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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 3

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

wr f- 5 gsr1 4 VJP r3 Cured Opium haa a tie real dU- Doctors uae rep toe conceded tobe SSSS54 lowemyjestoratloB oacoaoreindi a slave ihaUprvU that I. em saw one I all slaves of Opium Antidote follow directions eitmi. it It Udote i about eiehnionths I half Bottles tnd Strength that lua iat lam feeling bet reign more than for ny sickness. en ou sooner for I out four month ago to be tnre that my of which I am now Ir atienU may meet as myself that i may prosper as be ULUAMi. literly Mtgaiiue litres sect free to 0 upon the subject COLLINS La Port Indiana.

rpt. 251874 01 THE NINI. ENTIItY ue Years of Age of the Habit. PAISLE33 OPiUM DOTE. lolllns could iiiiit.

Iblt has long tlnce be In the minds of the ot 1 persons. Itxluced by the doctor positively know one are flda cud bry one tould beiub Collins for a long editor of tUa paper I fact Dr CuUlnc' abtil- 1 be rromlses. bne tethnont1 out of li fl showing that a I hfll the aze of torM I au find in the antlilcte jo relief cod a speedy le letter tier. fulatadoaeandafW I tad no rfak 2 is about flesh 115 to tltets fal and reat pleasure ID re Suable medicine to Im AntidoUL for as proved Itself te my lad I taken Morphine old not haxe sue. had abio entirely 1 of mind and body Ivldence I was led to bottle on trltl and vobeen fedlngbet.

Vurk. led. Icouveiap at Ion ti write VtUng along and to do Lay back I was taken sago and I waa taken the doctors gavo nie e. In the expects ire long. Bat loon nd tey thought Jhal Idthey fed me with I I ether.

tnd znorphtne doses per twenty four ought I was not going pnt me to one dose of i Lour hoorsjaad this I w-o years. When I was be acme nor lhad. appetlt and mo tM I welch one hundred and 1 I now weigh one bun- And If found I could not Ihlne. lbs iteifro was fclutionacd thoogttI la It arid die so I comb the botte to save en- Ficed to this WIT for one i began to think that 1 live jet many years. not seen' much Im ught that 1 must use Troller the or of goy trying and painful.

I feed I loved it sod every fiedtotogetsomethttg ly neighbors veil OT aethlng tnanewspaPtrth5 Elans hid anA tWoW fcda sure cure If direct- rand It vu witnessed By rote to him making rot sending formfdi leredme ypn POTj i sue take courage ata years old flfiSSi 9" ISS itUn Awtf kgsass 8T5yJtBi OctoU- FVoBirajJJ Preferred Locals. real Delicacies-Choice Wlae I wL Oca" Crop Select Teas Pitch BO WF I ic. the to to A. M. lewin 1 street Atlanta Qi.

nolS CWI PXPJ3 X11J4 WMMONAUQHTCO UtBj sod Weekly Consnrcnoji to Stands Alone. 11 articles la the peparing of various ot food Dr. Price" Cream Baking rftf a tithe Ingredients lhatenUrinto THett eompItIO cit fn from sub tbaTwooW render them detriment. i uhtslih In pecU they stand lif Who tin tell how may Invalids ijteBdercalldren have faUS victims to k. darttrous adulterttODIpflCt iced upon ftepntllc should obtain articles Uat Sit delicious hut healthful as are Baling Fowder sod Ilavortng S-d 8U ta tb Swlt i Popular Establishment Widtekiil Jeet on a Saturday evening nti a hrilUADl appearance the niultitu- uwstores being ablaze with light lot the MI-DOS of displaying their Haery Among the rncsl attratthe the establishment thUrjODttlirthorougafare that of EUe aBrotBtr Its elegantly finished sales- uoMirpassed by any in the south inOlia stock of goods exhibited by them Is fano wUe Inferior to the largest Uothiuj hcusalnlhecountr 1 little wonder tUco that the iai are continually cro ded wl hbuvers fofUKre Is erj Inducement offered to ikote wtshltg to purchase suits or clothing of a description to male their investment Jker In ta Scot place the surroundings hit beautiful It at once Itself thut it Is more than probeble that the cut of nrmtnU found In such a place ill be la keeping that as styJih as he flare lien tb gre variety Insures be- toBdperadventuie perfect saUcfcction on Uon-m style or price.

To ail ho wish to fit out for the 1 we would aJviMto examine the extensive stock of thote popu lar clothiers and curwoidfor It tkey wilt find it a profltablt Ut New Advertsecmenti. DeGlres Dnprte PnedIeto minetrels FrnnkU house M. A Co. Etr E. Chamberlm S.

TBTgger Lsndfor sale Collier Steele Vfdkx-k Gurdian5 ac i Norton. Aulg" sale F. Uoge Directory Wm A Pimuy UcDryilierltrsfale E. Brown tale Impounded A Acdersin Wanted A. Green.

tiempUon John B. blew ard Exemption Daniel littman Mrs. C. A Wright. Notion Saullcs Krou Pay yoot state sad couLty taxes.

to Bile II. StrongCo For ale Centcnula' Saloon fedJlars Grill A eetcuriosity Ua i ii ow tanteI to rent Notice-A. Eeggie. oal ttove John McLUuic B. jL caie Thomas Clarke Co.

hoe botographs Smith A Groceries A. K. 8 ago THE COURTS. 055110 STATCO DllTUK COL KT Alken of Inerckie count cal tuiltyto retailing epirtts unlawfully and leutonced to pay a nrc of nod two noaths Imprisonment Inrr Mann Itlon for adjudication in bankruptcy. 1 etlt on demurred morrer sustained and exceplicine tuko LISTED STATES CIRCLIT tOLHT Kitchen Mayor and Council Umc The ci wee taken up aud I en 1 iDglletrUI court ad caruid until I Uj la to ASKS roe TO DU Wiloner et al vs the tlanU.and Rich- send Air ue railway et al.

tohei Mack VCOTS odniu Ynncy vs. Uothrcu CS I rtLToX StPLRIOK COURT Ijonrotsi until Thursday morning CITY COURT. Th Wlowiog eases. were dU ed of ye Lulus Uitflell larcen K3 elcnctdtopay tloOnoo or work twej months on public works Hawkins larceny from the house. gtealing f.

75 from Carrie Boyd. Sentenced to pay tine of 130 or work on the public wuka ten mouths. Henry Ilarrijjlarcfcj. Steal og a lot of pine wood. Sentence to pay a flue of I or work four months on the put lc wos kg A Chkholm larceny.

Stealing 10 orth ol sheets from Mrs Kennedy. Sentenced to pay a One of ZOor wuik right months on the public orks Osurtadjoureed until Op in. to-day. XAGISTKATEa COUnT. Votlilcg doing Justice Me oriull lie an asuult and battery case for trial to Jaj BTAiiOsnocaB nsroiiTS There werecnly six or en clt oxreee yesierdey Vebberwas srrestesl for rornmltlio' wassanltupoii II.

Wrater abusing him mil presenting a ilsolat 1 im lie wil Uve hearing 11 injrui bt ore Justice McConnell. JohnJonea lured was arrested for eleallngelgbt or cite ucksfron ni par. ty It towis. RAILROAD FKLlGHls. Guy.

Drowuj ItepI. tuiTCB Nolitijg the reply of Got. Brows In your Tuesday issue to Mr. Her ricf ve are Induced to make a sew remarks. iroinUov Browns article we are ledtobu lief that he and the railroad pool suppose loalMr IcminandMr Herring and othe touon ComniesI3n merchants are the only units who complain of the pool We wish to disabuse his mind on that sutJott Every merchest.

and shipper of freight have roe- to complain of the exorbitant ch rges snide by the pool convention of freights from tastetn cities Ye as merchants con- 4 that 70 on fl tt class freight Is too eh atdrnoro thau is charged to any other point. It may be verj convenient for wr Brown to be a fast friend of the pooljystem especially as president of tkt pool conteotion When hU connec- ngUne Isontsldeof the pool by this ar raaf-eaett It seems to us that he can be the fnce forcing other competing lines Prorata. While his route argrees to Bulataln rates the agent of his line here ow the writer that they could bring trelgh ew York to Atlanta at one dollar Wfcnadrtd. A dMr Magrath al told writer that he would want no better bus- than tj carry freights at one dollar wJttlrty eentsper hundred. Gov.

Browns tei jog will see pockets the whole of OMi seventy per hundred whl ethls pool of wch beta president compells his compet- ktOthare the one dollar and seventy Pf hundred with nix other routes. We contend the rates charged to Atlanta reijd pool are trying to force tjo high. aol Is a direct blow at Prosperity of our city lie may try to the public believe that Mr. In- Md Mr Ilerniog pocket the wjnf1. as meichanto we think if they S' jf cotton shipped cheaper than their Petttori they are enabled to charge Plasterless commissions whereby they dn flT1 to iucrea their business.

kT-Jj li vethat the strong railroads are help the weak ones as the pool If a merchant starts in business apJUl inthls city and tries to com iUi others who havt facilities and cap. 4. businees rule for the stronger a different of freight we are opposed to route from eastern Independent. ot the soon find If the pool Jpperene com UUor others doing a regu MEnC1IL5T. Photographs.

In Floral hall cted by the beautiful pctures exhibited Smith ot Atlanta. PMse" dlstlnctlveness of expression and a accomplished by very few clliethii exquisite ss1sh Pr crva the wrrectntc of other requisites of calls- BUtlon of th6 human di Smith Motes are the artists in the- produces no better doubtful if the photo THE STATE PAIR. Some IntemUjgr PoTaU Suggested by tresWeat ColqoJtt. 7 ho Recet Ftlr a Grander Sue- cess lhai any. for Years Past.

The recent exhibition of the state agricultural society St Macon ha been made the subject of no small amount of cltsianm andqoltea nnm Hr of harls tadgmentc hsve been uttered against the management' One of the principal causes for tome of these unkind reflections's found la the re fusal of the officers and executive committee ta preventhorse racing and other questionably per sports TUB COJSTIICTIOV in last tune gave Its Judgment upon the and noted so of the palpable causes preventing a mof numerous alien- dtct and general display. Yiktdy repoiterof I his journal met en Alfred 11. Colqutit the president of the cadet- and in the curee of cunver- atl mentioned thi above miners WHAT OES COIQCITTSATS ftell Gene-al. you seem to had quite a critical gathering at the OKX Yes sir to rather an unusual extent I think There has been a groat deal of har and uncalled for crltl ci tn of the fair and a great many misstatements by which the public I as been misled. 1 Perhaps such an amount of grumbling and abuse and personal vUHflcatlon has nf vtr before been heard on such an occasion The fact of our excluding horse racing has been made the cause of much of this trouble indthe persons who abuse and curse us for do not stop to think thit the executive committee composed of twenty he as good and Influential men cc there ate In the state and are supposed to rej retenl very fully the wishes of their sections in all mil ters coi nected with the fair THE ATTENDANCE HEIOKTEB Can you trace any cy the atteodince to this cause' OKV No sir I cannot think of any circumstance ttat would point that wa And I may say that the matter of the attend coce upon the fair has Den i ttj sadly misstated la a ious quarters Now tike the lesding dav Thursday as an Instance in qul a number of papers It ie tatedtbat the cro donthat day was about oXU 1 lit tru Is thit hal held three days toll all the season and complimentary tickets that ha gone out bi lore ant all th commutation tickets sold at leas titan regular prices to schools facto- employees aid others who came a body had to be included In the estimate th it day And now In addition to them we sold about nine thotmatul neic tl Lets on that diy ltd I co not think the crowd resent CO ild have been less than UO people.

Tue UAcrNo QUKSrION. RKIWTKR Why should eu fault uiatea na beeu made" GEN. The Were put out to make It appear that the wholt sting was a fai ure and to reflect reraonally upon myself and others. It mu ho n. liec td that the felt to as ate institution is chartered by the state and supi jrtcd parthy a saall ap propriation gotten with dllllcult from tl state and Its purpose to educate the yeo- ple and Improve our mdastrk in Us eca liar direction quite as much tLec lie-cat Athens.

But because we dou hive hor ruing and other sporting fea uree rvery utIle and jockey and sub boy sal Inmate of a lamollngtbop becomes a roia indist of this abuse and slander the so iety audmjself We hadTsai jp i atlocsand roe-Id have added a tat sum of mom to lice resources of the society by eel m0 books and stiuds to gan ers and a tii them to the grounds. But tl ey had to stand outside and the wl ther ahettors vented their spite cr lug out antic in gentlemen to the prayer meetnfl and other such phrases tried to nuke such an exhibition that the ruos modest girl Is the land could attend and see tothlnc to make her blu and arc Ea 1 la 1 uuw log that we did this. AJISIUT TILE E3 liEi uiTEii I su hard thorn and lha lack of snooty trade ou lorc preparation OEN As a mtr cf fuse We knewtlepf le had very lutle i to spend and that we could not oltord to waste a dollar. liider pinions mai ic mettle theciDtnses had been commons the people down there were i ot di oscd to hi taxed to such extent again. lea I went down there to strange fir the sir I met som of the leadm it Uens of Mteon They asked toe what 1 proposed to do.

I said I would 1 rat see how much tic city would do when they told me that If It was attempted to countct the cit again wilh the fair they would slap an injunction upon the. proceeding at once and pl We were thereupon thrown upon ear own resources. We hail to be prudent and cautious as all expense was upon us. And If we had come out behind to whom would we have gone for money ilh Which to meet our orligations Tim lAIR MADE M08E1 Kfiioa-EU el' General tLats aco uundrum without an answer but am I to uude sUnd tl it the lair a final ciaUuc CC614 GEN vf alt Our proceeds wil dost out ever thing wl 1 pi every dollar of expeuee incurred cud the societ II hi mo ict auj left is its treas try In Is respect the fair has heirs a teller success than we liars Lad for jcirs lact iioni ourrteciptb wtcujpa every dol kr and nut lea ary 1 cm bch td nacirci a 0 ECOIRESO. REI ORTEK hat effect would tl ra Ji it i erralited have had upon our flounces Jan.

Itwoutdhave resulted in Icb You see It would have taken about UOJ lot premiums or prizes to the race horses and other tonsc juent expenses and to have gotten that adJlt oual amount we would live needed thousands more lsto Now where were they to route from' And who wit any that We races would hs broJgh. them The state fair of Alabaii outobjbeld at Solma and to which I sieve oeen snyincu 5 flu moic uvic show than we hadand never have had horse- racing connected with their fair. Oct. Alpheus Baker of Alabama said to nit This jona of the grandest triumphs I have ever seen in the way of a fair and I cotsgralu late you upon th result I have heard the tc sneers and slurs about the racing aud other matters and I gheou the assuaucc that intend to let the Alabama peop c. kao of your success in this movtmtiu And jmbers of such remarks were nude to toe by the most Intell Bent and Intlu ntial men Vet If I had op nt 1 the grounds to faro tanks card houses and every other epe ies of immorality 1 could not hav been more roundly abused than I have been gro and unjustly attacked fur not rial ting orse racing.

General Colquitt then tututioned vsrbus incidents ts con nected 1th I lbs lair Lie lave not room to detail but which were pleasant evidences of ap ecl a ion for the work of the society Another pleasing feature was the fact that when the premiums were distributed every exUibltorHho received a check was able to present it to the treasurer and receive c. his money at once Both the ab ve facts will be found noUble la the history of our fairs and are by no means tin. thurtc Is ifl era IS the of Cite Eocluy ATHENS. Her Merchants anti Bu mess. tihcr Uouanza.

ATHENS Oct. 24 Ib73 i our reporter feels more than usually inclined to say something about Athens and if he should become very entustastic joucan attribute it to his success hero in the way of getting subscribers and to newiugot subrcriptions for wo did fear that some would discontinue on tccount of the appearance of the sprightly li tie sheet the Athens Daily Georgian I Lake this occasion to compliment the wNTEItPtttStw0 MERCHANTS and business men of Athens for their liberal support in tine newspaper line Ihe merchants hero tell me that. the outlook for business this fall is better than at any time since the war. The buildings that are being trccteU are proof of the prosperity of tie cit and surrounding country. Quite an elegant insurance building is being erected.

ju above the postornce and the foundation of the ctsxoat HOUSE and jail are laid and are to be completed lay the last lebruary On yesterday we took a stroll through COBBUAL This portion of the city owamenlec with splendid dwellings rather on ihe European iMe. and with a waving forest presents It setne of beauty. We learn that the colleges re almost if npt W1 as flourtehm ns last year all things considered Qee of the professors informs me Iha only 75 students havn registered up to this time. This time last year more than 100 were registered this i in the agricultural lepwjBient However he thinks this rf owing to the falling off of the cotton crop both quantity. Mdlffice.

The invitee putt October5 ndL eepted Dr. Browsa resigaation Elected Prof Montgomery Puminugson Of tPS. Henry Commlng of Georgia Prof7 Ciunmiflg vas at the time of hU onj01 the professors Tn col- jj nXit. wnwixir ofisizosA who coma Ma Independent fortune In specie payment foods. These are The writer is reU tire of tt is fortonita maai I have before Ine letter- from Mr.

Dorsey to Ma relaUres here ln Athens also a paper published la San Francisco from which I gather 4he following facts- Mr Dorsey whojs an old pioneer of the territory and one of the tried and true fellows who deserves the luck which has opened a fortune to them was prospecting in the Final mountains 85 rnllpg north of Florence. WLI1O working In the bottom of a ravine he made a stroke into tha loose earth with his pick and struck something into which his pick stuck fast. Further examination resulted in unearthing a lump of silver ore weighing 34 pounds. It is almost pure sliver assaying 1200 to the pound or three fourths pure silver. The specimen was sent to Hooper Co.

by the discov erer Mr. A N. Dorsey and brought to the uty by Gov Safford. This wonderful discovery Is about one mile souh of the celebrated silver ring lode which is also very rich In similar speciments of install. 200 pounds of ose from that mm" was selected and when reduced iclded 94 pounds of pure silver.

We also coppy the following from the San rancisco Alia. A telegram wasrceved est rdsy from Arizona by Wm. B. looper A Co. of this cit informing them that Dors iL Drown had taken out of the Athens mine during the past live days 20000 in silver We noticed this wonderful mine yesterday specimen of which we saw at the office of Hooper dc Co.

After working this mine more than one moL taking out from fifteen bun- dred to tu thousand dollars per day Mr. has sold his interest for more than an independent fortune. Its is to receive his last payment Octo- jer 80 and i expected at Athens before the middle of December II II. I' TOWN TOPICS. Sam Clark Is town.

The colored baud were discoursing inn- ii asl night. The Okefenokee editor actor Ing to the Evening Commonwealth has reduced his tests nine and a half pounds and after ijettlogoU three more ounces will be read 0 start Its will then be as light as a featlij cc and will not sink There Is roUsing like regulating ecllic eravlty white fooling over water. Mistake. Tha editor is gaining fle tj be able to part with seine WI bout inconvenience The Clark tdmonbou Mutter STATION FATETTZ Co Go. I October 155.

EDITORS I I see an article is the issue of October 17 to which ltigtitower sheriff of Clayton county said that he had examined Into the Clark. Ed- munson pe matUr fully and hid con- vers vl many parties about it use result of his equities was that the state. meitinade by inc. negro and published IUE CUS0TITUTION was substantially true cll wliocoull he have enquired off It could not have neea of any respectili wl He citizen of layette who was acquaint ed with Mrs. Kenedy or her character I have known her and the gro both from their infancy up and I never heard aught aga nst her character before and I have not tbe remotest Idea that illghtowr or his friend the prominent ci izen of Jouesboro could come into the ECU cment where Mrs.

honedy was hot and raised and find a re spectabls white or black citizen who would state that they ktew aught against her chas it The- night possibly find some low an 1 degraded scoundrel whose heart is so black as the siiu of the negro who corn- milled the crime wh would venture to snake such en rtlon veith the hope of in rewarded and nothing else. Now as the negro ho possessed one good trait among both white aud black and that as he was a good hand to labor OulsUeof tint he woo an outrageous gro a ror to ill vlrtuoaa women who knew him bothwlUe no-I black. He bore very bid souse. lie been sten lurk- In about her white peoples 1 ouses In a picioj manner. In feet hewjsater ror to all white women who knew him well.

11 are about the Is lit the case and If you see proj er jou can give lli i I llli letter throngs your co umn Very respectful your i. Hough Deal. iLderlleab hcaui lulast Sunda 3 Is call attenlien to the garnish i cut by physician of this city of a labo ravages for a medical bill of fora sngtavinit Vearefurtherlnformedthatbe vlsiv was a i with attending minimum charge far which i 10 that there an addiltonal ylst on the following day for which was charged his being 1 lc than is charged I per visit by a number of tile l-adlngpjj- demos the cit The reason wliyllij garni hiucut was made woo because the ruaii whose family had the services refused positively to pay anything stating tilt he owed the Dr. i tattateg audwoula nothing. In justice to the riedcal rofc slcn the city.

anJtuall utics concerned we fe 1 called tic to say this much wl Ich quite a reut lice upon the i utter Kummd Jtailroad Changes. The fol ow ug rumore be tho ute the Kichmoud and Diin ilh railroad to i effect on the first pros Col lb. turd i resident Genii liiipt vice prtsi cnt CdT U. lal ott generil manj er i II Ore superintendent of the ud and Lau division from Cilec sboro to Richmond Capt A driwp a reiuuly announced becomes ujdlj i Juitof the or htaumadUIs i not tie aJ Iiisbtat dalbO that at the time mentioned ci conductor andfourhargaremasiteis will be removed from the suuce the bag- gahc masters who remain on the roai wil run i the nteht trains and the conductors of the day trslns will to attend to tin ortii Lasg3Le CharlottoObse tr To ho Uaj-tisis 01 Oco gia i who may wish to aco their uims on lice dcliirn 1 for the centennial endow nent of our it iuthern Baptist Theological criuary i nowdoso. Certificates on wh ch nrclilL raphed the faces of Dro.

Lojce and Bru Ins Manly Toy a Whltsitt are given to subscribers to this dollar roll I have been furnished Dr. Boyce with cert iicatei and still send one id to any address on receipt of one dollar. Tvi dollar goes to the semi- car no torn ii Uons. Address Jan. lb.

KuDanrK ty titchallstr tt Atlanta til. t-iie Granger Grist Will tw yc. teday in operation at la Elij foundry the new granger nst mill of stilt Smith it Co. Is cornea up fnllyti wta the owcers cisim for 1 The mill grinds over doable the quantity with le then half tile power of th old style mills. It does not heat sand costs less.

A mill that will grind fitly bushels per day will cost only fif dollars aad can be run by 1 rse steam water or man power These. rail turn out a splendid article of njeal grits or hOtl1l1Y. Every firmer should rals his ovi corn and whelt anti with ond of these mills can nave a handsome sum every year. No farmer should be without one. lfilate Librarian.

Yesterday the resignation of Dr. Jo 1 Brintaham as state llbnrlan was presented to and accepted by Governor Smith. The Dr. is In very bid health and It Is suppossd will hereafter devote himself to more ac' live pursuits. The position thus tonic vacant wia tendered to our young and a hel friend James Banks ctq of this ty and by him accepted.

con- giatulate the Law official and feel tatlsced of his proving both faithful and cninfetent. lie tikes cha ge at once. SociatRe union A plei ant social reunion too place last night tat the residence of Rev. W. A Dodge pastor of St.

Paul's Methodist church cork ner of Bell sad Fair streets Quiw a number of the members of tine church as em- bled and enjoyed themselves tnt.converea- lion playing sinllIng angels etc The cutting netted a hsndsoine Coat. Rev. WJ Scott. EotioRs COSSTITCTKW It will ba lying to the many friend of Hev w. 14 to he that he delivered a short er 11159 MaRT H.

McuLrrzT ught of policeman R- Jfriuffey died at noon yesterday aftera long lllsess of MW Pilon in toe 20th yearof her ate. She said hit she was anxious to live but not afrn1I to die. She had teen a consistent member- of the church tor yy On Sunday eight Ltsfotfrbnxoia frepa Blram Vffllamf jas JiwjJrfW Belle Steward daughter Qf Hon. Johtf Steward to Dscatar log tins cegaiony Oar boo wishes kttend them ESSSSG. W.

Adair and Wallace Fowler will wil on next Tuesday it 4 pa. the houses and lots of Lewis IL lurk J. laslnton on Peachtreo street. Go for Kflt-edgeproperty. TmConeord woolen mill' mansfacVuri among the handsomest anti best lloea goods lajhe Union is terdaysent several luckless udltidaals to Korcrosi for Chlcam a jfi 5 Wt fjf1 THE NIGHT MDEDEBI Ilugbes and liollifteld la Jail nd What Tier Say ftbint the Killing.

In fun Couri4pviona report of the tr gedy which occurred on Saturday nigh' it stated that the eoroneri Invest would be held on- Sundiy morning at 9 o'clock. At that hour a reporter Tai Coxsun now reached the house of the deceased being a common plank house of one room whitewashed upon the outslle and situated oft Irons the public roast a little way inside apaling fence Qolte a crowd wai present and the house vu literally packed with people who had tome to gratify their curl. oslty and hear the result of the tnyesuga- lion. wnueoras onor was lying In the center of the room npop lank laid between two chairs. It had een washed and dressed In clean underclothing ready for his grave clothes an soon as the Inquest was over.

tpon the bed was resting a very neat cone to receive the body. The neck of deceased wt4 exposed and the deep gaping gssh was plainly shown. It was not so long as it had p- sppeare before being washed but till was frightful looking wound. The wound in list head was visible and was a dreet stab. Tire iisQtiZST was held by Coroner Wm Kilo assisted by W.

It. Thompson II. D. and the follow- Ing Jury of cUz ns MeCreary. N.

Matthews Nagle P. Collier IL IL Wells T. C. Wit- BonJ kanefleld Knight W. Roberts II Heath IL I etcbworth andJ L.

McLelUon Dr. Thompson examined the wounds on the person of Wtlmoth and said they had been Inn" cted with a sharp instrument as a knife that the wound in the- throat had severed the Jugular vein carotid artery and pneumo-gastnic nerve and was necessarily fatal. xlix BEOTIIEU STOSr Uve Wiiinoth brother of the deceased. end his companion at the time ot the kill- og was introduced before the Jurynd said Wo ere all coming ou' outfronstown on Saturday qvinmgatont dirk and were stopping at the trot sloe We got to talking about some old tsouble between me and Jim Hughes and he said he had cut me once before about It sad won cut rue a alu 1 said to him to try it and he jumped dovs out of llollideld8 wagon and ran up 0 our wsgon. tie struck at ms with a kn ifc and cut brother In the head.

Brother started to get out of the wagon to him and lollifleM ran up and cut him la the neck. 01 OMSK KILE You sty Hughes cut our brother la the head WILVOTH les air Hughes cut him In he head and lisilideld cut him In the neck. Cononisu Kill-How long had there been trouble between you and Hughes' WILMOTH There hid been something between us three or four years. Costoteen KILE Who was there when the uttiog wa done' Bud Dun in the wagon 1th them but jumped out and ran He didn't hive anything to do with there was nobody else there but us our John hid worse 1th Jim. John cnt tO get down on the wagon wheel when Hughes got elf his wagon and ran around nd cut hint.

lie struck it me and hit John. Then Hoi in ld ran up and cut John Then tie got on tn lr wagon and drove away. Cotsontit KILC How long did your brother live after he was cut WILMOTU About fifteen or twenty rntu- tes He ed In my arms. CORONER KILE What did he saif WIIMC rn He told toe goodbye and to tell a 1 good bye for bite and for me to take ils gun and singe ai 1 tal care of them as oa at I lived. No other wltcc was examined and no tl er facts adduced.

The Jury were nt ut to make up their verdict wtlch was 1 jrtlj after tendered as follows VEKDICTOF TUE OClil. LION COUnTY 0 tober 25 ISTh. We the jury of Inquest summoned by Coro Vm Rile to examine the body of John Wllenoth deceased do after a satis- uc cry post mur em examlnaton made in ur i rcj enee R. D. Thompson agree thnWilmoth came to his death wounds received in his head and throat maJeby knives used on his person by James lugh and George lloitlflstld In the coun- of Fulton on the niht of the 2 of let obt 1875.

cd JOHN C' McCKBABf Fortunes And the jury by names. To this iladioawas attached the following erUluate 1 do certify that on elimination of the body of John Wilmoth 1 found us rte sive cut let his head and one Incision In the tell side of his throat chant three inches ong and sufficiently deep to sever the Jugu- ar vein carotid artery and tctompanjifig rve anti the wound wascileulated topro- ure Immediate death. nel so1 81 II Pirkeroon was present and Itatod that Jlnghes ant Iloileleid werebotkia ill Tl fa ly of tased were greatly disc re sad and wept Incessantly. Ills wife stood not far oil In the yard of the lathers iou uttering such cries of anguish as move all hearts with pity. The scene of the tragedy and the remains the deceased were visited by a great crowd of people throughout the entire da JLRHEaT or TUB FUITIEJ Sunday morning Hughes was arrested by Sheriff I ierkeraon lit was founl walklog about In the street near his fa her in law 4 ilacc smut distance within the city.

Ho lad ma le no effort to escape further th elude arrest until morning lie cams ntotowu with lloltiileicl upon the same wigonin which they were on Saturday night getting oH at his falher in Uw a to wait the return of Ilolllfleld1 who had gone deliver his ml and show his successor where to find the regular customers. Both thou intended to surrender. Hughes was arrested as statid and nolllfleld. while on Alabama street was approached by police officers to whom he surrendered stating who ho was and that. he did not know really whouiltwajprope to glee himself is charge.

Both men were taken to Fsiiton ouniyjUIto await the re ut ollfielnvc OtEtOOEd Imtnedistey alter the termination of the jue the reporter of Tu OOSSTITUTIOX catied to see Uo hc3 at the Jail lie was found to he a 5 oan raia of short stature ark complexion on rather medium slM lulek a speech a id a tlon lie was born in bout Carolina USJ 3 ears of sgejhas lived In Atlanta for ten- years has a wife and one child and Is a carpenter by trade. lie ealked freely cud made the fol owlag state meat Yesterday evening Just. slier duk I was gohig out home from work in the milk wagon drrven by George llolllfleid A. boy named Dunnaway was With US. We had pane as far as GunbyS crooning where we overtook sa beef wagon to which were Tnfcn aid Steve Wllraotband I think another person though of that I'm not eer tim.

We drove rather alongside for a piece hen the got across the track so that we rouid not well go on when HollJfield said to them to drive on or let him pa One of them EM go to 1 TOU lolllfldd drove around cud on when Bed Dvinaaway said Iso was shoe to fall ou' when we stopped a momett to let him fix mt hen both the WiImths Jump off their wagon and cam up to the one we Were on. One of them Said 'You've old nw d-d He wa John I think who repeated Yes you've told me G-d d-d lies George l1oiiideld I Who's that 0 you've got there with you I said How are you John don't you know me He replied Yes I do aid U-d you I'm going to kill you both right now I This 1 Ju good a time as any and we've both got pistols and are fixed for you. I said to them to go sway and let us alone that I was la a hurry as it was late and dldat want any trouble. saw they were drunk and 1 knew their character well enough to fear serious Iron- be If we should have any at all. John was on the left side next to me and Steve on the right.

John caught told of me and tried to poll me out of the wagon but Uoflifield ieldrtcln Dnnnaway Jumped ositand ran off a piece I again tall Jtbtytora me 1oo and let me go home. I have never bothfredjou and don't want say trouble nowi' He cursed and swore that I would have to come out and they would kill me. I heard somethinglike the click of a pistol and. while straggling to get loos I expected every second to be shtt. It kn that if they got The off ihe wagon I would be killtd sol pulled ny pocket kaife aad began to cut at them hard a I conJd.

They turned me loos then ud I could- hearthe Wood sptitlng from on of them' John every moment. I heard tia say Bteve throwray pitol aw yt repeated thl again a we dn ott. I got otat home and stayed there alt night. While the strangle going CD I received three cuts In my coat one right root and two lntheleft ideof th back. vfladsdIl culty with Steve once lour years ago but that ws ill settled and we- always uff Itmoirr p8eBedtwt 1 md wtllto protect tny life which Itbought In great danger.

George HoIMddTrasealled iaaadmaat ststemeiitllot materially different trm the ahoye. HftlflfleJd la aSsay ol meejima BtitaefIa2tye ofigeiiwHwMib lit darksTiCe of this state but hi ed la ltW ktloitlon further thin the trouble to wjrone through with la the truL he Is tonfideasta thatha can TOOT lanoceote otioj trto9. He he never hidaay tronMeiwlU th Wfls oU' and that he never submitted to lech bus and beefed 0 hard ojtTold tUfflcultj on Bi tJOuPCTMft yy vwq yf coat and one through the front of boheost njmoUj duio thefi a whUft Hollfield aaialwacntiohU cod lreniwilch' lie claim vu made fcy Steve at ths tame time. Hughes rave to sheriff lerkerson common pocket knife-I with' wtlca- jfonuftkrJu wfflb tTh grand Jury JmpaimaUtd for the pretest trnof the superior eourt ha not yet ben dlichiredalthongli Hi session have beta postponed uttn Thursday mornlBg aad it Is believed the matter wiij be ttled to It attention the flnt thing upon re-assembling From all that can be gather. ed and the circumatanee surrounding the cue a strong Impression I gaining ground that this was pnr yji cat pi tell deleue ml oovncir for the defense a hive already been by the re reatlons of both the parties charged with the crime and are as follows Gzrtreli at Stephens Goodwin UcAfee and Col.

Hnlsey Tbe trial of theJpartlawUl most likely occur at the prexat term of cur superior court. i THE BRINILY CASE. The Gorernor kits Respited Brlnllj for Ypur Weeks. We learn that Emlih yesterday re ilItedBrlnklycolemnedto be hanged on the 29th last for four weeks being till November 26th. This was done because the ury of Inquest into the sanity of the con- dernucd had failed to agree and that all sons might be heard In the matter.

We understad that Dr. Calhoun of Newnac JnloJierphjidajs state that Brinkly uodoubtedly insane. State Fair Premiums. Among the premium awarded at the state fair we note the following ATLANTA. Best pencil drawing ten dollars Mrs Goodman.

Beat collection of nude shoes romone manufactory In the state of Georgia silver medal Eddlenun 1 Brown. Best lot of photographs from retouch- id negatives diploma Smith and Motes. JBest soaps Georgia manufacture dl. loma. llhtclucock Logan.

Best specimen of plain penmanship Imloma. Moore's Business College heat specimen of ornamental penmanship diploma Moore's Business Cot- ege Best sugar and syiup evaporator diplo ma BCQ Wilson Jo. Best gram drill diplonos 1 Ben Wit- on Co Best cabinet pf metals lets dollars George Little. Best cabinet of curiosities twenty dot' ars Mrs Mconne1L Best display of hair jewelry ten dol- ars Mrs Agnes Turner Best cliche cover raised work ten dot. lars Mrs Agnes Turner Best display of heir work ten dollars Irs Agnes Turner.

Best display of muslin flowers ten dollars Mrs A Ladd. Best cotton chopper and cultivator ironzc medal McJleekm hunt. HOME. Greatest yield of honey a a siugle live of bees twenty dollars A 1 Moon. Best display of none twenty dollars A Moon.

Best transfer of bees to be made on the grounds uTmty dollars A Moon. Best swarm of Italian bees twenty dollars A. Moon. Best beeluv ten dollar A I Moon. Best arrangement for raising Italian ueens and preserving their punt ten dollars A Moon.

For the latest invention in macLiner- atented within a twelvemonth provided it be judged worthy gold medal Scofield. Best combined corn cotton and pea planter and cultivator silver medal Scohleld. ouru COUNTY. Best one acre of upland corn twentj TC dollars JBilan. Best live acre of lowland corn one hundred dollars Los Best one acre of lowland corn Iwcnl vt dollars Cox.

Corn one acre by boy under slate-en ears twenty-five dollars Jesse Cox. Any crop or crops by boy under twen tars fifty dollars John Moody. st one aero native grass hay mini mum two and a half tons twenty-five ollar Dr Moody Best box smoking tobacco Georgia manufacture drtlgtia sad ltrt dollars WtMoody Be one acre pea vine liay minimum no and a halt tonv twenty live dollars amcs Davison. For the best single bale upland long ple fifty dollars James Davison. Ii or the best thee bales crop lot of abort staple cotton by one exhibitor one hun.

red and fifty dollars James Davison. For the best ix stalks of ccrmulh ears ten dollars James Dav son For the best and largest display in merit and variety 01 sample products rom the field garden orchard dairy piary the contribution of a single farm DC tinodred dollars James Davison. MONROE COUVTI Best one acre of wheti tvvcnl ars Law too. in i Leisonsal rurnsrapui W. N.

Crumly It is th city. Butler left for Tentseasec yesteiday. CoLJ MSpullokmayorofRome is la iccl Arthur liute-hieson a leading merchant Palmetto was In thac ty yesterday. Two Savasinsh belles arc in the ct the quests of Conductor Reran 7 6 Ua. grove postmaster of Rome posoed through here yesterday for Stone loun aln CoL P.

8 Thompson a tl ln lawyer formerly of Alabama is no loc In Athere tic. Thomas Nagaire a veteran id yers passed through isere yesterday en route for aeon to attend the Masonic Grand Lodge. Capt Junes Johrson conductor on ic Georgia railroad brings us the cheering vs that Hon. Alexander II Sephens onfa cscing On Sunday he wee able to up and yesterday smoked a cigar. At the National.

M. P. Bytugton oaesboro Jones Qri31n H. ton on Palmetto C. 1) Forsyth Col D.

tntup Borne dla Smith and wife la tenport Iowa CD Pace and wife Covlntr- on Andrew Dunn Fourth Wc H. Boo- er Gordon county. At the KlmbUl. A GrantMaconQAz way Hartridge I. is and wtteSsvao ah A Fellows New Orleans.

A Wellford Vs. Perslco i Smith Newnan A JonesBlbertoti James White Athens Henry Wylly Sanderslie N. Enter- on Dalton Col Robert Tatuns Rlslvg a Our lopBg friend B. IL RinJlc goes ils week to Llthonla to take charge of the academy at that place to which he has re- ently been elected' Our community loses good said substantial citizen and the Ll- thonuans gains an excellent teacher and a worthy Christian gentleman ewlshhlm many friends sod abundant success in hU ew hjme Greemboro Hereld. in The Theater.

The play of the Two Orphans" was ren dared at leOtvea last night Rose and larry Watklns and company In floe style. There was a large sad enthnslaitc ndlence ndfor a first representation the piece went off smoothly enough. The company a good one and this excellent play will be repeats ed to-night. in Pay Your State and County Taies We learn that under the recent tax act pained by the legislature In January last the state and county tax books will dote throughout the state on the Orsi of November. We sail attention to our collector advertise men la another solemn.

were honored yesterday by a visit from IL IL Parks the traveling agent of that sturdy old stand by of Georgia Jonr nalUo Tng AvcxTL COSSTITUTIO Athena DiHJ Georgian. so long and well known here lx located at No 133 tIrzv1c street Sew Qrlesns where a general commission merchant he will give pedal attention to the purchase of sugar and mobue i IH THAT 11 quite a goodjote on Chalis A. Howell of Dulath. lie paid twenty cents to a newsboy to kiss a Whitehall street merchant not knowtaj that the boy divided the spoils with him. WAWCS lowtxa offra for i beautiful outings and grove on Peaebtwe trees AJOInIPg the residents.

of E. Jones. ALtrgIncAbehId. had. Di.

TiiGCKi3. annouaced can dldate for councilman in fifth ward. will rally a good number tabia rapport fo fcehaimaanrara friends. Desirable Properly for Sale.ti- Ono of ihe kt desirable reddest Icii on Wbiteaall slreet for nle chet0fof Appij John T. Have you seen those Scotch casslmfreililti whkk HIrscha areselllnfn cut In frock of sack eoata.

I not can at once at 50 and 63 Whitehall Street. Call and see thos fine enesi. retoilf which we are offering for worth 33. Twe cassimeie pats from 5 up and all other goods In proportion at M. J.

Hirsch's 6ft sad 63 Whitehall street. A Sweet Curiosity. 5 rora- mids Natural Honey. that took 100 premium at the late Stile Fair at Ma- con la on exhibition and for sale at McMillan Snows 25 Marietta street. I am authorized by resolution passed at the last meet ing of the Grocers' Protective Association to offer a reward of ten dollars for the detection and conviction of the first pony found peddling or in any other offering any goods or sale in the city of Atlanta without first obtaining a license for the same.

Griffin President. Grocers' Protestivc Association Removal. ve Deg to announce to our friends and the public in general that we have rented the fine tore on Use corner of. Alabama and Vhltehall street known as the Connisi building which will occupy about be 15th of November next Desiring to pen with a new stork we tow offer ur entire stock of Men's and Boys' Nothing and Gent Furnishing Goods at such prices which 13 bound insure quick sale. We invite one and all to examine ur stock.

Gate City Clothing Store. A. SRosenfeld 58 Whitehall Street. Still Ahead Furclagott Benedict Co. havrreceived the larg gt and best selected stock of Carpets Oilciotts Window Shades and Upholstering goods ever brought to At- taut wh ch were bought very cheap and have been marked from 15 to 20 per cent.

lower than former prices. They offer 50 pieces Bru sels Carpeting from 1 Hi up. 25 pieces Scotch and English ply Carpeting sery cheap I 20 pieces ply English Ingrain at Doe. 50 pieces jnencan 2 ply from 45c. up.

20 pieces striped and Stamped Hemp Carpeting rom 25 up 10 pieces New Style Brus eels Bordering. A full and complete line floor Oilcloths from 1 yard to 0 yards wide very cheap 53 pieces Nottmg- tara Lace from 20c. up. A large and well selected sleek of Stair Rods Cot ices and pholstenng goods. A beautiful selection of Rugs Mats Crumb Cloths and Window Shades.

Furcbgott Benedict Co. No. 88 Whitehall Street. N. Customers will save from 20 to tier cent.

by examining our stock be- oie purchasing elsewhere. Announcements. post ALD BMA ClTI AT etera Edl ors Please announce the name Mr. George Ogtetree as a candidate for aldennnan subject to the democratic noml atlon MANY CIIIZESS. We are authorized to announce the name fO II.

Jcnes for alderman for the city at rge subject the democratic nomination. Foe ALDEEHAX The na friends of en-Alderman R. Young announce him a candidate for aldermen sub ect to th democratic nomination. rnnenr weeD. I OR COL KCiLMkK Messrs Editors Please announce the candidacy of George Granting for councilman tram the first hrd subject to the democratic nomination held November 6th 1875.

MEST WARD DBMOCRAT. SECOND WAKE. art authorized to announce Mr. E. P.

tiambcrlin as a eandidse- for councilman rom the second ward subject to the in erotic nomination. Fon Coirscrtvis ThafrtecdA of Eibt. Yarrar an9 ynce tl a tajdidaU top counciimun from the 4th wir7 tnblect to le Jcnio We ire auth rz to afltfounce the name Dr. Satnnel Rape for Councilman from the 4th ward. ub ect to the democratic onilnau MANY CITIZENS rnrnu WAUD s.

EtJitoM 11 ase anunuace the nnnie of T. Ihiggers as a suitable candidate for council member from the fifth ard Dr. filggeri Is an old citizens for 29 ears of the city and hiving eercesl the city as coacc Imsn with credit to the city and onor to himself. And we as his friends and lizens of the fifth ward earnestly toloclt klm to become a candidate for coun cit member from the fifth ward subject to the Uemocr tic nomlnkton on the 6th of November next which he has consented to MANY CITIZKN3 5111 WARD. A McDullle Is an ouoced by nls friends as a candidate for council anon from the fifth ward subject to the democratic nomination.

Andrew Stewart announces for ouncilmiu from iii Sib ward subject to ie dcroocraJi. nomination MANY VOTERS. Mr. Vi II Toiler is hereby announced by many friends and citizens for councilman from the 8th ward. Subject to the demr- rat nomination.

Localand Business Notices DeSanlles Kronse Are tow locates at 19 Whitehall street in Jones' new building fourth door south of Alabama it eet Their entire stock i now In and their patrons and the pubic are In- vied toglvctbemacaU. octild-dlt lit Ladles are Invited TjcsllaMrs C. A Wrights 7 Whitehill over J. IL. Roibrooks store.

Her stock of yili iry Is now complete. She has first cass Trimmers. Orders from the enuntey receive prompt attention. oct JJeSanllei Kronse Have ju opened at 9 Whitehall street an entire new stock of Notions Fancy Goods Hosiery Ladles underwear Gloves Black aid Mourninoods Clocks ShawlsLtcer Embroideries Llnnen Collars and cuffoeta. octfill-dit li IleSaulles Krouse lave the largest astortment of Bonanza ifoclies Bonanza Chains Bonanza Dog collars to be found in the city.

oct23-dlt BEFORE bay leg your Clocks don't fall to examine the new uoeltLes at Everett's ca Broad and Karleta streets oct2 dl Delaulles Krouse lave just opened an elegant line of Cloaks nJShiwlei. octitl-JIt 1. e. Jones MERCHANT TAILOR No. 2 Wurrzuw.

Brainy Wishes to Inform all his old patrons that he has gives op business at his old stand and now cutting or Mr. Lyiiia at No 8 Whitehall street and win be gad to see those who give their patronage to him ot the last five years giving him a can at. Us new place and wjrrinU the goods of Mr. LyneV establishment unexcefled and cut- hog and making up without a fault. DeSanllesv Irons Ask an fnipectloa of their stock of Tl n- neSs ani sndWatcrPrtaofL DfSanllesit Kroue Save a large assortment of ElbboM fath Ribbons Neck Uestlala tloIlars sad Calls uibfgi.

cei fl TOB a flmslon Mumr she yifrt. one ci lbs mo deslrabte county known as the Lseleod Property situated oemlle ssulh of Msrtfua Cowl manse wirthe Atlanta jcd sad Western sod Atlantic Railroad conUUing 288 acre of laad wetlwqodedsa 4w tere tt jFtlU apdara odnmnUuiitreatta. closets and pantrIes alt weHtnitbedt four JargecolaaiBi la front of Dw3tor which stands op tockvbasment wHirnoBaroek tern and stables large garden Th property wfllbaanowa to toy siring tojmrchase by UrWsa KtagroaUn fiaei price or terms laqulreof uczIPrs won TO-PAT a 88 A EallroadTcA 200 West Point Railroad. XT. WO Georgia Railroad.

rlM Western sod Atlantic Ballroad 70 Central Raflroad Total. Sa KecelpU prevtow. 15981 Total. 1 W3 Stock on hind September 1 375 Grind total. v.

17C4S uimns Shipments to-day. K6 Shipments prevtous Mt03 Total 14763 Block oc hand 3890 ucnm AT AIX vxrein STATXS rosyn. 1874. 1875. 20410 Btinday and Monday 34103 444 3 Tuesday.

23833 Wednesday 19354 23 05 29048 Various is Total. U80S bowing as Increase of 10377 bales compared with corresponding dajs of last year. J3F See fourth page or opening quota- lions sail city wholesale prices curient. Eoropeaa op By Telegraph to The onitltntl Losnoy Octobel' 25 The Mark Lane Express regular weekly. revt lays 4 Another week of storms and flcxx' wlth a great extent of dinage' has further le- tattled the nsn sowleg Nothing eoind have been much worn for the condlton of samples.

Francs aboutir nt her ratio Belgium and Holland are rather dearer Germany generally very steady. Markets Iy lyTelegrapli. FINAISUIA Iffy Telegraph to the Constitution. I NEW Yuan October 2o Money active at Sterling firm at 80 Gold weak at 4l5itl5. Governments dull at better teas new fives 16 State bonds qsiet and nominal.

Stocks closed active end irregular Central 104 Erie 17 Lake Shore Illinois Central 92 Pillsbury 90 Northwestern 37 preferred SIX Koc Island 103 treasury gold 111007331 currency 53832138. Toe sub paid out 1003000 on account- Interest and 37 000 for bonds. Customs receipts to-day 3.060. COflJUEKClAL. Cotton.

Special to tlse Cornefiuhlorn. Receipt. at a1 ports to-day 42 458 Exports to Great Britain to day. 3 200 Exports to continent. 6983 Consolidated receipts 63948 Consolidated exports.

0 25 Stock at Vew Yoik 54437 Stock at all ports 382283 Niw YOKE October 25 tiold closed 115 Cotton New classification Spots closed steady tow mlddllngs 13 16 mlddllnzs 14 sales to spinners till speculation 193. futures closed quiet and steady sales 20 403 bales October 7 16 Novem berl315 13 December 7 January 13 5 1613 32 February March April IS A-32 May 13 15 31 82 June 14 5-32 July 14 510. August- 14 7 uociated Prat New Toe-a October 25 Cotton steady sales 910 bales at 14 14 Futures opened a shade easier and doted quiet and steady with sale of 20 500 bales. The following table shows the opening and elostnz prices October Novella Dec January. February March April May June.

July August. tepteuio 54 1 l-16t4 3-18 13) 313932 l3i3 13 1 16 14 14 7 7-1614 9 Udobetii-Col' quiet and weak middlings 12X nt receipts 7419 lades rrosi 7511 exports coastwise 8 New Onacaws October 25 Co tbnTwg- ular and easy mlddlings 12 net receipts 12946 bales gross 7 exports to Prance 2028 continent 5 983 coastwls" 5 tales 3500 stock 100 6o2 Monae OcU be' 2o Cotton quiet nab- dllogs12X12X. net receipts 2604 bales exports coast be GJO sales 10110 stock 19755. BlVAKBiu Octobei 2o Cotton quiet mid dJngs 12 net receipts 6131 bates ost 6571 exports to channel 2113 eaastwi 4 4581 sales I25 stock 54 306 CHAMiSTOH October 2o Cotton quiet and easy middling. 13 netrecepts 6023 bales sates 1000 stock 54744 AconsTA October.

25 Cotton dull and nominal nsiddlings 52 net seceipta 518 bates sales 654. MEKFEIS October 2o CxAton quiet and easy mlddllnirs 123 net receipts 4 CSO bales shipments 3165 sates 179 Wnaxenoron October i5 Cotton no- changed middling 13 net receipts 841 bales exports cossiwise 35 sales 443) NOETOLK October 25 Cotton nomltal middlings 13H net receipts 4 331 bates exports coastwise 5 40 sales 300. BiiTTUORi. October 25 Cotton dull middlings 1 net receipts 153 bales. gross 1023 exports coastwise 506 tales 640 to spinners 120.

PHTLADILFIIIA October 25 Cotton quiet middlings 14W net receipts 23 bales gross 838 bales. Boston October 5 Cotton steady mid- dtings 14X nil receipts 88 bales gross 1016. Gram and Provisions. TOEC quoravoxs. New YORK October 25.

Flour 1 mitei demand prices 5tt0c low or superfine western and state 0 touthein flour in buyers' favor moderate inquiry common 0 fair extra 5 5 25 good to choice do. 5 Wheat moderaU Inquiry prices generally without decided change dosing with I tendency In favor of sound new and old winter red western tl do smber weitern white western 1 1 Si. Com tcady moderate demand stead western sail do. rnk hlgD mixed and yellow westernTlf32) Oils In fair request wttnoat decided change in prtcemlxed western said state CA 46 white western CoHee Elo dnl' nominally unchanged. Sugar firm good demand bit to good refining prtrn 8) molasses refined steady at 6.14@6 standard A 10tfgranu tiled sad powdered MolaiK grocery grades steady fo-cl a quiet and unchanged bbU.

new trod NewOnesns sold at 80. Rice itesdy mouerste demand. Tallow heavy at 99 Rosin heavy. Turpes tine steady Pork 90523. Lard dull and heavy new prime steam ISV old do.

14. Whisky ontevtltd it It 1OIRI1 17. Yregbis- quiet cotton per nil 5 los taa 710 cvcaoo QVOTaTwxL CHICAGO October 25 Floor dull and unchanged. Wheat demand chiefly speenhathe prices i higher market active. No.

2 Chicago sjilog 110 spot 1 08 list Novemi beT- fl 07k seller of Deeensb or all the year. No. spring 03 bid rejeetfd 83 Corn dull and a sheds lower No. 2 mix edSIX ipot seller of November Ct seller all th year. Oats quiet and firm No.

2 83K pot 31X teller of November stler all the year. Barley-active and tower Xiy4 81 i seller of November. 4 el of Vel eemterjWielleranUieyar. Rye Inactive and lower pot oTO Potk irrttular and in tie main Jovd semi of spot at 2l 43st2 tellerjrf OctS her 31 5) seller ol November seller all they ear Lard-don and nomsal new 1 old 13 spot 13K seller of October 12 Wiefler all tteyear. Bolt quiet and study.

Whisky 1 ll. At tha afternoon call of the board wheal was unchanged' corn enter It 51 fur Octot bet 50K for November oats steady port lowerat20 90forOctob rlaraio ir uy offered for October. flour lOeXO wheat 159100 cor BhlpmenU flotn1 e- cans. fcoCOO oat 43tXJO barley IT. OtIS quoxanona.

ST. Loco October 5 Tlonr dull and unchsned raperflae fall 4 MreTtra fall 4 Wg14 75' double extra fall ft a Wheat 2 redwlate fl10nUtNo3do. I and lower at vreir lard- loWerxftir demand enrrenttmaki 4- TiTj for fboBlderiffCleatMfbrjUeaISKi eTear rides days JHlaHlgJir Bacon doll And veak shoulders 0V. dear rib sideslSXQUK clear Ltvs hogs- anli and toner moderate de mind at the deeItne porker 18 73 jMklnit butcher Cattle active Cemand medium to fair t3 good to choice Texin medium to fair 13 3 20 common 3 40f3 18 Uu Receipt flour 7000twheat 87000 corn 240011 oat 4UOOO biWy 15 COO rye TOO bog BtOOf eatUa 0 Jt il CDSCljrVm JTOTAilOSlr CncununOi obe25. and ne oomtoalJy ft I 85 a Corn sad steady mixed OXgC3 Oataduhla30f4A.

rwa. neglected. Rye-quiet andtteady atT-aS3 Pork qoiet and steady it J2U5 steady moderate demand. Bulk meats steady mod rate desnind ew shoulders 9f clear db tides 12V clear Me 12IaUpacktd. Bacon oniet shonlderi9 cltar rib tides 13 clear i 6S liSl4i Live Hogs active sad firm for sbtppero dull for ta-kerj sale of common tIght at ff good light and packing 3 85 19 isis botchers 7 25 rectfpts 2748 shipments 1403.

Whisky-good demand at fall pi I s. dull and unchanged. LOTJHTOU WTATOSa LoutsvJLLe Octets 25. flour quiet and unc aDged Wbeat-quKt at 125. Corn ttot steady atikl qsietascd aad steady at 8S di3.

Rye-quiet and unchanged. Provutons doll cUd nominal. BnBt meats 8Je3ear itb tides ISXcear sides lajf Bacon shoulders clew rib Id li clear sidei 14 Lard tierce lIM3t4 Whtsky-qnlet at 113. Bagging quiet and unchanged SuPPING US. CUInLEsTON October 23 Irrrvel- quarantine beak Jovens Erslqrse Iro3a Havana Cleared steamer Quertabay for Liverpoel.

Schooner Eros Briyg front Na- vassa for Baltimore sank at sea on the 2t Captain and crew hsve' anived here Poar yie October. iB Anlrcd- Steamer Runtsyihe forj ew York Sailed sJjooners Sthl1a livers Bath Abbey Burnilev Lowell Boston. New Advertisements. THE BEhT PAWLY MEDICINE Tested by popular use for over ACUARTEROFA ROSQS COMPOUND SlNA- TIVK PILLS curs oonslinatlon Builoua. nes' Bowel Complaint Militia1 Fevers.

Rheumatism Erysipelas and all di ei es cf Liver Somaeh anti Bowels. DR. STRONG'S PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS cure Coughs Colds Cramp. Dyspepsia Sick Headache Female Com plaint Heart DIsease and all disorders cf Chest end Stomach. Sen Postal Card for a Specimen Copy of THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY STAR Established 1853 8 pages rolnmns.

Address TUK EVENING STAR NEWE- PAPER co. Washington DC. INFELICE. JA splendid new novel by Aunsti Evans' author of Emlah St lmo uhH- etc. The last sod best book ever written by this opuhar lulhor and one of the finest fie loni la the English lane nage.

Every one must read it. Sold everywhere. IV. CARLETON CO. Publishers Z4EW YORK.

rescriptiuu Free for the spef dy cure of special troubles corn- mot to tin young and middle aged. Nets- OOs me a tal arid physical depression loss of memory and energy pains In the back U- dlstrnst dizziness dlmn es of tight con. fusion of ideas and other disorders cf 515 nervous system consequent on various habits that lower the vitality of the system Any druggisis his tie frigredents. Address DR. E.

II. MILTON Clncinnat U. A DAI at hoxe- Afrents wanle Onifit snd sample free. TRUE CO Augusta Maine. IRST URANlj KXtOStTlOH of the Piltsburff Pa.

opens Os 7 closes Nov. II. Address A. NILLIS President TI A DAT GUARANTEED using our WELL AUGER AND DRILLS. 1100 pet month paid to good agents.

Av book true. JITA AUGER CO. 6t Lou Mo. TouCanMake5000 In 90 days in AI Stocks. MY ITSIEM IS SATE.

HOXORABLK AND SIMPLE. Pamphlet Seat Free to All if. WEEKS Banker York. Stocks bought New York Stock Exchange. W.

ITS Broadway New and sod at the WANTED Agents or tit best a ell Ing Prize Facktgs ta the world. It contains sheets paper. 15 Envelopes Go den Pen Penholder Pencil Patent Yard Measure and- a piece of Jewelry i Single package Wftti elegant prize postpaid 5 cents. Circular free. BRIDE A Co.

769 Broadway New Yo k. 1 ed every fifteen days 1 prize 2 prizes C25000 each tip ti aaoobgte to. i SV fm ticket' uarten 5 wW CO. naak tPark Row New york Poa-ofBee Box 2069 Boys Saxon aM Brunswick Government Lotteries constantly on hand. IL 401 I TT A WEEK guaranteed Agents Mile and Female to their ion lay TeqnsanddUTFlT CtVICKKrfl 4 CO.

together with AJHrrbfiOalde Egyptian Oracle. OraeIsDrsaniIlniatoL4dis etc. 000 000 told. Aaueerbook. Address T.

ku UM' SOUL either sex may fasdnata and gain tbe love and affections of any pezdQn they" choose InsUntly to tt Yartow egrieni than WY other tritte mend aag dgw Grow' oa eacktree sires ad joining retUaice lot of E- L. Joa now ratl market atabirrUniJhal feet an4 tsuaturat spot of Wa cSaf li li rr- I1 CIiimn TeBent LatendJfomd fcrti be murted in ttj wfeaact TcxCcnt ins ttuMniertiim. i BA11 tdvertliemenfs In this ftlumn mnitbapaidfor In advacce aadUCD vili betaken tor tea than BARGAIN nay ho had to Book Cue with glsas doors. Jan the thing fora Lawyers library and Thomas II. CUrkev Js Co.

Peichtree octfi6-dit LARGE CO iL Sutfibl Jot' office ot store room may be bid at half price. Jso J. McDasie' 117 Whitehall street a TTT ANTED TO In central pelt of thi tltr thrse rooms Ins' offices one large and two medium ilia. Add eat. stating tens and SoIO5 Uoaatitatlon office.

i.1 tClSft-dlt T70K Two Houses tasd LtU 3) JD cud 4uUebrry strjet rlrri apply it Centennial fllooar corner Wall Prjor streets down stair or on the FOR SALE One second hand Xngtiso horseponr rood run nteg yt Jer. Apply to C. WM 1 CA chants fit Broad 4 Cotton Nez- dl BASEHENT On coiner Whitehall lad Uantsr trtet Apply atM Rlctrs Store. OCt21-'Iifit B01ED-A'JgtnUemAh'and kit wife can obtain boardin a piivata family ply at 37 Washington street door next to 11 Baptist Church. oct24-05t WANTED-A good Boot and Maker.

Address P. if log Swatusboro QeorgU. oeti-d3l HTH ezcUaojce a idea house sad lot ta 1. Atlanta for an improved fern of one or two hundred acres Middle or Upper Georgia. Address Cooper 69 Broad street.

T70R fptt gsg tth lar be Mifrwt as good as new with pole and shalta orlabl teas' haul furniture etc win hold up sUy 10 wands. Enquire at A. II. Lewis aCec A 8 Whitehall street Atlanta a. oct23- na lues 2t I CHOICE Cocoa Nnu New Crop 1U Front I ft Bilslas caooi Cf earner Butler very floe imported Honey Cakes and ffnU.

Mxican en SW Choice Canned Vegetabl Fruits and fc lies. For sale low at A it Le ln Co. 0. 78 Whitehall stree' tauti Qx oct23- un tne 2t TOR SALE cheap a good second hand 1. top buggy also one open a be seen at Sntiih' eirritze ship Broad street oeUSSJt ROOM FUR RENT to Jaae Bank Block on fist flc 3r.

Apply to des. IL Low Co. No. WhItehall street. dif TEANlSQi ASHLEY Wholesale ml tl KeUil dealers la White Pin Doots Bathes Blinds Mantel Mouldingsetc.

31 and 33 Broad street near the Bridge At lasisa. on1a. l5 dif WILL EXCHANGE PKOPEUTY in i lion and healthy little cityrwJhLood surroundiDgs in Alabima for property Ailanta. Difference wilt be i aid if erv- log. pplyatthisofflce.

Notice to Telegraphers. BALED PROPOSALS tsp the balding and est complee of a telegraph line Irons thj city. in theKianLall Ilouse to the puntpin tanenl. of th Atlanta Water Works dbtaoev Of four acJ- three quarter mites will be received until Monday November lat. riciricATjox Isr The wits used to Le not ices than No.

13 QalvanLefd Iron strung on pealed cheaUnt poles not lets than twenty five feet hig la the ct nor less than eighteen feet high outside th city planted four feet deep. Itts ten ccl main battery root cell local bitte ry two telsys and kiys two lightning Uo signal boxes provided lth gongs one gong Is at least eight Inches lo tbe oilier not If si than four. SmiiricTid Jo. Allot the above iostru. meets ith two of traj PrtstlneJn etrumenia" iubit laded fur the isrt boxes.

Pld must cover both tin above tpeeifl a liens but be roads sepa ate. Parties tstdiiisg wi I be rcq food and safacfcnt scanty for Cal performance of the eoMtf the Board rererve tk Line. A hi ld stand eornsr Marietta and XX. Yoreytligucet is pupated to fill Cr- Aces ii any quant Ityf or SUcfcCandyFrenth Confettionney Sons and all the 11 stjlesoi Sweet Condiments together with Nuts Fruits lisa Ac lie nasnufacin hUowaKOflclv GiVBhlmaeallandezitn- Inc his stick ol new and novel mauufae' lures. Chcvtagguuf atd thercoodsfor the little ones.

Notlee In BanliViiptoy TN the District Court the baited State I for the Northern District of In the Mark W. Johnson In Bankruptcy TcB- nderiigoed hereby gives. nodceoaca a week for three weeks in Tit AxUaa CoMSiiicnoxandKepnWkin that he hi been appointed Assignee of the estate of did Bankrupt who Las bern adjudged a Bankrupt upon hi own by ate ristrctCotrrtiOT ld District F. ABBOIT Assignee. i Utlantda Examined and approved.

LAWeOHSLACK Register. WSTfl ZlTlOL Contanlng a complete list of alltta town in the United StateS the Terrible sod the Dominion of Canada Javier a popuis- Uon greater than 00) according fo the list census- together rwftn thanami of th wsppers having the largest loealdreu Jon la cad the place named. Also a gatsiogue of newipaper which ar recosci minded toadvcruera at giving rttatest value la proportion td prtee tharzndAUo all newspapers In the United Stiles and Canada print tog over 6 eopie each issue. Ais9 the Kellglo2iy AcricaltwL ienU3e and Mechanical yig i MAMOB Sc. Juvenile Educatiosab Coo Insurance fail Estate it MoaicatP Fashlos and other spec.

Journals very complete lists TogeOtrl villa a complete list of ever 900OeraMaI piper printed in thetisitel States Also anasaynponadverUaliig many tabtocaC rates showing the cost of adverUsluc In. various newsptpers ciA ryrWngwlMiI a beginner In advtntW wooU tfii to. know. Jddrru UKO BO WILL 4 sepl4-dlf Al Park Slow. New Ttak A Taltu Water Power Jor Je ATADMISISTRiTORB SALL UTILt be cold before the Court.

Itoue YY door lithe torn of Uonyers-Boek' dale county QeofgtaJ on the fret Tuesday OSaeref of Undkaowa the Albert' UfflJliee oa South rIver. On said pace there Is twoloeaUon ter mt cUnery inferior to none In the Through uid land theta It abdnty i fall and about 800 horse rower. placetherel a Saw sad Grid 501 sod a wtll to fallad examine mad plane andte cntindin Ow en on Utf fifstTMdtyla Dceember near. NANT 1 la Pcleos county containing twShnn- dredt oand rao-kaif atrelraboutonetun- sired aal twesaty-Bys awes cleared rjAlaiee a the woods good ne loom log house sod ther izuproyennnj' a fcooS vineT lh4C itralRaflroa4. mfojmaUon Mercer wh Bves the land or J.

IL James la Atlanta. DAVID Uenryjimity Oa. October 15 175. 0fIB SO acres of land for lab. within U1K mtUfcl thl Urrn ad Unmedlatciy Farm near Palmetto en theyAUanta ask Weal Point Ralirtad.

irfttl CLAM. UBANCD. DuiTQVruken la his yeirrand mostly In ecltivatlonsIlhss bu several bunches ant ulf dozen bold 1 water. A bciuttfsl bufidlng tatt facing on thfenfl- road. There are tour new tenemint houses II rL rcc ed thst et wI tLra14l th dlb LO 7 VoTe totflb ttt44Idc1btr diy ifitbie Rexxaj etki ba OtOur owe estoritj cco dIzeeUoi1 rDe betn efl Iso hive to th KUg ti thu thflt ii 1eer I Octti tie ii DU cho hi Iii wIe.

N. M. EMITII. I t. 1ct rva pIvtj SIL2be Aott1o rJTtd sd tk OMfle no h.

lgoItentIrJj vienN ei been feeling b. ttgut4tb UIeotI tht r. I2zr a tiuttI baie ben tm. It 1 you UL a nrt kk1 1aUenI. 5 ur C.

IL iterly S. B. 25 ibTi ured Utus bit themluthofthe uduced ne ttd ty be iu lI1fl Ll ne M3y 25 lS3. couteopaIbn trlng sy wc andiwu cyo eoe limelong. Bu11c- i they ooes twentj-lDut potion toonedoceot ionre and VhenIwu a I bid most of weltone bnndreJaI ud I bloc.

luuonctd I 3 die Iced I et 150- suffer tryingaosdpalofoL esliloved to to get rnethttg IC1Y thing. ii lane Lu AetidutO a and wsote tot medi red me vesT promptJY ei snil I 7 sOd I onciuded totryM- UandtaC110i uht It a burnbug Ind Bat I coinc5md ul ata sod after more deil' oW Ibrie to take the DUdct want elthtr notpbien I am not wtdU years older. left and I take pC use I feel the WJ1 OZ eb from In ii I' Antidote buS 1ons thu' Is. And IclO tidoteto a0ybodf Is an l0fIUbIe ed. Volllns ul honest.

an periOflgco I 1lberty tO corre I 537 thtt be We and good oll fbj01 I tbeJOUflt eec latter dai 1NL1SS itiM IM5i1W I OTEi the Op a T. Frkc rettUfl Questt partlcuAr B. AdIee ud the 5 dIsesiel weB arded by Exprees WID Aizeats wanted In tlntaGi tT Sbei' fl for ber1875' A JIoolO the town ouga" Georgia Ofl th next boweeO thi Jeg' foB9foLprodIoI IevIedo0Uth0 15 to lUd tVO natleecourtottbCC i. nuor LIdnaDtArTv I J. VEdkeP1AI by JJJ JQfCJA 4' ATLANTA eo DAT foBiIO.

QCTOIi. prefcrieLccasa mc WineLt cool' New 0is1Coeu PSU1 Spleen5 at lowest prices 19Wh1teh1lItrett AtiantaGi. WM. XONAUGHT CO. I wel marl As kind' 0 pvdef 1U risycs-ing Kxtrscti are I Usome that entetinto th4C aU 5 Ibit would SI the" IspCCtI clone.

Jedchildren fclt It food pntlle tbet tcIy Dr. pjesattag 15ils. oct3-dec- tn j1ott ItO iponeol SC of cU Is's Bbe r00401I id Ike lone beuselo the country. flsre Ii jreconU0U11iY crowded ulhbuvern foe there 1crishltg there. the being P' fljbela keepIgthct' she 1km 100 inC itt yd per5dreb0uu etefj core who fsI sdylse to popofint cur wosd for Inprte M.

I Biggers sale-Collier A Aosignce' E. Wm. A. A. Wanted John tewrd resnptlon-Danki Notlons-DCSSUIcs Erouce.

tsie-C- Strong Co enle-Centennin I R. jrLzlin 1510w. rent Col John J. ItoL Thomas photographs MLts. Seago 5.

jfl5 O55T county Ptal IXI 10 Li J. N. iseUtion letit tI difnttrrer tv. K. ye.

of ease am lOud leg the trio adorud I todoy. DAY. Atlanta and Ltue LLodwla A uul 1 morn log. dIs1esed yesterday larceny iteUsg 3. 1etencedto pay workvelve IF.

E. tealingIdTt a Unnis larceny. pubtic LP. wonthotheetkefroin topty VUI Ic works. ii p.

XLCIOTIA rEs Mothissgdolng. srulo UOUO were culy ortcven cite J. Webber was snasoalL upou J. hl I isoi at thu. vs.

Ii loves Ih mJruig beore John Jones IL simling elgIt ducks frori oceso Mc. NoUcitig irgwe t. Ftni hoe. ltd to be- Lose that Mr. lcmsn aol Mr.

sonto charges eaot tiM lO diet meets Uoy. pool system tisepool lug line is outside of at- Itseems cc fens. to pr Whiiebts aew And Sir. aleo the lie ths tfldthfrtyeeninper iOUteyog slilsee whiethis hick intone eels ilte or noa ttd ti tlchtbe on u. i ourIty.

tutu nun ICb5P but KtttTietrcotton tlwpluterltu en. maiJ We believethat boned to coOteOd. hhcoap tocom- Pteith facilluec Sal pary their goods high because the eat pe7 sot sell at the lower prices why shouj the railroad buslnss hO COO' acted a principle 14 it any points act OoeraLeethCY wjj is Popular ufl shippers be mission flerehanta or i bg50 iA'd uiaphs. visitors to the artgallery conn fj be attracted depity or pholoraphc octures tl lotee of Pktu poe a outl iea of lolUlni wUnhis flProcaing thJ thtib llI praerys elteil end all tesfltation otehe di- eqnj5 esar eoutstry. pi01100110N logic roduees grIpe1 4W are tcMyee 4htapsbs clan bettereforta kodue Ifacon Telegreph.

rii5Ot Geni jweIte PdbiosNspeIeon gun eompetfk1igeoi. AUantaxlller Ting been returned toanSov- edittoi turqz0 to kllght artillery of Aguita. 111big i1aiptej tIdpleco and gltd Lr tolo 1a ptce we axe I 1 beth. of sgut axe as csnas OftheWngj thegitIkCrybn yp I HE STATEPAIRk yes InterestIe lats8 ggeSted The I' Yearn thestite hai and quite a numsr ofithe js is- proper znoenumerous a of this tieneral Iattu Us COLQCITT SATe. Rpiit-weU qcstx Yes barh for dim never tneardon anoeeasion.

tub and the it twentyflee reprecent tt- coneeted REPOItTER-Cn doll decy in No way. saythatthematterofthe very various ow iuite bated that crowd oi that The truth we I the ry riowlnaddlllonlolbem veesold leuoadnes' tiLes Iresent litO RerorTasoWhy oub faulty eti- have They fAilure mut tee Ilected a state tUpltted In ap- dllllcully lIce eo- peru- eo the cllegc at Joist horse features Re canDling shop ronaudIst ociet and mysell. many eppicati000 and money ecling gamblers hug they they with by cryIng an We most blush sattsffcd luuvv EXIUNsCI. I supt-ose th lorego As tijilt c. knew the PeoPle money manage the eXDnses nccd not disposcd hen leaditig ciIzen iirot city Ith stop I with Wel1 a co- uudecstatd that sno financlalsuc- Yuo wII pay society till 511CC swnelJcny ireassrtj.

this esrs we can pay dol- leave a solitary hens behlrd us. Wllat the racIng llertoltted your loss. 3OJJ consequent aduitonni visctorn. has on toba held ow. cotintetedWlth Alabamasald is sos thci give you I people knoce- tuOYctneut" nambersofeuchrematks Intelilgent Influential oponet species grocoly prcntttIng lorse connected wIth which we spreel a' whentiae exhibitor who eotlte uioneyatonee.

above slicers cap Bttiueso- A GA. Your you can ot little city just of February. are flQ quotes thaZ aX regisl ed lila thtthisowlngtcthefsflbr0 tlnecpttOnCfOp su4pri e. 1bo tobhg4siid resIgtIofln4 electodPto CQX7CUniniflO10C0C Prof. hl on e2c Ig atToronto5 CdiiAbe swfl1 soon welcome iave5 n4 y- ip MU 31 4nnz1mdraMazocA csmej1ijaaii I i- celL a this tnin.

me" a In hi i mOUfl Ihelooce at mine yielded FraneiscoAlta A was rxeived yest city Dorsy 1 Lwo her is lana The bhI teAt The aeeoriog ready tootart wiilthenbe ligistas featli specliic flesh Bsooux 5 1. 0. rpo verstd wih it. meist made in eli who could of 1 white a ith nngro agantt thetematest citizen settlement sshlteorbiacln chastity. aol who being tO was of ne- a terror both tsite a bee mg oiier houses Suspleloac he was a ter.

These proper yOuciItl liii til columns. re F. S. M. A Under lice abute heading is last a iseuc we caiLd isseni a iabr- ers wates for a Saare furtherlnformedthatthe acoeauUuiionvll phvsictanatht Is was this tens ladiug phy- ot city why ih garnishmeat tis and would pay vrofeeslcu an.

to alt Ilariiei fvl which ruts followug rumored elsle fist Dotirille go lots A president en II Col Tsieott manager IV Grccn Jicrirutod ilcetistoro An- as I tijIti tidt sit of North Carolina dlvii- iou of real. It is slated also one and four hargage masters gagemasters tberoa-i vol 1 ott age. Observer. teogta. ASI3 plato dcllsrrcl dowinent ens which nrc lilt pf asU to by certificates Retry nary cornaLsions.

lh1tehaIl stret We yctersay Win. slstla grist fully to I' 555 list mit fifty dollars-and borne wateror mills of alsss own on 4- JoJ cty Ve charge SocealReunlOU plenant took astern- qtc. W. 1. COnSTlTiTriOa.4t a graIl- Boots hear eer soon at Payne's Chapel on tdunday cvealns the 24th Inst.

T. H. Tutstons es daughter J. longIlineiS naump- sean. aflhtOTl3tO Eh chnrchloryeaio istor buxom frend fltramJ woe marijed to Misi JohnBt orr perform- tr Mxszas FowlerwUllell p.

m. ii. Tins Concord beacliacs5o goodatn4beUeiork cC it. NofChi a I li-C THENItfflT MURDER. saiss4ei5lfctnts T4CCisU ecicc 0 h0i5 i ThCornerg Inqeest on 1fnaa' st I' I.

ndthYerdItt Of tb3 Znq JaIIiad 11 whichuxred an atU dayntlgh' Smuts Lttst of de eued' ajasMngfcnce acreewdwu sac planks been aoo Inquestwas deceasedwU ap- ansi ingjuryof citizens J. B. B. II. son J.

J. N. J. B. and J.

upon an inftcted 1 stuorinests te itg Si were evening about crossing. woud again. down to knife an brotherinthe Cotronra Yoa your Yes the There Who cuttiogwaa was with butjumped aWi it. four. with went and lioltiltnld they their flow About utes.

died Whatdid sat Wti.enorn-ile good bye al andfor totaice and take beg oilier cent out sis VERDiCT OF October Coroner Win. facery post-mortem our by W. B. thit Wlimoth by made by Hughes ty October Cigned. finding wits I eaten long iar nerve was calculated to pro- dure Signesi W.R.D.TnonerecsteM..D.

were bolk Ia Jilt. use fans tretssd house to of day morningllugbeo father place mate I than into tOwU wagon in laws to mitma to whom It was prope Boebmenwere county di to resut of the loves- tigatious tobe hell Tile COatUSSJON 05' 5LUOILES. Tata llngbes Of dark sine5quiek In action. boutlu years carpenter-by he folowteg IIIhic dcrcenby eti Wiltnotb- and lr droverather when they notseeit goon pts thenaeatdgo on5wken siopp himself. JttstJAeta nmp- ed th lr up Bee.

d-4 t' si-n Is Just as arefixed I beiWeshOwldhavesnyatIL held iSa lii. loose go Lhave bothered on now Iooasexpected knew ff be1l1sdeOlliUIled55Y pockstkalle-ansl to culatthem ta1iszdu.IcoulsL bertheblOOd one- JoI k1 SteyethrOvThyVatOwaYi lie tblsagsIpUWO TDYe tst bomeaud etr ggle was goingcinl reeelvedbree cutsin mycoatosaeODlghbfrOM Intheieftsideofihl-bsck. cult onicelour was pa sed I0nYPPe5 baSalt proteetioyllfeh1ch was yL1rgIlD. cQExpBenAt orgeIiolllfidJvnSeslled loud made thesbove. ataiBe 13 21yesal 0t sg was born i Allinta fcrtwthe years.

fle doesnot ap. cbrcssaedbybli be tone thslas that5beea prove bin innoceateotuy says bad xrytbIelth thaWI1naotk' tosneSs. abuse usbeggedsobard oavo1dtliculty ii estuxday 5 Jilughes has tyo awls tLtho bsckf OtiI audezINhJfb1eUJdc bJob lieS 55c5 4. tlinQthduring dAII TLIISBOIAeI1 I 130 cut In his nttent ewhlch' by a a ll the- cie OwhicbU PxllnIthixLiIJAnox will be fortheareseat has notyetbeen discharged althonglstit. urtflThezrnday morulegasd its thingupon Is pureaaas seUdeIcner.

engaged bytbe ofboth at bun Tbesrialof tbeparties wIt TH thstiky re- 51 Stall Briskly coddemned to Jury I ani other phyadasn BrinkS ahatefairwe notethe penclidrawiog from one ed Best jioms cpeeImen loge. evaporatordiplc. maJn son lars liars Mrs. FOLK COuNTY bronze Greateotyield Ira 1' money to bee hive queens purity patented event- five aerosol twenty. five years ty Beat mini- dollars lire Dr Bert One tons James ntale dred corn with Davison.

oi from the One dollarsJamea 1 twenty dul- lore ton. Rev. the J.E.Bsttier Cot J. MSpuliockmayor ofRome the city ieadlagmerchant of tine cty Two B. Ilaigrove Mounain.

CoL 6. st-isp no ioctnd of 75 Macon Capt. B. the contatenctn alt ymlardisyamoked At GJJoneaOrlibaW Ion B. S.

Romedsis Ba1 C. D. wife00vioki ton ncr awayflartrldge nab son Oar yopngtrIen thLwecktoUthsnIniotse cithe centiybeen a We wish him manyfrtends new tGreeceboroHereld. by HarryWatklnsand companyin enthuaiaathiaudlenea osmoothlyenoesglt Isagood adveettatinea stand-by Dafl Georgl c. Ktcur longansi 3 thopurchaseof sugersnduaufuses.

merrltsntuotknowtsng thalthe withlxn. oireu fo aals 5 DiTEiagu issnn uscctsli canL didatetorcouncllmsuln 11 nil to his fop bebuensaynsmMend5. 4 a. Z. do rnocU n4 ieei.is5 a 6fl 1 i CIflLOOAIS.

In1drei8 oeF5its naudtt4 11hylsandataU pric 1 andd3 Whitehall street. Desiepertyforsa1q. otllae nt realdeaticis nle-chesp foe cash. Applyto JohnTIlagani canclencre cuba Ilirs hs a II notcallatonceat 5Oand 3 a I Iliosefine 2 Fsnecasslmeio. 3 5dand ccc ii wite atOne lastmeetlngof sy licensefor 1.

4 Wo Whltehallatret ly the our is our a S-4 iarg- est whch Brussels 1 2 ply 0 American from 25z of barn well-selected nices B. 2 fote cuanarari-csr Messrs. Edlors of T. nation. of 0.

large The in ay C. tnbect th. tote Meeere. 11. ward bIbs Lu be lYe from deinc- oLRbt.

N. soaaencenba-s fronthe4th the democratic ooniff1o' authorizes of sbect n. liase S. ward. years couuclmcn honor bimtobeconta aeandl.hteforeoen- do.

A. antounced P. the dcmocratienomtnation. W. II.

evattc street. is Ta call a' Mrs. A. P7 MiiIitiry noweonaplete. firet-cae alt octi6-d3t DeSanlleaKrouse just 2 4.

buying Mari ta oetfid-dlw o14prons sr S. No8 wflhise for fireyetri gons. Asku 1t Ckif tn- ictt-d1t Uesti ln su tC ffs dIi FOR BALE fli" sthaona baostdesirabIA EeIld Cobb eme mile oad 1 coutaiahng8seree I cilsad tyalersdbjwslisd taprisgssa4runnJnxalresmLlugeaub ktauttd DweIILg VlthtbistCCA' rods weB lntshedt Dw Wgwkich wIth-ra rock kitekue wu' aS rehard 111 be toany to pesebase Mx W. King as Ik gas Jgr asnnnbO 5. oel2t-dStawlv is awe Sc5 z' VMMERUJ1Ws.

iA4jlY1lt iDA iws na I wagon. Centri3Bflzoad oua. Stockonkind dsp Bto UCZIPThAALI. ayay Sundaysns11Lon4y34103 434l Thisrsday. tsiday 62943 Ihowthgaincieaz Eeropeaavtope.

TheConslltuticn The yeiw I flooswith usuil Iboutiosintaialhg L. tothe Woney 4 8O. picas 17) 6034 373 5l Eock lO33. 83 852138. 547100 Con JIERCIA L.

all day. 42453 32110 10215 NawYowa Uoldciosed 115k New l434 20400 7-16 her 13 13 621l.3 id 13 19 32cl3 7-- 16l4) 0socltttedIus Diapahc2e 25. of2OO0 MOSTUS. 5 osiNzD 5 CloseD. i414 Is 13 5l5313 13 6 13 9-32 13 5 1113-32 ii l3-32tl3 7-16 9 13 19 it2tt3 25 13 25 FJ 53 l6f4 13 15 lG3t-i2 It 143l4 5 3d lOtBt4s 4il4 516 9-5 15 weakrntddlings 12 426 25.

l2X 12 9-15 13 87 2 ils 598 100632. Octeaber Cotton coastwise SvANniiaOctobei Cotton 25 net ceeetpia Cotton MaacnrnsOctober Cotton 4630 Cotton 356 Cotton l3 4321 540 Cotton ld 14 Cotton l4 Cay 10 506 Wheat 23Rt 42 smberwesterfl 46 Corn Oats eef dad 46wh1te Eio flrrn reflning78 8 l0) granu Molasses-grocery forcigis soldatSO I study Tiliow-beaxy Rosin-heavy. Turpeztlne-stesdy. Pork new Job lots 21 la.ed-duU unnettled 5 Float-dull Wheat-demand hlgbermarket 1 IOspott of 07 gearNosptltig93 dull eel 51 4Gv tins quiet 33 31 theycsr. spat 81Y gsi celIegotJe' cemterSOceiler all theje1r.

Eye Iowespc4. I Purk-irregolar towJ 21 Oct 13) 18511 seltcrallthe year. ilhtf2 63 l3ellev 1215I i2SOseflersU 13. 513 1l0forOctobr1srdIsraer SJ l0iOowhest 159tcdr4 entsaor hiatltxxl mis43UJ0bai3ey93 1 25. hour-dull 50U 23.

14Ofl.45t No. 34G. 29t4L1n. I Cshibtut1saeUvk1No2cabt4fA 2Zga I Bsri4.iteadyad enchanoed5toc ye wdIowerat3Lnvewsi I vWzdemandecppgsctmaki I I iI ia. 2 it.

12 stdealdaingpJ dull weakl 9 bogs alibi 25 1cklngG73buacbens77Zot active4qmand to 3 02 Teflns3404med1unto 90t3 common 3 Remipts-'flouv 7000 wheat oUa4U0110 U1398Orye 7010 CenswaTeOsto1I23. 0 Itaur inn Whe4-nomisalJy 25i 85- anA steadyat Pork 21 cit mndepatedeuraisLc steady modrzisi new cieariIb 12 sides l2a3l packtd 180j11 aides hogs eackerogailes 6 i5goodllghtand 6 pit a LOUUTIlLRQUtYEATTOXa quiet in unchanged. 1 J9fl 25. an I I Provisna-ajqJ Bulk Ib I3 ciear 18 1 shoulders 15 sides dearddesl4 Lard 1 13. Egging uncngeil NEStS.

25 Scott liavianived LrjIsd for1ew i dier A IJAFITEROF A 8TROo' 4iceaes STO RACE Complaint. Diseaseand cf Sent 8 D. C. IN FELiCE of Elms- iaeAfi-ete. ficil0n Li.

speedy aged nneatal galnatu bsckarlf. disnsres ADtYathoxe Agentawantel 5 sn TiltsT 1 Taennsnsnst Isnesnisu rrrtry J. I I. 21 A St. You OafrMak 5000 A I AR I PamphletSeat Broadway SicckZxehauge AN orth setting Goden Fend psi CS York.

1 ROYAL 1ftl 51uuuu. LOTTERT Disuil' 1 prIze. SQ 141 854 orfises omfg Whole tIekeLVd quarters lies.j uizLnnaUonfreea 1tlze cuh DOLIU Ac Haikre a 54IPark ILattIesconsiIfltry I1 Msleandlennale FREE. AsL1esaF 13. YLCKEU CO.

Aagp3e. i5 t. ahiaa1 borne. 0 fr5e. TfNfiON tt l91anMaInn.

SflTCHOZtANCTtOU cnAniG how se faadnataandgsIutbe lIa art nfl can posses' fren for 25 esnla td w1 a Guide I 5 Aqueer book. s1LLA.M- U1nba. FbIIsdePhtI. oetl3d.tw4W rlgw 4dJCULTUBAL I 13nFo 187i1AT fl a- 5jy5 I Ja4strsltotltevarloul in the F13C11OS1 iuiprilYfIfltfltl 5dCWnlZttd fins. SweAty years' taunLietnrfoE- upesUr ci with reputation 62linhalnCd sn-k ueees eotstdiabed Lan.

for circillarn flesmipttreThn cop tnlsg testi1lantSai4t1lC6ipl1I ourPortAbl ai L44g4iznt---c1Zsglac 3E law Yost. erug3d.wm AND lTTAOZcskreschtree tadjoiuIngresI4entelotofELJon is nowon the bargain. Zbe1 lrSutllMtecIa44aisaluMspOt9tbeL UooudexansineprtbnJSe soda 3j14-- W4 9wL oct4 strds-c tIcis4T A hro' i Ten0CentCoiumr. 5 AdsisitJenleaUoJ Wwstea Ier a. lb Eenf.

Lost and 1PICtIc4 c. rsla sisiat arch insertion. 5. All aslvisrceaIdnCa' 1or1essthans1ntL. FkT a glsseeowi ththgfora pgess ARGE COIL ii orators room-may behd I au 14 fcuiilsi lodging and gee4 firs at Eatissr ant oppesIieIb dc atJiarteits lrL Ca low CPegSe iw TTANTED 5 Md-eu esa4 em e' S4tTwo flOuSeSAad Saloon and Wreoroes prenises.

JOR SALE-One I 12 horse powtr1igoodrusn1agrJU. CpplytoCHSZroug chantsCtIlrdad4eeL ASE1EN INI 1NrOii Uuuitratreetisi IMRlebgStore 011W i geutlemali and obtalnbonrstinapsivatsc Ap- a lyat37 iaeslio IXTANTED A Saline vy Ii. Mstsg to Is etr 1 cc5--2t 14Olt 8tLEc0seiptl sick bed nest frame ans seJlabs hauling easily oOtJo-- kequireatA. :8 oct2i I I' o1 1wfl VrnnssTppEeislna Lemons Creamery guts UannedVegetabiss Sic' ForialeiowatLMLesinCo 0 octitheon toes-ill a. SALEeheap can carrisgeahsp 45 oct23 21 inJane.

on ddar. it i 111 Pica Mouldings 3landl3Broadstreet neuabeBrl.ige.Al- ria. osS U7ILLEXCsjANGE inn hesiihylttte city Icttsicood is descry. Apply at this once. octlA-dtl the a fuisrard.

three-quarter The twenty-five cBy lbs deep Cited la helter cells tvQ stek tee in tbsoslsr isotiest fic-ecirsc rLuS Ati of aski siruineussubat aignsi ale. bsreqnirel uSia oo1 colit the ttgciP' ttct e' piiblja o' e' Address JiA p1vATgR CO4 SIoNiw1 isthuWZTclegrsph By order of the 20cr TTWX d4L. eel. Eir iiix his quantity for sticiccandy French an isis SweetCondtments togetterwith is hla own ggesaels. Give him a all and exam- st Chewing gum en ther gosbis fur thellitle Y.

Johnson-In Thesudersigned notice once CoaaTsTVTcOx asd Republican has ai his listrct Courtisar said BF stRROfTAulgnee Atlanta Un LAWsON BLACK 5 e6 a lrire TientTUTCens NEwsr4pEt- r5- ADVIZTh1 a1Jatowns wIth 1kv tasn4 lbs. loj tutu conincaclitjhe iso to. advertisers peal eat WUCbgLAa antI printing co AlaoallthsRellglosccAgricejint i esa. lontal Law special Oeroa an essay upon advertising tables qevyibtog wi4h 1l. i HOWELL 1- YeskL AYaIsiable fur AT is the WwnOi Cosyers Bock.

i asthejuserts MIURlaeaoac etalner ne 5Ik. about shx lhL good farm a' ijing Is sx mUch of the Ueot Railroad. Alt persona wishing ho pureazc jitWa2er Fewer. would do ealldexsinina and be on hand in Coujera east Tuesday Sn nexm ALBERT w. ALhEJST ocSJwwtd 51fl1toftflty.

Ltid WILLaellat ucttoouth tireiTueg- 1. day IaNoveztu- next 21 atlO o'clock a. lot of lan4 nnznbr sey. Cu two bun- two anti ha asresbout one base. en i tlearedbalaieo Sn wood' a new tcven good joung arsrhsrl rj fafiti south 01 AUaeti I DeartbaNsIeCWokgfonitsfcni Rape' the i Ra.ilj-oid.

Yor farther iafotsthn spptyloTJMercer on henry cunuty I ccli- woetl7ZItli Pine lmetw FOR SALE. 1. 13seikgofthtatou 4 I eru undertcC5o1lgaer5s e1zard 100 Ii ovhc1tia nowuigr cztlsivalioo god acres of. this 1 thIs year sad I seyeritaeoehes-avt I 4 bu5dingIia tadngonthenI1 Thereareburw tenenitntbcmaes wWietabes4 gr5I e5e The ulihust. is.

mostly gently unduieaiag with a toasny aesit I anslGOtJD tLAT SUBas111andis Sac for the rowlhof. core eottoafrnlsetr Sotutj qnlie orderlyjrehlgions nit sober. es YtnetebOoSaatPalmesto-wftboat sty Bar rat oocaa wBilisrdTbe3 v. is. crternissaM further pentlealara apply p.

at rsiuotw--- c- 4 If T. 3t1Gita I 4.

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