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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 3

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

5aS3 SUNDAY OOTOBER UISSS SIXTEEN PAGKES. ANORTHERN PILGRIM AGE FROM ATLANTA. TO CANADA tl KAST. A TUittt Tb to BoiUn Th Iot tftuiK FUOM of the ra IoeDII7 th Pilgrim Wttnernd-Tb. RltorlCi Point 1 Special Correspondence of The Constitution.

ILL It need not be supposed that the pilgrim made inch digressions in his journey as he has taken the liberty to make in the chronicles thereof. He did not even stop Springfield-II. a town about which he had dreamed. a thousand times but he took a good took at it from the car window. But Springfield does not offer a very inviting view from the railroad statlonand in this respect it is not different from all the other towns and cities of the union.

The trains enter it the back way and the outlook 1 gloomy and forbidding. The truth it. there to nothing remarkable about Springfield but its newspaper the Republican ad this newspaper would make any town remarkable simply because it is a remarkable newspaper. Printed in a country town faraway from the centers of political Influence and Information It has nevertheless won a national reputation and as an organ of publicoplnlon its power and influence extend beyond its circulation. Its Influence Is not only political butsocW and literary.

The Republican was made by Samuel howles one of the few great editors this country has produced. He was a man with a purpose and a conscience and he was proof against flattery no matter what shape it might take. He had no ambition' but his newspaper and he would have no office but that of editor. He was assisted In his editorial duties for long time by Dr. G.

Holland the founder of The Century Magazine end these two with the bright young men they called around them ve to the Republican a tone net character which their mccessors with more and better facilities have improved upon. For while Mr. Bowles was possessed of I aggressive individuality se his Opt ponents found to their cost it was the Individuality of a journalist and not that of a newspaper writer or essayist find his judgment We so good his system so complete that the son into whose hndi the Republican fell. found its future mapped out. 1 difficult to say in what the excellence of the Republican consists but the Impression that it makes is one of evenness and completeness and when this Impression is produced day after day one perceives thatcountryjournalismmay be made as Important and more satisfying than the jour nallBm of the great centers of population.

The office of the Springfield Republican Is known moreover. as the nursery of editors. Its writers lore always In demand else- where and the most of them vake their mark. Pr Holland was a great force in our literature in one way and another. Mr.

Charles Miller. the editor of the New York Times was once a writer on the Republican and Talcott Williams a brilliant writer on the Philadelphia Press served his journallatlc apprenticeship in that office. Mr. Charles G. Whiting.

the present Uterdry editor of the Republican iioneof the three or four reallyeompetent literary critics in this country. Genuine criticism to far enough removed from the cutting and slashing and bitterness of soul that Poe made popular with the young Bohemians a generation or two ego It moves to day on thelines of culture and sympathy and Illuminates where it condemns. Mr. Whiting's biographical sketch and critical estimate of Longfellow printed the day after the death of the poet i one of the most remarkable essays of the kind ever written end has already taken its place in literature. This Is a roundabout way of saying that Springfield is the site of one of the most interesting newspapers In the republic but circumlocution is some time necessary Iti necessary for Instance when one to trying to make a verbal approach to Boston.

The way must be paved with words. The approach was simple enough In the train that flew away from B- a Springfield with the pilgrim on bold There was a succession of towns a procession of tuburbs flashes of green and yellow and red forests and there you were. But la a chronicle It is different All the accessories re I- lacking. One must drum up the memorials and bring to view events and circumstances that seemed Insubstantial as Ii dream. no fat ships captain who has been in the country on a visit to his friends to growl at the humble porter of the yarior car because he has lost his wallet.

There Is no porter to growl it no parlor car no railway In tact nothing but a red pine table a cigar holder and an ink. bottle. How then exclaims the terrified reader are wetogettoBcsonT Genial end long suffering creature. let us compromise. Let us settle this business comfortably.

Above all let us hue no wrangle. Let us have an amicable adjustment. Let us say we are already In Boston otherwise there will be trouble. The truth is Boston begins to grow interest. fug the time you reach Hartford and there are BO many things to think about so many impressions to be warmed over a id revi ed that it is difficult for en awkward chronicler to turn his back upon them.

But at wt the time has arrived when we pilgrim may admit tht he i in Boston- not only admit the fact but gloat over It. He has discovered since his return that most of his acquaintances who have been to Boston are inclined to gloat over the act and they alt seem to be unanimous in the belief that with the possible exception of the Cracker City the Hub to the roost interesting town In the republic. When Poe gravely announced from the tecure platform that he was born in Boston. there is no doubt that he was inter pretlng that subtile thrill of familiarity or foreknowledge that tome times staggers the experience me A. sozen times Vu BoaXon rtie was confounded by the tiellu that at eon tusuiss period or in some former existence or to some forgotten dream lie had been intimately associated with the scenes and the people.

The sensation to a verypnzzling one. and Its mystetions recurrence 4ay aRes day. gave the pilgrim an excuse for feeling very much at home. It is a very comfortable teelluetor a stranger to have. The truth le no southern man cats see Boston andlls people under favorable circumstances without feeling very much at home.

and if he takes the. trouble to give the mitter any thought or investigation he will wonder how His possible that these people reared and educe ted under such different conditions and in the midst of such diverse surroundings should pot- sess all the most striking characteristics of the people 0 Georgia. This was the pleasant experience of the pilgrim and the fact disposed of his Theory with a big by confirming It and no the. orycould have a more satisfactory disposition. It seems that there are currents of thought conduct or civilization giving the reader his choice of terms that even the great elulce of sectional prejudice cannot muddy there are currents that even the editorial brethren are powerless to turn aside.

The broad fart that genuine. American civilization atltabest Is the same wherever it Is found Is not to be explained away by the theories of those who claim on the one side that slavery made the Southern people braggarts andhulljsor of those who claim on the other side that puritanlsm destroyed everything that was genial or conservative In New England. In spite of these theories. which have found a ready acceptance not only at home but In foreign lands as you may gather from the English levlewt the southern mm who has reasonably good opportunities will find among the people of Boston the urns simplicity the same courtesy. the same peculiarities of manner and speech which finds Among the best people at home.

This leads to the remark that Boston socially in spite of its clubs and Its literary development it a Georgia town. The pilgrim to spite of. sis brave theory expected to find himself surrounded by alt the appurte nauees and results of a different civilization he expected torabhlmielf rawagainst the angles of all sorts of prejudices but he was most agreeably disappointed. Somehow It seemed that he had returned house alter a long absence and found vest changes of topography and architecture but nothing was new or strange because the people had remained the same. Boston is of more than ordinary interest to the seer bn the reader of these crude Impressions will be disappointed If he Is expecting a.

description of any of the places which give the town Its dis- Unctii-nin this respect These have already been freely and fully advertised by tourists and others. If the fact is to his discredit let it be to recorded but the pilgrim did not visit r-aneuil halt nor Bunker Hilt nor Trs- mont temple nor any of the tombs of the dlstinj gulshed dead. Such brief time as he had to Spare rom business and a Boston raised boil of unsur- assed tenderness he oted to the people and the activities of the town not in the vainglorious attitude of critic and commentator but in the tumble guise of student sad spectator. The real libraries of the world are in the streets of its cities end villages end there is more human nature in ne man or in one woman than In all the books in existence. No doubt tie pilgrim would have made the rounds of Boston sights as other people do but his first impulse in that direction was gently nipped in- the bud byOsgood he whom Mark Twain when the billiards run right to in the habit of calling the Honest Publisher.

The pilgrim with the instinct of a tourist. desired to be taken to the course over which Osgood walked the match with Dickens's ateat Dolby. The English- man It wilt be remembered was left far behind and the pilgrim desired to behold the scene of this international episode. But Osgood blushed and said that to go over the ground again would lay him open to the chat of nursing a boastful spirit whereas he remembered the matter merely as a youthful joke. White he did not regret that Providence had used him as an humble instrument to crush the pride of an Englishman a pride which tooled out like a pot leg nevertheless he did not desire to tear open any of the old International wounds.

While there is peace between the countries he said. let peace ibe reel. As a matter of course the pUgrimwith merely the poor resources of argument that are at the command of a provincial could make no reply but the matter had a definite result so far as tight seeing in Boston was concerned. If lie could not see the spot where one. vile English- man was crushed why should he see the place where some dozen or more were routed.

Why should he visit Bunker Hill And so the whole pro- gramme of sight seeing was given up and the pilgrim is convinced that it was a wise thing to do. The most interesting sight In- Boston may be witnessed late In the afternoon by any one who will take the trouble to stand at the corner of School street and look up Trmont street the way the Corn- non runs. The most favorable hour is just before dusk. when the electric laps are lit. As far as the eye-can see there is a procession of street cars mak' lug its way toward you and after It is watched a little while it becomes panoramic.

Presently you observe that the procession Is a double one it Is coming towards you and going from ysu The imagination makes something more out of it then the reality warrants. It becomes mysterious. The lights glitter sharp and white against the deepening twilight And sent black shadows flickering across the street. Meanwhile the sidewalks that flank the double procession of cars are fined with a multitude of people going up and down a restless and never. ending stream of humanity flowing hitherward end thitherward spreading and growing thinner the dusky levels of the Common butuever losing Itself and apparently ever resetting that the small au.

dietce from Georgia expected it to be as picturesque as possible The beauty and vitality of this scene is sometimes surpassed by holiday festivals on Canal street. In ew Orleans but nowhere else Is it equalled. Broadway Is full of life and tumult LuU Broadway lacks the re pose that only perspective can un part. The Imagination is drowned out by the by the rush and scramble. Th scenes on Broadway are suectacular enough no doubt and they would be picturesque if only they would conform themselves to some definite shape or method.

But Broadway refuses to conform The visitor to Boston who is not In search of historical remains and relics of patriotism will miss a deal if he falls to visit the suburbs. Boston prides itself on its suburbs and with reason. The pilgrim remembers no part of his Boston experience with keener delight than a twenty mile' drive through th neighborhood of Brookline and Jamaica Plains under the guidance of Mr. Osgood. Perhaps It Was the day perhaps it Wt the companion perhaps it was because everything seemed to fit the place and the occasion but somehow the pilgrim thought the scenery the finest in the world.

The firm roads teemed to lead in all directions but they never quite managed to get away from the shade of the great trees and the majestic beauty of the woods. The hand man has been busy here but it his been guided by taste and judgment. The suburbs of Cincinnati ate pleasing to the eye but they tack the impresslveneEs tnat nature gives Lopped trees and mowed lawns are very fine in their way. but there is something pretentious in the result. Considering the temptation there is i small evidence of this lack of taste in the suburbs of Boston.

For twenty mites. going one way and coming another the pilgrim rode through scenery much finer than can be found In a park. The trees end shrubbery had been tanned a little but the flavor of nature remained. In the woods the tints of fall were beginning to show. Here and there a sumach bush or a maple lamed out against green background and the hickory trees were dressed in vivid yellow but beyond this there was no hint of the splendor which marks the autumn foliage In New England.

These tints may etnpha- size but they do not add to the beauty of the i To drive for an hour or mote through these charm- fagsuurs arid ta return fortified by tooth at the Country Clab Is to get impressions thai are worth eoine after JV eV rr. MICROSCOPES TELESCOPES FIELD CLASSES MAGIC LANTERNS BAROMETERS THERMOMETERS DRAWING INSTRUMENTS PHILOSOPHICAL ADD CHMICAL APPARATUS QUEEN A CO. Optician PHILADELPHIA GATE CITY PLANING MILL AND LUMBER CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Rough and Dressed Lumber Of Hi descriptions D. M.

FloorinuBeaded Ceiling Brackets. Mantles Scroll and Mill Work a specialty. Orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. City office No. 36 Wall St.

Mill office end Yard cur. Humphries and Glenn 8U R. T. V. A GL R.

NEW HOTEL LAFAYETTE Broad andChestout Streets PHILADELPHIA. AMERICAN ANE EUROPEAN PLAN. Location UnetITttS-SSed newly furnished land im proved with SIB rooms offers attractions superior to any hotel in Philadelphia. L. U.

MALTBT Propriet r. STRONG'S PECTORAL PILLS A. CURE flILZDT lOB COLDS AND RHEUMATISM Easut haltt 7 UU. food dimfaa. nzutsrfty tb bo U.

A pr clMU deffeat. ft. toothUi and brscsnj th T. A. FRIERSON AUCTIONEER OX ANNA A ALA.

Great Sale of 2000 Manufacturing Store and Residence Lots. TUESDAY OCTOBER 30 883. 12 EXCURSION TRAINS SPLENDID MUSIC' CHEAP. RAILROAD FARE. rpHE PROMISING OUNGCITY' HER BRIGHT FUTURE AND ULTIMATE GREATNESS A GREAT MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL city in embryo' Situation surroundings and superior ad vantages as a Manufacturing Commercial and Residence City' Present and Pro pectiye Railroad Facilities' bat has been Done and will be Done' Facts that cannot be Refuted' The sate of Oxanna will commence on Tuesday OctoberSOth and may be continued eral days.

It would be well howeverfor all who are Interested. 0 be there if postible at the opening of the sale. Origin of OxannR. The originators of the Oxanna enterprise having heard much of the beauty of the valley between Oxiord and Anniston. the abundance of iron ore in and around tie valley the excellence of tile water the healthfulucse of the climate the convenience of coal the abundance of Umber the superior receiving and shipping facilities the prospects for morereilroada.

the splendid agricultural surroundings and many oth. er advantages combined and centered at that point were induced to go and investigate the situation. Their investigations led them speedily to the ton- elusion that the place possessed ery requisite for a large manufacturing an commercial city. and they immediately secured the entire valley and organized a company for the purpose of building a large city The company was organized under the general laws of Alabama on theiddof June in Oxford. Ex Governor now United States Senator A H.

Cotquutt of Georgia was elected president J. 8 James T. A. Frlerson G. Johnson and R.

Draper were elected directors and T. A. Frierson was elected general business manager. Since the organization Director J. G.

Johnson died and his son Daniel W. Johnson and J. A. Watson have Wfen added to the board of directors. The company decided to survey and lay off the town in good snape and not offer it for sale until the middle or latter part of October.

afr the weather previous to that time would be too warm andunpleasant for such a large sate. Situation of Oxanna. The site of the future city of Oxauna is la Calhoun county Alabama and embraces all of the beautiful valley lying bwveen the cities of Oxford and Atniston. The valley is about one and one- quarter miles wide and two and one half miles Ion At the northern end is the city of Annision and at the southern end the city of Oxford. The valley is encircled by mountains and at either end is a gap through which the railroads enter.

The topography of the country Is all that could be desired for a city being a beautiful and nearly level plateau sloping gently down from the mountains on either side to the middle of the valley through which a hold spring creek runs giving natural drainage to the entire valley. All along the foot of the mountains are beautiful building sites which command fine views of the entire valley. The name Oxanna was given to the new town because it connects Oxford and Anniston to met Oxanna extends quarter of a mite into the cor. porate limits of Anniston and some distance into the town of Oxford thus connecting and consolidating the three places into one city. 1 hat Rae Been Done.

The town has been accurately surveyed and laid off into divisions blocks squares and tote with wide boulevards. avenues and streets crossing one another at right angles. The plan is admired by alt who see it and is universally pronounced perfect. Oxanna Boole ards. Two wide boulevards have been made through Oxanna connecting Oxford and Annlston with sidewalks or promenades on either side fifteen feet wide WHICH wits oe oruanteusru ann maueu uy double rows of wateroaks leaving a broad carriage drive between.

Commercial Avenues. Two broad business streets or commercial ave. nues 100 feet wide have been opened through the center of th town and along the side of each rail road. on which the stores and other business houses wilt be located all fronting the railroads as well as the street car line so that Roods can be received and shipped immediately in front of and only 100 feet from the Stores and to that ladies children and all customers can step immediately from trains or street cats into the stores end vice versa. OxaoDa Street Cars.

Along the middle of the main commercial avenue the Oxanna street car tine has been graded and wilt soon be in operation from Oxford through Ox- nna to Anniston thus facilitating and greatly re during the cost of the already extensive travel through Oxanna Valley. Oxannas Railroad Facilities Present and Prospective. The Georgia Pacific and the East Tennessee Vir. ginia and Georgia railroads both enter Oxanna through mountain gaps at the south end of the valley and run lengthwise through the town going out through the mountain. gap at the north end.

These two roads runt through Ozanna about two and one. half miles approximately parallel to each other. the distance between the tracks varying from 50 to 700 feet. The area between the railroads. as shown ret the map is set apart for wholesale sores cotton guano grain and planters' supply warehouses planing mills end lumber yards machine shops foundries and factories of all kinds Thus situated between two oads and fronting both ntanufrcturesand dealers In heavy goods can receive or ship on either road without the delay the risk and the extra expense of ofdraying.

and thus warehousznen and wholesale merchants can with little tramways and trucks running through their buildings from one railroad to the other receive handle and ship couou and all heavy goods with great ease and trifling expenses and save in drayage. leakage. breakage and stealage hundreds of dollars every year besides being able to pay more for cotton and country produeesnd tell goods cheaper Wan xner chants 110 et compelled to uAVa soid much greater cost and risk. PLore Kaffroads. In addition to the two railroads named above the East Alabama soil Cincinnati road la graded through Oxauna and will certainly be bum before long.

Over twenty miles of the tine is completed and In operation and the Importance of and necessity for it are so great asio Usureits early completion. la addition to the abovethe Anniston and Atlantic railroad Is being pushed rapidly to completion and will connect Ith the Georgia Pacific only 404) or 500 yards from the northern limits 0 1 Oxanna thus giving Ozanna the Intl benefit. and making. in all four railroads to buildup the city. The wonderful advantages and resources of Ozanna together with her inevitable' and rapid growth to a large commercial and manufacturing town and the large and contlnu- ous shipments of cotton country produce and manufactures wilt induce other railroads to enter and compete for her patronage and male her a large railroad center.

A Manufacturing Town. With ironininexhaustabls quantity andnequal- ity in and all around the town and extending many miles along both railroads limestone near and abundant coal fields only twenty five or thirty miles distant and connected directly by rail timber in variety and great quantity especially the valuable yellow pine spring welt and creek water in greatest abundance immediately along the railroads arid all over the the town together with the superior and rare advantages of doable railroad fronts for receiving handling end shipping goods what can prevent Oxanna from becoming a great manufacturing town Nothing The superior location and advantages of the infant city are recognized and admitted by all who have investigated and no one alter seeing the place and knowing its rare combination of advantages can doubt that a splendid future awaits Oxanna especially as a wholesale commercial and heavy manufacturing point. The location of manufactories in Birmingham increased the value of property in that city over 50 per cent. in one year. hat has been done in Birmingham will be done In Oxanna and in a much shorter time because Oxanna possesses all the advantages that have built up Birmingham and a great many others that neither Birmingham nor any other place can boast of.

Birmingham started with only one railroad while Oxanna has two already completed end two more assured. The offi- cersof the East Aldbanw and Cincinnati are now. going over the already graded route preparatory to thecomptetion of the road from Opetika through Oxanna to Buffalo Wallow. The other and fourth road Anniston and Atlantic is being completed as rapidly as possible and as stated above connects wlth he Georgia Pacific railroad only 400 or 500 yards from the northern limits of Qxauua thus giving the young city virtually four railroads to start with which together with her rare combination of natural advantages Iron coat and timber without itmit at her very door SOS feet altitude dellghtol and perfectly healthy climate refreshing and invigorating mountain atmosphere pure cool and unexcelled freestone water natural drainage extensive very fertile and thickly populated valleys extending all around from 30 to 75 miles all these and many more advantages that could be mentioned cetered at that point assure for Oxanna a growth and development unprecedented In the south. A Wholesale Market.

Oxanna is about the center 61 a large area of territory in which there Is no wholesale market. and that territory embraces a large population jields a great variety of mineral mechanical and vegetable products and demands annually in exchange for those products a vast quantity of food raiment toots farm implements fertilizers live- stock etc which Oxanpa in her central position with her great resources and her present and prospective advantages as a receiving and distributing point could easily and naturally supply to a great extent at least. because her merchants could buy handle and sell goods cheaper than merchants who have to haul the goods from the depots to their stores and from their stores back to the depot when cold and shipped. Oxannais is 10T miles west of Atlanta 63 miles east of Birmingham 63 miles south of Rome 132 miles northeast of Selma 132 miles from Chattanooga. As a wholesale market no town is more favorably situated and highly iavored and no where in the south can goods be bought handled and sold cheaper than at Oxauna.

Therefore Oxanna can and will control the trade of the immense territory about 200 miles in diameter In the midst of which she Is located heap Through Rates. Another very great advantage possessed by Ox. auna is the through freight rates recently established by which cotton and alt freights are shipped to and front Oxauna at lowest through rates thus putting the new city on equality with Atlanta Montgomery Rome and all terminal or through rate points which will enable Oxanna merchants to pay as much for cotton and sell goods as low as any merchants in ay wholesale market South. Truly Oxanna was. born under a lucky star.

What new town was ever made a through freight point and given the benefit of lowest freight rates to and from all important cities before a single business house was established Asa Cotton Market Oxanna is fortunately situated and highly favored. The immense valleys that extend from thirty to seventy-five miles la every direction around the town are famous for their fertility and productiveness of cotton corn small grain clover gram fruits vegetables tc but more especially adapted to cotton. The town. of Oxford alone which joins Oxanna shipped 12 000 bales of cotton last year. Then what may not Oxauua do with such superior facilities at her command for setting goods at the lowest prices and paying the highest prices for cotton No drayage.

ctealage waeteage storage or injury by exposure to the weather to Increase the cost or decrease the profits on goods and cotton. To Recall Dealer in any and every department of trade Oxanna is a most inviting point and Is not excelled by any other Of this fact no argument is needed to con ymca any one who will reflect a moment. Think of thevastextent of splendid valley country around the town all of which is thickly settled by independent and prosperous farmers who make more than they consume hence the year through maintain a liberal trade with their merchants either buying and selling or bartering their cotton and other farm products for family and plantation supplies. Tots trade can easily be and will be largely controlled by Sienna. Homes In Oxaooa.

If there is a more pleasant place anywhere for perennial abode the rtter does not know where it is to be found. The temperature is as near per- feet at all seasons as that of any one point. The winters re not rigid because the force of the cold north winds is broken by the mountains around the valleys. The summers are not oppressive because there is a constant draught through the valley caused by the gaps through the mountains and however Intense th summer heat may be elsewhere it is always tempered by the refreshing breezes of Oxanna valley. The Climate is perfectly healtny and pleasant indeed it could not be otherwise because it is a small valley nestling right among.

and surrounded by mountains and haying an elevation of 800 Iaet which In. cures health and exemption from malarial and epidemic diseases I rottou limestone no swamps to flats no bad water. no malaria nor anything whatever to create sickness. Tberr flier Tbereare fifteen or twenty wells scattered ovet the vdllsv ITC TQ. xeart' fe tY CKY A AcXi tho writer Assrfranfc and wftn one exception.

excellent limestone the water is AS pure and fine tree- stone as could desired being ear very cool and tree from time or other mloeral properties. The finest estone springs exist numerously on the i mountains aroucd the valley and areof great value I for supplying private residences wlthwater thoueh i there can never be aiy scarcity ot the best quality of water et Oxanna there being at one point near by a natural reservoir sufficient to supply the water works of a very large city. The Natural Reservoir. On a. mound In the valley less than a mile from Oxanna is a natnral basin of clear cold water as transparent as a mountain brook and as cold as the coldest mountain spring.

This beautiful pool is an anomaly being on a mound considerably above the surface of the surrounding valley and adjacent creek. It is circular in shape over three hundred feet too diameter In fathomless in depth has no vjsibte tales nor outlet never varies perceptibly In. elevation during the dryest or wettest season. has a natural levee or bluff three to five feet high around it. is truly inexhaustible and is many feet above Oxanna.

thus furnishing facilities for supplying the town with any quantity and the very best quality of water A rope several hundred teat long with a wight at the end failed to reach bottom but the pool is probably supplied by a bold swift underground stream. which swept the rope from Its perpendicular position and prevented its reaching bottom. Be that as it may the reservoir is there and its value to Oxana far suiter works cannot be estimated. The Oxanna Street Car Line Has been partly graded and as soon as the crops are gathered out of the way it will be completed and equipped with the latest improved compressed air chargers and handsome passenger coaches. Union Passenger Depot and Hotel.

Contracts have been closed with both of the railroads now running through Oxanna to make It the transfer and sating point and to accommodate the travel a handsome commodious end modern union passenger depot and hotel will be erected at once. The contract has been awarded to the most competent and responsible contractors who have begun the workand wilt complete it by 1st of December when it will be opened and conducted to the very best sty le by a most capable and experienced hotel man and will be a credit to Oxanna. or any other city. The building will be erected between the' two reads and the platforms will extend from one road to the other so passengers can step from either train on the hotel platform. On the first floor will be a large din ing room.

restaurant and cafe. lunch room cigar and tobacco stand. fruit and confectionery stand railroad ticket offices telegraph offi. tea express office ladies' and gentlemen's waiting rooms baggage room. sample rooms reading and writing room hotel offices serving room and culinary department.

On the second floor wilt be parlors and sleeping rooms At this lut the transfer of passengers and baggage wilt be made and trains on both roads will make that the eating house. Excursion Trains and Low Rates. The Georgia Pacific railroad will sell through tickets from every station on the road to Sienna at the low price of one cent per tulle each way good for five days and may be used any day during the sale which will enable every one. at trifling cost to take. a trip over that splendid new road and see the beautiful and interesting country and the thriving young towns growing up along the line.

Ar. rangements wilt be perfected with all railroads in Georgia and Alabama to sell excursion tickets from all places on the lines through to Oxanna end re turn at lowest possible rates tickets to be good five days thus furnishing facilities for going and re turning any day during the sale at excursion rates. Arrangements have been. made with Mr. Saul proprietor of "Saul's Royal Petals of Atlanta to supply full meals.

barbecue lunches sandwiches hot coffee confectionery fruits lemonade cider cigars and everything In his line at low prices and in greatest abundance for all Mr. Saul Is noted for his enterprise and whatever he undertakes will be done and well done. Thetefore all may rest assured that there wilt be plenty of something good to eat. Lodgings will also be provided by Mr. Saul the hotels and the citizens.

No exorbitant charges wilt be made for anj thing and everybody will be made as comfortable as possible. Atlanta Musical Union Baud. The full band of the Atlanta Musical Union has hen engaged for the sale and the sp endid music of that fine band will add greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion. The entire band will attend in full and handsome uniform and all lovers of good music will be amply repaid for the oof of the trip to Oxanna. In' addition to the music during the day au open air concert will be given every night A Beautiful and Interesting Country Every one who can possibly do so should attend the sale of Oxanua.

The cost will be trifling and no one wilt regret it. The scenery is beautiful and diversified embracing picturesque mountain valley forest and water views. Do not miss this rare opportunity to see the most beautiful and rapidly section of the south. Business Homes and Investments. No section of the south Is more promising and inviting than this beautiful and fertile country.

No point possesses and offers greater attraction to seekers of pleasant homes lucrative business and profitable investment than Oxanna. The history of Birmingham and Roanoke will be repeated at Ox. nna and wise men will seize the opportunity and secure property at the first sale and thus realize the full benefit of the certain rapid and great en hancement that will speedily follow. No one will ever regret buying property in Oxanna and all who attend the sale and investigate the beautiful situation the superior advantages and the wonderful resources of the new city cannot fall to be convinced that a grand future awaits her. 2 Oxanna Real Estate Agency.

fi Messrs. Draper Son Co. hankers at Oxford have been appointed agents for Oxanna They ase reliable competent and fully authorized to represent the company and all who desire to examine or purchase property in Oxanna are referred to them. They have conveyances ready at all times' and will show all visitors around with pleasure. Oxanoa Steam Brickworks In order to supply the great demand that will ex.

tat in Oxanna. for brick. works have been started on Choccotocco creek near the town and immediately on the Georgia Pacific railroad which will turn out cocoa to 80 COO of the best pressed and oil pressed brick per lay. The Oxanna Tribune Is published regularly under the management' of Colonel B. Sawyer.

It is a very sprightly newsy and rogressive paper and will be mailed to any one for 100 per annum or fifty cents months. Subscribe for it and keep informed on the progress of Oxanna. Manufactorles Locating. Several manufacturing establishments are now locating in Oxanna and many others axe negotia. ting for sites some of which wit certainly settle there and Oxsnnas superior advantages and fa.

cilitles wilt soon attract many more. Lots have been sold for a large planing mill and lumber yard a sash door and blind factory a moulding brack et scroll work and house finishing establishment two sawmiLs a large livery static engine machinery and agricultural Implement manufactory and ice factory Many others are negotiating Jor manufacturing vitas Uicladlnfc utu toWM sod various mechanical works some of which will on a solid looting as a manufacturing city fc Minerals in exist in the vicinity of Oxmna and are now at- traeciDg the attention of capitalists. A company has recently paid Chose for a kaolin mine a few milts distant. Others are frequently prospecting for other mining proper Jes. iinn Hotel.

As soon as the city gets well started and the bust- ness demands it a large handsome and model brick hotel will be erected. Oxasanas Future. Oxauna was born to tsnreat and her greatness i manifest in her earliest infancy. She will rise tike a giant and develop In strength business and importance at a rate unprecedented in the south. Reserved Cars for Ladles.

Ladies are specially Invited to attend the sale and special cars will be reserved on every train for them and their escorts. Schedules of Trains. On the Georgia Pacific two long trains will leave Atlanta every morning one at 7 o'clock a. m. and one at 8 55 a m.

with ample room for all. On the other roads trains will ran on regular schedules. Round Trip Fare. For full information as to schedules of trains and prices of round trip excursion tickets apply to nearest depot agent who will have tickets on sate a few days before the time. A Pleasant Trip for Excursion Parties.

It ii earnestly desired to have every dry town village and section represented at the Oxanna we and make the trip more enjoyable it would be well to make up excursion parties at every place and travel together. THE TITLE i to every foot of ground in Oxanni are ABSOLUTELY PERFECT and free from even a shadow of doubt. No purchaser will be required to pay one cent until satisfied uto perfection 01 titles. TERMS OP SALE One third cash. One third December 24th 1883 and batasce October 35th 1884 with eight per cent Interest on deferred payment.

T. A. FRIERSON Real Estate Agent and General Manager Southern Development. band and migration Co. 15 Wall street Atlanta.

Ga. Nzw OELZASS Augustl 1883. TO THE PUBLIC Investigate Tor Yourselves Postmaster-General Gresham having pttb1fshed a wilful and malicious falsehood in regard to the character of The Louisiana State StateLotteyyCompany the following facts are givento the public to prove his Statement that we areengaged in a fraudulent business to be false and untrue A mount of prizes paid by" The Louisiana State Lottery Company from January 11879 to present date Paid to Southern Express Co. New Orleans. T.

IL Wescoat Manager. 11366300 Paid to Louisiana National Bank Joe. H. Oglesby President Fid to State National bank. S.

H. Kennedy President Paid to New Orleans National Bank A. Baldwin President Paid to Union National Bank S. Charlaron Cashier. Paid to Citizens' Bank E.

L. Carriers President. Paid to Germanta National Bank Jules tassard President Paid to Hibernla National Bank Chas. Palfrey ilashier. Paid to Canal Bank Ed.

Toby Cashier. Paid to Mutual National Bank Joe. Mitchel Cashier. 483900 125 00 88550 64450 57000 30000 37001 13150 8200 Total paid as above. 12253650 Paid in sums of under 51000 at the vari ous offices of the Company throughout the United States.

2627410 Total paid by all. 4881060 For the truth of the above facts we refer the public to the officers of the named corpora- tiODB nd for our legality and standing to the' Mayor and Officers of the City of New Orleans to the State authorities of Louisiana and also to the U. S. Officials of Louisiana. We claim to be legal honest and correct in all our transactions as much so as any business in the country.

Our standing is conceded by ell who will Investigate and our stock has for years been sold at our Board of Brokers anti owned by many of our best known and respected dozens. ffl. A. DAUPJVHN President. CAPITAL tRIZE 75OOOI Tickets Only 5.

Shares in proportion Louisiana State Lottery Co We do hereby certify that we supervise the ar rangernents for all the Monthly end Semi-Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company and in person manage-and control the Drawings themselves and that the same are conducted wltk honesty fairness end good faith toward all peruse and we authorize the Company to use this certlA. cate with similes of our signatures attached in Its advertisements. Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of to to which a tsene fond ot over 550000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December Id AD 1879.

The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpone lTB GRAND BtNGLB JUJMBEB DRAWINGS take clans monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A POE- IWE. ELEVENTH GRAND DRAWING. CLASS AT NEW ORLEANS.

TUESDAY. November thelOBd Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE 753000 1 00 TUbeta at DT IMUrt EMk. LTraatUai. la Ylitla rtl m.

LOT or rzrzra 1967 PrIzes amounting to 4265 00 Application for rates to clubs should be mad i only to the office of the Company In New Orleans. For further Information write clearly. giving toll address. Make P. O.

Money Orders payable anti address Registered letters to NEW ORLEANS STATE NATIONAL BANK. New Orleans. La Postal otes and ordinary letters by Mail or Express all sums of Jo and upwards by Express. at our expense to New Orleans La. or MA.

DAUPHIN 07 Seventh St. Wuhtarton Q. AREALRMEDT NdtherliydcI nor Indian In Origin but. scxExnno AJTD SPECIFIC A Remedy of over twenty-fire yean standing. A Remedy more popular at home and whert beet nowo than ul after lemedla ot 70 klod Jk Remedy IniorseO ttatettltoys rt aaft druggists at la home.

Seined BMHr. KTf. DJVSViD OXdWZa Ala va vsize wile tmm iw21Aa end es sated her fife. A Remedy vi waicrm a prozthnsutAflafliamE2' chant said I would hive given two as EMU I would a nickel for what two bottles of your medicine did for my daughter. A medy in regard to which 8.

3. Caaffls M. D. druggist Thomswme Ga. says lean recaUtnstaneet in which afforded relief after all the usual remedies had failed.

A Remedy about which Dr. W. B. Terre Grange Ga writes I have used for the last 20 years the medicine you are putting up and con-1 elder it the best combination ever gotten to-1 gether for the diseases for which it is recommend- A Rmedy of which Dr. Joel Bratiham Atlanta said Ihaye examined the recelpe and hue no hesitation in advising its use and confidently recommend it.

A Remedi which the EerHB Johnson near Marietta Ga. says he hunsed in his family with the utmost gatisfaction and recommended it to three families who fonnd to be Just what It is recommended. A Remedy of which Femberton Iverson say We have been selling it for many years with constantly increasing sales. The arti tie is a staple with us and one of absolve merit. A Bern IT of which Lamar Bankln Lamix say sold 50 gross in four months and never sold it to any laoe but what It was wanted.

A medy by which Dr. Baugh of La Orange Ga. uva I cured one of the most obstinate wee of ViciKlow tzzesTxwATIoN that ever came within my knowledge. with a few bottles. A Remedy of which Dr.

J. C. Muss of Notosulga Ala. soys I am fully convinced that it is mrt- riled for that class of diseases which it claims to ACBemed7 about which Major John C. Whltner of Atlanta well and favorably known all over the United Stales as a general Insurance agent says I used this remedy before the war.

on a large plantation on I great number of cases and always with absolute success. A Remedy about which Mr. 1. TV. Strange of CartenviUeGa.

certifies that one Dottle cured two members of his family of menstrual irregularity of many years standing- A Remedy thstis cheaper than any other medi tine of its kind in the world because one or two bottles will cure the most obstinate case. A Remedy in regard to whose unfailing unit- Friend. For sal by an druggists. Price smaZlsixe Ph cents. Large Size 50.

Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. JBRADFTEUD ANORTHERNPILGRIMAGE Tllllloe 11 rh. iDtr UuolllCI fl. the IUp 8 st at times-but In Thetrain e. 11 18 tAr away public opinion it pow lt in tsnotoniy but sociol pro uced.

a J. b. rnallst lz II hat that cou ntry joumalism may jour- i 8 If wayend Ii one of really competent today the lines iI lB. iuome- tme8nec li8ary. It it mburbaftaahe 1 seem J.

I holder we to get to on suffering le by ad revived up not glo fict se th th ceu 1c cu nn. tod assoc ated veq pnzzl1ng 411. teeUnrc for ha ve. and lie inorable wil outeelng vr I I tuble gve tter tought I vetUou wi 1 iUspo ible pple reare euca.

uder dierent 1dst diver surunding. sould a al mot srg Caratertic pple 01 plet exp- rence pigr te dpd hi Thery I bi contng i Ocld statory disostion. a ving hi coice tm gtuic stional cno cun taI eVen te eiorial ar powerle ade Te rd Jct AeriC civtion at It bt se i eplned theri" ca te sde th 8 ery mae lutern brgrt and bulesor tho caim te oter sde tht put detred eving cnsertve I site therie hch hv Iouda ry aptanc I lLDds a gther Eglish jleW te suthern rnaly go Cppr tf8 fnd te pple Bton splcty. sme coury te Se Plte whch fnds ao bt pple hQme rk t' Boon soally 5lt It cubs 11 lltdevelopment Ger tow i i sie hi tery exted dd hsrunde a apPUre ad mli det cTt tl nW gl a 80r prudc wa mo ably dppint. Sehw i sed tat returne ater abnc va cange tpogphy arhtture wa stge becus pple remae sme.

mor tn ordi a 8ghtsr but rader thes lmpreons wll dlBppnted i i desrpton eny te whcb gve twn it d- tlncU-n in rpt Th se hte frey tuly advert tourts other I dredi 1 rred pigr vt eneui hs Hi Tt tomh dln" gied a sare frm busine end Btonr boi unsr- tenderne devoted pople ativite atttude critc hum le gi pecttr. lbrarie word is ciie 11t ther one th1 al bk te pigr Bton sight hi trt impul dirton genty In by Osgood bilar rn rghtiBin clng Honet gim i tnct turt tken cour Osood wled wih Dicenss a et Dlby. Englsh. n1 remebered pigrim sene thi I Internatonal epioe. Osod bushed.

i Ed I chare nurng boatul spirt wheras reembered Whie Provdence usd hm 8 humLe instument crus te prde an Englman- to ed lke pot.leg-neverteleS opn lnternatonal wound pa betwen countres sid. pea i be coure piwith reure arent commd provnca defnie fl sibtsecinR I culd vie Egls. crued sould sould vi H1 pro ge sghtseing wa iven pi. I ws wis lntertlg sght 1 lt i ie aferon anyone wl truble lt Shool stet lok steet Cm. rns eletc lit a 1 proon it towar ater wated ltle whle i panoraic.

Prenty obsrve thi te proesion iagination maes ou i reit warnt. I beme mysterons. lgbt gUter sarp whie twightnd sadows fickerng acroS stt Menwhie sdewalk tat proe on car multtude down-a restess endig humaniy fowing hiherward thiterward gowlng thinn in dnsy level Common butever lo ing itl apparenty leer fogetting tt smil Geora I 8 psble. vialty thi ne i sometimessurpassed holday festl treetln ele equ led i lie lu pertive i. pat imanation downed cat ter overwere te and srble The sIe Brdway suetculr eneulh.

enl the picureque i ony confor theIlves BrwlY refuse cnfor. vtor Bn I srh bi tric rm1ns rlics i mu I fa1 vt Boton It It uburb rn. pigr remembrs prt ton experienc delght the Broklne Plins gidance go. Perhaps1 perhaps I 8 perhps i wa everthing 1 te ad theoon-bnt pUg tought snery fnest worl. fr roa smed to lea.

ditons fm ad wo of ha her I lided tte judgment Cinclnnat p1asing lmpre8venef at gie ts mowe lawn fne i rsult Consderng temptaton sm evdence lck tste sburbs twent mies ad other fiJgrim nery fne te srnbbery tnned Itte fnor tint tal wer bnning shc. bu I gren ckguud hckory dresed beyondthi hit slendor whic mak te folageln England Tlese tt emph' I sze. drve thrQI b. thel cb.a.r- lug suburbs au teu or fed CountyClub i ipresons tat ar fJmlstfr LCE lTELESCOPES' I 1 THERMOMETERS INSTRUMENT PHI10SPHICA AD CHUltCA APPARTIS trUo4 I. Cto.

COOptcans IA CIT PLANNG Wolee Rt Deers ts lhd lng Oers ed sataton garnt Cit ofc 3 Wa 8t Mi otc Yar Humohre Genn 81 IE I HOTL LAFAYEf ro end Cetrlt Stet PHLAELPH. AMECAN EUROPEA' PLAN. Lton unmr fied ld 1. rah ip att sprior 1 HTY Ppriet. SRONGS 1 JE' IB a a te I q.

9 lli i of Manufa tuing SPLEN DID fHE PROYSING YOUNG CITY BRIHT GREATNES COMERCIAL Rai i I ta nb rE I UE a tt I Comerl Rdence Presnt Proptve sle wi Tuesay ad contnued several dys. I wel al interest. i p6ibleat se. Origi I Orginator ente bauty nIe 010ld Anniton. abundnc 0 I valeythe excelence.

tie watr te healtfulne cUmar tie nnienc cl abundace superor relg shl I plg faitie prospect more riroads agricultur suroundings I advatgEs investgate sltuaton. Thei investgatons speediy cn. cl plac poesd every rfq uisie I lare manufactring anJ commerial iImedl tly seued entre aley acmfg no I 3erai a i 3r Jse I A. Georia wa elete predent S. Jaes Frlern J.

J. eleted diretors Friern generl busneS manaer. Sice fl IJS boar dectors. Thecompany fe ri aJ idJ i waeJ fo ta lare Siuaton ste cty Oxnna if reI I bc Po I 3 Atniton. one onehatf mUe I.

ciy 80utern ciy OIord. valey I encrcled mountins snd ateiter whic rlroads al ciy beau tiful neary genty mountns va1ey wbic rlS givinl natur dranae eutre valey. Alalongthe fot te beautlul buiding whch fne lws en rire valey. Dtme Oxnna beus cnnet Annlstn. tt on quater mie prate lmit Annlln sme distnce consol.

place What la8 tow acurately sureyed otrinto squaes avenue cro sing I Te admire al se i univerly perect. Bouletars boullvards have mae Oxana connetng Oxfor sl wa pro ade teLe W11 nu watero broa carage between Avenue. brd busiless cmmercia ave 10 fet wde bee opned trugh gf ic I Jc wU lot al frontng therUrd lne Ioa reeivea Immedtteyi 10 rom tat lie. chidren stp fm tri steet IS ito sLre vce ver. Stret mddle comercia aft i1 b1 aO i i taf Annltn fitting dncng Ct aledy extenve tvel lug Oxnna Oxuoa8 Rlr FacUliesPreent PIOSpeUTe.

Geors Pacic Eat Tenneaee giaand Geria rlras mountn te valey trough deS gta hal approxmatly paralel ditance tr 5 70 ara btwen rairoads 8 shcwn sor ano fo kind Etuated betwen a St I ctheroad dely. te ri a warehousen whol le meranls en lte tl ways trck trough buidings rairoad rceive and cotonlnd al gos geat eae trfnj expnss sve dryage lekae. kb lt a. muc ct Rtroad8. 1 tin ff ga 6 d1d Ouunl anl 11 crainly 10n me lie operlon nece ty gret a to iasure It erly completon.

addion sbovethe Ann ton snd Ata.n- tc rairo i pused completon i connet Gera Pacc 40 5 frome libj anna gnD te ful beneft makig al r1ls buid up renrces tether gowt 1 lre cmmerll tow. te 01 pruce manuflctures wi induc railros ad pltronae mae 1e rrOd cen ter. Manufacturing 1 iron in inexhaustable Quantty endnequal I in ard a i dd br vaety gat quentty epy te i yan.o tw tether supri Id rre avnt rad frnta reiving hendg 8hiPing go wht blg gt manuactring tow. Notng Te caton ct a tc. nizd admtt investpt one ater seing pl it rr cmbito avanles lendid fture awat ey wholee comercil hev manuftring pint Te loton mnutorie it- th vane prprt that cty pr bn Blr migba w1 Oxnna uYl a gt iringh an Othe pl cal bt of Biingh ony rirowhUe Oana tw ry com pleted of.

cel of te Alba ant Cciat a gaded prepratory I the completon OpJka ButsJo Walow. Tie oter fourh I Annlton Atantc beingcompleled a statd connet wih Geori. Petc riroa 40 5 lmit thu gnthe vlrtaly rlods i nr br lmi dor 8 al ti. delgh 1 perfety healty clmate taa i crl e1 i drinae extenB ve fertle thicky vleys al aound fom 3 alllhese moreavatages tt pointaaure unpree- den ted sou tho Wbolf8ale Marke. lare ritry whie wholesle terrltr embrace iare ppulaton gat varety mehanicl pructs nuay uf pfe Jre lf whch OUIa centrl pton wih Drn prptve vantes receiig dLtrbuting eiy nturaly gat exent becaus merchant.

cold hindle tg erfr rn eI stor stres bak 10mies wet lant 63miJes etof Birngham 6 mies suth 13 mles northeat Sela frm Chattanop 1 thl lla a I he in wi iLmevse abut 20 mieln diaeer whch Lcated. Rtes. VII advanlage psdby rtcs recntly estblsh whih fright Ire rat put ciy equalty Rme al te inal rt point Oxnna a cottn sel gods wholesle ruth. I 8 throu freiht I gven fright tes i tes sgle I I Asa Coton lorunately Btuat favore. I lmen valey sventy-dve i.

diretion ar fem us fertlty pructve- ne smal gs frUs. yeetable dc" eilly aapted Otton. Oxfor aone Jois sblppd 120 Jat yer. Onna sc supror fsctte a slng god 7 pr ny a injur expure th wether Increse ct prof I go ad Reti Deaen IrJti ie1 Ch ubnn ar ment neeed rn. vnce anyone wl the st extent slendid valey aonnd twn al i stted pndent proprous mae year thrugh liber tre wih thef merchant buyig sngOt ani pro uct planttion sup tade ealy wi cntroled Onna.

Home I pla ILDyhere peren ial abo ethe wrter dos ow et I 1 win ter rid buse for cld wind brokn moultalns arund vleys SUDers opprie caus constnt draughtthroul4 al- Cu8d te mountns Intens het mey temper refresing Clmate i prety Indeed 1 cull I otherwie buse i smal nestng rbt surunded I elevaton et helth demc dlseaes1 No lmestone fats maa Dr sckn The Iller Terear Jleen we16 Gttr all wrtr hi drank sn wit on excep ou. iimestne J81 pur Jne fre stue a cutd bdeslred beingce cland lie oter mlnerl prprtie. Kt aTI nndu a redences with water thoulb ther cn t1 srity bet quallt watr rervoir work lge ciy. te valey le tan mie Oxannal cler watr a brl a cldest mounti butiul pl I dfn yd Jlrdj li rf i orir hd ble vares preptbly II durn. drest s8n tature blutthre fve hi it inexhautible an 1 i fet thusfumishing laltes spplyig 1u Vat ede7ee ight reh I pp1 saf lied bld swit i di i JJ i bottm.

8 I reseroi it Oxa ter work caot I estt Oxaootrt I re I euipp thelalt compre charers hndse psnger ches. I tnlon PaeDler Contt bn clo wth bot te r- nw thro Oxnna mk i tsferad tnr amote te nvel handme commoou pa. enget hot erted ne Cntt mot comp' tnt ad responsble nttrs wh begn te work ad cmplet i Dmbr i opene td condnct ttb a8 a ct. budg wi erte plators wi frm eo i ge3n gestf lar dining rom. returant cfelunch ciar tobac frit ad confe.

tonery stnd 1 rd 1cket onres. tJegraph gr writng rm ofcessring rom. nM detrent. scond foor rms. te tnsfel ds 1 tl th Exearion Rte.

I Gera Pafc rairod wl sll I tcet staton a te mle eh god fve use se wi eery tfing ct te. rad se butul Interestng cunty te thrv. twns I rnlement wi prfeted al rnlroads i Geora snd AlabS sel excuron from al plcs lne trough ro tur pble rat tckea go fve days tus' fates turnig durg sle excuron rt. AeeoImodatoD8 at Oxona. Arrngemenb 0 I a i fnngehf i geatest al notd hi enterpri underkes wi wel Therefor al rst asured wl go Lgnls wi als Bul.

and ciizens. to exorbitnt chares wi anythig. everyby wi psible. usicl Un Iou ful Mlant Musicl sle an spendid tat a greaty te oon. Tte wi at end ful handsme unior al lover go musc wi repa COt addiion wi gen nteretol untl th rncn lrt nl wl reget i.

1 he seDery beau Llul divrsifed embring plctur9que vl. forst mis beautlul rpidy secton BUline8lome Invetment. ston sut promig Inrttng tauts ul ferte county. ta rI na proftble fvesment hstory RQnote rpet wie wi opportniy rn dl wi iT fo1ow. rJ fl a a stuaton.

anntle ad reurces ciy awa1S gOxanna Ette Mer Drapr Sn bnker OIord hve alpointed Oxnna. al relLble fuly authored repr alwhodere exmi purcha i Oxane. refer Tey rey te wi sow al viitr pler. Brick Works. orer geatdemand work bn str thoolo crk lmmedt Geria Pacifc rato.

whch wi 60 80 bet pred oi Pr' bck pr publ hed reglary Inagement. Swyer. i srghtly news la lAf dto Subribe iormed pr Maufaeterte LeaUog. manufaturDg estblshment a lotng Oxnnl other ae nejotia- ting wi certinly stte Oxannal ciles WiBl atract mY Lb Jb lf rl srol hous nlhIng esblllment ms lvery staMp mi chlneryand agcultural manufaclry fC it i 7 :1 I VBrOUS mecl1Je 1 Ime whc wii eII to 01 so footng 8 rng it. Unut18 a 1et71" exis vicIniy now- tactlDg capialst compny ha renty lO kaln Oter lrequelty prspectng prprJes IO a cl et wel strted te bu i.

ne it lare handme brck erted. I Clt 1nc he lke gant busne importanC ate unDreented i south I RelerTe La fe. I Lle sially invied thel1e Crs wi rered the thei erts Sebeules Gera PaIfc tns wl leav Atlnta one a m. a. m.

al te oter ro tins nn rglar sedule. RUDd Far. flinformaton a sedules tns tp excmon ti et JC hve se Pleat ExeurloD Parte 1 i eety de hve ct. tow vlge ston rprn ted te td trp mor i wel excuron prt evr itfi ever fot gund Oxnn ABtTY PFE fr tm Bowof donbtNo purr wn' rui py ne sate 8 peton te Oet c. Dmb 2 th 18 banc Otbr 3t 15 wit eht cnl ielt defer pyet te.t Gne.

Yer Sute Delopmt Jd ad 1t a uiaa F. r. lp OxUN. A 1 TH PuLIC' Ivestat Younehe POrGener Gr havg fubUe wl eni malicou fo rrd te crter Te IJu1I Stt LCmp7 te folowg ft a gven to publc tprove sttet aenge I fudue bue flse ute Amout pres pd Lnl St Ltr Compay fm Ju 1 179 prt dte ps tern Erel Orens Wet Manaer. f33 Luisana Natona Bk J0 Ogleby Prdent.

9 Pd Natonalk PI3N k. lO Aldw Pdent. 85 Pad Natonai Bk Carln Cer. Ctn' Bnk 1 Cer Pdenl. 570 Grnla Natonal a Prdent.

so HberntNstona Ca Pay Cer. 870 Cna Bk E. Cer. 131 Mutue Natlna J0 Mitel Cer. 82 Tot pd 8.

above. 126 Pad UI 0 at vari. offic Cmpny tugh- te Unt Stt. 2640 Tot 11. tth te publc ofcrs abovenae corr tions4nd lety stdg Oflicer te Cit Orl Luia a Ofcias Lull le hone' corret i tnton 8 muC 8 Iny buSne te cunt.

sdg 1 conce w1lvetgt andount yer bn sld atou Br Broker en owed 01r bet kown rtd ctn MA DAUPHN Prdet WCAITA 75OOOI Shaes prporoD j' Loter cer tt uper a rgementBcull Monty SemAU D1wg Th Lue. Stte Ltq Comp7 prn manae and cont Drw thelve te sae a conduc wi hone flr go fat towar pe authorie cr. ct. wth fase st ate. i averment" rf CmiuionN Icorrte 18 2 yersby te Lt Euctona an plrsewth.

cpital 1008 re td 0 snc bn Byan overhelng popul vot lc prt Stte Cntto Dembr 2 th ru nr vot fd endoN IT Gevfio DBWa te montlY. SPLDJ OPRTU FR 1N ELETH GR DRAWG. CLA L. ORLES. TUEDAY.

13 1883teI62 MonU DraW It Ta 1. 1t. rI. 1 CAPI. PR 1 do do 20 1.

do do 100 OJ 1 11 1 do 2. lQO to do 10. 100 1 1 10 2N. 20 PPIODUTOl PJ I Approxtu 5. Im do do 6.

5 do do 21,97 ount toNm onti etig fer tor to wrt clely. gvf adr Mae Orer adr Rgr letrs NW ORLEAS STTE NATINAL BA Ole P08tl orn letr Ma Er al snm of' upwa Epr en l. A. DAUH Ole DAUH. Rventb S.

WRhn u. T5. A RALR MYI. Jetu Ue Id 0 A 8PECIC Bme7 ove be 1e rIUDg A tr e7m cg it he A Jeme tNr a J. fle Onl A6 Iu 1 mt A I I.

wd nfcel wh to bUe 10u medice dd dugbt. AD cG rUttO i wh dore rd i te nB redle ha fae" Bme7 abut wh F1 Grg wt hve us te cb aK Pi i gter te whc i 1 teJ e. nme hc D. Jol Bb Atnt Dd I hv' eed te rip hv hetto I ar ft cnUet rmed it" A te uto stton. ad rme i fe.

Jdd Jtt wl i rmmede" Bme7 whch Febr. Ivr D. IY hve selr m1 it un m' 7 whc L. Rk I rJ it A me7 whc D. Bug 1 Gr Vi gNm A fo 7 cr" A Bme7 bt wh MaJo Wite.

A Ut wei a fvonbly kc a te Unt Stle gner lr 11 us ry bore te llntUo gt nub ad aw l1thablut mc' A Rem whcH Stg rm Al mt ar tem ee it kd I 1e bu to cu te obnt A Reme7 i who un I oC I BrIeda Fe Bt on8. Frnd Jonale a dg Prce a8 7 ct LSl 1 Sle pet aU nut BRF i 10 rol" CAI t1. UCONST1TUTION ATLANTA SIXTEE1 FAdES. 3 ANORTHERNPILGRIMAGE IA Thtit PolnU. ILuednotteppoedtiat a h1 thisreepect A Thetrainienteritthe backwayand cJ i I 2 Itttnfluen t.

hi fe moslof themake theNew 5- liters ry ViSl V. :5 tthieaneceseary 1- i Onetnustdrsim tam beenin I gaxbecause loethis factnothingblliared ink-bottle. S. aomany to I i eu. hoatonhs some i i gavethe eeUn nd IS I itlepossible tl ae.

L. Theorywith tsVt aeernsthatthere arecurrentsol terinsthateven greatsluiceofsectiouat I sr 1I best n-- whoclaimon theone tho C' c- IoundaresAyaeCeptaCOnot onlyathonie i I I indite literuydevelopment ex trifind V. he torah himzell 1' sorteof seem thitrespect. from ralsed passed wain courseover pot pilgrimwithmerely thepoor sight-seeing onsVvile shouldhsvisitBunkerflill sothe sight-seeing ofstreet twilightand cLears neverfrogeiting reins- roiledrive perhaps but 5 beyondthis den CoantryCiab eslneetfer 1K bg SsdBrIktssddsselpUss fsetsCtL5e. COOpScans GATE-CITY Flooring Beaded York HnmohrtesandGlennSez ET VehRss EW I NE Im- aru hMIthI ivute ii th beasla p5l555 boos 5.

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A11edY thatit tenon- or claof cure. Remedy aboutwtliclt thetlnitedStaleau 3 ftyItfl Ga. thatlackeapef thananyothermedi- m- lowhceuniifllng veiled curatiTe properties have many kundremil testimoutala This great epotuar remedy ii Braddelds Female Begralasor Woman' Best iore bytil flts Largeflixe L50. ot 115 8. Fryer 81 TLTL O..

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