDSVITIILRESTORATIYI There is a wen known priadple in animal pa iology that no vital action ma take plies excer throughthaagencynf Uw nervous syrtem. If th BTVB power in soy organ is weakened then that orgsoalaweak.

There is remedy in the reach Lone that has stool tie test for over half a iry. Dr. Blonds Vital Be has two srcudnlxed said Indorsed by the- Academy Medidne In Paris so InfallIble spedfle for fit eve contains no phosphorus eaathuides herpolaon Is purely Vegetable producing reaction as permanent IB efftet iff suzsr-ooatei ULand ao be had if Levassor ACo lObl tebetteu Psilsfnnee or of Dr. B. BROWN SIGesMOSD.

Proprietor. 40 World illdine. New York none genuine without th of 8. B. SIrsmOnd on side of each box senilfordieulari JwxoflOOp411s.

oi400tlO st bymafl upon i celpt of price. Sold byal Parfs. JnlyU. UTJ tt Bos dels. Pali- Onto I patients treated Own cured wttUnSO days In slxweekv 1 Iwtwwn two andthm DBflisvJ between STe sn4 stunontts to nine ontha A---- OB.

K. rXKSUOOBD. Is herebyglven tail T. A Lonls end B. I lS Usser.

ol Sew foTtTin i loners sutheelnadlo. ito a. scenti for Elrds i tal EeIocallye their sppeIntmon as such vebeenrevokedci' A Tsww Extract ot lotion ram Sane Ww Dr. SIgrscrndt You writ that you. will to future vettte tatytatmU doyoaueu your own otfnmin a entT Do you Is aannetheagrotror nott Itfcass you HoJ ill of course go on and expend somsmonerE vettring at my own expeae artU nerj dayilotwbal lorder If.

bowever joudo nUnn tie agency tefo wkichi th sol rwn innltedBtaies tried to keep Ute. tftaejtai rpanbimsell wills a s-5oai tajH mje the am Irons RicordYVifal Jtemntivs Cb tuSbaasOitf OTaaaBriC fBrigorf. iar pidlTOsamyCtren The genutos had at a A Bitf leU is St. JJ-fiiart rriuota. Lv AtUata noun ta term tt0pm Boise M6an ai aia SJlpm pn EitBhanty SMa HOaa S.

ptn H5pm Anrortb. 4rn Jtarn tElym Tpm it 117. upm Lisp. 55 5 uni hum JSamuUBam4 DpnTIBpa Bests z40amUUat 4. pm It Bait08 sSSmj affi McDanlel ftgimll yia Mlpn 10 I lton llGpm JTpffl toOMsT 109 Tnnnsim 1 lumiiinriTn Hnm i ifaa sic Blnnoid 18.

amU TJlpmliaam raiT kagtjioytut UOpm tinym I 131 lUaa LWpmTWtim 90 151 AT Cbauaa padManV Lttpm Bans TBAQ3 BOOTH. WATIOS8. leeom IT Chattanooga- ltlepm AmutW LMpm LSpm Borne. taaam Sl pm LUpm Utili. U8sm f44po o09am Upm loxiam Otpm IRVam liipm r.

aMam Lltpin J3am Kog s. 10. Mam pm L4m dacteissIlls Elowah StcgalPs 1117am Wpm lUwn Bartow llOOaw J9pm AllafooaaJLceam 143pm IFlans Big Shanty 1113am Ulpm 7olam 62am 7s pm 7 Sram Buffa i. SSpm UOom 8mjrrna J05pm 7 743am Vinlng-sJ lti2pns U8PIII 756am Gilmore lUGpm 801pm 802a1l1 :32 Bolton wapm S06pm arU :40 Az. Atlanta 1240pa SJOpm WE jlNGenlPss Agent.

QOaQU RAILilDAD. COMTAKT1 aurnranziceirrs OrTdi vv Oi. November th 1580. I OILMKNCIEG aUNDAT 7th instant following Pa entei tehedute will operated HO. 2 1AR DAUY JO.

1 were naitv. Lve Atlanta 714 am Lve Angnstsu. IS an u. Athens. I pm AT I 28 Hniedve4t3pm CunakllSStn Athens 15aa Augusta.

47 Atlanta. tip II nooonnecttontoorfrom Washington on Sundays OOVINQTON ACCOMMODATION. Dally Except Sundays. Lve Atlanta ft 00 I sOovkgton. 6 100111 Covington710 I Ar.

Atlanta Wan DJWATtJR ACCOMMODATION Le A Us ta 12 noon I Lve Decatnt. 1 so 111 AeDecatnr 12 1A vs Atlanta I Up So. 4nsTDAnv ol1fDfDmt. Lve Atlanta- 45 Lyle Augnsta4 10 II II AT Athens Itram LvAthens OOpm Ar. Auguhta7Bsm Ar.

i OOsD Trains Not. 314 4 twill notstopatFlsf a i Connects at Augusta for all points last and lilt. Moperb improved BIe rs Augusta. PUllman Sleeycn Augusta to Wean ita to New E. DORSEY Notice to Passengers.

lot 1811. AND until further notice the Passenger laze over the GEORGIA RAILROAD Main Line and Branches will be IIf follows Agents RateThrne 3 Cents per Mile Train Bate. Four 4 Cents per Stile Children between Ii sad years. Hall th above Rts Minimum Rate fee any Distance ive 5 Cents. Passengers us hereby notifisd that they fall to purchase Tickets from the Station Agents they will be charged the Train Rats Conductors axe not Ticket Sellers end are not allowed accept less than the Train Rate of Tons Cents per Mile Therefore to secure the advantage of the- reduced rate purchase your tickets before entering the train.

The Company reserves tile right to change or entirely abrogate these rats at pleasure and without notice. XKDOB8KY ln General Passenger Agent. MAtUI AND EBVSSiWleK BKAll ROAD tOJlPA1II. AND YES CUMBERLAND ROUTE. to room Dr FLORIDA A.

PAB8ENQEB SEBYIOS i TTSX abOT lln oSan unrivaled time end comforts from Atlanta sad oontiguoi seuntry to all points In Florida. In service this route Is ont train quicker than an other Un Leave' Atlanta daily Sundays ii eluded via tfooi BrunswIck and Yemandina at 1 IS so. In sonvsuiencsu appointments aa ovtflt tl is unsurpsssed. Ldcas Palaos Me nsre4 sn nlgat truss. Tickets on ate 1 Freight Service tnls nne See connections ri Brur1ra with a line of steamers In addition Its own.

by which superior jsdllttesand poem diipaJcflUonered In freights via Brunswick i rl nallpotn mth ll steer St. Mary's Pernandlna JacksonvlllAandsllpolnis Oft UrperBt Johns river Also to all points on ti AQlnUj Gulf and West India Transit OoaTk. I to Oedai Keys and points on the Gull sad polntsonth TekIOnVIIls nsaeolaand Mobile BaOcoad RATIS Al LOW Al TU LOWEST. DlspatckequiltoanyliueInld sod to some point really sapirtor bsrnt dsny. ABeUiBSprompi Toe rates route.

and any sad an other Jnf. nation either in passenger or freight service plsue oommonteats with nudaralgied at Maeon Georgia. ALEBT A SEAl General Freight Ticket and Passenger Agent. AND ROUTJ1WmZU Ballr JJAVAira AH. OA Febrnaiy Id.

tOOL On and after SUNDAY. January tOth. 183 pa enger trams on the Central Id Soulhweften tUDrotdi and branches will run toUswr TRAIN NO GOING NORTh AND WET. ii-- jeava Augnrti I a I Urives at AUIV- 4 66 tnives at llaoon 66' Leaves Macon for Atm" Upa urlTeS at Atlanta- 40 a a Leaves Mamn for Columbus sad Montgomery daily Vrrivrsst Columbus dafly iSB Arrives at Montgomery dafly 40 a Making close oonD8ll1oDl at Atlanta with West- an and Atlantic and Atlanta and All Uni for ill points West and North. ooiraa BOOTH AID EAST.

a Leave. Montgomery for Macon daily t-OOpn oares Columbus daily 1108 a tu rtvis at Macon iy 43 a oaseeMsssn 713SB rrlvesstMinedgBvine it I 1110 i urtreI Auiu- 4 45 Arrives at Eavsrmih l4SpB so a iTt iniTis. in i i Staking connection at Savannah with the Se. Florida sad Wen raIlw11or an OMTCS Bsvsnisfi Aniv at Augusts 1 4t aa LrrlveiatMa. 7 a.

ttnm at Atlanta 11M as I 5SB 4 lit a rrlesallbsay' Ui 9 JBSVH Macon WW IS Arrives at l40Ua Tramsonihinchdul to Mama. Atlanta. Iambus Albany end Augusta daily maJdng etc. eonacctioa at Aflsnta Witt Wsstcn and Allan 00 and Atlanta and Ljnr it Columbus Uh Western railroad A Asisuitawtth the Cizlocte. Columbia sad Au gusu rattroad and Soota Carolina railroad taf al pOmei North sjjdlali jSuUnla train sonuscia Tart TsUey ta Ttaj daily.

except Sunday Sad at Cutkbertf or lent 6ala daily except Sunday Train on elJ. TUB daDysx. eept Sunday from' Albany to Ailiigtoo aid alljt except Monday UromArlinf ton to Albany cokisaflODTHABDiAsr. Leaves Allans Upn jrtves st Muson boa Atiuia pn any. 17C8 Airiv trrtTaiatMartaufr0mInfViMfSasy as Jfl pj jrfrxat Auyats pa 1 am rim mi ii fin Led Xatootoa wm' kis train Mo1 ixoBttevsnasli andesin Kil ttom Mseon trains UT.

except fondir tot then pobrts I fhr tn Local sleeping Cars on Usulgiit trains between ivuuiab and Aoirnsu AugnsHand Maoosu sod nnnaa and i. Fisenigen torn Bou Ui lesluiiOeonUesirissa sitherarain Jom Macon to Aegszefa sad mak COP neetlon DJfKTBPAt FZBBPABt TASHB BB" ttatowfllrBBsslsBows 3 1 i writes sad rtammauoanyjspdlf andp Would psafer as tor uisoaer cc BB a'- sUaaaoaucopyaL WetMatoUte waa JKr eTtotasiatfti owngl po altnd Tot lBr iiry Csaeoo well weoiBBMaidet Will work wrk jaod rtte rosuonaOeu. Adder. ILC cai LilyPoodO dlt TTT ASTED-APOamOS EtTHEB 18CUB1 lV ot traveling sslermsa by yoiai sal somnatuted with thi trade OB Ute pricctpsi roads ft Rftrestes tarnished. A li.

Qtntzal PtUvtrj Atlaau ftftr MiSTO VV Jknlelsor WoodwMtajJajtej laaUtx sko9. Apply to BchmMt seems. kUch and servants rent Sot S12 0 pee motA A Beferenees. NEST MARCH JortabltanJeoutealenUy located tttiuCUSt oftltht rooms. ii tA-Hltf sat fan TO2 1 Jort TTIOR WT JD WhltehallftreeL ft.

P. OsWord. as PMOlpd ACrtwsMusleHouse teblT dtt T7IOS THE BTOEI EOOStNo Alabsati street. now eccupted by th atr of John a. sins deceased.

Apply tott undtr-k' signed or to Clark. I. Kobtuoar Temporary Administrator ClOU Tail LA BO SsAU1l JD Out otn ions with rmmmnt udei th Opela Rome Marietta strectslddrom L. Vv luorKmter. 897ittl6cr IX 0 KOTOSOlcs TLANT8.

JD years old sod ll rooted. Inquire at Tnrner Co. hair and Millinery SlOts 81 Whitebait street. OUT raili TOtCALL AKD BMt tJtfi1 Will Paper before buying. ABaew.

tw pasterns 10080 Boll. to tn ct from. Duck Co. iii Broad I. nARBIAQE3 FOR SALE 1 UGF Family Carriage.

used a short time 1 Ug lop Boggy and 1 Pony Phaeton- used rise' time. tan seen at Smiths SI Broad street. flBSTCLASJ made Carriages go to John Smith43andt OS street. Iebl d5t ri BtAT A HANDSOME rotn VT 510 costing 1348 for sate ii cen i Ung oTtour life-die figures sails centnpie ai- Apply to Frank Cone Jr. Markham Souse.

febls-dlw TRYANS PIOPERTY TOE ONE JL sore on smith stda East Baker street. Cltylot- IioUOon Uphill east or breach. 6 ld lot WUl be subdivided into six lots. City lot Wo. 4 front- Ins 53 feet on Yaung street and extending back feet the same betas on east aids oJYouig street and between Foster end Wheat Sty lot No.

fronung et on North Is Fo tic street and running back i 4 feetSald property wm be sold to the Mshoi bidder on th premises on the 19th February at o'clock co. Terms third cull balance sad months. set plan at my office No. IS UltcheU street B. Seal Estate Agent.

Iebl7-d3t JIIPAUD EXCELLEST BOARD tUf BE had at 1 East Mitchell. Three squares Item UieKlmball WlUx or without room febt9-dlt RAY A GRAY ATTORNEYS AND COONS SLOEa At LAW. 213 Marietta street AtiJJtil Qsnxau. No. V4 Whitehall street IA juntlS-di noxnr AY LAW XllOITTOV 9m ytaa ttwtl ATTOBim it UT TiOKArrau.

imoalta. OnDeoOocs promptly aasntel to OSceeorae JIIod ut ftitaoiT vmsz ATTOEflT LAW rr. 8 SA. WSipmaOes ss aBfcsC mrsioftJi iift dmdt iBK-aom aa reside. UrtOSS A TLAJTTA URRDTsV TLATTA qBOBBlsV Kim I.

V. sULUBB. Panomse. A of GdI Iuttt wB be HSOM Jtocday teptmber tft13K. neaehsitMgU praflttoaCy Is every dspartmeBt wt exits Masio Vocal sod vndsr skilUnlsaaiiitesaeot ofiftctAllndo Mgbt is a art sad lh rtasTol tn Xstsl tlinseryahses et JCsro ice Onmlansp TTvE.

in S. SlaYl1EJD PHYffiaAHABDBTJBaHar Tenders his sezvlemlbe dteniof Alante and surrounding country. Office 26 Alabama street. Residence WashIO3IOU street dtm ATLANTA GEORGIA. Ii.


1 a BsstansC jOs 9sts aad BypUk aspttiU TT XTSMC Ultls oars. wmpnefiesi as tb ttaitsltatsf sM as Spci1 attsnto trail bu i Oi uprtmsCo t. aas dly I J8TB8. fflrsTm a. Barn loir WAOW oAi i ATIOE10BTIATLAW OfHTAltSU8EO sixteen yeas.

experiene will refer to our wo throughout ths. lfgutl1. i5 PRYSIOIANS AND BUBaEpNBt Office sfEesidenM PT 0 UWUspn o. aBColHnsrtlr rruus Sign fresco audB JENmTQTQf5 FutlltnrilottllS Dental tomtoarr 7rra1- toll of tile Macon Dentel pot. Pealen to aLL EQTpe Pental Oooda Jg- fratt-dtf and Typhoid Fever erps- BpedalPntomonUand sisesse of Orison years without th Sj3B jtrm A 4 C3t TOfJS I liii repusadon unequalled flw Broa tot Usfcinf complete jausiaa dneain at 1 nt frJWn ForCUcnlarsaddresi i 4S ii hiW Hiiltr at peopJI.

6 TZ t- fd1 Wa PJt 1" 1 III JocIJ1tJ. I I1lIlldln. Wta I. Z4ftod1 IIaC I I cd dat 11M" r1 UI cw WID" WtrIllUYlfblflnU14 tllel1Dl 1111I ths i4 tIa pclUUolJ. wm i I iozn ID dlaluleJlor Zu1 QjOrI1a III oat 01 UIKI N10aD1USv.

10 00 ear. 00 XcOlithL 210. mith 1r :1 Ia aleu 0111 1ii olIO aslot II 011 1 0 Ca- I eo foron yt TILZ OOITlnUw A la In. Ih. or 19188L voted pod- the shi railroad evd 10000 i the emplnt1tate containing andA eer- eItrav nt in re pect.

Dr. agri- great Le Dook a carry re the TLAJIA and may truthfully MY rise hi to Yen ice. Jr lnite ft very following sUiry six ks I 2A9I I 00000000 Ib H603c in consi eraule in people who or ugust and of a or" nestion con tent union en UeJ llCe will probably be an session is sp cial fill set II is session ns etitliti na1 main. clo vic pre8ident view cse d. honoreJ.

well althou academy onl a in signs- in of pensions river of letisla ve of i 1 ii 9ou ron ma public tloria they1rill Idi and hemoat recelUth comm iililenhicb thAn thts aDd leJhetrue pu ol th Thbee them chplth1ijof anhllaCJ I th i andthelnlen tht' 1fh amp1. opPortUnl 1 aro worth is 1fk. I1DD1 iB4 11 iiE ul til iftl 1 Ir the ftailm of the Echoan4. pertha. Dent Oat of it ht cron the mubb1enpport by by In of circu- ptbwgtate n.

tome what ost paper. to' in tOme aay ptherinrthe nelr bor. rection. th Sc. maui- in read.

I Until votetain of cunI1' 1lgly en ibili- col re cIa torto hell to a. forward-a to they lican be ths in fo What licans is woodpile in ha iog repu blicsn is ral Fitiuns in the in is to He is by I in possesses enjoys is I he When gr is on I' Wheneverthisisthe I whi ax4 ranni over I preju. is rep bin circum- any genline itts I newsp. pel8. al- repu blican em in in of are the a be in in natemani eaysthe how alam shade.

so. stove I redu lie debt pay ofitJbwn i fan lb. charity DU of the TUDa1l1l' th i i Thereis I ttendthloperafMtil WP 11o tWi1 ne ec1itOrol1ha uIrerJaa' bD. I. 4 tai m' eI1C ld rc had iperlsetly to fa.

J. JolddQ lIili uple if" 7 to be IWd ml for epUbetl but good we IJ propoisio hll I ossrIy be 11 peoplewm Admi tted highlyelfgi- Mi IIII uhi bllioD The friendslCucely Mr. water Venn or. nsible forthe II enemies. in No Will spell lIlt AI A It Parishthirty.

ey haw Lauklsxing Is. sa If luu. au Mr. aire. in in 3500 old od ickmD ul My Not 80.

11 hen I'm 8OiLa 1h a 1 ct in in" gl ons in The is in in. togirls public an The Amon famill. I Gull eD wh light-house ta4ts eg s. rjor twentylive Miss is gard WOrD. and 1 liet hel th tAlI an no.

101 woman In dark blue velvet dress who responded to introductions in a deep con- trl to voice. was what one beheld. to place of the radiant Juliet and lovely Parthenis of the stage. GOd. York lil et f1b In bt paIIIeII away his I i fY len a nfo eIh ff I depth.

thirtyllYe i I dthJ Ju that ye- th1rtyyeua old-and when nopre entatiye may Iw ntJl1ve en Je i iO thirtfI va. hard limes and wl lIn req oested of I fereo In Uai i I. tse who I eth 1n fn I oai nt re tile durtnglhe bees Van oeer el 0 ti I ry a hCOIlle or 1 someo1 nc cd I1I wa 4ecade1lI es I to Jn cemlOri. rhonor In perlllaIl uartcrl dhreomllt II1o We eas ror hauow Ubi woiloii equt- tU em boe the t1mewou14 def the A wi celJJUlll4elped 1. In ea tC co.

una au. sentiment- Dm. ti but poUo I calt' ancpttlUlllJleoa a bt it the head. of a' of peat ad- I here beIidaI ths buster. lie so 1 troabi.

that would deplane this inheritance fiom hti. MJIOIed' And I tie preIIIdent who should let WI Itt ofM 1 irX t1 edhuis to fUIwu Isle 4J a 01 the shave ant Intelflgeoes I1o be Of. A ftimrqMrJ tbs 1111 in Urill a' 1 bIel 1IJeIUDIIlIu. c. cq1IIeIrJIoCIIUd Mct a iS' of of" 1 the themombeas at the out rd.

WhfIeTa. II dews be the esmmI shove atm1Iu. IaTOUUtm. AU of LIlaC die a of flalisak 1iIuCd IDU 1. 111101II We who Dille wlIIlI1l a tou JII a 1.

Burn 1de uan ppeal1O rour a In 11III tertlie UW cb od I1tItnmiu- lODebaQk elh tel1othORra t11111D WethU ft III I.e. Andu Yelem What 88m. to8 nl er. lemn. DBt If cotJgh I in I for montbs1O not dtili d' e8 eh ryi lieve St.

before wl king arou The eraJ Yir nja cir- Six snpervisors the rm tw Iherell 11. H1 wll. urat adT 8es to lw origi. but interesti steamt telegra the a ley. Is urit end I ttie I so on.

at takecare I. ed erie hto Lk JI th nc So Isbi-dini I Be een retriever22 100 paniels en try nervousaU lime. feelu feblS-4tni MauriceStrako ch ungen" mnJlIs SO000for depositedassecurlty re mnY forth. re Yent Sta It whole fe male eaeIIproceed Pillshas aspe- ci The nd crowtngTbe u1 ject et1c Lhe 4 1D1lndit dall- ReneralDWIfte1lEight com oaK Throalsboud 111 in IeerabIe u. IIOI DL dOIi9t' tla.la1I aIlaytDC1rritattmi.

I1Te aa Bn cb CJeI 4 lTleblea II Pe.kerha- 8oI4aS ell. Wleo 11e keda greaLd ord 11 eldl ea tfhelt grirz11old mllwu eyebrows hcnriDgiro QD I blJ alGuciJati aDdjJd 11 fa lm oat wee. ttopandCplck UP. itDfea4011b read. bom theatre.

II pl onihe fi ntj 1or. lf Pi 1Ieca. ectt be GfJ db1' 61. If 1t tf Meftv1ittiJjd b.r\.th. goysrnmeul l11 betweenJeru anU fQr eooa.

11PIJ IU' toopeD the tIc1JatulUe ID areJJ1aktq.JnIland fJ0. a fJ 8 tD kc W5Go LI. Lt. QUDUW lEX. t1UtTor orall pI fIP i SLi lJ I jf Tht on8ltdl Pdm dead to DrJJa udBtomach7ad 1n1antn.

dhee1lithout lmedclJ ift tl mlk1 J1 th Fellalseiss see tl resrcct JABnKJfJUI 8B. EXI WILt. be II1Id It door iii 111J1ff annul. Ute list Tu. day In April DUI by law required.

cud bun- em and ef4tItJ ol reor'- be mid 00UI1 adjotBlIIr Iud. JeD1ODOD welt kr GD" EJ Jn if W. DBekh I1J b111. Fe ru- Ira 16 1551. CLIAL Q.

DIAMOND vr 1' a Li raw 0 I UIO 1IOlarl nt di no 1. onl CE 8lt ba IEJ mit To the TRE uMMiNOS. 1b dn a lltte iethI fti Co ny wifl 1 II1rn cu- bnd. ag th pmplo11or Zootho 1. sseocsiteo 1 lit lhe rat w1 au of wer ntzac lul earrytneoiit th obJ Uon.

me Ina De com tiei' ab eg rlo a I no rg1a I. I. 0. In lorA1d tht the i sidl rtll Janla htJiJfi c. te To J.

th. J. 0 or. your a a I dr ifhe 1rrSfed. tdP 1t I I a rm ollwetltYYearB with be ill tniauiscurthg Seed- lon of as 110 be ac In on Ii twenlyflve tbo Mod II' of nill cIt A co Schoo dab the isv.

hold nonal tha olJ cts use oommon 1 ili on ro nw1 TROMmI' IaJa tfd be 7 ITdl rt Febr 1l ib 8. 111 taw4w STEEL PENS Gt and I JWL SlY AN I is 11. Piew 11111I11 ClDI8IIIpt BLAnIA AnOR D8160IX CROelLAT MENIER1 JDverYWhere Hew Yark Depot 2 6 Greenwich II 1Ir THE OF world-renowned rl WC- Cattle put ha.uacll Ptan II. 25. I ro Mannfaclory-Gnivel LoI1 man 4aI Int numeroua TeItfmoD1J1II.

Ae1tllor it ci CO. dl A NoarllLUT. IUILJOD eerp. 7 On l01WJl9th. IIIe 1.0.

1. I 0. a. t-nAtheua1 410 a I UIt 660 pm Jrmuhltlnta 14. 11 I 10.

teave Atlnta1 LOG am 100 pm ArrlnatLuIa. Wpm AsrtveilAthens-- aLsoim I ID UueBallwy. when ihu ICI1n1l1felltu4 i noCJJiL1 W' cAuOWfOTllUUFOJtuucm nthe IIIICI aac1Saw A Ju. jbcm1l1 cnnct1lCl and i aW" bCWo tt i j1fY. A to di.

ft US 1O. i I BES I 1 l1 tfiIIIIr. a Ja w' i 8 U1' eb Il qJt sl 14o 1i f' Jr HA 8 c- i4b jit M. I JJlt Jntn elfi1 ombi ation OP TUiutoC Acknowledged to be lbs enlemIk ONENI HT LYt KATE CLAXTON' ed' eei ThtTiiuiis foa it TuescJ yud MLLE And 1111 EUROPEAN SPECIALTY OY many Re lTed A 1 GIJAMPAfiNE tit. efssy houaeln t.

nre eo D. see the and Co" U. and Canada. FOR SALE BY AtlantaHoal Jiisllmto St. Ga.

Iu where throntcDileIUrell lCIntillcallJted dq llB 1ur In WI Ie-to CONDITIONS of pa. on 8iurg ct 8 J8 Re OF the Jek HEART. 4 Ck' gN gJtr pi Ci jgJr1tfloi pr cJ3' e. .1 Inforn lion novlly U. ROY Sale at 1360worth It s.

dec1 7J RI CORDSVITALREST08ATIYE. Ther8s1 wenkn In. en orpn en" weaL. II' of one tury. JUoordV1al I above ta1Da or other poison tparel1V JOd no e11ea lIrIIJraDeeor DrSlIlWWN BIGlIKOND.

World BulidbosgNew esehboi lend OX of II of 110" ii JIMr e. D. Sa ta1 8t i MIt liiii CIIltUerfram 1 Dr a. ft YOllw yosewill advert. do or In mini qelUf tcJ Iazeet1L pUlCi lJUo rclVlta1 1UIe u4 is the ed Sthtes prtpm himself Zrnluuu end aamefrora 4 rE-i u411fr2tlala.

lDusC led Ssmy i fJLt nepu1 1lt hi 1114a1UP1XU iO U. B1f21 1 1ta. p. lfiaAlLII Aj1 wUscAn RDlTtUtLO Lt I. lIIlUO U.

llchor'--- Wpm 1 al Utpatr 3 Mai4tla U7Ua U2JJI ug: tl 1 1Iarto1Iow. 1. UOpaII3Jp1D 7fIGaaCIIm UJIIIIUtiP I5se. 52pm IS 2SuDt4IIIaJaUOpm i IQ A4alm11tI1J Lltprn 1 11 1Il101l. mItJ3a Lr6pm 1 al id IOJ1ami1mffiii i 125 II t4I4aml2 Mpm JIIl4km.

ChIctap1 LlOpm iOpm Annleala1L4tm U7pra1I07am. CtillaagalsNsn WwS erATIonf tieeom 1orral It m. 18" nle Ulaa Lupm M5pm 14 JtiD I UOpm Ca 5 HIlll. aWt1l 40 T11t.on- Wpm M. 2- L23aJa lIf1pm I L2IPIII It KcDaotela U1pm' 70 AdaIm11Ieuaaml44pm Hs1l' mto Jan If lo.7I1It r7" Do 53 Etowab.

me 8tepUa1Q. H. rd Aelforth UlMns WP1I1 U2am Ill Shanty1l3sns 20 U62am T. RuIfa 1 129 Vinlngs Gun 1tO Ut B. W.

WREZSN. Genl PsuAgeum QBO IA oon i1lGUIU. GL. CO 102 UftDmy. LyIA1Iant team Slam AthenslSlpm 00 am WuhigD210pm MilledTI68am.

pm" III Milled ye 4 Pili" can- 30 pm' 15. II I. JI Nooonn A 6 dfJlo. LYeAtln 10 I 00 a a Daily. excepUnndaJl AUanta12lIOoDOn Deratnn1Sl Ac Decatur thin II- m1 1:66 p.

0UftD ILY AtlantaJI A I AthlDl7 Ly' Athena-6 So 1 sad wt1l top oru fW 8 to thgtou. Ione change Atlanta York. i S. JOHNdON B. Superintendent.

QenIPus nov7-dtf co gg 1 if lrPo arihrtrl tion taorn re a It. noszY 6eneralla8alll1ger KAIL PABSENGn shave Uu eomfortsfroie 04oonttcuoQ pontaln 0' edU 11II' at lbs Wlbe TI6 0111ie1DJel1 tic ID ICh en sflpcinlieei the ODth AEtt IMWeat I II abJ uua. Dflpatca equl to 01) 14o IrJT blmaGlllJ. Alt shims prompt DduJ pu the nDde ed CE1iBAL UT bruarfl4 81. Onen- au I JlOJtTHJBD1tJ8T.

1 I rrheuUlaam. KlOO11lor 15 p. I ID1 Co1um ua 1 lmb i4 Kon I Atlan ta I rC at Cl1rlottIIJI. OOIlDiG 1erna AUan' to un II' a I am' aoon' la I. trfyeat ioe cfI1" 44 ormea Ea 11 10 111 at 6611 IIY I 1II WIth' CJJlo tTJImn III AntyA 4IIa.

lf AftIftII at ZaIDe- III A. TllV 7 ill. 1AaftlllaCOD for slid 45. ftI Sam 611 Lea 15. rniyesatColumb' OQ1IdI llamDJtIaI1ta.

tiambna Ad with Jon an4hf11Ja zoaC :4 trabID4 7artTIol1eJ lorJ' Tnuou1U dafly Albur DD4 DLa 1zamj I r' JT 11om JUCiOD1roIIIQo1mDbu 18 7" cna Iabtratdlo2 SD4mmlol wwtrama eQ" tfitit v. CIiiAtIiZW18o111bemKlUft1 lInunah III iD4I11c tID4 a i 0 Berths in alt suesredsi Tmeo lizpl8 Edt' 7' A. 1 Ad11'- It 4Ih F. i- m.Wdfea nspeUaia4 i wEprtftrtD Wllkork Ulfta rt. I' wr 4111 XVmmUOIItTIONE it utmlfmjrx aifl Slit lii and retaIl a JIeItntflUCIIt C4fCd ii.

Oi TIT :1) Al1 r.JA8J\ OX. It or ckrk sa 1IboJnal or retail ca at 4.00 ETlN1UlO ot Woo 1a 9 DU1DIfWIDfO1O BUTOJt 1rILD. CWdI aa41UuSD. tJ lJr1lllor a F' Qa crr4To. 1UP a i u4aeI oODIWI11 it WR ta iI ttihtroomaWFUUlQ iG 11 rt Pt FOR It A1buIlitreet lp04l rtb Ion.

so 1IJI4e S. cJ 3 OJ del i FO RG. K1tD II 897Ju1N dJB C8 cell Tuaers-- BaIrlDd jJ uall ff DON'T DU fe1 11 hi WI CARBUGES S1LZCIIEll' lLIGI umo1 am' lt roa nIST. CLA 83 HO toJobn Ie nnaT i sldeEast Jl er No1bO OD tap hJll SIIldlot 1 X' lIID8Jie1uK eanI1dO OUDC I4Whmuee1 9 feel OIlNorth idtF urth L' 01 rebrl1arrU o' odp. on tb1rd and.

4 14YttcheU I. febl7 fi stii115.5n Gross i S. ATlODnll w' QIl1ecIIcIII. IIOIIPUJI1Wn4ollto. OtAce u.

IIIUQa W. 1 t8. 1 ft1 0 Of fnl5 la sal 1tr. A A 1 d1111 ysusmel IIJleae1ill p1III Iia aland tID er. skillful 11 1M ofthlJunI i.

of i 124 Wa I A uir IA nmtl88O D' 0C0e UKU LUfX fUfUI ii be ta' tR I nnTd fisf J8L. 11 er fe c'- I an. 1P i7 i If 2 I. D- II JJo JIu i u1cu Ja i lf i iZ i jri A 7 1'- lt lj 1" i If t. tt tl Ji i I TILLDAILY CONT1TUT1ONATAGSATUItDAY OBNING BllUA1tY 19181 xiwIst IIN2I id bi Ui7 XwMi CO1TflUZOI w.

Is 27 MNtfl7Ionl i. spbJ. yic. I Iocit7 k1a rnus 3. Il IT thbOI 1rotdb a tum a6sthMUvk thAvIbO 1m I thi 1u4xDgIoa- ampip 7rmJTwa sxpt tc thbt.

i- poU ft diOt. as. 11 kttI De2l or I crg1aa sad 1 poir i Tuoi 1 a yeu. 1 71ST. aibiot 1 dEio4milw 44 ia4r4 ATLANTLOA FEflRUARY918L railroadprojeet iie lsnotextravagant repect.

Venice Lnitetfttate weeks O24sO Exportse2Mtos ex- thatis Virginia toclaim piaceintheold de- itwill pe- ons am ndment hewasready todlalrnoelanythingto thehonoredsenator re- de cieney I huh nze 1Jbb rb. 4 New. i thrn th6toca i ofthecoiintry. ft- the comrnuthUeswhicbtheyrepresent. rz i- pubUe eenimenI qlt.umuchpIthvigoran1discr4mi- tatIonMthe dailIuand theliviewgu sb quLtou wthyottention busftersil t.

tbstcabeiidlaLtxsottruethMthe i. rnethod wbItbePernjsfo7 iorgsue eTtiInzthe1ocal eu cfgret' 5- lmproiemet tbsoapreeenIeac1ieek 7 thcal r-- 1'P the eiesjweelyInthe tst covering IMeIeayevvMorlacideatottheeaM MsciMio iw Wehs tbafleM 3 the ggenemiineveetbittheema1Ieetand rnoettrlflthgpceans system olpth rlngtheuthU hugrownthere ye- Now cho a e1d eId a Ia Itlioneof notobeeatabIiahed 1 worthtbe The legrs as 1. in is hi have en grOss ballthatcolored Georgiaintelligentenough toknowhow tOuse earsas tnaesdrdzataing fromhtsfzisnd thisis ills exssnitors dressa3 hua or te the way 1o bi1 hitherto sezoes-noI uy 1 pioinjiybookslIerof AUsntaaold meya1ti aniaxnb oL trfs thoIbdqhthretthatCu ti s. polldclin.wbo Mdrthulorlthe baiof opriUonL XL0wUss cortBL3lIthsavhfla ls Idotfortbtag dyd6ea' bswh1rlIind allng1usup i wbatIitb UiaqI lstUblrtJgyhis wb vbht Mi Ni7asolke li S. I aesintobi hirdyon bu arswnolonepeopla BOflETBOJIZI storleawifi i nerr MrJobnMcLesn dogoway wejudge thattbe weIlkoowu thirtyfive bts Ill Is sau.

i aire sold-only 15 not whenalnue Imweary is is in 2 ale CaptainBcooks erior and traits Wooi parliamentnlne wooo years YeC sod are C. WInthrop sod oh- congress are ttes twonty-ilve Wood five promisee dii- twentyaeventh roegreraisso lets may careerand which the eaoreiin the forty-eight year. Itaway progr own decadeunleethartpld and Mtsssefppt whersihe precaztouafoothsod. Wbeuthismnvableoantgrilfl5natly forwme reU 15 In lids LI Mexicijiboundary stone. begtnnlngwlth com- Rber Liar.

aid tabIes sst eablnet be a Sac oil" a bus6e. sail bj 5 IetiinentL oung placid IaIri wh meet ublle esen and o1Iti- iscgsxpedeaea. might with his grafefol sued. esentgovernths esanan usight Snd that InIte4I DIning as isuiatantlni4boilnr. of adninkus.

non 01 ideertment isa aid lebjeetgd hImself to In mase Irkeems part Mr Robert Lincala has the good areas arid eansdt which ha ore- diCed wtth. be would lot thIs a esblnel plies as wuir. that he sames ll In deiIm JrUbtOeIAppeSL 7amostflhiges. sa4deuaGer and In oehseasathrane loie IonedpsneIte. size rn To plain.

theae S1 men barging anoune i u. leg. ows aed ds. whe base so vbl. seessiol siipsetbnt adlilty.

eat aleep in4 drink. Ofsosr. as- they dooM lAo sit this muecs out 01 aeImdj elsa. oors hou totise has his eaImsaes suad by them YISUI Isa mime our aeq' but teouflen nes A poeclean Isak S1SM 4 many pIer. 4UT acrred the eed seller and vsabend left his ease te we t- 1utl1Sbigthhll aty wI west ut.r.

T. Ca i. XewYorkTdbone Complaint Ii mad. I. the Ibid iiaeom aeleod Sf As evidence dud thai the Ivee i rernlasiv I 1750cx tplGeO I etat I the scehav simIlar Lii which i he Is saytteing Cevnsur cartemlae Tree Presa 14 ha a Governor to sad wantheb3oody Eu.

be uauweIasnyother I beOOiXss O1 iteneoithoeonebssaq tbrovghthe tothe Cmpllmeat rio this auth thu lie is Ia Tenne- arenotpassbIa wouldtravel toIee Virginia fourthThursday eleetedare the o'er woman a re- tnesthurewlt th lp 1 a aotlss hers GOLDThWAITZ aOld Ladywrites Iam65years thur sat etartleglrom eerieearetoceatNLIf thereaultlsestls- lJnite4Statea. dis- GiIbertnd i of CoughCoid erlore 0 ii oqt the i g1srefleflia sbeas theThrsaa Treubleswtjch ectlo. SoldimHcteftbezsyeqwhere iapdwta bOteDIM pure I the big nader ha upabltnfcsstoffbreadfsum theatreetand niinwbo along5rnlghkentl 1t auf ror l1 sicbisi5ied becauayou warned endins danger byyonrHesdacheegoomy despondent feelingsand sellow complexion Uve bewelLand b4 cheerful 5by takln sense ct hem ofJewaItlaproposedto ire making aid La this PrjectsTuw lr CI e. s5. OcO6WMCCNot Wrt idns L1BG' LIQUID EX.

Itse br fir lbs best of aI rtzeneera1 Lhbli Poem Teiav yselty I. Udrea. iuffertovmcub I DrYlagIrnprovedI ter i i witboutuslug lv be NZW TASLIR AFBIL I Uscil-Issuse zprr be IestThes neilaa by eI bsy icrtsol land tanweor lr. county sdjolalngaaJs Or5an Benwu on on scuds erasn I deI7 Repelortlourt ofA. to areground Uslon J.

F. notbny gYEOLA8SEd I. J. Ii. B.

T. rerryromeetfully ha Oh lasts any Tire I rytothesoe enema esrnmooeea this peltlo at pezttlen rem A. J. vialS I. bodycorporte corporate name 51 SeedCotton the Is sni paid ta.

th said to govern as sad end allcoatracts secesmonseL he ssed this C. ii. I. soil forests tht the peltion C. srRbNo sfthe Ysry Bsrepr.

heaisend sled tie Zssisesfy Seswass of polLS. 0 tutatb7mollnssuedgdfBeesta. Evewbee. NewYork 28 nU-d4in ORL1i Ia own ADts Dogs uxeTlckorScabonSheep InBeCtithil ThePowdenlswirrented It may be spread as is qutte InOats willnoteattt. tiiie Cf 1515.

PEygBgRQN PULLUM TOLUABT ii 19th. I aoL ens. tIveAthena Arrive tLula a an Lishm iees i Ami dailyaxeept I Sand yeengetnalni Line uC rn byes I- aecncfoely illsniwith u.k rArEIlMILIS' in power belonging thereto with an am stta with I thiesbundred pound snj see 1 two dred I foer-ddnki machine. wIde. In pmontySf vsiessslldrn blne vbeeh sad se- two mfles on Oeeglatillzos Poc her penmulsis idr Bodsdale Rspesllls s.

aa CAPCjE 4Sep1t 5 FeeN IM eI3IL Mntirdayebuary1Oth IIni ecu aipesrutase of AndherGrestTzoupebl ABe Female THz ONL Febr ary2fst Vbrated ClaxtonDramatic liQ TO Ohaii nd dtyefthe Aseliteilby His 3 St rNTrjI HJJ13llAllAGNE 69O8 Cases. DL flAKY Ce. fortho mria 1. by both vexes with end wbereno PotsosaubDEa INCIP- ire by by boon tIe- Plysi- 25. a1e- 1360w rth 0 dJ RICORBSVITAI RESTORATIVE phy- eseept thanervouisysem.

the aorTa wsekenedthen Thereaasnemtdyln thereachof thelese overbald om- of the eee Is pallsndcsn behad LevssuorCe.i0ble Fails nonegennina the rgnadnreofaSlgonnotidonsieleol isepttis. pafluposa rp bi all cZ5TIIfIATh Pseisjnly lI EtiadelaPslx 1 tienha Ii wyre within so 115 dx weeks ilebeewsea sad three neanths six mouths. nsont. MedfsindlaUepOmiQIaZIty dOTifZ lahereby given BmXIh of SLLoulaandL LIMUaerofNsvYerk are no vlsi 5. 5 0 Zinicaot from 9th you same sgsui continue the icecap or not Ihea do shiIl sume money adverddngszmjovaexpenss wtUpsy ea tiy.

foe vha I a 700 dO ned wsnsrne so centixue InIcres me SfthfaitLc LL.D- ekmaa Yf Thecowatesfsilar i Ytisi itiie hi pole owner end gwopdeteo site same se Dr Biseid' dve to Mvw i Isnansa--- 0' The m. Landsaid Oievafl PigordLsebersnd ma. axe Qeenlam. ienulueetn UFPMAX vsanali Ga- or- a. Raou IcreanL HZ Hlales4i0-bOlii42l5l eseleneseasse- a LI ILEADL TTUTU Zit- I' dODa ENESAWiBbUTE LQCAV- 0 s4r I p.

ie ouri a I tsu LOts. terpea I VIstais amm I1laa LlSprn 4 tfpei tIcIvnVa. Is Sierras 141am tlim LISpea S.Epei- I LlMrn a 455pm Laluin l3am 0 I 50 pm LBpse 5eg5. cam 4 2. lsprn a7 a Fnewah as Oartsirea 4Lpsn I tor-m 7 1 Case 7VsWIOIam 4 sopm lespns a 405pm' so Elsoslos.

t4simlidam fpoa sto Bali's LOOamlIXJin Ltlpsn 75 IZrnIIiSsm 76 RemlLStsa at thinoeanLasseILisemilpm Ii Rsses 1rnaLBamIa2ym. 51 Thom SM Dslsis. I Hmm V. I44amflBipm 153pm 1415 its cor Rmnggout1aearnt2m GreysvIlIaIldsmi2lSprn 1pm Slim 102 tOOPII a a 119pm 111 pm 12 dhleamaugL. SlIa empea sepm 11 I' 1OaIocea.

1 Tuantli hhl 12am lJSpm 115pm 40 Diloos itJm 421pm antiS" Tllton as a tsim MCDanIeII a AdaIIITII1e9055m ye a IsslllOOlsza go I. Efnron Besti SI tai10j4am so Bogerr lRSlsm 115pm 01 1147amr eBpm asians a ILl am lB BariovlIOkm Is AeaortL a im 120 Mclvors 756am IOfom t. ltlGpm O1p Button 10pm Situ O1O1IIIA 5th Paseenger iA 7 LveAugusta 2. Masson700am MlUedye sasmm 51 a 45 pus Ibani Mamn Byes 0 Augnzte347pm Atlsnts545pm xceptSnndays.J AtIJnI6 ml AuCovln07on7lOpmlAr. AtlaoslaSOOsm except Sundays.

AtlantaiieO ILTe pm I A :16 4 lAO eany 50:0 WeiT DAILY. LveAUantasetpm LveAugnsta5Slm I Stations. MIeepnto OnIy one York. Oenlfass Agen OMKENOING ThEMIARY Bate.l'ou.r the I notTicket leasthan theTnalu a jfAON LU 0 I PAB8XNGEE8XBYI0. fraE Iiosaofes ilipolitte onstrafuquicker tine.

to siud 2:13 p. oatSttltDlIngIs LucaaPslicsAleep suleat 8niwicAvtth Issitide. and dispatch tsohre4 tiaruen Janbanvifie entail polnIs Ihe Duster St JOIZIItVe1. IWPOIIIIc the AISaSOrOULl ltidhaTisiuatt to pelatoen lbs PsnaioI and prorn E1RAL SlselIreads. SAvaJLaH.

sieriger laayei Oav" 1 I 0eavei Anguzla----- Slam trrteatiugus15. 445pm pm as 1:80 as AtlazdcaudAuanlaandGhanlotme teavssAsais-- ISlam StIR t5Vei lLaoindaill 441am 7 5 as MIIIOdgtYI11- 1 rtheealIiton Slim 5Sl irrtveatEavaeah Isipas Leave.Ausuata.---------------- ISlam nafiway Lox ficilsas Ia Ttodd. TRAIN NO. 5 BOETB AND WET. 4enyNSennIs rdyeiatAuni Lesve.AuguItl- lOOpas Arduel it Klilelgevilie I 44 a as AntveeatXaim Slam Lecym Macon So AtIss I Os sm 5 16 a heives Macon fOAlbSDy 45 am rnlve.iIZaIatlli- fves IOOCelmeS' am too mikln AtIaaItawIth ALSaIIUII Montgomery and rail.

wlih I4 guztarsihoad le all sad Lam kulauIatliln YortYafley foypeesy lee GaInes ix- dallytezoept free. Ailing tXIMZJUSOUTRAID Xii LeameAtlan ArntseitMIA 1remAI1AZ. I IS lye.Aibe.nI- S42sm i' Sen as 11 5 a Ma Otnas Goinrnbua I pm teeyesMaeon zntvesatAugiJ 145am lasv.Augr- 150pm AMeeUSev5nnah. 7Ihaas Xa lie. dMtysme Pullman Palate harpIng thxs tottasinnaif vik Manse AUIBtaaA411d5fl1E 511117 esid pmtraia7.

0- Senthisetern Oseegla eon ask. enenestlee with Psilmas hleepes tomes A so fl aeepfngCazsesa be SCRIIINIkS ISZtaegrr. street. 0. A.

WEZTzilaJC. WILLIAM 1OGUIi 1ss. Pr. Ast. an SLaY WPIRILLItX Gee.

agent. IIP5L WI. LMSOJOGs AflsttrAirJiRj tcHA1uE Op EDULE. ENDAY. 7E3E0ARV7lINGU mnI will run as fallov.

lea W' i AUSVAL4IRL. lie. bv Pj 4 U7ANTIDEMPWTIEIT X. Btpd1 rammatleafli Ipetli and situation as copyat. Would alas Isle us kaasW 501Bps Ii is own dfp todiwuts ha Sss1i" lert moderew X.

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